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Second Term Examination – (2021-22)

Name of the Student:

Roll Number: Class & Section: Date: 12 - 11 - 21
General Instructions:
➢ All entries on the Question Paper – cum- Answer Booklet must be made with Black /
Blue ink pen ONLY.
➢ The selected choice of the answer must be clearly written in the space provided.
Over- writing of the answer must be avoided.
➢ Only one option indicating the selected answer should be written in the space given.
More than one option, if written, will not be considered for evaluation.
➢ Rough work, if any, must be done in the sheets provided in this booklet for Rough
Work. No separate sheet should be used for rough work.
➢ If candidates complete their paper before the completion of the writing duration time,
they must remain seated in the Hall / Room till the end of the examination.
➢ After completion of the Examination, this Question Paper - cum - Answer Booklet
must be handed over by the candidate to the Invigilator.

Maximum Marks: 40
Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ].
Select the correct option for each of the following questions and write the option in the blank provided below
each question

Total number of pages in this Answer Booklet : 10

Invigilator’s Signature: Student’s Signature:

SECTION I (15 Marks)
Question 1
Name the following by choosing the correct option [5]
(a) The attractive forces between water molecules inside the xylem tissue
1. Cohesion
2. Adhesion
3. Capillarity
4. Imbibition

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(b) The phase in the cell division where the chromatids are pulled towards the poles
1. Anaphase
2. Metaphase
3. Prophase
4. Telophase

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(c) The process of water exudation in plants in the nights
1. Transpiration
2. Evaporation
3. Diffusion
4. Guttation

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(d) The chromosomes which carry the trait tongue rolling
1. Autosomes
2. Allosomes
3. Sex chromosomes
4. Homologous chromosomes

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(e) The end product of photosphorylation in a chloroplast
1. Adenosine Di phosphate
2. Adenine Trio phosphate
3. Adenine Mono phosphate
4. Adenosine Tri phosphate

Answer __________________

Question 2
Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate option for each blank: [5]
(a) The ploidy of cells produced from diploid cells after a mitotic division is __________
1. diploid
2. haploid
3. triploid
4. tetraploid

Answer _________________
(b) The ________ law states that among two alleles, only one shall be able to express itself when
present together
1. Law of inheritance
2. Law of Dominance
3. Law of Segregation
4. Law of independent assortment

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(c) We gargle with salt water to kill the pathogenic cells by _______
1. Bursting
2. Plasmolysis
3. Heating
4. Freezing

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(d) ______________ is used to decolourise leaves in photosynthesis experiments
1. Iodine
2. Cobalt chloride
3. Soda lime
4. Methylated spirit

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(e) Transpiration is minimal when its ___________
1. Windy, cloudy, hot day
2. Windy, cold, atmospheric pressure is high
3. Cloudy, high atmospheric pressure, night
4. cloudy, high atmospheric pressure, day time

Answer __________________

Question 3
Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: [5]
(a) The water travels along the cell walls by
1. Diffusion
2. osmosis
3. Active transport
4. Imbibition

Answer __________________

(b) The part of the nucleotide which connects the two strands of the DNA molecule
1. Nitrogen base
2. Phosphate molecule
3. Ribose sugar
4. Deoxyribose sugar

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(c) Hydrogen released after photolysis is used in
1. Reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose
2. Release of water as a by product
3. Formation of ATP
4. Reduction of NADP to NADPH

Answer __________________
(d) A tongue rolling mother and a non-tongue rolling father produced all children with tongue rolling
trait because
1. Both parents are homozygous
2. Both parents are heterozygous
3. Mother was heterozygous and father homozygous
4. Mother homozygous and father heterozygous

Answer __________________
(e) Incorrectly matched pair
1.visking membrane-semi permeable membrane
2. muslin cloth-impermeable membrane
3. rubber sheet- impermeable membrane
4. cell wall – freely permeable membrane

Answer __________________

SECTION II (15Marks)

Question 4
Explain the following terms: [5]
(a) Polymerisation
1. Transformation of glucose to glycogen
2. Transformation of glucose to galacatose
3. Transformation of glucose to starch
4. Transformation of a glucose to fructose

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(b) Phenotype
1. Desirable character in an off spring
2. Character seen only in a few organisms
3. Observable character controlled genetically
4. Genetic arrangement of the organisms that decide the traits

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(c) Gene
1. Specific sequence of nucleotides on the DNA that determine the coding of a specific protein
2. Specific pairing of nitrogenous bases on the DNA with hydrogen bonds
3. Specific alignment of the chromosomes in a cell at the equatorial plate
4. Specific structure on the chromosome which helps in the attachment of spindle fibres during
cell division

