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A Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of Degree of

Master of Business Administration Of the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala

Submitted by
Name: ANZY JALALUDEEN Roll No: 21185

Under the guidance of Prof. Balalkrishna Menon

D C School of management and technology Vagamon, Kerala 2010-2012


I declare that the project report entitled AN ORGANISATIONAL STUDY ON MIDDLE EAST SURVEY ENGINEERING, DUBAI submitted by me for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of the M.G University Kottayam, Kerala is my own work. The report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree of this university or any other university.


Place: Vagamon

Date: 29-07-2011


First of all I would like to thank the Almighty God without whose kindness we would never have had a successful completion of our project work. During the period of my organizational study, several people have helped me in several ways directly and indirectly to build up this work a reality to whom I should express our boundless thanks and gratitude. I sincerely express my deep sense of gratitude and profound thanks to my project guide Prof. Balakrishna Menon, Faculty, MBA DCSMAT, Vagamon for his valuable guidance, whole-hearted co-operation and suggestions throughout the completion of this project work. I with immense pleasure and profound gratitude express my sincere thanks to Mr. Abdul Rahman Nasarudeen

General Manager and Mr. Ajimsha Basheer manager, Middle East Survey Engineering
for providing me the necessary information and formal sanction required for carrying out the project study. It will be negligent if I do not acknowledge the contribution of the staff in completing my project at their facility in Dubai. We also express my heartfelt

gratitude to all our friends and parents who helped and encouraged us to make this endeavor a successful one.





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As a part of the course curriculum of full time MBA program under Mahatma Gandhi University Kerala, students need to undertake one month organization study in a fairly large organization. I am very much delighted to get a chance to associate myself with MIDDLE EAST SURVEY ENGINEERING, DUBAI, one of the fastest growing Civil Survey Company in Dubai.

The report begins with the importance and objectives of this study. The report gives a brief description on history, present Global and Indian scenario, Government policies and the predicted scenario of the industry. An account on the background, objectives, mission and vision, structure, functional areas, products, markets and competition of the company is also included in the report. This report is an insight into the strategies and style of functioning adopted by Middle East Survey Engineering, Dubai. A critical analysis on the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the company and certain findings on this regard have also been carefully incorporated in the report. Formulation of suggestions and recommendations was done with due care, so that the findings made during the study are addressed. The report ends with a conclusion on the study and prospective remedial steps to be undertaken by the Company.

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Organization study deals with critical evaluation and analysis of all the aspects of a particular firm. It gives a clear idea about the functions and practice of various department heads and operational efficiency of the department as a whole. This particular study gives a clear idea about the functions, practices and the delegation of authority of Middle East Survey Engineering.


Work force constitutes a major factor in the proper functioning of an organization. It is the proper satisfaction of the employees that facilities the fulfilling of companys objectives. Any attempt to increase the productivity, efficiency of labor can bear fruit only if the workers are given the right type of work environment and are provided with these amenities of life which have direct bearing on his physical efficiency.

In a broad sense the scope of this study is an attempt to know about the organization as a whole and also about the functions and practices of the organization and duties and responsibilities of different staffs. The study helps to understand the nature, the working conditions, work environment and the issues that the company is facing

TITLE OF THE STUDY An Organizational study at Middle East Survey Engineering, Dubai

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OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the ORGANISATIONAL STUDY at MIDDLE EAST SURVEY ENGINEERING is 1. To study about the organization structure. 2. To understand the functions and processes of the departments. 3. To analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization. 4. To understand the practical applications of the theory in an organizational setting.


1. Busy schedule of the personnel, like the department heads was a hindrance in collecting the information. 2. Non- cooperation of some of the employees in the company. 3. The unavailability of the data which were kept confidential. 4. They dont have much written documents about the company. 5. The study relies largely on secondary data and hence the limitation.

METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION This study is conducted with the help of Primary and Secondary data


PRIMARY DATA Primary data are those collected by for the first time and thus are original in

character. They are collected for a particular purpose METHODS FOR COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA a) OBSERVATION METHOD It is a systematic viewing of a specific phenomenon in the proper setting for the specific purpose of gathering data for a particular study DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 4

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b) INTERVIEW METHOD It is the direct method of collecting data. It is a verbal method of securing data. For the purpose of this study direct interview of employees and workers are done II. SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have been collected by some other person for his purpose and published. So researcher is said to use that type of data for this study. Following are some of secondary source of data.

NEWS PAPERS & MAGAZINES Audited reports, articles published in news paper and magazines related to Middle East Survey Engineering. WEBSITES Websites of Middle East Survey Engineering, websites of some market survey companies or share brocking firms sites and official sites of government helps more to conduct this study.


Middle East Survey Engineering


The entire project report is divided into nine chapters, described below; CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter is classified into five different parts they are objective of the study, methodology, scope of the study, limitations and chapterization. CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRY PROFILE This chapter includes the history of the industry, nature of the business and current scenario. CHAPTER 3 COMPANY PROFILE This chapter contains three main parts; they are history of the company, strategic intent. CHAPTER 4- ORGANISATION CHART This chapter contains the Organization chat and its description. CHAPTER 5 DEPARTMENT PROFILE All the departmental structure, its functions and authorities are explained in this chapter. The diagrammatical representation of each department includes in this chapter. CHAPTER 6 SWOT ANALYSIS This chapter contains mainly four elements that are strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the company. CHAPTER 7 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS The main three parts of this chapter are findings, suggestions and conclusion.

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Dubai has emerged as a global city and a business hub. Although Dubai's economy was built on the oil industry, currently the emirate's model of business, similar to that of Western countries, drives its economy, with the effect that its main revenues are now from tourism, real estate, and financial services. Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events. This increased attention has highlighted labour rights and human rights issues concerning its largely South Asian workforce. Dubai's property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the worldwide economic downturn following the financial crisis of 20072010.

Tourism is an important part of the Dubai government's strategy to maintain the flow of foreign cash into the emirate. Dubai's lure for tourists is based mainly on shopping, but also on its possession of other ancient and modern attractions. As of 2007, Dubai was the 8th most visited city of the world. Dubai is expected to accommodate over 15 million tourists by 2015. Dubai is the most populous emirate of the seven emirates of United Arab Emirates. It is distinct from other members of the UAE in that a large part of the emirate's revenues are from tourism.

Dubai has been called the "shopping capital of the Middle East". Dubai alone has more than 70 shopping malls, including the world's 7th largest shopping mall, Dubai Mall. The city draws large numbers of shopping tourists from countries within the region and from as far as Eastern Europe, Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. While boutiques, some electronics shops, department stores and supermarkets operate on a fixed-price basis, most other outlets consider friendly negotiation a way of life.

