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Paragra d/Case-based MCQs and Assertion-

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all with
Short Answer and Long Ansiwer Questions,
NCERT Textbook Questions and Exercises with solutions.
Questions of NCERT Exemplar Problems with solutions.
Vol.I Competition Questions for NEET, JEE (Main) and JEE
Class XI

Pradeep Publications INDIA

A knowledge of elementary mathematics is essential for understanding Physics. In this unit on
Mathematical Tools, we shall summarise the various mathematical formulae and techniques with which a
student of Physics must be familiar.
() (a + b) =a' + b2 +2 ab
(i) (a -b)2 = a2
+b2-2 ab
(ii) (a + b + c)=a2 +b+ c2+ 2 ab +2 bc +2 ca
(iv) (a + b) (a - b) =a-b2
(v) (a +b3 =a'+b + 3 ab (a +b)
(vi) (a -
b =a' -
b3-3 ab (a- b)
(vii) (a + bP - (a -b)2 =4 ab
(vii) (a + b)2 + (a b2 =2 (a2+ b
(ix) a+ b = (a + b) b)= (a + b°-3 ab (a + b)
(a*-ab +
Ca) a3-b3= (a b) (a2 + ab + b) = (a b* +3 ab (a -b)-


An equation of second degree is called a quadratic equation. A standard quadratic equation is

ax+bx +c=0
where a is coefficient of x*, b is coefficicnt of x, and c is a constant term.
Any value of the variable (x), for which the quadratic equation is satisfied is called the root of the equation.
or may not be equal.
Every quadratic equation has two and only two roots. These may be equal
Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XD
0/2 Vo
aROOTS OF A QUADRATIC EQUATION ttei49t tri avtez ntvs nl(i
B) a
The two roots ( and of standard quadratic equation, ar + bx +c =0 are given by )
-b+b-4 and B
4 ac
2a 2a
In general, we
may write the roots as

-coeff of xt(coeff.of x) -4 (coeff.of )x (constant term)

2 (coeff.of x)

Here, a+ß=-, a.B
a- V-4 a
Example Solve: 6r-13x +6=0
Solution. Here a 6, b=-13 andc=6

r=-btyb2-4 +13t-13)2 -4x6x6
2a 2x6

13t169-14413+5 8
ie, x=5i
These are the roots of the given equation.
Example 2 Solve :r*+r-2 =0.
Solution. Here, a = 1, b= 1, c=-2

-btb4 ac-1t y0)-4x1x(-2)-lt5=1 or-2 x=1 or -2

2a 2x1


1. Solve thefollowings: 10 x-27 x+5 =0 [Ans. 5/2, 1/5]
2. Solve the following: 3 x*- 8x+5=0 [Ans. 1 or 5/3]
3. Solve the followings:9x+ 15x+4 =0 [Ans, 1/3,-4/3]
4. Solvethefollowings:+4x-5 =0 [Ans. or -5]

5. Solvethe following equation; 3x+6r-9 =0 Ans. 1 or -3]

[Ans. 0-849 or
- 1649|
6. Solve the followings: 5 x+4x-7 =0

(a+b) (a
7. Solve the equation for x 4 x-4 ax + (a2 - b2) = 0.


According to this theorem, when n is a positive integer and x and a are any real numbers, then
(x+a ="C+"C-1, a + "Cx2.a2+ .. +"C,. af+.+C,"
)Total number of terms in the expansion = (n + 1), i.e., one more than the index of Binomial.
ut o/3

ii) In every succesSIVc m

inthe expansion, the power of x goes power ofa
on increasing by ondecreasingDy
reasing by d and
I, SO that the sum of powers of x and a in
each term is always equa to n
ii "Co. "C1, "C2 .. "Cn are called Binomial coefficients.
Here, "C% = 1, "C
Here n! is read as factorial n, and (n-1) (n -2).. n!=n x
3 x 2x 1
"C n! (n -1) (n-2)..3x2x1=n
1!(n-1)! 1(n-1) (n-2)...3x2x1
Similarly, n
nC22(n-2)! n n-) and so on, = 1. C,

Ifn is any number, positive, negative or fraction and x is any real number, such that x<1,
+ 1, then according to Binomial Theorem
ie, X

between-1 and

(1+x)" =1+ nx+ "-) ,2n (n-)(n-2) 3.

2! 3!
Here, 2! = 2 x 1, 3! 3x 2x1,., n!=n (n 1) (n 2).. x 3 x 2 x 1.
- -

Note. 1. Ifn is a positive integer, then the expansion will have (n+ 1) terms.
2. If n is a negative integer or a fraction, then the number of terms in the expansion will be infinite,

there is no last term.

3. Iflxl <<1, then only the first two terms of the expansion are significant. It is so because the values
of second and the higher order terms being very very smal1, can be neglected. In this case,
the expansion
reduces to the following simplified forms
+x = = 1-nx
(1 1+nx (1+x)"
(1-x" -nx and =
Examplo1Evaluate (1001)5 upto six places of decimal.
= 1000 1+ = 10 (1+001)/3
Solution. (1001) (1000+ 1)13 =|

(001) ..= 10 [1 +0-0003333 -(0-000001) +..
= 10 [1 + 0-0003333
= 10-003332


the term having x' [Ans. 1+15 x + 90 r2+ 270 x
Expand using binomial (1 + x) upto
[Ans. 9.9967]
2. Evaluate (999)1/3 upto 4 places of
decimal. [Ans. 5-0990]
. corect upto four places of
Evaluate 26 height h from the surface of earth of radius R given by
4. The acceleration due to gravity g' at

Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOL
the:earthis surfaçeiFind out the value of g usino
ing the
trswheresg is:the accelerationi duè to"gravity on (0
75Anši gi(1H2-k/R
Binomial theorem, h <2R.
5. Simplify the following, using Binomial
Ans 4KA01.
E=K where Ae << G0.

(1-056)" correct up to the four places of decimal. [Ans. 1-0155]

6. Evaluate

2.1. GRAPH
A graph is a line, straight or curved which shows the variation of
one quantity w.r.t. ofher,
which are interrelated with eachother.

In a relation of two quantities, the quantity which is made to alter at will, is called the independent
variable and the other quantity which varies as a result of this change is called the dependent variable.
example, in a relation F=ma,
if mass is taken as constant, then Foc a. It means, the acceleration is determined by the force. So, to plot
a graph, force is taken as independent variable and acceleration is the dependent variable.
Conventionally, in any graph, the independent variable (i.e., the cause) is represented along x-axis
and dependent variable (i.e., the effect) is represented along y-axis. Thus in the relation, F= ma, the force
will be plotted along x- axis and the acceleration will be plotted along y-axis
In order to plot a graph, we must have sufficient data, i.e., a set of values for the independent variables
and the corresponding values of dependent variables. This data can be obtained either theoretically or
experimentally. The theoretical data is obtained by putting the various values of one quantity in a theoretical
relationship and calculating the corresponding magnitudes of other quantity.
While plotting a graph for the variation of two quantities, we have to select the suitable scale for the two
axes along which those two quantities are to be represented. The scale chosen must be simple, convenient to
operate and to represent the graph to its best advantage. The scales should not be very small so that all the
points of the data may not get crowded in a very small portion of the graph. Also, the scale should not be so
large that the entire data may not be represented on that graph.


1. The shape of the graph plotted for two quantities gives us
the clear idea about the relationship between
those two quantities. For example, if the graph is a straight line
and passes through the origin, it may be
represented by y = mnx. If the graph is a straight line
having positive or negative intercepts on y-axis, it 15
represented by y = mx t C.
2. The slope
of the graph and its intercepts on thex or y-axis give us the values
of the physica
3. A graph plotted between two quantities
helps us in identifying the accuracy in the experimenta
4. With the help
of graph, we can find out the mean value easily from
a large number of observation.
)For equation, y = mx, the
graph between x and y is a
(Fig. 0.1). Here slope
of the straight line with x-axis = m straight line 0A passing through org
(= tan 0).
(7) For equation, y = mx + c, the graph between
-axis (Fig. 0.2). Here OB = c and x and y is a straight line BC with
slope of straight line BC = positive intercep
m (= tan 0).

iii) ror equauon, y= mt-c, the graph between x andyis a straight line DE, with negauve
OD =-c and slope of straight line DE = m (= tan 6).

equation y mr
) andtorslope + c, the graph between x and y is a straight line FG Fig. 0.4). Here
OF= c straightline
of =m (= tan 8).

() For equations (a) y=kx y2=-kr and (c) 2=ky, the graphs between Aandy wilml be symmetric
parabolic curves as shown in Fig. 0.5 (a), 0.5 (b) and 0.5 (c) respectively.


bx, the graph between x and y will be asymmetric parabola. If both a and b
(vi) For equation, y = ax +
are constants,
positive the graph is as shown in Fig. 0.6 (a). If a is positive and b is negative, the graph is as
shown in Fig. 0.6 (b).
(vit) For equation xy = c, where c is a constant, the graph between x and y is a rectangular hyperbola
(Fig. 0.7).

graph between x and y is (a) a circle,

(vii) For equations (a) r+ y = a2 and (b)+a = 1, the

(6) an ellipse as shown in Fig. 0.8(a) and 0.8(6) FIGURE 0.9

an exponential curve.
shown in Fig. 0.9, which is cur
) For equation, y = k, the graph between x and y is as
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics KD

Importance of these Graphs ha

and y variables, at any point gives instantaneus raté or Cange a
1. Slope of graph, drawn betweenx

y w.r.t. X.
2. Slope of chord joining
two points on the graph drawn betweenx and y variables, gives the aveaz
between those two points.
value of dyldr
3. Depending on the variables
plotted, the intercepts of the graph on x and y axes will give us vales o
constants and quantities.
important physical
4. Depending on the variable plotted, the area under the graph and x-axis gives us values of varion
physical quantities.
2.4. LOCUS
It is the path followed by a point which is constrained to move
under different conditions. The peth od
the point may be straight line, circular,
parabolic, elliptical or hyperbolic.

The nature of the path followed by a point can be predicted from

its equation of motíon as discussed

1. The equation of motion ofa point given by
ax + by +c=0; represents a straight line.
is 1) and it never contain
The equation of straight line is a first degree equation (where power of x or y
the term having product of x and y.
2. The equation of motion of a point given by
+y+2gr + +c=0
so that
represents a circle. The equation of circle is second degree equation in x and y in such way

) the coefficient of x is always equal to coefficient of y

(ii) the equation never contains a term having the product of x and y
(itd) g+s-c>0
3. The equation of motion of a point given by

a + by2 +2gx + 2f+2 hy +c=0

(a) a parabola if h-ab = 0
(6) an ellipse if h2-ab 0
a hyperbola if -ab> 0.

dentify, whether the following equations represent a straight line, parabola or circle:
1.y 7 [Ans. St. line]
2.y-6x+ 3y +5 = 0 Ans. Parabolal
3.+y= 16 [Ans. Circle

Suppose OX is a straight line revolving about its one end O. FIGURE 0.10 X
t Some time, let it reach the position OX ', Fig. 0.10. The amount of
reyolution of the une Ls callea the angle traced by the line. We represent
LXOX'= 0
it as e
is taken as postive, when rotation is in the anticlockwise
direction; and it is negalive, when rotation is in the clockwise direction.
Following are the three systems of measurement of an angle.
1. Sexagesimal system, in which
right angle = 90 degrees (90°)
degree = 60 minutes
minute = 60 seconds (60")
2. Centesimal system, in which
1 right angle = 100 grades (100 g)
grade = 100 minutes (100)
minute = 100 seconds (100"')
3. Circular system. In this system, angle is measured in radian. P
One radian is the angle subtended at the centre ofa circle by
an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle. In Fig. 0.11,
ifPQ =l =r;
then POQ = 1 radian
A radian is a constant angle.

2 n radians = 360° or l radian = 180-57-27

If lis the length of an arc, ris the radius of the circle, 6 is the angle (in radians) subtended by the arc
at the centre of the circle, then


Let XOX' and YOY' be two mutually perpendicular lines intersecting each other at O. These lines
divide the plane of the paper into four parts, Fig. 0.12. Each part is called a quadrant. XOY is called the first
quadrant, Yox" is the second quadrant, X'OY' is the third quadrant and Y'OX is the fourth quadrant.

4 X M


Let a revolving line OP coinciding initially with OX revolve about O in the

anticlockwise direction an
From P, draw
race an angle 0. The values of 0 in all the four quadrants have been shown in Fig. 0.12. PM
we obtain a right angled triangle, OPM.
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VOL
1O 2oiAA-1
The sign conventions used for measuring the distances areIOVA LIJA

are measured from the origin O.

()All distances
measured along OX are taken as positive and the distances measured along OX 'are taken
in Distances
as negative. distances along OY' are taken as
Ciz Similarly, the distances along OY are taken as positive and the

Trigonometrical ratios are defined in terms of the ratios of the three sides of a right angle
triangle in any
the side MP (opposite to 6) is called the perpendicular the
In right angled triangle OPM, if ZPOM=0, then
longest side OP is called the
hypotenuse and the third side OM is called the base of the triangle.

sin 6=
1. Sine of angle 6, written as hypt. OP

2. Cosine of angle 0 written as COs6= =-


3. Tangent of angle 6, written as =

tan PCp._MP

cosec =hypt. OP
4. Cosecant of angle 0, written as perp. MP

5. Secant of angle 6,

written as,

Cotangent of angle 0, written as

Signs of T-ratio

cot .
0= ypt. OP

The sign of T-ratio depends upon the sign of base and perpendicular of a right angle triangle
and not on the hypotenuse in a right angle triangle.
Using the sign conventions mentioned in Art. 3.3, we observe that
( In first quadrant [Fig. 0.12 (a)], the base (OM) is positive, the perpendicular (MP) is also positive.
Therefore, in first quadrant, all the T-ratios are positive.
(i) In second quadrant [Fig. 0.12 (b)], the base (OM) is negative and the perpendicular (MP) is
positive. Therefore, in second quadrant, sin 6 1s positive but cos B and tan & are negative.
(ii) In third quadrant [Fig. 0.12 ( )), the base (OM) is negative and the perpendicular (MP) is negative.
Therefore, in third quadrant tan O is positive, but sin 8 and cos 0 are negative.
iv) In fourth quadrant [Fig. O.12 (d)l, the base (OM) is positive and perpendicular (MP) is negative.
Therefore, inthis quadrant, cos is positive, but sin 6 and tan are negative.
Note. The values ofsin and cos lie between- 1 and +1. However, tan and cot 8 can have any real


1. tan = sin 8/cos 0 2. cosec =
1/sin 0
3. sec 9 1/cos 4. cot 1/tan 0

7. cosec
5. sin 0+ cos0 = or sin- 6 =
1 cos 0
cot20 =1 or cosec6 = 1+ cot e
6. sec0- tan0 1 or sec2 0 = 1+ tan 0
W'hen the sum of two angles is of
equal to 90°, they are called complementary angles. W
two angles is cqual to 180, they are called
supplementary angles.
The angles whose surm or difference with
angle 0 is zero or a multiple of 90° are called angic 9.
We give below the T-ratios of some
of the allied angles, which are commonly usea.
sin (-0) =- sin 6.
cosec(-6) =- cosec 0, cos(-6) = cos 6, Sec (-6) = sec 6,
tan (-8)=- tan 6.
cot (-6) =- cot 8
For example. sin (-50° ) =-sin 30°
and cos (-30°) = + cOs 30
2. sin (90-6) = cos 0.
cosec (90° 6) = sec 8, cos

(90°-0) = sin 6, sec (90°-8) = cosec 6,

tan ( 90°- 0) = cot 0, cot (90°-0) = tan 6
Note. As angle (90-6) lies in first quadrant,
all T-ratios are positive.
For example : (7) sin 30° = cos (90° 30°) = cos 60°

and cos 60° = sin (90° 60°) = Sin 30


3. sin (90+6) = cos 8, cosec (90° +0) = sec 6, cos (90° + 0) = sin 8,

sec (90° + 0) =- cosec 6, tan (90° +

0)=- cot0, cot (90° + 0) = tan 6 -

(90°+0) lies in 2nd quadrant and cos and tan are negative in 2nd quadran
For example: sin 120° = sin (90° + 30°) = cos 30° and cos 150° = cos (90° +60°) = Sin 6U
4.sin (180° - 6) = sin

cosec (180° 6) = cosec 6, cos (180°-0) =- cos 6,


sec (180°- 0) = sec 6, tan (180° - 0) = tan 6,

cot (180°-0) = cot 0 -
Note. As angle (180°- 0) lies in 2nd quadrant, therefore, only sin 0 is positive.
For example : sin 150" = sin (180"-30) = sin 30° and cos 135° = cos (180-45) = cos 45 -

5. sin (180° +0) = sin 6, cos (180°+0) =- cos 0, tan (180° +0) = tan 6

Note. As angle (180° + 6) lies in 3rd quadrant, therefore only tan is positive.
For example : (i) tan 210° = tan (180° + 30°) = tan 30°
i) sin 240° = sin (180° + 60°) = sin 60° -

6. sin (270° +0) =- cos 6, cos ( 270° +0) = sin6, tan (270°+0) =- cot 6
Note. As angle (270° +0) lies in 4th quadrant, therefore, only cos 6 is positive

7. sin (360° -0) = sin

For example: sin 300° = sin (270° + 30°) = cos 30,
cos (360°- 0) = cos 0,
- cos 290 = cos (270°+20) = sin 20°
tan (360°0)=- tan
Note that. angle (360° 0) lies in the 4th quadrant, therefore only cos 0 is positive.

8.sin (360° +0) sin 8, cos (360°+6) = cos 6, tan (360° +0) = tan 6
Note that. angle (360° +0) lies in the first quadrant, therefore, all the T-ratios are positive.
For example: sin 400° = sin (360° + 40)
= sin 40° cos 425°= cos (360° +65°) = cos 65
tan 395° = tan (360° + 35°) = tan 35°.
Which are commonly used are given in the following
The values of T-ratios of some standard angles,
sin 6 cos tan
0 0

1/2 3/2 1/
1/2 1/2
45 1/2 3
60 3/2 0
90 -1/2 -V
120 3/2
Putg's Fundamental Physics

135 1//2
150 i/2 - 3/2 -1/3
180 -



Find the valuc of the followings:
Ans. (a) 1/2. (6) 1/2 (c)- I
I. (a) sin (-30) (6) cos (- 6r) ()tan (-45")
e) -1//55 -1/2
2. (a) sin 120 (b) cos 135
tan 150 ( [Ans. (a) b) S/2
1/2 6)
- 7660 (c) 2-1445
3. (a) sin 210 (b) cos 220r (c)tan 245
4. If sin 8 = 3/5, find the values of cosine 9 and tangent
As. (a)-
[As 45:34
is 5 m. calculate the height of
5. An inclined plane rises in 10. If the length
of the inclined plane
[As. 5 m
raised end above the horizontal.

() sin (A +B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B (i) cos (A + B) = cos A cos B- sin A sin B
tan A + tan B
() tan (A + B) =
tan B
tan A

Putting B = A in these formulac, we get

(iv) sin 2 A = 2 sin A cos A (v) cos 2 A = cos A sin A = -2 sin A = 2 cosA
1 -

2 tan A
(vi) tan 2 A=
Thus, sin 20 = 2 sin 6 cos
, cos 20 = cos-6- sin 6 = (1 - sin 6) -
sin 6 = I -2 sin- e

Again from, cos 20 = cos- 6 - sin-6 = cos- 6 -(1 - cos 6) = 2 cos> e- 1

and tan 26=
1- tan-6
Replacing 20 by and 6 by 6/2 in the above relations, we may rewrite, sin B =2 sin ê/2 cos B2:

cos 6 = cos 6/2 - sin 6/2 =

- 2 sin 0/2 = 2 cos e/2 1. tan 8


) sin (A-B) = sin A cos B-
cos A sin B (i) cos (A - B)= cos A cos B +sin A sin B
tan A - tan B
(ii) tan (A-B) = Lan
tan A tan B
On adding the addition and subiraction formulae of sine, we get
sin (A + B)+ sin (A B) = 2 sin A cos B
Similarly cos (A + B) + cos (A - B) = 2 cos A cos B
On subtracting the subtraction formula from addition formula of sine, we get
sin (A + B) - sin (A - B) = 2 cos A sin B
Similarly cos (A B) cos (A +
B) = 2

sin A sin B
If we put (A+ B)= Cand (A-1byh
then on adding and subtracting, we get A D and
Pitting these values in (i) to (iv), we oblain

cos C-D
sin C+sin D =2sin

C-sin D = 2cos sin C2

2 (it) cos C+ Cos D =
2 n
) sin
2 (iv) cos D- cos C= 2sin 2

or cos C- cos D = -2sin

In atriangle ABC, of sides a, b, c and angles FIGURE 012
A, B and C,
Fig. 0.13. The following formulae hold good.

(ii) a b2+c2-2 hc cos A

sin A sin B sin C

(ti)b= c+a-2 ca cos B (iv) c= a +b-2 ab cos C

() Area ofa triangle ABC = {S (S-a) (S -b) (S -c)
where, S = (a +b+ c)33
Logarithm of a number with respect to a given base is the power to which the base must be reised to
represent that number.
For example: 1000 103 log1o 1000 = log1o (10) =3
In general, if N= a then log, N= log, a* =x
It follow that logl = 0 f = 1)
a =a
and lo8a=
are mentioned below without proof.
These four formulae are commonly used. These
...product formula)
() log, mn = l0g, m- lo84n
..quotient formula)
7) log,=n log, m -108a!"
..power formula)
i) log, m" =n logg m .base change formula)
iv) logg m = log, m x log,b
3. common use are
ne two systems of Logarithm in
e, where e=ltq* =2-718 (approx).
the base iS
Neperian log or Natural log. Here
Natural logarithm
theoretical calculations, we use
n all calculations, we use common
the base or tne log is 10. In all numerical
7) Common Logarithm. Here,
Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (AC
We can convert Natural log into common log, as
log m = Iogj m x log, 10
lo8 10 2.3026 logo 10 2.3026
I = 2.3026 10=
log, m= 2.3026 log0 m
4.4. LOG These are
Log Tables are the standard common log tables which are available to us for czlcularis.
IaSually four digit tables and
are given at the end of the book.
The logarithm of any given number can be read from these tables. The logarithrn
of a numiber comss f
twoparts: (i) integral part, called characteristic. (i) decimal part, called mantissa.
We use the following two rules for fnding
(a) Characteristic. It may be positive or zero or negative.
thecharacteristic is positive. Count the numberof digits to the lett ofe
Rule 1.If the given number > its characteristic

decimal point. Subtract from this number. This is the

I characteristic of the log of given nuraker.
For example: Characteristics of log of 1795-2 is 4-1 =3
Characteristics of log of 16-78 is 2-1 =1
Characteristics of log of 1-923 is 1-1 = 0.
is negative. It is put under tihe bar Con
Rule 2. If the given number is less than one, its characteristic
the number of zeros immediately after the decimal point.
Add I to this number. t gres us the charzcTerisic
of the log of the given number. For example
Characteristic of log of 0-7821 = (0+ 1) = 1, Characteristic of log of
0-0618 =-(1 -1) =2

Characteristic of log of 0-000345 = (3 + 1) = 4


(b) Mantissa. As mentioned above, it is the decimal part of log of a given

number. Ir is al-zys pose
and can be read from the log tables as follows:
and at he end.
) In the given number, omit the decimal point and zeros in the beginning
For example, in the log of 0-001184, we have to look up the mantissa of
(i) Take first two digits, i.e., 11 and locate it in the first vertical column of the for ffgue log utie
(ii) Go through the horizontal row beginning with 11 and look up the value under the columnbeadei
the third digit, i.e., 8. From the log tables, we find this number as 0719.
(iv) Continue moving in the same horizontal row and note the number in the small iferences com
headed by the fourth digit, i.e., 4. This number is 15
(v) Add 15 to 0719. We get 0734. .. The mantissa of 0-001184 = -0734.
Note: If the number consists of a single digit, put zeroes at the end of the number to compiete for
digits. Read the mantissa as explained above.
For example : log 7 = log 7-000 = 0-8451
Mantissa for 7, 70, 700, 0-7 etc. is the same.
Antilogrithm is the reverse process of logarithm. Thus antilogarithm to logarithm is as divisice
For example, if log 7 =0-8451, then antilog 0-8451 = 7
Standard antilog tables are available for calculations. We follow the rules given below for reag
antilog tables
1) Read the antilog of mantissa only (i.e., of the decimal part); locating the four digits the way we
in reading mantissa from log tables.
i) If the characteristic is positive say n, the decimal is placed after (n + 1) digits in the value read
(ii) If the characteristic is negative, say n, then (n 1) zeroes are placed before the let side oi

numberread; and then decimal point is placed.

For example antilog 13478 =0-2227, antilong 2-7192 523-8. antilog =
0 1000

4.6. USE OF LOGARITHM 2ofiot z go1 oinn09 olni gol inMonos tu

Logarithm is practically very useful in simplifying the complicated calculations.
Following exampic
ill enable the students to use the log tables
for that purpose.
Examplel Find the fifth root of 0-0076.
Solution. Let, x= (0-0076)1/5

Taking log of both sides, we get logx=log(0-0076) = (3-8808) =(5+28808) =1o/0

Taking antilog of both the sides, we
get x= 0:3769
Example2 Simplify: 1792x77-4
Solution. Let, x=F 1792x77-4
Taking log of both the sides, we get

log x = log 1:792 + log 77-4 log 129.7

0-2534 + 1-8887 (2-1130)
= 0-2534+ 1-8887 1.4087
2.1421 1.4087 =0-7334
x = antilong 0-7334 = 1-5413



1. Simplify thefollowings:

900036) (i) (0-056)2/3 iin) 10-1/5 [Ans.(i) 03245 (ii) 0-1463 (ii) 0-6310]
2. Simplify the followings

() (0-05246)8-2-6055 (i) [Ans. )-1-9137 (i) 8-989]
3. Find antilog of ()-26674(i) -3-01 (it)-0:3467 [Ans. () 002151 (i) 0-0009772]

For Difficult Problems

1. (ii) x = 10-1/5

logx=-log 10 =-x1 = -02 = 1

+1-02 = 18

Taking antilog on both the sides, we get x= 0-6310

3. (i) Given, log x = - 2-6674 = 3+3-2-6674 = 3:3326
Taking antilog on both the sides, we get x = 0-002151

(i) Given, log x = - 3-01 = 4 +4-301 4.99

Taking antilog on both the sides, we get X= 0-0009772

(ii) Given log x = -0:3467= +1-0:3467= 1-6533


Taking antilog on both the sides, we get x = 0-4501

Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X)VO
1. Quantity. It is a thing which can be measured.
not change during mathematical opera.
2. Constant and variables. A quantity whose value does can tale
On the other hand, a quantity which
is called a.comstant. e.g., T, e, integers, fractions etc.
different values during mathematical operations is called a
variables. A variable is generally represen.
by x, y or z etc.
can have any value within
3. Independent and dependent variables. A variable quantity which the
specified limits is caled as independent variable, whereas a variable quantity whose value depends un
the numerical value assigned to the independent variable is called as dependent variable.
4. Function.

fthe value of a variable quantity y depends upon the value of someyother variable quantity , {

through some relation, such that there exists only one finite value of for each value of x, then
y is called a function ofx.
Mathematically, it is represented as: y=fx)
Here, f() is a symbol, representing a function of x. It is not of multiplied by x.
In arelation, y =2x*+3 x+4;ifx= 0 then y = 4;x= 2, y= 18 ;x=3, y = 31 and so on. It means,for
every value of x, there is a definite value of y. Hence, y= 2 x+3x+4 represents a function ofx.
5. Types of elementary functions
In physics, we generally use the following elementary functions
(1) Power function; e.g., y=
where n is a constantreal number. For n =0, power function is a constant quantity, i.e., y= 1.
(ii) Trignometric functions, e.g., y = sin x ;:y = cos x ;y= cos x cot x + cosx.

(i) Exponential function, e.g.,y=a" where a is the positive number, called the base number.
(iv) Logarithmic function, e.g., y = log,
6. Limit of a function. A function () is said to tend to limit l as its
f a variable x approaches a constant
a, (r>a) such that the absolute difference betweenf(x) and 1, as xa is negligible small but not zero. Itis
represented as Lt f(x)=l

To understand it, consider a function, y =f(r) =- This function can be defined at all points
except at x =2. If we use x = 2, then (x) =
f which is indeterminate, i.e., cannot be defined.
However, for all values of very close
to 2 more or less than 2, the function
tends to 12 as shown below:
When, x = 198, 98)5-8 =11-88,
f()= 1988 x= =
When 99, () -811.04
When x= 2-01, 2:01)5 -8
f(t) = 2-01-2*12-06 When x = 2-02, F(h-202-8_1212
From all values of x very close
to 2 but not ex ctly 2,
x 2
So, we write
L =12



Lt0 sin6 = 0 (in radians) i) Lt Sin 6 = 1 (ii) Lt cos = 1

-0 00
(iv) Lt tan =0 (in radians)
(v) Li =1 (vi)L = Lt (1+ y)y = e = 2.718
6-0 y-0

The diferential coefficient or derivative of variable y with respect to variable is defined as e

instantaneous rate of change ofy w.rt. x. It is denoted by. y
Let y be a function of x, i.e., y =f (t)
Here, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. Therefore, by changing x, the value
of changes. Letx be increased by a small amount Ax, called increment in x. Let the corresponding increment
y be A y. Then, y + Ay=f(r+Ax)
or Ay=+Ay)-y=f(x +Ax)-f (x) or Ay fatAx)-f () ...i)
Ax Ax
Here is the average change or increment ratio in the value of the function f(x). In order to obtain
the instantaneous rate of change ofy with respect to x, we calculate the limit of as Ax0
Ay= f(x+Ax)-f(x)
Ar0 Ax
Ar0 Ax
The quantity Lt is represented by and is called differential coefficient or derivative ofy
Ar0 Ax dx
w.r.t. r. This differential coefficient or derivative of variable y w.r.t. variable x
is the instantaneous rate of

dyLt S(x+Ax)-f()
change of y w.r.t. x. Hence, Ax
dx Ar0
Note. 1. The symbol should not be taken as quotient of dy and dx.
the derivative w.r.t. x.
2. The symbol represents a symbol for the rate of change w.r.t. x or
graphically FIGURE 0.14
Let the function;y=f) be represented
points P (x, y)
by a curve AB (Fig. 0.14). Take two close
and Q, we get
and Q (r + Ax, y + Ay) on this curve. Join P B
chord PQ makes
a chord PQ. Let a be the angle which the
perpendicular PS on the Q (r+Ax, y+Ay)|
with the positive x-axis. Draw a
straight line 001. From the figure, it is clear -
PS =P O01 -OP = (x + Ar) Ar x=
Similarly, OS = Ay
{P«»)} s
Slope of chord PQ = tan a =

Ay (y+Ay)-y_f(r+Ax)-f)
Ax Ax
Pradeep's lundamental Physlen (XD VOLn

point approacics potit 7, both Ar ADdA y deCIeane conlinuously,

In the limiting casc, wlhen the

oint () will almost coincide

witlh point P', the chord PQ bécomés HHNOt ntafentno theseurve' the
ugent to the curve alP'nuke in angle (0 with the posilive x-4X is, TIhc slope of this tangent will be tan ).

Thus, we have
Ay tan0 lytan
A)A dx
=f(x), with respect to x at any point is equal to
Thus geometrically, the differentlal coefliecient of'y
the slope of the
tangent to the curve representing y =/ (r) at that point.
1. Instantaneous specd of a body, = rate of change of cdistance s with time l at the given instant
i.C. 1)=L
A-0 Af d
with time at the given
2. The instantancous acccleration, a = rate of change of velocity v of the body

instant i.e., a= L 4-1_d ds

Al-0 A dl

3. Force F is cqual to the rate of change of linear momentun (no) with time t. ie.. f ="d2


1. Ifc is some constant, then (c)=0


2. If y = cx, where c is a constant, then d(cx)

dr lx

3. If y= cu, where c is a constant and u is a function of x, then dy=(cu)=c du

dx dx dx

4. If y = x", where n is a real number, then


5. If y = u", where n is a real number and u is a function of x, then dyn

dx dx

6. If y = u +0, where u and v are the functions of x, then

dx dr dx

7. Product rule. If y = uw, where u and v are the functions of x, then

dx dx dx

8. Quotient rule. If y =", where u and v are the functions of x, then dx dx

demominatorxderivative of numerator- numerator x derivative of demoninator

9. Chain rule. If y
f(u) and u =f (x), then dy
dx du dx
10. If y= (ax + by" then =n
(ax +6)x(ax

11.If y depends on u and u depends onx, then

dx du d

12. If y = sin x, then = ",in Ax

. = cOs x
(Sin x) 13. If y = cos x, then =4(cos
dx dx
x) = -sinx
14. Ify
tan x, then=(lan x)=sec?x 15. 1fy
=cotx, then=(cot x) =-cosec*
16. If y = sec x, then =. (sec x) = tan x sec x*
dx dx

cosec cot r
17. If y = Cosec x, then
ay =- cot x cosec
dCOsec x) =- co x

18. If y = log, x, then=log e =* 19. Ify = log, u, then=ix

dx dx

20. If y= e, then e log, e =eX 21. If y = e", then ae



coefficient of
Ify=fx), then for maximum or minimum value of y for a value of x the first differential
dy the value of x from here.
y w.r.t. x should be zero, i.e., =0.Find

Now, find the second derivative of y w.r.t. x, i.e., and put the value of x.
(t) If the value of is negative, then y is maximum for a given value of

dy is positive, then y is minimum for a given value of

(ii) If the value of

Examplel Differentiate the following w.r.t. x. (i) 2002 i) e(ii)
Solution. Since these are constant
quantities, so ()(2002) =0 (i)(e) =0 (ii)(T)

to x.
Example 2 Differentiate the following with respect

y=x =: =616-=6S () y==;=(-3) x=-3x4
Solution. () d
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI VOL I
EXample N Differentiate the following with respect to x.
) 4-3r+ 8(i) 54 +4.x4-32+2
Soluti y=4r°-3x*+-8
=4x3-3 x22-+ 4(-2)x2-1-0= 12x-6x-8x =12xd-6r--
) y=5.+4. 3.+ 2r
5 dr
d +4 4-3.?+2x) (5)
dx dx ax
+4x r4-3x 2 2-1+2 x1
20 3+ 3 x-1/4-6x +2
= 5x4 4
Example Differentiate the following with respect to x.
4r+2) 5 +4) ) (2r3+3) (2+ 1)
Solution. (i) y= (4r+ 2) (5 x*+4)
Using product rule
= (4x+2)(52 +4) +(5x2 +4) (4x+2)
dx dx ix
= (4 x+2) x (5 x 2x+0) + (5 x+4) (4 x 1x-+0)
= (4 x +2) 10 x+ (5 x+4) 4 = 40 + 20 x+ 20 + 16

= 60 r2+ 20 x + 16

i) y=(2+3) (2x+1
Using product rule

=(2+3)(23+I) +(2x3 +1) (2r+3)

= (2 +3) [2 x (-3) +0]+ (2 x+ 1) (2x 3+0)
(2r+3|Ž62 -2,26r?
Example 5 Differentiate the following with respect to x.

() r+2 -4) (4 5-r2+1) (i)

Solution. ()y= (+2 ?-4) (4 x-x+ 1)

Using product rule

-+ 1)
=x2-4) [20 4-2 x]+ (4 -+1)[3 x+4 x]
(3+2 r
(20 x+ 40 0 80 r-2 -4 x+8 x)+ (12 x- 3+32+ 166-4 +4x)

32 7 + 56 16-85 x-83+3 x2+12r

(i) 7
Using quotient rule

(x+3)x35 -7(1+0)
ax (x+3)2 (r+3)
+ 105x*
Example 6 Differentiate the followings with respect to x
() sin 2x (ti) cos 3 (ii) tan 4r (iv) sinS x (v) /tan x

Solution. () y= sin 2x; =cos

= (cos 2x)x2 = 2 cos 2x

(i) y = cos 3x; dx -sin 3x(3x) =-3 sin 3x
sec = 4sec? 4r
(ii) y= tan 4x; dx

= 3 sin?x
x) 3(sin (sin) cos x
(iv)y= sin3x; sin
(v) y=*/tan x =x* cot x
x)+cot x
) =2(- cosec) + cot
x (21) = -x cosec2 x + 2x cotx
Example7 A particle starts from rest with a uniform acceleration. Its displacenment x aftert
seconds is given in metres by the relation X= 5 + 6t +72
Calculate the magnitude of its () initial velocity (Gi) veocity at t = 3 s (ii) uniform acceleration
and (iv) displacement at t = 5 s.

Solution. The velocity v at any instant is given by v==(5+61+7/2)

=0+6x 1+7x2t=6+ 14 t
(1) For initial velocity, t=0 . 6+14 x0
Initial velocity = = 6 m/s
(ii) Wheni=3, velocity, v = 6+14 x3 =6+42 = 48 m/s

(ii) Acceleration, a at any time t is, a = *dt (6+14 t) = 0+ 14x 1 14 m/s

= mm
(iv) Att=5 s, displacement, x =5 +6 x5+7x5=5+ 30+175 210
Example 8 The mass of a body is 2.5 kg. It is in motion and its velocity v after time t is

Calculate the force acting on the body at the time =3 s. t
Solution. Acceleration, a =- )-G}4G)};0
=x3/+2/2 +0=2+
0/20 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (X1)VO

When r=3 s. a = 3 +3 = 12 m/s

12 = 30 N
As, Iorce = mass x acceleration= 25 x
inereases gradually. Fin
Example9 The air is filled in a balloon and the volume of balloon
30 cm.
when radius of balloon becomes
the rate of increase of volume of balloon with radius
Solution. Here. radius of balloon, r = 30 cmn
Volume of balloon,
Rate of increase of volume of balloon w.r.t. radius
tx3r2 =4 T?
When r= 30 cm = 0-30 m

4xx(0:30) = 1-13 m2
Example 0 A particle is at rest. It starts rotating about a fixed point. Its angle of rotation ()
with time () is given by the relation

where 8 is in radian and t is seconds. Find the angular velocity and angular acceleration of a
particle at the end of 6 second.

Solution. Here, -O 15

0 -t
Angular acceleration, d
dt 492-1-1
When t= 6s, x62 -6 43.2-6 37-2 rad/s

a 6-1 =134 rad/s?


1. Differentiate the following w.r.t. x
(i) e2 (iit)- 14 [Ans. () 0 (i) 0(än 0]
2. Differentiate the following w..t. x

3x+5)) x2 (ii) 3/2

Ans. (i)3 (ü)-
) ) 1
TOOLS9msbnul iassbo:
3. Differentiate the following w.r.t. x 2=1 nod W
(i) 3 5/2 (i) (4 x)l/3 iv) x sin nx

[Ans.)x3/2 (@) x2/3 (t)-3x- (v) sinnx +nx cos n

4. Differentiate the following w.r.t. x
(95x+6) (2r+4) (it) r(2 +7) 2+ 3) (-9)

[Ans.) 50rd + 362+ 40r ()3/2 +-1/2 () 6x +2x3-3)1

5. Differentiate the following w.rt. x

2 Cit)+1 [Ans.)-
(i) -2 (ü) +4r-1,
(3x+1) 4x+6 x+2 (3x+1)2 (4r+6)2 (r+2)2
6. Differentiate the followings w.r.t. x
()sin 3 x (i) cosx (iit) sin 3 [Ans. ) 3 cos 3 x (i) - sin 2 x (iüi) 3 x cos r]
7. Differentiate the following w.r.t. x and find the value when x = 9.
(i) sin 5 x(i) tan 5 x (ii) cos 55x [Ans. (i) 5/V2 (i) 10 (ii) -5//2]
8. Differentiate the followings w.r.t., x
) tan x (i) q-sin (iin) sin (ax +b)
[Ans. ()3 tan x sec x (i) () 2a (ax +b) cos (ax +b)1
1-sin r)
9. If x= a (0 + sin 0) and y = a (1 - cos 8), find.
[Ans. tan e/2]

If x= ar and y b2,
10. find. Ans.

Ifr=a cos 0 andy=b sin
, find. dy
12. If the displacement x of a particle in metre) is related with time (in second) according to relation
x=2r-3 +21+2
find the position, velocity and acceleration of a particle at the end of 2 seconds.
[Ans. 10 m ; 14 m/s; 18 m/s]

13. A particle starts from rest and its angular displacement (in rad) is given by 6=*
calculate the angular velocity at the end of t = 4 second. [Ans. 0-6 rad/s]
14. A metallic disc is being heated. Its area A (in m) at any timet (in sec) is given by
A 5P+4t+8
[Ans. 34 m/s]
Calculate the rate of increase of area at t=3 s.
displacement after t seconds is given in
15. A particle starts from origin with uniform acceleration. Its
metres by the relation 7?
velocity (ii) velocity at t = 4 s (in) uniform acceleration
Calculate the magnitude of its (i) initial
5 s. [Ans.(1) 5 m/s (ü) 61 mís (iüi) 14 m/s* (iv) 202 m
(iv) displacement at
O/22 Prradeep o Fundamental Physics (KI) vOL

16. If the displacement of the particle at an instant is given by

sin (07- 0)
where ris amplitude of oscillation, o is the angular velocity and-0 is the initial phase of the particle,
then find the particle velocity and particle acceleration. o
[Ans. r cos (ot-0);-y]
7.1. WHAT IS
is used to denote integration.
The process of integration is just the reverse of differentiation. The symbol
f(x) is the differential coeffticient of a function F (x) with respect to x, then
dy=ft) dx = d [F (t)
dx dx

Taking summation of all the differentials, we have

2 dy = 2f) dr = E d [F ()] or y= f) dr = F )
So y= f(x) dr F () ..0)
When dx approaches to zero, the summation is replaced by integral.
is called integrand and F () is called
Here J f(x) dx is read as integral off (x) dx. In relation (),fX)
integral or permitive function of f (x).
Thus the integration off (r) with respect to x is F (t).
used for
It is important to note that sign 2is used for summation
of discrete values, while sign is
continuous function. It means the method of integration is used to sum up the effect of a
summation of
force. It is to be noted that ordinary algebra
continuous varying function. e.g., workdone against a variable
a varying function.
does not provide any method to sum up the effect of


+C, provided n -1 2. Jdx=
. dr = =x+C
J" dr

3. (u+v) dr = |u dr+ vdr 4. Jcu dr = c u dx where c is a constant and u is a function of x.

5. cx" dx = c +C 6. d =
=log, x+ C 7. Je dr=e+C
8.Jede=+C 9.a'dr +C

10. (i) sin x dx =- cos x + C (i) sin nx dx = +C

n2x dx = * 12. | sec x dx = tan x +C

11. () |cos x dx = sin x + C (i)cos +C.
13. cosec x dx =- cot x +C 14. sec x tan x dx = sec x +CC

cosec x+C 16.J(ax + by" dx =

ax +b)+ (ax+b)+1 +C
15. cosec x cot x dr=- -

a (n+1)
(n +1)(ax +b)
a log, (ar+b)
17. = log, (ax + b) +C


fa function of x is given by y = x*+C, where C is a constant of integration then
As integration is reverse ofdifferentiation, so dr should be equal to + C. But using the standar
integral formulae as discussed earlier, we have s de=
It means during integration, a constant does not appear. It is due to the fact that the differential coelticic

of a constant is zero. Hence, we cannot say definitely whether o

f5dr=x +C. Such an integrauon 1s
known as Indefinite integration. Therefore, in all the indefinite integrals, a constant of integration 1
supposed to be present, if the condition of integration (i.e., limit of integration) is not mentioned. Therelores
we should add a constant C in the result of all indefinite integrals.
Sometimes, we come across some functions which cannot be integrated directly by using the standard
integrals. In such cases, the integral of a function can be obtained by using one or more of the following
(a) Integration by substitution
(b) Integration by parts.
(a) Integration by substitution
Those functions which cannot be integrated directly can be reduced to standard integrand by making a
suitable substitution and then can be integrated directly by using the standard integrals. To understand the
method, we take the few exanples.

Example Evaluate; J| d
d dz =
Solution. Put ax + b =z=z. Then, (ax+b) = or a dx dz or dr=
dx dx

dz-L -log z + C =#log, (ax +b)+C

Example 2 Evaluate:secx tan x dx.

Solution. Put sec x =z SO, (sec x)= or sec x tanx dx = dz
dx dx

sec x tan x dr = sec x (sec x tan x) dx

= +C=see x +c

d=+C 4

Example3 Evaluate (x-cos x +1/x).

Solution.r-cosx+d=Jxdr-Jcosxdr+ J -sinx +log, x +C

integration is based on the following rule:
(b) Integration by parts. This method of
function x integral of second Junction integral of
Integral of product of wo functions = first
second function).
differential coefficient offirst function x integral of
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLN

arethefunctions of then rrt

To illustrate the method we take the few examples.
Example l Evaluater cosx dx.
Solution. xcos x dr = xfcos x dx- ||)cos xdx| de = xsin x -|1.sin x dk
L ax
=X sin x + cos x +C

Example 2 Evaluate: " log x dx.

Solution. log r dr = |log x" dr = log x|" dx -

= log xx
n +1 n+T n+T

loglog x x+l
+1y2 *C
n+1 log(n+1)J +C
limits, the integral is called definite
When a function is integrated between definite

b written as
dx is a definite integral off (x) between the limitsa and b and is
For example, f(x)

f(x) dr =|F (*)= F(b)- F(a)


called the upper limit of integration.

Here a is called the lower limit and b is definite integrals.
is to be noted that no constant of integration is involved in the integration of

Example Evaluate [ dx

Soution. dr = = 64 - 0-25 = 63-75

Example2 Evaluate: 1 -dx .


- dr=0g 3
[ log (1+3 x2)-log (1 +3 x 0)]

=log 7-log l] ; log7-0) -log7


Example 8 Evaluate: 1Og rdx. yon f9d ibi i t fi it

Solution. Let log r = z:;

so -dx = dz.
When t = a, 7 = log a and when x =
b, z= logb
b logb logb -doga
Hence, IOg
d=zdt 10g a
Example Evaluate where 6, =20°


Solution. J de
log, (0-0,= log,(60-20)-log, (40-20)
loge n =log, 2 = 2.3026 log10 2 2.3026 x0-3010 =0-6931


1. Integrate the following with respect to x

( (i) V*-(ii) y(3x-4} (iv)| vx+

-4)512 +C
Ans.(t)8/3 +C ü)r3/2-22+C ()3x ()+log, r+2r+C
3log, 2x
+C ()--s+c|
2 to 4.
following functions w.r.t. x and find within the limits x =
2. Integrate the
[Ans. () 60 (i) 3-448 (ii) 0-6931
(iv) 4-2/21
xrl (iv) x-12
)r ()
3. Evaluate the following integrals
T3 xdr [Ans. () 2 and (i) 1 (ii) 1//3]
xdx (i) secx tan xdx (ii)secr
(i)|cos 0
4. Evaluate the following
cos5xdr (iv)| sec(3x+6)dr
sin7xdx (i)
()cos(4x-3)dr (i)| 0

117-sin 57] (i) 0-2666(in) ) (tan 36-tan 6°)]


5. Bvaluate w.rt. x::() Jalogxd (i)

Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VOLH
.-sin x + log, x +C
6. Evaluatec
T/2 Tt/2 t/4
(1+cosx) dx (in) 1+sin x)l/2dr (iv) 1-cos2x)dr
()sin.rcos.rdr (i)

Anis. () )2 (#)2 (r)0-414

7. Bvaluate

40 [Ans. - 0-6931]
S. BvaluateJ-where de 30°C, a constant temperature of surroundings.
50 6-

ds= udt +| atdt () J vdv= ads

9. Evaluate: (a) J dv= adt () 0
0 0
(c) v2 = u+2as]
[Ans. (a) v =u +at (b) s =ut +ats
are constants. Fig. 0.15(a).
1. Straight line: y= mr + C ; where m and c

- a a

also be put in the form;

The equation of straight line can
where a and b are constants. Fig.
Circle:+y=a; Is centre is (0, 0) and radius
a. Fig. 0.15(c).
3. Parabola:=4 ar; Fig.

semi minor axis of the ellipse.

4.Ellipse: :l; where a = semi major axis of the ellipse, b=
Fig. 0.15(e).

1. Area 0f a square =(side)

2. Area of a rectangle = length x breadth

3. Area of triangle =
base x height

5. Surface area of a sphere = 4 t

6. Area ofa parallelogram base x height
4. Area enclosed by a circle = tr', where is radius r
where r is radius

7. Area of curved surface of cylinder = 2 T r.l (r is radius, l is length).

8. Total surface area of right circular cylinder = 2xn?+2 mrl=2tr(r +)
where r is the radius and l is the length of cylinder.
1. Volume of a rectangular slab = length x breadth x height
2. Volume of a cube (side)3

3. Volume of a sphere = Trs, where ris radius.

4. Volume of a cylinder =TP1 where is radius, lis length
5. Volume of a cone = arh, where r is radius, h is height.

Note, r==3142; =9.8776 and=03182.


1. Find the () surface area (ii) volume of the cylinder of length 10 cm and radius 2 cm.
[Ans. (i) 48 T cm (i) 40 T cm
2. Find the (i) surface area and (ii) volume of a sphere of radius 5 cm.
[Ans. () 100 n em- (ii) 16-7 n cm']
30 cm x 10 crax 5 cm.
3. Find the () surface area (il) volume of the rectangular body of dimension
[Ans. ) 1000 cm- (i) 1500 cm'
the base 3 cm. [Ans. 30 T cm°]
4. Find the volume of the cone of height 10 cm and radius of


(a) Exponential Expansion;

ex =1+x+

(r< 1)
(b) Logarithmic Expansion
log, (1+x)=x-.
in radians),
(c) Trignometric Expansion; (when 0is

sin 6 0- 3! 65!
- .
o/28 Pradeep 'a
Fundamental Physics (XDVoL

For Difficult Problems

1. All are constant quantities, hence, their differentiation is zero.

2. (i) )-
-+2) dx
(-Da+22 (a
+2) ll+0 - (r+2)2

dx dx
dr d

d nx cos nr + sin nx
sin nt) = x(sin nx) +sin nr(x) = x (cos nr) n + sin nr =
dx dr
4. Using product rule.

()=(5r +6)(2xs+4) +(2x3 +4)(52

+6) = (5x2+6) x 6x2+ (2
+ 4) x I0x

30 x+36+20x +40 = 50r+36 40r

x r2 +

m (r +7)+(a-7)u) = r2(2x+0)+ (+

+(r*-9)(+3) =(+ 3)14
x =6 + 12 r- 18
x=6x [r°+ 2 x2-3]
0]+ -9) 12x-0

(3x+1) (2)-2(3x+1)
5. Using quotien rule. () =
dx (3x+1)

(4x+6)(3x+5) (3+0)-(3x +5)
dx (4x+6) (4 +0)
dx (4x+6) (4x +6)
12x+18-12x-20 -2
(4x+6)2 (4x+6)2

+1)-(x +1)+2) (x+2) (2x +0) -(2 +1) d+0)
in (x+2)
dx (x+2)
2x +4x--1 t 4r -1
(x +2) (r+2)

OcTTEFar DiHficut Preblerns

6. (i) y= sin 3 x ; Lct u = 3 x; du

Then. y = sin u, OS U = Cos 3 x = (cos 3 x) 3
x =3 cos 3x

(i) Let u = Cos

x, y=cos2 x=u2; dy
= 2cosx
Using chain rule

d d,du2
du dx
2 cos x (- sin x) = -
sin 2x

ifi) Let u =*; 3x, y = sin u; = cosu =cos

Using chain rule

a =3rcosr3

7. (i) Let u=5 x, =5 so, y = sin u and dy =

cosu = cos5x
Using chain rule

Cos 5 xx5 = 5cos 5x when x =9, =5cos5x9 = Scos 45 = 5x
ity (tan5x) = sec2 5xx(5x) = sec2 5xx5 when x=9, =5sec?5 x9 = 5x(2)2 = 10
d dx dx dx

(i cos5x)=-5sin 5.x =-5 sin 5x9 = -

8. (i) y= tan x = (tan x)"; =(tan x)" = 3(tan x)(tan x) 3 tanx sec2 x
dx dx

(1- sin x)cosx- cosx(1-sin x)
(i) y= coS X dx
sinx (1- sin x)
- sin x + 2 x + cosx-sin x +1 1
-sin x)-sin x)-cosxx(-cosx) (1- sin x)
1-sin x) (1- sin x)
d (1-sin x)
=[sin (ax +b)*] = (ar +b)2(ax
dy cos
ii) y = sin (ar + b)2 ; ax

cos (ax + b) x 2 (ax +b) x

= cos (ar + b)-x 2 (ax + b)(ar +b)
= 2a (ar +b) cos (ax +b)*

9. a[1-cos6]: =a (0+sin8) = asin 6.

2 sin 0/2 cos 0/2 tan 6/22

,d3/d® a sin 6
2cos- 0/2
dxlde a(l+cos B)
0/30 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL


10. =3ar?
= 2b dy
dy/ d2ht2
dxldt 3a2

11. -asin =h cos0 hcos= -"cot0

d d0/ de -
a sin 6 a
12. = 2-3+21 +
velocity =d 61?-6t+2, Acccleration = | d( =121-6
When 2 sec. x = 2 x 2-3 x 22 +2 x 2 +2 = 16- 12+ 4 +2 = 10 m
= -
Velocity 6x22 6x2 +2 14 m/s, Acccleration = 12 x 2
18 m/s
d0d 2
When f=4 s,
20 = 0-6 rad/s
13. Angular velocity.
0dde 20 5 20 5
14. 4d (524 +8) = 10r+4 Whent=3s; =10x3+4

15. Velocity, v = dr (2+5t +712) = (5 + 14)

) When t=0, v = 5 m/s (ii) When f = 4 s, v 5 + 14x4 = 61 m/s

(ii) Acceleration, da 4(5+ 14/) = 14 m/s

a=dt =
(iv) When 7= 5 s, x 2+5 x 5 +7 x5 = 2 + 25 + 175
202 m
16. y = r sin (or - 6)

Velocity, v ==rcos (or -0) dt (or-6) =

r cos (o - 0) x @ =r @ cos (ot - 0)

Acceleration, A =
dv =
ro[-sin (@t -
6)]x 0 = -
0 r sin (aot - 0) = - oy

1. 9 V de =f5/3dr = 8/3
8/3 8
=f de-f-1/2de =51/2)+1 -/2)+1
cn ldr=f-)dr +C

3/2 1/2
C =3/2 2x/2+C
de = f(3x-43/2 de =
sx-4 +C
+C (3x-45/2+C
For Difficult Problomn

+ log, x +2x+C

3log, C
(32+ 2-2x)ds =3 +C =r-i-r?+c

2. rh=

nfda= f /2dx -[-]--2]-3448
iiy d = =(log, x), = log, 4-log, 2 = log, =log,2 =230261os102
2 2
2-3026 x 0-3010 0-6931

-2 dx =| 2 2(i2 = 24/2-2/2] =2(2-V2) = 4-22

3. (i) cos xdr = (sin x) =sin-

= sin+sin =1+1=2

sec (/3)- sec0 = 2- 1
(ii) secxtan xdx = (sec x)=

sec xdx =(tan x=tan (T/6) - tan 0 -0
or dx = dol4
4 dx dz
4. (i) Put 4x-3 = z, so when x=30; z=4x 30-3+ 117
15 -3 = 57
When x= 15;z = 4 x

f cosz
cos(4x-3)d =
Pradeep s Fundamental Physies (X OL

in7d= COs 70 Icos 7x30-cos 7 x0

lcos210-cos0 = -|cos (180 + 30)- 1

- cos30-|= =0-2666

(ii)cOs5N adr
5x 30-sin 5x0] =
sin 150°

sin (180°-30°) = sin 30° =

see (31 t 6)dr= an (3r+6)70 tan (3x 10+6) - tan 6]

=[tan 36°-tan 6'1

5, ()xlog xdr = | log x.xds = log x| xdx- )rdd

= log xX

un-c08.+lt = Pds-fcosxdr+ d sin x + log, x+C

n/4 Tt/4
xcos xdr = sin 2xdx
6. (/)sin 2

Ttl2 Tt/2
= Tt/2 sin 0
(m(1+ cos.1)2
dr=2 cosd 2

For Difficult Problena

sinx)2 dx /2
(ii)(1+ dx

T2 77/2

2 [(sin T/4 -cos Tu/4) - -

(sin 0 cos 0)] =

Tt/4 T/4
(iv)(1-cos 2.x2dx = (2sin2
l/2 d

=v2sinxdx =v2(-cosx)Tt/4

=-2 [cos t/4- cos0] = -*

=-1+2 =0414

GM d m 24 GMm
7. = GM m dr = GM

50 - log,(-es0 =log

23026 [log
1 - log 2] = 2:3026 [0 -0:3010] = - 0-6931.

9. (a) adt or ()= a(r% or v-u =at

() ds =udt+ at dt

(=uth+ or 0)=u(-0)+a2-0) or sut +a

ads u2 +2 as
rd= or als or or
o/34 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI

Based on NCERT Book

T. Multiple Choice Questions (a) 51-0 (6) 52.3

1. In the quinratic cquation, pqr-(p?+qx+pq=0, (c) 101-0 (d) 103-3
the valucs of x arc

(a) Ptg (b) P-q II. Completion. Type Questions

P 1. a + b+ (a -b =

Pq_Pg 2. n! i.e., factorial n) =..

Ptq p-q 3. cosec 0- cot0 zl+.
2. An inclined plane rises in I
in 10. If length of the
4. Lt sin 0 = ... (in radian)
inclincd plane is 5 m, the height of the raised end
above the horizontal is
(a) 0-1 m (b) 0-25 m
5. cos x dr=.
(C)0-5 m (d) 1-0 m
3. The equation x-8 x+2y+ 7 =0, represents III, True/False Type Questions
(a) a straiglt line (b) parabola
1. Surface area of cylinder of length 10 cm and radius
(c) circle (d) ellipse
4 cm is 160 cm°.
4. When x = 4, the derivative of is 2. Surface area of a sphere of radius 10 cm is 400 T
(a) (6) TU2

(d) 4
3. sinx dx is1
(c) 2

4. Ifx=a (9 + sin ) and y = a (1- cos 6), then dy/dx

5. The value of
d is is tan /2.

I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b)

II. Complction Type Questions

(a2+ b 2.n (n- (n - 2) .x 3x 2x 5. sin x +C

1. 2 1) 3.0 4.6

IL. True/False Type Questions

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True


Ours is the age ofscience.Thecomputer: the television ; video, audio systems ; the cell phone; e-mail
internet: fast means of travel: health. nutrition and so on, all are the gilts ofscience to humans. There not

even a single field of human activity, which has not been inlluenced by scicnce.
The word Science' originates trom the Latin verb Scientia, meaning 'to know'. The Sanskrit word
Vijnana and the Arabic word Im convey similar meaning, namely 'knowledge', Humans have always been
curious about the world around them. The night sky with its bright celestial objects ; the regular repetitions of
the day and night: the annual cycle of
seasons, the eclipses, the tides, the volcanoes, the rainbow have always
been a source of wonder. The inquiring and imaginative human mind observes all these wonders carefully
and looks for any meaningful patterns and relations in these phenomena. New tools are built up and usedfor
further studieFis knowledge which humans have gained through observations and experiments, when
organised systematically is called Science.
The knowledge so collected has become so vast today that it has been divided into many branches.
The sciences which deal with non living things are called Physical Sciences. For example, Physics,
Chemistry. Geology. Geography. Astronomy, Astrology, Oceanology, etc.
The sciences which deal with living things are called Biological Scienees. For example, Botany, Zoology,
Ornithology. Anthropology. Entomology. Forensic science etc.
According to Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant scientists of all times,
It is a creation of human mind,
Science is not just a collection of laws, a catalogue of unrelated facts.
with its freely invented ideas and concepts.' The same scientist once remarked: The
most incomprehensible
a simple fact that the behaviour
thing abou the world is that it is comprehensible. "This statement based on
laws, which are well defined.
of everything in this vast universe is governed by a few
describing, creating and understanding human
According to Bruce Lindsay, 'Science is a method for
task of science is both to extend the range of our
In the words of a famous scientist Neils Bohr, 'the
experience and to reduce it to order'.
unfinished quest to discover all facts, the relationship
According to Gerald Holton 'Science ever
world runs.
between things and the laws by which the
would like not to underestimate the value of the world view, which
In the words of Phillips Feyman, I
is the result of scientific etfort"'.
1/2 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
According to Heisenberg, The two processes, that Science
of and that of Art are not very different.
Both Science and Art, jorm in the course of centuries, a human language, by which we can speak
about the
more real part of reality'.
A famous Philosopher, Bertrand Russel comments on Science as follows: 'We know very little
it is astonishing that we know so much, and still more astonishing that so little knowledge (of science) can
give us so much power'
We know that science is a systematic attempt to explore and understand natural phenomena in as
detail and depth as possible. The knowledge so gained is used to predict. modify and control the phenomena.
The scientific method involves the following steps
() Takinga large number of systematic observations through controlled experiments.
Gi) Studying these observations and looking
for their logical behaviour based on qualitative and
quantitative reasoning.
(ii) Mathematical modelling, ie, suggesting some model to account for the observed behaviour
v) Theoretical prediction of what is not actually observed on the basis of the suggested model.
(v) Verification
or falsification of the model.
Speculation and conjecturing also have a place in the scientific
Fig. 1.1 represents the synopsis of the scientific method. DO
Patterns The Italian Physicist Galileo and
English philospher Francis Bacon
are usually credited as the
Experimental data Suggesting principal founders of the
verification/falsification Scientific Method Hypothesis scientific method.
A hypothesis is a supposition
without assuming that it is true.
4 Theoretical An axiom is a self evident truth.
Predictions A model is a theory proposed to
explain the observed phenomena.

Science is ever dynamic. There is no final theory in science and no unquestioned authority amongst
scientists. Infact, interplay oftheory and experiments is basic to progress ofscience. As observations improve
in detail and precision or experiments yield new results, theories must be modified, if necessary, to account
for them. The reverse is also true. Just as a new experiment may suggest an alternative theoretical model, a
theoretical advance may suggest what to look for in some experiments.
Occasionally, existing theory is simply unable to explain new observations. This causes mjor upheaval
in science leading to the development of entirely new theories.
Some of the striking examples where small diserepancies have led to new theories in Physics are:

The concept of flat earth was replaced by the concept of spherical earth, from the observations of
distant ships in a sea.
ii) Geocentric theory imagining earth to be at the centre of the universe was replaced by Heliocentric
theory imagining sun to be stationary and all planets revolving around it.

A(ii) The corpuscular theory of light given by Newton was replaced first by Huygens wave eo u
quantunm theory of light. Finally. dual theory of light was by
hght. which was replaced later by Planck's gie
de-Broglie to account for all the phenomena observed in case of light.
Thus. in science, the approach is always open-minded', in which no points of view are overioo
without logical reasons. Infact, all theories of science have to be updated, whenever required, so that a

consistent with all the experimental data collected by that time.

Physics is a basic discipline in the category of "Natural Sciences'. The word 'Physics' comes iro
study Or
Greek word "fusis' meaning nature. Its Sanskrit equivalent is Bhautiki' that is used to refer to the
the physical world. Hence,

Physics is the branch of science which is devoted to the study of nature and natural phenomena:
Thus, Physics is the most basic of all sciences.
In the study of Physics, there are two principal thrusts: Unification and Reductionism.
Unification means attempting to explain diverse physical phenomena in terms of a few
and laws. For example, the same law of gravitation given by Newton accounts for () fall
of an apple to the
sun. Similarly, the
ground (ii) motion of satellites around the planets (iii) motion of planets around the
basic laws of electromagnetism in the form of Maxwell's equations explain all
the electric and magnetic
system from the
Reductionism means attempting to derive the properties of a bigger, more complex
properties of its constituent simpler parts.
macroscopic quantities
For example, the subject of thermodynamics deals with bulk systems in terms of
kinetic theory and statistical mechanics
like temperature, internal energy, entropy etc. The later developments of
constituents of the bulk systems. For
interpreted these quantities in terms of the properties of the molecular
average kinetic energy of the molecules of the
example, temperature of the bulk system was related to the
Macroscopic and Microscopic.
The two domains of interest in Physics are:
phenomena involving objects of finite size on terrestrial
The macroscopic domain includes the study of
up Classical Physics. Most of it was developed upto the
scale and even on astronomical scale. This makes
year 1900.
phenomena involving molecules, atoms, nuclei, electrons
The microscopic domain includes the study of developed after the year
up Modern Physics. Most of it was
and other elementary particles. This makes
subjects like Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics and Optics.
The Classical Physics includes deformable bodies, liquids
with the study of general system of particles, rigid bodies,
Mechanics deals
of water waves, sound waves etc.
etc., propulsion of rockets, propagation temperature, internal energy
gaseous systems. The changes in
Thermodynamics deals with the study of transfer of heat, efficiency of
system through external work are investigated. Modes of
and entropy of the thermodynamics.
and refrigerators are also included in
heat engines phenomena associated with charged
deals with the study of electric and magnetic
Electrodynamics phenomena were given by Coulomb, Oersted.
materials. The basic laws governing these equations. The generation
particles and magnetic encapSulated by Maxwell in his famous set of
laws were
Ampere and Faraday. These alternating current, propagation of electromagnetic waves etc. also
response ofa circuit to
ofelectric power,
Come under electrodynamics.
Pradeep e Fundamental Physics
Optics involves the study of (XT)ELD
various phenomena connected with light
microscope, telescope etc. and optical instrurnents like
The Classical Physics is inadequate
to handle the microscopic domain, where vwe deal
and structure of matter at the minute scales with the constitution
of atoms, nuclei, and even smaller scales of length.
Theory is currently accepted as the proper framework Quantumn
for explaining microscopic domain.
From what we have studied above, you can
realize that the scope of Physics is truly vast. It covers a very
wide range of magnitudes of physical quantities
like length, mass, time, energy cte. At one end, Physics
includes the study of electron, proton, nuclei etc.
of size 10-14 m or even less. And at the other end, it dcals
with astronomical phenomena involving galaxies
and even the entire universe of size - J0 m. The two
length scales differ by a factor of 104 or even more.
The corresponding range of time scales involved in
Physics is obtained by dividing the Jength scales
bythe speed of light (= 10 m/s). The time scales 10110-22 s ==10J%
would range from
108 =102s toto 10
The range of masses involved in the study of Physics varies from 1030
kg (mass of an electron) to 10° kg
(mass of known observable universe). The terrestrial phenomena lie somewhere in
the middle of these
The phenomenal progress of Physics in the last few centuries is due to the following
three reusons:
() Quantitative measurement is central to the growth of Physics as the laws of nature can be expressed
in precise mathematical equations.
(it) The basic laws of Physics are universal, i.e., the same basic laws can explain diverse physícal
ii) The strategy of approximation is very successful. Most of the observed phenomena in daily life are
rather complex manifestations of the simple basic laws. Therefore, it is good to focus first on the essential
features, discover the basic principles and then introduce modifications to build a more refined theory of the
The study of Physics is exciting in many ways. For example
()A few basic concepts and laws can explain diverse physical phenomena.
(i) Carrying out imaginative new experiments to unlock secrets of nature by verifying or falsifying the
existing theories.
(ii) The most interesting part is designing useful devices based on the physical laws.
For a layman, the study of Physics is exciting. For example
(i) live transmission of events thousands of kilometres away on the television,
(ii) S.T.D. ; I.S.D. ; Fax ; Pager; Cellular phone etc.
(ii) the speed and memory of the fifth generation of computers,
(iv) use of robots,
(v) journey to moon and to some nearby planets with controls from the ground,
(vi) technological advances in health sciences,
(vii) lasers and their ever increasing applications.
(viii) exploring the new sources of energy
(ix) study of various types of forces in nature, and so on.
As Physics involves a basic study of the various natural phenomena, it can rightly be regarded as the
most fundamental of all sciences. Physics has played a key role in the development of many other branches of
science. For example:

sil(a) Physies in relation to Chemistryto0 Buotnono eome lo vb

oevlovit eaf
The study of structure of atoms, radioactivity, X-ray diffraction etc. in to
Physics have enabled cne
rearrange elements m periodic table on the basis of atomic
number ; have better understanding or chc ical
bonding and complex chemical structures.
(b) Physies in relation to Biological Sciences
The optical microscopes developed in Physics are extensively
used in the study of biological sa
Using an electron microscope, the structure of biological
cells studied. X-rays discovered in Physics
a variety of applications in biological sciences. The radio-isotopes
is av
are used in the treatment of cancer a
So on.
(c) Physics in relation to Astronomy
The astronomical telescopes developed in Physics are used for observing planets and other
heavenly bodies in the sky. Radio telescopes have enabled the astronomers to observe distant limits of the
(d) Physics in relation to Mathematics
Theories in Physics often make use of mathematical concepts. Mathematics has infact served as a powerful
tool in the development of modern theoretical Physics.
(e) Physics in relation to Geology
The difiraction techniques developed in Physics help in studying crystal structures of various rocks.
The phenomenon of radioactivity is used to estimate the age of rocks and fossils.
Physics in relation to Seismology
The study of movement of the earth's crust and the types of waves generated help us a lot in the study of
(g) Physics in relation to meteorology
Forecasting of weather (meteorology) is based primarily on the variation of pressure with temperature.


Most of the developments in Physics have a direct impact on society. For example
(i) The development of telephone, telegraph, telex enable us to transmit messages instantly.
(ii) The development of radio, television, satellites have revolutionised the means of communication.
(ii) Advances in electronics, computers, lasers have greatly enriched the society.
(iv) Rapid means of transport are no less important for the society
(v) Exploration of the new sources of energy is of great significance to the society; and so


Technology is the application of the principles of Physics for practical purposes. For example, steam
in 18th century, was developed on the
engine which played key role in the Industrial Revolution in England
laws of thermodynamics.
technology gives rise to new Physics and the
A survey of development of Physics shows that sometimes
the technology of wireless communication was
other times, Physics generates new technology. For example,
Dased on the fundamental laws of electricity and
magnetism. More than often, it is not easy to foresee the
dismissed the idea of energy obtainable from atoms.
application of Physics. For example, in 1933, Ruthertord as the basis of nuclear power
And, in 1938, Hahn and Meitner carried
out fission of 920-, which served
that has trigerred the
example is the discovery of "silicon chip
Cactors and nuclear weapons. Yet another
Computer revolution.
1/6 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
Table 1.1 lists some ofthe important technologies and the principles of Physics on which they are based
TABLE 1,11 Link between Technology and Physics

S. No. Technology S. No. Baslc Principle(s)

1. Steam enginc 1. Laws of Thermodynamics.
2. Rocket propulsion 2. Newton's Laws of motion.
3. Acroplane 3. Bernoulli's principle in fluid dynamics.
4. Sonar 4. Reflection of ultrasonic waves.
Optical fibres 5. Total internal reflection of light.
Electric generator 6. Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction.
7. Hydroelectric power 7. Conversion of gravitational potential energy into electrical energy.
8. Particle accelerators 8.

Motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields.

9. Radio and Television 9. | Generation, propagation and detection of electromagnetic waves.
10. Photocell 10. Photoelectric effect.
11. Nuclear Reactor 11. | Controlled nuclear chain reaction.
12. Fusion Test reactor 12. Magnetic confinement of plasma.
13. Electron microscope 13. Wave nature of electrons.
14. Lasers 14. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
15. Computers 15. Digital logic
16. Production of ultra high 16. Super conductivity
magnetic fields.
17. Non-reflecting coatings 17. Thin film optical interference.
18. Giant metrewave radio 18. Detection of cosmic radio waves.
telescope (GMRT)
19. Bose Einstein condensate 19. Trapping and cooling of atoms by laser beams and magnetic fields
20. Genetic engineering 20. Role of DNA in heredity.


The present status of Physics is due to the contributions of a number of brilliant Physicists of the past
and the present.
The greatest scientist who ever ived on earth was Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727). He was born in
England. Amongst his contributions are Newton's three laws of motion, universal law of gravitation, a reflecting
telescope and so on. His work on calculus - differential and integral led to the development ofa new language
of Physics, The famous poct Alexander Pope said of Newton
"Nature und Nature'sLaws lay hid in night; God said, Let Newton be ! and all was light". Inspite of his
greatness, Newton remained a simple man. Shortly before his death, Newton remarked:
"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy
playing on the sea-shore and diverting myself every now and then finding a smoother pebble or a pretier
shell than ordinary, while the great ocean oftruth lay undiscovered before me". Table 1.2 gives only a few
selected names of great physicists, alongwith the name of the discovery they made and country of their
TABLE 1.2. Some Great
bas Physicists with their
country of origin
and major contribution/discovery

S.No. Name Country of orlgin Major contribution/discovery

Archimedes Greece Principle of buoyancy
2. Galileo Galilei Italy Law of inertia
3. Sir Isaac Newton U.K. Universal law of gravitation
Huygens and others
4. Holland Wave Theory of light
5. Michael Faraday U.K. Laws of electromagnetic induction
6. James Clerk Maxwell U.K. Electromagnetic theory
7. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Germany Generation of electromagnetic waves
8. .Thomson U.K. Electron
9. W.K. Roentgen
Germany X-rays
10. J.C. Bose India Ultra short radio waves
11. Marie Curie Poland Studies of natural radioactivity
12. Albert Einstein Germany Explanation of Photoelectric effect ; Theory of
13. R.A. Millikan U.S.A. Measurement of electronic charge
14. Ernest Rutherford New Zealand Nuclear model of atom
15. Niels Bohr Denmark Quantum model of hydrogen atom
16. C.V. Raman India Inelastic scattering of light by molecules
17. M.N. Saha India Thermal ionisation
18. S.N. Bose India Quantum statistics
19. Victor Francis Hess Austria Cosmic Radiation
20. Louis de Broglie France Wave nature of matter
21. Wolfgang Pauli Austria Exclusion Principle
22 Enrico Fermi Italy Controlled nuclear fission
23. Paul Dirac U.K. Relativistic theory of electron; quantum statistics
24. Werner Heisenberg Germany Uncertainty principle: Quantum Mechanics
25. James Chadwick U.K. Neutron
26. Hideki Yukawa Japan Theory of nuclear forces
27. Edwin Hubble U.S.A. Expanding universe
28. S. Chandra shekhar India Structure and evolution of stars
29. Ernest orlando Lawrence U.S.A. Cyclotron
30. Homi Jehangir Bhabha India Cascade process of cosmic radiation
31. Lev Davidovich Landau Russia Theory of condensed matter, liquid helium
32. John Bardeen U.S.A. Transistors: Theory of superconductivity
33. C.H. Townes U.S.A. Maser: Laser
34. Abdus Salam Pakistan Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions

A review of Tables 1.2 and 1.1 reveals multicultural, international character of scientific endevour.
We shall urge our students to consult their teachers, some good books and some websites on science,
and add on to Tables 1.2 and 1.1. This exercise would be highly educative with probably no end, as the
progress of science is unstoppable.
1/8 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XD vOL

Q. 1. What is a discovery ?
Ans. According to Abbert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986), discovery consists of seeing that everybody has
seen, but thinking what nobody has thought.
O.2 Can you visualize the growth and development of a useful scientific tool ?
Ans. Yes. For example, E.O. Lawrence was the first to build an operating cyclotron for the study of
subatomic particles in the year 1930. This cyclotron had a circumference of about 13 inches.
In contrast, the latest cyclotron developed is a super conducting super colider (SSC), which has a
circumference of about 52 miles. The machine has cost about 10 billion dollars and can give particles
100 million times more energy. The researches from SSC have led us to new methods of treating
cancer and AIDS ; and development of more advanced computers.


We know that Physics is the study of nature and natural phenomena. It deals with certain basic laws
which govern the natural world. We shall now discuss the nature of fundamental forces and the nature of laws
that govern diverse phenomena of physical world.
Intuitively, we know that force is an effort in the form ofpush or pull, required to move a body or stop
amoving body or deformm/break the body. We realize the impact of force when somebody hits us. In macroscopicc
world, we come across gravitational forces; muscular forces ; tension in springs, ropes ; forces of friction
forces due to pressure ; surface tension ; force due to buoyancy; viscous forces etc. In addition, there are
forces between charged particles and magnetic bodies.
Physics has revealed that all the forces occuring in different contexts arise from a small number of
fundamental forces in nature. Though the origin of derived forces is complex, yet they can be understood in
terms of the following four fundamental forces; which goven the macroscopic as well as microscopic
1. Gravitational forces;
2. Electromagnetic forces;
3. Strong nuclear forces;
4. Weak nuclear forces.
(a) Gravitational forces
The gravitational force is the force of mutual attraction between any two objects by virtue
their masses.
As every object has some mass, therefore, gravitational forces are universal forces, i.e., every object in
this universe attracts every other object at all distances. For example, all objects on earth experience the force
of gravity due to the earth. This force governs the motion of bodies falling towards the earth. The revolution
of moon and other artificial satellites around the earth is also governed by the force of gravity of earth. The
revolution of earth and other planets around the sun is explained in terms of pull of gravity of sun on the
planets. Infact, all large scale phenomena of the universe such as formation and evolution of stars, galaxies
and galactic clusters are explained in terms of gravitational forces.
The magnitude of the force exerted by a particle of mass m on another particle of mass m, at a distance
rfrom it is given by Newton's law of gravitation
Gm, m

direction o
where G is universal gravitational constant and has the value G= 6-67 x 10-l Nm2kg2. The
force on m, is towards m1. An equal but opposite force is exerted by mass m, on mass mi, in accordane
Newton's hird law of motion. Thus the two particles exert equal forces of attraction on eachother.
Some of the important features/properties of gravitational forces are:
1. Gravitational forces are universal attractive forces, i.e., they exist ween microscopic as well as
macroscopic objectS irTespective of their size, shape, separation and intervening medium. These forces
never repulsive.
or e
2. Gravitational foree between any two bodies is directly proportional to the product of masses
two bodies.
or onr
3. Gravitational force between any two bodies does not depend upon the presence or absence
4. These are the weakest forces in nature.
5. They operate over very long distances especially when the bodies are massive. For example,
of earth around the sun is due to gravitational pull of sun on earth.
6. Gravitational forces obey inverse square law, i.e., they vary inversely as the square of the
between the two bodies.
7. Gravitational forces are central forces, i.e., they act along the line joining the
centres of two bodies.
8. Gravitational forces are conservative forces*, i.e., work done in moving a
body by or against the
gravitational force is independent of the path followed.
exchange of field particle
9. The field particle of gravitational forces is called 'graviton'. The concept of
between two bodies explains how the two bodies interact from a distance.
(b) Electromagnetic Forces
electrostatic force.
The force acting between two static electric charges called
The force acting between two magnetic poles is called magnetic
example, a moving charge produces
Infact, electrostatic and magnetic forces are closely inter-related. For on the
a force on the moving charge. This force depends
a magnetic field, and this magnetic field exerts
forces are inseparable. These are considered to
charge, and its velocity. Thus the electrostatic and magnetic
electromagnetic force.
be the two facets of a general force, called
two static point charges q and g2 separated by a distance
The magnitude of electrostatic force F between
r in air/vacuum is given by Coulomb's law:
F =__492
4TtE r
= 9x 10 N m-/C is a constant
10-12 c2 N-Im2
and E 885 x space
is absolute electrical permittivity of or a proton represented by
magnitude of charge found in nature is the charge on an electron
The smallest
e= 1-6 x 10-19 C
to have magnitude ne,
electron has charge - e. All charges are found
+ and
The proton has charge e
n is an integer. Electric charge is, therefore, said to be protons. The electrons
where like neutrons, electrons and
elementary particles
As is known, matter consists of much stronger than the
gravitational force, it dominates
electromagnetic force is chemical
and protons are charged. As atoms and molecules, the dynamics of
molecular scales. The structure of between
all phenomena on atomic and forces. Some of the macroscopic forces, like the forces
reactionsetc. are governed by
1/10 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)
two surfaces in contact, force of friction, tension in a spring/rope, forces
due to springs etc. are also explained in terms of electromagnetic forces.
For example: DO
(i) Forces between two surfaces in contact.
When we puttwo bodies in contact, the atoms of the two surfaces
come close to eachother. The charged constituents of the atoms of two
bodies exert strong forces between them.
The Classical Physics is a good
Generally, the forces between the two bodies in contact are along description of nature when we
the common normal, i.e., perpendicular to the surface of contact. Also, confine ourselves to the particles
these forces are in the form of a push or repulsion. For example, when a of linear size > 10° m, moving
book is placed on a table, the book pushes the table downwards (away with velocities < 10 m/s. The size
from it) and the table pushes the book upwards (again away from it). restriction automatically excludes
any appreciable effects of nuclear
(i) Force of Friction. forces or weak forces. Thus in
The two bodies in contact may have a component of force parallel Classical Physics, we need to
to the surface of contact. This component is called friction. Obviously, consider only the gravitational
the surfaces in contact will be frictionless, when they exert forces only forces and electromagnetic forces.
along the direction perpendicular to them. Bodies with smooth surfaces The formulation of Classical
in contact will exert only small amount of forces parallel to the surface of Physics is quite accurate for
contact. heavenly bodies like the earth, the
For example, we can cling on to the trunk of a tree, which is quite moon and the sun. Further, it is
rough. The trunk exerts an upward frictional force parallel to the surface equally good for the behaviour of
grains of sand etc. The
of the trunk, on us to hold us there. This is the reaction of an equal frictional rain drops,
difficulty arises only when we
downward force, we exert on the tree due to our weight. On the contrary
deal with subatomic particles. The
it is difficult to stay on a smooth metallic lamp post, as it cannot exert
behaviour of such particles is
enough force parallel to the surface of the lamp post. governed by 'Quantum Physics'.
(iin) Tension in a string/rope.
When a heavy block hangs from a ceiling by a string, the string is in a state of tension. The electrons and
protons of the string near the lower end exert forces on the electrons and protons of the block. The resultant
of these forces is the force exerted by the string on the block, that supports the block.
Infact, a string or rope under tension exerts electromagnetic forces on the bodies attached at the two
ends to pull them.
(iv) Forces due to a spring.
When extention or compression is not too large, the force exerted by the spring (F) is proportional to
change in its length (), i.e., Foc l or F=kl, where k is spring constant. Ifthe spring is extended, the force will
be directed towards its centre, and if compressed, the force will be directed away from the centre.
This force
comes into picture due to the electromagnetic forces between the atoms of the material of the spring.
Note that two bodies-not in contact with eachother, do not exert appreciable electromagnetic forces
though both the bodies contain a very large number of electrons and protons. This is because the charged
particles of one body and those of the other body have both attractive and repulsive nature. Therefore, these
forces largely cancel out.
Some of the salient features of electromagnetic forces are :
1. These forces may be attractive or repulsive. Like charges repel eachother and unlike charges attract
2. These forces are governed by Coulomb's le 's which are similar to Newton's law of gravitation.
3. They obey inverse square law.
4. Electrostatic forces (between two protons) are 10s0 times stronger than gravitational forces between
them, for any fixed distance.
5. They operate over distanccs which are not very large.
6. They are central forces.
7. They are also conservativce forces. DO
8. The ficld particle of electromagnetic
carries no charge and has zero rest mass.
forces is photon, which
(c) Strong Nuciear Forces
Between two neutral ohjects, the
Theforces that bind the neutrons and protons together in a gravitational force gES (I ading
nucleus are called the strong nuclear over all pairs of particles of the
The strong nuclear forces are two objects. The electronagietie
of three types: forces being equally attractive anid
() n-n forces between two neutrons; repulsive add upto zero. That is
(i) p-p forces between two protons and why the large scale mnotion ini the
(iii) n-p forces between a neutron universe is controlled by the
and a proton.
When two nucleons are within fermi (10-15
gravitational force, which is
m) of eachother, the otherwise the weakest force.
strong nuclear attractive force is about 100
times stronger than the The strong nuclear foCes canot
respulsive electric force between two protons
at this separation. That is be electrostatic forces because
why a nucleus is a stable structure inspite
of strong electrostatic forces of positively charged pTotons in the
repulsion between protons.
nucleus repel cath other very
Owever the nuclear forces have a very short range, i.e.. thejir strongly. The gravitational
strength decreases very rapidly with increasing attraction between two protons
rapidly than the inverse square decrease). separation (much more
being much weaker, cannot
At a separation of about 15
fermi, nuclear forces become negligibly overcome the strong electrostatic
small compared to electrical
force. repulsion betwecn the protons.
Being short ranged, nuclear forces come into picture
only if we consider charges within the nucleus. As
bare nuclei are hardly encountered in daily life,
we are generally not aware of nuclear forces. However,
phenomena like radioactivity, nuclear fission, nuclear the
fusion etc. involve nuclear forces.
Some of the salient features of nuclear forces are :
1. Nuclear forces are the strongest forces
in nature. They are 103 times stronger than
forces, 10 times stronger than electrostatic forces and 101° gravitational
times stronger than the weak forces.
2. Nuclear forces have the shortest range. They operate within
the order of 10* metre.
the nucleus only, i.e., upto distances of

3. Nuclear forces do not depend on charge on the nucleon.

4. Nuclear forces do not obey inverse square law. They vary inversely
as some higher power of distance
between nucleons.
5. They are basically attractive forces. Only when distance between nucleons is
less than 0-8 fermi,
nuclear forces become repulsive.
6. Nuclear forces are non central forces.
7. They are also non-conservative forces
8. The field particle for nuclear forces is the 'T- meson'.
d) Weak Nuclear Forces
These are the forces that appear only between elementary particles of short life times, involved in
a nuclear process such as B-decay of a nucleus.
In B-decay, electrons are emitted from a radioactive nucleus. Itwas believed that B decay occurs when
a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton and an electron. According to theoretical considerations,
all f particles from a radioactive nucleus should possess the same energy and hence same velocity. However,
experiments show that energy of an electron emitted from radioactive nucleus varies continuously from zero
to a certain maximum value.
To account for the variable energy of electron, Pauli in 1930, postulated the existence of an uncharged
particles, called anti-neutrino (v), which is emitted along with the electron.
1/12 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
The energy emitted during B-decay is shared between the clectron and antineutrino. When antineutrino
carries maximum energy, the energy of clectron is minimum and vice-versa. This particle (antineutrino) was
later discovered experimentally.
Hence it was concluded that an electron and an antineutrino interact with each other through
weak nuclear forces.
Some of the important properties of weak nuclear forces are
1. Weak nuclear forces exist between leptons* and leptons; and also between leptons and mesons*
2. Weak nuclear forces are 10 times stronger than the gravitational forces.
3. Weak nuclear forces operate onlythrough a range of nuclear size (0= 10713m).
4. The field particles that transmit weak nuclear force between elementary particles are the massive
vector bosons (W; Z°).

RETAINN 1. The relative strengths of four types of basic forces in nature can be represented as
IN FG: Fw:Fg: Fy = 1: 1023;:100: 10
MEMORY 2. Each fundamental force arises due to exchange of characteristic particle called the
messenger particle or the field particle.
(1) For gravitational forces, the field particle is graviton,

i) For electromagnetic forces, the field particle is photon,

(i) For strong nuclear forces, the field particle is t meson, and
(tv) For weak nuclear forces, the field particle is vector boson (W, z).

Table 1.3 gives a summary of the fundamental forces in nature.

TABLE 1.3 Fundamental forces in nature
s.No. Name Relative Range Operates among
1. Gravitational force Infinite All objects in universe
2. Electromagnetic force 1036 Not very large Charged particles
3. Strong nuclear force 1038 Very short, nuclear size (= 10-15 m) Nucleons, heavier
elementary particles
Weak nuclear force 1025 Very short subnuclear size (= 10-1 m) Some elementary
particles like electron
and neutrino

DO Elementary particles have been grouped as

(i) Baryons, which include nucleons (n, p) and their
higher mass
YOU counterparts.

KNOw? (ii) Mesons like pions and kaons.

(ii) Leptons like electrons, neutrino and their higher mass counterparts.
Whereas Baryons interact through strong nuclear forces ; Mesons and
Leptons interact only through Weak Nuclear Forces.

leptons and mesons are kinds of elementary particles. For details, refer to some Text Book on Nuclear

1.10. TOWARDS UNIFICATION OF FORCES u ol u fepjtirit

By unification of forces, we mean that there exists a relationship between the various forces ot natu
A lot of efforts have becn made towards unification of different forces and domains of Physics. Some or
the highlights are
() In 1687. Newton unified terrestrial and celestial mechanics showing that the same laws of notion
and the law of gravitation apply to both.
(i) Oersted (1820) and Faraday (1830) showed that electric and magnetic phenomena areinseparaote
(ii) Maxwell (1873) unified electricity, magnetism and optics showing that light is an electromagnetic
iv) Abdus Salam and associates showed in 1979 that 'electromagnetic force' and 'weak' nuclear orce
are different aspects of a single electro-weak force. The predictions of this theory were verified experimentally
by Rubia et al in the year 1984.
Table 1.4 shows the progress in unification of different forces/domains in nature.

TABLE 1.4. Progress in unification of different forces/domains in nature

S. No. Name of Physicist Year Achievement in unification
1. Isaac Newton 1687 Unified terrestrial and celestial mechanics
2. Haris Christian Oersted 1820 Electric and magnetic phenomena are inseparable aspects
3. Michael Faraday 1830 Lof a unified domain: electromagnetism.
4. | James Clerk Maxwell 1873 Unified electricity, magnetism and optics ; showed that
light is an electromagnetic wave.
5. Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, 1979 Weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force could
Steven Weinberg be viewed as different aspects of a single electro-weak
6. Carlo Rubia, Simon Vander Meer 1984 Verified exptally the prediction of the theory of electro
weak forces.


Physics is the study of nature and natural phenomena. The keen observations and experiments lead the
physicists to certain facts. An attempt is made to explain these facts on the basis of certain laws.
A remarkable fact is that some special physical quantities remain constant in time. These are called
the conserved quantities of nature. Understanding the conservation principles is very important in describing
the natural phenomena quantitatively. Conservation laws are infact important tools of analysis.
In Classical Physics, we often deal with the following conservation laws:
1. Law of conservation of energy. 2. Law of conservation of linear momentum.
3. Law of conservation of angular momentum. 4. Law of conservation of charge.
A brief discussion of these laws is given here

aw of conservation of energy
The concept of energy is central to Physics. The expressions for energy can be written for every physical
system. According to this law,
The sum total of energy of all kinds in this universe remains constant. Energy can be transformed
but the total amount of
from one form to the other or transported from one place to the other,
energy never changes.
nature, from the microscopic to the
The law of conservation of energy is valid across all domains of
elementary particle processes. Though all
macroscopic. It is applied in the analysis of atomic, nuclear and
the total enerEy of the universe remains
kinds of violent phenomena occur in the universe all the time, yet
Constant always.
1/14 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
The general law of conservation of energy is valid for all forces and for any kind of transformation
bctween different forms of energy. For example, when an object is falling frecly under the action of gravity,
both the kinetic energy and potential energy of the object change continuously with time, but their sum
remains constant at all tinmes. If the object is released from rest from a height, the initial potential
energy of
the object is converted completely into the kinetic energy of the object just before it hits the
ground. On
striking the ground, kinetic energy of the object gets transformed into other forms of energy : heat and
The total energy of the system (object plus the surroundings) remains unchanged.
Until the advent of Einstein's theory of relativity, the law of conservation
of mass was regarded as
another basic conservation law of nature. According to Einstein's theory, mass m is equivalent
to energy E
given by the relation E = mcé, where c is the speed of light in vacuum. Energy can be obtained
at the cost of
mass and vice-versa. In a nuclear process, mass gets converted into energy. As
cis very large (=3x 10° m/s),
therefore, the energy released is tremendous even when m is small. This is
the basis of energy released in
nuclear power reactors and nuclear explosions of atom bomb and hydrogen
bomb. Consequently, the law of
conservation of mass was included in the law of conservation
of energy itself. For example, the mass of a
bound system like a nucleus is not exactly equal to the sum of the masses
of its constituents, the protons and
neutrons. It is slightly less, by an amount equal to the binding energy (B.E.)
divided by the square of the speedd
of light. Thus, mass of a bound system = sum of the masses of its constituents -
However, in a chemical reaction, there occurs basically
a rearrangement of atoms among different
molecules. As the atoms are merely rearranged, but not destroyed,
therefore, total mass of the reactants is the
same as the total mass of the products in a chemical reaction.
The changes in binding energy are too small to
be measured as changes in mass.
Law of conservation of linear momentum
According to this law,

in the absence of an extrnal force, the linear momentum

of a system remains unchanged."
The law means that in order to change the momentum
of a system, we have to exert an impulse/force on
the system. Further, the force or impulse must be
exerted on the system by something outside the
internal forces won't work. This is because internal system. The
forces come in balanced pairs that cancel
object. To change the momentum, an outside within the
push or pull is required. For example
() When a gun is fired, force on the bullet inside the gun
barrel is equal and opposite to the force on
gun. These forces are internal to the system the
comprising the gun and the bullet. Before the
at rest and the momentum is zero. On firing, firing, the system is
the total momentum of gun and bullet is still
bullet gains momentum in the forward direction zero. On firing, the
and the gun gains an equal momentum
direction so that the gun-bullet system gains in the backward
none. That is why the gun recoils on firing.
(i) Similarly, when atomic nuclei undergo radioactive
decay or a star explodes, the forces involved
internal. Therefore, net momentum are
of the system before and after the event is the same.
(c) Law of conservation
of angular momentum
VWe know that a rotating object has inertia. Therefore, such
an object also possesses momentum
with its rotation. This momentum is associated
called 'angular momentum'. We shall prove later
Angular momentum (L) = moment of inertia () x angular
speed ()
According to the law of conservation
of angular momentum:
j the total external torque acting on a system is
zero, angular momentum of the systemn
constant. remains
As angular momentum is a vector quantity,
both the magnitude as well as direction of angular
shall stay constant in the absence of an momentum
external torque. For example, planets revolving
elliptical orbits maintain their orbital plane around the sun in
and angular momentum in this plane constant,
momentum conservation. due to angular
The shapes of galaxies (such as our milky way) have much to do
with the comservation of angular momentum, Consider a globular mass
of gas in space that begins to contract under the influence of its own
gravity. As the gas contracts, its rotational inertia (1) decreases. Because
angular mmentum is conserved, the angular speed (o) of the galaxy
incnases turning it into a spiral galaxy.
In any cases, conservation laws simplify the problems. For
Conservation laws have a deep
exanple, during a collision of two automobiles, the Jaw of conservation
connection with symmetries of
of linear momentum enables us to predict or rule out possible outcomes
nature. For example, laws of
of the collision. Further, using conservation laws of energy and momentum
nature do not change with time.
forbeta decay, Pauli predicted in 1931, the cxistence of a new particle This symmetry of nature with
ealled neutrino emitted alongwith clectron in B-decay.
respect to translation (i.e..
) 1an of conservation of charge time is
displacement) in
Matter is made of atoms and atoms arc made of clectrons and protons
equivalent to the law of
(and neutrons as well). An object that has equal number of electrons and
conservation of energy.
protons has no net clectric chargc. But if there is an imbalance in the
mumbers, the objeet is then electrically charged. An imbalance comes Further, the laws of nature are the
about by adding or removing clectrons. If an object has more electrons same everywhere in the universe.
than protons, the object is negatively charged. If it has fewer electrons This symmetry of nature with
than protons, then is positively charged. respect to translation in space

In every event, whether at large scale or at the atomic or nuclear gives rise to the law of conser-
level, the principle of conservation of charge applies. vation of linear momentum.

It means that charges (in the form of electrons) are neither Similarly, isotropy of space (i.e.
created nor destroyed, but are simply transferred from one no intrinsically prefered
body to another. direction in space) underlines the
law of conservation of angular
Therefore, two bodies of an isolated system can have charges which momentum.
will always be equal and opposite.

The scientists often rely on conservation laws to
determine the behaviour of objects they cannot DO
MEMORY observe directly. For example, we cannot see actually
the atomic scale particles. But we can predict their YOU
behaviour by applying conservation laws.
Further, note that all quantities in Physics are not
A conservation law cannot be
conserved. For example, there is no conservation of
force and no conservation of velocity, acceleration proved. It can only be verified or
disproved by experiments.

the study of nature and natural phenomena. The study
1.Physics is that branch of science, which deals with Matter, Optics, Electricity,
Physics has been divided broadly into Mechanics, Heat, Sound, Properties of
of Electronics etc.
Magnetism, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics,
Electromagnetic forces ; Weak (nuclear)
forces in nature are of four types : Gravitational forces;
2. Basic
Unification of different forces/domains in nature is a basic quest in
forces and (strong) Nuclear forces.
Physics. Laws of conservation of linear
Conservation Laws that we come across in classical Physics are:
momentum; energy; angular momentum and

1. Why do we call Physics an exact science ? predictions, some of which may turn out to be
(HP Board 2006) true and others false. As astrology is not based
on scientific laws, we cannot call it a science
Sol. Physical quantities in Physics are measured with
high precision and accuracy. That is why Physics 5, List some key contemporary areas of science
is called an exact science. and technology responsible for industrial
2. Does imagination play any role in Physics? revolution of the present age
(HP Board 2007 C) Sol. The key areas which are transforming radically
Sol. Yes, imagination plays an important role in the the present society are (i) super computers
development of Physics. For example, in ii) biotechnology (ii) development of super
Huygens principle; Bohr's theory;Maxwell's conductors at room temperature.
equations, uncertainty principle etc., Name some key scientific and technological
imaginations of scientists explained the various advances which led to first industrial
natural phenomena. revolution in England and Europe
3. What is electromagnetic force? Sol. Some of the key scientific and industrial
(HP Board 2008) advances which led to industrial revolution prior
to 1750 A.D. were (i) steam engine (ii) blast
Sol. It is the force due to interaction between two
moving charges. This force is caused by the furnace (ii) power loom etc.
exchange of photons between the two charged 7. Should a scientific discovery whichha
particles. nothing but dangerous consequences for
4. Astrology is a science. Comment. mankind be made public ?
Sol. Astrology predicts events on the basis of Sol. Yes, any discovery good or bad, must be made
positions of different planets at different tinmes. public. Something which appears dangerons
For example, it predicts the same fate for all today, may be put to use in some other form
children born at the same time. This is not found later. So, a discovery, which reveals a truth of
to be true. An astrologer makes many nature, should not be concealed.

8. The terms in column X are somehow related to the terms in columns Y and Z. Match the columns

1. Planck Nuclear constant Mass wave

Angstrom Threshold energy
2. Raoult
Moderator Heavy water
3. de Broglie
erg-second Molecular weight
4. Einstein
5. Nuclear reactor Vapour pressure lowering E= mc
Photoelectric effect 6-626 x 10-27
6. Mass defect

Sol. The correct matching in tabular form is

given below:

1. 6-626 x 10-27
1. Planck 1. erg-sec
Vapour pressure lowering 2. Molecular wt.
2. Raoult 3. mass wave
3. Angstrom
3. de-Broglie 4 Threshold frequency
4. Photoelectric effect
4. Einstein 5. Heavy water
5. Moderator
5. Nuclear Reactor 6. E=mc
6. Nuclear constant
6. Mass defect
1/20 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) VoLT
9. The most incomprehensible thing about the 10. Science is ever dynamic. There is no final
world is that it is comprehensible. Who made theory in science and no unquestioned
these remarks ? Give some evidence in authority amongst scientists. Comment.
support of it.
Sol. Refer to Art. 1.2.
Sol. Albert Einstein made these remarks. Fo details,
refer to Art. 1.1.

Very Short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer


1. Whatis Physics? 11. What is the scientific principle of calculators
Ans. Physics is a branch of science which deals with and computers?
the study of nature and natural phenomena. Ans. Digital logic of electronic circuits is the
2. What are the five main branches of Physics ? underlying principle of calculators and
Ans. These are Mechanics, Heat & Thermodyna-
mics ; Electromagnetism; Theory of Relativity, 12. Which technology has trigerred the computer
Quantum Mechanics. revolution in the last three decades of
twentieth century ?
3. Physics is more of a philosophy, nay more of
a mathematical science. Which is true? Ans. The technology of silicon chip.
13. Name the force responsible for the stability
Ans. Physics is a beautiful combination of philosophy
and a mathematical science. of nuclei. What is its range ? (CBSE 2013)
4. What are the two basic quests in Physics? Ans. Strong nuclear forces are responsible for the
stability of nuclei. The range of these forces is
Ans. The two basic quests in Physics are: = 10-1 m.
() Unification (i) Reductionism. 14. Which force governs the structure of atoms
5. What is meso-scopic Physics?
and molecules?
Ans. Meso-scopic Physics deals with the phenomena Ans. The electromagnetic force.
intermediate between microscopic and
15. Which force governs the large scale motions
macroscopic domains. It deals with a few tens
in universe ?
or hundreds of atoms.
6. Name two Indian physicists who have won
Ans. Gravitational forces.
Nobel Prize in Physics. (AFMC 2002) 16. Among which type of elementary particles
Ans. Sir C.V. Raman and S. Chandrashekhar. does the electromagnetic foree act ?
7. Name the scientists responsible
Ans. Electromagnetic force acts on all electrically
for the
charged particles.
development of quantum mechanics.
17. What are the exchange particles for the
Ans. Heisenberg and Schrodinger.
operation of () strong nuclear forces (i) weak
8. Who first gave the concept of antiparticle ?
nuclear forces ?
Ans. Paul Dirac. Ans. () Mesons (i) Vector bosons.
9. Name the scientist who won two Nobel Prizes. 18. What are conserved quantities in nature ?
Ans. Madam Marie Curie won Nobel Prize in Physics Name any two.
the year 1903 and Nobel Prize in Chemistry Ans. The physical quantities which remain
in the year 1911. unchanged in a process are called conserved
10. Name the scientist who won twice the Nobel quantities. For example : linear momentum and
Prize in Physics. (AFMC 2001) energy
Ans. John Bardeen won twice the Nobel Prize in 19. Who discovered X-rays ? (VMMC 2013)
Physics. Ans. Roentgen.
i emcthn 1/21

20. Match the scientist's name against the


l t8. Curie iietot(h) Britain
discovery :
abut o 9. Heisenberg (7) Japan
"AScientist B) Discovery 10. Yukawa ) Greece.
(g): 4 (e):5 -(a) :
1. (a) 1aw of gravitation Ans. 1- (h): 2 (h):3-
(d):9 -): 10-(i)
2. Rutherford b) Quantum model of -): 7- (c):8-
hydrogen atom 22. Fill in the blanks:
3. Chadwick (c)Unification of light () ..discovered famous theory of
and clectromagnetism relativity.
4. Bohr (d Theory of relativity (ii)Nuclear reactors are based on the
5. Newton (e) lnelastic seattering of phenomena of..
light by molecules (ii) Genetic engineering helps us in finding
6. Maxwell Unification ofweak and the.
electromagnetic Ans. (i) Einstein (i) controlled nuclear chain reaction
interactions (ii) role of DNA in heredity.
7. Salam (g) Laws of electro- 23. Arrange four types of basic forces in the
magnetic induction order ofinereasing strength. AFMC 2000)
8. Einstein (h) Expansion of the Ans. Gravitational forces Weak forces
Universe Electromagnetic forees: Nuclear forces.
9. Raman ) Neutron 24. What is the range of nuclear forces
10. Hubble G) Nuclcar Model of Atom Ans. The range of nuclear forces is = 10 fermi.
Ans. 1-(g):2-G):3-):4-(b)
- ;5-(a);6-(c); 25. Mechanical energy is always constant. Is the
7-:8 (d):9-(e); 10-(h). statement true ?
21. Match the following: Ans. No. the statement is true only when internal
forces involved are conservative and external
(A) Scientist (B) Country Of Origin forces do no work.
1. Michelson (a) Denmark 26. How are science and arts similar ?
2. Newton 6) America Ans. Both are creative and portray realm of
3. Landau (c) Italy experience.
4. Bhabha d) France 27. How do science and technology differ ?
5. Bohr (e) India Ans. Science is the study of nature's rules.
6. Archimedes Germany Technology is application of this knowledge to
7. Galileo g) Russia practical problems.


ll1. What is the role of Physics in our daily life ? Ans. Classical Physices deals with macroscopic
phenomena, where particle size > 10 m and
(HP Bonrd 2008)
Ans. Physics has innumerable applications in our particle velocity << 10° m/s. Gravitational
daily life. For example, study of electricity has forces and electromagnetic forces are sufficient
led to development of electrical appliances like to explain such phenomena.
generator, motor, fans, heaters, coolers, air Quantum Mechanies deals with microscopic
conditioner etc. The electromagnetic waves are phenomena on the scale of atoms, molecules,
used in radio, television, radar, wircless nuclei. Here, the weak and strong nuclear forces
Communications, telephons, mobiles, internet. become dominant.
The discovery of silicon chip has revolutionised 3. What is the basic aim of science ?
bs computer industry. Radioactive isotopes are
b being widely used in medicine, agriculurc and Ans. The basic aim of science is to search for truth.
industry. The science analyses the various phenomena
occurring in the universe and the laws governing
2. What is the basic difference between classical
Physics and Quantum Mechanics?
1/22 Praderp o undanental Phyeiee (yPZ
4. What is the differenee between physicnl and (ii) Vinstein expluitd phenenmiositm m
biological sciences ? hasis of Planek's «quntsn fheny
Ans. Physical sciences deal with the properties and Ans. (i) 1'alse (il) °Te (i) Tr
behaviour of non-living matter. Biologicul 8. Why was seienee tulled atural philtwAp
sciences deal with living things. in earlier tdays ?
5. Who discovered the following ti) Absolute Ans. This is because n tatiitr dny sief
temperature (ii) Law of foree action between knowledye was painel frrti direnn stuny
charges ? I1atural phenos
Ans. () Lord Kelvin (i) Coulomb 9. Name three important dieaverits eAPhyoe
6. Fill in the blanks (i) Lasers involve the which have revolutinonisel mtoiern themitF
process of..(i) Computers are based Ans. (i) Study of 1alitactvity fi) tucly rf s4op
by massspectrographs, (ti) tay iffranin
(iit) Production of hydroclectric power is 10. What contribution has Physits made in fie
based on.. development of biolpjral eientes?
Ans. (i) population inversion (ii) digital logic Ans. (i) Electron microspe sg wii
(ii) phenomenon of electromagnctic induction. observe the structure sf taila
7. Which of the following statements are true/ (ii) X-rayand neutron diffractir#i ttatticge
false? studying structure of uatdeit aitls utnth e9
() Keplar discovered famous theory of the process of life activity
relativity. (i) Nuclear reactors are based (iii) Radio-isotopes for ratliatitm treatneR
on controlled nuclear chain reaction. cancer and other diseases


1. Briefly discuss the concept
of frictional forces ? 4. Give three examples where Physics has hea
[Art. 1.9] used in technology (FHP Board
2. What is the origin of forces between two Art. 1
surfaces in contact? [Art. 1.91 5. How is Physics related to itty
3. What efforts have been made towards
unification of forces? [Art. 1.10 Art. 16

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS Carrying 5 or more marks

1. According to Bohr, "The task of science is both 5. Name the basic forces in nature. Give some
to extend the range of our experience and to examples of gravitational, clectromagnetic and
reduce it to order.' Comment. Art. 1.11 nuclear forces from daily life experiences
2. Write a few lines about atleast three branches (Delhi 2005) [Art 1.9
of science. Art. 1.4]1 6. Discuss some salient features of gravitational
3. Give briefly the scope and excitement of electromagnctic and nuclear forces.
Physics. [Art. 1.4] Art. 19
4. Mention a few examples of Physics in relation 7. State three important conservation laws, used i
to other sciencesS. Arts. 1. 5] Classical Physics. Art. 1.11

0.1. Some of the most profound statements on the nature of science have come from Albert Einstein, one
ofthe greatest scientists of all time. What do you think did Einstein mean when he
incomprehensible thing about said:*The most
the world is that it is comprehensible"?
Sol. The physical world, when seen by a layman. presents
us with such a wide diversity of things. It seems
incomprehensible, i.e., as if it cannot be understood. On
study and analysis, the scientists find that the
physical phenomena from atomic to astronomical
ranges can be understood in terms of only a few basic
concepts, i.e., the physical world becomes
comprehensible. This is what is meant by Einstein's statement
made above.
Q.2. Every great physical theory starts as a hearsay and
ends as a dogma. Give some examples írum the
history of science, of the validity of this incisive
Sol. The statement is true. For example, in ancient times,
Ptolemy postulated that earth is stationary and al the
heavenly bodies like sun, stars, planets etc. revolve
around earth. Later, an Italian scientist. Galileo postulated
that sun is stationary and earth alongwith other planets is
revolving around the sun. Galileo was purishbed
by the then authorities for spreading wrong concepts. However.
later on Newton and Kepler suppomed
Galileo's theory and now it is no more than a dogma.
Q.3. Politics is the art of possible'. Similarly, 'Science is the art of
the soluble'. Explain this beautiful
aphorism on the nature and practice of science.
Sol. It is well known that to win over votes, politicians would
make anything and everything possble even
when they are least sure of the same. That is why we say that politics is
the art of possible. The statement
that science is the art of the soluble implies that a wide variety of physical
phenomena are understood in
terms of only a few basic concepts, i.e., there appears to be unity in diversity as if
widely differen phenomena
are soluble and can be explained in terms of only a few fundamental laws.
Q.4. Though India now has a large base in science and technology, which is fast
expanding, it is still a
long way from realizing its potential of becoming a world leader in science. Name sone
factors, which in your view have hindered the advancement of science in India.
Sol. In my view, some important factors which have hindered the advancement of science in India
i) Lack of education, (ii) Poverty, which leads to lack of resources and lack of infrastructure, (ii) Pressure
of increasing population, (iv) Lack of scientific planning, (v) Lack of development of work culture and
self discipline.
Q5: No physicist has ever "seen'" an electron. Yet, all physicists believe in the existence of electron. An
intelligent but superstitious man advances this analogy to argue that 'ghosts' exist even though no
one has 'seen' one. How will you refute his argument ?
Sol. No physicist has every seen' an electron. This is true. But there is so much of evidence that establishes the
existence of electrons. On the contrary, there is hardly any evidence, direct or indirect to establish the
existence of ghosts.
Q.6. The shels ofcrabs found around a particular coastal location in Japan seem mostly to resemble the
legendary face of a Samurai. Given below are two explanations of this observed fact. Which of these
strikes you as a scientific explanation ?
(a) A tragic sea accident several centuries ago drowned a young Samurai. As a tribute to his bravery,
nature through its inscrutable ways immortalized his face by imprinting it on the crab shells in that
1/24 Pradeep's Fundamental Plhysies (XI)VO
(b) After the sea tragedy, fishermen in that arca, in a gesture of honour to their
dead hero, let free
any crab shell caught by them which accidentally had a shape resembling the face
of a Samurai.
Consequently, the particular shape of the crab shell survived longer and therefore in course
of time,
the shape was genetically propagated. This is an example of evolution by artificial selection.
INote: This interesting illustration taken from Carl Sagan's "1he Cosmos' highlights the fact that
often strange and inexplicable facts which on the first sight appear 'supernatural actually turn
to have simple scientific explanations. Try to think out other examples of this kind].
Sol. Explanation (b) is a seientific explanation of the observed fact.
Q.7. The industrial revolution in England and Western Europe more than two centuries ago was triggered
by some key scientilic and technological advances. What were these advances ?
Sol. Indusrial revolution in England and Westem Europe in 1750 A.D. was triggered by some key scientifie
and technological advances. Development of steam engine, blast jurnace (which converts low grade iron
into steel) and corton gin (which separates the seeds from cotton three hundred times faster than by hand)
and power loom are some of the examples.
Q.8. It is often said that the world is witnessing now asecond industrial revolution, which will transform
thesociety as radically as did the first. List some key contemporary areas of science and technology,
which are responsible for this revolution.
Sol. Some of the key contemporary areas of science and technology which may transform the society radically
are (i) Development of superconducting materials at room temperature, (i) Development of superfast
computers (iüi) Information explosion and advances in information technology, (iv) Developments in
biotechnology, (v) Development of robols.
Q.9. Write in about 1000 words a fiction piece based on your speculation on the science and technology
of the twenty-second century.
Sol. Imagine a space ship heading towards a star about 100 light years away. It is propelled by electric current
generated by electromagnetic induction, as the space ship erosses the magnetic fields in space. The current
is given to an electric motor made of superconducting wires. Thus, no energy would be required to propagate
the space ship over its entire journey.
In a particular region of he space, suppose the temperature becomes so high that the superconducting
property of the wires of the motor is destroyed. This causes a panic in the space ship because no power is
generated by the motor.
In a split second, another space ship filled with matter and antimatter stored in different compartments to
produce energy for the first ship comes to its rescue. And the first ship continues its onward journey.
0.10. Attempt to formulate your 'moral' views on the practice of science. Imagine yourself stumbling
upon a discovery, which has great academic interest but is certain to have nothing but dangerous
consequences for the human society. How, if at all, will you resolve your dilemma ?
Sol. Science is search for truth. If a discovery is of great academic interest, but is sure to have dangerous
consequences for the human society, it must be made public. To reveal the truth and the nmeans to prevent
its misuse, both are the responsibilities of the scientest. For example, discovery of nuclear fission led to
generation of electric power, and also to the development of an atom bomb, a weapon of mass destruction.
The humanity at large has to be educated to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
Q. 11. Science, like any knowledge, can be put to good or bad use, depending on the user. Given below are
some of the applications of seience. Formulate your views on whether the particular application is
good, bad or something that cannot be so clearly categorized
(a) Mass vaccination against small pox to curb and finally eradicate this disease from the population,
(This has already been suceessfully done in India).
(b) Television for eradication of illiteracy and for mass communication of news and ideas.
(c) Prenatal sex determination. (d) Computers for increase in work efliciency.
(e) Putting artificial satellites into orbits around the Earth. (0Development ofnuclear weapons.
(g) Development of new and powerful techniques of chemical and biological warfare.
(h) Purificiation of water for drinking. () Plastie surgery. G) Cloning.

Sol. (a) Mass vaccination is good

(b) Televisir for eradication of illiteracy and for nmass communication of news and ideas is really

911 sex determination is not bad, but people are misusing it. They
() Prenatalcreating its
must be educated to avoid
.isomisuse in imbalance between the male and female population. d irlgu tofp
den 7t
mit (d) Computers for increase in work efficiency are good,
e) Putting artificial satellites into orbits around the earth is a good development.
( Development of nuclear weapons is bad as they are the weapons
of mass destruction.
(g) Development of new and powerful techniques
of chemical and biological warfare is real bad as these
weapons are for destruction of mankind.
(h) Purification of water for drinking is good,
() Plastic surgery is good, () Cloning is also go0d.
o.12. a
India has had long and unbroken tradition of great
scholarship- in mathematics, astrononny
linguistics, logic and ethics. Yet, in parallel with
this, several superstitious
and obscurantistic aturude
and practices tlourished in our society and unfortunately
continue even today among many educac
people too. How wil you use your knowledge of science to develop
strategies to counter these attitudes
Sol. Educating the common man is the only way to get rid of superstitious and obscurantistic
mass media like newspapers, magazines, radio,
television etc. can play vital role. School and colleE
curricula can be suitably developed and teachers
can take this responsibility.
Q.13. Though the law gives women equal status in India, many people holdunscientificviews on a womans
innate nature, capacity and intelligence, and in practice give them a secondary status and
Demolish this view using scientific arguments, and by quoting examples of great women in science
and other spheres and persuade yourself and others that, given equal opportunity, women are on
par with men.
Sol. Given equal opportunity, women are at par with men. Development of human mind depends basically on
nutrition content of prenatal and postnatal diet, and also on the care and use of the mind. There is no
gender bias involved. Anything which can be achieved by man's mind can also be achieved by woman's
mind. Madam Curie won Nobel prize in Physics. Mother Teresa proved herself a saint. In politics, Mrs.
Indira Gandhi, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Mrs. Bhandarnaike excelled others.
Q.14. It is more important to have beauty in the equations of physics than to have them agree with
experiments". The great British physicist P. A. M. Dirac held this view. Criticize this statement.
Look out for some equations and results in this book which strike you as beautiful.
Sol. The statement of great British Physicist P.A.M. Dirac is partially true. Forexample, F=ma;E=mc are
some of the simple and beautiful equations of Physics which have universal application.
However, this is not the case always. The equations involved in general theory of relativity and some of
are neither simple nor beautiful. They are rather dificult to understand.
the latest works of higher Physics
Q.15. Though the statement quoted above may be disputed, most physicists do have a feeling that the
great laws of physics are at once simple and beautiful. Some of the notable physicists, besides Dirac,
who have articulated this feeling are : Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Chandrasekhar and
You are urged to make special efforts to get access to the general books and writings by these and
at end of this book). Their writings are
other great masters of physics. (See the Bibliography the
truly inspiring
reading. Students are advised to consult a good Library.
Sol. General books on Physics make an interesting Feynman is one of the books that would amuse the students.
Surely, you are joking, Mr. Feynman by Physics, Foundations
for the inquiring mind by EM Rogers

Some other interesting books are: Physics ; Physics can be Fun by

years that shook Physics by G. Gamow
and Frontiers by G. Gamow; Thirty
Perelman. studying science is dry and all too
Textbooks science may give you a wrong impression that grin. This image of
.16. on
scientists are absent-minded introverts who never laugh or have their share
serious and that group ofhumans, of
scientists is patently false. Scientists, like any other adventure, even as they
science and ives with a great sense of
tun and
humorists, and many have led their Two great physicists of this genre are Gamow and
scientific work.
seriously pursued their b0oks listed in the Bibliography. loving
You will enjoy reading their share of humorists; lively, jovial, fun thromto
have their
other group of humans introvert too. Students are
advised to go h
Sol. True, scientists like any them are absent minded
adventurists people. Some of Feynman and Gamow to realise this view.
books by two great

natural phenomena.
Physics as we know, is a branch of Science which deals with the study of nature and
quantities involved is essential.
For a precise description of any such phenomenon, measurement of the
surface of earth. To understand this natural
For exanple, every body, when free, falls down towards the
the body fall ? Is this velocity à
phenomenon, we must know why the body falls. With what velocity does
the ground ? Does this time depend upon the mass of
constant ? What is the time taken by the body to reach
on. To answer all these questions, measurements
the body ? Is the time a function of height of the body? And so of
almost every physical situation, we realize the necessity
of distance, time, mass etc. are essential. In
electric energy, which costs us. Measurement
measurement. For example, an electric bulb glows by consuming body is essential.
is having fever, measurement of temperature of
of energy consumed is a must. If someone Physics.
Thus, we find that the observations and
measurements form the back bone of
"When you can measure what you are speaking about and
express it
Lord Kelvin once remarked that: knowledge is of
in numbers, you know something about it;
but when you cannot express it in numbers, your
a meagre and unsatisfactory kind. from his
used to say that 7The most inmportant thing for a young man to acquire
Prof. W.S. Franklin measurements is
precise details. Thus the need for àccurate
first course in Physics is an appreciation for narrow if we
contrary, Sir A. Eddington once remarked that 'Life would be stunted and
stressed. On the weighed and measured wirh the
significance in the world around us beyond that which can be
could feel no the symbols of the mathematician'.
tools of the physicist or described by relevance and
apparently contradictory remarks shows that both have their own
A careful study of the for the development ot Physies,
the perceptions
measurcments are essential
significance. Whereas accurate
beyond what the data shows are also
described is called
measured, and in term of which, laws of Physies are
A quantity that can be force etc.
exumple, length, mass, time,
a physical quantity. For
2.2. THE MEASURING comparison. involves the selection of a unit
basically a process of
The process of
measurement is
unit. The standard chosen should obviously h
quantity with the standard
of measurement and comparing the
2/2 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI MUu

of the same nature as that of the quantity to be measured. For cxample, unit of length has to be in
terms of
length only. Similarly. unit of mass has to be in terms of mass and so on.
An arbitrarily chosen standard of measurement of a quantity, which is accepted internationally
is called unit of the quantity.

