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TASK 1......................................................................................................................................2


Identify the issue(s)/problem(s) of the case...............................................................................2



TASK 2......................................................................................................................................7


In order to conduct this analysis, a unique case study was conducted that included 100
Bangladeshi migrant laborers who traveled to Malaysia in the aim of finding employment.
Many of these people had traveled from Bangladesh to Malaysia in search of work, and they
had done so from both of their home nations. Despite this, it is not impossible for people to
have difficulties speaking and comprehending one another. Employees who work overseas
may find it difficult to understand both English and Bahasa Malaysia (the native language of
Malaysia). Discussions in recent months have focused on the subject of whether or not those
working abroad should have a direct manager. With regards to this, there was the most debate
and discussion. Because the supervisor is unable to communicate effectively with the
employees, there is a risk that the output would suffer (Abdullaeva 2020). That which was
detailed in the paragraph that before this has had a direct impact on this. There is a lot of
competition in this industry, thus experienced managers should be able to find solutions to
these questions.

Identify the issue(s)/problem(s) of the case

Our unwillingness to communicate in an easy and open way has been a major contributor to
our current difficulties. There is a risk of a conflict in Bangladesh due to the fact that a large
percentage of the workforce does not speak English or Malay. This is well within the scope
of possibility. In the long term, this will have a negative impact on the company's efficiency
(Aladag, 2021). Since this is the case, misunderstandings may occur in the workplace due to a
lack of language proficiency among workers. To put it another way, it is conceivable that
customers and businesses may not be able to communicate effectively because of a lack of
fluency in the target language. As a direct and immediate result of this predicament, the
production manager does not give them with a guideline that they may follow. On the inside,
everyone has unresolved difficulties that they haven't yet dealt with. A distorted perception is
caused by our past, our expectations and emotional trigger points; how we see ourselves; how
we see ourselves; our fears; our need to be right; and any other unresolved ego-oriented
issues that diminish our emotional intelligence are all contributing factors. This perception is
formed as a result of a combination of factors, including our prior experiences, expectations,

and emotional responses. It's possible that even in workplaces where everyone speaks the
same language, big roadblocks stand in the way of effective communication. A person's
interpretation of a word or phrase might vary greatly from another person's interpretation.
Misunderstandings are made much more likely by the tone of voice and body language used
to communicate. Before resuming a discussion with someone with whom you feel there has
been a lapse in communication, make sure they understand what you mean and make sure
they do before checking in with them again. Even though it's annoying at times, doing this
now will save you a lot of grief down the road. By learning more about how the other person
speaks and understands language, you'll be more equipped to converse with them in the


Every manufacturing company owner has a responsibility to ensure that all workers
have constant and unhindered access to open channels of communication. Increasing internal
communication is essential for increasing production, but only if management is willing to
take the required steps to do so. There are some words and phrases that even people who are
fluent in more than one language may find difficult to comprehend and use when conversing
in a language that is not their native tongue.

Their decision to make it their first language and the language with which they can
communicate most easily is a direct result of this. That's because their native language is one
that allows them to communicate with others in the clearest possible terms. In order to ensure
that none of your company's signals are misread by other parties while doing business
globally, you must take all required steps. The processes that must be followed to ensure that
none of the signals sent by your company will be hacked are, of course, equally important.

Even in the best of circumstances, a misinterpretation like this one has the ability to
make a situation more unpredictable, which may be uncomfortable and unpleasant. After the
deal is finished, even if the buyer or seller is pessimistic, there is still a chance that they
would feel regret. It's possible that this is the case from every angle you take a look at it from.
You should urge your staff to avoid using difficult-to-understand language wherever feasible
by avoiding terminology like this. This will allow a broader range of people to understand
what's being said. Our Lord was born in the year Ching, which translates to 2020.