Dubai is also known for its souk districts located on either side of the creek. Traditionally, dhows from the Far East, China, Sri Lanka, and India would discharge their cargo and the goods would be bargained over in the souks adjacent to the docks. Many boutiques and jewellery stores are also found in the city. Dubai is known as "the City of Gold" and Gold Souk in Deira houses nearly 250 gold retail shops. Dubai Duty DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 8

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Free at the Dubai International Airport offers merchandise catering to the multinational passengers using the airport. Dubai has a rich collection of buildings and structures of various architectural styles. Many modern interpretations of Islamic architecture can be found here, due to a boom in construction and architectural innovation in the Arab World in general, and in Dubai in particular, supported not only by top Arab or international architectural and engineering design firms design firms such as Al Hashemi and Aedas, but also by top firms of New York and Chicago. As a result of this boom, modern Islamic and world architecture has literally been taken to new levels in skyscraper building design and technology. Dubai now boasts more completed or topped-out skyscrapers higher than 2/3 km, 1/3 km, or 1/4 km than any other city. A $3.89 billion, Dubai Metro project is currently operational although partly underconstruction. The Red Line is operational and runs through the heart of the city. The Metro system was partially opened on September 2009 and will be fully operational by 2011. UK-based international service company Serco Group is responsible for operating the metro. Dubai Metro is also the world's second cheapest metro transportation system after Tehran Metro in Iran. The metro comprises the Green Line from Al Rashidiya to the main city center and the Red Line from the airport to Jebel Ali. A Blue and a Purple Line have also been planned. The Dubai Metro (Green and Blue Lines) will have 70 km (43.5 mi) of track and 43 stations, 37 above ground and ten underground. The Dubai Metro is the first urban train network in the Arabian Peninsula.

The Palm Jumeirah Monorail is a monorail line on the Palm Jumeirah. The monorail connects the Palm Jumeirah to the mainland, with a planned further extension to the Red Line of the Dubai Metro. The line opened on 30 April 2009. Two trams systems are expected to be built in Dubai by 2011. The first is the Downtown Burj Khalifa Tram System and the second is the Al Sufouh Tram. The Downtown Burj Khalifa Tram System is a 4.6 km (2.86 mi) tram service that is planned to service the area around the Burj Khalifa, and the second tram will run 14.5 km (9 mi) along Al Sufouh Road from Dubai Marina to the Burj Al Arab and the Mall of the Emirates.

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Dubai has announced it will complete a link of the UAE high speed rail system which will eventually hook up with the whole GCC and then possibly Europe. The High Speed Rail will serve passengers and cargo.

Construction Industry in Dubai, U.A.E

Construction industry in Dubai is the lifeblood of this state. Dubai cannot survive without construction industry. Dubai is the place, which has the largest number of construction projects in the world. Here is a review of major construction companies in Dubai. In the past decade the construction industry in Dubai has grown at an explosive rate. Many new structures have been build including tourist attractions, hotels, shopping malls, commercial business space, residential areas, and the worlds tallest building. Dubai has been focusing on aspects other than oil for its GDP and the construction industry now accounts for 22.6% of its GDP.

Some major construction projects in Dubai: The Palm Islands: Palm Jumeirah, the Palm Jebel Ali and the Palm Deira. Three artificial palm tree shaped islands made of sand dredged from the Persian Gulf that are the largest manmade islands. The first two are already under construction and all three are expected to be finished in 10-15 years. Madinat Al Arab (Dubai Waterfront) A manmade island, still under construction, in the shape of a crescent moon around the Palm Jebel Ali, that will like the palm islands feature many hotels, residential areas, and recreation areas. In 2005, the first 33 million square feet of the district sold out for $3.5 Billion, mostly bought by American investors. Hydropolis - A ten star hotel that will be underwater. It was originally scheduled to be finished by 2006 but has been pushed back to 2009. Its features will be those of any high class resort plus the bonus of being underwater. The price of the hotel will come in at around $500,000,000. DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 10

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Burj Khalifa: A culmination point was reached in 2010 with the completion of the Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower), now by far the world's tallest building at 828 m (2,716 feet). The Burj Khalifa's design is derived from the patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture, with the triple-lobed footprint of the building based on an abstracted version of the desert flower hymenocallis which is native to the Dubai region. The completion of the Khalifa Tower, following the construction boom that began in the 1980s, accelerated in the 1990s, and took on a rapid pace of construction unparalled in modern human history during the decade of the 2000s, leaving Dubai with the world's tallest skyline as of January 4, 2010.

Construction Speed

The speed of construction in Dubai is very rapid compared to western countries. The labor available is cheap because most of the laborers are from Asia and will accept lower wages. Therefore the building companies can hire more laborers to do the work faster to begin having occupants in the new facilities.

Major problems that arise for construction companies in Dubai, like many other companies around the world, are delays. These are especially bad when there is a large workforce at hand that can run out of things to build or have downtime. The construction companies lose money when dates are extended and migrants who are expecting to have a place to call home have to be displaced for the time of the delay. Delays are never good for any construction job and are especially bad for Dubai because it causes rental prices to go up. This potentially causes investors to turn away and can possibly ruin Dubais reputation and further repel international investors. Surveying Engineering: This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in performing surveying and mapping services of the surface of the earth, including the sea floor. These services may include surveying and mapping of areas above or below the surface of the earth, such as the creation of view easements or segregating rights in parcels of land by creating underground utility easements. Surveying is one of the oldest activities of the civil DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 11

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engineer, and remains a primary component of civil engineering. It is also one field that continues to undergo phenomenal changes due to technological developments in digital imaging and satellite positioning. These modern surveying tools are not only revolutionizing regular surveying engineering tasks but are also impacting a myriad of applications in a variety of fields where near-real-time positioning is of great value. Surveying and engineering are closely related professional activities. The area of surveying and mapping is in many countries a discipline by itself, and taken in total, it is almost as broad in scope as civil engineering. In the U.S., surveying engineering has been historically allied to civil engineering. Engineering surveying is defined as those activities involved in the planning and execution of surveys for the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of civil and other engineered projects.

Such activities include the preparation of survey and related mapping specifications; execution of photogrammetric and field surveys for the collection of required data, including topographic and hydrographic data; calculation, reduction, and plotting of survey data for use in engineering design; design and provision of horizontal and vertical control survey networks; provision of line and grade and other layout work for construction and mining activities; execution and certification of quality control measurements during construction; monitoring of ground and structural stability, including alignment observations, settlement levels, and related reports and certifications; measurement of material and other quantities for inventory, economic assessment, and cost accounting purposes; execution of as-built surveys and preparation of related maps and plans and profiles upon completion of construction; and analysis of errors and tolerances associated with the measurement, field layout, and mapping or other plots of survey measurements required in support of engineering projects.

