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Yes I interested, but school dont give me the chance to apply but that's why I am here.

I don't know I say I don't know and I will find out

Congratulations on completing Level 3 – our video interview and case studies! We hope that you found the
projects on the use of technology and new innovations interesting and that you gained some insight into
Unilever and the type of work that we do.
This feedback report is a confidential document; it is designed to provide you with detail on your strengths
and development areas against Unilever’s success criteria for the Future Leaders Programme.  It should be
stored in a safe and secure place.
To realistically understand where you need to focus your development it is important to have a benchmark
of what reflects successful performance in the role.  Unilever’s success criteria provide a clear
understanding of the behaviors, skills and attributes that you would be expected to possess on the Future
Leaders Programme.  It acts as a yardstick by which you can understand your performance and provides a
template for future potential and success.
You were assessed on the following key areas in the video interview and case study. These areas are
critical to success in Unilever.
• Judgment (i.e. big picture thinking, analyzing information and making decisions, thinking innovatively and
being positive about change).
• Drive (i.e. having the motivation to succeed, working to accelerate business growth, being obsessed with
consumer needs and improving brands and consumer experience)
• Influence (i.e. communicating effectively, learning from mistakes and inspiring others)
You were required to demonstrate at least an acceptable standard of performance for each area in order to
show that you have reached the minimum requirements of the programme
Judgement - Big picture thinking, analysis & decision making and change & innovation
You demonstrated that you can assimilate information, but you needed to provide more evidence about
how you actually analyze the information and how you make decisions? For example, what process do you
go through? What types of information are you looking for? What end outcomes are you hoping to achieve?
You identified some of the risks in the data, however you need to think more about trends and
inconsistencies? Why are these important? What do patterns in data tell you? How can they help you plan
for the future?
Overall it is clear that you are fairly positive about change, however, you could identify some opportunities
for better ways of working or improvements for the future. What process would you go through to come up
with a new idea or a better way of working? What factors would you consider? How would you overcome
resistance to change? What action would you take to convince others of your new idea?
Drive - Drive to succeed, accelerating business growth and consumer needs
You demonstrated some understanding of Unilever and your own values and strengths. However, you
needed to provide more detailed evidence of how you would use your strengths to be successful in
Unilever and on the Programme. You needed to provide more evidence against working effectively to
accelerate business growth. For example, it is not clear why quality is important to you and what steps you
will take to maintain quality results. You could improve further in the future by thinking about how you
prioritize complex tasks and how to multi-task more effectively to achieve more in busy times. You could
also benefit from thinking about constantly improving consumer satisfaction, what would consumers like to
see more of? 
Influence - Inspirational leadership, influencing skills and learning agility
Overall, you demonstrated some evidence against the ability to communicate effectively. However, you
need to think about how you influence others, what approach could you take to achieve positive results and
ensure everyone is bought into your messages / your way of thinking? You could also develop further by
thinking about how you would work collaboratively and effectively with a wide-range of people (i.e. including
those more senior to you) and how you will proactively support others?

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