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Exhibit Summary Exhibit 1: The 25 items nobody can ever take away from you not even the United State Inc Corporation. They will ty to trick you out of giving up your GOD Given rights. If they do, you have been deceived and everything is void, Exhibit 2 Right to sue the United States Inc aka Prime Contractor: The Pope, the Queen and the 1 percent. Exhibit 3: VA committing Crimes ref THE DEEP STATE ordering GS 15 Angela Kendrix and GS14 Voncelle James to go into our family's medical records under the name of Cindy Boyd Exhibit 4: VA going into our medical records using subcontractors Exhibit 5: DOJ warning Americans about the Emotional Impact of fraud has on victims but yet they are the guilty party who commits fraud Exhibit 6: Shaunel's Resolution request form signed by gas lighter, J Murray Exhibit A: Ashley's Resolution request form signed by gas lighter, J. Murray Exhibit B: DOD proof Exhibit C: Justice Anna’s Affidavit ref: how corrupt the Justice System is Exhibit D: Motion to recuse Judge Hernandez due to Judge not establishing ‘SMVJ/Sufficiency of pleading Exhibit E: Void orders/ref Brad’s case Exhibit F: Summons to attend Kangaroo Court, Judge Michael Hernandez signed 12/14/2022 and 12 Jan 2023 hearing Exhibit H: Judge Taylors summons to attend Kangaroo Court on 31 Oct 2022 Exhibit |; Judge Taylor vs VA hearing with Judge Williams Exhibit J: Fake Kangaroo Hearing with Judge Jeff Rich Exhibit K: Brad's packet to Hillsborough dated 26-Dec Exhibit L: Motion in response to Judge Moss Ref: You cannot submit documents as per pro confesso and proof we paid for a pro confesso Exhibit M: Updated QOU Warranto dated 26 Dec 2022 Ex N: James Ryan's Affidavit Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz | 12/27/2022 |, Margaret Sue Bozgoz, ADA Advocate make this statement on the record and under Penalty of perjury. To interfere with my duties as and ADA Advocate is a felony as per 42 U.S. Code § 12203. | also know Washington State knows or should know that one | does not have to be a licensed attorney to practice law or represent anyone (See Justice Anna's Affidavit (Exhibit C_) Also note: | * Thus, neither Judges nor Government attorneys and United States Inc i PEDO Corporations are above the law. See United States v. Isaacs, 493 F. 2d 1124, 1143 (7th Cir. 1974). In our judicial system, few more serious threats to individual liberty can be imagined than a corrupt judge or judges acting in collusion outside of their judicial authority with the Executive Branch to deprive a citizen of his rights, | + Schware v. Board of Examiners, United State Reports 353 U.S. pages 238, +." THAT The practice of Law is an occupation of common right, the same being a secured liberty right. (Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) + THAT No state may convert a secured liberty right into a privilege, issue a | license and fee for it. (Murdock vs. Pennsylvania 319 US 105 (1943) THAT The practice of Law authority higher than the authority of the State: that there is a moral law which the State is powerless to alter; that the individual | possesses rights, conferred by the Creator, which government must respect, The Declaration of Independence stated the now familiar theme: ‘We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ And the body of the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights, enshrined those principles.” (McGowan v. Maryland, 366 US 420, 563, Supreme Court (1961) + THAT “All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws and must be like things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A | legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such has been the adjudications of our courts of justice." (Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772) My ADA Clients and | are whistleblowers against the United States Inc Foreign corporation and its associates (¢.g., UNITED STATES INC agencies, Prosecutors, Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz Judges and VA Leadership). Therefore, we are all protected under 42 USC 12203 and have the right to sue in a fair military tribunal vs their privately owned courts. We have leamed throughout the years and understand that the UNITED STATES INC is a FOREIGN CORPORATION. We also understand their games as ! have been documenting their crimes against humanity since 2015 after my Aunty Nana's (EVALIANIE YOCKMAN’s WRONGFUL DEATH, 1983 KKK and ADA Interference Case/Kangaroo Court). See: https:/www. This trial was a dog and pony show where the Honorable. Stanley J. Rumbaugh, Certified WA STATE attorneys, the Court of Appeals, District Courts, the BAR and etc., were paid under the table by Zurich inc to illegally dismiss my Aunty Nana's wrongful death, 1983 KKK and ete. case with merit see: https:/Awww. As the hard evidence shows there is a pattern of behavior in all my ADA CLEINTS cases - Same game, different American/Victim. BOTTOM LINE: The United States Inc Foreign Corporation are criminals. Let's just call them who they are. Their game is to trick Americans out of their GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGTHS by not establishing subject matter jurisdiction/sufficiency of pleading and gaslighting What most Americans don't understand is, SMJ is everything in justice. SMJ is the only thing that matters. If a judge does not establish SMJ/sufficiency of pleading, then TREASON is happening. For the record: My ADA Clients and | are also all God-fearing human beings with a soul. WE ARE NOT CORPORATIONS or do we belong to a cult group like the United States Inc PEDO Prime Contractors (e.g., Edward House, the 9 Safety Committee Members who stole Hawaii, the United States Inc Presidents, the Queen and the Pope). Reference suing the United States Prime Contractor. Robert and | received a right to sue the UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION letter from the attorneys in building 810 in WA DC (Exhibit 2). The Attorneys located in Building 810 are the same certified corrupt attorney who. ordered (1) GS15 Angela Kendrix and (2) GS14 Voncelle James to violate my family’s rights by going into my family’s personal and medical information under the name of INVESTIGATOR CINDY BOYD from KS (Exhibit 3). They (United States Inc’s Attorneys) ordered VA Employees to violate my fami rights otherwise they would sanction the agency. “That” comment [SANCTION] was the giveaway that helped us understand that the DEEP STATE OPERATED Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz out of building 810. | also talked to Cindy Boyd, OSHA Regional and several other insiders. So, we know their secrets regarding administrative trickery/gaslighting Same game aka fraud, waste and abuse, different people. Not only did the second largest executive branch, Veterans Affair (VA) in Washington DC violate the HIPAA Law, they also had the nerve to violate National Security (NIST) by (1) fabricating fake claims (9 each) then (2) locking the 9 fake claims into the Army's safe server at RED STONE Army Arsenal while using (third party contractors), the President's white house hotline contractors. THE PRESIDENT’s WHITE HOUSE HOTLINE CONTRACTORS. These SUBCONTRACTORS were directed to (1) violate my family's privacy [over 58 times]. These sub-contractors violated my family's medical privacy by using (1) ROBERT’s VA medical claims files and (2) my AT&T phone records (Exhibit 4) For example, every time | called the VA, the same VA Employee on that same day had access into Robert's claims file. If this is not only a privacy act violation and NIST violation, | don't know what is, Because their crimes were a Safety and National Security issue (NIST), | prepared a 300- page NIST, ADA Act Violation etc. and gave it to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) the highest-ranking and most senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces and the principal military advisor to the president, the National Security Council etc., Joe Dunford ‘We found out very quickly that Joe Dunford and Admiral Christopher French were part of the deep state by their responses (Exhibit 6). Most Americans do not understand that the TOP General (Joint Chair) has two contracts with the American people. He has a service contract and a contract to keep us Americans safe, When anyone violates their oath of office they war against the constitution. The constitution is supposed to reflect the will of the majority of people/GOD's NATURAL LAW. | mentioned the Veteran's Affairs in Washington DC above because the attorneys located in building 810 guide and direct the fraud, waste and abuse throughout the UNITED STATES INC AGENCIES (e.g.., Courts, Department of Justice, Department of Corrections, Jails, Sheriff's Departments, Prisons etc.) against Americans. They also write the polices, rules and regulations they don't follow. Everything is a game, For example, and according to OSHA Regional Executive order 12196 allows “the Fox to Guard the Hen House.” This [FOX GUARDS THE HEN HOUSE] game means when Americans/Whistleblower are getting abused by a particular UNITED STATES. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz AGENCY, other UNITED STATE INC agencies are not allowed to help the victim/AMERICAN. | prepared a 400-page “Fox is Guarding the Hen House AFFIDAVIT and gave it to (1) the DC district court Judge Amy B. Jackson and (2) Judge Randolph Moss. Judge Moss and Judge Jackson kept the documents for a while then returned it to me vs posting it on the record for the entire world to see and as a matter of law. One must ask themselves why these HONORABLE Judges are committing Treason. Their treason is caught on tape: Focus on the facts and patterns. Facts and Patterns don’t lie. Same game difference people/victims. Ref my ADA Clients and I: We are protected under the 1990 ADA Act, TITLES Il and TITLE Ill of the UNITED STATES INC’s corporation rules which states (1) nobody obtains immunity when they violate our GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS, and (2) ALL MAN-MADE Rules can be challenged and changed [on the spot! if the MAN-MADE RULES conflict with GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS. There is only one law, GOD’s Natural law [DON'T HARM]. Everything else is noise. Under Article 17, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her GOD GIVEN HUMAN rights. What | have most Americans are unaware that their GOD GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS is something they were born with, and their Human Rights is/are their PROPERTY. In other words, it is a war crime to violate a human being’s GOD GIVEN NATURAL HUMAN RIGHT. As stated above, my ADA Clients and | are all humans beings, indigenous and or Hawaiian Natives [vs corporations lost at sea] We don't consent to play any UNITED STATE INC’s cult administrative trickery games. We are all protected under GOD's Natural Law. We are also protected under the UNITED STATE INC’s 1990 ADA Act which states any UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN CORPORATION OR ASSOCIATES who receives [or steals] ADA funds (e.g., Courts, VA, United States Inc, Prisons, DOJ, DOC and Third- Party Contractors) CANNOT receives ADA Funds and deny ADA rights see executive order 13164, which specifically states that contractors operating in America cannot deny ADA Reasonable Accommodations from any protected American/Hawaiian Group. Therefore, as an ADA Advocate, my Reasonable Accommodation request to the Department of Defense and the International Criminal Court is as follows: (1) Ensure that my ADA Clients [on this document, main 12 Amended claim and Quo Warranto] and | receive fair and equitable relief as per the Charter of the Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz FOREST and 1983 KKK Act which states no case with merit (See 2018 Transmittal Record] will be dismissed until relief is due as relief [equitable relief] is mandatory. (2) Hold everyone responsible use: (1) Treason, (2) RICO, (3) Fraudulent inducement and (4) interstate commerce violation. Why? (1) because everything comes down to contact law and every knows what they were doing, and nobody escapes the consequence of their own actions as per contract law and (2) They all interfered with interstate commerce [contract law). (3) Use our case as a case study and example for Americans to follow as all my ADA Clients are victims and whistleblowers who were tricked into going into jail or in prison by the UNITED STATE INC’s Crimes against humanity, fraud, waste and abuse. (4) Make this case and the UNITED STATE INC’s GAMES/CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY transparent to the world as lies don't get better with time. https:/ Relief Sought: Under Titles Il and Ill, Section 504, of the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended 42 USC 120101 et seq, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e, Marbury v Madison, 5 US (1 Cranch) 1803, Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the US Constitution), 18 USC Code 3771. Crimes’ rights, 2012 Magnitsky Act and Department of Defense war