Engineering surveying may be regarded as a specialty within the broader professional practice of engineering and, with the exception of boundary, right-of-way, or other cadastral surveying, includes all surveying and mapping activities required to support the sound conception, planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 12

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engineered projects. Engineering surveying does not include surveys for the re tracement of existing land ownership boundaries or the creation of new boundaries.

Modern surveying engineering encompasses several specialty areas, each of which requires substantial knowledge and training in order to attain proper expertise. The most primary area perhaps is plane surveying because it is so widely applied in engineering and surveying practice. In plane surveying, we consider the fundamentals of measuring distance, angle, direction, and elevation. These measured quantities are then used to determine position, slope, area, and volume the basic parameters of civil engineering design and construction. Plane surveying is applied in civil engineering projects of limited aerial extent, where the effects of the earths curvature are negligible relative to the positional accuracy required for the project.

Geodesy, or higher surveying, is an extensive discipline dealing with mathematical and physical aspects of modeling the size and shape of the earth, and its gravity field. Since the launch of earth-orbiting satellites, geodesy has become a truly three-dimensional science. Terrestrial and space geodetic measurement techniques, and particularly the relatively new technique of satellite surveying using the Global Positioning System (GPS), are applied in geodetic surveying. GPS surveying has not only revolutionized the art of navigation but has also brought about an efficient positioning technique for a variety of users, prominent among them the engineering community. GPS has had a profound impact on the fundamental problems of determining relative and absolute positions on the earth, including improvements in speed, timeliness, and accuracy. It is safe to say that any geometry-based data collection scheme profits to some degree from the full constellation of 24 GPS satellites. In addition to the obvious applications in geodesy, surveying, and photogrammetry, the use of GPS is applied in civil engineering areas such as transportation (truck and emergency vehicle monitoring, intelligent vehicle and highway systems, etc.) and structures (monitoring of deformation of structures such as water dams). Even in other areas such as forestry and agriculture (crop yield management) GPS provides the geometric backbone of modern (geographic) information systems. DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 13

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Photogrammetry and remote sensing encompass all activities involved in deriving qualitative and quantitative information about objects and environments from their images. Such imagery may be acquired at close range, from aircraft, or from satellites. In addition to large-, medium-, and small-scale mapping, many other applications such as resource management and environmental assessment and monitoring rely on imageries of various types. Close-range applications include such tasks as accident reconstruction, mapping of complex piping systems, and shape determination for parabolic antennas.

Large-scale mapping (including the capture of data on infrastructure) remains the primary civil engineering application of photogrammetry. Recent evolution toward working with digital imagery has brought about the increasing acceptance of the digital orthophoto to augment or supplant the planimetric map. Digital image processing tools offer the probability of great increases in mapping productivity through automation. For small- and medium-scale mapping, the increasing availability of satellite image data offers an alternative to chemical photography. Commercially available satellite data with spatial resolutions of 0.6 to 3 meters, proposed for the near future, would have a profound impact on all mapping activities within civil engineering. Inclusion of GPS in photogrammetric and remote sensing acquisition platforms will lead to substantial improvements in accuracy, timeliness, and economy.

For centuries, maps have provided layered information in graphical form and have been used as legal documents and as tools to support decision making for applications such as urban planning. Recently, geographic information systems (GIS) have broadened the role played by all types of maps to encompass a total system of hardware, software, and procedures designed to capture, manage, manipulate, and produce information in a spatial context. GIS applications are broad indeed; they include land record management, base mapping, infrastructure maintenance, facilities management, and many others.

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A driving force behind the move toward integrating mapping and other spatially oriented data has been the various utility industries and municipalities who need to plan and manage their infrastructure facilities and property assets. This automated mapping/facilities management, or AM/FM, concept is being used successfully today by many cities, counties, and utility industries, which may have embarked on the transition as much as 15 years ago. Successful practitioners of GIS can satisfy the needs of a broad spectrum of users with a single system, minimizing the duplication of resources required to support historically independent user groups.

All other components of surveying engineering contribute to the construction of a GIS. The range of survey methods, from classical to modern geodesic and space-based technologies, provides the required reference framework. Digital mapping provides an efficient technology to populate the GIS with spatial information. Remote sensing techniques applied to the earth and their environments provide the various thematic layers of information.

Competitors of Middle East Survey Engineering Companies in Middle East:

Fugro MAPS Middle East: Fugro MAPS is the leading provider of geospatial products and services in the Middle East and Africa. Utilizing the latest state-of-the-art technologies in airborne and satellite imaging, LiDAR, ground based collection systems and customized GIS software solutions; Fugro MAPS serves all land-use and natural resource industries in the region.

With a multinational staff of 350 engineers and surveyors and over three decades of operational experience, Fugro MAPS has executed over 1000 aerial survey and mapping projects in 60 countries. Fugro MAPS is part of the Fugro worldwide organization. A conglomerate of 14,000 employees spread over 60 countries in 270 offices. Clients include engineering and land-use firms, energy and utility providers, municipalities, local and regional authorities, national governments and international agencies and organizations. DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 15

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Capital Survey: Capital Surveys was established in 1996 and now it is one of the leading organization in the field of Land, Marine, GIS, Geophysical Surveys and as well as Geotechnical Services with a fully developed Material Testing Laboratory services. Capital surveys has been providing specialist land and engineering survey services to a wide range of infrastructure, construction and development projects in United Arab Emirates and abroad since last fourteen years. The uniqueness of capital surveys is its personnel. The staff of capital surveys consists of highly qualified and experienced man power to serve its client in an efficient and professional way. Their operations are carried out through its various operating sections. A supervisory staff specialist, with many years of experience in the relevant discipline, heads each of the operating departments. Capital surveys has the latest proven equipments to be used in the field and most cost effective technologies in the office to provide their clients with the most cost effective surveying and geotechnical services in the region. Initially in 1996, it started work as an on Shore & off Shore Oil and Gas Field Services, Engineering surveying Service organization, later they enhanced their expertise and skills in the field of Geophysical & Geotechnical Investigation Work, and established their own Soil Testing Laboratory. They have carried out many projects for our clients in Northern Emirates, Oman, Iran and Tunis. Every project, regardless of the size, accomplished with expertise, technology and equipment required to meet the clients needs. While providing surveying services, they have always maintained quality assurance, Proficiency at the required standard of the clients. they have on roll most highly qualified and experienced multinational manpower to serve the clients in an efficient and professional ways in the field of surveying and drafting services. They are an ENISO 14001-2004, EN ISO 9001 -2000, ISO 9002, and OHSAS 18001-1989 Certified Organization and strictly follow these standards.

