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1. In order to grow successfully, filtration.

 Sterilization is distinct from

microorganisms must have a supply of disinfection, sanitization, and pasteurization,
water as well as numerous other in that those methods reduces rather than
substances including mineral eliminate all forms of life and biological
elements, growth factors, and gas, such as agents present.
oxygen. Virtually all chemical substances in 7. Physical Methods of Heat
microorganisms contain carbon in some a. Moist heat sterilization is a
form, whether they be proteins, fats, procedure in which heated, high-
carbohydrates, or lipids. pressure steam is used to sterilize
2. For growth and nutrition of bacteria, the an object. This sterilization
minimum nutritional requirements are water, technique does not involve any toxic
a source of carbon, a source liquids or fumes, and it's relatively
of nitrogen and some inorganic salts. inexpensive, quick, and effective in
Water is the vehicle of entry of all nutrients killing and eliminating potentially
into the cell and for the elimination of waste infectious bacteria, viruses, and
products. spores.
3. Requirements for microbial growth are b. Dry heat. Dry heat kills
divided into two categories, physical and microorganisms by reacting with and
chemical. Physical aspects include oxidizing their proteins. Dry heat can
temperature, pH, and osmotic pressure. be used in incineration devices, such
Chemical requirements include water, as the Bunsen burner or the hot-air
sources of carbon and nitrogen, minerals, oven. In the hot-air oven, a
oxygen, and organic growth factors. temperature of about 170°C for two
hours will bring about sterilization.
c. Ionizing radiation is the use of short
wavelength, high-
intensity radiation to destroy
microorganisms. This radiation can
come in the form of gamma or X-
rays that react with DNA resulting in
a damaged cell.

8. Number and Location of

9. Innate Resistance of Microorganisms.
4. Normal flora are the microorganisms that
10. Concentration and Potency of
live on another living organism (human or
animal) or inanimate object without causing
disease. ... We are covered with, and 11. Physical and Chemical Factors.
contain within our intestines, approximately 12. Organic and Inorganic Matter.
one hundred trillion bacteria that form 13. Duration of Exposure.
the normal flora of our bodies.
14. Biofilms.
5. Medical or clean asepsis reduces the
number of organisms and prevents their
spread; surgical or sterile asepsis includes
procedures to eliminate micro-organisms
from an area and is practiced
by surgical technologists and nurses in
operating theaters and treatment areas.
6. Sterilization can be achieved through
various means, including heat, chemicals,
irradiation, high pressure, and

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