In comparing the quantity with the standard unit, we have to find the number oftimes
this unit is contained
in the quantity.
For exanple, suppose we have to measure the
length of a line AB and we select metre as the unit of FIGURE2.1
measurenment. We place the metre rod successively
along AB and find that it is contained three times in
AB, Fig. 2.1. Thus, 3 is the numerical value of the
length AB, when metre is the unit of measurement. We
write AB=3 metre
In general, magnitude of a quantity Q = numerical value x size of its unit. Thus when a unit u
of the
quantity is contained n times in the quantity, we write
=nu O
Further, we know that magnitude of a quantity remains the same, whatever may be the units of
its W
measurement. Hence, we may write

, U
are the two units of measurement ofthe same quantity andn and are
n, their respective numerical
If u> U2, then nj < n2, i.e., a bigger unit is contained smaller number of
versa. For example, when we say, AB =3 metre = 300 cm,
times in the quantity and vice-
the bigger unit (metre) is contained three times in AB and the
smaller unit (cm) is contained 300 times in AB.
We observe that

n « 1/u

Sample Problen The mass of a body is 5 x 10- kg. What is this mass in (a) gram d
(b) milligram (c) microgram?
Sol. Here, nj = 5 x 10,
41 kg
(a) n= u
? = gramn 1

From 5x10-0 xlkg_3X1OKg=5x

nu2 = n1 "1
n = = 10-3 g
1gram 10 kg
() n27 42=I milligram
ns Sx10-6 x1kg 5x10-kg
(c) n = ? u = 1
10- kg .
n2 = ' 5x106x1kg 5x10-6kg
= 10 microgram
Imicrogram 10- kg

Mass of a body is defined as the quantity

of matter in the body, which can never be zero.
The mass of a body is not affected by he presence or absence of other bodies Or Dy
ional mass.
location of the body. Usually, we define twotypes of masses of a body: inertial mass and gravitarno
The inertial mass of a body is a measure of inertia of the body and the gravitational mass ot oo a
measure of gravitational pull of earth on the body. The values of the two types of masses of a bouy
The most common unit of mass is kilogram. Originally, one kilogram was defined as the mass ol o ne
cubic decimetre of water at 4°C. This definition was modified later, as discussed in Art. 1(b).9
The concept of length in Physics is the concept of distance in every day life.

Length of an object may be defined as the distance of separation between any two points at th
extreme ends of the object.

The most common unit of length is metre. Originally, one metre was defined as one ten millionth or thne
distance from the north pole to the equator of earth. Obviously, it is not a convenient definition for practical use
The General conference of Weights and Measures modified the definition of metre in the year I899.
One metre was then defined as the distance between two lines marked on a platinum iridium bar kept at a
constant temperature of 273.16 K and at 1 bar pressure. This rod is preserved at the International Bureau of
Weights and Measures at Sevres near Paris, France.
In the year 1960, even this definition of metre was modified further, as discussed in Art. 1(b).9.
The concept of time is very old. The idea of passage of time occurred first from the motion of moon
across the sky, then from the formation of day and night as a result of rotation of earth around its axis, and so
on. Today, even a child is familiar with what time is. But it is very difficult to define time precisely.

According to Einstein, time is what a clock reads'.

Infact, time is a measure of duration between the occurrence of two events. We may also define
time as a measure of the duration for which an event lasts.
Infact, any phenomenon that repeats itself regularly can serve as a measure of time. Human heart which
beats regularly is an inbuilt clock in every human being. Rotation of earth around its axis, revolution of earth
around the sun are some other examples of repetitive phenomena, which serve as measures of time.
The most common unit of time is second. Originally, one second was defined as the time taken by a
simple pendulum of length one metre in going from one extreme position to the other extreme position. Later
on, this definition was modified and one second represented one mean solar second.
One solar day is the time interval between two successive noons, ie., the time interval between two
Successive passages ofthe sun across the meridian. The length ofa solar day averaged over an year is called
mean solar day. One mean solar day is made up of 24 hours = 24x 60 minutes 24 x 60 x 60 seconds
= 86400 seconds.
Hence, we define one mean solar second as
solar day 86400
part of a mean
Careful observations have revealed that astronomical standards of
time have limited accuracy due to irregularities in the motion of earth. YOU
Further, tidal friction is slowing down the rotational motionof earth about
its own axis.
Due to tidal friction, the estimated
Therefore, this definition of second has been modified further as increase in length of a day is 7
discussed in Art. 2.9. microsecond every year.

*For details, refer to chapter 8 on Gravitation.

2/4 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI)
As the number of physical quantities to be measured is very large, it is
not feasible to define a separate
unit for each quantity. To sinplity the things, we make use of relation between different
physical quantities.
In mechanics, we treat length, mass and time as the three basic or fundamental quantities,
) they represent our basic scientific notions,
(ii) there is no other quantity which is simpler to them,
(ii) length, mass and time cannot be obtained from one another,
iv) all otlher physical quantities in mechanics can be obtained from them.
The units of measurement of length, mass and time are, therefore called fundamental
units or
base units, in mechanics.

The units of measurement of all other physical quantities, which can be obtained by
multiplication or division of powers offundamental units are called derived
For example, unit of speed (i.e., ms-) is a derived unit.

unit of distance m
As speed distance/time unit of speed
unit of time =ms-1
Similarly, derived unit of area is m derived unit of volume is m
and so on.
The units of physical quantities like density, momentum, acceleration, force, work,
power, energy,
pressure etc. can be expressed in terms of fundamental units of length,
mass and time. Their units aree
derived units.
The unit chosen for measuring any physical quantity should
the following essential requirements
() It should be ofsuitable size
(i) It should be accurately defined;
(iüi) It should be easily accessible
The National Bureau of standards
(iv) It should be easily reproducible, i.e., replicas of
the unit should is now known as the National
beavailable easily; Institute of Standards and
(v) t should not change with time, and Technology (NIST). A body
(vi) It should not change with the changing named General Conference on
physical conditions
like temperature, pressure etc. Weights and Measures has been
Who Decides the Units? authorised to decide the units.
The first essential thing about the choice of a standard
unit for a physical quantity is its international
acceptance. If everyone were to choose his/her
own unit for the quantity, it will become a
freely among the scientists all over the world. mess to communicate
A body named 'General Conference on Weights
decide the units by international agreement. It
and Measures' was set-up and given the authority
holds its meetings and any changes in
communicated through the publications of the conference. standard units are
A system of units is the complete set
of units, both fundamental and derived, for all kinds
quantities. Each system is named in terms of physical
of fundamental units on which it is based. The common
units used in mechanics are given below : systems of
(a) The fp.s. system is the British Engineering system units,
of which uses foot as the unit of length,
pound as the unit of mass and second as the unit
of time.
(b) The c.g.s. system is the Gaussian system which uses
centimetre, gram and second as the three basic
units for length, mass and time respectively.

(c)The m.k.s.system is based on metre, kilogram and second as the fundamental untts or e
and time respectively.
d sub
The c.g.s. and m.k.s. systems are called metric systems ordecimal systems because mulupic
multiples of basic units are related to the practical units by powers of ten.
The drawback of c.g.s. system is that many of the derived units on this system are inco the
small. The advantages of m.k.s. system are that some of the derived units are of convenicnt sizc. ri
m.k.s system leads us to electrical units in practical use.
The f.p.s. system is losing its popularity because ofinconvenient multiples and submultiples invove
it for conversion.

RETAIN 1. When m.k.s. system is extended to electricity, then

IN (i) with cument as fundamental quantity and ampere (A) as its unit, it is called MKSA system.
MEMORY i) with charge (Q) as fiundamental quantity and coulomb as its unit, it is called MKSQ system.
2. The c.g.s. system and m.k.s system are metric or decimal systems as the multiples and
submultiples oftheir basic units are related to the practical units by powers of 10. Obviously,
f.p.s. system is not a decimal system.
(d) International System of Units (SI)
The system of units, which is accepted internationally for measurement is abbreviated as SI. The Sl,
with standard scheme of symbols, units and abbreviations, was developed and recommended by General
conference on Weights and Measures in 1971 for international usage in scientific, technical, industrial and
commercial work.
The SI is based on the following seven fundamental units and two supplementary units as listed in
Table 2.1.

TABLE 2.1. Fundamental Units and Supplementary units on SI

S.No. Basic Physical Quantities Fundamental unit Symbol used

1. Mass (M) kilogram

2. Length (L) metre
3. Time (7) second
4. Temperature (6) kelvin K
ampere A
5. Electric current (1)
6. Luminous intensity (cd) candela cd
7 Quantity of matter (mol) mole mol

|Supplementary physical quantities Supplementary unit Symbol used

S. No.
radian rad
Plane angle
Solid angle steradian Sr
a modification over the m.k.s. system and is, therefore, called
This system of units is essentially
was essential to obtain the units of all the physical quantities
rationalised m.k.s. system. This rationalisation
mass, lengih and time on m.k.s. system could be used to obtain the units
in Physics. The fundamental units of
mechanics only.
of physical quantities in
units and the supplenmentary units, there are large number of derived
In addition to the fundamental
derived units are listed in Table 2.2.
units on this system. Some of the
2/6 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLIMU

TABLE 2.2. Some derived units on SI

S.No. Physical Quantitiy Derived Unit Symbol used
1. Force newton N
2. Work, Energy joule J

3. Power watt W
4. Electric potential volt V

5. Electric capacity farad F

6. Magnetic flux weber Wb, and so on.


The seven fiundamental units and two supplementary units on the SI have been defined as under, by the
General Conference of Weights and Measures
1. The metre
The standard metre is exactly equal to 1650763.73 YOU
wavelengths in vacuum, ofthe radiationfrom Krypton isotope
of mass 86. KNOW ?
The iodine stabilized helium neon
Krypton-86 emits light of different wavelengths. The light emitted laser has been used to realize the
by Kr-86 due to transition between 2 P10 and 5 ds levels is orange red in latest definition of one metre of
colour and has wavelengths 6.0578021 x 107 m. The number of these length. One metre is equal to
wavelengths in I m comes out to be 1650763.73. 1579778-84 wavelengths of He-Ne
The number of wavelengths of light in a given distance is measured laser light of wavelength 633 nm.
by an 'optical interferometer' with an accuracy of in 102.

The advantages of defining standard metre in terms of wavelength of light are

(i) Kr-86 isotope can be obtained relatively easily and cheaply in rather pure form. So the standard is
easily reproducible.
(ii) Wavelength of light is not affected by time or variation of any other physical condition.

(iii) The unit has an accuracy of 1

in 10" parts.

Yet a new definition of metre was adopted in 1983 at the 17th General Conference of Weights and
Measures, taking velocity of light in vacuum c = 299, 792, 458 ms-

One metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum in 1/299, 792, 458 ofa second.

2. The kilogram
One kilogram is defined as the mass of the international prototype ofthe kilogram (which isa
standard block of Platinum Iridium alloy 3:9 cm in height and in diameter preserved in the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris, France.

3. The second

One second is the duration of9, 192, 631, 770 periods ofradiation corresponding to unperturbed
transition between the two hyperfine levels (F=4, M =0 and F =3, M =0) of the ground state
of Cs-133 atom.

Atomic clocks are based on this definition. fone

years. They ensure an accuracy of 1 in l0" sec, 1.E
sec. only in 5000
It was adopted as the unit of electric current. One ampere is the constant curreny hich
when maintained in each of the two straight parallei conductors of infinite length "*aniu
negligible cross section, held one metre apart
in vacuum, shall produce a force per unt eng"
of 2 x 10' NIm between them.

5. The kelvin

It was adopted as the unit of temperature. One degree Kelvin is the fraction of the
thermodynamical temperature of the triple point * 273-16
of water.
6. The candela

One candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction, ofa source that emits monochromatic
radiation of frequency 5-4 x 104 Hz and that has a radiant intensity of watt/steradian in
that direction.

7. The nnole
It was adopted as the unit of quantity of matter. One mole is the amount of substance which
contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of pure carbon-12.
Note that number of atoms in one mole = number of atoms in 0-012 kg of carbon-12 is called Avogadro
constant. The best value of Avogardro constant is 6-022045 x 1043 with an error of0-000031 x 10.
The two supplementary units on the SI are defined as under
he radian (rad)
It is the unit of angle in a plane

one radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal in length the radius
of the circle.

If an arc of length ds subtends an angle dO at the centre O

of a circle of radius r, Fig. 2.2, then

de =radian \ds
) d6
It is known that
180 180x70 630 = 57-7
Ttradian = 180° ; 1
radian ==

and 1' (minute of arc) = 60" (seconds of arc)

Also,1° (degree of arc) = 60' (minute of arc)
2. The Steradian (sr)
Tt is the unit of solid angle (i.e., angle
in space).

subtended at the centre of a sphere, by that surface of the

One steradian is the solid angle
to square of radiusS of the sphere.
sphere, which is equal in area, the
vapours coexist. It has a fixed
temperature at which ice, the water and water
*Triple point of water is the
refer to chapter 11 of this book.
value of 273.16 K. For details,
2/8 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X) VO
Af an area dA of a spherical surface subtends a solid angle d2 at FIGURE 2.3
the centre of the sphere of radius r, Fig. 2.3, then t0m 1
dQ=steradian dA

Why is the use of common units throughout the world desirable ?
Ans. The use of same units of measurement all over the world will certainlyimprove trade among nations,
as the products would be standardized, and inventories will be reduced. The information exchange
among the scientists of the world will also be facilitated.
The use of different units of measurement may prove disastrous sometimes. For example, plot or
an air controller is accustomed to reporting altitude in feet, not in metres. For example, atitude of

a plane is 3000 metres, is this about 10o00 feet or 3000 feet or 1000 feet ? The difference might
disaster. Thus air travel everywhere would become safer with the use of common units
throughout the world.

Following are the main advantages of SI over the other systems of units :
1. SI is a colherent systemn ofunits, i.e., a system based on a certain set of fundamental units, from which
all derived units are obtained by multiplication or division without introducing numerical factors.
2. SI is a rational system of uwnits, as it assigns only one unit to a particular physical quantity. For
example. joule is the unit for all types of energy. This is not so in other systems of units. For example, in mks
system. mechanical energy is in joule, heat energy is in calorie and electric energy is in watt hour.
3. SI is an absolute system of units. There are no gravitational units on the system. The use of factor'g'
is thus eliminated.
4. SI is a metric system, i.e., the multiples and submultiples of units are expressed as powers of 10.
5. In current electricity, the absolute units on the SI, like ampere (A) for current, volt (V) for potential
difference. ohm (2) for resistance, henry (H) for inductance, farad (F) for capacity and so on, happen to be
the practical units for measurement of these quantities.

RETAINT Remember that international system of units (S) applies to all branches of science, whereas
IN m.k.s. system is confined to mechanics only.
MEMORY In our country, the responsibility of maintenance of physical standards of length, mass and
time etc. has been given to National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.


a) In the MACRO-COSM MEASUREMENTS, ie., in the measurement ofvery large distances, we

use the followingthree units

Astronomical Unit (AU)

It is the average distance of the centre of the sun from the centre of the earth.

1AU= 1.496 x 10 m = 1.5 x 10 m

2.1Light Yeary)
One light year is the distance travelled by light in vacuum in one year.

As velocity of light in vacuum is 3 x 10$ ms and year = 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 second,

atitiea sei lo rl9 uibt
light year = 3 x 103 x (365 x 24 x 60x 60) metre

1ly 9.46 x 105 m

3. Par sec
which an arc of the circle, 1 AU long
One Par sec is the radius of a circle at the centre of
subtends an angle of 1", Fig. 2.4.
As I1 AU= 1.496 x 10m FIGURE 2.4

and 6= 1 sec = min =


radian o e 1 |/= 1AU

r=1 ParSec
then as r = from Fig. 2.4,

= 1AU 1.496x10m
1par sec I sec Tt/(60x 60x180) rad
3.084 x 10l m

1 par sec = 3.1 x 10l6 m

Relation between AU, y and par sec

AU = 1.5 x 10 m, 1ly=9.46 x 101 m and 1
par sec = 3.1 x 100 m
= 6.3 x 10
1AU 1.5x101
Hence, 1/y=6.3x 10* AU
Ipar sec =3.1x10l6 par sec = 3.26 ly
1ly 9.46x1015
3:26 .I
size of
Clearly, 1 par sec is bigger than y, which is bigger than AU. It may be of interest to note that
1 1

universe is nearly 10 ly The nearest star, Alpha centauri, outside our solar system is 4.3 away from the earth.

Sample Probiem Calculate the number of astronomical units in one metre.

Sol. We know, 1
AU = 15 x 10-l m or 15 x 10 m =1 AU

TAU = 6-67 x 10-12 AU

I m:

(b) In the MICRO-COSM MEASURENMENTS, i.e., in the measurement of small distances, we use the
following four units :

(i) nanometre = I nm = 10- m


l) micron = u or 1 um = 10 m
1 1

(iv) 1 fermi = femtometre = 1 fm 10-1 m
(in) I angstrom = 1A° = 10-10 m

is 0.5 A.
For example, the radius of proton is 1.2 fm and radius of hydrogen atom
Someother useful units of length are
1 inch 0-0254 m 1 foot 0.3048 m
yard 0-9144 m I mile = 1-609 x 103m
I nautical mile = 1-852 x 10 m
2/10 Pradeep 's Fundamnental Physscs (XIjCTE
(c) For measuring very smull areus, the unit used is: barn = 10 2 iunysul
Nuclear cross sections are measured in barns.
For measuring large areas, the units used are
I acre = 4047 m, 1
are (a) = 102 m, hactare = 1(f m2

(d) Formeasuring heavy masses, the units used are

(i) 1 tonne or I metric ton = 1000 kg ii) quintal = 10) kgg

(ii) slug = 14.57 kg

(iv) lb = 04536 kg
The largest practical unit of mass is Chandra Shekhar Limit (C.S.L)
C.S.L = 1-4 times the mass of sun.
(e) Formeasuring very small masses, the unit used is
1 atomic mass unit =
l a.m.u. or 1 u = 1.66 x 10 kg. The atomic and nuclear masses are measured in
this unit
Yet another unit of small mass iscarat, where 1 c= 200 mg
(S) Somepracticulunits of standard of time are
Solar day. It is the time interval between two successive passages ofthe sun across the meridian.
(i) Sedrial day. It is the time interval between two successive passages of a fiKed star across, the meridian.
(ii) Solar year (or year) is the time taken by the earth to complete one revolution around the sun in its crbit.
solar year = 365.25 average solar days = 366-25 sedrial days
The year in which there is total solar eclipse is called a tropical year. The year which is divisible by 4,
and in which month of February has 29 days, is called a leap year.
One hundred years make up one century.
(iv) Lunar month. It is the time taken by moon to complete one revolution around the earth in its ortbit
Lunar month = 27-3 days.
(v) Shake. It is the smallest practical unit of time.
shake = 10-8s
g) For nmeusuring pressure, the units used are
bar = 1 atmospheric pressure = 10° N/m

bar 10 N/m= 10" Pascal (Pa)
millibar = 10 Pa
(i) 1 torr= 1 mm. of Hg column
As 1standard atmospheric pressure = 760 mm of Hg col.
1 bar
760 tor
(h) Two nore units retained for general use are:

curie (Ci) = 3-7 x 10 disintegrations/sec


I roentgen (R) = 2-58 x 10 C/kg


The physical quantities whose magnitude is either too large or to0 small can be expressed more compactly
by the use of certain prefixes.
For example, the distance of Delhi from Ambala is 200.000 metres. It is more compact to
represent this
distance as 200 km. Similarly, weight of an average man is 60000 gm. We prefer to say it as 60 kg. Earth takes
31000000 second to complete one revolution around the sun. It is more convenient to mention this time as
31 mega seconds.

The prefixes we commonly use for powers

of 10 are listed below in T'able 2.3.

ABLE 2.3. Metric Prefixes 1, 2110099 19 sln

S. No. Power of 10 Symbol
deci d
10-2 centi C
3. 10-3 milli n
10-6 micro
5. 10-9 nano
6. 10-12 pico P
7. 10-15
femto f
8. atto a
9. 10-21 zepto
10. 10-24 yocto y
h o
3. 103
kilo kbu
M +O0D
4. 109
giga G
1012 T
6. 1015
17. peta P
18. 1018 exa
19. 1021 zetta Z
20. 1024 yotta

Sample Problenm The average wavelength of light from a sodium lamp is 5893 A. Express it
in () metre (i) nanometer.
Sol. Here, =10-10
5893 A
i) As 1 Å
m, A= 5893 x 10-10 m.
(i) As 1
Å = 10-10 m =x10 m= 1

= 5893xnm = 589-3 nm Numbers expressed using suitable
powers of 10 are said to be in
scientific notation. For example,
2.13. CONVENTIONS FOR WRITING radius of earth = 6380000 m
UNITS AND THEIR SYMBOLS = 6-38 x 10° m. The decimal point
initial letter, even if it is named is put usually after first digit.
(i) Unit is never written with capital
force is newton.
after a scientist. For example, SI unit of units, the symbol is not a
unit named after a scientist, the symbol is a capital letter. For other
(ii) For a is metre (m).
letter. For example, SI unit of force is newton (N), and SI unit of length
capital 10 cm, F = 20 dyne. 's' is not
symbols are never written in plural form. For example l =
(iii) The units or
added to show the plural form. example,
symbol, we prefer not to use more than one solidus. For
(iv) In a
per unit area = Joue
. =W m (and not J/s/m)
Intensity = energy per second
sec metres
2/12 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
Punctuation marks e.g., full stops are not written after the symbols. For example, litre= 1000 c
(V) 1

(and not c.c).

Some of the most commonly used units with prefixes are:
fsbuw v 1T9R lo 1391do ontf o
I micrometre = 1
4 m= 10-0 m. I millimetre = I mm= 10 m

I centimetre = 10 m,
cm = 1
kilometre = 1
km= 103 m

Similarly, I
g= 10° g; I mg = 10 g; I
kg = 10' g

RETAIN The general ules for calculations that involve the multiplication and division of powers of
IN 10are
+ m)
(i) 10" x 10" = 10" ..Cxponents are added in multiplication)
(it). =10-m) ..(exponents are subtracted in division)


The order of magnitude of a quantity does not tell us the absolute value or exact value of the quantity. It
gives us the value nearest to the actual value, in terms of suitable powers of 10. For this, a number less than
5 is treated as I and a number between 5 and 10 is treated as 10. The power or exponentof l0 so obtained
represents the order ofmagnitude ofthe quantity. For example, radius of earth is 6400 km = 6.4 x 10*m.
Taking 6-4 as 10, size of earth= 10' m. Hence, the order of magnitude of size of earth is 7. Again, the average
height of a man is 1-8 m = 1-8 x 10° metre. Taking 1-8 as 1, height of a man is 100 m. Hence, the order of
magnitude of height of man is zero. Some other examples indicating order of magnitude are given in Table 2.4.
TABLE 2.4. Order of magnitude
Number Expressed in nearest power of 10 Order of magnitude
1 10 Zero
49 49x101x10=10(:: 49 <5)
x 10' 1

51 5-1 x 10 10 (: 5.1>5) 2
499 4.99 x 1021x 102

501 5-01 x 10 10 x 102 = 103 3

999 9.99 x 10- 10 x 10 = 10
1000 1x 10 103 3
0-049 4.9 x 10-2^1x 10-2
0-050 5-0x 102 10x 10=10 -1
We may define

Order of magnitude of a quantity as the power of 10, which gives us a value nearest to the
actual value of the quantity.
Sample Write the order of magnitude of the following measurements:

) 38240000 m i) 0-000520 kg
Sol. (i) Here, 38240000 m 3-824x 10
As 3-824<5, order of magnitude =7
(i) 0-000520 kg = 5-2 x 104
As 5-2> 5 0-000520 = 10x 104 = 10-3
The order of magnitude = -3


The objects of our interest vary widely in sizes. For example, large objects like galaxy, stars,
moon etc. and their distances constitute macrocosm, i.e., the large world.
On the contrary, objects like molecules, atoms, proton, neutron, electron, bacteria etc. cons
microcosm, i.e., the small world. Table 2:5 gives us an idea of the enormous range over which lengu
vary. These may vary from the size of proton (= 10-15 m) to the size of observable universe ( 10° m).
TABLE 2.5. Range of lengthsS
S. No. Size of object or distance measured Order of length (m)
1 Diameter of electron 10-16
2. Radius of a proton 10-15
3. Size of atomic nucleus 10-14
Size of hydrogen atom 10-10
Size of poliomylitis virus 10-8
6. Wavelength of visible light 10-7
7 Size of red blood corpuscle 10-5
8. Thickness of paper 104
Height of a person 100
10. Height of mount everest 104
11. Distance between Ambala and Delhi.
12. Radius of moon
Radius of ecarth 107
14. Mean distance of moon from earth l08
15. Radius of sun 10
16 Mean distance of sun from earth
17. Distance of farthest planet pluto fromm sun
18. Distance of nearest star from earth
19. Diameter of our galaxy
20. Distance of nearest galaxy (andromedia)
21. Estimated size of observable universe


the use of
The direct methods for the measurement of length involve
) a metre scale for distances from 10 m to m.

(i) a vernier callipers for distances upto 10m

distances upto 10 m.
(ii) a screw gauge and a spherometer for
For all other distances beyond these ranges, we use indirect
sound on reflection from an obstacle. That is why echo
An echo is the phenomenon of repetition of
method is also called reflection method.
hill from an observation point P. Let a shot be fired in air
Suppose we have to find the distance (r) of a
at P. The sound ofthe shot travels a distancex
towards the hill, gets reflected from the hill, the reflected sound
an echo of the shot is heard. The time interval () between the
travels the same distance x to the point P, when
Pradeep s Fundamental Physies (XI)O
irng of the shot and hearing of its echo at P is measured.
Let v be the velocity of sound
tenperaue durng lhe experiment. in' air at the

As distance = velocity x time FIGURE 2.5

As r
is known, therefore can be calculated by measuring the time t.

1ASER is a vety intense, monochromatic# and undirectional* beam of light. The distance of moon
tom earth has been caleulated by this method, using the same principle of echo. The LASER beam transmitted
from earth is received back on earth after reflection from the moon. The time interval () between transmission
and reveption of the beam is measured accurately. If c is velocity of LASER beam in air/vacuum, then as
distance = velocityx time

+*= cXt or ..2)

Now, c=3x 10 m/s. By measuring taccurately, the distancex of the moon from earth can be calculated,

RADAR is an abbreviation for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is a powerful equipment which is
used for detection of an object like aeroplane and measuring its distance (and even its elevation and velocity)
using radio waves. This method is also based on the principle of echo, i.e., reflection of radio waves.
The radio waves are transmitted in space all around from the RADAR station. When they are intercepted
by an object like aeroplane, they get relfected and are received back at the RADAR station. The time interval
()between transmission and reception of the radio waves is measured accurately. Proceeding as explained
above, the distance r of the aeroplane can be calculated from the relation

Note that here r is the distance of aeroplane at the instant radio wave strikes it. The arrangement for
measuring elevation and velocity of aeroplane are made in sophisticated RADAR systems.
This very method can be used for measuring small thickness of sheets
of matter. The signal transmitted from any point A on the front face of
the sheet is received back at B on the front face, after reflection at the
point O on the back face of the sheet, Fig. 2.6.

Thickness rofthe shect is calculated from the same relation x=

where c is velocity of the signal in the material of the sheet and t is the
time interval between transmission and reception of signal. As x is small,
t shall be extremely small. Therefore, the arrangement for measuring
time interval f should be very precise.

Monochromatic beam means a beam of single colour, i.e., of one wavelength

*Unidirectional beam means that it is travelling along the same straight line with least angulr spread.

4.9NAi MTH
SONAR is an abbreviation for Sound Navigation
and Ranging, TIis method is used for detecting
object umder waler (e.8.. a submarine, ship, sea rock, etc.) and measuring its
distance using nltriasom
ultrasonic waves fron a transmitter T under water travel in a given direction. When they are intercesie
objeet nkesea rock. thcy get reflected and are received back at T, Fig. 2.7. distance x of the sea rock frenn
T is calculated using the same relation :


where is velocity of ultrasonic waves in sea

water Soa Rock
and ris the time intervalbetween transmission
and reception
of ultrasonie signal.
The SONAR method is also used for detection flaws in malerials
of and in the mechanical testing o
naterials without damaging them. This is carried out by measuring the change in the echo time, becaus
velocity of the signal in different materials is different.

e bea A rock under wateris 2900 m deep. Calculate the time in which an
ultrasonic signal will return after reflection from the rock. Take velocity of ultrasonic waves in water= l4
Sol. Here, x = 2900 m, v = 1-45 km/s = 1450 m/s t?
22 t22x2900
4s E

a eFrect I
taken by a laser beam to
The distance of nearest star from earth is 1013 km. Calculate the time
return to earth after reflection from the star.
Sol. Here, X= 103 km =10 m
Velocity of laser beam, c =3 x 10° m/s

As x t C
3x10 S= 6-67 x 10' s

This method uses the geometry of triangles for measuring the height of a distant object. In Fig. 2.8, AB
is an object whose height h is to be measured. Let O be the observation point. Using an apparatus called
sextant' at 0, we measure ZAOB = 0. This is called angle of elevation of the object.
In AAOB, tan0-

h=xtan 6 .3)

If distance (x) of object from the observation point is known,

we can calculate its height.
be inaccessible. For example, a
In certain cases, this distance x is not known. The object is said to
tower or a tree on the other side of a river is inaccessible.
sextant at any point C and measure
To measure the height h of an inaccessible object AB, we hold the
LACB = 8.
*Ultrasonics are the waves (of sound) which cannot be heard, because their
is more than
20000 hertz.
Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XI)
The sextent is then moved to any other position D where
CD = x is measured. Again, we measure
In AABC, cot , CB
AB 4)

In AAB), cot,DB
5) D
Subtract (5) from (4)

cot -cot 6, =_DBCB-DBCD or h=-

AB AB AB (6)
cot 6,-cot 6,
Hence h can be calculated.
Large distances, such as the distance of a planet or a star from earth can be
meaured by the parallax method.
Parallax is the name given to change in the position ofan object with respect to
the background, when the object is seen from two different positions. The distance
between the two positions (ie., points of observation) is called the basis.
For example, in Fig. 2.10, when we hold a pen in front of us against the
background of a wall and look at the pen first by our left eye L (closing the right eye)
and then by our right eye R (closing the left eye), we find that position of pen changes
with respect to the background wall. 7he shift in position of an object (say, a pen)
when viewed from two eyes, keeping one eye closed at a time is caled parallax. The
distance between the left eye (L) and right eye (R) in this case is the basis. ZLOR is b
called the parallax angle or parallactic angle.

Taking LR as an arc of length b and radius LO = RO = x, we get, 0 =

Knowing b and measuring 6, we can calculate x.

As astronomical distances are too large, parallex angle 0 is too
small to be measured. Hence, instead of taking distance between two
eyes as basis, we may broaden the base suitably. FIGURE2.11
The paralax method has been used for measuring distances
of stars which are less than 100 light years away. The diameter AB
of earth's orbit around the sun ($) is chosen as the base line, Fig.
2.11. N is the nearby star whose distance (d) from earth is to be
measured. F is far off star whose direction is taken practically the
same at all positions of earth in its orbital motion.
Suppose A is the position of earth in its orbital motion at any
time. Using an astronomical telescope, we measure LFAN = 6, B
between the directions of light from distant star F and nearby star N. S

As is clear from Fig. 2.11,

After six months, earth is at B, a position diametrically opposite to the position A on the orbit-
ZFBN=, between the directions of light from distant star F and nearby star N is measured again*
so any change in the position of N during six months is negligible
The distance of nearby star N is large that
Clearly, ZANB = LANS +
LBNS = 0,
This is the angle which the +0
nearby star N subtends on the orbital diameter of eartn.
As arc
angle= AB
radius +2AN .(7)
or AN=-
0+02 (8)
Clearly. AB = 2 AS, where AS
is distance betwecn sun and carth.
AB =2 AU= 2 x 1:5 x 10
m3 x 10
If (+02) is known (in radian), then AN can be calculated.m
The parallax method is also
used for determining distance of moon from earth. Two places on
surface of earth, which are far removed tn
from eachother form the base line. Parallax angle (w.r.t a far off star)
is measured using an astronomical

RETAIN The parallax method is used for measuring

distances of nearby stars only.
IN As the distance of star increases, the parallax
angle decreases, and a great degree of accuracy
MEMORY is required for its measurement. Keeping in
view the practical limitation in measuring the
parallax angle, the maximum distance of a star we can measure
by parallax method is
limited to 100 light years.

This method is used for measuring the distance of a star which is more than 100 light years away
earth. Here, we compare the intensity 11 of the faint image of the far off star on a photographic plate to the
intensity of the bright image of a nearby star (say, sun) on the photographic plate. Suppose and are the
r r2
respective distances of far off star and nearby star from earth.
As intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, therefore,

or - or
Knowing the distance r2 of the nearby star and the ratio (I2/l), we can calculate ri. the distance of the
far off star.
The size of an astronomical object like moon can be measured using an FIGURE 2.12
astronomical telescope. In Fig. 2.12, O is an observation point on earth. An astronomical
telescope held at O is focussed on moon, when we observe an image in the form ofa
circular disc. We measure LAOB = 0, say. It is the angle between the two directions
when two diametrically opposite points of the moon are viewed through the telescope.
is very
Let s be the average distance of moon from the surface of earth. As s
large compared to the diameter AB of moon, therefore
AB length of circular arc of radius s = s 0 3)
measured. O
Hence, AB can be calculated, when s is known and 0 is EARTH
diametrically opposite ends of the
The angle subtended by the two
angular diameter of the moon.
moon at a point on the earth is called the
Its value is about
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XDVoL
Sampte Protbtem The parallax of a heavenly body
measured from two points diametrically opposite on equator of earth
is 2-0 minute. If radius of earth is 6400 km, calculate distance of
heavenly body. YOU
Sol. Here 20' = =ix
60 60 180
radian KNOw?
You can watch the sunset over a
I= diameter of earth 2x 6400 km
= calm ocean, once while you lie on
a beach, and then once again,
= 1-28 x 10* km = 1-28 x 10' m.
when you stand up. Surprisingly.
r=? by measuring the time interval
From l=r9, between the two sunsets, you can
calculate approximately, the
x107 radius of the earth. This is one of
r 28
= 2:2 x 10 m the indirect methods for
measuring size of earth.
Sarmpte Protstom 2
The moon subtends an angle of 57 minutes at the base line equal to radius
of earth. What is the distance of moon from earth. Given radius of earth is 6400 km.
= = 19
Sol. Here, 6 57 min.
60 80rad
I= radius of earth = 6400 km = 6-4 x 10° m r=?
From=r0, r== 04X10°
m =
3-86 x 103 m


1. AVCA 1D113S Mi7111
This method is used to measure distances of the order of 10-1 m,
which is the size of an atom. An atom
is a tiny sphere. When such atoms lie packed in any substance, empty
spaces are left inbetween. According to
Avogadro's hypothesis, volume of all atoms in any mass the substance
of is 2/3 of the volume occupied by
that mass of the substance.
Suppose m= mass of substance a
V= volume occupied by the substance
P density of the substance

or V=
P (9
Let M be the atomic weight of the substance and N be the
Avogadro number.
Number of atoms in mass m ofthe substance =

If ris radius of each atom, then volume of each atom


Volume of all the atoms in the substance =3x


According to Avogadro's hypothesis,

Volume of all the atoms =;2 (Volume of substancec)

or = 27T

The value of r, so calculated is of the ordcr of 10- m.

2. ITtitti) M
This method is used for measuring nuclear sizes = 10-14 m to 10-15 m. When a collimated beam o
alpha particles is made to hit an extremctly thin metal foil, some of the alpha particles retrace their pati
turning through 180". This led Rutherford to the discovery of atomic nucleus in which the entire positive
charge and almost entire mass of the atom are supposed to be concentrated.
An alpha particle carries two units of positive charge. When it tends to hit the nucleus, it is repellea
constantly by the positive charge on the nucleus. The velocity and hence kinetic energy of d-particle go on
decreasing and in turn, potential energy of a-particle goes on increasing. At a particular point. KE ot C
paricle becomes zero. It cannot go further. This is the point of closest approach of a particle to the nucleus.
The alpha particle retraces its path from this point. The distance of closest approach of o particle to tne
nucleus gives us an approximate size of the nucleus.
Oleic acid (C17H32COOH) is a soapy liquid with large molecular size (= 10 m). To measure this size,
we proceed in following steps
) Take cc of oleic acid, mix it with alcohol to prepare 25 cc of
the solution.
(ii) Take 1 cc of this solution and mix it again with alcohol to prepare
20 cc of the solution. In this way, solution of oleic acid in alcohol with NO ?
concentration equal to (1/500) is prepared. To measure very small sizes like
(it) Sprinkle some lycopodium powder on the surface of wateritn a that of a molecule (10-3 m to
large trough. Pour n drops of this solution of volume v each on the surtace 10-10 m). we cannot use an
of water in the trough. optical microscope. This is
because the optical microscope
Volume of n drops of the solution = n v uses visible light of wavelength
nv ranging from 4 x 10 m to
Volume of oleic acid in this solution = . .(11) 8 x 10 m and it cannot resolve
particles with sizes smaller than
(iv) This solution of oleic acid spreads very fast on the surface of this.
thickness 1, say. The alcohol
water and forms a roughly circular thin film of We shall study later that electrons
evaporates and oleic acid layer is left on the surface of can also behave as waves of
using a wavelength: of the order of
(v) Find the area A occupied by the oleic acid layer
0-6x 10-1 m An electron
microscope. microscope uses electron beams
Volume of oleic acid in the layer = A xi (12) which can be focussed by
properly designed electric and
From (4) and (5), AXI = or .(13) magnetic fields. Such
500 500 A
microscopes can almost resolve
atoms and molecules in a material.
to be one
Hence, t can be calculated. If the thin layer assumed
Recently, unnelling microscopy
us the size (i.e., diameter) of
molecule thick, the value of t would give has been developed which has
a molecule of oleic acid. The
value oft comes out to be of the order of still better resolution.

10 m.
2/20 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X1) VOL
Sample Problem A drop of olive oil of diameter 0-6 x 10 m spreads into a circular filmn ot
radius 12 cm. Estimate the molecular size of olive oil
Sol. Here, radius of oil drop =r =- - m = 03 x 10- m

R 12 cm =
12x 10m 10
Volume of oil drop 3
Thickness ofoil film
Area of film TRZ
4 E11
3 4(03x10-3)34x0027x10 m = 2.5 x 10- m d
TRZ 3x 3x12x12
If we assume that the film is one molecule thick, then molecular size of oleic acid = 25x 107 m
The masses of objects which we shall study in this course vary over a very wide range. These may vary
from tiny mass of electron (= 1030 kg) to huge mass of the known universe ( 10° kg).
The order of masses of various objects is shown in Table 2.6.
TABLE 2.6. Range of masses
S.No. Object Order of mass (kg)
2 Proton or Neutron
Uranium atom
Red blood corpuscle 10-14
5. A cell 10-10
6. Dust particle 10-9
7. Rain drop 10-6
8 Mosquito l0-s
9 Grape 10-3
0. Frog
11. Human 102
12. Car 103
13. Elephant 103
14. Ship 105
15. Boeing 747 air craft 108
16. Moon 1023
17. Earth 1025
18. Sun 1030
19 Milky way 1042
20. Observable Universe 1055


As is known, mass of a body is the quantity of matter in the body, which does not depend upon temperature,
pressure or location of the body in space.
We have studied already in Art. 2.3 that mass is of two types : inertial mass and gravitational mass. We
masses are measured.
shall now study how the two types of


Inertial mass of a body is DO
measured using an inertial
balance. t consists of a

of wood (W) and a pan (P)
joined with the help of two flat
metallic strips A andB as shown
wooden block
For measuring large
masses like
we muke
in Fig. 2.13. The that of planets, stars etc.,
is clamped firmly
to the top of methods
P uSC of gravitational
a table (7). Any body whose (Scc chapter 8, fordetuils).
inertial mass is to be found can masses
pan For measurcment of small
be put in the pan. When the particles
of atomic/subatomic mass
is displaced slightly in the horizontal direction, it executes vibratory ctc., we make use of a
motion. 8pectro-graph..In nass
The time period of vibration may depend upon length of incrtial spcctrograph, the radius of the
balance, coefficient of elasticity of the material.of the strips and total mass path followed by a charged
of the pan and the body placed on it. particle moving in uniform
It is found that the square of time period of vibration is directly clectric and magnctic ficld is
proportional to the mass of the
proportional to total mass of the pan and the body placed on it
particle. Such masses are
measured in atomic mass units
ie., m m
or m
known, we can calculate inertial mass m2 ot
If inertia mass of one of the objects is known, i.e., m^ is
another object by measuring the periods of vibration in the two
a physical balance or a common balance, with
The gravitational mass of a body is measured using
which most of us are familiar. FIGURE2.14
common balance is based on the
A Beam
principle of moments of forces. According Stirrup Balancing Screw
to this principle, when a beam is
equilibrium,.the algebraic sum ofmoments
of all the forces about a fixed point
always zero.
The essential parts of a physical Pillar Hook-
balance are shown in Fig. 2.14.
mass of
To measure the gravitational
a body, we proceed in the
following steps : Plumb Line
balancing Pointer
(i) Adjust the positions of turned on,
SCrews so that when the
lever is
equally. about the Scale Pan
the pointer vibrates scale, when
central zero mark on the
ivory T
The side to which
both the pans are empty.
is lighter. For
pointer has a larger swing on the lighter
balancing screw
adjustment, balanci Levelling Screw-
side has to be moved ards
outwards and vice-
vice TAdjustment Knob-
are put in the right pan, The
is put in the left pan and standard weights is
(n The body to be
weights. The weights are adjusted till the beam is horizontal as
handle the
foreceps are often used to on either side of the central zero mark on ivory scale.
the pointer
indicated by equal swings of gravitational force on the standard weighte
gravitational force on the body is equal to the standard weights.
At this stage, to that of the
gravitational mass of the body will be equal
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL

We know from chapter 2 that weight a

of body is the force with which the body is attracted towarde
the centre of earth. It is equal to the product of mass of the body and acceleration
on the body. As the value of g on moon is less, a body will due to gravity (g) of earth
weigh less on moon than it weighs on earth. In
unit 6, we shall study further, the points of distinction between mass
and weight of a body.
To measure the weight of a body, we make use of a
spring balance or a FIGURE 2.15
platform balance or a chemical balance.
A spring balance is based on Hook's law of elasticity. According
to this
law, within elastic limits, the extension produced in a spring is directly proportional
to the force applied on the spring. Initially, we use standard (known) weights and
calibrate the elongation of the spring in terms of these weights.
A spring balance consists of a helical steel spring S. The upper end
of the
spring is fixed at O and a hook H is attached to the lower end, with the help of a
metallic rod R, Fig. 2.15. The spring and rod are enclosed in a metallic cover with
a vertical slit. An indicator I attached to the spring moves in the slit, when a body
is attached to the hook. The weight of.the body can be read from the position of
indicator on the scale graduated along the slit.
The time interval of events which we shall come across in Physics vary over
a very wide range.
Table 2.7 shows the order of time intervals of some important events.
TABIE 2.7 Order of time intervals
S. No. Event Order of time interval (s)
Life span of most unstable particle 10-24
2. Time taken by light to cross a distance of nuclear size 10-22
3. Period of X-rays 10-19
Time period of electron in hydrogen atom 10-15
Period of visible light waves 10-15
6. Time taken by visible light to cross through a window pane 10-11
Life time of an excited state of an atom 10-8
8. Period of radiowaves 10-6
9 Time period of audible sound waves 10-3
10. Wink of eye 10-1
11 Time interval between two successive heart beats 100
12. Travel time of light from moon to earth 100
13 Travel time of light from sun to earth 102
14. Half life of a free neutron 103
15. Time period of a satellite 104
16. Time period of rotation of earth around its axis (one day) 105
17. Time period of revolution of earth around the sun (one year) 107
18 Average life of a human being 109
19 Age of Egyptian pyramids 1011
20. Age of universe 1017


o measure any time interval, we need a clock. Any phenomenon that repeats itself regularly can serve
as a clock.
The Italian Physicist Galileo was the first to attempt a simple method of measuring time. Galileo timed
the oscillations of a lamp hanging on a long chain in a church using his own
clocks developed later are
pulse as a watch. Some of the

Electric oscillators. The main a.c.

supply in our country has a
frequency of50 H
be used to
Hz. The synchronous
obtain a time scale.
rotations of a motor run on a.c. can
2. Electronic oscillators. Vacuum tubes or
junction transistors can
he used for producing electromagnetic waves of high frequencies. YOU
cmall time period of such
time intervals.
oscillations can

3. Solar clock was based

be used for measuring small
From Table 2.5, the ratio of thc
on, revolution of earth around of
Careful measurements show that the the sun. longest and shortest sizes
period of rotation of earth changes objects in our universc is about
slightly from day to day, year to year. Therefore,
accuracy of mean solar 10. And from Tabi .7 the
second defined on this basis becoms questionable.
ratio of longest and shortest time
with thc
shows piezo electric intervals associated
4. Quartz crystal clock. A quartz crystal
in our universe is als
one pair of faces events 1041, Is this magic
effect, i.e., when fluctuating pressure is applied across
of the crystal, an oscillating e.m.f. develops across another about number
pair of 104 purely accidental ?
perpendicular faces and vice-versa. The oscillations so
produced are
used for measuring time. Quartz crystal clocks have an accuracy of 1
sec in every 10 sec.
5. Atomic Clock. It is an atomic standard of time, which is
based on the periodic vibrations produced in
a cesium atom. The atomic clock is, therefore, also called cesium clock.
The efficient cesium atomic clocks are so accurate that they impart uncertainty in time realisation as t
(1x 10-13) second, i.e., 1 part in 1013 second. It means that such clocks gain or lose no more than 3 us in one
The Indian Standard Time (IST) is maintained by the National
Physical ILaboratory (NPL) situated at New Delhi, using a cesium atomic
clock. YOU
6. Decay of elementary particles using photographic emulsion
techniques has led to measurement of time intervals ranging from
10-1 sec. to 10-2 sec.
The atomic clock NIST-F1 is
7. Radioactive dating technique is used for measuring long considered one of the wortld's
time intervals of the order of 10sec. most accurate clocks. It keeps
Age of fossils, rocks, earth etc. is estimated by studying the ratio of time with an accuracy of about
number of radioactive atoms decayed to the number of surviving atoms one second in twenty million
in the specimen. years:

1 Give one example where precise measurement of length is important.
Ans. Precise measurements of length are very important. For example, parts used
in high performance
car engines must be measured to an accuracy of 7 um, i.e., 0-000007
in U.S. ?
.2. From where do we get highly accurate time signals Master Clock. When we
Ans. Highly accurate time signals are obtained from the U.S. Naval Observatory
can pick up co-ordinated universal
have a radio capable of. receiving 5, 10 or 15 MHz signals, we
Technology {NIS)) station in Boulder.
time signals coming from National Institute of Standards and
Colorado, USA.
2/24 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (X1) VO

p sr sili
seven dimensions of the physical
The seven fundamental or base quantities chosen in SI are called [T
is represented by [L], mass bylM). timcby
World. They are denoted with square brackets[ ]. Thus, length
by [K], luminous intensity by [Cd| and anount
elcclric current by [A], thermodynamical temperature
substance by [mol].
a quuantity are the powers (or exponents) to which the units of 'base
The dimensions of physical
quantities are raised to represent a derived unit of that
[ ] round a quantity means that we are
dealing with the dimcnsions
Note that using the square brackets
of the quantity. M| and [7].
physical quantities can be written in terms of the dimensions of |LI,
In mechanics, all the
For example: Volume = [L] x LI x |LJ = |L'j
Volume = length x breadth x height
[L] to the power 3. Therefore,
volume is saicd to havc thrre
Thus to represent volume, we have to raise
dimensions in length.
representing volume, we Write
As units of mass and time are not required in in time in
= that volume has zero dimension in mass and zero dimension
Volume [M'L'T), and say
addition to 3 dimensions in length.
Velocity ==*
Similarly, for velocity, we write, time

Velocity [LTl]= [M°LT-]

Hence, the dimensions of velocity are
: zero in mass, +1 in length and- I in time.
in dimensional representation, the magnitudes are not considered. It is.the quality of
Note that velocity,
quantity that matters. For example, speed, velocity, initial velocity, final velocity, change in
equivalent in this context having dimensions [M"L'T-].
instantaneous velocity, relative velocity all are

The expression which shows how and which of the

base quantities represent aphysical quantity
s caled thedimensional formula f the given physical quantity.
formula of velocity. It reveals that unit
For example, as deduced above, [M'L'T=] is the dimensional
on [M]. Further, unit of velocity varies directly as unit
of velocity depends on [L] and [7], It does not depend
of length and inversely as unit of time.
Similarly, [M"I' TO] is dimensional formula of volume.
Further, if we répresent velocity by [v), then fv] = [M°L'T-
is called dimensional equation of velocity. Thus,
When aphysicalquantity is equated to its dimensionalformula, what we obtain is the dimensionat
equation oj the physical quantity.
Similarly, dimensional equation of volume (V) is represented as [V = [M°L3 T'
As is known, acceleration
changein velocity
L=LT-2 =[M°1'T-4
time taken
This is dimensional formula of
Again, force = mass x acceleration,
therefore, F= [M] x [L'T] = [M'L'T-2, and so on
The dimEn
ensional formulae of some
of the important mechanical
hste t
'Table 2.H. The SI units
of all these quantitiesiare derived below and are
quantities are also given in the
ADLL table.
2ta Dimenslonal fotmulae
and SI units of some mechanical Quantities
(G NO. Physlcal quantity Relation with other
Dimensional formuta SI unit
Area length
breadth LxL=L2=[M°22T°
2 length breadth x height
LxLxL=B= [M°L3 T)|m m
3. Denity Mass M
volume M'L3T). kgm
Speelfle gravity densityof body MID
density of water at 4°C MIB =1 = [M°L0 T0 No units

distance or displacement
no dimensions
5. Speed or velocity ms
6. inear nomentum. mass velocity
túme LT= =M°L'T-)
MxLT [M' L'T°] kg ms-
changein velocity LIT
7. Acceleration
time taken IT-=[M°L! T3ms
change in velocity
8 Acceleration due to
gravity (g) time taken LLT= M®l T-) ms
9. Force mass acc. MxLT2 [M' L!T-2] N (newton)
10. | Impulse force tirme MLT-2x T= [M' L'T-1 Ns
1. Pressure force/area Nm2
12. Universal constant From Neon's law of
of gravitation (G) gravitatíon.

Gm, m2
G MLT) Nkg2

or G=_ =[M-LËT)
where F is force between
masses m1, m at a
distance r
force x distance MLT-2xL = [AM'L2T-} joule)
13. Work
14 Energy (All types) work A' LT J (joule)
force x distance MLTx L= ['L2 T* N-m
5 Moment of force
MIPT-2 =
work [M'?T3B W (watt)
16. Power time T

force MLT=[M'PT*] Nm
17. Surface tension length L
18. Surface energy
Energy of free surface M T)
o LT=[M'T) Nm
19. Force constant displacement
2/26 Pradeep s FundamentalPhysics
ysics (XI)

20. Thrust force

[MLT2 N (newton)
21. Tension force
M L'T-2 N (newton

22.Stress, Pressure force MLT=[MrlT?]


23. Strain change in dimension

original dimension
=l= [M®DTO] No units

24. Coefficient of stress M'L-lT-2

-=[M'L'T?]| Nnm2
elasticity. strain 1
25. Radius of gyration (K).| distance m

26 Moment of inertia ()
mass (radius of gyration) ML2=[M' L? Th kgm

27 Angle (8) or length()

Angular radius (r)
=1=M°70] radian
displacement (0)

128. Angular velocity (0) angle(6)

time (t) =T=[M0 DT-l] Tad s-l
29. Angular acc. () changein angular vel.

time taken =T[M® OT-2] rad s2
Angular momentum I
31 Torque (ML) (T-) =[M'L?T-H kg m2 s-1
Ia (ML) (T-2) =[M'1?T2]
32.Wavelength () length of one wave, i.e., N-m
L [M° Ll T) m
33. Frequency (v) number of
1/T=T = [M°L°T-j
34 Angular frequency
vibrations/sec Sor Hz
2 Ttx frequency (hertz)
(o) T [M°LO T-l)
35. Velocity of light in distance travelled
vacuum (c) time taken =[M°T-] msl
36. Velocity gradient velocity
distance =T-
=[M° LO
37. Rate offlow volume
energy (E)
=T =[M°L
T1 m3
38. Planck's constant (h) MI?T-2
frequency (v) = [M'
T-1 ?Tj J-s
39. mass
Linear mass density M
(m) [MLH70) kg m
40. Distance travelled in
nth second time M°L r-Hj


Avogadro's number Number of atoms/ (MOLO TO mole-l

41. (N)
wot molecules in one gram
Reynold number (Np)PDU (ML)(L)(LTl) No units
= [M® L° TO
27 mK24
43 Rydberg constant MOLHT0 m
FXr Pascal-second
44. Coefficient of M LT-
viscosity (n)

45. Kinematic viscosity square metre per second MOL2T- mas-l

m kg-l
46. Specific volume cubic metre per kg [M L TO
47 Surface potential joule per kilogram [MOLPT2] ms2
|48. Refractive index (u) No units

49. Kinetic energy mv? M (LT-12 = [ML2 T-2] J(joule)

50. Potential energy mgh M (LT-3) L= [ML2 T-2] J (joule)

51. Rotational kinetic (ML) (T = [ML2 T) J (joule)

(ML- T) (L)= [ML2 T J joule)
|52. Pressure energy Pressure x volume

pressure ML-IT-2
53. Pressure gradient distance

length =1=[M° Dr®] No units

54 Trigonometric ratio length
(sin 6, cos 6, tan 6 etc.)|
force x distance
(MLT-2) xL=[M'L?T m
|55. Moment of force,
moment of couple
56. Escape velocity 2gR LT2L =Lrl [M°Lr--1|ms-
57. Critical velocity
N where (MLS)L)
Np is Reynold number= [M° LT"]
Energy T=[ME'T] Jm
58. Energy density Volume

MET=M?T*] Wm-2
Intensity of wave | T.L2
2/28 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

Intensity of wave MLOT-3

60. Radiation pressure speed of light
M'T] Nm2

Recession speed =
61. Hubble constant T- [M° ®T-H Secl

output energy ML2T-2

[M°DTo No units
62. Efficiency input energy

63. Angular impulse torque x time (ML2 T) (T) = {M'

1T- kg ms-
(velocity)2 (LT LTr2= =M°L'r2 ms
64. Centripetal
radius L
Wave nunber (k) I=[{M°LHT) m
65. L
66. Mass defect (A m) Sum of masses of M'I TO kg
nucleons mass of

67. Binding energy (mass defect) x M (LT-l? = [ML2 T-2]
of nucleus (speed of light)2

In Table 2.9, we have derived and listed the dimensional formulae and SI units of some of the important
non-mechanical quantities.
TABLE 2.9 Dimensional Formulae and SI units
of some Thermal Quantities

s.No. Physical quantity Relation with other Dimensional formula SI unit

1. Heat (Q) Energy [M' L2T- J (joule)

2. Temperature (8) [M°LOT° K' K

heat () MI?T2 =[M°L2T-

3. Latent heat (L) J kg1
mass (m) M

4. Specific heat
L?T* K]
capaciy (S)

5. Internal energy (U) Energy [M 12T- J

6. Mechanical
(M'T= [M° LT°
[M'L?T-27LM°DTO J carl
equivalent of heat )D

PV (ME T)E [M' ?T-2*-'j| JK

7. Gas constant (R)

MEASUREMENT apshs 2/29

Boltzmann constant N WhereNis [M L2T2 k-]
Avogadro's number

CMIET*)(L)=[M' K-1
Coefficient of ther From=KA (T)(K)LP
DT-K]| Wl
mal conductivity (K)
Ar 7A
Wein's constant [M°L'TOK' mK
10. (b)b mX T
Wm2 K4
11. Stefan's constant TL? K[M'IDT3 K41
where E is energy/
ML2 T-2 K JK-
12. Heat capacity joule per kelvin
or entropy
change in dimension L =[M°L°T°K-lj K-l
13. Coefficient of L(K)
original dimension x temp.
thermal expansivity
TABLE 2.10. Dimensional Formulae and SI units
of some Electrical Quantities
Dimensional formula SI unit
S.No. Physical quantity Relation with other
[MOLO T°A A (ampere)
1. Electric current ()ampere (A) is
fundamental unit
of current Alm2
Current per unit area
AJL2= [M°L2T°4']
2. Current density T'j C (coulomb)
current x time [M°L° A
3. Charge (q)
work MLT M
4. Electric potential or charge
voltage or emf
Force MLT={M' dTA A] | NC-1
5. Electric intensity (E) Charge AT
or Electric field
From F= 4TtE
le.l 19=
Fr2 [MLT=2j[?] Cl
6. Electric Permittivity
free space (Eg)
f 2 = [MlL-3T^ A?
o 4TF,2
= [M° LOT No units
7. Dielectric constantKor E,=
(K) or Relative
permittivity E)
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics

e .dl
8. | Cuefficient MI2T-2 7
of self I'rom {M'12T2 A2
dt AT H (henry)
inductance (L)
L==d dl
9. Coefficient of mutual Frome= Md M' 2T-2A21 H (henry)
inductance (M)
potential diff. MI?r
10. Resistance (R)
Current A
A=M' ?T- A) Q (ohm)

charge AT 421
11. Capacitance (C)
potential diff.
ML2T-34-TIM°LT4 S (farad)

12. charge AT =[M°2T' A']

Surface density of Cm2
charge area

13. Electric dipole P=q(2a) AT(L) = [M®L! Tl A'] Cr

moment (p)

14. Specific Resistance Ra (ML? T-

A2)(?) ohm-m
or resistivity (p) L
15. | Conductance (G)
R LMLT3 A-2 1M2r3 ohm

16. | Conductivity (o) P

M'BT-3A2ML'T3A*1| ohm- n
17. Electric flux Electric field x area (M L'TA) (L) Nm C-l
[M LT-3 A-]
18. Faraday constant Avogadro number x x AT = [M0z0 Ti A mol- C
elementary charge
19. Decay constant (0) = T-= [M°10T-1
half life
20. Inductive Angularfrequency x (T-1) (M' L2 T-2 A-2) ohm
reactance (X1) Inductance = |M' L?T-3 A1

21. Capacitative (Angularfrequency x I(T) (M-lL-2TdA*r ohm

reactance (X) Capacitance) = [M' 12T-3 A21

22. Resonant |(M 12 7-2 4-2)

frequency 2Tinductance
2n (M-LT^ A*)12
X capacitance
= [M®L® T-

Resonant frequency (Ty(M'

23. Quality factor or Xinductance FTA)=
(M'1?T-3A-2) |M° T°]| No units
factor ofcoil
UNITS AND heshor
TABLE 2.11. Dimensional Formulae
and SI units
of some Magnetic Quantities
SI unit
s.No. Physical quantity Relation with other Dimensional formula

1.Magneticflux () From e [MP TT) [M?T*2 A] Wb (weber)

dt AT

do = e.dt = -dt
[MLT [MT-2
Magnetic induction From F=Bqv = A] T (tesla)
(B); Magnetic field;
Magnetic fur density B-
3. Magnetic intensity From Biot Savart law,
(H) sin 9 AL-[AL
4 2

B Ho H, we get

AL? = [M® 1? T°A'] Am

4. Magnetic dipole M = IA
moment (M)
m AL= AL = [M®!T° A'] Am
5. Pole strength (m) 21
6. Magnetic Permea From Coulomb's law in
bility of free space magnetism,

F o4T2 M MLT
E]=[M' T2A| Hm-l

where m, ma are
strengths oftwo poles;
ma m

TABLE 2.12. Dimensional Formulae and SI units

of some Optical Quantities
Dimensional formula SI unit
S.No. Physical quantity Relation with other

visible light energy

[MLT=[M' ?r-3) lumen
1 Luminous flux
power emitted/sec.
or luminous M'?T-3 [M'DT-
Luminous flux lambert
2. |
Luminance or
Brightness from unit area
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X1)
M'127-3 ort
3. Illuminance or Luminous flux -
=[M' 1T-31
intensity of on unit area
illumination Imlm2

4. Power of lens (P) (focal length)- = [M® T° dioptre

sizeof image
5. Magnification (m)
sizeof object No units

6. Radiant flux,
Radiant power
Energy emitted/time M'T=IM'?T-S Wult

7. Luminosityof
Radiant flux
solid angle (MO
radiant flux or
radiant intensity

luminous flux (MLPT-3)

8. Luminous
solid angle (MOOTo [M'I?T-3 wuttlsr
intensity or
power of source

total luminous flux ML? T-3

9. Luminous
total radiant flux MI2T-3 [M°IDT01 No units
luminous flux of a source
of given wavelength MI?T-3
10. Relative
luminous flux of peak MI2T [M" 1®T01 No units
luminosity sensitivity wavelength
source of same power


From the study of dimensional formulae of various quantities, we can easily
divide them into four
Dimensional constants. These are the quantities whose values are constant and they possess
dimensions. For example, velocity of light in vacuum, universal gravitational constant, universal
gas constant.
Boltzmann constant, Planck's constant etc.
2. Dimensional variables. These are the quantities whose values are variable,
and they possess
dimensions. For example, area, volume, density, velocity, acceleration, force etc.

dimcnsions. For example, pure numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ..

3. Dimensionless constants. These are the quantities, whose valucs are constant, but they
mathematical constants t and ctc.
do not possess
4. Dimensionless variables. These are the quantities, whose values are variable, and they do not have
dimensions. For example, angle, strain, specific gravity ete.
Sampio Problom By the use of dimensions, show that energy per unit volume is equal to
Energy Work force x distance M LTXL=[M ELT-2]= pressure.
Volume area x length area x length 1xL
mplo Problem Show that angular momentum nck's
has the same dimensions as
co Angular momentum = moment of momentum =
momentum x distance
= [M LT']xL=[M'
Planck's constant. h==MEr-2
T-1 [MLT)
Hence both have the same dimensions.
Following are the three uses of dimensional equations
1. Conversion of one system of units into another;
2. Checking the correctmess of various formmulae;
3. Derivation of formulae.
Let us now discuss each advantage in detail:
This is based on the fact that magnitude of a physical quantity remains the same, whatever be the
system of its measurement, i.e.,

whereu and u are two units of measurement of the quantity Q and ni, na are their respective numerical values.
Suppose M1, Ly. T1 are the fundamental units of mass, length and time in one system ; M2 are tne
fundamental units of mass, length and time in the other system; a, b, c are the respective dimensions of the
quantity in mass, length and time on both the systems.
The units of measurement u and uz of the quantity on the two systems would be
and .(15)

From (14), T

Using (15), we get 2 .(16)

[M TS1
Knowing (M, L, T): (M2, L2, T2): (a, b, c) and ni, we can calculate n2, the numerical value of the
quantity in the other system.

applied only after expressing the

RETAIN It should be clearly understood that eqn. (16) is to be
quantity in its absolute units. This is because, when M, T'are in absolute units, the derived
IN only. The gravitational or practical
MEMORY unit of the quantity involved will be in absolute units
conversion subsequently.
units of any quantity are obtained only by proper
first into absolute units before
The gravitational or other practical units must be converted
using the conversion technique of eqn. (16).

Sample Problenm Convert 1 newton into dyne.

Sol. One newton is absolute unit of force on mks system and dyne is absolute unit of force on cgs system.
The dimensional formula forceis F=[M' L'T-2
0 f 1, c =-2.
The dimensions of force in mass, length and time are: a 1,b=

As we have to convert mks system into cgs system, therefore,

cm ;72=1s
M =1 kg;L1=1m;71=1 s and M2=lg:l=1
newton; ?
n2 (number of dynes)
2/34 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)vOLI

As n M
1lkg( 1m Y(1s
1 lg I cm

102 cm
1 newton = 10° dyne
=10 x 10= 105

Samplo Problem 2 Surface tension of mercury is 540 dyne/cm. What will be its value when
unit of mass is 1 kg, unit of length is 1m and unit of time is 1 minute ?
Sol. Here, n = 540 dyne/cm.
M = 1 g, L = 1 cm,
T= 1 sec
M2 =1 kg, L2 = 1 m, T2=1 min = 600s
force M LT-2 =
Surface tension = - [M'DTr-2]
length L

M 540 x1s

n 540x 10 x 60 x 60 1944 new units of surface tension

Sometimes, it is more convenient to carry out the conversions directly.
For example To convert
g 9-8 m/s into km/h2, we write
9-8 m 98x(10 km) = 9.8x 10-3 x 3600 x 3600 km
(1s) h2 = 1-27x 10 km h-4
60x 60
Just as mass cannot be added to velocity or an electric current cannot be subtracted
from time, therefore,
we conclude that quantities having different dimensions cannot be added
or subtracted from one another.
This simple fact leads us to the principle of homogeneity of dinensions which is
used in checking the correctness
of the formulae, and also in deducing relation amongst different physical quantities.
According to this principle,
only that formula is correct, in which the dimensions of various fundamental
units on one side of the
relation are equal to their respective dimensions on the other side of the relation.

RETAIN It should be clearly understood that powers of all the fundamental units, i.e., M, T,A, K
IN etc. must match on either side of the formula. When power of even one of them fails
MEMORY match, the formula is wrong.

To check the correctness of the given relation, we shall write the dimensions of the quantities on both
sides of the relation. If the principle of homogeneity of dimensions is obeyed, the formulais correct.
Sample Problem Check the correctness of the relation
(= 2 T lg, where I is length and t is time period of a simple DO
pendulum :g is acceleration due to gravity.
Sol. Let us write the dimensions of various quantities on
sides of the given relation:
L.H.S. = I =[T]
the two
That mere dimensional correct
ness of an equation does not
R.H.S.=2 ensure its physical correctness.
Tg T (2 t has no dimensions) For example, work = torque, is
dimensionally correct, but not
= T2 = [T1 physically correct.
As L.H.S. = R.H.S., dimensionally, therefore the given relation is correct.

Sample Problem 2 Check the dimesional consistency of the relation v= where l isS

length, v is velocity, P is pressure and p is density,

Sol. The given relation is v=

LHS =V =LT = [M°ZlT-j

AS LHS RHS, The relation is not dimensionally consistent.

1. Only those quantities can be added or subtracted from each other which have the same
dimensions. For example, distance can be added or subtracted from distance only and not
MEMORY from any other quantity. Thus, L+L=Land L -L= L
i.e., when one distance is subtracted from some other distance, what is left is some distance
only, whatever be its magnitude. The numerical value of distance is irrelevant because we
are considering dimensions only. That is why we do not write L+L= 2L and L- L=0.
2. If an equation fails this consistency test, it is proved wrong. But if the equation passes
this consistency test, it is not necessarily proved right. Thus, a dimensionally correct equation
may not actually be a correct equation. But a dimensionally incorrect/inconsistent equation
is dimensionally correct,
must be wrong. For example, the equation of motion:s=ut+at
but it is numerically wrong.


we can derive the formula of a physical
Using the same principle of homogeneity of dimensions,
quantity depends.
quantity, provided we know the factors on which the physical
We suppose the dimensions of the given physical quantity in
terms of these factors, combine them to
mass, length and time on either side
form an equation; write the dimensions of various quantities in terms of
of the equation.
the powers of M, L and T on both sides af h
Using principle of homogeneity of dimensions, equate the
dimensional equation. The three equations so obtained are solved to
obtain the values of three uni.
formed, we obtain the prelimino
powers/dimensions. On substituting these values in the equation we form
of the relation/formula.
2/36 Pradeep's Fundamental Physles (X)
Samplo Problom
Derive an cxpression for time perlod () of simple pendulum, whieh
may depend upon: mass of bob (m), length of pendulum () and acceleratlon
due to gravíty (g),
Sol. Let where a, b, c are the dimensions. or
where k is dimensionless constant of proportionality.
Writing the dimensions in terms of M, L, Ton cither side of (4), we get
MLO T=M"L (Lr-2 = M"1b+cr-2
Applying the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, we get
a= 0 b+c=0 .(18)
-2c=1or C
From (18), b=-c =-

Putting the values of a, b, c in (17), we get

t=km° l2 g-12

Using other methods, we calculate the value of dimensionless constant, k= 2 T t= 2 /g

Sample Problem2 The velocity v ofsound waves in a medium may depend upon modulus of
elasticity (E), density (d) and wavelength (A) of the waves. Use method of dimensions to derive
formula for v.
Sol. Let v E d 1
where K is dimensionless constant of proportionality.
Writing the dimensions on either side of (i), we get
[MLT]= [MLT-2] M L-3* Lf =Matb L-a-3b+e 7-2a
Applying the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, we get
a +b=0
-a 3b +c=1;
-2a=- 1, a=
From (ii), "b=-a =- 2 From (iii), c=1+a+3b =1
Put in (), v=KEl2.d-l/2.30


In conversion of one system of units into another and in checking the accuracy of formulae, there are no
limitations of the method of dimensions. But in the derivation of formulae by the method of dimensions, we
come across the following limitation.s/problemns:
1. This method gives us no infonmation cabout the dinensionless constants in the formula, eg. I, 2,3
T, e, etc.
2. If a quantity depends on more than three factors, having cdimensions, the foula canot be derived.
This is because on equating the powers of M, L and 7 on either side of the dimensional cquation, we ean
pbtain three equations, from which only three unknown dinensions can be caleulated.
d3. We cannof denve ithe formulae
contäining trigonomètrical functions, exponential Jun
unctions etc.; whichhave nodimehsionsis (ssini9g to ae,y dlett
r4. The method of dimensions cannot be
used to derive an exact form of relation, wi *

m0re than
one part oin any side. For example, the ut +
a12 cannot be
exact form of the formula s =
5. It gives no information whether a physical quantity is scalar or a vector.

O. Principle of homogeneity of dimensions is the consistency test for any equation. If an equation
fails this test, it is proved wrong. But if the equation passes this consistency test, it is not
necessarily proved right. Why ?
Ans. The consistency test for any equation is the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, i.e., an equation
is correct, when dimensions/powers of M, L, T on one side of the equation are equal to their respecUve
dimensions/powers on the other side of the equation. When power of even one of M, L, T fais to
match, the equation is wrong.
However, if an equation passes this consistency test, it may not still be right. This is because mere
dimensional correctness of an equation does not ensure its physical correctness. For example,
work = torque is dimensionally correct, but not physically correct. Work is a scalar which is equivalent
to energy. Torque is a vector, which represents turning effect of a force.


Measurement is the foundation of all experimental science and technology.
The measuring process is essentially a process of comparison. To measure any physical quantity, we
compare it with a standard (unit) of that quantity. No measurement is perfect as the errors involved in the
process cannot be removed completely. Hence, inspite of our best efforts, the measured value of a quantity is
always somewhat different from its actual value, or true value.

This difference in the true value and the measured value of quantity is called error of measurement.

i.e., error in a quantity = (True value - Measured value) of the quantity.

Types of Errors
classified as
The errors in measurement can be broadly
1. Systematic Errors

2. Random Erors
3. Gross Errors
1. Systematic Errors
a definite pattern. These errors affect the
Systematic errors are those which occur according to
measurement alike, i.e., in the same way. The causes of
systematic errors are known. Therefore, such
errors can be minimised.
errors are
Some of the sources ofsystematic manufacture or calibration
(i) Instrumental errors which arise from
the errors due to imperfect design or
at one end ; in a vermier
an ordinary metre scale may be wom off
OI the measuring instrument. For example, ;
coincide with the zero mark of the main scale the temperaft
callipers, the zero mark of vernier scale may not
accurately calibrated and so on.
graduations of a thermometer may not be
Pradeep s Fundamental Physis (X
vero Hreti
instrumental eTors can be reduced by using more nccurnle insiruments and applying
etc. when required.
Imperfection in experimental technique or procedure, Por exumple, to determine the temperature
(ii) omer thas the actual
body, a thermometer placed under the armpit will alwuys give a tcmperatuse
of a human Similaly, radiation
value of the body temperature. Again,
buoyancy error in weighing is usually igored,
error in experiments on heat is usually
observer or defect in the eyes f obervEr
due inexperience of the
(ii) Personal errors arise to
reading an instrument without setling properly
example. lack of proper setting of the apparatus,
observations without observing proper precautions etc. pressure,
(iv) Errors due to external causes. The
external conditions such as changes in temperalure,
affcct the measuremcnls
humidity, wind velocity etc. during the experiment may
he measured hy u meauring instrument is
(v) Least Count Error. The smallest value that can
For example, a metre scale having graduations
mn divisson wale
the least count of the instrument.
of (9401 cm
least count of I
mm or 0-1 cm. Similarly, a vernier calliper usually has a lest cunt
spacing has a
values measured
and a spherometer or a screw gauge usually has a least
count of 0-00| cm. AJI the readings or
its least count.
by any measuring instrument are good only upto
reliability is upto Cmusing a vesnier
Thus in the measurement of length, using a metre scale,

cm ;
and using a screw gauge, reliability pushes upto 1000
calliper, reliability is upto
the instrument. Using instrunents
Therefore, the least count error is the error associated with the resolution of
realuce the least count error.
of higher resolution and by improving experimental techniques, we ran

RETAIN Smaller the least count of a measuring device, higher is the accuracy of measurement.
Systematic errors can be minimised by improving experimental techniques, selecting better instruments
and removing personal errors as far as possible.
For a given experimental set up, systematic errors may be estimated to a cernain exlent. The necessary
corrections may then be applied to the observations.
2. Random Errors
The random errors are the errors which occur irregularly due to unpredictable variations in
experimental conditions. They are random with respect to sign and size, i.e., sometimes, random errors may
be positive and the other time, they may be negative. Similarly, sometimes, the randon errors may be big and
the other time, they may be small.
The random errors may arise due to random and FIGURE2.16
unpredictable variations in experimental conditions e.g.,
temperature, pressure, voltage supply, mechanical vibrations etc. TFrequency of ib
occurrence (n)
These may also be due to personal errors by the observer doing
the experiment,
The random errors are sometimes called the chance
errors.' For example, when the same person repeats the same
observation, he may get different readings every time.
Random errors often follow the well known 'Gaussian Law
Error (Ax)
of Normal Distribution'. According to this law
() In any measurenment a. probability
of an error (+ A) is the same as the probability of an ent0
(ii) In any easunnent, small magnitudes of error are more likely
The Gaussan law ot Noral Distribution represented than larger magnitudes ot error.
is graphically in Fig. 2.1.
From the tacts stated above and nature of graph,
we come to the conclusion that arithmetic meui o
large number ot observations is likely to be closer to its
'true value' than any of the individual observaion
Hence, the random errors can be minimised by
repeating the observation a large number o e
atd taking the arithmetic mean of all the observations. The mean value would be very close to the true vau
When umber ot observations is made n times, thc
random error reduces to (1/n) time. For
andom erTvr in the arithinetie mean of 100 obscrvations is x, then the random error in the arithmetic mean or
400 observations would be /4.
3. Gross Errors
These errors arise on account of shear carelessness the observer. For
of example:
)Reading an instrument without setting it properly.
(ii) Taking the observations wrongly without caring for the sources of errors and the precautions.
(iii) Reconrding the observations wrongly.
(iv) Using wrong values of the observations in calculations.
These errors can be minimised only when the observer is sincere and mentally alert.

(a)Absolute error in the measurement ofa physical quantity is the magnitude ofthe difference berween
the true value and the individual measured value of the quantity.
Let aphysical quantity be measured n times. Let the measured values be a, az, az,...The arithmetic
mean of these values is
a ta2 t.

or .(20)
n i=l

Usually. the arithmetic mean a,, is taken as the best possible/true value of
the quantity, if the same is
not known otherwise.
By definition, absolute errors in the individual measured
values of the quantity are
Aa =
n -1
Aa am2

Aa, = an-n
cases. This is because
errors may be positive in certain cases and negative in certain other
The absolute
overestimate as to underestimate the true value of the quantity.
naividual measurements are as likely to errors in all the
error. It is the arithmetic mean of the magnitudes of absolute
6) Mean absolute Aamean Thus,
measurements of the quantity*. It is represented by

Aa+Aa, It.. Aa,

Admean n

(+) of absolute errors.

While taking arithmetic mean, we ignore the sign
2/40 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)
IfIAa; is magnitude of absolute error in ith measurement,
eN 0 OT A0 a
Amean =x1Aa,
i=l 21)
Hence, the final result of measurement may be written asa=a Admean

This implies that any measurement of the quantity is likely to lie between (am + Aamean) and
(c) Relative ermor or Fractional error
The relative error orfractional error of measurement (oa) is defined as the ratio ofmean absolute error
to the mean value of the quantity measured. Thus,

Relative error or Fractional error, Sa mean absoluteerror Omean

mean value m
When the relative/fractional error is expressed in percentage, we call it percentage error. Thus,

Amean x100%
Percentage error, da1=-
1. Unitof absolute error is same as that of the quantity being measured.
2. Accuracy of measurement is expressed either as relative error or fractional error or percentage error.

Sampie Probiem The refractive index of water is found to have the values 1-29, 1-33, 134,
1-35, 1:32, 1-36, 1:30 and 1:33. Calculate the mean value, absolute error, the relative error and the
percentage error.

Sol. Here, mean value of refractive index,

1-29+133+1-34+135+132+ 136+1-30 +133
8 s
H= 13275 =1:33 (rounded off to two places of decimal).
Absolute errors in measurment are:
Au = 1:33 =0-04
1-29 Au= 1:33 1-33 = 000 Aug 133 - 1-34 = -0-01
Au = 1:33- 1-35 = 002 - Als= 1-33 - 1:32 = + 0-01 AG 1-33 -
Auy = 1:33 1-30 = +0-03
- Aug 1:33 - 1-33 0-00.
Mean absolute error, Amean

= 0-0175 0-02
Relative error = tme =t0-02
= 0-015 =+002

Percentage error =+0-015 x 100 = t 1-5%


As is known, the result of an experiment is calculated by performing mathematical operations (like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to some power etc.) on several measurements, which
have different degrees of accuracy. To calculate the net error in the result, we should study how errors propagate
in different mathematical operations. We discuss below the propagation of errors in the five difierent
mathematical operations
Suppose X=a+b .(22)
Let Aa= absolute error in measurement of a, Ab absolute error in measurement of b
Ax= absolute error in calculation of x, i.e., sum of a and b.
from (22), x Ar (at Aa) +(bt Ab) = (a + b) t Aat Ab =xtAa tAb or t Ar =tAatAb
t Ab)
The four possible values of Ar are (+ Aa +Ab); (+ Aa Ab); (- Aa + Ab); (-Aa-

Therefore, the maximum absolute error in xis Ax=t(Aa + Ab)

absolute errors
Hence, maximum absolute error in sunm of the two quantities is equal to sum of the
in the individual quantities.
Let X=a-b
a, Ab= absolute error in the measurement of b
Let Aa = absolute error in the measurement of
Ax = absolute error in calculation of x, i.e., the difference of a
and b.

From (5), xtar=(at Aa) - (bt Ab)= at Aa-b t Ab = (a -b) t

Aa T 4

xtAr=xt Aa Ab or - tAr= tAa t Ab

The four possible values of Ar are (+ Aa Ab) ;(+
Aa + Ab); (- Aa Ab) and (-Aa+ Ab).

Therefore, the maximum absolute error in x is Ar =t
(Aa + Ab)

in difference of two quantities is equal to sum of

the absolute errors in
absolute error
i.e., maximum
the individual quantities.
are (1:3 t 7-1) uF and
.fIstsample Problem In an experiment, two capacities measured
in parallel with percentage error.
(24 +0-2) pE Calculate the total capacity
(2-4 +0.2) E
Sol. Here, C = (1:3 0-1) uF and C2 =
+ C2 = 13 + 2.4 3:7 uE, AC, = t(AC +AC,)
=+ (0-1 +0:2) = +0.3
parallel, C =C
oage error +x100 = t81%

Hence, C, = (3-7 + 0:3) pF 37 uF +8-1%
lengths of two cylinders are measured to bel=(5-62 +0-01)
cm and
Sampie Problem The
l= (4:34 0-02) cm. Calculate difference in lengths with error
Sol. Here, = (5-62 +0-01) cm, h= 4:34 0-02) =
= (A+Al,) =+ (0-01 +0-02) t0-03
-l2 = 562-4.34
l=l 128 cm., A t
Percentage error = 100
0-03) cm = 1-28 cm 234%
Hence, difference in lengths = (1-28
Let X=axb
Pradeep Fundamental Physics
Let Aa = absolute error in the measurement of a, Ab =
absolute error in the measurement of b
Ar= absolute error in calculation of x, i.e., the product of a and b
From (24), (xt Ar) = (at Aa) x (b t Ab)
ab 14 ,A Aa Ab

Ab Aa Ab
of 1+=1+aa or
Aa Ab
a b
both, are small, their product is still smaller and can be neglected.

Four possible values of area. Aa Ab

Hence, maximum possible value of

Hence, maximum fractional error or relative error in

product of quantities is equal to sum of the
frac nal or relative errors in the individual quantities.

Suppose Aa absolute error in the measurement of a, Ab = absolute error in the measurement b
Ar= absolute error in the calculation of division of a and b
from (25). xtAr=
a (1tAala)
or 1+=
As <1, therefore expanding Binomially, we get


and ,both are small, therefore their product
(E) may be taken as negligibly

from (26), +-+


hs 2143
Therefore, the maximum value of

Hence, the maximum value offractional or

relative error in division of quantities is equal to sum o
the fractional or relative errors in the individual quantities.
x = d'/b" = a" bm
Suppose Aa = absolute error in the 27)
measurement of a, Ab = absolute
Ar = absolute error in calculation x error in the measurement or 0,
Differentiating (27) w.r.t. to independent
variables, we have

Ar= (n a- Aa) b" +a"(-m brm-1 Ab)= |nAa mab=mamo Ar_nAa mab
b La b La o b
Fractional error or relative error in x is Aa mAb
a b

Therefore, maximum fractional error in x is

It follows from (28) that, fractional error or relative
error in a quantity raised to power (n) is n times
the fractional or relative error in the individual quantity.
As the error multiplies n times, therefore, in any formula, the quantity with
maximum power should be
measured with highest degree of accuracy, i.e., with least error.

In general, suppose X ="

i.e., maximum relative error or percentage error in X = (l times the relative error or
percentage error in a)
+(m times the relative error or percentage error in b) + (n times the relative error or percentage error in c).
If a quantity appears with a power less than one in an expression, then its contribution to error in the
final result is reduced.
Sample Problem The length and breadth of a rectangular lamina are measured to be (2:3
+02) cm and (1-6 0-1) em. Calculate area of the lamina with error limits.
Sol. Here, I= (2:3 0-2) cm and b=(16+0-1) cm, A =lxb=2:3 x 16 3-68 cm2


AA xA =+x3-68 =
+055 A = (3-68 0-55) cm
3-68 3-68

Calculate percentage error in the determination of g = 4 U?, when

Sample Problem T*

and are measured with + 2% and t 3% errors respectively.

Sol. Here, g= 4
/2 x100= x100+2x100=+(2#2x3)% =t 8


interchangeably, but they have specific meanings
The two terms : accuracy and precision are often used
Let us distinguish between them.
2/44 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOLN

The aceurary of a measurement is a measure of how close the measured value is to the truel
value of the quantity.
Precision tells us to what resolution orlimit, the quantity ismeasuredby a measuring instrument
Thus, precision describes the limitation of the measuring instrument.
Infact, precrision is determined by the least count of the measuring instrument. Smaler the least
count, greater is the precision.
For example, least count of a vernicr calliper is often 0-01 cm and least count of a screw gauge or
spherometer is often O-001 cm. Thercfore, measurcment of small length using a screw gauge or a spherometer
will be more precise than the same measurement using a vernier calliper. Similarly, a screw gauge or spherometer
with least count = 0-0005 cm will be more precise than the one with least count = 0-001 cm.
Theaccuracy in measurement may depend on several factors like personal errors; imperfection in
technique/procedure ; instrumental errors and errors due to external causes, random errors and so on.
Poor accuracy involves errors that can often be corrected. As we reduce the errors, measurement's accuracy
Further, accuracy ofmeasurement shall also depend upon the resolution ofthe measuring instrument
For example, suppose the true value of a certain length is near 3-678 cm. In one experiment, using a
measuring instrument of resolution 0-1 cm, the measured value is found to be 3-5 cm. In another experiment,
using a measuring instrument of greater resolution, say 0-01 cm, the length is found to be 3.38 cm. We find
that the first measurement is more accurate as it is closer to the true value, but it has lesser precision
(because its resolution is only 0-1 cm). On the contrary, the second measurement is less accurate, but it is
more precise.

Give some analogy to differentiate between accuracy and precision.
Ans. A good analogy to differentiate between
accuracy and precision is the target analogy. FIGURE 2.17
Fig. 2.17. shows three targets on a chalkboard
screen. The dots represent bullet holes in the
target. Target (a) shows good accuracy and
poorprecision. Target (b) shows good precision
and poor accuracy. Target (c) represents good
accuracy and good precision.


We have studied above that every measurement
involves some errors. Therefore, it is reasonable to
report the result of any measurement in such a way that it indicates the
accuracy and precision of measurement.
Normally, the degree of accuracy or precision is shown by
the number of digits upto which the
measurement is recorded.
For example : suppose the length of an object is 12-4 cm. It shows that
the measurement has been made
to the nearest of (1/10)th of a centimetre. It also means that
the length lies between 12.35 cm and 12-45
It means the digits and 2 are absolutely correct but digit is
1 cm.
4 only approximately correct.
Again, if the length recorded is 12-47 cmn, it shows that
measurement has been made correctly upto
th of a cm. In this case, thedigits 1,2,4 are.cliable
but the digit 7 is uncertain. The reported result of
measurement in this case has four significant digits
(1,2, 4, 7) out of which three are reliable (1, 2,4)
last digit 7 is uncertain. Hence, and the
The digits beyond the significant digits reported in any result are
superfluous. 0-
The digits that are known reliably plus the
first uncertain digit are known
or significant figures. as significant digits
Normally, larger the number
of significant figures in a measurement,
e easurement, ana vIce-versa. For example, suppose thickness
higher is the accuraCy o
olliner is 0.23 cnm. When the same thickness of a glass slide measured using a vernier
is measured using a
f 0:237
cm. spherometer, we may obtain
Ifwe take last digit to be unreliable, then maximum error in t =0-23 cm
is 0-01 cm. Percentage error
in this observation
X100 4:34%. Similarly, in the second observation, t =0-237 cm, max. error is

0-001 cm.

Percentage error in second observation 00

x100 = 0-422%
Clearly, 2nd observation is more precise than
the first observation. This proves the point.
Thus stating the result of measurement that includes
misleading as it would give a wrong idea about more digits than the significant digits is
the precision of measurement.
Following are some of the common rules for counting
significant figures in a reported measurement:
Rule 1. All non zero digits are significant.
For example: x = 1234 has four significant figures. Again x
= 189 has only three significant
Rule 2. All zeros occurring inbetween two non zero digits digits.
are significant no matter where the decimal
point is,ifat all.
For example : x= 1007 has four significant figures. Again =
x 1-0809 has five significant figures.
Rule 3. If the number is less than one, the zero(s) on the right
non-zero digit are not significant.
of decimal point and to the left of first

For example in 0-005704, the underlined zeros are not significant.

The zero between 7 and 4 is
significant. The number of significant figures is 4.
Rule 4. In a number without a decimal point, the terminal or trailing zeros
are not significant.
For example, x = 3210 metre has three significant figures, the trailing zero being
not significant.
Rule 5. However, in a number with decimal point, the trailing zeros are significant.
For example.
x= 3-500 has four significant figures. Similarly, x = 0-0069000 has five significant figures.
The underlined
zeros are not significant as per Rule 3.
Rule 6. Change of units does not change the number of significant figures in a
For example, the length x = 5-608 cm has four significant digits. In different units,
the same length can
be written as r 56-08 mm, x =0-05608 m;x=000005608 km;x=56080 um. All these numbers
same number of significant figures, namely four, the digits 5, 6, 0 and 8. This have the
shows that the location
detimal point is of no consequence in determining the number of significant figures of
Rule 7. The digit 0 conventionally, put on the left ofa decimal for a number less than I
is never
For example, 0-3570 has four significant digits. The underlined zero is not significant.
Rule8.The multiplying or dividingfactors, which are neither rounded numbers nor numbers
measured values, are exact. They have infinite number ofsignificant digits, as per the situation.
For example
in radius () = C and circumference, s = 2 Tr, the factor 2 is an exact number. It can be
2 written as
2-0, 2-00 or 2-000 as required.
2/46 Pradeep s undanentil Puysiek (XiyZRI
Note. Rcfcrring to Rules 4, 5 and 6, there can he some 00nlusion Tearding tde tomuunl
Suppose a mcasured lengtlh is reportcd as = 4:700 1m. Clearly, the ze1o% e nant to convey tle
precision of measuremcnt and are therefore significant, As such, thee aneJour signilient liguos
Let us now change the units. We can rewrite the sane legth as = (0-4004700 Km.= 4700 cm
X= 4700 mm.
As per Rule 4, we would erroneously conclude that a = 4700 mm has two signilicant «igits. The lacts
that x = 4700 mm has four significant figures and a mere change of units canol change te unet of
significant figures (Rule 6).
To remove such ambiguities in determining the number of significant digits, the hest way is to repor
every measurement in scientific notation (i.e., in power of 10, often pulting lhe decimal poinl after thefi
digit). The confusion mentioned above disappears
x= 4:700 m =4:700 x 10 cm = 4-700 x 10 mm = 4-700 x 10 k *

In each case, the number ofsignificant figures is 4, as the power of 10 is irrelevant to the determiation
of significant figures.
The result of computation with approximate numbers, which contain more than onc uncertain digit
should be rounded off.
While rounding off measurements, we use the following rules by convention
Rule 1. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then the preceding digit is left unchaged. For example,
x 7-82 is rounded offto 7-8. Again, x = 3:94 is rounded off to 3.9.
Rule 2.1fthe digit to be dropped is more than 5, then the preceding digit is raised by one. For exanple;
x= 6-87 is rounded off to 6-9. Again, x = 12-78 is rounded off to 128.
Rule 3. If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digits other than zero, then the preceding digit is
raised by one.
For example, x = 16:351 is rounded off to 16-4. Again x = 6-758 is rounded off to 6-8.
Rule 4. If the digit to be dropped is 5 or S followed by zeros, then the preceding digit is lefi unchunged,
ifit is even.
For example, x = 3.250 becomes 3.2 on rounding off, Again x = 12-650 becomes 12-6 on rounding
Rule 5. 1f the digit to be dropped is 5 or 5folowed by zeros, then the preceding digit is raised by one,
ifit is odd.
For example, x = 3-750 is rounded off to 3-8. Again, x = 16-150 is rounded off to 162.

RETAIN1. For calcula ion, a number known accurately to many significant digits can be rounded
IN off to an approximate value. For example, speed of light in vacuum is c = 2.99792458 x
MEMORY1010 m/s. It is rounded off to c=3 x 10 m/s.
2. The value of t = 3.1415926 is known to a large number of significant figures. However,
in calculations, we may take t = 3-142 or 3-14, as per our requirement.
3. Only the final result should be rounded off using the rules stated here. Intermediate
results should never be rounded off.

Sample Problem Round off the following to two decimal places

(i) 12:3650 (i) 787-5350
Sol. Rounding off to two decimal places as per Rule 4 and Rule 5 stated above, we get
() 12-3650 = 12:36, and () 787-5350 = 787-54


Any result is calculated by compounding
(i.e., adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing) twO ot more
variables, which might have been measured with different
degrees of accuracy. Inaccuracy in the measurenne
of any one vartable atfecls the accuracy of the final result.
Hence, in general, the final result of compounding
any number of variables should not have more significant figures
than the original data from which i w
For example, suppose mass of an object is
measured to be 4:237 g (four significant digits) aund
volume is measured to be 2-51 cm° (three significant figures). 4-237
As density = mass
volume 251
density = 1-68804780876 g/cms
Clearly, it is absurd and irrelevant to
record the calculated value of density to such a precision, wne
the actual measurements on which density is based have
much less precision. To understand this furtner, 1
us consider a gold chain of which all links are strong
except the one. The chain will obviously break at the
weakest link. Thus the strength of the chain
cannot be more than the strength of the weakest link in thne
Therefore, the results of arithmetical operations performed with
measurements cannot be more accurate
than the original measurments themselves.
The following rules for arithmetic operations with significant figures
ensure that the final result of a
calculation is shown with the precision that is consistent with the precision
of the measured values:
In both, addition and subtraction, the final result should retain as many decimal places as are there
in the number with the smallest number of decimal places.
For example, the sum of three measurements oflength; 2:1 m, 1.78 m and 2-046 m is 5.926 m, which
is rounded off to 5.9 m (upto smallest number of decimal places in the three measurements).
Similarly, if x= 12:587 m and y = 12.5 m, then (r y) = 12:587 12.5 = 0-087 m,

which is rounded off to 0-I m, upto smallest number of decimal places iny.
Note that inthe subtractionof quantities of nearly equal magnitudes, accuracy is almost destroyed. For
example, if x= 1287 m andy = 12-86 m, then x-y= 12-87- 1286 = 0-01 m. The differerence has only one
significant figure, whereas x and y have four significant digits each.
To avoid this, we try to measure directly the difference between two nearly equal quantities - instead
of measuring the quantities and calculating their difference.
In multiplication or division, the final result should retain as many significant figures as are there
in the original number with smallest number of significant figures.
For example, supposex = 3.8 and y = 0:125. Therefore,xy = (3.8) (0-125) = 0-475. As least number of
significant figures is 2 (in x = 3-8), therefore, x y = 0:475 = 0-48 is rounded off to two significant figures.
Again, in the example given above, when mass = 4237 g and volume = 2:51 em',
mass 4-237
density= = 1-68804780876 g/cm3 = 1-69 glcm
volume 2-51
Thus, the density is reported to three significant figures only.
Sample Problem Write the results of the following with regard to significant figures.
i) 876 + 0-4382 (ii) 8-0- 0-42
Sol. Here, () 876 + 04382 = 876-4382 = 876
rounded off to no decimal point.
As there is no decimal point in 876 therefore, result of addition has been
to one place of decimal, as in 8-0.
(i) 8-0-0-42 7.58 = 7:6, rounded off
Pradeep o Fundamental Physics
Samplo Problom 2 Compute the following with regard to significant figuresuT15 7A8
0-9995x 1-53
(i)46 x 0128 (ii)
Sol. Here, () 46 x 0-128 0-5888 = 0-59
The result has been rounded off to have two significant digits (as in 4-6)
0-9995x 1-53
(i) = 0-96057 = 0-961
The result has been rounded off to three significant digits (as in 1-53).

The permissible error is the error which arises on account of limitations on the measuring
abilities of various instruments used in an experiment.

This eror persists even when we carefully avoid gross errors and select the most accurate instruments
for measurement.
For example, suppose length of an object is measured with a metre rod with least count equal to
0-1 cm.If the measured length is 62-5 cm., it has to be recorded as (62:5 =0-1) cm, stating the limits oferror.
Similarly, suppose time period of a pendulum is measured to be 2-0 sec, using a stop watch of least count
0-1 sec., it has to be recorded as (2-0 #0:1) sec, meaning thereby that time period is in the range of 19 sec.
and 2-1 sec.
Permissible error in a result can be calculated by combining suitably the errors of various instruments
used in a particular set up, as per rules discussed already.
Sample Problom If the errors involved in the measurement of mass and length of one side of
a cube are 4% and 3% respectively. What is the maximum permissible relative error in calculation of
density of material of the cube ?

AM44% Ap
Sol. Here,
and t3%
mass ApAM3AL t 4% +3
As density p=. ( 3%) = t 13%
volume P M
The following examples illustrate the rules for determination of uncertainty/error in arithmetical operations
on the measured quantities
Rule 1. To understand this rule, suppose we use a metre scale to measure length and breadth of a thin
rectangular sheet as 15.4 cm and 10-2 cm respectively. Each measurement has three significant figures and a
precision upto first place of decimal. Therefore, we can write
length, I= (15.4 01) cm = 154 emt x100 % = 15-4 em +0-6%
0-1x100 cm: 1%
Similarly, we can write breadth, b=(10-2 t 0:1) cm = 10-2 cm t| * 10.2
Now, area of the sheet, A = lx b= 15.4 x 102 cm = 157-08 cm
As per rules, percentage error in area = + (06+ 1-0)% =t 16%

We may write, A = 157-08 cm2 1-6% = 157-08cm2 x157-08 cm2 = (15708 2-51 )cm
As per.rule, the final value of a a
ienificant figure, therelore, Can contain only three significant only
contain o
error can contau
we may write final reual Cant figures and crror
the final result as A = (157: 3)
fa ofexperimes
Rule 2. If a set of experimental data cm*.
will is specified to n significant
also be valid
the data
dhe will also vala ton significant
to n significantfigures.
figures ould reduce. For example
significant figures,
figures, result obtained by combinung
a result
if data are subtracted, the number ofsig"
X= 13:7 m and y
= 8.-08 m, both have
Now x-y = 13.7
The result has three significant
8-08 = 5-62 m
three significant figures.

figures, But in addition

any decimal places as are there and subtraction. the final result should retan as
place of decimal, we get *- y = 5.6
in the number with
the least decimal places. Therefore, rounding
o one
Rule 3. 7he relative error of a
value of number specified n significant
but also on the number itself. to figures depends not ony n, o
For example, suppose m =(1-04
Both the measured masses have 0-01) kg and ma = (9.24 0-01) kg
an error or uncertainty of 0-01
The relative error in 1-04 kg is 0-01
= t| x100% =t1%
Similarly, the relative error in
9.24 kg is =t 0-01 x100 £01%
Thus, the relative error depends on the
number itself.
Rule 4. In a multi-step computation, the intermediate
results should be calculated to one more significant
figure in every measurement than the number of digits in
the least precise measurement.

For example, x = 9.58 has three significant digits. Now, reciprocal of x

is = = 0-104, rounded offto
three significant digits. When we take reciprocal of 0-104, we get 9.62, rounded
off to three significant digits.
However,if we calculate = 0-1044, rounded offtofour significant figures (i.e., one more than
x 9.58
the number ofsignificant digits), then 0-1044 rounded offto three significant digits.
Thus, retaining one more extra digit in intermediate steps of complex calculations would avoid additional
errors in the process of rounding off the numbers.

Example How many par sec are there
YPE SIMPLE CONVERSION in one light year ?
Solution. As is known, 1
ly = 9.46 x 10 m
Formulae used and I par sec = 3-1 x 10l m
1AU 1.496 x 10 m
1ly 9-46x10l5
y 9.46 x 10 m = 0-305
I par sec 3-1x10l6
par sec 3.1 x 10" m
= 10- m.; nm= 10 m; ly = 0:305 par sec
1 1

um = 10- m Exomplo 2
The mass of a proton is 1-677
I mm = 10 m, and so on.
x 10-2 kg. How many protons would make 1 gram ?
60 seconds (of arc) = 1 minute (of are) Solution. Here, m, 1-67 x 10-27 kg:
60 minute (of arc)=1 degree (of arc) total mass, m = 1g=10 kg
180° degree (of arc) T radian
2/50 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLIn

. Number of protons m 10-3

kg where n is number of oleic acid drops each of
volume v ; I/500 is concentration of oleie acid in
167x102 kg
alcohol, A is area of oleic acid layer.
5.99 x 1023 Units used,
Example3 Calculate the angle of (a) 1° 1, r, x, R, d in metre; v in m*;t, T in sec.
(degree) (b) 1 (minute of are or arc min) and
(c) 1" (second of arc or arc sec) in radian.
Use 360° = 2 r rad., 1° = 60' and 1'= 60".
Example 5
The moon is observed from
two diametrically opposite points A and B on earth.
NCERT Solved Example
The angle 0 subtended at the moon by the two
directions of observation is 1° 54'. Given the
Solution. (a) 1°= rad= rad diameter of earth to be about 1:276 x 10' m,
360 180
calculate the distance of moon from earth.
rad = 1746 x 10-2 rad NCERT Solvod Examplo
Solution. Here, 0 54' = 114' = 114 x 60"
= 1°
(b) 1 arc min = 1' =
=xd 60 180 As 1" 485 x 10- radian,
2-91 x 10 rad .. = 114 x 60 x 4-85 x 10-0 rad
3:32 x 102 rad
(c) 1 arc sec = 1"= Diameter of earth, I = 1-276 x 10 m,
earth-moon distance, r = ?
rad=485 x 10- rad As l= r6
60x60 180
Example4 Calculate the number oflight I_ 3-84 x 108 m
years in one kilometer. 3-32x10-2
Solution. As is known, Example 6
The sun's angular diameter
ly = 9.46x 1013 m is measured to be 1920". The distance of the sun
9-46 x 1012km from the earth is 1-496 x 10 m. What is the
diameter of the sun ?
lkm =
9-46x1012 y NCERT Solved Example

km 1-057 x 10-15ly
Solution. Here, 0 = 1920"
60x60 180
r= 1496 x 10 m, l= ?
Formulae used As l=r6
1. Order of magnitude of a quantity is the power
of 10, which gives us a value nearest to the l=1496 x10!1x 1920
actual value. 60x60 180
= 1:39 x 10 m
2. Angular diameter, 0 =-
Example 7 The distance of the sun from
3. Echo Method: x +x=U X earth is 1-496x 10"
m. If the angular diameter of
4. Keplar's Law: 72 R3 the sun is 2000", find the diameter of the sun.
5. Size of molecule of oleic acid, Solution. Here, r = 1.496 x 101! mn
nv nu 2000 rad,
d 500 A

500 7R
60x60 180
D= ?
apsn 2/51
Refer to Fig,
lo dou 9d
aibio oislo
l FIGURE 2.18
s AC100 = 119 m
Example 9 The shadow ofa tower standing
on a level plane is found to be 50 m longer when
sun's altitude is 30° than when it is 60°. Find the
height of tower.
Solution. In Fig. 2.20.

9 Sun

Now, D =r0
= 1-496x10!1y 2000 TT

60x60 180
D=1:45 x 10 m
Example 8
A man wishes to estimate the Tower
distance of a nearby tower from him. He stands
at a point A in front of the tower C and spots a
O 3o
ery distant object O in line with AC. He
walks perpendicular to AC upto B, a distance of

100 m and looks at O and C again. Since O is

distant, the direction of BO is practically the same cot30°=B and cot 60°=AB
as A0, but he finds the line of sight of C shifted h h
from the original line of sight by an angle 6 = 40° OA
cot 30°- cot 60° OB-AB 50
(0 is known as parallax). Estimate the distance of
the tower C from his original position A.
NCERT Solved Example
9t Solution. As is clear from Fig. 2.19, parallax
angle, = 40°, AB = 100 m, AC=? 503
h= 43:3 m
Example 10 Suppose there existed a
Object planet that went around the sun twice as fast as
O the earth. What would be its orbital size ?
Solution. Here, 7, =T R,=?, R, =1A.U.
From Keplar's Law:

R,=(0-5)25 R, = 0-63 A.U

m Example1] A drop of olive oil of
o 100 0-25 mm spreads into a circular film of radius 10
cm on the water surface. Estimate the size of
In A ABC, tan 64A8 molecule of oleic acid.
Solution. Here, r= 0-25 mm = 025 x 10-3 m
AB 100 =
R= 10 cm 10- mn
tan 6 tan 40°
2/52 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
volume of oil drop Solution. Here, t = 2x 107/ ns = 2x 10-16s
Thickness of oil film = years =
area of the film t2=4x 10 4x 10° x 3x 107
= 1-2x 101s
T 4 4 (025x10 Let the time interval t be half way between t,
TR 3 R 3 (10-12 and t2 on logarithmic scale.

2-08 x 10 m +logtal
If we assume the oil film to be one molecule log=log
thick, then size of molecule of oleic acid
2-08 x 10 m log 10-l6 +log 107


=-16+ 17) = 0-5 s 1

Formula used. Fractional error t 10 s

Difference in time This is the time taken by an athlete to runa
time interval 100 metre track.
Unit used. Time is measured in sec. TYPE MAGNIFICATION
Example 12 Age of the universe is about
101 years whereas the mankind has existed for
Formulae used.
10 years. How many seconds would the man have size of image
existed if age of universe were one day. 1. Linear magnification =
size of object
Solution. Here,
2. Linear magnification Areal magnification
Age of mankind 10 yrs =

Units used. Size of image & size of object must

Age of universe 10 yrs 1 day
have same units.
= 10 day = 104 x 86400 s = 8-64 s Magnification has no unitsS.
Example 18 Two atomic clocks allowed to
run for average life of an Indian (say, 70 years) Example l5
A 35 mm wide slide with
differ by 0-2 s only. Calculate the accuracy of 24 mm x 36 mm picture is projected on a screen
standard atomic clock in measuringa time interval
nterva placed 12 cm from the slide. The image of the slide
of 1 sec.
picture on the screen measures 1-0 m x
Solution. Time interval = 70 yrs 1-5 m. What is the linear magnification of the
(70 x 365+ 17) days (17 additional days arrangement ?
are on account of 17 leap years during 70 yrs). Solution. Area of object = 24 mm x 36 mm
25567 days =25567 x 24 x 60 x 60 sec. 24 x 36 x 10-6 m2
Difference = 0:2 s Area of image = 1-0 mx 1:5 m = 1:5 m
fractional error = 15m2
25567 x 24x60x 60 Areal magnificatuion
= 9.04 x 10-1110-10 24x36x10-6
Hence, accuracy shown by atomic clock is = 1736
10-0s in 1sor 1 s in 100 s Linear magnification = V1736 = 41-77
Example14 The mean life of an Example 16 If the size of a nucleus
elementary particle pion is 2 x10 ns. The age of (10-15 m) is scaled up to the tip of a sharp pin
the universe is about 4 x 10 years. Identify a 10 m), what roughly is the size of an atom?
physically meaning time that is approximately half
NCERT Solved Example
way between these two on a logarithmic scale.

Solution. Magnification size

= of tip of pin 60J 60 1 watt
Solution. Here, P =
size of nucleus min 60s
power [MLT]
05 10-15101o Tt

is the SI unit of
b=2, c= -3
system, w
As actual size of atom 10-0 mn For converting SI system to new
and it is magnified 100 times, write
=1 kg,L = 1 m, T = 1 s,n1 =1 watt
Apparent size of atom = 10-10 x 1010 M
= 1 min, n2=
M2 = 100 g, L2= 100 em, T2
= 100=1 m
n M,
Formulae used. (1kg 1s 3
100g Imin
n2 M2 100 cm

Units used. Every quantity must be expressed in its

absolute units only.
=1 x 10x 1x 60 10 x60
2-16 x 10 units
Example 1Convert an energy of one Example 19If the unit of force, energy
find the
joule into ergs. (HP Board 2009) and velocity are 20 N, 200 J and 5 m/s,
Solution. One joule is absolute unit of energy units of mass, length and time.
energy on Solution. Here, F = MLTZ = 20 N
on mks system and erg is absolute unit of
cgs system. E=ML T2=200 J
The dimensional formula of energy
is v LT =5 m/s
[MLT. Therefore, = 1, b=2, c=system,
a -2
we E MLPT-2 200
or L=10 m
For converting mnks system to cgs
M =1 k8 M= 1g F MLTZ 20
write 10
L = 1 m, L=1 cm From (iil), 10 7-l = 5 or T ==2s
71=1s, T2 =1s
9 ergs) = ? From (), M (10) (2)2 = 20,
n = 1 (joule) n (no. of


EJEJ M= 10

called star units, 1 kg* = 10 kg;1m*=1

1 s* = 1
system ?

20 In a new system of units

km and
minute, what will be the value of J of

energy in the new

energy. [M'LT-2]
Solution. Joule is a unit of
(10 cm x1
1cm (lm)2 1000
1g 1J=kg (1s)2
= 107 (1. s*
103 x 104 ergs
Hence, 1 joule = 107 kg* m*2 s*-2
ig value of 60 J per
min = 3-6 x 10*
Example 18 Find the
100 g, 100 cm and 1
min. as 3-6 x 104J*
On a system that has
the base units.
2/54 Pradeep 's Fundanmental Physics (XI)
RHS=mg/ M (LT)L
Formulae used. Principle of homogeneity of 4 bd'y (L)MP)(ML'T*)
dim-nsions, i.e.. checking if the powers of M, L, T
on either side of the equation are equal. Formula is = [M°L'r°j
Wrong when dimensions of even one of As dimensions on both sides are same, the given
M. L and T fail to match. relation is correct.

Examplo 21 Out of the formulae y =a sin

Example 24 Check the correctness of the
2 TUT andy =a sin vt for the displacement y of
particle undergoing a periodic motion, rule out
relation, S,th +(2n-1), where u is initial
the wrong formula on the basis of dimensions. velocity, a is acceleration and S,th is the distance
Symbols have standard meaning. CBSE 2009) travellled by the body in nth second.
Solution. The given relation is
Solution. () y=
LHS =y= [L]:
= 2 Ttt Writing the dimensions on either side, we get
RHS asin = Lsin =[L]
T distance
As dimensions on both sides are same, this
formula is correct.
(7) y= a sin v t
LHS = = [L): R.H.S. = u +(2n-1) = LT=+LT (T)
RHS = a sin vi = L sin (LT .T) = L sin L
LT= LT-1

As angle has to be dimensionless, this formula
is wrong [M®L'T-l).
As LHS RHS, dimensionally
Example 22 Time period of an oscillating
drop of radius r, density p and surface tension S is
. Formula is correct.
Example 25 The SI unit of energy is J
kg m s*, that of speed v is ms and of
K. Check the correctness of this acceleration a is ms<. Which of the formulae for
relation. (HP Board 2004)
kinetic energy (K) given below can you rule out
Solution. LHS = on the basis of dimensional arguments (m stands
I = [T]
for the mass of the body).
IM'9T-2 =(7] Y
(a) K=m (b) K= mu' (c) K= ma
As dimensions on both sides are same, the 3
relation is correct. d) K mu' (e) K =mv' +ma
Examplo 28 By the method of dimensions, NCERT Solved Example

test the accuracy of the equation: 8S= gt3

ng Solution. (a) K= m2v3 = (kg)* (ms-13
where is depression in the middle of a bar
= kg> m's3
of length ,
breadth b, depth d, when it is loaded in
the middle with mass m. Y is Young's modulus of
(b) K=mu (ms-l) = kg m*s2
= kg

material of the bar. (c) K=ma = kg (ms)= kg ms2

Solution. The given relation is 8 =g g3 (d) K=
4hd3 y
= kg (ms-l)= kg m2s-2

mu + ma = kg (ms-l + velocity of light in

(e kg (ms") Solution. H=
velocity of light in medium
= kg
parts having different dimensions = dimensionless
The [wo
cannot be
therefore. A must be
Clearly. on the basis of dimensionalaguments
arerruled out. Choices (b) and (d) are
As A+
(a). (c)ande) a {L']
correct. The dimensional argument does not
dimensionless, and B = 2=
listinguish between (b) and (d). From actual Examplo28 Find the dimensions of a/b in
erivation in unit 4, we shall find that choice (b) is the relation
correct. pressure,r is distance
+br, where P is
Examplo 26 Find the dimensions of the
and tis time.
Solution. As ar = P,

quantity q fromtheexpression: T 27.

5Y -P-MLT = [ML-2T1

where Tis time period of a bar of length

, mass m

and Young's modulus

Y. Again, as br= P,

Solution. The given expression is P

5Y a MLT=|M®r'T)
Squaring both sides. we get bML'T
=4T?mlq Example 29 In Vander Wall's equation
T 5Y

(V-b) RT,
4T ml3 what are the dimensions of a and b ? Here, P is
pressure, V is volume, T is temperature and R is
MIT-r gas constant. CBSE 2014)
MI Solution. The given equation is
q= |M"L
P+ -b) = RT
DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS CANNOT As pressure can be added only to pressure
VI ADDED OR SUBTRACTED therefore, alVé represents pressure P
Formulae used. The dimensions of M. L. Ton
individually: ie., ie.,
side ofany relation must be equal
dimensions must -1 T-2) (L3)2
the principle of homogeneity of or a = PV = (ML
be obeyed.
must have the
Furher, the quantities added together subtracted Again, from volume V, we can subtract only the
Same dimensions. And the volume. Therefore, b must be
representing volume
have the same [M°L3T°
Irom one another must also only ie.. b = V= [L']
Exampie B0 Find the dimensions of ab in
index 4 of a
Examplo 27 The refractive
wavelength 7 as
medium is found to vary with the relation P- where r is distance, t is

dimensions of A and B ? time and P is

What arethe
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)
Solution. P=*bt iltosmOo79 TYPE

== [L
Formula used.
Principle of homogeneity of dimensions.
Again. b=-Pxt (ML-T-2)xT Example 3
The period of revolution (7
[M-lL3 7r) of a planet around the sun depends upon () radius
r)of obit (it) mass M of the sun and (iü) gravi.
tational constant G. Prove that T oe
b (M-lLr!) Solution. Let T= K#MG* )
where K is dimensionless constant of
[M'L-lT- proportionality.
Example B] Findthe dimensions of Writing the dimensions in (i), we get
C MOLT = L" M (M-lLŠT2)
in the relation y = 4 sin at + 3 cos bt ct, where t is
M°La+3c T-2c
time and y is distance. Applying the principle of homogeneity of
Solution. The given relation is dimensions, we get
y=4 sin at + 3 cos bt - ct b-c=0; b=c=-1/2
a+ 3c 0; a =-3c = 3/2
-2e=1; c=-
Here, at=, a

From (i) T= Kr32 M-1/2 G-1/2

bt=0, b= -T] Toc r3I2 or T2oc
Example 34 The frequency of vibration
(v) of a string may depend upon length () of the
CXt=y, c=i==[LT-') string, tension (7) in the string and mass per unit
length (m) of the string. Using the method of
axbITIT)- [L1T-) dimensions, derive the formula for v.
c [LT Solution. Let v = K# T mE ..)
where K is dimensionless constant of
Example B2 Find the dimensions of proportionality and a, b, c are the dimensions of 1, T
axb and m respectively to represent v.
The tension Tstands for force whose dimensions
in the relation:y = a cos ot +b xt -cvt, wherey
is displacement,t is time and ois angular velocity.
are [M'LT2]
Solution. Here, y = a cos wt + bx t -cvt
and m-emass
As cos o is a number, a = y = L Writing the dimensions in (i), we get 194
[M LT-]=L" (M' L'T°
= L M LbT-2 McL-* 3
bxt=y, b=2==[LT-
[M L T-lj= Mb*° La +b-c7-2b
Applying the principle of homogeneity of
dimensions, we get
b+c 0
c LT-1/2 a+b-c=0
axb L(LT-1) * =LlT -2 b=- 1 or

where K is dimensionless constant o

from (i), c=-b=- proportionality.
Writing the dimensions in (i), we get
from (ii), a+ IML'rOj = (MI2 T-2" (MI.Tr2"
MM"+b12u h y 24 2h

=0 Applying the principle of homogeneily of

at+ or a =-1
dimensions, we gel
Putting these values in (i), we get a+h (0 ..ii)
2 a-b= ...(iii)
-KI-lT/2 m or
V=7m - 2 a - 2 b=0 ..(iv)
Add (ii) and (iii) : 3 a= 1, a = 1/3
This is the required formula.
Example B5 The period of vibration of a From (ii), b=-a =
tuning fork depends on length () of its prongs,
density (d) and Young's modulus (Y) of its material.
Determine an expression for period of vibration From (). x=K
using the method of dimensions.
Solution. Let T=K 1" d ye .) 1/3
where K is dimensionless constant.
[M LOT=L"[ML-3* [ML-\ T-21°
Mb+C La-36-¢ T-2c
Applying the principle of homogeneity of ERRORS IN SUM AND D1FFERENCE
dimensions, we get
b+c= 0 .i) Formulae used.
a-3bc=0 ii) 1. Mean absolute error,

-2c=1, c Aamean 1a,


From (ii), b=-c: 2. Fractional error or Relative error,

mean absolute error mean
From(iii), a =3b+c -=1
=- true value

Putting these values in (i), we get Aam

3. Percentage error, 8a = tmean x 100%
T Kl d2 y-1/2 = K1 yáiy 4. When x=a+b, Ar=t (Aa + Ab)
Example B6 The depth x to which a bullet 5. When x =a b, -
Ar t (Aa + Ab)
penetrates a human body depends on (i) coefficient Units used. Mean absolute error has the units of
of elasticity, n and (ii) KE (E, of the bullet. By the quantity itself. Fractional error or relative error
the method of dimensions, show that has no units.