National Survey Engineering: DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 16

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NATIONAL SURVEY ENGINEERING LLC is a surveying firm established in April 2004 in Dubai and has been working with reputed Consultants, Architects, Contractors and Site Investigation Companies. They provide complete solutions to meet the specific needs of the customers, adding new dimensions to images and data to enable engineer, geologists, and managers to access and process information more effectively. Their successful history of project experience and extensive resources demonstrate their capacity and commitment to provide data solutions for a diversity of challenges. The construction industry around the world has taken a devastating blow over the last year due to downed economies and declining numbers of new homebuyers. In the United States alone, over 2 million construction workers lost their jobs, and the majority of them still have not found work. While things may look grim for the construction industry worldwide, Dubai may be a safe haven for those in the field. For those not tied to their location and that are willing to consider relocation, Dubai is has a tremendous amount of opportunity for skilled tradesmen and site management personnel. According to a report released on July 21, 2010, the job outlook for the construction industry is more than favorable. As it stands today, 90% of the workforce in Dubai is expatriates, and of those 45% are employed in the construction sector.

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCC) expect the construction sector to boom next year. A large number of infrastructure and construction projects have already been awarded this year, with twice as many to be awarded by the end of 2010. It is estimated that over $714.8 billion worth of projects are at the design phase right now. The majority of the new opportunities will be in infrastructure, versus previously when real estate was the driving force in the construction market. This causes a tremendous amount of need for skilled and unskilled labor to man these projects.

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Mr. Abdul Rahman Nasarudeen, the General Manager of Middle East Survey Engineering, started his career working with major engineering consultants and contractors in Middle East since 1992. In 2002, Middle East Survey Engineering had a humble start in Dubai with about four employees and with the full support of Mr. Mohsin Omar Al Attas, Director of Middle East Survey Engineering. During the next few years the operation grew from a four man business taking up subcontracting works from major consultants in UAE to one of the major civil - surveying firms in Middle East with international contracts and consultants. Middle East Survey Engineering always recognized workforce as its greatest strength. With continuous increase in force every year, by 2004 it had workforce strength of 10 employees and it grew over 70 employees by 2007. They are established as the premier engineering company in UAE, taking care of precise civil engineering surveying. Re in forced by a team of seasoned top score professional surveyors, resourceful work force and a collection of sophisticated survey instruments. Middle East Survey Engineering is today a name with innovation and excellence in civil engineering surveying with over 100 employees and was involved in the execution of over 5000 prestigious projects such as interchanges; building complexes, infra structure developments and world class shopping complexes in UAE and Oman as consultant and contractor for surveying services.

To achieve the quality results in surveys we are using most modern equipments viz. Trimble5700 and 5800, R6 and R8 GPS Receivers, Trimble 5000 series & S6 Total stations, Topcon Imaging Stations, Wild theodlites, Trimble digital levels Leica Auto levels, etc. The internal quality system of the company ensures the clients with a highly reliable and most accurate result with in the stipulated time.

One of the secrets of continuous growth of Middle East Survey Engineering is the intensive investment quality control program, backed by well- qualified technicians and

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management staff. The company has also made use of most advanced technology and up to date knowledge fully automated process have been put to use long time ago.

To stay in new economy one has to constantly reinvent, acquire new sets of skills and trend new paths. At Middle East Survey Engineering, objectives are met by putting people at premium. The organizational culture is build around this theme. This enables them to empower the staff, nurture leadership qualities and build stronger relationship with their customer. Special emphasis is given to HR management, training programs, seminar, customer and dealer relationship management. These efforts instill a sense of pride and passion for quality and brand among the workforce.

The management of Middle East Survey Engineering exercises rigid controls regarding project budgets, schedules and design quality, while specific project planning and implementation, upon approval by management, is accomplished and directed by professional staffs. The project professional operates with maximum flexibility and authority and with minimum constraints. They believe that this approach results in well-conceived and efficiently executed projects, which, while tailored to our client's needs, nevertheless satisfies the professional objectives.


VISION To enhance customer satisfaction and achieve exponential growth to leadership through world class civil engineering services.

MISSION 1. Zero breakdowns 2. Zero maintenance


Middle East Survey Engineering


Establish global presence in the survey industry by providing quality service and customer satisfaction through companywide efforts in continual improvement of people, systems, process and technology.

QUALITY GOAL To be the leader in quality and value of production and services

QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCESS 1. Focus on customers. 2. Establish vision, mission 3. Understand, standardize, stabilize, and maintenance process 4. Plan, do, check, act for continual improvement and innovation.

OPERATIONAL POLICY 1. Achieve process stability and reliability. 2. Control every process to decide target. 3. Improve process capability.

PRINCIPLES 1. Customer satisfaction- anticipates, understand and excel at meeting customers needs. 2. services. 3. Process emphasis- focus on process as the means to improve results. Continue; improve a current level of performance of process, products and

MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Creative and maintain a shared vision, consistency of purpose and supportive environment that includes appropriate recognition and reinforcement. DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 21

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EMPOWERMENT Create a culture where people have the knowledge, skill and authority for the events of their actions and for their contribution to the success of the company.

STASTICAL METHODS Understand the concept of variation. Apply appropriate statistical methods for continual improvement and innovation.

EMPLOYEES DEVELOPMENT Knowledge and support for lifelong learning and personal growth.

PARTNERSHIP Build long- term relationship with customers and suppliers.

ASSESSMENT Assess performance and benchmark against worlds best.

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT METHODOLOGY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Problem description Containment action Define root cause Verification of cause Permanent Corrective Action Implementation Effectiveness Standardization

These are explained in detail in the Quality Department.

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Survey Methodology

a. GPS Survey

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based positioning system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the exact position of them. GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is. With the distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine its position with centimeter accuracy.

b. Total station survey

A total station is an optical instrument used in modern surveying. It is a combination of an electronic theodolite (transit), an electronic distance meter (EDM) and software running on an external computer known as data collector. A total station allows the surveyor to store all information he needs to establish a setting out and can store all information recorded from site as existing features, original ground levels, road edges, etc. Also the remote measurements are facilitated by the total station where a direct access is not available. For example the height of street light poles, ground clearance of overhead power lines, etc.

c. Theodolite survey

A theodolite is an instrument for measuring both horizontal and vertical angles, as used in triangulation networks. It is the old, mechanical / manual version of total station. DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 23

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Theodolite survey widely using for single line executions like pipe lines, cable routes, curb lines, road centre lines, etc. A modern theodolite consists of a movable telescope mounted within two perpendicular axesthe horizontal or trunnion axis, and the vertical axis. When the telescope is pointed at a desired object, the angle of each of these axes can be measured with great precision, typically on the scale of arc seconds.

d. Dumpy levels survey

A dumpy level is an optical instrument used in surveying to transfer, measure, or set horizontal levels with reference to the mean sea level or available approved datum precisely. The instrument and staff are used to gather and/or transfer elevations (levels) during site surveys. Measurement generally starts from a benchmark with known height determined by a previous survey, or an arbitrary point with an assumed height.


