Data From Estuarine and Coastal Sediments: Aluminium Norm Alization of Heavy-Metal of The Gulf of Thailand

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Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

Aluminium Norm alizationof Heavy-Metal

datafrom EstuarineandCoastalSediments
of the Gulf of Thailand
Voravit Cheevaporn
Departmentof Aquatic Science,BuraphaUniversity, Chonburi 20131, Thailand.

M.L. San Diego-McGlone

Marine ScienceInstitute,Universityof the Philippines,Q.C. I l0l, Philippines.


Sediment samples were collected from 20 stations along the coastal line of the Gulf of
Thailand. Trace metal concentrations were then determined using an atomic absorption
spectrophotometerfor Al, Fe, Mn, while Zn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ag,and Ni were analysed using an
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotbmeter.Each metal was then normalized
using Al as the-reference element. Two of the metals, namely Zn and Cr were shown to covary
strongly with Al, with correlation coefficient (r2) ranging between0.88-0.90.Four otler metals also
showedpositive linear correlationswith the referenceelement,with r' values of 0.69 for Cu, 0.60 for
Fe, 0.52 for Pb, and 0.50 for Cd. The last 3 metals, Mn, Ag, Ni did not covary with Al. On the whole,
it was concludedthat for most cases,Al can be used to normalize granular variability in trace-metal
analysesof the coastal sedimentsof the Gulf of Thailand and the adjacent area such as Straits of

l. Introduction metal pollution in an areawe need to isolate the

Although studieson heavy metals in the two metal proportions and this can pose
coastal waters of Thailand have existed for problems becausesedimentary metal loads can
more than 20 years, the available data and vary by severalorders ofmagnitude, depending
publications are very limited and patchy. Most on the mineralogy and grain size distribution of
of the studies that have been conducted are on the area as describedby Loring [9]. In order to
metal contents in living organisms such as fish overcome this problem, a normalization
and shellfish [],[2],[3],[4],[5], with less on procedureis suggested.With this procedure,we
metal contents in the environment [6],[7],[8]. will be able to calculate the natural component
With regard to metal contents in the coastal of the total concentration by defining the ratio
sediments, both the studies by National of natural concentrations to that of some
Research Council of Thailand in the Upper normalizing factor whose concentration is
Portion of the Gulf of Thailand [7],[8] and by unaffectedby human activity which would then
Menasveta & Cheevaparanapiwat [6] quoted enable us to detect and quantifu any
absolutevaluesof individual metal. anthropogenicmetal contribution to the system.
Although this kind of information is Loring [9] discussedtwo approachesto
useful, it has its limitation. and in some casesit normalization of metals in sediment, namely,
may lead to erroneous conclusions. This is the granulometric and geochemical methods.
because particulate metals from natural and Overall, geochemicalnormalization was shown
anthropogenic sources accumulate together in to be superior because it compensates for
sediment. In order to determine the level of minerological as well as the natural granular

