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Answer the following questions in the notebook after revising the concepts thoroughly.
Submit it on Thursday, 14/07/22.

Date: 11/07/2022
1. Write a letter to the newspaper editor highlighting the condition of the roads in our area
and suggest suitable measures. (BAD CONDITION OF ROADS DURING RAINS LEADS
2. The circle-graph given here shows the spendings of a country on various sports during a
particular year. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant. Write an analytical paragraph in a single paragraph in
about 100-120 words.

Date: 12/07/2022
3. Answer the following question in 100-120 words each.
i. The story ‘A Letter to God’ questions the popular belief that goodness is always rewarded.
Discuss this with reference to the incident/s that took place in the story.
2. Mandela fought for freedom and rights. With reference to the lesson, discuss the value of
freedom and rights in a civilized society and how people suffer in their absence.
3. Do you think parents like Mrs. Pumphrey exist? If yes, is it good thing to pamper children?
Why or why not?
4. Describe the symbolic importance of the crow, snow and hemlock tree in the poem ‘Dust
of Snow’.
5. The poem ‘Fire and Ice’ carries with it very deep thematic ideas. Elaborate on these
darkest traits of humanity.
6. The poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ exposes man’s cruelty and indifference towards animals.
Write how such treatment makes an animal feel out of place and what the poet is trying to
urge human beings to do.
Date: 13/07/2022
4. Read the following conversations and fill in the blanks by choosing the most
appropriate options given below.
A. Teacher: Why do you look so worried, Rhea?
Rhea: I have not prepared well for the Board exams.
Teacher: Don't worry, it's not too late. Make use of the remaining time
Rhea : Thank you, sir. I’ll definitely do well in the exam.
The teacher asked Rhea i) _____________. Rhea told with concern that ii)
_____________. The teacher told her iii)_________ as it was not too late, and
iv) _____________. Rhea thanked him and promised to do well in the exam.

B. Rakesh : I need your advice regarding the best place to organise the party.
Suresh : I think ‘Leguna’ on Janpath would be an ideal place.
Rakesh : What kind of food to be served to the guests?
Suresh : I think we should serve only vegetarian dishes.
Rakesh told Suresh (a)_________. Suresh informed that (b) __________. Rakesh asked him
(c) _____________ for which Suresh replied that he thought they should serve only

C. Principal: Where is your aunt?

Rhea: I have no aunt. She passed away five years back.
Principal: Who was the lady with whom you came in?
Rhea: She is a stranger. She brought me food as a treat.
Principal: You should not accept food from a stranger.
The Principal asked Rhea (i) ____________. Puzzled, the girl told the principal (ii)
____________ back. At this the principal enquired about the lady (iii) ____. Rhea replied that
she was a stranger who (iv) ____________ . Then principal told Rhea v) ____________.

5. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify
the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to
underline the correction. The first one has been done for you.
Error Correction
A. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi goes to South Africa e.g. goes had
as a legal counsel, was staying there nearly 21 years, _____ ______
to fight against racial discrimination. His non-violent

strategy of Satyagraha has given him his first victory ______ _______
when South African Government conceding to his demands. ______ _______

Error Correction
B. In cities throughout the country, there are a e.g. are is
new direction in local campaign coverage.

Frequently in local elections, journalists are not give _____ _____

voters enough information to understanding the issues _____ _____

but evaluate an candidate. _____ _____

Error Correction
C. “Today we had 1.18 billion mobile connections, 700 million e.g. had have
Internet users, and 600 million smartphones, which is _____ _____

increasing 25 million per quarter. We have a strong connectivity

base today,” Ram Sewak Sharma, chief executive of the National

Health Authority of India said, added that India has the highest _____ _____
data consumption which is about 12 GB per person the month. _____ _____

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