Example B7 We measure the period of

oscillation of a simple pendulum. In successive
measurements, the readings turn out to be 2-63 s,
Solution. Let x e Ef no, 2-56 s, 2-42 s, 2:71 s and 2-80 s. Calculate the
R where a, b are the dimensions absolute errors, relative error and percentage
x= K Eg n error. NCERT Seived Example
2/58 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)voLh
Solution. The observed/measured values of time
period are
191Example 39 Suppose we use a physical
balance to measure the mass of an object and
2-63 s, i ==2:56 s, =2.42s, find
the mean value of our observation to be 156-28 g
42.71 s, ts 2-80Ds Represent this result correctly.
The mean period of oscillation of the pendulum NCERT Solvod Example
2-63+2.56+2.42+2-71+2-80 Solution. If least count of physical balance is
-sec 0-1 g, the mass measured will be correctly
as (1563 t0-1) gram
13-12 2-624s
5 Example 40 In an experiment to measure
focal length of a concave mirror, the values of focal
As the periods are measured to a resolution of
0-01 s, all time periods are given to the second
length in successive observations are 17-3 cm, 178
cm, 18.3 cm, 18-2 cm, 17.9 cm and 18-0 cm.
decimal place. Therefore, it is proper to put this mean Calculate mean absolute error and percentage
time period also to the second decimal place. error. Express the result in a proper way.
m 2-62s Solution. Mean value of focal length
The absolute errors in the measurement are; 17.3 +17-8+183+18-2 +179 +180
m-2-62-2-63 - 0-01 s
m-22-62-2-56= 0-06 s
m-3 2-62- 2.42= 0-20 s f = = 17.91
m-42-62 2.71 = - 0-09 s
= 179 cm (rounding off to one place)
m-52-62 2-80 = - 0-18 s
Mean absolute error Absolute errors in different measurement
0-01+0-06+0-20+ 0-09+0-18 f= 17.9 -17.3 0-6 cm
Aean 5
Sec Af = 17-9 17-8 = 0-1 cm -

43 17.9 18-3 = - 0.4 cm


0-11s Afa 17:9 18-2 =
Afs = 17.9 17.9 = -
0-3 cm
0-0 cm

The period of simple pendulum is

Af 17-9- 18-0 = 0-1 cm -
t= (2-62 0-11) s
ie., lies between (2-62 +0-11) s Mean absolute error =E(Af)
and (2-62-0-11) s or between 2.73 s and 2.51 s.
The relative error, öa =
t =t0-041 6
= 0-25 cm. 119
The percentage error, ôax 100
= t0041 x 100 = t 41% Percentage error =x100
= 14%
Example B8 The temperatures of two Result: f 17:9 cm +14%
bodies measured by a thermometer are
:t = 20°C
0-5°C and t, = 50°C 0:5°C. Calculate the
Example 4 The temperatures of two
temperature difference and the error there in. bodies measured by athermometer are:1=40°C
0-2°C and t, = 50°C + 0-5°C. Calculate the
NCERT Solved Examplo temperature difference and the error there in.
Solution. Here, +0.5°C
20°C (CBSE 2012)
250°C+0-5°C Solution. Here, = 40°C + 0-2°C;
Temperature difference, 2=50°C +0.5°C
t=2-1= 50° - 20°=
30°C 2-1 50°C -40°C = 10°C
Max. error in difference, At = t (At1 +Ar,) Error + (At + Atz) = * (0.2°C +0-5°C)
= (05+ 0-5) =t 1°C
. Tempera* "re difference =
(30+1°C . Result= Temp. diff.0-7°C
10°C +0-7°C =

ple 42
iExampie 42 The refractive index of water TYPE UpRöPAthrioni of ERRORSAND

measured by the relation
ured b real depth/ = MULTIPLICATION, DIVISION
depth was;found to have values 1-29, RAISING TO SOME POWER
appirent 1:35, 1-32, 1:36, 1:30, 1:33. Calculate
1:33, 1-34, Formulae used.
value of (i) mean value of absolute error
(i) mean
(ii) relative
error (iv) percentage error. = a xb,
Solution. Mean value of u

129+1-33+1:34+1-35+1:32 +136+1-30+1-33 2. If x=

10-6 1327 1-33

3.Ifx=d', =¢n
8 Units used. Fractional errors have no units
= 1:33 1-29 = 0-04
A = 1:33

44 The length and breadth of a

A 1-33= 0-00 Example
A 1:33 1-34
= - 0-01 rectangle are (57 t 0-1) cm and (3-4 t 0-2) cm.
H= Caleulate area of the rectangle with error limits.
A P4 1:33 - 1-35 = -0-02 =
A us = 1:33 - 1-32 = 0-01
Solution. Here, l
(5-7t0:1) cm,
- 0-03 b= (3.4 t0:2) cm
= 1:33 - 1-36 =
1-30 =0-03
Area A = lxb=5.7x 3.4 = 19.38
AHy=1-33 -
= 19.0 cm
A Hg = 1:33 1-33 = 0-00 (rounding off to two significant figures)

19-0-023 = 0-02 0-34+114

Relative error =
mean 0 0-015
mean 133 -48
Percentage error = 0-015 x 100% = 1:5%
Example 3 If = (10-0 + 0-1) cm and AA =t XA =t x19.38 = +1-48
19-38 19.38
l = (9-0 t0:1) cm find their sum, difference and AA =t15
error in each. (rounding off to two significant figures)
Solution. Here, l = (10-0 +0-1) cm; (19-0 + 15) sq.em
(9-0 * 0-1) =cm cm
10-0+9-0 19-0 Example 45 The resistance R = VII, where
+l= =
V= (100 +5) V and I
= (10
+ 0-2) A. Find the
0A+lh) = Al +Al 0-1+01 0-2 cm
percentage error in R.
NCERT Solved Example
s Percentage error = x100=

Hence (+lh)= (19:0 +02) cm; error

*1% Solution. Here, V= (100 +5) V,

I= (10 +0-2) A
Again, 10-0-9.0 = 1-0 cm
-h= =
A (-1) =Al +Alh = 0-1 +0-1 02 cm R =10ohm
= 20%
Percentage error =x100%

(10+02) cm; error +20%

= Now
Hence (-2)=
Pradeep' Fundamental Physics

Solution. Here, X =

= +7%%

Example 46 Find the relative error

in Z if
x100=t| 24+3 Ac 1 Ad

CD3/2 =t 2x4% +3x39%+296+x1%
NCERT Solved Example
Solution. Here, ABI3
Exampie 9 A physical quantity Q is given
As per rule,
by 44B3/2 ne percentage error in A, B.
c4 ni/2
C and D are 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively,
Example what is the percentage error in X?
The period of oscillation of a
(Central Schools 2005)
simple pendulum is
T=2TL/g Measured . Solution. From the given relation, maximum
value of L is 20-0 cm known to 1 mm error in Q is
and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum
found to be 90 s using a wrist watch of 1 s
resolution. What is the accuracy in the
mination of g? NCERT Solved Example
x100=+-+ 243 4
Solution. Here, T=
d of
= + 19%
Square both sides,
Example 50 A physical quantity
T2=4 org =4T2
Q is given

by Q= a3/2 The percentage errors ina, b, c,

As per rule,
d are 1%, 2%,4% and 2% respectively.
the percentage error in Q.
Here, T= and AT (Central Schools 2005)
As errors in both, L and t are least count errors,
therefore, from ()
Solution. Here, a32
-2,3Abc1 Ad
+0-027x 100% =t2:7%
Example 48 A physical quantity Xis given ingie
=t| 2x1%+x296+4x4%+x2%
by =aB'
cd If the percentage error in
= (2% + 3% + 16% + 1%)
measurement of a, b, c and d are 4%,3%, 2% and
1% respectively. Calculate the percentage error

siGNIFICANT FIGURES As mass has 3 significant digits and volume has
OFF 2significant
2significant digits, therefore,as
as per rule, density will
have only two significant digits. Rounding off, we
Formulae used get p= 48 g ems
Pefer to Arts 2.36, 2.37 and 2.38 for common rules. Example 55 It is required to find the
volume of a rectangular block. A vernier calliper
Example 5] Write down
the number of is used to measure the length, width and height of
significant figures in the following: the block. The measured values are found to be
) 5238 N Gi) 4200 kg 1-37 cm, 4:11 cm and 2:56 cm respectively.
(ii) 34-000 m iv) 0-02340 Nm-l Calculate correctly, the volume of the block.
Solution. i) 5238 N has four significant digits NCERT Solved Exanmpie
(i) 4200 kg = 4 200 x 103 kg has Solution. Here, l =137 cm, w 4.11 cm =
significant figures. and 2.56 cm
(ii) 34-000 m has five significant digits. volume, V= lx wx h =
1-37x 4.11 x 2.56
(0-02340 Nm has four significant figures. = 14.414592 14-4
Example 52 Subtract 2:5 x 10° from ( to 3 significant digits)
3.9 x 105 with due regard to significant figures.
Solution. Let x = 2.5 x 10t y = 3.9 x 10
y-x= 3.9x 10 -2.5 x 10* = 10 (3-9-0-25) 0-01 0-01, 001
3-65 x 10 = 3.6 x 105 137 4-11 2-56
(rounded to one place of decimal) t (0-00730 +0-00243 +0-00391)
Example 53 Each side of a cube is measured t0-0136
to be 7-203 m. What are the total surface area and AV=t00136 x 14.4 =t 0-196 = +0-2
the volume of the cube to appropriate significant (rounding off to one decimal place)
figures? NCERT Solved Exarmpie Hence, volume of block = (144 t0-2) em3

Solution. Here, l = 7:-203 m

Example 56 Subtract 178 x 10 from
Surface area of the cube = 6 1 2-84x 10S and express the result with an
appropriate number of significant figures.
A = 6 (7-203) = 311299 m Solution. 2-84 x 103-1-78 x 104
As Ihas four significant figures, as per rule, = 10-3 0-178) = 2-662 x 10-3
surface area and volume both should have four
significant figures. Rounding off, we get Rounding off to 2nd place of decimal,
A 311-3 m2
Difference = 2-66 x 10
Volume of cube = (7-203) Example 5Solve the following and
373.714 m
373-7 m3 express the result to appropriate number of
(rounded off to four significant figures) significant figures.
5-7x 213x0:9256
Example 5 5-74 g of a substance occupies ()
1-2 cms. Express its density by keeping the (i) 3-84 + 0-0239 0-568
significant figures in view. 5-7x213x09250 - 23-5098
NGERT Soved Example Solution. (/)
Solution. Here, mass, m = 5-74 g, Rounding off to two significant digits,
volume, V= 1-2 cm3 we get, result = 24
mass 5.74g (ii) 3-84 +0-0239 0-568 3.-2959

As density, P= Volume 1-2 cm3 Rounding off to two places of decimal,

cm result = 3:30
= 4-783 g
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)VoL
Example 58 Solve the following and l = mass gmxa
express the result to appropriate number of (ii) density
significant figures. volumet (lcm)ori s gnired
4+69 +0-0537-0-6872 10- kg
1g/ec(10-2 m
Solution. Here 4-69 10 kg/m3
+0-0537 Example 6 It is estimated that per
4:7437 minute, each cmf of earth receives about 2 calories
- 0-6872 of heat energy from the sun. This constant is called
solar constant 8. Express solar constant in SI units.
Rounding off to two places of decimal, we get Solution. S
= 2 cals. 2x4-2joule
Numerator = 4-0565> 4-06 min.cm4 60sx10 m2

4-062-1368 = 14x 103 Whm2

19 Example b2Ten drops of olive oil of radius
Rounding off to two significant digits, we get 0-20 mm spread into a circular film of radius 146
cm. on the surface of water. Estimate the size of
an oil molecule.
TYPE TYPICAL EXAMPLESs Solution. Here, n = 10,
XII r= 0-20 mm = 2 x 10 m,
Example 59 Express the average distance R= 14-6 cm = 14-6 x 10 m.
Let d be the diameter of oil molecule
of earth from the sun in (i) light year (i) par sec.
= thickness of layer
Solution. Average distance of earth from the
sun, r=1 AU= 1-496 x 10 m Volume of olive oil = area x thickness of layer
As 1 ly= 9-46 x 1013 m and
I par sec = 3-1 x 100 m
nx =rR2xd
1496x10ly 410(2x 104)3
9-46 x105 d"R3 (14-6x10-2)2
= 1-58 x 10-5 ly = 5 x 10m
Example b3 In case of venus, the angle of
Again, r= par sec ximum elongation is found to be approximately
3-1x 1016 47. Determine the distance between venus and
= 4:8x 10- parsec sun ry) and the distance between venus and earth
Example60 Fill in the blanks:
i) The volume of a cube of side 10 cm. is.. Solution. Here, angle of maximum elongation
m. E =47, ns=2, pe
A vehicle moving with a speed of 36 We know, rs = l A.U = 1-496 x 10 m.
km hl covers ... m in 1 sec. ses1-496sinx 10e
sin 47
(ii) The density of water at 4°C is ... g/cc or =
. kg/m3. = 1496 x 10 x0-73
Solution. (i) As V=L = 1-09 x 10 m
and L= 10 cm = 10 m vese X cOs E
10 cos 47
V= (10-1 m) = 10-s m3 = 1-496 x
= 1-496 x 10x 0-68m
(i) 36 km_36x1000 m 10 m/s. = 1-02 x 10 m
hr 60x 60s
cxample 64 Consider a simple
having bob attached to a string that oscillates From (i). =k2g-12 =
undertheaction of a force ol gravity. Suppose that
period of oscillation of the simple
the pendulum Examplo 66 The heat produced in a wire
depends on its length (0, mass of the bob
(m) and carrying an electric current depends on the
due to gravity (g). erive the expression
period using method of dimensions. for Current, the resistance and the time. Assuming that
fine the dependance is of the product of powers type,
NCERT Solved Example guess an eqn. between these quantities usingB
Solution. Let T=k"g dimensional analysis. The dimensional formula or
) resistance is MI2 A-2T-3 and heat is a form of
where k is dimensionless constant and
a, b, c energy.
are the respective dimensions. Writing the dimensions
on both sides of (i), we get
Solution. Let H=1"R°1
[M°LOT') ML T2=A" [ML? T-3 A-2*1T
L" (LT
2$ (M9)
=M°L+br-2b = M L2h T-3b+c A-2b+a
Equating the dimensions of M, L and Ton both Applying the principle of homogeneity of
dimensions, we get
sides, we get
b=1;2b=2; -3 b + CE-2 ;
c 0, a + b =0 and -2b= 1
or b=- c=- 2+3 b=-2 + 3 = 1, and
-2b+a =0, a 2 b = = 1
Putting these values in (), we get H=PR'
Example B A large fluid star oscillates in
shape under the influence of its own gravitational
From (i), T, m =/ field. Using dimensional analysis, find the
expression for period of oscillation (7) in terms of
By other methods, we find k = 2 T radius of star (R), mean density of fluid (p) and
universal gravitational constant (G).
T 2Tlg
Solution. Let T= KR" ph Ge )
Example b5 Show dimensional that the where a, b, c are the dimensions and Kis
dimensionless constant of proportionality. Writing the
relation t=2T dimensions in (i), we get
[M°LO T']=L° (ML-3b (M-\ 13 T-2
isincorrect, where l is length and 1 is time
period of a simple pendulum ; 8 is acc. due to = T-2 .()
Mb-1a -3b + 3c

gravity. Find correct form of the relation, Applying the principle of homogeneity of
dimensionally. dimensions, we get
b-c=0 ii)
Solution. RHS=27| a3 b+3 c= 0 ii)
= T #1 (LHS) -2c=1, c
formula is incorrect
t=kL4l"(LT-2yb=14 +b7-2b From (i). b=c= -

MO0 Tj=
USing principle of homogeneity of dimensions, From (ii), a = 3b-3c =

1, b =--
a+b 0, -2b= Putting in (i), we get

T KR° p-1/2 G-/2 K

a =-b=- PG
Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (X)
Example 68 Two clocks are being tested Maximum relative error in density is
against a standard clock located in a national
laboratory. At 12: 00: 00 noon by the standard
clock, the readings of the two clocks are:
Clock 1
Clock II 01, 001 0-01 +
Monday 12:00:05 10 15:06 39.3 5-12 256 037
Tuesday 12:01:15 10 14:59 =t (0-0025 + 0-0019 +0-0039 +0027)
Wednesday 11:59:08 10 15:18 t0-0353
Thursday 12:01:50 10 15:07 Ap =t00353 p = t00353 x 8-1037
Friday 11: 59 15 10 14: 53 = t0286 = t0:3 g cm° (rounding off to
Saturday 12:01 30 10: 15: 24 one decimal place)
Sunday 12:01:19 10 15 11 Hence, density of block = (8-1 t0-3) g cm
If you are doing experiment that requires
precision time interval measurements, which of the MPORTANT NOTE.
two clocks will you prefer ? From the above calculation, we find that in
(Ap/ p), maximum contribution is from
Solved Example
(Al). Therefore, to increase accuracy of
Solution. A simple look at the data shows that measurement, thickness must be mecasured

average reading of clock I is much closer to the more precisely.


standard time than average reading of clock I1.

Therefore, zero error in clock ll is much larger than
Example 0
The pitch of a screw gauge is
1 mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular
the zero error in clock I. But zero error can always
be corrected by applying necessary correction. Now, scale. While measuring the diameter of a wire,
over the seven days, range of variation of clock I is
linear scale reads 1 mm and 39th division on
circular scale coincides with the reference line. If
12:01:50- 11: 59:08 = 162 s and range of vari- zero error is - 0-05 mm. Calculate arca of cross
ation of clock II is 10: 15:24 10: 14 53 = 31 s.
section of the wire with correct number of
Therefore, precision of clock II is much better than significant figures.
the precision of clock I. We will prefer clock II.
Solution. Here, pitch = mm, n = 100

Example 69 In an experiment in
pitch =0-01 mm.
determining the density of a rectangular block, Least count =
the dimensions of the block are measured with a
vernier calliper with a least count of 0-01 cm and Observed diameter of wire
its mass is measured with a beam balance of leastt =I mm + 39 x 0-01 mm = 1:39 mm
count 0-1 g,l = 5-12 cm, b = 2:56 em, t = 037 em Corrected diameter of wire = (1:39+ 0-05) mm
and m = 39-3 g. Report correctly the density of
= 144 mm
the block. NCERT Solved Example
D = 0.144 cm
Solution. The density of block is given by
Area of cross section -144)
p = -udSS
m 393
volume Ixbx 5.12x2.56x0:37 A = 0-01627 sq. cm.
= 8-1037 g cm = 8-1g cm" Rounding off to three significant figures, we get
A = 0-0163 sq. cm
(rounding off to two significant digits)


1. The SI units of measurement of seven physical quantities are called fundamental units. They are : melire
(m) for length: kilogram (kg) for mass ; second (s) for time ; ampere (A) for electric current; kelvin (K)
for temperature, candela (cd) for luminous intensity and mole (mol) for amount of substance.
2. The SI units of measurement of two more yuantities are called supplementary units. They are: raudiun
(rad) for plane angle and steradian (sr) for solid angle.
. One metre = 1,650,763-73
Krypton-86. avCIengths in vacuum, of radiation light of
corresponding to orango *
. One second = 9,192631,/70
periods of a particular
radiation from Cesium-133 atom
s The magnitudes of quantities, we deal
with in Physics, vary from very small (micro) to very
To express Such smalu/large magnitudes,
we use some metric prefixes
The most commonly used metric prefixes
are deci (10-), centi (10-2),
(10) and mega (10°). milli (10), miero
The symbol of unt combined with prefix is
considered as the new symbol of the unit, w raised
to any power (posilive or negative) without 6 m.
any bracket. For example,
1. Some of the Non SI units in common use
km means (10 m
(a) For length/distance
1. Astronomical unit, 1
AU = 1-496 x 10 m
2. Light year, =
ly 9.46x 1015 m
Parallactic second, I par sec = 3-084 x 10l6 m = 3.26ly.
4. Micron or micrometer, 1 um = 10 m
5. Nanometer, 1 nm = 10 m
6. Angstrom unit, 1 Å= 10-l0 m
(6) For mass
1. Pound, 1 b = 0-4536 kg
2. Slug, 1
slug = 14:59 kg
3. Quintal, Iq= 100 kg
4. Metric tonne, 1t= 1000 kg
5. Atomic mass unit, I amu =
lu= 1-66 x 10-2/ kg
(c) For time
1. Year, 1
yr = 365-25 days = 3.156 x 10' s

2. Shake, I shake = 10-8 s

d)For other quantities

1. Barn (for area):
barn = 10-28 m
103 cc = 103 m
2. Litre (for volume), 1l=
where cc represents cubic centimetre, i.e., cm°.
In U.S.A., 1 gallon = 3.7854

3. Gallon (for volume),

gallon = 4-546
- 4. Pascal (for pressure),
In U.K.,
Pa = 1
I atm. = 1-01 x 10° Pa
Pressure exerted by earth's atmosphere,
bar = 1
atm. = 1-01 x 10 Pa
5. Bar (for pressure),
I torr = I mm of Hg. col. = 133-3 Pa
6. Torr (for pressure),
1eV= 16x 10-19J
7. Electron volt (for energy/work),
I erg = 10J
8. Erg (for energy/work), 1
kWh 3-6 x 10° J
9. Kilowatt hour (for energy),
I hp = 746 W
10. Horse Power (for power),
lens), 1D= m 1

11. Dioptre (for power of a

12. Degree (for angle),

180 rad.
2/66 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL
in terms of
8. Order of magnitude of a quantity gives us a value nearest to the actual value of the quantity,
suitable powers of 10.
9. The distances to be measured vary from radius of proton (10-1 m) to size of universe (104° m). Direct
from 10 m to
methods for the measurement of length involve the use of (i) a metre scale for distances
for distances
10 m (i) a vernier callipers for distances upto 10 m (iit) a screw gauge and a spherometer
upto 10 m.
Indireet methods for large distances are Echo method, LASER method, RADAR
method, SONAR method,
Triangulation method. Parallex method. Spectroscopic method etc. For small distances,
Avogadro's method
and Rutherfond method are used.
(10 kg).
10. The masses to be measured vary from mass of electron (10-30 kg) to mass of universe
physical balance is used for
An inertial balance is used for measuring inertial mass of a body, and a
measuning gravitational mass of a body. For measuring weight of a body, we use a spring balance.
Different indirect methods are employed for measuring different ranges of masses.
size (104 sec) to
11. The time intervals of events vary from time taken by light to cross a distance of nuclear
age of universe (10' sec).
Any phenomenon that repeats itself serves as a clock. Some of the clocks developed
are electric oscillators,
electronic oscillators. solar clock. quartz crystal clock (with an accuracy of sec in every 10 sec)
I ;

clock (with an accuracy of sec in every 10 sec). Decay of elementary particles using

emulsions have led to measurement of time intervals ranging from 10-10s to 10*

Radioactive dating technique has been used for measuring long time intervals of the order of 10tsec.
12. In mechanics, dimensions are given in terms of powers of mass (M), length (L) and time (7). In heat and
7, In
thermodynamics, power of K (Kelvin for temperature) comes in addition to powers of M, L and
electricity and magnetism, dimensions are given in terms of M, L, T and A (ampere for current).
13. Note that constants e.g.. 1/2, T. e. trigonometrical functions like sin or, cos ar etc. have no units and no
14. Quantities having same dimensions can be added or subtracted from each other, i.e., length can be added
to area
length only: can be subtracted from area only and so on. Thus quantities of different dimensions
can not be added or subtracted.
15. More than one physical quantity may have the same dimensions. Thus a physical quantity cannot be
uniquely defined from its dimensions only.
16. The three main uses of dimensional analysis are:
() Conversion of one system of units into another, for which we use

where M, L, 71 are fundamental units on one system; M2, L2, T2 are fundamental units on the other
the dimensions of the quantity in mas, length and time; n is numerical value of the
a, c are
system: b,
quantity in one system and n2 is its numerical value in the other system.
Note. This formula is valid only in absolute units and not in gravitational units.
(i) checking the correctness of a given physical relation,
(iin) derivation of formulae.
The last two uses are based on the principle ofhomogeneity ofdimensions, according to which dimensions
of mass, length and time on one side of the dimensional physical relation must be equal to their respective
dimensions the other side of the relation. The relation would be wrong even if dimensions of any one
of M, L, T on the two sides were different.
17. Note that mere dimensional correctness of a relation does not ensure its physical correctness. For example,
work and torque have the same dimensions, but the two are not physically same.
UNIT ENTt t 2/67

nce between measured value and The
18. true value of a quantity respresents error of measureme*

erro are communicated in different mathematical
operations as detailed below
1f t Aa, t Ab and t Ar are absolute errors
in a, b and x respectively, then
c If = (a + b), then Ar=£ [Aa + Ab]
(i) Ifx = (a- b), then Ar = +[Aa + Ab]

(ii) Ifx
axb, then
(iv) Ifx= then
a b

(v) If x =
a" b
then Am+
19. Significant Figures
we are sure plus the
In the measured value of a physical quantity, the digits about the correctness of which
Jast digit which is doubtful, are called the significant figures.
For counting significant figures, refer to rules in the text.
will correspond
20. In any mathematical operation involving addition, subtraction, decimal places in the result
to lowest number of decimal places in any of the
numbers involved.
in the product
21. In a mathematical operation like multiplication
and division, number of significant figures
numbers involved.
smallest number of significant figures in any of the
or in the quotient will correspond to the
the measuring instrument.
22. Problems with accuracy are due to
errors. The precision describes the limitation of


6. How many disintegrations per second

make uppl
T. Multiple Choice Questions curie ?
(a) 3-7x 100 (b) 3.7 x 1013
1. Who made these remarks:
'time is what a clock
(c) 3-7 x 107 (d) none of these
reads'. order of
(b) Einstein 7. The mass of sun is of the
(a) Newton (b) 10 kg
(d) none of these (a) 1035 kg
(c) CV Raman (d) 1030 kg
(c) 10-30 kg
2. Fundamental unit of
luminous intensity is two successive heart beats
8. Time interval between
(b) candela
(a) watt is of the order of
(d) lux (b) 10 s
(c) newton (a) 10s
3. Weber is derived unit of (d) 10- s
(c) 10s
luminous flux clock is
(a)magnetic moment (b) 9. Accuracy of cesium
these (b) I part in 1013
(c) magnetic flux (d) none of (a) I part in 10
. A standard metre is equal to k
wavelengths in
Krypton 86, where
(c) I part in
10-7 (d) 1 part in 10-13
clocks have an accuracy of
Vacuum, the radiation from
of 10. Quartz crystal
kis 16507637.3 in every
(b) (b) 10° s
(a) 165076-37 these (a) 10 s
(d) none of (c)10-13s (d) 1013 s
5. The prefix femto stands for 10-15 11. The dimensional formula of universal
(b) gravitational constant is
olq(a) 105
2/68 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL

() IM'r? 23. When we add 0-9825 to 304, the correct
with regard to significant figures is

(c) M
12. MLT-| is dinmensionalformulaof (a) 4-0225 (b) 4-022
(a) Reynold number (b) intensity of wave (c) 4-02 (d) 4-0

()angular inpulse () torque 24. Each side of a cube is measured to be 3:784 m

13. Which one of the following has the same Its total surface area with appropriate significan
dimension in length as Planck's constant ? figures is
(a) coeffieient of viseosity (a) 85.911936 m2 (b) 85-9119 m2
(b) rate of flow (c) 85-911 m2 (d) 89.91 m2
(c) pressure gradient () torque 25. 7-893 gram of a substance occupies a volume o
14. The dimensions of in the relation F=ax +bt 11 cm3. The density of substance with
appropriate significant figures is
(a) 7.175 g
cm (b) 7-2 g cm
(a) L7-1 (b) L-T (c) 7.18 g cm (dy 7-1754g cm
()L7 (d) L-lT
26. A student measured the diameter of a wire
15. Name the quantity represented by the dimensional listed
a screw gauge with least count 0-001 and
formula[M' LT°).
some measurements. The most correct
(a) specific gravity (b) linear mass density
measurement is
(c) impulse (d) density
(a) 5.3 cm (b) 5-32 cm
16. Momentum per unit volume has the dimensions
(c) 5320 cm (d) 5:3200 cm
(a) MLT- b) MLT-2
27. A simple pendulum completes 20 oscillations
(c) ML-2T- (d) ML T-1 of
25 s. The time is measured with a stop watch
17. The dimensional formula for conductance is
least count 0-2 s. The error in the measurement
(a) [MLT*A-2] (b) [M'L? TA of times is
(c) [M-L? T-34*] () [M-l ?T3A2] (b) 2-4%
100 (a) 3-2%
18. If random error in the arithmetic mean of (c) 1-6% (al) 0.8%
observations is x, then the random error in the and
arithmetic mean of 500 observations would
be 28. A spherometer has a least count of 0-005 mm
its head scale is divided into 200 equal divisions.
(a) 5x (b) /5
Distance between any two consecutive threads on
(c) 25x (d) x/25
the spherometer screw is
19. The percentage error in determination of (b) 0-50 mm
(a) 0-25 mm
are measured with
84T2 2 , when and (c) 0-75 mm (d) 1-0 mm
29. Two resistances are expressed as Ri = (4 t 0-5)
t1% and t 2% errors is
(b) t 2%
and R2 = (12 +0-5) 2. What is the absolute error
(a) 1% in the net resistance. when they are connected
(c) 5% (d) 9% Series
20. Precision of measurement depends on (a) 12 (b) 52
(a) least count of measuring instrument (c) 10 2 (d) 15 2
b)temperature ofthe surroundings 30. The errors in the measurement of mass and
(c) carefulness of observer velocity of a moving body are 2% and 3%
(d) all of the above respectively. Error, in kinetic energy obtained by
21. The number of significant figures in 0-008403
is measuring mass and speed, will be
(a) 6 (b) 4 (a) 12% (b) 10%
(c) 3 (d) 2 (d) 2%
(c) 8%
22. In the measured length.x=7:304 cm= 73-04 mm 31. Ifmass of the electron is 9.I1x 10-3' kg, then
0-07304 m 0-00007304 km, number of mass is of the order of
significant figures is (b) 10-30 kg
(a) 10-27 kg
(a) 7 (b) 3
()10-2 kg (d) 10 kg
4 8
cin the resistance is lo 815o.
J. s23 A. Ius nd curent
potential dillerencewit 41. leu:tlh of the m,
signilicant igures will be proper square is given by L= (2-0t0.4)
thhen lractional
v error is given by
(a) 35-0 (b) 35-00V () 03
35-02 V (b) 0-02
() (/) 35-03v (c 0-2 (d) 0-32
dius of a circle is 2:14 1, then 42. The
3 area eor
occurs due to
circle. with due regards for signilicant of the
will be
ligures, (a) Imperfection of observer
m2 (b) Improper instrument
(a) 14.389 (b) 14-39m
(c)14-4m2 (a) 14-0 (c)both(u) () none of the above
and (b)

Which ofthe following physical quantity

45 lf the % error in the measurement of a side ol u e
has tle Cube is 2%, then percentage errors respectively
dimensions of [ML T-12 in its volume and area are
(a) work (b) power (a) 6%, 4% (b) 4%, 65%
(c) pressure (d) impulse () 3%, 2% (d) 9%, 2%
35. Dimensions ML T=l are related to 44. The time period measured by a simple pendulum
(a) work (b) torque 1S 4 sec.
Four students measured the value
(c) energy Separately. Which student is most accurate and
)coefficient of viscosity precise. The values measured by students are
Student A 4-02 sec Student B 4-001 sec
6. The dimensional formula for pressure gradient is
Student C 3.982 sec Student D 4.12 sec
(a) [ML T] (b) [M° L2 T-
(a) Student A (b) Student B
(c)rLT° (d) IMI2T-2 (c) Student C (d) Student D
37. A force +
is given by :F=at bt (where r is
What are the dimensions of a and b ?
a) [MLT3] and [MLT IT. Completion Type Questions
(b) [MLT] and [MLT-2] 1. The process of measurement is basically
([MLT-] and [MLTr' 2. One radian is the angle subtended an
(d) MLT] and [MLT lC...
38. The potential energy of a particle varies with 3. An areaof....M 1S called....

4. The smallest mass is that of........of the order

distance x from a fixed origin as V=| Ol.... Kg
5. Age of universe is of the order of..
where A and B are constants. The dimensions of 6. An optical microscope uses visible light of
AxB are wavelength ranging
(a) [MLS/2
7-2 (b) [ML2 7-2) 7. ...S a quantity, which has a unit, but no
)[ML32L2 T-21 () [MLT 8. The dimensional formula of Hubble constant
39. Given that time period (1) of a soap bubble
IS...**** **

depends upon its radius (r), density (o) and

9. 1s a quantity which
Surface tension (T). The dimensionally correct as............units
relation is
10. The dimension of length in pressure gradient
(a) = krl2 gl/2 T 1/2
(b)t= k3/2 g1/2 T 1/2 11. The dimensional formula of Stefan's constant
c)=krl/2 g/2 T 3/2 1S...******
12. [M' L2T-3A-2] is the.. ..formula of...
=k l/2 gI2 T 1/2 ********.|
13, The.........of systematic errors are.........
1°(degree) in radian is given as Therefore, such errors can
(a) 1746 x 10-2 rad b) 1-236 x 10 rad be...... .
14. The......value that can be mcasured
(c) 0-768 x 10-2 rad (d) 3:14 x 10 rad called....OI the instrument.
2/70 Paadeep' Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
15. Maximum...error in sum or difference of two
quantities is...of absolute errors in... TV Matching Type Questions
16. Maximum .erTor in product or. 0f two
quantities is.. f. erors in.. Match appropriately column I and columnI
17. The....of a measurement is a measure of Column I Column II
the....value is to the.. ...of the 1. (a) Frequency p) Newton

tells us to what.....he quantity is
(b) Force (q) Pascal
measured by a....
19. One Kilowatt Hour (for energy) is equal to . 2. (a) Pressure (P) Hertz
Joule. b) Energy (g) Joule
Work is a ..
The SI unit of
s Steradian.
22. S.I. unit of pressure is
.. 3. (a) Surface Tension (p) Newton meter
(b) Torque g) Newton-second/
II. True/False Type Questions (r) Newton per meter
1. light year is equal to 9.46 x 10 m.
4. (a) Impulse p) kilogram meter
2. Astronomical unit is the unit of time. second
3. Fermi is used to measure larger distance. (b) Specific heat (q) Newton second
4. 1 Horse Power is equal to 746 watts. capacity
5. Power of lens is measured in diopters. )Joulel kg/K
6. Pascal is SI unit of pressure.
5. (a) 1
Astronomical (p) 10 m
7. Human heart is an inbuilt clock.
8. Error is the difference between true value and
b) 1
Light year (q) 1-496 x 10 m
measured value.
9.46 x 1015 m
9. Absolute error has always positive value.
10. Systematic error consists of gross error, random 6. (a) 1
Par sec (p) 10 m
eror and personal error. (b) 1
Nano-metre (q)1-496 x 10 m
11. Vernier calipers is more accurate and precise than
()3-084x 10l6 m
screw gauge.
12. Systematic error having definite cause can be 7. (a) Universal constant (p) [MLT2]
minimized. of gravitation
13. Pendulum clock is more accurate than Atomic b) Bulk modulus )[ML T-2]
clock. [ML2 T-2]

I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (6) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. () 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (6) 35. (4) 36. () 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (6) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (b)
2/70 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
15. Maximum.. .error in sum or difference of two
quantities is...of absolute errors in...
16. Maximum.. ..eror in product Ol...........of tWO
IV Matching Type Questions
quantities is....of......eITors in.. Match appropriately column I and column
17. The.....0f a measurement is a measure of Column I Column II
the...value is to the.... ..of the 1. (a) Frequency Newton
18. ..tells us to what...the quantity is
(b) Force )Pascal
measured by a... () Hertz
19. One Kilowatt Hour (for energy) is equal to ... 2. (a) Pressure (p) Hertz
(b) Energy (q) Joule
20. Work is a ...quantity.
21. The SI unit of .. is Steradian.
3. (a) Surface Tension (p) Newton meter
22. S.I. unit of pressure is
(6) Torque (q) Newton-second/
IIL. True/False Type Questions (r) Newton per meter
year is equal to 9.46 x 106 m.
1. I light
4. (a) Impulse (p) kilogram meter
2. Astronomical unit is the unit of time. second
3. Fermi is used to measure larger distance. (b) Specific heat (q) Newton second
4. 1
Horse Power is equal to 746 watts. capacity
5. Power of lens is measured in diopters. ()Joule/ kg/K

6. Pascal is SI unit of pressure. 5. (a) 1 Astronomical (p) 10 m

7. Human heart is an inbuilt clock. unit
8. Error is the difference between true value and (b) 1 Light year (q) 1-496 x 10 m
measured value. ()9-46 x 101 m
9. Absolute error has always positive value.
6. (a) 1
Par sec (p) 10 m
10. Systematic error consists of gross eror, random
(b) 1
Nano-metre (q) 1-496 x 10 m
error and personal error.
11. Vernier calipers is more accurate and precise than )3-084 x 1016
screw gauge. (P) [ML-7?
7. (a) Universal constant
12. Systematic error having definite cause can be of gravitation
(b) Bulk modulus
13. Pendulum clock is more accurate than Atomic
(r)ML2T-2 8

I. Multiple Choice Questions
7. (d) 8. (c) 9. b) 10. (6)
3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (a)
1.( 2. (b)
16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (6) 19. () 20. (a)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d)
26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (c)
22. (c) 23. (c) 24. () 25. (b)
21. (b) 39. (b)
(6) 40. (a)
35. (d) 36. (d) 37. (a) 38. (d)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (b)

41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (b)

UNIT 2/71
Completion Type Questions

1. process of comparison. rtoteM

2. the centrefa circle: equal in length to the
radius of the circle.
3. 10: one
10-7 m
4. electron; 10-30
5. 1017 sccond
6.4x 107 m;8x 7. Angle
8. [M L T- Strain; no; no
10. -2 11. LT-3K4
[M 9.
13 causes, known minimised. 14. 12.dimensional; resistance.
minimum ; measuring instrumemnt ;
least count.
1. absolute ; sum; individual
16. fractional; division , sum ; fractional ; individual
17. accuracy, how close , measured; actual value.
18. Precision, resolution or limit ; measuring instrument.
19. 3-6 x 106 20. scalar 21. Solid Angle 22. Pascal or N/m2

I. True/False Type Questions

1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. True
7.True 8. True 9. False 10. True 11. False 12. True
13. False

V Matching Type Questions

1. (a) (r): (6)-> (p) 2.(a)-> (r); (6)> q) 3. (a)>(); (6)> (p)
(4); (b)> () 6. (a)(): (6) > (P)
4.(a) (q); (6)>() 5. (a)>
7.(a)- q): (6)-> (p)

Questions For Difficult

I. Multiple Choice Questions E_ML2T2

unit of luminous intensity is
13. (d): Planck's constant, h =:T-1
2.(b): Fundamental = [ML2 T
wavelengths Torque = [ML' T)
4.(C): standard metre = 1650763.73

6. (a): 1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 disinicgration/sec. Both have same dimension in length.
. (c): Time interval between two successive heart M
= density
beats 1 100s.
sec = 15.(d): [MT) volume
.(b): Accuracy of cesium clock is 10-l
is 10 sec. Momentum MLT
0. (6): Accuracy of quartz crystal clock 16. (c): = [ML2 T-l
Volume 3
.c): From F=jm2
17. (d):Conductance resistance VII V Wlq
m X m2
= [ML T) 18. (6): Where number of observations becomes
12. Angular impulse = Torque x time 5 times, random error becomes x/5,
=ML2 T-2x T=
Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)

Now, V= Ax A talo
19.(o): From g =4n*

. A=Vr
ML52 T-2
= ML2 T-3(L2

AxB [ML2T2]x [L]

D100=t 1%+ (t 2x 2%)
t 5% AxB=[ML"2T-2
= 4-02
39. (b): Let
t oT
2.3. (c): 09825 + 3-04
places of decimal. t=k oTthat a = 3/2, b = 1/2, c = 1/2
as result is correct upto two We can show
r3/2 g/2 Tl/2.
25. (b): Density
mass 7-893 7-175 g cm
1-1 cm
180° =
T radian
volume 40. (a): As
one place of
As the result is correct upto
decimal 1° rad
= 1.74 x 10 rad
Density = 7:2 gcm°.
41. (c): Here, L = (2-0 t0-4)
is correct upto third place of
26.(d): The resultThercfore, d = 5:320 cm.
0-2 L 20
= 0-8%.
27. (d): Percentage error = x100
25 43. (a): As A
= L4, therefore,
any two consecutive
28. (d): Distance between
spherometer screw 2x 2% =4%
threads on the
= 0-005 x 200 mm = l0
= R1 + R2
Again, V=L
29. (): R, = 1Q
AR, =AR + ARz = 0:5 + 05 Al = 3 x 2% = 6%

30. (c): KE. E= 2 mv 44.(b): Errors in measurement by

student A = 4-02 -4 = 0-02 s

A student B = 4-001 -4 = 0-001 s

student C=4 3.982 = 0-018 s

= -
student D 4.12 4 0-12 s
+2 (3%) = 8% most
x100 = 2% Clearly, measurement by student B is
= 35-03258 accurate and most precise.
32. (a): V= Rl 10-845 x 3-23 =
Rounding off to three significant figures, II. Completion Iype Questions
3. One hectare = 10*
V 35-0V.
the order
4. The smallest mass is that of an electron of
= 14.379944
33. (c): Area
=T =x(214) of 1030 kg
5. Age of universe is of the order of 10
Rounding off to three significant digits, 6. Wavelength of visible light varies
from 4x 10- m

Area = l4.4 m to 8 x 10m.

no dimension.
P_ML'T 7. Angle has a unit (radian), but it has
36. (d): Pressure gradient =- L
=[ML2T-2 =T-
8.Hubble constant, H==
38. (d): P.E. (V) =
x+B 9. Strain has no units and no dimensions.
B has dimensions of x = {L]
energy/sec/area regularly.
. Stefan's
7. Human heart is an inbuilt clock as it beats
9. Absolute error may be positive or negauv
11. Vernier calipers is less ccurate and precise
than a
K4 screw gauge.
12. Systematic errors with known causes can b
[MLT-3K4] minimised.
W_MLPT2 13. Atomic clock is more accurate than pendulum
Resistance, R=
12. ql ATA clock.
[M L2TA2| V Matching Type Questions
causes of stematic errors are known.
13. The is measured in Hertz and force
Therefore, such errors can be removed. Frequency
measured in newton.
count of any instrume is the minimum value
14. Least
that can be measured.
(a)() and(b) > (p)
Pressure is measured in N/m2 and energy
or difference of two quantities, maximum Z.
15. In sum
absolute error = sum of absolute errors in the measured in joule.
individual quantities. (a)> () and (b) -> (q
16. Maximum fractional
error in product or division 3. SI unit of surface tension is N/m.
of two quantities is sum of fractional errors in the SI unit of torque is N-m.
individual quantities.
(a)> () and (b) > (p)
17. Accuracy tells us how close is the measured value 4. Impulse = force x time = Newton second
to the actual value of the quantity.
Specific heat capacity = Joule/kg/K
18. Precision tells us to what resolution or limit the
quantity is measured. (a) (q) and (b) -0
5. 1 Astronomical unit = 1-496 x 10 m

19. Onekilowatthour
=103 xjoule (60x 60) sec 1 light year = 9-46 x 10 m
sec (q) and (b) -> )
x 10 Joule.
= 3-6
6. 1 parsec = 3-084 x 10 m
21. SI unit of solid angle is steradian. I nanometer = 10m
22. N/m or Pascal is SI unit of pressure. (a)> (r) and (b) -> (p)

II. True/False Type Questions 7. Universal constant of gravitation

1.1 light year = 9.46 x 101 m. G [MLT]

Astronomical unit is the unit of distance. Bulk modulus, K [MLT)
10-13 m. (a) (q) and(b) ->P)
3.1 fermi

19010 9
wavelength of light. This is not affected by
length, we have
In defining the standard of at which the temperature. Hence, the choice of length as a
to specify the temperature fundamental unit is justified.
Are we
measurement should be made. 2. Which type of
phenomenon can be used as a
a fundamental measure of time ? Give three examples.
Justified in calling length
physical quantity Sol. A phenomenon
which repeats itself at regular
guantity, if another specified in choosing a measure of time. For
(temperature) to be
has intervals can be used as
example: () oscillations of a
a standard ?
changes with (ii) rotation of
earth around its axis,
Sol. The length of an objectmeasuring length
revolution of earth around the sun.
Cmperature, but the unit for (iin)
been defined in terms of
e, metre) has now
2/74 Pradeepo Fundamental Plhysics (X1) VOLn
3. Why has 'second' been defined in terms of 8. Is the mcasure of an angle dependent on the-
periods of radiation from Cesium-133? unit of length ?
Sol. Second has been defined in terms of periods of Sol. No. This is because
radiation, because arc
(i) this period is accurately defined, (radian) - cngth of (/)
(i) this period is not affected by changes of
place, time and physical conditions like As is the ratio oftwo lengths, it will not depend
temperature. upon unit of length.
(iii) The unit is easily reproducible in any good 9. What is meant by angular diametero
laboratory. moon What is its value ?
4. What is a coherent system of units ? Sol. Angular dianeter of moon is the angle-
Sol. A coherent system is based on a certain set of subtended at a point on carth, by two
fundamental units, from which derived units are diametrically opposite ends of the m0on. Its
obtained by multiplication or division without value is about 0-5°.
introducing numerical factors.
5. Do AU and A° represent the same unit of
I. Measurement of distances
length ? (HP Board 2008C) 10. Suggest a distance corresponding to each of
Sol. No, AU and A° represent two different units of the following order of length:
length. ) 10 m (ii) 104 m
AU 1 astronomical unit = 1.496 x 10m
1 =
(ii) 10 m (iv) 10 m
1A°= 1 angstrom = 10-1 m (v) 10mn (vi) 10- m
6. Will five litres of benzene weigh more in
summer or winter ? Comment. (vii) 10-14m
Sol. Weight = mg = (V p) g where p is density. Now, Sol. (i) 10 m- is the order of radius of earth.
V and g are constants. Therefore, weight o« p i) 104 m- is the order of height of mount
In summer, temperature rises. Therefore, due to everest,
thermal expansion, density p decreases, and (ii) 10 m is the order of distance travelled
hence, the weight decreases. Thus, 5 litres of by sound in air in 3 sec.
benzene will weigh more in winter than in
(iv) 10 m- is the order of length of a college
7. Is the time variation of position shown in Fig.
2(Q).1 observed in nature ? (v) 10-3 m- is the order of thickness of a
FIGURE2/0).1 (vi) 10- m- mean free path of air molecules.
(vii) 1014 m-is the order ofsize of an atomic
11. For a given base line, which will show a greater
parallax-a distant star or a nearby star ?

Sol. Parallactic angle, e=base line

distance of star
* For agiven base line, b;6will be large, when
Sol. No, such a time variation of position is not is small. Hence the nearby star will show greater
observed in nature. This is because parallax.
(i) At a particular instant of time, an object 12. The screw of a spherometer moves by 4 mn.
cannot be present at two different positions, when its circular scale is given four complete
(ii) Time increases first and then decreases rotations. If circular scale has 200 divisions.
indicating backward flow of time, which is not calculate pitch and least count of the
distance moved1
Sol. Pitch=
number of complete rotations
8 18, n diferent systems of units, can a quantity
have different dimensions?hoo
4 mmImm Sol. No, a quantity has same dimensions in all
systems of units.
19. Can there be a physical quantity, which has
Pitch no units and no dimensions?
Least count = .

no.of divisions on circular scale Sol. Yes, strain is a physical quantity which has
neither units nor dimensions.
I mm
= 0-005 mm 20. In the formula X = 3 YZ2, X and Y have
200 dimensions of capacitance and magnetic
0-0005 cm induction respectively. The dimensions of Y
. Measurement of mass and time
should be.
Sol. From X= 3
Fill in the blanks.

13. Mention some repetitive phenomena in X capacitance

nature which could serve as time standards. =

3Z2 (mag.induction)4
Which one is most suitable?
Sol. Some of the repetitive phenomena occurring in M- T0IM3 ?T4O*1
nature are
() Regular heart beat of a person,
21. The units of Planck's constant are the same
(i) Oscillations of a simple pendulum, as those of., Wwhich is equal to moment
(i) Vibration of atoms, of... Fill in the blanks.
(iv) Rotation of earth about its axis, Sol. Angular momentum ; linear momentum.
Earlier, rotation of earth about its axis could be 22. Identify the physical quantity x defined as
taken as most appropriate. Now, we are shifting
to vibration of atoms as the most suitable IF2 I is moment of inertia,F
WB where
repetitive phenomenon.
14. Which is the world's most accurate clock ? is force,v is velocity, Wis work and lis length.
What is its accuracy ? Sol. As I= [ML-]), F = ML T], v= [LT-']
Sol. The atomic clock NIST-F1 is considered one of and W= [ML2 T21
the world's most accurate clocks. It keeps time
IFv _[MI' I|MLT-]LT-?
with an accuracy of one second in twenty million X=
WI3 [MLT-2 ][L']
= [ML° T
III. Dimensions These are the dimensions of surface tension
physical oquantities have dimensions?
15. Do all force constant, energy/area.
fno, name three physical quantities 23. Identify the quantity represented by CVlp E
are dimensionless. where Cis capacity, Vis potential, p is specific
Sol. No, all physical quantities do not
have resistance and Eg is electric permittivity of
strain, relative free space.
dimensions. For example, angle,
density are dimensionless. Sol. As C= and p=4
may have
0, Can a quantity having dimensions
where the symbols have their usual meaning,
nounits? therefore,
dimensions must have
Ol. No, a quantity having
t Some units. CV-oA V=V_,
pe the curent
7. Can a quantity have units,
but still be pEo (RA/E R
t1oi dimensionless ? (
d both represent distance)

o. Yes. For example, angle has units (radian), Therefore, the quantity represented is current.
is dimensionless.
2/76 Pradeep a
Fundamental Physics (XI) Ve

IV. Dimensional Analysis

32. A:phiysical quantity x= ab-3/2 has a
24. Justify L+IL =L and I. -L =L
Sol. When distance is added to distance, we get relative error
distance only. This justifies L + L = L
the statement correct ?
Again, when distance is subtracted from Sol. No, as combined error is additive only without
distance, we again obtain some distance. This algebraic sign. The correct statement is
justifies L -L= L.
25. Let r and a stand for distance. r,Aa3 Abac
dr sin-1 4 33. Can an instrument be called precise without
being accurate ? Can it be accurate without
? being precise ?
dimensionally correct
Sol. Yes, an instrument can be precise without being
Sol. Integral on LHS has value of the form log x
accurate. But the measurements cannot be
which is dimensionless. As RHS is not
accurate without being precise.
dimensionless, therefore, the formula is not
34. Which of the following length measurement
is most accurate and why ?
26. Use principle of homogeneity of dimensions cmn
(i) 500-0 cm (ii) 0-005 cm (it) 6-00
to find which one of the following relations
(CBSE 2014)
(i) 7=4 T?2 () 2 4r3
Sol. Error in (i) is 0.I cm = cm

(ii) r2= 47t3

(Central Schools 2008) Error in (ii) is 0-0001 -cm
GM 10000
Sol. Only relation (ii) is coTect as 1

Error in (iii) is 0-0l cm = -

4T3 =T2 100
GM M-TM Measurement (ii) is most accurate, upto
iourth place of decimal.
V. Errors and their propagation 35. ich of the followinglength measurement
is (i) most precise and (ii) least precise?
27. Which quantity, in a given formula should
be measured most accurately ? (a)l= 5 cnm b)l = 5-00 cm
Sol. The quantity wliich has maximum power (n) (c)l= 5-000 cm (d)l 5-0000 cm.
should be measured most accurately because any Sol./ 5-0000 is most precise as it has been taken
error in the measurement of this quantity is with an instrument having least count
multiplied n times in the final result. = 0-0001 cm.
28. Problems with accuracy are due to errors Similarly,l = 5 cm is least precise, as this
Is the statement true? measurenent is taken with an instrument having
Sol. Yes, it is true. least count = I
29. Precision describes the limitation of the 36. of the following, which measurement is most
measuring instrument'. Is the statement accurate and which one is most precise ?
false? i) 5-00 nm (i) 5-00 cm 251
Sol. No, the statement is true ii) 5-00 m (iv) 50-00 m.
30. Poor accuracy involves erTrors that can often Sol. Relative error in measurement of 50-00 m is
be corrected'. Do you agree ? 0-01 m.
Sol. Yes, we agree. Therefore, it is most accurate.
31. 'A lack of precision is due to limitation of The measurement 5-00 mm is most precise as
measuring instrument.' Is it true ?
his value is measured using a device with least:A
Sol. Yes, it is true. count of 0-01 mm.
VI. Signifcant figures and Rounding number of significant figures. It can be written
as 4 or 4-0 or 4-00 or 4.000 and so on.
37. In a number without decimal, what is
the 40. If all measurements in an experiment are
significance of zeros on the right
of non-zero
digits? taken upto same number of significant
Sol. All such zeros are not significant. For example, figures, then which mesurement IS
responsible for maximum error ?
X= 678000 has only three significant figures.
Sol. The maximum error will be due to
38. What is the difference between 5-0
and 5-00? () measurement which is least accurate
Sol. 5-0 indicates that measurement is correct
upto (i) measurement of the quantity which has
first place of decimal, whereas 5-00 indicates
maximum power in the formula.
that the measurement is correct upto second
place of decimal. Thus, for a given quantity, 5-00 41. The mean value of period of oseillation of a
is more accurate a value than S-0. simple pendulum in an experiment 1S
2-825 s. The arithmetic mean of all the
39. In the expression, surface area = 4 tr,
the absolute errors is 0-11 s. Round off the period
factor 4 is an exact number. How many to appropriate no. of significant figures.
number of significant figures are there in the Sol. As mean absolute error is 0-11 s has two -

factor 4 ? significant digits, therefore mean value of time

Sol. In the expression, surface area = 4 Tr, the period should also have two significant digits
factor 4 is an exact number-which has infinite i.e., T= 28 s

Very short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer


1. Doesmagnitude of a quantity change with 8. Name two commonly used units for
change in the system of units ? wavelength of light.
Ans. No, magnitude of a quantity does not chango Ans. (i) Nanometre (nm) : 1
10 m
2. Can a body have zero mass and zero weight ? (i) Angstom () : 1
Å= 10-10 m
Ans. No, mass of a body can never be zero, but its 9. Express 1 micron in metre.
weight may be zero. Ans. 1 micron = 10° metre.
3. Name two types of mass. 10. Which unit is used to measure size of a
Ans. Inertial mass and gravitational mass. nucleus ?
4. Human heart is an inbuilt clock. Comment. Ans. The size of nucleus is measured in femi
fermi 10-15 m
Ans. True, because human heart beats at a regular
rate. 11. How many Angstrom are there in one
5. How many times is a millisecond larger than (HP Board 2008C)
a microsecond ? Ans. As 1 10-10 m, therefore,

Ans. 10 times
Imillisec 108=10 m0-10 = 100 Â.
Imicrosec 10 s
12. How many times larger is a kg than an mg?
6. How many light years make 1 par see ?
Ans. 3.26 light years make I par sec. Ans. kg
110g& =1 1 1
kg = 10 mg
7. What is the accuracy of metre defined in
13. Which is the smallest practical unit of time ?
terms of wavelength of light radiation ?
Ans. The smallest practical unit of time is
Ans. The accuracy of standard metre so defined is
shake = 10 s.
part in 10.
Pradeefp o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
25. Which instrument is used for measurin
14. How many quintals are there in one metrie distances upto 10 m?
ton? Ans. A vernier callipers is used for this
Imetricton 1000K 10 26. How far away is the nearest star alpha centyri
lquintal 100kg from earth ?
quintals = metric ton.
Ans. The distance of nearest star alpha centuri from
15. What is one carat ? carth is= 10 metrc.
Ans. Carat is a unit of small mass. 27. Name the device that can be used to measure
I carat = 200 mg the number of wavelengths of light in a given
16. How many degrees are there in one radian ?
Ans. Optical interferometer.
Ans. T radian = 180°
28. What does the word LASER stand for 2
I radian 0180x7
=57:3 Ans. LASER stands for Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
17. Write in ascending order : light year, 29. What is the order of size of our galaxy ?
astronomical unit, par sec. Ans. Size of our galaxy is of the order of 10 metre.
Ans. Astronomical unit; light year ; par sec. 30. What is the order of mean free path of an air
18. What is represented by 1 bar ? What is its molecule ?
value in SI units ? Ans. Mean free path of an air molecule is of the order
Ans. 1
bar represents one standard atmospheric of 10 m.
pressure. 31. How are the pitch and least count of a
bar = 103 N/m? spherometer related?
19. Is light year a unit of time ? Ans. Least count
Ans. No, light year is a unit of distance. pitch
20. Name the unit for measuring nuclear cross total no. of divisions on the circular scale
sections. 32. What is meant by angular diameter of
Ans. 1
barn = 10-28 m2 moon ?
Ans. Angular diameter of moon is the angle
I. Measurement of distances subtended at a point on earth, by two
diameterically opposite ends of the moon. Its
21. What is the order of magnitude of 499 and value is about 0-5°.
0-050 ?
Ans. 499= 4.99 x 102 1x 102; IL Measurement of mass and time
order of magnitude is 2
= 33. What is the order of mass of universe.
0-050 5-0x 102 10x 10 10-
Ans. Mass of universe is of the order of 103 kg.
order of magnitude is- 1.
34. Which technique is used for measuring age
22. What is the order of magnitude of radius of
of rocks, fossils etc. ?
Ans. R= 6400 km =
6.4 x 10 m Ans. Age of rocks, fossils etc. is measured using the
technique, called Radioactive Dating.
10x 10° m
= 10 m
35. Are there more microseconds in a second
than the number of seconds in a year ?
Order of magnitude of R is 7.
23. What is the estimated size of observable Ans. No. Number of microseconds in a second = 10°
universe ? and Number of seconds in a year
Ans. The estimated size of observable universe is 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 3-1536 x 10. 8
102 metre.
36. Express in scientific notation
24. What is the average distance of moon from ) 13780 kg ii) 0.00000523 s
earth ?
Ans. (i) 1:3780 x 10* kg
Ans. The distance of moon from earth is of the order .21
of 10° m. (i) 5.23 x 10- s
37. What is the efiiciency
of time realisation
cesium atomic clocks? in 50. Name any two non dimensional constants.
Ans. The uncertainty in time realisation Ans. All trigonometrical ratíos, t, e etc. are non
atomic clock is 1 x 10713. of a cesium dimensional constants.
It implies that such
clocks gain or losS no more 51. The dimensional formula of Hubble constant
year than 3 us in one
is same as that of frequency. Comment.
38. Which is the most accurate Ans. Yes, true. Hubble constant
clock 2
Ans. A cesium clock is most accurate. Two velocityLT= (T-l1
clocks may differ only by 1 cesium
second after running distance L
for 5000 years. which represents frequency.
39. What is the order of age of 52. Can there be a physical quantity which has
Ans. Age of earth is of the order of 1017 s. no units and no dimensions.
40. What is human life expectancy? Ans. Yes, for example. strain has no units and no
Ans. About 100 years which is of the order of
10 53. All constants are dimensionless. Comment.
Ans. No, all constants are not dimensionless. For
41. What is the order of mass of universe?
example, universal gravitational constant,
Ans. Mass of universe is of the order of 10 kg. Planck's constant etc. do have dimensions.
42. What is the smallest mass measured 54. Can a quantity have units, but still be
indirectly so far ? dimensionless ?
Ans. The smallest mass measured indirectly so far is Ans. Yes, for example. angle is dimensionless, but it
that of an electron (= 10-30 kg). has units.
43. What is the shortest time interval measured 55. What are the dimensions of rate of flow?
indirectly so far ? Ans. Rate of flow represents volume flowing per
second. Its dimensional formula is [L T]
Ans. The shortest time interval is the time taken by
56. What are the dimensions of linear mass
light to cross a distance of nuclear size
density ?
(10- s).
Ans. linear mass density = mass/length = [ML
III. Dimensions 57. What type of quantity is Avogadro's number?
having Ans. Avogadro's number is a dimensionless constant
44. Name the physical quantities measured in mole-
dimensions [M'L?T]
Ans. Work, energy and torque. IV. Dimensional Analysis
45. Name two physical quantities which have 58. What are the dimensions of a and b in the
dimensions [ML T]. relation F= at +bx, where F is force and ris
Ans. The dimensions of pressure and stres are distance?
46. How many times the unit of energy is affected Ans. a FMLI=[M' LT31,
when units offorce and length are doubled? T
Ans. The unit of energy becomes 4 times. This is
because energy = work = force x distance. h=-MLI=
[M' DT-2]
47. What are the dimensions of rate of flow
59. The dimensions of Boltzmann constant are
Volume = [M°LT') the same as that of
Ans. Rate of flow T )pressure density (ii) Stefan's constant
(i) Planck's constant (iv) entropy
48. Give two examples of non dimensional
variables. Ans. Boltzmann constant
Ans. Strain and specific gravity. PV W

49. Name any three dimensional

constants. k N TN TN K

Ans. Velocity of light in vacuum;

Gravitational =[M'TK"]
constant and Planck's constant.
2/80 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (X) VOLn

Entropy =L_MI?T-2 ApAM t(2% t(2% +3x 19%)

t5 %

Choice (ir) is correct. VI. Significant figures and Rounding off

V.Errors and their propagation
60. Measuring process is essentially
.. 68. Find the number of significant figures in
Ans. one.
Fill in the blanks
69. Round off to four significant figures
Ans. a process of comparison.
) 36-879 (il) 1-0084
61. What is error of measurement ?
Ans. 36-88 1-008.
Ans. It is the difference in the true value and measured numbers as
70. Round off the following
value of a quantity.
62. What are personal errors?
) 25-653 to 3 digits
Ans. These are the errors which arise due to the (i) 4-996 x 10 to 3 digits
inexperience of the observer.
(iin) 0-6995 to 1 digit
63. What is the reliability of measurement of
() 3350 to 2 digits
length using a metre scale ?
(v) 3-450 to 2 digits.

Ans. It is uptocm or metre. Ans. (i) 25-7 (i) 5-00 x 105

10 1000 iv) 3.4 (v) 3.4.
(ii) 0-7
64. Maximum absolute error in difference of two 71. Solve with due regard to significant figures:
quantities is equal to ....
of the absolute
errors in the individual quantities. Fill in the V6-5-6-32

. Ans. 65-6:32 = V0-18= V02, upto one decimal

Ans. sum.
65. Fill in the blanks: place 0-44 (having 2 significant figures)
(i) Maximum error in product of 72. Change of units does not change the number
quantities is
.. of
.. errors in the of significant figures in a measurement. Is it
individual quantities.
(ii) Maximum ......
error in a quantity
.. Ans. Yes, it is true. For example x=5-608 cm=56-08
mm = 0-05608 m : all have four significant
raised to power (n) is the error
in the individual quantity. figures.
73. Round off 3-250 and 3-750 to one place of
Ans. (i) fractional: sum; fractional.
(ii) fractional ; n times; fractional.
Ans. 3-250> 3.2 and 3-750 3.8, as perprescribed
66. Which of the following length measurement rules.
is most accurate and why ?
74. Subtract 10-5 from 10-587 and express the
i) 2-0 cm (ii) 2-00 cm (ii) 2:000 cm. result with correet number of significant
Ans. (ii), because it is correct upto third place of figures.
decimal. Ans. 10:587- 10.5 = 0-087 > 01, rounding off to
67. What is error in density of a cube when its one place of decimal.
mass is uncertain by t2 % and length of its 75. Add 0-4382 to 876 and write the result with
edgeis uncertain by t1%? correet number of significant figures.
M_M Ans. 876 +0-4382 = 876-4382 876, rounding off
Ans. As to no decimal point.

Carrying 2 marks
1. Which of these is largest: astronomical
light year and par sec? I. Measurement of distances
Ans. The unit par sec 1s larger than light year 9. What is meant by order of magnitude of a
in turn is larger than an astronomical unit. quantity ?
2. Name three units which can be used for Ans. Order of magnitude of a quantity is defined as
measuring large masses. the power of 10, which gives us a value nearest
slug = 14-57 kg; I quintal = 100 kg and to the actual value of the quantity.
Imetric ton = 1000 kg. 10. Suggest a distance corresponding to each ot
3. Which unit can be used for measurement of the following order of length.
very small masses? ) 10 m G) 10 m (ii) 10 m
Ans. I
atomic mass unit (a.m.u) = 166 x 10-27 kg. Ans. () 10' m is the order of radius of earth.
4. How many a.m.u. make 1 kg? (it) 10 m is the order of mean free path of air
Ans. As 1-66 x 10 kg = 1 a.m.u molecule.
(iii) 10* m is the order of height of mount
. Ikg = A.m.u. everest.
166x10-27 11. Suggest some indirect method for measuring
= 0-6 x 10/ a.m.u. the height of a tree on a sunny day.
5. What is common between bar and torr? Ans. In Fig. 2(Q).2, AB is height of a tree. On a sunny
day, let the shadow of tree be CB,
Ans. Both, bar and tor are the units of pressure.
where ACB = 0.
bar = 1 atmospheric pressure = 760 mm of
Hg. col. = 10° N/m2
torr = mm. of Hg col.
I 1 1 .
bar = 760 tor.
FIGURE2(0).2 A

6. Why are length, mass and time chosen as

fundamental quantities in mechanics ?
Ans. Length, mass and time are chosen as the Tree
fundamental quantities in mechanics because:
(1) they represent our basic scientific notations,
(ii) there is nothing simpler to them, B
(iii) they cannot be obtained from one
can be Take a rod A'B' and fix it at such a position that
(iv) all other quantities in mechanics
the tip of shadow of rod coincides with the
obtained from them. point C.
7. SI is rational system of units while
From Fig. 2(0).2,
hordiSystem is not rational. Why AB
Ans, SI is a rational system because it assigns
only a_AB _

one unit to a particular physical

quantity. For tan8cB CB
energy is joule.
example, SI unit of all types of ABXCB
t97 On the contrary, on MKS system,
mechanical . AB =
energy is measured in joule, heat energy

measured in calorie, electric energy is measured Measuring A'B', CB and CB, we can calculate
is not rational.
in watt-hour. So MKS system height AB of the tree.
a8. Why is platinum iridium alloy used ?
12. Write the full name of the technique used in
making prototype metre and kilogram locating (a) position of an aeroplane in space,
Ans. This is because this alloy (6) position of an object under
temperature variations
(0) is least affected by Ans. (a) RADAR, i.e., radio detection and ranging,
wear out easily
(7) is non corrosive, does not (b) SONAR, ie., sound navigation and ranging.
(iii) does not change with time.
2/82 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X) VoL
19. Give two examples each of dimensionless
IL. Measurement of mass and time
constants and dimensional variables.
13. Who maintains Indian Standard Time? Ans. Dimensionless constants pure numbers and
Ans. The Indian Standard Time (IST) is maintained mathematical constants like T, e etc,
by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Dimensional variables have dimensions and
variable value. For example, velocity, force etc.
New Delhi ; using a cesium atomic clock.
20. Can a quantity have constant value and be
14. What is the basic difference between inertial
mass, gravitational mass and weight of a
Ans. Yes, Joule's mechanical equivalent of heat has
body? a constant value, but is dimensionless.
Ans. Inertial mass of a body is measure of inertia of 21. Give three examples of dimensionless
the body. It is equal to force required to produce variables.
unit acceleration in the body. Ans. Three examples of dimensionless variables are
Gravitational mass of a body is the force specific gravity, angle, strain.
experienced by the body in a gravitational field
IV. Dimensional Analysis
of unit intensity.
Weight of a body is the force with which the 22. Momentum per unit volume ; divided by

body is attracted towards the centre of earth. pressure represents reciprocal of velocity.
15. What is the technique used for measuring
large time intervals ? Momentum/Volume MLT
Ans. True.
Ans. For measuring large time intervals, we use the pressure MLT22
technique of radioactive dating. Large time
intervals are measured by studying the ratio of TL= (LT-l)-l =v-l =4,
number of radioactive atoms decayed to the
23. Which physical quantity is represented by
number of surviving atoms in the specimen.
where ^ is wavelength and g is
III. Dimensions acceleration due to gravity ?
16. The velocity v of a particle is given by
v A + Bt. What are the dimensions of A
Ans. ag = y(L(LT2) = [LT'].

and B? This represents speed or velocity.

= a true dimensionally ?
24. In the relation C
s. A= =LT = [MLr Ans. Yes, C LT-l

=[(M°LlT2] and vA = (L) = LT-l

B== =Lr-2
25. In the equationy
A sin (ot-kr), obtain the
17. Which of the following has the same dimensional formula of o and k. Given r is
dimension as Planck's constant : Torque, distance and t is time.
gravitational constant, angular momentum ? Ans. The given equation is y = A sin (ot- kx)
Ans. Angular momentum = moment of momentum The argument of a trigonometrical function, i.e.
=MLTxL angle is dimensionless
= [ML2 T- i.e., ot =6
E =
hv, h
= ML? T = T-l = [M°DT-)
T-T :

18. Give names of a scalar quantity and a vector Also, kx=6

quantity which have same dimensions. =
Ans. Work is scalar and torque is vector. Both have
k =l
x L
the same dimensions [ML-T-4].
9lno. Errors and their propagation
+y= (6-75 x 10 +0-452 x 10 ) cm
26. The mass of a body is 7-202 x 10 cm 7-20 x 10 cm
measured by two
persons is 10-2 kg and 10-23
kg. Which is (upto two places of decimal).
more accurate and why ? 32. A substance weighing 5-74 g occupies
Ans. The value m = 10-23 kg is more accurate, volume of 12 em3. Calculate its density with
correct upto 2nd place of decimal. being due regard to significant digits.
27. Wheny =x*, what is the relative 5-74
error in y ? Ans. P =4-78 g/cc = 4-8 g/cc, rounded

Ans. i.e., it is four times the relative off to have two significant digits.
33. What inmportance is attached to the final zeros
error in x. in a number without any decimal point ?
28. When you take 500 observations instead of Ans. Such zeros are treated as non significant.
100 observations of a measurement, by what For example, in r = 86400, number of significant
factor is probable error reduced ? figures is 3.
Ans. The probable error reduces to 1/5th. 34. State the number of significant figures in
) 0-007 m (ti) 2-67 x 10- kg
29. What is a systematic error ? How can it be
(CBSE 2014)
removed ?
Ans. () 0-007 m has one significant digit, 7.
Ans. Systematic error is that which is always positive
(it) 2-67x 10-24 kg has three significant digits,
or always negative. Such an error can be 2,6, 7.
removed by detecting the source of error and
35. Add 8-2 and 10-163 and round off the sum
applying the necessary correction. to proper number of significant figures.
30. Which of the following lengths measured is Ans. 8-2+ 10-163 = 18-363
most accurate and why ? Rounding off to one decimal place, sum = 18.4
(a) 500-0 cm (b) 0-0005 em 36. The mean value of period of oscillation of a
(c) 6-00 cm (Central Schools 2014) simple pendulum in an experiment is 2-825 s.
The arithmetic mean of all the absolute errors
Ans. The measurement (b) 0-0005 cm is most is 0-11 s. Round off the period of simple
accurate as it is correct upto fourth place of pendulum to the approximate number of
decimal. significant figures. Give reason.
(Central Schools 2008)
VI. Significant figures and Rounding off 0-11 s has two significant
Ans. The absolute error =
31. Add 6-75 x 103 cm to 4-52 x 10 cm. figures. Therefore, period of oscillation of
simple pendulum, rounded off to two significant
Ans. x = 6-75 x 103, y = 4.52 x 104 cm
digits 28 s
= 0-452 x 105 cm

i Carrying 3 marks
4. What are the advantages of SI ?[Art.
. What are the essential requirements
for the
decides the 5. Define Astronomical unit, light
year and
choice of standard unit ? Who parsecond. Establish relation between them.
[Art. 2.7]1
units? [Art 2.11]
. Why mks system had to be
rationalised to
temperature 6. What is meant by giga,
Establish the relation
micro and femto ?
between them.
obtain SI ? Define the unit of 2.8]1
on SI. [Art. 2.121

3. Name the fundamental units and supple- 7. What is meant by

order of magnitude ?
symbol of examples ?
mentary units on SI and their Illustrate with atleast three
[Art. 2.9] [Art. 2.14]
2/84 Pradeep ' Fundamental Physics (XI) Vo
8. What are the instruments used for thee 14.Calculate the dimensions of universat
measurement of length from 105 m to 102 gravitational constant. If its value in SI unit
is 667 x 10-1, what will be its value in cg
m. Give the least count of each instrument.
[Art. 2.16]
9. How do you measure the size of the molecule Ans. From F
of oleic used ? [Art. 2.18]
10. Name the quantities represented by the G
dimensional formula M
m s2
IM'L2T-]: [M'L2T-2) [M'LST°]. G 6-67 x 10-1 kg-l
[M'12 T 2] (T) > joule-sec 6-67 x 10-" (10" g) (10 cm)* s2
Ans. [M L2 T-j
which are the units of Planck's constant. 6-67 x 10 g cm s-2
LM' LT] s the dimensional formula ofwork 15. What are the limitations of dimensional
or energy. analysis ?
IM'L-3T is the dimensional formula of Ans. Art. 2.31.
density. 16. A capacitor of capacitance C = (2-0 +0-1)
11. Choose the pairs of quantities which have F is charged to a voltage V = (20 +0-5)
same dimensions : Impulse, force, work, Calculate the charge Q with error limits.
momentum, moment of force, tension. Ans. = CV= 2-0 x 20 40 micro coulomb

Ans. (i) Impulse and momentum have the same 40 x 10C

dimensions: [M' LT-j
(ii) Force and tension have the same
dimensions: [ML' T ].
(iit) Work and moment of force have the same
dimensions: [ML2 T-2.
12. The dimensions of quantities in one or more
Hence, Q = (40 3-0) x 10-
17. Which of the following length measurment
of the following pairs are the same. Identify
is most accurate and why ?
the pair (S).
() 4-00 cm (ii) 0-004 mm (iii) 40-00 cm.
) Torque and workk
= 0-01 = 0.0025
i) Angular momentum and work Ans. () 4-00
ii) Energy and Young's modulus
iv) Light year and wavelength. Ax 0-001
Ans. (i) Torque and work, the dimensional formula 0-004
ofeach is [M'L2T-2 iin Ax 0-01
= 0-00025
(ii) Light year and wavelength, both represent
distance [L] The last observation has the least fractional error
13. Find the dimensions of Planck's constant. If and hence it is most accurate.
its value in cgs system is 6-62 x 10-2 erg-sec, 18. What is meant by accuracy and precision or
what will beits value on mks system? measuring instruments ?
Ans. Art. 2..35.
Ans. E MIT)-[M'?T- 19. What is meant by significant figures ? Give
any four rules for counting significant figures
h 6-62 x 10-/ erg-sec Ans. Arts. 2.36 and 37.
= 6-62 x 10-27 x 10- joule-sec 20. What is meant by permissible error in a
result ? Give examples.
662 x 10-34 Js Ans. Art. 2.40.
2/102 Pradecp 's lundamental Physics (XDMOL

Q.1. Fill in the blanks
(a) The volume of a cube of side 1 cm is equal to
(b) The surface area ofa solid eylinder of radius 2.0 em and height 10.0 cm is equal to
(c) A vehicle moving with a speed of 18 km l
covers ...m inls
or m
(d) The relative density of lead is 11.3. Its deusity is ..g en
Sol. (a) Here, length of side, L = cm= 10 m

Volume of cube = L' = (10-2 m) = 10- m3

(b) Here, r= 2:0 cm = 20 mm, h = 10-0 cm = 100 mm

Surface area of solid cylinder = (2t r) h = 2x x 20x 100 mm= 1-26 x 10* mm2

(c) Here, speed, v = 18 km h-

Distance covered in I
sccond = 5 m

=- 1-3x10KE

(a) Here, relative density = 11:3 density = 11:3 glec = 113 x 10 kg m

(10 m)
Q.2. Fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units :
() 1 kg m2 s?=.. g
cm2s2 (b) 1 m=..ight year () 3 ms=.. km h2
(d) G= 6.67 x 10- Nm kg =... g cms
Sol. (a) 1 kg m2s2 = 1 x 10g (102 cm) s=
10' g cm* s

(b) We know, 1
light year = 9,46 x 10 m Im=.9.46x 1015 year *1.053 x I10-lo light year

(c)3 ms2=3 x 10-3 km h

60x 60
=3 x 103x3600 x 3600 kmh2 = 3.888 x 10 km h2
d) G= 6.67 x 10- Nm2 kg = 6.67x 10- (kg ms-2)
m2 kg2

= 6.67 x 10-11 ms2kg-l = 6.67 x 10-ll (100 em)" s2 (1000 g=

6.67 x 10-" cm* sg
Q.3. A calorie is a unit of heat energy and it equals about 4.2 J, where 1J=1 kg m* Suppose,
employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals a kg, the unit of length equals m and
B the
s, e
unit of time is y s. Show that a calorie has a magnitude of 4.2 a' B in terms of the new unit.
Sol. Here, 1 calorie = 4.2 J = 4.2 kg m- s4
As new unit of mass = o kg 1kg =- new unit of mass = o new unit of mass

Similarly, 1m= ß-l new unit of length, I s =T' new unit of time
Putting these values in (), we obtain
calorie = 4.2 (o new unit of mass) (B- new unit of length) (yl new unit of time)4
= 4.2 o2 new unit of energy, which was to be proved.
is meaningle
Q.4. Explain this statement clearly : () To call a dimensionless quantity large' or 'small' statements
without specifying a standard for comparison. (ii) In view of this, reword the following
wherever necessary.
(a) Atoms are very sall objects
(b) A jet plane moves with great speea
(C) he mass ot jupiter is very nolecules
large (d)'The air insidethis room containsalarge numDe
e) A proton is muclh more
massive than an electron
n The speed of sound is mueh smaller than the speed of light.
Sol. (i) The statemenl is true. This is beeause a
dimensionless quantity can be large orsmall only im co arison
to some standard. For example,
angle is dimensionless. Z9 = 60° is larger than 20 = 30°, but smanc than
28 = 90°.
() The size of an atom is smaller
than the sharp tip of a pin.
b) A jet plane moves laster than a
superfast train.
(c) The mass of jupiter is very large compared
to the mass of earth.
(d) The air inside this room
contains more number of molecules than in one mole of air.
(e) The statement is already correct
() The statement is already correct.
Q.5. A new unit of length is chosen such that the speed oflight in vacuum is unity. What is the distance
between the sun and the earth in terms of the new unit, if light takes 8 min and 20 sec. to cover
Sol. We are given that velocity of light in vacuum, c = I new unit of length s, Time taken by light of sun to
reach the earth. I = 8 min 20 s = 8x 60 + 20 =500 s.
Distance berween the sun and earth
x = cXi l new unit oflength sx500 s = 500 new units oflength
Q.6. Which of the following is the most precise device for measuring length ? (a) a Vernier callipers with
20 divisions on the sliding scale, coinciding with 19 main scale divisions (b) a screw gauge of piteh
mm and 100 divisions on the circular scale (c) an optical instrument that can measure length to
within a wave length of light.
Sol. The most precise device is that whose least count is minimum. Now

(a) Least count of this vermier callipers =l SD -


- mm = cm
20 200
= 0-005cm

(b) Least count of sCrew gauge =

divisions on
circular scale 100

cm = 0-001cm
= 0-00001 cm.
(c) Wavelength of light, A = 10* cm.
Obviously. the most precise measurement is with
optical instrument.
a microscope of
a human hair by looking at it through
Q.7. A student measures the thickness of of the hair in the field
and finds that the average width
magnification 100. He makes 20 observations
What is his estimate on the thickness of hair?
of view of the microscope is 3.5 mm.
observed width (y)
Sol. Magnification, m =
real width (x)

() = m
Q.8. (a) You are given a thread
and a
0-035 mm

netre scale. How will you estimate the diameter

of the thread ?
circular scale. Do you think itis
pitch of 1:0 mm and 200 divisions on the
(b) A screw gauge has increasing the number of divisions on
increase the accuracy of the gauge arbitrarily by
possible to
the circular scale? callipers. Why is a set of 100
of a thin brass rod is to be measured by vernier a set of S measurements
(c) The mean diameter
expected to yield a more reliable estimate than
measurements of the diameter
only? using a metre scale. We wind a number
thread is so small that it cannot be measured
Sol. (a) The diameter of a touching one another.
the metre scale so that the turns are closely
of turns of the thread on
2/104 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)vo
Measure the length () of the windings on the scale which contains n number of turns

Diameter of thread
= 1H o

= pitch
(b) As least count
number of divisions on circular scale
theoretically speaking, least count decreases on increasing the number of divisions on the circul
Hence, accuracy would increase. Practically, it may not be possible to take the reading precisely due tolo
resolution of human eye.
(c) A large number of observations (say, 100) will give more reliable result than smaller number q
observations (say, 5). This is because of probability of makinga positive random error of certain magnitud
is equal to that of making a negative random error of the same magnitude. Therefore, when number o
observations is large, random errors are likely to cancel and the result may be more reliable.
cm on a
Q.9. The photograph of a house occupies an area of 1:75 35 mm slide. The slideis projected on
to a sereen, and the area of the house on the sereen is 1-55 m. What is the linear magnification of the
projector screen arrangement ?
Sol. Here, area of object = 1 75 cm and area of image
1-55 m= 1-55 x 10 cm o
area of inmage 1-55x104
Areal magnification = = 8857
area of object 1-75

Linear magnification = V8857 = 94-1

Q.10. State the number of significant figures in the following:
(a) 0-007 m* (b) 2-64x 10° kg ()02370 g em (d) 6-320 J (e) 6-032 N m () 0-0006032 m
Sol. The number of significant figures is as follows: (a) one (b) three (c) four (d) four (e) four () four
Q. 11. The length, breadth and thickness of a metal sheet are 4-234 m, 1005 m and 2-01 cm respectively
Give the area and volume of the sheet to correct number of significant figures.
Sol. Here, length, I = 4-234 m, breadth, b = 1-005 m, thickness, t= 2-01 cm = 2-01 x 10m 219
Area ofthe sheet 2 (lx b+bxt+tx ) = 2 (4-234x 1-005 + 1-005 x 0-0201 +0-0201 x 4234)
=2 (4-3604739) = 8-7209478 m2
As area can contain a maximum of three significant digits, therefore, rounding off, we get
Area = 872 m2
Also, volume =lxbxt
V=4-234 x 1-005 x 0-0201 0-0855289 = 0-0855 m3 (containing three significant figures)
Q.12. The mass of a box measured by a grocer's balance is 2:3 kg. Two gold pieces of masses 20-15 g and
20-17 g are added to the box. What is (a) total mass of the box (b) the difference in masses of gold
pieces to correct significant fig"res.
Sol. Here, mass of the box, m = 2:3 kg
Mass of one gold piece, mj = 20.15 g= 002015 kg
Mass of other gold piece, m = 2017 g = 0-02017 kg
(a) Total mass =m +m +m2 = 2:3 +0-02015 +0-02017 234032 kg.
As the result is correct only upto one place of decimal, therefore, on rounding off
total mass = 2:3 kg fo?
(b) Difference in mases = ma -m = 20-17 -20-15 = 0-02 g (correct upto two places of decimal).
Q. 13. A physical quantity P is related to four observables a, b, c and d as follows:

P=a3b(Ne d)
The percentage errors of measurement in a, b, c and d are 1%, 3%, 4% and respectively.W
is the percentage error in the quantity P?I the value of P calculated using the above relation turn
out to be 3-763, to what value should you round offthe result?

Sol. Here, P=:

Maximum fractional error in P is given by

Percentage error inP= x 100 = *0-13 x 100 = t 13%
As the result (13%error) has two significant figures, therefore, if P lurns out to be 3-763, the result would
be rounded off to 38.
o 14, A book with many printing errors contains four different formulae for the displacement y ora
particle undergoing a certain periodic motion:
) y=asin- T (ii)y =a sin v t (ii) y=siniv) ysin+cos
of motion. Rule
Here, a is maximum displacement of particle, v is speed of particle, Tis time period
out the wrong formulae on dimensional grounds.
function, i.e., angle is dimensionless. Now, in
Sol. The argument of a trigonometrical

( 2-=l = (M° DT°) .. dimensionless

(i)vt=(LT-) (T) =L= [M°zlT . not dimensionless

Ci)-='r' .. not dimensionless

(iv) =1 = [M°0T0] . dimensionless

formulae (i) and (ii) are wrong. moving mass m to the rest mass my of a particle
in terms of its
Q. 15. A famous relation in Physics
relates special theory of
light c. (This relation first arose as a consequence of
speed v and the speed of
A boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put
relativity due to Albert Einstein).

the constant c. He writes

m= (1-2)1/2
Guess where to put the missing c? the formula
dimensions, powers of M, L, T on either side of
homogeneity of Therefore, instead
According to the principle of (1 -v)" should be dimensionless.
bSol RHS, the denominator
must be equal. For this, on
blog write (1 - vIc)2
of (1 - v)2, we should
Hence, the correct formula
would be (1-v1c21/2
as an angstrom and is denoted by Å:
is known m3 of
convenient on the atomic scàle 0-5 A. What is the total atomic volume in
16. The unit of length a hydrogen atom is
size of
1A = 10-10 m. The
atoms ?
a mole of hydrogen
x 10 m. 10-31m
Sol. Here, r = 0.5 Ä = 0:5 10-0)3 = 5-236 x
x3:14 (0-5 x
Volume of each atom of
hydrogen =tr= = 1023
Avogadro's number 6-023 x
hydrogen = m
102= 3-154 x 107.
atoms in one gram mole of =5:236 x 10- x 6-023 x
edwNumber of hydrogen one gram mole of hydrogen

o Atomic volume of
2/106 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)VoL
Q. 17. One mole of an ideal gas at NTP occupies 22-4 litres (molsar volume). What is the ratio of mot
volume to atomie volunme of a mole of hydrogeu ? 'Tuke size of hydrogen molecule to be 1 Å. Whv
this ratio so large ?
107 m.
Sol. Atomic volume rR'x N =T (05
x 10 10'x o4023 x l = 3-154 x

Molar volume = 22.4 litre = 22.4 x 10 m'.

Molar volume 22.4 x 10-3
Atomic volume 3-154 x 10
7 7-1x 10
This ratio is large due to large intermolecular separations.
0.18. Explain this common observation clearly. If you look out of the window of a fast moving train, the
nearby trees, houses cte. seem to move rapildly in a direetion opposite to the train's motion, butthe
distant objects (hill tops, the moon, the stars cle.) seem to be stationary.
Sol. The line joining the object to the eye is called the line of
sighut. Whern a train naoves rapidly. the line of sight of

a nearby tee changes its direction of motion rapidlly. Tlhercfore, the trces appear to run in opposite direction.
On the contrary. the line of sight of far off objects (hill tops, the moon, the stars ctc.) does not change its
direction so much, duc to extremely large distane from the eye. tience, distant hill tops, moon, the stars
etc. appear stationary.
Q. 19. The principle of 'parallax' in Art. 2.17. is used in the determination of distances of very distant
stars. The baseline AB is the line joining the Earth's two locations six months apart in its orbit
around the Sun. That is, the baseline is about the diameter of the Earth's orbit 3x 10 m. However,
even the nearest stars are so distant that with such a long baseline, they show parallax only of the
order of 1"(second) of arc or so. A parsec is a convenient unit of length on the astronomical scale. Ita
is the distance of an object that will show a parallax of 1" (second) of arc from opposite ends
baseline equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. How much is a parsec in terms of
metres ?

Sol. Here, length of baseline = distance from earth to the sun, / = A.U. = 1-5 x 10 m

1' 1
Parallax angle, 6 = 1'"= X radian
60 60x60 180 60x60
r=l par sec = ?

From 1=re
m= 3-1x10° m
Hence, I parsec = 3-1 x 10m
Q. 20. The nearest star to our solar system is 429 light years away. How much is this distance in terms of
par sec ? How much parallax would this star show when viewed from two locations of the carth six
months apart in its orbit around the sun ?
4-29x 9.46 x 105
Sol. x=4-29 ly = 4-29 x 9.46 x 10 m = par sec. =1:323 par sec
3-08 x 10!6

02AU X
2x1496 x10!
4-29 x 9.46 x 10
radian = 1-512sec

Q.21. Precise measurements of physical quantities are a need of science. For example, to ascertain the
speed of an aircraft, one must have an accurate method to find its positions at elosely separated
instants of time. This was the actual motivation behind the discovery of radar in World War
Think of different examples in modern seience where precise measurements of length, time, mass
etc. are needed. Also, wherever you can, give a quantitative idea of the precision needed.
Sol. Precise measurements of physical quantities like length, nmass and time are the primary requirementS TO
development of quantitative laws of Physics or any other science.
For example, in the measurement of distance of moon from earth by Laser beam, very accurate measuremen
of time taken is required. Similarly, for measuring distance, clevation and velocity of an aeroplane by
Radar method, time measurement has to be accurate. For measuring distances of nearby stars, aceurac
measureme of parallax angle is required.

lom In the tield ot crystallography, precise measurement of length is needed to determine interatomic distances.
yd Using a mass spectrometer, the precision measurement of masses
of atoms are made.
Q. 22. Just as precise measurements are necessary in science, it is equally important to be able to nake
rough estimates of quantities using rudimentary ideas and common observations. Think or wy
which you can estimate the following (where an estimate is difficult to obtain, try to get an upper
bound on the quantity):
(a) the total mass of rain-bearing clouds over India during the Monsoon, (b) the mass of an elephant,
(c) the wind speed during a storm, (d) the number of strands of hair on your head,
(e) The number of air molecules in your class room.
Sol. (a) The total mass of rain bearing clouds over India during the monsoon
During the monsoon, meteorologist record about 100 cm of rain fall, ie., h = 100 em = 1 m
Area of our country, A =3:3 million square km 3.3 x 10 (103 m)2 = 3.3 x 102 m
Volume ofrain water, V=A xh =3.3 x 102 x1 m3.
As density of water, p = 103 km/m? .
Mass ofrain water = Vp =33 x 102 x 10 kg = 3:3 x 10 kg
This must be the total mass of rain bearing clouds over India.
(b) Mass of an elephant
To estimate the mass of an elephant, we take a boat of known base area A. Measure the depth of boat in
water. Let it be x. Therefore, volume of water displaced by the boat, V1=Ax1
Move the elephant into this boat. The boat gets deeper into water. Measure the depth of boat now into
water. Let it be x2
Volume of water displaced by boat and elephant V2 =A 2
. Volume of water displaced by the elephant V= V2- V^ =A (2-x1)
If p is density of water, then mass of elephant = mass of water displaced by it = Vp =A (r2-1)
(c) The wind speed during a storm can be estimated using a gas tilled
balloon. In Fig 2 (N).1, OA is normal position of a gas filled balloon, A B
when there is no wind. As the wind blows to the right, the balloon drifts
to position B in one second. The angle of drift ZAOB =0is measured. If d
h is the height of the balloon, then AB = d= he.
This is the distance travelled by the balloon in one second. It must be the
wind speed.
(d) The number of strands of hair on our head
the hair. Let it be A.
For this, we measure the area of the head that carries
hair. Let it be d.
Using a screw gauge, we measure thickness of
area of cross section of hair = T d.
is uniform, the
Assuming that the distribution of hair over the head
number of strands of hair
total area A O

area of cross section of each hair Ta2

hair on human head is of the order of one million.
Calculations show that number of strands of
(e) Number of air molecules in
class room
of air at NTP occupies a volume of 22.4 litres.
Measure the volume of room. We know that one mole
il m3
91: Le., 22.4 x 10 1023
10 m3= 6-023 x
Number of air molecules in 22.4x
6-023 x 1023
V of room = XV 269 x 1025 v
Number of air molecules in volume
224 x10-3
with its inner core at a
temperature exceeding 10' K, and its
(ionised matter)
Q. 23. The sun is a hot plasma 6000 K. At such high temps,
no substance remains in a solid
temperature of about range of
mass density of the sun to be In the mass
outer surface at a you expect the
range do
or liquid phase. In what your guess is correct from the following data: af
gases? Check if
densities of solids, liquids or
radius of the sun = 7-0 10
x m
sun = 2-0 x 10 kg;
2/108 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
M 2-0 x 1030 kg; R = 7:0 x 10 m; Density, p = ?
Sol. Here,
3M = 4x3-14(7x108)3 l392 x 10* kg/m3
volume 4TR

This is the order of density of solids and liquids; and not gases.
The high density of sun is due to inward gravitational attraction on outer layers, due to the inner layers
the sun.
Q. 24. When the planet Jupiter is at distance of 8247 million kilometres from the Earth, its angular
diameter is measured to be 35-72" of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter ?
Sol. Here, r = 824-7 x 100 km.

35-72"= 35-72x-radian
180 60x60
Diameter, l=?
35-12xTkm =
AS I=r0 l= 824-7x10:x60x60x180 1-429 x 10° km

Q.25. A man walking briskly in rain with speed v must slant his umbrella forward making an angle (ith
the vertical). A student derives the following relation between 0 and v : tan 6 =v and checks that the
relationhas a correct limit: asv >0,0>0 as expected. (We are assuming there is nostrong wind
and that the rain falls vertically for a stationary man). Do you think this relation can be correct ?1f
not, guess the correct relation.
Sol. The relation tan 6 =v has a correct limit, as v-> 0;0->0.
However, RHS = tan 0 = [M°L T), and LHS = v = [M°L'T-'j. 0E20
Therefore, the relation is not correct dimensionally.

As we go through unit 3 of the book, we shall find that the correct relation is tan =-
Q.26. It is claimed that two cesium clocks, if allowed to run for 100 years, free from any disturbance, may
differ by only about 0-02 s. What does this imply for the accuracy of the standard cesium clock ing
measuring a time interval of 1s?
Sol. Error in 100 years = 0-02 s

Error in 1
sec = -
0-02s 2x102x4 = 7.9 x 10-13 s = 10-12 s
100x365x24 x60x60 1461x 24x 36x10* lo
Hence, theaccuracy ofthe standard cesium clock in measuring a time interval of 1sis 10-12 s
Estimate the average atomic mass density of a sodium atom, assuming its size to be 25 Å. Compare
.27. withdensity of sodium inits crystalline phase (970 kg m). Are the two densities of the same order
of magnitude ? If so, why ?
xN =x
Sol. Atomic volume (1-25 x 10-10,3 x 6-023 x 1023 n
= m=4-93 x 10
mass 23x10-3
Average mass density 4-67 x 103 kg/m*
volume 4-93x10-6
The two densities are not of the same order. T' is is due to interatomic
spacing in the crystalline phase.
Q. 28. The unit of length convenient on
nuclear sc se is a fermi, 1 f= 10-15 m. Nuclear sizes obey roughy
the following empirical relation: r = ro
As, where r is radius of the nucleus and ro is a constan
equal to 12 f. Show that the rule implies that
nuclear mass density is nearly constant for differen
nuclei. Estimate the mass density of sodium nucleus.
Compare it with average mass density of sodiun
atom in Q. 27 (4-67 x 10 kg/m*.
Sol. Let nm be the average mass of a nucleon
(neutron or proton).
As the nucleus contains A nucleons, mass of nucleus, M = mA
radius of nucleus, r = roAs
Nuclear density, p = -

M 3 mA 3m
4TAA/33 4 Tt
As m and ro are constant, therefore, nuclear density is constant for all nuclei.
Using m=1-66 x 10-2/ kg and ro= 1-2f= 1-2 x 10-15 m
3m 3x1-66x10-27
we get, 4x314(1-2x10-153 2:29 x 10! kg m3
As p is constant for all nuclei, this must be the density of sodium nucleus also.
2-29 x1017
Density of sodium atom, p' = 467 x 10' kgm3.
4-67 x103
Q.29. A LASER is source
a of very intense, monochromatic, and unidirectional beam of light. These
properties of a laser light can be exploited to measure long distances. The distance of the Moon from
the Earth has been already determined very precisely using a laser as a source of light. A laser light
beamed at the Moon takes 2.56 s to return after reflection at the Moon's surface. How much is the
radius of the lunar orbit around the Earth ?
Sol. Here, t = 2.56 s, velocity of laser light in vacuum, c = 3 x 10 m/s
The radius of lunar orbit is the distance of moon from earth. Let it be x

As x=
2-56 =
3-84x 10° m
Q.30. A SONAR (sound navigation and ranging) uses ultrasonic waves to detect and locate objects under
water. In a submarine equipped with a SONAR, the time delay between generation of a probe wave
and the reception ofits echo after reflection from an enemy submarine is found to be 77.0 s. Whatis
the distance of the enemy submarine ? (Speed of sound in water = 1450 ms-l).
VX1 r=450x77-0
Sol. Here, t= 77-0 s, x=?v= 1450 ms. As X =
-m = 55825m
Q.31. The farthest objects in our universe discovered by modern astronomers are so distant that light
emitted by them takes billions of years to reach the earth. These objects(known as quasers) have
many puzzling features, which have yet not been satisfactorily explained. What is the distance in km
of a quasar from which light takes 3-0 billion years to reach us ?
Sol. Here, x = ?, time taken, t = 3-0 billion years = 3 x 10 yr =3 x 10 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60

vel. of light in vacuum, c = 3 x 10 m/s = 3 x 10 km/s

1022 km
As distance = velocity x time x= (3 x 105) x 3 x 10 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 km = 2:84 x
moon almost completely covers
Q.32. It is a well known fact that during a total solar eclipse, the disc the
can gather from Solved Examples
79h the disc of the Sun. From this fact and from the information you moon.
5 and 6 on page 1/50, determine the approximate diameter of the
Sol. Solved Examples 5 and 6 on page 1/50 give us the following data

Distance of moon from earth, ME 3-84 x 10 m

Distance of sun from earth, SE =1496 x 10 m.
Diameter of sun AB 1-39 x 10 m. FIGURE2(N).2
The situation during total solar eclipse is shown in Fig.
As AS ABE of CDE are similar, therefore,

sIn97 CD= ABx

ME1:39x10" x384x103 3.5679x 10° m --M
SE 1-496x10l1
3567-9 km
This is the diameter of the moon.
2/110 Pradeeps Fundamental Pliysies (XI)MOL
Q. 33. A great physicist of this century (P.A.M. Dirac) loved playing with numerical values of
constants of nature. This led him to an interesting observation. Dirac found that from the
constants of atomie physics (c, e, mass of electron, mass of proton) and the gravitational
was a very large number, it
he could arrive at a number with the dimension of time. Further, it
billion years). From
magnitude being close to the present estimate on the age of the universe (» 15
too can construet this number (ar
the table of fundamental constants in this book, try to see if you were
interesting number you can think of). If its coincidence with the age of the universe
any other
constants ?
signilicant, what would this imply for the constancy of fundamental
light c, charge on electron e, mass of electron
Sol. Trying out with basic constants of atomic physics (speed of
G, we can arrive at a quantity which has the
m, mass of proton m,) and universal gravitational constant

dimensions of time. One such quantity is t=| X

4TUEo m, m cG
Put e = 16 x 10-1° C
9x 10, c = 3 x 10 m/s and G= 6-67 x 1071' Nm kg

m, = 1-67x 10-2/ kg; m, =9x 10-3 kg

t= (1-6 x 10-1 x (9x 10°2 x

167x10-2" (9x10-31)2 (3x10*)3 x6-67x10
2:18 x 10 sec. This time is of the order of age of universe.

(From Supplementary Textual Material) error limits.
of a sphere is measured as (2:1 t0-5) cm. Calculate its surface area with
Q.1. The radius
Sol. Here, r= (2-1 t 05) cm, A = ?
A = 4Tr2=4x(2-1)2 55-44 cm2

AA 2A 0476
26.4 cm
AA = t0.476 A = t0.476 x 55.44 =
(rounding off to one place of decimal)
Hence, surface area of sphere = (554 t 26-4) cm* ampere.
Q.2. The voltage across a lamp is (6-0 0-1) and the
V current passing through it is (4-0 t02)
C Find the power consumed by the lamp.
Sol. Here. V (6-0 t01) volt, I= (4-0 t 0-2) A
Power consumed, P VI (6-0) (4-0) = 24-0 watt

Now, -1,0208 6-0 4-0 12-0

0-8x 24-0
12-0 12-0
= 16 watt

Hence, Power consumed = (24-0 + 1-6) watt

25-2 cm and 16-8 cm, which have both
Q.3. The length and breadth of a rectangular block are block.
measured to an accuracy of 0-1 em. Find the area of the rectangular
A ?
I= (25-2 t0:1) cm, b = (16-8 t 0-1) cm,
Sol. Here,
cm (rounding off to one decimal place)
Now, A lxb = 25-2 x 16-8 = 423:36 cm = 423.4
= 42
A +
4-2 A

AA = t = t42 cm2
Hence, area of block = (423-4 t 4-2) cm

4. A force of (2500 t 5) N is applied over an area of (0:32 t0-02) m2. Calculate the pressure exerte
over the area.
Sol. Here, F (2500t5) N
A = (0:32 t 0-02) m-, P =?
= 78125 N/m2
A 0:32

Now, -+ =t (0-002 +0-0625) =t0-0645

2500 032
AP = +0-0645 P = + 0-0645 x 7812-5 = t 503-9 N/m2
Hence, pressure = (7812-5 t 503-9) N/m
Q.5. To find the value of 'g' by using a simple pendulum, the following observations were made :
Length of the thread,l = (100 t 0-1) em
Time period of oscillation, T = (2t0 1) s
Calculate the maximum permissible error in measurement of 'g'. Which quantity should be measured
more accurately and why ?
Sol. Here, I = (100 t0-1) cm, T=(2t0-1) s; 8=?
From T-2 g="

Ag=t0-101 g
t 0-101 x 9.8 m/s
=t09898 m/s2
t 0-101
=t 1-0 m/s
In thecalculation of is taken twice. Therefore, time period of pendulum mnust be measured
more accurately.
angle of deviation, D,, is found to be 36°,
Q.6. For a glass prism of refracting angle 60°, the minimum light is incident on the prism. Find the
with a maximum error of 1-05", when a beam of parallel refractive index L of material of
range of experimental value of refractive index u. It known that

prism is given by p1=- 2
sin A/2
(36°t 105°), u
Sol. Here, A = 60°, L= =
Taking (D, 36°+ 1-05°
A+( 07492
2 sin(60+37-05)°/2 sin 48:520
H sin A/2 sin 60/2 Sin 30° 1/2
= 1-4984 = 1-50 (rounding of to two decimal places)
Taking (D, 36°- 105° = 34.95,
Sin sin(60+34-95)°/2sin 47-48_75/0= 14740
2 sin 602 sin 30 1/2
Sin A/2
= 1-47 (rounding off to two decimal places)

Hence, 1-47 S uS 1:50 with a mean value of 149

2/112 Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

Q.7. The radius of curvature of concave nmirror, measured by a spherometer is given by R=h
The values of l andh are 4-0 cm and 0-065 cm respectively, wlhere/ is measured by a metre scale
h by a spherometer. Find the relative error in the measurement of R.
Sol. Here, t
l= (4-0 0-1) cm
and h (0-065 +0-001) em, R = ?

(4-02 0-065 = 41-0256+ 0-0325 = 41-0581

R 6x0-065 2

2x01, 0-001
40 0065
0-05+0-015 = 0-065 = 0-06 (rounding off to 2nd place of decimal)
count 0-001 em
Q.8. In Searle's experiment, the diameter of the wire, as measured by a screw gauge of least
a weight of 40
is 0-500 cm. The length, measured by a scale of least count 0-1 cm is 110-0 cm. When
N is suspended from the wire, its extension is measured to be 0-125 cm by a micrometer of

count 0-001 cm. Find the Young's modulus of the material of the wire from this data.
Sol. Here, D (0-500 t0-001) cm, L = (110-0 t 0:1) cm
F=40 N, Il= (0-125 0-001) cm, Y=?

Y=AL 4FL 4x40x1-10 N/m2

(0-50)2x104 x0125x102
Y1-792x.10° N/m2
A_ 0-001
Y D 110 0-500
0-00091 + 0-004+0-008 =0-01291
AY= 0-01291 Y= 0-01291 x 1792 x 10 = 2.31 x 10 N/m2
Hence, Y= (1792 x 10" t2:31x 10") N/m
Q.9. A small error in the measurement of the quantity having the highest power (in a givenformula)vill
contribute maximum percentage error in the value of the physical quantity to whom it is related.
Explain why.
Sol. We have already established that when
thenx 100 t| a+b 4Ar10
This is the percentage error in x. We find that maximum contribution to percentage error comes from u
highest power (a or b or c) in the given formula.
Q. 10. The two specific heat capacities of a gas are measured as C. = (12.28 0-2) units an
= (3-97 t 0-3) units. Find the value gas constant R.
Sol. Here, C = (12-28 t0-2) units =
C = (3.97t0:3) units, R ?
As R Cp-C,
R 12-28 3.97= 8-31 units
AR =+ (ACp + AC) = t(0-2 +0.3) = t 05 units
Hence, R = (8-31 t05) units
1OBtl-i0oimole lo goiuiq 99Tmo3 in


common. We observe people walking around on foot ; on bikes ; in cars,
The concept of motion is too its position with respect
aeroplanes etc. A body is said to be in motion, when it changes with time
in trains, in
the concepts of distance and
displacement; speed and velocity;
surroundings. In this unit, we shall study
to the
; relative velocity. We shall
investigate further the applications of these
uniform and non uniform motion
concepts in day to day life.
objects is called
which deals with the study of motion of material
The branch of Physics
into following branches :-
Mechanics can be broadly classified
which deals with the study of
material objects at rest.
of mechanics
() Statics. It is a branch forces acting on it are in equilibrium. Thus, statics is
when a number of
An object can be at rest, even motion of objects under the effect offorces
in equilibrium
with the study of
branch of mechanics which deals
Here, time factor does not play any material
mechanics which deals with the study ofmotion of
branch of
ti) Kinematics. It is that cause motion.
account the factors which
objects without taking into 'Kinema'
role. The term Kinematics is derived from a Greek word
Here, time factor plays an
meaning motion. motion of objects
mechanics which deals with the study of
branch of
(ii) Dynamics. It is that which cause motion.
account the factors
taking into from the Greek word
essential role. The term dynamics is derived
Here also time factor plays
an dynamics is based on the
force is the cause of motion, therefore
Dynamis' meaning power. Since
concept of force.
3/2 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics
Rest. An object is said to be at rest ifit does not change its posilion with time, wilh
rexpert to it
A book lying on a table, a person sitting in a chair are the cxamples
of rest.
Motion. An object is said to be in motion if it chauges its position with time, wilh rexpect
A bird flying in air, a train moving on rails, a ship sailing on water, a man
walking on road are some of
the examples of motion, visible to the eyc. Motion of gas molecules is an example
of motion, invisible to th
Rest and motion are relative. It means an object in one situation can be at rest but in
the same object can be in motion. Por example, a person sitting in a moving train is
at rest with respect to his
fellow passengers but is in motion with respect to the objects outside the train. Similarly a
person sitting in his
house is at rest w.rt. earth but is in motion w.r.t. other planets.
Mainly the motion of a body can be of following three types :

(1) Rectilinear or translatory motion.

Rectilinear motion is that notion in which a particle or point mass body is moving along a |

straight line.

Translatory motion is that motion in which a body, which is not point mass body is moving
such that all its constituentparticles move simultaneously along purallel straight lines and all
its constituent particles shift through equal distance in a given interval
of time. e.g.,
A body slipping along the inclined plane has translatory motion. Rectilinear or translatory motion can
be uniform or non-uniform.
(2) Circular or Rotatory motion
A circular
motion is that motion in which aparticle or apointmass body is moving on a circle, about
a fixed point which is the centre of a circle.
A rotatory motion
is that motion in which a body, which is not point mass body, is moving
such that all its constituent particles move simultaneously along concentric circles, whose centres
lie on a line, called axis of rotation and shift through equal angle in a given time.

Circular or rotatory motion can be two dimensional or three dimensional motion and can be uniform
non-uniform motion. If the circular or rotatory motion is uniform, it is periodie also.
(3) Oscillatory or Vibratory motion

Oscillatory motion is that motion in which a body moves to and fro or back and forth repeatedly
about a fixed point (called mean position) in a definite interval of time.
In such a motion the body is confined within well defined limits (called extreme positions) on either sio
of mean position. It means a periodic and bounded motion of a body about a fixed point is called an oscillator
motion, e.g., the motion of the pendulum of wall clock is oscillatory motion.
If in the oscillatory motion, the amplitude is very small, (i.e., microscopic), the motion of body is saio
to be a vibratory motion. In the oscillatory or vibratory motion, if the restoring force (or torque) islinear
the motion the body is said to be simple harmonic motion. This motion has been discussed in detail i"
chapter 14.
menanmo emoortne


When an object in motion covers a very large distance as compared to its size or dimensions, then
study the motion of that object, its size or dimensions can be neglected and object can be regarded as a poin
Thus, an object can be considered as a point olbject if during motion in a given time, it covers
distances much greater than its own size.
For example, while studying the revolution of earth around the sun, the diameter of earth being very
small as compared to the length of its orbit around the sun, the earth can be regarded as a point object.
Similarly, a car travelling a few hundred kilometre distance, can be taken as a point object. But if a car is
travelling a distance which is not very large as compared to the size of the car, then the car can not be taken
as a point object.
It is important to note that the point object is a mathematical concept to simplify the problems.
When a point object is in motion and we want to specify its position, then we need to use a reference
point and a system having a set of axes. The most convenient system is a rectangular coordinate system.
consisting of three mutually perpendicular axes, labelled X-, Y- and Z-axis. The point of intersection O of
these three axes is called origin which serves as a reference point or the position of the observer. The
observer has a clock with him to record the time. The position of the object at a given instant of time can be
described in terms of position coordinates (x, y, ), ie., the distances of the given position of object along the
X, Y- and Z-axis. This coordinate system alongwith a clock constitutes a frame of reference.
Thus, the frame of reference is a system of coordinate axes attached to an observer having a
clock with him, with respect to which, the observer can describe position, displacement,
acceleration etc. of a moving object.
Frames of reference can be of two types
(a) Inertial frame of reference (b) Non-inertial frame of reference.
(a) Inertialframe of reference is one in which Newton's first law* of motion holds good. For example,
a frame of reference attached to a person in a bus at rest or in a bus moving with a uniform velocity along a
straight path.
(b) Non-inertial frame of reference is one in which Newton's first law of motion
does not hold good.
For example, a frame of reference attached to a person in a bus moving with variable velocity or moving with
acceleration along a straight path.
is having spinning
We know that earth is revolving around the sun in almost in a circular orbit and
time, so the Newton's first law of
motion also about its axis. Due to it, the velocity of earth is changing with
attached to a person on earth for
motion does not hold good for earth. Therefore, the frame of reference
for the motion of the
observing the things outside the earth is non-inertial frame of reference. However,
attached to a person on earth is
object on earth, the earth can be taken at rest. Then the frame of reference
taken as inertial frame of reference.
() One dimensional motion.
The motion of an objectis said to be one dimensional motion if only one out of the three
to time.
coordinates specifying the position of the object changes with respect

For Newton's first law of motion refer to chapter

5 of this book.
3/4 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)vo
Suppose an object is moving along a straight line OX with FIGURE 3.1
origin at O. Fig. 3.1(a). At time t, let the object be at P, where
OP =x. It means, to know the position of the object at a given
time t, we are required to know only one coordinate, i.e., distance
x. Such a motion of an object in which only one coordinate is a
changing with time is called one dimensional motion.
In one dimensional motion, the object moves along a straight line or a well defined straight path. Therefor
one dimensional motion is sometimes known as rectilinear or linear motion.
For example, the motion of a train along a straight railway track, an object dropped from a cena
height above the ground, a man walking on a level and narrow road, oscillations of a mass suspended from
vertical spring etc., are one dimensional motion.
(i) Two dimensional motion.
The motion of an object is said to be two dimensional motion if two out of the three coordinates
specifying the position of the ohject change with respect to time.
In such a motion, the object moves in a plane.
Suppose an object is moving in X-Y plane with origin at O. Fig. 3.1(b). YA FIGURE 3.1
At time t, let the object be at P, whose coordinates are (x, y). It means to
know the position of the object, moving in X-Y plane, at a given time 1, we
are required to know two coordinates, i.e., distances along X-axis and Y-
axis. Sucha motion of an object in which two coordinates are changing with
P ()
time is called two dimensional motion.
For example, an insect crawling over the floor, the earth revolving
around the sun, a billard ball moving over the billard table, are two
dimensional motion.
(ii) Three dimensional motion.
The motion of an object is said to be three dimensional motion
if all the three coordinates
specifying the position of the object change with respect to time.
In such a motion, the object moves in space.
Suppose an object is moving in space, having three mutually
perpendicular axes labelled as X- , Y- and Z-axes, with origin at O. Fig.
3.1(c). At time t, let the object be at P, whose coordinates are (r, y, z). It P xy.)
means to know the position of the object in space at a given time, we are
required to know three coordinates, i.e., distances along X-, Y- and Z-
axes. Such a motion of an object in which three coordinates are changing|
with time is called three dimensional motion.
In three dimensional motion, the object moves in space. For
a kite flying on a windy day, the random motion of a gas molecule, a |
flying aeroplane or bird etc. are three dimensional motions.
The motion of a point object in a straight line is one dimensional motion. During such a motion, tne
point object occupies a definite position on the path at each instant of time. Therefore, the motion of the point
object can be described by specifying the distance r of the point object and the corresponding instant of time
t. Mathematically, the position of the object in one dimensional motion can be expressed as follows:
x =x (1) or =f) T9239
Here, the distance x is the function of time t. Thus, to study one dimensional motion, we have to measure
both the position and time at various instants. In order to understand and represent such a motion graphically
the following important concepts are to be understood.

(a) Origin, unit and sense of passage of tinme eu t eo de 0vomatoaro gr0

For measuring the time elapscd during the motion of an object, select a convenient unit of time say a
second. a minute. an hour. a day or a year and also sclect some instant of time as the origin. The origin ofe
is assigned zero value (i.e., t = 0). It should be clearly understood that t = 0, is not the begining of motion.
Infact r = 0. is the instant, we choose arbitrarily to describe the motion.
Consider a person leaving his home O at 9 A.M. by FIGURE 3.2
car. through a stright road. He crosses the city A at a
distance of 80 km from his home at 11 A.M., reaches
t 0
t 2h t 3h t 5h
9 A.M 11 A.M 12 Noon 2
another city B at a distance, 100 km from his home at 12
noon and finally reaches his destination C at a distance A B
140 km from his home at 2 PM Fig 3.3(a). 80 km
If we consider the instant of time 9 A.M. (when the 100 km
person left his home O) as the origin of time axis, i.e., 140km
0. then the person crosses city A, at =2h; city Bat
f t-3h t=-1h
t 3h and finally reaches his destination C at A C
t= Sh.
lf the instant of time 12 noon is chosen as origin of time axis, then the person reaches his destination
after 2h (i.e. I =2h) and crossed the cityA, one hourbefore, i.e., whent=-1 h and left his home three hours
before. i.e., when =
t -3 h; Fig. 3.2(6).
From the above discussion, we conclude the following:
1) The origin of time axis can be shifted to any point on the time axis.
(2) The time measured after the origin of time axis (i.e., the time measured to the right of the
time measured before the origin of time axis (i.e., time measured
of time axis) is taken as positive and the
to the left of the origin of time axis) is taken as negative.
(3) The negative tipme coordinate of a point on time axis indicates that
the object had reached that
point at a time which was before the origin of the time axis.
(4) The time interval between two points on time axis does not
change due to shift in the origin of
time aris.
(b) Origin, unit and direction for position measurement
different locations during motion, select a convenient unit of
For measuring the position of an object at
select some location as the origin on position axis.
distance say a centimetre, metre, kilometre etc and also
zero value (i.e., x =0).
The origin on position axis is assigned
and sense of passage of time), if the home O is selected as the
In the above illustration (used in the unit the person going
the location of city A, city B and destination C of
origin of position axis (i.e., x = 0), then
in a car can be written as x = 80
km, x = 100 km and FIGURE 3.3

x= 140 km respectively. Fig. 3.3(a). x=0 x=80km x=100km *=140km

position axis, then B
If B is chosen as the origin of axis are
C, A and 0 on position
the locations of x=40km
x km respectively; x=-100km -20 km x=0
X=40 km, x=- 20 km and =- 100
that the location A
Fig 3.3(b). Here, positive sign shows
position axis
to the right of the origin of
is to the left of the origin of position
shows that the location
and negative sign
conclude the following:
From the above discussion, we position axis.
of position axis can be shifted to any point on the
1) The origin
right of the origin of position axis are taken positive and those
(2) The distances measured to
the origin of position axis are taken negative.
measured to the left of (say along Y axis), the distances
measured above the origin of
along a vertical line are taken negative
3 In case ofmotion those measured below the origin of position aris
position axis are taken positive and
3/6 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
(4) The distance between two locations on position axis does not change due to shift in the originot
position axis.


The physical quantities which have only magnitude but no direction, are caled scalar quantities
or scalars.
Mass, length, time, distance eovered, speed, temperature, work etc. are the few examples of scalars,
The scalars can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided using ordinary laws of algebra.
A scalar is specified by mere number and unit, where number represents its magnitude. A scalar may be
positive or negative.

The physical quantities which have magnitude as well as direction are called vector quantities
or vectors.
Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, torque, gravitational intensity etc. are the few examples of vectors.
Vectors cannot be added, subtracted, and multiplied by ordinary laws of algebra. For these operations
on vectors we have to use laws of vectors. t is important to note that the division ofa vector by another
vector is not a valid operation in vector algebra, because the division of a vector by a direction is not possible
A vector in writing. can be represented either by a single letter in bold face or by a single letter with
an arrow head on it. Thus, the velocity which is a vector quantity can be represented by v or v. Its positive
magnitude is represented by v or I
vl, called modulus of velocity vector. The modulus or magnitude of a
vector is a scalar quantity.
Geometrically or graphically, a vector is represented by a straight line with an arrow head,
i.e., arrowed line.
Here, the length of the arrowed line drawn on a suitable scale represents the magnitude and the arrow
head represents the direction of the given vector.
For example. a velocity of 50 ms due east is represented by line FIGURE 3.4
AB of length 5 cm, with an arrow head pointing east, on the scale, 1 cm
= 10 ms, as shown in Fig. 3.4.
The initial or starting point A of the
arrowed line is called the tail or origin of the vector. The point B W- E -

A 5cm
which is at the end of the arrowed line is called tip or the terminus or
head of the vector.

(i) Path length. The path leugilh of an object in motion in a given time is the length of actual
path traversed by the object in the given time.

The path length is the actual distance travelled by the object in

the given time during motion.
Illustrations for path length
1. Suppose an object goes fron A
to C following the FIGURE 3.5 FIGURE 3.6
path ABC, in a certain time i, Fig. 3.5. The path
length B
traversed by the object in timet = AB + BC.
, the object goes from A to B, B to C' and C to A in
time Fig. 3.5, then the path length traversed by
time t = AB + BC + CA.
3. If an object goes once around a circle
object in

of radiusr in
time t, Fig. 3.6, then the path length traversed in time t

From above, we note that the path length is the actual distance travelled. It has only magnitude and
direction. Hence, path length (.e., distance travelled) is a scalar quantity. It can never be zero or negative.
i) Displacement. The displacement of an ohject in motion in a given time is defined as the
change in position of the object, ie, the difference between the final andinitialpositions ofthe
object, in a given time. It is the shortest distance between the two positions of the object and its
direction is from initial to final position of the object, during the given interval of time. Tt IS
represented by the vector drawn from the initial position to its final position.
Displacement is a vector quantity as it possesses both, the magnitude and direction.
Illustrations for displacement
1. When an object goes on the path ABC, Fig. 3.5, then the displacement of the object is (AC) The
arrow head at (AC) shows that the object is displaced from A to C. In case the object is displaced from C toA,

then the displacement ofthe object is (CA), [ie., a vector drawn from C to A]. Then (CA) = - (AC

Here, the displacement (CA) is having the same magnitude as that of (AC) but opposite direction.
2.1f an object goesfrom to B, B to Cand C to A in time t, Fig. 3.5, then the displacement of the object
in time i will be = (AA) = 0 .

3. Refer to Fig. 3.6, the displacement of the object for the motion along the circular path ABC, = (AC,
where (AC) =2r.
The displacement of object for the motion of object along the circular path ABCD, = (AD) where

(AD) = VoA2 +OD? = V2 +2 =r

The displacement of an object in motion can be positive, zero or negative.
Characteristics of Displacement
1.Displacement of a moving object in a given interval of time is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude
and direction.
2. The displacement of a moving object in a given interval of time can be positive, negative or zero.
lustration for positive displacement
Consider a particle starting from point O moving along a FIGURE 3.7
straight line OX. with O as an origin of coordinate axis. Let the
particle move from A to B in time t, where OA = x, and OB = xe Fig.
3.7. The displacement of particle in time interval t is Af-
Ar = OB-OA = X-X which is positive as X> Xi
Illustration of Negative displacement FIGURE 3.8
to B in time t,
Refer to Fig. 3.8. if the particle moves from A
where OA = X; and OB = xp then the displacement of particle in B A
time interval r is Ar = -X; which is negative as
,. X; x<
Illustration of zero displacement
If a particle is at rest, then its displacement in a given time interval
is zeroo
its displacement in time
If a particle in motion returns to its initial position after a certain time t, then
interval is zero.
of the choice of the origin
3. The displacement ofa particle in a given interval of time is independent
Consider a particle moving along a straight line OX, with O as origin FIGURE 3.9
Fig. 3.9. Let the particle go fromA to B in interval of
for coordinate axis.
time i, then displacemcnt of particle in time t is O1 A
= OB -OA = AB
Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XI)
If O, is the origin for position measurement, then displacement
time = 0,B- 0,A = AB ind FIGURE 3.10
4. The displacement of a particle in a given time does
not tell the shape
of the path followed.
Let a particle he moving from A to B in time 1, following
firstly the path
I. then path // and later on path IlI. Fig. 3.10. In all such
cases, the displacement
of particle in time interval r is = AB, which is independent of the
shape of the
path followed.
5. The magnitude of displacement of a particle
between two positions
is the shortest distance beveen them.
6. The nagnitude of displacement
of a particle in a given time t is B
equal 1o distance travelled by the particle in time t if the particle is
along a straight line without changing its direction of
7. The magnitude of displacement of a particle in
a given time is less
than the distance travelled by particle in that time
if the particle does not o
move along a straight line.
Let a particle go from O to A in time t following
path OBA, then displacement
of particle = (OA)
Distance travelled = (OB + BA)
As path (OB + BA) > path OA, so the distance travelled >
magnitude of displacement

1. It is the actual path traversed by the
object in 1. It is the shortest distance between the initial position
the given time. and final positions of the object in the given time.
2. It is a scalar quantity. 2. It is a vector quantity.
3. The distance travelled by an object in a given
| 3. The displacement of an object in a given time can
time is never negative or zero, but is always be positive, zero or negative.
4. The distance travelled in a given time is either
4. The displacement of an object in a given timecan
equal to or greater than displacement but never
be equal to or less than the distance travelled but
less than displacement.
never greater than the distance travelled.
5. The distance covered by an object between two
5. The displacement of an object between two
positions can have many values, depending
upon the path followed. positions has a unique value.
6. The distance travelled by the object between
6. The displacement of an object between two
two positions tells the type of path followed.
positions does not tell the type of path followed.