) T
variability of the metal concentration in the sealed plastic bags and taken to the laboratory
sediment. There is no concensus on the for analysis.
appropriate sediment constituent to be used for
normalization. Among those used have been Laboratory Analysis
aluminium, iron, lithium, total organic carbon, In the laboratory the sediment samples
and grain size. However, aluminium has been were freezedried after which approximately l-g
widely used for normalization of trace-metal portions were finely ground. About 250 mg
data from marine suspended matter and samples were then measured accurately into
sediments because of its high natural 100-ml teflon beakersfollowed by addition bf
concentration and minimal anthropogenic l0 ml concentrated itNO3 and l0 ml of
contamination and because it is a structural concentrated HF. The samples were left to
element of clays. Since trace elements tend to digest in the fume cabinet, overnight, at room
be adsorbed onto surfaces of particles, their temperature.The next morning, 3 ml of HCIO4
concentrations naturally increase as particle was added into the beakersand these were then
sizes decrease.As a central component of clay, placed on the hot plates set at l20o C. Once the
the smallest sized particles, aluminium, can acids had evaporated to dryness, 2 ml of
serve arsa measureof clay content of sediment concentratedHNO3 was added and the samples
sample with which the bulk of the trace metals were reheatedto dryness.The beakerswere then
are associated. Schropp and Windom tl0l set aside to cool. Finally, 2 ml of l0% HNO3
recommendedusing aluminium as a reference was pipetted into the beakers, and after a few
element to normalize sediment metals swirls to dissolve the residue,the sampleswere
concentrations because it is highly refractory poured into plastic scintillation vials. Each
and its concentrationis generally not influenced beaker was then rinsed with 18 ml of double
by anthropogenicsources. distilled water and this was added into the vials.
One of the basic assumptionsused in Prior to analysis of the metals, l0 ml li50
the metaValuminium approach is that it cannot dilution for Al. and l/10 dilution for the other
be applied universally. It has been shown to metalswere preparedfrom the sample solutions.
work for samplesfrom the Gulf of Paria I l], Determination of concentrationsof Al, Fe and
[2] and more recently for estuarineand coastal Mn was conducted using Atomic absorption
sedimentsfrom southeasternUnited States[3]. spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer 3300) while
For high latitude sediments however, use of Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
aluminium as a metal normalizer is not spectrometer( optima 3000) was used for Cd,
recommendedbecause in these sediments.the Cr,Ag,Cu,Zn,Pb, and Ni analysis. All the
Al concentrations do not always vary vessels and materials used for metal
significantf with grain size [4],[5],[l6]. Thus determinationswere cleanedwith acid and dried
the present study was conducted in order that a in laminar flow hood before use. In order to use
proper interpretation of metal pollution in the the normalization procedure, a total digestion
SoutheastAsian Seassuch as Gulf of Thailand of the sediment samples is required. This
can be accomplished. was monitored by analysing a standard
reference material for trace metals ( MESS-I)
2. Materials and Methods from the National ResearchCouncil, Canada.
The results are given in Table l. The titration
Sampling Procedure method of Gaudefteet al.[20] was used for the
Twenty stationswere selectedalong the determination of organic carbon in the
coastafline of the Gulf of Thailand (Fig.l). At sediments.
each site, replicate sedimentsampleswere taken
using the grab sampler. A small sample was
then taken in the middle of the grab just
beneath the top surface using a non-metallic
spatula in order to reduce metal contamination
from the sampler. The sampleswere placed in

Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997


Figure l. Map of the Gulf of rhailand showingthe locationof the


Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

Statistical Analysis Windom et al.[3]. indicatedstrongcorrelations

Regressionanalysiswas run for all the betweenAl and Zn, Cr, Cu, Fe, and Pb, as was
metals using Al as the independentvariable. found in this present study. However, while
Log-transformationwere first carried out for all Windom et al.[13]. reportedstrong correlations
the data in order to satisfu the assumption of betweenAl and two other metals,Mn and Ni,
constant variance and normality, as suggested no such covariance existed for the sediment
by Schroppand Windom [0]. samples collected during this study. On the
contrary, Cd, which was shown not to covary
3.Results and Discussion with Al for the sediment samples of
Figure 2 shows the scatter-plotfor Zn southeastemUnited Statesdoes covary with the
vs. Al, Cr vs. Al, with the resultantregression normalizerfor the Gulf of Thailand.The results
line. Zn is shown here to have a very strong found in this study are similar to what have
positivecorrelationwith Al, with an r'value of been reported by Din [7] in the Straits of
0.90. Cr is also shown here to be positively Melaka. However. the correlation coefficient
correlated with the normalizer, Al. The betweenthe concentrationsof Cu,Fe, Pb, Cd,
correlation coefficient (r') calculated for this and Al, as reportedby Din [7] is ratherhigher
metal was 0.88. The strong covariance of than what have been reported by this study
concentrations of Zn and Cr againstAl suggest (Table2).
that Al should be used as the normalizer to Daskalakis[21] found that the r' value
correat the effects of changing grain size and of As,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Sn,Znwith Fe and Al
mineralogyon concentrationsof Zn and Cr in generally decreasedat sites near population
the sedimentsof the Gulf of Thailand. centers,implying that those elementsare most
Scatterplots and regressionlines of Cu, likely to be presentas contaminants. If this
Fe, Pb, and Cd againstAl are shown in figure 3. assumptionis true, since the 12 value of
Positive correlationbetweenCu. Fe. and Al is Cu,Fe,Pb, and Cd with Al in the Gulf of
shown here, with 12 value of 0.69 and 0.60 Thailand decreasedrelative to those found in
respectively.Pb and Cd are shown to have the adjacentseassuch as Straits of Melaka. It
positive covariancewith Al, as reflectedby an might imply that contaminationby thosemetals
r'value of 0.53and 0.50.However,the strength in the Gulf of Thailandis much more influenced
of the relationshipbetweenthe concentrations by anthropogenicinput than in the Straits of
of these metals, is somewhat reduced as Melaka.
comparedto ZnandCr. The findingsof this study indicatedthat
The last figure ( Fig.4) indicatesthat for the most part, the metal/Al approach to
Mn,Ag, and Ni do not covary with aluminium. normalizationappearsto work for the sediments
Regressionanalyseshere resultedin an r'value from the Gulf of Thailand,just as it did for the
of 0.21for Mn, 0.20for Ag, and0.I 4 for Ni. sedimentsamplesof the Straitsof Melaka and
On the whole, the study apparently southeastemUnited States.However, for some
indicatesthat for the sediment samplesalong of the metals, including Mn, Ag, and Ni, the
the Gulf of Thailand,Zn andCr covary strongly grain-sizeeffect should be normalizedby other
with aluminium with r" value ranging between meanssince the concentrationof these metals
0.88-0.90.Aluminium is also shown to covary in the Gulf of Thailandsampleswas not shown
with Cu and Fe and to a lesserextent with Sn. to covarywith Al.
It is also evident from this study that for these Normalizationproceduresusing various
particularsedimentsamples,Mn, Ag, and Ni do other clay mineral indicatorelementsas well as
not covary with aluminium. For the most part, total organic carbon have been documented in
the covarianceof metals with Al found in this several earlier reports. Windom et al [3].
study is similar to what has been reported indicatedthat some metals, such as Cd, do
earlier for low latitudeareassuch as the Straits covary with TOC but at a far less significant
of Melaka [7] and the southeasternUnited level than Al. In this study,the TOC contentsin
States[3], althoughsome differencesdo exist. sedimentswere quite low ( usually much less
For example,in the southeastemUnited States, than l0 %).

Int. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

Table l. Analysisof referencematerial(MESS-l). All units in ppm.

Element Certifiedvalue This study(n=6) Yorecovery c.v.t

Zn 19l+17 200.4tt2 I10.7 5.99

Cr .7l+ll 58.913 82.9 5.09
Cu 25.1+3.8 20.8+1.3 82.9 6.25
Pb 34.016.I 29.5+2.4 86.8 8.14
Cd 0.5910.10 0.41r0.07 71.2 16.67
Ni 29.5+2.7 263!1.9 89.2 7.22
* C.V. = Coefficientof variation.

Table2. Comparisonof the correlationcoefficient (r') between Al and other

metalsin the sedimentsfrom the Gulf of Thailandand Straitsof Melaka.

Element Gulf of Thailand Straits of Melaka*

Zn 0.902 0.903
Cr 0.875 0.926

Cu 0.697 0.893
Fe 0.602 0.930
Pb 0.527 0.858
cd 0.505 0.718

Mn 0.215 0.t94
Ag 0.202 0.143
Ni 0 . 14 3 0.063

Thus its use as a normalizing factor does not reportedthe strong covarianceof concentrations
look very promising.One weaknessof TOC as a of Al, Ti and Sc in the Gulf of Thailand
normalizer, however is the fact that TOC itself sediments and suggestedthat they should be
is subject to considerable augmentation by equivalently useful normalizing elements to
human activity and is often a contaminant. oorrect for effects of changing grain-size and
Use of Fe as a reference metal to mineralogy on concentrationsof other metals.
normalize for grain-size effect in estuarineand Loring [9] highly recommendedthe useof Li as
coastalsedimentsfrom the inner Virginia shelf a normalizingelementto correct for grain-size
was reported by Rule [18]. However, total Fe effect, particularly for high latitude coastal
concentration in many nearshoresedimentscan sediments.In fact, evenfor low latitudesamples
be distorted by the accumulation of iron he regardedLi to be as good, if not better than
compounds in these areas and this makes it an AI,
unsuitablealternative. Srisuksawadet al [19].
Int. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

y = 0.823x-1.882
R square= 0.902





t -ou

4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90

Log of Al

2.60 y = 1.235x-3.272
I R square= 0.875
2.50 _l
6 2.3o l
-3 z.zo lI
2 . 1 0_.1

2.00 I
4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90
Log of Al

Figure 2. Zn '. Al, and Cr : Al scatter plots for the coastal sedimentsof the Gulf of Thailand. The
solid line representsthe regressionline.