manual, United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Global, 18 USC 241, 242, 42 USC 1983, 1985, 1986. More specifically, the plaintiffs on my main case also seek relief based on the Quo Warranto and what is found at: hitos:/ 12-Amended-Complaint-as-of-11-5- 2022 ?fbclid=IWAR 1wAiz5jMIHbMcJ5GqSIHV2SGK4RDezY BIS0dVMBjZnhVh2)21 BpVcfl Ve and https:/ Law of War Manual Note: Not all my ADA clients who | am protecting are listed on my main claim. My other ADA clients are listed on the attached updated QUO Warranto dated 12/26/2022, They live in Washington, State and are listed below. Eileen Yockman Eddleman a. Filomena Washington b. Tammy Foust ¢. Jennifer Vanderdrink d. Raven Cutler Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz Kayla Richel Esmeralda Martian Ashley Barry Laura Hickey Vanessa Roozen Alisa Gomez (Shauna’s Roommate) Lisa Kanamu The other 50 females are afraid to whistle blow of the Washington State Correction facility due to retaliation rato seno NOTE: Eileen Yockman Eddleman is my ADA CLEINT and Shaunel Burt’s mother. They are also related to me (Aunt and cousin). Eileen intervened in our QUO WARRANTO as a matter of GOD's Natural Law/Rights. Eileen Yockman Eddieman has been lied to before, after and while her daughter, Shaunel Burt [16-year-old daughter to date] was sex trafficked by the United States Inc over 17 years ago Eileen (and her sisters) has witnessed on several different occasions (four times within the 17 years) the results of her daughter being used as a test rat by the Washington State Prison system aka United States Inc Corporation See: hittps:/ Either way, and as stated above my ADA Clients and | are allowed to heal and seek relief as intervenors [and or main plaintiffs] and under GOD's Natural Law, Titles Il and Ill of the 1980 ADA Act, ADA interference, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 18 USC 245, 42 USC 1983 KKK, Charter of the Forest, 42 USC 1985, 42 USC 1986 etc.) Reference Justice Anna Affidavit to the BAR regarding relief and justice: All meniwomen know that the foundation of the law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, and nothing but the truth. In our case, my ADA clients and | have met mishap, illegal retaliation and fake Kangaroo Court around the United States. We met corruption from the EEOC/ORM [Mediation] Process at VA HQ in Washington DC, MD, GA, AL, TX, 1D, Washington State to the United States Supreme court see: https:/www. + Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce. + An unrebutted affidavit/declaration stands as truth in commerce. Therefore, the Department of Correction Agency, VA, Judges, Prosecutors, Attorneys, Court Clerks, Sheriff Departments, Security Guards and Third-Party Contractor “doing business” in America cannot continue to play the rich man’s aka (1) administrative trickery game, (2) experiment on Americans and (3) cheat Americans out of justice by not establishing sufficiency of pleading and ignoring GOD given natural rights. pe. & Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz + Guaranteed. All men/women shall have a remedy by the due course of law. Ifa remedy does not exist, or if the remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with credibility by expressing it in an affidavit. + Ref Remedy: Please see (1) the 12 Supplemented Main Complain and (2) updated Quo Warranto. | also posted these items on social media as Americans need transparency as our case is a public interest case as Legal Abuse Syndrome (LAS) causes a preventable health issue and is a crime against humanity crime caused by the United States Inc Corporation and its associates. + + Down load updated 12 Supplemented Claim with all PLAINTIFFS: https:/www.slideshare.netSueBozgoz/updated-12-amended-complaint-as-of- 11-5-2022pdf?tbclid=IwAR1D uWP_SbLaLbrz- QksDWPlecRh2IS1Kb UxvGUBfhnKVONIIJ1Adw28 The United States Inc corporation and associates cause a preventable health issue WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY, Legal Abuse Syndrome which is a crime caused by fake leaders. As everyone knows, Justice should not hurt, however JUSTICE HURTS as it causes the silent scar, Legal Abuse Syndrome (LAS). Even the Department of Justice writes about LAS (Exhibit Sy ) These are the same group that case the issue/crime and held accountable for enforcing the law. Ref: The United States is a FOREIGN Corporation. As per 19 CJS Corporation & 844, The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to the United States. Therefore, we AMERICANS should know by now, we have been deceived and infiltrated by TRAITORS. THIS IS NOT A. SECRET. The United States is not a country. It (THE UNITED STATES INC) isa foreign corporation that has a Duns and Bradstreet number and falls under contract law. Under contract law, any deception makes all orders void. Under the United States Inc Foreign Corporation's Supreme Court Decision, “ALL codes, rules and regulations are for government authorities aka UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN EMPLOYEESICITIZENS only. In short, the United States Inc rules are not really laws but rules for their United States Inc FOREIGN CORPORATION employees. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz We (Americans] are humans/CREATORS with a soul and in accordance with GOD's Natural Laws, there is only one law we must obey, GOD's Natural law aka the way of Nature/We cannot kill or harm another human being as we are all one. In other words, we (Americans) are bound by conscience to disobey all laws that violate or conflicts with GOD's natural law. This is a UNIVERSAL LAW which the United States Inc corporation knows and ignores out of greed, The laws of nature are the laws of God; Whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. The Bible verse "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities” (Romans 13:1) has joined "Let your women keep silence in the churches" (1 Corinthians 14:34) and "Slaves obey your earthly masters" (Ephesians 6:5) as one of the most abused passages of scripture in history. There is a long history of misusing this text to argue that Christians are always duty-bound to obey the civil authorities. This past week U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions added his name to that history. According to this absolutist view, to resist the civil authorities is to oppose God. God, it is argued, appointed government both to punish wrongdoers and promote good. Civil and religious leaders across the political and ecclesial spectrum have widely invoked this interpretation as a theological weapon, ascribing punishment and damnation to dissenters. The United States Inc is not looking for justice, they are looking for control. Pay attention to the fact and patterns. | NOTE: All UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN CORPORATION rule and regulations are UNCONSTITUITONAL and denies GOD's NATURAL LAW which means it lacks DUE PROCESS... [Rodriques v Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F.2d 1344, 1348(1985), Due Process is important to know because a judge cannot issue an order without following due process. If they ignore the due process clause, the order is forever void. For example, a judge cannot violate your due process right to have a jury trial by your peers (Exhibit 1, the 25 things the UNITED STATE INC/NO man can ever trick you out of giving up ~ But notice how they trick you. Understand why). They trick you by saying something like this, “If you go to a jury trial you will get life in prison, however, if you take what we [UNITED STATE INC FOREIGN CORPOATION GIVES YOU] you get only 10 — to 15 years vs life in our for- Profit prison. When judges, certified attomeys, prosecutors work together to violate your due process clause, they are committing war crimes in violation of 18 USC 245. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz How does the United States Inc benefit by deceiving Americans you might ask? They get free labor and an opportunity to experiment on [Americans] as their goal is Al (CONTROL). The female is their greatest fear/threat. Why? Females can produce babies with souls. We are dealing with cult members who believe in the devil as everything leads back to Epstein, a child sex trafficking, a child and a camera and everybody is involved hence the reason it is 2022 and this nonsense and cover ups are still happening Due Process of the law is indispensable The constitutional requirement [or GOD's natural laws] of due process of the law is indispensable: “A judgment can be void . . . where the court acts in a manner contrary to due process.” Am Jur 2d, §29 Void Judgments, p. 404. “Where a court failed to observe safeguards, [safety or ADA right denials rights], it amounts to denial of due process of law, court is deprived of juris.” —Merritt v. Hunter, C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. “Moreover, all proceedings founded on the void judgment are themselves regarded as invalid.” Olson v. Leith 71 Wyo. 316, 257 P.2d 342.). In other words, the court is always fair, the judge is not the court. When the Judge violates your due process. Safety, ignores the ADA Act, ADA Reasonable Accommodations, denies you a right to a fair trial of your peers, ignores the truth (See Exhibit 1, 25 things the Judge/Prosecutor or no man can violate), Pay attention how Judges, Prosecutors, and the United State Inc is. itting Treason via administrative trickery. Therefore, the first-time due process is violated, you must stand up [for yourself] and recuse the Judge otherwise you [AMERICAN] can end up in jail/prison giving the United States Inc FREE LABOR or being an experimental rat). You must never consent to their UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION WAYS. Bottom line: Americans must understand that the rules that the United States Inc FOREIGN CORPORATION produces. Their rules are not really laws of AMERICA but rules for their FOREIGN PEDO CORPORATION, THE UNITED STATES INC. To be convicted under a UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN CORPORATION statute, ‘Americans are deceived [UNKNOWINGLY unwittingly without being aware; unintentionally] into giving up their rights by consenting unknowingly which is the rich man's trick thereby we [AMERICANS] are tricked into giving up our GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS which makes everything the United States Inc produces Forever void. They use contract law. In Contract law, if deception is involved everything is void. For example, in Shaunel's case: Shaunel's innocence was stollen at the age of 16 years old. She was transported from WA STATE to GUAM and sold. De. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz The court must consider what thelr associates did to her brain and how the abuse _ affected her wellbeing. instead of looking at the big picture, the court and their certified attorneys ignored Shaune's GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS (See Exhibit 1). They sent Shaunel to prison to cover up their associates misdeeds just like how they are covering up their war crimes now! Understand how the United States Inc tricks Americans to process them through their corporate for-profit prisons (See Exhibit 1). NOTE: America has the most prisons in the world because of the United States Inc FOREIGN Corporation strategic plan to put 99 percent of us in jailiprison so they can use us Americans for free labor/experiments (See Shaunel, Jeff, Brandley’s case) This is not a secret as the 1 percent know their game and use the system against us, https /www. We were warned and guided by several insiders when the UNITED STATE INC CERTIFED ATTOREYS tried to put Robert and me in jail using (1) fake police orders, (2) fake peace orders and (3) fake criminal charges. (THIS IS THEIR GAME AND EVERYONE IS INVOVLED) To make matters worse Voncelle James, Angela Kendrix and several insiders told us their (DEEP STATE's) secret on the record and under oath see: hitos:/www. Bottom line the courts in every state and at every level are rigged with the help of certified attorney and in violation of RICO and 18 USC 1341. * Ina court of limited jurisdiction, the court must proceed exactly according to the law or statute under which it operates. Flake v Pretzel, 381 Ill. 498, 46 N.E.2d 375 (1943) (‘the actions, being statutory proceedings, ... were void for want of Power to make them.”) ("The judgments were based on orders which were void because the court exceeded its jurisdiction in entering them. * Nobody gets immunity when they use administrative trickery. The Supreme Court in Tennessee v. Lane, et al., 541 U.S. 59 (2004) pointed out that Congress Constitutionally abrogated the States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity, making suits for damages available to individuals who proceed under Title Il of the ADA. with claims of violation of Due Process of Law (Huffer, 2012). This means that if Judges do not adhere to the ADAAA, they lose their immunity from being sued. The Lane case found that “Congress enacted Title II against a backdrop or pervasive unequal treatment of persons with disabilities in the administration of State services and programs, including systematic deprivation of fundamental rights (Huffer, 2012). Specifically, Title ll seeks to enforce a variety of basic Constitutional guarantees, including the right of access to the courts, infringements of which are subject to heightened judicial scrutiny. The court found that all courts have a duty to accommodate that is perfectly consistent with Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz the well-established due process principle that a state must afford to all individual ‘a meaningful opportunity to be heard in its courts. The Supreme Court concluded in Lane, ‘that Title II, as it applies to the class of cases implicating the fundamental right of access to the courts, constitutes a valid exercise of Congress’ authority to enforce the guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment (Huffer, 2012). Professional people look for the truth, traitors ignore the truth and focus on control. 