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Volume 00, Number 00, 2020

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ham.2019.0110

High Altitude as a Cause of Congenital Heart Defects:

A Medical Hypothesis Rediscovered in Ecuador

Fabricio González-Andrade1,2

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González-Andrade, Fabricio. High altitude as a cause of congenital heart defects: a medical hypothesis re-
discovered in Ecuador. High Alt Med Biol. 00:000–000, 2020.
Background: There are *83 million people living at high altitude (>2500 m) worldwide who endure chronic
hypoxia conditions. This article aims to analyze the relationship between high altitude, identified in several
cities in Ecuador, and the prevalence of congenital heart disease (CHD).
Methods: Set in Ecuador, this epidemiological observational cross-sectional study analyzes data over a range of
18 years (from 2000 to 2017), including 34,904 reported cases of CHD, with a mean of 1939 cases per year.
Results: The mean prevalence rate of CHD found is 70.6 per 10,000 live newborns. A K-means analysis
resulted in three clusters. Cluster 1 shows the lowest altitude and prevalence of CHD, with an average of 2619 m
and 63.02 cases per 10,000 live newborns. Cluster 2 presents the second highest altitude and prevalence of
CHD, with an average of 2909 m and 72.04 cases per 10,000 live newborns. Cluster 3 shows the highest values
of altitude and prevalence of CHD, with an average of 3176 m and 86.62 cases per 10,000 live newborns.
Pearson’s coefficient is 0.979, so the correlation between the variables is positive. An altitude ranging from
2500 to 2750 m relates to a prevalence of CHD of £71 cases per 10,000 live newborns. An altitude ranging from
2751 to 3000 m relates to a prevalence of CHD of >71 and <89 cases per 10,000 live newborns. An altitude
ranging between 3001 and 3264 m relates to a prevalence of CHD of ‡89 cases per 10,000 live newborns.
Conclusions: The findings show that high altitude (>2500 m), ethnicity (Native American), rural locations, and
limited access to health care are factors that influence and increase the prevalence rate of CHD. A correlation
coefficient of 0.914 shows the direct relationship between high altitude and prevalence rates of CHD. For each
year elapsed, the prevalence of CHD increased by 3.33 cases per 10,000 live newborns.

KeyWords: Andeans; heart disease; high-altitude populations; highlanders; neonatal changes

Introduction dean Altiplano), and the Ethiopian Amhara and Oromo

highlanders (Semien Plateau in Ethiopia) (West, 2017).
igh-altitude hypoxia occurs at elevations >2500 m
H above sea level because of decreased oxygen avail-
ability brought on by lowered barometric pressure at high
The most important physiological adaptations include
changes in pulmonary function, arterial oxygen saturation
(SaO2), hemoglobin concentration, and maternal physi-
elevations (Azad et al., 2017). This poses a number of chal- ology during pregnancy (Chun et al., 2019). Several studies
lenges to human health, survival, and reproduction. It is es- (Castilla et al., 1999; Luquetti et al., 2013) have associated
timated that there are *83 million people living at high these changes with congenital defects, especially congen-
altitude, in various locations such as the Qinghai–Tibetan ital heart disease (CHD) and microtia/anotia (Gonzalez-
Plateau, the Andean Altiplano, and the Semien Plateau in Andrade et al., 2010). Another study proposed that high-
Ethiopia (Bigham, 2016). Populations in these areas have altitude adaptation is one of the strongest instances of
lived under chronic hypoxia conditions for thousands of natural selection acting on humans (Huicho and Niermeyer,
years, and show chronic adaptation to altitude (Bigham and 2006). Among Andean populations, phenotypes are char-
Lee, 2014). They include the Sherpa and Ayurveda (Qinghai– acterized by no increase in resting pulmonary ventilation, a
Tibetan Plateau), the Kichwa and Aymara highlanders (An- decrease in hypoxic ventilatory response, and an increase in

Unidad de Medicina Traslacional, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
Colegio Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Quito, Ecuador.