Answer _____________________
(d) Osmotic pressure
1. Pressure applied on a solution to allow water molecule to enter it
2. Pressure applied by a cell on undergoing osmosis
3. Pressure applied on a solution to prevent the outflow of water molecules from it
4. Pressure applied on a solution to prevent the outflow of solute molecules from it

Answer _____________________
(e) Sunken stomata
1. Pores found in the epidermis of leaves that are covered with cuticle
2. Pores found on the bark of the stems
3. Pores found on the epidermis of leaves that are hidden and unexposed
4. Pores found on the margins of the leaves and in between the cells of the leaf tips

Answer _____________________
Question 5
State the exact location of the following: [5]
(a) Sub stomatal space
1. The space between cells of the mesophyll tissue of leaves
2. The space found in between the root cap and the meristematic tissue
3. The intercellular spaces between the vascular bundles of the leaves
4. The spaces surrounding the stomatal pores of the leaves

Answer _____________________
(b) Centrosome
1. Near the nucleus in an animal cell
2. Near the nucleus in a plant cell
3. Inside the nucleus adjacent to the nucleolus in an animal cell
4. Inside the nucleus adjacent to the nucleolus in a plant cell

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(c) Production of glucose
1. Mitochondria
2. Granum of chloroplast
3. Stroma of chloroplast
4. Inner membrane of chloroplast

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(d) Plasma membrane
1. Freely permeable membrane outside cell wall in a plant cell
2. Selectively permeable membrane limiting the nucleus in animal cell
3. Selectively permeable membrane lining the cytoplasm in animal cell
4. Freely permeable membrane within the cell wall of a plant cell

Answer _____________________
(e) Spongy mesophyll
1. scattered around the vascular bundles between the palisade and lower epidermis
2. part of mesophyll tissue, in between upper epidermis and palisade tissue
3. part of dicot leaves between the lower and upper epidermis
4. freely spaced cells below the lower epidermis of a monocot leaf

Answer _____________________

Question 6
State the function of [5]
(a) meiosis
1. produce variations in sexually reproducing organisms
2. maintain the off spring number in sexually reproducing organisms
3. help in growth and repair of organisms that can produce sexually
4. maintain the chromosomal number in a species after fertilization

Answer _____________________
(b) stroma
1. part of the chloroplast that fixes carbon dioxide to produce glucose
2. pores present in between the guard cells of the leaf epidermis
3. connecting structure between the two grana of the chloroplast
4. the space between the two membranes of the chloroplast

Answer _____________________
(c) active transport
1. to transport water molecules across the cells
2. to move the water molecule actively through the dead xylem tissue
3. to absorb minerals and ions against concentration gradient
4. to absorb water from hypotonic solution in a living cell

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(d) reservoir in the potomoter
1. stores water for further use by the plant
2. provides water for absorption
3. pushes the air bubble to the original position
4. measures the movement of the air bubble

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(e) nucleosomes
1. to pack the long DNA molecule inside the eukaryotic nucleus
2. to hold the histone proteins in position
3. to enable the DNA molecule to code for the proteins
4. to help DNA molecule replicate

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Question 7
Observe the diagram and answer the questions that follow

(a) The aim of the experiment is to prove

1. Oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis
2. Light is required for photosynthesis
3. Leaves perform photosynthesis
4. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
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(b) KOH in the wide mouthed bottle is to absorb
1. Moisture
2. Starch
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Oxygen

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(c) The dark part of the leaf (kept outside the bottle), turns _____ due to __________
1. Orange, reaction of chlorophyll with iodine solution
2. dry, presence of KOH
3. Reddish brown, absorption of iodine by leaf
4. Blue black, the presence of starch

Answer ____________________
(d) The plant has to be ___________ before the experiment to _____
1. Sufficiently watered, remain fresh
2. Kept in dark, destarch the leaves
3. Washed and cleaned, show correct observation after the experiment
4. Inserted into the bottle, prevent it from getting damaged

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(e) The rate of the physiological process studied in the set-up increases with
1. More number of yellow leaves
2. Increase in amount of carbon dioxide
3. Decrease in intensity of sunlight
4. Leaves placed parallel to the stem

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Question 8
Study the diagram to answer the questions that

(a) Label the parts

A- 1. Nucleus 2. Daughter cells 3. Centrosomes 4. Spindle fibres
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B. 1. Nucleoli 2. Centromere 3. DNA 4. Chromatin network
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C. 1. Cell furrow 2. Cell membrane 3. Cell plate 4. Centromere
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(b) Identify the phase
1. prophase
2. metaphase
3. anaphase
4. telophase
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(c) The structure released from part A forms _______ at the poles, which is found only in _______
and hence the cells are called _______
1. Asters, plant cells, anastral cell
2. Asters, animal cell, astral cell
3. Spindle fibres, animal cell, anastral cell
4. Spindle fibres, plant cell, astral cell

Answer _____________________

Space for rough work

End of the paper


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