As Med Microbiol

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Scheme: Medical Microbiology

Year 1 Assessment: (1) written examination and (2) practical assessment

Written Examination
 A 2-hour mid‐term written examination (10%): March Year 1
 A 3-hour end‐of‐year written examination (90%)

The 2‐hour mid‐term examination (Full marks: 50) is divided into 3 sections:
Section A (10 marks): 10 multiple-choice questions (Compulsory; 1 mark each)
Section B (10 marks): 2 short answer questions (Compulsory; 5 marks each)
Section C (30 marks): 2 essay questions (Compulsory; 15 marks each)

The 3‐hour end‐of‐year examination (Full marks: 100) is divided into 3 sections:
Section A (30 marks): 30 multiple-choice questions (Compulsory; 1 mark each)
Section B (25 marks): 5 short answer questions (Compulsory; 5 marks each)
Section C (45 marks): 3 essay questions (3 out of the 5 questions; 15 marks each)

 Mid‐term examination: to be announced.
 End‐of‐year examination: all topics that have been covered in Year 1 will be examined.

Practical Assessment (Full marks: 100)

It consists of two 2‐hour examination sessions.

All topics that have been covered in Year 1 will be examined.
Year 2 Assessment: (1) written examination and (2) practical assessment

Written Examination: end‐of‐year written examination (100%)
The 3‐hour end‐of‐year examination (Full marks: 100) is divided into 3 sections:
Section A (30 marks): 30 multiple-choice questions (Compulsory; 1 mark each)
Section B (25 marks): 5 short answer questions (Compulsory; 5 marks each)
Section C (45 marks): 3 essay questions (3 out of the 5 questions; 15 marks each)
All topics that have been covered in Years 1 and 2 will be examined.

Practical assessment (Full marks: 100)

It consists of two 3‐hour examination sessions.

All topics that have been covered in Years 1 and 2 will be examined.

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