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Nama : Belinda

NPM : 223516416368
Matkul : B. Inggris

1. What does the article tell about? The article tells about the Pew study that explain about the
most religious countries

2. What is the main idea of the main paragraph and the last paragraph?
Main paragraph:
Indonesians are among the most religious people in the world, surveyed stated that belief in God
was necessary to be moral and have good values

Last paragraph
Indonesia's high religiosity must be fair and balanced in practicing religious teachings and not be
excessive [in leaning toward] either the extreme right and left

3. what the Pew Research Center has investigated? And what is the result of its investigation?

The Pew Research Center investigated the survey in 34 countries to find out the most religious

And the result is Pew Research Center says, Indonesia alongside the Philippines as the two
countries with the highest percentage of citizens (96 percent) who equate belief in God with
having good values.

4. What is the purpose of religious moderation?

the purpose of religious moderation was to prevent acts of intolerance and conservative
extremism, as well as to educate people to avoid freely “ignoring or degrading [other] religious

5. What is the point of third paragraph about?

Indonesian laws guarantee freedom of religion, although in its implementation, citizens

must subscribe to one of the six approved official religions

6. What do you think of the result of the conducted survey? 6. I think the survey is true. I agree
how big the impact is about good values of religion and faith that we have. While life can be hard
at the best of times, faith and religion is the knowledge, deep down inside, that things will get
better. It’s taking the next step when you can’t see the entire staircase. Simply put, life would
fail to have reason if we didn’t have faith and religion.

7. There is a policy that wearing hijab is mandatory for woman in Aceh. How do you deal with
that? : In my poin of view it is a culture that has been carried out since ancient times, and I don't
mind it as long as it is a positive and useful thing for many people.

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