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Experiment 11

Introduction to CST-Motor control trainer.

PRACTICE and observethe behavior of different fundamental blocks.

A. Voltage to frequency converter


To introduce students about Control System Trainer and demonstrate the use of its different modules and
to study and observe Voltage to frequency converter.

Apparatus required:

1. CST Trainer

2. Oscilloscope/ Frequency counter

3. Voltmeter

4. 2mm patch cords (3)


1. Make the connections according to the Fig.23

2. Connect the CST Trainer to AC mains.

3. Switch ON the trainer by Mains switch.

4. Set the potentiometer in such a way that it gives 0.5V output at tp2 and measure the frequency
at tp3 using oscilloscope/ frequency counter.

5. Set the potentiometer in such a way that it gives 1.0V output at tp2 and measure the frequency
at tp3 using oscilloscope/ frequency counter.

6. Now repeat the step 4 and 5 for 1.5V, 2.0V up to 5.0Vand measure the frequency at tp3 using
oscilloscope/ frequency counter.
7. Switch OFF the power supply.

8. Now make a table and plot a graph.

(vin) at tp2 0. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Frequency(Fou 0 6.20 11.3 15.77 20 24.7 29.5 34.05 38.7 44.5 48.27
t) k k k k k k k k k k
At tp3


B. Frequency to voltage converter


To introduce students about Control System Trainer and demonstrate the use of its different modules and
to study and observe Frequency to Voltage converter.

Apparatus required:

1. Trainer CST

2. Voltmeter

3. Oscilloscope/ Frequency

4. 2mm patch cords (2)


1. Make the connections according to the Fig. 24

2. Connect the CST Trainer to AC mains.

3. Switch ON the trainer by Mains switch.

4. Set the clock frequency at 5 KHz and observe the voltage at socket 5 using Digital Voltmeter.
5. Tune the potentiometer and increase the clock frequency for every 5 KHz (5 KHz, 10 KHz, 15
KHz ..........) and observe the change in voltage with respect to frequency.

6. Switch OFF the power supply.

7. Now make a table and plot a graph.

Frequency(Fi 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
n) KH KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz KHz
at tp2 z

Voltage 00 0.36 0.88 1.40 1.96 2.49 2.87 3.52 3.94 4.50 4.78
(vin) at tp3 V V V V V V V V V V

Hardware :
C. Light intensity control using driver (PWM method)

To introduce students about Control System Trainer and demonstrate the use of its different modules and
to study and implement Light intensity control using PWM method.

Apparatus required:

1. CST Trainer

2. 2mm patch cords (5)


1. Make the connections according to the Fig.25.

2. Connect the CST Trainer to AC mains

3. Switch ON the trainer by Mains switch.

4. Slowly tune the potentiometer and observe the change in intensity of the Lamp-1.

5. Switch OFF the power supply.

Analysis :

If we increase the voltages at potentiometer then light intensity will also increase
and vice versa…………………………………

D. Photoconductive cell (LDR)


To introduce students about Control System Trainer and demonstrate the use of its different modules and
to study and observe Characteristics of Photoconductive Cell (LDR).


Electrical conduction in semiconductor materials occurs when free charge carriers e.e. electrons
are available in the material when an electric field is applied in certain Semiconductors.
Photoconductive cell are elements whose conductivity is a function of incident electromagnetic
radiation. Since, resistance of these materials decrease with increase in incident light, therefore
these materials are also called Light Dependent Resistor or LDR. Commercially available
photoconductive cell materials are cadmium sulfide (CDs) and cadmium selenoid (CdSe) with
band gap of 2.42 eV & 1.74 eV respectively. On account of the large energy bands, both the
materials have a very high resistivity at ambient temperature which gives a very high value of
resistance for practical purposes. The photoconductive cells use a special type of construction
which minimizes resistance while providing maximum surface. Photoconductive cells are made
by chemically sintering the required powder into tablets of the protective envelope of glass or
plastic. Electrons are deposited on the tablet surface and are made of materials which give an
ohmic contact but with low resistance compared with that of the photoconductor. The electrodes
are usually in the form of interlocked fingers as shown.

Photoconductive cell are made from cadmium sulphide doped with silver antimony or indium
chemically deposited on a substrate. Light falling on the sensitive area breaks chemical bonds.
The resulting electrons and holes become available to increase the conductivity. These bonds are
slow to re-form when light is removed and the response time is sluggish. The resistance of the
ORP12 drops dramatically as the incident light increases. Its characteristics are given in table
given. The device requires a suitable load resistor to provide a voltage output which then falls
with increasing illumination. The characteristics of a photoconductive cell vary considerably
depending upon the type of material used. When the cell is kept in darkness its resistance is
called Dark Resistance. The dark resistance may be as high as 1010Ω. If the cell is illuminated its
resistance decreases. The resistance depends on the physical character of photoconductive layer
as well as on the dimensions of the cell and its geometric configuration. The current depends
upon the electricity voltage applied and it is of the order of the mA. When using photoconductive
cell for a particular application it is important to select the proper dark resistance, as well as
suitable sensitivity. The sensitivity is defined as:

S= ΔR/ΔH Ω/Wm-2

ΔR = Change in resistance; Ω
ΔH = Change in irradiation; W/m-2
The spectral response of the sensor must match that of the light source. A Photo conductor has a
relatively large sensitive area. A small change in light intensity causes a large change in
resistance. The relationship between irradiance and resistance is, however not linear. It is closely
an exponential relationship. The spectral response of cadmium sulphide cell closely matches that
of the human eye and the cell is often used in application where human vision is a factor, much
as street light control or automatic iris controls for cameras, to alter the bias of transistor or
change the gain of an amplifier. Such circuits are used in automatic brightness composition of
TV receivers. Photoconductive cells are also used in bridge circuit applications, and for
measurement of attenuation of light etc.
The device used on CST is ORP12. Its characteristics are given below:
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max.
Cell resistance 50lux 2.4KΩ
1000lux 130Ω
Typical ambient 500Ω
Dark resistance 10MΩ
Rise time 75mS
Fall time 350mS
Peak response 610nm
The photoconductive cell is already connected as shown below:

Apparatus required:
1. Trainer CST

2. Voltmeter

3. mm patch cords (4)


1. Make the connections according to the Fig.28

2. Connect the CST Trainer to AC mains.

3. Switch ON the trainer by Mains switch.

4. Tune the potentiometer and set IV at tp15 and check the intensity of light w.r.t. the set voltage
and check the voltage at socket 13(Sensor-1 out) of the LDR.

5. Measure the output of Photoconductive cell as indicated on the Digital Multimeter. Increase
the Lamp voltage in IV step and record the results by following table.

filament 0 1 2 3 4 5
voltage (V)
Photo 00 2.750 2.731 2.724 2.790 3.045
cell output
voltage (V)

6. Switch OFF the power supply.

7. Plot the graph of Photoconductive cell output voltage against Lamp Filament voltage. It
should resemble the one given in Fig. 29.
Hardware :

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