18 USC 1371 As the record show we [AMERICANS] have met mishap at every turn and at every level with the United State Inc Foreign corporation and its subcontractors. More specifically, they have violated 18 USC 371 which means when two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the US or Defraud the United States Inc Foreign Corporation or any agent thereof in any manner or for any purpose. For example, in our main case, note how VA HQ attorneys and judges knew the truth about how they abused us because we whistle blow on them as the truth is locked in the (1) DC Transmittal records (over 200 acceptable human rights violation claims), (2) Army aka Military Industrial Complex safe serve located in Red Stone Army Arsenal, DC COURT OF APPEALS and Supreme Court. Also note: Under the Westfall Act, the DC District Court (Amy B. Jackson and Judge Randolph) had one option but to settle with us as we proved our case in 2018 during mediation. They always have had access to the truth. Furthermore, the Department of Justice could not touch our case by using administrative trickery Why? because of the Westfall Act. Instead of settling, everyone from the EEOC process to the supreme court Judges in different states, attorneys, third party contractors etc., decided to play us [like they play every American]. To bad for them we know our rights and we also know their game which is THEY CAN PLAY BUT THEY CANNOT GET CAUGHT. They all got caught and winner takes alll due to fraudulent inducement and as per contract law, “YOU are free to do whatever you want but you are never free to the consequences of your actions, “Defraud under 18 USC 371 and 18 USC 241 also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governments [UNITED STATES INC] functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest an in violation of their oath to defend that UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION which is supposed reflect GOD’s Natural law. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz We [AMERICANS] have been infiltrated by criminals at every level and in every state which is not a secret. These UNITED STATES INC corporations steal American tax dollars and deny American GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS by (1) ignoring the rule of law, (2) not establishing subject matter jurisdiction/sufficiency of pleading, (3) putting innocent men, women and children in jail/prison, (4) child sex trafficking, (5) Illegally experimenting, (6) covering for each other, (7) violating our privacy and medical information, (8) writing rules they don't follow and etc., Therefore in our court case(s), we were forced to use their (THE UNITED STATES INC) rules against them: Title Il states no administrative trickery. If anyone plays games, they get no immunity Title I & 42 USC 126 states any man-made law that conflicts with the constitution can be changed immediately 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 18 USC 245, 42 USC 1983 KKK (Charter of the Forest), 42 USC 1985 and 42 USC 1986. States equal relief is mandatory. Fraudulent Inducement and RICO — States if you can prove they committed the crime willfully, you receive three times. 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1983 KKK, ADA Act States if anyone to include third party contractors, collect federal funds cannot deny American’s GOD GIVEN NATURAL rights. If they do, they can be dissolved. Quo Warranto ~ Allows All Americans, Native Humans and those protected under the ADA Act to challenge any UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION and EMPLOYEE who violates their oath of office. Specifically, if one pays for justice (e.g., DC District Court, DC Court of Appeals, DC Supreme Court, QUO Warranto, MD COURT, Reconsideration Hearing, MD Court DE NOVO HEARING). The United States Inc Courts are bound by CONTRACT LAW to give you justice vs Kangaroo Court and injustice. 'f they deceive Americans [break their contract like they did in 2018 at mediation] they interfere with INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW. Regarding QUO WARRANTO. A HEARING MUST TAKE PLACE. If a hearing is not conducted within 3-20 business days, the prime/subcontractor is dissolved as per pro- confesso. Therefore, all these illegal contractors are masquerading around like they are in control while DOD is doing what? Because our lives were in danger, we asked the Department of Defense several time to issue the summons to the Defendants/Respondents which they [DOD. DOJ, DOC] De Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz cannot deny because DOD receives ADA Funds. As per law, the United States Inc Agencies, Courts and Third-Party Contractors can NEVER collect American tax dollars and deny ADA rights unless they are going broke. They are not going broke. They get plenty money via the COVID VACCINE and experimenting illegally on Americans. We have found that ADA funds are not going to improve American lives. They (United States Inc) do the opposite with the American tax dollars they receive. They destroy lives by using their pawns, throw-away, sheriff's department and second governments to commit TREASON. Retaliation against Whistleblowers, ADA Advocates, Process Servers and Officers is against the UNITED STATES INC’s/federal law/Contract Law. Department of Defense (DOD) and International Criminal Court (ICC) | [once again, on behalf of my ADA Clients], | request the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and the International Criminal Court accept my ADA clients on the face of the supplemented claim and Quo Warranto as we seek relief NOTE: ADA Clients are found in three locations: (1) The Main plaintiffs are found at hitpsv// 20227 fbelid=IwAR1 wAiz5iMIHbMcJ5Ga5IHV2SGK4RDezY BISOdVM8iZnhVh2j21 SpVeflVe 2018 -2017 Evalani Yockman State Court (Rumbaugh) & Margaret and Nalani Yockman (District Court) (WRONGFUL DEATH CASE) and listed below. Margaret Bozgoz, Austin Bozgoz, Robert Bozgoz 3553 Burr CT Unit A Fort George G Meade, MD 20755 Plaintiffs, Lance Fulgium 945 W. 5N, Street Apt A2 Mountain Home ID, 83647 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz James Joseph Ryan James's “Jimmy” Anthony Koki Ryan Hakone, Sengokuhara Ashigara Shimomgun, Japan 250-0631 Lee Thomas Smith 503 Arons Court, Perry, GA 31069 LuAnne Marie Simmons 120 St Kitts Way Apollo, Beach Fl, 33572 Bradley Everette Bolden 1609 Grand Canopy Court Apt 101 Ruskin FL, 33573 Shaunel Burt Washington Correction Center For Women 9601 Bujacich Road NW Gig Harbor WA 98332 (2) The plaintiffs (ADA CLIENTS) located in Washington State are found on the Quo Warranto see attached QUO Warranto dated 26 Dec 2022. Margaret Bozgoz Austin Bozgoz Robert Bozgoz Lance Fulgium Lee Smith Luanna Simmons Bradley Bolden Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz James Joseph Ryan James “Jimmy’ Anthony Koki Ryan Shaunel Burt Eileen Eddleman m. Filomena Washington Tammy Foust Jennifer Vanderdrink Raven Cutler Kayla Richel Esmeralda Martian Ashley Barry Laura Hickey Vanessa Roozen Alisa Gomez (Shauna’s Roommate) Lisa Kanamu The other 50 females are afraid to whistle blow on the Washington State Correction facility due to retaliation XE ). Note: Shaunel requested her medical records and assistance on 14 Nov 2022. ‘On 12 Dec 2022, two (2 days) short of the 30-day suspense, DOC J. Murray responded to Shaunel by gaslighting her on the Department of Correction Resolution form, DOC -165 (Exhibit o ALL MRI TECHNICIAN, Doctors/Nurses and THIRD-PARTY CONTRACTORS have a moral obligation to report these war crimes against humanity vs hide the evidence. Americans give them millions of training dollars to keep us safe. They spend more money on retaliation then doing their job. Ref: The MRI TECH — She promised Eileen Yockman Eddleman a statement about her daughter's health on the record. Eileen Yockman is a concerned mother who has been abused by the United States Inc system while they tortured her daughter. Eileen reached out for help when she knew WA State/DOC was trying to kill her daughter again as this is not the first time, she witnesses them experimenting on her daughter see: https:/www.bitchute. com/video/nqrRauJ3Y PPX/. taking the COVID which is something they never saw before (Exhibit and httos:/www. bitchute. com/video/narRauJ3YPPX/ Furthermore, The MRI TECH said on the record, that Shaunel became vee ic after The question Eileen wanted to know was if she was in danger why would a professional doctor lie to Shaunel and tell you to get another MRI unless she wanted to harm her only daughter again, about 9 Nov 2022 (Exhibit _(? ) She said, Shaunel would be a liability which means Shaunel could die. NOTE: THE MRI Imaging confractor would not allow Shaunel to take an MRI on or The MRI's technician's statement told me [and all my American and Hawaiian followers] and family members that UNIT 731 was still alive }ee,also Justice Anna's Affidavit Exhibit_C- James Ryan's Affidavit Exhibit LV __ref: ADA Client James (Jimmy) Ryan ref: THE UNITED STATES INC 7 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz The question my family and aunty Eileen and American followers want to know is: (1) who was the doctor who order the MRI “after” Dr. Sanchez took pictures/video of Shaunel, Ashely and Laura on her cell phone and why? After Shaunel returned from the initial MRI on 9 November 2022, why would the WA State Correction facility order Shaunel to take another MR? Why would the head Dr Mary Kolterman Washington state woman's prison threaten Shaunel that if she did not take an MRI, the WOMEN's Correction Facility would deny her MEDICAL BENEFITS IN VIOLATION OF 18 USC 246 and 18 USC 245? Who was in the examining room violating my cousin's (Shaunel’s, Ashley's and Laurel's privacy)? Eileen Eddleman asked the MRI tech this question, “WHAT WOULD HAVE HAD HAPPENED TO MY ONLY DAUGHTER IF SHE DID NOT INFORM YOU THAT SHE WAS MAGNET? What could this [MRI] have done to my only daughter? Someone has some explaining to do as pandoras box is open. Dr. Sanchez examined Shaunel, Ashley and Laura TOGETHER which is a HIPAA/privacy medical violation another crime, On 9 Nov 2022 Eileen asked for a copy of the MRI tech’s statement. the MRI TECH said [on the record] that she would send the medical records and statement to the WA State Women’s correction agency. See: https v/ On 12 Nov 2022 the WA State women’s correction facility received Shaunel's medical request (Exhibit ‘SHAUNEL is having medical issues in her armpits/ lipomas. The only thing Shaunel (and 60 other inmates) have done differently was take the COVID VACCINE. All 60 women (LAB RATS) have become magnetic which the WOMEN's Facility is hiding which is by the way a war crime (Exhil ) Ithas been well over 30 days as per law, Eileen or Shaunel should have received the MRI TECH statement as per law (DOC 05-165 (Rev 09/16/21) On about 10 Nov 2022, | called the Women's Correction facility and demand that they not order Shaunel to go through a MRI as we know it is not normal or safe. NOTE: | did not tell the Women’s facility that we talked to the MRI Specialist who confirmed it was dangerous to go through the MRI. The MRI technicians statement is on the record. ler way, the date is 27 Dec 2022. | want to know why the women’s correction facility Leaders and the MRI Tech are (1) hiding the medical records and (2) told Shaunel today, 27 Dec 2022 that | cannot represent her unless | am a certified corrupt WA. pe 18. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz STATE attorney. To interfere with my Job as an ADA Advocate is against the law: 18 USC 245, ADA interference Act, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK Act ete. Furthermore, the 6" Amendment states one does not have to be a licenses attorney therefore the Department of Correction Agency and the WA State women’s facility might want to look up the law because we are already suing them under 18 USC 245. To remind them of their crime | am posting them their UNITED STATE INC laws they don't follow + Thus, neither Judges nor Government attorneys and United States Inc PEDO Corporations are above the law. See United States v. Isaacs, 493 F. 2d 1124, 1143 (7th Cir. 1974). In our judicial system, few more serious threats to individual liberty can be imagined than a corrupt judge or judges acting in collusion outside of their judicial authority with the Executive Branch to deprive a citizen of his rights. + Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946 (1973). "There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of Constitutional Rights.” + Schware v. Board of Examiners, United State Reports 353 U.S. pages 238, 239. "The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state/State. * + (1) Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar, 377 U.S. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425. Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings. + (1) Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel, Virginia State Bar, 377 U.S. 1: v ‘Wainwright, 372 U.S. 336; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 426. Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings + NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415); United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs, 383 U.S. 715; and Johnson v. Avery, 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969). Members of groups who are competent nonlawyers can assist other members of the group to achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of law.” HAT The practice of Law is an occupation of common right, the same being a secured liberty right. (Sims v. Ahems, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) + THAT No state may convert a secured liberty right into a privilege, issue a license and fee for it. (Murdock vs. Pennsylvania 319 US 105 (1943) THAT The practice of Law authority higher than the authority of the State; that there is a moral law which the State is powerless to alter; that the individual possesses rights, conferred by the Creator, which government must respect. The Declaration of independence stated the now familiar theme: ‘We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ And the body of the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights, enshrined those principles.” (McGowan v. Maryland, 366 US 420, 563, Supreme Court (1961). + THAT “All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws and must be like things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A. legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such has been the adjudications of our courts of justice." (Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772) BLUF: Shaunel and the 60 women who they experiment on is in danger. As it pertains to Shaunel: This is the fourth time WA States Women Correction facility experimented on Shaunel. The question is we need to ask DOD/ICC: How many more times are we going to let them get away with this war crime without holding these traitors accountable? How much more hard evidence do you need DOD and/or ICC? httos:/www. Background: First, my original RICO, 1983 KKK, National Security (NIST), and Crimes Against Humanity Case, is not an isolated case. This case is an ongoing and involves reoccurring ADA Advocate/ADA Client retaliation by the United States Inc [FOREIGN] Corporation and its Associates. The United States Inc Corporation and its associates are (1) Masquerading around as if they are legal but they are not as they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. as everything is documented: See Exhibit 1, Justice Anna’s attached affidavit (Exhibit __C_) and the 12 Amended Complaint https:/ as-of-11-5- 2022?fbelid=IwAR1wAiz5|MIHbMcJ5Gq5IHV2SGK4RDezYBIS0dVM8jZnhVh2j21Bp VefiVe. Second, as per the Department of Defense's (DOD) war manual section 11 and 18.13.1 DOD policy on reporting law war violations, crimes against humanity, once a corporation such as the DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION/WA WOMEN's CORRECTION FACILITY goes rogue, THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) must investigate and take over. See: https: / Pe. 20 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz The DOD and ICC cannot deny the hard evidence, affidavits and witnesses without violating their oath and committing treason themselves. See: https:/Avww. Third, it is no secret that the Courts, Judges, Prosecutors, State Prison and Third Party Contractors are committing WAR CRIMES against Americans while their employees, supervisors, Resolution Specialist, Doctors, Nurses, and etc., collude to cover up their WAR crisis [illegally experimenting on Americans, Child Sex Trafficking, and/or kidnapping] in violation of 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK and DOC 780- 200 and 42 USC 245 (Exhibit 2, ADA Clients Under the color of law More Specifically, Federal law/rules provides that it is crime to violate my ADA Client's rights under the color- of- law. Under the color of law simply means state actors United State Inc Corporation Employees in top positions are abusing their authority, gasiighting, not establishing SMJ ete.). ‘Sue everyone in their individual and official capacity These UNITED STATES INC PEDO criminals can be arrested for their crime and can be held personally liable for damages. Hence the reason we are suing everyone responsible in their individual and professional capacity. We are also suing the main/prime UNITED STATES INC contractor and subcontractors as we plan to set the example for other Americans to follow. Patten of behavior These UNITED STATE INC CORPORATION criminals and associates have a pattern of GASLIGHTING AMERICANS [UNWITTINGLY] out of giving up their GOD Given Natural rights. For example, telling Shaunel that I cannot represent her is a 18 USC 245 crime hence the reason who ever told Shaunel this lie, did not place their name on the document. Instead, they signed it THE STAFF. Therefore, we will sue the entire staff. Attempting to cause a person to do something by telling them that person such actions is required by law when it is not required by law is a felony (e.g., the courts are issuing Void orders and NOT establishing subject matter jurisdiction. More specifically, in Shaunel’s case, Shaunel was kidnapped, drugged and sex trafficked at the age of 16 by the UNITED STATES INC Corporation (WA TO GUAM). Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz At her court trial, the United States Inc crimes were covered up by (1) the Judges and (2) the certified WA State Attorneys/prosecutors as the facts were hidden (just lke how WA state is hiding their crimes against humanity now}, To make matters worse, the Judge wrote a void order knowing SHE DID NOT establish Subject Matter Jurisdiction/Sufficiency of pleading which is everything! Not establishing SMJ means, the Judge(s) did not have authority to rule over the case and had to dismiss it! Since we know she did not have SMJ. Her void order is void which means, Shaunel has been in court illegally on a FOREVER RITH Hence the reason | challenge the judge and the UNITED STATE INC system via QUO Warranto on behalf of Shaunel Burt, Eileen Burt, Lee Smith, Luanne Simmons, Austin & Robert Bozgoz, Brandley Bolden, James and Jimmy Ryan, the Women at Washington State Prison and every American who were played by the UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN CORRUPT PEDO CORPORATION. As | analyze the fact and patterns. The facts and patterns never lie, people do. As | look at Shaunel and Eileen Eddleman’s case, they [like all of us] were deceived into giving up their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS in violation of 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK, 42 USC 1985, 42 USC 1986, Shaunel was sent [kidnapped] by the UNITED STATE INC FOREIGN CORPORATION system. She was sent to prison without a fair trial as the fact were not reviewed/analyzed In short: They system stole Shaunel from her mother at the age of 16 years, when her mother attempted to testify for Shaunel, the Judge told her that she was too late? Shaunel used a certified WA state lawyer who did her no favors but ensure her rights were violated, Now, the WA State has the never to tell Shaunel that | cannot represent her because ‘one needs to be a certified WA State UNITED STATE INC PEDO, CORPORATION ATTORNEY which gives their honor to the BAR (See Exhibit_C:, Justice Anna’s Affidavit For the past 17 years, my cousin, Shaunel BURT has been used, abused, mistreated, ‘experimented on (4 times) while her mother, Eileen (My aunt) watch and they think | am going to do nothing? | don't think so. To make matters worse, Shaunel and her roommate, Alisa Gomez was recently assaulted in prison after | told WA STATE PRISON Doctor that I requested a DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INVESTIGATION against them for committing war crimes which was recorded https:/ Shortly thereafter, a man inmate, told Shaunel and her roommate to suck his dick in violation of 18 USC 245 and crimes against humanity. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz Also a few days later, Eileen Eddleman was denied the right to video conference Shaunel demonstrating what the COVID VACCINE did to her body in violation of 18 USC 245, privacy act, HIPAA and GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS as this case is a public interest case. Americans need to understand how the UNITED STATE INC FOREIN CORPORATION ARE VIOLATING THEIR RIGHTS TODAY! NOTE: On or about 6 Dec 2022, Sgt Henson contacted Elieen Eddleman and informed her that she should have not been denied that benefit, This should be noted because nobody from WA state Correction facility has ever returned Eileen’s phone call. Why was this phone call different? NOTE: Denying any benefit from the Shaunel and or Eileen is a 18 USC 245 violation and hiding any medical records is a HIPAA Law violation which we will sue under the HIPAA LAW/and privacy act as well as Shaunel and Ashley Barry have been denied the right to see their medical records (Exhibit4,4- ) so THE UNITED STATE INC CORPORATION CAN HIDE THEIR WAR CRIMES. Bottom line, the WA State Women’s INC correction facility and its subcontractors are conducting war crimes against Americans by illegally experimenting on Americans, (WOMEN AND MEN INMATES) and violating their charter. Specifically, (1) Shaunel BURT, 60 other females and (3) men are being used as lab rats by way of (a) the COVID Vaccine and (b) men sex change operations. Regarding the men sex change operations- They (UNITED STATE INC PEDOC CULT CORPORATION) are bringing in violent men (e.g., women beaters, child molesters, murders) to mix with the women inmates. Americans must ask themselves why a WOMEN’s correction facility/INC would incorporate violent men into their WOMEN's facility and put our women in danger? Look at their covenant (EXHIBIT. Regarding COVID Vaccine: After taking the second COVID VACCINE shot, 60 Women became magnetic. ‘Shaunel was told by the WA State Head Dr dr mary kolterman washington state women's prison in violation of 18 USC 245 that being magnetic was normal see: htips //www while Ashley Barry was gaslit by the WA State Resolution Specialist, J Murry. J Murry stated on DOC 05-165 Form that the “contracted doctor’, Dr. Sanchez’s examination with Shaunel, Ashley and Laura Hickey was not a considered medical, therefore the video tape ie not considered a medical? Yeah right. Murray violated the privacy Act, HIPAA law, 18 USC 245, and DOC 780-200 (Exhibit Specialist Murry is clearly not trained as he does not know his job or regulations. Hence the reason Americans are gaslit. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz 18 USC 241 provides that if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution (GOD’s natural law or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent fo prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse oF an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. If the United States Inc Women’s facility is okay with committing crimes against humanity/war crimes, why are they all not sentence to death or sent out of the country? Is Shaunel and the other 60 inmates in WA STATE not worthy to living? If being magnetic is normal after taking the TEST COVID VACCINE, let's make the doctor in WA STATE who told Shaunel to take a MRI go through an MRI herself after she becomes MAGNETIC. More specifically as it pertains to 18 USC 241, | want the Department of Defense (DOD) and the WA State Women’s Prison to help me understand (1) why a MALE Inmate attempted to commit aggravated sexual abuse on Shaunel Burt and her roommate. lisa Gomez in violation of 18 USC 241 approximately one week after | contacted the WA State Prison Doctor and informed him that | requested a Department of Defense investigation (2) | also want DOD, DOC and the WA State to explain why men inmates are allowed to mix with women in their corrupt prisons as 1 male inmate already raped a female in mate. How many more American women must be raped before they (UNITED STATE INC. PEDO FOREIGN CORPORATION) are held accountable DOD? Why has WA State Women’s prisons crimes against humanity not been transparent to Americans? Furthermore, | want to know why the Judge in Shaunel’s case did not establish subject matter jurisdiction/sufficiency of pleading which means the WA State prison has KIDNAPPED Shaunel as a prisoner. They have been receiving free labor for overt7 years while they (THE UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN PEDO CORPORATION) illegally experiment on SHAUNEL AND 60 other AMERICANS...and others while the DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION and its employees say nothing? And while stealing American tax dollar? Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz DOD you took an oath to investigate and shut them down as per attached QUO Warranto! If you cannot do your job, kindly step out of the way and tell us who can. ICC? Lies and BS don’t get better with time. We can see right through the nonsense. 18 USC 242 provides that whoever under color of any law, statute ordnance, regulation or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws, or the United States Inc FOREIGN Corporation....shall be fined under this title 1 year. 18 USC 245 provides that Whoever, whether acting under color of law, intimidates or interferes with any person from participating in or enjoying any benefit service privilege, program, facility or activity provided Or administered by the United States Inc Foreign Corporation or applying for or enjoying employment or any perquisite thereof, by any agency of the United States Inc Foreign Corporation shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both. More specifically, | want to know why Shaunel's mother, Eileen Eddleman was not allowed to video record Shaunel using their (UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION'S. ASSOCIATES) technology as they (EILEEN) wanted to expose to the world DOC war crimes/crimes against humanity (e.g,, illegal experiment using the COVID vaccine). ‘Sgt Henson at the WCCW contacted Elieen Eddleman and informed her on or about 1 Dec that he was going to resolve the issue? His email address is: Jghenson@doct wa,aov Because this is a crime against humanity issue, Americans need to understand what the United States Inc Foreign PEDO corporation is doing to our people so they can protect themselves from the DOC, DOD should know this, Hence the reason | am CCING the International Criminal Court (ICC ete.) 42 USC 1983, provides that every person who under the color of any statute, ordnance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia subject or causes to be subjected any INDIGENOUS AMERICAN, NATIVE HAWAIIAN, or UNITED STATES INC FOREIN CITIZEN, or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution (GOD's NATURAL LAW), shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law suit in the equity or other proper proceeding to redress. Specifically, since the United States Inc FOREIGN CORPORATION AND COURTS have gone rouge, we AMERICANS/NATIVE HAWAIIANS WITH A SOUL request once again a military tribunal for all my ADA clients found (1) on my initial claim (Supplement Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz 12) and (2) updated QUO WARRANTO dated 26 Dec 2022 under titles I! and Ill of the 1990 Act, GOD's natural laws, Charter of the FOREST, ete. THIS DOCUMENT IS CONTINUES. The last time | update this document was 12/12/2022 the date is 12/27/2022 This document to my last declaration dated 12/12/2022 | once again request that the Department of Defense and ICC ensure that the corporations mentioned below and above be investigated and dissolved as per QUO. WARRANTO and PRO CONFESSO. Their war crimes and crimes against humanity has been documented and sent to and received by the Sec Def, Lloyd Austin and Christopher Miller, the Unified Commanders, Special Operations, Space Command, Justice Anna, International Criminal Court, Justice Anna etc. (Exhibit_C), We cc’d the District Court only out of courtesy as we know the courts in the United States have been dissolved as per pro confesso as | paid for it. In addition, Justice Anna issued a notice see: (Exhibit ) Update as of 12/26/2022 The reason why I am resubmitting this document is because: On or about 23 Dec 2022, Judge Randolph Moss issued another void order through the mail. He responded to my request to DOD ref: accept my new ADA Clients and hold military tribals against the United States inc Foreign Corporation, Judges and WA State Prison. My response to Judge Moss's void order is attached. Judge Moss is on my Quo Warranto. As a matter of law and as per pro confesso, Judge Moss is a traitor. He cannot act as a judge. Everything he sends through the mail is fraud and in violation of 18 USC 1341 On or about 24 Dec 2022, | received a letter from ADA Client, Ashley Barry. She stated that J. Murry, Resolution Specialist and WA State Prison were gaslighting her again by violating the HIPAA LAW and 18 USC 245 (Exhibit), On or about 24 Dec 2022 Shaunel contacted me via phone and informed me that WA State Women’s prison was not abiding by their grievance process, rules and regulations as per the Department of Collection | reminded Shaunel that the VA, DOJ and DOC were all criminals and ignored their rules, This is a well-known tactic as they don't search for the truth. Their game is about control. Profession people don't ignore the truth, United State Inc FOREIGN. CORPORATIONS /TRAITOR DO. | also submitted another video and reminded the world that WA DOC in WA was committing not just war crimes but HIPAA violations Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz On 25 Dec 2022, Eileen Eddleman (Shaunel's mother) called me and informed me that she was in fear for her daughter's life again because on the issue ref: A man inmate targeting and approaching Shaunel by stating, “SUCK MY DICK". She said Washington State started allowing men into the prison. Eileen informed me that WA STATE WOMEN's Correction facility started letting mix into the female population about 2 years ago with 3 men. 1 of the 3 men raped a female inmate. As a result of the rape, the prison allowed the victim to an early release. DOD and ICC If this is the case, they (DOC) should allow the 60 women they violated by illegally experimenting on them an early release to as these women need to heal from the damage the Prison caused and is now covering up. The cover up is worse than WAR crime, Also, since the Courts are not establishing SMJ, % of the women and men should not be in the United States Inc’s prisons anyway. Reference Bradley's Case as of 26 Dec 2022 On or about 26 2022, Bradley Bolden sent me another void order from the 13 Circuit Court in Hillsborough. This is the 5" void order issued by Cindy Stuart, Clerk dated 14 Dec 2022. The order states that Bradly is to report to the Honorable Michael Baggie Hemandez of the criminal court of Hillsborough County FL in Courtroom 21 in person 401 N Jefferson St Tampa FL 33602 on 01/12/2023 at 1:30 pm. This is obviously another game not to find the truth, but a game of control. We are in conscience bound to disobey void orders that are issued by corrupt UNITED STATES FOREIGN CORPORATIONS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES who violate due process and interstate commerce law. | submitted my QUO WARRANTO AGAINST THE COURTS AT EVERY LEVEL. DOD you must apply Chapters 11 and 18 of the DOD War manual While DOD/ICC determines their next move, | will send another request to: (1) DOD to do their job and (2) to Judge Michael Bagge- Hernandez to recuse himself as a matter of law. itis a matter of law that these corrupt Judges, Prosecutors, Prisons, VA Attorneys and Sheriff's Departments throughout the United States stop committing treason and follow the law (Exhibit € ~&__, Motion to recuse Judge Hernandez). The UNITED STATE INC Supreme Court has also held that if a judge wars against the Constitution aka GOD’s Natural Law or if he acts without jurisdiction, he has engaged in treason to the Constitution. If a judge acts after he has been automatically disqualified by law, then he is acting without jurisdiction, and that suggest that he is then engaging in criminal acts of treason and may be engaged in extortion and the interference with interstate commerce. Courts have repeatedly ruled that judges have no immunity for their criminal acts. Since both treason and the interference with interstate commerce are criminal acts, no judge has immunity to engage in such acts. THAT "All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God: whose og. 27 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of justice.” (Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772) Update as of 12 Dec 2022 ‘The reason why | am resubmitting this document is because on or about 12 Dec 2022, Defendant Amy B. Jackson sent a void letter to my ADA Client, Brandley Bolden stating that she closed our original case. This is not a fact because the first time Amy B Jackson violated her oath of office charter, life and ignores the due process clause, she no longer becomes a judge. She commits TREASON and interferes with interstate commerce. The year is 2022, we Americans want to know why she is not at GITMO? Furthermore, Amy B. Jackson should know the following facts: All men/women know that the foundation of the law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, and nothing but the truth. In our case, my ADA clients and | have met mishap, illegal retaliation and fake Kangaroo Court from the EEOC/ORM Mediation Process at VA HQ to the Supreme court see: https://www. Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce. An unrebutted affidavitideclaration stands as truth in commerce. Therefore, Amy and every Judge, Prosecutor, Attorney, Court Clerk, Sheriff and Third-Party Contractor doing business in America cannot continue to play the rich man’s aka administrative trickery game by pretending that the 2018 VA transmittal records and our affidavits and declarations do not exist. Ignoring the truth, causes a preventable health issue (Legal Abuse Syndrome) which is a crime. Guaranteed. All menivomen shall have a remedy by the due course of law. Ifa remedy does not exist, or if the remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with credibility by expressing it in an affidavit. Ref Remedy: Please see (1) the 12 Supplemented Main Complain and (2) updated Quo Warranto. | also posted these items on social media as Americans need transparency since our case is a public interest case as LAS causes a preventable health issue and is a crime against humanity crime. + httos:// + Down load updated 12 Supplemented Claim with all PLAINTIFFS: hitos:/ Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz 11-5-2022pdf?fbclid=IwARID uWP_SbLabbr2- QksDWPlecRh2IS1Kb_UxvGUBfhnKVONIIJ1Adw28 + Download updated QOU Warranto: supplement-to-quo-warrantopdf + Bottom line: All corporate government is based upon commercial affidavit, declarations, contracts etc., hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes. As the record shows the United States Inc, Judges, Prosecutors, Attorneys and Third-Party Contractors have violated their charter, oath and American trust aka TREASON. When they go rogue there is only one solution: QUO WARRANTO. SEE: httos:// quo-warrantopdf If these traitors continue to cause harm, the military must get involved. Hence the reason, | requested that the DOD HOLD military TRIBUNALS for all guilty parties and individuals as per the Military Defense Manual Chapter 11 and 18 USC. 1001 Hold each person accountable in their individual and official capacity as the record shows their crimes are done willfully with the intent to harm in violation of 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK Act, 18 USC 1985 and 18 USC 1986 and Crimes Against Humanity as our open case is not an isolated event but continuous. Add this supplement to our main case and the QUO WARRANTO found above and located at (1) httos:/www.slideshare.neVSueBozgo7/3-supplement-to-quo-warrantopdf and https // 2022pdf?fbclid=lwAR1D uWP_SbLqLbrz- QksDVWPlecRh2IS1Kb_UxvGUBfhnKV9NIIJ1 Adw28 FOR THE RECORD. Reference Brandley’s REAL TIME CASE: | provide the following in this document (1) Timeline and (2) update for both Bradley Boldens and Shaunel Burt's case. Both individuals are my ADA Clients, indigenous and have a soul. They ARE NOT CORPORATIONS. On 12 Dec 2022 at approximately 1:30 pm, the Hillsborough 13 Circuit conducted a Kangaroo Court with Judge Jefferey Rich. On 12 Dec 2022 at approximately 3:00 pm, the post office delivered a void order and package to Bradley from Judge Amy B. Jackson. We know it is void because the second Amy B. Violated the due process clause, denied Reasonable Accommodation, allow DOJ (1) play administrative trickery with our life, (2) wasted our time eneray and (3) money knowing the truth was found in the 2018 transmittal record and in violation of the Westfall Act, she is no longer a judge, but a traitor. All her actions violate the interstate commerce law as we paid for justice and got injustice, set up and legal abuse syndrome. -—— Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz On 29 November 2022 at approximately 0800, | contacted the Fort Meade Police Office and informed them that | was being harassed “again” by the Anne Arundel County Sheriff's Department and wanted to capture my