Children Day Prayer S

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14th November 2022 – Children’s’ day prayer service

Theme: Your Love & Laughter adds joy to the world

Sr. Shanthi: INTRODUCTION: Today, the 14th of November is the birthday of
chacha Nehru. He loved you dear children and the king of flowers ROSE.
Chacha Nehru compared children to roses. He would say “ Children are like
buds in the garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured as they are
the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow that will lay the
foundation of the Nation”.
(2 Kg, 2 primary, 2 middle school, 2 high school, 2 Sisters, 2 helpers = 12
standing with 3 red fresh roses)
Yes, dear Students for us you are like roses. “Your Love & Laughter adds joy to
our world”. You are the reason for Auxilium to bloom and to experience
continuous love and laughter.
For each of us teachers and sisters, You are those beautiful roses which bloom
and add joy in the garden of Auxilium.
We have been given a noble task to nurture you with sincere dedication. We
are here to unfold the petals of your talents and make you grow. We, as
teachers are here to give you that fragrance of love, concern and care. Just as a
rose stands strong on its stem, we are here, to make your stem strong so that
you become emotionally well balanced and mentally tough and spiritually
strong to face this challenging world as you grow and bloom. We are here to
add colour into your life so that you enjoy the abundant life that God has so
beautifully given to all of us.
(The roses will now be placed in the empty vase)
Hymn: on flower or rose
Tr.Rukmini: So, dear children let us all pray attentively and ask the blessings of
the Almighty not only on us but on all the children who are facing violence in
the form of abuse, exploitation and discrimination, for those children who are
working in hazardous factories to support their parents; for those children who
are sick at home and in hospitals. Let us now go through some inspiring quotes
that will help you to grow:
1. “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream
always wins not through strength but through perseverance”.
(Sr.Fides): Yes! Dear students, learn to persevere in life ahead. Nothing
is easy in this world. Never give up. Try and try and you will succeed.
Never have negative attitude, always be optimistic in life. Pray to God so
that you may persevere to continue in your endeavours and struggles
2. “We must accept fine disappointments, but never lose hope”.
(Tr.Aurelia)Dear children, in life you will come across lot of
disappointments. Never lose hope. Life is a fight between defeat and
victory and hope is the link. Always remember this. Cling on to that hope
that will give you the strength to face any disappointments ahead. Pray
to God to give you that hope.
3. “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.
(Tr. Suchita) Dear students nothing is possible without perspiration. We,
as teachers are here to teach and guide you with the subject matter but
it is your personal hard work that will make you a successful person and
only hard work can bring that prosperity in your life. So pray to God to
make you hardworking children.
4. “It is your attitude not your aptitude that determines your success”
(Tr.Genefar)Dear students, we as teachers have a gigantic task of
moulding you with virtues and values that will enable you to build a
good attitude in life and have a refined personality ahead. At times when
we correct you. We are just helping you to grow with a positive attitude.
Pray to God to instill in you good attitudes and to be ready for
5. “Be faithful in small things because it is there that your strength lies”.
(Babita:)Blessed Mother Teresa used to often quote the above. Dear
Students, you need to be faithful to your duty, studies, parents and
teachers. If you learn to be faithful now at this age you will grow into a
beautiful person, one who can be trusted in the home, in the family, at
the work place and wherever you are. So, pray to God to make you that
faithful person in all your deeds and thoughts.
Gospel Reading: Mt.19: 13-14 – Sr.Gloria

People brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on
them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had
placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

(Search for the reading from Quran TR. ALISHA & Bhagavad-Gita TR. SUCHITA)
Prayers of the faithful:
1. Tr. Ganga: “Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them
makes an impression”
Tr. Shanti: Jesus, help us to be a source of inspiration to our students, so
that they create a good impression in their minds and understand the
purpose of life as we, lay the foundation of the future in their lives. We
pray to the Lord. Response: Hear us O Lord
2. Tr. Ganga:“Children can never be the persons they want to be if you
don’t teach them discipline”
Tr. Vidhi: Many times especially with the children’s Court being so
effective and the law being so strong we as teachers fail in our duty to
discipline our students. As a result year after year we see a degradation
of discipline and values in society. May we strive to discipline them with
love and care. We pray to the Lord.
3. Tr. Ganga : “Childhood is a time of enjoyment, it can never come back”.
Tr. Fevina: It is the duty of every child to attend school till the age of 14
years. We see so many children who roam about without having the
opportunity to even sit on a bench. We, hear about many children being
trafficked and taken and exploited for man’s greed and selfish desires.
We see many children working as domestic helpers and in restaurants to
clean. We pray to the lord for such children who never get a chance to
enjoy their childhood. We pray to the Lord
4. Tr. Ganga: “Children are the world’s most valuable resources and the
best hope for the future”.
Tr. Naina: It is the duty of every child to learn to respect and be
concerned about the environment and be a patriotic citizen. This
valuable resource is in our hands therefore we pray to you, Jesus, to
guide us and give us strength and wisdom to transform the children
entrusted to us to be valuable resources on which the foundation of the
future of our Nation will depend on. We pray to the Lord.

Sr. Kalyani: Concluding prayer: Lord as we end this prayer service we

hope and pray for every child in a special way to be healthy and
studious, prudent and tactful, virtuous and polite as they blossom and
bloom into the garden of life. Bless their parents and guardians and all
who provide their daily needs. Make them grow into responsible and
accountable alert and vigilant citizens of our India. Bless the
managements of the school who have provided them with an
opportunity and have given them all the facilities to learn and grow.
Bless all those who are in the government sector who look after their
educational needs. May they frame child friendly policies for the good
and wellbeing of our children. Lastly, we pray for all the teachers and
non-teaching staff who nurture these children day after day. Bless us all
O Lord.
Thank you dear Students for being the love and laughter to our world.

Concluding hymn: God still loves the world.

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