3.12. SPEED
Speed of an object in motion is defined as the
ratio af total path length (i.e., actual distance
covered) and the corresponding time taken by the object, i.e.,

Speed - otal path lengthactual distance travelled

time taken time taken
Speed is a scalar quantity. It gives no idea about the direction of motion
of the object. The speed of tne
object can be zero or positive but never negative.

he unitofspeed is cm sl in egs system and ms- in mks system or SI. The dimensional formula of
speed is [M °L!T-'1

(a) Untform speed. An object is said to be moving with a uniform speed, f it covEn
distances In equal intervals of time, howsoever small these intervals may
If a car i moving on a straight road from A to B and coveers FIGURE 3.12
a distance 5 m in every one second, then the car is moving with a ADistance (in m)
uniform speed.iere tne aistance travelled is directly proportional
to time taken. So, the distance-time graph of the car moving with
uniform speed is a straight line OA as shown in Fig. 3.12. The 20
speed of this car is 5 m', which is the slope of straight line OA.

(b) Variable speed. An object is said to be moving with |

a variable speed if it covers equal distances in unequal| 10
intervals of time or unequal distances in equal intervals
of time, howsoever small these intervals may be.
If a car is moving on a straight road and covers 4 m in first
t (s)
second, 6 m in 2nd second, 10 m in third second and so on, then
the distance travelled is not directly proportional to time, so the FIGURE 3.13
distance time graph is a curve OA as shown in Fig. 3.13. A Distance
(c) Average speed. When an object is moving with a |

variable speed, then the average speed of the object is that 35 m

constant speed with which the object covers the same
distance in a given time as it does while moving with
variable speed during the given time. Average speed for
the given motion is defined as the ratio of the total distance 20 m

travelled by the object to the total time taken i.e.,

10 m
total distance travelled 4m
Average speed
total time taken
etc. respectively, in same direction
particle travels distances S1, S2, Sz etc. with speeds v,
U2, V3
(i) If a
then total distance travelled = S + S2 + S3 t..

Total time taken = *******

S+ +.. (1)
Average specd, vav i

i.e., the body covers
equal distances with different speeds
IfS = S, = S;
2S 2
s ( +) .(2)
individual speeds.
speed is equal to harmonic mean of
t means average
etc. during tume intervals 11, f2, 3 etc. respectively, then
speeds u. V2» V3.
(i) If a particle travels with
distance travelled "1 '1+V2{2 *U3 '3 *
Total time taken = t1 +12 + '3 t **

lo uiun Vav
So average speed, 2tt
3/10 Pradecp's FundamentalPhyslcs
If 2=3 . =1 (say) then from (3), we have
(01+U2 +U t+,)
av n
It means average speed is equal to arithemetic mean of individual speeds.
(d) Instantaneous speed. When the speed of an object is variable, then the object possesses diffete
speeds at different instants. The speed of an object at a given instant of time or at a purticular
point ofi
path is called its instantaneous speed.
Instantaneous speed of am object at an instant of time t is defined as the limiting value of the
average speed in a small internal of time (A1) taken around that instant, provided this time
interval At approaches to zero.
Let at an instant of time t, an object while moving covers a distance Ar in a small interval of time
around time t, so that Ar >0, then

Instantaneous speed = Limit=AAt


whereis the differential coefficient of x with respect to , ie., first derivative of distance ith
respect to time in the language of calculus. In case of a uniform motion of an object, the instantaneou
speed is equal to its uniform speed. The instantaneous speed is measured by speedometer.
Sample Problem Aman walks for 1 minute at a speed of 1 ms- and then runs for 1 minata
speed of 3 ms along a straight track. What is the average speed of the man ?
Sol. Here, t = 1 min = 60 s ; v=1 ms; th = I min = 60 s;v = 3 ms-,
Total distance covered = v, t1 + U t = 1 x 60+3 x 60 = 4 x 60 m
Total time taken = + th= 60 + 60 = 120 s

Average speed = 4x602




Velocity of an ohject in motion is defined as the ratio of displacement and the corresponding
time interval taken by object, i.e.,
time interval
Velocity is a vector quantity, as it has both, the magnitude (speed) and direction. The velocity of an
object can be positive, zero or negative according as its displacement is positive, zero or negative.
The unit of velocity is cm sl in egs system and ms- in mks system or SI. The dimensional formula 0
velocity is [M°L'T-'].
throughout tn
An object is said to be in a uniform motion if its velocity is uniform and constant
motion, i.e., the object is moving with uniform velocity.
Different Types of Velocities (
Uniform velocity. It is that velocity of ouject with which, it undergoes equal displacements
time, howsoever small these intervals may be.
magnitude and direction) in equal intervals of speed changes
velocity.An object is said to be moving with a variable velocityifeither its
(b) Variable change with time.
direction of motion changes with time or both
with time or

)Average velocity (Vav). When an objectis moving with variable velocity, then average velocity of
the object is defined as the ratio of total displacement to the total time interval in the given displacement,

total timne

If and are the displacements of an object in timings and t2 respectively, then

In uniform motion along a straight line, the average velocity is equal to uniform velocity.
(d) Instantaneous velocity (v,). When an object is moving with variable velocity,
a then the velocity
of an object at a given instant of time or at a particular point of its path is called its instantaneous velocity.
It is equal to the limiting value of the average velocity of the object in a small interval of time around that

instant provided this time interval approaches to zero. Then, = limit X _ 4X

Ar0 At dt
Thus instantaneous velocity of an object is equal to the first derivative of its displacement w.r.t.
time at
the given instant of time.
In uniform motion along a straight line, the instantaneous velocity = uniform velocity = average velocity.
Sample Problem A cylist moving on a circular track of radius 200 m completes one revolution
is 5 minutes. What is his (a) average speed (6) average velocity in one full revolution ?
Sol. Here, r=200 m; t=5 min = 5 x 60 s
Distance travelled in one revolution, S = 2 Tr

Average speed, v==2 7tr2x5x60 200

= 4-19 ms-1

Displacement in one revolution, S =0.

Average velocity = _0_ = 0

5x 60 t
An object is said to be in uniform motion if its velocity is uniform, i.e., it undergoes equal
displacements in equal intervals of time, howsoever small these intervals may be.

Consider an object in uniform motion along a straight line OX with a uniform velocity v. Let point O
be the origin for position measurement. Let the time be measured from the instant, the object is at O. Let A
and B be the positions of the object at the instants of time and th respectively, where
OA = and OB = X, Fig. 3.14.
9d i

si) 236
AB OB-OA = -
Displacement of the object in time interval (t2- )

t 0

As, velocity=
time interval
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X1)VOLn
Following are the important features of uniform motion
) For a uniform motion along a straight line in a given direction,
the magnitude of the displacemen
is equal to the actual distance covered by the object.
(ii) The velocity in uniform motion does not depend
upon the time interval (t2-1).
(ii) The velocity in uniform motion is independent
of choice of origin.
(iv) The velocity of an object is taken to be positive
if the object is moving towards the right of origin
and is taken to be negative if the object is moving towards the left
of origin.
v) No force is required for an object to be in uniform
(vi) The average and instantaneous velocities have same
value in a uniform motion.
This formula connects the position. velocity and time of an
object in uniform motion. Consider an
object, moving with uniform velocity v along the straight
line OX. Let the origin for position measurement
be at point O and the origin for time measurement
be taken at the instant, when the object is at A, such that
OA = [Fig. 3.15.] Let the object be
at positions B and C at the instants oftime and t2, where
t OB = x
and OC = x,. Then AB = vt, and AC = v
= OA
Here. OB + AB and OC = OA + AC I 0
O B -X
Subtracting (5) from (6), we get

-=v -4) or
The relations (5), (6) and (7) represent the kinematics
=+ (,-1)
of uniform motion along a straight line.

Special cases. 1. If -11=

2. For a uniform motion in one dimension,
t then from (7), we get (8)
displacement is equal to distance travelled and velocity is
equal to speed, hence the arrow heads over the
displacement and velocity vectors may be dropped. It means
we can Write.
and (x2-X1) =v (t2 -1).
)lfan object is at rest orstationary, its position will not change with time. Let the
object be stationary
at position x (1) =
x0 from the origin. Then the position (r)-time (t) graph for the stationary object is a straight
line AB parallel to time axis. Fig. 3.16(a). Such
a graph describes a train standing at the railway line or a bus
standing on the road side.
) fan object is in uniform motion along a straight line, starting from, the origin O, the
position (r)-time (t) graph is a straight line OC
inclined to time axis as shown in Fig. 3.16{6).
Position-time graph of uniform motion in one dimension of an object (a) starting from origin is
shown by st. line OA : (b) starting from left of origin is
shown by st. line BC and (c) starting from right o
origin, is shown by st. line DE in Fig. 3.16(c).
)fan object is moving with a constant negative velocity starting from the positive position, then
tneposition-tume graph of this motion in one dimension is a straight line FG inclined to time axis, as shown
in Fig. 3.16(d).


Position Position



Time Time

(v) If an object is in
non-uniform motion along a siraight line, i.e., a car FIGURE 3.17
starting from rest at time 1 = 0 second from the origin, moves along a straight path.
It picks up some speed. It then moves with constant specd for some time. After
that the brakes are applied and the car comes to rest. The position-tine graph for
this case is as shown in Fig. 3.17.
is important to note that position-time graph cannot be
a straight line
parallel to position axis, because it will indicate infinite velocity. D
Refer to motion of the object as given in Article 3.15, the FIGURE 3.18
position-time graph of an object in a uniform motion in one dimension Position
is a straight line AB, inclined to time axis as shown in Fig. 3.18. Here, B
the position coordinates of the object at the instants = 0, 11 and t2 D2 D

position-time graph corresponding to instants i and .

respectively are Xo, X and x2. Let C and D be the two points on the
Draw CC.
CC2, DD and DD2. perpendiculars on time axis and position axis, as
C2 C
shown in Fig. 3..18. A
Then, 2- OD, - OC; = CD, = CE
OD2- 0C2 = C%D, = ED
and 2-X Time

Velocity of the object, v = 21-D= tan a = slope of position-time graph.

2- CE

Thus, velocity of an object in uniform motion is equal to the slope ofposition-time graph with time
axis. Hence, the importance of the position-time graph of uniform motion lies in the fact that its slope
gives us velocity of the object.
Greater is the slope of position-time graph. larger is the uniform vclocity of that body.


Consider an object moving with a uniform velocity v along a straight line Ox. Let the object be
moving towards the right of origin O (i.e.. positive direction of 1-axis) for position and time measurements,
hence. 7 is positive. The velocity-time graph of the object is a straight line Aß parallel to time axis, Fig
3/14 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VO
If the objcct is moving towards the left of origin, the Velocity FIGURE3.19
velocity-time graph is again a straight line parallel to time axis

line A' .
but lies below the time axis, which has bcen shown by dottcd
in. Fig. 3.19,.
The velocity-time graph of a moving object helps us to


calculate the displacement ofthe ohject in agiven time interva O C

2 Time
Let C and D be the two points on velocity-time graph A ---- B'
corresponding toinstants and 12. Then,
OA = CC D,D = Negative velocity
and OC = 11 and OD = t2
Therefore, displacement of the object in time interval (12 - 1)
= uniform velocity x time interval

v l2

C,Cx C,D,
11) =

area CC, D,D

C,Cx (OD,
It means the displacement of an object in time interval
((,-t) is
numerically equal to the area under velocity-time graph between the
instants1 and t2 W ?.
When an object is moving with negative velocity, the area below 1. When a body is having uniform
the velocity-time graph is taken negative and corresponding to this, the
motion along a straight line in a
displacement will also be negative.
given direction, the magnitude of
Sample Problem
The velocity time graph of a uniform the displacement of body is equal
motion of a particle along a st. line is shown in Fig3.20. What is the to the actual distance travelled by
displacement of the particle in time interval 8s to 12 s? the body in the given time.
2. The average and instantaneous
Velocity (ns) velocity in a uniform motion are
equal in magnitude.
3. In a uniform motion along a st.
line, the slope of position-time
graph gives the velocity of the
12 Time (s) 4. The position-time graph of a
body moving along a st. line can
never be a st. line parallel to
O. Displacement of a particle having uniform motion is eaual to PoSilion axis because it will
the area which velocity-time graph encloses with time axis. indicate infinite velocity.
Displacement of particle in time interval 8 s to 12 s (i.e., 4 s) is 5. The speed of a body can never
velocityx time interval 5x 4 20 m. be negative
6. The slope of velocity-time
RETAIN 1. The importance of velocity-time graph of uniform
IN motion lies in the fact hat it helps us to meesure the graph of uniform motion with
MEMORY displucement undergone by an object in a given timeas time axis is zero.
the area enclosed by velocity-time grapt with time uxis. 7. If the two bodies are moving
2. In velocity-time graph, for the given interval of time, with unequal uniform velocities
the positive area enclosed with time axis gives positive then their position-time graphs
displacement and the negative area enclosed with time must intersect each other.
axis gives negative displacement.

RETAIN 3. Displacement of a body interval of time is equal to tolul area of velocity-tlme

in a given
8raph, during the given interval of time which is to be added with proper sign.
MEMORY 4. Distance travelled by a body in a given interval of time is equal to total urea of velacily-
ME fme graph, without considering sign. It means, even if the body is moving with negative
velocity, the area of velocity-time graph is to be taken positive for the measurement
distance travelled by a body.


An object is said to be in non-uniform motion ifit undergoes equal displacements in unequal

intervals of time, howsoever small these intervals may be.
Clearly, in non-uniform motion, the velocity of the object is different at different instants.
For example, when we run or travel in a vehicle from one position to another, we start from the condition
of rest. We gain speed for some time and then may travel with constant velocity for sometime and finally slow
down and come to a stop. In scuh a case, the velocity of object is different at different instants and hence this
motion is non-uniform motion.
In non-uniform motion, the velocity of object in different forms is explained below.

) Variable velocity, An object is said to be moving with a variable velocity, if either its speed or
its direction of motion or both change vith time.

ii) Average velocity. For a given. motion of an object, the average velocity is that uniform
velocity with which the object will cover the same isplacement in a given interval of time as it
does with its actual variable velocity during the given interval of time.

Quantitatively, the average velocity of an object is equal to the ratio of change in position or
displacement (A x) to the time interval (A t), in which the displacement occurs, ie.,

displacement FIGURE3.21
Average velocity, vJ=.
time interval Position
Consider an object moving with variable velocity. Let the position-
ime graph of this motion be represented by a curve, as shown in Fig. 2
3.21. Let us take two points on this graph. The point A corresponds to
ime and position x1. The point B corresponds to time t2 and position
2. The change in position of object (or magnitude of displacement) in
time interval
(2-t1)= X2-X1*
Slope of straight line AB = tan 0 =21=4X 2 Time

ay or 7 (magnitude of average velocity).

Thus, the magnitude of average velocity of the object over a given interval of time denoted by
two points on the position-time graph is equal to the slope of straight line joining those two
points with time axis on position-time graph.

The average velocity of an object can be positive or negative depending on the sign of displacement. It
1S zero if the displacement is zero.
(iii) Instantaneous velocity. The average velocity of the object in motion tells us how
fast an object has
at different
been moving over a given interval of time. But it does not tell, how fast the given object is moving
instants of time during motion. For this, we define instantaneous velocity.
Pradeep s Pundamental Plhysis
The instantaneous velocity
of an object at an instant of time t, is defined as the limit
velocity as time interval A t, ,
around time becomes infinitesimally smal.
of uverupe

Thus. instantaneous velocity at instant of time t is, v, A dr

= Limit
dx Ar9A d
the differential coefficient of x with respect to 1, i.e., first derivative of
dt displacement with roge
to time. in the language of calculus. Thus,

the instantaneous velocity of an object at a given instant is the first derivative

of displacemen
with respect to time at that instant.

We can obtain the value of instantaneous velocity Position (in m) FIGURE22z

graphically as explained below
Suppose an object is moving along a straight line with
variable velocity. Let the position-time graph of this motion be
represented by a curve as shown in Fig. 3.22. From the graph,
we note that the average velocity of the object over the time
interval Ar= 4 s, (i.e., from time 4 s to 8 s) is the slope of
straight line AB.
If we decrease the interval of time A t from 4 s to 3 s (i.e.,
fromt=4 s to = 7 s), then the line AB becomes AC. On making
the time interval A = 2 s (i.e., t =4s to 6 s), theline AB becomes
AD. As A approaches zero, the point B approaches point A. In
O12 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 Time (in s

this situation the line AB would become the tangent EF to the

curve at A. The slope of the tangent with time axis would give the
value of instantaneous velocity corresponding to point A.
Thus, the instantaneous velocity is defined as the slope of
the tangent to the position-time graph at position corresponding
to given instant of time.
1. The magnitude of instantaneou
IMPORTANTNOTES velocity is equal to the instan-
taneous speed at the given instan
i) If the tangent slope at a point on position-time graph is 2. In a uniform motion in ot
upwards the right, the slope of tangent at that point is positive, dimension, the average veloity
then the instantaneous velocity is taken positive. instantaneous velocity
(ii) If the tangent slope at a point on position-time graph is = uniform velocity.
downwards the right, the slope of tangent at that point is 3. A speedometer in an automobile
negative. Then, the instantaneous velocity is taken negative measures the instantaneous speed
and odometer measures the dis
(ii) If the tangent slope at a point on the position-time graph tance covered by the automobile.
is parallel to time axis to the right, the instantaneous velocity 4. A cheetah is the fastest land
is zero. animal over distances less then
500 metres and can achieve peak
speed of 100 km/h.
O.How can the toll taker determine that you were speeding the vehicle or not ?
you exit. The
Ans. On some toll roads, the ticket is stamped with time, you enter the toll road and the time
toll taker knows the distance between entry point and exit point of the vehicle and thus can determine
to detemine the
the time spent by you to drive between entry point and exit point, which helps
average speed of vehicle. If your average speed is above the posted speed limit, you are speeding
the vehicle.


When two objects A and B are moving with different vclocities, then the velocity of one object A wi
respect to another object B is called relative velocity of object A w:r:t. B. Thus,

The relative velocity of one object w.r.t. another is the velocity with which one object moves
w.rt. another object. Hence relative velocity is defined as the time rate of change of relatve
position of one object with respect to another.

The concept of relative velocity in one dimension is analysed as follows:

(a) Expression for relative velocity. Consider two objects A and B, moving with uniform velocities di
and v, along parallel straight tracks in the same direction. Let and be their displacements from the
origin at instant t = 0. If at any time x and x
are the displa ements (distances) of the two objects w::t. the
origin of the postion axis, then for the objectA,

and for the object B, .(10)

Subtracting the above equations we have,

(o2o1)+ (2-",) .11)

o2o 6, initial displacement of object B w.rt. to object at t = 0
x-X= x, relative displacement of object B w.r.t. to object A at time.
Thus, the relation (11) can be written as

+(v-) or -=(-) or
-7- (12)

Here, L.H.S. of relation (12) gives the time rate of change of relative position of object B w.r.t. object
A ie, the relative velocity of object B w.r.t. object A.

relative velocity of object B w.r.t. object A,

U-v velocity of object B- velocity of object A.
= (13)
same direction, the magnitude of displacement
If the objects are in one dimensional motion, in the
object in a given tinme ; then we can ignore
of object is equal to actual path length (total distance) travelled by
arrowheads from the letters. Now, from (12), we have
X =v, ..(14)
-"= VBA

(b) Position-time graph in relative
Will be zero, negative or positive depending upon the
From (14), we note that the relative velocity vBA
relative magnitudes of u and V2
(i) It the two objects A and B are moving
with same velocity, i.e., U1 = V2 or (V2-U1) = 0 then from
ar two objects will remain always constant distance
apart, which is equal to the
(14), x-Xg= 0 or x =Xo, i.e., the are parallel straight
= 0). Therefore, their position-time graphs
relative distance between them initially (at t (") with time, t willhe
for relative displacement (x- X)=X
lines as shown in Fig. 3.23(a). But the graph
as shown in Fig. 3.23(b)
Straight line PQ parallel to time axis
3/18 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI)voL

Position FIGURE3.23
Object B

Object A XoX02-X01


Gi) Ifv,> v1 ie, (v2-vi) is positive, then from (14), we note that (- ) is positive. It means the
relative separation between two objects will increase byy an amount (v2 -v) after each unit of time. Therefore
their position-time graphs will open out gradually as shown in Fig. 3.24.

Position FIGURE 3.25
Object B Position
Object A

Position of Object B
Ao2 Object A
Time of
Xo1 Xo1 meeting

0 Time

(ii) Ifvj > v2, i.e., (v2- V1) is negative, then from (14), we note that (*-io) is negative. It means the
separation between the two objects will go on decreasing by the amount v v^ after each unit oftime. After

some time, the two objects will meet and then the object B, which was to the right of A will get more and more
to the left of A. The position-time graphs of this motion will be as shown in Fig. 3.25. The time coordinates
corresponding to point of intersection gives their time of meeting and the corresponding position coordinates
gives the position of meeting.
(C)Determination of relative velocity
For the determination of the relative velocity of body A with respect to body B, we follow the following
1. Bring the body B at rest by imposing equal and opposite velocity of B on it.
2. Impose the equal and opposite velocity of B on body A also. Now the body A will have two velocities

) its own velocity v, and (ii) equal and opposite velocity of B, i.e., (-Ug).
3. Find the resultant velocity of D, and -v It will give us the relative velocity of A B, ies
1o understand it, we consider the following examples. Let v, and v, be the uniform velocities of

objects A and B, where vA VB

)When the two objects are moving
along parallel straight lines in the same direction ic., angle
between them is 0°
Fig. 3.26(a)
3.26(a) shows that both
the objects A andB
ate moving towaras the right. To find the FIGURE 3.26
velocity of objectA W..L. B, Superimpose

on both the objects A and B, Fig. 3.26(b).

Due to which
VA -
fnFig. 3.26(c), the velocity of object B A

the object B is brought to rest and

object A becomes vA t+(-")=vA-R

becomes zero,
the velocity of

B o B 0 B
At Rest

relative velocity of object A w.r.t. B is given


Since VAB, VA and

vp all are in the same direction, we can write
If object A is a car moving with velocity 50 km/h due east and object B is a train moving with velocity
30km/h due east, then relative velocity of car w.r.t. train = 50- 30 20 km/h due east.
Thus, if two objects are moving in the same direction, the magnitude
of relative velocity of one object
wrt. another is equal to difference in magnitude of two velocities.
i) When the two objects are moving along
parallel straight lines in opposite directions, i.e.,
angle between them is 180°. Fig. 3.27(a) shows that
the object A is moving towards the right and object B
is moving towards the left. To find the relative velocity

-v B -D At Rest
of object A w.rt. B, superimpose velocity on
a B B

both the objects A and B, Fig. 3.27(b). Due to which,

in Fig. 3.27(c), the velocity of object B becomes zero i.e., the object B is brought to rest and the velocity of

object A becomes = v+(-) -U. Therefore, the relative velocity of object A w.r.t. object B is
given by

v then magnitude of vaR Will be VAB=VA + UR
Since the direction of v, is opposite to that of

f object A is a car moving with velocity 50

km/h due cast and object B is a train moving with velocity
30 km/h due
west, then velocity of B is,
30 km/h west =-30 km/h due
v east.

The relative velocity of car w.r.t. train is

UAB 50-(-30) = 80 km/h due east.

directions, the magnitude of relative velocity of one object
Thus, if two obiects are moving in opposite
the magnitude oftheir velocities.
Other is equal to the sum of
3.21. ACCELERATED MOTION different instants, ie.. the
the velocity of the object is different at motion. E
non-uniform motion of an object,

Such a motion is said to be an accelerated

with time. differont
y ot the object keeps on changing another on a road, with diferent velocities at
one position to
prc,When a vehicle moves from mouon.
ASIants, its motion is said to be accelerated
3/20 Pradeeh 's Fundamental Physics (X)Vo
In an accelerated motion, if the change in velocity of an object in each unit oftime is constant
obeject is said to be moving with constant acccleration and such a motion is called uniformly accelererated
motion. On the other hand, the changc in velocity in cach unit of time is not constant, the object isSaid
be moving with variable acceleration and such a motion is called non-uniformly accelerated motion

Aceeleration of an object in motion is defined as the rate of change in velocity of the object, ie,
change in velocity
time taken
Acceleration is a vector quantity. It be positive, ncgative or zero. e.g8.
) f the acceleration is acting in the direction of motion of a body, ie., the velocity of a body it
increasing with time, then the acceleration of a body is positive.
(i) If the acceleration is acting opposite to the direction of motion of a bodly, i.e., the velocity of a bod
is decreasing with time, then the acceleration of a body is negative.
(ii) If the body is moving with a constant velocity, then the acceleration of a body is zero.
Negative acceleration is also called retardation or deceleration.

The unit of acceleration is ms in mks system or SI and cm s2 in cgs system. The dimensional
formula of acceleration is [M®L'T-2].
(a) Uniform acceleration. An object is said to be moving with a uniform acceleration its velocity
changes by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, howsoever small the intervals may be.
(b) Variable acceleration. An object is saidto be moving with a variable acceleration
ifis velocity
changes by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time, howsoever small the intervals may be.
(e) Averageacceleration. Whenan object ismoving witha variable acceleration, thentheaverage
acceleration of the objetfor the given motion is defined as the ratio of the total change in veloci
of the object during motion to the total time taken, i.e.,

Average acceleration, total change in velocity Av

total time taken At
Consider an object moving along a straight line with a variable FIGURE 3.28
acceleration. Let the velocity-time graph of this motion be represented Velocity
by curve as shown in Fig. 3.28. We take two points A and B on this
Curve. The point A corresponds to time i, and velocity v. The point B
corresponds to time 1, and velocity v,. Change in velocity in time interval 2
Slope of straight line AB = tan 0 = BC C

2 Time

where ay or is the magnitude of average acceleration.

Thus, the slope of straight line joining two points on velocity-time graph with time axis gives
average acceleration of the object between those two points.
The average acceleration can be positive or negative depending upon the sign of slope of velocu
time graph. It is zero if the change in velocity of the object in the given interval of time is zero.
Roauak 3/21
(d)Instantaneous acceleration, nen
Whe an
object is moving
possesses fferent accelerations at different with variable acceleration, then the oDj
The aCceleration of the object at a given instant
its instantaneous acceleration,
of time or at a given point of motion, alled
S cu*

Consider an object moving with

non-uniform acceleration
along a straight line. Let v and v
.dhe velocities of the object at instants of time
t and
ration of the object at an instant t, i.e., instantaneous
celeral t + At, where At is very small time
interva he
moll ime interval At, when At >0, because in acceleration is nearly equal to average accelera on
considered to be uniform, even though the this time-interval the acceleration of the object can D
object has non-uniform acceleration.
releration 'a; Will be approximately
acce equal to average acceleration erefore, instantaneous
in small time At and is, given by

The sense of approximation in the above
expression can be removed by making the time interval Ar as

cmall as possible, tending to zero. Thus instantaneous Av

acceleration, a, = Limit |
Ar-0 Ar
Hence, the instantaneous acceleration of an object
at a given instant is defined as the limiting
value of the average acceleration in a smnall time
interval around the given instant, when the
time interval tends to zero.

Instantaneous acceleration, a, =Limit |

At0 At

As,7-4 therefore,
dt dt dt) dt2
Thus, the instantaneous acceleration of an object (i) is
equal to the first time derivative of
velocity at the given instant or (i) is equal to the second time derivative ofposition of the object
at the given instant.

Ihe value of instantaneous acceleration can be obtained graphically as explained below.

Refer Fig. 3.1, the average acceleration of the object in time interval ( -1) is

changein velociuyaL - slope of straight line AB

time interval At
A. In this situation, the line AB would become
AS A t approaches zero, the point B approaches point
us the value of instantaneous acceleration
curve at point A. The slope of this tangent would give
to point A.
tangent to the velocity-time
Thus nstantaneous acceleration is also defined as the slope of the
s, corresponding to given instant of time.
Sraph at a position,
acceleration = uniform acceleration
then, instantaneous
uniform acceleration,
ect is moving with
average acceleration.
3/22 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X1)VO

RETAIN1. Ifa body is moving with a uniform acccleration, then its average velocity is
where u is the initial velocity and v is the final velocity of the body.
2. Average velocity of a body can be positive or negative but average speed is always
3. For a uniform motion along a straight line magnitude of average velocity is equal to it
average spced.
4. An object spccds up even if its acccleration and velocity are negative. It is so in case of
a falling body, where upward motion is positive and downward motion is negative.

Samplo Problom The velocity of a particle is given by v= (3P +6) cm Find (i) the change s.
in velocity the particle during the time interval between=2s and t =4s (ii) the average
of acceleratiom

during the same interval and (ii) instantaneous acceleration at = 4 s.

Sol. Given, v = 3 P+6
(i) When 12 = 2 s. v = 3 x 22 +6 = 18 cm
s When = 45, v, = 3x 4 +6 54 cm s
Change in velocity = V-Uj = 54 18 36 cm s

(ii) Average acceleration, aay F v21

-30 = 18 cm s

(i) 6t
Instantaneous acceleration, a, -4(312+6) =
dt dt
Att= 4 S, a; =6 x 4 = 24 ms
at 0.
Consider an object, moving with a uniform acceleration 'a' along a straight line OX, with origin
Let the object reach at points A and B at instants and 12. Let x and x
be the displacements of the object
B respectively,
at times and 1, respectively and vj and v2 be the velocities of the object at positions A and
Fig. 3.29 FIGURE 3.29
(i) Velocity-time relation t=0
change in velocity
Acceleration of the object A
time taken X1
a .(15)
2-a ((2-11) 2=Uta (t2-h)
of the
Let the origin of time axis be taken at A and u be the velocity of the object at A. v be the velocity
object at B after time t. Then u U =0; v2 = V and i2 = t.
Putting values in (16), we get UU+at
The relations (16) and (17) are the required velocity-time relations.
(i) P'osition-time relation
let vay be average velocity of the object during the motion of object from A to B,

displacement ril b
Then, Vav or 2 Vay (2 -4) Iod
time taken
initial velocity + final velocity
But, av 2
i s
-4 .18)

or 2 *aG=1|, 2 -4) from (16)1

X+ 2-t) + ah- .(19)

If u are the displacement and velocity of the object at = 0 and x be the displacement of object
time , then using '1=0, x= X0, U = u, ty = t andx^ x, in relation (5) we have,

XX+u t-0) + a (t- 0 or

2 .(20)
or X-X0ut+at .(21)

Using, x-0= S ==
distance travelled in time t, we have S = ut
+at .22)
The relations (19), (20), (21) and (22) are the required position-time
(ii) Position-velocity relation

From (16), we have (t, -h) = 2i

Putting this value in (18) we get

a 2a
3- 2a (r-) (23)

If u and v are the velocities of an object at positions xo and x respectively, then using vj = u,
V=U, X=Xo and x=x in (23), we get,
v-u=2a o-) (24)
If o-X= S, then -2=2 .(25)
The relations (23), (24) and (25) are the required position-velocity relations.

RETAIN If a body is moving with non-uniform acceleration such that its acceleration is a in time
MEMORY az in time t2, then the average acceleration is given by
ms for time 2
Sample Problem A particle is moving with a uniform acceleration 4 seconds
and then 5 ms-2 for time 3 seconds. What theis average acceleration of the particle during motion.

a 4 ms;=2s ;a ms,
= t2=3 s
Sol. Here,

a +/a4x2+5XS 25=46 ms-2 2+3
3/24 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)vo
() When an object is moving with zero acceleration, i.e., a constant velocity, the velocity-ti
graph is a straight line AB parallel to time axis. Fig. 3.30(a).

Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity D


Time Time Time

Velocity Velocity Velocity

Time Time

ii) When an object is moving with constant positive acceleration, having zero initial velocity, then
the velocity-time graph is a straight line OA. Here, slope of graph is less than 90°, Fig. 3.30(b).
(iti) When an object is moving with positive constant acceleration having some initial velocity,
then the velocity-time graph is represented by straight line BC, Fig. 3.30(0).
(iv) When an object is moving with increasing acceleration, having zero initial velocity, the velocity
time graph is a curve OD as shown in Fig. 3.30(d). The slope ofthe velocity-time graph at the given instant
of time gives the instantaneous acceleration at that time.
)When an object is moving with constant negative acceleration, having positive initial velocity, then
velocity-time graphisa straight line EF as shown in Fig. 3.30(e). Here, the slope of graph is more than 90"
(vi) When an object is moving with uniform negative acceleration having negative initial velocity,
the velocity-time graph is a straight line, PQ Fig. 3.30(f).

changes direction of motion time ,

vin Whenan object isatmoving with uniform negative acceleration having positive initial velocity
graph is a straight line, RS Fig. 3.30(g)
but continuously moving with uniform acceleration, the velocity-tine


(i) When an object is
moving with uniform positive FIGURE 3.31
acceleration, the position-timne Position Position Position
graph is a curve AB as shown in
Fig. 3.31(a).
(ii) When an object is D
moving with negative C
acceleration, then position-time
graph is a curve CD as shown in Time Time ime
Fig. 3.31(b).
It is to be noted that the slope of position-time graph at any instant of time gives the instantaneo
velocity of the obj-t at the given instant of time.

(ii) When object is moving with zero acceleration, the position-time graph is a straight line EF's
Fig. 3.4(C)
Tsample Problom starts with an initial velocity 3-0 ms along the posi
A particle
x-direction and it accelerates uniformly at the rate of 0-60 ms-2. (a) Find the distance travelled by it in
the firstthree seconds. (b) How much time does it take to reach the velocity 9-0 m/s ? (c) How much
distance will it coverin reaching the velocity 9-0 ms-12
Sol. Here, u = 3:0 ms; a = 060 ms-2
(a) We have to calculate S' when t = 3 s

S= ut +a at = 3-0 x 3
+x 06x32 =9.0+2-7 117 m
(b) We have to calculate when v = 9.0 m/s. As v
t =u+ at, so t= (v -ula = (9 -3)/0-6 = 10S
(c) Here, S =?, v = 9-0 ms, As v2 = u? + 2 as

S= (90)-(3-0)81-91260m
2a 2x06 1-2 12

DO 1. The equations of motion

YOU i.e., =utat;

and v=u+2 aS;
KNOw? can be applied only when acceleration of the body is uniform.
2. The equations of motion given above can not be applied to circular motion
or simple harmonic motion.
3. When acceleration of a body is not constant, integration of acceleration will give us velocity and
of velocity will give us displacement.
4. The first and second equations of motion are vector equations, i.e.


S=u+at .i)

while third equation of motion is a scalar equation, i.e., v. =u.u+2a.s or =u2+2 a.s
5, If the velocity and acceleration are collinear, convetionally we can take, the direction of motion to be
positive and so the variables (i.e., the various physical quantities) in the direction of motion are taken to be
positive while opposite to it are negative.
For example, If a body is moving with constant acceleration along the direction of motion, then acceleration

a is positive. The equations of motion will be v= u +at; S=ut +at ; v=y2+2 aS.

motion, the equations of motion

lf a body is moving with constant acceleration opposite to the direction of
ut -at; u-2 aS.
will be,
U=u at; S
collinear, then v and S can be FIGURE 3.32
lf acceleration and velocity are not
and applying the
calculated using the (t) and (ii) respectively
Parallelogram law of vector addition.
According to which
at sin 6
(at)? +2 u at cos 0]/2 and tan =*u +at cos 6
a u+
angle between u and
a t, Fig. 3.5.
ere B is
parallelogram law of vectors, refer to Unit
O detail of
3/26 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics
(XI) voL


Distance travelled by a unifornmly ncceleraled body 1n nth second can be obtained by subtractino
distance travclled by the body in (n ) seeond rom the distance traveled by the hody in seconds
- the n
If = intitial velocity of the body, a = uniform acceleration of the body,
SS distances travclled by the body in n scconds and (n 1) seconds respectively.
D, = distance travelled in nth second.
Then. D,=S,-Sn-1 26)
We know that the distance travelled in t seconds is given by: S
ut +a
. Distance travelled in n seconds is, Sun+an
Distance travelled in (n - 1) seconds is, S-u (n -1)+a (n-1)?
Putting these values in (26). we get

D =un+an1-u n-1)+a (n-1)1 = un +an -un +u

-an +an-

U+an-=u +a or
Pu+5 (2-1) 27)
The relation (27) is the required relation.


The dimensions of D, are the same as that of velocity i.e. [M LT-']

Sampie A particle having initial velocity 5 m/s moves with a constant acceleration
2 ms-2, for a time 10 second along a straight line. Find the displacement of the particle in the last one
second and the total distance travelled in 10 seconds.
Sol. Here, u = 5 ms;
a =2 =
ms; t
10 s; D1o = ?;S=?

As. D, =u+(2n-1) so, D05+ (2x10-1) = 5 + 19-24 m

S=u+at = 5x10+x2x10 = 50 + 100 =150 m


Consider an object moving with a uniform acceleration 'a' along FIGURE 3.33
a straight line. Let u be its initial velocity of the object. The velocity- Velocity
ume graph of this motion is a straight line inclined to time axIS as
shown in Fig. 3.33.
Importance of this graph:
(a) From velocity time graph of an object, we can calculate the
velocity of the object at a particular instant of time
(b) Acceleration: Take two points A and on this graph
corresponding to times and 12. Iet v and v, be the corresponding
d B B
2 Time
velocities of the object at times I and i2 respectively. Then,
V OA V2 = OA2 :
OB, and 12= OB2
A 3/27

Avekwtton, _OA, -0A

AACB = slope of
of sst. line AB.
OB, OB, OB, B,B, AC slope
an 0ect in a uniformly
rhs eelerua
vewa ame graph with time o y accelerated motion in one dimension is equal to the
Distanee travelled in a given time interval
Dista travelled = average velocity
x time interval =
2|x (2-)
(OA +OA) x B B, = area of trapezium ABB,61.
Ths, the distance travelled by an object in a given time
interval of a uniformly accelerated motion 1s,
a o the area under elocity-fime graph with time
axis for the given interval of time.
Nade: The total displacement ofthe body in the given time is equal to the area which velociy-in
enelses with
vrand th time aris. The area to be added with
proper sign, i.e., the area above time aris is
posanve and below the time aris is negative.
sample Problem
The velocity-time graph for linear motion is
shown in Fig. 3.34. Find
al the distance travelled and (b) displacement, between 5 and 40 s. (c) Acceleration between 15 to
Sol. (a) Distance travelled by body in time 5 to
v(ms-1) FIGURE3.34
Area A, ABB, = E*4)x10
vnds =
30 m

Distanee travelled by body in time 15 to 25

snds = Ara BB,C =

20 m 2 -I-- -
Distance travelled by body in time 25 to 30 0

swmis= Area CDD, = 5x25

=5 m -

Distance travelled by body in time 30 to 40 -4F J -LE

Annds =Area
D,DEF-E+4)x10 30 m

Total distance travelled between 5 toa seconds = 30 + 20+ 5 + 30 = 85 m

(6) Here. the area CDD, and area D,DEF being below the time axis will show negative displacement.
Hence, total displacement between 5 to 40 seconds = 30+20-5- 30 15
(c) Acceleration of the body in time interval 15 s to 25 s is the slope of the line BC

- BB -4 4 -04 m/s2
CB (25-15) 10 Velocity FIGURE 3.35




Con an object moving along a straight line with uniform
onsider 0
velocity of the object at time t= D
a. Let u be the initial
the final velocitv of the object at time t.
Let S'be the distance
this motion is a
by object in time t. Velocity-time graph of
= u;
3.35. Where Time
OC EB = ev; OEAB, as shown in Fig.
= AD = 1.
Pradeep 'e Fundaniental Physics (XI)VOL

) v =u + at
We know that slope of velocity-time graph of unijormiy accelerated motion represents the aceelerat
of the object. AB3
Acceleration = slope of the velocity-time graph
DBDB_ EB-ED-u v - u = at or v = u + at

i) S = ut +;at*
area under the velocity-timne graph for a given
We know that the
tinme interval represents the distance
covered by a uniformly accelerated object in that time interval.
From graph, acceleration, a = slope of velocity-time graph

a DB
or DB
Now distance travelled by object in time tis
S area of trapezium OABE = area of rectangle OALDE + Area of triangle ADB

= OAxOE +DBxAD =ut +atxt =ut +ars. Thus, S ut+

(ii) v-u2=2 aS
Distance travelled by object in time interval t is

S= area of trapezium OABE = (EB +OA)xOE = (EB+ED)xODE 28)

( OA=ED)

Acceleration, a = slope of velocity-time graph AB

or or
Putting this value in (15), we get

S(EB+ ED)x- (EB ED) (EB2-ED?) = (-u?)

or 2-u=2 as
Consider an object moving in a straight-line wilh uniform acceleration a.
Let u be the velocity ofthe object at time t= 0, and v be the velocity of the object at time t.
(i) Velocity-time relation. Let at an instant oftime t, dv be the change in velocity in time interva

Then acceleration is,
a dt
or dv = a dt
Integrating itwithin the conditions ofnmotion (i.e., when time changes from 0 tot, velocity changes
u to v), we get

dv=a dt or V - u =at or v=u +at 29)


Let at
1et an
Distance-time relation. Consider
instant z, ar be the aisplacement an object moving in a straight line with uniform accelera
is given by
of the object in time interval dt.
Then, its instantaneous vel0y
dt or dx = v dt or
dx = (u + at) dt (V = u + at)
Let displacement of the object
at t = 0 and x be the
displacement of the object at time 1.
ve relation within the conditions of
from xo tO X), we get
motion (i.e., when time changes from 0 to i, Integra8

d= uan) dr=uf d +aj

0 0
tdt or (=u (% *a2 Jo

-ut +a? Or
X=+utt (30)
Ifx-0= S= the distance covered by
object in time t, then from (30),

S +at 31)
(ii) Velocity-displacement relation
Consider an object moving in a straight
line with initial velocity u and uniform acceleration a.
Then, a = du = " d dv
dt X dx
V a dx = v dv
dt dx
Let u, v be the velocity of the object at positions
given by displacements 0 and x.
Integrating the above expression within the conditions of motion, we

adr = vdv or a (x) or

a(x-) or v-u= 2a (x -x0
Putting x-x0 S, we get,
which is the required equation.
-u=2 (32)
iv) Distance travelled by an object in nth second
Let A and B be two points on the velocity time graph as shown in Fig. 3.36, corresponding to time
(n-1) and n seconds respectively. Let v,-1 and v, be the velocity of the object at A and B respectively.
Distance travelled in nth second is
distance travelled in n seconds Velocity FIGURE 3.36
1) seconds
distance travelled in (n-

area O0,ABB area 00,AA


n -

area of trapezium ABB,41

zlAA + BB 1x 4,B =; v,- t",1xn -(n-D)

,- +v,]xl
time t is v=u + ar
ne velocity of object at
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)
U u+an and v,- = u +a (n -1)

D,{lu+a (n-1)+ (u + an)]}= |2e

2an-al =; 124 +a (2n -1)]= u+[2n1

ie.D,u+ (n-
If an object is released from aheight near the surface of earth, it is accelerated downwards under the
is neglected,
influence of gravity with acceleration equal to acceleration due to gravity, g. If the air resistance
to the
the object is said to be in free fall. If the height through which the object falls is very small compared
is generally
radius of the earth, then g can be taken to be constant. The value of g near the surface of earth
taken equal to 9.8 ms4, It means, free fall is a case of motion with uniform acceleration.
In case of free fall (i) if downward direction is taken positive, and the object is released from

then u = 0, a = g = 9-8 m/s*, =t, S=s. Then equations of motion becomne
= u+ at = 0 + gt = gt

S=ut+a = 04

v2 u+2 aS =0+2 gs = 2 gs
In case of free fall, if downward direction is taken negative, and the object is released from rest
then, u = 0:a=-g=-9:8 m/s, t =t and S = s.
The equations of motion become
v=u+ at = 0-gt = gt=-9-88t - .33)

S =ut+a2 =0+5 -8) r2

=-gr=-4912 (34)
v2 u+2 aS = 0 + 2(-8) s = -2 gs =-2 x 9.8 s = 19.6 s - 5)
The variation of acceleration (a) with time () for free fall is shown in Fig. 3.37(a).
The variation of velocity (u) with time () for free fall is shown in Fig. 3.37(b) and the variationn of
distance (S) with time () for free fall is shown in Fig. 3.37(c).

(s) t(s)

a (m/s<) v (m/s) S(m)


Reaction time is that time which a person takes to observe, think and act.
For example, if a person is driving a car and suddenly a boy appears on the road, then the time elapsed
before he applies the brakes of the car is the reaction time. Reaction time depends on
() presence of mind of the individual and (ii) the complexity of the situation.
One can measure his reaction time
etically in the gap between the thumb by the following experiment Your friend is holding a long rod
atc and fore-finger of your right hand.
to cate hold the falling rod. You will see that He is to drop t
rod is caught by you in a small
hy our friend. the dropped
Ater you catch it, note the distance d travelled time later tna
the neaction time. then u = 0, a =
9.8 m/s2, S = 0-21
m, t = 2
by the rod. Let this distance d be D

Using the relation, S = ut

021 =0+ix9812 or 2x0-20-2s
It is that time jor wlhich a person
while jumping hangs in the air in defiance of gravity.
hang-time ot a jumper is maximum when The vaue
he jumps vertically upwards with maximum initial velocity. 1t
always found to be less than one second.
The value of hang-time of a person depends
on () the strength of the muscles of a person
()the speed he gets while leaving the ground during vertical

Q.1. Why going in a bus from plane to hill station on a road with slopes and curves, one feels vomitting ?
Ans. The roads leading to hill station are generally sloppy and curved. When a bus is going on a
a hill station, the tangential and centripetal accelerations of the bus are not constant. This will cause
uneven vibrations in the stomach of the passengers sitting in the bus. As a result of it,
the stomach
of passengers becomes queasy, resulting in vomitting.
Q.2 How do the safety devices used in the high speed cars protect the driver and occupants ?
Ans. The safety devices used in the high speed cars consist of shoulder straps and air bags with sensors.
When collision of a car is going to take place, the sensor fitted in the car triggers the devices. Due to
i, the shoulder straps and air bags move into place (i.e., in between body of driver or occupant and
solid body of car). If the driver applies the brakes to stop the car, the safety devices allow the car
occupants to go down slowly with the car, instead of being thrown into the car body or into the air
when the speed of car reduces to zero, very rapidly. As a result, the driver and the occupants of the
car remain almost safe.

TYPE DISTANCE COVERED, Example lA body travelsfrom A to B at
DISPLACEMENT AVERAGE 40 ms-l and from B to A at 60 ms. Calculate the
SPEED AND AVERAGE VELOCITY average speed and average velocity.
(HP Board 2007)
Formulae used.
Average speed = total distance travelled/ total time Solution. Total time taken by the body while
taken going from A to B and then from B to A is
Average velocity = displacement/total time taken
Units used. In SI units, displacement and distance
re in metre and time is in second. In cgstimeSystem,
is in
aisplacement or distance is in cm and Total distance travelled = AB + BA = 2 AB

Speed of bullet w.r.t. police van,

VBP=150 km h-l
A sraE 1 UBA=UB-v = 40-60
- 20 kmh-l towards north
Speed with which the bullet will
hit the thief's 20 km h towards south
car will be
VBT VBG* VGT= UBP+VpG+ VGT 32.(d): T=2H

a1 (a):
= 150 + 36- 72 114 km h-l
As the height attained by a vertically projected
U =u + at = 0 +g (TI4) =
body will be very small as compared to
of earth, so the value of acceleration due to
gravity can be taken constant i.e., 9-81 ms2.
22.(b): Velocity or tne object in a uniform circular 33.(c): In both the ca the displacement of stone
motion is not constant. w.r.t. left is zero.

22 34. (b): Here, x = -2 P+3P+5

= 44 m
24.(c): Distance travelled =nr=x14
Velocity, U= =-61+6t ;
when v =0,
26. (d): Velocity of helicopter w.r.t. ground,
UHG2 mns-l 14+6t or t=1s.
then, 0-6
Initial velocity of food packet dropped from
helicopter w.r.t. ground, Acceleration, a =. =- 12 t +6
UHG 2 ms-l
=- 12 x 1+6=- 6 ms4
36. (c) : In free fall a body is under the acceleration
Velocity of food packet w.r.t. observer on
of earth, which is the negative direction of
y-axis. So value of g =-9.8 ms4.
FO UFG=+2 ms-l
27.(b): VA = 60 km h7l towards north; displacement
39. (a): Average velocity
time interval
V 40 km h- towards north

Sol. (a) The motion of kite in the sky is three
I. Displacement and Velocity dinensional motion because the kite while
flying may be changing the direction as well as
1. Can an object be at rest as well as in motion losing or gaining the height, i.e., the motion is
at the same time ? Explain with illustration. in space.
SOl Yes, an object can be at rest with
respect to one
respect to (b)The motion of speeding car on a long straight
object and can be in motion with highway is one dimensional motion, since the
on earth is at
another object. e.g. A body lying motion is confined along a st. line.
rest w.r.t. earth but the same body is in (c) The motion of a carrom coin rebounding
on another planet
tonis WIth respect to a person are in relative
from the side of the board is two dimensional
because earth and the planet motion, since the motion is confined in the
relative terms.
motion. Thus rest and motion are plane of board.
whether the
2. State in the following cases, dimensional (d) The motion of a planet revolving around its
motion is one, two or three star is two dimensional motion, becuase the
motion: motion is confined in a fixed plane.
(b) a speeding
(a) a kite flying on a windy day (c) a carrom 3. An object is in uniform motion along a
car on a long straight high
way straight line. What will be position-time
side of the b0ard graph for the motion of the object if
coin rebounding from the
(d) a planet revolving
around its star.
3/56 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)VoL
ve, v = + ve 5. Is the time variation of position, shown in Fip
(a) ro+ 3(Q).2 observed in nature ?
(b) x= + ve, v =- ve
(c) ro=- ve, v = + ve and FIGURE 3(Q).2
(d) both xg and v are negative ? The letters Time
o and v represent position of the object at
timet= 0 and uniform velocity of the object
Sol. The position of the object at any time t while
moving with uniform velocity along a straight
line is given by, x =Xo +t Sol. No, because in the given variation, with the
(a) If xo + ve and v = + ve, position time - increase of position, the time first increases and
graph will be as shown in Fig. 3(Q).1(a) then decreases which is impossible.
6. A body covers one-third of its journey with
(6) Ifx0= + ve and v=-ve,the position time
speed v, next one-third with speed vz and
graph will be as shown in Fig 3(Q).1 (b).
last one-third with speed v3. Calculate the
(c) Ifx= - ve and v + ve, the position time
average speed of the body during the entire
graph will be as shown in Fig 3(Q).1 (c). journey.
(d) If both xo and v are, negative, the position -
Sol. Let s be the total distance travelled by body.
time graph will be as shown in Fig. 3(Q).1 (d).. Total time taken,
FIGURE 3(0).1 33,s-4, v v
2 v3 3

total distance travelled
Average speed :
total time taken

-o 7. Two straight lines drawn on the same
displacement time graph make angles 30
and 60° with time-axis respectively Fig. 3(Q)3
4. A drunkard walking in a narrowlane takes 5 Which line represents greater velocity? What
steps forward and 3 steps backward each step is the ratio of two velocities ?
of 1 m long, per second and so on. Determine
how long the drunkard takes to fall in a pit FIGURE3Q).3
15 m away from the start. Displacement
Sol. The effective distance travelled by drunkard in
8 steps = 5 -3 = m. Therefore, he takes 40
steps to move 10 metres. Now he will have to
cover 5 metres more to reach the pit, for which
he has to take only 5 forward steps. Therefore, 600
he will have to take = 40+5 =45 steps to move
15 metres. Thus he will fall into the pit after 30°
taking 45 steps, i.e., after 45 seconds from the
slo ofthe splacement
Sincetheslope timegraph
Sol uniform.motion in one dimension 1. A person goes to post-office slowly and
of velocity of the object, hence the linerepresents
purchases post cards. Then he comes back
in graph corresponds steadily. Draw the time-velocity and time
reater slope to greater
velocity of the object. Therefore, the displacement graphs for the person.
making angle 60° with time axis represents Sol. For a pcrson, the time-velocity graph is as show
greatervelocity in Fig. 3(Q).4(a). Here the areas A and 5 arc
Ratio of two
velocities; Cual but of opposite signs because the
displacement of the person in going to po>

Atan 301/3
tan 60
1 office and coming back is zero.

body vered a distance fl metre alonga
8. A
micircular path. Calculate the magnitude
displacement of the body and the ratio
distance tob displacement.
1et r be the radius of semicircular path.
Sol. Let
oA B

Here,=(2T r/2)
oofDiameter 2r=2 l/T;

Magnitude of displacement = diameter

2 l/t
Displacement 21/n 2

9. For ordinary terrestrial experiments, which

of the observers below are inertial and which C Time
are non-inertial ? (a) a child revolving in a
giant wheel. (b) a driver in a sports car The time-displacement graph is as shown in Fig.
moving with a constant high speed of 3(0).4(b). In this graph, as the velocity of person
200 km/h on a straight road. (c) the pilot of
in going is less than that of return journey, hence
an aeroplane which is taking off. (d) a cyclist
the slope of portion OA is smaller than that of
negotiating a sharp turn. (e) the guard of a
portion BC because the slope of
train which is slowing down to stop at a time displacement graph gives the velocity.

DOL. An inertial observer is one
which is II Relative Velocity
tunaccelerated (i.e., a = 0). A non inertial 11. Draw position-time graphs for two objects
On this
Observer is an accelerated observer. having zero relative velocity.
basis, we find that two objects be at different
wheel is a non- Sol. Let us consider the
a) a child revolving in a giant positions when t = 0. As the relative
velocity of
inertial observer. therefore, the two objects
the two objects is zero,
speed is an inertial same & uniform
) a driver with a constant must be moving with the
observer. direction. Since the slope
velocity in the same
take off, aeroplane has an position-time graph of uniform motion in a
nerefore, the pilot is a non-inertial
observer of
st. line
represents velocity, hence the
4) a cyclist negotiating a sharp
turn has an position-time graphs for two
objects in motion
non-inertial velocity are parallel straight
celeration. Therefore, he is a having zero relative
inclined to time axis as shown in
observer. lines equally
(e) the guar of the train is a Fig. 3).5.
server, as the train in this case has
3/58 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XD VO
That is why, the trees and houses appear tomove
Position ein backward direction to a person sitting inina
B running train.
14. Wind is blowing west to east along two ty
A parallel tracks. Two trains moving with the

same speed in opposite directions on the

tracks have the steam tracks. If one
track is double than the other, what is tha
speed of each train ?
Sol. Let and w be the velocity of each train and
Time wind respectively. As per question, (v + i
12. A car travelling with a velocity of 60 km h- = 2 (- w) or v = 3 w, i.e., velocity of each train

on a straight road is ahead of a motor cycle is 3 times the velocity of wind.

travelling with a speed of 76 km h, How
would the relative velocity be altered if motor
III. Accelerated motion
cycle is ahead of car ? 15. The direction in which an object moves is
Sol. Case (i). When car is travelling ahead the motor given by the direction of velocity of the object
cycle. and not by the direction of acceleration.
Explain this statement with suitable example.
Sol. When an object is thrown up, the direction of
UM 76 km/h Vc 60 km/h motion of the object and hence, its velocity are
along vertical in upward direction. As the object
moves up, it is always attracted by earth in
Vc 60 km/h UM 76 km/h downward direction, i.e., the acceleration is in
vertical downward direction. Hence, the
M direction of motion of the object is that of
velocity and not that of acceleration.
Refer to Fig. 3(Q).6(a), relative velocity of car 16. From top of a buildinga ball is dropped while
W.r.t. motor cycle, another is projected horizontally at the same
VCMC-UM = 60-76 = - 16 km h-1 time. (a) Which ball will strike the ground
Case (i). When motor cycle is travelling ahead first? (b) Which ball will strike the ground
of the car with more speed.
Refer to Fig. 3(Q).6(b), relative velocity of car Sol. As the horizontal velocity does not affect the
w.r.t. motor cycle,
vertical motion and initial vertical velocity of
VCMVC-UM 60-76
= -
16 km h both the ball is zero, so both the balls will be
It means relative velocity will remain the same reaching the ground simultaneously, i.e.,
as it does not depend on the position of the two
bodies. But in case (i), the separation between
car and motor cycle will be decreasing. But in
case (ii), the separation between car and motor Velocity of the ball dropped vertically while
cycle will be increasing. reaching the ground is
13. When a person is standing on earth, the trees
and houses appear stationary to him. 2gh
However, when he is sitting in a running train For the ball projected horizontally, the
all these objects appear to move in backward horizontal component velocity Ua, and
direction. Why ?
Sol. For a person standing on earth, the relative vertical component velocity, Uy, FV28h,
velocity of trees and houses with respect t
person is zero. For a person sitting in a running So the total velocity of ball,
train, the relative velocity of trees and houses
with respect to person is negative
:VTp=VT-Vp = 0-vp= vpl -
,+, =yu?+2gh

which is greater than v.


t neans the ball projected horizontally the

Sol. Tet r be the total length of the train. be
strike the ground, with more spced thun
dropped veitically downwards,
the ball velocity of the train while passing a certain
micdle point and a be the uniform acceleration
17. A body travels nlong n strnlglht Mne when
with of thhe train. Taking the motion of the train
untform aceeleration (a for time t,
uulform nccelerntion d2 tor tlme 12.
and with micdle point is passing from the given point,
What Is we have
the nverage nccelerntion ?
U = u, V = V, S= x/2; a = a1
Sal, Refer to lig. MQ).7, motin from A to B is in
time and trom B to C'in time
Using. =u +2 aS, we have
FIGURE3(Q).7 u+ 2 ax/2 = u + ax
Taking the motion of train when the last end of
V2 train is passing from the given point, then
Aa 4= u, V = 1), a a, S =x
B =
d2 . I2 C
Now, we have,
As change in velocity = accelcration
x time interval
= u+2 ax or ax=
and V2-V d2 l2 Putting this value in (i), we get
Adding the above cquations, we get

V2=24u -42
If a is the average acceleration for the motion
fro A to C, then

24 y + 12) or V
From (i) and (i),
20. A passenger is standing 'd' metres away from
a bus. The bus begins to move with constant
acceleration a. To catch the bus, the passenger
aaav = runs at a constant speed v towards the bus.
What must be the minimum speed of the
18. The driver of a train moving al a speed v, passenger so that he may catch the bus.
hosights another train at a disance d, ahead of Sol. Let the passenger catches the bus after time t.
him moving in the same direetion with a Distance travelled by the bus in time 1,
slower speed vz. He applies the brakes and
gives a constant retardation a to his train.
Show that there will be no collision if S =0+a? =a )

d> (vj -v,}/2 a.

Distance travelled by the passenger,
Sol. For no collision of two trains, the relative
velocity of faster train w.r.t slower train S =vt+0=vt
The passenger will catch the bus if,
( U) should become zero, while travelling
a relative displacement d with retardation a. d+S S2
Here H=U -V;v=
1 =- a; S d. or d+at = vi orar -vi+d =0
As, v =u+2 aS,
SO, 0= (v -v2) +2(-a)d [vtyu-2ad]
or d= (v -v,)/2 a Or
There will be no collision if
The passenger will catch the bus if t is real,
d> (j -V2a
moving with a
1Two ends of a train
point with
i.e., v22 ad or v2,2ad
acceleration pass a certain velocity with Thus, minimum speed of passenger for catching
velocities u and v. Show that the
train passes
Which the middle point of the the bus is 2ad
thesame point is 2+v*)/2.
3/60 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (X) Vonn
21. In a car race, car A tukes time t less than cr
Band pnsses the finishing point with FIGURE3(0).8
velocity v more than the velocity with which
car B passes that point. Assuming that the
cars start from rest and travel with constant
acceleration a, and a,. Find the relation
between r', 1, a nnd a2.
Sol. Let She the distnce to be covered by cach car
complete their journey and .,
be the times taken by ears A and 8to
be their
velocities at the finishing point. Accorcding to

given probiem A

-U =U and - =
As. distance travelled = average velocity x time
interval (ii) When u is negative and a is positive. In
this case. the v-1 graph is a straight line as
when u =0. so
. 0+ shown in Fig. 3(Q).8. At the time,
S= -
or S =
"2 corresponding to point A, the velocity becomes
zero. From the graph, it is clear that before this
or v= 2S/t and 2 = 2 S12 time, the velocity is negative but its negative
magnitude decreases with time till it becomes
Also S a,i = <a,1
zero at point A.
(iii) When u is positive and a is negative. In
or and this case, the v-1 graph is a straight line shown
in Fig. 3(Q).8(c). At the time corresponding to

Now = 2_ 2S71,) (2 S/n,)

2s point A, velocity is zero. From graph. it is clear
that before this time, corresponding to point A.
2 the velocity decreases.
2S iv) When both u and a are negative. In this
case, the v-t graph is a straight line shown in
2S 2S
Fig. 3(Q).8(d). If we produce this straight line
graph backwards, it meets the time axis at point
or v=ta,a A for which velocity is zero. Betiore this time
velocity is positive and decreases till it becomes
IV. Graphs for uniformly accelerated motion zero at point A.
23. A ball is dropped vertically from a heightd
22. An object has a uniformly accelerated
above the ground. It hits the ground and
motion. The object always slows down before bounces up vertically to a height d/2. Show
the time, when its velocity becomes zero. how its velocity varies with height above
Establish this statement graphically when the ground before and after the bounee.
i) both initial velocity (u) and acceleration
negleeting subsequent motion and air
(a) are positive (ii) u is negative and a is
positive (ii) u is positive and u is negative
Sol. If a ball falls from a height d and reaches a
and (iv) both u and a are negative.
height h then using the relation,
Sol. i) When both u and a are positive. In this -
case, the v
y= u+ 2a S, we have u = 0, S = (d h).
-1 graph is a straight line as shown
in Fig. 3(Q).8(a). In this graph, at the time then 2gld - h)
corresponding to point A, velocity of object This relation shows that the variation of v anu
h is a parabolie one.
becomes zero. From the graph, it is clear that
before the time corresponding to point A, the As the ball falls down. its velocity goes 0
velocity is negative but its negative magnitude ncrcasng and becomes maximum at h = 0.
decreascs with time till it becomes zero at point A. Ath = 0, the direction of velocity is

Then the ball moves upwards, its velocity

an decreasing with height h and becomes
goes a
26. The driver of car travclling at a velocity
zero suddenly sees a broad wall in front of him at
at h = di2. The variation of v with h will
be of a distance r. Is it better to brake or to turn
the type as shown in Fig. 3(Q).9.
sharply ?
AU FIGURE 3(Q).9 Sol. It is better to apply brake than to turn sharply
for the reason discussed below.
Let m be the mass of the car. When the driver
applies the brakes, let the car stop at distance
d +h Then retardation, a = v/2x

Retarding force, F = ma =
or x= 2F
24. Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of There will be no collision if x šr
a ground, where AB =a. The boy at B starts
mv U
running in a direction perpendicular to AB or r or F2
with velocity v1. The boy at A starts running 2F
simultaneously with velocity v and catches If the driver takes a sharp turn of radius x, then
the other boy in time t. Find the value of t. centripetal force on car is,
Sol. Let the boy at A catches the boy B at point C mv ny
after time Fig. 3(Q).10. F of

FIGURE3(Q).10 To avoid collision, xSr so

Sr or F'2
From () and (i) we note that F=F'/2
It means to avoid collision braking force
01 required is half the centripetal force. Therefore,
A B braking is better.
27. The acceleration experienced by a boat after

Here, AC= vt, BC = v1 t the engine is cut off, is given by=-kv,

As AC=AB2 + BC2 where k is a constant. If vg is the magnitude
(vn = a + (v, 1 of the velocity at cut off, find the magnitude
= a2 or t = a of the velocity at timet after the cut off.
or (-v7) u-v Sol. Given, 4=-kv3 or v du =-k dt
Integrating it within the conditions of motion
.Calculus method for accelerated motion i.e. as time changes from O to t, velocity changes
25, If the initial velocity of a particle is u and from v to u, we have
collinear acceleraion at any time t is at,
calculate the velocity of the particle after
timet. do=-k dt 0
or -k(%
= du.=at
SO. By definition, acceleration
dt or 1L
2 2
or dv at dt

2kt + 12kt ug+1

ntegrating it,we have dv=| at dt
or v
v=u+at2 1+2kt v6
or v-u=a2
3/62 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

UESTIONS Vory Short Answor, Short Answor & Long Answor


I. Displacement and Velocity Ans. Fig. 3(Q).I1. (a) Infinity (b) Zero. Infact it is
not a practical situation.
1. Mention the condition when an object in
motion (a) can be considered point objeet FIGURE 3Q).11
(b) can not be considered point object.
Ans. An object can be considered as a point object if
(a) its size is negligble in comparison to the D
distance travelled by object (b) its size is not
negligible in comparison to the distance
travelled by object.
2. Can a body have a constant speed and still
have a varying velocity ? (HP Board 2006 C) ime
Ans. Yes :If a body is in a uniform circular motion,
it has a constant speed but varying velocity as 9. The average velocity of a particle is equal to
the direction of motion of body at differcnt its instantaneous velocity. What is the nature
points on circular motion is different. ofits displacement-time graph?
3. Which speed is measured by the speedometer Ans. When the average velocity of a particle is equal
of your scooter? to its instantaneous velocity. the particle is
Ans. The speedometer measures the instantaneous moving with a uni form velocity along a straight
speed of the scooter at a given instant of time. line. The displacement-time graph of a uniformn
4. Why is the speed, in general, greater than the motion is a straight line inclined to the time axis.
magnitude of the velocity ? 10. Can position - time graph have negative
Ans. If there is a change in the direction of motion of slope ?
a body, then the actual path langth in a given Ans. Yes, when the velocity of the object is negative.
ume is greater than the displacement in that time. 11. What do you understand by positive and
Therefore speed (= path length/tinme taken) is negative time.
greater than the magnitude of velocity Ans. The instant of time which is taken after the
( displacement/time taken).
origin of time (i.e., zero time) is called positive
5. Can a particle in one-dimensional motion time and the instant of time which is taken
have zero speed and a non-zero velocity ? before the origin of time is ealled negative time.
Ans. No; If the speed of a particle is zero, then its 12. Can a body have a constant velocity but a
velocity will always be zero, since velocity
varying speed ?
speed + direction.
6. What does the tangent at a point to the Ans. No, since velocity = speed + direction; therefore
a body can not possess a constant velocity but a
position-time graph for an object in non-
Varying speed.
uniform motion along a straight line
represent ? 13. The body travels a distanee s, with velocity
Ans. Instantaneous speed or instantaneous velocity and with velocity v2 in the same
at the given instant. direction. Caleulate the avernge velocity ot
7. What will be the nature of position - time the body.
graph for a uniform motion ? Ans. Tine tuken for distance (») is given by,
Ans. A straight line inclined to time axis.
8. If the displacement - time graph of a partiele Time tuken for distance (s2) is given by.
is parallel to
(a) displacement axis (6) the timne axis, Total distance covered = s1 + $2
Total tine taken = +
what will be the velocity of the particle ? 2

total distance
Average velocity IL. Relative Velocity
total time taken
16. Can the relative velocity of two bodies
greater than the absolute velocity of either
2 (/v)+ (s,/v,) body.
Ans. Yes, when two bodies are moving in
directions along a straight path, then the
velocity of each body is greater than the absolute
ACyclist moves on a circular track fronmA to velocity of either body.
in average
time t as shown in Fig. 3(Q).12. What is 17. Though the rain is falling vertically down-
the speed and average velocity of the wards, the front screen of a moving car geis
cyelist. wet while the back screen remains dry. Why?
Ans. It is due to the fact that the rain strikes the
FIGURE 3(Q).12
in the direction of relative velocity of rain with
respect to car.

IL. Accelerated motion

18. Can the direction of velocity of a body
change, when acceleration is constant ?
Ans. Yes, when the body moves vertically upwards,
after reaching the highest point, the body starts
falling down, i.e., the direction of velocity is
reversed, whereas the acceleration is constant.
19. Light travels in a straight line at a constant
Ans. Distance travelled in time t = ABCD = u speed of 3x 10 m/s. What is the acceleration
distancetravelled 3Tr/2 Ans. As speed of light is constant along a st. line.
Average speed =
time taken t Hence, its acceleration is zero.
20. Why does time occur twice in a unit of
3tr accleration?
2t =Cange in velocity
Ans. Acceleration
= time taken
Displacement in time t AD= Vr2+72 = r2 (change in position/time taken)
time taken
Average velocity = -
change in position
boy walks to his school at a distance of
15. A (time taken)
6 km with constant speed of 2:5 km hl and 21. Is the acceleration of a car greater when the
walks back with a constant speed of accelerator is pushed to the floor or when
4 kmh What is average speed for the round brake pedal is pushed hard ?
trip in kmhl? Ans. Acceleration of a car is greater when brake pedal
Ans. Total time in going and coming back, is pushed hard, because car suddenly comes to
rest, i.e., the rate of change of velocity of car is
sm T large.
2-5 4
to 22. Which of the two ; velocity and acceleration,
total distance travelled, gives the direction of motion of the body.
S=6+6= 12 km; Explain it with the help of an illustration.
12 Ans. It is the velocity of body and not the acceleration
Average speed which gives the direction of motion of the body.
When a body is projected vertically upwards,
its velocity and direction of motion are upwards
h but its acceleration is vertically
Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XD
23. Two balls of different masses (one lighter and Ans. Speed being scalar can not have negativevalue
other heavier) are thrown vertically upward
with same initial speed. Which one will rise FIGURE3O).13
to the greater height ?
Ans. When a ball is projected vertically upward with
speed u. the maximum height attained,
hnax u/2 g, which is independent of mass of
ball. Thus both the balls (of different masses)
will attain same height when projected
vertically upward with the same velocity.
24. Is it possible to have a constant rate of change
30. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Drz
of velocity when velocity changes both in its velocity-time curve.
magnitude and direction? Ans. Velocity-time graph ís of the type as shown in
Ans. Yes, in projectile motion. Fig. 3(Q).14.
25. Is it possible that the brakes of a car are so
FIGURE 3(Q).14
perfect that the car stops instantaneously? Velocity
Ans. It is not possible to have perfect brakes which
can stop the car instantaneously because if the
car is to stop instantaneously, its velocity is to Time
be zero in an extremely small interval of time.
As a result of it, the car needs infinite
retardation, which is not possible.
26. A train is moving on horizontal rails with a 31. What does the area under acceleration-time
uniform acceleration a. A passenger sitting graph for any interval of time represents
in a boggie drops a stone inside the boggie. when the acceleration of the moving body is
What will be the acceleration of stone (i) w.r.t. varying with time ?
boggie and (i) w.r.t. the rails? Ans. The area under acceleration-time graph for a
Ans. (i) g w.rt. boggie and given interval of time represents the change in
speed of the body during that interval of time.
(i) 2 w.r.t. rails.
32. What does the slope of velocity-time graph
27. If the acceleration of the particle is constant represent ?
in magnitude but not in direction, what type (HP Board 2007. CBSE Delhi 2010)
of path does the body follow ?
Ans. The slope of velocity-time graph represents
Ans. Circular path. acceleration.
33. What is the nature of the displacement time
IV. Graphs for uniformly accelerated motion
curve of a body moving with constant
28. How can the distance travelled be calculated acceleration ?
from velocity-time graph in a uniform one
Ans. If a body starts from rest and moves along
dimensional motion ? straight line with a uniform acceleration a,
Ans. Distance travelled by an object in a given
time is the displacement (x) of the body in time t
equal to the area which the velocity-time graph
encloses with the time axis for the given interval
of time. Finding that area under Thus the
graph, distance travelled will be
determined. which is an equation of a parabola.
time graph as displacement-time graph for a body moving
29. What is wrong with the speed
constant acceleration is a parabola.
shown in Fig. 3(Q).13.

Calculus method foraccelerated motion Ans. No. the equations of kinematics can be used

What is the ratio of if the body is moving with a unitorm

14. the distance travelled by acceleration. The acceleration due to gravity
a body falling freely from rest in
unitorm only near the surface of earth
the but
second. and third seconds of its fall. first. 1s
u = 0, a =g:
decreases with height. Therefore if a body
Ans. Here. projected upwards with any velocity. we cannot
Tind its height using cquations of kinematics.
Using the re lation D =u+ (2n -1) 36. The displacement of a body is given to be
proportional to the cube of time elapsed.
we have What is the nature of the acceleration of the
D: D :D,= 2x1-1) body 1
Ans. Given. S f or S = kr*

(2x2-1):(2x3- )= 1 :3:5 velocity. v =3k

35. Can We use the equations of kinematics du
ind the height attained by a body projected Acceleration. a =
*dt = 6kt i.e. a «i
upwards with any velocity ? Thus acceleration increases with time.


Carrying 2 marks
I. Displacement and Velocity (i) In uniform motion along a straight line. the
When can an object be considered as a point
1. magnitude of displacement of object in a given
olbject ? Explain in brief. time is equal to the distance travelled.

Ans. An object can be constdered a point object if (ii) In uniform motion along a straight line, the
during nouon a given
instantaneous velocity = average velocity
in covers a
time it
= uniform velocity.
distance much greater than its own size. For
() In uniform motion, no force is required to
example. if a car of size 3 metres is moving a
few hundred kilometre distance, then to study maintain the motion.
this motion, the car can be taken as a point 4. Is magnitude of the displacement of an object
object. since 3 m is very much less than few and total distance covered by it in certain
hundred kilometre distance. time interval same ? Explain.
2. Given below are some examples of motion. Ans. Not necessanily. If an object covers a complete
State in each case, if the motion is one. two circular track of radius r. then its displacement
or three dimensions: is zero but distance travelled is 2 t r.
(i) A Nying bird in the
sky tii) A football kicked by a player til) 5. Is it true that in one dimensional motion, a
Earth revolving around the sun (ir) The particle with zero speed may have non-zero
motion of the bob of a simple pendulum. velocity ? Explain.
Ans. (i) A flying bird in the sky is a three Ans. It is not possible because, velocity = speed +
direction. If speed is zero, the velocity is also
dimensional motion. (ii) A football kicked by
aplayer is a two dimensional motion. (ii) Earth
Tevolving around the sun is a two dimensional 6. Explain that a body can have zero average
motion. (i) The motion of the bob of simple velocity but not zero average speed.
pendulum is one dimensional motion. Ans. Average velocity = displacemenu/(total time
. What are the characteristics of uniform
taken) and average speed =
total distance
(HP Board 2009) travelled/(total time taken).
If an object
motion ?
ns. Some of the characteristics of unifom motion completes a circular path of radius r in time ,
then its displacement is zero but distance
are as follows travelled by body is 2 T. Theretore, the average
) In uniform motion. the
velocity of object
velocity of body = zero but average speed of
origin nor on
ieither depends on the choice of body = 2 T rt.
the choice of time interval.
3/66 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
7. Draw velocity-time graph of a uniform Time interval after which each particle wi
motion of an object along a straight line. return to its initial position
What do you study from this graph ? = distance travelled/speed = dh
Ans. Velocity-time graph of a unifom motion along 10. Show that the slope of displacement-tim
a straight line is a straight line AB parallel to graph is equal to the velocity of uniforn
time axis. Fig. 3(Q).15. motion. (HP Board 2004, 2007 C
Ans. Refer to Art. 3.17.
Velocity FIGURE3(Q).15
11. A body travels with velocity vi for time
second and with velocity v2 for time t2 secon
in the same direction, find the average
velocity of the body.
Ans. Displacement travelled in tinme (t1 + 12)
=U '+V2 t2
C1 D Average velocity =
O t2
ime total time taken

This graph helps us to calculate the displacement

of the object in a given interval of time, which ( +2)
is equal to the area under velocity-time graph 12. The displacement r of the body in motion is
for the given interval of time. The displacement given by x =A sin (ot + 8) ; Determine the
of the object in time interval (t2-) time at which the displacement is maximum.
uniform velocity x time interval Ans. The value of displacement x will be maximum,
=u 2) = C, Cx (OD -OC) when the value of sin (ot + 0) is maximum. It
C Cx C D = area CC D, D will be so if sin (or +0) = 1 = sin T/2
8. Show that average velocity of the object over
an interval of time is either smaller than or or t +6 or o
equal to the average speed of the object over
the same interval.
Ans. Since, average velocity 13. An athelete completes one round ofa circular
total time taken track of radius R in 40 seconds. What will be
the displacement at the end of 2 min. 20
and average speed= total
distance travelled
total time taken second ?
Since, displacement of an object can be equal Ans. In 2 minutes 20 seconds, an athelete will
to or less than the total distance travelled in a
given time, hence, average velocity of an object complete =:2x60+20=3:5rounds, i.e.,three
over an interval of time is either equal to or complete rotations and one half rotation, i.e.,
smaller than the average speed of the object over finally it will be at the oppoiste end of the
the same interval of time. diameter from the starting point. So
9. Two particles are moving with constant speed displacement = 2 R.
v such that they are always at a constant 14. A person travels along a straight road for the
distance d apart and their velocities are first half length with a velocity v, and the
always equal and opposite. After what time, second half length with velocity v2. What is
they return to their initial positions? the mean velocity of the person ?
Ans. Since, the particles while moving with constant Ans. Time taken by person to travel first half length,
speed v, are always at a constant distance d, they
must be at the two ends of the diameter of a
circular path. The diameter of this circular path 20
= d. Bach particle will return to its Time taken by person to travel second hall
position after describing a circular path = 2 Tr
Td ( 2r=d
length, d/2d
V2 20

time =
+25 t 18. Ifaspeedometer is attached to a freely falling
body, then how much would its speed
readings increase with each second offall?
(t) Ans. A speedometer measures the instantaneous
2,2 Speed of a moving body. The speed of a falling
. Mean velocity or average velocity body increases by g (=98 ms-2) for each second
of fall. The speed reading of speedometer wll
d 20,2 increase by 9-8 ms- for each second of falt.
(+V2) 9. A man standîng on the edge of a cliff throws
IL. Relative Velocity a stone straight up with initial speed u and
then throws another stone straight down withh
edometer of a car moving eastward same initial speed and from the same
15. The
reads 50 km/h. It passes another car which position. Find the ratio of the speeds, the
travels westward at 50 km/h. G) Do both stones would have attained when they hit
cars have same speed? (i) Do they ground at the base of the cliff.
have the
same velocity ? (ii) What is the relative Ans. Since a stone thrown vertically up with speed u
velocity of car A w.r.t. car B. retuns back the same point with the same speed,
hence, both the stones will strike the ground
Ans. () Since, speed is a scalar quantity and with the same speed. Hence, the ratio of the
sneedometer reads instantaneous speed of the
speeds of the two stones will be 1:1.
car, hence both the cars have same speed.
20. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change
(i) Since, velocity is a vector quantity, hence of velocity. Suppose we call the rate of change
both the cars are having opposite velocities of acceleration as SLAP.
as they are moving in opposite directions.
)What is the unit of SLAP?
(it) Relative velocity of car A w.r.t. car B (ii) How can we calculate instantaneous
= (50 km/h + 50 km/h) change in acceleration
Ans. Given, SLAP =
= 100 km/h due east. time taken
16. When two bodies move uniformly towards

each other, the distance between them () The SI unit of

SLAP is misms
decreases by 6 metres/second. If both the
bodies move in the same direction with their ii) Instantaneous SLAP is the value of SLAP
at the given instant, which is the first derivative
same speeds, the distance between them
of acceleration at the given instant and can be
increases by 4 metres/second. What are the
writen as
speeds of the two bodies.
Ans. Let u and v be the velocities of two bodies.
Instantaneous SLAP = Limit |AC
per question, u +v =6
= or
2 u 10
At0 Ar dt
and U-V 4 masses (one lighter and
21. Two balls of difierent
On solving we get other heavier) are thrown vertically upwards
u = 5 m/s and v=1m/s with the same speed. Which
one will pass
9il ba through the point of projection in their
I. Accelerated motion downward direction with the greater speed

travelling at u be the initial

velocity of projection of body
lAn object can accelerate while velocity.
Ans. Let
velocity of the same body while
Constantspeed, butnot at constant and v be the
through point of projection.
it true ? Explain passing downwards
= 0. Using the
Ans.Yes; the can change The displacement of body S'
direction of an object relation v = uf+2
object is moVing
Onstant speed. It is so when an speed. Now it S=0, we have
and u= u, V = ?;a=-8,
on a circular path with constant =u or
acceleration. The
constant v=u+ 2-8) x0
velocity shows zero acceleration.
Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI)
It means the final speed is independent of mass Ans. Let t1, 1 be the times of descent through
of the body. Hence, both the bodies will acquire and OR respectively. Let PQ = QR = y. Then
the same speed while passing through point of
22. For a particle in one dimensional motion, the =f and 2y=js4+2
instantaneous speed is always equal to the
magnitude of instantaneous velocity. Why ? or 2- or =Th=144
Ans. We know that instantaneous speed, v;
Where rate of change of distance.
or2=2-1 or 2 = =1:/2-1
25. A ball is released from the top of a tower of

instantaneous velocity, v; =ds rate of

height h metres. It takes T seconds to reach
dt the ground. What is the position of the ball
change of displacement. In one dimensional1 in T/3 seconds from ground ?
motion having uniform acceleration, the Ans. Taking vertically downward motion of ball from
direction of velocity does not change with time, top of tower to ground, we have
only the magnitude of velocity changes with u = 0, a =g, S=h, t=T
time. Therefore,
, As S +a2
Ids'l= ds or
23. Two straight lines drawn on the same
h=0+872 or T-
velocity-time graph make angles 30° and 60°
with the time axis respectively, as shown in Distance covered in time (7/3)s
Fig. 3Q).16. Which line represents greater
acceleration ? What is the ratio of the two
accelerations ?
Height of the ball from ground after T/3 seconds
FIGURE 3(Q).16 =h h/9 =8 h/9

IV. Graphs for uniformly accelerated motion

26. What do the slopes of 'distance-time' and
velocity-time' graphs represent ? What do
positive and negative values of these slopes
60 imply ?
30° Ans. The slope of tangent at a point on distance-time
O Time
graph of a uniformly accelerated motion in one
dimension represents the instantaneous velocity
= at that instant of time.
Ans. Slope of velocity-time graph acceleration of
the object. The slope of velocity-time graph of uniformly
As slope of line OB > slope of line OA. accelerated motion at a given instant represents
Therefore, the line OB making an angle 60° with the acceleration of the moving body at that given
time axis represents greater velocity than the line instant.
OA making an angle 30° with time axis. For the distance time graph of an accelerated
Ratio of the two accelerations motion, the positive value of slope represents
that the velocity of the moving body is
30 increasing with time and the negative value of
tan 60 1:3 slope represents that the velocity of the moving
body is decreasing with time.
24. Points P, O and R are in vertical line such
Similarly for the velocity-time graph of a
that PQ = QR. A ball at P is allowed to fall uniformly accelerated motion, the positive value
freely. What is the ratio of the times of descent
of slope represents that the acceleration is
through PQ and QR ?

Ositive, i.e., the velocity of body is increasing

with time and negative value of slope
that the acceleration of body is negative, i.e.,
Ans. Acceleration, a ==x
the velocity of body is decreasing with time. Given, v= (180 16 x);
Differentiating it w.r.t. x, we have
27. How can one determine (i) the distance
c) the displacement covered by a uniformly dv
accelerated body from its velocity-time 2 dx
graph? 16
So, acceleration, a
=-8 m/s*
Ans, ) The distance travelled by a body in a given 2
interval of time is equal to total area enclosed
31. The distance traversed by a moving particle
by velocity time graph, without considering at any instant is half of the product of its
sign. It means, even if the body is moving with velocity and the time of traverse. Show that
negative velocity, the area of velocity-time graph the acceleration of particle is constant.
is to be taken positive for the measurement of Ans. Let at an instant t, v be the velocity of thee
distance travelled by the body. moving particle and S be the distance travelled
(i Displacement of a body in a given interval of by the particle. As per question.
time is equal to total area enclosed by velocity- S v t/2 ..)
time graph, during the given interval of time, Differentiating it w.r.t. time t, we have
which is to be added with proper sign. as 1
dt 2 dt
V. Calculus method for accelerated motion
28. An electron starting
from rest has a velocity or
that increases linearly with time that is
v =kt, where k = 2 m/s*. What will be the acceleration = a
distance covered in first 3 seconds of its dt
motion? at = v
Differentiating it again w.r.t. time t, we have
Ans. v= dldt = kt or dx = k dt. Integrating it,
da dv
xt+a =a or Xt= 0
We have X: when t=3 s, then dt dt

or da0
a = a constant.
29. In a case of a motion, displacement is directly
proportional to the square of the time
elapsed. What do you think about its
acceleration i.e.,constant or variable ?
a=- rw* sin
particle at a time
32. The acceleration of a particle, starting from
rest, varies with time according to relation;
Find the displacement of this

Explain why ? dv
(Pb. Board 2003) Ans. Acceleration, a= dt =-r@* sin oot
= kwhere is a
constant dv =- r 0 sin cot dt;
Ans. Given x oe Porx k r
Integrating it we have
Velocity, v= 2
U=- r W - cos ot
= r@ cos Ot.

=a constant
ACceleration, a = *=2k
dt Now, velocity U= dt =rocos or
Hence, the acceleration of moving object or dx = r cos Ot dt
constant. Integrating it, we have,
lf the velocity of a particle is given by
be its S |=r
V= 180-16r m/s, what will X=r@ sin

acceleration ?
3/70 Pradetp's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLN
33. An object is thrown vertically upward with Taking vertical upward motion of objectfrom
some speed. It erosses 2 pointsp, q which are to q, we have,
separated by h metre. Ift, is the time between u = u, v =v', a=-
g, S= h
p and highest point and coming back and As, v u +2 aS . v=u+2 (-R)h
is the time betweenq and highest point and
coming back, relate acceleration due to
gravity, 1 t, and h. (AIPMT Mains 2007) or 85_8
2 gh=u2-y28 4 4
Ans. Let ul be the velocity of the object while crossing
pointp andv'be its velocity while crossing point 8h
q. Fig. 3(0).17. A is the highest point of vertical or 8
motion of object. As per question, the time taken
by the object in going from p to A = t,/2. The 34. A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the
time taken by the object in going from q to ratefthrough a distance S, then continues at
constant speed for some time t and then
t/2. decelerates at the rate f/2 to come to rest. If
FIGURE 3(Q).17 the total distance is 5 S, then prove that

Ans. During acceleration of object,

u = 0, a =f, S S,u =

As, v= +2aSso vf = 0
+2fS 2fS
During uniform motion of object,

LO u =v = 2fS, t=t,
Taking vertical upward motion of objectfromnp
Distance travelled, S, ut =
2f S.
to A, we have During deceleration of object,
u =u, v =0, a = 8, t=1,/2
AS V = V + at
2f S,a= -f/2, v =0, S=S2
0=+-8) t,/2 As, v-u=2aS
or .)
Taking vertical upward motion of object from q
0-2f5)2 = 2(-1/2)S, or S =2S
to A, we have, Given S+S + S, =5 S
u =v', v = 0, a = -8, t=t/2 or S+y2fSt +2S = 5S
AS V= u + at
0 v'+-8) t42
or 8 t2
2fSt 2S or S


1. Explain the basic concepts of statics, kinematics 4. Discuss the importance of graphical study of the
and dynamics. [Art. 3.1] uniform motion of an object in one dimension.
2. Differentiate between one, two and three
[Arts. 3.17 & 18]
dimensional motion. [Art. 3.5]
5. What do you understand by non uniform
3. Define uniform velocity of an object moving
along a straight line. What will be the shapes of motion? Explain variable velocity and
position-time and velocity time graphs ofsuch instantaneous velocity of an object in one
a motion? [Arts. 3.13, 16 & 181 dimensional motion. [Art. 3.19]

s o H

Q.1. In hich of
whick the following examples
object: of motion, can
the body be considered approximately a point
ol a railway carriage moving
without jerks
a monkey sitting on top of a man cycling between two stations.
smoothly on a circular track.
(a spinning cricket ball that turns
sharply hitting the
d a tumbling beaker that has slipped ground.
off the edge of a
Sal, (a) The carriage can be considered table?
a point object because
as compared to the size of the railway the distance between two stations is very
carriage. large
(6) The monkey can be considered
as a point object if the cyclist
radius because in that case describes a circular track of very large
the distance covered by the
monkey. The monkey can cyclist is quite large as compared to
not be considered as a point the size o
small radius because in object if the cyclist describes a circular track ot
that case the distance covered by
size of the monkey. the cyclist is not very large as compared
to the
(c)The spinning cricket ball can
not be considered as a point object because
cricket ball is quite appreciable as the size of the spinning
compared to the distance through which
ground. the ball may turn on hitting the

(d) Abeaker slipping off the edge ofa table can

not be considered as a point object because the size
beaker is not negligible as compared to the height of the
of the table.
0.2. The position-time (r - ) graphs
for two children A and B
returning from their school O to their homes P and Qrespectively FIGURE 3 N).1
are shown in Fig. 3(N).1. Choose the correct entries in the
brackets below:
a) (A/B) lives closer to the school than (B/A).
(b) (A/B) starts
from the school earlier than (BIA).
(C)AIB) walks faster than (B/A).
(d) A and B reach home at the (same/different) time. B

(e) (A/B) overtakes on the road (once/twice).

1(a) As OP <0Q, A lives closer to the school than B.

(6) For x=
0, ;
for A while t has some finite value for B. Therefore,A starts from the school earlier
than B.
motion and slope of r-t graph for
ince the velocity is equal to slope of x-t graph in case of uniform
greater than that for A, hence B walks faster than A.
S graphs for A and B is same, which can be checked
OTresponding to points P and Q, the value of t from x-t
d) Com
by drawing axis. Thus, both A and B reach
homee at the same time.

hrough P and Q parallel to t

lines thra the school after wards
other only once. Since B starts from
graph forA and B intersect each
h eTefore B overtakes A on the road once.
3/88 Pradeep d Fundamental Physics (XI) Vo
Q.3. woman starts from her home at 9-00 a.m., walks with a speed of 5 km/h on straight road up to erhe

office 2:5 km away, stays at the office up to 5-00 p.m. and returns home by an auto with a speed
d of
25 km/h. Choose suitable scales and plot the x - t graph of her motion.
Sol. Time taken in reaching office
x (in kms) FIGURE 3(N).2
=0:5 ht. 2.5
Time taken in returning from office
= 0.1 hr. = 6 minutes
It means the woman reaches the office at 9.30 a.m.
11.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 (in hours)
and returns home at 5-06 p.m.The x 9.00
-I graph of
this motion will be as shown in Fig. 3(N).2.
Q.4. A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward, followed again
5 steps forward and 3 steps backward, and so on. Each step is Im long and requires Is. Determine
how long the drunkard takes to fall in a pit 13 m away from the start.
Sol. The effective distance travelled by drunkard in 8 steps = 5 -3 = 2 m
Therefore, he takes 32 steps to move 8 metres.
Now he will have to cover 5 meters more to reach the pit, for which he has to take only 5 forward steps.
Therefore he will have to take = 32 + 5 = 37 steps to move 13 metres. Thus he will fall into the pit after
taking 37 steps i.e., after 37 seconds from the start.
Q.5. A jet airplane traveliling at the speed of 500 km h ejects its products of combustion at the speed of
1500 km relative to the jet plane. What is the speed of the later with respect to observer on the
ground ?
Sol. Let vpbe the velocity of the products w.Et ground. Let us consider the direction of motion of airplane to
be positive direction of X-axis. Here, speed of jet plane, VA = 500 km h-
Relative speed of products of combustion w.r.t. to jet plane,
vPA= 1500 km -

Relative velocity of the products w.r.t. jet plane is
PAVp-UA=- 1500 or VpVA-1500 = 500- 1500=- 1000 km h-l
Here -ve sign shows that the direction of products of combustion is
opposite to that of the airplane.
Thus the magnitude of relative velocity is 1000 kmh-l
Q.6. A car moving along a straight highway with speed of 126
km h-is brought to a stop within a
distance of 200 m. What is the retardation of the car
(assumed uniform) and how long does it take
for the car to stop?
So Here, u = 126 km h-l= 26X ms = 35 ms-; v =0, and = ?
60x 60
S 200 m, a = ?
We know,v = u'+2aS. 0=(35) +2xax 200 .(35)2 49
or a ==

2x 200 -3-06

As, v = U + at 0 35- 49 Or t =
35x16 80
11-43 s
Q.7. Two trains A and B of length 400 m each are moving
on two parallel tracks with a uniform speed of
72 km h in the same direction with A
ahead of B. The driver of B decides to
accelerates by 1 ms-, If after 50 s, the guard B overtake A and
of just brushes past the driver of A,
original distance between them ? what was the

Sol. Fortrain A ; u =72 km h=

20 ms;t= 50 s; a = 0;S=SA
2 As, S = ut La2
+at S20x50+x0x50 = 1000 m
FortrainB :u= 72 km s7' = 20
ms-d = Im/s2,t= 50 s, S = Sp
to AsS = ut
Taking the guard of the train B S20x50+xlx502 = 2250 m
in the last compartment
original distance between the of the train B, it follows that
two trains + length of train A
or original distance between the + length of train B= dp-dA
two trains + 400 +400 2250 1000 =
ororiginal distance betwcen the 1250

two trains = 1250- 800 450

o.8. On a two lane road, car A is travelling witlh m
in opposite directions with a speed a spced of 36 km h-', Two cars B and C approac ar A
equal to AC, both being 1 km, B of 54 km h-l cach. At a certain instant, when the dls AB
decides to overtake A before C does. What minimum accerera n of
car B is required to avoid an accident.
Sol. Velocity of car A= 36 km hl = 10 ms-;
Velocity of car B or C = 54 km h = 15 ms
Rclative velocity of w.r.t. A = 15
B 10 =5 ms-l; Relative velocity of w.r.t. A

i As, AB = AC = 1 km = 1000 m = 15+ 10= 2

Time available to B or C for crossing A 000

If car B accelerates with acceleration a, to cross A
before car C does, then
u= 5 ms-,t=
40 s, S= 1000 m, a = ?
Using, S = 1
ut +ar, we have 1000 = 5x40+xax404 or 1000-200 800 a or a = 1 m/s*
0.9. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus
service with a bus leavingin either direction every
T min. A man cycling with a speed of 20 km/h in the direction A to
B notices that a bus goes past him
every 18 min in the direction of his motion, and every 6 min in the opposite direction.
What is the
period T of the bus service and with what speed (assumed constant) do the buses ply on the road ?
Sol. Let v km hi be the constant speed with which the buses ply between the towns A and B. The relative
velocity of the bus (for the motion A to B) with respect to the cyclist (ie. in the direction in which the
cyclist is going = (v -20) km h-, The relative velocity ofthe bus from B to A with respect to the cyclist
= (v + 20) km h-
The distance travelled by the bus in time T (minutes) = v T
aitii As per question 18 or v T= 18 - 18 x 20
and 6 or v T 6v +20 x 6 )
Equating (i) & (ii) we get = =
18v 18 x 20 6v + 20 x 6 of 12 20x6+ 18 x 20 480 or v 40 km h
Putting this value of v in (i) we get
T 18 x 20/40 = 9 min
40 T= 18x 40 18 x 20 = 18 x 20 or
initial speed of 29.4 ms (a) What is the direction of
10. A player throws a ball upwards with an acceleration of the
upward motion of the ball ? (6) What are the velocity and
acceleration during the location and time at its
its motion. (c) Choose the r =0 and t =0 be the
ball at the highest point of
b9 vertically downward direction to be the positive direction of
X-axis and give the signs
motion. (d) To
bHhighest point, acceleration of the ball during its upward, and donward hands. (Take
i esof position, velocity and rise and after how long does the ball
returns to the player's
what height does the ball
8= 9-8 ms and neglect air effect of gravity, the direction of
acceleration due to gravity is
under the
o(a) Since the ball is moving
always vertically downwards. zero and acceleration is equal to the acceleration
velocity ofthe ball
0)At the highest point, the vertically downward direction.
ue to gravity = 9.8 ms7 in
3/90 Pradep s Fundamental Physics (X) VOL0
(When the bighest point is ehosen as the location for x 0 and t = 0 and verticallydownward direction
to be the pNitive direction of X-axis and upward direction as negative direction of X-axis,
During upward motion, sign of position is negative, sign of velocity is negative and sign of acceleration
is positive
During dowward motion. sign of position is positive, sign of velocity is positive and sign of acceleration
is also positive.

Letrbe the upwant time taken by the ball to reach the highest point where lheightfromground beS.
Tuking vertiecal motionoftheball, we huve, u =- 29.4 ms, a = 98 ms-2, v =0, S= S, i = ?

(29.4) -44:1 m
As 2 as 0-(-29.4) = 2 x 9.8xS or
Hee-ve sign shows that the distance is covered in upward direction.

AS. =+ at 0= - 29.4 +9.8 x f, or -294 3s

lt means time of ascent = 3 s
When an objeet moves under the effect of gravity alone, the time of ascent is always cqual to the time of
Therefore total time after which the ball returns to the player's hand = 3 +3 = 6s
Q.11. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons and expamples if it is true orfalse;
(a) with zero speed at an instant may have non-zero acceleration at that instant
(b) with zero speed may have non-zero velocity
(c) with eonstant speed must have zero acceleration
d) with positive value of acceleration must be speeding up.
Sol. a) True, when a body is thrown vertically upwards in the space, then at the highest point, the body has
zero speed but has downward acceleration equal to the acceleration due to gravity.
) False. because velocity is the speed of body in a given direction. When speed is zero, the magnitude of
velocity of body is zero, hence velocity is zero.
C)True, when a particleismoving along a straightline with a constant speed, its velocity remains constant
with time. 1Therefore, acceleration (= change in velocity/time) is zero.
(d) The statement depends upon the choice of the instant of time taken as origin, when the body is moving
along a straight line with positive acceleration. The velocity of the body at an instant of time t is
V = u + ar
The given statement is not correct if a is positive and u is negative, at the instant of time
taken as origin.
Then for all the times before the time for which v vanishes, there is slowing down
of the particle i.e. the
speed of the particle keeps on decreasing with time. It happens when body is projected vertically upwards.
However the given statement is true if u is positive and a is positive, at the instant time
of taken as origin.
It is so when the body is falling vertically downwards.
Q. 12. A ball is dropped from a height of 90 m on a floor. At each collision with the
floor, the ball loses one
tenth of its speed. Plot the speed-time graph of its motion between t = 0 to 12 s. (g = 10 ms)
Sol. Taking vertical downward motion of ball from a height 90 m, we have
II = 0, = 10 m/s4, S = 90 m,
t ?;V= ?

= ==32s= 4-24s a

v= 2aS = y2x10x90= 30-/2 nvs
9 9
Rebound velocity ofbal,
10 10
2 = 272 s
Time toreach the highest point is, r== =27/ =

time t t
ball will take
a 4-24 + 3.81
8.05 s
further 3-81 N 1o fall
back to floor,
where its velocity before striking the FIGURE 3(N).3
floor Speed (m/s)
-27 2 m/s.
Velocity of ball alter striking the
9 30/2
x 27 /2=24:3/2 m/s
Total time clapsed before upward
motion of ball 24 3/2
= 8-05+3.81 = 11-86 s
Thus the speed-time graplh of this motion
will be as 11 86
shown in Fig. 3(N).3. 4-24 8-05 (s)|
O 13. Explain clearly, with examples, the
distinction hetween:
() magnitucde of displacement (sometimes called
length of the path covered by a particle distance) over an interval of time, and tne ola
over the same interval.
(b) magnilude of average vclocity over an
interval of time, and the average speed over the same
interval. |Average speed of a particle over an
interval of time is defined as the total path length
divided by the time interval]. Show in both (a)
and (b) that the second quantity is either greater than
or equal to first. When is the equality sign true ? [For simplicity, consider one-dimensional
Sol. (a) Magnitude of displacement of a particle in motion for a
given time is FIGURE3(N).4
the shortcest distancc between the initial and final position of the particle
in that time, whereas the total length of the path covered by particle is thee
actual path traversed by the particle in the given time. If a particle goes
from A to B and B to C in time t as shown in Fig 3(N).4, then
Magnitude of displacement = distance AC.
Total path length = distance AB + distance BC
tnFrom above we note that total path length (AB + BC) is greater than
magnitude of displacement (AC).
g If there is a motion of the particle in one dimension i.e. along a straight line, then the magnitude of
displacement becomes equal to total path length traversed by the particle in the given time.
magnitude of displacementAC
(6) Magnitude of average velocity =
time interval

= total path length(AB + BC)

and Average speed
time interval
As, (AB + BC) > AC, so average speed is greater than the magnitude of average velocity. If the particle is
time the magnitude of displacement is equal to total path
fto moving along a straight line, then in a given magnitude of average velocity.
length traversed by particle in that time, so average speed is equal to
2-5 km away with a speed of 5 km/h.
Q.14. A man walks on a straight road from his home to market
with a speed of 7:-5 km/h. What is the
Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back nman, over the interval of time (i) 0
average speed of the to
a) magnitude of average velocity and (b)?
30 min. (ii) O to 50 min (ii) 0 to
40 min

SO1. Time taken by man to go from his home

to market, = distance2
speed 5

market to his home,

me taken by man to go from

h = 50 min.
Total time taken 4 +22
3/92 Pradecp's Fundamental Physics (XI)o
(i) 0 to 30 min

(a) Average velocity =-displacement2 =5 km/lh (b) Avereagespeed

distance 2-5

(ii) O to 50 min
time 1/2 time 1/25km/h
Total distance travelled = 2.5 +2.5 = 5 km

Total displacement = zero

(a) Average velocity

displacement0 distance
(b) Average specd =
time 5/6
6 km/h
(i) 0 to 40 min.
Distance moved in 30 min (from home to market) = 2:5 km.
= 10
Distance mnoved in 10 min (from market to home) with speed 7:5 km/h 7:5x= 1-25 km
So displacement = 2:5 - 1:25 = 125 km
Distance travelled = 2.5 + 1-25 = 3.75 km
(a) Average velocity = 1875 km/h
(b) Average speed = 5-625 km/h
Q.15. In above questions 13 and 14, we havecarefully distinguished between average speed and magnitude
of average velocity. No such distinction is necessary when we consider instantaneous speed and
magnitude of velocity. The instantaneous speed is always equal to the magnitude of instantaneons
velocity. Why ?
Sol. Instantaneous speed (n) of the particle at an instant is the first derivative of the distance with respect to
time at that instant of time i.e. vins dr
Since in instantaneous speed we take oniy a small interval of time (di) during which direction of motion of
a body is not supposed to change, hence there is no difference between total path length and magnitude of
displacement for small interval of time dt. Hence, instantaneous speed is always equal to magnitude of
instantaneous velocity.
Q. 16. Look at the graphs Fig. 3(N).5.(a) to (d) carefully
and state, with reasons, which of these cannot FIGURE3(N).5
possibly represent one dimensional motion of a
Sol. (a) This graph does not represent one dimensional
motion because, at the given instant of time, the particle
will have two positions, which is not possible in one
dimensional motion.
(b) This graph does not represent one dimensional
motion because, at the given instant of time, particle Speed Total path length
will have velocity in positive as well as in negative
direction, which is not possible in one dimensional
(c) t also does not represent one dimensional motion,
because this graph tells that the parlicle can have the
negative speed but the speed of the particle can never
be negative.
(d) It also does not represent one dimensional motion, because this graph tells that the total path length
decreases after certain time but total path length of a moving particle can never decrease with time.
3(N).6 showsX-tplot of one dimensional
Q. 17, Fig. motion of a particle. FIGURE 3(N).6
Is it correct to say from the graph that the
particle moves inna
straight line for f < 0 and on a parabolic
suggest a suitable physical context
path t> not,
0? If
for this graph.
Sol. No, because the x-1 graph does not represent the trajectory of the
path followed by a particle. From the graph, is
it noted that at t =0,
r= 0. t>0
Context.The above graph can represer the
motion of a body falling
freely from a tower under gravity.
o. 18. A police van moving on a highway with a speed of 30 km h-l fires a bullet at a thief's car speeding
away in the same direction with a speed of 192 km h-1, If the muzzle speed
of the bullet is 150 ms
with what speed does the bullet hit the thief's car ? (Note, obtain that speed which is relevant 1o
damaging the thief's car 2)
Sol. Muzzle speed of bullet, vB 150 ms-= 540 kmh-l
Speed of police van, Up = 30 km/h, Speed of thief car,
v= 192 km/h
Since the bullet is sharing the velocity of the police van, its effective velocity is
BV+Up= 540 + 30 = 570 km/h
The speed of the bullet w.r.t. the thief's car moving in the same direction

BTVB-Ur=570 - 192 =378 km/h = 105 ms
60x 60
Q. 19. Suggest a suitable physical situation for each of the following graph. Fig. 3(N).7.
Sol. In Fig. 3(N).7(a), the x- t graph shows that initially x is zero i.e. at rest, then it increases with time, attains
a constant value and again reduces to zero with time, then it increases in opposite direction till it again
attains a constant value i.e. comes to rest. The similar physical situation arises when a ball resting on
a smooth floor is kicked which rebounds from a wall with reduced speed. It then moves to the
lo Opposite wall which stops it.

= A
with passage of time and every time some
In Fig. 3(N).7(b), the velocity changes sign again and again
arises when a ball is thrown up with some velocity,
speed is lost. The similar physical situation
rebounds with reduced speed each time it
returns back and falls freely. On striking the floor, it
strikes against the floor. increases for a short
moves with uniform velocity. Its acceleration
In Fig. 3(N).7(c), initially the body velocity. The similar physical
the body moves with a constant
duration and then falls to zero and there after a uniform speed is hit with a bat for a
verv short
moving with
Situation arises when a cricket ball FIGURE 3(N).8
interval of time.
Fig. 3(N).8gives thex-tplot of
a particle executing
0. one dimensional simple harmonic motion. Give the
Signs of position, velocity
and acceleration
particles tt=0:3 s, 12 s, - 12 s. 2 7-1
variables of the
=- ox, where o
Sol. In the S.H.M. accelerationa
angular frequency) is
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics
(1) At time t
0-3 s, x is negative, the slope
negative. Since =- 0x, hence, acceleration of x -t plot is negative, hence position and velocity
is positive. are
(i) At time t = 1-2 s, x is positive,
the slope of
positive. Since a = 0x, hence acceleration
x- t plot is also positive, hence
position and velocity
is negative. are
(iii) At i -
12 s, x is negative, the slope of x t plot is
negative. But since both x andt are
also FIGURE 3(N).9
negative here, hence velocity
is positive. Finally acceleration
a' is also positive.
Q.21. Fig. 3(N).9 shows thex-t plot of a particle
in one dimensional
motion. Three different equal intervals
of time
which interval the average speed is greatest are
shown. In
is the least ? Give the sign of average and in which it
speed for each interval.
Sol. We know that average speed in a small 2
interval of time is equal
to the slope of x t graph in that inerval
of time. The average
speed is the greatest in the interval 3 because
slope is greatest
and the average speed is least in
inerval 2 because slope is
least there.
Speed FIGURE 3(N).10
The average speed is positive in intervals 1
and 2 because D
slope of x-t is positive there and average speed is
interval 3 because the slope of x t is negative.
negative in B

Q.22. Fig 3(N).10. gives a speed-time graph of

a particle in one
dimensional motion. Three different equal intervals
of time are
shown. In which interval is the average acceleration
magnitude? In which interval is the average speed greatestin?
Choosing the positive direction as the constant
direction of
motion, give the signs of 'u' and '*' in the three intervals.
are the accelerations at the points A, B, C and D? What 3 Time
Sol. We know that average acceleration in a small
interval of time is equal to slope of velocity-time
that interval. As the slope of velocity-time graph is graph in
maximum in interval 2 as compared to other intervals
and 3, hence the magnitude of average acceleration
is greatest in interval 2.
The average speed is greatest in interval 3 for
obvious reasons.
In interval 1, the slope of velocity- time graph is
positive, hence acceleration a is positive.
is positive in this interval due to obvious reasons. The speedu
In interval 2, the slope of velocity-time graph is
negative, hence acceleration a is negative.
is positive in this interval due to obvious reasons. The speed u
In interval 3, the velocity-time graph is parallel
to time axis, therefore acceleration
interval but v is positive due to obvious reasons. a is zero in this
At points A, B, C and D, the velocity-time graph is
parallel to time axis. Therefore acceleration
all the four points ais zero at

Q.23. A three wheeler starts from rest, accelerates uniformly
1 ms on a straight
with D,m) FIGURE 3(N).11
road for 10 s, and then moves with
uniform velocity. Plot a graph between the distance covered
by the vehicle during the nth second (n =1, 2, 3...)versus
n. What do you expect the plot to be during accelerated
91 c
motion: straight line or a parabola?
Sol. Here, u = 0; a = 1 ms2 6
Distance covered in nth second is

D, =u+ (2n-1) =0+, (2n-1)=0:5 (2 n - 1) (1)

Putting n =1,2,3,...., wecan find the value of D,. The various
values of n and corresponding values of D, are shown below : O1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10n(S)

D 0-515 2.5 3.545 55 65 75 5 95
On ploting agraph belween D,, and n. we get a st. line
the graph is a straight Aß as shown in Fig. 3/9).11. Fron 1):
line. After 10 s the graph
is a straight line BC parallel to tirne a7i5
i "
24, A boy standing on a stationary lift (open
initial speed he can, equal to 49 ms-. from above) throws a ball upwards with the maxi E
How much time does the ball take to return to his hanas
the lift starts moving up with a uniform speed
of 5 ms-l and the boy again throws the ball up v**"
the maximum sped he can, how docs the ball
take to return to his hands ?
Taking vertical upward direction as the
S positive direction of x-axis.
When lift is stationary, consider the motion
of the ball going vertically upwards and coming dowi u the
hands of the body, we have u = 49
msa =- 9.8 ms2, = ?, x - 1
As, S = ut+at

0=491+(-98) 14
or 491=4.92 or 1
49/4.9 = 10 seconds
When lift starts moving with'uniform speed
As the lift starts moving upwards with uniform speed of 5 ms-l, there is no change in the relative veloaty
of the ball w.r.t. the boy which remains 49 ms.
Hence, even in this case, the ball will returm to the boy s
hand after 10 second.
Q.25. On along horizontal moving belt (Fig. 3(N).12), FIGURE 3(N).12
a child runs to and fro with a speed 9 km h Moving belt- 4 krnn
(with respect to the belt) between his father and
mother located 50 m apart on the moving belt.
The belt moves with a speed of 4 km b, For
an observer on a stationary platform outside,
what is the F Child M
(a) speed of a child running in the direction of
motion of the belt ?
(b) speed of the child running opposite to the Stationary Observer
direction of motion of the belt?
(c) time taken by the child in (a) and (b)
one of the parents?
Which of the answers alter if motion is viewed by
direction of X-axis.
Sol. Let us consider left to right to be the positive ms-
4 km hi speed of child w.r.t. belt, vc=+ 9 km h = 5/2
a) Here, velocity of belt, vp = +
observer, vc= Vc+Up = 9 + 4 = 13 kmh-
Speed of the child w.r.t. stationary
km h
(6) Here, vB + 4 km h; vc=-9
= km h-l
w.r.t. stationary observer, vc=vc+ Ug=- 9 +4 -5
Speed ofthe child a direction opposite to the direction of motion
shows that the child will appear to run in
Here negative sign
of the belt.
(C) Distance between the
parents, S = 50m. child as observed by stationarv
same belt, the speed of the
located on the will be 9 km h-1
Since parents and child are mother to father or from father to mother)
ODserver in either direction
(either from

and (b) 1s
Time taken by child in case (a)
case (b) will get altered. It is so becane
parents, answer to case (a) or unaltered due to the?
of the answer (c) remains hafact
motion is observed by one mother or father is 9 km h, But are equally affected by the motion of the
Speed of child w.r.t, either of same belt and as such all
on the
nat parents and child are
3/96 Pradeep' Fu damental Physics (XI) VOL
Q.26. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the FIGURE 3(N).13
edge of a cliff 200 m high with initial speeds of 15 (2-X)m
ms and 30 ms, Verily that the graph shown in
Fig. 34N).13. correctly represents the time variation 120+
of the relative position of the second stone with 100
respect to the first. Neglect the air resistance and 80
assume that the stones do not rebound after hitting 60
the ground. Take g = 10 ms. Give the equations 40
for the linear and curved parts of the plot.
Sol. Taking vertical upward motion of the first stone for time
7. we have 10
X 200 m. u = 15 m/s : a =- 10 m/s, t = t ; x =X

As, * =o +ut +ar 200+15 t+(-10) or X =200 + 15

t-5 P
Taking vertical upward motion of the second stone for time t, we have
o 200 m. u = 30 ms-l.a=- 10 ms, = t, =x f x
Then T 200+ 30-x 10= 200 + 30 -5P )
When the first stone hits the ground,
Either r = 8 s or 5s
0, r=
0 -3-40
or t-8) (t+5) =0

Since t=0 corresponds to the instant, when the stone was projected. Hence negative time has no meaning
in this case. So =8 s. When the second stone hits the ground, x2 = 0, so
0 200+ 30 1-52 or -6t- 40 0 or (t- 10 (t +4) =0
Therefore, either t 10s = or t=-4s
Sincer=-4 s is meaningles, so = 10s t
Relative position of second stone w.r.t. first is =
x2-X1= 15 t
Since (x -x)and r are linearly related, therefore, the graph is a straight line till
From (i) and (i]
rt= 8 s.
For maximum separation, 1 =8 s, so maximum separation = 15 x 8 = 120 m
After 8 second only second stone would be in motion for 2 seconds,
so the graph is in accordance with the
quadratic equation, xz = 200 + 30 t- 5 t for the interval of
time 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
Q.27. The speed-time graph of a particle moving along a fixed
direction is as shown in Fig. 3(N).14. Obtain the distance FIGURE 3(N).14

travelled by the particle between (a) t = 0 to 10 s (b) t = 2 to (ms-1)4

6 s. What is the average speed of
the particle over the
intervals in (a) and (b)? 12
Sol. (a) Distance travelled by the particle between 0
to 10 s will be
area of AOAB, whose base is 10 s and height is 12 ms-
=60 m
X10x 12

Average speed =
10 6 ms-l
(b) Let S, and S, be the distances covered by the
O B10 t(s)
particle in the time interval = 2 s to 5 s and 1 = 5 s to
6 s, then total distance covered in time t
interval r = 2 s to 6 s will be S = S, + S,
To finds S1, let us consider u is
the velocity of particle after 2 seconds and
particle during the time interval zero to 5 seconds. a
is the acceleration of the
Then u =0, v = 12m/s, a =
andi = 5 s.
We have, a = =. 2-4 ms .u
= = u + a t = 0+2.4 x 2 =4-8 ms

Thus for the distance travelled by particle in 3 seconds (i.e. time interval 2 s to 5 s). we have
u, = 48 ms', =
3 s. a = 2-4
S =? ms,
x2-4 x 32 =
25 2m
S = 4-8 x 3

T find S2. Let a, be the acceleration of the particle during the motion. = 5 s to t = 10 s. we na
Taking motion of the particle in time intenval 1 = 5 s to t = 6 s, we have
u=12 ms, a = - 2.4 ms, I, =
l s. S, =?

As S
= 12
x 1+-24) 12 = 108 m

Total distance travelled, S = 25.2 + 10-8 = 36 m FIGURE3(N).15

36 36 m-
Average speed =
6-2 9-9ms
Q.2 The velocity-time graph of particle in one a
motion is shown in Fig. 3(N).15. Which of the following
formulae are correct for describing the motion of the particle
over the time interval and ,
i)r ) =x ,) +" ",) U-); au-1 I2

ii) ()= " (f,) +a t2 -4 (t)V2 -1)

(iv)aay =
"a lr ",) - r "1)/
{v (12)- v
ii) -14)

()r 2)=r (1) + Vav (2 -41)+ a, 2 -' dotted lines shown.

the curve bounded by the time axis and
(vi) r ((2)
- (t1) = area under
x v-t
is not uniform, hence
the relations (i), (ii) and
constant and
that the slope is not are correet.
Sol. From the graph we note (iii), (iv) and (vi)
but the relations
(v) are not correct,
3/108 Pradeep Fundamental Physies (XI)M

SPECIAL For ultimate preparation of this unit
for competitive examinations,
students should refer to
Pradeep's Stellar Series....
MCQs in Physics for NEET
MCQs in Physics for JEE(Main)
separately available for these examinations.

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Correct Answe)

I. Displacement and velocity (a) 0, 1
1. A student gocs from his house to his friend's house
Tt +4
with speed v. Finding the door of his friend's (b)
home closed, he returns back to his own house 2
with the speed vz. Then the average speed and
net displacement of student is [consider distance
between two houses be S]

(a) 2,0 (b) V, v22S (d) 0, 21-4

4. All the graphs below are intended to represent the
same motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick
(c) (d) v v2, S it up.