complaint "ON THE RECORD”, From 2018 to date my family and | have been retaliated against the Deep State (e.g., VA attorneys in building 810, VA leadership, MD Courts at every level). The deep state used perjury, hearsay, assumption and presumption, pawns, trolls and third-party Contractors, MD State Judges at every level, Court Clerks, ADA Clerks, MD Prosecutors, MD Commissions and the Sherriff's Department). Specifically, the Sheriff's Department deliver us a fake peace order. The Fake Peace Order was designed to bring false criminal charges against my husband and | for filing against the VA in district court. Voncelle James, the main perpetrator informed the state court on the record that the Attorneys, VA Leaders, DOJ, and Amy B. Jackson were working together, and she needed the peace order to protect her just in case our higher court case went to real court. Later we learned that DOJ took the fake peace order and asked Judge Amy B. Jackson to dismiss our higher court case against the Deep State or give us relief based on 9 fake claims they found in the Army's Safe Server which was placed in the Transmittal Records during our EEOC case. Note: DOJ was just playing with us because everyone knows they could not touch our case because of the Westfall Act. Everyone also knows that the courts cannot give us a peace order because we are ADA Advocates. As ADA Advocates (Robert and me) and as an Attorney (Robert), we are very familiar with the United States Inc’s Justice System and how it works. We have been in an out of Kangaroo Court throughout the United States helping ADA clients. | have personally spoken with Dr. Karen Huffner who coined the phrase, LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME. Bottom line: THE United States Inc’s Justice System is rigged and designed to give ‘American's Legal Abuse Syndrome which is a preventable health issue, lower vibration, frequency and a public interest concern As it pertains to Bradley's case, the record shows everyone listed below and in the attached QUO WARRANTO is involved. | want to specifically highlight the Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department See: https:/ Again, |, Margaret S. Bozgoz am a Whistleblower and ADA Advocate. Our district court case is a high visible case. It cannot be dismissed until we get relief due to the Charter of the Forest, 1983 KKK Act, 1871 KKK Act as our case has merit and the acceptable claims are found on the record (e.g., 2018 transmittal record, DC District Court, DOD, DC Court of Appeals). To interfere with my duty as an ADA Advocate [to protect the disabled] not only violates my GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS to protect my ADA Clients, but it also violates my ADA CLIENTS rights as well Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz In 2019, the Sheriff's department/Deputy arrived at home and gave me a fake summons to attend fake Kangaroo Court in Montgomery County. Again, the fake summon was designed to delay, dismiss and deny our higher court case against the Deep State as per Voncelle James testimony and the DO\'s actions. See: https:/Avww. ‘We [My husband and I] learned very quickly that the Justice system is corrupt starting from EEOC process in DC at the VA to the Supreme court as we have insiders telling us ete. ‘The Courts are privately owned (see Clearfield Doctrine). We also have documented how they don't follow the rule of law. Specially, the judges, attorneys and court clerks are not proving subject matter jurisdiction. Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Sufficiency of Pleading) give the judge authority to rule over the case. Without establishing sufficiency Of pleading the judge is committing TREASON upon the court. Not establishing SMJ and playing with American lives is a crime against humanity. We have played the fake Kangaroo Court aka administrative trickery games starting at the EEOC level to [MD States Court, De Novo, Criminal Court] to the Supreme court Reference Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department and Fort Mead In 2019, Robert and | made a complaint to the Fort Meade Police Office while we were being set up by the Deep State (Attorney's in building 810, DOJ, Fred Haynes, VA's Security Director and Judge Amy B. Jackson) and their pawn, GS14 Voncelle James. On 6 Jun 2019, we knew we were going to receive a fake peace order from the Sheniff's Department because GS14, Voncelle James announced their [VA attorneys and DOv’s plan] to set us up on the record as our process server, Lance Fulgium dropped off her summons. Video was captured and sent to VA Leaders, and DOJ. On 7 June 2019 the Sheriff's Department delivered a fake summons to our house. The fake peace order was used to illegally retaliate against us by the system. We were forced to go in and out of fake Kangaroo Court (e.g., State, Reconsideration, De Novo and Criminal Court) while VA Leaders, DOJ etc. watched. When the Sheriff's department gave us the summons on 7 Jun 2019, Robert and | informed him that the summons was in retaliation and fake as we knew the system could not give us a fake peace order as ADA Advocates. | knew it was fake because was not there issuing Voncelle James a legal summons. We decided to play the game so we could use their crimes against humanity against them in our higher court case as we know we cannot get justice in a rogue system. The military tribunals are the only way. Ref: Anne Arundel SGT ERIC CRANE’s TIMELINE 26 Nov 2022 Pe. 31 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz On or about 26 Nov 2022, the Anne Arundel County Sheriff's department, Eric Crane #7265. Office number: (410) 222- 1490, Cell Number (443) 758-0798 and Dispatch # (410) 222-1570 left his business card in my door at Fort Meade as | was not home. 27 Nov 2022, | arrived home from vacation. | contacted (1) the Anne Arundel County Office and (2) SGT Eric Crane on the record. | told them that we were remarkably familiar about the corrupt justice system as we have gone through it as ADA advocates and victims. | also reminded them Anne Arundel POC and SGT ERIC CRANE that he was about to violate 18 USC 1341 | made this noticeably clear to SGT ERIC CRANE as | wanted to give him a chance to think about what he was about to do before he violated my rights on a military installation. | asked the SGT to do his homework as | was not up to playing administrative trickery with any CORPORATION especially with any MD or FL courts. | have been in out of fake Kangaroo Court. Fake Kangaroo Court is mentally, physically and financially draining as the system only care about putting whistleblowers and ADA Advocates behind bars, in prison or in their ‘mental facilities so they continue their crimes against Americans, Everyone knows the game. | also reminded SGT ERIC CRANE and the Anne Arundel County Sheriffs department that (1) | tape record everything as my life has been threaten for being a whistleblower. | also reminded SGT CRANE (2) to violate my GOD GIVEN right to protect my ADA CLIENTS as an ADA Advocate is a felony. | was truly clear. Like all the corrupt Treasonous Judges who ignore the truth, SGT ERIC CRANE ignored what | was telling him because the next day he arrived at my house on post determined to violate my rights. On 28 Nov 2022, SGT Eric Crane called me at approximately 0900. He informed me that he had a cease-and-desist order from a Judge. When | asked SGT ERIC. CRANE the name of the judge, he refused to tell me. My guess it was Judge Margaret Taylor as she refused to recuse herself from Bradley's case as a matter of law. Instead, she abused her authority and held fake Kangaroo Court on 29 Nov 2022 with her staff. On 28 Nov 2022, DGT ERIC CRANE told me over the phone that he did not discuss “that” business [Judges names] over the phone. Sgt Crane then asked to coordinate a time for him to deliver this fake cease and desists order. | told Sgt Crane that | wanted to get the FORT MEADE Post Commander and the Unified Commander involved when he violated my GOD GIVEN CONSTITUTIONAL rights on their military installation as The Post Commander should know who is (1) coming onto his post and (2) violating GOD GIVEN CONSTITUTIAL RIGHTS as the COMMANDER took an oath to defend the constitution against traitors like SGT ERIC CRANE. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz | informed SGT ERIC CRANE THAT | HAVE A HIGH VISIBLE CASE AGAINST several treasonous defendants. | also told him that | was not up to playing the fake UNITED STATES INC Kangaroo Courts with corrupt PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS/JUDGES anymore, SGT ERIC CRANE IGNORED what | told him. He simply was not interested in finding out the facts. He obviously did not care about the ADA interference Act violation and how it is FELONY to violate my duty to protect the disabled. know the Courts and sheriffs offices are paid ADA Funds and ADA training dollars to know the ADA Act/Law. What | am finding is they are collecting/stealing ADA funds and denying ADA rights. Most Americans and ADA Clients do not realize is when anyone interferes with my ADA Advocate duties, they put my ADA client's life in danger, hence the reason it is crime to violate my ADA duties. When | told Sgt Eric Crane that | wanted the FORT MEADE military commanders involved [as they need to see what is happening on their installation by traitors]. SGT Eric Crane informed me that (1) He does not get involved with any military post commanders and (2) He would try one more time to deliver the cease-and-desist summons to me. “That’ statement of SGT CRANEs was interesting to me because SGT Eric Crane ADA training should have told him as a PROFESSIONAL OFFICER that when he enters a military installation to violate a GOD GIVEN/CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT the entire miliary is involved as the entire ry (like Sgt Eric Crane) took an oath to defend the constitution. To dishonor an oath is a felony. Furthermore, SGT ERIC CRANE is a sergeant. He should know that when he violates my GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO PROTECT the disabled, he is not only putting their life in danger he is setting himself and his company up for a liability lawsuit under the 1990 ADA Act: TITLES II and Ill which means NOBODY gets immunity, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK, 42 USC 1985, 42 USC 1986 and 18 USC 1341 Next SGT Eric Crane then asked me, this, “if you are retired, how do you get to live on post” | told SGT ERIC CRANE “that” was none of his business. | told SGT ERIC CRANE that we were only going to focus on how he was conspiring to violate my ADA rights [with the no-named corrupt corporate judge] | also reminded him that my oath to protect AMERICANS does not go away when | retire. | was hot as | could not see straight. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz ‘SGT Eric Crane then told me this, “! am going to come out there [on FORT MEADE, military installation to violate your GOD GIVEN rights], one last time. I was hot. ‘SGT ERIC CRANE than said this, “If you are not there, we are going to get a body attachment for you. | am sure you are familiar with a body attachment, right?” SGT ERIC CRANE CONTINUED TO THREATEN ME, HE said, “What we do is come [on post] and put a body attachment on you and then take you into custody. By this point in time, | had enough with the SGT ERIC CRANE and told him | was reporting him to (1) report his crimes [ADA INTERFERENCE] to the Post Commander, (2) Unified Commanders and (3) Secretary Defense before | place him and his corporation on my Quo Warranto and as a Defendant in our main case. It is people like SGT ERIC CRANE that helps ensure the corrupt privately owned justice system stays corrupt as hell. There is no excuse for the Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department to not know the law. The military cannot allow people like this to drive on an military installation to violate GOD GIVEN NATURAL/CONSTITUTIOAL RIGHTS. see: https:/ I believe that SGT ERIC CRANE’s fake cease and desist came from Judge Margaret Taylor, the STATE OF FLORIDA and or the HILLSOBOUGH SHERIFF's department who ignores my ADA Client, Bradley Everette Bolden's human rights as well. | know for a fact the Sheriffs department throughout the United States are involved in this “CORPORATE INJUSTICE SYSTEM in America as the system is rigged. Again, Bradley Everette Bolden, my ADA CLIENTS, and |, Margaret S. Bozgoz are NOT CORPORATIONS. We are both indigenous God-fearing human beings with a soul To continue to play administrative trickery games with us and ignore the rule of law is also another crime against humanity. It violates the 1990 ADA. Act, TITLES II and Ill and GOD's NATURAL UNIVERSAL LAW which no man or women can deny we are in conscious obligation to deny. The issue is when we deny their illegal acts, they move forward with their Treasonous Acts. | have challenged Judge Margaret Taylor several time regarding why she did not establish SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION on 31 Oct 2022. Instead, she ignores my challenge and issues a cease-and-desist