Often, it is required to restructure the composed interactions in order to maximize
productivity. The way you connect with your sales agents has a direct bearing on your ability
to foster an environment that encourages the speedy development of new technologies and
the efficient retention of employees. You may boost productivity and correctness by using a
computerized correspondence collaborator like Grammarly in the workplace. When it comes
to writing, this is particularly true. As Gutner (Gutner, 2021) puts it, "This is the present

People and their professional goals should take precedence when considering how and
where to implement a strategy. Working on improving your capacity to understand what
other people are attempting to say with you can help you have better interactions with others.
As a result, it's critical that you always offer your whole attention to the persons you're
speaking with. Your ability to understand what others are saying will greatly increase. They
are more likely to conform to the norms and conventions of their company if they have
outstanding interpersonal skills, which in turn raises the chance of success for the boss. As a
result of their ability to connect with others, those who are good at doing so have a larger
chance of developing mutual understanding and points of view. As a result, they are better
able to communicate with each other than their counterparts. This cycle can only be broken
by individuals who were born with a rare aptitude to connect with others (Gutner, 2021). As
the name implies, pioneers are those who are responsible for bringing about long-term and
enduring improvements to the environment. Pioneers are those who inspire others to achieve
their objectives by setting an example of hard work and perseverance. By inspiring others to
strive hard toward their objectives, pioneers are accountable for bringing about change in the
environment. For a pioneer to be able to communicate effectively, fluency in the English
language is a need without exception. If you want to be a pioneer, you must have this skill.

Developing trust, redirecting behavior, and inspiring positive change all need the use
of effective communication techniques. When communication breaks down, vital information
might be misunderstood, leading to connections that persist. Roadblocks to advancement may
arise as a result of these relationships.

It's important to have certain interpersonal skills in order to succeed in your career,
and it's as important to have certain administrative abilities. Skills and talents are required for
each of these endeavors. People's interactions with one another may be divided into eight

broad types. It is important for pioneers to know when it is proper to speak up and when it is
better to keep their mouths shut. It's not only that they can listen well, but they also know
when to say the right thing. By indicating that you are interested in hearing from them, you
will be able to convey to the reps that you are open to their ideas, thoughts, and opinions. One
method to achieve this is to make it clear that you are eager to hear from your audience (Lee,
2007). Engage in the topic by encouraging others to expound, taking notes, and creating
opportunities for dialogue when they contribute.

Keeping one's focus on the here and now and avoiding interfering with one's
immediate surroundings is of the highest significance. Make sure you're actively engaged in
the discussion with the worker about the problem they're presently dealing with. To complete
the project, you must also ignore any distractions, such as reading incoming messages or
remembering that your phone will ring at regular intervals. You won't be able to accomplish
the task in time if you undertake one of these things. It is essential that both of these duties be
handled well.

When you are speaking with a member of the staff, it is critical that you pay attention
to the fine details of what is being said. Determine what the ideal outcome of your goal or
substantial push is and make sure you have a clear vision of what you want to see done in
order to guarantee that your path to success is well defined. When you've done this, you'll
know exactly what you want when the project is done. Try to improve your message or seek
for new ways to support or clarify it if you're not making progress. You have the choice to go
with one of these alternatives (Gutner, 2021).

There is less room for misinterpretation when you build a more open and honest
relationship with your constituents. As a direct result of having this information at their
disposal, representatives will feel more invested in their work and have a clearer
understanding of the goals toward which they are striving. An additional factor that must be
considered is acquisition.

Incorporating the thoughts and ideas of others into your own life. Getting feedback
from your team may help you become a better leader if you allow them the chance to do so.
You and the other individuals involved in your collaboration will be able to create a mutual
trust as a result of doing so, which is a crucial component of successful collaboration.
However, it's critical that you don't focus only on the details of the material itself throughout

the creation process. Because of its significance, this is the case. Furthermore, it is expected
of you that you ensure that you promise that you will follow up in some way on it (Flanagan,

Their lack of confidence in your capacity to see things through to completion will lead
to a lack of trust in you as a direct consequence of what has occurred. Even if you continue to
get input from your team but do not implement any changes, they will continue to assess the
reader. The reason for this is because they believe that the input you are getting is not
resulting in any development. Being honest about the fact that you may be unable to respond
instantly to certain questions is critical.

This is something that is quite likely to happen in the near future. Let them know that
their ideas were heard and then keep them updated on any progress you make, regardless of
whether it's possible or not. You'll be able to show your staff that you're not wasting their
time by doing this. As a consequence, they will believe that you aren't wasting their time.
This is because you'll keep them informed of any changes to your progress. To give the
impression that you're making progress, show that you're working quickly and efficiently.