The company is committed to fulfill the requirements of clients to their satisfaction and offers the following services as professionals to the construction industry.

Surveying and Leveling

All type of Topographic Surveys

Bathymetric Survey (Marine Survey)

Demarcation services

Building settlement monitoring

Setting out for all type of projects including roads, railways and multi-storied buildings DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 24

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Cross-section survey for roads

Gate level computation services.

Preparation of Drawings (As built, Profiles, shop drawing for services, cross sections etc).

Contour Mapping.

Utility Surveys.

Quantity calculation for earth works & stock piles

Control point establishments

Supplying of qualified Surveyors (with or without instruments)

Survey contracting and consultancy for all kind of projects

Traffic Surveys

Real world 3d scanning

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The top most level of the organization is the Director, Mr. Mohsin Omar Al Attas. Under the director the General Manager, Mr. Abdul Rahman Nasarudeen, controls the whole departments. All the actions should be approved by the General Manager under the consent of the director. The General Manger controls all the departments in the organization. The functional departments in Middle East Survey Engineering are Human Resource Department, Administration Department, Quality Control and Assurance Department, Operations Department and Commercial Department.

The most important and functional department in the organization is the Operations department. The main service of the organization is done in this department. Under this department comes the Operations manager who is the head of this department. Then the project managers who are responsible for each project they undertake and is directly responsible to the Operations manager, and the project manager has is responsible for the functioning of surveyors and draftsman. In the Human Resource Department the Human Resource manager controls the human resource functions. Under the Administration department come the accounts department and the logistics department. The accounts department includes the accounts officers and the logistics department controls all the transportation activities.

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Under the commercial department comes the Quantity surveyor, the marketing managers and the sales and purchase managers. All the commercial activities are controlled by this department. Quality Control and Assurance department is a separate and important department of the organization. They have to control the quality of the service, and have to report directly to the General Manager.

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Operations Department Operations Manager

Project Managers

Chief Surveyors


Senior Surveyors


Asst. Surveyors


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The most advanced Survey technologies are used.

Machines and equipment used

G.P.S. with 1cm Accuracy Robotic Total Stations Total Stations Stationary Scanners Digital Levels Dumpy levels Dual Frequency Echo sounder

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7.2 OPERATION PROCESS FLOW CHART Enquiry by the clients Commercial department (estimation) Quotation quoting by the company Approval (after negotiation) Drawings issue by the clients (designs) Shop drawings creation Shop drawing submission to the client Shop drawing approval Quality Assurance and Quality Control department Controlled shop drawing submission to the Project manager Chief surveyors Execution of the project As built creation Report (data collection) Drawings preparation by draughtsman Verified by Project Manager and then to Quality Assurance and Quality Control head
Not approved (correction)

If approved by QA&QC drawings send to the clients Wait for clients feedback or approval
not approved (correction)

If approved, then estimation of the work done

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Invoicing by the commercial department

Operations Manager: The role of the Operations Manager is to ensure that: All the projects are planned, executed, and finalize projects are submitted by the project managers as per the strict deadlines and within budget. This includes acquiring resources and coordinating the efforts of project managers and team members and third-party contractors or consultants in order to deliver projects according to plan. The Operations manager will also define the projects objectives and oversee quality control throughout its life cycle. Conduct project post mortems and create a recommendations report in order to identify successful and unsuccessful project elements. Develop best practices and tools for project execution and management. Effectively communicates relevant project information to superiors. Delivers engaging, informative, well-organized presentations. Resolves and/or escalates issues in a timely fashion. Understands how to communicate difficult/sensitive information tactfully. Direct and manage project development from beginning to end. Where required, negotiate with other department managers for the acquisition of required personnel from within the company. Determine and assess need for additional staff and/or consultants and make the appropriate recruitments if necessary during project cycle.

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Project Manager:

Project Site Manager will manage all activities on site related to: Civil survey works, communications and security hardware and software. Managing and supervising the complete range of activities right from conceptualization, costing, budgeting, site survey, testing and maintenance of equipment. Ensure quality/quantity and timely delivery of all materials required at the site. Manage sub-contractors, coordinate and balance the sub-contractors manpower and equipment as per the work plan. Responsible for QA at the sites in his area Work with the end-user and the customer. Follow the time schedule of the works Study production schedules and estimates for worker hour requirements for completion of job assignment. Analysis and resolving work problems at the site and supervision in solving work problems. Responsible for the logistics at site, coordination and balancing the equipment per the time schedule. Prepare daily PTW for site activities. Build a time schedule for the site infrastructure Facilitates team and client meetings effectively. Holds regular status meetings with project team. Keeps project team well informed of changes within the organization and general corporate news. Define project scope, goals and deliverables that support business goals in collaboration with senior management and stakeholders. Develop full-scale project plans and associated communications documents. Page 37

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Effectively communicate project expectations to team members and stakeholders in a timely and clear fashion. Liaise with project stakeholders on an ongoing basis. Estimate the resources and participants needed to achieve project goals. Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget changes where necessary. Set and continually manage project expectations with team members and other stakeholders. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to appropriate personnel. Identify and resolve issues and conflicts within the project team. Identify and manage project dependencies and critical path. Plan and schedule project timelines and milestones using appropriate tools. Track project milestones and deliverables. Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, requirements documentation, and presentations. Determine the frequency and content of status reports from the project team, analyze results, and troubleshoot problem areas. Proactively manage changes in project scope, identify potential crises, and devise contingency plans. Define project success criteria and disseminate them to involved parties throughout project life cycle. Coach, mentor, motivate and supervise project team members and contractors, and influence them to take positive action and accountability for their assigned work.

Build, develop, and grow any business relationships vital to the success of the project.