2. A particle position as function of time is discribed
as y (1) = 5 cos (10 + 15) in metres. What is the Velocity Distance
average velocity of the particle from = 0 to
I 3 sec? (6)
(a) 0-7883 m/s (b) -0-4313 m/s Position Time

(c) 0-4313 m/s (d)-0-7883 m/s

3. A cyclist starts from the centre O of a circular Velocity
park of radius one kilometre, reaches the edge P
of the park, then cycles along the circumference (c) (d)
and returns to the centre along Q0 as shown in Time
the Fig. 3(CF).1. If the round trip takes ten
minutes, the net displacement and average speed (JEE Main
of the cyclist (in metre and kilometre per hour) is

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b)
MO 3/109

5. A
article P is sliding down a frictionless
cal bowl. It passes I. Accelerated Motion
the point A at
0. At this instant of time, the horizontal 9. A man throws ball into the air one after the other.
compone. of its velocity is v. A
bead Q Throwing one when other is at the highest point.
same mass as P is ejected from A at t = of the How high the balls rise if he throws twice
0 along
thehorizontal direction, with the speed v. Friction second.
hetween the bead and the string may be neglected. (a) 2-45 m (b) 1-225 m
Let Ip and to be the respective times taken by P (c)19.6 m (d) 4-9 mn
and Q to reach the point B. Then T0. A bus begins to move with an acceleration
ms. A man who is 48 m behind the bus man will
FIGURE 3(CF).3 running at 10 ms- to catch the bus. The
be able to catch the bus after
(a) 6s (b) 5s
(c) 3 s (d) 7s
(e)8s (Kerala PET 2011)
11. A particle is moving such that its.position
(a) tp<l coordinates (x, y) are (2 m, 3 m) at time t = 0,
(6 m, 7 m) at time t=2s and (13 m, 14 m) at time
(b) tp'o
)tp>o t=5 s. Average velocity vector (Vav) from t =0
to t= 5 s is
Plength of at arc ACB
o length of chord AB (a)131+14
6. A body of mass m moving along a straight line
covers half the distance with a speed of
()2 (+)
2 ms. The remaining half of the distanceis (AIPMT 2014)
covered in two equal time intervals with a speed 12. Airplanes A and B are flying with constant velocity
ms and 5 ms respectively. The average
of 3 in the same vertical plane at angles 30° and 60°
speed of the particle for the entire journey is with respect to the horizontal respectively as
(a) (3/8) ms (b) (8/3) ms shown in Fig. 3(CF).4. The speed of A is
(c) (4/3) ms-1 (d) (16/3) 1003 m/s. At time t=0 s, an observer in A finds
(Karnataka CET 2009) B at a distance of 500 m. The observer sees B
7. A car moves a distance of 200 m. It covers
the moving with a constant velocity perpendicular to
and the line of motion of A. If at t = 10, A just escapes
first half of the distance at speed of 40 km/h
second half of the distance at a speed
v. The being hit by . o in seconds is
average speed is 48 km/h. Find the value of FIGURE 3(CF).4
(a) 56 km/h (b) 60 km/h
(c)50 km/h (d) 58 km/h
B every 10
8. A taxi leaves the station A for station
leaves the
minutes. Simultaneously, a taxi also
Station B for station A every 10
minutes. The taxies
go from A
move at the same constant speed and
to B or vice versa in 2 hours.
How many taxies 600
each taxi enroute
coming from other side will meet (b) 5 s
(a) 35 s
from B to A?
(c) 65 s d) 7s
(a) 11 (b) 12
JEE Advanced 2014)
(c) 23 d) 24.
10. (e) 11. (d) 12. (b)
8. (C) 9. (b)
5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (b)
3/110 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
19. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap
13. Two balls of equal masses are thrown upwards
which is 5 m above the ground. The third drop is
along the same vertical direction at an interval of
leaving the tap at the instant the first drop touches
2 seconds, with the same initial velocity of
the ground. How far above the ground is the
39-2 m/s. Then these collide at a height of
second drop at that instant ? (g = 10 m/s2
(a) 44-1 m (b) 73-5 m
(a) 1-25 m (b) 2-50 m
(c) 117-6 m (d) 196-0 m
(c) 3-75 m (d) 4-00 m
14. Two balls of equal masses are thrown upwards
20. A body released from the top of a tower falls
along the same vertical direction at an interval of
through half the height of tower in 3 seconds. It
2 seconds, with the same initial velocity of
will reach the ground after nearly
45 ms-. Then these balls collide at a height of
(a) 3-5 sec (b) 4-24 sec
(use g = 10 ms)
(c) 4-71 sec (d) 6 sec
(a) 54-2 mn (b) 96-25 m
(d) 217-0 m 21. A ball is thrown up, it reaches a maximum height
(c) 162-7 m
and then comes down. If 11 and 2 (2>1) are the
15. In a car race on straight road, car A takes a time t times that the ball takes to be at a particular height
less than car B at the finish and passing fishing then the time taken by the ball to reach the highest
point witha speed v more than that of car B. Both point is
the cars start from rest and travel with constant (b) (2- )
(a) ( +2
acceleration aj and az respectively. Then v is (d) (2 +)/2
(C) (2-1)2
equal to:
22. A particle is dropped vertically from rest from a
242 (b) 24a2 height. The time taken by it to fall through
successive distances of one metre each will then
4ta2 (a) all equal being equal to (2/g) second
(JEE Main 2019) (b) in the ratio of square roots of the integers 1,
16. A body is projected vertically upwards with a 2, 3, 4
velocity of 10 m/s. It reaches the maximum height c) in the ratio of the differences in the square
h in time t. In time t/2 the height covered is
(g= 10 m/s) roots of integers i.e. (1-V0). (V2-i).
(a) h/2 (b) (2/5) h 5-2). (A-V3),..
) (3/4) h (d) (5/8) h
17. Two trains travelling on the same track are () inthe ratio
1 1
approaching each other with equal speeds of 4
40 m/s. The drivers of the trains begin to 23. A man in a balloon rising vertically with an
decelerate simultaneously when just 2-0 km apart. acceleration of 4-9 ms releases a ball 2 seconds
Assuming decelerations to be uniform and equal, after the balloon is let go from the ground. The
the value of the deceleration to barely avoid
greatest height above the ground reached by the
collision should be
ball is
(a) 0-8 m/s (6) 2-1 m/s2
(a) 9-8 m (b) 14-7 m
(c)11-0 m/s2 (d) 11-8 m/s2 m
18. A particle moving with a uniform acceleration
(c)19-6 (d) 24-5 m.

travels 24 metre and 64 metre in first two 24. A bullet loses 1/20 of its velocity in passing
Successive intervals of 4 seconds each. Its initial through a plank. What is the least number of
velocity is planks required to stop the bullet
(a) I m/s b) 2 m/s (a) (b) 7
(c) 5 m/s (d) 10 m/s. (c) 11 (d) 14
13. (6) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (b) 21. (d) 22. (c)
23. (b) 24. (c)

5, A balloon rises from rest with (b) 1 m/s, 3 m/s

acceleration g/8. A stone is released
constant (a) 1
m/s, 3.5 m/s
from it when (c) 2 m/s, 4 m/s () 1.5 m/s, 3 m/s
it has risen to height h. The time taken (NEET 2018)
by the stone
to reach the ground is
31. A particle moving in a straight line
with initia
velocity u and uniform acceleration f. If the
() 4 (6 2 of the distances travelled in th and (t + )th
seconds is 100 cm, then its velocity after t seconds

2h in cm/s is
AIIMS(AIIMS 2010) (a) 20 (b) 30
(c) 50 (d) 80
26. A ball released from the top of a tower travels
32. A ball is dropped vertically from a heightd above
of the height of the tower in the last second the ground. It hits the ground and bounces up
36 vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent
of its journey. The height of the tower is motion and air resistance, its velocity v varies with
(8 = 10 ms) the height h above the ground as
(a) 11 m 6) 36 m FIGURE 3(CF).5
(c) 180 m (d) 110 m
27. If a particle is thrown vertically upwards, then its
velocity so that it covers same distance in 5th and
6th seconds would be
h h
(a) 48 m/s (b) 14 m/s a
(c) 49 m/s (d) 7 m/s
28. A stone is dropped from a certain height which
can reach the ground in 5 seconds. If the stone is
stopped after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed
to fall again, then the time taken by the stone to
reach the ground for the remaining distance is
(a) 2s b) 3 s h >h
(c) 4s (d) none of these.
29. A ball is dropped from a bridge 122-5 m above a
river. After the ball has been falling for 2s, a
second ball is thrown straight down after it. What
must the initial velocity of the second ball be
so 33. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without
that both hit the water at the same time friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at
(b) 55-5 m/s 2 ms. He reaches the ground with a speed of
(a) 40 m/s 3 ms. At what height, did he bail out ?
(c) 26-1 m/s (d) 9-6 m/s (AlIMS 2015)
(a) 111 m (b) 293 m
on a frictionless
30. A toy car with charge q moves (c) 182 m () 243 m
surface under the influence of a
horizontal plane
34. A balloon is ascending vertically with an
the force q E,
uniform electric field E. Due to acceleration of 0-2 ms4. Two stones are dropped
6 m/s in one second from it at an interval of 2s. The distance between
its velocity increases from 0 to
direction of the field them when the second stone dropped is (take g =
duration. At that instant the
continues to move for two 9.8 ms)
is reversed. The car
influence of this field. (a) 0-4 m (6) 4-9 m
more seconds under the
the average speed of (d) 20-0 m.
The average velocity and respectively
(c) 19.6 m
3 seconds are
the toy car between 0 to ANSWERS
30. (b) 31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (d)
28. (c) 29. (c)
25. (b) 26. () 27. (c)
3/112 Pradeep ' Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
40. An object, moving with a speed of 6-25 m/s
IIL Accelerated Motion
using Calculus Method
decelerated at a rate given by:
35. A particle of unit mass undergoes one-
dimensional motion such that its velocity varies d -2:5v
according to v (x) = B, where B and n are
where v is the instantaneous speed. The time taken
constants and x is the position of the particle. The n
acceleration of the particle as a function of x, is by the object, to come to rest, would be
given by (a) 2s (b) 4s
(a)- 2 n B24n-1 (b)-2 2-n+1 (c) 8 s (d) 1s (AIEEE 2011
(c)- 2 n B2An+1 (d) -2 n B2-1 41. The acceleration experienced by a moving boat
(AIPMT 2015) dv
after itsengine is cut off, is given by -k,
36. The position of a particle as a function of time t, dt
is given by x (t) = at +bt- ct, where a, b and c where k is a constant. If vo is the magnitude of
are constants. When the particle attains zero the velocity at cut off. Then the magnitude of the
acceleration, then its velocity will be velocity at time t after the cut off is

b a+b (b)
(a) at4ic (b)
C )-2kt 1+2kv
() a+ (d) a+ )
2c 3c (C)-2kvo 1+2kvo
(JEE Main 2019) (WB JEE 2006)
37. The position vector of a particle changes with time 42. The displacement of the particle is zero at t = 0
according to the relation and it is x at t = t. It starts moving in the positive
x-direction with a velocity which varies,
F) =1512 î+(4-202)i v kyx, where kis a constant. Then therelation
What is the magnitude of acceleration at t = 1?
for variation of velocity with time is
(a) 40 (b) 100
(c) 25 (d) 50
CJEE Main 2019)
o) 2 k

38. The displacement x of a particle varies with time Cc) 2

t as x = a eM + be", where a, b, o. and B are 2 kt
positive constants. The velocity of the particle will 43. The retardation experienced by a moving motor
(a) be independent of B boat after its engine is cut-off, at the instant t is
given by, a=-kvt, where kis a constant. Ifvgis
(6) drop to zero when o= B
the magnitude of velocity at the cut-off, the
(c) go on decreasing with time magnitude of velocity at time t after the cut-off is
(d) go on increasing with time
39. The acceleration of a particle (a) is related to its (a)
velocity (v) by a = -2 v. What is the nature of 3kt v (3kt(3ktv+1)/3
velocity-time curve ?
(a) Linearlý increasing
(c)3kt v (d) (3ktv+11/3
44. The position co-ordinates of a particle moving in
(b) Exponentially decreasing
a 3-D co-ordiantes system is given by
(c) Exponentially increasing
Xa cos ot; y =a sin or and z =a Mt
(d) Linearly decreasing (LAS 2010) The speed of the particle is
35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (b)

()aco (b) ao the r direction. Its speed v () is depicted

by which
of the following curves ?
(d) 2 aw
JEE Main 2019) FIGURE3(CF).6
A particle moving along A-axis has acceleratiar

attime . given by f = Jo|1- here f, and

T are constants. I he particle at

0 has zero r =
elocity. In the time interval between I =
0 and
the instant whenf = 0, the particle velocity
Fo Fo
(d) mb mb
ST (AIPMT 2007)

46. The x
coordinates of the particle at any time
and y

are= 5-2r and y= 10 respectively, where t

and yare in meters and in seconds. The
acceleration of the particle at t = 2s is
(a) 0 b) 5 m/s
(c)-4 m/s (d - 8 m/s AIEEE 2012)
(NEET 2017 50. The position vector of a particle R as a function
47. A particle is moving with velocity of time is given by

=K(yi+1j), where K is a constant. The R 4sin (2ru)i + 4cos(2 t)j

general equation for its path is

(a) y = x + constant where R is in metres, r is in seconds and i and

denote unit vectors along x- and y-directions
(b) ay = constant
respectively. Which one of the following
(c) y = + constant
statements is wrong for the motion of particle ?
48. A particle
= t constant
crossing the origin of coordinates at
(AIEEE 2010)
(a) Path of particle is a circle of radius 4 metre

time= 0, moves in the r-v plane with a constant (b) Acceleration vector is along - R
acceleration a in the y-direction. If the equation (c) Magnitude of acceleration vector is u/R,
of motion is y = br- (b is a constant). its velocity where v is the velocity of the particle
component in the x-direction is (d) Magnitude of the velocity of particle is 8
metre/second (RE-AIPMT 2015)

a 2b
(b)2b IV.Graphical study of
one dimensional motion
(c) 51. A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves
with a uniform acceleration along the positive
(Kerala PET 2011) X-axis. Identify all figures that correctly represent
ba the motion qualitatively. (a = acceleration),
particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time
(1) = F% in e v = velocity; x
= displacement, t= time). is subjected to a force F
48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)
46. (c) 47. (c)
44. (a) 45. (c)
3/114 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VÖLn

FIGURE 3(CF).7 a (m/s2)
a 40

(i) 10 20 30 its)
54. The velocity-time graph of a body is shown in
Fig. 3(CF).10. The displacement covered by the
body in 8 seconds is

V(m/s FIGURE 3(CF).10

(a) (). (G), (ii) (b) ()
(c) (i), (ii) (d) (). (i), (iv)
(JEE Main 2019) 5 6 7 8

52. A body is thrown vertically upwards. Which one

of the following graphs correctly represent the
velocity vs time ? 6

FIGURE 3(CF).8 (a) 9 m (b) 12 m

(c) 18 m (d) 27 m.
55. In the above question, the total distance covered
by the body in 8 seconds is
(a) 9 m (b) 12 m
()18 m (d) 27 m.
56. The acceleration time graph of a particle is shown
in the Fig. 3(CF).11.At time t= 0, the velocity of
theparticle is 8 ms"". Its velocity aftert= 10SIS
a (m/s2)

(JEE Main 2017) 10s

53. Fig. 3(CF).9 shows the time acceleration graph
for a particle in rectilinear motion. The average
acceleration in first twenty seconds is
3 E
(a) 45 m/s2 (b) 40 m/s2
(c) 30 m/s2 (d) 20 m/s2 S0 ms
(a) (b)msl
51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (d)

(c) 3 1E 3RUd) ms
Speed (ms-1

particles,A and B are connected by

57. Two a rigid rod
B. The rod slide along perpendicular rails as
shown here. The velocity of A to the left is 10 m/s. 12
What is the veloci of B when angle a= 30°.

10 Time (S)

(a) 26 m (b) 36 m (c) 46 m (d) 56 m

60. A particle starts from rest att =0 and undergoes
an acceleration a in ms with time t in seconds
which is shown in Fig. 3(CF).15. Which one of
the following plot represents velocity y (in ms )
versus time (in seconds) ?
(a) 9-8 m/s (b) 10 m/s FIGURE3(CF).15
(c) 5-8 m/s d) 173 m/s
58. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from
the edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed
10 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the
following graph best represents the time variation
O >t(s)|
of relative position of the second stone with
respect to the first ? [Assume stones do not
rebound after hitting the ground and neglect air
resistance, take g = 10 m/s'] (The figures are
schematic and not drawn to scale) FIGURE 3(CF).16
v (ms) v (ms)

2-1)m V2-1) m

240 240

234 ts) 4 f(s)
8 12 t(s) t(s)

2-1) m 02-1) m v (ms) v (ms")

240 240

8 12 t(s)
8 12 t(s)
34(s) o- 4 (s)
(JEE Main 2015)
9. The speed-time graph of a particle moving
a fixed direction is shown in the Fig. -6
he distance traversed by the
particle between
t2s to 6sis
58. (c) 59. (6) 60. (a)
56. (c) 57. (d)
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)V
61. What will be the a vs x graph for the graph shown 62. A body is at rest atx = 0. At i=0, it starts
in Fig. 3(CF).17 in the positive x-direction with a consta ving

acceleration. At the same instant another boi.
passes through x = 0 moving in the positive
v (ms) x-direction with a constant speed. The position
vo of the first body is given by xj (?) after time t and
that of second body by x2 () after the same time
interval. Which of the following graphs correctly
describes (r -2) as a function of time 1?

>x (m)
1*2) (x-x2)


1-2) x-2)

(AIEEE 2008)

Multiple Choice Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)

63. Which of the following statements are true

for (a) the acceleration of particle is 'a'
motion with uniform velocity
(6) the initial velocity of particle is
(a) the motion is always along a straight line
path 'u'm0
(b) the motion is always in the same direction (c) at
t2 s, the particle is at origin
(c) magnitude of displacement is less (d) the acceleration of particle is *2 a'
than the
distance covered 66. Choose the correct statement for a particle going
(d) average velocity is equal to instantaneous on a straight line:
velocity (a) If the position and velocity are in opposite
64. An object while moving may direction, the particle is moving towards tne
not have
(a)variable speed but constant velocity origin
(6) If the acceleration and velocity
(b) variable velocity but constant speed are in opposite
direction, the particle is slowing down
(c) non-zero acceleration but constant
speed (c) If the velocity is zero for a
(d)non-zero acceleration but constant velocity time interval, the
acceleration is zero at any moment within that
65. A particle moves along a straight time interval
line as
S=u(t-2) +a (t-2) (d) If the velocity is zero at
any instant, then tne
acceleration must be zero at that instant
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (a,b,d) 64. (a.d) 65. (b, c,d) 66. (a,b,c)
purticle is movin
rticle moving on a straight line
67. A path with (a)
constant eleration directted along the 2 (h) l2
ous velocity. Which of
(c) 11> 2
statem are false about the motion
the followin
of particle?
70. Acceleration of a particle which is at rest at
the average velocity is less than
(a) the average =
X= 0is d (4-2x)? . Sclect the correet
locity is equal to the instaneous alternatives).
(b) the average
velocity (a) Maximnum speed of the particle is 4 units
() the distance covered iS equal to the magnitude (b) Particle further comes to rest at x =4
of displacement c) Particle oscillates about x = 2
d the particle may reverse the direction of motion. (dy Particle will continuously accelerate along the
AS A particle is forced to move on a straight line path. X-axis.
It returns to the starting point after 10 seconds. 71. The motion of a body is given by the equation
The total distance cOvered by the particle during
this time is 20 m. Which of the following = 60-3u(t) where v (t) is the specdin
statementS are true regarding dt
the motion of the
ms and t in second. If the body was at rest at

(a) the average velocity of the particle is zero

(a) the terminal speed is 2-0 ms
(b) the displacement of the particle is zero
(b) the magnitude of initial acceleration is
()the average speed of the particle is 2-0 ms-l 6-0 ms2
()the displacement of the particle is 20 m. (c) the speed varies with time as
69. A body is thrown vertically upward in air. When -
vt) = 2 (1 e3) m/s
air resistance is taken into account, the time of
Ascent is i1 and time of descent is i2. Which of (a)the speed is 1-0 ms when the acceleration
the following is/are true ? is half the initial value.

LI Multiple Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

Each comprehension given below is followed by some multiple choice questions. Each question has
one correct option. Choose the correct option.

Comprehension Two cars A and B travel in 73. At what time(s) are the cars at the same point ?
straight line. The distance of A from the (a) 2-60
starting point is given as a function of time (b) 2-27 s
ms and
pt + qté, with p = 2.60
T () =ms-<
= 120 The distance of B from the (c) S73 s
Starting pint is xp () = rt^-st (d) both 2-27 and 5:73 s
Vherer=2.80 msand s = 0-20 ms.
74. At what time (s) do the cars A and have the
Answer the following questionsS:
same acceleration
the starting (a) 2-67 s
4Which car is ahead just after they have
point ? (b) 6-27 s
B moves ahead
a) Car A moves ahead (b) Car (c) 4-33 s
and B move simultaneousiy 4:33 s
)Cars A (d) both 6-27 and
a) Data is insufficient to decide. ANSWERS
71. (bc.d) 72. (a)
70. (b,c)
67. (a,b,d) 68. (a,b.c) 69. (b)
73..(d) 74. (a)
3/118 Pradcep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VO
Matching Type Questions
DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions, match column I and column II and selectthe
correct match out of the four given choices.
75. A ball thrown up is caught by the thrower after 4 seconds. Use g = 9.8 ms
Column I Column II
(A) The height of ball after 2 seconds (p) 14-7 m
(B) The height of ball after 3 seconds 19.6 m
C) The speed of the ball after 3 seconds 9-8 ms-
(D) The speed of the ball after 4 seconds (5) 19.6 ms-

a) A-p; B-q; C-r; D-s (b) A-q; B-p: C-r; D-s

(c) A-p, B-4, C-s; D-r (d) A-q;B-p; C-s; D-r

76. The velocity (v) time () graph of a body moving

in a straight line is shown in Fig. 3(CF).20. Match v (ms)
the quant ies of column I and column II
Column I Column II 201
(A) Distance travelled in 8
seconds (p) 40 m E
(B) Distance travelled in 10 seconds (g) 60 m
(C) Displacement in 8 seconds (r)80 m 0 BD G t(s)|
(D) Displacement in 10 seconds () 100 m
4 6810
(a) A-p;B-q: C-r; D-s A-q:B-r; C-s; D-P
C)A-r, B-s, C-p;D-q ) A-r; B-s; C-q: D-p -20

Matrix-Match Type Questions

DIRECTIONS. Each of the following questions contains statements given
in two columns, which have to be matched. The answer to these questions
have to be appropriately bubbled. If the correct matches are
A-r; A-s;B-p; B-q; C-p, and D-g ; D-s,thenthecor ectly bubbled matrix
will look like the one shown here.

77. Column I Column II

(A) Linear motion (p) Motion of a bullet fired directly on a target from a distance.
(B) Translatory motion )Motion of a particle on a straight line confined in a well defined limits.
(C) Oscillatory motion (r)A body sliding down on an inclined plane.
(D) Projectile motion (s) Motion of a bus on a straight path.
78. A point mass body starts from rest and moves from A to D on a straight path ABCD
as shown in Fig
Column FIGURE3(CF).21
Column II
(A) Constant velocity (p) Motion from A to B A B C
(B) Variable velocity (q) Motion from B to C t 0 2s 4s
C) Uniform acceleration ()Motion from A to D +10 m-
-30 m
D) Variable acceleration s) Motion from A toC - 80 m
75. (b) 76. (c) 77. A-4,r, s, B-q, 7, s, C-q, D-p 78. A-q;B-p, r, s; C-p; D-,s

M Integer Type Questions

nTECTIONS. The answer to AB CD
ench of the followingR
A, B,
ranging from 0 to 9, It the
D (say) are 4, 0, 9 and 2
questions is a siugle cdiglt
correct answers to the question
respectively, then the correct
ofbubbles should De as shon on the side: darkening
0. The velocity (U) versus time (f) graphs for two
vclists A and B moving along the same FIGURE3(CE).22 OOO0D
straight path ot a high-way from the same
point are shown in F'g. 3(CF).22. The cyclist B

B starts moving at i = 50 min. At what time

(in minutes) the two cyclist meet, when time OO0O
is noted from the start of cyclist A?
SO. A body falling iromrest was observed to fall OO00
through 784 m in 2 seconds. How long (in
seconds) had it been falling before it was D C
3.0 4.0
S1. Ballsare dropped from the roof of a tower at a fixed interval of time. At the moment when 9th ball reaches
the ground the nth ball is (3/4)th height of the towcr. What is the value of n ? g= 10 /s?.
82. A bird flies for 4 s with a velocity of lt-21I m/s in a straight line, where = time in second. The total distance
covered by the bird in metres is.
83. A point moving in a straight line travels in its second, fifth and eleven seconds of motion 16 m, 28 m and 52
m respectively. The point is moving with constant acceleration. The total distance moved in 10 seconds is
100 x a m. What is the value of a?

Assertion-Reasoi Type
85. Assertion: An object can have conrtant speed but
FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS variable vclocity.
DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions Reason: Speed is a Scalar but velo:ity is a vector
read the two statements and choose if
(a) A (b) B (c) C () D
A both Assertion and Reason are true
and the
86. Assertion: The speed ot a
Assertion. body can be negative.
Keason is correct explanation of the
D) both Assertion and Reason are true
but the Reason If the body is moving in the opposite
direction of positive motion, then its speed
of the
231T Keason is not a correct explanation
(b) (c) C
B ()D
(a) A
Assertion is true but the Reason is false. A negative acceleration of a body can
87. Assertion:
both Assertion and Reason are 1alse. with a 'specding up of the body.
be associated
acceleration even i in speed of l moving body is
ASSertion: A body can have Renson Inerease motion.
instant of ume. its direction of
independent of
S velocity is zero at a given it (c) C D
body ismomentarily at rest when (a) A (b) B
Cverses its direction of motion.
(a)A b) B (c)C 87. (c)
85. (b) 86. ()
84. (a)
83. (3)
79. (6) 81. (5) 82. (4)
80. (3)
3/120 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)vOL
FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Statement-2: When the speed of body deereases
with time, the position-time graplh of the movino
DIRECTIONS. each of the following questions
În body has negative slope.
read the two statements and choose if (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(A) Statenment-1 is true : Statement-2 is true ; State- 89. Statement-1 : A positive acceleration of a hodv
ment-2 is correct explanation of Statement-1. can be associated with a 'slowing down' of the
(B) Statement-1 is true : Statement-2 is true; State-
Statement-2: Acceleration is a vector quantity,
ment-2 is not comect explanation of Statement-1.
(a) A (6) B (c) C (d)D
C) Statement-1 is true: Statement-2 is false. 90. Statement-1: When a body is subjected to a
(D) Statement-I is false : Statement-2 is true. uniform acceleration, it always moves in a straight
SS. Statement-1 The position-time graph of a
Statement-2: Straight line motion is the natural
uniform motion in one dimension of a body can tendency of the body.
have negatiye slope. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

For Difficult Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Correct Answer)

1. As S is the distance between two houses. Time total displacement = y (3) -
y (0)
taken by a student in going in one direction, -4-8296
3:5355 = - 1-2941 m
V otal -1-2941
total timee
Time taken by student in coming back,
t, = S 0-4313 m/s
3. In one round, net displacement of cyclist = zero0
= -

Total time taken, =

total distance travelled
time taken
V2 OP +PQ+9km/min
Total distance travelled = S+ S= 2 S 10

Average speed 2S(v,v,)2,2 1+x1+1

S(v+V2) =
As he returns back to his initial position,
so net
displacement is zero. E km/min =
" 4
x60 km/h
2. Here,y ()= 5 cos (10r+ 15)
20 20
when t=0. y (0) = 5
21-4 km/h
cos (10 x0+ 15) = 5 cos 15° 4. Options (a), (c) and (d) show a uniformly
= 5x 0-9659 = 4.8296 m accelerated motion in a straight line with positive
when = 3 sec, y (3) = 5 cos (10x3+ 15) initial velocity and constant negative acceleration,
5 cos 45° = whereas option (6) does not correspond to this
5 x 0-7071 3.5355 m motion.
88. (c) 89. (6) 90. (d)

TNITSEXPLANATtEt 9. The time taken by each ball to go from starting

For Difticult auestion
point to highest point, f = 1/2 sec, which is equal
Hicomtal velocity of particle P to time taken by each ball to fall back to starting
increases from
luwest point, atterthat it starts decreasing
atNd agan ronmes V a B.
point (= 1/2 sec)
lt means the average
whvity nt this particle is more than v
th Nrtivl« Qmoves With constant velocity v only.
Thertwe to cover the same horizontal
S=jx98x m = 1225m

10. Let the man be able to catch the bus after time Is.
the uttirlk P will take smaller time than
that of 201 + 96 = 0
articde ie. tp <to. Then, 10 = 48 + xlx12 or 2-
a let S the total distance travelled by
the body. On solving, =
8 s and 12 s
L the time taken by the body to Thus the man will catch the bus for the first time
travel first
halt of the distance (i.e. S/2). Then after 8 s.

Lettbe the time taken by body for each time
interval tir the remaining halfjourney. Therefore, (13-2) î+(14-3)
()= 3+S=S or = (S/16) 5-0

S/4)+2S/16)(S/16) 3
+1i-+ 5
12. Refer to Fig. 3(CF).23.
7. He S =200 m = 02 km, vj = 40 km/h, V2 =v
Average velocity = Otal
total time V v2.
v2 sin 30 30
4S 02 t 30
2cos 30
U1U2 cOs 30°
kmn or 100v3 = v, X- or V2 200 m/s
For first half distance S = 100 m = 0:1 2

0-1 d 500
4similarly t, = o
sin u 200x
13. Here u = 39.2 ms
+ or
Let two balls collide at a height S from the ground
after t seconds when second ball is thrown
48 40
on solving we get. v = 60 upwards.
. the time taken by first ball to reach the point of
. No.
A in 2 hours
of taxies= leaving a station standing a
collision =(t+2) sec.
Taking motion of the first ball, we have
12. Therefore a taxi
t 2 x
location B, will encounter 12
taxies in 2 hours. If
towards A will be S 39-2 (t+ 2) + (-9-8) (r + 2)2
O ai leaves station B and moves and it will be
o meeting 11 more taxies enroute ( + 2)-4.9
(t+ 2)2
t at the location of
eetng the twelfth taxiTherefore
A which
is not
Taking motion of second ball, we have
this taxi
Just going to start.
total no. of taxies enroute. Thus
Ounted in the
ure total no. of taxies
encountered enroute S 39-21+(-98) *= 39.2t-4.92...
= 12 + 11 =
3/122 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)
CINTSEXXPLAATIONS Dividing () by (ii), we get
For Difficult Questions
From (i) and (i), we have
39-2 (t+ 2) 4.9 (t + 2)2
2or or
39-2-4.9 2 16. Here u= 10 m/s,v = 0
On solving, we get t=3 sec Asv-u=2(-8)h or(0)-(10) =2(-10)h
From (i), S = 39-2 x 3 -4-9 (3= 117-6 -44-1
73-5 m
5 m h
Also, v =u+-8) t or 0 =10 +(-10)
14. Let the two balls collide at a height S from the =1 sec
ground after t second when second ball is thrown height covered in t/2, ie. (1/2 5) is
upwards. Therefore, the time taken by first ball
to reach the point of collision = (t+2) s.
Taking motion of the first ball, we have W=u+-8)P = 10x-x10x
45 (t+2) -5 (t+ 2)2
=5-1-25 =375m 375-
Taking motion of the second ball, we have 17. Here, u = 40 m/s; Distance to be covered by each

From () and (ii),
- 10) P= 45 t-5 P t)
train before rest S = 1000 m; v =0;a=?
the relation v = u + 2 aS, we have

a= _0-(402 0-8m/s2

45 (t+ 2)-5 (t +2)2 = 45 1-5 2 2S 2x1000

On solving, we get t= 7/2 s
From (i), S= 45 x 7/2-5 x (7/2) 18. 24ux4+ ax4= 4 u + 8 a
= 157-5- 61-25 = 96-25 m
15. Let S be the distance between starting point and
or 6 u+2a
finishing point of car race. Let v, U, be the
velocities of car A and B at the finishing point.
(24 +64) =ux8+ ax 82 = 8 u+ 32 a

Let t1, t2 be the time taken by cars A and B or 11 = u + 4a .i)

respectively while reaching the breaking point. On solving (i) and (ii), we getu=1 m/s
Then 19. Time taken by one drop to fall through 5 m is

= Isec.
V 10
Time interval for successive two drops is
v2,S and v=2a S 1/2 second. The distance travelled by falling drop

As per question, in 1/2 second is;

t2-t=t or S = 1-25m

Height of second drop from ground

or 5-1-25 = 3-75 m
20. Let h be the total height of tower; taking fall of
the body in 3 s, u =0,
25a,2 ..() S=,a=g =98 m/s2, t=3 sec

And v-v =v or 2a S-2a, S =v or S = ut +a = 0x3+x(98)(3)

or 25 .(i)
or h 9.8 x9 m
Now, if body takes total time t to fall through
height h, then
For Difflcult 24. Let u be the initial velocity of bullet and a be the
retardation of bullet while passing through a
plank. Velocity of bullet after passing througn
hx98x2 or t=2h plank
2x98x -32sec 20 20
9-8 = 4-24 secs
Taking motion of bullet through one plank and
21. Let S'be the height fa particular point where using the relation, v= u+2 as, we have
hall crosses in time the
j and t, seconds while
uDWards and coming going
downwards. If u is
velocity of projection of ball,
the initial 204 2aS or 2aS=u?-
S u motion is retarted]
2aS =u2_3612
400 400
or ua-4)=js-4) Taking motion of bullet through n planks

8 , *1).IfTis thetimetaken by ball
v=0, S=nS
0 u-2anS
to reach to its highest point then using
v=u +at, we have 0=u+(-8)T
the relation or n= u 400
= 10-25 11
2aS 39u/400 39
25. Velocity acquired by balloon at
or T 8,+1)/g =$0,+h) height h,

22. Using the relation, S=ut +at ; time to fall 2

Taking downward motion of stone released
2 from
balloon at height h upto surface
of ground, we
distance S when u = 0, a = g will be t = have
Let t, t2 ta ..
be the time taken to fall 1 m, 2 m, u=-Vgh ;a=g;S=h, t=t
3 m... respectively. Then 2

2x1 2x3 S=ut +ar

4 8g

Sothe time taken to fall 1 m =t-0 h=- =0.
2/g (V1
-0) ; time taken to fall 2nd metre

- 2/g (W2 -V): timetakento fall 3rd

On solving. t=2/h/g or -h/g
As negative time is not accounted, hence
metre =
(-t2) =2/g (W3 -V2) and so on.
3. Velocity of balloon after 2 seconds 26. Let the ball released from the top of
tower of
0+4.9 =
x 2 9.8 ms.
Vertical distance height h takes t seconds to reach the ground.
(9-8)2 per question, using the relation,
travelledby 4-9m
ball, >2g
D =u+2n-1), we have,
Heighttravelled in 2 sec,
S, =:
E 11h
(21-1) =5(21-1)
36 2
x49x22 = 98m
and gx10r =52
Total height
of ball =S +S2=4-**
= 147 m
3/124 Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI)VOn
30. The motion of a toy car is shown in
For Difficult Quostions Fig.3(CF.24. Taking motion of the toy car from
A to B.
11 11
x52=5(21-1) or x 21-1
36 36 FIGURE3(CF),24
11-721+ 36 = 0
On solving, we getI= 6 or (6/11) s u = 0 = 1s6 ms
0 I ) 0

Rejecting fractional value of t| B 25

we have. 1= 6s :. h = 5x 6- = 180 m
27. The distance covered by particle will be same in D
V =-6 m/s
5th and 6th second if it reaches at the highest
position in 5 seconds. Using f = 5 s,
a = -9:8 m/s, v = 0, u = ?
Acceleration, a = =6 ms2
Now, v = u + so 0 u +(-9.8)x5
at: =

or u = 9.8 x 5 = 49-0 m/s Taking motion of toy car for t 0 to t = I s

28. Height from where the stone is dropped =

B S =ut +at 0+x 6x12 =3 m ..)
x9-8x52 49x25m
Taking motion of toy car for t= 1 s to t = 2s
Vertical downward distance covered by stone in =
S =6x1+(-6)x12 3 m .)
3 seconds =x 9.8x 3 = 4.9 x9 m

Taking motion of toy car fort 2s

tot =3s
Velocity attained = 9.8 x ms-3

Remaining distance = 4.9 x 25 4.9 x 9 -

S =0x1+-6)x12=-3 m .i)
= 4.9 x 16 m
Total displacement,
S I= S, +S, + S
If is the time taken to cover the remaining
distance when stone is dropped again (u =0) = 3+3+(-3) = 3 m
4-9x16 x98xr2 Average velocity, I v= =
I ms
Total distance travelled = 3 +3 +3 = 9 m

I=v16 = 4s Average speed, v =

= 3 ms
29. Let the first ball hit the water in t seconds 3

Using =ut +at2

31. Given, 100 = D, + D+)
For first ball,

1225 =0+ x9-8x ?= 492 or 100 =

2 u+(4n=2 u+ 2fi or 50 = u+/
Velocity after t seconds, v = u +fi = 50 em/s
or 5s 32. When a ball is falling down from height d and
reaches at height h from ground, then the velocity
For second ball, acquired by the ball is

1225 = u (5 -2) + x 98 x (5 -2) U= 2g(d - h)

or v=2g (d- h)
This downward velocity of ball is negative.
3 u+44.1 = 2gd
When h = d, v 0 and when h =0, v =
3 u = 122.5 - 44.1 = 78:4 or u = 26-1 ms-
For Difficult Questions
when a =0, then 0 2b- 6 ct or t
Erom (i). v and h variation is a 3c
parabola below
After collision with ground, the
vertically upward upto a
upward velocity is
ball can go
height d/2, so its initial

=28 (d2). At height h, its velocity

at 3c =at3e
37. (15t)î+(4-201)j
=u2-2 gh =/2s (d2)-2gh .)
When, h = di2, v = 0. The upward velocity v ==
of Velocity, (301) î-(401)
ball is positive. dt
From (i), the variation of v' and h is a
above h-axis. Thus graph (a) satisfies all Acceleration, d= = (30) -(40)
these dt
33. First 50 m fall is under the effect of gravity only. Magnitude of a= 30 + (-40) = 50
The velocity acquired
38. x = a e-+ b eBt
u =
2 gh 2x98x 50
= = 10-98 ms- dx eB
Taking onward motion of prachutist with
V =

-a &e+ b B

retardation 2 m/s4, we have; u

As t increases, the value of a a decreases e
=1098 m/s slowly and the value of b B eP increases largely.
a=-2 ms; v =3 m/s: S=? Thus with increase in t, v will increase.

S -u3-(100x98) _243m 39. a =

=-2 or -2d
2a 2x(-2)
Integrating it, we have,
Totalheight 50 +243 293 m log, v = 21+C V=e2+C
34. The initial relative velocity of the first stone w.rt.
It means the nature of v-t curve is exponentially
second stone, when first stone is just dropped is decreasing.
Zero i.e. u = 0.
du du
The relative acceleration of the first stone w.r.t. 40. -25vu or -25dt
second, a =9.8 + 0.2 = 10 ms. dt
The relative distance between the two stones in 2 Integrating it with in the conditions as time
seconds is changes 0 to t, velocity changes 6-25 m/s to zero.

=0+xl0x22 = 20-0m 2-5dt

35. Here v = Bx2n
2( =-25t or -2v6-25 = -25
= -2nßxZn=, As a = dx dt or -2x 2.5 =-2:5t or t 2s
or a=
vdv =B.xnx-2nßx-2- 41. Here, -kor

Integrating within the conditions of motion, we
a-2n B24n-1 have
36. Here
Xat + b?- ct3
Velocity, V= ax
a+2 bt -3 ct
=2kt or V=F
Acceleration, a =
v 1+2k
3/126 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XT) VoL

CONTSMEEXPLANATIONNS 45. Given, at time t 0, velocity v = 0

For Difficult Quostlons
Acceleration, f = Jo
42. Here. v=kvr or =k
When f=0, 0=fo
or dr dt. Integrating it within the
= k

conditions of motion (i.e., t= 0,.r= 0 and at f=t,

X= X), we have Sinces is constant, therefore, 1-=0 ort=T
Also, acceleration, f =
r2d=kd 0


-/2+i=klth or a=
Putting this value in the given relation, we get x= 5 t-2;
dv -
43. a = -kv or = dt Acceleration, a, = = -4 m/s2
dt kv dt
Integrating both the sides, we have
y 10t
velocity, v ==10
du=dt dt
Vo 0
Acceleration, a, =-
or Acceleration of particle at r = 2s
=(-42 +0? -4 m/s*

or 3kt + ktu+1 47. 7=K(yî+xj)

or ,i+ D, j=K(yi+ xj)
v = Ky
a cos Ot) =-a0 sin ot and UKx
d dx
(a sin or) =ao cos o 08

v,= dz d
(a o)=ao

.v= + +u
or y dy = x dr
=y-ao sin cor) + (aw cosor)2 +a202 Integrating it, y=r+C
48. Here, y bx. Differentiating it w.r.t. t, we get
= ya o (sin ot +cosor)+a*o2
=b2x dx or v=2 bxu
= v2 ao dt
For Difficult Questlons 4x2ncos (2tt)î + 4x2rsin (21)j
Againdiferentiating it w.r.t. t, we get
= 87t|[cos (2t) i+ sin (21u) j]
dx dv, =
=2bv,+2bx 2bv? +0 Magnitude of velocity, =lvl = 8n
dt dt Thus, option () is wrong.
51. Here, u = 0, a = a constant. So graph (i) is true.
0, because the particle has constant
At time i, v = 0 + at = at or v o« t. Thus
acceleration along y-direction only] ii) is correct.

As per question,
=a =
Also, x = 0 ()+; a-; a

or , 2
It is an equation of a parabola. Thus graph (iv)
or v =
2b 52. When a body is thrown vertically upwards with
velocity u, then its velocity v after time t is
49. Given, F=Fo e-bt
=u-8 t=-gt+
Acceleration, a = = 0-b It is a straight line for v t graph, with negative

m m slope. Thus option (a) is true.

Cnangein velocity
or a o-bt or dv: = 0-b dt 53 Average acceleration (a) =
time taken
dt m m
Change in velocity = average acc. x time taken
Integrating it within the conditions of motion, we
area of acc time graph.
get obt dt
Average acceleration
area OABE 600

30 m/s
or 54. The displacement will be the area which velocity-
time graph encloses with time axis. The area
enclosed by graph above the time axis is positive
and below the time axis is negative.
nb is equal to
55. The total distance covered by the body
Fo the sum of all the area of velocity-time graph
When t= 0, v = 0 and when t= oo, V =
mb above and below the time axis.
and attains
Thus velocity increases continuously change in velocity
56. As, acceleration time taken
maximum value, v = att = o, Thus, option
mb change in velocity = acceleration x time taken
= area OAB
6) is true Hence, change in velocity in 10s
y cos 2 tt +area BCD
S0. Here, x =4 sin 2 tt and = 4
Squaring and adding we have
+y=42 (sin? 2 nt + cos2 2 nt) = 4 x6x10xo-0
radius 4 metre.
t is an equation of a circle of
For circular motion, the
and magnitude of acceleration
along -R
30-ms 10 s=initial velocity + change
Given R = 4 sin (2 tt) î + 4 cos (2 t) ji Final velocity at
in velocity =8+
velocity, v=4K
3/128 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI) VOoL
CUOLNTSMEIPLANATIONS 59. Let s, be the distance travelled by particle in time
For Difficult Questions 2 to 5 s and s be the distance travelled by particle
in time 5 to 6 s.
57. Let particle B move upwards with velocity v. At Total distance travelled, s = S t S2
an instant, let OA = x and OB = y, AB = Then

+y= P FIGURE3(CF).25
Differentiating it with time t, we have Speed (ms)
=-10x 12
dy d=-dzldt
dt tan
=- 17:32 m/s
Since the velocity of B is away from origin, hence Time (s)
During the time interval 0 to 5 s, the acceleration
58. Taking vertical upward motion of first stone for
time we have
of particle is equal to the slope of OA i.e.
Yo 240 m, u = 10 m/s, a = - 10 m/s
t=1, y=y a=24 ms2
Velocity at the end of 2 s will be,
As y=o+ut +ars V =0 +24 x 2 4-8 ms-l

= Taking motion of particle for time interval 2s to

y240+101+-10) 240 + 10t-5P 5 s, we have

Taking vertical upward motion of second stone u=4-8 ms,a = 2.4 ms, s= s, f=5-2 =3s.
for time t, we have yo = 240 m, u = 40 m/s,
x3 25-2 m
a=- 10 m/s*, t = 1, y =y2 Then, S =48 x 3 + x24
y 240+40tx10xr =
240 +401-52 Acceleration of the particle during the motion
2 t 5s tot= 10 s is
When first stone hits the ground, y1 = 0,
0= 240+ 10 1-5 or -2 t-48 = 0 a =
slope of line AB =-=-2-4 ms2

or ._2t (2) +4x48 = 8s or -6 sec Taking motion of the particle for the time 1 sec
2 i.e. 5 s to 6 s), we have
6s is meaningless so time t = 8 sec u = 12 ms, a
= -
2.4 ms, = 1 s;s=s2
When second stone hits the ground, y, = 0
0 240+ 40 t-5 or 8t-48 0
on solving we get, t= 12 s or -4 s s =12 x1+-24) x12 = 10-8 m
as -4 s is meaningless so, t= 12 s
S=s1 + S2 = 25-2+10-8 36 m
Relative position of 2nd stone w.r.t. first is 60. Refer to Fig. 3(CF),26,
2-= 301..() [0<rs8s]
Since y-Y and t are linearly related. a(ms) FIGURE3(CF).26
graph will be straight line from = 0 tot=8 s. t
After 8 sec only second stone would be in motion
for further 4 s. Now y = 240 m and
2 240 + 40 1-5 ? O >t(s)
2- 40 1-5 2 (8
From (i) and (ii), we note that
12 s)
2-1*1 and 2-y) « (40 t-5.
Thus option (c) is true.

EMAPLANAToNE san cquation of straight line between

a and
FOr Ditfleult Quontiona

the motion of 1irticle lom ) to 2 s, WC with positiveslope

aki H0, a= 3 ms;I = 2 s, = ?
= l t al =
(0+ 3 x 2 =
6 ms
2 s
Tiking motion of particle from to 4 s, we have
=6 +(-3) (2) ms
x =(0
(a) represents the proper choice.
and negative intercept
Ilencc. graph Hence, graph (c) is correct.
the given veloCity-position graph, v 2,
6. For 62. As u = 0, for body 1, = at and for body
= 0. Relative
intercept= "o ncd slope = vy/i -

constant. Initially both arc atx

The cquation given line is, v= --
velocity of body I w.rt. body 2=v-v.Atfirst.
the velocity v, is less than v. The distance
Differentiating il w.r.t. i, we have

d_od travelled by body i.e.

1 x =a, increases with
dt dt time. The distance travelled by second

or a= 2V2
. Hence, (x -x2) = ar- v2 t. This
x2) and t is a
shows that the graph between (x

well as after
parabola before crossing x axis as
crossing x-axis. The curve (c) satisfies this.

(with One or More than One Correct

Multiple Choice Questions
to its initial
with a uniform velocity, 68. When a particle while moving returns
63. When a body is moving position after a certain time, then its
it mustmove along a straight line in the in that time is zero. Its average
il average But its average
direction. Then its uniform velocity = (= displacement/time) is also zero.
velocity= instantaneous velocity. In this
displacement. totaldistance travelled 20
magnitude of distance is equal to speed 10
time taken
64. A body while moving on a circular
path may have
or non-zero
2-0 ms
variable velocity but constant speed acceleration acting on body
69. Let a be the retarding
acceleration but constant speed. effective value of g
due to air friction. Therefore,
is at the and for downward
65. When 1 2 s, then S= 0, so the particle for upward motion, g81 =8 +a
equation with the know that,
origin. Compairing, the given motion, 82 = (8 a). We

motion of a
equation of uniformly accelerated
= we or
body in one dimensions, S ul +Ar, 8effective VSefective

A = 2a.
nitial velocity u, acceleration

66. Knowledge based question.

compared with
Verage velocity can not be is moving with a=
crage speed as when body lne, tnc
dt dr dt d
Constant acceleration along a straight
average velocity cannot be equal to
moving with
=du (4-2.1) or vdu = (4 -2 x) dr
(when x = 0 to
The particle
CIty. along straight line cannot reverse the Integrating it within the limits
changes O to v)
eeleration X= 4, the velocity
direction of its motion.
3/130 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) OO

At= 0. acceleation = 6-0 ms2

Difficuit Questions
For Thus option b) is true

From(). dv =
(). dt
vdu=(4-21)dr 6-3v
0 0 Integrating it within the conditions of motion, we

U = (8 x -2 i2
or v =8x-22 have -= fdr 3 du = dy or dv = -dy/3
zer at = (0 or a = 4
Let 6-3 v =y or -

Accelerution of the particle is zero, at r =2. Hence
the particle will oscillate about x = 2
- or
Velocity will be maximum, when =0 6-3 = -3
dr log,
or 8-21*1"*] 0 or log, (6-3 v) - log, 6 = - 3 r
= or log
6-3v 6-3
-3 or 6 e3
or (8-24)2x(8-4x) 0 6
= or 6-3v =6e* or 3v = 6- 6e-
8-4 0 or a = 2.
Itmeans the velocity of particle is maximum at
or v= 2 (1- e3
Thus, option (c) is true
mean position. From (i),
= we
ax= (8 x 2-2 x22)? 22 units When =x6 = 30, then from (i) have
- 3/3 1-0 ms
71. Acceleration, =
dvt) 6-0-3 v () ) 3= 6-0 3 v () or v (1) = (6-0 =
dt Thus, option (d) is true.

LLL Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

Multiple Choice
-st - r) =
72. + qé: ag = n or st+(4 1+p 0
Velocity, =p+2q r I=-q- r)tylq-r*-4sp
A dt

V = =2 -3sr 2x0-20(l20-2-80)
dt 2x0-20
+1-20-2-80)2 -4x0-20x 260|
Acceleration, a = =2q :ag =2r-6 st = 4-001-73 2:27 s and 5.73 s.
The car that initially moves ahead is the one which Hence, XA
Xg for I= 0,1= 2-27 s and t=573 s
has larger velocity at r=0. Atr=0,v=p and vg =0. 74. For thesame acceleration;a,a
So, initially car A moves ahead. 2q=2r-6 st
73. =Xg pt+ 4t = r*- 280-1-20
One solution is t = 0, which means both the cars
start from the same point. To find the other
or (-4 3s 3x0-20
= 2-67s

solution, divide it by i, we have p + qt= rt- s

Matching Type Questions
75. Here, time of ascent + time of descent = 4 second. Taking vertical upward motion of the ball upto
Therefore, time of ascent = time of descent the highest position, we have
u = ?; a
= - 9-8 m/s, s = ?, t = 2 s;u =0
2 second.
Itmeans the ball is at the highest position after 2 As V = u + at or 0=u -9-8 x 2
seconds. or u = 196 ms-
For Difflcult Questions enclosed by velocity-time graph with time axIs
taking proper sign for area enclosed.
(A) S=ut + a2 19-6x2+(-98)x22
(A) Distance travelled in 8 seconds

= 196 m area of AOAB + area of ABCD

(B) When t=3 sec, then 20x6, 20x(8-0) - 80m
s 19.6 x 3
+-98) x 32 = 147 m (B) Distance travelled in 10 seconds
For speed, use v =u+ at
C)Whent=3 sec, then v = =20x620X(8-6) 4 10x(10-8) = 100 m
19.6 + (-9-8) x 3 2
D) Whent=4 sec, then v= -9:8 m/s (C) Displacement in 8 scconds
l9-6 + (-9:8) x 4
19-6 m/s
20x6 20(8-0)=40m
T6, Distance travelled in a given
enclosed by velocity-time time is the total area (D) Displacement in 10 seconds
graph with time axis
and displacement in a
given time is the area 20x6 20x (8-6)
+10(10-8) = 60m
Matrix-Match Type Questions
17. Motion of a particle on a straight
line. A body
sliding down on an inclined For motion from B to C, 20 m is covered
plane and motion of 2 seconds.
a bus on a straight path are
the examples of linear
motion or translatory motion.
Motion of a particular on a straight
. Velocity = 20 10 m/s which is the velocity
line confined
in a well defined limits is the
illustration of at B. Thus, the motion from B to C is with a
oscillatory motion. uniform velocity. The motion from A to Cis with
Motion of a bullet fired directly on a target variable velocity.
a distance is a projectile motion. For motion from C to D, there is again
78. The motion of a point mass body from A acceleration in the body as 50 m is covered in 2
to B is
with uniform acceleration. Using u = 0, a = ?, seconds.
S= 10 m, t=2 s, v =? Using, u = 10 m/s, a =?, s = 80 30 50 m; -

t= (6-4) = 2 s
As S ut + 1

As sut +at. 50 10x2+xax22
xax22 =2a or a 5 m/s*
10%c 10 = 0+ 2
On solving a= 15 m/s*
For the motion fromA to D, the body is moving
Velocity at B, v = u + at = 0 +5 x2= 10 m/s. with variable acceleration.

MInteger Type Questions

ACCeleration of cyclist A, aj= slope of straight
line OA = 2C
ACCeleration of cyclist B, a2 = slope of straight from (
line DB = (MC) MC
(4-3) or or 2-6=t or f= 6 min
Ild (MC)/4 80. Let the body be falling for šeconds and distance

(MC)/1 4 travelled be S metres berore the observations are

time is taken. Distance travelled in (t+ 2) seconds
et the two cyclist meet after time t, when
meeting poin, = (S+ 78:4) m. Then
from the start of cyclist A. At
the Jstance covered by both the cyclist is
the same.
3/132 Pradeep 's Fundanmental Physics (XI)VoLn
For Difficult Quostions v (m/s) FIGURE3(CF).27

aund (S+784) =
x (98)( +2)2
Solving (i) and (i), we get f = 3 s
81. Lettbe the time interval between two succcssive
balls while falling. When 9th ball reaches the (9)|
ground. the Ist ball is just to be dropped, so the
time taken by the 9th ball to reach the ground 83. Let the initial velocity be u and acccleration be a.
(9 1) t= 8 t.
Distance travelled in nth second by a particle
moving in a straight line with a constant
S=xgx(8r)2=x l0x64/2 =3202) acceleration is
Time taken by nth ball to fall = (n 1)
D, =u=;(2n-1)
Distance travelled = S -3 S/4 = SI4

x10x[n-1)»? =5(n-1?2 So, 16 =u+(2x2-1)

or S= 20 (n -1)2 2
From () and (ii), 320 =
20 (n 1)2 2 -
28 = u +(2x5-1)
On solving. n5
82. On plotting a graph between velocity (v) and and 52 =u+(2xl1-1)
time () we get a curve as shown in Fig. 3(CF).27.
The distance covered in 4 seconds is the area On solving (i), (i) and (ii), we get
under the curve ABC with time axis. So distance a= 4 ms,
u = 10 ms-
travelled is
S= area of A0AB + area of ABCD Now, S = ut +at = 10x 10+x4x10
2x2 E = 4m 300 m = 100 a m
VE Assertion-Reason Type Questions
FOR MEDICAL STuDENTS 87. A negative acceleration of a body can be
associated with a 'speed up', when the body is
84. When body while going vertically upwards, moving from extreme position to mean position
reaches at the highest point, then it is momentarily in simple harmonic motion. Here Assertion is
at rest and it then reverses its direction. At the true but Reason is false.
highest point of motion, the velocity is zero but
its acceleration is equal to acceleration due to FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS
gravity. 88. The position-time graph of a moving body in one
85. When a body is describing a uniform circular dimension can have negative slope if its velocity
motion, its speed is constant but velocity at every is negative. Here statement-2 is wrong
point of motion represented by the tangent to the
89. A positive acceleration of a body can be associated
circular path, changes. Here, Assertion and
Reason are true but Reason is not correct with a 'slowing down' of the body, if its initial
explanation of Assertion. velocity is negative.
86. The speed of a body can never be negative as it is 90. Here statement-1 is not correct as the boay
a scalar quantity. Both Assertion and reason
are moves in a parabolic path during angular
false. projection of it. Statement-2 is correct.
In Physics, we study a large number of physical
quantities, which are broadly classified into two
categories (0) scalars (ii) vectors.
Scalars are those physical quantities which have magnitude
only but no direction. For example; masS.
length, time, work etc.
Vectors are those physical quantities which have both, magnitude
and direction. For example; velocity.
acceleration, momentum, force etc.
Graphicaly, a vector can be represented by a straight line with arrow head on it, i.e., an arrowed
Here the length of line drawn on suitable scale represents the magnitude
of vector and arrow head represents
the direction of a vector. The starting point of arrowed line is called
tail or origin of vector and the end the
arrowed line is
called tip or head of the vector.
In writing, a vector can be represented by a single letter with arrow head on it. The force which is a
vector quantitycan be represented by F
Vectors can be divided into two types: (a) Polar vectors (b) Axial vector

(a) Polar vectors. These are those vectors which have a starting point or a point of application
and act along the direction ofmotion of body.

For example ; displacement, force etc. are polar vectors.

(6) Axial vectors. These are those vectors which represent rotational effect and act along the
axis of rotation in accordance with right hand screw rule.*

For example; angular velocity, FIGURE 4.1

angular acceleration torque, angular Axial Vector Axis of Rotation

momentum etc. are axial vectors.
for a vector having anticlockwise
or clockwise
rotational effect, will have
itsdirection Clock wise rotation
along the axis of rotation Anticlock wise rotation/
as shown
in Fig, 4.1(a, b). a Axis of
6 Axial Vector

For detail, refer to Art. 4.26. 4/1

4/2 P'radeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
Wherever possible, we express the laws of Physics in vector form, due to the following reasons.
(1) Many laws of Physics can be expressed in compact form by the use of
(2) The derivations involving many laws of Physies can be greatly simplified the use of vecton,

(3) The laws of Physics when expressed in vector form remain invariant for translation and rotation
of the coordinate system.
(i) Modulus of a vector. The magnitude ofa vector is called modulus of that vector.
The modulus of a vector A is represented by IAI or A.
i) Tinit vecior.A unit vector of the given vector is a vector of unit magnitude and has the
direction as that of the given vector.

hat. Since, magnitude of A is A, hence

A unit vector of A is written as A and is read as 'A cap' or 'A

A= AA or
modulus of the vector

Thus, a unit vector in a given direction is also defined as a vector in that direction
divided by the
magnitude of the given vector. It is unitless and dimesionless vector and represents direction only.
In cartesian coordinates, i, j,k are the unit vectors along x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively.
1. Magnitude of a unit vector is unity. 2. A unit vector has no units and no dimensions.
3. A unit vector of a given vector tells the direction of that vector.
Sample Problem Find the unit vector of 4i-3j+k.
Sol. Here, Á=A, î+A, j+A, k = 4i-3j+k, therefore, A, = 4, A, = -3 and A, = 1 A
Hence, A= A +A+A =j4* +(-3P +0 /26
A 26
ii) Equal Vectors. Two vectors are said to be equal they have equal magnitude and samedirection.
If two vectors A and B are represented by two equal parallel lines drawn FIGURE 4.2

with same scale, having arrow heads in the same direction, Fig. 4.2. then A and

Bare equal vectors, i.e., A = B .The angle between equal vectors is 0.

A given vector can be displaced at will provided its length and direction are not altered.

(iv) Negative a
Vector. A negative vector of given vector is a vector of same magnitude but
acting in a direction opposite to that of the given vecto

The negative vector of A is represented

as-A. In Fig. 4.3, A is equal FIGURE 4.3
length but opposite
in direction to the vector A . A
1s T rad or 180° The angle between negative
()Co-initíal vectors. The vectors are said
to be co-initial, their
initial point is common. f -A
In Fig. 4.4, two vectors A and B FIGURE
have been drawn from the common 4.4
initial point O. Therefore, A and B are
called coinitial vectors.
(vi) Collincar vectors. These are those
vectors which are having equal
or unequal magnitudes and are acting along
the parallel straight P

If A
and B are two collinear vectors, they can FIGURE4.5
he represented along a line in the same direction, Fig. A
4.5(a) or along the parallel lines in same direction, Fig.
45(6) or along parallel lines in opposite direction, Fig.
4.5(c). Angle between collinear vectors is either 0 or
(vii) Coplanar Vectors. These are those vectors which are acting in the same plane.

In Fig. 4.6, the three vectors A, B and C are acting in the plane of paper, FIGURE 4.6
hence they are coplanar vectors.

(vii) Localised Vector. It is that vector whose initial point is fixed. It is A B

also called fixed vector.
(ix)Non-localised vector. It is that vector whose initial point is not
fixed. It is also called a free vector.


X-Y plane with origin at O.
Consider the motion of an object in FIGURE 4.7
A. If we draw an arrow with its
Let at any time t, the object be at point
Lail at point O and head at point A, as
shown in Fig. 4.7, then OA is Position
A Vector
point A and is generally
called position vector of the object at
înstant is a vector
presented by .Position vector of an object at an
position of object at that instant. -
aWn from the origin the
to Vector
the object at a point provides
OA of
The position vector
important informations. the starting point.
of the objectjrom the origin or
distance origin.
t tells the straight line object with respect to the
position ofthe
) t tells the direction of Then OB is the position vond.
as shown in ig. 4.7. ofthe
reach at point B
Let at time ', the obiect
objeçt at time t'
4/4 Pradcep's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI

Here, AB where tail or initial position is atA and head or tip is at B, is called the displacement vector
of the object in time interval (1- 1).
Ilenee, displacement veetor is that vector which tells how much and in which direction an
ohject has changed its position in a given interval of time.

It the coordinates of points A and B are (x, y) and

(r y), then position vector, OA =xi+yi

position vector. (oB =ri+yj and displacement vector, AB = (x'-x) i +(y- y) j

Both the position vector and the displacement vector described above are the examples of vectors ina
plane or in two dimensions.
the vectors like velocity,
The position vector or displacement vector drawn is different from
tail or initial
force etc. It is so because the position vector is drawn from one position (i.e.,
position) to another position (i.e., head or final position), whereas the velocity vector drawn
not extend from tail to head positions. Rather shows the instantaneous
it direction of motion of
the particle at the tail position and its length (representing the
velocity magnitude) can be drawn
to any scale.


Themultiplication ofa vector byarealnumber n becomes another vector nA.lts magnitude

opposite to that
becomes n times the magnitude of the given vector. Its direction is the same or

of A, according as n is a positive or negative real number.

Thus, n(A) = nA and -n (A) = -nA.

For example, if a vector A is multiplied by a real number

n =2, we get 2A, which is a vector, acting in the direction of
2A -2A
A and having magnitude twice as that of A , Fig. 4.8(a).
2, then we get -2 A, which is also a vector, acting in the
If vector A is multiplied by real number n = -

A Fig 4.8( ). The unit of nA is the same

opposile direction of A and having magnitude twice as that of ,

as that of A
is S
When a vector A is multiplied by a scalar S, it becomes a vector SA, whose magnitude
The unit of SA, is different
times the magnitude of A and it acts along the direction of A.
from the unit of vector A .

For illustration, if A = 100 newton due west and S= 10 sec, then

newton-second due west.
SA = 10 second x 100 newton due west = 1000
he resultant vector of two or
T more vectorsis defined
effect as is produced as that single vector which prod
by individual
vectors together.
Tt is to be noted that the
nature of the
resultant vector is the same as that
VECTORS ADDITTTON of the given vecu
Vectors can not be added by simple
sider a particle is Iirst displaced through of algebra, which are applicable to scalars. To una
consid d it,
4m due east and then 3 m due north. he
Let these dispia be
nresented by P2 and
repre respectively on some suitalble
scale in Fig. 4.9. The final displacement oI
aarticle is found by drawing a straight
part line from starting point
P to the end point S, i.e., the displace
PSHere, one will find that the magnitude
of PS is not equal to ; 3 + 4 7 m, but is equal too
42 +32 =5m and angle 6 which
gives the direction of
displacement of PS is neither towards east
nor towards north but is due north of east.
This shows that the vectors cannot be
algebra. added by simple laws
In the above illustration, we note
that the displacement FIGURE 4.9
m along PS produces the same effect as
the displacement
4 m along PQ and 3 m along QS produce together. It means
the displacement PS is the sum (or resultant) of W-
displacements PQ and os , ie., PQ + QS = PS P 4m

If PQ.QS and PS are represented by A, B and R respectively, then A+ B R

Here, R is called resultant of two vectors A and B

.It means if the tail of B coincides with the head
of A , then the vector drawn from the tail of the
vector A to the head of vector B is called resultant vector
of two given vectors.


General Rule for addition of vectors. It states that the vectors to be added are arranged in such
a way that the head offirst vector coincides with the tail of second vector, whose head coincides
with the tail of third vector and so on, then the single vector drawn from the tail of the
vector to the head of the last vector represents their resultant vector.

The above rule is illustrated by the following cases.

(a) When the two vectors are acting in the same direction.

Let the two vectors A and B be acting in the same direction as shown in Fig. 4. 10(a).
o Jind their resultant, coincide the tail of B on

ne head of A A B
as shown in Fig, 4.10(b). Then the single
ector R drawn from the tail of Á to the head ofB a
R (A+B)
vector, i.e., R = A+B
EVeS theirresultant .
Pradeef's lndamental lhysies (XDA
In this case, the magnitude of the resultant vector is cqual to the sum of the
magnitudes of the tu
vectors and its direction is thesame as that of the two given vectors. Mathematically. I
R -1 ALR
1. When a vector is displaced to any position without any chanpe in its diroctim, tlhen
that vect
remains the same.

2. Two vectors A and B are said to be in the same order the tail of
if 7 coiwides with the head of
(b) When two vectors are acting in opposite directions.

Let the two vectors A and B be acting in opposite

directions as shown in Fig. 4.11(a). To find their resultant,
coincide the tail of B on the head of A as shown in Fig.
4. 11b). Then the single vector R drawn from the tail of B R ( B)
A to the head of B gives their resultant vector, i.e.,

R = A+(-B)

Here, the magnitude of the resultant vector is equal to the difference of the magnitudes
of the
two vectors and the direction of the resultant vector will be in the direction
of bigger vector.

Mathematically IRI =1 A1-IB| If IÁI>1B1

(c) When two vectors act at some angle.

Let the two vectors A and B be acting at some angle to each other as shown in Fig.
4.12 (a). To find

their resultant R ,coincidethe tail of A on the head of B as shown in Fig. 4. 12(h). Then, the
single vector
R drawn from the tail of A to the head of B gives the resultant vector.
As shown in Fig. 4.12(b), the two vectors
A and B are represented by the sides FIGURE 4.12
and PQ of atriangle OPQ, aken in the same
order. Their, resultant R is represented by R
the third side 0Q of the triangle taken in the
opposite order. This method of finding the O
resultant of two vectors is called triangle law o 6A
of vectors.
1riangle lawof vectors states that if two vectors acting on a particle at the same time are
represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in one order, their
resulant vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the third side ofthe triangle taken
in opposite order.

The resultant vector can also be found by coinciding the tail of A on the head of Bas shown in lig

4. 124c). Now the resultant vector R is represcnted by oo which is the diagonal of the parallelogram ors
m above, it is clear that the two
vectors and are represented by the two sides OP and OS
elogram OPQS drawn from
of a point
logram drawn from 0, then their resultant R is represented by
onal of the parallelo side 0Q, Le.,
by the siae
parallelog the same point
is alled law of vectors. int. This method of finding the resultant of two vector:
Parallelogram law Of vectors
states that if two
represented nmagnifude and direction
rom a point, their
vectors acting on a particle at the same
by the two adjacent sides
time ar
resultant of a parallelogram aruyn
the parallelogram drawn vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonat
from the same point. o
dWhen number of vectors act in different
Let the number of vectors A, B, C
and D etc. FIGURE 4.13
he acting in different directions as shown in Fig, 4.13(a).
To find their resultant vector, coincide
the tail of
R with the head of A , tail
of C with B
the head of
andtail of D with the head of C. Then, the single
vector drawn from the tail of A to head of D will
represent their resultant vector, Fig. 4.13(b).

Thus, it is clear that if the vectors A, B, C and D are represented in magnitude and direction by the

sides OP, PO. OS and ST of an open polygon taken in the same order, then their resultant vector R

will be represented in magnitude and direction by the closing side OT of the polygon taken in opposite
order. This method of finding the resultant is called polygon law of vectors.

Thus, polygon law of vectors states that if any number of vectors, acting on a particle at the
same time are represented in magnitude and direction by various sides of an open polygon
taken in the same order, their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing
side of the polygon taken in opposite order.
of vectors, which is explained below.
Polygon law of vectors is an extension of the triangle law
= where R is theresultant vectorof A, B.C
According to polygon law of vectors: A + B +C+D R,

and D.
= (OP), B=(PO), C=(0S), D=(ST)
and R (Or). Join Oto Q and O

InFig. 4.13(6), A
to S, with straight lines. A OPQ,
From triangle law of vectors;

A+ B=(OP) + (P0) = (O0)

C=(00)+(Qs) =(OS)
In A O0s, (A+B)+
= (OT) =
A OST, (A+B+C)+D=(OS)+(ST)
vector of A, B, C and D.
ere, R is the resultant
4/8 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XDVO

RETAIN1. Tlhe two vectors can be added only if they are of the same nature. It means a displacemons

IN vector can not be added to a force vector or velocity vector but can be added to displacemen
MEMORY vector only.
2. If a nunmber of vectors are represented by the various sides of a closexd polygon taken in
onc order, their resultant is zero.


ay Triangle law of vectors addition.It states that iftwo vectors acting on a particle at the same
time are represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in one
order, their resultant vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the third side ofthe
triangle taken in opposite order.

Let the two vector A and B. inclined at an angle 0 be acting on a particle at the same time. Let thev
be represented in magnitude and direction by two sides OP and PQ of triangle OPQ, taken in the same

order, Fig, 4.14. Then, according to triangle law of vectors addition, the resultant R is represented by the

third side 00 of triangle, taken in opposite order.


Magnitude of R.
Draw ON perpendicular to OP produced.
In Fig. 4.14; OP =A PQ =B ; 0Q =R and NPQ =0.
In A ONP, PNIPQ = cos 6 or PN= PQ cos = B cos .1)
and ONPQ=sin6 or QN=PQ sin =B sin 6 8 ..2) N
In right angled triangle ONQ, we have A

o0= ON + NO? = (OP + PN)2 + NO2

R=(A + B cos 0) + (B sin 6) From (1)&(2)]
or R2=A2+2 ABcos 0+B (cos20+sin 0)

or R A2 + B2 +2 AB cos 6
Direction of R .Let the resultant R make an angle ß with the direction
of A .Then, from right angled
triangle QNO,

tanB w ON
B sin 6

A+Bcos 6 4)

(b) Parallelogram law of vectors addition. It states

if two vectors acting on a particle at
the same time be represented in magnitude and direction by
the two adjacent sides ofa
parallelogram drawn from a point, their resultant vector is
direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn
represented in magnitude and
from the same point.
Let the two vectors A and B inclined at angle 0 be acting on a particle at the same time. Let they De

represented in magnitude and direction by two adjacent sides

OP and OS of parallelogram OPQS, drawn
from a point O. Fig. 4.15. According to parallelogram law
of vectors, their resultant vector R will be
represented by the diagonal
oQ of the parallelogram.

Magnitude of R. 4.15

ON perpendicular to OP produced.

= A, OS = PQ = B, 0Q =R

and LSOP = LQPN = 0.

InAQNP, PN= PQ cos = B cos 0

ON= PQ sin 0=Bsin O

In right angled triangle ONQ, we have

o02= ON+ NQ2 = (OP + PM)2 + (NO
R= (A + B cos 8) + (B sin 0)2

+2ABcos6 (5)
R2=A2 +2
AB cos + B (cos? 6 + sin? 9) or R=42 +B
Direction of R .Let the resultant R make an angle B with the direction of A . Then from right angled
triangle QNO,
tanB- QN QN

cos 6=
From (5), 2 AB
known as the law of cosines.
It is
Drop a perpendicular PM on OQ. Let 2PQ0 = d.
In A OQN, ON= (00) sin ß = R sin ß
= 0
In A PON, ON (PQ) sin 9 = B sin
or .(7)
R sin B = B sin sin
sin 6
B =B sin aor
A .(8)
Similarly, PM = A sin sin sin B

From (7) and (8), we have

R6 Sin o sin

It is known as the law of sines.

B sin 0 .(10)
B sin 6
From (9), sin=R(A
R (A+B +2 ABcos )
Special cases. FIGURE 4.15
acting in the same direction, Fig. 4.15(a)
) When two vectors are
then, = 0°, cos 6 = 1 and sin =0
B? +2AB(1) =V(A +
B) = (A +B)
From (5), R= A2 +
R (A1+ B1)
Bx0 or ß =0°.
From (6), tan ß =- -= 0
resultant vector is equal to
the same direction, the magnitude of the
Thus, for two vectors acting in B.
acts along the direction of and
magnitudes of two vectors and
4/10 Pradeepe Fundamental Physics (XI) VOn
ii) When two vectors are acting in opposite directions, Fig. 4.15(b),
then, G 180, cos 6 =-1 and sin 6 =0.
From (5), R={A +B2 +2 AB(-1) = JA -B)? = (A B) or (B-A) -
From (6), tan ß = Bx0 0 or B =0° or 180° RI Á-1B
Thus, for two vectors acting in opposite directions, the magnitude of the resultant vector is
equal t
the difference of the mugnitudes of the two vectors and acts in the direction of bigger vector.
(ii) When two vectors act at right angle to each other, Fig. 4.15(c), then

90°, sin 6 = sin 90° = I

and cos 9 = cos 90° = 00

From (5), R= A2+B2 +2 AB(0) =

VA2+ +p? R

B(1) _B
From (6), tan
A+B(0) A orS=tan
RETAIN 1. The magnitude of the resultant
of two vectors is maximum, when the vectors act in the
IN same direction, i.e., angle between them is O° and is
minimum when they act in opposite
MEMORY directions, i.e., angle between them is 180
2. Whilefinding the resultant vector
of two vectors A and B by the parallelogram lawvof
vectors addition, both the vectors A
and B should either act towards a point or away
from a point.
3. The resultant of two equal vectors
can be zero if they act in opposite
4. The minimum number of equal directions.
vectors whose resultant can be
between them is 180'. zero is two and angle
5. The number of three unequal vectors
can be zero if they are
represented by the three sides
of a triangle taken in one order coplanar and they can be
6. The minimum number of non-coplanar
vectors whose resultant can
be zero is four
Sample Problem Two forces F and 2F newton
and the second force be increased act on a particle. If the first
by 16 newtons, the direction force be doubled
the value of F. of the resultant remains unaltered. Find
Sol. Let the resultant make an
angle ß with the direction
of force F.
In first case, 2 Fsin 0
F+2F cos
In second case, tan 8 = --2F+16) sin
2F+(2F+16) cos
2Fsincos0 (2F+16) sin 0
F+2F 0 2F+(2F+16) cos 0 since, 4
2F sin 0
(2F sin 6+16 sin 0)-2F sin 6
F+2F cos 0
2F+ (2 F+16) cos 0-(F+2 F cos 0) -- 16sin
From above, we have,
2F 16 or
F+16 cos
4.11. VECTOR
vectors acting on a point object
nariangle taken in he at the same timeare
sides sanme
order, their represented in magnitude and direction by the
three " resultant
resultant is zero. The object is said
sat to be in eguilibrium.
nsider three
three vectors A, B and C acting
on an object at the same FIGURE 4.16
time. Let
represented by OP, PQ and Qo O
theybe ie. the three sides of thetriangle
order, Fg. 4.16(a); then
triangle taken

1arlv, if any
Similarly, number of vectors acting on an
object at the same time are
nted in
represented in magnitude and direction by the various sides
of a closed polygon
in the same order, their resultant vector is zero and P
taken the object is inequilibriur
Lami's Theorem. it states that if three forces acting
at a point are in equilibrium, then eacn
force is proportional to the sine oJ the angle between the other two forces.
sin o sin B
sin Y

where A, B,C are the three forces and o, B, y are the angles between forces B
and C,C and A and A and B respectively. Fig. 4.16.(b).
Conditions for Equilibrium of an object
The object is in equilibrium if
(t) there is no linear motion of the object i.e., the resultant force on
the object
is zero.
i.e., the torque* due to forces on the object is zero.
(i) there is no rotational motion of the object
n) there is minimum potential energy**
of the object for stable equilibrium.
vertically at the end of a string 50 cm long.
Sample Problem A bob weighing 50 gram hangs
is pulled aside from its initial
gram force is applied horizontally, by how much distance the bob
f20 ?
position when it reaches in equilibrium position is at location
x 980 dyne. Let the bob be in equilibrium when it
Sol. Here, m = 50 gram: F= 20 g f 20
B, Fig. 4.17. Then
50x 980

tan = 0-4 = tan 21°48'

so 0 = 21° 48
6= OC >F
In A OCB, sin 21° 48= OB
OB cm.
= 17-57 mg
OB sin 21° 48' = 50 x 0:3714
CB called
412. EQUILIBRANT VECTOR on a body at the same time is
two or more vectors Ucng
A sgle vector which balances
an equilibrant vector. cting on the body at the same time.
vectors acti.
resultant of Art. 7.12.
posite to the
is equal and oppo potential energy, refer to
*For torque, Refer toArt. 8.13
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)voLS
(1) Vectors of the same nature
alone can he added, e.g., a force vector
can be added to force vector only.
cannot be added to velocity vector but B)
(2) Vectors addition is
commutative. It states that the sum of the vectors (+
be added, i.e.,
remains the same in whatever order they may
Proof. Let the two vectors A and B be represented by the sides
Fig. 4.18. Join O with Q. As
OP and OS of a parallelogram OPQS,
OS= and II PQ and OP and | SQ, therefore,
B= OS = PQ and A = OP
In A OPO. 0Q = OP + PQ (From Triangle law)
. A
physical quantity having
= A+B .(11) magnitude and direction may or
may not be a vector e.g., time,
B+A (12) pressure, surface tension, current
In A OsQ. 0Q = OS + SQ
etc. They have direction, but are
From (11) and (12), we note that not vectors.
2. A physical quantity is a vector
A+B = B+ A
only when it follows commutative
This shows that vectors addition is commutative. law of addition of vectors, i.e.,
(3) Vectors Addition is associative. It states that the sum of the A+B = B+ A
vectors remains the same in whatever, grouping they are added, i.e.,
3. If the frame of reference is
(A+B)+C=A+(B+C). rotated or translated, the vector
does not change but its
Proof. Let the three vectors A, B and C be represented by the components may change.
4. If a vector is rotated through
sides OP, PQ and Qs ofapolygon OPQS. Fig. 4.19. Then by polygon an angle other than multiple of 2
law of vectors, os represents the resultant R in magnitude and T (or 360°), it changes.
direction. Join O to Q and P to S. 5. A unit vector is unitless and
From triangle law of vectors dimensionless.
6. A vector cannot be divided by
In A OP: 00 OP+ PO = A+ B a vector, since it is not possible
to divide a vector by a direction.
In AOQS os = 00 + QS =(A+ B)+C .(13)
PS = =
In A OPS os = OP + PS = Å + (B+C) 14)
From (13) and (14), we note that

This shows that vectors addition is associative.
(4) A boat in a river always moves in the direction
of resultant
velocity of velocity of boat and velocity of river flow.
MOTON 4/13
a boat tende
tends to cross a river
along the
When shortest path, a"
B such that AB gives the direction
it should
should be rowed up stream making
be rowed
ofresultantvelocity and
v, (= AC =
resultant velocity ,of velocity of boat u, = AD
of river 4.20
elocy FIGURE 4.20

ABD, sin 6= 2 and
the river by the boat,
Time of crossing

When a boat ends to cross a river in the shortest

time, the
boat should go along AB, Fig. 4.21. Now the boat
along AD is the direction of resultant
will be going

velocity v of velocity
of velo of boat v, (= AB) and velocity of FIGURE 4.21

river v=AC).
In A ABD, tan 6 = - nd v=y+
Time of crossing the river by the boat,

t= AD vs2 +?
or x =-4,
reaching the point D instead of point B. If BD = x, then tan =2=*
The boat will be

Sample Problem A river 500 m wide flows at a rate

of 4 kmh.A simmer who can swim at
straight. ) Along what direction must he strike ?
8 km hl in still water, wishes to cross the river
is the time of erossing the river?
(7) What should be his resultant velocity. (ii) What

Sol. (i) Refer to Fig. 4.22,

velocity of river = 4 km hl = (0A)
Velocity of swimmer in still water
= (OB) FIGURE 4.22
v=8 km h-l the river straight if the resultant
ne swimmer will cross
is perpendicular to the bank or the
OCTty v of v. and
possible if the
swimmer goes 500 m
iver, i.e., along OC This will be s
with OC. In right
OB,making an angle 6
ocam of the river along
OCB, sin 6==L=*= sin 30° 0=30° O
Resultant velocity of the swimmer
hl =4/5x
) 5/18 =
82-42V48 =4/3 km 2 m/s
v= -v?= width of river -
500 m 260-4 s
f - 1:92 ms-I
(u) Time taken to cross the river,
4/14 Pradeeh 's Fundamental Physics (XI)Vo

Subtraction ofa vector B from a vector A is defined as the addition ofvector (- B) (negative
ofvector B ) to vector A

Thus, A- B = A +(-B)
The laws ofvector addition: such as triangle law of vectors, parallelogram law of vectors are equally
applicable to the process of subtraction of vectors.

Consider the two vectors A and B as shown in Fig. 4.23(a).

To find A-B.coincide the tail of B with the head
of A. Fig. 4.23(6). Now A and B are represented by

the sides (OP) and (PQ) respectively. Produce QP / O-


backward and cut (PS) equal to (P0). Now (PS ) will

represent (-B). Join O to S.

In &
OPS. A-B=A+(-B) = (OP)+(PS)= (0s) = R (From A law of vectors)

Taus. the diference oftwo vectors is represented by (OS), which is the resultant vector R of A and
(-B).Draw. (PT) (OP) and (PU) = (OS)

Then R will be represented by (PU). If 0 is the angle between A and B , then angle between

and (-B) is (180° -6). According to parallelogram law of vectors addition;

ABcos (180°-0) B sin (180-0)
IRl= A+B +2
and tan ß=-
A+B cos (180°-0)
It is important to note that (i) 1the
vector subtraction does not follow commutative law, i.e.,.
(A-B) # (B- A)
i) the vector subtraction does notfollow associative law,
ie., A-
(B- c) # (A B) -C -

Examples of Substraction of two vectors.

(1) If a particle is colliding with a wall in a direction
normal to its surface and is reflected just in
opposite direction with same momentum, then

p=I=lpl and P, =+p: =-p

Hence change in momentum, A p =
p2-P = p-(-P)=2p
(2) Let a particle be moving on a circular path
constant speed v, to find the change
of constant radius with a
in its velocity when it completes half
the revolution, Fig. 4.24, we notee of

v+U and
Then, change in velocity,
Av v,-v, = v-(-v) = 2v

(3) A icle moving with velocity v

tward with the same speed. towards northward direction moves
towards eastw changes its direction and
To find wrdin its velocity,
the change
Fig. 4.25.
= (OA), v = (OA) =v
U=(OB ), v2 = (OB) =v FIGURE4.25
v =v2-v,
hange in velocity, A =v^+(-7)=(OB)+(OC)=(OD)
1Avl=V'f +v5+2v, "2cos90= vu? +v2 =
v2 W--

tan B=- =1 or B= 45

Thits, the direction of Av will be along
south-east direction.
Vectors addition is commutative and
IN associative by nature. But vector subtraction is th
Commutative nor associative by
MEMORY nature.


Refer to Article 3.20, the relative velocity of object A, moving with velocity v,
w.r.t. object B movng
with velocity V is given by
ABVA+-Dg) = v-vp
Let the two objects be moving in a plane, and 0
be the angle between the directions of motion of the
objects A and B, as shown in Fig. 4.26(a), where,
/0 P(180 o)
D (00) and v =(OP). P UB

To find the relative velocity of objectA wrt. B, superimpose velocity -v= OP') on both the objects
A and B. The object B is brought to rest and object A possesses two velocities along oo and vR -

along OP, inclined at an angle (180 - 0). Fig. 4.26(6). The relative velocity of object A WEL. B is the
resultant of velocities v, and -v acting at an angle (180'- 8), which will be represented by the diagonal
OR of the parallelogram 0QRP', according to parallelogram law of vectors addition.
In magnitude, the relative velocity of A w.r.t B is given

=u +v cos
vAR = +v +2 'p cOs(180"-0)
v then
T AR makes an angle B with the direction of
(180°-0) UR Sin 0
tanB=- sin cos (180"-6) VA-Up cos

v Tepresentea by OA . Let the rain be falling vertically

COnsider a man walking west with velocity
10 tind the relative velocity of rain
represented by OB ig.4.21. w.rt man

wnwards with velocity
with velocity v, ,
on man and apply this velocity
imposing a velocity
bring the man to rest by "m too.
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X)Vo
4/16 L
B) and -
velocity of vi,(= Oß) -v=OC)
rclative velocity of rain w.r.t. man will be the resulant
Now the
by diagonal OD of rectangle OBDC.
which will be represented

v,, cos90° = yu+

' +t2,
v makes with the vertical dircction,
If e is the angle which rm
then W O
tan =
or =tan
is writen as 0,
Here, angle 9 isfrom vertical towards west and
west of vertical.
to protect himselffrom the rain, he should
hold is umbrella
In the above problem. if the man wants
w.r.t. man i.e. the umbrella should be held making an angle
in the direction ofrelative velocity ofrain
6(= tan v/,) west of vertical.
3-0 km h-i, Rain drops fall
Sample Problem A man is walking on a level road at a speed of
4-0 km h. Find the velocity of the raindrops with
respect to the man. In
vertically with a speed of
to protect himself from rain ?
which direction, the man should hold his umbrella
. Fig. 4.28. To
v = 3-0 kmh-l represented by QA :v,=4-0 km hl represented by OB
Sol. Here,
find the relative velocity of rain w.r.t. man (i.e., v,.) bring the man at rest by imposing a velocity -v on
man and apply this velocity on rain also. Now the relative velocity of rain

w.rt. man will be the resultant velocity of v,(= OB) and -=OC),
which will be represented by diagonal oD of rectangle OBDC.

= u+v m
=V42 +32 = 5 km h-l
C -m
tan 6: OR &/5 = tan 36°52'
i.e 6 36°52 with the vertical in forward direction.
the man wants to protect himselffrom the rain in the above example, he should hold his unbrella
making an angle 36° 52' the wih vertical in
forward the ofrelative velocinyf
direction i.e. direction
rain w.r.. man.


Itis that vector which has zero magnitude and an arbitrary direction. A zero vector is represente
by 0 (arrow over the number zero). It is also called null vector.
A zero vector being of zero magnitude must be represented by arrow
of zero length. The direction o
arrow head ofa zero vector represented by zero length cannot be specified, hence the zero vector has an
arbitrary direction.

Tllustrations of zero vector 4/17

1. When a vector is multiplicd by

zero, the
result is a :zero
e result of
2. The addi
ofaddition oJ a vector. i.e. 0(A) = 0
O to its
s own negative
Examples of zero vector vector is a zero vector. 1.C. A +(- A) = 0
i.e. A +
The velocity vector of a stationary
particle is a
2. The acceleration vectOr ot an
zcro vector.
object moving
2 The displaceiment vector ot a
with a uniform velocity
stationary object is a zero vector.
The position vector ot the over any arbitrarv interval of time is a zero
vCe or.
origin of c0ordinate
Properties of zero vector axes is a zero vector.

1. The addition or subtraction

of zero vectorfrom a given
vector does not alter the given vector. 1nus,

2. The multiplication of a non-zero

A+0=A A A-0 =
real number n with a zero vector is
again zero vector. T
n 0 = 0
3.1f and n2 are two dijferent non zero real numbers, where
n,#n2, then the relation.

A =n, B
can hold only, if both A and B are zero vectors, and are not parallel or antiparallel
A zero vector has a lot of physical significance. It is useful in
describing the physical situation involving
vector quantities.


It is the process of splitting a single vector into two or more vectors in different
directions which
together produce the same effect as is produced by the single vector alone. The vectors
which the given single vector is splited are called component vectors.

Intact, the resolution of a vector is just opposite to composition of vectors.

Letavector R be represented by 00.Fig. 4.29. 1Let A and B FIGURE 4.29

Derepresented by OP and PQ, so that

0Q = OP+ PQ or R A+B
Then A and B are the component vectors ol R.


vectors so that one com
Souppose the given vector R has to be resolved into twO COmponent
tne direction of B , Fig. 4.30(a
vector other component vector lOng
is along
along the direction of A and

magnitude and direction.

F'ronm point 0, draw a line parallel to s..
OQ to represent R in
A and to the vector B. Let these two lines intersect at point P.
from Q, draw a line parallel
Fig.4.30(b) ptors
8. 4.30(6). From triangle law of vectors addition.

oQ = OP+ PQ (15)
4/18 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics


A P mA

Therefore. or and Po are the two component vectors of R in the direction of A and B.
can be
Let Or = mA and P =n B, where m and n are real numbers. Therefore, the equation (15),
Written as
R =mA+n B 16

Uniqueness of component vectors. I is to be noted that the resolution ofvector R into two componen
vectors along the direction of vectors Á and B is unigue. t means, there is only one pair of real number
m and n which satisly the equation (16). To prove it, suppose n' and n' is another pair of real numbers such

R =m'A +n'B 17
From (16) and (17), we have mA +n B = m A +nB or (m-m) A + (n -n') B = 0

Now Az 0 and B 0 . therefore (m -m) = 0 and (n ') = 0. It means m = m' and n n'. Hence

there is one and only one way in which a vector can be resolved into two component vectors along the
directions of two given vectors.

The resolution of vector R as given by (16) can also be obtained by following parallelogramlaw of

vectors. From point O, draw two lines; one parallel to the vector A and otherparallel to the vector
B. Then from point Q, draw a line QS parallel to A and line QP parallel to vector B so that the
parallelogram OPQs is formed, Fig. 4.30(c).
Then by parallelogram law of ver ors addition

00 = OP+ OS or R =mA+n B where m and n are real numbers.


When a vector in a plane is splitted into two component vectors at right angles to each other, the
component vectors are caulled rectungular components of that vector

Suppose a vector A represented by OR, has to be resolved into two rectangular component vectod
other. Fig
along the directions of X-axis and Y-axis. From O, draw two axes OX and OY at rt. angles to each
OX and OY. Then, OP (= A,) and O0 (=A,)
4.31. Fron point R, drop RP and RQ perpendiculars on
rectangula components of A Here PR

is equal and parallel
direction,. to
to OQ, also represent:
00, hence PR as
magnitude and
From triangle law of vectors addition, we have

OR= OP + PR or A-A,+, Y FIGURE 4.31

and j be the unit vectors along
respectively. ThenA
= A,?
and A, =A, .
OX and OY directions
From (18), we get A-,+A, .(19)
POR = 6. In Fig. 4.31;
Let A,= OP and A, =O0=PR
Inrt. angled triangle ORP, OR
cOs 6
OP OR cos or A,=A cos 6 (20)
and Sin
PR= OR sin 6 or A,=A sin 0 21)

+ PR* =
Also, OR = OP or A+A or A4+A .(22)

and tan - .(23)
Sample Problem A mass of 2 kg lies on a plane FIGURE 4.32
making an angle 30° to the horizontal. Resolve its weight along
and perpendicular to the plane. Assume g =10 ms. H
along the plane
S01. In Fig. 4.32, the component of weight mg sin
mg sin 6 2x 10 x sin 30° 10N. 30 mg g cos
The component of weight perpendicular
to plane B -C

= 17:3 N.
mg cos 30° = 2 x 10 x 3/2

URIaSITY QUESTION of vectors help the

weight lifters in weight lifting9?
a.How does the knowledge of resolution if vertical force he applies t the load is more than
weight easily the near the midlle
Ans. A wei lifter can lift a heavy attained, if the Keeps tnegnps of his hands le on
veght ite
ne weight to be lifted. It can be ends. In such a situation,ofthe force exerte ed while lifting is almost
the force applied has maximum value.
e Dar having the weightssoatthat. the vertical component weights to be lifted, the arms of the lifter
on the bar ear
perpendicular totthe bar, near the
hands lifter, the vertical mponent
grips of his tne Torce appiied by
the lifter keeps the
body at some angle.
Then tor
leSS tnan
maximum, which makes th
WI De inclined to his weights becomes
used for lifting the
4/20 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

Consider a vector A represented by OR , as shown in Fig. 4.33.

Taking O as origin, construct a rectangular parallelopiped with its three
edges along the three rectangular axes i.e. X, Yand Zaxes. Here, we note
that A represents the diagonal of the parallelopiped whose intercepts
along X, Yand Z axes are A,, A, and A, respectively; which are three
1. A vector can have infinite
component vectors but the
rectangular components of A maximum number of rectangular
FIGURE 4.33 component vectors are three.
2.The minimum number ofvectors
to give zero resultant is 2 in one
R plane.
3.The minimum number ofvectors
of unequal magnitude which can
give zero resultant is three if they
are coplanar.
4. The vector subtraction does not
follow commutative and
associative laws.
Using triangle law of vectors addition, (OR) = (OT) + ( TR) 5. If the magnitude of sum of two
Using parallelogram law of vectors addition, vectors is equal to magnitude of
difference of two vectors, the angle
(OT) = (OS )+(OP) between these two vectors is 90°.

(OR) = (OS ) +(OP) + ( TR) = (OS) +(OP) +( 0Q) 6. If A+ B = A- B , then B isa

null vector.
: TR = 001 7. The components of a vector,
perpendicular to a vector are
or -A+A,tA, = A,+A,+A, always zero.
8. A vector cannot be zero if any
Let i, j, k be the unit vectors along X, Y and of its components is not zero.
Z axes respectiyvelv.
then =A, i:A, -A, j A
and A, = A, k 9. (i+j+k) makes an angle
Therefore, A =A,i+A, A 54.74° with each of X, Y and Z
it A, k (24) axes.

Magnitude of A
In A ORT, (OR) = (0T? + (TR) = (OP)2 + (OS)2 + (TR)2
= (OP)? + (Os) + (OQ)
or A=A +A+A
A=A+A +A (26)
Direction cosines of a vector

If o, B and y are the angles which the A makes

with X, Y and Z axes respectively, then
cos a or
A A=A cos o

cos B=.
A or
AyA cos B

cosY= or A, = A cos y
H2COS a, cos $ and cos y are called
Dautting the direction cosines
the values of Ay Ay and A, in of the vector A .
(25), we get
A =A cos a + A2 cos
or A = A (cos a + cos B+Acosy
or cos a+cos* ß + cosy= cos2)
It means sum of the squares oj the direction 27)
cosines of a vector is always unity.
If m and n are direction cosines of A , then

2 +m2 +n= 1
Consider a particle in a space. Let at an
instant t, its position be P
whose position coordinates from three mutually FIGURE 4.34
perpendicular axes with
origin at O be (x, y, z), Fig. 4.34. The
position vector of the particle at P
Q(x11 Z1)
is given by
Magnitude of r is given by *P (x, y, z)

I7I=2 +y2 +z2 28)

ime and let itreach point Qy1,21)

vector of particle at P is
Displacement vector in space. Let the particle be at P (x, y, z) at
at time Fig.4.34. The position

The position vector of particle at Qis

D, (i.e.,
The position vector of the particle in the time interval ( displacement) is given by.

(PØ)=a7=i-7 =(4 î+y j+ak)-aî+yi+zk) A

=(-)i+( -y)j+(-z)k
Magnitude of displacement vector Ar 1sS

1Arl= [( -x) +O1 -) + (z1 -

Sample Problem If
A=2?+4j-5k, find
of the vector A.
Aand (i) the direction cosines =VA5
A?+A? =e) +(4)+(-5)
and cos Y=
(ii) cos a = cosB 4S 45
4/22 Pradeep's Fundamental Piysks (Z1,
o ees EPE A
(1) Walking of a man is an example of resolution of forces,
man wnile walking presses the ground with his feet backward by a force
Fat an angle 0 with ground, in action. The ground in reaction exerts an
equal and opposite force R (= F) on the feet as shown in Fig, 4.35. Ris
resolved into two rectangular components.
() Vertical component, R sin 6 balances the weight of the nan
(ii) The horizontal component, R cos 0 helps the man to walk
forward, if it is greater than the force of friction.
(2) It is easier to pull a lawn roller than to push it. Consíder a lawn roller of weán W. Ian e patie
or pushed by a force F making an angle with the horizontal direction. Relving F ino tw engia
components, we get horizontal component F cos 6 and vertical component F sin G.
In pulling. Fig. 4.36(a) FIGURE 434
The effective weight of roller
= W-F sin . F sinG

The effective horizontal pulling force

= F cos 6.
It makes the roller to move forward.
In pushing. Fig. 4.36(b). Fns
The effective weight of roller
= W+ Fsin 6.
W ---
The effective horizontal pushing force
=Fcos 6. It makes the roller to move forward.
Pulling Pir
We know that, due to friction, the force required to move a body is directly proporirnal o the ecve
weight of the body. Since the effective weight of roller is less in puiling than in pushing, hence lesser iaere in
required in pulling than in pushing. Therefore, it is easier to pull a lawn roller than to push it.
If 6 = 0°, then effective weight of roller = mg.
Pulling or pusing force = F= u mg ; where is the coefficient of friction.
Then pulling and pushing will be no different.



Consider two vectors A and B inx*y plane. Let A = A, i+A, j and B = B,i+B,
If R is the resultant of Á and B , then
R= Å+B =(A, î+A, j)+(B, +B, j)
i = (A, +B,)i +(4, +B,) j
If R, and R, are the rectangular component vectors of R in xy plane, then

R=R,î+R,i R,i+R, j = (A,+B,)i+(A, +B,)i

Hence, R, = (A, + B) and R,= A,+B)
tmeans,each component ofthe
the resultant
R isthe sumof
take the two vectors in three dimensions, the corresp components of A and B.
A-A,i+A,+A,k. then
A+B or Rî+R,?+R,k=a,
î+A, i h+e,î+8, j+B, k) A

Then RA+B R,Ay+By

The above
method canbe extended

to addition
and subtraction
of any number of vectors.
Thee dot product of tvo vectors A
and B , represented A,
by B (read as A dot B ) is a sealar,
which is equal to the product
of the magnitudes A
angle between them. of and B and the cosine of the smaller

IEAis the smaller angle between

A and B , then
A.B AB cos 8 (30)
Since A, B and cos 8 are scalars, therefore, the
dot product of A and B is
a scalar quantity. That is why
dht oroduct of two vectors is also called scalar
product. Each vector, A and B
scalar product does not have a direction. has a direction. but their
Geometrical interpretation
of dot product of two vectors. Let A
be represented by OP and B be
epresented by
00.Let 2POQ = 0.
Draw QR L OP. In Fig. 4.37(a),
OR= B cos 8; is the projection of B onto
Draw PS L 00. In Fig. 4.37(b), OS=A cos ; isthe projection of A onto B.
As A.B =A(B cos 0)=B(A cos 9),
therelore A. =
B A (B cos 8) is the
product of magnitude of A and
of component of B
alon cOS
A Altematively, A.B
= B (A cos )
sthe product of magnitude
o - Bcos6-
of B and osA
of component of A along A

product of two vectors is also defined as the proalct o ne magnilude of one vector and the
magnitude of
the mponent of other vector in the directie offirst vector.
) When two 1,
vectors parallel, then 0 = 0°, cos 0°=
are pard
ctors are A.B =AB cos 0° = AB (1) = AB
Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
4/24 0, therefore
perpendicular, then 6 = 90°, cos 90° =
(i) When two vectors are
A.B =AB cos 90° = 0
perpendicular vectors is zero.
product of two
It means the dot

For unit vectors,
180°, cos 180° = - 1.. A.B AB cos 180"=.
vectors are antiparallel, then 6 =
(i) When two
Two Vectors
Properties of Dot Produet of A.B = B.A
product of two vectors is commutative,
1) Dot product or scalar = cos 6, therefore A.B = B.A.
0 AB
=AB cos and B.A =BA cos
By definition, A.B two vectors is
product or scalar product of
which proves that the dot
distributive, ie, A.(B+ c) = A.B+ A.C
(2) Dot product or scalar
product is
vector with itself gives square of its magnitude,
(3) Dot product of a
A.A =AA cos 0° =
A or A=
A.A B) =a (A.B) where is a real
(4) Further,
Examples of scalar product or dot product
of two vectors
displacement vector S i.e.,
product of force vector F and the

1. Work done W is defined as the dot

W F. S
vector F and the
2. The instantaneous power is defined as the dot product of force
velocity vie, P= F.v
3. Magnetic flux linked with a surface is defined as the dot product of
magnetic field induction vectoz

B and the area vector A , i.e., B.A flux ars

Note that since dot product of two vectors is a scalar, hence, work done, power and magnetic
scalar quantities.
Dot product in cartesian coordinates
Let A-A, i+A, j+A, and B =B,i+B j+B,k
onq 07
A.B=4, +A, +A,H-8, î+B, j+B, k) beto9T

= A,B,Ci.i)+ A,B,(i.)+4,B (i.k)+A,B,G.H+A,B,(G.h+A,B,(j.k)

=4, , (0) +4,B, 0) +4,B,0) +4, B, (0)+A, , +ABC6.)+ A,B,(&.j) +A,B.

(1) +4, B, 0)+A, B, () +4, B, 0

+A B. (1)
A,B,+A, 8, +A, B
AMOTION IN A ITESrrssit 4/25
Sample Problom
Problom 1 AA constant
+4k (2+3+4 ) newton produces displacement of
produces a dispi
,+4k) metre. Whatis the work done ?
Sal.Work done, W = F.S =
(2i+3+4k).(2f+3 +4
2 x2+3x3 +4 x 4 4+9+16 =
29 J
Eample Problem 4 f the magnitudes of two
vectors are 2 and 3 and the magnitude o
duct is 32, then find the angle between
the vectors.
Sol. Here, A=2;B =3, A.B =3/2; As A.B =AB cos e

cos 4B
3/2 cos 45°; 6=45°

The vector product or cross product of two vectors

A and B is another vector C , whOse
magnitude is equal to the product of the
magnitudes of the two vectors and sine of the smaller
angle between them.

Itis represented as A xB and is read as A cross B .If 0 is the smaller angle between A and B , then
AxB C =ABsin 6C .(31)
where C is a unit vector in the direction of C. The direction of C or C (i.e. vector product of two
perpendicular to the plane containing A and B and points in the direction as given by
vectors) is
) Right handed screw rule or (i) Right hand Thumb Rule.
1016) Right handed screw rule. It states that ifa right handed serew placed with its axis perpendicular
containing the two vectors A and B is rotated from the direction of A to the direction of
the plane
B through smaller angle, then the sense of the advancement of the tip of the screw gives the direction of
(Ax B) or
If the two vectors A and B lie in the plane of paper as shown in Fig. 4.38(a), then the direction of
cross product
AxB, according to Right handed screw rule, will be perpendicular to the plane of
directed upwards,
[Fig. 4.38(6)).

4/26 Pradees s Fundamental Physics (XDVoLn
G) Right hand thumb rule. It states that if we curl the jingers of right hand, keeping the thumb
erect, in such a way that the fingers point in the direction of rotation from A to B through smal.
angle, then the thumb points in the direction of AxB or C,[Fig. 4.38(c)].
Geometrical interpretation of vector product of two vectors. FIGURE 4.39
Consider two vectors A and B represented in magnitude and

direction by OP and 0Q with ZPOQ = 0, Fig. 4.39. Complete the

parallelogram OPRQ. Join P with Q. Drop QN L on OP. Magnitude of

cross product of A and B is given by

IA xBl =AB sin 0= (OP) (0Q sin 0)

In AONQ. sin 6-N

NQ = 0Q sin 0

IAxBI = (OP) (NQ) = Area of parallelogram OPRQ r 32))

Also l2 OP) (N=2

[area of A0OP] 33)

Thus magnitude of vector product of two vectors

is equal to the area oftihe parallelogram whose two sides are represented by tvo vectors.
(ti) is equal to twice the area of a triangle whose two sides are represented by the two vectors.
This is the geometrical interpretation of vector product of two vectors.
Some special cases of cross product:
() When vectors are parallel or an iparallel, 0 = 0° or 180° and sin 6 =0

IA xBl= AB (0) C=0

For unit vectors: ixi= jxj=kxi =ô |

It means cross product of two parallel or antiparallel vectors is zero.
(ii) When vectors are perpendicular, 0 = 90 and sin 9 = sin 90° = 1 TO199Y

AxB AB () = AB c
i.e., cross product of two mutually perpendicular vectors is a vector whose magnitude is equal 1o
product of the magnitude of two vectors and whose direction is perpendicular to the plane containing wo
vectors. 04101919B
Therefore, for unit vectors
Properties of cross product
ix-xk =î:kxî-
ai bas o
(1) Cross product of two vectors is anticommutative. ie. A xB=-BxA .34)

Proof. Let the two vectors A and B be represented by OP and 0Q in the plane of paper anu
LPOQ = 0.

Now AxB C = ABsin

where C is a unit vector, perpendicular to the
plane of
Daper directed upwards, Fig. 4.40(a).

Again, B xA = D= BA sin 0 D
D is a unit vector perpendicular to the
where plane of
naper directed dowwards, Fig. 4.40(b).
Clearly, C-D or D-- O

From (35), A xB = AB sin e A

= ABsin (-D) a
= -BAsin 0D =-(B x A) (BxA)
Thus, AxB-BxA
Hence, on reversing the order of vectors, the sign of their cross product is reversed, i.e., the cross
product of two vectors is anticommutative.

We havelearntthat xj=k; jxk=î and xi=j

As cross product is anticommutative, therefore, xi=-k kx=-f : and îxk--i
(2) Cross product of two vectors is distributive, ie., A x(B+C) = A xB +AxC
(3) Cross product of two vectors is associative, i.e.,

(A+ B)x(C+D) = A xC+ A xD + BxC+B

Examples of cross product of two vectors
1. Torque acting on a particle is equal to the vector product or cross product of its position vector
(r) and force vector (F), ie.,
2. Angular Momentum L of a particle is equal to the vector product or cross product of its position
vector and its linear momentum P iLe
to vector product of its angular
Linear velocity
3. of a particle in rotational motion is equal the
elocity and its displacement vectorr i.e.

4. Tangential accelerationa of a particle in rotational motion

is equal to cross product of its angular

eeleration vector C and its position vector r i.e.

cross product ofits angular velocity vector

S. Centripetal acceleration of a particle is equal to the

0 and its linear velocity vector ie.

Cross pproduct in Cartesian Coordinates
bnE and
4/28 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XI)oLn

Then, A xB=(A, î+ A, +A, )x(B, i+B, j+ B, ky

=A, ix(B, i+B, j+ B, )+ A, jx(», i+ B, i+B, k)+ A, kx(n, i1 h, j+ n,

=A,B,(íx)+A,B, (ixj)+A,a.(ixk)+A,4,(jxi)+4,,(jxj+A,8,(ikA
+A,B,(Rx)+A,n,(ix )+ 4,0,xiy

= A,B (0)+A B, ()+ A,B,(-j)+A,B, (-k)+ A,B, (0) +A,B, (i)

+AB,() +A,B,(-i)+A,8.c0)
= (4,8-4,8,) ?+a8, -4,0.)jA A,B,-4,,)k

The above result can be written in the form of a determinant as: A xB =|A A

DO 1. A unit vector (n) perpendicular to A as well as B is

A and B does not change sign under reflection. This is because on
2. The cross product of two vectors
reflection, Á changes into - A and B changes into - B Therefore,

AxB- under
(-A)x(-B) = A xB

3. Volume (V) ofthe parallelopiped whose three sides are represented by the three vectors A, B and C
as its adjacent edges is given by scalar triple product of three vectors which is a scalar, ie.,

V = AxB.C A.BxC= C.AxB = volume ofthe parallelopiped.

4 A A
In terms of their rectangular components : A.(BxC)=|B, B B
C, C
4. If A,B and C are coplanar, then A(B xC) = 0.

5. If any two of the given three vectors A, B and C are parallel, then

AxB.C AxC.B = ABxC) =0

6. Angle between (A+ B) and (A xB) is
7. Vector product of three vectors is as follows

Ax(BxC)=(A.C)B -(A.B)C and (AxB)xC= (A.C)B -(B.C) A


samplo roblom Calculate
Problom Calculate: the
C area of
of the
theparallelogram whose
hethevectors A= 4i +3j and B=-3i whose two adjacent sides are ro med
Sol. Ax
Sol. B= i3
4 0i (3x0-6x0)+j10x(-3)--0x4]
0x4] +k [4x6-3x(-3)] =
+k [4x6-3x(-3))
-36 0 = 33
33 k
Areaof parallelogram
=AXBl=O +0 + (33)2 =33 sq, units
Consider a point object
moving in XY plane with
a uniform velocity
asuring time and position of the object.
Let the object be at 7.
Suppose O is the origin TO
position A at time t, and at position B at
where OA =and Oß =7,Fig.4.41
The displacement of the object in time interval (1,-t) is
AB According to triangle law of vectors

OA+AB 0 r
or AB = OB -
OA = r- .(37) X1 2 X

If the position coordinates of the object at points A and B are

(x, Y) and (x2, V), then

-- +y

)-Gî+3) =G-4)î+a-ypî .(38)

Displacement of object in time interval (-t) will be

AB = (-a)i+ (-y)i .(39)

Magnitude ofdisplacement is IAB I=1-71 =%-4¥+0,-y
(6) Velocity

= displacement therefore .40)

Since; velocity
time taken
value of velocity is the same for all values
Since the object is moving with a uniform velocity, hence this
of and
() Equation of motion of object.
From (40), we have --Dt,-4) or ,tul,-4) ..(41)
Letus consider, at time t = 0, the object is at A where position vector with respect to O is aud
go tO pont o a ) ater tinme r, whose position
are the coordinates A. Let the object
0) of point
o» ta by and f by 0 in (41), we get
1S. Then replacing by 7,7by
P-+ -0) =+7 41)
4/30 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOL
Let v,, v, be the magnitude of the components of the velocity v of the object along x axis and
y axis.
respectively. Then 7=v,i+u, j where v=, +
Also, and r=xi+yj
Putting values in (41), we get

tî+y-i+ y )+(o,î+v, or i+y= (%+u,Di+0*u,p

This equation is true only if the coefficients of i and i on both the sides of this equation are separately
equal. Hence
0+ 42)
and 43)
velocity, each rectangular
From (42) and (43), we note that in two dimensional motion with uniform
dimensional motion with uniform
position coordinate depends upon time in exactly the same way as in one
(d) Equation of path
The equation of path of the object moving with uniform velocity FIGURE 4.42
in two dimensions, can be obtained by eliminating t from (42) and
From (42), r= (-*h
Putting this value in (43) we get,
=o+ *-xw, 44) Yof
This is the equation ofa straight line, having slope v,lu, which
is shown by a st. line AB in Fig. 4.42.
velocity in
Hence the path of an object moving with uniform
two dimensions is a straight line.
uniform acceleration a Suppose O is the origin
Consider a point object moving in XY plane with a where
be position A at time and at B, at time t2,
measuring time and position ofthe object. Let the object at
OA = and OB =h, Fig. 4.41.
v, be the velocities of the object at instants and t respectively, then constant
Let and
is given by
changein in velocity2-"1
time taken
acceleration is same for all values of t and t2. From above, we get
This value of
or ,=7+-4) 17 17.45)
velocity of the object at

At time t = 0, let the object

be at A whose position vector w.r.t. O be and r ,
by u, v2
where its velocity becomes v. Then replacing
u.Let the object go to B after
time t
we get,
v,, by 0 and t, by t in (45), ..(46)
MOTION INA E1Tsbrut &àpsha
)can be expressed
Equation (46)
in terms of rectangular
onents in XY plane 2s folkows
u,itu,j r where

where v=. +
Putting these values in (46), we get
a=. +a
i+,j=(u, î+u,)+(a,î+a, jy or ,î+v,j= (u, +ajyî+(u, +a,) i
This equation is true only if the coefficients
of î and i on both the sides of the equation are sr 0
equal. Hence

UU + at 47)
Uy4,+ a,t
These equations are similar to that of the velocity-time
relation for the motion of the ohjen win
uniform acceleration in one dimension.
Expression for displacement in uniformly
accelerated motion.
Average velocity during the time interval
(t-t) is given by
av time taken or h+ah-4) 49)
Also, average velocity in a given interval of time is given by

initial velocity + final velocity +2


Putting this value in (49), we get

Putting the value of v, from (46) in above equation, we get


+l++alh -4)G-4) or =i*iG=4)+alh-4 (50)

noitThis is the required equation.

. .
fis the position vector of the object at time t=0, where
by 7,7 by by by 0 and h by t in (50), we get
velocity of the object is u, then replacing

r=+ut+at 2
dimensions, the above equation can be written as
c)... n terms of rectangular components in two
i+u, j)t+a, î+a, in?
î+yj= (î+ )+, y)

i #)-»*nn5si -(52)
4/32 Pradeeh 'a Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn

of i and on both the sides of equatian ae

This equation is true only if the coefficients are separately
equal. Hence;


and y=t+5a,2 54
These equations arc similar to that of the
position-time relation for the motion of the object with unif
by object while moving in a plane with
acceleration in one dimension. The equation of path followed
uniform acceleration can be obtained by
eliminating t from (53) and (54).

Samplo ProblemIf the position vector of particle a is given by =

r 2
(4 cos

its acceleration at t = t/4 second.

+(4 sin 21)j + (6r)k m, calculate
Sol. Position, r = (4 cos 2) i+ (4 sin 2r) j +

Velocity, v = dr
= [4 (-sin 21)-2]i +[4 (cos 21) 21j +6k

Acceleration, a= =[-8(cos 21)-2]i + [8 (-sin 21) 2]j = (-16 cos 21)i +(-16 sin 21)j
T/4, a = (-16 cos 2xt/4) i+ (-16 sin 27tx T/4) j = (-16 cos /2)i + (-16sin T/2)

= (-16x0)i +(-16x1)j = -16j ms-2

Projectile isthename given to a body thrown with some initial velocity at some angle with the
horizontal direction, and then allowed to move in two dimensions under the action of gravity

The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory.

Examples of projectile are 1. A body dropped from the window ofa moving train.
2. A bomb released from an aeroplane in flight
3. A bullet fired from a rifle.
4. A piece of stone thrown in any direction.
5. A javelin or hammer thrown by an athlete.
6. A jet of water issuing from a hole near the bottom of water tank.
In the above examples, we find that a projectile moves under the combined effect of two velocities
(i) A uniform velocity in the horizontal direction, which would not change provided there is no ar
to gravuy
(i)A uniformly changing velocity (i.e. increasing or decreasing) in the vertical direction due
These two perpendicular velocities are independent of cach other.
To study the motion of a projectile, we assume that
() there is no frictional resistance of air.
(i) The effect due to rotation of earth and curvature of the earth is negligible.
points of the motto
(iii) The acceleration due to gravity is constant in magnitude and direction at all
MOTION IN A of n 4/33
Tot OX be a horzontal line parallel
to ground and OY
be a vertical line perpendicular to ground. Let O
origil forX- and Y- axis and OY
hethe from the point o, above the ground PSItive for position measurement. Suppose an objet
after projection, tne oDJect moves
Velocity u along OX such that x = 0 and yo
under the combined effect of two independent perpenaicu
Horizontal velocity u, which remains
() Vertical eloci constant
ocity which goes on încreasing if we ignore air resistance.
) due to gravity. Initial value of this velocity at O is zero
ring t
During motion, tne object covers horizontal distance
vertical velocity due to horizontal velocity and vertical aow
distance due to
() Path of
Suppose at any titime t, the object reaches at P (x, y).
Fig. 4.43(a). Clearly,
distance travelled by object
the horizontal direction in time t.
y distance travelled in vertical direction in time t.
Motion along8 horizontal direction OX of an object from O to P. Since the velocity of object in tne
horizontal direction is constant, sO the aceleration a, along horizontal direction zero.
The position of object at any time t along the horizontal FIGURE 443
direction (i.e. along X-axis) is given by -- X

Here, o=0, 1U, = U and a, = 0

Putting these values in above equation, we get

x=0+ut +(0) = ut
(55) Ground
Or xlu
Since the vertical velocity of object is
Motion along vertical direction OY of an object from O to P.
downward direction
increasing hence the acceleration of the object a, along vertical
downwards due to gravity,
vertical direction (i.e. along Y-axis) is given by
The position of object at any time t along

y= Yot","
values in above equation, we get
Cre =0, 4, = 0 and a, = + 8. Putting these
or from (55)]
(where =k = a constant)
2 u2

symmetrical a0out I-axis. Hence

the path of horizontol
which is
Droi 1 an equation of a parabola,
Projectile is
a parabola.
which the projectile is in flight
total time for
e of flight. It is the
ume taken by object to go
from O to ,
where it strikes the
ground. Let it be T. Let h be the

ertical direrti
eght of point of projection O from C(Le. motion of object along OY
Taking Vertical downward motion objectfrom Oo of
nave "8 a, =8, I=1.
o0, y=h;u,=0,
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLT

As y=Yotu,t54 hod or rdoirdr diiw 7tiolar

h=0+0xT+3 or

1. In horizontal projection the time taken by a
projectile to reach the ground is independent of the initial
location from where the projectile is projected,
velocity of projection but depends upon the height of
2. If two bodies of different masses are
projected horizontally from the same vertical height, thev
reach the ground simultaneously.

during its flight

Gii) orizontal range. It is the horizontal distance travelled by projectile
Q to C. Let it be R.
i.e., the horizontal distance covered by object while going from
Taking horizontal motion of object from O to C (i.e. motion of
object along OX-direction), we have

=0, x= R, u, = ul, a,=0, t =T= 2h/g


R=0+u2hlg +x0xT2 =u/2hlg

Horizontal range of a projectile given horizontal projection depends on (i) initial velocity of
and (ii) the vertical height from where the projectile is projected.
Horizontal range of different projectiles given horizontal projection from the same verticalheightbut
with different initial velocities, will be different.

(iv) Velocity of the projectile at any instant.

At the instant t, the object be at P and it possesses two perpendicular velocities.

() Horizontal velocity v, = u represented by PA

(i1) Vertical velocity v
represented by PB ; which can be obtained from the relation.
,4y t a,
1, by puting u,=0, a,= 8
we have, ,= 0+ gt =gt
The resultant velocity v is given by PD where, - Xols
+= yu2 + g22

Let v make an angle ß with the horizontal direction, then

tanB = 8t
or B tan
The velocity of the object at different locations is different and it has been shown in Fig. 4.43(5)
Sample Problem A projectile
is fired horizontally
high..Find 6) time taken to reach the ground with a velocity
city of 98 ms-l from a hill 490 m
velocity with which the body strikes the the(ii) the distance of the target
= ground. targ from the hill and (ii) tne
Here, u 98 m/s, y=490 m,
T=?, x =?,v = ? FIGURE 4.44
Refer to Fig. 4.44, From, 98m/s.
( y= gT2

490x98xT = 4.9 T2 or T490 =10s

(i) From X= uT 49
x= 98 x 10 980 mn A B
Gn Resultant velocity, v= yu+ gT2 = 982 +(98x102
=98-/2 m/s ctND
If B is the angle which v makes with the
horizontal direction, then
tan B 3=2=1
or B 45 with the horizontal.
u 98
Let OX be a horizontal line on ground and OY
be a vertical line perpendicular to ground. O is the
origin for X and Y-axes and OY direction for position
measurement is taken as positive. Suppose an object
is projected from the point O with velocity u, making
an angle 0 with the horizontal, such that xo= 0 and
o0 att= 0.
Resolving velocity uinto two rectangular components, we get (i) u cos 9, along OX (i)u sin along
OY. As these two component velocities act
at right angles to each other, therefore they are independent of
each other. The horizontal component velocity u cos e is constant throughout
the motion as there is no
accelerating force in the horizontal direction and air resistance is assumed to be zero. The vertical
velocity u sin 6 decreases continuously with height, from 0 to
H, due to downward force of gravity and becomes zero at H. At
point H, the object has only horizontal component velocity ; u
cos 6. After this, the
object moves with horizontal component
velocity u cos and a continuously increasing vertical component u Cos 6
velocity due to gravity pull and finally strikes at point B on OX.
u sin 0
Fig. 4.45. Here
AH is referred to as the maximum height attained
projectile and OB is called the horizontal range. The object
covers horizontal
distance due to its horizontal component O ucos 6 B
Cty and vertical distance due to its vertical component

Path of projectile
Suppose at any time t, the object reaches at P (, y) clearly,
horizontal distance travelled by object in time t
by object in time t.
y= vertical distance travelled
on along OX of a projectile from O to P. Since the velocity
of the object in
along horizontal direction horizontal direction is
the horizontal
the acceleration a, in the
direction is constant, so the
al direction
along the horizontal direction (i.e. along OX) is given h
position of the obiect at any time t

X tu+5"
4/96 Pradeep s Fundamental Physies (XI)EJ
Here a= 0, ,= u cos 6, a, = 0 and 1=f

0+u cos 0r+(0)

=(u cos 0 1) or

Morion along vertical direction OY, of a projectile from 0 to P, since the vertieal vekeity ot t
object is decreasing from O to P due to gravity, hence acceleration a,
= H. -

The position of the object at any time t along the vertical direction given by

Here, o=0, = U sin 0, a,- 8 and

=0+ (u sin 9)r+- or y= (u sin 0).