That employees are able to engage with one another and that their overall degree of
satisfaction is related to the overall performance is not surprising at all. Communication skills
are a substantial predictor of an employee's level of performance, and employee happiness is
directly tied to their ability to communicate successfully. Employee turnover and absenteeism
are exacerbated by a lack of effective internal communication, which in turn reduces
productivity and lowers overall commitment (Skerine, 2020).

As a result, the productivity of a company as a whole is influenced by how effectively

its personnel are able to interact with each other. Communication may be improved by using
common signs and symbols that are understood by all parties involved (Sebok, 2017). From
the company's history and culture comes a wide range of visual representations, gestures, as
well as phrases. Thus, there is still a chance. Use motions or drawings to assist your staff
comprehend the issue. The ability to communicate effectively needs planning and articulation

of a precise message aim. This is because an open and honest line of communication is the
bedrock of every successful professional relationship.

Furthermore, effective communication is essential for the growth of an organization's

many parts. It serves as a data resource, contributes to the decision-making process, and aids
in the selection of among the many available options. As a result, people's views change
throughout time. Higher levels of education improve the probability that a person will have a
positive attitude on their present situation. (Lee, 2007).


Regardless matter how happy one seems on the outside, no one in contemporary
society is spared from having to cope with some kind of emergency, whether it's in their
personal or professional life. At first sight, they seem to be having a blast. For as long as both
the unpleasant or unfavorable occurrence and the difficulties that arise in coping with it are
extant, they may be considered examples of "issues." The term "trouble" may be used to the
idea of a "complex problem" in both meanings of the word. One definition of "problem"
relates to a situation that is difficult to deal with. If you are in the midst of a dark location,
there is always a glimmer of hope; the same is true of our situation as well. There is a
magnificent light at the end of this corridor when we reach our goal if we have the courage to
face and overcome the difficulties we encounter on the road. This assumes, of course, that we
will be successful in putting it into effect. course. It's also possible that if we're able to
recognize and conquer our obstacles, we'll achieve this. The problems that life throws at you
should be seen as chances to improve and show that you are capable of taking on the
challenge at hand. There is no need for further intervention if you follow these steps in the
proper sequence. This is what the author of the story hopes the listener will take away from it.

During my senior year of high school, I was very preoccupied with the college
application process and campus interviews at two different universities. At this time, I've
been requested to participate in three interviews on college campuses. This is because I was
unable to contain my delight when I was chosen, and as a consequence, my life has evolved
into one in which I have found my own position in the world. I couldn't hold my enthusiasm
any longer. Even though I was granted permission to begin working for the firm, I couldn't
escape the sensation that I needed to begin searching for a new job after just a month. After
all, I had been granted permission to begin working at the corporation. Anxiety over the job
was heightened by the company's culture, in which older colleagues often humiliated junior
employees for their failures. Even more distressing to me, the environment at that workplace
made me feel anxious, which just contributed to my overall sense of dread. In addition, the
company's culture was a factor in my dissatisfaction with my time there. Without an
established training program or framework, we were unable to perform the duties that came
with our job since we were new hires. We were not provided any information because of this.
As a direct result of this, we were unable to carry out our duties to the standard that was
required of us. Consequently, the corporation could not offer the perks it promised to
employees throughout the campus transfer process as a result of this.

Every morning, I had a terrible time getting out of bed and coming to work, and I was
unsure whether I should continue working in the position I was in at the time. We were in a
tough financial position as a family, and the money I earned from work was essential in
enabling us to meet our obligations and make monthly payments. This made it difficult for
me to quit. As a result, it was difficult for me to concentrate on my work. In other words, my
partner and I were able to pay our monthly bills on time because of the income I received
from my job. As a result, I decided to leave from my position with the organization. The time
it would take me to locate a new job if I were to leave the one I now work for is at least one
month. For my part, I was responsible for figuring out how to fulfill my financial
responsibilities for the following month so that I could pay my bills. I realized that as time
went on, I was becoming more unsure of what I should and should not be doing in my life.
Another element contributing to my unease was the fact that I had no prior experience in the

