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Problem-Based Learning 2

Chapter: Particle Properties of Waves

1. (a) At what wavelength does an object at temperature 20C emit the maximum
radiation? (b) To what temperature must we heat it until its peak thermal radiation
is in the red region of the spectrum? (Take the wavelength of the red light to be 650
Ans: (a) 9.89 μm, (b) 4460 K

2. Planck generated a formula for the spectral energy density of blackbody radiation:
8h f 3 df
u ( f )df =
c 3 e hf / kT − 1
Express this Planck radiation formula in terms of wavelength.

3. If Planck constant were smaller than it is, would quantum phenomena be more or
less conspicuous than they are now? Explain.

4. Find the wavelength and frequency of a 100-MeV photon.

Ans: 1.24  10-14 m; 2.41  1022 s-1

5. A laser used to weld detached retinas emits light with a wavelength of 652 nm in
pulses that are 20.0 ms in duration. The average power during each pulses is 0.600
(a) How much energy is in each pulse in joules and electron volts?
(b) What is the energy of one photon in joules and electron volts?
(c) How many photons are in each pulse?
Ans: (a) 1.20 × 10−2 J, 7.5 × 1016 eV, (b) 3.05 × 10−19 J, 1.91 eV, (c) 3.93 × 10−16

6. A photon of green light has a wavelength of 520 nm. Find the photon’s frequency,
magnitude of momentum and energy. Express the energy in both joules and electron
Ans: 5.77 × 1014 Hz, 1.28 × 10−27 kg m/s, 3.84 × 10−19 J , 2.40 eV
7. The maximum wavelength for photoelectric emission in tungsten is 230 nm. What
wavelength of light must be used in order for electrons with a maximum energy of
1.5 eV to be ejected?
Ans: 180 nm

8. 1.5 mW of 400 nm light is directed at a photoelectric cell. If 0.10 percent of the

incident photos produce photoelectrons, find the current in the cell?
Ans: 4.83  10-7 A

9. What is the maximum wavelength of light that will cause photoelectrons to be

emitted from sodium? What will the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
be if 200 nm light falls on a sodium surface? (work function of sodium is 2.3 eV)
Ans: 540 nm, 3.9 eV

10. The work function for tungsten metal is 4.52 eV.

(a) What is the cutoff wavelength for tungsten?
(b) What is the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons when radiation of
wavelength 198 nm is used?
(c) What is the stopping potential in this case?
Ans: (a) 273 nm, (b) 1.74 eV, (c) 1.74 V

11. What voltage must be applied to an x-ray tube for it to emit x-rays with a minimum
wavelength of 30 pm?
Ans: 41 kV

12. The smallest angle of Bragg scattering in potassium chloride (KCl) is 28.4o for 0.30
nm x-rays. Find the distance between atomic planes in potassium chloride.
Ans: 3.15 Å

13. What is the frequency of an x-ray photon whose momentum is 1.1  10-23 kgm/s?
Ans: 4.98  1018 Hz

14. A beam of x-rays is scattered by a target. At 45o, from the beam direction the
scattered x-rays have a wavelength of 2.2 pm. What is the wavelength of the x-rays
in the direct beam?
Ans: 1.49 pm
15. At what scattering angle will incident 100 keV x-rays leave a target with an energy
of 90 keV?
Ans: 64

16. A photon whose energy equals the rest energy of the electron undergoes a Compton
collision with an electron. If the electron moves off an angle of 40 with the original
photon direction, what is the energy of the scattered photon?
Ans: 335 keV

17. What is the threshold wavelength for the electron-positron pair production?
Ans: 1.21 pm

18. A positron collides head on with an electron and both are annihilated. Each particle
has a kinetic energy of 1.00 MeV. Find the wavelength of the resulting photons.
Ans: 0.821 pm

19. The linear absorption for 1 MeV gamma rays in lead is 78 m–1. Find the thickness
of lead required to reduce by half of the intensity of a beam of such gamma rays.
Ans: 8.9 mm

20. Show that the thickness of an absorber required to reduce the intensity of a beam
radiation by a factor of 2 is given by 0.693/.

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