order with the Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department while she coordinates fake Kangaroo Court in Tampa, FL against Brandley? Her actions are willful. As of date Judge Margaret Taylor has ignored our challenged and forced my ADA Client, Bradley Bolden to come to fake Kangaroo Court with her pawns (e.g Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz Defendants, Savannah, Hillsborough Sheriff's Department, Prosecutor etc.) while denying Brand's and my ADA rights. see: httos:/www,bitchute, com/video/51B02A07Z1aG/ On 29 Nov 2022 Judge Margaret Taylor conducted an illegal fake Kangaroo court designed to cause harm, Legal Abuse Syndrome which is a crime. Again, Margaret Taylor failed to establish SMJ on 29 Oct 2022 and ignored Brand’s human rights (e.9., due process clause, safeguards etc.) On 29 Nov 2022, After the illegal Kangaroo Court, Margaret Taylor did the following: (1) Finally recused herself (Exhibit 1, Margaret Taylor recuses herself on 29 Nov 2022 after fake Kangaroo with Bradley) and failed to dismiss the case. (2) Issued another fake void order to Bradley (Exhibit 2, Fake order for Bradley) to attend another FAKE Kangaroo Court with Judge Jeffrey Rich). My concem is if Bradley DOES NOT appear in court, the Hillsborough Sheriff's DepartmentSTATE OF FLORIDA will arrest Bradley as this is common practice. They are all defendants on our higher court case as | intervened Brandley to protect him from their continues crimes against humanity, hate crimes, illegally retaliation etc., We need the military to intervene against their sheriff's department as they use their courts, jails, prison and administrative trickery games. The evidence has been provided to DOD and found on social media at: https:/\ Reference the Judges in the United States INC., First, the United States Inc is a corporation vs. a country. Their laws are not laws of America but rules from their corrupt corporation THE MAIN ISSUE: Courts and Judges like Margaret Taylor, attorneys, court clerks and her associates are CORPORATIONS. They pretend Americans are CORPORATIONS (CORPS) lost at sea. This is not a secret anymore. These corporations follow contract law which means everything is void when they deceive. Ref: Judge Margaret Taylor and all her corporate associates in FL, they must follow the law and or their charter as a matter of the law. They must establish Subject Matter Jurisdiction as SMJ is everything. If they cannot follow the law, they are dissolved as per QUO WARRANTO/PRO CONFESSO as | paid for justice, and this is on the record. Furthermore, The State of Washington, State of Florida and All Judges to include Margaret Taylor and the Hillsborough Circuit Court Judges, Attorneys, Sheriff's Department and those who gave their oath to protect the constitution must abide by Federal Law. Under Federal law, which is applicable to all UNITED STATE INC PEDO CORPORATIONS/states, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that if a court is "without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities. They are not voidable, but Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz simply void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers." Elliot v. Piersol, 1 Pet. 328, 340, 26 U.S. 328, 340 (1828) Elliot v. Piersol. “Second, a judge [and or a federal official] are not immune for actions, though judicial in nature, taken in the complete absence of all jurisdictions [29] Mireles v. Waco 502 US 9, 116 L Ed 2d 9, 14, 112 S Ct 286 (US 1991) A reasonable person can review our case and see Fraud upon the court). "Recusal under Section 455 is self-executing; a party need not fle affidavits in support of recusal and the judge is obligated to recuse herself sua sponte under the stated circumstances. " Taylor v. O'Grady, 888 F.2d 1189 (7th Cir. 1989). Should a judge not disqualify himself, then the judge is in violation of the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution. United States v. Sciuto, 521 F.2d 842, 845 (7th Cir. 1996) ("The right to a tribunal free from bias or prejudice is based, not on section 144, but on the Due Process Clause."). Should a judge issue any order after he has been disqualified by law, and if the party has been denied of any of his / her property, then the judge may have been engaged in the Federal Crime of "interference with interstate commerce" The judge has acted in the judge's personal capacity and not in the judge's judicial capacity. It has been said that this judge, acting in this manner, has no more lawful authority than someone's next-door neighbor (provided that he is not a judge). However, some judges may not follow the law. The Supreme Court has also held that if a judge wars against the Constitution, or if he acts without jurisdiction, he has engaged in treason to the Constitution. If a judge acts after he has been automatically disqualified by law, then he is acting without jurisdiction, and that suggest that he is then engaging in criminal acts of treason and may be engaged in extortion and the interference with interstate commerce. Courts have repeatedly ruled that judges have no immunity for their criminal acts. Since both treason and the interference with interstate commerce are criminal acts, no judge has immunity to engage in such acts. THAT "All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God: whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of justice." (Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114 (1772) Instead, the State of Florida, the HILLSBOROUGH 13 Circuit Courts, Sheriff's Department and Third-Party contractors are ignoring the RULE OF LAW and when a government, fake government, contractors are rogue and there is no law, as per their status, they cannot exist. As the hard evidence shows the courts are doing the following besides ignoring the rule of law: (1) Not establishing Subject Matter Jurisdiction, (2) ignoring the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE and (3) not providing Safeguard while causing a preventable health issue, pe 36 Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME which is a CRIME. Their actions are not only harming ‘Americans but is a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE FOR ALL AMERICANS. The following are involved in violating Bradley's rights and the ADA INTERFERENCE ACT as it pertains to Brandley’s case: (1) UNITED STATES OF FLORIDA, INC, (2) THE 13 CIRCUIT COURT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY INC (3) JUDGES, Attorneys and VA a. Veterans Affairs Department b. Margaret Taylor, Michael Williams c. Jeffery Rich, Michael J, Scionti d. VA and FL ATTONEYS e. VAand Hillsborough PROSECUTORS (4) THE HILLSBOROUGH SHERIFF DEPARTMENT INC (5) THIRD PARTY CONTRACTORS (6) Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department, Inc (7) SGT Eric Crane SGT Eric Crane from the Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department took an oath to enforce the lawiconstitution. He and his corporation, the ANNE ARUNDEL SHERIFF’s DEPARTMENT should not be allowed to ever (1) come onto a military installation to violate my [or any AMERICAN's] and then threaten me [or any AMERICAN]. His action is against his charter and designed to cause Legal Abuse Syndrome. His actions was caught on record see: https:/www. and are in violation of the following:18 USC 246, ADA INTERFERENCE ACT, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 42 USC 1983 KKK ACT, 42 USC 1985 and 42 USC 1986, hence the reason | filed (1) the attached supplement QUO WARRANTO under TITLE Ill of the 1990 ADA Act to shut them down. The military must respond To continue to allow these corporations and individuals to continue abuse their authority against Humanity/Americans is illegal and wrong. The Military took an oath to defend the constitution and to protect Americans. At no time should the Military allow the Sheriff's Department [especially the Anne Arundel Sheriff's Department] come onto FORT MEADE [or any military installation] to violate constitutional rights as | informed SGT ERIC CRANE what he was doing was illegal and against 18 USC 1341 and he still had the nerve to enter a military installation with the intent to commit the crime. When Corporations (e.g., judges, courts, sheriff's department) go rogue the military must do their job and shut them down as per the Defense Manual Chapter 11. Besides, to know these reoccurring crimes are happening by Sheriff's Departments is a violate your oath of office which is a FELONY. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz BACKGROUNDIUPDATE REF: BRAD AND SHAUNEL’S CASE AS OF 29 NOV 2022 Ref: The Organization who paid SGT ERIC Crane to deliver the fake cease and desist order. Although SGT ERIC Crane refused to discuss his client aka the Judge who convinced him to violate the ADA interference Act, my guess is that there are four defendants: (1) The Hillsborough Sheriff's Department, FL. They violated my ADA Clients rights by entering Bradley's house without a warrant. The Sheriff's Department then covered their crimes up by (1) arresting Bradley, (2) refuse medical treatment, (3) lied under oath, (4) Locked Bradley out of his house, (5) stole Bradley household items, (6) released Bradley at 10 pm after three days in jail with nothing. (2) Judge Margaret Taylor, 13 Circuit, Tampa FL. Judge Margaret Taylor violated Bradley's rights by not showing Subject Matter Jurisdiction on 31 Oct 2022 during fake Kangaroo Court as she allowed the prosecutor to illegally give Bradley 2 options (a) Pay their private corporation/ court $3,000 Go to their mental facility for 6 weeks. Bradley is not mentally ill. They are. (3) Judge Margaret Taylor made matters worse by ordering Bradley to appear in fake criminal court on 29 November without a jury and without my help as per his ADA request. | at once notified the Department of Defense Unified Command and the Secretary of Defense and filed a QUO WARRANTO and asked for a military trial for TREASON. After the hearing, Margaret Taylor issued another void order (Exhibit 4 and Exhibit 2). She ordered Bradley to appear in another Kangaroo Court on 20 Dec 2022 with the Honorable Jeffrey Rich of the Criminal Court of Hillsborough County, FL INC., Courtroom 20, 401 N. Jefferson St Tampa, FL., 33602 at 0900. (4) Again, Americans will never get justice in a rogue corrupt PEDO corporation who ignores the rule of law. During Bradley's Kangaroo Court today, 29 Nov 2022, Judge Margaret Taylor refused to recuse herself as a matter of law. She also refused to allow Bradley to tape record his hearing, (6) The VA in Tampa Court in Florida for allowing the (13 Circuit Court) clerk to issue Bradley a fake Summons to appear in VA Criminal court on 4 November. When Brandley appeared in court, the VA Attorney dismissed Bradley case vs Judge Williams. The VA attorney also lied on the record to Bradley. The VA Attorney said the court hearing was not a hearing but a FAIR/EVENT. This was another trick to make Bradly look bad on the record because if you review the docket, it shows badly Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz did not show for the fake Kangaroo Court which the VA Attorney dismissed vs the Judge. (6) Washington State Prison for experimenting illegally on 60 female inmates to include my ADA Client, Shaunel Burt. The Washington State Women's Correction facility experimented on Shaunel [and the other inmates] using the COVID vaccine. The Covid vaccine changed the structure of these prisoner's body type making them magnetic. (7) On or about 10 Nov 2022, | confronted the Doctor at the women’s correction facility regarding the COVID Vaccine Experiment via phone. | informed him that I was going to report their illegal COVID Experiment to the Department of Defense which I did See: https:/www. (8) The next day, Shaunel Burt was called to the Clinic at the women’s correction facility to update her medical records. Shaunel noticed that her medical records were lost. The Doctors and nurses who are hiding the illegal experiment at Washington State Correction facility are: a. b. °, d Dr. Sanchez, Julie L, Naney L, MRI Lab The other 10 women who are willing to testify due to the magneticiillegal experiment with the COVID Vaccine are: y. Filomena Washington z. Tammy Foust aa. Jennifer Vanderdrink bb.Raven Cutler cc. Kayla Richel dd. Esmeralda Martian ee. Ashley Barry ff. Laura Hickey gg. Vanessa Roozen hh. Lisa Kanamu ii, The other 50 females are afraid to whistle blow of the Washington State Correction facility due to retaliation (9) The tape recording of the MRI technician and Shaunel's mother speaking about how and why Shaunel cannot take an MRI is found here: https:/Avww. https:/Avww. Declaration of Margaret Sue Bozgoz (10) The tape recording of Shaunel Burt explain about the experiment is found here: 1ZDTzaXE/ and https://www.bitchute. com/video/BLCWA4ULYJsXzi (11) We also had a relative visit Shaunel in the correction facility. She witnessed ‘Shaunel placing medal keys to her body see: https:/; My concern regarding my cousin, Shaunel Burt and the other females at the Washington State Prison is their lives are in danger as the