SaO2, hemoglobin concentration, and birth weight (Castilla (INEC). At present, this is the only source for this informa-
and Adams, 1996). tion available in the country. Cases considered suitable for
Chronic hypoxia under the pressure of natural selection this study included all children born in Ecuador from January
may be due to specific mutations that confer an evolutionary 1, 2000, to December 31, 2017.
advantage upon the population under selection, in relation to The information that exists in the INEC database includes
other control populations (Ambale-Venkatesh et al., 2017). the final diagnoses upon discharge from the patients in each
From the point of view of the Mendelian genotype, the se- health facility. The diagnosis in each site varies, although the
lection would lead to a difficult sweep, or to a soft and se- majority of patients are identified by clinical diagnosis at
lective sweep with foot variations (Brutsaert, 2016). birth and finally diagnosed by echocardiography. Pulse oxi-
Despite research undertaken to understand cardiac devel- metry is not a routine practice for diagnosing CHD in most
opment and the identification of many related genes, the health facilities in Ecuador. In a previous study (González-
fundamental etiology for most cases of CHD remains un- Andrade et al., 2018), our research team determined that
known (Lopez-Camelo and Orioli, 1996). The literature de- CHD can only be partially diagnosed. Identifying those with
scribes several risk factors, such as folic acid insufficiency, oxygen saturation <90% after three successive measurements
increased nuchal translucency during the first trimester, as- or a pre- and postductal oxygen difference of >3% resulted in
sisted reproductive technology, maternal diabetes or obesity, successful identification of atrial septal defect (ASD) and
maternal hypertension, and maternal antihypertensive med- patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). It is necessary to implement
ication, among others. Genetic causes produce *45% of new cutoff points in saturation values to identify critical
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CHD cases, both isolated and in syndromes (Miao et al., cardiac anomalies in cities placed at a high altitude. Pulse
1988; Crawford et al., 2017; Alderman et al., 1995). Low oximetry should be recommended, as a routine practice, in all
heritability patterns suggest that environmental factors, such newborns. Initially all patients were diagnosed by physical
as altitude, rather than genetic factors, play an essential role examination at birth, and after the findings were confirmed
in the incidence of CHD (Zheng et al., 2017). Nongenetic with echocardiography. Physical examination consisted in
causes for impairment of normal heart development include cardiac auscultations and clinical manifestation screening.
viral infections, maternal exposure to alcohol, drugs, envi- An echocardiography was performed to confirm and identify
ronmental teratogens, metabolic disturbances, rubella, mea- the subtype of CHD.
sles, exposure to chemicals, and maternal systemic lupus
erythematosus (Chen et al., 2009; Fernández et al., 2016).
Bias avoidance
The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship
between high altitude, identified in several cities in Ecuador, The same person always collected the information using a
and the prevalence of CHD. Ecuador is uniquely suited for standardized data collection sheet.
this analysis for three reasons: first, it is demographically Interobserver variation, defined as the amount of variation
multiethnic and multicultural, with 3 main ethnic groups and between the results obtained by two or more observers ex-
13 Native Amerindian nationalities; second, 10 of its 24 amining the same material, could not be fully controlled
provinces are located >2500 m; and third, there is a marked because the training of Ecuadorian doctors in this field is
inequality among its inhabitants (Santangelo et al., 2017). heterogeneous. However, when the confirmation of diagnosis
was made with ultrasound, in most cases, it was reduced due
Methods to the high reliability of the method itself.
Study design
Statistical analysis
This is an epidemiological, observational, and cross-
sectional study. The goal was to calculate the prevalence rate per 10,000
live newborns. To determine the correlation between altitude
Setting and the prevalence of CHD, the selected cities were first
categorized by altitude to obtain homogeneous samples
Ecuador. Data analyzed was from 2000 to 2017, showing without significant variations between them. This was ac-
34,904 cases in 18 years. ICD-10 codes Q20 to Q28 were complished by using the hierarchical cluster and the centroid-
analyzed to classify CHD. based clustering methods. Possible cluster solutions were
determined, and after defining the number of clusters, a K-
Variables means analysis was carried out to obtain city clusters, as well
The variables were number of cases of CHD, prevalence as their centers and means, based on altitude and the preva-
group, province, prevalence rate, year, and high-altitude lo- lence of CHD. Subsequently, Pearson’s correlation was used
cations. to measure the strength of the relationship and determine
This study did not analyze the subgroups according to whether it was linear. Finally, correspondence analysis was
gender and age groups, because the existing information is used to validate the categorization, the cluster centers or
too large and merits making a new statistical analysis and means, and the correlation. Statistical significance was de-
drafting a new article. In relation to ethnicity, and age at termined if p-value <0.05. Using the means or centers of the
diagnosis, this database does not include this subdivision. altitude clusters and the prevalence of CHD, clusters were
categorized as follows: altitude from 2500 to 2750 m, from
2751 to 3000 m, and from 3001 to 3264 m; prevalence of
Data sources
CHD £71 cases per 10,000 live newborns, >71 and <89 cases
Data regarding the prevalence of hospital discharges were per 10,000 live newborns, and ‡89 cases per 10,000 live
provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Census newborns.

