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Assignment No: 04

Department: IT
Semester: 5th ©

IT Project
Date: 5 February 2022


Topic Name:
Break Down Structure (WBS)
Also explain its level.
Submitted to:
Mam Saba Manzoor
Submitted by:
Maryam Riaz (F21BINFT1M04010)
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
 Introduction
 What is WBS
 Benefits
Table of  Levels:
1-Top Level
Content 2-Control Account
3-Work packages
Many companies use a work
Breakdown structure (WBS) for each of their projects to keep
Track of their progress and ensure they achieve their goals.
As a project manager, it's essential to provide your team with
Clear instructions, develop an accurate timeline and assign
Tasks in an orderly fashion. If you're in charge of
Managing projects, then learning how to use each of the
WBS levels to develop an organized action plan may interest

What is WBS?
A work breakdown structure provides
The foundation and guidelines for a successful project. It
Itemizes unique tasks, milestones and key elements of a
Project by organizing them in a hierarchical structure to
Illustrate which items need to be completed first.
Project managers can also use a WBS to assign different
Tasks and phases of the project life cycle to each team
A project manager may use a WBS to manage,
Estimate, coordinate and monitor the status of a project.
An effective work breakdown structure provides an overview
Of a project by stating the overall goal and breaking
Large tasks into smaller or more manageable deliverables.
This can increase productivity and help teams track
Their success.

Many project managers choose to use a
WBS because it provides a clear project overview
And guidelines for their team, but using a WBS can provide
Several additional benefits. Implementing a WBS can help

 Ensure everyone on your team is working toward the

Same goals
 Assign tasks to individual team members
 Track the overall progress of each project
 Set clear benchmarks
 Share data and analytics to share with key stakeholders
and company executives
 Identify new opportunities and areas for improvement
 Increase your team's productivity
 Improve the organization of your team and projects
 Develop an accurate timeline
 Identify which tasks are dependent on each other
 Estimate the cost of each project
 Assess and mitigate potential risks
 Create a statement of work to share with key
Stakeholders, clients and company executives
WBS Level:
To create an effective WBS, it's important
To understand each of the four WBS levels. Project
Managers use these levels to prioritize and organize
Tasks based on what items need to be completed first
To complete the final project. The four WBS levels you
Can implement in your organization are:

1-Top Level:
The top level of a WBS states the project's title
And the final deliverable. You can start creating your WBS
With this section by stating the overall scope of the project.

 Use clear language to identify what the completed project should look like so
Everyone on your team understands what goal they are working toward. 

2- Control Account:

Next, list the controls account WBS level

Underneath the top level. The controls account level outlines
The main phases of a project and the key deliverables that
Need to be achieved. It can also include the major parts,
Systems or features that need to be delivered in the final
Project to meet the customer's expectations.

3-Work packages:
The work packages level of a WBS appears
Underneath the controls account level. This level breaks the
Key deliverables down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
In order to be successful at the controls account level, teams
Need to first accomplish the tasks presented in the work
Packages level.

The final WBS level is the activities level. This level includes

All the tasks that need to be completed before a team can work on the tasks
Listed in the work packages level.

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