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Surveyor: Conduct all land survey works of the project with Total Station/GPS or both Setting out in Residential Multistory Buildings, Recording Existing features from site to prepare Topographic Maps Draughtsman: The main responsibilities will include preparation of technical drawings, Oversee indexing and detailing of reinforced structures from verbal descriptions and rough sketches. Responsible for preparing approval drawings, proposal drawings, drafting, Shop Drawings using AutoCAD latest version or Micro station

In Middle East Survey Engineering, the commercial and operations department are interlinked. The estimation is conducted by the Quantity Surveyor and if it is accepted by the commercial department then the work is handed over to the operations department, which as a whole is under the control of the General Manager of the company.

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Personnel management is that part of management function which is primarily concerned with the human problems in industries. In order to solve these problems personnel management is assigned a very important role to play labour, being an important factor of production needs motivation and power guidance from the side of management to get the desired result.

DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND INSTRUCTIONS 1. To find suitable solution for all confusion. 2. In charge of continuous improvement - Organizational change, Organizational development, Action plans. 3. Acquisition of human resource 4. Determination of the kind or quality of personal, Job analysis, Job description, Job specification, Man power planning, Recruitment, Selection and Induction. 5. Post appraisal interview. 6. Evaluation of performance appraisal system. 7. Potential appraisal and promotion. 8. Training and development. 9. Preparation of assessment report of employees. 10. Impact training as per schedule. 11. Handling the disciplinary cases. 12. Welfare of employees. 13. Implementation of various improvement activities in the interest of the company. 14. To maintain discipline amongst the employees. 15. To find suitable solution for all confusion. 16. Evaluation of performance appraisal system.

17.Potential appraisal and promotion.

Employee welfare DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 42

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Middle East Survey Engineering providing many facilities for their employees.

(a)Economical status Ensures that every employee in the company receives their salary and gratuity

(b)Health and Safety Middle East Survey Engineering has developed a Safety System, to the importance of planning health and safety into projects to satisfy the needs of clients and to improve the management system of the company

The company will actively seek the support of all operatives engaged on a project to look after the health and safety of themselves and their colleagues by working within the spirit of this safety plan

The company requires employees at all levels shall support and strictly implement the safety end environment program to achieve the target "ZERO ACCIDENT WORKING ENVIRONMENT" during all operations.

Health plan

a. First - Aid Responsibility: A full first aid box shall be maintained and placed in the site offices and on all survey vehicles.

All first aid cases shall be recorded in a first aid treatment log

All Senior surveyors are trained in providing first aid.

b. Medical Facility

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Minor injuries which cannot be treated by the First Aider will be immediately referred to nearest hospital. In the event of a more serious injury, adequate facility will be made available to call a physician or ambulance or contact any other agency or to transport the injured person from the workplace to nearest health Centre Safety plan a. Safety Induction All employees shall attend safety induction training program before starting work on any project according to the project requirement. b. Basic Fire Extinguisher Training Basic fire fighting training shall be given to the Survey crew to ensure that sufficient trained personnel are available in the event of a breaking out of fire at working place. c. Accident / Incident Reporting Each event which results an occupational injury or illness shall be reported and investigated in accordance with the company procedures prepared. The learning value of the accident investigation report will be Implemented and cascaded to all employees d. Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) The company provides all its employees working at site with the survey personal protective equipment required for different operations. Project personnel are required to wear PPEs supplied while at work. Any defaulter shall be penalized for not wearing PPE by Safety Default Notice HARD HAT, SAFETY FOOTWEAR AND COVERALLS are mandatory for all workforces. Employees shall be provided with eye protections, Hearing protection Hand protection and fall protection equipment etc., as required depending on site conditions. Drinking water: Effective arrangement of drinking water at suitable points conveniently suited for all workers. Latrines and Urinal: Company provides latrine and urinal facilities.


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Company accommodation is provided to all the employees working in Middle East Survey Engineering. Function of HR manager
1. Note the leave of employees 2. To check the feedback of the decision taken by the operations manager. 3. To check the manpower is allocated and watching the feedback. 4. To verify these complaints and take initiative action. 5. Should watch the activities and give necessary instructions.

STANDING ORDERS OF MIDDLE EAST SURVEY ENGINEERING In Middle East Survey Engineering workmen shall be classified as permanent and probationers. Immediately on recruitment, the name of the workmen and the grade or category to which he belongs shall be entered in the muster roll. Every workman appointed in the company shall be on probation for a period of six months. Every workman shall on being admitted to the service, sign the form with the regular to conditions of services signifying his consent to comply with the standing orders for the company. The periods and hours of work for all classes of workman shall be posted upon a notice board at the main office.


The workman shall be at work in the site at the time fixed and notified. However, a workman in a relay shift shall normally not leave his post until he is relived by his successor or otherwise instructed by Head of section or any other superior officer empowered to instruct. Any workman who is more than half hour late shall be liable to be treated as absent for half a day. All workmen will be entitled to national and festivals holidays as per the Government rules. However, the management reserves the right to detail any workmen to work on a holiday other than national holidays. And all DCSMAT, Vagamon Page 45

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employees are given one month leave in a year with leave salary and ticket charges if they are travelling.


No workman shall be entitled to be promoted as of right. All promotions shall be on the basis of merit and suitability in the discretion of the management. No strike of any kind shall be staged by the workman as per the UAE government rules. A workman found guilty of misconduct shall be imposed any one or more of the following punishments, warning, censure, and suspension for a specified period. Demotion to a lower post, imposition of fine, reduction in pay, discharge from service, dismissal from service.


All process, plans, photographs, designs or drawing pertaining to the company whether prepared by the workman or otherwise are secret documents which no persons shall publish or causes to be published. No workman shall disclose any secret or secret information regarding the companys activities to any person except when it is necessary to do so during the performance of his duties. Fines The Management may in its discretion impose fines on workman if they do not work in accordance with the company rules and regulations.

Certificate of Termination

Every permanent and probationary workman shall be entitled to a service certificate at one time of his dismissal or discharge from service.

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A workman accept one who is under obligation to serve the company for a limited or unlimited contract minimum, who wishes to resign and leave the companys services must give the company the same notice as the company is required to give him, before one month to the date of resignation as per UAE labor law. The employer may deduct any amount owed to him by the employee such as outstanding loans from the employees end of the service gratuity. If there is dispute over the payment of gratuity payable, matter should be referred to the Ministry of Labor. Employee may be deprived of the end of the service gratuity for reasons stated in the Articles 120 and 121 of the Law.

The Human Resource department is the strongest department of Middle East Survey Engineering, which has several sub section, and their functioning are mentioned above. It has a well established industrial relation and this department gives more importance to the welfare and the safety of the employees. Also the time management of Middle East Survey Engineering is very good. All these section are under the direct control of HR manager.

