David Magar 20048430

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Module Code & Module Title

CU6051NT – Artificial Intelligence

Assessment Weightage & Type

Artificial Intelligence (25%)
Year and Semester
2020-21 Autumn

Student Name: David Magar

London Met ID: 200484430
College ID: np05cp4s210099

Assignment Submission Date: 2022-12-14

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the relevant
module page before the deadline for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am fully aware that late
submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Explanation of the Topic and AI Concept used ..................................................... 1

1.2. Explanation of the chosen problem domain .......................................................... 2

Cold Start Problem ...................................................................................................... 2

Synonymy .................................................................................................................... 2

Privacy ......................................................................................................................... 2

Sparsity........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Background .............................................................................................................. 3

Content Based filtering ................................................................................................ 5

3. Solution ....................................................................................................................... 6

3.1. Proposed Solution /approach to solving the problem ............................................ 6

3.2. Explanation of the AI algorithm used .................................................................... 7

Flowchart ..................................................................................................................... 8

Pseudocode .................................................................................................................... 9

4. Conclusion: ............................................................................................................. 10

Analysis of the work done .......................................................................................... 10

How the solution address real world problem ............................................................ 11

Further work .............................................................................................................. 11

References .................................................................................................................... 12

1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intellectual processes by machines,
especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural
language processing, speech recognition, and computer vision.
As the hype around AI grows rapidly, vendors have scrambled to promote how their
products and services use AI. AI requires specialized hardware and software platforms
to write and train machine learning algorithms. No programming language is
synonymous with AI, but a few are popular, including Python, R, and Java. Typically, AI
systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for
correlations and patterns, and using those patterns. make predictions about future
states. This way, a chatbot that receives text chat examples can learn to create real-life
interactions with people, or an image recognition engine can learn to identify and
describe objects in images by examining millions of examples.
1.1. Explanation of the Topic and AI Concept used
The topic here is about the recommendation system and within the recommendation
system the main part of the work is music recommendation system. By providing
dataset with rating of user and names of the music, the algorithm rates the items and
show items to the user that they would rate highly. Various lists, Methods are needed to
function properly and give certain output. Sites like Spotify are an example to music
recommendation system. A recommendation system is a system designed to
recommend things to a user based on a variety of factors. These systems predict the
most likely product that a user is most likely to buy and be interested in. The
recommendation system processes a large amount of available information by filtering
out the most important ones based on user-supplied data and other factors of interest
and interest to the user. It finds a match between the user and the item and gives the
similarity between the user and the item for the recommendation.
Both the users and the services provided benefit from these types of systems. Quality
and decision making have also improved with these types of systems.



1.2. Explanation of the chosen problem domain

As in the nowadays context World Wide Web has grown in exponential rate, in size and
complexity of various website grows along with it. As a user of these websites, one
cannot get the item which they are looking for, so it becomes slightly difficult and more
time consuming to get the information or the item they are looking for. The
recommendation system processes a large amount of available information by filtering
out the most important ones based on user-supplied data and other factors of interest
and interest to the user. For the interval of the time people tend to like similar type of the
product/music. As when listening to Rock music, some metal music also appears which
is also because of recommendation system. There are also many issues and complexity
in recommendation system and different solutions provided by the researcher to handle
these challenges.
Cold Start Problem
Cold start is a potential problem in computerized information systems that involves
some degree of automated data modeling. Specifically, the fact that the system cannot
make any inferences about the user or the item for which the system has not gathered
enough information. In such case, neither the taste of the new user can be predicted nor
the new items be rated or purchased by the user which leads to less accurate
Synonyms occur when an item is represented by two or more different names or a list of
items with similar meanings, under such conditions the suggestion system cannot
recognize whether the displayed terms different items or the same item.
Recommendation systems are useful, but the privacy risks associated with the
collection and processing of personal data are often underestimated or overlooked.
Many users do not fully know whether their data is being collected and how much of
their data is being collected, whether this data is sold to third parties, or if it is stored
securely. how and for how long.



Data scarcity refers to the difficulty of finding reliable similar users, as active users
typically only rate a small portion of items.

2. Background
Many research are done for this Topic. Algorithms like Pearson Correlation or
Manhattan Distance and k means clustering were used and studied.are researched
and studied. As in todays context music streaming platform becomes the dominant
medium for people to listen to the songs they’ve wanted. Music streaming service are
now able to collect huge amount of data on the listening pattern of their customer. The
streming sites like Apple music, Spotify, Pandora are using the data of their data to
provide recommendation to their customer. These music system filters the data to
predict a user pattern when it comes to a certain item. There are two approaches to
recommender system i.e. Collaborative Filtering and Content Based Filtering.
Collaborating Filtering
Collaborative filtering is the best known application recommendation engine and is
based on computed heuristics; People who like the product will like the same product in
the future. This type of algorithm is also known as product-based cooperative change.
In this filtering, users are filtered and associated with individual users instead of items.
In this system, only the user's behavior is taken into account. Just their content and
profile information is not enough. Users who give a positive review for a product will be
linked to the behavior of other users who give a similar review.
The main idea behind this approach is to offer new items based on the behavioral
proximity of similar customers.
Collaborative filtering requires a set of factors based on a user's historical selection.
This system does not require many product functions to function. The integration or
feature vector describes each item and user, and places both the item and the user in a
similar integrated location. He himself creates boxes for elements and users.Feedback
from other buyers is considered when recommending a particular product to key users.
It tracks the behavior of all users before suggesting which items are most liked by the



user. It also connects similar users with similar interests and behaviors towards a similar
product when offering the product to key customers.
Two sources are used to record product user interactions. First of all, through implicit
comments, users' likes and dislikes are recorded and noticed by their actions such as
clicking, listening to music, searching, recording purchases, viewing pages, etc.

