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Use Case Login

Actors Voter
Description The voter enters their username and password, if the login credentials is valid
than they get access to go to user interface.

Use Case: Login

Actors: Voter

Description: The voter enters their username and password, if the login credentials is valid than they get
access to go to user interface.

Actor Action System Response

1. The user navigates to the login page of the
2. The user enters their username and password
into the appropriate fields.
3. The system checks the entered credentials
against a database or other authentication
4. If the credentials are valid, the system grants
the user access and displays the appropriate
content or interface.
Cast Vote

Use Case Vote

Actors Voter
Description The voter login to the system and select the election and vote for the preferred
candidate and submit their vote.

Use Case: Cast Vote

Actor: Voter

Actor Action System Response

1. Voter login to their system using their ID and
2. System verifies the ID and password and
displays the list of available elections.
3. Voter selects the election they wish to
participate in.
4. System display the list of candidates for the
selected election.
5. Voter selects their preferred candidate and
submits their vote.
6. System confirms that the vote has been
successfully recorded.
Description: The voter login to the system and select the election and vote for the preferred candidate

and submit their vote.

View ballot information

Actor Action System Response

1. The voter selects the option to view the ballot
on the voting platform.
2. The system retrieves the ballot information
from its database and displays it to the voter. This
may include a list of candidates that are being
voted on.
3. The voter reviews the information on the ballot
and considers their options. They may choose to
research the candidates before making a decision.
4. Once the voter has reviewed the ballot
information and made their decision, they may
select their preferred candidates or positions and
submit their vote.
5. The system records the voter's selection and
updates the vote tally.
Use Case View ballot information
Actors Voter
Actor Action System Response
1. The administrator logs in to the website or
application where the election is being held, using
their administrator credentials.
2. The administrator selects the option to create a
new election on the voting platform.
3. The system displays a form or wizard that the
administrator can use to create the new election.
The form may include fields for the administrator
to enter details about the election, such as the
name of the election, the positions being
contested, the dates of the election, and the
eligibility of voters.
4. The administrator enters the required
details about the election into the form
5. Once the administrator has entered all the
necessary details, they can submit the form or
wizard. The system will create the new election,
adding it to the list of available elections on the
6. The administrator may need to configure
additional settings for the new election, such as
setting up voting districts or adding candidates.

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