Putting the value of r from (57) in (59) we get

y= usin 8
usin y= xtan 0-| 2
8cos62u cos 6 or

This is an equation of a parabola, hence the path of a projectile projected at some angle with the
horizontal direction is a parabola.
Time of flight. It is the total time for which the object is in flight (i.e. remains in air), while
going from O to B. It is denoted by T.
The total time of flight consists of two parts
() Time taken by the object to go from the point O to the highest point H. It is called time of ascent.
(i) Time taken by the object to go from the highest point H to the point B in level with O. It is called
time of descent.
As motion of object from O to H is symmetrical to that from H to B
time of ascent = time of descent = t (say)
As, total time of flight = time of ascent + time of descent T=t+!=2t or I= T/2
At the highest point H, the vertical component velocity of the object becomes zero. Taking vertical
upward motion ofthe object from O to H, we have, uy, = u sin 9, a,= 8, t= T/2 and v, = 0. -

Since, v,= u,+a,

t 0 u
sin 6+(-8) T/2

or T 2u sine ...(61)

In angular projection of a projectile,

time of flight
(i) time of ascent = time of descent =.
(i) time of flight depends upon the vertical component of velocity of projectile.
(i) time of flight depends upon, initial velocity of projection (u), angle of projection (6).
(iv) time of flight is independent of mass of projectile and height attained by projectile during 1s


Maximum height. It is the marimum vertical heightattained by the object above the point o
projection during is Jlight. It is denoted by h.
Taking he vertical upward 4/37
motion of
the objectfrom
u=u sin 6, O to H, we
a,58. Yo=0, y = h,t =TI2= u sin
Using the relation,
ot",t4,, wehave

h=0+u sin 8x u sin

or h=sin?6-1u sine u2sin2
8 2 8 28

i.e., h sin2e
28 (62)
The maximum height attained by a projectile
given angular projection depends upon
velocity of projection and the angle of projection ) tne nitial
or (i) the vertical component velocity of projectile. n
Horizontal Range. lt is the horizontal distance
covered by the object between its point oj |
projection and the point of hitting the ground.
It denoted by R.
Clearly, the horizontal range is the horizontal distance
covered by the object with uniform velocity
u cos in the time equal to total time of flight T.

Ru cos 0x T=ucos 0x =2sin @ cos


R sin 20 .(63)

Maximum Horizontal Range. From (63), we note that for a given speed u of the object, the value of
horizontal range depends upon angle of projection 8 as g is constant at a place. Therefore, horizontal range R
will be maximum if

sin 2 0= maximum 1 sin 90° or 20

= =
90° or 45

Max. horizontal range, R =sin 2x45°=
the object should be projected at an angle of 45 with the
Hence to achieve maximum horizontal range,
in long jump, javelion throw, cricket ball throw etc.
been used by athletes
hO1ZOntal direction. This concept has
This is illustrated in Fig. 4.46(@).

IMPORTANT NOTES. same provided their initial velocity

. projectiles of different masses is the
Horizontal range of various are the same.
of projection with the horizontal
projection and angle u2
usin 2x45°
2. If G = 45°, Max. horizontal range, max
u sin 45 u (1//2) _u21,
Max. height,
2 28

Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI)Vo.,

projectile motion, the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are independent of
cach other i.e. neither motion affects
IN velocities: (1) A unifo
MEMORY 2. Aprojectile moves under the combined effect of two rectangular m
lhorizontal velocity which remains constant throughout the motion of projectile, provided
we ignore air resistance (i) A vertical component velocity which is uniformly changing
due to gravity pull.
3. In angular projection of a projectile, at the highest point, the vertical component of its
velocily is momentarily zero but the horizontal component of its velocity is not zero, but
a constant,
velocity, angle of projection
4. Path of a projectile is determined only by magnitude of initial
gravity and air resistance.
Sample Problem player kicks a ball at an angle of 30° with the horizontal with
A football
(a) the time at which
initial speed of 20 m/s. Assuming that the ball travels in a vertical plane, calculate
(c) the horizontal range of the ball
the ball reaches the highest point (b) the maximum height reached
(d) the time for which the ball is in air. =10 m/s.
Sol. Here, O= 30°; u = 20 m/s
) Time aken by the ball to reach the highest point,
T u sin 6 20 30° =2x (1/2) =1s

usin0 (20) xsin 30 = 5m

(b) The maximum height =
28 2x10

usin20 (201 xsin 2x3034-64 m

(c) The horizontal range
8 10

(d) The time offlight =F

2usin 2x20x Sn 30 2s
8 10 1T G
When an object is projected with velocity u at an angle 0 with the horizontal, then
horizontal range ill

usin 20 (64)
horizontal directio0,
When another object is projected with velocity u making an angle (90°-6) with the
then horizontal range will be
u sin2(90°-8)u"sin (180?
-20) =-sin20. 665)
R 8 8 8

From (64) and (65), we note that R=R2

Thus the horizontal range the is same whether the angle of projection of an object is 0 or (90-5)
velocity, there are two angles of
with the horizontal direction. This indicates that fcra given to an
range is the same. An angle of projection (90°-0) with the horizontal is equivalent
which the horizontal of projection
the vertical. It implies that the horizontal range is the same whether 0 is the angle
angle with
vertical. Fig. 4.46(b).
with the horizontal or with the



0 45
0 15
Range O

Fig. 4.46(a) shows that horizontal range is maximum for 0 - 45°,

For 9= 15° and 75°, the horizonta
ranges are the same but less
b than the maximum horizontal
range. Similarly for 6= 30° and 60°. horizontal
range are again equal. The maximum height in every case is different.
That is why a foot ball kicked at 30° or 60° will strike the ground
at the same horizontal distance
ohotoh, when kicked at 60°, it will cover greater height and will remain longer in air.
From the above discussion, it follows that H.R will be same for any pair of angles whose sum is 90.
means, H.R will be same for 6 = (10"
It and 80"); (15" and 75): (20° and 70); (30 and 60) : (40°
and 50") and so on. The value of H.R would be different for each pair of angles. Further, it follows that
H.R is same, when angle of projection is () greater than 45 by certain value and (Gi) less than 45° by
the same value, i.e., when +0 and 6, = 45° 0 = 90°.
45° -
or 6+6,
Let OX be a horizontal line on ground and OY be a vertical line perpendicular to ground. The point O
Is origin. Let a projectile be projected from 0, with a velocity u in XY plane at an angle e with
taken as the
OX. This velocity can be resolved into two rectangular components
() u cos 8, along OX and (Gi) u sin 8, along OY.
If we ignore air resistance, velocity u cos 6 along OX can be taken as constant. In going from O to H. the
vertical component velocity u sin 0 goes on decreasing due to opposing gravity.
At H, vertical component velocity becomes zero. From H to B, the vertical component velocity goes on

along OX from O to
P, u,
inereasing due to gravity. Fig, 4.47. At any time t, let the projectile be at P. Taking motion of the projectile
we have = u cos
a, = 0, t= tand v, = "
Using the relation,
v,= u,+a,, we get FIGURE 4.47
u cos 0 + (0) t =u Cos 6 .66) M R
t is represented by PL UCOSs6
O to P,
0Ang motion of the projectile along OY from
7, u, =usin 8, a,=-8,t=
Using the relation,

iE Iy4t a,1, we get Oucos0 B


O11aio=usin 6 + (--8)1=. sin 0- gt 67)

the parallelogram PLRM which is rectangle in this case. The resultant
Sented by PM. Complete rectou eSultant
V magnitude and direction by the diagonal PR of the
Will be represented in
Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (KI)YOL

VPL? +
PM?" +"
PR= VPL?+ LR =
yuá cos- 9+ u4 sin40+g4 -2ugt sin 0
PR= (ucos ) + (u sin 0- gt)- =

u (coss 6+sins e) + 8*t*- 2u g t sin 0

V= yu+g-2ug1 sin 6
Let PR make an angle ß with the horizontal

In A RPL, tan
RL_PM t sinu cos
6-g sin 6 tan --8u cos 6
PLPL u Cos 6 u cos&

PR iS eVidently a tangent to the path of projectile at P.

In angular projection, the velocity of projectile at the highest position
of the path is not zero but is
u is the initial velocity of projection and 0 is|
equal to horizontal component velocity = u cos 6, where
the angle of projection with the horizontal.
When 6 is the angle of projection with the vertical Fig. 4.48, FIGURE 4.48
the components of initial velocity are (i) u sin 6 along OX.
(ii) u cos e along OY.
Now proceed exactly as outlined in article 4.31.
As an angle e with the vertical is equivalent to angle usine
(90-0) with the horizontal, therefore replacing by (90°- 9) in
the various formulae obtained in Art. 4.31, we shall obtain the
corresponding expressions in this case as:
Sin (90°-0) 2u -.

() Time of flight = 2u lIsin8 A

(i) Maximum height

= u sin- (90°-6) u cos6
2g 28
(ii) Horizontal range = -sin 2 (90°-0) = -sin (180°-20) = -sin 26 ol
8 8

= x tan (90°-6)-i 8**_ x cot 6-- g

(iv) Path of projectile, y =
2u cos (90°- 0) 2u- sin6
()Velocity at any time t, V= yu2 + g2-2u gi sin (90°-0) = yu? + g*12-2u grcos
This velocity makes an angle ß with the horizontal direction, where

tan B =
u sin (90°-0)-gt_u cos -8t
u cos (90°-0) u sin 6

RETAIN 1. A body is said to be a projectile if it has motion in two dimensions i.e. a projectile shoul
IN have two component velocilies in two mutually perpendicular directions.
MEMORY 2. Horizontal range of projectile is same when angle of projection is
)6 and (90°-8) or (ii) (45° + 0) and (45° 8).
horizontal direction (u cos 6).
3. At the highest point, the projectile possesses velocity only along
RETAIN 4.4. At the highest
pOint of projectile
path, the velocity
and acceleration each
IN 5. In projectile motion, arePP
speed wih wnich it was particle returns to the ground at the same angie same
projected, provided a
6. The angular momentum there is no loss of energy during flioht.
at highest position, given angular "
of the particle
ground is = mu cos proj
6 x max. height =
mu cos 0x
sin29 mu cos sin e
7. In projectile motion, kinetic 2g 2g
energy is maximum
the ground and is minimum at the point of projection or poun freaching
at the highest point.
8. There are two times for which
the projectile travels the sum of
these timings is equal to the given vertical distance and
total time of flight of projectile.
9. The time of flight, the horizontal
range and max. height are independent of mass of
10. The maximum height attained pro)e e.
by projectile is egual to one fourth its maximum rang
11. The range of the long range of
ballistic missile Agni II of India is 3500 km.


Consider an inclined plane OA of inclination
the horizontal. Let a projectile be projected from O with FIGURE 4.49
velocity u making an angle 8 with the horizontal direction
as shown in Fig. 4.49.
Angle of projection of projectile with the inclined usin
plane=-o cos o
(00) Ngcos 0o

Resolving u into two rectangular components, we u

have u cos 6 B
u cos (-) acts along the inclined plane upwards
and u sin (0-0) acts perpendicular to inclined plane upwards
Resolving acceleration due to gravity g into two rectangular components, we have
to inclined plane downwards
8 cos e acts perpendicular
inclined plane downwards.
and 8 sin 6 acts along the
Time of flight. Let Tbe the time taken by projectile to go from O to on the inclined plane. Displacement
Y-axis) is zero, i.e., y =0.
Or projectile perpendicular to the inclined plane (i.e., along
Taking motion ofprojectilefrom O to A
perpendicular to plane OA, we have
sin (0- 0), a, =-8 cos g, t= T, =0
As y=u,1+ a,
sin (0 -0) T+ -8
cos ) 7 OI T uSn
g cos &
maximum height attained by projectile on the inclined plane.
Height. Let H be the OA becomes
the nghest position, velocity of projectile
perpendicular to plane
the component highest position, we haua
perpendicular to inclinea plane Jrom O to the
aking motion of projectile cos Og, y=H
sin (6- 0),
v,= 0, a,=-8
y u2sin2 (-0,
vu+2a, cos 6 of
H =. 2 g cos B
0= [u sin (0-01 2(-8 +
Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
velocity of projectile u cos 6 remains constant throughout the
Range of projectile. The horizontal
motion of projectile from O to B.
sin (6-6,)_2u4 Cos 6sin (8-6)
T cos 6X2u
distance OB = u cos 6x =
g cos cos

Range of projectile on inclined plane

= OB
2u2 cos 6sin (6-6)
i.e., R
2u cos9sin (6-e,)
R OA g cos g cos
Q. 1 How does the knowledge of projectile help a player in the base ball game?
it goes a certain distance in the minimum
Ans. In the base ball game, a player has to throw a ball so that
time. The time would depend on velocity of ball and angle of throw with the horizontal.
For example, if a player intends to throw a ball at a distance of 20 m one second, he has to give
it a speed of 20 m/s at
an angle of 159 above the horizontal. Taking air resistance into account, the
angle of projection has to be increased to 18. Thus while playing base ball game, the speed and
angle of projection have to be adjusted suitably so that the ball covers the desired distance in
minimum time. So a player has to see the distance and air resistance while playing with a base ball
O.2 How does the knowledge of projectile help the atheletes in the long jump (or Javelin throw).
Ans. In Javelin throw (or long jump), maximum horizontal range can be covered if velocity of projection
is maximum (which depends on the strength of athelete) and angle of projection with the horizontal
is 45, (which depends on practice). An athelete, taking part in javelin throw (or long jump) nuns
along a track fast for some distance to acquire large velocity before reaching the marking point and
then throw the javelin (or takes the jump), making an angle of 45 with the horizontal, then the
horizontal range of javelin throw (or long jump) is maximum.


So far we have been studying the motion of an object in a plane with a
uniform acceleration. Now we shall study the motion of the object in a plane
with non-uniform acceleration.
Consider an object moving in X-Yplane with non-uniform acceleration.
It follows a curved path as shown in Fig. 4.50. Let the object be at position A4

andB attimings t and1 respectively, where OA =

r and OB = >x
Displacement. The displacement of the object in
time interval (-) is
According to triangle law of vectors

OA + AB = OB Aß = OB -OA =
or 7-7 A7=i-
If the position coordinates of the object at A and B are (x, y) and
(1. y1) then
7-xi+yj and îtyi

Displacement, A 7= (a, î+ i)-tî+ y

= -dî+(), -v)i =Axî+Arj .(68)
where -x)= Ax and -y) =Ay
Magnitude of displacement,
Velocity. Ar=|(r -xy+(y
( y212
y)2]i2 --

The average veloCity Day J an

object is the
corresponding time interval (A ratio of the displacement (Ar) ane *"
), i.e.

Ar A
AxAy =0,i +Uyj .69)
where v, and v, are the average component
velocities of the obiect along X and Y directions, thin
time interval (- 1). The direction of vay is the same
av as that of Ar.
The instantaneous velocity v, of the object
at an instant t is the average velocity in a very
small interval of timeA t around time 1,
when At approaches to zero.

,Limit Ar dr .(70)
At0 At dt
For velocity v,, the meaning of the limiting process
can be easily understood with the help of Fig.
4.51(a) to (d). In these figures, the solid curve represents the
path of object. The object is at point A on the
path at time t. B, C and Drepresent the positions of the object aftertime intervals A
t, A and A 13, where A 1,>
A1>A A.Ar and Ar are the displacements of the object in time intervals A t, A t2 and A '3

respectively. Here, Aj >Ar > Arg.It means as timeinterval A t decreases, the displacement vector A

decreases. When At>0, Ar>0. It means, Ar becomes tangent to the path at A. Fig,. 4.51(d). Thus, the
direction of instantaneous velocity of object at any point on the path, is tangent to the path at that point,
which is the direction of motion of the object at that instant.



in terms of rectangular components.

we have 7, i+y)= î+u.
Using 7=xi+yî in (3), dt
where, and dt YA

The magnitude of v, is,

direction of X-axis, Fig. 4.52, then
an angle with the
tan =x Or tan X
4/44 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)
Avernge nrceleration ag of the object for a given time interval while moving in X-Yplane is
the change in velocity (Au) divided by the time interval (A t), ie.,

AA,+v, J) 2j=a,i+a, j
At At At At
where are the components of average acceleration along X and Y-directions in the interval of
time A .

Instantaneous nccelerntion (a) is the limiting value ofthe average acceleration as the time
interval approaches zero, i.e.,

a, =Limit AD_ dv
At0 A dt
In tems of rectangular components along X and Y directions

a, ita, j,î+v, ) =
and d dt

Magnitude of instantaneous acceleration is,

For acceleration a, the meaning of limiting process can be understood with the help of Fig. 4.53()
to (d).


X X X +X
AU3 90°

locations B, Cand D are represented by velocity vectors

Inthe Fig. 4.530) to (d), the solid line curve represents the path of object. The object is at A at time t. B,
C and D represent the positions of the object after time interval A

t,t, and A t. The velocity of the object a

v, respectively. In each caseof At, Av

obtained using Iriangle law of vectors addition. We know that the direction of average acceleration is the
Same as that of Av .From figures (a), (b) and (©), we note that as Ar decreases, the direction of A 7 changes.

Due to it, the direction of acceleration changes. When At 0, Av becomes perpendicular to v

Fig. 4.53(d). It means the instantaneous acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity vector at that instant.
sider an object moving along a FIGURE 4.54
tion in the plane of eircular path of radius r, in
paper, witlh
o»f circular motioi pass through centre at 0. Let
theanis of paper. Let the O in a direction
o tle plae
poSition of lhe
tinewhere object change from
POQ=0. l'ig. 4.54. Tlherelore, P to
, the dius veclor trac out an angle0 at during time interval
the axis of the circular
rs A
Here knov
0 is known as angular displacement
of the object in time.
Thus, angular displacement in a given time
defined as the angle traced out by the of the object, moving around a circular pun is
radius vector at the centre the circular path in the given
time. of

Since. angle = arc/radius, ...(71)

In (71). the angle B represents the magnitude of angular
displacement and is expressed in radian (dno
by rad.).
Angular displacement is a veclor quantity, provided 0 is small. This is
vectors addition for large angles is not
because the commutative law o
valid, whereas for small angles, the law is valid*. The direction of angular
displacement depends upon the senseof rotation of the object andis given by Right Hand Rule. This rule states
that if the curvature of the fingers of right hand represents the sense of rotation of the object, then the thumb, held
perpendicular to the curvature of the fingers, represents the direction of angular displacement vector.
In Fig. 4.54, when particle is rotating in anticlockwise direction, angular displacement is perpendicular
to the plane of the paper acting upwards.


Angular velocity of an object in circular motion is defined as the time rate of change of its
angular displacement.
It is generally denoted by » (omega) and is measured FIGURE4.55
in radian per second (denoted by
Its dimensional
formulais [M°L°T]
Consider a point object moving along a circular
wIth centre (i.e. axis of rotation) at O. Let the object
rom P to Q in a small time interval A 1, Where
LPOQ = A 0. Fig 4.55(a).
Now angular velocity
A6 de
angle traced Limit
)= A0 dt
time taken same as that of A9.
quantity. Its direction is the
Angular velocity is a vector direction of o,
on the cireular path, the according to
anticlockwise rotation of the point object 4.55(a). For clockwise rotatiou
upvarus, ig.
Right of circular path
H nand rule, is along the axis axis ofcircular path direet
the directionof o 1s along the
object on the circular path,
Fig. 4.55(b). angular velocity vecto
actually moves in the direction of the
g1s important to note that hat the
rotational motion is taking place in
a plane perpendicular to it.

of simply representsu
The direction
Clockwise or anticlockwise.
chapter 4.
*Se Conceptual Problem 42 of
4/46 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (X1yvo


Consider a point object moving with a uniform angular velocity o and linear speed v, on a circular oves

ofradius rwith centre at O. At any time t let the object be at P, where OP = r .Attime (1 +A ), let the obiers
be at Q. where LPOQ=A8, and O0 = r+Ar. Fig 4.56. It means an object describes an arc POoflenet
Al in time interval Ar. FIGURE 4.56
V=A UAr or Al=vAt .(72)
and =A 6/Ar or A0 At 73)
Since, angle = arc/radius
A8=Alr or Ar=vA tr From (72) & (73)]
Direction of . When Ar0, then in A OP0, 2OPQ -> T/2.

PQ tends to become perpendicular to OP i.e. PQ is directed along the tangent to the circle at
Hence the velocity at P is directed along the tangent to the circle at P in the direction of motion.
Angular acceleration of an object in circular motion is defined as the time rate of change of its
angular velocity.

It is generally denoted by o. Let Aw be the change in angular velocity of the object in

time interval Ar
from t to (t +A t), while moving on a circular path. Then angular acceleration
of the object will be

=Limit 40 _do
At 0 dt
SI unit of angular acceleration is rad. s and its dimensional
formula is [M L°T-2].
Relation between Linear acceleration and Angular acceleration
We know that linear velocity v is related
with angular velocity o by the relation,
Differentiating it w.r.t. time, we have

dt (:ris constant in circular motion)
or a Xr
where a is the linear acceleration and is
a the angular acceleration.
When a point object is moving on
a circular path with a constant speed (i.e. covers
distances on the circumference of the it equal
circle in equal intervals of time), then the motion the
object is said to be a uniformcircular motion. of
Time period. In circular motion, the time
complete one revolution on its circular
periodis defined as the time taken by the object to
It is generally denoted by T and is expressed
in second.
(b) Frequency. In circular notion,
the frequency is defined as the number of revoluions
completed by the object on its circular
path in a unit time.
It is generally denoted by v. Its unit is
s-l or hertz (Hz).
(c) Relation between time period and
fris the frequency of revolution of an ohie
in I
second. Therefore, the object will complete in circular motion, then the object completes v revu
one revolution (called
second. tinc period of revolution
1 T 1/v or V= 1/T or vT .76)
Relation betweern angular velocity,
frequency and time periotd
Consider a point object describing a
hiect completes one revoluti0n, the angle circular motion with frecqucney v and tine pEri
ne t
1=T, 0 = 2 radians. Hence, angular
traced at its axis of circular notion is 2 Tt 1acdan:

o 27 (: T'= /v)...77)
Sample Problem Calculate the angular speed of the flywhccl making 240 revolutions per minute.
Sol. Here, 0 = 240 x 2 t radians and t= 60 seconds.

Angular speed,
»==240X2 -8 T rads FIGURE 4.57
When a point object is moving along a horizontal circular path with a
constant speed, the direction of its velocity vector at an instant (represented
by the tangent to the circular path) is changing with time, Fig 4.57. It means
in a uniform circular motion, the velocity vector of the object is changing
with time. This indicates that the uniform circular motion is an accelerated

Acceleration of an object undergoing uniform circular motion is called centripetal acceleration.

the circular path.
It always acts on theobject along the radius and towards the centre of
Expression for centripetal acceleration
a constant speed v and uniform angular velocity o, ona
Consider a particle of mass m, moving with
Circular path of radius r with centre at O. At any time 1, let the particle be at P, where OP = and at time

+A), let the particle be at Q, where 0Q

= and ZPO=A6, Fig 458(a). Clearly: I= =r

A0 .(78)
Angular speed of the particle, At
and Q respectively,
vectors of the particle at locations P
Let v, and v, be the velocity
direction of velocity vector at a FIGURE4.58
Circular motion, the circular path at that B
tangent to the A
dlon is always along the
represented in magnitude
location, hence v, and v can be
respectively. Since
and OB P
and direction
by the tangents PA the lengths of the P"
theparticle with a uniform speed v,
is moving
tangents at P and Q are equal, i.e.,

sics AI)ve
Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (
take an extermal
interval A r between 1 and +A),
(1 poine
To find the change velocity
in in time

PA' equal and parllel to PA and PB'

cqual and parallcl to QB, Fig
4.8(6). tob, obrt
Clearly. A P' B'= A 0. From A law of

PA+A'B'= P'B
Av (say)
A'B'= PB-P'=V,-
B of circle of radius p
be taken as an arc A
As At>0, A' lies close to B'. Then A' B can

- (A1) =- From
PA' Or

U lo= (0r)0=0°r

When Ar0. then represents the magnitude of centripetal acceleration at P, which is givenh

al YOU
Thus. 1dl=or=vIr .(79) KNOW
When a body is moving with
Direction of centripetal acceleration. It is always the same as that a constant angular velocity, its

angular acceleration is zero.

of Av. When Ar decreases, AG also decreases. Due to it, Av becomes
2. A uniform circular motion is
more and more perpendicular to v. When Ar> 0, Av becomes an accelerated motion.
perpendicular to the velocity vector. As the velocity vector of the particle 3. The work done by centripeta
at an instant acts along the tangent to the Circular path, therefore force is zero.
Av and
hence the centripetal acceleration vector acts along the radius 4. The centripetal force does not
of the
circular path at that point and is directed towards the centre of
the circular increase the kinetic energy and
path. angular momentum of the
particle moving in a circular
RETAIN1. In a uniform circular motion
of an
object, the path.
direction of velocity vector of the object 5. Without centripetal force,
MEMORY tangentially to the circular path changes acting
continuously body cannot move on a circul
with time but its magnitude always path.
remains constant
(v = r0). 6. In different types of circula
2. The magnitude of centripetal motion, the centripetal force B
acceleration of a
uniform circular motion is constant provided by different means.
and rare constant but its direction
(=v/r) becauseev
changes continuously 7. In projectile motion both tne
with time and it is always pointing magnitude and direction 0
towards the centre
of circular path. acceleration (g) remal
constant throughout the moto
Samplo Problem A stone tied to the
end of a string 2 m whereas in a uniform circula
long is whirled in a horizontal circle with motion, of
constant speed. If the magnitunt
makes 10 revolutions in 20 s, calculate the the stone
magnitude and direction acceleration remains consta
of acceleration. but direction of accelera
changes continuously with in
Sol. Here:r= 2 m; v= 10/20 = 1/2 r.p.s.
Centripetal acceleration,
a,=ro=r4 T2 2
1974 ms2
c direction is along the string directed
towards the centre of rotation of stone.
Consider a parucie aescribing a circular path radius
of r with centre at 0. Let the linear speea the
article be changing with time. At any instant, letv be the
linear speed, o be the angular velocity and Du
angular acceleration of the particle.
The particle has two types of accelerations.

1. Centripetal acceleration (a,) =v0

It acts along the radius and is directed towards the centre of the circular path.
2. Tangential acceleration (a7) = ra. It acts along the tangent to the circular path and is in the plane of
the circular path.

aand a are perpendicular to each other. The total acceleration aá ofthe particle is given by

ala+ a =
Special Cases: Case (i). If ar= 0, the particle will have only centripetal acceleration. The particle will
move on a circular path with constant angular velocity. The magnitude of centripetal acceleration, is
Case (ii). If a, = 0, the particle will have only tangential acceleration. Now the particle will accelerate
along the tangent to the circular path.

on a circular road of radius 500 m. It is

Sample Problem A motor car travelling at 30 m/s
ncreasing its speed at the rate of 2 ms.
What is its acceleration?
ms;r= 500 m ;a7=2 -2
Sol. Here,v = 30

Centripetal acceleration a 500
circular path and ac
1S acing along the radius towards the centre af
riere,is acting tangential to the
the circular path, i.e., perpendicular to ar
The effective acceleration, a +a7
=y18)2 + (2)2 = 27
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL


= yAB) +(BC)4 +2 ABxBC xcos 60

Formulae used.
() If R= A+ B. then = (200)2 +(200)2 + 2>x 200x 200xl/2

R= A+ B +2ABcos0 2003m
Path length at the end of second tum
AB + BC = 2 AB =2x 200
B sin
and tanB=-
A+ Bcos0 = 400 m
(it) At the end of fourth turn, the displacement
(ii) If R=A-B= Å+(-B), BD
of motorist is AE =

then R= A+ B -2ABcos e Magnitude of AE = magnitude of BD

Sin (180°-0) B sin 6 (BC)+ (CD)2 +2(BC)(CD)cos60

and tan A =B+B cos (180°-0) A- B cos

Units used. A and B are the magnitudes of vectors

= y(200)2 +(200) +2x200x200 xl/2
to be taken in the same units and 0 is the angle
= 200-3m
between A and B, to be taken in degrees.
Path length at the end of fourth turn

Examplel In an open ground, a motorist

AB + BC+ CD + DE
= 4 AB = 4x 200 800 m
follows a track that turns to his left by an angle
60° after every 200 m. Starting from a given turn, (iii) At the end of seventh turn, the
find the displacement and the total path length displacement of motorists is AB
covered at the second, fourth and seventh turn.
Solution. Let motorist start from A and follows Magnitude of AB = AB = 200m
the path ABCDEFA as shown in Fig. 4.59. The Path length at the end of seventh run
motorists reaches at position C at the end of second
turn, at position E at the end of fourth turn and at AB + BC+CD + DE + EF +FA+AB
position B at the end of seventh turn. = 7 AB
FIGURE 4.59 7x 200 1400 m
Example 2
A motor boat is racin8
60D towards North at 25 km/h and the water current
60 60° in that region is 10 km/h in the direction of 60°
EAst of South. Find the resultant velocity of the
boat. NCERT Solvod Example
60 A60 Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.60, here
60° A 25 km/h along OP;
B 10 km/h along O2
() At the end of second turn. Displacement of Angle between A and B is
motorist is; 6 180°- 60° = 120°

FIGURE4.60 rom above we have, 2 F= 20 or Fa 10N

N Bigger force = 2 F= 2 x 10= 20 N

P ExamploTwo forces whose maguitude N. If the

aren the ratio 3:5give a resultant of 28
/ magnitude
angle of their inclination is 60", find the
of each force.
Solution. Let A and B be the two forces.
Then A = 3 x; B= 5x:
R= 28 N and 0 = 60°
Thus, A/B = 3/5.
Now R= yA2+ B2 +2 AB

ABcos 28= 3.x)2 + (5.x) +2 (3 x) (5 x) cos 60°

R AB--2 =
+ 15 7x
= 252 -10 -2x25x10cos120 or 28= 9+25
or *= 28/7 = 4.
= 218 km/h =3 12 N
Forces are; A x4
B sin 6 10x sin 120° and B 5x4 20 N
cos 6 25 10 cos 120
Example5 Two forces acting on a particle
= 0-433 = tan 23-4° in opposite directions have a resultant If they 1

or B 23-4° East of North act at right angle to each other, the resultant is 5
the values of two forces.
Find the
N. Find
Example5 Two forces F and 2 F newton
Solution. Let Fj and Fz be the two forces acting
act on a particle. If the first force be doubled and on a particle.
thesecond force be increased by 20N, the bigger ()When the forces act in opposite directions,
of resultant is unaltered. Find the value of
F- F2= or Fj = + F2
l 1
Solution. Let 0 be the angle between two forces
force (ii) When the forces act at right angle to each
Fand 2 Fand B be the angle which the resultant
makes with he force F. other then resultant force is

2Fsin 6 6 4 F=25
Infirst case, tan p
+2 F cos F F+F=5
(2F+20)sin6 or (1+F+F
In second case, tan p
F+(2F+20)cos or 2F+2F,-24 =0
(2F+20)sin 8 F+F,-12=0
Hence 2Fsincos6 2F+(2F+20)

F+2F On solving, we get F2 =3 N and -4 N

From (), F = 3 + l
D-B or -4 =+1= -3N
2F sin 6 Values of F 4N, F2 = 3 N
F+2F cos Example 6 The greatest and the least
0 Tesultant of two forees acting at a point are 25 N
(2F+20)sin 0-2F sin cos 0)
-(F+2F and 5 N respectively. If each force is increcased by
+(2F+ 20) cos
Z sN, find the resultant of two new forces acting at
20 sin 6 right angles to each other.
F+20 cos 6
4/52 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VoL
Solution. Let A and B be the two forces. Then Example 8 A person rows a boat in
greatest resultant =A +B = 25 i) water with a speed of 4 ms. Water in a
= - the river
Least resultant A B=5 .(i) flowing with a speed of 2 ms. If the person tis
On solving (i) and (ii), we get the boat perpendicular to the direction f
A = 15 N and B = 10N find the resultant velocity of the boat
and tim
When each force is increased by 5 N, then new taken by boat to cross the river if width of the
forces are = 15 +5 = 20 N river is 400 m.
A Solution. Here, velocity of boat, v, = 4 ms-l
B = 10+ 5 15 N along OB
Since the angle between new forces is 90, so
their resultant force is velocity of water, v,, = 2 ms' along OA,
width of river = 400 m, Fig. 4.61.
B, cos +
R-A +B+24, 90=4 FIGURE 4.61
= V202 +152 = 25 N

Let resultant R make an angle ß with the

direction of A , then 400 m

B B, sin 90
tanB =. B_15 A

A+B cos90° A 20 OUw 2 ms

0-75 = tan 36° 52 Resultant velocity of boat vp is along OC. Then
or B 36° 52'

Example 7
The sum of the magnitudes of
= v+u =v4* +22 =4472 m/s

If OC makes an angle 0 with OB , then

two forces acting at a point is 18 N and the
magnitude of their resultant is 12 N. If the
resultant makes an angle of 90° with the force of sin6= =
Smaller magnitude, find the magnitudes of the two =sin30° or 30°
Time taken to cross the river,
Solution. Let A and B be the two forces and 400 400
be the angle between them. Let A <B. t=
As per question, A + B= 18
100 s

or B=
(18-A) ..) Example A man can swim at the rate
As the resultant makes an angle 90° with the of 5 km/h in still water. A river 1 km wide flows at
force of smaller magnitude, then ß = 90°. the rate of 3 km h- A swimmer wishes to cross
the river straight.
B sin 6 B sin 6
or tan 90°=. (a) Along what direction must he strike?
A+Bcos 0 A+ Bcos 6 (b) What should be his resultant velocity ?
B sin 6 (c) How much time he would take to cross?
or co=
cose or A +B cos = 0
A+B Solution. Given, width of river = 1 km.
or B cos 6-A Velocity of swimmer, v, = 5 km/h; Velocity
water flowing in river, v, = 3 km h-l along OA.
Resultant, R= A2+B2 +2 AB cos 9 The swimmer will cross straight if the
(12)2 A2 + (18- A)+2A (-A) resultant velocity of river flow and swimmer
i.e. along
perpendicular to the direction of river flow
an angle
[From (1) and (i)] OC. It will be so if swimmer moves making
or 144 A2 + 324 36A +A2 -2A2 Refer to Fig
&with upstream i.e. goes along OB. -
or 36 A = 180 or A =5N;B = 18-5 = 13N 4.62. Here, 0 +a = 90° or 6 = (90° a)

FIGURE 4.62 AS the body is in equilibrium, thercfore, the

B nree forces acting on the body must be reprcsentea
197 Dy the three sides of the triangle OCB taken in

order. Hence, CB

F = mg x = (0-03 x 9.8)x tan 30
= 0-03 x 98 x 1/3 N= 0-1694 N
In A OBC. sin 6 = sin (90° -
a = 0-03 x 1/3 kfg = 0-01732 kgf

BC Examplo The position of a particle is

OB given by 7=3-0ti+ 2-012 j+50k
cos = cos 53° 8' Where t is in seconds and the coefficients have the
or = 53° 8 upstream. proper units for r to be in metres. Find the velocity
and acceleration of the particle in magnitude and
(b) Let v be the resultant velocity along Oc.
direction at timet = 3-0 s.
NCERT Solved Example
=vs - = km/h
U=- Solution. Velocity D=47)
(c) Time taken by swimmer to cross the river is dt

4 4
= 15 minutes =4(3tî+2/ j+5k) =3i+41j
Examplo10 Determine the horizontal dv
a = "0+4j =4j:
force required to displace a mass of 0-03 kg dt
suspended by a string until the string makes an
angle 30° with the vertical.
When =3-0s. 7=3î+4x3j =3i+ 12i
Solution. Let OA be the initial position of suring 32+122 = 12-4 ms-
an U=
and a mass suspended at the end A be displaced at
angle 30° trom its vertical position by the horizontal Ire is the angle which the direction of v makes
force F. Fig. 4.63. with the X-axis, then
at B are
The various forces acting on the body
= acting tan 4 tan 76° or 6 = 76°
)The weight = mg 0-03 x 9-8 N
vertically downwards, Example 2 Rain is falling vertically with
(7) The force F acting horizontally a speed of 35 ms. Winds starts blowing after
(i) The tension T acting along the string. sometime with a speed of 12 ms in East to West
direction. In which direction should a boy waiting
FIGURE 4.63 at a bus stop hold his umbrella?
NCERT Solved Exampl

Solution. Refer Fig. 4.64,

=(OB) = 12 ms, along West

B F v, = (OA) = 35 ms-
along vertical downward
4/54 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics
The boy can protect himself from the rain if he
holds his umbrella in the direction of resultant velocity lv-, l = AB = V(OA) +(0B}

R of v, and v, ie., along the direction OC as =30+20 =Vi300 =36ms

shown in Fig. 4.64. If 6 is the angle which R makes Average acceleration,
with the vertical direction, then
FIGURE 4.64 ay I
-30 = 0-9 ms2
t 40
B Formulae used. () Relative velocity of A
w.r.t. B.
R AD- =v+-)
If is the angle between A and B , then
AB =v + vg +204 Vp

lan 6w_ 12
0= = =
0-3429 = tan 18°
=v +v-20" cos0]
35 56 B
If is the angle which v^ makes with the
18° 56' with vertical towards East. direction of v, then,
Example 18 car travelling at a speed of
30 ms' due north along the highway makes a left BSin (180°-0)
tan B = Sin
turn on to a side road which heads towards duue A+ Cos (180°-0) A cos8
west.It takes 40 s for the car to complete the turn. Units used. The SI units of vA Vß and vAB are
At the end of 40 s, the car has a speed of 20 ms- msand cgs units are cms
along the side road. Determine the magnitude of
average acceleration over the 40 second interval.
4 Rain is falling vertically with
Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.65, initial velocity, a speed of 35 ms-.A woman rides a bicycle with
v, = OA = 30 ms, a speed of 12 ms-l in East to West direction. What
due north. Final velocity
is the direction in which she should hold her
V,=OB =20 ms due west. umbrella 2 NCERT Solved Example

Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.66,


v, = (OA ) = 35 ms-, along vertical
Change in velocity
7 U=OB = 12 ms
along West. The woman
can protect herself from the rain if she holds her
of relative velocity
brella in t he direction of rain
bicycle. Tofind the relative velocity of rain w.r Let be the angle which makes with the
bring the bicycle at rest by imposing a
bicycle, bring vertical, then
ocity -7, (= OC) on bicycle and apply this
velocity on rain also. Now the relative velocity of
bicycle () will be the resultant of
6= AR
OB =075
rain w.r.t. =36°52 (east of vertical)
and -v,(= OC); which will be Example l6 A person standing on a roa0
has to hold his umbrella at 60° with the vertical to
represented by diagonal OD of rectangle OADC. keep the rain away. He throws the umbrella and
AD Starts running at 20 ms-, He finds that rain drops
tan 18°56 are hitting his head vertically. Find the speed of
the rain drops with respect to (a) the road (b) the
18 56 with the vertial towards the West. moving person.
Examplel6 To a person going westwards Solution. When person is at rest with respect to
ground, the rain is coming to him at an angle 60° with
with a speed of 6 km h, rain appears to fall the vertical i.e. along OB, when a person after throwing
vertically downwards with a speed of 8 km h. hic
his umbrella runs on ground with velocity 20 ms', the

Find the actual speed of the rain and its direction. relative velocity of rain w.r.t. person is along OC as
Solution. Refer to 4.67, velocity of person, shown in Fig. 4.68.

v= OA, where vp =6 km hl
Relative velocity of rain wrt., to person,

OB where v,p = 8 km h-H

Up , --
Let v. be the velocity of rain, then

div t p=V,-"p or v, =Vyp+Up


Here, ZBOC = 60°.
Velocity of rain w.r.t. ground, v, = OB

UpAE Velocity of person w.r.t. ground, v, = OA
where, v= OA = 20 ms-l = CB
Velocity of rain w.r.t. person, v,, OC
(a) In A OCB, OB = CB/sin 60°
20/(3/2) 40/3
or = . Velocity of rain w..t. ground,
OB + 0A = OC
v, = 40/3 km/h = 23-1 km/h
Magnitude (6) In A OCB, OC = CB/tan 60°
of v,
=20/3 11-55 km/h.
=1OCl= o,p} +(vp)* Velocity of rain w.r.t. person,
Vp=11-55 km/h
= v8+62 =10km h
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics
Example l7 To a person going East in a FIGURE 4.70
car with a velocity of 50 km hl, a bus appears to N

move towards North with a velocity 50

3 km h.
What is the actual velocity and direction of motion
of the bus ?
Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.69, the true velocity
of car, c = OA = 50 km h due East.

VBA 45

W--- E Relative velocity of B w.r.t. A is

BA-' =vg+(-VA) = OB +OC

OB) +(OC)+2(0B)(OC)cos90
Relative velocity of bus w.r.t. car
Bc = OB = 50/3 kmh, due North. vBc is the
resultant velocity of vp and -
vc. = 542 + 722
= 90 km h-1
Therefore, the true velocity of bus (v) must
be represented by OC.Let ZBOC = B.
Then tano
OC v,72
= 075
vR OC =VBC? +0p2
tan 36° 54'
=y503 +(50-/3)2 = 100 km h-1 = 36° 54
LSOD = 45° +36° 54'
tanB=BC lan 50
30 = 81° 54' West of South

503 3 OB
p=30° East North of RECTANGULAR
Example 18 A train is moving with a cOMPONENTS OFA VECTOR
velocity 72 km hl in the North-East direction. If
another train is moving with a velocity 54 km hin
the North-West direction, then what is the Formula used. () If Á = A, i+A, i
relative velocity of the second train w.r.t. the first then A=A cos 0 and A, A sin6
train ?
Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.70,
Velocity of first train, v = 0A and B i+B, j+ B, k

where v
= OA = 72 km h-l
then A=4+A2+A
-v OC where (OC) = (OA) =vA = 72 km hl B-+R2+B
Velocity of second train A

where, vp =54 km h- A+B (A, +B,)î+(4, +B,)j+A, +B)

of is, 0X5UO
Unit vector
Let R make an angle B with East, then
A,i+A, j+A,k
A A+A+A3
tanB = = 0-75 = tan 36° 52

or B=36° 52' South of East

Units used A and B are the magnitude of vcctors
A and B. to be taken
Example 20 What is the distance travelled
same units, 6 is
in the
the Dy a point during the time t, if it moves in X-Y
angle which A makes with the x-axis, plane, according to the relation

Example A ball is acted upon

X=a sin o and y = a (1-
cos a)
by the Solution. Velocity of the point along.r-aris,
following velocities. (1)3 ms-l due East
11 ms due South and (ii) = awcos wr
( 2 ms-l due North
Fast. Find the magnitude and direction of resultant Velocity of the point along y-axis,
Solution. The various velocities acting
on the dt aw cos Wt

are shown in Fig. 4.71(a). OP = 3 ms

1l ms" due South and

os = 52
As, V=,i+v, j and v=+u
ms inclined at an angle 45° with so, ya o cos or +a-w sin- o
East. v=
OS into two rectangular a0 =
components along East and North directions, we
Distance travelled in time T = UT = a 0T
Example 2 A vector C , when added to
N =
the resultant of the vectors
A 3i-4j+ 5k
5/2 ms- B= 21+3j-4k a
gives unit vector alongy-avis.
3ms1 E
E Find the magnitude of c.
11ms Solution. Resultant of A and B is
s = 5î-j+k
Unit vector along y-axis = j
5V2 cos 45° = 5 ms along East As per question
and5v2 sin 45° 5 ms along North C+R= or -}-R=j-61-j+
Effective velocity of ball along East,
A=3+5 =8 m/s, represented by OP
d the effective velocity of ball along South, IC -5)2 +(2)2 +(-)2 V30

Bl1-5=6 m/s,represented by O2 Examplo 22 If A=3î+4j

he resultant velocity represented B=7i+24j . find a vector having the same
R will be
Y OT , where
LPO0' = 90°. Fig. 4.71(b). magnitude as A and parallel to B.
Thus magnitude Solution. Here, IAl =v32 +42 =5
of R will be
B2 =
82+ 62 = 10ms" Bl=v72+ 242 =25
4/58 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) voON
Unit vector in the direction of Bis Unit vector of B,

B 25 25
The vtor having the same magnitude as A
Let be the angle between A and B,
and parallel to B is The
component of A along the direction of B is
25 = (A cos 0) B=(A-B)B
= 7î+24) =(3i+4
PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORs 612(2-3)- -ai-8j
13 13

Formulae used. () A.B = ABcos where is the Example 25 If vectors A, B and C have
smaller angle between A and B .
magnitudes 5, 12 and 13 units and A+ B=C
(ii) If 0 is smaller angle between A and1B, find the angle between B and C .

A.B Solution. As A+B =C

then Cos
(i) If -A,+A,î+a1 Then A.A =(C-B).(C-B)
and B-B,î+B,i+a k
then A.B =A, B, +A, B, +A, B, orA = C-2 CBcos 0+B
Example 28 For what value of m, the or cos= +2-A2
vector A=2i+3j-6k is perpendicular to
132 +122
B-31-m+6h 2
5 288
2x13x12 13

Solution. Here, A =
2i+3-6 cos (12/13)

B 3i-mf+6k;0=90 Examplo 26 Ir A+B=3î+6j+2

A.B = AB cos 90° = 0 and A- B=6î+3/-k.Find themagnitudeof
Hence, (2 i+3f-68).(8i-m j+68) =0 A and B and theirscalar product A.B.
or 2 x3+3 x (-m) + (-6) x6 =0 Solution. Here, A+ B = 3î+6j+2k
or 6-3 m-36 = 0 or m =-10
Example 24 Find the component and A-B= 6î+3/-£
vector A = 3i +4j along the direction of On solving, we get A=oî+9j+k1
Solution. Here, A = (3i + 4 j): B = (2i-3j)
and B-3i+3/+31

Now, cos
cos 8 =
F.d 16 160:32
163-127 6:39 Fd V50
50 50
cos (0-32) = 71-3

Bl ++ 3-26 Unit vector along

d- Si+4j+3 5?+4+3
.-pî+9+ -si+3j+sk 544 43 V50

k(-3) +9x3+1x3] == F.d=G?+4-sA, (Si+4+3

Example 27 If unit vectors A and B are 3(5) +4(4)-5(3)16
inclined at an angle 6, then prove that 50 50
IA-BI =2
sin e/2
. Projection of F on d = component vector
Solution. We know that of F along d .Itis
à-BP-(-B).(A-B) = (F.i),d- 16 5î+4j+3k)
A-BP=A.A+ B.B-2A.B 50 50
=1 +1 -2 (1) (1) cos = 2(1 -cos 0) = 032 (5 i+4j+ 3k)
=2[1-(1-2 sin e/2)] =4 sin2 e/2
(*cos 20 =1-2 sin0) TYPE CROSS PRODUCT OR VECTOR
TA-B1 = 2 sin 0/2
Formulae used
28 Find the angle between force
() AxB = C =AB
sin 6 C where c is a unit
F-(+4-58) and displacement
vector perpendicular to the plane containing A and
d=(5i+ 4+ 3k) unit. Also, find the projection
B,0is the smaller angle between A and B
ofF on d. (i) If two vectors are parallel or antiparallel then
NCERT Solved Example
= (3 i+4 j-5k)
Solution. Here, F (it) ixî = jxj= kxk=0
hsbai d= (5 i+4 j+3k)
F.d=(8i+4 -sH-si+4j+3k)
Giv) If A=A, i+A, j+A, R,
3 (5)+ 4 (4)-5 (3)
= 16 units
and B-8,i+8,j+a, R, then

FP+2+F? xB=fa, -4.8,)+jA,,-AB,)

32 +42+ (-5)? = V50 +k (A,B,A,B,)
d =s242+32 = V50
4/60 Pradeep's Fundamental
Physics (XI)VO
() Unit vector perypendicular to the plane of A Area of parallelogram =lAXB|

and Bis AXB

36sq. unit
(vi)IA x Bl= arcaof parallelogramwhosetwo sides
Example 3 The diagonals of a parallelo.

are representcd by two vectors A and B

gram are represented by d, =2i+3j-sk and
= twice the arca of a triangle whose two sides

are represcnted by two vectors A and B.

d =6î+5-3k. Find the area of the
Example 29 Find the scalar and vector Solution. Here. d, =2î+3j-sk
products of two vectors
d, -6î+5-3
a = (3i-4j+ 5k)
Solved Example
Solution. Here,

a=3-4j+s. b=-aî+j-3 =î(-9+25) + j (-30+6) +k(10-18)

a.b-(3-4 j+5A).(-2i+-3k) =161-24-8
=3-2)-4 (1) + 5 (-3)
= -
6-4 - 15 = -25 ldxdl=i6+(-24)2+(-8)
axb=(3i-4+5k )x(-2î+-3k =256+576 +64 896
29.93 sq. unit
Area ofparallelogram =ld,xd,
-2 13 x29.93 14:97 sq.unit

= i (12-5)+j(-10+9) +R(3-8) Example 32 Determine the sine of the

angle between the vectors
=7--5 2?+3-4k and (î -2/+2).
Example 80 Calculate the area of a =
parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are Solution. Here A (2î+3j-4k)
formed by the vectoors
und B = (i-2j+26)
A=3î+5j and B=-3î+7j.

Solution. AxB=| 3
1-3 +7 0
= ?(0-0]+j [0-0]+ k [21+ 15]
=î6-8) +î(-4-4)+k(-4-3)
= +36k
= -2-8-7

xBl-2) +(-8) +(-7 =

Al=2+33 +(-4
Formulae used. (1) For motion along x-axis.
+22 =
Il=+-2 5 ta,t and x=% +u+5"
(i) For motion along y-axis v,= uy + ay
- 17 and y=
ATBI V29 9
(i) Time of flight, T = 2/g
(iv) Horizontal range, R =u,T=u,V2h/s
sin29 v) Velocity of projectile at an instant of its flight is
Example B3 Determine a unit vector
which is perpendicular to both v+ =v,/v,
and tan ß

- 2+ +R
Units used. Here, u, 4y, Vgo V, and v are in ms";
ay 1n ms, t in second and R in metre.
and B-i-+2. Example 34 Two tall buildings face each
Solution. Let C be perpendicular to A and B
other and are at a distance of 180 m from each
other. With what velocity must a ball be thrown
then C can be taken as the cross product of A and horizontally from a window 55 m above the
ground in one building, so that it enters a window
10-9 m above the ground in second window.
8= 9-8 ms2
Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.72, A and B are two
C=AxB |2 1 1 tall buildings which are 180 m apart. W and W2 are
the two windows in buildings A and B respectively.
1 -1 2 FIGURE 4.72
=i(1x2-1x(-1))+ j{1x1-2x2)
+h (2x(-1)-1x1)

=i (o)+j-s)+& (-3) =3i-3j-3k

IC= 32 +(-32 +(-3 55 m|
= v27=3/3 180 m 10.9 m

*unit vector along C is, C=- Vertical distance between two windows
ICT 55 109
44-1 m
Taking vertical downward motion of ball from
W to W2
we have, u, = 0, a, = g ms,t=
-A 9.8
y=44:1 m
4/62 Pradeep's Fundamental
Physks (Z1N
() Taking vertical deunward
metien t s
As y=uy t+a, teom to iir9 (r particle from O to B, we have,
Yo 0. y= 500 m; u,=0, a, +
44-1x29 10ms,/s
441 =0+x9-8x Por 12 41X2
2 9-8 As y=o+ u,1+a,
or 1=3s
Required horizontal velocity of ball 50)= 0+0%14 102
horizontal distance = 180 or P= 100 1= 10s
60 ms-
time taken 3 (ii) Distance ofthe targA fronn thehA=
Taking horizontal motion ofparticle from
35 O
Example hiker stands on the edge of
A B, we have
a cliff 490 m above the ground and throws a stone u,
= 100 ms-,a,
horizontally with an initial speed of 15 ms
0, z = ?, =0, t= 10s
Neglecting air resistance, find the time taken by
the stone to reach the ground, and the speed with
As, x=Ig+ u,1 + 5 a,P
which it hits the ground. Take g = 98 m/s.
x=0+ 100 10+ 0x 102=10% m

Solution. Here, h = 490 m ; u, =

Solvod Examplo

15 ms, , 2
(iii) Let and », be the horizmntal and vertica
a, = 9-8 ms;a, =0 components of velocity v of the particle at B.
Then v, = u, + a, t = u, = 10) me
t 9-8
= 10s v, = u, +a,t = 0+ 10= 100 ms-
u+a,t= 15

u,+a, t =0+9.8 x 10 = 98 m/s

+0x 10= 15 m/s
v=+ = v1 +100 = 100 /2ms
Let the resultant velocity at B make an angle B
v=+u = V15? +982 =99-1m/s with the horizontal direction, then

Example86 A particle
fired is tanB=2==1 = tan 45° or B=45
horizontally with a velocity of 100 ms- from the
top of a hill 500 m high. Find (i) the time taken to Example 37 A body is thrown
reach the ground (i) the distance of the target from horizontally from the top of a tower and strikes
the hill and (iii) the velocity with which the the ground after two seconds at an angle of 45
projectile hits the ground. Take g = 10 ms with the horizontal. Find the height of the tower
Solution. Let the particle be fired from the top and the speed with which the body was projected.
O of
a hill of height h = A0 = 500 m with velocity g 98 ms-2
u= 100 ms-l along the horizontal direction. It reaches
Solution. Here, u = ?, t=2 sec., B=45.y=
the ground at B after time t.

u= 100 ms
tanB == tan 45°=1

U=U,= gt = 9.8 x 2 = 19.6 m/s

Examplo 38 Afighter plane lying or
horizontally at an altitude of 15 km with speed
B 720 km h passes directly overhead an anticraft
A gun. At what angle from the vertical should the
shell be fired from the gun with muzzle speed
D E 400 ms to hit the plane in shortest time?

Solution. Let the figher plane be flyin


ith a speed u at height OP = 1:5 km.
izontally with
directly overhead an anticraft gun at O. Let
(v) Path of projectile, y=xtano
(2u2 cos
cos 0)
be fired with velocity u making an angle 6
shell Units used. u is in m/s; g in m/s2, 0 in degrees
the vertical direction so that it hits the fighter
with.the h and Rin metres.
plane. Bin
shortest time, Fig. 4.74.
FIGURE 4.74 Example 39 A bullet fired at an angle o
3/3 km
u'=720 km/h S0 with the horizontal hits the ground
away. Can we hit a arget at a distance of 612
km by adjusting its angle of projection ?
Solution. Here, 0 = 30°,.
R33 km=3000-/3 m
As, R= usin
sin 2x 30°
Resolving u into two rectangular components, 30003-4
we have: 8
u cos 6, vertically upwards and u sin 0, 3000-3 30003
horizontally. If t is the time taken by the shell to
hit or
sin 60° J3/2
the fighter plane, then
horizontal distance travelled
with velocity u' is equal 6000 m = 6 km
by the fighter plane in time t time
to thehorizontal distance travelled by the shell in u = 6 km,
rangee =
6 i.e., The maximum horizontal
t with velocity u sin 8
ut=u sin 6 r never
Thus the bullet will
or sin =u'lu 62
which is less than km.
u= 720 kmh- distance 6-2 km by adjusting
Here, hit the target at a
x 60 s)
720 x (1000 m) x (60 ms angle of projection.
(WO 200 ms, and u = Example 40 How much
high above the
29T able to throw
6 200/400 1/2
sin ground a man can throw a
ball if he is
maximum distance of 60 m?
or 30° with vertical the same ball upto
Rmax= 60 m.
Solution. Here,
As, max
= so 60= g
2usin height attained by the ball.
Leth be the maximum
Formulae used. () Time of flight, I5 8 upward motion of ball upto
Taking vertical
we have
maximum height h,
Gi)Maximum height, h usinsin20 y4, 4y-8Uy=0,
2 y
u sin 20 As =u+2a,
Cii)Horizontal range, R=-
projection of the projecti. 0 u+2(-8)h
where 0 is the

withthe horizontal
angle of
h=x60-3 m
() Maximum horizontal range, max
4/64 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (X)
Example Calculate the horizontal Adding (i) and (iii), we have
distance travelled by a ball thrown with a velocity
an 2H [sin0+cos2 0]
202 mswithout hitting the ceiling of 2x10
auditoriun of height 20 m. Use g = 10 ms. (40)2
= 80 or
20 2H = 80-50=30
202 ms, H= 20 m;
Solution. Here, u
= 15 m
10 ms2
or H
8 Height of the first body, H1 = 15m
As, H " sin0. 20-(20-/2) sin2 e Height ofthe second body, H2 = 15+50=65
28 2x10 Example43 A ball is kicked at an ange
800 sin- 6 or sin 6 = 400
30 with the vertical. If the horizontal component
or 400
800 of its velocity is 20 ms, find the maximum hight
and horizontal range. Use g = 10 ms.
or sin 6= = sin 45 Solution. Here, 0 = 90°-30°= 60°
2 Horizontal velocity, u cos 60° = 20 ms-l
or = 45
u 20 20
Horizontal range = sin 20 or u cos 60 1/2 40 ms-
Maximum height,
(20 2) sin 2x45° 800x1
m 40 sin2 60
10 10
80 H sin0
Example 42 One body is thrown
at an
28 2x10
angle with the horizontal and another similar
1600 m
body is thrown at an angle with the vertical1
direction from the same point with some velocity 20 60
40 ms.The second body reaches 50 metres Horizontal range,
than the first body. Determine their individual u sin 20 402 sin 2x60°
heights. Take g = 10 ms. R=.
Solution. For the first body, angle of projec- 10
tion is 6 with the horzontal direction. Velocity
projection u = 40 m/s.
of 160(3/2) = 138-6m
Maximum height,
Example 44 A cricket ball is throwm at a
H =Sin*6_(40)2 sin2 e speed of 28 msl in a direction 30° above the
2g .))horizontal.
2x10 Calculate (a) the maximum heig
For the second body, angle of projection (b) the time taken by the ball to return to the same
= (90°- 0) with the horizontal direction, level, and (c) the distance from the thrower to the
velocity of
projection, u = 40 ms-. point where the ball returns to the same level.
Maximum height reached, H, = NCERT Solved Example
H + 50...i)
Where =
Solution. Here, u = 28 ms;0 30
(40)2 sin2 (a) Maximum height,
(90°-0)(40)2 cos2
From (i), we have
2x10 2x10 hsin (28)(sin 30-10-0 m
28 2x9-8
cos20 (6) Time of flight,
H+50=40) ii)
2x10 T-2u sin 2x28xsin 30°
286 s1tnd
8 9-8
to qol 9d

u sin 209 4/65

Horizontal range, R ground at a distance 5
8 the height of the m on the other side. Fina
(28)* X sin (2x30° ) Solution. Let
= 693 m from O at an
rom u be the velocity of projection
98 angle 45°, which just clears the top A o
wall of height h.
mplo45 A boy stands at 78-4 Fig. 4.76.
ball which just rom m
buildingnnd throws a enterssa FIGURE 4.76
awindow.39-2 m above the ground. Calculate
projection.of the ball.
sclocityof Fig. 4.75. the


m 5 m-
Given, horizontal range =
15 + 5 = 20 mn

u sin 20
A - 78.4m So = 20
Solution. Let a boy standing at A
throw a ball u sin 2x45°
with a velocity u at an angle 6 or 20
with the horizontal, g
which just enters window W.
As the boy is at 78-4 m from the building and or = 20
ball just enters .)
the the window 39.2 m above the 8
ground, therefore Let (x, y) be the coordinates of A, then
x= 15 m and y = h.
Max. height,
u sins 0 Using the equation of trajectory, we have
= 39.2 ma )
and horizontal range, y=xtan 0--8-
2 u cos2 e
u sin
= 2x 78.4 m h=15tan 45° 1 154
3-75 m
Dividing (i)
by (ii), we get 2
sd 9v
sin-0 39-2
Example 7
At what angle should a body
fgiord be projected with a velocity 20 ms just to pass
em2 g
u 2 sin e cos 6 2x78:4 over the obstacle 12 m high at a horizontal distance
sin6 of24 m? Take g = 10 ms2.
Solution. Refer to Fig. 4.77,
99 2x2sin 0 cos 0 4
tantan= or 1

in (i), we get
982x x 78-4 u sin
0- A (24m,12m)
78-4x98 =39-2 ms 12m
Example 2x
distance 46 From a point on the ground O 1 COS 6
aball 15 m from the foot of a vertical wall,
top of at an angle of45° whichjust clears 24m
oP the strikes the
wall and afterwards
4/66 Pradeeh'a Fundamental Physics (XI)
Taking horizontal motion of hody pmjected from
0. from O to A 204 40 sin 0x 2 -98) x2
we havc, u, = u cos = 20 cos 0 ms
= 0,
80sin 9 196
a = 24 m. a, = 0,1 = t (say) or sin0 (204+ 196/80
or 30 i2

As. =ot ", a,
24=0+ (u cos 0) xr= (20 cos 0) x Horizontal range = sin 20
or 40
20cos 5cos0 sin 2x 30 =1414m
o 9:8
Taking vertical upwand motion of body from
A. Examplo A hunter aims his gun and
= u sin 8 = 20 sin 0, yo = 0. fires a bullet directly at a monkey in a tree. Atthe
we have :,
= 12 m. a, = - 10 ms = 1 instant the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun, th
monkey drops. Will the bullet hit the monke.
Substantiate your answer with proper reasoning
As. EVo+ 4,t+ a,
Solution. Let the monkey stationed at A. be fired
with a gun from O with a velocity u at an angle 4
12=0+ (20sin0)i+x(- 10) with the horizontal direction OX. Draw AC
perpendicular to OX. Let the bullet cross the vertical
6 6 line AC at B after time t and coordinates of B b
or 12=(20 sin8) x a5 (x, y) w.r.t. origin 0. Fig. 4.78.
cos 9 Scos
36 FIGURE 4.78
or 12 24 tan G- 5x
25 cos 09

= 24 tan
or 12 24tan -1+tan e) usin6

or 60 = 120 tan 6 36 36 tan- 0-

or 36tan6- 120 tan 0+ 96 = 0 ucos

or 3 tan 6- 10 tan 6+8 = 0
or (tan 6-2) (3 tan 6-4) = 0 OC
or tan 6 = 2 or 4/3 or 63° 26' or 53° 4' u cos 6 u cos8
Example 48
body is projected with a
A (where OC=t
velocity of 40 ms.
After 2 s it crosses a vertical In A OAC, AC= OC tan 8 = x tan

pole of height 20-4 m. Find the angle of projection Clearly CB = y = the vertical distance
and horizontal range of projectile. (g = 98 ms). travelled by the bullet in timme t.
Solution. Here, u = 40 ms Taking motion of the bullet from O to B
Y-axis we have
I =2s;y= 204 m
o0, y ay, u, u sin 8, a, -8.1
Taking vertical upward motion of the projectile
from point of projection up to the top of vertical pole
we have As otu,4, *
40sin 0;a, =- 98 m/s,
2 s;y = 20.4 m.
= y 0+usin Or+(-s)

As, y=u,+a, u sin Or-; 8

AC-BC=x tan 6 -
usin 6f-2 t% increase in horizontal range
r tan -|
RX100 = 0-1 x 100 = 10%

x tan8-usin0x u cos 2* 156-8Example 5

From the top of a to
a projectile is thrown up
[from ()] horizontal di ms,
of 392 mal
making an angle 30° with
horizontal direction. Find the distance from the
y tan
-xtan 0+5g=g2 0ot of tower where it strikes the ground and
time taken by
bulletwill pass through it to do so.
ansthe the point B Solution. In Fig. 4.79, height
fin ACat avertical distanceg
line4 OB 156-8 m;u 39-2
= = m/s;0=30
vertical below Component of velocity along OX

u cos =
39.2 cos 30° =33.947 ms
distance through which the monkey
nilThe falls FIGURE 4.79

= AB.
cally in time
58 usine
Itmeans the bullet andmonkey will pass through 7OKL. -X
simultaneously. Therefore, ucose I

e point Bs the bullet will

hitthe monkey
Evample 50 The maximum height
atained by a projectile is increased by 10% by
increasing its speed of projection, without B D X
danging the angle of projection. What will
perentage inerease in the horizontal Component of velocity along OY
Solution. As max. height, =u sin 6 = 39-2 sin 30 = 19.6 ms
Lett be the total time of flight (i.e., time in going
from O to D). Consider the vertical
H= sin20 downward
.) direction OB as the positive direction
2g of Y-axis. Taking
motion of a projectile from O to D
Let AHbe the along Y-axis, we
increase in H when u changes by have o=0, y= 156-8 m,
Au. Differentiating
(i), we get
u-u sin 30° =- 19.6 m/s,
AH2uAusin? e ay=9.8 m/s<, t= t
28 As, yot,+a,2
AH 24u
H 156-8 =0+(- 19-6)t+x9-8x?
ven, % increase
in H is 10%, or 156-8 = 19.6 t+ 4.9 12

10 or 4-9 19-6 1- 156-8 = 0

Therefore, =01
100 or-4 t-32
As or -8t+4t-32=0
Rsin8 20 or (t-8) +4(t-8) =0
or (t+4) (t- 8) =0 or t-4 or 8.
As t-4s is not possible, therefore
AR= 2u sin 20
Distance from the foot of tower where
t= 8 s
it strikes
the ground is
AR20u=01 BD =u cos 30° x = 33.947 x 8 = 271-57
t m
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)o
Example 52 A machine gun is mounted TYPE
what angle should VIII
the top ofa tower 60 m high. At
maximum range of
the gun be inclined to cover a
muzzle speed of Formulae used. (i) 6/t (ii) v = 1/T
0 =
firing on the ground below ? Thems
the bullet is 90 ms, take g =
10 (iit) o = 2 TV=2t/T(iv) a = r= 0v =ur.
at O
Solution. Let the machine gun be mounted Units used. The centripetal acceleration, a in ms-2
ms at an angle 6 with and in radian; v in Hz.
and fired with a speed of 90
the horizontal. Fig. 4.80.
Total range of firing on ground Example 53 An insect trapped in a
sin 28+ 60
R=R+x=" 60cot
cot 0 circular groove of radius 12 cm moves along the
groove steadily and completes 7 revolutions in
100 s. (a) What is the angular speed, and the linear
FIGURE 4.80 speed of themotion ? (6)Is the acceleration vector
a constant vector ? What is its magnitude ?
u sin e NCERT Solved Example

o U cos 6
Solution. Here, T= 100/7 s; r = 12 cm

60m (a) Angular speed, 0 =4_2X(22/7)

= 0-44 rad/s
D C Linear speed, v = r @ = 12 x 0-44
= 53 cm s
(b) The given motion is a uniform circular
dR u 2 cos26 +60x(-cosec
6) motion. Here the direction of velocity is along the
de 8 tangent to the circle at every point. The acceleration
60 in this motion is centripetal acceleration. It is always
= 1-2sin2 )- directed towards the centre of the circle. Since this
8 Sin0 direction changes continuously at different points on
2x902 not
60 circular motion, therefore, the acceleration here is
= -1-2sin2 )-- a constant vector. The magnitude of acceleration
10 sin 0
=(0-44) x 12 2:3 cms
a= @r
= 1620-3240sin - 60
sin2 0 Example 54 The radius ofthe earth's orbit
around the sun 1-5 x 10m. Calculate the
For R' to be maximum, dR0
velocity and linear velocity of the earth.
2 days
how much angle does the earth revolve in
60 Time period
1620-3240 sin e-- = 0 Solution. Here, r= 1-5 x 10 m;
sin20 is l year i.e.
of revolution of earth around the sun
or 54 sin* 0-27 sin 0+1 T=1 year = 365 x 24 x 60 x 60
= 0 s.

or sin2 =2/ty(-27)4
Angular velocity, @=
_27t(2265) s
2x(22/7) = 1:99x 10-7rad
365x 24x60x 60
Taking only positive sign, 31al 7bro
49-65 Linear velocity, v = @r

sin2. = 0-4597 = 1-99 x 10-7 x 1.5 x 10

= 2-99 x 10 ms-1
sin 0-6780 or 42°41'
IN A 4/69
earth mpletes one revolution.
365 days, the
in 365
days the earth revolves through
radi In 2 days. the carth
= (2?+3j+4A): B =4j
le = 2 angle
and C (5 j+ mk).
22= 365 7x365
= 0-034 rad Here. B =0i+ 4j+0k:C= 0i+ 5j+ mk

Examplo55 A body of mass 2 kg revolves Volume V= 24.

ecle of diameter 40 cm, making 120 Clearly volume of parallelopiped is given by

in aolutions per inute. Calculate its linear
locity and
and centripet acceleration. A A, A
2 3 4
B. =
Solution. Here, 2 r=40 cm V=B, B 0 4
0 5
or r 20 cm = 0-20 m; C CC
Frequency v= 122s
2rps = 2[4m-0]+ 3 [0-0]+4 [0 0]
= 8 m
Angular velocity, 0= 2 7tV= 2 TX 2=4 T rad/s
24 8m or m = 3
Linearvelocity, v = 0 =02 x4t=0-8 T ms Example 58 A particle starts from origin
Centripetal acceleration = r0*= 0-2 x (4 r) x-y
att= with a velocity 5-0 i m/s and moves in
= 32 T ms-2 a
plane under action of a force which produces
Example 56 Calculate the magnitude of constant acceleration of (3-0i+20 m/s
linear acceleration of a particle moving
in a circle
a) What is the y-coordinate of the particle at the
of radius 0-5 m at the instant when its angular
instant its x-coordinate is 84 m ? (b) What is the
velocity is 2:5 rad s-l and its angular acceleration
speed of the particle at this tinme?
is 6 rad s Example
NCERT Solved
Solution. Here, r = 05 m; @= 2.5 rad s,
Solution. Taking motion along r-direction.
d=6 rad s
Tangential acceleration,
we have u, = 5:0 m/s ; a, = 30 m/s-.
ms X=84 m.t= ?:v, =?
a=r= 0-5 x 6 3-0
Centripetal acceleration, 2

ac ro=0-5 x (2-5)2 =3-125 ms2

As, X=u+;a,

lMagnitude of total linear acceleration,

84 5-0r+x3xr?
a=a+ =y(3-0)2+3-125)

ms2 or 168 10t+3 or 3 + 10r- 168

= 4:33
On solving, t= 6 s
23 m/s
TYPICAL EXAMPLES U + a,t= 5:0+3 x6=
IX Taking motion along Y-direction, we have
parallelopiped 4=0,a, 2:0 m/s*, y ==6s:t
EXample 57 The edges of a
ven by the vectors (2 î+3+4), 4j and As. y= 2x6 36m
of m in + a,=0 + 2 x6= l2 ms-1
(5+mk). should be the value
What 1
parallelopiped be 24
rder that the

volume of the
Solution. We
know that the volume () of
triple product
is the scalar
of three
-+ =v23+12
239 ius
Pradetp's Fundamental Physics (XT)
we get X = ut or = du
Taking motion or projectiie along Y-ais, =

B--+ and C=î-3j+2, then find
Yo0,y=y, 4,=0,4,8.lzp
AN(BxC). Using the relation, y = yo
t 4,+4
Sohution. 8xC = |2 -1 1 we have y = 0+0+g

-i-3j-sh Here, y= x tan 6, so =xtan6
2u tan
or X=
ANExC)=| &

and y=x tan =24
Distance OP = {x2 + y
2u tan
Example 60 A particle is projected
horizontally with a speed u from top of a plane tan sec8
inclined at an angle 8 with the horizontal direction. 2u
How far from the point of projection will the
particle strike the plane ? Example 6
A foothall is kicked at a speed
Solution. Let the particle projected from O of 20 m/s at a projection angle of 45°. A receiver
strike the inclined plane OA at P after time t and on the goal line 25 metres away in the direction of
cvordinates of P be (r. V), Fig. 4.81. the kick runs the same instant to meet the ball
What must be his speed, if he is to catch the ball
FIGURE 4.81 before it hits the ground ?
Solution. Here; u =20 m/s;
45°, d=25 m.
Horizontal range;
R=sin 20 =- 9-8 sin 2x45° = 40-82 m

Time of flight, T=2usin 6 20X Sin 45

= 2-886 s
Since the goal man is already 25 m
the direction of the ball, so to catch the ball. he is
Taking motion of projectile from 0 to P
alon cover a distance = 40-82 25 = 15-82 m. in nie
r-atis we have z0 = 0, x = x, u,= u, a, = 0, t= t. 2-886 s. Therefore, the velocity of goal man to catct
Using the relation, 5-82
x=xo++," the ball is 2-886
= 5.481 mns-l
MOTIONIN A NE1ftihead tasbu 4/71

Example62 Astoneisthrown by a student Here, u = 30 ms

bottom of a hill with a velocity 30 ms
from the
angle of 60°with the horizontal. If the
= 60°, 0 = 30°, g = 10 ms*
ill 30°
hill is with the horizontal, find the (60°-30°)
from the student to a point R=-
2x30 cos 60°sin
distance at which the 10xcos 30°
tone falls on hill, use g = 10
Solution. fer to t. 4.9, the distance covered
2x900x (1/2)x (1/2)
2u cos 8sin (9-9,) 10x(V3/2)
slope is R=
8 cos 6 = 60 m


1. Scalars. These are those quantities which have only magnitudes but no direction. For example, mass,
length, time, speed, work, temperature etc.
2. Vectors. These are thoSe quantities which have magnitude as well as direction. For example, displacement,
velocity, acceleration, force, momentum etc.

3. Unit vector. A unit vector of a given vector A is a vector of unit magnitude and has the same direction as

that ofthe given vector. A unit vector of A is written as Ä, where Å= ÁJA. A unit vector is unitless
and dimensionless vector and represents direction only.
4. Equal vectors. The two vectors are said to be equal if they have equal magnitude and same direction.
5. Negative vectors. A negative vector of a given vector is a vector of same magnitude but acting in a

direction opposite to that of the given vector. The negative vector of A is represented by -A .
6. Collinear vectors. These are those vectors which are acting along parallel straight lines.

h 7, Coplanar vectors. These are those vectors which are acting in the same plane.
8. Localised and Non-localised vectors. A vector whose initial point is fixed is called a localised vector and

tomo whose initial

point is not fixed is called non-localised vector.
l9. Multiplication of a vector by.a real number. When a vector A is multiplied by a real number n, it
becomes another vector n A .Its magnitude becomes n times the magnitude of A .Its direction is same

or opposite as that of A , according as n is positive or negative real number. The unit of n A is the samne

as that of A .

S, becomes a vector
0. Multipication of a vector by a scalar. When a vector A is multiplied by a scalar it
A and it acts along the direction of A The unit of
SA , whose magnitude is S times the magnitude of

SA is different from the unit of vector A .

or more vectors is defined as that single vector which produces
Kesultant vector. The resultant vector of two vectors together. The resultant vector can be obtined from the
e same effect as is produced by individual
Tules for geometric addition of vectors.
two vectors by arrowed lines using the same suitable
For the addition oftwo vectors, represent these first vector. Then the sinol

0121 scale.
a1e. Displace the second vector such that

the addition of three or more

its tail coincides with the head of
vect drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head tne
secona vector represents the resultant vectar
vectors, represent these vectors by arrowed lines using the
vector coincides with the tail
the head of the first
e Scale. Displace these vectors such that third vector and sO on, then the single vector drawn ro m
and whose head coincides with the
tail of
Or represents resultant vector.
OLthe first vector to head of last
A/7 Pradeepa Fundamental Piysics (Xi
2 Analytieal method of vectors addition.
) iungle luw of veetors. II states that if two veclors acting on a particie at the same time ae represe
il ngale and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in one order, their resultant ant er
presented m magnitude and direction by the third side ol the triangle laken in the opposite orde. order

esultant of A and B Fig.4.82, then

I is the ,

R= yA 1 n +2AB cose FIGURE 4.82

A+ Bcos 09
(ii) P'arallelogram law of vectors. lt states tha O Vectors acting on

particle at the same time are represcntcd in magnitude and direction by

he two ljacent sidles of a parallelogram drawn from a point, their
esultnt vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal
of the pawallelogram drawn from the same point.

resultant of A and B Fig. 4.83, then FIGURE4.83

IIR is the ,

R= A2+ B +2ABcos
B sin 0
an3 =.
Note. The magnitude of the resultant vector is maximum if the two vectors
are acting in the same direction and is minimum if the two vectors are N
cting in he opposite direction.
13. Polygon law of vectors. It states that if number of vectors acting on a particle at a time are represented in
magnitude and direction by the various sides of an open polygon taken in same order, their resultant vector
is represeted in magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon taken in opposite order.
In lact polygon law of vectors is the outcome of triangle law of vectors.
14. Important points of vector addition.
(i) Vectors of same nature alone can be added i.e. a force vector can not be added to velocity vector bul
can be added to force vector only.

(ii) ector addition is commutative i.e. A+B B+A

(iii) Vector addition is associative i.e. (A+B)+C= A+ (B +C
.Substraction of vectors. Subtraction of a vector B from a vector A is defined as the addition or ve

-8 (negative of vector B ) to vector A Thus

. A-B=A+-B)
Ifo is the angle between A and B , and R =(A -
B), then
+ B2 +2 ABcos (180°-0)
sin (180-6)
uncd tanß =
A+Bcos (180°-0)
The vector subtraction does not obey, commutative law and associative law. sented
A zero vector is Te
T0. 7ero Vector. It is that vector which has zero magnitude and an arbitrary direction.
by 0 .
It is also called a null vector.
angular components
17. a plane. When a vector
is splitted into two componc ctors at
s to each other, the component
vectors are called rectangular componenes vector. 1
makes angle 6 with x-axis
and A, and A be
be rectangular components
the rectangular of A along X-axis and
components O
respectively, then
A=,+, -A,î+A,i
A=A cos.
and Ay=A sin
A2 (cos0+
sin-0) = A
or A (2+A32
and tan 6 AyA
18. Addition of vectors in rectangular c0ordinates.

If A= A,i+A, j+A,k

and B-B,i+B, j+B,f

Then, A+B= (4,î+A,j+4,}) +(, î+B,î+B, k)

(A +B,)i +(A, +B,)j + (A,

scalar, which is equal to the product of the

19The scalar or dot product of two vectors A and B is a
the smaller angle 6 between them, i.e.,
url2t magnitude of two vectors and cosine of
A.B =ABcos
magnitude equal to the
The vector cross product of two vectors A and B is a vector, whose
0 or direction is
vectors and sine of the smaller angle 6 between them and its
product of the magnitude of two

given by a unit vector c, i.e.,

AxB = AB sin 0
containing A and B It is
.directed as given by Richt
to the plane
T direction of is perpendicular
hand rule. Thus

AxBI= ABsin 6
21 calar
product of three vectors
A.(B xC)=B.(CxA)=
parallelopiped whose
are represented by the three
three sides re

volume of
4/74 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics
22. Vector product of three vectors

Ax(BxC)- (Ä.C)B -(Ä.B)C

and (AxB)xC-(A.)B-(B.c)A
23. Projectile. Projectile is the name given to a body which is thrown with some initial
velocity uith a
horizontal direction and then it is allowed to move under the effect of gravity alone, without the
being prorelled
by any engine or fuel. A projectile during its flight must posses two component velocities (i)
in the horizomts
direction and (i) in the vertical direction.
If a projectile is given horizontal projection with velocity u from a height h, then its
time of flight, T=2h/g
Horizontal range, R uT =
u2 h/g

Velocity on reaching the ground, U= u +gT2

If a projectile is given angular projection of angle 6 from the horizontal ground with velocity then
u, its

time of flight, T=usin 9


Maximum height, H= sin0


Horizontal range, R=Sin20

There are two angles of projections (a and ß) for which the horizontal range will be the same provided
O+ ß = 90°.
24. Angular displacement (0). The angular displacement an
of object moving around a circular path is definea
as the angle traced out by the radius vector at the axis
of the circular path in the given time.
Angular displacement is a vector quantity provided angle 0 is small. It is expressed in radian.
25. Angular velocity (@). It is defined as the time rate
of change of angular displacement of the objJect, le
0= d6/dt. Its SI unit is rad/s.
26. Uniform circular motion. When a point object
is moving on a circular path with a constant spee, u
the motion of the object is said to be a uniform circular
27. Centripetal acceleration. It is defined as ircular
the acceleration acting on the object undergoing u
moion. it always acts on the object along the radius towards the centre of the circular path. The magnt
of centripetal acceleration is,

a ==ro
=r (2Tv)? 4T?r2
4/80 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics
path at that instant, which is perpendicular to
the position vector. 35.(c): v ==8-10r v,==6
29. (b): Given, 1
A x Bl= V3 A B When =0, then
or AB sin 6 = V3 AB cos
v ,+v = v8? +63 =10 ms
or tan v3 or = 60° II. Completion Type Questions
IA+Bl= VA2+ B2 +2 ABcos 60

VA2 + B2 + AB 17. H.R.= usin20 M.H ="

usin e
30. (d): As A B =0 ; so A is perpendicular to usin0 usin2e
Band A
C = 0, so A is perpendicular 28
to C
. Now (B x C) will be perpendicular
so 2 sin 6 cos 0 = sin^ 0/2
sin 6
4 or tan 6 = 4 or 0= tan (4)
to the plane containing B and C i.e., cos
parallel to A.
18. Max. range, Rnar sin2x 45°=
31. (a): u- 2 x
sin 45°
= 1000 or =1000 8
8 8
Maximum height, Hmax
Max. height, H =U sin 45° 2g 4g
28 mas
= 1000 x 250 m 4
33.(a): = 2u sin 6 and 2ucos6 III. True/Palse Type Questions
11. Angle discribed at the centre in one rotation
cos u- sin 209
2u sin 2u = 2
2 Trad.
8 8 8
= 2x 3-14
= 6-28 rad.
2R or 12R

2. What is the magnitude and
I. Vectors and Vectors addition
1. Can three vectors not in one plane give a zero
resultant ? Can four vectors do ? AA = li+ji dT
Sol. Magnitude of (i+ j)
Sol. Three vectors which are not in one plane can 4794
not give zero resultant. This is because resultant =a+(D=/2
of two vectors (in a plane) lies in their plane. It
the directio
can not balance the third vector which is in a Let (i+j) make an angle ß with
different plane.
The resultant of four coplanar vectors can be of i, then
tan B 1/1 =
=tan 45°; B=45°
zero; if they are represented in magnitude and events
in time and there ane

direction by four sides of a polygon taken in 3. We can order

distinguishing past, present
sense of time,
the same order. The resultant of four non- a vector ?
future. Is therefore, time
coplanar vectors may be zero.
PLANE 4/81

ays flows on and on i.e. lrom past to

Time FIGURE 4(O).1
Sol. future. Therefore. a direction
present and then to
tinme. Since. the directior
can be assigned to
unique, it is not to be specificd or stated.
time is
to this reason that time can not be a R
It is due
ectorthough it has a direction.
A+Bl greater than or less than
Is P
IAI+IB ? Explain.
A+(B/2)2=Bor 2 = p2 or A=B
=lAP +IBH +21 A I BI OS B/2
-IAF -1BP Let 0, then tan 6

-21 Al B 20PS =

B = tan 30°
=-21 A l BI(1-cos6) or tan 6=
2A 2x(/3/2)#
-21 A Il BI(2sin 0/2) or 0 30
-41 A Il BI sin /2 Therefore angle between A and B
It is a negative quantity for all values of 0 and B= (180°- 0) = (180°- 30) =
7. The three vectors A, B and ( are represented
6=0. Hence. IA+ BlSIAI+|B|
in magnitude and direction by OP, OQ and
5.Is LA-Bl greater than or less than
OS Fig.4Q).2. If A+B = 2C, show that
Al+1B1? Explain. Sis the mid point of PQ.
Sol. 1A-BP -1 ÁT+|BP?
IA1+IBP -21 AI BIcos6
=-21 A Il BI(1+cos6)

=-21 A II BI (2cos0/2)

= -41
II BI cos20/2 A OPS, by vectors addition,
Sol. In
a negative quantity for all values of6 =
1S zero value for 6 = 180°. Hence,
Similarly, in A OQS, we have
A-BISIAl+1BI os =
0Q + QS .(ii)
6. The resultant of two vectors A and B
s Adding (i) and (ii), we have
is halfr
perpendicular to A and its magnitude OS = OP +
00 + PS + QS
thatof B. What is the angle or 2C A+B+ PS+ Qs
A and B ?
Sol. Refer or (2C- A- B) = PS + QS
to Fig. 4(Q).l,
Here, 1Al= OP, IBl= 0Q = P'S, of 0= PS + QS (2C A+ B)
or PS =- QS
bne gsIn R= 0S = BI2 = (PS)* So, S is the mid point of PO
4/82 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (Xi
8. ABCD is a parallelogram Fig. 4(Q).3.AC and
BD are Its diagonals. Show that Given, R=
AC+ BD = 2 BC nP
(h) AC- BD =2AB (n+1)
Putting the values in (i), we get
(n +1
= 2 -p2
42p-) Pco
On solving we get,

cos n+2)
Sol. (a) Refer to Fig. 4(Q).3, using triangle law of (n-1)
vectors, we have, 10. ABCDEF is a regular hexagon, Fig. 40)-
What is the value of
AC +BD = ( AB + BC)+(BC + CD)
(AB+ AC + AD + AE + AF) ?
= AB +2 BC + CD
= AB +2 BC- AB

CD -
= AB)

or AC + BD = 2 BC O
(b) AC BD = (AB + Bc)- (BC + CD)
= AB- CD
AC BD = AB-(- AB) = 2 AB
Sol. AB +
9. The greatest resultant of two vectors
p and AC+ AD + AE+ AF
= AB +(AD + DC)+ AD + (AD + DE)+ AF
is n times their least resultant. Given
IPI>1Q1.When@isthe anglebetweenthe = 3 AD + (AB + DE) + (DC + AF) = 3 AD

two vectors, their resultant is =

half the sum of 3x(2 AO) 6 A0
the two vectors. Show that,
cos -(+2 n*-1) [ AB=- DE, and DC = AF -
Sol. The greatest resultant of given two
(P+Q) 1. Components of Vectors and Relative VeloCiy
and the least resultant of given two
vectors 11, Can a flight of a bird be an example of
= (P-0) composition of vectors ?
According to questions; Sol. Yes, the flight of a bird is an example ot
composition of vectors as is clear from the
+)=n (P- ) or Q= p Fig.4(Q).5. As the bird flies, it strikes the ar
(n +1) downwards with forces W W with its wings,
If angle between the vectors is 6, then the along WO. According to Newton's third Law
resultant is given by of motion, air strikes the wings in opposite
directions with the same force in reaction. Thesc
R= P+0+2 PO cos anotionn ora r nentad in ia d(0)í alons
and to parallelogram Kesultant velocity of man across the river

Las of vectors, the resultant of OA and OB

Kesultant velocity of man down the stream
OC .Itis this resultant upward force Ooc =u +v
responsible for the flight of
which is the bird. dIs the distance covered in each case, then
FIGURE4(0).5 S S
4 and

u+0 Vu+v
u-v)(u +v) u-v
=Vu+v: Vu-v
14. An aeroplane takes off at an angle of 30° to
the horizontal. If the component of its velocity
B along the horizontal is 240 km h-, what
the actual velocity ? Also find the vertical
12, A room has dimensions 3 m x 4 mx 5 m. A component of its velocity ?
fly starting at one corner ends up at the Sol. Let u be the actual velocity of aeroplane while
diametrically opposite corner. (a) What is the taking off. As per question
magnitude of its displacement ? (b) If the fy u cos 30° = 240
were to walk, what is the length of the shortest
path it can take? or 2402404804803
u cos
Sol. (a) If the starting point of fly which is one corner
30 3/2 3 3

of room is taken as origin of coordinates, then

the coordinates of diametrically opposite
corner = 160 3 kmh-1
of room are (3, 4, 5). So displacement is Vertical component velocity of aeroplane

7=3i+4j+5k =u sin 30° = 1603 x1/2

and r= 32 +42 +52 = V50=7m = 803 kmh-l

(6) When the fly were to walk, then shortest 15. A plane is travelling eastward at a speed of
distance travelled is 400 km h Wind is blowing southward at a
speed of S0 km h, What is the direction of
=3+42 +52 = 3+V41 =94m the plane relative to the ground ?
3. A man rows directly across a flowing river Sol. Referto Fig. 4(Q).7;
n time and rows an equal distance down Here, velocity of plane, v, = OA
the stream in time t2. If u is the speed of
man in still water and v that of stream, then where vp = 400 kmh-
nd the ratio of t, in terms of u and
and t, FIGURE 4).7
will row directly across a
flowing ive N
river flow and tne
his resultant velocity ofperpendicular to the
1S along OC, which is
Tiver velocity v. Fig. 4().6.


4/84 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics
Velocity of wind, v= OB As A.C =0; so A is perpendicular to

where v=
80 km h" As BxC is perpendicular to both B
The plane will have a resultant velocity v along
so BxC is parallel to A
OC. Let be the angle between v and vp =A
19. If AxB xC , is it correct to conclude
then tan B=== =0-2=tan 11° 20
B 11° 20' south of east
that B C2
16. A weight mg is suspended from the middle Sol. Let 6, be the smaller angle between A and
of a rope whose ends are at the same level. B
The rope is no longer horizontal. Find the
and 6, be the smaller angle between A
minimum tension required to completely and C
straighten the rope.
Sol. See Fig. 4(Q).8: clearly.
Given, A xB AxC
2 T sin 6 = mg or T
mg AB sin 6,
=AC sin 6, n
2 sin 6
where n and n, are unit vectors in the
direction of vectors (Á xB) and (xC)
2Tsin respectively.
T cos e |C

When the rope is straight, 6

T cos

If ,
From ().

= 0
and n =
Csin B, n,

then B C and B=C
Then, =- If 8, 0, and
2 sin 0° n,*n2.
then B#C
II. Scalar product and vector product of vectors

17. If A. B
If8, * , BC
and n=

Á.C, is it correct to conclude
then BC and B*C
that B=C? If
0 and n,*n2.
Sol. Given A.B= A.C
then B= C and B#C
i.e., AB cos 6, = AC cos B
) =
20. If AxB CxB , show that C need not
where 0, is smaller angle between A
and B;
and 6, is the smaller angle between A be equal to A.
and C
From (i), B cos 6, C C cos Sol. AxB= CxB or AxB-CxB =0
If 6, = 02, then from (i), B = or ...)
C B= C or (A-C)xB=0.
To satisfy (), the three possibilities can be there
If0 +02, then from (ii), B C or BC
18. Three vectors A, B and C satisfy A-C=0 or A C
relation A.B = (i) B = 0
0 and A.C=0.To which
vector, the vector A is parallel ? (iin) A-C and B are parallel to each other
Sol. As A.B =
0 ; so A is perpendicular to B ie. A-C =nB, where n is a non zero real
A C+nB
Thus, it AxB= CxB. C need
or (a+b)xT-x=0
not be
cgual to A . The given
statement is true
Or dx c+bx =0 or -cx-bx=0
if B or bxc= cxa
is a Zero vector or A 18 cqual to Similarly we can get
C+n B.
If three vectors A, B and C are such axb bx .ii)
that From (i) and (ii),
.A.C. =
AxB AxC, A0 ax b bx
= cxa
thenprove that B =C. or
Iaxbi =1bxci=ICxd
Sol. Given. A.B A.C or A.B or ab sin (180°
-Á.C =0 - C) = bc sin (180°
= ca sin (180°
- B)
or A.B-C) =0 or ab sin C=bc sin A =
ca sinB
Dividing it by abc, we get
But A either B-C-0 or B-C
sin C sin AsinB
or A is perpendicular to (B- C) C b
Also AxB = AxC or AxB-Axc=0 or C
sin A sin B sinC
or Ax(B-C)=0 ...i) IV. Horizontal projectile
But A=0 therefore either B-C=0 or 23. A body slides down a smooth inclined plane
when released from the top, while another
C or A is parallel to (B-C)
B body falls freely from the same point. V hich
one will strike the ground earlier?
But at a time A cannot be perpendicular to Sol. A body falling freely will reach the ground
and parallel to (B-C).So equations carlier because its acceleration is g (i.e.
B-C) acceleration due to gravity) which is greater than
if B=C
0) and (i) will be true at a time the acceleration of other body = g sin 6 : where
2 In any AABC as shown in Fig. 4(Q).9a) prove 0 is the inclination of the plane with the

that =-
sin A sin B sin C
24. A stone droped from the window of a
stationary bus takes 4 seconds to reach the
Sol. Refer to Fig. 4(Q).96), ground. In what time the stone will reach the
ground when the bus is moving with
on vectors a, b andare represented by the three
c (a) constant velocity of 108 km h
S1des of a triangle taken in one order. Tne (b) constant acceleration of 2 km h-.
resultant is zero. So Sol. (a) 4 seconds (b) 4 seconds. In both the cases
the initial vertical downward velocity is zero
4Q).9 and the vertical downward acceleration is
acceleration due to gravity g and the stone is to
180-A* cover the same vertical height in each case.
is fired at a distant target. the
25. When a rifle
C barrel is not lined Up exactiy on the target.
AL.. Sol. As soon
as a bullet is Iired trom a gun whose
a barrel is lined up exactuy on the target, it starts
180°-B falling downwards on account of acceleration
to it. the bulet will hit below
due to gravity. Due
rhe target. Just to avoid it, the barrel of the gun
a +b +c = 0
4/86 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X)VO
is lined up little above the target, so that the
bullet, after travelling in parabolic path hits the 00. r =x. ", = u. a, = 0, t =
distant target.
26. A railway earriage moves over a straight
track with acceleration a. Passenger in the
As X=o +uI+ a,
carriage drops a stone. What is the
acceleration of the stone w.r.t. the carriage
and the earth ?
r=0+u 2H0-2u H
Sol. When a stone is dropped from a railway
2u- H
carriage, it will fall vertically downwards with AB=X=
acceleration due to gravity g. Therefore, with
respect to earth, the acceleration of the stone
will be g only. Distance OB = vOA+AB2 = H242uH
Inside the carriage the stone has two
accelerations: (i) horizontal acceleration a, due VAngular projectile
to the motion of the carriage and (i) vertical
acc. duc to gravity g. Thus the acceleration of 28. A projectile is fired at an angle 0 with the
horizontal direction from 0. Fig. 4(Q).I1.
the stone with respectto carriageis ya2+g2 Neglecting the air friction, it hits the ground
27. A helicopter on a flood relief mission flying at B after 3 seconds. What is the height of
horizontally with a speed u at an altitude H, point A from ground?
has to drop a food packet for a victim [Use g = 10 m/s*]
standing on the ground. At what distance FIGURE 4(Q).11 A
irom the victim should the food packet be
Sel. Reier to Fig. 4(Q).10, O is the position of
helicopter from where a food packet is dropped.
B be the position of victim. The food packet
follows a parabolic path while going from O to B.

FIGURE 4(Q).10
Sol. Height of point A from B is the vertical distance
a body will cover in three seconds. Thus,
---- AB=

S=st=x10x3 =45 m
--- 29. In long jump, does it matter how high you
jump ? \What factors determine the span
thejump? one
Sol. Yes, in long jump. it matters how high
jumps. It is explained below.
Taking vertical downward motion offood packet For initial velocity u and angle of projection
from O to B, we have the maximum height,

u=0, yo =0, y =H, a, = g. t = ? sin 6 or

1 h= sin- 0
As a, 28
y=Yot 4,+
and, horizontal range. R =- sin 20

H 0+0+gt or t = 2H
Taking horizontal motion of food packet from 2h 2 sin 6 cos = 4 h cot 6
O to B, we have sin 6
Thus the span
of jump dcpends upon
h attained or initial velocity () height
of projection u sin -yu sin- 0-2 gh
(i) angle of projection, 8.
30. hat are the two angles of projection
t2 8
nrojectile projected with of aa
velocity of 30
So that the horizontal range is 45 m. m/s,
m/s. Take,
u sin +
u sin6-2 gh
g= 10
u sin 20 2uSin =
Sol. Horizontal range T time of flight
32. Ifa projectile has a constant initial speed and
45 sin 20 angle of projection, find the relation between
10 the changes in the horizontal range due to
change in acceleration due to gravity.
sin20= 30x30 2Sin 30 or sin 150
Sol. Horizontal range, R usin 2
20 30 or 150° or
0 = 15° or 75
31. If there are two values of time for which Differentiating it wr.t. 8, we have
projectile given angular projection is
same height, then show that the
at the dR uSin 28 [: u ande are constantj
sumof dg 8
these two times is equal to the time of flight.
Sol. Refer to Fig. 4(Q).12, let the
projectile or dR=-=
usin20 dg-R
projected from O reach the locations A 8
and B 8
after times ' and t2 respectively, where
AA = BB =h. or dRdg
FIGURE 4(Q).12 33. There are two angles of projection for which
the horizontal range is the same. Prove that
the sum of the maximum heights for these
two angles does not depend upon the angle
of projection.
Sol. If a projectile is projected with velocity u,
h making an angle 8 with the horizontal direction,
-- u
1 B1 then ' Horizontal range, R
=sin 2 6

If the projectile reaches at a height h after time Sin*0

uy 4, then u = u sin 8, a = g, S=h, i =1- and Max. height, H ="
Case () If 6=a, let R = Ri and H= H
S= ut +-at2
then R
8toit .h=u sin 61 -g) 8

g-2 u sin t+2h=0 and

2usin 4u sin20-4gx2h Case (ii) If 6 = (90°- a),
let R = R2 and H = H2, then
usin2 (90-a)-
Sin 6-Vu sin0-2 gh R 8
sin (180-2 a)

u sin 9+ yu sin- 0-2gh

sin 2a
and I
Pradecp 's Fundanmental Physics (XI)VOn

2usin 2usin(90°-0)
H, sin (90°«) =cos
( and1, =

From () and (iii): R= R, 2u sin 0, 2u cos 2 u sin 202R

From ( and (ir)

Thus /2 = 2 Rlg
H+H, (sin
0 + cos 0) 2g VI. Circular motion
which is independent of angle of projection 0. 37. Can a particle accelerate if its speed
Thus proved. constant ? Can it accelerate if its velocity is
particle is projected with a velocity u so constant ? Explain.
that its horizontal range is thrice the greatest Sol. When the particle describes a uniform circular
height attained. \What is its horizontal range ?
motion. its speed is constant but it has
Sol. Givcn.
u sin 2 0
centripetal acceleration acting along the radius
directed towards the centre of the circular path.
When the particle is moving with a constant
3 velocity. there is no change in velocity with time
or 2sinO cos 0=sin 0 ; or lan 0 = 4/3
and hence its acceleration is zero.
so sin = 4/5 and Cos 0 = 3/5 38. A stone tied at the end of string is whirled in
a circle. If the string breaks, the stone flies
Horizontal range =- sin 2 0 away tangentially. Why ?
Sol. When a stone is going around a circular path
the instantaneous velocity of stone is acting
2u sin cos 0 =. xx=24 along tangent to the circle. When the string
breaks, the centripetal force stops acting. Due
35. A bob hung from the ceiling of a room by a to inertia, the stone continues to move along
string is performing simple harmonie the tangent to circular path. That is why. the
oscillations. What will be the trajectory of stone flies off tangentially to the circular path.
the bob, if the string is cut. When bob is (i) at 39. Explain that a uniform circular motion is an
one of its extreme positions (iü) at its mean accelerated motion.
position 2 Sol. When a body is describing a unifom circular
Sol. (i) When a bob hung from a ceiling, while motion, the speed of the body remains the same
performing simple harmonic motion reaches at but the direction of velocity of the body changes
one of its extreme position, the bob is continuously with time. Since velocity isa
momentarily at rest. If the string is cut there, vector quantity, the continuous change in the
the bob will fall freely vertically downwards direction of velocity of the body means the
under the effect of gravity. continuous change in velocity of the body with
(ii) When a bob hung from a ceiling while time. As the rate of change of velocity 1s
performing a simple harmonic motion reaches acceleraion, so a unitorm circular motion is
at mean position, it has maximum horizontal accelerated motion.
velocity. If the string is cut there, the bob will 40. Whena body is in a uniform circular
follow a parabolic path as it is similar to the what will be its direction of linear
case of projectile given a horizontal projection. angular velocity and acceleration at
36. A projectile can have the same range R for instant.
two angles of projection. If and Sol. When a body is in a unitom cireular motion, at
2 be the direcion of linear velocity is
time of flight in the two cases, then find the any nstit, its
instant. The
relation between 1, l2 and R. ngem to circular path at thatperpendicular
Sol. A projectile will have same horizontal range for direction ot angular velocity is
body passing through
two angles of projection, 0 and (90" 0). to the plane of motion of anticlockwise
drected upwards for

itscentre downwards for

rotation of body and directed
Then horizontal range. R="Sn 20 clockwise rotation of body.
The directi
ction of acceleration in a
an angle
tion is along the radius uniform On further rotating the book through
directed direction about axis
towards the centre. 2(90) in anticlockwiseposition
non-uniform circul: motion, occupies the as shown in
what is the
cction of acceleration ? Discuss,
Fig. 4(0).14(c).
non-unifor circular motion ) From the initial positionrotatedof book, [Fig
Sol. In a of an object,
book is
object as two types
the ofacccleration: ).14(a)]. if theanticlockwise direction tirst
90°) in the as
() rangential acceleration (a,). It
acts about the axis 2, it occupies the position
tangentia to the cireular a given shown in Fig. 4(Q). 144d). On further
instant the book through 0, (= 90°) in
of the direction about axis I, the book occupies the
n Centripetal acceleration (a). It acts position shown in Fig. 4(Q).14(e).
along of
From above we note that the final positions
the radius directed towards the centre of the 14(e)
the book shown in Fig. 4.33(c) and Fig. 4(Q).
circular path. Here a7 and
nerpendicular to each other at every location on
a are not the same. Hence 0, +0, +0, +81.
This shows that 0, and 0, are not vectors as they
do not obey the commutative law of
circular path. Fig. 4(Q).13. The resultant
acceleration of object is addition.
If the book is rotated through a smaller angle
a a+ac A8, and A 0, (say 2° or 3°). the final positions
of the book in the two cases discussed above
vhere 1a'l Vaf +a would almost be the same. As A 0 0, the final

positions of the book will become
indistinguishable, hence
A 6+A 6, A 6, + A 0.
aT FIGURE 4(Q).14

Ifa make an angle B with a then

tan= or B= tan
c angular
42. Discuss whether or not 2
displacement is a vector quantity ?
DOl. Angular displacement is a vector quantity
provided angle 0 is small because the
commutative law of vector addition for
angle is not valid, where as for small
tne law is valid i.e. e, + 0, # 0 +61, but
a6+A6,= A 0, +A e. The same is
Consider a book with front page F lying in
Plane of paper. It can be rotated
about two
and 2 as shown

ually perpendicular axes

in Fig. 4(Q).14(a).
Let the book be rotated through an angle
the clockwise direction about
)in Fig. 4(Q).14(6).
S theposition as shown in
4/90 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)MOL

UESTIONS Vory Short Answor, Short Answer & Long Answer


Ans. The quantity can be taken as a vector if it obeys

I. Vectorsand Vectors addition the following conditions
1. Give an example of a physical quantity (i) The quantity has both magnitude and
(i) which has neitlher unit nor direction direction.
(i) has a direction but not a vector (ii) can (ii) The quantity obeys the laws of vectors
be cither a vector or a scalar. addition.
Ans. () Specific gravity (i) pressure or current 10. What is the property of two vectors if.
(ii) angular displacement.
2. Is finite rotation a vector ?
Ans. The finite rotation about an axis is not a vector Ans. Given, Á +B Å - B or 28 0 or B=0
because its addition to another finite rotation
about a different axis does not obey i.e. B is a null vector.
commutative law of addition. 11. Are the commutative law and associative
= law applicable to vectors subtraction.
3. Consider a vector F 4î-3. What is a
Ans. Commutative law is not applicable to vectors
unit vector perpendicular to F? subtraction. It is so because
Ans. k; It will be a unit vector along Z-axis asF
lies in X-Y plane.
Associative law is also not applicable to
4. State the most basic condition for the addition
vectors subtraction. It is so because
of vectors.
Ans. The most basic condition for the addition of (A-B)-C-(B-)
vectors is that they must represent the physical
quantities of the same nature. 12. If the magnitude of vectors
A,B and C are
5. Vectors can not be added algebraically. 3, 4 and 5 units respectively. and if
Why ? A+ B C, find the angle between A and C.
Ans. It is so because, the vectors possess direction as Ans. Since A + B = C: therefore angle berween
well as magnitude.
6. Does it make a sense to call a physical quan- A and B is 90°. Let 6 be the angle

tity a vector, when its magnitude is zero? A and C. then. cos e 3/5
or8= cos- (35)
Ans. Yes, null vector has a definite physical 13. Find the vector sum ofn coplanar forces,
of magnitude F, when each force
significance. is
proceeding one.
an angle of 2 tin with the
7. Are the magnitude and direction of (A- B) between n coplanar
Ans. Zero. Since the total angle
It means the forces
same as that of (B- A) ? (CBSE Delhi 2010) forces = (2 7/n) x n = 2 n.
various sides of a
can be represented by the
Ans. The vectors (A- B) and (B- A) have the order, hence their
closed polygon taken in one
same magnitude but opposite directions. resultant force is zero.
8. Is the magnitude of (A - B) is the same as 14. Is-j a unit vecetor ? Explai.
vector. If R = i-j,
that of (A +B) ? Ans. (i-j} is not a unit
Bwhich R
Ans. Magnitude is the same when and y)2 + (-1)2 = V2 and angle
between A R=
makes wih X-axis, is given by,
B is 90° and is different if 0 is other than 90°. =cos 45°
9. Give two necessary conditions for a given
cos B= 1/2
quantity to be a vector. or B 45° below ther-axis.
Under what.condition, the
annot give zero
ree vectors
sultant (ti) can
give zero 22. What aro
the maximum number or
resultant ?
() ngular component vectors
three ectors are not lying
) When in one component vectors, into which a vector
heycan not produe zero resultant. can be resolved in a plane?
(i) hen three
are lying in a or
plane and AS. () Two only in a plane (ii) Any number
re represented in magnitude and direction by component vectors in a plane.
the three sides of a triangle taken in the same 23. Can a vector be multiplied with both
order, they can produce zero resultant. dimensional and non-dimensional scalar
Can the magnitude of the resultant vector
16. Ans, Yes, when a vector is multiplied witn
given vectors be less than the magnitude
dimensional scalar, the resultant vector will have
of any of the given vector ? 1
different dimensions. For example,
Yes, the angle between the two vectors
Ans if is more acceleration vector is multiplied with mass (a
than 90 but less than 270°, because in that case dimensional scalar), the resultant vector has the
cos 1s negative. dimensions of force.
17, Under what conditions the directions of sum When a vector is multiplied with non-
and difference of two vectors will be the same. dimensional scalar, it will be a vector having
Ans. The direction of sum and difference of two dimensions as that of the given vector.
vectors will be the same, when the two vectors 24. If a vector is added or subtracted from a
are unequal in magnitude and acting in the same vector, the resultant is a vector. Is this also
true in case of multiplication of two vectors?
18. What are minimum number of unequal Ans. May or may not be true. If the multiplication of
forces whose vector sum is zero?
two vectors is a scalar product or dot product,
Ans. Three forces, provided they can be represented
then the new physical quantity is called scalar.
by the three sides of a triangle taken in the same
If the multiplication of two vectors is a vector
product or cross product, then the new physical
19. What are the minimum number of forces (all quantity is called vector.
numerically equal) whose vector sum can be
zero? 25. A boat is moving with a velocity (3i+ 4j)
Ans. Two only, provided they are acting in opposite with respect to ground. The water in the river
is moving with a velocity -3i-4j with
LL Components of Vectors and Relative Velocity respect to ground. What is the relative
velocity of boat with respect to water ?
Aunitvectoris represented by a î+bj+ck. Ans. Velocity ofboat w.r.t. ground,
vR =31+4.
0-6 and 0-8
f the values of a and b are Velocity of water w.r.t. ground,
respectively, find the value of c.
(CBSE Delhi 2008) =-3-4.
AnS. Given, A=aî+bî+ck = 06?+08 + ck. Relative velocity of boat wrt. water is,

gVg- =(3i+4j)-(-3î-4)
t Here IAl=1=.y(06)2 + (08) +c 6.6i+8j
or c= 0.
or 1
0-36+00-64 + c2 or c2= 0
A = A, it A,J ID.Scalar product and vector product of vectors
A vector
Á is expressed as
where. and components along 26. If A,B and C are
non-zero vectors and
A A, are its
vector A A.B 0 and B.C = 0, then find out the
and y-axis espectively. If is given
akes an angle
with r-axis, then 0 2008) value of A.C.
by which expression (CBSE Delhi
Ans Here ? =
Ans. As A.B
0 ;
A=A cos 0 and A, =A sin b cos 6 = 0 or cos 6 = 0 or 6 90°
A, Acos
tan 0 or0 = tan"|
4/92 Pradecp's Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI

IV.Horizontal projectile
Similarly, B.C =0:
cos 0, = 0 or cos 0, 0or 0, = 90.
BC = 34. Is the rocket in light is an illustration of
A and C are parallel to each other.
Ans. No, hecause it is propelled by combustion of
AC= ACcos0"= AC fuel and does not move under the effect of
27. Can the scalar produet of two vectors be gravity alone.
negative 35. Can there he a motion in two dimensions with
Ans. Yes, itwill be negative if the angle between the an acceleration only in one direction ?
wo Tectors is between 90° to 270°.
Ans. Yes, it is so in case of a projectile motion, where
28. If A.B and C are mutually perpendicular the acceleration acts vertically downwards while
the projectile follows a parabolic path.
vectors, then find the value of A.(B+ C).
36. A body projected horizontally moves with the
Ans. A.B+ C)
A.B+ A.C same horizontal velocity throughout the
motion although it is under the effect of force
= AB cos 90° + AC cos 90° = 0
of gravity. Why ?
29. Find the value of ? (jxk). Ans. In horizontal projection of a projectile. the force
of gravity acts in a vertically downward
Ans. ijxA) =
ii) = (1)(0) cos 0° = 1
direction which cannot affect the horizontal
component velocity of the body. Due to it, the
30. Show that A = (A.A)I/2 body moves with a constant horizontal velocity
in horizontally projected body.
Ans. As A.A =AA cos 0"= A2 or A (A. A}I/2
V. Angular projectile
31. If A.B lAxBl, find the value of angle 37. A projectile is shot in air with velocity v at
an angle 0 with the horizontal. Neglecting
between A and B
the air resistance, what are the vertical
Ans. As A.B =
Ax B. therefore, acceleration and horizontal acceleration at
the highest point of its flight ?
AB cos 6= AB sin 0 or tan 9 = 1
or = /4 Ans. At the highest point, the vertical downward
acceleration of a projectile is g : due to gravity
32. A vector A points vertically upward and B pull. The horizontal acceleration is zero because
points towards east. What is the direction of no horizontal force acts on it.
AxB? 38. Is the maximum height attained by projectile
is largest when its horizontal range is
is along north
Ans. The direction of A xB
Ans. No: horizontal range is maximum when
according to Right handed screw rule. 6 = 45° and maximum height attained by
projectile is largest when 8 = 90°.
33. What is the angle between A and B , if A 39. A ball is thrown upwards and returns to the
and B denote the adjacent sides of a ground deseribing parabolic path. Which of
parallelogram drawn from a point and the the quantities remain constant throughout
the motion.
area of the parallelogram is AB. Ans. Horizomtal component velocity and total
2 nmechanical energy of projectile remain constant
throughout the motion.
Ans. Area of parallelogram = IA x BI 40. 'Two bodies are projected at angle 0 and
(90 - 0) to the horizontal with the same
= AB sin O= AB (Given) speed. Find the ratio of their time of flight.
Ans. T2 u sin /g
sin (90° - 0)
sin6 = =sin 30°
or 0 30
sin 6/cos = tan .
41. A projected with a speed u
body is
at an
the horizontal to have maximum angle For maximum rang 6 = 45° and velocity of
What is its velocity at the highest
point ? projectile at the highest point = v cos 45.
For range to be maximun6 45°.A the
noint, the vertical component highest At the highest point, KE =m(vcos45°)*
velocity is 2
hutthe horizontal component velocity =u zero
0 u cos 45° = u/V2
1000 500 J

9. The direction of the oblique projectile 41. A body of mass m is projected with a speed u
making an angle 0 with the vertical. What
becomes horizontal at the maximum height.
What is the cause of it ? the change in momentum of the body along
() the X-axis () the Y-axis; between the starting
Ans. At the maximum height of projectile, the vertical
component velocity becomes zero and only point and the highest point of its path.
horizontal component velocity of projectile is Ans. (i) Zero.
there. (i) m v cos 0.

43. A bomb thrown as projectile with angular 48. A projectile of mass m is thrown with velocity
projection explodes in mid-air. What is the u from the ground at an angle of 60° with the
path traced by the centre of mass of the horizontal. What is the magnitude of change
fragments assuming the friction to be in momentum between leaving and arriving
negligible? back at the ground 2
Ans. The path traced by the centre of mass of the Ans. In angular projection of a projectile, the
fragments is a parabolic path, because the centre horizontal component velocity u cos remains
of mass of the fragments of the bomb will follow constant at all instants of its motion whereas
the path which the bomb would have followed
vertical component velocity at the point of
if remains unexploded.
projection is v sin 6 and at the point of return is
44. What will be the effect on maximum height
of a projectile when its angle of projection is
-v sin 6. Therefore, magnitude of change in
changed from 30° to 60°, without changing
its initial velocity of projection? = w sin 6 + m sin 6 =2 mv sin 6

aximum height, U Sin 6 2 mv sin 60° = 2mu xy3/2 = V3 mv

28 acting in vertical direction.

i.e. H sin-0 VI. Circular motion
H2_sin 60°_(W3/2)_
30° (1/2)2 49. Can a body move on a curved path without
Hsin2 having acceleration ?
29 or H=3 H Ans. No. It is so because while moving on a curved
Thus the maximum height reached becomes path, the velocity of the body (which is
three times the original height of projectile. represented by tangent to the curved path at a
45. Two bombs of 2 kg and 4 kg are thrown from point) changes with time and the body is in
with the same velocity in the
a canon the accelerated state.
dyurection. Which bomb will reach the 50. The velocity of a particle is constant in
first ?
magnitude but not in a direction. What is the
s. Both the bombs will reach the ground
is nature of trajectory followed by the motion
Sumultaneously, because the time of flight
depends upon of particle?
ependent of mass of bombs but and angle of Ans. In this case, the particle is moving on a circular
ne initial velocity of projection
projection. which is same for both the
bombs. path with uniform speed. Here the direction of
6. A projectile is fired with kinetic energyIK
velocity at an instant is tangent to the circular
K.E. at path.
range is maximum, what is its
li the
the highest point ? 51. What will the effect on the centripetal
acceleration, if both the speed and the radius
Ans. Here, mv2 = 1kJ = 1000J. of the circular path of a body are doubled ?
4/94 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL
Ans. Original centripetal acccleration, which is scalar. In uniform circular
speed of body v remains constant, hence K
of body remains constant in uniform circula
c r motion.
New centripetal acceleration, 53. When a knife is sharpened with the help
2 rotating grinding stone, the spark a

2 =2ac travel tangentially to it. Why 2
Ans. Thc sparks are infact red hot particles of sand
52. A body in a uniform horizontal circular which get separated from grinding stone, when
motion possesses a variable velocity. Does it knife is sharpened. Since particles on the
mean that the K.E. of the body is also rotating grinding stone describe circular motions
variable 2 and their velocities are directed along the
tangent to the circular path, hence they move
Ans. No: K.E. of body = mv?=m (v.5), along the tangent to the grinding stone.


3. Can we add a vector representing a force of

L Vectors and Vectors addition 10 N to a vector of force 200 dyne.
Ans. Force is a vector quantity. The two forces can be
1. Vectors A, B andC satisfy the equation added by laws of vectors; parallelogram law of
A+B C, and theirmagnitudes are related vectors or triangle law of vectors which is
by the equation A + B =C. How is the vector possible if we know the angle between the two
forces. As the angle between the two given forces
A oriented with respect to vector B? is not known, hence, they can not be added.
Explain your reasoning. =
4. Given A+B+C+D 0, can the
Ans. If e is the angle between A and B,
then C= A + B + 2 AB cos 0) = (A + B) magnitude of A+B+c be equal to the

[Given] magnitude of D . Explain.

A2 +B2+2 AB cos 0 = (A + B)
=A+2AB + B Ans. Yes. Given A+B+C+D =0
cos 6 = or 6= 0°
A+B+C 0-D--D
or or
2. Do (A+ B) and (A- B) lie in the same Hence magnitude of (A+ B + C) must b
plane. Explain.
.equal to the magnitude of D
Ans. Yes, (A+ B)and (A- B) lie in the same plane 5. Two vectors A and B are of equal lengths
(A = B) and mutually perpendicular. Shov
because (A+ B) is represented by the diagonal
by vector diagram that their vector su
of a parallelogram where two adjacent sides are
represented by vectors A and B . The diagonal (A+ B) and vector dierence (A- B)
be of the same length and mutuall
passes through the common tail of A and B. perpendicular.
(A- B) is represented by the other diagonal Ans. Draw (PQ) = A and from the arrow head
of the same parallelogram. It is not passing (Le
A, draw ( QS) = B. of the same length
through the common tail of A and B A .Fig. 4(0).
QS=P0)and perpendicularto
From above we note that both (A + B), (A- B) Now ( PS) will represent (A + B).

lie in the plane of same parallelogram.

tan &, = 45°
1P or
FIGURE 4(Q).15
s 1he magnitude of resultant R of the addition
of two vectors A and B is given by

R=yA+B2 +2AB cos 0

where is the angle between A and B.
(a) If A= F, B= F and R = 0, then

0F2+ F2 +2Ffcos0
or 2 F+ 2 F cos =
or cos 6 =-l = cos 180° or 6= 180°
ie., two vectors are acting in opposite
(b) If A= F, B= F and R = 2 F, then
B, (2 F= F+F+2 FF cos
Now draw (QT) = -
or cos l or 6 = 0°
where QT = QS. Now (PT) i.e., two vectors are acting in the same
will represent direction.
(A-B). Here, tan 0 = QT 1 or 0, =45° (c)A=F,B=F
and R = F, then
=P+F? +2 FF cos =2 P (1 - cos 8)
On measuring, the lengths of (A+ B) and

(A- B) come out to be the same and angle or 1-cos 6= or cos 0 =1- =* = cos 60°
between them, (0, +02) = 45° + 45° = 90° or 6 60°
i.e., two vectors are inclined at an angle of
6. Two vectors A and B are added. Prove 60°.
that the magnitude of the resultant vector can 8. What is the difference between the following
not be greater than (4 + B) and smaller than
data ? () 3 (5 km h-, west)
(A-B) or (B-A).
(i) 3 hour (5 km h*, west).
Ans. The magnitude of resultant vector R of two Ans. ) It is the product of a pure number and a
velocity vector, hence the unit of product is same
vectors A and B is given by as that of velocity vector i.e. the product is a
velocity of magnitude 15 km h towards west.
R= A+ B2 +2ABcos (i) It is the product of a scalar (time) and
Case i). R will be maximum if velocity vector. The unit of this product will be
cos 6= 1 or 0 = 0°. hour x km h = km. Thus the product is a dis-
placement of magnitude 15 km towards west.
R= A2 + B2 +2AB(1) = (A +B) 9. What is the property of two vectors A and
Case (ii). R will be minimum ir
B,it 1A+B1=l-B1.
cos 6=-1 or 6 = 180°
Ans. We know that
Then, R=A2 +B2 +2AB(-1) IA+Bl=VA2+B2 +2AB cos 6
(A-B) or (B-A)
7. Suppose and 1A-Bl= A2 + B2-2 AB cos
you havetwo forces F and F .How
Ould you combine them in order to have As per questions,
itant force of magnitudes (a) zero AB cos 6 = {A? + B -2ABcos 6
6) 2F and (c) (CBSE Delhi 2003)
A +B+2
Pradeep Fundamental Physics

Squaring both the sicdes, we get

= 90°
A=A+A =y12+(3 =2
4 AB cos () = (0 or cos 6 = 0 or 0 make with
Let a, Bare the angles which A
and B are
lmeans. the vectors A
X-axis and y-axis respectively.
perpendicular to each other.
cos 60° or a = 60°
A2+B2=R2, find cos O= =
10. Given that A+ B =R and

theangle between A and B. 30

- cosB=- 2*COs30 or B=
B2 R2-R2 A
Ans. cos 6 R-A
= = 0
2 AB
14. The resultant of two vectors and
6 = 90°
Or perpendicular to the vector A and its
11. Components of Vectors and Relative Velocity magnitude is equal to half of the magnitude
ofthe vector B .Find out the angle between
11. Find a vector A and its magnitude as well
as direction with r-axis having initial point
A and B.
P(1,2,-1) and terminal point Q (3, 2, 2). Ans. Refer to Fig. 4(Q).16, let A (OC);
Ans. A = (3-)î+(2-2)j+12-(-1)Jk B= (OD) and R = (OF) ; ZDOF=0.
= 2i+0+3 FIGURE 4(Q).16

= t means
2i+3k A lies in r-z plane. D.---
TB cose
Al=V22 +32 =V13

If e is the angle which A makes with x-axis, eR

then tan or e = tanl B sine O
12. The velocity of a
body is 100 kmh,30° west
of south. Find the north and east components Resolving B into two rectangular components,
of the vector. we have : B cos 0 along OF and B sin along
Ans. The angle which the given velocity makes with OE. Here resultant vector is along OF.
the north direction is 180° 30° = 150°. The R=B cos 6. As per question,
component velocity along north = v cos 150° R B/2=B cos 6
= 100x(-V3/2) or cos 6 1/2 or 60°.