On the other hand, explicit feedback occurs when customers specify that they do not
like or dislike by rating or reacting to a particular product on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
These are direct user reviews to express their likes and dislikes for the product. It
includes both positive and negative feedback.



Content Based filtering

Content-based filtering is a type of recommendation system that tries to guess what
users might like based on their activity.
Content-based filtering makes recommendations using keywords and attributes
assigned to objects in the database (e.g. online marketplace items) and matches them
to a profile. user profile. User profiles are created based on data obtained from user
actions, such as purchases, ratings (likes and dislikes), downloads, searching for items
on the website, and/or booking go to the cart and click the product link.
Content-based filtering is based on assigning properties to objects in the database so
that the algorithm knows something about each object. These attributes mainly depend
on the product, service, or content you recommend.
Assigning attributes can be an epic undertaking. Many companies rely on groups of
subject matter experts to manually assign attributes to each item. For example, Netflix
has hired screenwriters to evaluate shows on various aspects, from filming locations
and actors to plot, tone, and emotional effects. The resulting tags, used by
recommenders, are algorithmically combined to group movies that share a common



3. Solution
3.1. Proposed Solution /approach to solving the problem
All the people enjoy the music. Music Recommendation System is useful in many
aspects. The recommendation system navigates the user to the similar product or the
music they like or enjoy which also helps companies for their content people and to
attract more people. People like to share the music or the music genre with the other
people and as for the recommendation system by providing similar music, it helps to
hook up that user on the system.
Clustering is the process of dividing a population or data points into several groups so
that the data points in the same group are similar to other data points in the same group
and different from the data points in other groups.
k- means clustering algorithm is used in this project. Clustering K-means is a simple
unsupervised learning algorithm used to solve clustering problems. It follows a simple
process of classifying a certain data set into a number of clusters, identified by the letter
"k", which are pre-fixed.
It tries to make the intra-cluster data points as similar as possible while also keeping the
clusters as different (far) as possible. It assigns data points to a cluster such that the
sum of the squared distance between the data points and the cluster’s centroid
(arithmetic mean of all the data points that belong to that cluster) is at the minimum. The
less variation we have within clusters, the more homogeneous (similar) the data points
are within the same cluster.



3.2. Explanation of the AI algorithm used

k-means clustering is a centroid-based algorithm in which the cluster are related with
the centroid. with the help of of thisalgorithm minimize the sum of distance between the
data points and corresponding cluster. the inputs are the unlabled dataset, seperates
the dataset into k number of cluster, and the process is repeated until it finds the best
cluster. In this algorithm the value of k is predetermined.

The algorithm that is used in k-means clustering is

Step 1: Choose the number K to decide the number of clusters.
step 2: Select random K points or centroids from the cluster. (It can be other from the
input dataset).
Step 3: Assign each data point to their closest centroid, which will form the predefined K
step 4: Calculate the variance and set the new centroid of each cluster.
step 5: Repeat the third steps, that is, reassign each data point to the nearest new
centroid of each cluster.
Step 6: If any reassignment occurs, then go to step-4 else go to finish.






Choose number of clusters, K
Initialize K centroids at random
FOR each datapoint
Assign each datapoint to the closest centroid
Compute the distance between the datapoint and the cluster centroid
Repeat until the centroid don’t change



4. Conclusion:
Analysis of the work done

S.N Task Status

1 Research on Artificial Intelligence Completed
2 Research on Recommendation System Completed
3 Research on chosen topic Completed
4 Problem Statement of Chosen Topic Completed
5 Research on work done method Completed
6 Similar system review Completed
7 Review & analyzing existing work Completed
8 Research solution of selected Completed
9 Flowchart & Pseudocode Completed
10 Implementing Coding Incomplete
11 Testing Project Incomplete

Explanation of the Recommendation system, many different AI algorithm were

highlighted in work. Recommendation System is a part of artificial intelligences as it
gives automatically recommend genre of music or products. Recommendation system is
widely used in different fields. As in this report the recommendation system used by
various companies is shown like Daraz, Amazon, Spotify, etc. Through many research
and help from my friends i managed to finish the project in time. i got to learn many new
things. i didn't know much about the recommendation system but now have got the
about it and how it work. this project was very helpful i in future, if wants to make a
project and to add recommendation system in model it will be very helpful.


How the solution address real world problem

Recommendation System is helpful for data storage, data manipulation and for data
mining as it defines the preference of the user in the system. In nowadays context,
technology is vastly developed, the data flow cannot be numbered. The resources
through which we get our item may update daily and its quite difficult to navigate
through user need. Recommendation system helps maintaining that balance. It helps in
giving rating to the product and to get the data of what kind of data is mostly being used.
This further point out the need of Artificial intelligence in the modern world.
Further work
After this coursework, got knowledge about the recommendation system and for the
further development it will be very much helpful and for the next time i will built the
system even more precise.


(2021). Retrieved from Javatpoint: https://www.javatpoint.com/k-means-clustering-

(2022). Retrieved from Nvidia: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/glossary/data-


(2022). Retrieved from GeekForGeeks:


(2022). Retrieved from LabelYourData: https://labelyourdata.com/articles/movie-


Khandual, S. (2022). K-Means Clustring. Retrieved from




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