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Nowadays, people are concerned about the ageing population and the declining workforce.

Companies think they should retire employees in their 60s. Of course, this situation has advantages
and disadvantages. I will talk about to certain advantages to retire at sixty years.

As after a certain age limit, a person’s body does not allow them to work and be an efficient
performer like their earlier days. Life is more important than job, leading a healthy life is also crucial.
For example, the stress at work can impact your physical and mental well being. The risks of diseases
such as heart attack, and diabetes are quite high over fifty years and if one continues to task, it might
be bad for their health. By getting retired people will not face this health problem. In addition,
production stress can be forced them to make any mistakes because they will not have sufficient
knowledge about advance technology and they will not be able to increase their knowledge as
technology due to overage.

In addition to that, for some people working is torture without motivation and enthusiasm. It is
possible for older employees to sometimes make mistakes that damage company values due to
reduced physical strength or sharp reactions.

For instance, Japan is one of the countries which still allows taxi drivers licenses regeneration after
the driver reached age eighty. There is an increasing rate of accidents caused by aged drivers due to
the loss of eye sights. Some accidents are deadly. Moreover, If most positions are occupied by old
workers. Fewer chances will be left for young people, since they have more free time in their hands.
It`s possible they might commit crimes and cause social instability in the end.

As a result, it is better to retire when you are at sixty and enjoy a peaceful and relaxed retired life. A
company may perform better when it employs more young people at relatively lower salaries, rather
than a few older and more experienced staff.

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