Results Table 3 gives the distribution of number of cases by

Table 1 shows the distribution of number of CHD cases per highest prevalence rate and average altitude of the city since
year and prevalence rates from 2000 to 2017. The mean 2008–2017. Table 4 gives the distribution of group parame-
prevalence rate of CHD found was 70.6 per 10,000 live ters and the correlation between variables.
newborns. Table 2 gives the distribution of number of cases Figure 1 shows the dendrogram where solutions with two or
in the highest cities and prevalence rates from 2008 to 2017. three clusters are displayed, with three clusters being the
Table 3 gives the distribution of number of cases by highest option that offers better discrimination between altitude and
prevalence rate and the average altitude of each city from the prevalence of CHD. Figure 2 shows the categorization
2008 to 2017. and correlation force through the correspondence analysis, for
Using K-means analysis, three clusters formed by the which the variables of altitude and prevalence of CHD were
following cities were identified: projected in the two-dimensional space. The results show that
an altitude ranging from 2500 m to 2750 m relates to the
Cluster 1: Latacunga, Guano, Suscal, San Fernando, prevalence of CHD in £71 cases per 10,000 live newborns. An
Salcedo, Déleg, Guaranda, Biblián, Bolı́var, Pelileo, altitude ranging from 2751 to 3000 m relates to the prevalence
Cuenca, Otavalo, Saraguro, Azogues, Ambato, and of CHD in >71 and <89 cases per 10,000 live newborns. An
Sangolquı́. altitude ranging from 3001 to 3264 m relates to the prevalence
Cluster 2: El Ángel, Huaca, El Tambo, Tulcán, Quero, of CHD in ‡89 cases per 10,000 live newborns.
Pujilı́, Machachi, Saquisilı́, Cevallos, Tabacundo, San In the analysis of the prevalence time series, it was ob-
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Gabriel, Quito, Cayambe, Pı́llaro, and Riobamba. served that during the period from 2000 to 2017, the linear
Cluster 3: Mocha, Tisaleo, Cajabamba, Pucará, Cañar, relationship in the prevalence of CHD shows a p-value of
and Guamote. 0.000, where the correlation coefficient 0.914 shows that the
Cluster 1 was characterized by the lowest altitude and relationship has been direct. This means that the prevalence
prevalence of CHD; the average was 2619 m and 63.02 cases of CHD shows a tendency toward growth. In the linear re-
per 10,000 live newborns. Cluster 2 showed the second gression model, it was observed that, for each year elapsed,
highest altitude and prevalence of CHD, with an average of the prevalence of CHD increased by 3.33 cases per 10,000
2909 m and 72.04 cases per 10,000 live newborns. Cluster 3 live newborns, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the
showed the highest values of altitude and prevalence of CHD, distribution map by provinces of CHD by diagnostic group.
with an average of 3176 m and 86.62 cases per 10,000 live Apparently, the prevalence of CHD in this study of 70.6
newborns (Tables 1 and 2). per 10,000 live births is lower than that of the general pop-
This categorization of cities based on altitude and the ulation, which is 80 per 10,000 live births. This could be
prevalence of CHD revealed a strong correlation between confusing. However, Table 3 gives 10 cities in which the
both variables. Pearson’s coefficient was 0.979, so the cor- prevalence is higher than the highest prevalence reported
relation between them is positive, meaning that as altitude worldwide, in Asia. You can also see five cities in which the
increased, so did the prevalence of CHD. This correlation was prevalence is higher than the average prevalence in the world.
not linear since the p-value was >0.05. This explains that the high altitude is significant in the ap-
pearance of CHD. Of course, more thorough studies are
Table 1. Distribution of Number of Cases needed to ratify this assertion.
of Congenital Heart Disease by Year It is not possible that some cases might have been missed,
and Prevalence Rate Since 2000–2017 leading to lower average prevalence because the database
collects all existing information. Ecuador is a relatively small
Year Cases LNB Rate · 10,000 country that facilitates the capture of information.
2000 1288 296,149 43.5
2001 1273 238,170 53.4 Discussion
2002 1534 275,300 55.7
2003 1281 262,004 48.9 The mean prevalence rate of CHD found was 70.6 per
2004 1251 254,362 49.2 10,000 live newborns. This value is similar to those of most
2005 1189 252,725 47.0 countries in the world. However, if a comparison is made
2006 1501 278,591 53.9 between the clusters previously described, as given in
2007 1559 283,984 54.9 Table 3, a strong correlation between altitude and prevalence
2008 1799 211,055 85.3 can be identified. Pearson’s coefficient was 0.979, so the
2009 1929 298,337 64.7 correlation between variables is positive. This means that as
2010 2311 292,375 79.1 altitude increases, so does the prevalence of CHD. This
2011 2502 301,106 83.2
2012 2453 297,309 82.5 correlation was not linear since the p-value was >0.05.
2013 2698 277,620 97.5 High altitude >2500 m, ethnicity (Native American), and
2014 2500 278,460 89.9 rural locations are factors that influence and increase the
2015 2677 283,313 94.5 prevalence rate of CHD. It is a fact that the highest prevalence
2016 2529 272,090 92.9 rate reported in developed countries is 125 per 10,000 live
2017 2611 288,123 90.6 newborns. In contrast, Ecuador reports higher prevalence
Total 34,885 4,941,073 70.6 rates between 128.5 and 497.9 cases per 10,000 live new-
borns. This is a significant difference that coincides with the
Rate calculated by 10,000 newborns.
LNB, live newborns. hypothesis that high altitudes could increase the prevalence
Data source: Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). of CHD. Another important factor is that higher prevalence
Elaboration and analysis: author. rates are most frequent in rural areas. One can observe that