=86-6 km h-
- Hence, angle between A and B
The angle which the given velocity makes with 2COD =90° +60° 150°
the east direction is 90° + 30° = 120°. The 15. A man moving in rain holds his umbrella
component velocity along east = v cos 120° inclined to the vertical even though the rain
= 100 x (- 1/2) drops are falling vertically downwards.
= - 50 km h- Why?
13. What are the angles made by vector Ans. A man walking in a rain can protect himself if
he holds his umbrella in the direction of relative
A=f+3 with r-axis and y-axis?
velocity of rain w.r.t. himself.
Ans. Comparing the given vector Á

vector, A =A, î+A,

. = î+ 3 fwith Consider a man is moving due east with velocity
Suppose the rain is falling vertically
downwards with velocity v,. See Fig. 4(Q).17.
we have A, = I and A, = V3 The relative velocity of rain w.r.t. man is

or cos 4+B2-c2
2 AB

or Cos-1A4+ B2_
C-m A
E 0.
The sum and difference of two vectors are
Vrm perpendicular to each other. Prove that the
vectors are equal in magnitude.
Ans. Let the two vectors be A and B . As the vectors
(A+B) and (A-B) are perpendicularto each
B,-m-3, =
",+(-v,m other so their dot product is zero, i.e.,
=OD (A+ B).(Á-B)
OB +OC = 0

Let OD make an angle 8 with the vertical, then or A.A-A.B+B.A-B.B =0

A.B= B.A)
tan DBm
or = , tan- or A2-B? = 0 or A2 = B2 or A =B

Thus a man can protect himself if he holds his IV. Horizontal projectile
19. What are the assumptions made in the study
umbrella at an angle 6 =| tan with the ofa projectile motion?
Ans. To study the motion of a projectile, we assume
vertical in the direction of motion. that (1) there is no frictional resistance of air.
(ii) The effect due to rotation of earth and
IIL Scalar product and vector product of vectors curvature of the earth is negligible. (ii) The
acceleration due to gravity is constant in
16. If R= (A+B), show that magnitude and direction at all points of motion
of projectile.
R= A2+B2+2AB cos 6 20. A stone is throwm vertically upwards and then
where, 8 is
the smaller angle between A and B . it returns to the thrower. Is it a projectile?
Ans. Given R = (A+ B) : Taking dot product of Ans. It is not a projectile, because a projectile should
R with have two component velocities in two mutually
itself, we have,
perpendicular directions, but in this case the
R.R= (Á+ B).(A+ B) stone has velocity only in one direction while
going up or coming downwards.
A.+2A.B+B.B 21. A stone is thrown horizontally with a velocity
AB +2 2 gh from the top of a tower of height h. It
cos 0+ B
If A=B-, then determine the angle strikes the ground level through the foot of
between A tower at a distance x from it. What is the
and B - value ofr?
Ans. Taking vertical downward motion of stone
Given, A=B- C=. or
starting point to striking point on ground level,
C.C (B-A).(B-Ä) we have
0, y =h, u, =0, a, =8, t= t (say)
B.B-A.B- A.B+A.A Yo

cB-2A.B+A y=Yot,t+a,
=A+ B2-2 AB cos 6
8 is the angle between A and B h = 0+0+g
or t=
2 AB cos =42 + B2-C
Pradeep % Fundamental Physics (XI) oL

Taking horizontal motion of stone from starting

Case (i) When angle of projection, 0 = 45° 4
let R = Ri (say), then
point to striking point on ground level, we have,

" *2/gh a, =0, 1=2hg R usin2 (45°+a) sin (90°+2a)

0, r=x, ,

As t",1+a, u cos2
r=0+2/phx,x0x-2/n 8
Case (ii) When angle of projection,
45° a, let, R R, (say), then
22. A projectile is given a horizontal projection
from a height h with velocity u. What is the sin 2 (45°-a)
nature of trajectory of the projectile Draw ? R
the acceleration-time graph of this trajectory.
What does its slope indicate ? "-cos2a
Ans. When a projectile is given a horizontal
=sin (90°-2a) =
projection from a height, soon after the
projection it will be having two mutually From equation (i) and (i),
perpendicular velocities (i) Horizontal velocity R = R2
Two bodies are thrown with the same initial
u which remains constant throughout the motion 24.
and (ii) vertical downward velocity which velocity at angles a and (90° - a) with the
increases with time, due to gravity pull. horizontal. What will be the ratio of
Under the effect of these velocities, the () maximum heights attained by them and
projectile will describe a parabolic path. (i) of horizontal ranges ?
The acceleration of projectile is constant with u
time acting vertically downwards (= g). There- Ans. Horizontal range, R sin 20
fore, the graph between acceleration (a) time (1)
- 8
of this projectile motion is a straight line AB
parallel to time axis. Fig. 4(Q).18. The slope of and Max. height, H Sin
this straight line is zero with time axis. It shows
that there is no change in acceleration of Case (i) when = a;
projectile with time u2
= sina
FIGURE 4Q).18 R=sin
2a and H,
Case (i) When 6 = (90° - a);
u sin 2(90°-o)u sin 2d
B R 8
u2sin2 (90°-a)_ucosa
and H.
H2 =
O Time
tan tan^ a and R =1
V. Angular projectile
H2 cosa
25. Prove that there are two times for which the
23. Prove that the horizontal range is same when projectile travels the same vertical distance.
angle of projection is (i) greater than 45° by Also prove that the sum of the two times Is
certain value and (i) less than 45° by the same equal to the time of flight.
value. NCERT 8olved Examplo Ans. In angular projection of a projectile, let h be
the height attained by projectile in timings
Ans. Horizontal range for angular projection of a
projectile is given by
and respetively. Then,
Sin 20 h=u sin
0t-sf ig

sin 6(2-1): (2- Max. Horizontal range,

usin 2x45 . =2h

28. A projectile is projected from horizontal w
2uSin,total time of velocity u making an angle 45° with tne
or (ht) 8
flight. horizontal direction. Find the distance of the
will shoot three times as highest point of the projectile from its
Showthat a gun high starting point.
6. wheneelevatedat angle of 60° as when fired Ans. Maximum height,
angle 30° but will have the same
at an range.
H "insin245
ns. Let betheuvelocity ofshot fired from a gun at
angle with the rizontal. Then
Horizontal range, R
u sin 2x45°
Max. height, H=""
sin9 8
sin 20 In Fig. 4(Q).19, AC = H=-
Horizontal range, R=
When 30°,
usin 30 ux1/4 2
i 2g 28 8g

sin H
u sin 2x 30°
8 8 B

When = 60, -R/2

H, =
28 28 8g Oc-28
usin2x 60 usin 120°_u23 OA =VOC
8 8 82
+ AC?
From above, we note that R, = R2 and

H3u188=3 or H, =3H, (Proved) 4 8

point of projectile motion
H uT8 g 29. At which
)potential energy is maximum (fi) kinetic
The greatest height to which a boy can throw
energy is maximum (ii) total mechanical
a stone is
h. What will be the greatest distanece
can energy is maximum.
on horizontal
surface upto which the boy projectile, the potential energy is
OW the stone with the same speed ? Neglect Ans. In case of a
the air friction. maximum at the highest point, given by
heigh attained, H=*usin
Maximum mgH = mg
(PE)p 2g
Demaximum, when sin 0 =
1 or 6= 90 mu sin2

ax 2*h=h
Hax u
Kinetic energy of projectile will be
(but not zero) at the highest
point, because only
vertical component velocity is zero there.
tal range will be maximum if angle of
POjection is Therefore
45° with the horizontal.
4/100 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

T= 2 u/g.
(K.E) =muj=mu? For the ball projected at an angle with their
vertical, the time of flight is,
T2 2 u2 cos /g
(P.E)H +(K.E.)y =;mu (sin-0 + cos- 0)
Since time for both the balls is same, so
24 2u, cos 0 or u
u2 COs 6.
which is the total mechanical energy of
projectile at the point of projection. So in
projectile motion, total mechanical energy is
conserved, i.e., same at all locations of its
Now, and
h F 2g h2 2gcos 0
motion. K.E. of projectile is maximum at u cos 08

place of projection. Hence, =1

30. Find the angle of projection for a projectile
u cos 0 u cos0
motion whose range R is n times the VI. Circular motion
maximum height H.
Ans. Given; R = n H; so, u sin 20u
= n-
sin 0 34. Which is greater ; the angular velocity of the
hour hand of a watch or angular velocity of
8 2g
earth around its own axis ?
or tan or tan (4/n) Ans. For hour hand of watch,
31. A ball is projected with velocity u at an angle
timeperiod, Th = 12 h
a with horizontal plane. What is its speed For earth, Te = 24 h.
when it makes an angle ß with the horizontal 2Tt
plane ? Angular velocity, w=
Ans. Let v be the velocity of ball at an instant, when T
it makes an ange ß with the horizontal. The
horizontal component velocity of the ball
= v cos B.
T 12
2 or =20
Initial horizontal component velocity of ball Thus angular velocity of hour hand of a watch
= u cos a is greater than the angular velocity of earth
In angular projection of a projectile, the around its own axis.
horizontal component velocity remains 35. What are the angular velocities of a second
unchanged, hence vcos B= Cos u hand, minute hand and hour hand of a
or v = u cos a/cos B clock?
32. A paricle is projected at an angle 0 from the Ans. Second hand ofa clock completes one rotation
horizontal with kinetic energy 7. What is the in 60 seconds. So T= 60 s, 6 = 2 T rad.
kinetic energy of the particle at the highest
point? = = rad/s
Ans. At highest point, velocity of projectile
= u cos G6. For Minute hand of a clock,
K.E. of projectile at highest point
T 60 min = 60 x 60 s = 3600s

m (u cos 0 = |mu2| cos20 2T rad/s

3600 1800

T cos6e For hour hand of a clock,

T 12 h = 12 x 60 x 60 s
33. A ball of mass m is thrown vertically up.
Another ball of mass 2 m is thrown at an angle 27T
with the vertical. Both of them stay in air 12x60x60
for the same period of time. What is the ratio
of the height attained by the two balls.
Ans. For the ball thrown vertically upwards, the time 21600
taken by the ball to come back is,
4/124 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL


1. A person travelling east wards at the rate of 2. A man running on the horizontal road at
4 km h- finds that the wind seems to blow 8 km h- find the rain appears to be falling
directly from the north. On dubling his speed, vertically. He increases his speed to 12 km
the wind appears to come from 45° north of h and finds that the drops make angle 30°
west. Find the actual velocity of the wind. with the vertical. Fin dthe speed and direction
of the rain with respect to the road.
Sol. Let u be the velocity of person and v that of
Sol. Let u be the velocity of the man and v be
wind. Let i and j be the unit vectors along
east and north directions respectively. As per the velocity of rain. Let i and j be the unit
question vectors along horizontal road and vertical
direction respectively. According to question
and U =v,i+v,j
u =8i and v = v, i + v,j
If v, is the velocity of wind relative to person,
v, = - u = (v,
i+v, )-ui
If v, is the velocity of rain relative to man,

(-u)i +", j
,-H=(o,i+v, )-8i
As wind seems to blow directly from north, so = (u -8)i +v,i
As rain appears to be falling vertically
-,j= (, -u)i + v,j SO

Comparing coefficients of i and j, we have -,i=, -8)i+v,î

-u = 0 or v, = u and
v,= U

Comparing the coefficients of i and j onboth

When person doubles his speed, then u' =2ui
the sides, we get
Let the relative velocity of wind w.rt., person
-8= 0 or v, = 8

,=V-d=(v,î+v,)-2uf When man increases his speed, then u' = 12;

Let the relative velocity of rain w.r.t.,
(ui +v, j)-2ui =- +u, j man be
As the wind appears to come from 45°
east so,
north of
-d=(o, i+v, j-12i
= (8i +v, j)-12i =-4i+v,j
45°=ororv,-u tan 45° =-ux1-u As rain appears to be falling
Thus the actual velocity of wind at an angle 30°
with the vertical, therefore angle
with the road,
i.e., horizontal direction, = 90°
Uv,i+v, j =ui-uj=41-4 Now
30° = 60°.

Dl= 42+ (-4)2 = 4V2km h tan 60°= orv,=-4 tan 60° = -43
or 135 U=v,i+v, j =8i -4V3
It means the wind is blowing from north-west Dl= 82+(-4/3)2 = V64+48
10:58 km h-l
angle which the rain makes 4/125
fB is the
2hertical direc. then angle with the with the
B) horizontal R sin = mg
will be (90°-
(90-B)=3 0-866 = tan 40°56
sin 6 (OQIOP)
tan 8
90 40°56' =49°6' = 15x 9:8BN
= 15 kg
mooth emispheric bowl 30 cm
AS the horizontal component R cos 6 Will
meter, rotates with a constant angular
provide the requircd centripctal force, so
velocity o, about its vertical axis of symmetry
R cos 9 mr o
ig. 4Q).45ta).
A particle at P of weighing
kg is observed to remain at rest relativeto R cos 6 15x9-8X /0-15
h bowl at a height 10 em above the
ind the magnitude of the force exerted by
0 mr mr
the bowl on the article and speed of rotation = 14
of the bowl. 4. If the horizontal range of projectile be a and
the maximum height attained by it is b then
FIGURE4(Q).45 prove that the velocity of projection is

15 cm Sol. Let u be the velocity of projection of a projectile

and e be its angle of projection with the
horizontal direction from ground.

Maximum height = h -U
10 cm
or sin2 e 2bg
Horizontal range
ol. Let R be the force exerted by the bowl on the
particle. It will be as a rectional force R. Fig. u sin 20 2u sin 6 cos
Various forces acting on the particle at P will be
or 2 sin 6 cos 6 = ag/u
() Weight mg acting vertically downward or 4 sin 0 cos 0 = až ght
or 4 sin 0 (1 sin 0) = a
i) Normal reaction R acting along PO. -

Kesolving R into two rectangular components,

we have R sin 6 acts vertically upwards and From (i)]
R cos 8 acts horizontally along PQ. When the
particle is just at rest, then
8bg 16bg_a*g
u u
Or a g+ 16b g= 8 bg

2=a8*+16b*g_ag +16^2 g
8bg Sb

sin/ 0
R cos 0 10 cm . Proved.
L mg
4/126 Pradeep 'a Fundamental Physics (XT VOL
5. An object A is kept fixed at the point x u fcos 9 + sin 6) = g
and y = 125 m on a plank P raised above the
ground. At timef = 0, the plank starts moving From (i), (u sin G) t = 125 + .vi)
along the + r-direction with an accleration
1-5 ms At the same instant a stone is Adding (i) and (vi), we have
projected from the origin with a velocityy u ut(cos 9+ sin G)
as shown in Fig. 4(Q)46. A stationary person a
on the ground observes the stone hitting the =30+152 +125
object during its downward motion at an
angle of 45 to the horizontal. All the motions g124-25+ From ()]
are in X - Y plane. Find u and time after
which the stone hits the ohbject. Take g 1024-25 +0-75
2 +5 2 [: g = 10 ms-2
= 10 ms2 or (10-5-75) P 4-25 or P=1 or 1= 1s
Putting t = 1s in (i) and (ii), we have
u cos 0 = 3-0+x15x12 = 3-75 vri)
1-25 m A and u sin 6 = 1-25 +5x 12= 6-25 vii)
P u(cos2 8+ sin G) = (3-75) + (6-25)2

a or u=(3-75)2 + (6-25)2 = 7-30 ms-lo

3-0 m Dividing (vii) by (vii), we have

Sol. Let the stone be projected from O with velocity tan 6 :25
3-75 3
or 6 - tan
u, making an angle 6 with X-axis. It hits the
object A and at B in time t. It means, the object 6. A particle is moving in a plane with velocity
goes fromA to B in time 1. Let v be the velocity given by ; u = u i + (0a cos or) j; where
of stone at B. Fig, 4(Q).47.
i and j are unit vectors along X and Y axis
FIGURE 4(Q).47
respectively. If the particle is at the origin at
t 0, (a) calculate the trajectory of the
particle (b) find its distance from the origin
1-25 m atf = (37/20).
Sol. (a) Here, u =u,i + u,j

-X i + (0a cos or)j

O A1 B1 =4
3.0m So, and 0a cos
Taking horizontal motion from O to B, here
. or dx = 40 di
OB = OA +A,B1 d
Integrating it, we have
So u cos Br
3-0+x1-5r or =
Taking vertical motion from O 1o B, here
Also, a cos c

1-25 = (u sin 6) 1-5 8 or dy = a cos or di

Also v cos 45° = u cos 8 .(ii) Integrating it, we have
and v sin 45° = u sin 8 - gt sin
Dividing (ii) by (iv), we get
y 0a =a sin ot =
a sin carluo
u cos 0 or u cos = Thus equation of trajectory is y=asia ar/uo
-1 = 6+u sin 6 gt
usin 6-gt
PLANE strmm

(4hb) When t= 3t/20, x= u Sol. After onc second, let v,, v, be the horizontal
20 the of
and vertical component 'velocities
andy=d Sin 9x 200 =a sin a(-1)=-a projectile whose initial velocity of projectio
is u and angle of projection is then ,
Distance from origin
U=u cos 6 -
=+y =
u 3d20) +(-a)2
and U,u sin 6 gx
= u sin 6-8
AS the resultant of v and v makes an angie

94 40
B=45°) with the horizontal, so
tanB usin
6-8 = tan 45
u cose
1. Two vectors A and B
are defined as x
or u sin -8 =
coss 6
A-ai and B=alcos ot + sin ot j), i or u (sin 6- cos 8) = 8
where a is a constant and o = (/6) rad s-1,.Ir After two seconds, the vertical component
velocity of projectile becomes zero, since the
+B1 =31Á-Bl at time for= t, velocity of projectile is horizontal after two
the first time, the value of t, in second is. Seconds. So u sin 9 -2g= 0 or u 2 g/sin 6

(JEE Advanced 2018)
From ). 8(sin
- cos 0) = 8
Sol. Here, A ai and B = a cos oti +a sin ot
A+ Bl=lai + (a cos or i + a sin or ) or 2(1- cot 0) = 1
or 1-cot 0=
=l (a + acos or) i +a sin or j| or cot 6=1. or tan 6 = 2
= (a +a cos ot) + (a sin or) Or
9. Two inclined planes AB and BC are placed
tan (2)

Tada(1+cos or) +a sin2 as shown in Fig. 4(Q).48. A particle is

projected from the foot of the plane of angle
zir a(1+2 cos ot + cos wt +sin or) a along its line with a velocity just sufficient
to carry it to the top after which the particle
EFI=Ja2 (1+2 cos ot +1) = a 2(1+cos or)
9di slides down the other inclined plane. Find the

R a21+2
cos ot -1) = 2a ocos oi/2 ,
total time it will take to reach the pont C.
Sol. Let t2 be the times taken by particle to go from
A to B and B to Crespectively. In Fig. 4(Q).48,

A-BI=laî - (a cos otî+asin or ji

AB=S1 = h/sin ot and BC=s^=hlsin B.
Component of acceleration due to gravity along
the plane AB = g sin a
= la(1- cos or) i + a sin @ jl = 2 a sin ot/2
Taking upward motion of particle from A to B
As A+ Bl=1A-BI along the plane AB, we have
2 a cos ot/2 v3 x2a sin wt!2
or tan o/2 = 1/3 or =ntt B

or TT
T= (12 nt2) s = 2 s, 10 s, 14 s
When for the first
8. One
timet=T, thent=t=200s
; A
ter the projection, a stone
an angle of 45° with the horizontal. u =v,a =-8 Sin v = 0, ,
OSeconds from the start, it is travelling t=1, S= s = h/sin a
6l izontally. Find the angle of projection As, U=u + at
with the horizontal. (g = 10 ms).
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics
0=V- g sin a or ground for the first time, it lones half f
or v =8 a'
Sin sina kinetic energy. Immediately after the
bounce, the velocity of the ball makesan

angle of 30 with the horizontal surface. The

Also, S = ut + at
maximum height it reaches after the bounce,
in metres, (JEE Advanced 2018)
(g sin a)4-8
is. **nte

sin aif Sol. Here, 0 = 45°, Max. hcight, H = 120 mn

sin a
Rcfer to Fig. 4(Q).49.
sin a arf FIGURE 4(Q).49

sin2 a & sin
Taking downward motion of particle from B to
C along the plane BC. Here
u = 0, a = g sin B. t = tz, S = hlsin B 2sin 45-120
H, =
As S =ut +ar
sin 08 sin Br3 or
After first bounce, the ball loses its half kinetic
energy, so
sin 2
or =.
Total time =
+2= 2 sin a sinß H=V sin230(ud2 x (1/2)2 _u
H,5 -

10. A ball is projected from the ground at an 2s 2g 16g

angle of 45° with the horizontal surface. It from ())
reaches a maximum height of 120 m and
returns to the ground. Upon hitting the
PLANË 4/129
9201 mit temit

of the following physical quantities, ifit is a scalar or a vector. Volume, mass, speed,
State, for each
ration, densit
acceleration, density, number of moles, velocity, angular frequency, displaceme angular velocity.
Scalars. Volurme, mass, speced, density, number of moes, angular frequency.
Sol. Sca
Vectors. Acceleration, velocity, displacement, angular velocity.
a7. Plck two scalar quantities in the following
out the lists: fore, angular momentum, work, current
linear momentum, electric field, average velocity, magnetic moment, relative velocity.
Sol. Work and current are the scalar quantities in the given list.
following list: temperature, pressure, impluse, time, power,
0.3. Pick out the only vector quantity in the
total path-length, energy, gravitational potential, coefficient of friction,
= force x time. As momentum and force are vector quantities,
Sol. Since, Impulse = change in momentum
hence impulse is a vector quantity.
sealars and vectors are
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following algebraic operations with
to a vector of the same dimension (c) Multiplying
(a) Adding any two scalars (b) Adding a scalar (f) Adding a
(d) Multiplying any two sealars (e) Adding any two vectors
vector by any scalar.
component of a vector to the same vector.
dimensions can be added.
Dol. (a) No, because only the scalars of same
(6) No, because a scalar cannot be added
to a vector.
A which is a meaningful
A is multiplied by mass m, we get a force F = m
(c) Yes, when acceleration
time t, we get work done =P1, which is a useful
a) Yes, when power P is multiplied
of same dimensions can be added.
two vectors
0, because the same dimensions.
Yes, because both are vectors of the is true or false:
Q.5 9 carefully and state with reasons, if it
each statement below
Ead a
magnitude of vector is always
a scalar.
he component ofa vectoris always
a scalar displacement vector of a particle.
magnitude of the
ch equal to the
length divided by the time taken the to ccover
ne fotal path length is always
average speed of a particle
as total
of average
velocity off the particle over the same

either greater or equal to
inte vector.
interval of time. never add up to give a null
not lying in a plane can
So. (a) Yectors number.
True ; because magnitude is a pure vector.
(b)False; a vector is also a therwise false.
direction, othe
component of line in the same the
(c) True on moves along a
equal to the magnitude of ment
particle than or
if the
path length is either
Decause the total angle taken in the same order.
Vect sides of a
e) True;as represented by the
an pot be
4/130 Pradeep 'a Fundamental Physics (XI}VoLg
Q.6. Establish the following inequalities gcometrically or otherwise:
(a) lA+BISsIAl+IBI (b)IA+Bl2IAÍ-1B
() 1A-BIsIAI+|B1 d) 1A-B12AI-IB
When does the equality sign above apply ?
Sol. Consider two vectors A and B be represented by the sides

OP and oQ of a parallelogram OPSQ. According to

parallelogram law of veetor addition: (A + B) will be
represented by os as shown in Fig. 4(N).1. Thus OP =IAI, /o
= =
0Q PS =| BI and OS I A+ BI

(a)To prove IA + BIsIAI+|BI

We know that the length of one side of a triangle is always less than the sum of the lengths of the other two
sides. Hence from A OPS, we have
OS< OP + PS or OS < OP +O
or A+Bl< AT+|B
If the two vectors A and B are acting along the same straight line and in the same direction

then IA+B1=11+IBI
Combining the conditions mentioned in () and (i) we have 1A +BISIAI+|BI

b) To prove 1+Bi2|11+|B|
From A OPS, we have OS+ PS > OP OS> 1OP -PSI or OS>1OP -0Q1
( PS= 00)
The modulus of (OP PS) has been taken because the L.HS. is always positive but the R.H.S. may be
negative if OP < PS. Thus from (ii) we have.

If the two vectors A and B are acting along a straight line in opposite directions, then

Combining the conditions mentioued in (iv) and (v) we get

(e)To Prove IA-BISIAT+1B 9dT 8
In Fig. 4(N).1 A = (OP) and
From A ORP we note that OR < OP + PR
=T = PR and (A - B) = OR go

or A-BI<lAT+I-BI or IA-B1<lAT+1BI
If the two vectors are acting along a straight line
butin the opposite direction, then 1A-Bl=I+IBI .(vi)

Combining the conditions mentioned in (vi) and (vi) we get IA-BisIAI+IB


(d)Toprove IA- Bi2||AI-I

In Fig. 4(N). 1, from A OPR, we note that
OR+PR> OP or OR>10P - PR\ or OR>1OP - OTT ..(viii)
( OT= PR)
The modulus of (OP - OT) has been taken becuse L.U.S. is
positive and R.H.S. may be negative
From (vii) -BI>A1-1
If the two vectors A and B are acting along the same straight line in the samc direction,

Combining the conditions mentioned in (ix) and (r) we
get 1A - BI2| AI-IBI
0.7, Given A + B +C +D = 0, which of the following statements
are correct ?
(a) A, B.C and D must cach be a null vector.

(b)Themagnitude of (A+C) cquals themagnitude of (B +D).

(c) The magnitude of A can never be greater than the sum of the magnitude of B, C and D.
(d) B+C must lie in the plane of A +D ,if A and D are not collinear and in the line of A and
D.if they are collinear.
Sol. (a) Not correct, because A +B +C +D can be zero in many ways
other than A, B, C and D must
each be a null vector.
(b) Correct. Since, A + B+C+D=0 A+C=-(B + D) or +C= (B+D)
)Correct. Since A+ B +C+D=0 or A=-(B+C+D)

90-It means the magnitude of A is equal the magnitude of vector (B +C+D). Since the sum of the
magnitudes of B, C and D may be equal or greater than the magnitude of A , hence thu magnitude
A can never be greater than the sum of the manitude of B, C and D
(d) Correct. Since A +B +C +D =
0 ; or A +(B + C) +D =
0. The resultant sum of three vectors
A, (B +C) and D can be zero only if (B +C) lies in the
( plane of A and D and these three vectors
arerepresented by the three sides ofa triangle taken in one order. If A and D are collinear, then (B+
must be in line of A and D, only then the vector sum of all the vectors will be zero.
Q.8. Three girls skating on a circular ice ground ofradius 200 m start from a
point P on the edge of the ground and reach a point Q diametrically FIGURE 4(N).2
opposite to P following different paths as shown in Fig. 4(N).2. What is LLLL.
the magnitude of the displacement vector for each ? For whieh girl is this
equal to the actual length of path skated ?
Sol. Displacement for each girl =
PQ .

Magnitude of the displacement for cach girl

ii).. = PQ = diameter of circular ice ground = 2 x 200 = 400 m. TTTTTTT
For girl B, the magnitude of displacement is equal to the actual length of path
4/132 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOL

cyclist starts from the centre 0 ofa circular park of radius km reaches
1 FIGURE4(N).3
Q.9. A
the edge P of the park, then cycles along the circumference, and returns
to the centre along Q0 as shown in Fig. 4(N).3. If the round trip takes
minutes, what is the (a) net displacement (b) average velocity and (c)
average specd of the cyclist.
Sol. (a) Here, net displacement = zero.
net displacement 0
(b) Average velocity = = 0
time taken 10/60h
2 Ttr +lkm
total path length
1+2xx+1 knm h-l
(c) Average speed = 21-4
time taken (10/60) h 1/6
60° after every
Q. 10. On an open ground, a motorist follows a track that turns to his left by an angle of
500 m. Starting from a given turn, specify the displacement of the motorist at the third, sixth and
eighth turn. Compare the magnitude of the displacement with the total path length covered by the
motorist in cach case.
Sol. In this problem, the path is a regular hexagon ABCDEF of side length FIGURE 4(N).4
500 m. Fig. 4(N).4. Let the motorist start from A.
Third turn. The motor cyclist will take the third turn at D. 60
Displacement vector at D= AD 60 60
Magnitude of this displacement = 500 + 500 = 1000 m
= S,
Total path length from A to D AB + BC + CD = 500+ 500+ 500
= 1500 m K60
Sixth turn. The motor cyclist takes the sixth turn at A. So
displacement vector is null vector. The total path length 500mB
= AB + BC+ CD + DE + EF+ FA = 6 x 500 = 3000 m
Eighth turn. The motor cyclist takes the eighth turn at C. The displacement vector = AC , which is
represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram ABCG.

So, IAC = (500 + (500) +2x (500) x (500) x cos60° ==

y500) + (500)2 + 250000 = 86603 m

500sin 60° 500x3/21

tan B = 30
500+500cos60° 500 (1+1/2) tan or B 30

It means AC makes an angle 30° with the initial direction. Total path length = 8 x 500 = 4000m
Q. 11. A passenger arriving in a new town wishes to go from the station to a hotel located 10 km away on a
straight road from the station. A dishonest cabman takes him along a circuitous path 23 km long
and reaches the hotel in 28 minutes. What is (a) the average speed of the taxi, (b) the magnitude of
00 average velocity ? Are the two equal?
Sol. Here, actual path 1length travelled, S = 23 km; Displacement =
10 km; Time taken, r= 28 min = 28/60h
actual path length 23
(a) Average speed of the taxi =. = 49:3 km/h
time taken 28/60
displacement 10
(b) Magnitude of average velocity = 21-4 km/h
time taken (28/60)
The average speed is not equal to the magnitude of average velocity. The two are equal for the motion of
taxi along a straight path in one direction.
o, Kain is falling vertically with a speed
of 30 msl, A woman rides a bicycle with a speed of 10 ms n
the Ntsrth to Seuth direction. What
is the direction in which she should hold
Sol. In Fig 44)5, the rain is falling along OA her umbrella ?
with speed 30 ms and
wuman ider is ItVing along OS
with speed 10 ms i.e. FIGURE 4N).5
A= ns& OB= 10 rns'. The woman
rider can protect herself
fron the sain if she holds her umbrella in the direction
velocity of rain w.r.t. woman. To do of relative
so apply equal and opposite Rain
velocity of woman om the rain i.e. impress
the velocity 10 ms due
North on rain which is represented Woman
by OC .Now therelative velocity
N C-w O S
of rain wr.t. Woman will be represented
parallelogran OADC. If ZAOD = then ,
by diagonal OD
in A OAD,
of B

OA OA 0-3333 = tan 18° 26
18 26' with vertical in forward direction.
A man can swim with a
.13. speed of 4 km/h in still water. How long does he
take to cross a river 1 km
wide if the river flows steadily at 3 km/h
and he makes his strokes normal to the river current? How
far down the river does he go when he reaches
the other bank?
Sol. Time to cross the river, 1 = of river km 1
h = 15 min
speed of man 4 km/h 4
Distance moved along the river in timet=v, x
t =3 km/h x km ==750 m
.14. In a harbour, wind is blowing at the speed of 72
km/h and the flag on the mast of a boat anchored in
the harbour flutters along the N-E direction. If
the boat starts moving at a speed of 51 km/h to the
North, what is the direction of flag on the mast of the
boat ?
Sol. When the boat is anchored in the harbour,
the flag flutters along the N-E direction. It shows that the
velocity of wind is along the North-East direction. When the
boat starts moving, the flag will flutter along
the direction of relative velocity of wind wr.t. boat. Let
v,be the relative velocity of wind w.r.t. boat
and p be the angle between v .
and v, Refer to Fig. 4(N).6. Now

wb +-,) FIGURE4N).6
72 km/h N

I-1=15km/h NE
Anglebetween v and -v, is 135° i.e. 0 = 135°. Then
51 sin 135 51 sin 45° W--. -E
tan B= O
72+51 cos 135° 72 +51 (-cos 45°)

51x1/2) = 10039
12-51 (1/V2)
B tan (1-0039) = 45.1° S
Angle w.r.t. East direction = 45.1°- 45° = 0-1°
Jt means
the flag will futter almost due East.
.15. 'The ceiling of a long hall is 25 m high. What is the maximum horizontal distance that a ball thrown
with a speed of 40 ms can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall?
Sol. Here, =
40 ms;H= 25 m;R =?
TEt O be the angle of projection with the horizontal direction to have the maximum range, with maximum2
height = 25 m.
4/134 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)ve
= sin2"8_(40)2 sin2e
Maximunn height, H 25
28 2x9-8

SinO= 402 0-5534 = sin 33.6° or 33-6°
20_(40) xsin2x33-6*1600x0.9219
lorizontal ange, R=usin 9-8 98
= 150-5 mn

Q.16. A ericketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. With the samespeed how
high above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball ?
Sol. Let u be the velocity of projection of the ball. The ball will cover maximum horizontal distance when
angle of projection with horizontal, 0 = 45°. Then, Rmax = ulg
Here, ulg = 100m.
In order to study the motion of the ball along vertical direction, consider a point on the surface of earth as
the origin and vertical upward direction as the positive direction of Y axis. Taking motion of the ball along
vertical upward direction we have uy4, a,=- 8, U,= 0, t= ?, yo =0, y = ?
As ,4,ta, 0
u+-8) or ulg t
Also, y=Yot",t+a,t

y=0+u (u/g) +-)2

=u- 10=50 m
from (

7 A stone tied to the end of a string 80 cm long is whirled in a horizontal circle with a constant speed.
If the stone makes 14 revolutions in 25 seconds, what is the magnitude and direction of acceleration
of the stone ?

Sol. Here, r =80 cm= 0-8 m; v= 14/25 s-. 0= 2 Tv =2> 7 rad. 1

The centripetal acceleration, a = 0* r= |
x 0-80 9.90 ms2
The direction of centripetal acceleration is along the string directed towards the centre of circular path.
Q. 18. An air craft executes a horizontal loop of radius 1 km with a steady speed of 900 km h, Compare
its centripetal acceleration with the acceleration due to gravity.
Sol. Here, r=l km = 1000 m;v =900 km h = 900 x (1000 m) x (60 x 60 s) = 250ms
Centripetal acceleration, a = -

(250)2 1L
1000 9.R 6-38
Q.19. Read each statement below carefully and state, with reasons, ifit is true or false:
(a) The net acceleration of a particle in circular motion is always along the radius of the circle
towards the centre.
(b) The velocity vector of a particle at a point is always along the tangent to the path of the particle
at that point.
(c) The acceleration vector of a particle in unif rm circular motion averaged over one cycle is a null
Sol. (a) False. The net acceleration of a particle is Jwards the centre only in case of a uniform circular
(b) True, because while leaving the circular path, the particle moves tangentially to the
circular path.
is directed towards the centre
(c) True. The direction of acceleration vector in a uniform circular motion
all these vectors will be a zero vector.
of circular path. It is constantly changing with time. The resultant of

20. The position of a particle is given by

7= 3-0rî -2-012î+40 m,where t is in seconds and the
coefficients have the proper
units for r to be in metres. (a)
(h)What is the magnitude and direction of velocity of Find the v and á of the particle t
the particle at t = 2s?
7==30-20?j+40) =[30? -401ms

radbr Acceleration, a= (301-40r)=0-40j= -40 j ms2

t() At time = 2 s,
t v = 3-0i -4-0x2j =
30i -80 . v= (3-0)? +(-8)? = 73 =8:54 ms

Iffo is the angle which v makes with x-axis, then tan =-2-667=- tan 69-5°
riibs =L-
69-5° below the x-axis
0.21. A particle starts from the origin at t =0 with a velocity of 10-0
m/s and moves in the X-Y plane
with a constant acceleration of (8-0i +2-0j) ms2.
(a) At what time is the r-coordinate of the
particle 16 m? What is the y-coordinate of the
particle at that time ? (b) What is the speed of the
particle at that time ?
Sol. Here, u
10:0j ms at t = 0.
be9tge ns
a4= (80?+20) ms2
So d (80?+20f)
Integrating it within the limits of motion i.e. as time changes from 0 to 1, velocity changes from u to v, we
have v-u =(8-0?+20 )r or =u +80tî+20ts
As or dr = v dt
So, d (u +80t+201 )a
Integrating it within the conditions of motion i.e. as time changes from 0 to t, displacement changes from
O to r, we have:

2 2
or xî+yj=10jt+40# i+j= 402 i+(101+A)}
Here, we have, x = 4-0 and y = 101+ t= (x/4)/2
(a)Atx=16 m;1=(16/4)12 =2s
y= 10 x 2 +22= 24 m

sl1is(0) Nelocity of the particle at time t is v=10f+80ti+2-0t

When t 2 s, then, 7=10+80x2î +20x2/=16f+14
11= vi62 +142 = 21-26 ms
are unit vectors along x- and y-axis respectively
and j
direction of the vectors (î +j) and (i -j)
Tins hat is the magnitude and
are of a vector B = 2î +3j alongthedirectionsof (i +j) and (í-)2
What the components
4/136 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)voL

Sol. First method : (a) Magnitude of (î +/) =1î+jl=y)2 +(1)2 = 2 i tsurt

Let the vector (î +î) make an angle 0 with the direction of i, then

Cos A_B|
cos +1. (W2)a)
= cos 45° or =
45° AB

lf +ju?
Magnitude of (i- f)=1f -fl=ya2 +(-1)? = E
Similarly, if 0 is the angle which the vector (i j) makes with the direction of i, then

cos 8--]).i.1 = cos 45° or 0 45°

Here, -45 with î

(b) Here, B=2?+3
To find the component vectors of B along the vectors (i +) we first find the unit vector along the

direction of vector (+). Let a be the unit vector along the direction of vector (î +j).

Magnitude ofthe component vector of B along (f +Î)= B.a=(2î+3^).-=(í+})

Component of B along (î +/) = (B.a)a=

Let b be the unit vectoralong the direction of (f -j).

Then, -). -î-î) 0-1)
I-jay+(-1? T
A A lo
Similarly component of B along (i j)- will be = (B .b) b

Second method:
(a) Refer to Fig. 4(N).7(a); lo0
Given, -+î)=4,î+4, te
Then, A,=I and A,
=l =V

is the angle which A makes with the FIGURE 4(N).7

tan tan 45 or0 =45°

Refer tu 2g. 44N).7(6):
A j-A,i+A,, then, A,=Iund A,=-1 Ax

AA+A = Ja* +(-1? =
is the angle which A makes with the -axis.

Then tan8= -1 =- tun 45° =tan(-45°)

Connponent of B along the direction of A(=f+) is

=0+) =250+)
Component of B along the direction of A(=î-) is

- -05(-)
2R For an arbitrary motion in space, which of the following relations are true:

(b) average[ 0,)-r (GM,-)

(c) r)= u(0)+at (d) F()= Tco)+ v0 +(1/2)a
(e vergeD0,)-ot,MU-1)
The average stands for the average of the quantity over the time interval t, and ta]
Sol. The relations (8) and (e) are true; others are false because relations (), ) and (d) hold only foruniformly
accelerated motion.
Q. 24. Read each statcment below carelully and state with reason and examples, it is true or false. A
scalar quantity is one that (a) is conserved in a process (b) can never take negative values (c) must be
dimensionless (d) does not vary from one point to another in space (e) has the same value for observers
with different orientations of axes.
Sol. (a) False, because energy (being a scalar quantity) is not conserved during
inelastic collisions.
(6) False, because the temperature (being a scalar quantity) can be negative.
(c) False. because the density (being a scalar quantity) has dimensions.
vary from point to point in space.
()False, because gravitational potential (being a scalar quantity)
(e) True. because the value of scalar does not change with
orientation of axes.
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)voL
m above the ground. If the angle subtended at a ground
Q. 25. An aircraft is flying at a height of 3400 30°, what is the speed of the aircraft ?
observation point by the aireraft positions 10 s apart is
ground. A and B are
Sol. In Fig 4(N).8, () is the observation point at the FIGURE4(N).8
for which ZAOB= 30°. Draw a perpendicular
the positions of air eraft
= 15°. Time
OC on AB. Here, OC = 3400 1m and ZAOC = 2COB
takrn b aineratt from A to B is 10 s.
In AAUC AC = OC tan 15° = 3400 x 0-2679 = 910-86 m.
AB= AC + CB = AC+ AC = 2 AC = 2 x 910-86 m 1530 3400m

distancc AB 2x910-86
Speed of the aireraft. v=- time 10
= 182.17 ms = 182-2 ms

in the space ? (i) Can it vary with
Q. 26. A vector has magnitude and direction (i). Does it have a location
time ? (ii) Will two cqual vectors a and b at different locations in
space necessarily have identical
physical cffects ? Give examples in support of your answer.
remains unaffected whenever
Sol. (i) A vector in general has no definite location in space because a vector
it is displaced anywhere in space provided its magnitude and direction do not
change. However a positiona
vector has a definite location in space.
) A vector can vary with time e.g. the velocity vector of an accelerated
particle varies with time.
same physical effects. For
ii) Two equal vectors at different locations in space do not necessarily have
a body
example. two equal forces acting at two different points on a body which can cause the rotation of
about an axis will not produce equal turning effect.
Q. 27. A vector has both magnitude and direction. Does that mean anything that has magnitude and
is necessarily a vector ? The rotation of a body can be specified by the direction of the axis of
rotation and the angle of rotation about the axis. Does that make any rotation a vector?
Sol. No. There are certain physical quantities which have both magnitude and direction, but they are not vectors
as they do not follow the laws of vectors addition, which is essential for vectors. The finite rotation of
body about an axis is not a vector because the finite rotations do not obey the laws of vectors addition.
However, the small rotation of a body (i.e. small angle of rotation) is a vector quantity as it obeys the laW
of vectors addition.
Q. 28. Can you associate vectors with (a) the length of wire bent into a loop (b) a plane area (c) a sphere?
Sol. (a) We cannot associate a vector with the length of a wire bent into a loop.
6) We can associate a vector with a plane area. Such a vector is called area vector and its direction

represented by outward drawn normal to the area.

(c) We can not associate a vector with volume of sphere however a vector can be associated with the
of sphere.
Q. 29. A bullet fired at an angle of 30" with the horizontal hits the ground 3 km away. By adjusting itsangle
of projection, can one hope to hit a target 5 km away ? Assume the muzzle speed to be fixed, and
neglect air resistance.

3 sin
sin 20 60
Sol. Horizontal range, R=" Or /2 or =23
Since the muzzle velocity is fixed, therefore, Max. horizontal range, Rmax 23 3-464 m<5 km.

So, the bullet can not hit the target.

30, A fighter plane tying horizontally
over head an anticratt gun. at an altitude of 1:5 km with speed panses
720 km
with muzzle speed 600 ms" to
At what angle from the vertical should the gun be fired dre
hit the plane.
plane to avoid being hit ? (Take At what minimum alitude slhould the plot iiy
g = 10 ms-2).
cal In Fig. 4(N).9, O be the position
of gun and A be the position
plane. The speed of the plane, of FIGURE4(N).9

= 200 ms-l
The speed of the shell, u = 600 ms-
Let the shell will hit the plane at B after
with the vertical from 0. Then the
time r if fired at an angle 0 1.5km
horizontal distance travelled by
shell in tinme t is the same as the
distance covered by the plane
i.e., Xt=Ut or u sin 8t= vt

or sin 0 =2; 200 = 0-3333 = sin 19.5°

600 3 of 0 19.5 with the vertical
The maximum height attained by bullet is,

H =. sin(90°-0) ucos9 cos6= V8/3]

2s 2g sin 1/3;

foilia (600)* x(8/3)2

= 16000 1m= 16 km
The plane will not be hit by the bullet from the gun if it is flying
at a minimum height which is more than
the maximum height (H) attained by bullet after firing from gun
(i.e., > 16 km).
Q.31. A cyclist is riding with a speed of 27 km h, As he approaches a circular
turn on the road of radius
80 m, he applies brakes and reduces his speed at the constant rate 0-5
of ms4. What is the magnitude
and direction of the net acceleration of the cyclist on the circular turn ?
Sol. Here,U = 27 km h = 27 x (1000 m) x (60 x 60 s)= 7:5
ms-;r=80 m.
Centripetal acceleration a, ==
r 80
= 0-7 ms-2

lo n Let the cyclist applies the brakes at the point P of the circular turn, then aPaT
1on tangential acceleration a (which will be negative) will act opposite to
wBl svelocity, Fig. 4(N).10.
Acceleration along the tangent, dr =05ms
979d Angle between both the accelerations is 90°
Therefore, the magnitude of resultant acceleration, a = a +a= (07) +(05)2 = 0-86 ms2
Let the resultant acceleration make an angle B with the tangent, i.e., the direction of net acceleration of the

cyclist, then, tanB= E= =14 or =54° 28

2. a) Show that for a projectile the angle between the velocity and the x-axis as function of time is

hne b given by =tan

the various symbols have their usual meanings.
projectile launched from the origin is given by
Show that projection angle e for a

Where the symbols have their usual meanings.
A/140 Pradeefp 's Fundamental Physics (XI)vOLI
,,, and ,
Sol, t) et
, be the initial connponent velocity of thc projectile at O along OX direction and OY
direetimrespectively, where 0X in horivontal and OYis vertícal. Let the projectile go from Oto P in time
he the component velocity of projectile at P along horizontal and vertical directions respectively.
IOis the angle which the resultant vclocity makes with horizontal direction, then

"y ay8
FIGURE 4(N).11

tan P
(b) In angular projcction,
u sin0,
Maximun vertical height, h, 2g O usine

Horizntal range, R=-
2 sin cos
h tan
So, R 4
or RR

or tan 4
Trmsirt 4/141

1. The angle between A =
î+f and = i-} 5. The horizontal range of a projectile
fired at an
angle of 15° is 50 m. If it is fired with the same
a)45° (b) 90° (c)-45 (d) 180° speed at an angle of 45", its range will be
2. Which one of the following statements is (a) 60 m
true ? (6) 71 m
(a) A scalar quantity is the one (c) 100 m
that is conserved d) 141 m
in a process 6. Consider the quantities, pressure, power,
(b) A scalar quantity is the energy, impulse, gravitational potential,
one that can never
take negative values electrical charge, temperature, area. Out of
(c) A scalar quantity is the one these, the only vector quantities are
that does not vary
from one point to another in space (a) Impulse, pressure and area
(d) A scalar quantity has (b) Impulse and area
the same value for
observers with different orientations (c) Area and gravitational potential
of the axes
3. Figure 4(N).12 shows the orientations of two (d) Impulse and pressure
vectors u and v in the XY plane. 7. In a two dimensional
motion, instantaneous
speed v is a positive constant. Then which
r =aî+bî andd v=pî+qî the following are necessarily true ?
which of the following is correct ? (a) The average velocity is not zero at
any time
6) Average acceleration must always
YA FIGURE 4(N).12 (c) Displacements in equal time
YA intervals are
(d) Equal path lengths are traversed
in equal
8. In a two dimensional motion,
speed vg is a positive constant. Then which
the following are necessarily true ?
X (a) The acceleration of the particle is zero
(b) The acceleration of the particle is
(a) a and p are positive while b and q are negative bounded
(c) The acceleration of the particle is necessarily
6) a, p and b are positive while q is negative
in the plane of motion
)a, q and b are positive while p is negative (d) The particle must be undergoing a
(d) a, b, p and q are all uniform
positive circular motion
will have
component of a vector r along X-axis 9. Three vectors A,B and C add up to zero.
maximum value if Find which is false.
(a)is along positive Y-axis (a) (Ax B)xC is not zero unless B, C are
(6) 7 is along positive X-axis parallel

c)makes an angle of 45° with the X-axis () (Ax B):C is not zero unless B, are
(d)is along negative Y-axis
4/142 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (T) CO

c define a plane, (Ax BxC) is (a) B = 0

() If A, B,
in that plane (b) A, B are antiparalel
( (Ax B)-C=1ABUc>=A2+B2
(c) A, B are perpendicular

10. It is found that 1A+Bl=lAT. This d) A-Bs0

necessarily implies


11. Two particles are projected in air with speed 13. Following are four different relartions abuu
displacement, velocity and acceleration fur
Vg at angles 6 and 0, (both acute) to the
horizontal, respectively. If the height reached the motion of a particle in general. Choose
by the first particle is greater than that of the the incorrect one (s):
second, then tick the right choices
(a) angle of projection:0> 0
(b) time of flight: T1 > T2
(c) horizontal range : R1 > R2
total energy: U> U2 2
12. A particle slides down a frictionless parabolic
(y =**) track (A B-C) starting from rest at
point 4 (Fig. 4(N).13). Point B is at the vertex
of parabola and point C is at a height less than
that of point A. After C, the particle moves 2-1
freely in air as a projectile. If the particle 14. For paricle performing uniform circular
reaches highest point at P, then motion, choose the correct statementís) from
FIGURE 4(N).13 (a) Magnitude of particle velocity (speed)
remains constant
(b) Particle velocity remains directed
perpendicular to radius vector
(c) Direction of acceleration keeps changing as
particle moves
(d) Angular momentum is constant in magnitude
but direction keeps changing.
15. For two vectors A and B,
-X2-1 B
(x= 0) A+Bl=1A-Bl is always true when
(a) KE at P KE at B
(b) height at P = height at A AT=IB1#0 and A and B are parallel
(c) total energy at P = total energy at A or antiparallel
(d) time of travel from A to B = time of travel
from B to P. () When either IAI or | BI is zero.

4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c)
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b)
9. (b. d) 10. (a, b) 11. (a, b) 12. (c) 13. (a.c) 14. (a, b, c) 15. (b, d)



Muitiple Choice Questions -

1. cos
A B î+j)0-) 1-10- .
0 cos 90
+12 x12 +(-12 6= 90°
2. A scalar quantity has the same value for observers
with different orientations of the axes.
. per fig, in u =aitbj, both a and b are positive. In v = pî+qi.
Thus a, b and p are positive and q is pis positive and q is negative
4. If rmakes an angle 6 with x-axis, then
component of r along x-axis =r cos 6.
It will be maximum i cos 8= max = 1
or 6 = 0° i.e., r is along positive x-axis.
50 "
sin 2x150 u 50 50
5. or
8 8 Sin30 1/2
u sin 2x 45°
R= = 100m
8 8
6. Out of the given quantities impulse and
area are vector quantities others are scalar
7. In two dimensional motion, quantities.
if instantaneous speed is a positive constant
traversed in equal intervals of time. then equal path lengths are
8. In two dimensional motion, if
instantaneous speed is a positive constant,
particle is necessarily in the plane then the acceleration of the
of motion.
9. Given, A =
+B +C 0, then A ,B and C are in one plane and
are represented by the three sides of
a triangle taken in one order.

i) Bx(A+B+C) = Bx0 =0 Or BxA+BxB+BxC=0

or BxA+0+8x=o or AxB Bxc
(AxB)xC = ;It cannotbe zero.
(B xC)xC
If BIC, then B xC =0, then (B xC)xC =0
Thus, option (a) is correct.

(i) (A B).-C = (BxC).C=0 whatever be the positions of A, B and C
If BIC, then B xC = 0, then (B xC)xC = 0
Thus, option (b) is false

(ii) (A xB)=D= AB sin 0D.The direction of D is perpendiculartothe plane containing A

and B
(AxB)xC=Dxc.lts directionisinthe plane of A, B and C Thus, option (c) is .
(v) lf C2= A + B2, then angle between Á and B is 90.

(AxB)-C= (AB sin 90°D)»C = AB (D C) =ABC cos 90° = 0. Thus, option (d) is false

+B1=11, then either B1=0 -

0.IfA 1
or AandB will be antiparallel, where B1=21A. I
4/144 Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI) OLI

Multiple Choice Questions - II

11. Height, h=5sin -, ie., h ee sin0
sin0, >1 sin 0> sin or 0>02
Time of flight, T=2,Sine or T sin 9 TSin>1 or TT2
8 T sin e,
usin 20
Horizontal range, R= or Ro sin 2 0 RSin 2<1
= or RSRz
8 R sin 20,
Total energy of each particle will be equal to KE of each particle at the time of its projection.
12. Since ys, themotion is in two dimensions as shown in figure, Velocity at B is greater than at P. In the given
motion of a particle, the lawof conservation of energy is obeyed. Therefore, total energy at P = total energy
A. As vertical distance AB> BP, time of travel from A to B is greater than that from B to P.
13. For the motion of a particle if acceleration is not uniform then the relations

-)+ 7G,)) is incorrect.

=)-G is correct.
70)-G)2 is correct.
F-e-71 2-4) is ine and

14. Knowledge based question.

15. When A is perpendicularto B , then I A +B1= {42 +B2 +2 AB cos 90 = VA2+B2

A-Bl=A2 +B2-2AB cos 90° =NA2 +B2
When 1AI = 0 or IB I =0 then 1A+Bl=lA-BI

16. A cyclist starts from centre O of a circular park of radius 1 km and
moves along the path OPRQO as shown Fig. 4(N).14. FIGURE4(N).14
If he maintains
constant speed of 10 ms-l, what is his acceleration at point R Q
magnitude and direction ?

Ans. Centripetal acceleration, a,

17. A particle is
= r
= 0-1 m/s* along RO
projected in air at some angle to the horizontal, moves
along parabola as shown in Fig. 4(N).15,
where X and Y indicate
horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.
Show in the diagram,
direction of velocity and acceleration
at points A, B and C.
Ans. Let u be the velocity
of projection at O and 0 be the angle of projection.
the particle reach at A after time Let
t1, at B after time and at C after time tg.
At UxAUCos 6, vyA = u sin 6 g' -
A A+v u cos8) +(usin9-gt)

makes an angle Bi with the horizontal direction (i.e., x-axis) then FIGURE4(N).15
If A
tanB, =
, u sin -g
Acceleration at A, aa-8
B is the highest point of trajectory of projectile. Then C
At B, BU Cos 6, vy 0
+v = yaucos
)? +0 =ucos®

tan B, = = so B2=0 FIGURE 4(N).16

=0 ;
B lU Cos 6
Acceleration aß=-8.
At C, VCu COs 8, v,c=u sin 6- 8t3
C+ vc =(ucos )2 +(usin6-st,)
c C u cos6
sin 0-RE AU
tan B,=C_I Uyc
u cos x
Acceleration, a =-8
18. A ball is thrown from a roof top at an angle of 45' above the horizontal. FIGURE 4(N).17
It hits the ground a few seconds later. At what point during its motion,
does the ball have 452
(a) greatest speed (6) smallest speed (c) greatest acceleration? Explain AF
Ans. Refer Fig. 2(N).17, (a) at D, just before it hits the ground
(b) at C, the highest point reached (c) a = g=a constant.
19. A football is kicked into the air vertically upwards. What is its
(a) acceleration, and (b) velocity at the highest point ? Ground
Ans. At highest point, acceleration = -
g and velocity = zero.
20. A, B and C are three non-colinear, non co-planar vectors. What ean you say about direction of
Ax(B xC)?
Ans. (BxC) will act perpendicular to the plane containing B and C and is directed as given by right hand

rule. Ax (BxC) will lie in the plane of B and C and is perpendicular to vector A.

21. A boy travelling in an open car moving on a levelled road with constant speed tosses a ball vertically
up in the air and catches it back. Sketch the motion of the ball as observed by a boy standing on the
footpath. Give explanation to support your diagram.
Ans. For a ground observer, the ball is a FIGURE 4(N).18
projectile with speed u making an angle
of projection 0 with the horizontal
direction as shown in Fig. 4(N).18(6).
The ball will follow a parabolic path. Fig.
4(N).18(a) u (Car speed)
(a) (6)

4/146 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLJ
22. A boy throws a ball in air at 60° to the horizontal along a road with a speed of 10 m/s (36
Another boy sitting in a passing by car observes the ball. Sketch the motion of the ball as observed by
the boy in the car, if car has a speed of (18 km/h).. Give explanation to support your diagram.
Ans. Here, 6= 60°, u= 10 m/s
Horizontal component velocity of ball = u cos 6 = 10 cos 60° = 10 x h = 5 m/s
Horizontal velocity of car FIGURE 4(N).19
= 18 km/h
5 m/s
Since the speed of the car is
matching with the horizontal speed
of the projectile, hence boy sitting G0 (a) (b)
in the car will see only vertical
motion of the ball, as shown in Fig.
23. In dealing with motion of projectile in air, we ignore effect of air
resistance on motion. This gives trajectory as a parabola as you FIGURE 4(N).20
have studied. What would the trajectory look like if air resistance
is included ? Sketch such a trajectory and explain why you
drawn it that way.
Ans. Due to air resistance, the total energy of particle as well as its
horizontal component velocity will go on decreasing with time,
making the fall of projectile steeper than its rise, as shown in Fig.
4(N).20 by thick solid curve.
24. A fighter plane is flying horizontally at an altitude of 1-5
km with speed 720 km/h. At what angle of
sight (w.r.t. horizontal) when the target is seen, should the pilot drop
the bomb in order to attack the
Ans. Refer Fig. 4(N).21, when the fighter plane is at A moving with
horizontal speed u (=720 km/h = 200 m/s)
observes the target at C. Let ZCAB = 6. He releases a bomb at A with
horizontal velocity 200 m/s and it hits
the target on ground after time t.
Taking horizontal motion of fighter plane from A to B, where B is
vertically above the target, we have
AB = ut= 200 x t
Taking vertical downward motion of bomb from A to C, we
FIGURE 4(N).21
BC =x98x12 = 4912 A B

or 1500=4.9P 1500
or t= 49 = 17.49 s

AB 200x 17-49 mn
tan BC 1500
=04287 = tan 23° 12'
AB 200x17.49
23° 12' C
25. (a) Earth can be thought
of as a sphere of
circular motion around the axis of earth radius 6400 km. Any object (or a person) is
due earth's rotation (period 1 day). What
of object on the surface of the is acceleration
does these accelerations compare
earth (at equator) towards its centre ? What is its
with g = 9:8 m/s*? latitude 0? How
(b) Earth also moves in
circular orbit around sun once every year
1:5x 10 m. What is the acceleration with on orbital radius of
of earth (or any object on the surface
centre of the sun ? How does this of the earth) towards the
acceleration compare with g = 98 m/s*

( Herc,
Ans. (a) Here,
R 6400 km = 6.4x 10° m, T=24 x 60 x 60 s

a= Ro2 T2 (24x 60x60)2
= 0-034 m/s2

At latitude 0 (=9), the value of R remains the same, hence no change in the value of a, (=0-034 m/)

98 288 which is much smaller than1

() R= 15 x l0" m, T= 365 x24 x 60 x 60s =3-15x 107s

T2 (3-15x10)2 597 x 10 m/s

597x103 1

26. Given below in column I are the relations between vectors a, b and c and in column II are the
orientations of a,b and c in the XY plane. Match the relation in column I tocorrect orientatios in
column II.

Column I Column II

(a) a+ b=c ()

S (c)6-7-= (ii)

d) a+ b+c=0 >X

Ans. (a) a+ b = c, it matches with option (iv). (b) a-c=b, it matches with option (in.
F1ois 1s1s'36,
Ol ()b-a=c, it matches with option (). A+B +C 0, it matches with option (i?).

27.If1A l =2 and Bl I
= 4, then match the relations in column
I with the angle between A and B
s0) ern column
4/148 Pradeep 'a Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
Column I Column I
(a) A.B =0o (i) 0
(6) A.B = +8 (ii) 90°
(c)A.B =4 (ii) 180
(d) A.B =-8 (iv) = 60°
Ans. Given IAl =2.1 Bl=4
= =
(a) A B 0 AB cos = 2 x 4 cos 0
or 0 8 cos 0 or cos = 0 or 0 = 90°. It matches with option (ii).
b)A B =8 AB cos 0 = 2 x 4 x cos 0 or cos = 1, 6 = 0°. It matches with option (i).

(c) A B = 4 AB cos 0 2x 4x cos 0 or cos = or 6 = 60°. It matches with option (iv).

()A B =-8 = 2 x 4 cos orcos 6 = - or 0

180°. It matches with option (ii).

2s. IflAl =2 and Bl I

=4, then match the relations in column I with the angle 0 between A and B
in column II.
Column II
Column II
(a) AxBl =0 0 30°
(6) 1AxBl =8 (i) 6 45
(c)Ax BI =4 (ii) 6 90°

d) 1AxBl = 4/2 iv) 0

Ans. Here A = 2 and B = 4.
(a) IA xBl =0 AB sin 0 = 2 x 4 sin 8 or sin = 0 and 6 =
0°. It matches with option (iv).
=AB =
(b) IA xB l
2 x4 sin 0 or sin 0= and 6 =90°. It matches with option (ii).
=8 sin 6 1

(c) IA xB=4 =2x 4 sin or Sin =or 6 = 30°. matches with

It option (i).

(d) IAXBi=42 = 2x4sin 0 or sin =or

6 =45°. It matches with option (ii).

29. A hill is 500 m high. Supplies are to be sent across the hill using a
canon that can hurl packets at a
speed of 125 m/s over the hill. The canon is located at a distance of 800 m from
the foot of hill and can
be moved on the ground at a speed of 2 m/s; so that its distance from
the hill can be adjusted. What
is the shortest time in which a packet can
reach on the ground across the hill ? Take g = 10 ms<.
Ans. The initial minimum vertical velocity (u,) required to just cross
the hill is

u,22 gh 2 /2x10x500 2 100m/s

The initial horizontal velocity.

,= u-? = y025)2 - (100)2 = 75 m/s



Time taken to reach the top of the hill, FIGURE 4(N).22

10 s

Horizontal distance covered in 10 s = u,

xt A
75 x 10 = 750 m
So, canon has to be moved through a distance
500 m
800-750 = 50 m
Time taken to move the canon through 50 m on ground

25s 800 m
Total time taken by packet to reach ground the
hill= 25 + 10+ 10 = 45s
30. A gun can fire shells with maximum speed vo and the FIGURE4(N).23
maximum horizontal range that can be achieved is R = vg/g.
If a target farther away by distance A x (beyond R) has to be
hit with the same gun (Fig. 4(N).23), show that it could be P
achieved by raising the gun to a height at
Ans. As per question, the maximum horizontal range on ground is

Rnax R
It is so if 6 = 45°. The shell fired at O from height h can hit the same target at B. Fig. 4(N).24
Taking vertical downward motion from O to B, we have

4-Uo Sin 8, a, = 8. Yo = 0, y =h,

t=? FIGURE 4(N).24

As, y=o +",+a, Vo sin 0

o P

h=0+-" sin 8) +s | Uo cos 6

Taking horizontal motion from O to B, we have

V cos 6, a, = 0, xo = 0, =(R+Ax), t=t x

(R+ Ax) = 0 +Vg cos 6 t or t=

Cos 6
Putting value of (t) in (1), we have
-(R-+Ax)tan 6 +8(R+Ax)

0 h=-v, sin 0x R+Ax,1R+A

vg cos 2 cos0
tan 45048(R+Ax)*
As 645, Sso h= -(R +Ax) 2 vcos 45°

or h= -(R+Ax)x1+8g (R+ ax2 =-(R+ Ax)+x(R+A2

= =Ax (1+A x/R)
- (R+ A x) + R+ 2Ax+AxIR Ax+ArIR
4/150 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
31. A particle is projected in air at an angle ß to a surface which itself is inclined at an angle to
a the
horizontal (Fig. 4(N).25).
(a) Find an expression for range on the plane surface (distance on the plane from the point
of projection
at which particle will hit the surface).
(b) Time of flight.
(c) B at which range will be maximum.



vg sin B
9Cos q

Ans. Let the particle go from O to P in time T. Fig. 4(N).26.

(b) Taking vertical upward motion of particle perpendicular
to plane OX, from O to P, we have
o0, y= 0, 1,=v0 sin a, = (-s cos a), =T
As Yo*",+;a,
( cos o) T2 2u, sinß
0=0+ sin B) T+
-8 or T=
8 Cos a
(a) For horizontal range OP (= R).
Taking motion of particle from O to P along OX direction.

Here, o0, x = R, u, =Vg cos B, a, =- 2 sin B

g sin d, i=
Sin SinB
R=0+v, cos Bx4 osa
-ssin a2
8 COs O 8 Cos O

8 COs a
sin B cosB-gsin
8 cos

2 2v
8Cos ox
cosß cosa-sin a sin B

2v sin ß
8 cos2 a
cos p cos
-sin a sinB]=2sin cos[a+B]
g cos a
(c) For maximum horizontal range

R -
g (sin 2 p cos -2 sin a sin Bl = 0
R cos2 o sin 2B cos a- sin
p coS a (1
(1 cos
cos 2
-- 2 B1

8 COS a
[sin 2 B cos a - sin a+ sin oa cos
2 B] = Isin (2 B+o)-sin ca
8 Cos a

Ris maximum if sin (2 B + o) = l or 2ß + = r/2 or B-R/2-

=> --
32. A particle talling vertically from a height hits a plane surface inclined to horizontal at an angle
with speed
o and rebounds clastically (Fig. 4(N).27). Find the distance along the plane where it will
hit second time.
FIGURE 4(N).27
FIGURE 4(N).28

Vo Vo cOs

Uo Si
sin A gsin
6 X COS 6
Ans. Refer Fig. 4(N).28. Taking motion of particle from O to A along Y-axis (i.e., Lr to plane OA upwards), w
have y=0, Yo =0,
4,= v cos 6, cos 6, t=T a,,=- 8
As, yYo+"+5a,1, we have 0 = 0+v,cos6T +-s cose)T
On solving, T=200 cOs6 2
Taking motion of particle along X-axis (i.e, along the plane from O to A), we have

0, *=R, u=Vg Sin &

a8 Sin 6, t= T
2 8

As, ,2

20 sin 6+g sin x 4u6

R=0+t sin @x
(g sin 6)x 0
-2 in+sin 6)-sin
33. A girl riding a bicycle with a speed of 5 m/s towards North direction, observes rain falling vertically
down. If she increases her speed to 10 m/s, rain appears to meet her at 45° to the vertical. What is the
speed of the rain ? In what direction does rain fall as observed by a ground based observer

Ans. Refer Fig. 4(N).29, FIGURE 4(N).29

Let velocity of rain be,
v, = ai+b .) N

= (5 ms) i
Ist case: Velocity of girl, v,
Velocity of rain wrt. girl, v, =v,-v, = (aî+bj)-5? = (a-5)î+b down ward
5) = 0 or a = 5. direction
to fall vertically
downwards, so (a -
nce, rain appears
2nd case: v, = (10ms) i
= (aî+bj)-10î = (a-10)î+b?
nce, rain appears to fall at 45° to the vertical,
theretore, tan 4+ -105-105
4/152 Pradces Fundamental Physics (XT) vOLN

tan 45° = -5 x 1=-5

Hence, , = 5î -5j
and Iv, I= 5)+(-5) = 5/2 ms-1
34. A river is flowing due east with a speed 3 m/s. A swimner can FIGURE 4(N).30
swim in still water at a speed of 4 m/s (Fig. 4(N).30). N
(a) If swimmer starts swimming due North, what will be his E
resultant velocity (magnitude and direction)? W
(6) If he wants to start from point A on South bank and reach
opposite point B on North bank, B
) Which direction should he swim? 3m/s
(it) What will be his resultant speed ?
(c) From two different cases as mentioned in (a) and (b) above, in
which case will he reach opposite bank in shorter time? A

Ans. (a) Refer Fig. 4(N).31(a), v, = 3 m/s along AD

v, = 4 m/s along AB.
Resultant velocity v= v?+u = 32+42 = 5m/s

= 0-75 = tan 36° 54' = tan 37

37 with north towards the direction of river flow.

FIGURE 4(N).31

(a) (b)
D 3m/s D
A U A U3m/s
(6) Refer Fig. 40N).316), the swimmer will go along AB if he goes along AC, so that resultant of river
velocity and swimmer velocity may act along AB.
Velocity along AB, v =
v-v2 = v43-32 = V7 m/s
Let BAC= 0, then tan = or tan West of North

(c)In case (a), time taken to cross the river, =-

Incase (b), time taken to cross the river, t,

As SO ' < t2, therefore the swimmer will cross the river in shorter time in case (a).

35. A cricket fielder can throw the cricket ball with a speed vo If he throws the ball while running with
speed u at angle 0 to the horizontal, find
(a) the effective angle to the horizontal at which the ball is projected in air as seen by a spectator.
(b) what will be time of flight ?
c)what is the distance (horizontal range) from the point of projection at whiclh the ball will land ?
d) find 0 at which he should throw the ball that would maximise the horizontal range as found in (¢).


() how does 6 for maximum range
change if u > u = Vo» u <Vo?
f)how does 0 in (e) compare with that for u = 0 Vo,
(i.e., 45")
Ans. Refer lig, 4(N).32,
(a) Here, at 0, u, = u + Vo cos 6 FIGURE 4(N).32
"yUo Sin 6

tan sin cos 6

tan- Sine
+U cos0 -
O u + U0 COS
(6) Let T be the time of flight
we have Yo=0, y=0, =Vg sin 0, ,
of cricket ball from O to B, then taking vertical motion ball
a, =-8,t =T of from O to B,

0 =0+ sin 67 +(-8)T4 or T=4Sin
(c) Horizontal range, R = (u + sin6
Uo cos 6) T = (u + Ug cos 6) - (2u sin +v sin 28]
(d) Horizontal range will be maximum if. dR = 0
cos+ cos20x
or 2u cos 0 +2 u [2 cos - 1] =0 or 4 U cos 6+2 u cos
6-2 vo= 0
Tor -2ut4u +32
cos 6 = -

800 400
or max= cos +8u
(e) (i) If u=Vo» then cos 6 =
60° or
4u Cos 0= 60°
(i) If u <Vo then 8v +u = 8»6

max cos 24U02

Ifu<<vo then max = cos
it) If u >v and u >> Vo

li gnint cos cos (0) =

Immax |=
f)If u =0, = cos
brteli max

4/164 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XT voL
6. NMotion in two dimenslons, in a plane can be studied by expressing position, velocity and acceleration
s veetors in Cartesian co-ordinates A= A, ?+ A, where ? and are unit vector alongx andy

elirectlons, respectively and A, and A, are corresponding components of A (Fig. 4(N).33). Motion
cn aeo be studied by expressing vectors in cireular polar co-ordinates as A= A, f+ A, ® where

cosef+sin 8j and = -sin 6? + cos®

are unit vectors along direction in which and
0' are inereasing. YA FIGURE4(N).33
(a) Express and in terms of f and 6

(b) Show that both r and 0 are unit vectors and are
perpendienlar to ench other.

(c)Show that)= o6 where o=and0)= -or

dt dt
ZP (x) = (r, 0)
) For a particle moving along a spiral given by 7= atr, V0/
where a = 1 (unit), find dimensions of 'a'.
(e) Find velocity and acceleration in polar vector
representation for particle moving along spiral described
in (d) above.

Ans. (a) fcos î+ sin 9

sin i+cos
Multiplying ) by sin 6 and (i) with cos and adding, we get

fsin 9+êcos 6 =(sin2 0 + cos20) cos =

= i or sin+0 .iii)
Multiplying ) by cos and (ii) by sin 0 and subtracting, we get
(rcos-0 sin®) =? iv)
(6) F.B= (cos ? + sin 0 j).(-sin 6?+ cos 0j)
(1) 1)cos 6=- cos sin 0+ sin 0 cos =0 = cos 90° or 0= 90°

dr dt
6î+sin6 ) =-sin +cos cos
=o-sin @î+ ej = of
Fa0f or i71=a0 or a= 6

Dimensions of a== L=[M°1r"j

(e) Given, a= l unit, from above, we have P8f 9cos®î+sin 6j
velocity, v="=+0[-sin 6?+cos 91 =P+00o
@r+ o606
nu Acceleration. a=[of+w001=d0, doco6-d9, d0 di ,d9xe@+d0 0)
dt dt d2
- +01eos 0?+sin01,490ô+00

d2 dd4+od+6
+o[-sin 0î+cos
0j1t26+d dt

d2tw6.x0®+o*6 +o*(-P) -wr

d2 dt

dt dt
37. A man wants to reach from A to the opposite corner of the square C (Fig. 4(N).34). The sides of the
square are 100 m. A central square of 50 m x 50 m is filled with sand. Outside this square, he can
walk at a speed 1 m/s. In the central square, he can walk only at a speed of v m/s (u < 1). What is
smallest value of v for which he can reach faster via a straight path through the sand than any path
in the square outside the sand ?

Ans. InFig. 4(N). 34, AR =VAT2 + TR? = v752 +25? = 2510= RC FIGURE 4(N).34
Total path AR + RC = 2 AR = 50 V10m

Time outside sand,

= YAS2 +Sp2 =V252 +252 25/2m

= 50mm
PQ= PR2 +RQ? = V503 +50 50/2m

In sand,
= AP+OC PQ 100mm

25/7+25-2 50/2 -50|1


Since sandout
:. so-E
V= 5 or<5-1 or v< -081 m/s

4/156 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (TOI


SPECIAL For ultimate preparation of this unit
for competitive examinatíons,
students should refer to
Pradeep's StellarNEET
MCOs in Physics for
MCQs in Physics for JEE(Main)
separately available for these examinations.

LMultiple Choice Questions (with One CorrectAnswen

2. A person moves 30 m North, then 20 m East, then
I. Vectors and their additions and products
1. A particle is moving eastward with a velocity of
30 2 m South-West. His displacement from the
5 m/s in 10 s the velocity changes to 5 m/s original position is
northward. The average acceleration in this time (a) 14 m South-West (b) 28 m South
(c) 10 m West (d) 15 m East
FIGURE4(CF).1 3. A vector of length a is turned through an angle
N (C) about its tail. The change in the position
vector of its head is
(a) 2 a sin (u/2) (b) 2 a cos (/2)
(c) 2 a tan (o/2) (d) 2a cot (u/2)
4. An aeroplane flies a straight path from town A to
W- town B, 500 km away. Town B is due East of town
C A and a strong wind blows from South to North
at 300 km/h. If the plane's air speed is 900 km/h.
Which of the following statements is true ?

(a) Trip time

(a) ms7, 45° West of North (b) Plane's ground speed is 600 km/h
(C) Plane's heading is 30° South of East
60° West of North (d) Plane's heading is 60° South of East.
2 5. In the arrangement shown in Fig.4(CF).2 the ends
(c) 2 ms2, 60° East of South P and Q of an unstretchable string move
downwards with speed u. Pulleys are fixed. Mass
(d)ms2, 30° West of South M moves upwards with speed of

1. (a) 2.() 3. (a) 4. (a)



(a) 2 ucos 6 (b) ulcos
(c) 2 u/cos (d) u cos 0.
6. A body is moving with velocity
30 m/s
East. After 10 seconds its velocity towards (a) i/2 v (h) 21/
40 m/s towards North. The average
acccleration (c)
of the body is 1/2 (d) Iw.

(a) 1 m/s (b) 7 m/s 11. A block is dragged on a smooth plane with the
help of a rope which moves with velocity v shown
c)7 m/s2 (d) 5 m/s2 in Fig. 4(CF).4. The horizontal velocity of the
(AIPMT 2011) block is
7. The simple sum of two forces acting at a point is
16 newton and their vector sum is 8 FIGURE 4(CF)4
newton and
its direction is perpendicular to the smaller force,
then the forces are
(a) 6 newton and 10 newton
(b) 8 newton and 8 newton
(c) 4 newton and 12 newton
(d) 2 newton and 14 newton
8. An object of mass 3 kg is at rest. Now a force of

F= 612 i+ 4tj is applied on the object, then (a) (b) vsin 6

velocity of object at t =3 s is (c) v/sin (d w/cos 0.
(a) 18î+3 (b) 18i+6 12. In the cube of side a shown in Fig. 4(CF).5, the
vector from the central point of the face ABOD to
()3+18 d) 18?+4j the central point of the face BEFO will be :

9. The moment of the force, F = 4i+5j-6k at
(2, 0, -3), about the point (2, -2,-2), is given

() -7i-8j-4 (b) -41-j-8h

(c)-8-4-7 (d) -7î-4j-8k
(NEET 2018)
T0. Four athletes are standing at the
corners A, B,C aG
and D of a square of side They
towards B, B runs
start running, such that A runs
runs towards
towards C, C runs towards D and D
will meet at 0, after
A, each with velocity v. They
10. (d) 11. (c)
. (d) 8. (b) 9. (d)
5. (b)
4/160 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
w w

(u-1 u- 16. The resultant of two vectors P and

themagnitude of

isdoubled, the new resultant

R .If

t - n- becomes perpendicular to P. Then the

magnitude of R is
Main 2019) (u) P+Q (b) Q
13. orccH of 5 N, 12 N and 13 N are in equilibrium.
Bin 2:3"= 5/13, the angle between 5 N and 13 N
If )P (a)+ 2
forcc is
(Kerala PET 2009)
() 23 (b) 67
d) 113. 17. Two vectors A and B have equal magnitudes.
14. 'The resultant of two forces acting at an angle of If magnitude of A + B is equal to n times the
150 is 10 N and is perpendicular to one of the A B, then angle between
magnitude of -

forces. The other force is

A and B is
(a) 20//3N (b) 10/3N
(c) 20 N (d) 20/3N (a) cos (b) cos
15. Fig. 4(CF).6 shows three vectors OA, OB and
sin (d) sin--1)
OC having same magnitude. The direction of n+1
- (Odisha JEE 2010)
OA + OB OC, with X-axis is
18. The magnitude of the component of the vector
(2?+3+k) along (3?+ 4k) is
1 14
() 2
45/ 0 (c)3
ON60 (e) 2 (Kerala PMT 2010)
IL. Motion of Boat and Relative Motion
19. The speed of a swimmer in still water is 20 ms
The speed of river water is 10 ms and is flowing
tan-2-V3-1) due east. If he is standing on the south bank and
2+3+1 wishes to cross the river along the shortest path,
the angle at which he should make his strokes

() tan--)
w.r.t. north is given by
(a) 30 west
(c) 60° west
(b) 0
d) 45° west
(NEET 2019)
-2 20. A boat which has a speed of 5 km h- in still water
crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest
path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water
in km/h is

12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (6) 18. (e) 19. (a)
(a) 1
(b) 3 26. A man running on the horizontal road at 8 km h
finds the rain appears to be falling vertically. He
(c) 4 (d) 41 (IT)
increases his speed to 12 km h and finds that
21. Wind is blowing West to East along two parallel the drops make an angle 30° with the vertical. The
tracks. Two trains moving with same speed in
speed of the rain with respect to road is
opposite directions have the steam track of one
(a) 10 km/h (b) 9:5 km/h
double than other. The speed of each train is
(c) 10-58 km/h (d) 6 km/h
(a) equal to that of wind
27. A train is moving at a constant speed v. Its driver
(b) double that of wind
sights another train infront of him on the same
(c) three times that of wind track and moving in the same direction with
(d) half that of wind. constant speed v. If the distance between the
22. A ship travels downstream from pointA to point trains be d, then what should be the minimum
B in two hours and upstream in three hours. Then retardation of the train so as to avoid collision ?
the time taken by log of wood to cover the distance (a) (w+v)d (b) (v -vd
from A to B is (c) ( +v2d (d) (-vH2d
(a) 5h (b) 9 h 28. A boat can go across a lake and retun in time To at
a speed v. On a rough day there is a unifom current
(c) 12h (d) 1h
at speed v to help the onward journey and impede
23. A ship A is moving Westwards with a speed of the return journey. If the time taken to go across and
10 km hl and a ship B, 100 km South of A is return on the same day be 7, then T/T is
moving Northwards with a speed of 10 kmh
Find the time after which the distance between (a) (1-/v?) (b)
them is shortest and the shortest distance between
them are

(a) 0 h, 100 km b) 5h,50V2 km ( a)

29. A police van moving on a highway with a speed
(c) 52 h,50 km (d) 102h, 50 2 km of 30 km h fires a bullet at a thief's car speeding
(AIPMT 2015) away in the same direction with a speed of
192 km h. If the muzzle speed of the bullet is
24. Ship A is sailing towards north-cast with velocity
150 ms, with what speed does the bullet hit the
30f+50 km/h, where ? points east and
0V= thief's car ?
b) 210 ms-
(a) 105 ms
J, north. Ship B is at a distance of 80 km east (d) 205 ms
(c) 315 ms-l
and 150 km north of ship A and is sailing 30. Two particles having position vectors
west at 10 kmh-i. A will be at minimum
from B in
= (3i+5) metres and = (-5î-3)
(a) 2-2 h (b) 4-2 h metres are moving with velocites = (4?+3f)
(c) 2.6 h (d) 3-2 h v, =
(JEE Main 2019)
ms and (aï+7)m/s. If they collide
direction with after 2 seconds, the value of a is
25. Two cars are moving in the same (b) 4
are separated (a) 2
the same speed of 30 km/h. They d)8
speed of a car c)6
by a distance of 5 km. What is the planes making an angle
moving in the opposite direction if it meets these 31. Two frictionless inclined
? 30° and 60° with the horizontal are
shown in the
two cars at an interval of 4 minutes and B are placed on
Fig. 4(CF).7. Two blocks A
(a) 40 km h (6) 45 kmh the relative vertical
the two planes. What is to B ?
(d) 35 kmh acceleration of A with respect
(c) 50 km h
26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (6)
23. (6) 24. (c) 25. (b)
20. (b) 21. (c) 22. (c)
29. (a) 30. (d)
4/160 Pradcep 's Fundamental Physics (X1) VOL
(a) 98 nms- in vetical direction 11
(b) Zero P. Iift is accclerating vertically 1. d = 12 mn

(c) 4:9 ms in vertical direetion up

ms Q. Lit is accelerating vertically 2. d> 12 m
4.9 in horizontal direction
down with an acccleration
less than the gravitational
R. Lift is moving vertically 3. d< 12 m
up with constant spccd
S. Lift is falling freely 4. No water leaks
out of the jar
60 30 Code
(a) P-2. Q-3. R-2. S-4 (b) P-2. Q-3, R-1. S-4
(AIEEE 2010)
()P-1.Q-1. R-I, S4 (dP-2.9.3, R-1. S-1
32. Preeti reached the metro station and found that (JEE Advanced Paper 2, 2014))

stationary escalator in time

she remains stationary on the
the escalator was not working. She walked up the
On other days, if
moving escalator.
35. A ball of mass 0.2 kg rests on a vertical post of
height 5 m. A bullet of mass (0.01 kg, travelling
with a velocity V n/s in a horizontal direction.
then the escalator takes her up in time 12. The time hits the centre of the ball. After the collision. the
taken by her to walk up on the moving escalator ball and bullet travel independently. The ball hits
will be the ground at a distance of 20 m and the bullet at
a distance of 100 m from the foot of the post. The
(a) (b) initial velocity V of the bullet is
(c) (d)-I (NEET 2017) Vm/s

III. Horizontal projectile

33. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level
of water is at a distance h below the top of well. 0 20m 100m
Ifv is the velocity of sound, the time Tafter which
the splash is heard is given by (a) 250 m/s (b) 2502 m/s

(a) T= 2 hlu (b) T

2,h (c) 400 m/s (d) 500 m/s (lIT 2011)

IV. Angular projectile

t T (dy T= h28 , 2h 36. A body of mass m is projected with a velocity v

at an angle ot 45° with horizontal. The change in
34. A person in lift is holding a waler jar, which has a momenum at the end of this tlight is
small hole at the lower end of its side. When the (a) mv
b) 2 u
lift is at rest, the water jet coming out of the hole (c)2 () zero
hits the floor of the lift at a distance d of 1-2 m
37. When an object is shot from the bottom of a long
from the person. In the following, state of the lift's
snooth inclined plane kept at an angle 60° with
motion is given in List I and the distance where
horizontal, it can travel a distanee a along the
the water jet hits the floor of the lift is given in
plane. But when the inclination is decreased to
List I. Match the statements from ListI with those
30° and the same object is shot with the same
in List II and select the correct answer using the
code given below the lists.
velocity, it can travel xz distance. Then
will be
31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (c)
rirmtra pb
(a) 1: 2 ,tet (b) 2:1 44. A projectile of mass 100 g is fired with a velocity
of 20 ms making an angle of 30° with the
(c) 1:3 (d) 1:23 horizontal. As it rises to the highest point of its
(NEET 2019) path, its momentum changes by
football is kicked 20 m/s at a projection
(b) 1 kg ms
(a) 1/2 kg ms-
of 45°. A receiver on the goal line 25 metres away
in the direction of kick runs the same instant to (c) 2 kg ms- (d) none of these.
meet the ball. If he is to catch the ball before it 45. If at a height of 40 m, the direction of motion of a
hits the ground, his speed must be ? projectile makes an angle t/4 with the horizontal,
(a) 5.483 m/s (b) 6-283 m/s then its initial velocity and angle of projection
(c) 5-112 m/s (d) 6-112 m/s are, respectively
39. A projectile is projected in the upward direction
making an angle of 60° with horizontal direction
with a velocity of 147 ms. Then, the time after
(a) 30,cos
which its inclination with the horizontal is 45° is
(a) 2-74 s (b) 5.49 s
(c) 10.98 s (d) 15 s.
40. A projectile can have the same range R for two 46. If a stone is to hit at a point which is at a distance
angles of projection. If ? and t2 be the times of
d away and at a height h above the point from
flight in the two cases then the initial velocity of
projectileis where the stone starts, then what is the value of
initial speed u if stone is launched at an angle 0?

82 (6)82 FIGURE 4(CF).9

(c)s +1, ()8 +1y/2,

41. A gun mounted on the top of a moving truck is
aimed in the backward direction at an angle of
30° to the vertical. If the muzzle velocity of the
bullet fired from the gun is 4 ms, then the speed
of the truck that will make the bullet come out
vertically is --- -
(a) 0-5 ms- (b) 1-0 ms-l
(c) 1-5 ms- (d) 2-0 ms- d
42. Two guns A and B can fire bullets at speed (a) cos
2(d tan 6- h)
km/s and 2 km/s respectively. From a point on a
horizontal ground, they are fired in all possible d
directions. The ratio of maxiiium areas covered (b)
cos 2(d tan 6- h)
sby the bullets fired by two guns on the ground

(b) 1:2 (a)

(a)1: 16
c)1:4 (d) 1:8
hcos20 d-h)
47. A projectile can have the same range R for two
JEE Main 2019)
angle of projections. If t and t2 be the times of
43, A body is projected with a velocity of 40 ms". flight in the two cases, then the product of the
2 s it crosses a vertical pole of height
tAfter 9.8 m/s*) two times of flight is directly proportional to
204 m. The angle of projection be (g = (b) 1/R
(a) R
IT (a) 15° (b) 30° (d) 1/R2
c) 45 (d) 60°.
45. (c)
43. (6) 44. (6)
40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (a)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b)
46. (6) 47. (a)
4/162 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
48. A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle +PQ
with the x-axis with an initial velocity vo in the
x-y plane as shown in the Fig. 4(CF).10. At a time
()sin (AIIMS 2015)

Sin 9 51. A particle of mass m is projected from the ground

t the angular momentum of the with an initial speed ug at an angle a with the
8 horizontal. At the highest point of its trajectory,
particle is it makes a completely inelastic collision with
FIGURE 4(CF).10 another identical particle, which was thrown
YA vertically upward from the ground with the same
initial velocity uo The angle that the composite
system makes with the horizontal immediately
after the collision is
(a) Tt/4 (b) (Tu/4)+ a
(c) (/2) -
o (d) (Tt/2)
JEE Advanced 2013)
52. A projectile is given an initial velocity of
(a) mg vg t cos 6 k 6) mg vacos (î+2) m/s, where î is along the ground and
1 j is along the vertical. If g 10 ms, the
cos mg va tf cos
(c)mg o1 i (d) -
equation of its trajectory is
() y=x-5 x2 (b) y=2x-5 2
where ,j and k are unit vectors along x, y (c) 4y=2x-5 x2 (d) 4 y= 2x-25 2
and z-axis respectively. (AIEEE 2010) (JEE Main 2013)
49. A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth 53. A small block is connected to one end of a
with a velocity of 5 ms and angle 6 with the massless spring of un-stretched length 4.9 m. The
horizontal. Another projectile fired from another
other end of the spring (Fig. 4(CF).11) is fixed.
planet with a velocity of 3 ms at the same angle The system lies on a horizontal frictionless
follows trajectory which is identical with the surface. The block is stretched by 0-2 m and
trajectory of the projectile fired from the earth.
released from rest at f = 0. It then executes simple
The value of the acceleration due to gravity on
harmonic motion with angular frequency
the planet is (in ms-) is (given g=9.8 ms)
(a) 3.5 (b) 5.9
(c) 16-3 (d) 110-8
orad/s. Simultaneously, at t = 0, a small

(AIPMT 2014) pebble is projected with speed v from point P at

50. A particle is projected with an angle of projection an angle of 45° as shown in the figure. Point Pis
at a horizontal distance of 10 m from O. If the
to the horizontal line passing through the points
(P) and (2, P) referred to horizontal and vertical pebble hits the block att= 1s, the value ofv is
axes (can be treated as x-axis and y-axis respec- (take g = 10 m/s)
tively). The angle of projection can be given by:

tan-1P +Q2 - P0
10 m ASx
(c) tan 5m

48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (a) 51. (a) 52. (b)

(a) 50 m/s (b)SIms (a) 2v cos 40° (b) 2v sin 20°

m/s (c) 2 v cosec 40° (d) 2v sec 20°
)52 (d) 53 m/s 58. A particle is moving in a circular path with a
(IIT 2012) constant speed v. If 0 is the angular displacement,
54. A projectile is projected in the upward direction
then starting from 8 = 0, the maximum and
making an angle of 45° with horizontal direction
minimum changes in the momentum will occur,
with a velocity of 150 ms.
Then the time after when value of 0 is respectively
which its inclination with the horizontal 30°
is is (a) 45 and 90° (6) 90° and 180°
(g 10 ms)
(a) 2-24 s (c) 180 and 360° (d) 90° and 270
(b) 4-48 s
(c) 9.98s (d) 12-23 s 59. A particle moves along a circle of radius (20/t)
m with constant tangential acceleration. If the
V. Circular motion velocity of the particle is 80 m/s at the end of the
second revolution after motion has begun, the
55. A particle moves so that its position vector is given
tangential acceleration is
by r = cos x+ sin or y , where w is a constant. (a) 40 m/s (b) 640 r m/s2
Which of the following is true? (c) 160 t m/s2 (d) 40 T m/s2
(a) velocity and acceleration both are 60. A smooth hemispherical bowl 30 em diameter
perpendicular to F rotates with a constant angular velocity o, about
its vertical axis of symmetry. A particle at P of
(b) velocity and acceleration both are parallel to
weighing 5 kg is observed to remain at rest relative
to the bowl at a height 10 cm above the base, Fig.
4(CF).13. The magnitude of speed of rotation of
(c) velocity is perpendicular to 7 and
acceleration is directed towards the origin the bowl is

(d) velocity is perpendicular to and r FIGURE4(CF).13

acceleration is directed away from the origin
(AIPMT 2016)
56. The length of seconds hand of a watch is I cm.
The change in velocity of its tip in 15 seconds in
cm/s is 10|cm
(a) zero b) m/(30-v2)
(a) 15 rad/s (b) 13 rad/s
(c) tU30 (d) 2t/(30V2)
(c) 14 rad/s (d) 16 rads
57. A particle is moving in a circle of radius r centred
61. A sphere is rolling without slipping on a fixed
at Owith constant speed v. The change in velocity horizontal plane surface. In the Fig. 4(CF). 14, A
= 40
in moving from A to B is [Given ZAOB is a point of contact, B is the centre of the sphere
and C is its topmost point. Then

40 B

59. (a) 60. (c)
55 (c 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (c)
4/164 Pradeup'a FundeneMt Playa

(a) e-" 2( )
b) Vc- =V-0A
(c) -VA=21V-V
d) lv-Al=4lvg (IIT 2009)
dist has ampleissd19a, y e a
62. A point P moves in counter-clockwise (
4(CP). 15. s less ihan helf the di.
on a circular path as shown in the Fig.
The movement of P is such that it sweeps oul

length sP+5; s
where is in metres and 1 is in

seconds. The radius of the path is 20 m. The

acceleration of P" when =
2 s is nearly


P (x, y)
20 (a) P lands in the shaded gjatd t
>X unshaded egion
(h) P lands in the unshaded Ej and t
(a) 12 m/s2 (b) 7-2 m/s2 shaded region
(c) 14 m/s2 (d) 13 m/s2
(c) Both P and larnd in the unshaed
(AIEEE 2010) ng
(d) Both P and land in the shadd
motion, the
63. For a particle in uniform circular
acceleration a at a point P (R, 0) on the circle of 65. Two identical discs of same radius h are suaing
radius R is (Here 0 is measured from
about their axes in opposite direaion
same constant angular speed
The diss ae st
the same horizontal plane Attimne t =0, the
(a)-sin ef+cos0 Pand Q are facing cach nher as shton in te
R the to
Fig. 4(CF).17. Therelative speed betwweon
points P and Q is v As a function of úmae t

cos6i-sin best represented by

(d)-cos0?+sin 6 (AIEEE 2010)
64. Consider a disc rotating in the horizontal plane P
with a constant angular speed o about its centre R
side of
0. The disc has a shaded region on one
the diameter and an unshaded region on
other side as shown in the Fig. 4(CF).16.

61. (c)62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (b)



6 d

(IIT JEE 2012)

Multiple Choice Questions (with one or More than One Correct Answers)
66. Which of the following is not an example of b) the time of ascent will be equal to time of decent
projectile motion (c) the total energy of the projectile is not
(a) A car moving in a straight line conserveed
(b) A bullet fired from a rifle (d) at the highest point, the velocity of projectile
(c) A piece of stone thrown in any direction is horizontal.
(d) Second's hand of a clock 70. The Fig. 4(CF).19. shows a system consisting of
67. Which of the following doesn't represent the ) a ring of outer radius 3 R rolling clockwise
relation of angular projection without slipping on a horizontal surface with
angular speed o and (ii) an inner disc of radius
(a) R =.
usin2 (b)h
_u sin20 2 R rotating anti-clockwise with angular speed
8 28 o/2. The ring and disc are separated by frictionless
ball bearing. The system is in the x-z plane. The
2u sin 6 point P on the inner disc is at a distance R from
8 the origin, where OP makes an angle 30° with the
68. A particle leaves the origin with an initial velocity horizontal. Then with respect to the horizontal
7= (3 )ms-l and a constant acceleration

a = (-101-05j)ms. Its velocity

position vector : when it reaches its maximum
and FIGURE 4CF).19

x-coordinate are

(a) 7= (-3) ms-1 (b) v= O/2

3R P
7-61-2m (4)
into air from a point on the
69, A projectile is hurled
vertical. If
horizontal ground at an angle with the
the air exerts a constant resistive force,
parabolic path
(a) the path of projectile will be
68. (bd) 69. (a,c,d)
66. (a,d) 67. (a,b)
65. (a)
4/166 Pradeep's undamental Physies (XIDVOLM M
72. A projectile las thie Nane ranpe R lon two uhylos
(a) The point O has a lincar vclocity 3Roi of projections. If T and 7, he the tines of ligt
(b) The point P has a lincar velocity in the two cases, then (using 0 an the nngle of

3 projection corresponding to 7,)

4 4 () TT2 R

(c) The point P has a linear velocity () T,/T2= lan 0

73. The position vector r
of a particle of mass m is
4 4
given by the followimg cquation
(d) The point P has a linear velocity

ms, = 5 ms
and m = 1
Rof+Rok 4

At= I
s, which of the following statement(s) is
71. Two shells are fired from a canon with speed u
(are) true about the particle ?
each. at angles of a and ß respectively with the
horizontal. The time interval between the shots is (a) The velocity v is given by
. They collide in mid air after time T from the = (10+ 10ms-
first shot. Which of the following conditions must
be satisfied ? (b) The angular momentum l with respect too

(a) a>B the origin is given by L= (5/3) k Nms


(b) T cos O. = (T- ) cos
(c) (T-1) cos o = T cos B (c) The force F is given by f= (î+2)N
(d) The torque with respect to the origin is given
(d) usin a T-8T2 =u sin B (T-) by 7=-Nm
s(T-t* (JEE Advanced 2016)

Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

L Multiple
Each comprehension given below is followed by some multiple choice questions.
Each question has
one correct option. Choose the correct option.
74. If the wind blows with velocity 25 ms
Comprehension An aeroplane is flying Northwards, the plane velocity is deflected from
with velocity v, (= 100 ms towards East) East by an angle
with respect to ground through motionless 0R
is the wind velocity with respect (a) sin125 (b) cos-12 T
air and 100 100
to ground. The total velocity of aeroplane is

()tan-125 (d) co-I25

I00 100 )
The magnitude of the velocity is often called
speed. The heading of the plane is the 75. If e is the answer to question 77, the total speed
direction in which the nose of the plane of the plane in ms"l is
points. In fact, it is the direction in which the
() 100sin (b) 100 cos 9
engine propels the plane. Answer the
following questions : (c) 100 cosec 6 (d) 100 sec

70. (a,b) 71. ( 72. (a.c) 73. (a,b,d) 74. (c) 75. (4)
wind blows with velocity
6. If the pilot adjusts the 25 ms-1 is tnc
Northwards T1. On the basis of above observations, what
heading of
ne so that the total velocity value of n?
of plane is
Eastwards. By what angle does the
new heading (a) 25 (6) 3-0 (c) 3-5 () 4-0
differ from due East ? 78. The person performs another experiment in whicn
(25/100) b) cos- (25/100) the ball is projected at a speed of 4
ms-, its range
(a) sin
(c)tan (25/100) (d)cotrl(25/100) is approximately
(a) 2-12 m (b) 3-45 m
Comprchension2 A person (c) 2-56 m (d) 4-02 m
is interested to
experiment a elation 79. For projection 3 (as given in observation table)
find between range
which of the following graphs best represents the
f the ball and velocity of projection of ball.
vertical component of the ball's velocity (Uy)
The range is the horizontal distance
upto a function of time (), assuming upward direction
hich the ball goes on ground after is positive.
roiection with some velocity on ground. Let
the ground be plane where the person is FIGURE 4(CF).20
nerforming the experiment. In each
projection, the person uses the same ball and
projects it at the same angle. The table below
shows the experi- mental detail.
Projection Projection speed (m/s) Range(m)
5 4
2 10 16
3 15 36
4 20 64

From above observations, the person conclu

des that the range R depends on the initial O
speedv according to the equation; R = Cv-l
where, C is a constant and n is another
constant. Answer the followings:

VMatching Type Questions

column I and column II and select the

DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions, match
correct match out of the four given choices.

U. Two vectors are given as,

A = and B
î+ -k Then =î-2/-2k.
Column II
Column I
A) 1A +BI
P) 4
(g) 10
08) IA-BI
(D) AxB
(B}-); (C-(); (D)-(p)
(b) (A)-(q):
(d (A)-6) :B)-P);(C):O
(A)-(p);:(B)-(): (C)-():(D)-)

(A); (B)-(); (C)-(p); (DHO

79. (d) 80. (a)
77. (b) 78. (c)
76. (a)
4/168 Pradeep'% Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL
O, = 60° (both acute) to
81. Two particles of equal mass are projected in air with speed u at angles 6 = 30° and
the horizontal, respectively. Then ratio of
Column I Column II i P
(A) Maximum height (p) 1:3

(B) Total Time of flight (g) 1:3

(C) Horizontal range ():1
(D) Total energy () 1:1

(a) (A)-(p); (B)-(q): (C)-(): (D)-(6) (B)-(r); (C-(6); (D)-(P)

(6) (A)-(q):
(c) (A)-): (B)-():(CH): DHg). () (A)-6);(B)-(P) ; (C)-q): (D)-

Matrix-Match Type Questions


DIRECTIONS. Each of the following questions contains statements given B

in two columns, which have to be matched. The answer to these questions C

have to be appropriately bubbled. If the correct matches are
A-r; A-s; B-p; B-q; C-p, and D-4;D-s, then the correctly bubbled matrix
will look like the one shown here. oOO
82. Column I Column II
(A) One dimensional motion (p) The motion of earth around the sun in an orbit.
(B) Two dimensional motion Motion of the gas mnolecules in the given region.
Sommer sault by a swimmer from a height before entering the
(C) Three dimensional motion (r)
(s) Oscillations of a mass suspended from a vertical spring.
D) Rotational motion
83. Match the column I with column II, for magnitude
component of a vector A 3i +4-5k,
Column I Column II
(A) along y-axis (p)>1 less than 5 88
(B) along z-axis (g)<1
>3 less than 5
C) along (t+f) (r)
(D) along x-axis ()>2 less than 5

M Integer Type Questions OO00D

single digit
DIRECTIONS. The answer to each of the following questions is a
question numbers
integer, ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct answers the
A, B, C and D (say) are 4, 0,9 and 2 respectively, then
the correct darkening O000
of bubbles should be as shown on the side:
at point is 18 N and magnitude of their
84. The sum of the magnitude of two forces acting a
smaller magnitude, what is
resultant is 12 N. If the resultant is at 90° with the force of
the magnitude of smaller force in newton
horizontal velocity of magnitude 18 ms-l. The
85. A ball rolls of the top of a stair way with
will the ball hit first ? (g = 10 m/s<)
steps are 0-20 m high and 0-20 m wide. Which step
ANSWERS 82. A-s, B-p, r, C-q, D-r 83. A-p, r, s, B-4, C-p, r, s, D-p, s
81. (a)
84. (5) 85. (4)
OTIONIN A 11itBoIH igsn 4/169
moving along
i a straight
. linc with
a constant acceleration a
b. A forward with speed of 10 m/s, at an angle standing in the train throws
a. A boy stanu
ball inside the train to catcn the of 60 to the horizontal
The boy has to move forward Dy
.15m ball back at the ZOntal,
initial height. The acceleration ain, in m/s, is:
(TIT JEE 2011)
throwt from grouna at an
A bal
1S angle 0 with horizontal esulting
otion the magnitude of the average horizontal and with an initial spespecd 4g. For tne
velocity of the point when it hits the
ground ror
is U. After hitting the ground, e ball up to the
the por
ball rcbounds speed or
angle 0 but with a reduced
the f otion continues for a long at ne
the same ang
all ifor the
entire duration of motion ic
shown in
n Fig,
ig. 4(CF).21. If
U1, the value of o is
If the magnitude of average
the magnit
velocity o


(JEE Advanced

MIR Assertion-Reason Type Questions

DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions
read the two statements and choose if read the two statements and choose if
(A) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true
(A) Assertion and Reason are true and the
Assertion. 2 is correct explanation of Statement-1.
iReason is correct explanation of the State-
(B) Statement-1 is true ; Statement-2 is true

B) both Assertion and Reason are

true but the Reason
Assertion. ment-2 is not correct explanation of Statement-1.
is not a corect explanation of the
is false.
(C) Assertion is true but the Reason is false. (C) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2

D) both Assertion and Reason are false. (D) Statement-1 is false; Statement-2 is true.

angle 91. Statement-1: 'Two balls of different

masses are
88. Assertion: When a body is projected at an
45", its range is maximum.
thrown vertically upward with same speed. They
range, the value of sin26 will pass through their point of projection in the
Keason: For maximum
downward direction with the same speed.
should be equal to one.
(d) D Statement-2: The maximum height and
a) A (b) B (c) C
can De downward velocity attained at the psint of
09. ASsertion: The value of temperature projection are independent of the mass of the
positive or negative.
Keason: Temperature is a vector quanuny (c) C (d) D
(a) A (6) B
(d) D
(a) A
b) B () C horses on a merry-go-
90. Assertion: an illustration 92. Statement-1: The outside
Rocket in flight is not round get more acceleration than inside ones.
of projeetile.
combustion Statement-2: This is because of linear acceleration
ASon:Rocket takes flight due togravity effect to the distance.
is directly proportional
offuel and does not move under the (6) B (c)C (d) D
alone. (a) A
(d) D
A (b) B (c) C
91. (a) 92. (a)
90. (a)
89. (c)
88. (a)
86. (5) 87. (4)
4/170 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physies (X1) VOLA

93. Statement-1 : The three vectors not lying in a 94. Statement-1: The magnitude of the resultant
plane can never add up to give a null vector. vector of two given vectors can never be less than
the magnitude of any of the given vector.
Statement-2: The threc vectors not lying in a
plane can not be represented by the three sides of Statement-2: The resultant vector is the vector
a triangle taken in the same orde sum of two vectors.
(d) D (a) A (b) B e)C ( D
(a) A (b) B (c)C

For Difficult Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Corroct Answor)

1. Here, initial velocity FIGURE4(CF).22
V=5ms along East 5î
Final velocity v2 =5ms along North =5j
Change in velocity.

Av= V2- =5f-sf=-sf+5? O P

Magnitude of Av = y(-5)2 +52 =5/2 m/s From A law of vectors,

(PO)= (00)-(0P)=(00)+(-OP)
Acceleration, 1
al= -3V2
Angle between (0Q) and (- OP) is (180-a)

l = tan 45° (A a=a +a +2a cos (180-

2 a cos
a-2 a = 2 a*
(l - cos a)
45° West of North 2 aa[1- 1+2sin a/2
2. Resolving displacement 302m South West in = 4 sin /2
Aa = 2a sin a/2
two rectangular components. We have
4. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).23, AB = 500 km.
30-/2cos 45° = 302x= 30m FIGURE4(CF).23
towards South N

and 30/2sin45° = 302x =30m

towards West.
The resultant of 30 m North will neutrilise the W---
displacement of 30 m South. Hence, the effective
displacement is the resultant of 30 m West and
20 m East= 10 m West.
3. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).22, the change in position

vector A a is represented by P0.


93. (a) 94. (d)
For Difricult Quostionss or A2-B2= 64
Velocity of wind, v 300 km/h along AC. The Solving () and (i), we get
air plane can fly a st. path AB if the resultant
A = 10N and B =6N
velocity of aeroplane and wind acts along AB. It
will be so if the velocity of aeroplane is
represented by AD. 8. Acceleration, a ="
Velocity along AB, v =
= y9002-3002 = 72000 = 600-2 km/h 62i+41j-212Î+1j
S 500 km
Time taken to reach B, t =
v 6002 km/h
7-2 la
Integrating it within the given limits

sin = = 300

0-3333 = sin 19°28 -a
19° 28' South of East
5. Let AB r, OB =x and A0 = y.
In A ABO; P=2+y2 Jo
Differentiating it w.r.t. time we get 9. Here, 7=(2î+0j-3k)
dt dt
and 2?-21-2
dyr dr_dr/ dt : 7-=(2î+0f-3)-(2f-21-2)
dt y dt ylr cos 6
= 0f +2-
6. Velocity towards East, U = 30i m/s
Moment of fore, 7= (7-7xF
Velocity towards North, v = 40j m/s
Change in velocity,
(+2-k )x(4? +5}-6k)

Av v-=(40-30i) =0 2 - .-7-4-8
4 5 -6
1Al=140-30Î=40+(-302 =50m/s
10. At the start, the velocity of athlete at A is v along
Average acceleration, AB. The component of this velocity along

aav At
50m/s5 m/s
AO=v cos 45° v/2.
1. Here,
A+B 16 .) Distance AO =AC =£(N? P)-
A2 +2+2ABcose =8 Time taken by athletes to meet at O is
B sin 6 distance A0
tan90° t
A+Bcos 6 speed along AO v/2
11. Let AB
= x, then AC =x cos0
B sin
or A+Bcos6 =
tan 90°
0 =0 d(AC) dr
(xcos)=.cos+x(-sin 6) de
dt dt
or B cos 6-A or cos 6=- BIA
4/172 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
For Dificult Quostionns

But =0, so 0=cos 0-rsin 13N
dt a 12N

or vcos0 = xsin 0de

o COS6


14. 10 A+B +2 AB cos 150°P

=A+ B-2 AB (3/2)
sin 150°
tan90°=- B cos 150°
A+ B
A+B cos 150° = 0

AIso, CB = x sin 6. A =Bx 3/2 ...ii)

Velocity of block will be

From (), 100=2+B23B B
d(CB)d sin + xcos6 2
dt dt dt Or B 20 N
15. Let OA = OB = OC= P
U COse
= Usin 6+xcos 6 X-
x sin 6 Component of OA along x-axis

v(sin0+ cos- 0) =P cos 30°= P3 2

sin 6 sin e
12. The central point G of force ABOD has Component of OA along y-axis = P sin 30°

) The central point H of
Component of OB along x-axis = P cos 60°
face BEFO has coordinates
0,5 Component of OB along y-axis

-P sin 60° = V32

Component of oc along x-axis
-a-i) = - P sin 45° 2P
13. Since 132 = 52+122 and the forces are in
equilibrium, so they must be represented by the
Component of OC along y-axis
three sides of a right angle triangle OAB as shown
in Fig. 4(CF).25. We have to calculate
LAOC = (180° -
= P cos 45°

In A AOB, sin 8 = sin 23°; so 0 = 23°. 'X-Component of OA + OB- OC
= 90°-6 = 90° -23° 67°
LAOC = 180° - 67 = 113°


or Dirtlelt Quostions
or A2+B+2 AB cos 0

- coynncnt

of 0A

of OA + OB
+ OB


OC with r-axis is

2+2 cos
or (n+ 1) cos
or A+A2+2A2 cos 6 =n2

n [A2+

= n (22

B2 -2 AB cos 0]

4+A2-2Acos e]

cos 0)
(:A = B)

0= tan (PJP) = tan 150--2

A=21+3+k; B=3î+4
0++2 18. Here,

= tan- v3-2) 3 +42

1+ 3+V2 Magnitude of the component of the vector A
16. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).26 (a)
along B
FIGURE4(CF).26 D1 -(-)=(2?+3+b|0f+4M|
= (6+4)=2
B 19. Here, v, = 10 ms-l due east The = OA .

A. P swimmer will cross the river through shortest path,

vp and v's is along (OC). It
if the resultant of
will be so if the swimmer goes along OB. In Fig.
tan B =
Q sin and 4(CF).27,1v,I = OB
20 ms. Let LCOB= 30°.
P Q+ PQ cos ...)
00R= + 2
When Qis doubled, resultant R, is perpendicular N

to P .Fig. 4.51 (6), Then

R = P+ 402 +4 PQ cos
From right angled triangle BAD1, we W

R = (2- PË =4 Q* -P
Putting this value in (i), we get
40-P= P + 4 Q2+4 PQ cos R
or P+2 PQ cos 6 =0
Putting this value in (i), we get Q* In AOBC,
= (P+ 2 PQ cos 0) +Q=0+
RR=Q (CB) R 20==*sin30°
or Sin 6 => 2
A and B Given,
17. Let 0 be the angle between

30° west
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XT)voL

Fer Difticult Questions Shortest time = 502 5h
r 102
E is the resuitant velacity of river water (v,)
and af bcat (,). then FIGURE 4(CF).29

1km- 4 kmh N

ISmn. (1/4)h

= = vs-2 =3km/h
FGURS 4(CF).28 V=10 km/h

B-U1=10 km/h

24. Refer to Fig. 4(CFH.30, let position of ship A be

L a nd be the speed of train and wind
origin, then positions and velocities of both ships
sgerively The speed of steam track of train can be given as
maving in he direetion of wind = u -v
Le sTei f team Tick of ram moving in the FIGURE 4(CF).30

sP qUESTOn. (u -v) = 2 (u -v) or u = 3 v.

10 km/h
2 Ler, =veiccity of siip and river water w.r.t. B

S= istmeebetween two goints A and B

Log af wood w
move with the velocity of river

, -+",= S2
50 km/h i
150 kmn

Suzring fom (), we have 30 km/h

(0, 0)LA
or 12 80 km
ime aken by log at wood,
A (30+50) km/h,
L the stips A and B be at positions
shown in
-10 km/h =0f+0
Hg 4CF9, when the distance berween them (80+150,) km
Reiave veicciry af E wrt A is BA(80-0)f+(150-0) f
=vio-10 =(80?+150o,) km
= 10-2kmh alcng BC VBA-10f- (30+50)saf
Tse sherest distance berween
A and C is d given
p AC = A2 sin 45 = (40-50f) km/h i
Time after which distance between
them will be
L00x=502km minimum [In this activation
r will be with
negative sign]
lrod aps
CTINTSIESPLANATIONS As rain appears to be falling at an angle 30° with
For Difficult Quostions the vertical, therefore angle with the road i.e.
horizontal direction 0 = (90° -30°) = 60°. Now

tan 60° or v,=-4 tan 60° =-4V3 m/s
(BA) -4

(80f+ 150.(-401-50 U=u,i+v, f=8î-43

-40-50f? D 82+(-4 5)2 = 64 +48
3200+7500 km h-= 10-58
h 27. Relative velocity of a train with respect to another
25. Let car C be moving in opposite direction to A train, u = (v-U1)
and B with velocity vc relative to ground. Then using, v- uf = 2 as, we have

relative velocity of Crelative to A and B will be (-v)

Urelcv ,As v is opposite to vc 0-(v-v)=2axd or a
28. Let d be the width of lake to be crossed. Then
So vrel Vc-(-30) = (vc+ 30) km h
Hence, time taken by car C to cross the cars A

and B will be r= - S a
rel 60 Uc+30 and T=
or Vc45 km h-l
26. Let u be the velocity of man and v be the 2dv 2d
velocity of rain. If ?and are unit vectors along
T 1
horizontal road and vertical direction respectively.
According to question To (1-/v)
29. Speed of thief's car w.r.t. ground,
u=8 and 7=v,î+ v,
UTG 192 km h-l
If v is the velocity of rain relative to man, then Speed of police van w.r.t. ground,
VPG 30 km h-l
P--7=(,?+u, )-8j Speed of bullet w.r.t. police van,
= (-8) +v, î BP 150 ms-l = 540 km h
Speed with which the bullet will hit the thief's
As rain appears to be falling vertically car will be
,i -7,j=0,-3î+v,} = 540 +30 192 : VGT-UTgl
Comparing the coefficients of f'and j on both 378 kmh = 378 x ms = 105 ms
the sides, we get 3600

v-8 = 0 or v,=8 and -v,=U, 30. =3+5m: =(-5î-3m

When man increases his speed, then u =
121. A7=-
liiw then
Let the relative velocity of rain w.r.t. man be v,m =(3î+5-(-5i-3)
7 = (4+3m/s: =
(aî+7)m/s , =

s A
-i= (v,?+u,)-12î Av--i= (aî+7})-(4?+3)
(8?+v,})-12? = (a-4)î+4
4/176 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
CXONTSIEXIPLANASTTTS 34. When list is accelerating upwards, with acce
For Ditieuit auostlons leration a,
Refer to Fig. 4(CF).31, velocity of efflux,
As, Av=4: = 2(8+ a)H
so (a-4)1+4j= (81+8}/2 Time taken by water in reaching the floor,
On solving, we get, a = 8 2h
31. Acceleration of the body down the inclined plane V(8 +a)
of inclination 9 with horizontal direction is, Horizontal range,
a =8 sin
It is along the inclined plane. d =u = 2(g +a)H x =2 Hh
The vertical component of acceleration a is
Vg +a

along vertical)a cos (90° 6)

- = sin 60 a FIGURE4(CF).31
= ( sin 0) sin G = g sin2 0
ForblockA; "A (along vertical)8 sins 60°
For block B ; dg (along vertical) = 8 sin 30°
The relative vertical acceleration of A w.r.t. B is 2H(g+a)
AB (along vertical) A (along vertical)
B(along vertical)
= 8 sin- 60° - g sin^ 30°

If lift is accelerating vertically downwards, with

acceleration a then
= 4-9 ms in vertical direction horizontal range,
32. Velocity of girl w..t. escalator, vge=
d=2(g-a)H x2h-2F

velocity of escalator w.nt. ground, VeG

When lift is moving vertically up with constant
velocity of girl on moving escalator w.r.t. ground
speedthen d=2 gHx =2-Hh
When lift is falling freely, then the water jar is in
i.e., VgG="ge +VeG or weightlessness state. Hence, no water leaks out
of jet. Thus, option (c) is true.
j 35. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).32, taking vertical downward
or or
motion of ball or bullet, we have
33. Lett, be the time taken by the stone to fall through FIGURE4(CF).32
a vertical distance h and t2 be the time taken by m/s
the sound to travel distance h.
Since sound moves with a constant velocity,
Ball Bullet
Taking downward motion,
2h 0 20mn 100m

timeof flight, T= 2x5m=1s

total time +2. * 10m/s2

For bifficult auestlons

After collision, the velocity of ball, 2 sintr

Vpall= 20/l = 20 m/s. Refer to ig. (('P).33 (hy, stpping tistatce,
thevelocity of bullet, Vbuller1O0/1 = 100 m/s.
According to law of conservation
momentum, we get
of linear 2g si*
mhallX0+ bullet* V= ball X Vhall
Sin3{P /2
+pulletXVbullet (Ar
0+0-01 x V=02 x 20 + 0-01 x 100 Sin
or V 500 m/s 38. Here u=20m/s, 6 -4, d- 25
36. Initial momentum ot body along horizontal range; =" S1hi25
direction, P, = mv cos 45°=
Initial momentum along vertical upward direction t_
(20 sin 2x45 Msinf

Py mUsin 45°2
Total momentum = p, i+p,j = Time of flight,

The body will strike the horizontal surface with T20sin6 2/20sirn 45 2//1
velocity v, hence its momentum along vertical 982
or T=2-886 s
downward directionPy = v sin 45° = Since the goal man is alrcady 25 m avay in the
direction of the ball. So to catch the all, he is to
momentum along horizontal direction
cover a distance = 40-82-25 = 15-2 rn, in time
2-886 sec,
=p= mv cos 45°
2 the velocity of goal man to catch the ball is
Total momentum
P-i+Pi-i 2-886
39. Let the body be projected from O with velkcity
Change in momentum =Ap = p- P making an angle 60° with the horizontal and it
reaches atA after time t with velocity v malking
an angle 45° with the horizontal directioa.
2mvs Resolving u and v into horizontal and vertical
compuilents we have
= 2mv u cos 60°= v cos 45
or v u cos 60°/cos 45°
37. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).33 (a), stopping distance,
v sin 45° = u sin 60° - gt
u sin 60°-v sin 45°

u sin 60°-uc
4SIn 60°-(u cos 60°/ cos 45° ) sin 45°
A60° 130

g sin 60°
g sin 30 sin
60°cos 60°] = 4 =5-495
4/178 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (X) VoL
CTDTTSEEAPANVATUON3 43. Here, u = 40 m/s ; BA = 20.4 m. Let 0 be the
For Difflcult Quostlons angle of projection at 0. Taking vertical motion
of projectile from O to A we have
40. Horizontal range is same when angle of projection
is a or (90°- a). FIGURE 4(CF).35

RSin8 2a 2u sin a

20 4m
2u sin (90°-a)2u cos a u sin 0
and 2 8
From (). sin a = gt,/2 u: Oucos
From (i). cos a = giz/2 u u = u sin 6 = 40 sin 0; a = -9:8 m/s-,

. sina+cos a= + S 20-4 m, t =
2 s. As S = ut

2+-98) x 22
or u=+tJU2 204 (40 sin 6) x

or 20-4 = 80 sin 6 19.6

41. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).34, the horizontal component
or 80 sin 0 20-4+ 19.6 40
velocity of bullet
= 4 cos 60° with x direction
sin 40 = sin 30° or 6 30
or 2
= 4x1/2=-2ms along x-direction
44. Ist method. Initial momentum of the body,
FIGURE 4(CF).34 Pmu= (0-1 x 20) along OA

Final momentum, P2 = mu cos 0 along OB

60 = 0-1x 20 x cos 30°

2 m/s
= 0-1 x20 x =3 kg ms- along OB.

