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Every celebration is a Symphony of joy, gratitude; and jubilation; an expression of the

sentiments of the heart. So, we have come here with joy, because it's the birthday offer
headmistress Sr. Sheela Furtado. Gratitude because she is a gift from God and togetherness
because we celebrate life. The reason for coming together helps as praise god for the precious
gift of life of their Sr. Sheela who is God's gift to each one of us and to our Auxilium. Sister
Sheela you are certainly an instrument in the hands of God to bring hope into the life of our
students, so that they may build their life based on the values of love and dignity. Today we
want to join with you and celebrate God's Love.
Hymn: Celebrate…..

Com: Birthdays of perfect opportunity to still someone that we love them. A birthday is a
time to look back and savor were God’s sweet mercies. It's time to become a way that we
have been blessed in countless little ways, today, as you celebrate your birthday, we can see
in you someone who has allowed God's love to Blossom forth in your life, by generously
pouring it out in abundance, especially on each one of us assembled here today.

Com: Dear sister Sheela you have indeed shown the seeds of laugh and warmth along the
way. Thanks for your availability to everyone at all times. Thanks for your readiness to help
us whenever we are in need. We thank you for your life that is rooted in Christ. Thanks for
the person you are - simple, humble, gentle and serene. You are indeed a blessing, a channel,
a sign and expression of Gods tender love and hope for our life.
(Symbolic action: reflection as water is supposed to the plant)
Life is a gift of God. What you are dear Sr. Sheela is God's gift to you and to us. The way a
you make of yourself is your gift God. God has created you in his image and likeness, a little
less than the angels. St. Peter in 1 office letter says that God has called and chosen you, so
justify your Living by your good deeds. Yes, we all are commanded by the lord to do this. As
a sign of your willingness and cooperation in your becoming what God wants you to be; and
our desire to assist you through our collaboration in this great task of becoming what God
wants of you, now a handful of water will be poured to the plant, which symbolises the seed
of life that was planted in the womb of your mother and later nurtured by the Holy Spirit on
the day of your back to SIM and then by your family, communities, friends, Well-wishers and
the entire educating community.
(Sr. Sheela holds a small pot in her hand) I now call upon one representative of each
department symbolising your role in making her life what she is today for the glory of God.
( as the representatives for a handful of water to the plant sister Sheela hold set in her hand
and then place it in a prominent place where it is visible to all and the congregation sings the
him my life is in you lord)
Dear Sr. Sheela, you are a Masterpiece of God's marvellous work, he has a plan for you in his
work of Salvation. He will always make a way and see you through. He will lead you when
he wants you to go. Listen to him in your heart speaking with love and affection.
Scripture reading: Jeremiah 29: 11 - 14a
As a response to the word of God letters silently listen and make the words of this hymn our
Hymn: He is still working one me
Yes, God is still working on you and each of us. Let us surrender ourselves to His care and let
Him continue His creative and redemptive work in us. Let us continue to live in the
awareness of his presence.
The greatest gift we can offer a person is our humble prayer before God. Lord, we thank you
for the person of Sr. Sr Sheela. As we appreciate your goodness, your kindness and your
thoughtfulness in all that you do for us and to those whom you encounter, we ask the Lord to
bless you abundantly with His choicest graces and blessings to continue the good work He
begun through you.
Let us place all our prayers and petition for our dear Sr. Sheela before the Lord as we pray
together the Universal prayer……Our Father
Concluding hymn: There shall be showers of blessings…..

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