Table 2. Distribution of Number of Cases by Highest Cities and Prevalence Rate

of Congenital Heart Disease Since 2008–2017
Average altitude in masl City Canton Province Cases LNB Rate · 10,000
3264 Mocha Mocha Tungurahua 12 552 217.4
3245 Tisaleo Tisaleo Tungurahua 5 940 53.2
3200 Cajabamba Colta Chimborazo 4 2918 13.7
3160 Pucará Pucará Azuay 11 856 128.5
3125 Cañar Cañar Cañar 60 5830 102.9
3060 Guamote Guamote Chimborazo 14 6363 22.0
3007 El Ángel Espejo Carchi 5 1148 43.6
3000 Huaca San Pedro Carchi 1 746 13.4
2990 El Tambo Catamayo Cañar 7 1370 51.1
2980 Tulcán Tulcán Carchi 90 11,747 76.6
2960 Quero Quero Tungurahua 22 2078 105.9
2947 Pujilı́ Pujilı́ Cotopaxi 61 8991 67.8
2945 Machachi Mejia Pichincha 71 10,804 65.7
2920 Saquisilı́ Saquisilı́ Cotopaxi 11 4492 24.5
2892 Cevallos Cevallos Tungurahua 7 774 90.4
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2877 Tabacundo Pedro Moncayo Pichincha 39 4432 88.0

2870 San Gabriel Montúfar Carchi 11 3421 32.2
2864 Nabón Nabón Azuay 85 1707 497.9
2850 Quito Quito Pichincha 5628 330,896 170.1
2830 Cayambe Cayambe Pichincha 116 12,611 92.0
2800 Pı́llaro Santiago Tungurahua 35 4631 75.6
2764 Riobamba Riobamba Chimborazo 355 42,369 83.8
2750 Latacunga Latacunga Cotopaxi 297 27,077 109.7
2740 Guano Guano Chimborazo 14 5256 26.6
2720 Suscal Suscal Cañar 4 752 53.2
2690 San Fernando San Fernando Azuay 0 394 0.0
2683 Salcedo Salcedo Cotopaxi 36 8139 44.2
2675 Déleg Déleg Cañar 2 454 44.1
2668 Guaranda Guaranda Bolı́var 101 14,791 68.3
2620 Biblián Biblián Cañar 20 3201 62.5
2605 Bolı́var Bolı́var Carchi 8 24,488 3.3
2600 Pelileo San Pedro de Pelileo Tungurahua 30 8484 35.4
2550 Cuenca Cuenca Azuay 1063 85,671 124.1
2550 Otavalo Otavalo Imbabura 133 19,142 69.5
2530 Saraguro Sarguro Loja 26 4020 64.7
2518 Azogues Azogues Cañar 122 12,008 101.6
2500 Ambato Ambato Tungurahua 462 51,579 89.6
2500 Sangolquı́ Rumuñahui Pichincha 127 11,371 111.7
Rate calculated by 10,000 newborns.
masl, meters above sea level.
Data source: Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC).
Elaboration and analysis: author.

