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(Kiangan Hymn by Juan Dait Jr.)

I. O Kiangan home of great minds
Charming town on friendly hills
Kissed by clouds and gentle rain
Where springs abound on mountainsides
Flowing brooks, streams and rivers
Giving life to lush fields and farms

II. O cradle of a noble race

That sprung from old Kiyyangan
Who gave the Hudhud to mankind
And a rich cultural legacy
That our ancestors had bestowed
For us to treasure and uphold

III. Beacon light of leadership

Mirror of Christian values
Whose loyal sons dare to dream
Who sail the seas and fly the skies
To distant shores to excel
That lift our hearts with pride

IV. When we harvest ripened grains

‘Tis bakle time and all are merry
We beat gongs and dance the tayo
And strengthen love and friendship
To thank God for a season
Of abundant blessings

Where’er we are we’ll ever yearn
Of coming back to dear Kiangan
This place we call our own
A paradise where we belong

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