On my way to see my folks a few days later, I was driving home from work on a
beautiful morning when I had two thoughts running through my mind. Second, "If my father
could do it, why can't I?" The first theme was "There are many more significant worries in

our society, and many individuals are facing their difficulties bravely, not by becoming
sidetracked and confused." Why can my father, who was able to overcome obstacles when he
was my age, but I cannot? No logical reason exists why I should not be able to do what my
father accomplished when he was my age, and I am certain that I will be able to do the same
when I am the same age as my father. It's not unreasonable to expect that if I set my mind to
it, I can do what my parents did when they were my age. Despite the fact that I am a lot
younger than he is, it is my duty to instill confidence in him and to provide a helping hand as
he faces any future difficulties. At this point, I almost jumped out of my skin as I realized
what was going on, and I quickly started plotting my next move. When this notion came to
me out of the blue, I woke up from a deep slumber. So instead of abandoning my work, I
thought, I should put in more hours studying about it on my own, and then take advantage of
whatever free time I have to pursue extra education in the hopes that it would help me
advance my career as far as it can go. Instead of resigning from my position, I'll be taking this
course of action. In my present role, I'm going to devote a large amount of extra time to
studying about it on my own. As a direct result of realizing that I need more time at work to
get familiar with the company's operations, I've come to this decision. When I realized that I
would not be quitting my job, my thoughts turned to this. This was the obvious next step. I'd
need to spend much more time there, though, if I wanted to have an impartial perspective on
how the business functions.

My decision to stay with the same employer for so long was influenced by the
situation of the economics in my immediate family. In contrast, I was aware that if I could
overcome this challenge, I would have the necessary self-confidence to handle future
challenges. I had been looking forward to this. This obstacle would be no match for me if I
were to succeed. As a result of my proactive attitude, I felt certain that I would be better
prepared to handle unexpected events in the future should they arise. The only way I could
ensure that I would be able to manage any future emergencies was to face this issue head-on.
Because of this, I felt certain that I would be able to complete the project on time. That's what
I did because I believed that the only way to properly tackle this problem was to go at it head-
on. In the midst of my efforts to solve this difficult issue, I kept reflecting on how I might use
this experience to better prepare myself for future situations. Despite the fact that the bulk of
the employees were uninterested in helping me and instead made fun of my predicament, a
few senior members of staff were ready to aid me. Instead of helping me in any way, the vast
majority of the personnel made jokes about the seriousness of my condition. I was able to

overcome the obstacles I faced and find answers to the problems I was facing thanks to their
assistance. A large part of my early career was spent working for my employer to gain
experience and learn more about the obligations of the position I was filling. These
calculations were made in order for me to anticipate how long my workdays will consist of
and plan appropriately. With the goal of bringing in more money on a monthly basis in mind,
I completed this task and achieved it. In acknowledgment of my hard work, I was dubbed one
of the "Top Performers" at the company. My achievements and hard work were taken into
account when I made my selection.

Resignation was sent to me when I was working as an Executive Officer for another
organization after my study's results were interpreted in a way that was suitable to me. As a
result of this, I was fired from my former position. As a result, you shouldn't allow yourself
to be held back by the constant presence of obstacles in your life. The act of asking for
assistance when you need it is not anything to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, and you
should not punish yourself for doing so. Increasing our chances of success is as simple as
considering the advice in this article and putting it into action.

Despite the fact that some people may make fun of you if you seek for their help, you
need at least one person in your life who will always be there for you and support you no
matter what. In addition to providing moral support, the person you confide in should
encourage your efforts to expand your professional horizons. You must have at least one
person in your life who is constantly available to you. If you keep seeking for long enough
and put in enough effort, you will eventually find the person you're looking for. You should
be able to discover that individual if you devote enough time and effort to the search. If
you're prepared to put in the time and effort, you should be able to track down whatever it is
you're looking for. Achieving your dreams is impossible unless you have the cunning,
tenacity, and unwavering resolve of a diamond in your heart and soul. No one can stop you
from attaining your objectives if you have the cunning, tenacity, and unrelenting resolve of a
diamond in your heart and spirit. Diamonds are the strongest and most long-lasting naturally
occurring gemstones, and they may be found on every continent.


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