the prevalence rates are heterogeneous; the distribution by tion being Native American. This could also explain the
altitude clusters shows the differences. presence of an ancestral ethnic component as a causal factor.
Although these findings remain a hypothesis, it is evident It found increased prevalence of CHD in recent years com-
that there is causality between CHD and high altitude. In pared with early 2000s. This is explained by three reasons: (1)
addition, access to health services is also heterogeneous, so increased access to health facilities, (2) increase in the number
there would be a bias in larger cities where higher prevalence of doctors specializing in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology,
rates are present due to the national health care referral sys- (3) improvement of clinical diagnostic and ultrasound methods.
tem. Despite this, the town of Nabón in the province of Azuay, Unique environments characterize the places located at
located at 2864 m, shows a prevalence of 497.9 per 10,000 high altitude; one such characteristic is low air compress-
live newborns. This rate is extremely high and could be ex- ibility. Although the amount of oxygen remains constant,
plained by the fact that the local population has limited access 20.93%, at both high and low altitudes, the number of gaseous
to health services and, therefore, the prevalence of CHD could molecules per unit volume is greater at lower altitudes than at
be due to lack of adequate prenatal control. However, high higher altitudes. Therefore, barometric pressure, which de-
altitude could also be the direct cause of this high prevalence. pends on the concentration of molecular air, has an inversely
This study includes all Ecuadorian cities >2500 m. The proportional relationship with the altitude at which it is
towns of Nabón (15,121 inhabitants), Mocha (1209), Pucará measured. This particular pressure follows a nonlinear trend.
(1200), and Quero (11,544), which are small in terms of It is worth noting that adaptation to chronic hypoxia is
number of inhabitants, show the highest prevalence of CHD. polygenic and implies the presence of several biological
They are semirural villages with the majority of the popula- pathways. In addition, geographically isolated populations

Table 3. Distribution of Number of Cases by Highest Prevalence Rate and Average Altitude
of the City Since 2008–2017
Average altitude in masl City Canton Province Cases LNB Rate · 10,000
2864 Nabón Nabón Azuay 85 1707 497.9
3264 Mocha Mocha Tungurahua 12 552 217.4
2850 Quito Quito Pichincha 5628 330,896 170.1
3160 Pucará Pucará Azuay 11 856 128.5
2550 Cuenca Cuenca Azuay 1063 85,671 124.1
2750 Latacunga Latacunga Cotopaxi 297 27,077 109.7
2500 Sangolquı́ Rumuñahui Pichincha 127 11,371 111.7
2960 Quero Quero Tungurahua 22 2078 105.9
3125 Cañar Cañar Cañar 60 5830 102.9
2518 Azogues Azogues Cañar 122 12,008 101.6
Highest prevalence reported worldwide (in Asia) 93.0
2830 Cayambe Cayambe Pichincha 116 12,611 92.0
2892 Cevallos Cevallos Tungurahua 7 774 90.4
2500 Ambato Ambato Tungurahua 462 51,579 89.6
2877 Tabacundo Pedro Moncayo Pichincha 39 4432 88.0
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2764 Riobamba Riobamba Chimborazo 355 42,369 83.8