United States Inc, Justice System and insurance company in Washington State already help murdered my ADA Client, Evalani Yockman while the court system, Judges at every level, Clerks, Attorneys, and Zurich Insurance company hid the crime see: httos:// am also aware of the illegal experiments going on outside of America (NIHON University and HARVARD) as | have an ADA Client, Jimmy Ryan who is at NIHON university who has been experimented on NAZI Style see: hitps:/www bitchute. com/video/kulVHv4CwdbR/ As the hard evidence show, the UNITED STATE INC CORPORATION AND THE JUSTICE system is connected and ROGUE. In my mind without ADA Advocates to protect Americans especially in the corrupt court system, traitors are left to harm, injure, lower frequency, vibrations and kill Americans. The Department of Defense knows, the enemy is not overseas but in our own backyard (¢.g., jails, prisons, courts etc.) Again, | humbly request the Department of Defense step in as per the hard evidence, your oath and the military defense manual chapter Americans/NATIV iS Deserve PROTECTION Sue 862902 /Livifg Breathing soul. | am not a corporation ADA Advoca) 12/27/2022 pe. 40 Exhibit Summary Exhibit 4: The 25 items nobody can ever take away from you not even the United State inc Corporation. They will try to trick you out of giving up your GOD Given rights. If they do, you have been deceived and everything is void Exhibit 2 Right to sue the United States Inc aka Prime Contractor: The Pope, the Queen and the 1 percent. Exhibit 3: VA committing Crimes ref: THE DEEP STATE ordering GS 15 Angela Kendrix and GS14 Voncelle James to go into our family's medical records under the name of Cindy Boyd. Exhibit 4: VA going into our medical records using subcontractors Exhibit 5: DOJ warning Americans about the Emotional Impact of fraud has on victims but yet they are the guilty party who commits fraud Exhibit 6: Shaunel's Resolution request form signed by gas lighter, J Murray Exhibit A: Ashley's Resolution request form signed by gas lighter, J. Murray Exhibit B: DOD proof Exhibit C: Justice Anna's Affidavit ref: how corrupt the Justice System is Exhibit D: Motion to recuse Judge Hernandez due to Judge not establishing SMJ/Sufficiency of pleading Exhibit E: Void orders/ref Brad's case Exhibit F: Summons to attend Kangaroo Court, Judge Michael Hemandez signed 12/14/2022 and 12 Jan 2023 hearing Exhibit H: Judge Taylors summons to attend Kangaroo Court on 31 Oct 2022 Exhibit |; Judge Taylor vs VA hearing with Judge Williams Exhibit J: Fake Kangaroo Hearing with Judge Jeff Rich Exhibit K: Brad's packet to Hillsborough dated 26 Dec Exhibit L: Motion in response to Judge Moss Ref: You cannot submit documents as per pro confesso and proof we paid for a pro confesso Exhibit M: Updated QOU Warranto dated 26 Dec 2022. Exhibit N: James Ryan's Affidavit Exhibit 1: The 25 items nobody can ever take away from you not even the United State Inc Corporation. They will try to trick you out of giving up your GOD Given rights. If they do, you have been deceived and everything is void. The government cannot make you believe in ar The gover nment cannot stop you from publish nat you want. The government cannot keep you from joining together peacefully with others to express yourviews. 7. The government cannot prevent you from complaining out what the government or others are doing to Amendenent tt 8. The government cannot take away your right to own and keep guns. 9. The government cannot make you let soldiers live in your house unless the country comet under attack and Congress specifically authorizes it Amendment sv | { | 10. The government cannot come into your home unless it has legal permission from a judge. | Amendment Vv 11, The government cannot hold you in jail for a major crime without the knowledge and approvalof your fellow citizens. 12. The government cannot try a person twice for the same crime. { Your GOD GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS ARE YOUR PROPERTY 13, The government cannot make you incriminate yourself, 14, The government cannot take away your life, liberty, of sty without following the law. | 15. The government cannot take your private property from you for public use unless it Pays to you what your ee | property is worth, ORS ec NRA ER aMUa/ SS aR RS Rm S N mrmeel i nent Cannot hold you in jail for a long time without a tial if you are accused of having broken the ———— een 7, The government cannot deny to you a speedy trial with a jury of your fellow citizens, OO 18. The government cannot keep secret from you those who wi speak against you. 19. The government cannot prevent you from having your personal attorney, es 20. The government cannot keep you from having other peopte help you defend yourself in a courtroom, esand the 21 The government cannot keep you from having a trial decided by your fellow citizens in fact-finding by the jury in those trials cannot be overtumed by other courts. 22. The government cannot make peopie pay an unfairly high amount of money for bail while they wait fora Judge or jury to hear thelr case. 23, The government cannot punish you for a crime in a cruel and unusual way, Amendment 1X 24. The government can Hiei your rights to just thove listed in thi Exhibit 2 Right to sue the United States Inc aka Prime Contractor: The Pope, the Queen and the 1 percent. ‘The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 28 U.S.C. §§ 1346(b) and 2871-2680, under which you fled your sinim, provides for monetery compensation when a Government employes, acting within the scope of employment, injures another by @ negligent or wrongful act or omission. The discrimination issues you Fra. Vou coud exgiore our options beers the Mark Syston Protector Bro Yd te ual FTCA. You could and Lmpioyment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Likewise, your Gale fee saci fa ee cau other intentional torts as presented by you in your olaim are, similarly, not cognizable. under the FICA. (38 U.S.C. §7316(f)). Accordingly, your claims are denied. # provides for judicial review when an agency denies an edministrative tort claim, The claimant mus! inisate the suit within six months of the mailing of this final agency lawauit, the proper party defendant ig the United States, not the Di Sue and Robert “2 s Form 95 —Post Office ‘Lama FOR Bawa, "MAURY, OR DEATH Sue and Robert's S Form eh VA Exhibit 3: VA committing Crimes ref: THE DEEP STATE ordering GS 15 Angela Kendrix and GS14 Voncelle James to go into our family’s medical records under the name of Cindy Boyd. a (“260d you Jay 40 puo hog Apu pay20jUu02 Ajouossad s,zo6z0g ay] vay “phog Apury fo awou ay} sapun passasppo aaiffo sayy 0} puaspud | uopoussofuy aqonud suEqoy 336 WA auinbay WYO s403SaAUt apysyno Aq UNA YO!IN|OSAY Jo 29440/YA (6 40 Z) (panuiju0>) panjonuy jauuosiag covey oe amorneg conf “wasn rw 2 wesboig ay 04.0 rrcoor (20) w beven one weg each oe Etc RIS RI soso “Sonne Cobermne Arras sey fo uae! chp wy ars exci "ony rans Woes te fe sytem O58 pases cs SGY) omBRONNS wD ue soovsdy to 2 heats oun oaoen of Cones eS cheounay Yo Son ng sobemsnun (G03) wenn Renna weno os eS ovedy ‘21g 2suyeBe voRoursrecusinpiy ensaape uP ut yntas Kew sumuncop peytanba: Xp FE ‘kamueg. sperma vow 20 ‘emtodse: = ages nok om Buoy 9 exten! vga ensone> ‘04 uy worenur 2 Auesseneu poxzeop UoLinja 0) SONS! ON Oye HOSS -yungdusog out hq poutie uogouuoys yo onesyes ‘am pojuedisonoe 6: vopeuucjn ext seme NeNRUDONE RIN sium) -e “(ooneunnm pose et aboue io vores 0) ere ang. uoteoxe eu Wea poem “P ‘sulpognueg spe swuopuedeD 08 ‘sueimen 240d 0} pone voseuLoss WHER SUEDION SOE SALOLEE DORON, 901049 02-2000-4aDe ‘Geog coupes ‘ounces 16 enon "Zab s1oysenul apisyno Aq una uonjnjosay Jo 22440/VA (6 Jo 8) (panunuos) panjoaul jauuosiag acute mune. von pmo a pshwe navy fe ‘Yam © praenbo: fu Ou Yo ot poRbe® son cue soalan 1 san a w eye w saga paw ead ae foe SauERD Actor Yong [i ony eis ns eamomntbumamicmaren pmo repo Serato) ame Pau capo emeod 10 et Gan wre Arm Why krone Bano wagered bt ~g2159AU] BpISINO Aq Und IW VO!INIOSAY Jo aDY30/WA (6 J0 Z) (panujuo >) panjoau; jauuossag i at RS eNtpe ID RaneeCE NR RI togg icone ungate a, nog RLiooenlgosouDsE NESE, HG gery BTR iia BG ERASER Sg TH a ATT mn 9 SORT Gy A UT MMR aOR ‘gic we een we AEE! 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And you are not alone. Millions of people vietims of fraud crimes each year ‘THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT OF FRAUD VICTIMIZATION Fraud crime i shattered. You ms ifthe perpetrator is someoue you know. You may have hesitated to tel family members, friends, or colleagues about your vietimization for fear of criticism. they then wore exploited bythe samo fraud, you tight fel guilty and suffer a senso of isolation, ‘rau crimes can destroy your finanelal security and sometimes disabled, or ona fised and you ack opportunities to recover your los tholoss of your independence You may experience feelings about: + Yourself. That old saying, "Hindsight is 20-20," is never more true than in financial fraud erimes. Many victims believe they should have known or recognized what was going on, or blame themselves for being too trusting or naive. + The fraud criminal for taking financial advantage of you, betraying your trust, and jeopardizing your financi independence and security friends and colleagues for blaming you, being upset over what they perceive as your lack of judgment, or withdrawing financial or emotional support. + The investigative and prosecutorial phases of the justice process, especially in cases that progress slowly or do not result in financial outcomes favorable to you. + The news media for failing to warn the public about fraud schemes or for exploiting victims when fraud crimes are reported. * Consumer protection agencies for failing to protect your interests. + Creditors who don't understand your dire financial circumstances. * Community, state and federal agencies if their resources are limited or they do not have the authority to help you. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT FRAUD VICTIMIZATION What is fraud? Fraud occurs when a person or business intentionally deceives another with promises of goods, services, or financial benefits that do not exist, were never intended to be provided, or were misrepresented. Typically, victims give money but never receive what they paid for. Who are the victims of fraud? Virtually anyone can fall prey to fraudulent crimes. Con artists do not pass over anyone due to such factors as a person's age, finances, educational gender, race, culture, ability, or geographic location. In fact, fraud perpetrators often target certain groups based on these factors. ‘Why are fraud crimes under-reported? Although fraud victims are not alone, they often suffer their losses alone and in silence. Shame, guilty, embarrassment, and disbelief are among the reasons that only an estimated 15 percent of the nation’ fraud victims report their crimes to law enforcement. Other reasons include victims’ doubt about their own judgment, a sense of betrayal, and fears about how their family members, friends, and business. associates will react. Some victims feel their losses are not large enough to report, do not want to get involved, think Jaw enforcement agencies will not take the crime seriously, or think nothing will result ftom reporting the crime. Many victims feel they only have themselves to blame, when in reality, calculating, skilled perpetrators are to blame for these criminal acts. Who commits fraud crimes? Like their victims, fraud criminals vary educationally, socially, geographically, and financially. Most con- artists make a career of their criminal activities. Some even join professional organizationsto legitimize their schemes and project a respectable front. What makes your case a federal matter? Fraud crimes can be prosecuted at either the state or federal level, depending on a number of factors: ° Type of fraud scheme and amount of money stolen + Laws violated (federal, state or both) © Method of operation ¢ Use of public services (such as the U.S. Postal Service, Telecommunication systems, and Medicare) that fall under federal or state regulation and authority « Location of the crime (within a state or across state or national borders) What are some common types of fraud? The weapon of choice for fraud criminals is not a gun or a knife. Rather, it is most often a telephone, letter, slossy publication, or brochure offering free vacations, merchandise, investment opportunities, or services, Not all frauds involve the direct selling of goods to consumers. Some frauds target institutions or businesses. Examples include: ° Telemarketing fraud (telephone solicitation for phony goods or services) © Mail fraud Health care and insurance fraud + Pension and trust fund fraud * Credit card and check fraud (including fraud by impersonation resulting from theft of mail or credit cards) « Identity theft + Fraud related to securities, commodities, and other investments Bank fraud ¢ Embezzlement * Pyramid or Ponzi schemes * Advance fee schemes ¢ Internet fraud

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