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Commercial Department

Quantity Surveyor

Marketing Department

Purchase& Sales Department

Marketing Manager

Purchase & Sales Manager

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MARKETING To identify opportunities, preparation of marketing strategies and plans for guiding programs towards building up the new opportunities in the market. Responsible for To relay on market research. To identify understand segment. To spend time in plan. To think long term and short term strategies. Aim to produce profits and gain market share. Pre occupied with the planning the right products and marketing strategies to meet the customer long seen needs. To recommend solution for improving sales, understand the problem, monitoring competitors activities and to determine customer satisfaction. To use the telemarketing executives and sales coordinators for getting orders and inform the bill amount for the purpose of cash discount. To allocate marketing effort in relation to long seen profit potential of the targeted segment to develop winning offers for each marketing segments. In charge of getting customers and collection and allow provision for credit to trusted customers. Advertisement, promotional materials, exhibitions etc. Risk assessment and proper selection of customer site based on Safety norms. Identify upcoming projects and develop new client base. Networking in construction/infrastructure industry to generate the new business. Achieve profit in line with generating Volume and maintaining Average selling Price (ASP). Outstanding payments collections from customers in time. Order generation for new survey works. Customer relations and resolving customer queries in time

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In Middle East Survey Engineering, they are following specified process for the marketing of their company. They encourage promotional activities through advertisements, and have active participation in exhibitions. In the national market Middle East Survey Engineering has large market share, and this is availed only because of the companys goodwill that make through the last many years.

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Store keeper Working time 8 am to 5 pm. The prime duty is to maintain an up to date records of materials and tools. To ensure proper records of issue of tools and materials after getting due demand for concept individuals demand forms. To ensure tool loan cards prepared and signature obtained from concern individuals. All items including (stationery purchased after approval from management is to checked) physical, quality and quantity is assured and the same is reported to the concerned head. The bills for such purchase to be verified and attested and obtained signature from the concerned head. The same is pass through deports for further action. To obtain section for purchase of items and record each purchase after due approval of management. Ensure in wards and out wards of materials, tools especially for tool room with the help of the computer. Also ensure proper handling of records for each project separately at record room. He/ she are in charge of filing system. In Middle East Survey Engineering, Purchase department consist of instrument and equipment purchase and storage. Each store has its own executives for fulfilling the functions.

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Quantity Surveyor:

Responsible for providing accurate Civil cost estimates and quotations. Providing post contract award Civil works cost reports and forecasts. Review in detail tender documentation conditions, scope of work and specifications. Provide appropriate bills of quantities. Provide financial and commercial tender risk assessments. Participate in subcontract negotiations and prepare subcontract documentation. Review layout and building arrangement drawings. Provide price schedule breakdown and invoicing procedure. Review main contract and subcontract conditions. Identify potential variations and claims. Identify the requirement for additional tendering and post contract award support

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Administration Department

Finance Department



A/CS Officer


Cost Account

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Administration Ensuring punctuality and discipline amongst the office staff. To look after all matters of the company related with the government departments. To deal with all correspondence and settlement of company with all government departments. Preparation of all relevant return and notification as per schedule. To make visit to all government departments as and when detailed by the management and to render feedback on various visits or settlements. To give timely advise and guidelines to other staff regarding departmental settlement of the company. In Middle East Survey Engineering, the main responsibility of the administrative manager is to ensure punctual and discipline among the office staff. It is the duty of the administrative manager to give timely advice and guidelines to the staff regarding departmental settlement of the company.

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Accounts/ finance department Calculation of monthly salary of office staff. Until otherwise notified all employees shall be paid on the 10th of every month through WPS (Wages Protection Scheme). Calculation of over time of employees. The salary slip and computer print of salary must be collected back from the concerned supervisors with workers individual signature.

Sending of cheques received from parties to bank. Accounting of dishonored cheques. Preparation of slips for all bank transactions. Preparation of bank reconciliation. Trial balance tally is to be ascertained and when call for. Inform the management all due payment in advance and ensure payment of creditors on due date as per the instruction before issuance of cheques of any nature, the accounted should ensure that the efficient fund balance is available. No cheque is to be issued without having sufficient fund.

Finalization of accounts (a) Miscellaneous accounts are to be adjusted. (b) Nullification of all balances

Submission of returns- ensure that monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual returns are submit on due date. Besides duties he/ she is to assist administration in correspondence and other works related and labor welfare fund and industries departments in consultation and approval of manager administration.

Responsible for maintenance or registers, ledgers, computer printouts and all files.

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Cost accounts

Responsible for total cost management of the organization to calculate the expenditure incurred by sales representatives on ALC of sales promotion and to identify thrust areas, if any.

To check cash credit bills of the day corresponding to cash receipts of each party. For all partial payments of cash credit bills, debit note to be prepared. To proper budgeting for all activities of the organization. Preparation of balance sheet of all units monthly and comparative study of accounts and to assist in the finalization of accounts. Accounts- data entry

Responsible for data entries of all units. Responsible for maintenance of all vouchers, unit wise to sent cheques on daily base to bank. Understands basic revenue models, P/L, and cost-to-completion projections and makes decisions accordingly. Understands our pricing model and billing procedures. Accurately forecasts revenue, profitability, margins, bill rates and utilization. Assures project legal documents are completed and signed.

In Middle East Survey Engineering, Finance Department prepares accounts and audits them to make it up to date. This department makes necessary arrangements for the working capital requirement.

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Logistics department

Loading Supervisor

Dispatch Supervisor



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The main aim of logistics department is to make task simple and easy. The purpose of this is to make sure that the workers and the equipments that are necessary for a work reaches the site at the correct time. It is also responsible for the delivery of the final drawing to the clients or customers at the correct time. Loading supervisor and the driver should be able to handle quite easily and without time wastage and to avoid confusions when workmen and equipments have to be allocated to different work sites.


1. The employees should be picked up from their respective accommodation and reach the office by 8 am. 2. The necessary workmen and the equipments required for their work in the site which is listed should be checked and ticked by the supervisors before taken to the worksite. 3. Taking the employees and equipment to the worksite and back. 4. Rechecking the equipments before handing over to the stores department. 5. The dispatching supervisors are responsible for taking the drawing to the customers as hard copy and soft copy.


In Middle East Survey Engineering, logistics department is there to make task simple and easy. The purpose is to make sure that the final drawing reaches the right clients.

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QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT It is one of the most important departments which maintain the product quality. This department is headed by a Quality Controller. The quality control department checks the quality of the equipments as well as the drawings prepared. If the equipments used is not of the standard quality the equipment will be rejected and will send back to the suppliers. If the equipments are of good quality the equipments are used in the operations department. After starting the survey there are many steps to check the accuracy of the survey. If the survey done is not accurate the reason for the errors will be identified and proper corrections will be made and the work will be continued until the drawings made are accurate and as per standard.