2980 Tulcán Tulcán Carchi 90 11,747 76.6
2800 Pı́llaro Santiago Tungurahua 35 4631 75.6
Mean prevalence rate in Ecuador 34,885 4,941,073 70.6
2550 Otavalo Otavalo Imbabura 133 19,142 69.5
2668 Guaranda Guaranda Bolı́var 101 14,791 68.3
2947 Pujilı́ Pujilı́ Cotopaxi 61 8991 67.8
2945 Machachi Mejia Pichincha 71 10,804 65.7
2530 Saraguro Sarguro Loja 26 4020 64.7
2620 Biblián Biblián Cañar 20 3201 62.5
3245 Tisaleo Tisaleo Tungurahua 5 940 53.2
2720 Suscal Suscal Cañar 4 752 53.2
2990 El Tambo Catamayo Cañar 7 1370 51.1
2683 Salcedo Salcedo Cotopaxi 36 8139 44.2
2675 Déleg Déleg Cañar 2 454 44.1
3007 El Ángel Espejo Carchi 5 1148 43.6
2600 Pelileo San Pedro Tungurahua 30 8484 35.4
2870 San Gabriel Montúfar Carchi 11 3421 32.2
2740 Guano Guano Chimborazo 14 5256 26.6
2920 Saquisilı́ Saquisilı́ Cotopaxi 11 4492 24.5
3060 Guamote Guamote Chimborazo 14 6363 22.0
3200 Cajabamba Colta Chimborazo 4 2918 13.7
3000 Huaca San Pedro Carchi 1 746 13.4
2605 Bolı́var Bolı́var Carchi 8 24,488 3.3
2690 San Fernando San Fernando Azuay 0 394 0.0
Rate calculated by 10,000 newborns.
Data source: Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC).
Elaboration and analysis: author.

could have developed different physiological and genetic regions under selection have long haplotypes with low ge-
adaptation mechanisms. An alternative strategy explores the netic diversity. It has been described that >1000 genes are
fact that adaptation to hypoxia in humans is relatively recent potentially involved in chronic hypoxia due to high altitude.
(<1000 generations), with a strong natural selection, which The results show that an altitude ranging from 2500 to
coincides with the arrival of populations to the South 2750 m relates to the prevalence of CHD in £71 cases per
American continent *14,000 years ago. The polymorphic 10,000 live newborns. An altitude from 2751 to 3000 m is

Table 4. Distribution of the Parameters of the Groups and Correlation Between the Variables
1 2 3
Variables Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Pearson coefficient (r) p
Altitude (masl) 2619 (87) 2909 (87) 3176 (77) 0.979 0.132
Prevalence by 10,000 LNB 63.02 (37.40) 72.04 (38.28) 8962 (77.04)
Important Pearson correlation force.
SD, standard deviation.
Source: author.
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FIG. 1. Dendogram based on altitude and prevalence of CHD. Note: based on hierarchical cluster. CHD, congenital heart
disease. Source: author.

related to the prevalence of CHD in >71 and <89 cases per tendency toward growth. In the linear regression model, it is
10,000 live newborns, whereas an altitude from 3001 to observed that for each year elapsed, the prevalence of CHD
3264 m was related to the prevalence of CHD in ‡89 cases per increased by 3.33 cases per 10,000 live newborns.
10,000 live newborns. In summary, the higher the altitude, The most important and largest study performed in
the higher the prevalence. Tibet populations >3000 m has shown that high altitude is a
In the analysis of the prevalence time series, it is observed significant environmental risk factor for CHD, especially
that during the period from 2000 to 2017, the linear relation- patent ductus arteriosus. Women showed high prevalence
ship in the prevalence of CHD has a p-value of 0.000, wherein in comparison with men. They found a prevalence of 52.1 per
the correlation coefficient 0.914 shows that the relationship 10.000 in children students of both genders (Chun et al.,
has been direct. This means that the prevalence of CHD has a 2019). Another study showed a wide variation in CHD
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FIG. 2. Correspondence analysis based on altitude and prevalence of CHD. PCC, prevalence of CHD. Elaboration:

prevalence and composition existed in Tibetan children summary, in Tibet a direct relationship between high altitude
among different altitudes with no clear differences (Zheng >3000 m and CHD has been demonstrated, mostly in women,
et al., 2013). However, the CHD prevalence and composition the PDA being the most frequent pathology.
differed significantly between populations of school children Functional experimentation is needed to answer chronic
living above and below 4200 m (Zheng et al., 2017). At al- adaptation questions associated with high-altitude exposure.
titudes of 3500–4100 m and 4548, children from 4200 to Greater knowledge regarding the identification of epige-
4900 m were compared for CHD prevalence (120.9 vs. 43.2 netic modifications is necessary to gain further insight into
per 10,000, p < 0.001), patent ductus arteriosus and atrial the molecular mechanisms of adaptive changes in Andean
septal defect were most frequent. The differences were more populations. Such knowledge is important to understand
remarkable in women, who had slightly and insignificantly biological traits and their genetic control on human patterns,
greater prevalence of total CHD, PDA, and ASD than men. In origins, and the evolutionary forces that maintain them.

