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23. Illustrate by example the strengths and weaknesses of the following Filipino values.

a. Utang na Loob
- “Utang na Loob” in Filipino values may characterize as a person who repays the good
deed of someone. For instance, I will gladly help in exchange for someone’s kindness in
order to repay and appreciate their kindness, by lending them a hand when they are in
trouble or they want help from me. Utang na loob is a strength because, as a Filipinos, we
have this kind of behavior where we are required to repay their goodness. But it may also
lead to weaknesses because of the abuse of individual kindness.

b. Pakikisama
- Pakikisama is described as a person who gets along with other people. It entails a genuine
intrinsic appreciation of togetherness. An example of pakikisama is when you are not
wanted to be recognized as a killjoy person, you will go with them to yield the wishes of
other people. But pakikisama is not always bad; it is a strength of Filipino values because
it also influences us to do good things and can be beneficial if we are surrounded by good
friends. Nevertheless, pakikisama in Filipino values can become a weakness if someone’s
decision is abused.

c. Religiosity
- It refers to strong religious feeling or belief of an individual. We, Filipinos have a deep
faith in God. Thus, prayer is an important part of our lives, and that became the strength
of Filipino values. A lot of Filipinos may attend masses every Sunday to thank God for
his blessings, and ask for forgiveness. But excessive worship may cause of weaknesses in
Filipino values because they patronize saints and statues more than God himself. Also,
some Filipinos’ behavior remains poor even after attending the church, making them
become vulnerable victim of opportunism and superstition.

24. Discuss the interplay of two (2) Filipino values and their roots.
- Filipino values are social constructs within Filipino culture; the interplay of these two Filipino
values and their roots is socially considered to be desirable.

The family orientation, which is rooted in the Filipino character and family and home
environment, possesses genuine and deep love for family and becomes extreme family
centeredness when abused. They discussed how family is important in Filipino lives as a source
of personal identity, emotional and mental support. We are taught in the Filipino family to value
the family and prioritize the family. This sense of family results in a feeling of belongingness
and rootedness, as well as a basic sense of security and responsibility.

Faith and religiosity are important to Filipinos; we have a deep faith in God and an innate
religiosity in the context of God’s will and plan. Filipinos live very intimately with their religion,
on which they can lean during hard times. Because it instils in Filipino attitudes that we are
vulnerable victims of opportunism, oppression, exploitation, and superstition, the excessive
results of Filipino’s faith may become the root of optimism

25. In the school, punctuality is a common problem for students. How will you encourage tardy
students to value and practice punctuality?
- They say to achieve punctuality, you need to master your time management, but for me,
managing your time is one of the solutions, but respecting other people’s time is a must. As
students, we must comply and practice punctuality because, as the saying goes, “punctuality is
the first step towards success.” Valuing punctuality as a student viewed as an integrity in a
student’s life because it allows them to plan ahead, an efficient routine, and be prepared for their
class. Remember that being punctual shows your respect for others.

26. A lot of teenagers become pregnant nowadays. This is due to their early exposure to sexual
and risky activities. As an educator, what moral advices can you give them?
- Exposure to sexual and risky activities is taboo in our country. That is why a lot of teenagers
become pregnant because of a lack of information and their curiosity about this kind of topic.
Giving them knowledge about sexual and risky activities as an educator is a reminder and guide
to them that this topic is formable for them and that they will know the dos and don’ts on these
activities. Early life exposures on these topics may lead them to learn about the results and
consequences of these risky sexual activities, such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually
transmitted infections. That’s why having knowledge about these topics may not spark their
curiosity at an early age and give them information about what a teenager does during these

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