Int. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

4.70 y = 0.923x-.082
R square= 0.602
o 1.80

1.70 4.00

1.60 aon

{ <n ?qn

4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.20 4.30 ,+.40 4.50 4.60 4.70
Log of Al Log of Al y = 0.723x-1.125 - 1 . 1 0.
y = 1.012x-6.174
R square= 0.527 +
+ +
+ -l.ZU l I
R square= 0.505

.I.JU :
2.30-1 J
- 1 . 5 0-l
* z'zo),

z.oo -1.E0

I -1.90 I
-2.00 _l
I qn

I r r l r-------]-----T-----]
l l l r l l
4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90
Loq of A
4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90
Log of Al

Figure 3. Cu : Al, Fe : Al, Pb : Al, and Cd : Al scatterplots for the coastalsedimentsof the Gulf of
Thailand.The solid line represents the regressionline.

Int. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

y = 0.4O7x+0.839 y = 0 . 3 0 1x - 2 0 1 5
R squaE : 0.215 R sqs€ = 0.2@

i i
T i
+ +
+ t

+ - +
+ +
+ +

4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90

Log ot Al
4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90
Log ot Al

-1.30 y = 0.O/8x-1.823
R square = 0.143
- 1 . 4 0r
I +
_ t r

- I + +
- ,* - ] +=


t l

4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4 . 9 0

Log of A

Figure 4. Mn : Al, Ag : Al, and Cr : Al scatterplots for the coastalsedimentsof the Gulf of Thailand.
The solid line representsthe regressionline.

Int. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol.2,No.2,July 1997

The arguments in support of Li are that apart [4] Huschenbeth,E. and Harms, U. (1975), On
from being a lattice component of fine-grained tlre Accumulation of OrganochlorinePesticides,
trace-metal-bearing minerals such as the PCB and Certain Heavy Metals in Fish and
phyllosilicates and clay minerals, it also reflects Shellfish from Thai Coastal and Inland Waters,
the granular variability of its host mineral Arch. Fisch.Wiss.,Vol.2, pp.109-122.
component and is present in highly detectable
concentrations.Moreover, levels of Li in the [5] Philips, D.J.H. and Muttarasin,K. (1985),
sediments are usually not influenced by Trace Metals in Bivalve Molluscs from
anthropogenicinputs. Thaifand,Mar. Environ. Res., Vol.l5, pp.2l5-
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study along with [6] Menasveta, P. and Cheevaparanapiwat,V.
other recentresults shows that in most cases,Al (1981), Heavy Metals, Organochlorine
can be used as a referenceelement to normalize Pesticidesand PCBs in Green Mussels, Mullets
granular variability in trace-metal analyses of and Sediments of River Mouths in Thailand,
the coastal sediments of the South East Asian Mar. Pollut. Bull., Vol.l2, pp.19-25.
Seas such as the Gulf of Thailand. For some
other metals, including Mn, Ag, and Ni, a [7] National Research Council of Thailand
different normalizer is recommended, Ti, Sc, (NRCT) (1974), Report on the 2nd Pollution
and Li, being high in the list. Use of TOC as a Survey in the Upper Portion of the Gulf of
normalizer in the area is not recommendeddue Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
to its low concentrationand becauseit is usually
influencedby human activity. [8] National Research Council of Thailand
(NRCT) (1976), Report on the 3rd Pollution
5. Acknowledgement Survey in the Upper Portion of the Gulf of
The authorswish to thank ProfessorIan Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
Brindle for his valuable suggestion.This work
was supported by the Burapha University [9] Loring, D.H. (1991), Normalization of
ResearchFund. Heavy-Metal Data from Estuarine and Coastal
Sediments,ICES J.Mar.Sci., Vol.48, pp.l0l-
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