FIG. 3. Time series of the prevalence of CHD during 2000–2017. *Significant correlation, based on the regression model.
Source: author.
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FIG. 4. Distribution map of the number of cases by highest cities and prevalence rate since 2008–2017.

Results specificities, it has national coverage. Targeted and well-

Limitations of the study
designed studies are required to confirm these results.

Unfortunately, the only existing database is the one

maintained by the INEC. This database only reports hospital
discharges from all over the country, which means that there High altitude >2500 m, ethnicity (Native American), rural
is a tendency toward patient selection. However, the database locations, and limited access to health care are factors
is quite complete and, although it does not reflect some that influence and increase the prevalence rate of CHD.

A correlation coefficient of 0.914 shows the direct relation- Chen QH, Liu FY, Wang XQ, Qi GR, Liu PF, Jin XH, Lu L,
ship between high altitude and CHD prevalence rates. For Zhao GQ, and Qi SG. (2009). A cross-sectional study of
each year elapsed, the prevalence of CHD increased by 3.33 congenital heart disease among children aged from 4 to 18
cases per 10,000 live newborns. years at different altitudes in Qinghai province, China [in
Chinese]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 30:1248–1251.
Availability of Data and Materials
Chun H, Yue Y, Wang Y, Dawa Z, Zhen P, La Q, Zong Y, Qu Y,
and Mu D. (2019). High prevalence of congenital heart disease
The data supporting this article is available upon request to at high altitudes in Tibet. Eur J Prev Cardiol 26:756–759.
the corresponding author. Crawford JE, Amaru R, Song J, Julian CG, Racimo F, Cheng JY,
Guo X, Yao J, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Lima JA, Rotter JI,
Consent for Publication Stehlik J, Moore LG, Prchal JT, and Nielsen R. (2017). Natural
selection on genes related to cardiovascular health in high-
Data from the INEC are available to the public. No consent altitude adapted Andeans. Am J Hum Genet 101:752–767.
is required for its use. Fernández N, Lorenzo A, Bägli D, and Zarante I. (2016). Al-
titude as a risk factor for the development of hypospadias.
Acknowledgments Geographical cluster distribution analysis in South America.
The author thanks all the medical colleagues and hospital J Pediatr Urol 12:307.e1–307.e5.
González-Andrade F, Echeverrı́a D, López V, and Arellano M.
professionals who in some way facilitated the development of
(2018). Is pulse oximetry helpful for the early detection of
Downloaded by East Carolina University from at 01/26/20. For personal use only.

this research.
critical congenital heart disease at high altitude?. Congenit
Heart Dis 13:911–918.
Authors’ Contributions Gonzalez-Andrade F, Lopez-Pulles R, Espı́n VH, and Paz-y-
The research protocol and its design, data collection, sta- Miño C. (2010). High altitude and microtia in Ecuadorian
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Huicho L, and Niermeyer S. (2006). Cardiopulmonary pathol-
critical analysis, discussion, writing, and approval of the final
ogy among children resident at high altitude in Tintaya, Peru:
article were all carried out by the author.
A cross-sectional study. High Alt Med Biol 7:168–179.
Lopez-Camelo JS, and Orioli IM. (1996). Heterogeneous rates
Author Disclosure Statement for birth defects in Latin America: Hints on causality. Genet
The author reports no conflict of interest. Epidemiol 13:469–481.
Luquetti DV, Saltzman BS, Lopez-Camelo J, Dutra Mda G, and
Funding Information Castilla EE. (2013). Risk factors and demographics for mi-
crotia in South America: A case-control analysis. Birth De-
The author declares that the financial resources for the fects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 97:736–743.
elaboration of this investigation do not come from any ex- Miao CY, Zuberbuhler JS, and Zuberbuhler JR. (1988). Pre-
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