Middle East Survey Engineering is committed to supply the very best quality drawings to meet the customers need and expectations by continuous quality up gradation as per ISO norms and specifications. Superior quality is the main reason behind their dignified position in the same sphere of business. For their excellent quality management, they have credited with ISO 9001:2008 certifications. Companys quest for excellence and efforts towards achieving quality has enabled them to gain a substantial market share within a short span of time. This ISO 9001-2008 certified company follow the Total Quality Management in Land and Bathymetric Survey contracting and consultancy. They abide by stringent quality control measures at all stages of survey. It has been always ensured by the company that their customers get superior quality drawings. These quality control specifications are followed tooth-to-nail from equipments to delivery of drawings. They use the finest quality equipments which is purchased from reputed names in the market. Afterwards, they check all these equipments and the workers for their exactness and utility. Every stage is thoroughly monitored by highly qualified experts, ensuring

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flawless operation at every stage. The company guarantees customer satisfaction through on time delivers of accurate drawings as per customers requirement.

QUALITY POLICY AND OBJECTIVES The companys Quality Policy and Objectives are given below: (1) Quality Policy Middle East Survey Engineering is committed to fulfill the requirements of the clients by maintaining the effectiveness of quality management system to the full satisfaction of them. Prime features of their quality policy are: Develop a better image in the market by possessing systematic practices. Satisfying the customized needs of the clients by fulfilling their commitments in terms of prompt delivery and quality. Work as a team to achieve effective implementation of the standards and requirement of construction industries. Train staff and impart knowledge on latest developments in construction field. Comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Continually improve the Quality Management System by establishing &n reviewing quality objectives.

(2) Quality Objective Consistent and concerted efforts on process improvement. Right quality control procedures to ensure flawless operation. Total involvement of the entire workforce on quality improvement. Strict adherence to documented quality system.

(The company has a documented system procedure to carry out each and every activity from order processing to order execution. Since all these activities are being carried out and monitored as per the international standards prescribed by the ISO 9001 system standard, quality is full assured in every activity.)

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PRODUCT QUALITY The company has a dedicated Quality Control Department under the supervision of a Quality Controller provided with the various types of tools and equipments. Companys teams of quality controllers make sure that each of the survey conducted is as per the various national and international quality standards

There are documented procedures to check the accuracy of the work done at each stage. The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Department is in charge of checking each stage of the process of survey. The Quality Control head compares the Shop drawing which is approved by the clients with the final drawing provided by the project manager for accuracy. Any correction to be made should be done only under the consent of Quality control head. Periodic checking will be conducted by the Quality Control department ensure accuracy of all works. Also equipment calibration is done every six months to ensure the accuracy of the equipments. All the records connected with the shop drawing, final drawing, redrawing etc will be maintained with the department for future references.


1. Responsible and authorized for the quality of all equipments and drawings. 2. Formulating and updating specification for the equipments and final drawings based on National and International standards. 3. Responsible and authorized for the quality products to the customers and to attend customer complaint from respective quality if any. 4. Working with the management team for necessary administrative matters interacting with the operations, marketing, materials and technical service department for corrective and preventive actions required. 5. Responsible and authorized for research and development activities. 6. Internal quality audit. 7. Process audit and final product inspection.

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STRENGTHS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Quality of the Products is their greatest strength. Strong support from top management. Highly professional management. Good employee relationship. A well- motivated work force. A solid base of satisfied customers.


1. Less promotion activities. 2. Lack of international marketing.


THREATS 1. Competition: The Company is facing severe competition from local as well as international competitors. 2. Increasing maintenance cost of equipments. 3. Price war between existing surviving companies. 4. Climatic conditions are an obstacle for the timely completion of the project.


Company is in lucrative area where there is a lot of scope for development and growth. 2. Due to the large scale of construction projects, there is high demand for the companys service in near future. 3. Survey is considered to be very essential prior to any construction activity. Hence there are always possibilities for stable demand. 4. Company always has the option of expanding the market throughout GCC.

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The organization study is based upon the information imparted by the respected personnel of the organization. Interaction with workers, information from journals, magazines, news papers and annual report also helped to discover newer areas in the functioning of the organization.

1. Middle East Survey Engineering deliver quality product at right time. 2. Skilled, trained co-operative and experienced manpower. 3. Employees are satisfied with job and salary. 4. Middle East Survey Engineering facing high competition from similar business concerns in the market. 5. Good co-ordination between the different departments of the organization. 6. Good industrial relation. 7. Customers are very much satisfied with the quality and delivery of the product.

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1. Effective training programs to the employees for increasing the production. 2. Give timely rest to the workers in order to produce consistent performance. 3. The cost reduction steps taken by the management were fine, but need improvement. 4. Maintain better ties with the clients. 5. Company should adopt advertising and increase the promotional strategies for increasing the sales. 6. Company should have to utilize their manpower capacity fully.

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Middle East Survey Engineering is one of the best survey companies in Dubai, offering high quality survey. Its ardent and sincere passion, multifarious facilities, monumental growth, marvelous operation and variegated facilities are the hall marks of the company. The standard quality of their survey is their greatest strength.

The study helped me to understand that the company is facing severe competition and it affects the profitability of the company. I was also able to understand some of the drawbacks and problems of the Middle East Survey Engineering such as absence of efficient Marketing department and absenteeism. I hope that if the unit is managed to overcome these drawbacks and problems, it can increase its efficiency.

Being a student of MBA the organization study, which I have done in Middle East Survey Engineering, has benefited me with so much of confidence and awareness, so as to be capable of orienting myself to work in a firm. The various exposures I have got from the firm have been a turning point in my academic curriculum. This study has improved my practical knowledge hand in hand with that of theoretical knowledge.

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1. CHHABRA .T.N Principles & Practice of Management Dhanpat Rai & Co (9th Reprint Edition 2009). 2. POTTI .L .R Research Methodology Yamuna Publications(2009 Reprint Edition) 3. CHHABRA .T.N Human Resource Management Dhanpat Rai & Co 5th (Revised) (2010 Reprint Edition) 4. Ramaswamy.V.S & Namakumari.S Marketing Management Macmillan Publishers India Ltd 4th Edition 2009 5. KOTHARI.C.R Research Methodology New Age International Publishers Reprint Edition 2010 6. PANDEY.I.M Financial Management Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd Reprint Edition 2009 7. SONTAKKI.C.N Marketing Management Kalyani Publishers Reprint Edition 2009

1. 2. www.

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