The bullet will come out vertically with velocity mu cos
ms mu
=4 sin 60= 4xV3/2 = 23 if the hori-
zontal velocity of bullet and truck is zero. It will
be zero if the velocity of truck = 0-(-2 ms-')
2 msl along x-direction.
42. Let R be the maximum range of the bullet fired
Omucose o P2

Change in momentum
sin 2 x45°ui
from a gun. Then, R = "" = P2-P OB - OA = AB
8 8

Now 1ABl=(OA)2-(OB)2
Area covered, A = n R = ms
=22-(3)2 =1 kg
2nd method. Horizontal momentum of the body
i.e. A u at O and at highest point is same. The vertical
momentum at O = mu sin 0 and at highest point
is zero. Therefore, charge in momentum
mu sin 0 = 01 x 20 x sin 30° = 1 kg ms
For Difficult Questions
45. Let u be the initial velocity of projectile and 0 be
the angle of projection. Taking vertical upward
motion for height h, we have
u = u sin 0, a =- g, S =h, v=v, As
vg sin 0
=+2 aS
so v= u sin2 0 -2 gh .) Uo cos 6
y Then v,= V cos 6, v,V sin 6- t
At height h, tan
or v,=v,= u cos 0
ucos0='sin2 e-2 gh
X =Vo cos 6t, y= " sin6rgr
or u (cos0- sin )=- 2 gh
or ucos 20= -2 gh .(ii) Momentum of particle at P
The equation (ii) is valid only if u = 50 m/s
p mv =m(v, i+v, j)
and cos 20=- 8/25
Angular momentum of partícle at P about origin
O is
Or cos(-8/25)
46. h = (u sin 8)r- )
myv,(-k)+mxv, (ë)
d= u cos 0 xt

From (), h =usin 0x-

or t= dl(u cos 6)
u cos 2u
m sin -
+m (vg cos 6 9

(Ug sin 8-8) (k)

or d
u=. -mvg cos sin 6tk +mv, cos 6xg2
cose 2(d tane - h) =

47. Horizontal range is same when angle of projection

+mu sin costk-m, cos gr2 k
is or (90°-0),
usin 20 2u
-mv 8t cos6k

and t,=F 2usin (90-)_2ucos 49. y = xtan -82u cos

8 8
For equal trajectories for same angle of projection
2usin 2ucos 2u(2sinOcos 0) = constant>
42 8 8 g2

sin u sin 2 98x93:528 m/s

24 262 8' =3:5 m/s*
50. For angular projection of a projectile, equation

or'2R R of trajectory is

vbod to t2o« R
48. Let the particle projected from 0, reach Pin time
y = x tan 6
2u cos
with velocity
"eAI nátes of P be (x, y).
=(, i+v, j) and coordi-
= xtan 6| 1-. 8x
2u cos0tan
4/180 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
CONTSIEPUANATIOOS Speed of the second particle at the highest point
ecFor DHficult Questions
A is =Vu6-2gH
xtan 6
Tusin 26xtan6
Sin a
where H 5 2g
dt 131

u sin 20
= R=range of projectile gu sin o/28 =4 cos a
8 4=u-2
As per question Let and j be the unit vectors along horizontal
and vertical directions respectively. Then
Q= Ptan
1- ) u
=u cosai and u" cosa j

P Qtan Let v be the velocity of composite system after

and ..ti) inelastic collision and 6 is the angle which it
makes with the horizontal direction. According
Dividing () by (i), we get
to law of conservation of linear momentum
PR) or 0?R-03 = P?R-P 2m (v,i+ v, ) = mug cosa i+ mu cosa
P Q (R-0)
or R(P2-) =P*- 03 We have, v, = and
or R 0_P+ PQ+0?
R20? (P+2) Then tan e=2-ug cos a)/2
=1 or
Putting this value in (), we get cos a)/2

P(P+) 52. Here, initial velocity, u=î+2f, Comparing it,

Q= Ptan 61 u=u, itu, j, we have
LP+PO+02 with

u=1 m/s and u, = 2 m/s

= Ptan +PQ+04-p2- PO1 Let the projectile at time t be at location whose
p2 + PQ + Q2
position coordinates from origin are (x, y). Then
X = ut =1.tet
= Ptan pO+O
P +PQ+Q and yu-g= 21-x10x
or tan =+PQ+ 02 2x-5 2 (:1=*)
P Thus y= 2r-5x*,i.e., option (b) istrue

or tanP+P0+02
53. For the pebble, v, 6 = 45°, = 1
Time of flight, when the pebble will be at the
t so
PO horizontal level OX, where the block is hit
51. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).38,
2u sin 6 2vsin 45°
FIGURE4(CF).38 10 52
v=52 =v50 m/s
u1 If the block is hit at any point K on OX,
then PK= horizontal range

usin20_v sin 90_S0) Xl.5m

8 10 10
speed of the first particle at highest point A,
This is likely, as unstretched length of spring is
414o Cos 4.9 m and it is stretched by 0-2 m.
G apn

ror Ditfieult uontlon FIGURE4(CF).39

4. New. I50 ms'. g =10 m/s

et the bndy le pnjected fronn () with velocity u
making an angle 45° with the horizontal and it
mahes at A atter time t with velocity v making 90
an angle 30° with horizontal direction. Resolving
and r into horizntal and vertical components,
we have n cos 45" cos 30°
As in horizontal dircction acceleration is zero]
Coscos 30°
In vertical Magnitude of change in velocity in 15 sec;
direetion: v sin 30° = u sin 45°- gt
u cos 45°-sin 30*1 1a1-1-7= +uf
= Vu2+u2 =2v =v2 2T
Cos45 30 30 /2
u Cos 45 X sin 30"|
cos 30* 57. Here, I vI=lv, l=v
Change in velocity
= [cos 45°- cos45° tan 30°

Lx FIGURE 4(CF).40

= 448 s
1732 A
55. Here, r = cos cor x+sin or y 180-40
velocity. = = -

0 sin Or r+@cos ot y .(ü)

Acceleration, a=- cos or x-o sin oxy

Angle between Ug and (-v)
From (iii), we note that accelerated is directed 140°
= 180°-40° =
towards the origin because a is in opposite
ri direction to r .
Here, v.r= (-@sin or + 9cos t y). =yu+u +2u cos (I80°-40°)
(cos wt x+ sin ot y) =yu2+u-2u cos40° = 2(1-cos 40°)

- sin t cos + sin wr cos w! = 0

= /2v2x2sin2 20" = 2v sin 20°
or v r cos 0 = 0 or cos 0 = () or 0= 90°
58. When 6= 180, the particle will be at diametrically
i.e., v and are perpendicular to each other.
r opposite point, where its velocity is opposite to
by the length of the initial direction of motion. The change in
56. The angle described at the centre momentum = nw (-mv) = 2 mv ; (max). When
15 seconds = 90°

seconds hand of a watch in the particle is at initial position with

c= T/2 radians Fig. 4(CF).39.
ro=r0/ momentium mv. Change in momentum
zigaiinear speed, =1x
(Tt/2)/15 = t/30 cm s mv mw = 0 (minimum).
4/182 Pradees's Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL


For Dinaault Quontlons
59. r= (20/T) m; v = 80 m/s,
=2 rev =4 T rad. ; =0
From the equation o = 0 +2a0 ; we have B

r 2er
=2 a0 or

or a=
2r0 2x(20/n)x 4T
20R about A, lv l=oR about A
60. Let R be the force exerted by the bowl on the = 20R-oR = oR
particle. It will be as a reactional force R. Various lvc-V!
forces acting on particle at P will be (i) weight
Mg (downwards) (ii) R (Normal Reaction) along lug-I=@R-0 =oR

FIGURE4(CF).41 Also, Iv-vI= (20R-0) = 20R

v-=I oR -20Rl= l-oRI

O 15cm
ic-l 217-c
R /R sin6 62. s= +5;r= 20 m
Q ds
Rcos0 10cm
velocity, v==312
When, = 2 s, v = 3x22
12 ms-
Resolving R into its two rectangular components FIGURE4(CF).43
we have R sin 6 acts vertically upwards and
R cos acts horizontally along PO.
As horizontal component R cos 6 will provide B aT
required centripetal force.
R cos 6 =ma.
4 centripetal acceleration]
/20 2
R cos = mrw* or 0=.
cos = OP 015
Tangential acceleration,
a a-6t
= A
Rsin =mg mg
When, t= 2 s, ar= 6 x 2
Centripetal acceleration,
12 m/s*
R =
sin OIOP 005/015 a 7-2 m/s2
R=15x98N 20
Effective acceleration,
15x98 x r/0-15 Jaf +a =y122 +(7-23 =14 m/s
= 14 rad/s a=
61. Letobe the angular velocity ofrotation of sphere. 63. Refer Fig. 4(CF).44, centripetal acceleration of
particle atP
UVC be the velocities at A, B and C
respectively. Then A is at rest, ie. Iv l=0. along PO
iL 4/183
For Difficult Questions FIGURE4CF),45

P(R, 0)

Given range of each pebble < r/2.

Therefore, pebble P lands in unshaded region
nd pebble Q in the shaded region. Thus option
(b) is true.
65. At an instant, speed of P = v, going în clockwise
As a a,tay direction
Speed of Q =v, going in anticlockwise direction
where, a, = a, cos 6 =-cos Relative angularvelocity of P w..t. Q=@-(-0)
R = 2 0
Relative angular separation of P and Q in time t
and a,= a sin 6 -sin 6
2 o.
Relative speed between the points P and Q at
aa,-i)+a,-) time t

cos 10,1=+v-2vvcos(2 or)

R f-sin ®j
64. Time of flight of each pebble, =2u(1-cos 2or) 2u x2sin = o
2v sin ot
T= time for th rotation of disc
Since, I
v,l will not have any negative value so
the lower part of the sine wave will come upper
side. Hence option (a) is true.

Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)

Multiple Choice
66. A bullet fired from gun and a piece of stone As v2 u2+2a so 0=32 +2(-1)x
thrown in any direction are the example of or X = 4-5 m
projectile motion because their motion is under Also, v,= u, +a,t or 0 = 3 + -1)t
the action of gravity alone as well as motion is in or t=3s
one plane and not in a straight line. Taking motion along vertical direction, we have

67. R=-sin-6 and h="SIn20 . These two are y=u,i+a, =0x3+-05)x32

8 28
=- 2.25 m
incorrect relations while relations given in option
andv,= u, +a,t= 0+(-05)
3 =- 15 ms-1
(c) and (d) are correct.
68. Here, u, 3 ms; a,=-1-0
= ms; -i+v, j=0-15j = (-15/)ms1
4y=0;a,=-0.5 ms-2the final horizontal and 7=xî+yî = (451-2:25 )m
For maximum x-coordinates,
velocity becomes zero, i.e. v, =0
4/184 Pradeg 'i Fundamental Physícs (79V
CXINTSIEXPLALATIOUS At the colfiding position of two shof.
For Dficut Questions horizontal distance (r) covered by cach dti
69. Since. the projectile has two component velocities same soI=u cos T= u cos B(T ) -

i.e.. a horizontal velocity which is constant or T cos a = (T- cm B

without air friction and a vertical velocity which At the colliding position of two shots, the verticat
changes with air friction and gravity pull. hence distance (y) covered by first shot is
the path of projectile is a parabolic path.
Due to air friction. the energy spent by projectile y u sin aT -

against air friction is not conserved. so the total

energy of projectile is not conserved. The vertical distance y covered by second shsi
At the highest point, the projectile has horizontal
component velocity only.
70. As is clear from Fig. 4CF).46
y=usin BT-D- zT-t
FIGURE 4{CF)46 u sin
=u sin B(T -)- gT-1

72. Horizontal range is same when angle of projection

3R /2
is & and (90° 0)

sin 202u sin6 cos 9
When angle of projection is e, then

2u sin 8

linear velocity of point O = r

When angle of projection is (90° - 8), then
v (3R) oi
along positive direction of x-axis. T, 2usin (90°-8)2ucos6
8 3
Choice (a) is correct.
Linear velocity of point P w.r.t. point O is sin &cos 8
TT, =u"
Vp-v or p =
"o +
2u sin
= (3R)i +R 30°(-i)+R
sin cos 30k

(3Ro)i+ -)0R v3 T TR
2 2 2u sini 8 - tan8
And ucos
2u cose/
pRoiRo 4
73. =ari-Brj
Choices (a) and (b) are correct.
71. Since the first shot must have travelled for more
time than the second shot before colliding in mid
air. It will be so if the angle of projection of first
short a is greater than the angle of projection of
second shot B i.e. a >B.

Difficult For Questions (Force F-md=o1 6xx?+2x5?
Att= 1s, = (2î+}N
(0) 7=3xx()* ?+2x5xlx?
3 (d)Torque T= PxFF
= (10? +10)ms-1
= 3
(b) Angular momentum L= 7xp Fxmu
T- +s0* Í|x01ao?+10) +5ai+)
10R+10(-R) = N-Nm
Multiple Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

74. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).47, the resultant velocity of

plane will be along (OC. In A OCA
= N
tan AC or e
p 100

IN w

Vw=25 m/s S
W- Oi vp=100ms-1 A
v= 100 ms- and v= 25 ms.
Sino= OB =w_23
100 p
75. Given, tan
or sin-1 25
4 100
cos6 77. From first two observations, using R = C v
V42 +12 17
we have 4 = C 5- and 16 = C 10-1
Resultant speed of the plane,

U=+ = Vio0 +252 610

2 2-1
= V252 42 +252 2517 ms- or 22
2 or 2=n 1
or n =3 -

78. When speed is 4 ms, then range

25-17 Xcos0 ==25V17 4 100
cos R=C44-=Cx42
cos 6 cos 17
= 100 sec 0
and 4 C 53 = Cx52
resultant velocity
76. Refer to Fig. 4(CF).48, as the = 0-64 0r R=4 x 0-64 2:56 m
velocity w.r.t. ground
is along OC, so the plane
must be along OB. Here,
4186 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XID VOL

For Difficult Questions
79. During projectile motion as the ball goes upwards to gravity and when ball falls downwards, its
its vertical velocity decreases upwards, upto the velocity increases downwards due to gravity puil.
highest point as it is retarded by acceleration due Hence, the graph (d) is correct.

Matching Type Questions

B) =
u sin2e a sin2 e
80. (A) (A+ +1-k)+-21-28) 81. (A) Max height, h=" 2g ie., h

=2--3k sin230 30 (1/2)

h sin 60° 3/2)2 3

A+B1= y2* +(-1)2+(-3)2 = V14
2usine. Ta sin 8
(B) Time of flight, 7T=:
B) (A-E)=d+f-i)-0-2f-28) 8

-3+ 1sinsin 30°_1/2 V3

A-Bl=) +(0 Vo (C) Horizontal range, R=*-
u sin 20

(AB)=6+f-)-6-2-2) i.e., Ra sin 2 0

= 1-2+2 =1
. R2
sin 2x 30
sin 2 x 60°
sin 603/2-
sin120° 1/2
D) (Ax B)=|1 1 -1
1-2 -2 (D) Total energy of each particle will be equal to
KE of each particle at the time of its projection.
-î(-2-2)+i-1+2)+k (-2-1)

-4+-3 U = 1

IAXBl=-4 +(1)2+(-3? =V26 U m


Matrix-Match Type Questions

82. Oscillations of a mass suspended from a vertical 83. (A) Given A = 3î+4-5R
spring is one dimensional motion as it is confined
along a st. line path. =A,î+A,+A,k
The motion of earth around the sun in an orbit
A =5>1
has orbital motion and spinning motion. It is two
dimensional motion being in a definite orbit along (B)A =-5<1
with a rotational motion. =
The motion of the gas molecules in the given
C)A=3+42+(-5? 5/2; B =(+):
region is a three dimensional motion.
Sommer-sault by a swimmer from a height before
entering the water is two dimensional motion
along with a rotational motion. Component vector of A along B is

For Ditficult Questions

Magnitude of component vector

= (A B) B

(D) 4, = 3., ie., > 2 but less than 5

MInteger Type Questions

84. Let A and B be two forces acting at a point and6 Taking horizontal motion of ball in train. we have
be the angle between them. Then
u=u cos 60 = 10 x 1/2 = 5 ms
A+B 18 .()
and A+B +2 AB cos e
If A
122= 144
is smaller force. then as per question
a-a. s =
1-15 m. t =T = Všs.

tan 90=
Bsin 6
cos or
B sin
A+B 6 A+Bcose
we have. 145=5x+(-a) x(3
or A + Bcos 6 =0
cos e= - A/B
From (ii). A* + B +2AB (- A/B) = 144
(B- A) (B + A) =
S7. Let .
On solving. a = š
I the times of flight in sucoessive
iz be
parabolic paths and vi. Va v; be the average
velocities during these paths. Then
or B- A =
144 1448 Total time taken. T= I1 ++3
B+4 18
Solving (i) and (ii), we shall get. A =5N
85. Let the ball strike the nth step in time t. where
vertical height of each step is h and horizontal
length of each step is x. So;

Now ut = nx or
or t=

Total displacement, S =vj

, - .
7+ t+"33+

Squaring both the sides, we have

n 2h2x
X8 (0-2) x10
= 3:24
Average velocity =
total ame taken

4 (fourth step)
86. Here, u = 10 m/s, 0 = 60° -1/a) a+1

Time of flight, T=2usin 6 As per question, 08 v, 1+a

2x10xsin 60 O8 or a=4-00
10 1+a
Pradeeo Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL.
For Difficult Quostions

M Assertion-Reason Type Questions

91. Both the statements are true and statement-2 is
88. Horizontal range, R =-sin 26.It is maximum, the correct explanation of statement-1.
92. In merry-go-round, linear acceleration of a horse
when sin 2 6 = l = sin 90° or 6 = 45°.
is a = ar, where a is the angular acceleration and
89. Here, the Assertion is true but temperature is ris the distance of horse from the axis of rotatioon.
scalar quantity and not a vector, hence Reason is So a T.
wrong. 93. Here, both statements are true and statement-2
90. A projectile is the name given to a body is the correct explanation of statement-1.
which is
once projected can move under gravity in 94. The magnitude of the resultant vector of two given
dimensions without consuming any fuel or vectors can be less than the magnitude of
propelled by any engine. Hence both Assertion individual vectors if the angle between two
vectors is in between 90° to 270°. Thus statement-
and Reason are correct. 1 is false and statement-2
is true.

In the previous unit, we have learnt the concept of velocity to describe uniform motion of a body. An
additional concept of acceleration was introduced to describe non-uniform motion. In the present chapter, we
shall investigate as to what causes and governs the motion of bodies.
5.2. FORCE
Our common experience tells us that to move a football at rest, someone must kick it. Similarly, to throw
a stone upwards, we have to give an upward push. To stop a ball rolling down an inclined plane, we have to
apply some force against its direction of motion. Similarly, when a ball is hit by a bat, its direction of motion
changes. We may, therefore, define

Force as an external effort in the form ofpush or pul, which ) produces or tries to produce
motion in a body at rest, or (ii) stops or tries to stop a moving body, or (iüi) changes or trie
change the direction of motion of the body.
The following examples illustrate the above definition:
() When we push a ball lying on the ground, it starts rolling. The force exerted has thus produced
motion in the ball. However, when we push a heavy stone, it does not move. The effort made in this case has
only tried to produce motion, but has not succeeded.
(i) A ball falling downwards can be caught easily by our hands. The motion of ball has thus been des-
troyed. However, a big piece of rock rolling down a hill cannot be stopped even when we try our best to stop it.
in a circle, a constant force has to be
(ii) When a piece of stone tied to one end of a string is whirled a body is to move along a
exerted by the hand along the string. This is because the natural tendency of
body from straight line path to the
straight line. Force is spent in changing the direction of motion of the
circular path.
is always needed to provide the force. In the
It should be clearly understood that some external agency
the external agency is in contact with the object
examples given above, force is applied by our hands. Often,
example, a ball released from some height
on which force is applied. But it is not always necessary. For
which is not in contact with the ball. A magnet
accelerates downward due to the gravitational pull of earth,
attracts an iron nail from a distance.
5/2 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI
This shows that external agencies of force (eg. gravitational and magnetic) can exert force on a
body even from a distance.
They need not necessarily be in contact with the object.


The Greek thinker Aristotle (384 B.C. 322 B.C.), held the view that ifa body is moving Some
external force is required to keep it moving. Thus, the Aristotelian law of motion is: An externalforce is
required to keep a body in uniform motion. It is a natural view as external forces seem to be needed to keep
bodies in nmotion. Left to themselves, all bodies eventually come to rest.
But there is flaw in Aristotle's argument. A ball rolling on the floor stops because an external force of
friction between the ball and the floor and also resistance of air oppose the motion of the ball. If there were no
opposing forces, the rolling ball would never stop.
Intact, the opposing forces such as friction (in case of solids) and viscous forces (in case of fluids) are
always present in the natural world. That is why forces by external agencies are necessary to overcome the
opposing forces to keep bodies in uniform motion. fwe were to imagine a world without any frictional
forces, noforce would be required to keepa body moving uniformy along a straight line. This is the true
law of nature for forces and motion.
Galileo studied motion of objects on an inclined plane. He found that
() objects moving down a smooth inclined plane accelerate, Fig. 5.1(a).
(i) objects moving up a smooth inclined plane retard, Fig. 5.1(b).
(iii) objects moving on a
frictionless horizontal plane
move with a constant velocity,
having neither acceleration nor
retardation, Fig. 5.1(c).
In another experiment
using a double inclined plane,
Galileo observed that
A ball released from rest on one smooth
inclined plane rolls down and climbs up the other smooth
inclined plane. He found that
() in ideal situation, when there is no friction, the final height
In actual practice, when some friction is there, final of the ball is the same as its initial height.
height is somewhat less than the initial height. In no case,
final height is ever greater than the initial height.
When the slopes of the two planes are same, distance
covered in rolling down one incline is the same as the
distance covered in climbing up the other incline. This
is shown in Fig. 5.2(a).
(i) When the slope of second smooth inclined plane is
decreased, and the experiment is repeated, the
ball still reaches the same final height. But in doing
so, it travels a larger distance as shown
(iit) When the slope of second smooth inclined in Fig. 5.2(b).
plane is made zero (i.e., the second plane is made
horizontal), the ball travels an infinite distance in the
ideal situation (when there is no friction)
the ball never ceases, Fig. 5.2(c). i.e., motion of



ln actual practice, the ball comes to rest after moving some finite distance on the horizontal plane. This
is because the opposing force of friction can never be totally eliminated.
From his experiments, Galileo concluded that the state of rest and the state of motion with constant
velocity are equivalent. In both cases, no net force is acting on the body.
Galileo emphasized that it is incorrect to assune that a net force is needed to keep a body in uniform
motion along a straight line.
1o maintain a body in uniform motion along a straight line, we need to apply an
external torce to
counter the frictional force. Infact, the external force applied
and frictional force sum up to zero net exteral
force, and the body moves uniformly along a straight line.
Thus, Galileo concluded that
fnet external force is zero, a body at rest continues to be at rest, and a body in uniform motion
continues to move uniformly along the same straight line.
This is Galileo's law of inertia.
This, inherent property of all bodies, by
virtue of which they cannot change by themselves their
state of rest or state of uniform motion
along a straight line is called Inertia.
The linear momentum of a body is the quantity
of motion possessed by the body. Quantitatively,
the linear momentumn ofa body is defined as the product
ie. of the mass of the body and its velocity

Linear momentum =
masS X velocity
If a body of mass m is moving with a velocity v , its linear momentunm
p is given by

Linear momentum is a vector quantity. Its direction is the
same as the direction of velocity of the body.
The SI unit of linear momentum is kg msl and the cgs unit of
linear momentum is g cem s.
From p=mv , we find that
The dimensional formula of linear momentum is [M'L'T].
(i) when m is constant, p o* v. This is shown in Fig. 5.3(a).
(ii) when v is constant, p o« m. This is shown in Fig. 5.3(6).
(ii) Further, when two bodies of unequal masses
m, have the same linear momcntum i.e., FIGURE 5.3

or mUj m m = constant U=constant

P1P2 V2 P constant

i.e. velocities of the bodies having equal linear momenta vary
inversely as their masses i.e. the heavier
body has smaller velocity and the lighter body has greater velocity. This is
shown in Fig. 5.3(c).
In considering the effect offorce on motion, linear momentum is very important. This can be
from the following examples: understood

() We know that a much greater force is required to push a truck than a car to bring them
to the same
speed in the same time. Similarly, a greater opposing force is needed to stop a heavy body
than a light body
in the same time, when they are moving with the same speed. Thus, the masS of a body is
an important
parameter that determines the effect of force on its motion.
5/4 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) voL
(i) Speed is another important parameter to consider. A bullet fired from a gun can easily pierce through
a target like human tissue, before it stops, resulting in grave injury. The same bullet, thrown with a moderate
speed can be easily stopped. Thus for a given mass, greater is the speed, greater is the opposing force needed
to stop the body in a certain time.
Taken together. the product of mass and velocity, i.e., linear momentum is an important quantity, when
we consider effect of force on its motion.


Newton gave three laws governing the motion of bodies. We proceed with the statement of these three
First Law. According to this law, a body continues to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion along
a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some net unbalanced external force to change the state.
Second Law. According to this law, the rate of change of linear momentum of a body is directly
proportional 1o the external force applied on the body and this change takes place always in the direction of
the force applied.
Third Law. According to this law, fo every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction i.e.
the forces of action and reaction are always equal and opposite.
These laws can also be stated as under:
Ist Law. If no net force acts on a body, then the velocity of the body canmot change, i.e., the body
cannot accelerate.
2nd Law. The netforce ona body is equal to the product of mass of the body and acceleration of the
3rd Law. When nwo bodies interact, the forces on the bodies from each other are always equal in
magniude and opposite in direction.
As stated in Art. 5.6, Newton's first law consists ofthree parts:
() Without the application of an external force, a body at rest continues to be at rest. This part is self
evident. For example, we find in day to day life that every object continues to lie where it is, unless we move
(i) Without the applicatión of an external force, a body in unifornm motion continues to move uniformly.
This part is slightly difficult to realise, because in every day life, we find that a ball rolling on the ground does
stop after some time. Similarly, when the engine of a moving car is switched off, it stops after travelling some
distance. Infact, motion of bodies is being opposed by the invisible forres like air resistance and force of
friction between the body and the ground, If these forces were removed, a body moving uniformly shall never
stop on its own.
(i) Without the application of an external force, a body cannot change its direction of motion, i.e., t
continues to move along the same straight line. For example, to turn a car moving over a straight road, we
have to apply the force on the steering wheel of the car. Similarly, a bike cannot change its straight line path
on its own. We have to turn its handle.
It should be clearly understood that the state of rest or uniform linear motion, both imply zero acceleration.
Therefore, first law of motion can be expressed as:
If the net external force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero. Acceleration can be non-zero only
if there is a net external force on the body.
If an object on earth is at rest or in uniform linear motion, it does not mean that no forces are acting on
it. Rather, it means that various external forces acting on the body cancel out, i.e., theseforces add up ro zero
net external force.
1. Note that when severalforces
act simultaneousy ona body, the net force is the vector sum og ae
them. Individual forces matter only
to the extent that they contribute to the total.
2. Remember that state of rest or state
changed, even when any number
of uniform motion of a body along a straight line canno
of forces are acting on the body, but the resultant of these
zero. For change of state of a body, some roec
net external force is a must.
3. Newton's first law of motion is valid
only in an inertial frame of reference. This law is not vaild
a non-inertial frame of reference.


According to Newton's first law of motion,
a body continues to be in a state of rest or of uniform motion
along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an
external force to change the state. This means force applied
on a body alone, can change its state of rest or state
of uniform motion along a straight line. Hence, we define
Force as an external effort in the form ofa push or
pull which moves or tries to move a body at rest ;
stops or tries to stop a body in motion ; changes
or tries to change the direction of motion of a body.
This is how Newton's first law of motion defines
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body continues
to be in a state of rest or of uniform motion
along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an external force to
change its state. This means a body, on its
own, cannot change its state of rest or state of uniform motion
along a straight line.
This inability of a body to change by itself its state of rest or state of uniform motion along a
straight line is called inertia of the body.

Infact, a body opposes any external force that tries to change its state of rest or state of uniform
motion along a straight line.
Hence Newton's first law defines inertia and is rightly called the law of inertia.
Quantitatively, inertia of a body in linear motion is measured by the mass of the body. Heavier the
body greater is the force required to change its state and hence greater is its inertia. The reverse is also
The SI unit of inertia of linear motion is same as the SI unit of mass (i.e., kg).
Inertia of a body is of three types: 1. Inertia of rest, 2. Inertia of motion, 3. Inertia of direction.
(a) Inertia of rest

It is the inability of a body to change by itself, its state of rest. This means a body at rest remains
at rest and cannot start moving'on its own. Rather, a body at rest opposes theforce that tries to
move it.

For example:
Suppose we are standing in a stationary bus and the driver starts the bus suddenly. We get thrown
backwards with ajerk. Let us understand why?
Our feet are in touch with the floor of the bus. There is some friction between the feet and the floor. If
start of the bus is not that sudden, the frictional force would be enough to accelerate our feet alongwith the
bus. But our body is not strictly a rigid body. It is deformable, allowing some relative displacement between
different parts. Therefore, while our feet go with the bus, the rest of the body remains where it is, due to
inertia. Therefore, relative to the bus, we are thrown backwards. At this instant, the muscular forces on the
rest of the body by our feet come into play and move the body alongwith the bus.
5/6 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
2. When a horse starts sucdedenly. the rider tends to fall backwards on account of inertia of rest of upper
part of the body as explained above.
3. The ust particles in a durree lall off when it is beaten with a stick. This is because the beating sets the
lurree in nmotion whereas the dust particles tend to remain at rest and hence separate.
4. When we place a coin on smooth picce of cardboard covering a glass and strike the cardboard piece
suddenly with a finger, the cardboard slips away and the coin falls into the glass. This happens on account of
inertia of rest of the coin.
5. When we shake a branch of a mango tree, the mangoes fall down. This is because the branch comes
in motion and the nmangocs tend to remain at rest. Hence they get detached.
(b) Inertia of motion

It is the inability of a body to change by itself, its state of uniform motion i.e. a body in uniform
motion can neither accelerate nor retard on its own and come to rest. Rather, a body in uniform
motion opposes the force that tries to stop it.

For example:
Suppose we are standing in a moving bus, and the driver stops the bus suddenly. We are thrown

forward with a jerk. Let us understand why.

As the bus is suddenly stopped, our feet stop due to friction which does not allow relative motion
between the feet and the floor of the bus. But the rest of our body continues to move forward due to inertia.
That is why we are thrown forward. The restoring muscular forces exerted on our body by our feet come into
play and bring the body to rest.
2. When a horse at full gallop stops suddenly, the rider falls forward on account of inertia of motion as
explained above.
3. A person jumping out of a speeding train may fall forward. This is because his feet come to rest on
touching the ground and the remaining body continues to move due to inertia of motion.
4. An athelete runs a certain distance before taking a long jump. This is because velocity acquired by
running is added to the velocity of the athelete at the time ofjump. Hence he can jump over a longer distance.
(c) Inertia of direction

t is the inability of a body tochange by itself, its direction of motion ie. a body continues to
move along the same straight line unless compelled by some external force to change it. Rather,
a body opposes the force that tries to change its direction of motion.
For example:
1.An umbrella protects us from rain. It is based on the property of inertia of direction. The rain drops
falling vertically downwards cannot change their direction of motion and wet us, with the umbrella on.
2. When a stone tied to one end of a string is whirled and the string breaks suddenly, the stone flies off
along the tangent 1o the circle. This is because the pull in the string was forcing the stone to move in a circle.
As soon as the string breaks, the pull vanishes. The stone in a bid to move along the straight line flies off
3. When a car rounds a curve suddenly,the person sitting inside is thrown outwards. This is because the
person tries to maintain his direction of motion due to directional inertia while the car turns.
4. The rotating wheels of any vehicle throw out mud, if any, tangentially, due to directional inertia.
The mud guards over the wheels stop this mud, protecting the clothes etc. of the driver of the bike or
motor bike.
5. When a knife is sharpened by pressing it against a grinding stone, the sparks fly off along the tangent
to the grinding stone, on account of directional inertia.


According to Newton's second law of motion, the rate of change
of linear momentum o
directly proporional to tlhe exterual force applied on the body, and this change takes place always in the
direction of the applied force.
Suppose two bodics of different masses are initially at rest, and a fixed force is applied on them for a
certaininteralof time. To start with, the lighter body picks up a greater speed than the heavier body. However,
at the end of the time interval, observations show that each body acquires the same linear momentum. It
means that the same Jorce applied for the same time causes the same change in linear momentum in bodies
of dijfferent masses.
The law implies that when a bigger force is applied on a body of given mass, its linear momentumn
changes faster and vice-versa. The momentum will change in the direction of the applied force. To understand
it further, suppose
m = mass of a body, v = velocity of the body

The linear momentum of the body p mv (1)

Let F = external force applied on the body in the direction of motion of the body.
Ap =a small change in linear momentum of the body in a small time Ar.

Rate of change of linear momentum of the body =

According to Newton's second law,

F At
or F At
where k is a constant of proportionality.

Taking the limit Ar > 0, the term becomes the derivative or differential coefficient of P w.r.t.

time t. It is denoted by p
. F k dt
Using (1). F=tmv)=km dt
= acceleration of the body.

. F =kma 3)
The value of constant of proportionality k depends on the units adopted for measuring the force. Both in
SI and cgs systems, the unit of force is selected in such a manner that =
k 1.

Putting this value of k in (3), we get

F=ma ..(4)
force F being the product of m and
As acceleration is a vector quantity and mass is Scalar, therefore
is a vector.
direction of a .
The direction of F is the same as the
the body.
TO 5 Eqn. (4) represents of the equation ofmotion of (5)
We can rewrite eqn. (4) in scalar form
as F= ma
by multiplying mass of the body and the acceleration
oThus magnitude of force can be calculated
second law of motion gives us a measure of force.
produced in it. Hence
5/8 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI

dv dm
From eqn. (5). F = ma = =(mv) or F=m dt
If m is constant, =E0 m dt

du dm
If v is constant,
=0 F =V-


= [M'LlT-2
As F=(M)
F=ma (LT)
This is the dimensional formula of force.
The units of force are of two types: Absolute units and Gravitational units.
(a) Absolute units
() The absolute unit of force on SI is newton (represented by N).
One newton force is that much force which produces an acceleration of1 ms* in a body of
mass 1 kg.

As F=ma |IN=1 kg x 1
ms=1 kg ms2
(ii) The absolute unit of force on cgs system is dyne.

One dyne force is that much force which produces an acceleration of 1 cm s in a body of mass
One grai.

cm s 1g cms<
As F= ma I dyne =1gx1 =

Relation between newton and dyne

As 1N= 1 kg x I ms=10 gx 10 cm s2 1N=10 dyne
(b) Gravitational units
(i) The gravitational unit of force on SI is kilogram weight or kilogram force.
1 kilogram weight (kg wt.) or
kilogram force (kg f is that much force which produces an
acceleration of 9-8 ms-din a body ofmass 1 kg.

Thus, kg x 9.8 ms
kg wt. or 1
kg f= 1
= 9.8 N
(i) The gravitational unit of force on cgs system is gram weight or gram force.

I gram weight (g wt.) or 1 grann force (1 gÍ) is that much force which produces an acceleration
of 980 cmn s in a body of mass 1 gram.

Thus, g wt. =lgf=l gx 980cm s2=980 dyne

Note that the gravitational units of force are us d to express
weight of a body. For example, weight of a
body of mass 5 kg is 5 kg for 5 kg wt. These units are, therefore,
called the practical units.
RETAIN Remember that in all numerical problems, we have to use only
the absolute units of force.
IN Gravitational units are the practical units. They have to be converted
into absolute units for
MEMORY use in any problemn.

sample Problem A constant force acting on a body ofmass 3 kg ehamgow its speed dvm
2 ms to 35 ms' in 25s. The direction of motion of the body remains unchanged. Cnlenlnte nnguitane
and direction of the force.
Sol. Herem = 3 kg, u = 2 m/s, v = 3.5 m/s, 1 = 25 s, F= ?

As F =
m a= F 3(3-5-2)=0-18N
As direction of motion does not change and magnitude
of velocity incroases, therefore, fone ust le
along the direction of motion.
Sample Problem Car of mass 1000 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s tunder (lh*
action of a forward force of 1000 N and retarding force of 500 N
due to friction. What will le fts
velocity after 5 seconds ?
Sol. Here, m = 1000 kg, u = 10 m/s
Net forward force, F= 1000 N 500
N= 500 N
v =? t=5 s a==. 1000
= 05 m/s
From vu
+ at = 10+0-5 x 5 =
12:5 m/s KNOW?
The forees acting on a car beitng
5.13. CONSEQUENCES OF driven along a straiglht Iorizon
Following are some of the important consequences of Newton's )Weigh of car acts through its
second law of motion. centre of mass, whieh is
1. No force is required to move a body unilormmly
along a straiglht line
nornally closer to front of car
According to Newton's second law of motion F= ma (ii) Nornal Reaction force
puslhes up on all tour whecls of
When body is moving uniformly along a straight line, and there is the car.
no force of friction, acceleration/retardation of the body, a = 0
= (iii) The driving foree is
F=ma 0, ie., no externalforce is required. provided by the road and acts on
The second law is obviously consistent with the first law. the driving wheels (ltont/rear)
2.Accelerated motion is always dtieto an external force when motor of car turns the
driving whecls. As the tyres puislh
The motion of a body may be accelerated under the following three
back on the road. the road
conditions pushes forwarcd on tlhe tyres.
Speed ofa body may change. For this, force has to be applied in
ir) Road Friction. Rolling
the direction of motion or in a direction opposite to that of motion. friction acts on the non-driving
(ii) Direction of motion of body maya change. For this, force has to whecls in a direction opposite to
be applied in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion of the the dineetion of ear nmovement.
body. However,. when the driving
be wheels are not being turncd by
ii) Velocity of the body may change. For this, force has to applied the motor, rolling friction
elhanges the
in an inclined direction. The tangential component of force opposes the forward novement
speed and the normal component of forcc changes the direction of
of all the four wheels.
of the body. () Air Resistanee is the
3. Measurement of force opposition posed by the air as
the car nnoves lorward. It is nmore
From Newton's second law of motion, wlhen the car oves faster and
dv vice-versa.
F =
ma = m
dt When the car moves along the
and measuring change in its road with a constant specd, net
By knowing the mass (m) of the body be
F applied on the body can force acting on the car is zero
velocity (dv) in a particular time (dt), force
5/10 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
4. Thesecondlaw ofmotionis avectorlaw. It is cquivalent to three equations, one for cach componens
of the vector

ma, , d
F =ma, 1na.
It means that if a force is not parallel to the velocity of the body, but makes some angle with it, then the
force changes only the component of velocity along the direction of force. The component of velocity
normal to the direction of force would remain unchanged.

The second law of motion is applicableto a singlepoint particle, i.e., F in the law
5. is the net

external force on the particle anda is acceleration of the particle.

However, the law in the same form can be applied to a rigid body or more generally, it can be applied to
a system of particles. In that case, F refers to the total external force acting on the system and a would be
acceleration of centre of mass* of the system. Note that any internal forces in the system are not to be
includedin F.
6. The second law of motion, F = ma is a local relation, i.e., F is force acting on a particle at a
point in space, at a certain instant of time and a is the acceleration of the particle at the same point and at the
same instant of time.
I means acceleration here and now is determined by the force here and now-and not by any history
of motion of the particle.
For example, when a piece of stone is dropped out of an accelerated train, initial velocity of stone along
the horizontal is equal to velocity of train. But no horizontal force or horizontal acceleration is acting on the
stone, i.e., the stone carries no memory of its acceleration with the train, a moment ago.
7.Concept of inertial mass
From Newton's second law of motion,
F=ma or a = Flm
Larger the mass of a body, smaller is the acceleration produced in it by a given force and hence greater
is its inertia. Thus mass of a body is a measure of inertia of the body in linear motion.

Such a mass which accounts for linear inertia of the body is called inertial mass of the body.
If a = 1, F=mx1= m =m;, the inertial mass. We may define
inertial mass ofa body as the force required to produce unit acceleration in the body.

RETAIN Force is a vector quantity. It is defined completely when its magnitude, direction and
IN point of application are given.

MEMORY2. The straight line along which a force is directed is called line of action of force.
Forces acting together on a body at the same point are called concurrent forces.
4. Forces acting along parallel lines are called collinear forces.
5. Forces acting in the same plane are called coplanar forces.
6. Gravitational forces between two bodies are position dependent forces.
7. Viscous force (F = 6
Tn rv) and force on a charged particle in a magnetic field
(F=Bqv sin 6) are velocity dependent forces.

Ror detaile refer to chanter 7 of this hook



Consider two bodies of masses m and m, tied at the ends of an inextensible
string, which passes over a light and frictionless pulley. Let m >
m2. The heavier
body will move downwards and the lighter body will move upwards. Let a be the
common acceleration of the system of two bodies, Fig. 5.4.
Since the pulley is light and frictionless, therefore, the tension in the string
shall be the same on both the sides of the pulley, Fig. 5.4.
On the hcavier body, the various forces are
(i) Its weight m, g acting downwards,
(ii) The tension Tin the string acting upwards.
As this body moves downwards with acceleration a, the
net downward force
on it is nn| a.
Clearly, m 8-T= m^ a ..6)
On the lighter body, the various forces are
(i) Its weight ma g acting downwards, m19

(i) The tension T in the string acting upwards.

As this body moves upwards with acceleration a, the net upward force
on it is m2 a.
T-m2 8 = ma (7)
Adding (6) and (7), we get (71 + ma) a
(71-m2) 8 = (m1 t ma) a

or a (mm2) 8
m+m ..(8)

Clearly a <g i.e. acceleration a of the system of two connected bodies is always less than acceleration
due to gravity g.
m 8-T a
Dividing (6) by (7), we get
T-m, 8 m, a m
m ma
8-Tma = m T-mm m2 8

2 m ma 8 = T (mj + ma) Of T-2m X8

+ .(9)

Hence, tension T in the string can be calculated.

Sample Problem Two masses of 10 kg and 6 kg connected at the two ends of an inextensible
string pass over a smooth frictionless pulley. Calculate acceleration of the system and tension in the string.
Sol. Here, m = 10 kg, m2 = 6 kg, a = ? 7=?
(mm-mh)8- (10-6 9-8m/s
a = 245 m/s
m+m 10+6
m2 8 2x10x6x98
T=24 =
73-5 N
time are called impulsive forces. For example
The forces which act on bodies for short
etc. are all examples of impulsive forces.
Hitting, jumping, diving, catching, kicking,
5/12 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL

An impulsive force does not remain constant, but changes first from zero to maximum and then from
maximum to zero. Thus it is not possible to measure easily the value of impulsive force because it changes
with time. In such cases, we measure the total effect of the force, called impulse. Hence

impulse of a force is a measure of total effect of the force.

It is given by the product of average force and the time for which the force acts on the body: ie..

Impulse = average force x time 1)

According to Newton's 2nd law of motion, F=4P Fdt = dp

Integrating both sides within the limits indicated, we get
0 P1

where P is initial linear momentum at t= 0 and Pa is final linear momentum at time t.

If Fav is the (constant) force during this time, we may rewrite (11) as

Fa-1 0

or Fay Xt=D-P
ie., Impulse, I=Fa Xt = P2-Pi 13)

Hence, impulse of a force, which is the produet of average force during impact and the time for
which the inpact lasts, is measured by the total change in linear momentum produced during the impact.
Impulse of a force is positive, negative or zero according as the momentum of the body increases,
decreases or remains unchanged under the effect of force.
Impulse is a veetor quantity. Its direction is the same as that of theforce.
The dimensional formula ofimpulse is the same as that of linear momentum ie.. [M L!T-1
The SI units of impulse are (N-s) and kg ms- and the
c.g.s. ui.its of impulse are dyne-sec and g cm s- Y

If we plot a graph between average force and tinme,

the area under the curve and time axis gives the value of (a)
impulse. In Fig. 5.5, if the areas under the curves (a) and
(b) are equal, they represent equal impulse. F 6Aat.e
From graph, we note that the force (F;) for curve (a)
isgreater than the force (F) for curve (b). The timet, for
which the force (F,) acts is greater in case of curve (b) than
the time in case of curve (a). O TIME 2
i.e., F xt=F2 X12| .(14)
Hence, a given change in linear momentum can be produced by applying a larger force
for a
smaller time or by applying a smallerforce for a larger time. This is sometimes called impulse-momentum

According to impulse-momentum theorem. the linear FIGURE 5,6

momentum can be produced by applying a smaller force for
longer time or by applying a larger force for a shorter time. FORCE B

In Fig. 5.6. we have shown a variable force, i.e., a forcec

that ohanges with time. The impulse of variable force

Impulse =| F di area ABCA A


ie. impulse ofa variable force is equal to area enclosed by the force curve and the time axis.

RETAIN Examples of impulsive forces are in hitting. kicking, jumping, diving, catching, and colliding
etc. From (13).
ENORY at .(15)
Therefore. for a given change in momentum (p-P). if time of contact (r) is increased,
average force decreases and vice-versa. For example, in hitting or kicking a ball, time of
contact is decreased so that a large force acts on the ball producing greater acceleration.

Preblem hammer of mass 1 kg moving with a speed of 6 ms strikesa wall and

comes to rest in 0-1 s. Calculate (i) the impulse of force (ii) the retardation of the hammer, and
i the retarding force that stops the hammer.
Sol Here. m = kg. u = 6 m/s. v = 0, = 0-1 s
1 1

x i=m (v- u) = 1 (0 -6) = -6 Ns

alse = F
Recarding force that stops the hammer, DO
Retardation of hammer, _F6=
a = 60m/s* KNOw?
Impulsive force is like any other
Sampie Probiem While launching a rocket of mass force- except that it is large and
2x 10 kg, a force of 5 x 10° N is applied for 10 seconds. What is the acts for a short time.
relocity attained by the rocket at the end of 10 s ?
Sol. Here. m = 2x 10* kg; F=5x 10° N, r= 10 s, u = 0,v =

Impulse of force = Fxt=m (v - u)

5x 10x 10 2x 10° (v -0) FIGURE 5.7
5x10 250 m/s


while catching a cricket
i. A cricket player lowers his hands backwards
you may have noticed, the player draws in his hands
Fig. 5.7. Thus he allows a longer time for
in the act of catching the ball,
his hands to stop the ball.
= change in linear momentum.
As Impulse = force x time
in linear momentum/time, therefore for a given
or force = change player
increasing the time of a catch, the
change in linear momentum, by ball in order to stop it. The
ball in
force against the
has to apply a smaller hands and his hands are
not injured.
smaller force on his
Aarn, exerts a
6/14 Pradeep 'e Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI
should be clearly understood that force depends not only on the
change in momentum, but also on lhow fast the change is brOught about.
The same change in momentunm brought ubout in a shorter time needs a
grcater force and vice-versa. YOU
2. When a person falls fronn a certain height on a cemented
foor 1he tloordoes not yield. Thetotal change in linear momentum is
produced in a smaller interval of time. Therefore, as explained above, Seat belts in cars are rightly
called safety belts.
the floor excrts a much larger force. Duc to it, a person receives more
In a high speed head on car
collision, each car comes to a stop
On the otlher hand, when a person falls on a heap of sand, the sand rapidly. An unrestrained occupant
yiclds. The same change in linear momentum is produced in much longer of car moves at high speed and
timc. The average force exerted on the person by the heap of sand is, crashes through wind screen into
therefore, much smaller and hence the person is not hurt. the object collided with or into the
road or into another occupant
3. China wares and glasswares arewrapped in paper or straw close by. An occupant restrained
piceés In
while packing. the event of fall, impact will take a longer ume
properly with a seat belt stops
to reach the glass/chinawares through paper/straw. As a result, the average
with the car. Further, properly
force exerted on the china or glasswares is small and chances of their fitted seat belt (i) spreads the
breaking reduce. force over a larger area of the
4. The vehicles like scooter, car, bus, truck etc. are provided body, (ii) reduces the likelihood
of a collision between the body
with shockers. When they move over an uneven road, impulsive forces
and interior of the vehicle.
are exerted by the road. The function of shockers is to increase the time
of impact. This would reduce the force/jerk experienced by the rider of
the vehicle.
5. Bogies of a train are provided with the buffers. They avoid severe jerks during shunting of the
Due to presence of buffers, time of impact increases. Therefore, force during jerks decreases. Hence the
chances of damage decrease.
a a
6. Itis difliculttocatch cricket ballthan to catch tennis bal. The cricket ball being heavier has
much larger momentum and therefore, exerts a much larger force on the hands during catch, in comparison to
the force exerted by tennis ball.
7. In a head oncollision between two vehicles, change in linear momentum is equal to sum of the linear
momenta ofthe two vehicles. As time of impact is small, an extremely large force developes which causes
damage to the vehicles. The damage to the lighter vehicle will obviously be more than the damage to the
heavier vehicle.
8. An athlete is advised to come to stop slowly, after finishing a fast race, so that time of stop increases
and hence force experienced by him decreases.

RETAIN Human body skeleton is a fairly rigid frame that protects the vital organs inside. But this
IN skeleton does not cope very well with sudden blows. These blows may push or pull the
MEMORY bones hard enough to break them. They may tear or strain the ligaments/muscles and even
push the bones into vital organs.
The magnitude of change in our body's momentum is usually beyond our control. However,
over the time interval during which the momentum changes. As
we do have control

net P, therefore, magnitude of net force developed on our body can decrease by
increasing At, the time of impact. This is what is being done in all the applications of the
concept of impulse.

Q. 1 How does a bike helmet protect our
head ?
Ans. A bike helmet protects our head using two simple
principles of Physics
()The foam lining in the interior of the
reducing the force thereby (Impulse = helmet increases the time over which the impusE EC
force x time = constant).
(i) The rigid helmet spreads this force,
(= force/area) is reduced. As is applying it over a wider area. Therefore, pressure exere
known, it is the applied pressure
rather than the applied force. that breaks the bones and tie sxa
Q.2 What part does Physics play in the design
of running shoes ?
Ans. Each person's foot is different and each
foot strikes the ground, the
person runs in a different way. Each time an average runers
vertical component of its momentum
impulse. To reduce the stress of this reduces to zero, requiring a agE
be increased. load on the leg and foot of the runner, the time ot irigat ria B
Athletic shoes have four parts
uppers are usually made of lightthe upper section, the insole, the midsole and the out sole. ihe
weight materials that breathe.
The midsole, which is sandwiched
between the insole and outsole is the most important part
shoe. It cushions the foot increasing the of the
time of impact and absorbs part of the force on tie
body. A recent design provides two ruiners
sets of air cylinders placed beneath the insole, over the
We have seen above that Newton's
first law of motion defines force. The second
relation between the external force on a law establishes a
body and its acceleration. The third law tells us what is
external force on the body. The law implies that the external the origin of
force on a body arises always due to some other
For example, when we press a coiled spring, the spring is
compressed by the force of our hand. In um.
the compressed spring exerts a force on our hand and we can
feel it. Again, the earth pulls a stone dowawards
due to gravity. According to Newton, the stone exerts an
equal and opposite force on the earth. We do not
notice this force as the mass of earth is too large and the effect of
the force exerted by stone, on motion of
earth is negligible.
Thus, according to Newton, force never occurs singly in nature.
Forces always occur in pairs as a
result of mutual interaction between two bodies.
According to Newton's third law, to every action, there is always an equal and opposite
Here, the term action means the force exerted by one body on the other body, while
the term reaction
means the force exerted by the second body on the first. If FaR is the force exerted on
body A by body B (i.e.
action) and F», is the force exerted on body B by body A (i.e. reaction), then according to Newton's
BA third
law of motion,

FAMFan .16)
To prove this law, consider an isolated system consisting ot two bodies A and B moving along the same
straight line.
Let them collide so that they mutually act and react upon each other. Due to this, their velocities will
Cnange and hence their linear momenta will als0 change.
Let Ap and Ap, be the change in linear momenta of bodies and respectively. According to law of

momentum of the system is zero. i.e.,

conservation of linear momentum, the net change in linear

AP+Ap, =0 or Ap-AP .(17)

5/16 Pradech's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL
Dividing both sides by Ar and taking the limit as Ar > 0, we get

Limit :-Limit AP
A0 Ar Ar0 Ar

d2dP dt
i.e.. Rate of change of linear momentum of B =- rate of change of linear momentum of A

or Force on B=- Force on A i.e.. FpA-AB

Hence. the forces of action and reaction are equal and opposite, which proves Newton's 3rd law

RETAIN 1. The tems action

and reaction in third law mean nothing else but force. Therefore, a
IN mple and clear way ofstating third law is:
MEMORY Forces ahvay's occur in pairs. Fore on a body A by B is equal and opposite to theforce on
body B by A.
2. The terms action and reaction in the third law give us a wrong impression as actionis
the cause and reaction is the effect. so that action comes always before reaction.
Infact. there is no cause efect relationship implied in third law. The force on A by B and
the force on B by A act at the same instant or simultaneousy. Therefore, any one of them
may be called action. and the other reaction.
3. Forces of action and reaction act always on different bodies. Hence they never cancel
each other Each force produces its own effect.
If we consider a pair of bodies A and B. then according to third law,
ie., force on A by B = -force on B by A
Fn = Fas -

If action and reaction forces were to act on the same body, their resultant would be zero. As
action and reaction forces never act on the same body, their resultant cannot be zero.
4. The forces of action and reaction may appear due to actual physical
contact of the nwo
bodies or even from a distance. But they are always equal and opposite.
5. Newton's third law is applicable whether the bodies are at rest or they are in motion.
6. The third law applies to all ypes offorces e.g. gravitational, electric
or magnetic forces,

Samplo Problem
A machine gun has a mass of 20 kg. It fires 35 g bullets at the rate of 400
bullets per minute with a speed of 400 m/s. What force must be applied to the gun to keep it in position ?
Sol. Here, Mass of machine gun, M = 20 kg
mass of cach bullet, m = 35 g = 0035 kg
velocity of bullet v = 400 m/s

400 200
Number of bullets/sec (n) =
60 d nsbors
20 0-035 x 40093:3N
Force required = rate of change of linear momentum of bullets = " 1
= 93:3N

Sample Problom
A 50 gram bullet leaves a rifle with a velocity of 400 m/s, and the rifle
recoils with a velocity of 0-5 m/s. What is the mass of the rifle?

Sol. Here, m = 50g = 50 kg

v 400 m/s,v2
=-0.5 m/s, m, =?
From Newton's third law of motion,
F2=F1 (in magnitude)
l; m, ="1 = Lx4= 40
20 05 kg
Support of
Some of the examples of Newton's
third law of motion are Table (Reaction)
given below
1. Book kept on
atable. A book lying on a table
force on the table, which is equal to the weight exerts a Table
of the book. This may
he called the force of action. The table supports
the book, by exerting
an equal force on the b0ok. This is the force
of reaction, Fig. 5.8. Weight of Book (Action)
Since the book is observed to be
at rest, the net external force on it
normal reaction must be equal must be zero. This implies that the
and opposite to the weight the
of book.
2. Walking.While walking, a
person presses the ground in the backward
The ground pushes the person in the forward direction (action) by his feet.
direction with an equal force (reaction). The component
reaction in the horizontal direction of
makes the person move forward.
Note that when the person presses the
ground in the backward direction, the earth would
As mass of earth is too large, acceleration move backwarnds.
produced in earth on account of person's pushing
cannot be detected. is negligible. It
3. Swimming. A swimmer pushes
the water backwards (action). The water pushes the swimmer
(reaction) with the same force. Hence the forward
swimmer swims.
When a person jumps out of a boat, he pushes the
boat backwards. According to Newton's third
boat exerts an equal force on the person in the law, the
forward direction. Therefore, when person
boat, the boat moves backwards. jumps out of the
Similarly, a boatman pushes the river bank with a bamboo
pole to take his boat into the river.
4. Firing from a gun.When a gun is fired, the
bullet moves forward (action). The gun recoils
(reaction). backwards
5. Flight of jet planes and rockets. The burnt fuel which
appears in the form of hot and highly
gases escapes through the nozzle (action) in the compressed
backward direction. The escaping gases push the jet plane or
rocket forward (reaction) with the same force. Hence the jet or rocket
6. Rebounding of a rubber
ball.When a rubber ball is struck againsta wall or floor, it exerts a force on
wall (action). The ball rebounds with an equal force (reaction) exerted
by the wall or floor on the bal
7.It is diffieult to walk on sand or ice.This is because on pushing, sand gets displaced and reaction
Trom sandy
ground is very little. In case of ice, force of reaction is again small, because friction between
feet and ice is very our
8. Driving a nail into a wooden block withoutholdingthe block is dificult.This is
because. when
woodenblock is not resting againstasupport, the block and nail, bothmoveforward on being hit with a
However, when the block is held firmly against a support, and the nail is hit, an equal reaction
of the
Support drives the
nail into the block.

AUNFrom what we have studied so far, we find that Newton's first law defines force ; 2nd law
IN measures force and third law gives us the nature of force.
5/18 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XfE
The various forces acting on a system of horse and cart R1
at rest are shown in Fig. 5.9.
Here. the weight (W1) of the cart C is balanced by the Rsir
reaction (R,) ofthe ground on the cart. The weight W ofthe
horse H is balanced by the reaction R of the ground on the
The horse pulls the cart with a force T in the forward
direction. The cart. in turn, pulls the horse with the force T2
in the backward direction. These two forces are also
While pulling the cart, the horse pushes the ground backwards with its feet by a force F inclited at a
angle 6 with the horizontal. As a reaction, the ground exerts force R on the horse equal and oppsite t F"
R can be resolved into two rectangular components:
R sin vertically upwards, and R cos 0 along the horizontal.
The component R cos tends to move the cart forward. This motion is opposed by the force of fricti

F between the cart and the ground. The cart will move only when R cos 0> F.


Consider an isolated system in which a book is lying on a table. The forces on the system are
(i) Weight of the book acting on the table (force of action),
(ii) Supporing force of the table on the book (force of reaction).
As the system is at rest, the net force on the system, according to Newton's first law of motion must be
zero. The resultant of the two forces of action and reaction will be zero only when they are equal and opposite
This is third law of motion. Hence the third law can be obtained from the first law


To establish it, we shall show that (a) the first law is contained in the second law, and
(b) the third law is contained in the second law.
(a) First law iscontained in thesecond law. According to Newton's second law of motion,
no external force is applied on a body,
If F=0. ma =0
As m+0, therefore, a =0
Thus there will be no acceleration in the body if no external force is applied. This means that a body
rest will remain at rest and a body in uniform motion will continue moving uniformly along the same strag
line in the absence of an external force. This is what is stated by first law of motion. Hence the first lawS
contained in the second law.
(b) Third law iscontained in thesecond law. Consider an isolated system of two bodies A and B. A
the body
them collide. During collision, let the body A exert a force F (action) on body B for a time At. Let

B exert a force F, (reaction) on body A for the same time Ar.

As, change in linear momentum = Force x time
change in linear momentum of B = F, xAt and change in linear momentum of A = ExAt
Total change in linear momentum of A and B F At + F, At

As no extenal force is acting on the system, therefore according to Newton's second law of motion. the
total change in liner nomenttun of thhe system is zero. Thus

-FAF, AI =0
Action = -
means aetiom is egual and oppositer to reaction. This is what is stated by third law. Thus third law is

contained in the secomd law. Hence, second law is the reat law of motion.


Suppose a person ol masS m is
standing on a weighing machine placed FIGURE 5.10
in an elevator/lift. The actual weight of
the person = mg. This acts on the R
weighing machine which offers a
reaction R given by the reading of the
weighing machine. This reaction a 0
exerted by the surface of contact on the
mg mg mg mg
person is the apparent weight of the Elevator Elevator moving Elevator moving Elevator moving
person. We shall discuss how R is al rest up/down with up with down with
related to mg in the following different constant velocity constant constant
acceleration acceleration
i) When the elevator is at rest
Acceleration of the person = 0
Net force on the person, f=0, i.e., R-mg =0 or R=mg
i.e. apparent weight is equal to the actual weight of the person, Fig. 5.10(a).
ii) When theelevatoris moving uniformly in theupward/downw ard direction
Again, in uniform motion, acceleration of the person = 0. Proceeding as in case (i), R= mg, ie. apparent
weight = actual weight of the person. This is also shown in Fig. 5.10(b).
(ii) When the elevator is moving up with constant acceleration
Suppose uniform upward acceleration of the person in the lift = a
. Net upward force on the person, f= ma
As is clear from Fig. 5.10(c),
f=R1 -mg or R = mg +f= mg + ma = m (g + a) 19)

Thus R> mg
Hence, apparent weight of the person becomes more than the actual weight, when the elevator i
accelerating upwards.
(iv) When the elevator is moving down with constant acceleration
Suppose uniform downward acceleration of the person in the lift = a
Net downward force on the person, f= mna
As is clear from Fig. 5.10(d), f= mg- R
ma = m (g a) 20)
R= mg -f=mg - -

Thus R2 < mg
Hence, apparent weight of the person becomes less than the actual weight when the elevator

accelerating downwards.
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XID VOLI
(v) In free fall of the lift under gravity, a = g
From (20), R2 = m (g g) =0, Fig. 5.11(a)
i.e., apparent weight of the person becomes zero or the
R2 0 R2 Nog.
person becomes weightless in free fall.
Note that weightlessness is felt only because the force of asg a>g
reaction between the person and the plane with which he is in
contact vanishes. For details, refer to unit 6 of this book. mg mg
(vi) When downward acceleration is greater
than g.
i.e., a> 8, then from (20), R2 = m (g a), R, becomes negative i.e. apparent

weight of the person becomes

negative, Fig. 5.11(b). In that event, the person will rise from the floor of the lift and crash
against the ceiling
of the lift.

RETAIN1.If an elevator is at rest or is moving uniformly in upward/downward direction, the

IN apparent weight of the person = actual weight.
MEMORY 2. When the elevator is accelerating upwards with acceleration, a, apparent weight of the
person, R1 = m (g + a). When the elevator has downward acceleration, a, apparent
weight of the person, R2 = m (8-a).
3. When the elevator falls freely under gravity, the apparent weight of the person,
R2 m (g 8) = Zero. -
Sample Problem
The strings of a parachute can bear a maximum tension of 72 kg wt. By
what minimum acceleration can a person of 90 kg descend by means of this parachute ?
Sol. Here, T= 72 kg wt, = 72 x 9-8 N
m=90kg;a =?
For the person to descend, T=m (g -a)

72 x 9-8 = 90 (9-8 -
a) 72x9898-a 0-8 x 9-8 =
9.8 - aa
a = 9.8-0-8 x 9-8 =9:8 (1 -0-8) = 1-96 m/s


According to this principle, in an isolated system*, the vector sum of the linear momenta of all
the bodies of the system is conserved and is not affected due to their mutual action and reaction.

Thus, in an isolated system (i.e.. a system with no external force), mutual forces between pairs of
particles in the system can cause changes in linear momentum of individual particles. But as the mutual forces
for each pair are equal and opposite, the linear momentum changes cancel in pairs, and the total linear
momentum remains unchanged. Hence, the total linear momentum of an isolated system of interacting
particles/bodies is conserved. This principle is an important consequence of second and third laws of motion.

Let us consider an isolated system comprising of two bodies A and B, with initial linear momenta Pa

and PB .Let them collide for a small time Ar and separate with final linear momenta PA and Pa respectively
During collision,

If FAR is force on A exerted by B, and FBA is force on B exerted by A,


An isolated system is a system of bodies which is free from the influence of any external forces.

then, according to Newton's second law,

FAB XAt = change in linear momentum of A = Pa *P'A .(21)

FBA XAt = change in linear momentum of B = Pp PB .(22)
According to Newton's third law,

. From eqns. (21) and (22),

PA-PA-(P -Pa)or PA
which shows that total final linear
momentum of the isolated system is equal to its total initial linear
momentum. This proves the principle of
conservation of linear momentum. Note that the law holds,
the collision is elastic or inelastic. whether
Further, in the interaction between two bodies A
and B, we find that
()total linear momentum of the system remains
(ii) change in linear momentum of
the system is zero
(ii) change in linear momentum of A is
equal and opposite to the change in linear momentum of B
(iv) the force that A exerts on B is
equal and opposite to the force that B exerts on A.

RETAIN UThe law of conservation of linear momentum is

universal i.e. it applies to both, the
IN microscopic as well as macroscopic systems.
MEMORY 2. Linear momentum depends on frame of reference.
Observers in different frames would
find different values of linear momentum of a system. But each
would observe that the
value of linear momentum does not change with time, provided the system is
isolated. Thus
the principle of conservation of linear momentum is independent
of frame of reference,
though linear momentum depends on frame of reference.


1. Recoiling of a gun. When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun
recoils i.e. moves in a direction
opposite to the direction of motion of the bullet, Fig. 5.12. The recoil velocity of the gun can be calculated
irom the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
Suppose m
= mass of bullet, m = mass of gun, 5.12
un et
= velocity of the bullet,

2 =velocity of recoil of the gun.

Before firing, the gun and the bullet both, are at rest. Therefore, total linear momentum before firing =
0.The vector sum of linear momenta on firing = m "+ m, vh .According to the principle of conservation of
unear momentum, total linear momentum after firing should also be zero

m Ut m, v, = 0 (23)

OT m
5/22 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)vOL
The negative sign shows that direction of v is opposite to the direction of v ie. the gun recoils
Further, as m2 >>mi therefore, v, <<U i.e. velocity of recoil of the gun is much smaller than the
velocity of the bullet.

From (24).
It means that a heavier gun will recoil with a smaller velocity and vice-versa.
In the case discussed above, initial K.E. of the system is zero,
DO both the gun and the bullet are at rest. Final K.E. of the system

YOU-mm, v >0. Thus K.E. of the system increases (and

KNOVw? is not constant). If P.E. is assumed to be constant, mechanical energy

K.E. + PE.) will also increase. As M.E. is conserved, therefore,
chemical energy of gun powder must have been converted into

2. Whilefiring, thegunmustbe held tightlyto theshoulder This would save hurting the shoulder.
When the gun is held tightly, the body of the shooter and the gun behave as one body. Total mass becomes
Iarge and therefore, recoil velocity of the body and the gun becomes too small.
3. Flight of rockets and jet planes. In rockets and jet planes, the fuel is burnt in the presence of some
Oxidising agent in combustion chamber. The hot and highly compressed gases escape through the narrow
opening (ie., exhaust nozzle) with large velocity. As a result ofit, the escaping gases acquire a large backward
momenum. This in turn, imparts an equal forward momentum to the rocket in accordance with the law of
conservation of linear momentum.
4. When a man jumps out of a boat to
theshore, the boat is pushed slightly away from the shore. The
linear momentum of the boat is equal and opposite to that of the man in accordance with the law of conservation
of linear momentum.
5. Explos1on of a bomb. When a bomb falls vertically downwards, its horizontal velocity is zero and
henceits horizontal momentum is zero. When bomb explodes, its pieces are scattered in different directions
so thar the vector sum of linear momenta of these pieces becomes zero in accordance with the law of
conservaion of linear momentum.
In Fig. 5.13, we have shown a bomb at rest exploding into four fragments of masses
m, m2, m3, m
flying with respective velocities vj, v, v, and v in different directions.
The linear momenta of the four fragments are FIGURE 5.13

P Pmv2 m2
m2 mn3
Pmy vi and
As no external force is involved in explosion, m1m4
vi m,v m4v4
therefore according to the principle of conservation of
linear momentum.
Linear momentum after explosion = linear momentum before explosion

The linear momenta of four fragments are represented by four sides of a polygon taken in the same order
as shown in Fig. ' *3.
6. A pers0n lert on a frictionless
throwing some object in a direction surface can get away from it by blowing air out of his mouth or by
opposite to the direction in which he wants move.
sample to
Problem A 30 kg shell is
flying at 36 m/s. When the shell explodes into two par
12 kg and 18 Kg, the lighter part stops,
and heavier part flies on. What is the velocity of
Sol. Here, M = 30 kg, u = 36 m/s. heavier part
m = 12 kg,v1=0, m2 = M- m =
From the law of conservation of 30-12 18 kg, v2
linear momentum,
m Vtm2 V2 =
Mxu ; 0+18 v, = 30 x 36 30x36= 60 m/s
Usually, we assume that
total mass of a system
mass does not remain constant. remains constant. Sometimes, as case
Most of the mass in of a rocket. tne
the fuel is eventually burnt and of a rocket on its launching pad is
combustion products of the fuel. The whoie or
handle the variable mass are ejected from the nozzle
situation, by applying of the rocket engine. we
rocket and its ejected combustion Newton's second law-not to the
products taken together. rocket alone. but to th
as the rocket accelerates. In The mass of the combined system does
this study, we assume not change
forces of earth's atmosphere are that external forces e.g.. gravitational
negligibly small and forces and frictiona
Consider the flight of a they do not affect the motion
rocket directed vertically of the rocket
mo=initial mass of the rocket upwards from the surface of earth. At r =0. suppose
including that of the fuel,
Vo initial velocity of
At any time i, suppose
the rocket, Fig. 5.14(a).
m = mass of the rocket
v = velocity acquired by left,
the rocket, Fig. 5.14(b). FIGURE 5.14
As the exhaust gases are
escaping, m < mg and v>

In a small interval of time dt,

suppose dm = a small decrease
in mass of the rocket (m-dm)
mass of the exhaust gases that escape - mo
dv=corresponding small increase in
rocket, Fig. 5.14(c),
velocity ofthe

Uvelocity of exhaust gases w.r.t. earth.

The velocity v, of exhaust gases dm
is taken as negative,
because these gases move
in a direction opposite to that t0
of the rocket. I (t+dt)
According to the principle
the rocket at
of conservation of linear momentum, the linear
instant t must be equal to vector sum of linear momentum momentum of mass m
wilh velocity (v
of rocket mass (m - dm) moving
+ dv) and linear momentum of mass (dm)
velocity(-v,).Therefore, of exhaust gases moving downwards
mv = (m dm) (v + dv) + dm (-v,)

AS dm and dv,
mv = mv + m (dv) -(dm) v-
dm dv (dm) -
both are small, their product is negligibly small.
m dv = dm (v +V,)
When the rocket has gone .(26)
becc far away from earth, the velocity of exhaust gases with respect
comes irrelevant. We to earth
and rocket take relative velocity of exhaust gases with respect to the rocket as u. As
are moving in opposite directions, therefore the gases

v+ -u -(27)
W24 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) V

The mins sign is again for the downward

dircction of motion of exhaust gases, in contrast to the
wael direction of motion ofthe .2
dv= dn
lom(26), m - U


Now, at =(0; 1 =
l and v = Voi At =l; m=m and v =v

tegrating both sides of (28) within

properlimits,we obtain dv=-u mo

As veloeity of exhaust gases (u) is constant throughout the firing of the rocket,

l -u[log,m

(Or - u log, m- log, mo] =-ulog, =+ulog,


rocket at any time t, when its mass is m.

This egualion gives us the velocity of the
is zero i.e. vo = 0
Usually, iitial velocity ofthe rocket at t =0

. From (29), )=u log, m
time is
Hence we conclude that velocity of rocket at any
(i) directly proportional to exhaust speed ()
of the gases and
the rocket to its mass (m) at that instant of
(ii) natural log of the ratio of initial mass of time. Therefore,
that as the exhaust gases escape, the residual mass (m) of the rocket decreases with
Note accelerated motion.
time. Hence motion of rocket is an
from (30), velocity v of the rocket increases with
(30) as
For numerical problems, we may rewrite eqn.

v 2303u 10810 o
attained by the rocket when the whole of fuel
Burnt out Speed of the rocket is the speed
rocket has been burnt.
velocity acquired by the rocket. When the whole of the fuel of the
Obviously, it is the marimum fuel. From
mass (m,) of the rocket is equal to mass of empty container of the
has been used up, the residual
ulogol 31)
v, =ulog,
Upthrust onthe rocket
It is the lorce wilh which
the rocket moves
exertcd on tlhe rocket by cjection upwards. Thus upthrust on the rocket is the upward
of exhaust gases 1orco
Dividng both sides of (28)
by small time
interval dt, we get m -u ..(32)
As =a,
acceleration of the
rocket attimet.

m d
= ma = F = upthrust
on the rocket at time t.
lrom (32), F= -u dm
dt (33)
The negative sign indicates
that thrust on the rocket
direction of escaping gases. is upwards, i.e., in a direction
opposite to thne
Ignoring negative sign, we
find that thrust on the
escape of fucl gases W.r.t. the rocket
rocket and the rate of combustion at any instant is the product of velocity of
We can calculate instantaneous of fuel at that instant.
acceleration (a) of the rocket
relation, a = Flm. Here, m is at any time from eqn. (33), using the
the mass of rocket left
at time t.
Note that if effect of gravity
on the motion of the rocket
the rocket will decrease by (ng), were taken into account, upward thrust
the weight of the rocket. However, on
(dm/dt), effect of gravity is because of very large values of (u) and
Sample Problem
A rocket motor consumes one quintal of fuel per second.
specd of gases w.r.t. rocket is 5 km/s. The exhaust
Calculate the force exerted on the rocket.
acquired by the rocket, when its mass reduces What is the velocity
to 1/100th of its initial mass ?
Sol. Here, dm
= 100 kg/s, u=-5 km/s = -5 x 10 m/s

dt F=--5x 10*) (100) =
5x 10ŠN
Now =?, m
100 m
- 100
From v=ulo8e|m
v= 5x 10 log, 100 =(5 x 10 ) x 2-303 log10 100 = 5 x 103 x 2:303 x 2
= 2:303 x 10 m/s
Sample Problem 2 Fuel is consumed in a rocket at the rate of 200 kg/s. What is the thrust
esperienced by the rocket ir exhaust gases are ejected at a speed of 45 km/s ?

Sol. Here, = 200 kg/s ; u =- 45 km/s = - 45 x 10° m/s.

Thrust on the rocket, F=?
1E)-As (dm F=-(-45 x 10) x 200= 9x 10N
Pradeep o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
are called concurrent forces.
The forces which are acting at the same point
the situation when the net erternal force on the
Equilibrium of a particle in mechanics refers to law, this means
zero acceleration. According to Newton's Ist
particle is zero.* i.e. when the particle has
rest or in uniform linear notion.
that the particle would be either at
a particle, Fig. 5.15 is FIGURE 5.15
Resultant of two forces F and E, acting on
F2 O F

Equilibrium requires

R=F+F = 0 or F =-F opposite.


i.e., the two forces on the particle must be equal and C'

F are shown acting at O.

In Fig. 5.16, three concurrent forces F, F,
Complete the parallelogram OAC'B. Join oc
According to parallelogram law, OA + OB = OC"

Add OC to both sides OA+ OB +OC OC'+ OC r2

If OC' is equal and opposite to OC, B

then OA + OB + OC =- OC + OC = 0, ie., F+F+F = 0

i.e., three concurrent forces F, F2, F will be in

equilibrium, when resultant of F, and F, is equal and opposite

to the third force Fz.

Also, we know from triangle law that three concurrent forces FIGURE 5.17

F, F2, F are in equilibrium, when they are represented by

three sides of a triangle taken in the same order. In Fig. 5.17, 2
representedby OA. F by AB and F by BO . Hence
is Fa
their resultant is zero and they are in equilibrium. F1

The result can be generalised to any number of forces.

F, will be in equilibrium, if these forces can be
A particle under the action of forces F, F, F.
represented by the sides of a closed n sided polygon with arrows directed in the same sense, i.e.,

F+F+F+.F =0
This equation implies that Fix+ F2x+ F3x t..F =0 or EF, =0
F1y+ F2y + Fay t... Fy = 0 or EF, = 0
F12+F2 + F3t... FE = 0 or
F = 0.

*This is the condition for translational equilibrium only. We shall study in unit 5 that a body may also
have rotational equilibrium, for which net external torque on the body must be zero.
where irly» are the three
1 rectangular components of F along x, y and z directions TC
and so o.
Note that when concurrent
forces in equilibrium.
unchanged, 1.e., it the body is at act on a body, the state of the body Sila
rest, it will continue to
nifornily along the same straight
unif be at rest. Similarly, a body will continue to move
line, if concurrent
However, when the concurrent forces applied on the body are in equilibriun
forces applied on a bodv are not in equilibrium, the state
change depending on the resultant of the bouy will
of concurrent forces.
RETAIN 1. Equilibrium of a particle
IN linear motion is also does not mean that the particle is rest.
at The particle in uniio
MEMCK said to be in equilibrium.
2. An important result
follows when three concurrent
Was stated first of all by forces are in equno result
Lami and is therefore, called
theorem, when three concurrent Lami's ih eorem. According to this
forces F, F, and Fz acting on a body are in equilibrlun,

Sin d sin B sin Y (34)

where O angle between F, and F3
B angle between
F and F
Y angle between F and F,
These forces are shown in Fig. 5.16.


In mechanics, we often come across a
system consisting of a number bodies under
number of forces, such as gravitational of the action ofa
forces, frictional forces, forces due to connecting
etc. strings, supports
To solve a typical problem in mechanics, we use
the following steps:
) Draw a diagram showing various parts of the system with links,
supports etc.
(i) Choose any one convenient part of the system.
(ii) Draw a separate diagram of the chosen part showing all the forces on the chosen
parts of the system, and also by other agencies. A diagram of this
part by the remaining
type is called ree body diagram
(iv) In free body diagram, include information about magnitude and
direction of forces that are either
given or you are sure of. The rest should be treated as unknown. Equate
the net force acting in a particular
direction to its mass times the acceleration produced in that direction.
(v) If necessary, we can follow the same procedure for any other part of
the system. The equations
otion obtained for different parts of the system can be solved to obtain the desired results.
A frame of reference which is either at rest or moving with a constant velocity is called
Frame of reference.
A frame of reference, which is accelerated is called Non-Inertial Frame of reference.

Newton's Laws of motion are valid in inertial frames of reference only.

5/28 Pradeepo Fundamental Physies (KI) VE
5.28. FRICTION Object
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body moving Direction of
line would continue to do so unless an external Force of
uniformly along a straight friction
force is upplied on it. In practice, we find things otherwise. For example,
a ball rolling over the floor stops after some time. Similarly
when we
stop padlling our bicycle, it comes to rest after travelling a certain distance. Again, when e switch off the
there is, sorme (invisible)
engine of our car, it stops after travelling some distance. All these examples show that
is called Friclion.
force that opposes the motion of one body over the other, Fig. 5.18. This opposing force
Again, when we apply a small force on a block, it does not move. The applied force must have
balanced by an opposing force (of friction). Thus force of friction comes into play even when one body tries
to move over the surface of the other. Hence we define
Frietion as an opposing force that comes into play when one body actually moves (slides or
rolls) or even tries to move over the surface of another body.

7hus force offriction is the force that developes at the surfaces of contuct of two bodies and impedes
(opposes) their relative motion.

RETAIN A frictional force opposes even the attempted sliding/rolling of a body over a surface.
IN When there is no attempt at sliding/rolling, there is no friction.


(a) According to Old Vicw, roughness of surfaces is the cause of
friction. A surface which appears very smooth to the naked eye is found
to have irregularities* (roughness) when seen through a powerful
microscope. This is true of every surface. When two bodies are in contact
with each other, the irregularities in the surface of one body get interlocked
in the irregularities ofthe other surface, Fig. 5.19. To move one body
over the surface of the other, these interlockings have to be broken. Hence
When two bodies touch each
some force has to be applied. This applied force is a measure of
friction other, each one exerts a force on
between the two surfaces in contact.
the other. These forces are called
contact forces.
The component of contact force
PROJECTIONS perpendicular to the surfaces in
contact is called Normal
Reaction. And the component of
contact force parallel to the
surfaces in contact is the force
DEPRESSIONS of friction.
Clearly. normal reaction and
Limitations of Old View force offriction are perpendicular
to each other.
The old view of the origin of sliding
friction predicts that Note that normal reaction and
) Larger the area of contact between
the surfaces, greater should force of friction are due to
be the force of friction between
them. However, experiments show intermolecular forces, which are
force of friction between any that
two surfaces in contact is independent electrical in nature. 19973
the actual area of contact of
between them.
*The irregularities are in the
form of projections and depressions.
() When surtaces in contact are
extra smooth. force of friction between them should
However. 1t 1s
found that force of friction
increases when surfaccs in contact are extra Smooul.
b) Modern View of friction is that it
attraction between the two arises on account of strong atomic or molecular Jorces
surfaces at the points
On account of roughness of surfaces, ofactual contact.
one another. Therefore, the actual microscopic only the high points touch FIGURE 5.20
less than the apparent macroscopic contact
area of contact is much
are roughly in the ratio I: 10". At the
area, Fig. 5.20. These areas Area of
contact points, the molecules of apparent contact-
the two surfaces are so close together
intermolecular forces of adhesion* that they exert very strong
on one another. As actual area
ontact is very small, therefore, the adhesive of
the points of contact becomes too large.
pressure (= force/area) at
So much so that many of the Area of actual contact
contact points may deform plastically
and become Cold welded
together. When one body tries to
move over the other, it involves
rupturing of thousands of such tiny
cold welds. This gives rise to opposing
cold welds reform continually as new force of friction. Note that the tiny
chance contacts are made.
The modern view of the origin
offriction explains satisfactorily the limitations of the old view
(i) Frictional force will be independent
of the area of contact. This is because with increase in area ol
contact, force of adhesion also increases
(in the same ratio). And the adhesive pressure responsible
remains the same. for friction,
(ii) When the surfaces in contact are
extra smooth, distance between the molecules of the surfaces in
contact decreases, increasing the adhesive force
between them. Therefore, the adhesive pressure increases,
and so does the force of friction.
We may classify friction into two
1. External friction, which arises when two bodies in contact with each other try to move or
actual relative motion between the two. The external friction there is an
is also called contact friction.
2. Internal friction, which arises on account of relative
motion between every two layers of a liquid.
Internal friction is also referred to as viscosity of the liquid.
Further, external friction is of three types
i) Static friction (i) Limiting friction (ii) Kinetic friction.
Let us consider a block of weight mg lying on a horizontal
Surface as shown in Fig. 5.21. When a body presses against a surface,
the surface deforms even if it appears to be rigid. The deformed
Surface pushes on the body with a normal force R that is (Direction of
attempted slide)
perpendicular to the surface. This is called normal reaction. It friction (F)
balances mg i.e.

R mg .(35) vmg

Suppose a small force P is applied on the block to the right as shown. We know from experience that a
Small applied force may not be able to move the body practically. Clearly, the body remains at
rest because
some other force F comes into play in the horizontal direction and opposes the applied force
P, resulting in
Zero net force on the body. This force F acting along the surface of the body in contact with the table is known
as frictional force.
So long as the block does not move, F=P| .(36)
*Force of adhesion or adhesive force is the force of attraction between molecules of different substances.
Similarly, force of cohesion or cohesive force is the force of attraction between molecules of the same substance.
Fundanmental Physics (XID VOLN
5/30 Pradcep
remaining cqual to P always.
This means as we incrcase P. friction F also increascs,
to move over the surface of
The opposing force that comes into play when one body tends
another. but the actual motion has yet not started is called Static friction.
counter balances the applied
We may also define static friction as the force of friction which exactly
Sorre during the stationary state of the body.
is no static
Note that static friction does not erist by itself. When there is no applied force, there
friction. It comes into play the moment there is an applied force.
As the applied force P is increased, F also increases remaining equal and opposite to the applied
(upto a certain linit). That is why the body does not move. Hence the opposing force F called static

Note that static friction oppoxes impending motion. The term impending motion means motion that
would take place under the applied force, if friction were absent. The impending motion does not actually
take place.
As we increase the applied force, a stage comes when the body
is just at the verge of moving over the other. The static friction at this FIGURE5.22
stage is obviously nmaximum. This maximum valuc of static friction
is called Limiting friction. Hence
Limiting friction is the maximum opposing force that A
comes into play, when one body is just at the verge of
moving over the surface of the other body.
When we increase the applied force slightly beyond limiting
friction, the actual motion starts. This does not mean that friction has
disappeared. It only means that the applied force is now greater than O APPLIED FORCE
the force of limiting friction. The force of friction at this stage is
called Kinetic friction or Dynamic friction. Hence,

Kinetic friction or dynamic friction is the opposing force

that comes into play when one body is actually moving
over the surface of another body.
It is found that the force of kinetic friction depends on normal KNOW?
reaction and on quality of finish of the rubbing surfaces. It does not Note that it is not motion, but
depend relative motion that the frictional
upon the area of contact. But the kinetic friction does depend
(though to force opposes.
a small degree) on the velocity of relative motion
of the bodies. Consider a box lying in the
If we plot a graph between the applied force and the force of friction,
we get curve of the type shown in Fig. 5.22. The part OA compartment of a train that is
of the curve represents accelerating. If the box is
static friction, F, which goes on increasing with the applied stationary relative to the train, it
At A, the static friction is maximum. This is infact accelerating alongwith
represents the limiting
friction F OL). Beyond A, the force of friction is seen the train. The only conceivable
to decrease
slightly. The portion BC of the curve,
therefore, represents the kinetic force in the horizontal direction
friction (= OK). is the force of static friction F
F The static friction provides the
We have ignored here the slight
dependence of kinetic friction same acceleration to the box as
on velocity of relative motion (F)
of the bodies. that of the train, keeping it
Also, we find that kinetic friction is stationary relative to the train. If
always slightly less than the
limiting friction. there were no friction, the floor
of the train would slip by and box
This is because, once the motion starts
actually, inertia of rest has would remain at its initial position
been overcome. Also, when motion
has actually started, irregularities due to inertia. It would hit the
one surface have little time of
to get locked again into the irregularities backside of the compartment of
the other surface. the train
3ruteua sr
Further, dyamic friction or kinetic
friction may be of two types
1. Sliding friction 2. Rolling firiction.
The opposg Jorce tlhat comes into play when one body
the other body is called sliding is actually sliding over the surjace o
For example, when a lat block is
movcd over the flat surfacc of a
table, the opposng torce is sliding friction
The opposTng Jorce that comes
into play wvhen one body is actually rolling over the surjuce
the other body is called rolling friction. o
For exanpie. wnen a wheel, a circular
disc or a ring or a sphere or a cylinder rolls over a surrace,
force that opposes it Is the rolling friction.
Laws of Knetic Frietion
1. The force ot kinetic friction
(F,) is directlv pronortional to normal reaction (R) between the two
surfaces in contact, I.e., Fk=H, R, where
u, is coefficient of kinetic friction.
2. Kinetic friction docs not depend
upon the surface area of contact.
3. Force of kinetie friction is independent FIGURE 5.23
of the speed of sliding/
rolling. if the heat produced does not change
the condition of the surfaces
in contact.


When a body rolls on a level track,
the area of contact is very
small. Therefore. pressure exerted which
is equal to weight/area is very K M
large. This causes a depression in the surface
below and a mount or
bump in front as shown in Fig. 5.23. DEPRESSION
In turn, the surface of the rolling
body in contact gets slightly
compressed. Thus a rolling wheel (i) constantly
pulls out of depression DO
and goes uphill on the mount LM (ii) simultaneously
from the road KL, which is opposed by the forces
detaches itself
adhesion between YOU
the surfaces in contact. This causes rolling friction.
When a tyre is properly inflated, it becomes hard and gets
compressed by the road to a much smaller extent. Due to it, the opposition
Experiments show that force of
to motion due to adhesive forces becomes less. Therefore, rolling friction rolling friction (F^) is directly
reduces. Hence it is easier to drive a vehicle when its tyresarefully inflated. proportional to the normal
reaction (R) and inversely
Note that the velocity of the point of contact of the wheel with respect proportional to the radius (r) of
to the floor remains zero all the time, although the centre of the wheel the rolling cylinder or wheel. Thus
moves forward. Therefore, rolling friction is often quite small compared
to the sliding friction. F, R
That is why heavy loads are transported by placing
them on carts with
wheels. Thus sliding friction is converted into rolling where 4, is coetficient of rolling
ction. For example, rolling friction of steel on stel is hardly 1% of friction. 4, would have the
sliding friction
of steel on steel. dimensions of length and would
be measured in metre.
the force of static friction is fixed. Both these
thi nis means that neither the magnitude nor the direction of
ust themselves according to the applied
force. In Art. 3(a).3., we have seen that unless the block
to the applied force. When we increase
H moving, F = P i.e. force of static friction is always equal
accordingly. Further, the direction
ease the applied force, the force of static friction increases/decreases
e forCe of static friction is always opposite to the direction of the applied
force. For example, when we
friction is to the west and we try to move the body to the north,
body to the east, force of static
force of On.
friction is to the south
5/32 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI) MO
Thus static friction adjusts itsclf so that its magnitude is equal to the magnitude of the applied force and
its direction is opposite to that of the applied force. Hence static friction is a self adjusting force.

RETAIN Remember that friction arises only when body is actually sliding/rolling over the surface of
IN another body or the body is simply trying to slide/roll over the surface of the other. Further,
MEMORY static friction alone is a self adjusting force, matching the growing applied force. Limiting
friction and Dynamic friction are not self-adjusting. Their values are fixed.


Following are the four laws oflimiting friction:
1. The magnitude of the force
of limiting friction (F) between the surfaces of two bodies in contact is
directly proportional t0 the normal reaction (R) between them i.e.

When a body is heavy, normal reaction R = mg increases. Therefore, F increases. Hence P F
i.e. more force is required to move a heavier body than to move a lighter body.
2. The direction of the force of limitimg friction is always opposite to the direction in which one body is
at the verge of moving over the other. The force of limiting friction always acts tangentially along the surface
of contact of two bodies.
3. The force oflimiting friction is independent of the apparent area of contaet, so long as normal
reaction between the two surfaces in contact remains the same.
4. The force of limiting friction between any two surfaces in contact depends on the nature of material
of surfaces in contact (i.e. force of adhesion) and their state of polish.
Experimental Verification of the Laws of Limiting Friction FIGURE 5.24
To verify the laws of limiting friction, we take two exactly R
identical rectangular blocks of wood A and B, each of same weight
mg. Each block is provided with a hook on one side. The block is
placed on a horizontal table provided with a frictionless pulley on
one side, Fig. 5.24. One end of a string is attached to the hook of the mg
block. The string is then passed over the pulley and a pan is attached
to the free end of the string. Any number of weights can be added to
the pan.
We adjust the weights in the pan till the block just begins to move.
The applied force (P) at this stage (=wt. of pan + wts in the pan) gives FIGURE 5.25
us a measure of the force of limiting friction (F), i.e.,

F P and R mg P

First Law. Proceed as explained above and determine the force of

limiting friction in case of blockA, Fig. 5.24. Now place the block B on
the block A, Fig. 5.25. The weight is doubled. Therefore, the normal
reaction also becomes double. Repeat the experiment and find the force
of limiting friction in this case. It is found to be two times the force of
limiting friction in case of block A. Thus we find that when R is doubled,
r is also doubled. Hence Fo« R. This verifies the first law.
Second Law. As is clear from the above discussion, in equilibrium, R = mg and F= P i.e., force of
limiting friction is equal and opposite to the applied force P. Hence the direction of the force of limiting
friction is always opposite to the intended direction of motion of the block. This verifies second law.
In the arrangement shown in Fig. 5.24, if pulley were on the left, weights have to be put in the pan to
move the block to the left. This means force of limiting friction, in that case would be to the right. This
confirms second law.
Third Law. Join the two blocks
A and B he
neriment and determine the force limiting and place them on the table as shown in Fig. .a
of friction in this case. It is
lack B is placed over the block A, Fig. found to be the same as in uc
5.25, The total normal reaction
in the two cases is the san
the area of apparent contact in the case shown in Fig.
hleSince Fin both cases is the same, it shows
doub. 5.26 is
flimiting friction does not depend on that the force
oflh the apparent area of contact
between the bod dies, so long as nornmal
reaction R between them
remains the same. This verifies third law.
Fourth Law. Take the rectangular
block A. Make one
surface of A smooth and well polished
surf and the opposite surface
of A very rough. Kepeat the above experiment
the and determine
force of limiting friction () when rough surface
is in contact
with the table, and (ii) when smooth surface
is in contact with
the table. We observe that the force of limiting
when the smooth surface is in contact with
friction is less
the table and more
when the rough surface is in contact with the table.
force of limiting friction depends on nature of surfaces
Hence the
in contact.
This verifies fourth law.
Similarly if we take two blocks, one
of wood and other of metal of
the same weight, F in either case is different. This also Normally, friction decreases with
proves that force
of limiting friction depends on the nature of material increase in smoothness. However,
of the surfaces in when the surfaces in contact are
made too smooth by polishing, the
5.34. COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION binding force of adhesion
increases and therefore, the
According to the first law of limiting friction,
friction increases. This is called
Foc R cold welding.
or F uR .(37)
where is a constant of proportionality and called the coefficient of limiting friction between the two
surfaces in contact.

From (37), Hence, (38)


Coefficient of limiting friction between any two surfaces in contact is defüned as the ratio ofthe
Jorce of limiting friction and normal reaction between them.
i.e., whether dry or wet : ronoh or
The value of u depends on (i) nature of the surfaces in contact
smooth; polished or non polished.
(i) material of the surfaces in contact.
(i7) Temperature of the surfaces in
are contact, when these surfaces are lubricated
For example, when two polished metal surfaces inbetween H*U2,
-2 and 0.5. Obviously, u has no units
01. Between two smooth wooden surfaces, varies or anotner boay, we replace F by F, the kinetic
When a body is actually moving over the surface
friction, and
u by He
ta Therefore, from (38),
PR kinetic or dynamic jricion. As F < E, therefore u, is al
Hk is then called the coefficient of always less than the coefficient
of limitim
dynamic friction is
Le. coefficient of kinetic or
5/34 Pradeeps Fundamental Plhysics (XD VOLI

Table 5.1 gives the values of coefficient of limiting/kinetic friction between some pairs of materials
VAAB LE 5.1. Coefficient of limiting friction and linetic friction
S.No. Surfaces in contact Coeff. of limiting friction Coeff. of kinetic friction
1. Wood on wood 70 0.40
2. Wood on leather 0-50 0-40
Steel on steel (mild) 0-74 0-57
Steel on steel (hard) 0-78 0.42
Steel on steel (greased) 0-10 0-05
Aluminium on steel 0-61 0-47
7. Copper on steel 0-53 0-36
8. Cast iron on cast iron 1-10 0-15
9. Glass on glass 0-94 0-40
10. Rubber on concrete (dry) 0.90 70
11. Teflon on steel 0-04 0-04


The angie of friction between any two surfaces in contactis definedas the angle which the
resultant of the force of limiting friction F and normal reaction R makes with the direction of
normal reaction R.
It is represented by 6.
In Fig. 5.27, OA represents the normal reaction R which FIGURE 5.27
balances the weight mg of the body. OB represents F, the limiting C
force of sliding friction, when the body tends to move to the right.
Complete the parallelogram OACB. Join OC. This represents the
resultant of R and F. By definition, ZAC = 0 is the angle of
friction between the two bodies in contact.
The value of angle of friction depends on the nature of
materials of the surfaces in contact and the nature of the surfaces.
Relation between 4 and 0 mg

InA AOC, tan = AC= OB _F_

OA OA R .39)
Hence = tan 0 (40)
i.e. coefficient oflimiting friction between any two
surfaces in contact is equal to tangent ofthe angle
offriction between them.

Angle of repose or angle of sliding is defined as

the mninimum angle of inclination
the plane just begins to slide down of a plane
with the horizontal, such that a body placed on
the incline.
It is represented by a. Its value depends on material
and nature of the surfaces in
In Fig. 5.28, AB is an inclined plane such contact.
that a body placed on it just
LBAC = a = angle of repose. begins to slide down.
The various forces involved are
(i) weight, mg of the body, acting vertically downwards,

nomal reaction, R. acting jpevpendieulur
(ii) Foree of frietion F acting to AB,
up the plane A FIGURE 5.28
Now. mg can be resolved R
nancts : mg cos a opposite to R and into two rectangular
mg sin o. (opposite F
F. In equilibrium, to
F= mg sin o. mgsina
R= mg cos o% 41)
a mg
Din iding (4) by (42), we get sin o
R cos o ' t, |= tan o ...43)
e. caNilCIent
Ot liiling friction
bctwecn any two surfaces in
angle t Ietwecu tlhem.
nyNOse contact is equal to the tangent ol uc
Combininy (40) and (43), we olbtain
.angle = tan = tan a
f fiiction is equal to angle repose.

Smpie Problon heavy box ofmass 20 kg is placed


of kinetie frietiom between the box and

on a horizontal surface. Ifcoetiicient
the horizontal surface is 0-25, calculate the force of kinetic
tiction. Also, caleulate acceleration produced
under a force of 98 N applied horizontally ?
Sol. Here. m = 20 kg. {l = 0-25, =
F= P 98 N, a =?
F= lR =|l m g =0-25 x 20 x 9.8 =49 N
Fone that 1roduces aceeleration S=P- F=98-49 = 49 N
a==49= 2-45 m/s2
A wooden block is kept on a polished wooden plank whose inclination is
gradualy. The block starts slipping when the plank makes an angle of 25° with the horizontal.
towerer, once started, the block can continue with uniform speed, if the inclination is reduced to 21.
Caleulate coeflicient of static and dynamic friction between the block and the plank.
Sol. Here. angle of repose, a = 25°
cocflicient of static friction, H, = tan a = tan 25° = 0-4663
As the block continues to move uniformly, when 6 = 21°,
Coetlicient of kinetic friction, H = tan 0 = tan 21° = 0:3839
When a plane is inclined to the horizontal at an angle 6, which is greater than the angle of repose, the
0OGy placed on the inclined plane slides down with an
acceleration, a.
As is clear from Fig. 5.2,
R=mg cos 6 (44) R

inclined plane
Net force on the body down the
45) mgsin+
f=mg sin 0-F mgcose
i.e. f=ma = mg sin 6-HkR
cos 0)
mg cos 6= mg (sin 6-H,
ma = mg sin 6-
Using (44), we get
cos 6) 46)
Hence a=g (sin 0-H
5/36 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)vOL
Clearly, a8
i.e., acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane
is always less than acceleratlon due to

gravity g).
Note that when a plane is inclined to the horizontal at an angle 0, which less
is rhan the angle of repose,
then the minimum force required to move the body up the inclined plane

S (mg sin 6 + F) = mg (sin + H cos 0) 6

If the body is to be accelerated up the plane with acceleration a. then force required
= mg (sin 8 + Hp Cos 8) + mna.
Further, the minimum force required to push the body down the inclined plane is
S2 = (F-mg sin 8) = mg (4^ cos 6 sin 6) -

Sample Problom A block slides down an incline of angle 30" with an acceleration of g/4. Find
the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Sol. Here, 6 = 30°, a =g/4. H=?
As is clear from Fig. 5.11, net force on the body down the incline.
f=ma= mg sin 6- F= m g sin 6- H R, where R = mg coss0
HkR=mg sin - nm
a =mg sin 30°- m = - =

mg /4 mg
R 4 (mg cos 6) 4 cos 30°
H23 = 0-289


We know that friction always opposes the relative motion FIGURE 5.30
between any two surfaces in contact. Hence some work has to be
done in moving a body over a rough horizontal surface.
As is clear from Fig. 5.30, on a level track, the weight (mg)
of the body is balanced by the normal reaction (R) mg S
i.e, R=mg .(47)
To just move the body on a level track, we have to apply a force
(P), which is atleast equal to the force of friction (F)
i.e., P F .48) YOU
Under the action of the applied force, suppose the body slides
through a distance
is a non-conservative
As work done = force x distance force, i.e. work done against
W Px S = FxS friction is path dependent. In the
presence of friction, some energy
As HFIR, :. F=HR is always lost in the form of heat
etc. Thus mechanical energy is nor
W=HRxS=Hymg xS .(49) conserved in such cases.

Knowing mass (m) of the body, distance (S) moved and the coefficient of friction (4), we can calculate
the work done in moving the body over a rough horizontal plane. Obviously, it would depend upon
() weight of the body, (ii) material and nature of the surfaces in contact. (ii) distance moved.
LAWS OF 6/37
Suppose m is the mass of a body that
AB, inclined to the horizontal has to be moved up a
various forces involved at: an angle 0, shown in
5.31. The are
ig. R
Weight (mg) of the body, acting
vertically downwards,
i Normal reaction, K), acting perpendicular
to the plane
AB. mgsind
Force of friction (F), acting down the mg
body moves up the plane. AB, as
Theweight mg can be resolved into
two rectangular components
mg CO5 0 opposite to R and mg sin e down
the plane AB.
In equilibrium, R=mg cos 6
I Pis the force required tojust move the body up
the incline AB, then from Fig. 5.31,
P mg sin 0+F ..51)
Under the action of this force, suppose the
body slides through a distance S up the plane.
As Work done = force x distance
W= Px S = (mg sin 0+ F) S
...using (51)
W (mg sin + H R) S
where is the coefficient of friction between the
two surfaces in contact
W mg sin 6+
Hmg cos 6) S fusing (50)
W= mg (sin 6 +H cos 6) S 52)
Knowing m, 6, S and u, we can calculate work done in moving the body up a rough
inclined plane.
RETAIN Remember that in moving a body over a rough horizontal surface, work has to be done only
IN against the force of friction, which is a function of normal reaction/weight of the body.
MEMORY However, in moving a body up an inclined plane, work has to be done against friction as
well as component of weight down the inclined plane.

Sample Problem Acricket ball is rolled on ice with a velocity of 5-6 m/s and comes to rest
after travelling 8 m.
Find the coefficient of friction. Given g = 9-8 m/s+.
Sol. Here,u =5-6 m/s, v =0, = 8 m, g=9:8 m/s-.
v-u=2 as
UO 0-(5-6) =2xax8
5-6x5-6=- 1.96m/s

H 8=02
an engine, which can just pull
ull a train of mass
mploProblom 2 Calculate the power of
rate of 54 km/h. he resistance due to friction is
untals up an incline of 1 in 50 at the
Nquintal. Take
Sol. Here, wer,
= 5 x 10° kg.
P =?, m = 5000 quintals
=54 km/h = 54x1000ns-I
ms = 15 ms
sin 6=,50 v 60x60
FofC 0-8 x 5000N=
4000 N
iction, F= 0-8 N/auintal =
5/38 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)MOL

From (52).

P = (mg sin + F)x = (mg sin6+ F)xv DO

5x10 x98x+4000 15
(98000 + 4000) x 15 = 1530000 W = 1530 kW
1. Though iriction opposes
5.40. FRICTION IS A NECESSARY EVIL relative motion. yet in cerin
cases, friction is also the cause
Friction is called a necessary evil. It is a necessity because we cannot
of motion. For example
do without it. Atthe same time, it is an evil because it involves unnecessary
waste of energy. The following facts make the point clear: i)When a person pushes the
a Friction is a Necesity (Advantages of fiction) ground backwards (actioni
the rough surface of ground
1. Walking will not be possible without friction. Our foot pressing
reacts and exerts a forward
the ground for walking will slip, when there is no friction. force due to friction-which
2. No two surfaces will stick to each other if there is no friction. causes the motion. Without
3. Brakes of the vehicles will not work without friction. friction, person would slip
4. Nuts and bolts for holding the parts of machinery together will and shall not be able to move.
not work. (i) In cycling, rear wheel moves
5. Writing on black board or on paper will also not be possible by the force communicated to
without friction. it by pedalling. while front
6. The transfer of motion from one part ofa machine to the other wheel moves by itself.
Therefore, like in walking.
part through belts and pulleys will not be possible without friction.
force of friction on rear wheel
7. Adhesives will lose their purpose.
is in the forward direction. As
8. Cleaning with sand paper will not be possible without friction. front wheel moves by itself.
9. Friction between the road and tyres of a car provides the necessary force of friction on front wheel
force to accelerate the car. It is impossible for a car to move on a slippery is in the backward direction.
road. However, when pedalling is
10. Friction between a match stick and the match box causes the stopped, both the wheels move
match stick to catch fire. by themselves. So the force of
b)Friction is an evil Disadvantuges of friction) friction on both the wheels is
1. Friction always opposes the relative motion in the backward direction.
between any two
surfaces in contact. Therefore, extra energy has to be spent in overcoming Thus without friction. motion
friction. Thus friction involves unnecessary expense of energy. cannot be started. stopped or
That is
why output is always less than the input. transferred from one body to
2. Friction causes wear and tear of the parts of machinery the other.
in contact. 2.
Thus their life time reduces. About 20% of the petrol in an
3. Frictional forces result in the production automobile is used up to
of heat, which causes
additional damage to the machinery and lowers its efficiency. counterac friction in the
engine and in the driving. On
Hence we conclude that friction is a necessary evil.
the contrary, if friction were
5.41. METHODS OF CHANGING FRICTION totally absent. we wouid not
Some of the ways of reducing friction are get on auiomobile io go
anywhere. we would not walk
(i) By polishing. Polishing makes the surfaces or even ride a bicycle. We
smoother. Therefore,
friction reduces. would not be able to hold a
(ii) By lubrication. Lubricants like oil, grease pencil and if we couid. the
etc. fill up the
irregularities of the surfaces, making them smoother. pencil would not write. Nails
Due to it, the two
surfaces, will not be in direct contact with and screws would not work.
eachother. One surface will
slide on the oil layer present there. Hence friction The knots in woven ciothes
would untie themselves.
(iii) By proper selccnon ot materinls, we
urfaces in contact. huve studicd that friction depends on natur
Te surtaces of moving parts
low coctticient ol triction. Ou tlhe of machines in contact can be
e basis, tyres are mnde mnle of rubber. This is hecause
ot riudDe frictio
between rubber and concrete is much less than
friction hetween iron and concrete.
(iv) By Streamlining. l'riction due
to air is considerably reduced by strcanlining thhe sliape O
(charp in front) movung through air. For example,
jets, aeroplanes, fast moving cars etc. arc give
()By using ball bearings. As shown in FIGURE 5.32
arrangement consists ol two c0-axial 1ig. 5.32, the ball bearings
ctnitable number ot hard
cylinders A and C, between which
steel balls B are arranged.
fitted on the axle and outer The inner cylinder A is
cylinder C is lixed to the whecl. When the
wheel rotates. the balls B rotate in the direction
shown in Fig. 5.32. The
wheel thus rolls on the balls instead of sliding
on the axle. In this way,
sliding friction is converted into rolling friction
which is much less. Ball
bearings are commonly used in bicycles, etc.
Similarly. a thin cushion of air maintained
between solid surlaces in
relative motion is another elfective way of
reducing friction.
In many practical situations, friction is eritically needed. For example:
(i) We are able to walk because of friction, All
of us know how difficult it is to walk on ice, when torce
of static friction is small.
(i) It is impossible to start a car on a very slippery road.
(ii) On an ordinary road, friction between tyres and road converts rotational motion of the wheels into
a rolling motion, and provides the necessary external force to accelerate
the car.
(iv) Kinetic friction is important for quickly stopping relative motion, though
power is dissipated in the

DO It is easier to pull than to push a body

In Fig. 5.33, we have shown a block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal
YOU surface

KNOw ? R1
Psin 0
Pcos 0

eme F2
mg mg

79When the block is pulled with a force P applied at angle 6 with horizontal, Fig. 5.33(a), we find tliat
normal reaction, R, = mg - P sin 6
Force of kinetic friction, F =HR Ri = H (ng- sin 8) P
On the other hand, when the block is pushed with the same force Pat same angle 6 with horizontal, Fig
+ sin 6
.53(6), we find that normal reaction, R2 = mg P
Force of kinetic friction, F2 =H R2 =H (mg + P sin 0)
From (i) and (i), we find that F</2 case of pulling than that in case
Le., force of friction against which work is done, is less in of pushing.
Hence pulling is easier than pushing8
5/40 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (X) OL
Some of the ways of increasing friction are:
()On arainy day, we throw some sand on the slippery ground. This increases friction between our feet
and the ground. The chances of slipping reduce.
() Similarly, sand is spread on tracks covered with snow. Force of friction between the wheels and the
track increases and driving becomes safer.
ii) In the manufacture of tyres, synthetic rubber is preferred because its coefficient of friction with the
road is larger. Proper threading of the tyres also increases the force of friction boctween the tyres and the road.
Therefore, grip of the tyres with the road increases.


QWhat do you think may be the cause of an earthquake ?

Ans. There are a series of fractures in earth's crust. These are called The San Andreas Fault.
Forces in the earth's interior cause the rocks to slide past each other in a horizontal direction. So
long as the forces of friction between the two sliding rocks are greater than the forces causing them
to slide, the rocks only stretch and twist.
However, when the forces causing the slide exceed the force of friction, the rocks snap back like the
release of a stretched rubber band. This movement of rocks with the consequent release of
tremendous amounts of energy is the earthquake.


A unitorm circular motion is the motion of an object travelling at
a constant (uniform) speed along a circular path.
Centripetal force is the force required to move a body
uniformly in a circle. This force acts along the radius and
towards the centre of the circle.
Infact, when a body moves in a circle, its direction of motion at any
instant is along the tangent to the circle at that instant. From Fig. 5.34, we
find that the direction of motion of the body moving in a circle goes on
changing continuously.
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body cannot change
its direction of motion by itself. An external force is required for this
purpose. It is this external force which is caled the centripetal force.
On account of a continuous change in the direction of motion of the
body. there is a change in velocity of the body, and hence it undergoes an
acceleration, called centripetal acceleration or radial acceleration. YOU
In chapter 4, we have already obtained an expression for centripetal
acceleration as KNOw?
a=v = r@ = r (2 Tn)* 53)
Centripetal force does not denote
a new and separate kind of force
created by nature. It is simply the
where v is linear velocity, o is angular velocity ofthe body and ris
radius of the circular path, n is frequency of revolution name given to the net force
pointing towards the centre of
As F=ma, therefore, circular path. It is the vector sum
centripetal force = mass x centripetal acceleration of all the force components
pointing along theradial
F=mvr=m ro=4 T2mrn2 .(54) direction.
9101 9d3 wo

As stated earlier, the centripetal force acts along the radius and towards the centre of the circle.
Obviously, centripetal acceleration/force changes
direction continually as the body moves
uniform circular motion, speed is constant, but velocity changes because of continuous
1. In ge
direction ot motion. As velocity changes, the body possesses centripetal acceleration. Hence unifom
circular motion is an accelerated motion.
2. The magnitude of centripetal acceleration is
constant, but its direction changes continuousiy
though it is always directed towards the centre of the circle. Therefore, centripetal acceleration is

3.The centripetal force necessary to move the earth around the sun is provided by gravitational attraction
of sun on the earth.
4. The centripetal force required to move an electro around the nucleus of an atom is provided by the
electrostatic force of attraction of nucleus on the


The natural tendency of a body is to move uniformly along a straight line. When we apply centripetal
force on the body, it is forced to move along a circle. While moving actually along a circle, the body has a
constant tendency to regain its natural straight line path. This tendency gives rise to a force called centrifugal
force. Hence,

Centrifugal force is a foree that arises when a body is moving actually along a circular path, by
virtue of tendency of the body to regain its natural straight line path.

Centrifugal force can be regarded as the reaction of centripetal force. As forces of action and
reaction are always equal and opposite, therefore, magnitude of centrifugal force =mvir, which is same as
that of centripetal force. However, direction of centrifugal force is opposite to the direction of centripetal
force, i.e., centrifugal force acts along the radius and away from the centre of the circle.

Note that centripetal and centrifugal forces, being the

forces of action and reaction act always on different bodies.
For example, when a piece of stone tied to one end of a string is
rotated in a circle, centripetal force F is applied on the stone F2 F
y the hand. In turn, the hand is pulled outwards by centrifiugal Hand
Jorce Fa acting on it, due to tendency of the stone to regain its
natural straight line path. The centripetal and centrifugal forces
are shown in Fig. 5.35.

Alternative Argument FIGURE 5.36

Person (O,
Sometimes, we do not treat centripetal force as the on
Iorce of reaction. Instead, we say that centripetal force is a rotating
only when table F
JCutious or pseudo force, which comes into play mr»2
Pe deal with non-inertial frame or accelerated frame of
erence. For example, suppose a body of mass m is at a
with uniform
Stance r from the centre of a table rotating

angular velocity w. Let a person (the observer) be also standing

on the same table, Fig. 5.36.
the normal reaction R. For the observer, the bodu ic
Now, the weight mg of the body is balanced by Hence the acting is
1s at
table. force on the body
as both the body and observer are part of the rotating balancet
No surtace ot table acts towards the centre. To
ow, the force of friction F between the body and this
5/42 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (KI)VOL

force, the observer assumes a pseudo force equal to acting on the body in radially outward direction
This pseudo force is the centrifugal force.
We shall now discuss some of the applications of centripetal and centrifugal forces.


When a vehicle goes round a curved road, it requires some centripetal force. While rounding the curve,
the wheels of the vehicle have a tendency to leave the curved path and regain the straight line path. Force of
friction between the wheels and the road opposes this tendency of the wheels. This force (of friction) therefore
acts, towards the centre of the circular track and provides the necessary centripetal force.
Three forces are acting on the car, Fig. 5.37. FIGURE 5.37
(i) The weight of the car, mg, acting vertically downwards,
(it) Normal reaction R of the road on the car, acting vertically
(ii) Frictional force F, along the surface of the road, towards the
centre of the turn, as explained already.
As there is no acceleration in the vertical direction,
R- mg =0
or R mg .(55)
The centripetal force required for circular motion is along the
surface of the road, towards the centre of the turn. AS explained above, mg
it is the force of friction that provides the necessary centripetal force.
F .56)
where v is velocity of car while turning and r is radius of circular track.
As F=uR =L mg, [using (55)]
where is coefficient of static friction between the tyres and the road. Therefore, from (56),

mg or vs urg DO
Hence the maximum velocity with which a vehicle can go round a
For a dry road, = 0-95 and
level curve ; without skidding is v = Hrg
. The value ofv depends on icy road, 4, =0-10. Therefore, a
dry road would allow a greater
radius r of the curve and on coefficient of friction (u) between the tyres
maximunm speed.
and the road. Clearly, v is independent of mass of the car.

IN When the roud is unbanked and friction is small, the vehicle has to round the cune at a
MEMORY much lower speed to avoid overturning.

Ifh is height of centre of gravity of vehicle above the road, and 2 x is the distance between the front
wheels or the back wheels, then for no overturning, moments of forces about A must be equal and opposite.
From Fig. 5.38,

xh= mgx*

Vh mu
This is the safe speed for rounding a
level curved road.
Samplo Problem A 2r->A
bend in a levcl road has a radius of 100
m. Find the naximum speed which a car turning this mg
bend may have
without skidding, if coeffcient of friction between the tyres
and the
road is
Sol. Here, r= I00 m, v = ?, H, = 0-8.
VH8 v= V08x100x98 =
28 ms
As discussed in Art. 5.44, the maximum permissible velocity with which a vehicle can go round a level
curved road without skidding depends on u, the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road. The
value of decreases when road is smooth or tyres of the vehicle are worn out or the road is wet and so on.
Thus force of friction is not a reliable source for providing the required centripetal force to the vehicle.
A safer course of action would be to raise outer edge of the curved road above the inner edge. By doing
so. a component of normal reaction of the road shall be spared to provide the centripetal force. This would
reduce considerably the wear and tear of the tyres. The phenomenon of raising outer edge of the curved
road above the inner edge is called banking of roads. It facilitates vehicles to turn without slipping. We can
calculate the angle of banking 6, as detailed below:
In Fig. 5.39(a), ox is a FIGURE 5.39
horizontal line. OA is the level of
banked curved road whose outer
R Rcose
edge has been raised. LXOA = 6
= angle of banking. This is the angle R cose
which the road bed makes with the Rsine
EDGE F cose
Three forces are acting on the RAISED R sine
vehicle as shown in Fig. 5.39(b).
F sin 6
(i) Weight mg of the vehicle
acting vertically downwards. o mg
(ii) Normal reaction R of the
banked road acting upwards in aj
direction perpendicular to OA.
(ii) Force of friction F between the banked road andthe tyres, acting along AO.
R can be resolved into two rectangular components: () R cos 6, along vertically upward direction
(i) R sin 6, along the horizontal, towards the centre of the curved road.
F can also be resolved into two rectangular components:
() F cos 6, along the horizontal, towards the centre of curved road
i)F sin 6, along vertically downward direction.
As there is no acceleration along the vertical direction, the net force along this direction must be zero.
R cos 6 = mg + F sin (58)
Pradeep 'a Pundamental Physics (XI) MOL
road of radius r, then centripetal force required
Ifvis velocity of the vehicle over the hanked circular
the horizontal components of R and Fas shown in Fig. 5.39b).
= mv-lr. This is provided by
mu ..(59)
R sin 0+F cos 0 =

But S , R, where 4, is coefficient of static friction between the banked road and the tyres.
To obtain

max We pu: F=4, R in (58) and (59). ...60)

R cos 0 mg + ", R sin 0

H, R cos 6 =
R sin 0+
R (cos 0-H, sin 8) = mg
From (60).
mg .(62)
Cos-, sin 6

From (61). R (sin 6 +H, cos 8) =

mg (sin 6+, cos 0) ny

Using (62) (cos -, sin 0)

rg (sin 6 +H, cos 0) rg cos 9 (tan 9 +,)

-, cos 6 (1-H, tan 0)

(cos sin 6)

R(1-p,+tantan0) (63)

a banked road.
This is the maximum safe velocity of vehicle on
speed with which a car can turn on a
Comparing eqn. (63) with eqn. (57), we find that maximum
banked road without skidding is greater than that on a flat
(unbanked) road.
2.If = 0, i.e., if banked road is perfectly smooth, then
from eqn. (63),
Vo (rg tan 0)/2
there is no friction. Driving at this
This is the speed at which a banked road can be rounded even when
speed on a banked road will cause almost no wear and tear of the tyres.

From (64), v = rg tan 6 or tan 0 = vs/rg .(65)

3. If speed of vehicle is less than vo, frictional force will be up the slope.
Therefore, the vehicle can be
parked only tan 6 SH
if OA is breadth of the road.
4. If h is the height AB of outer edge of the road above the inner edge andb=
then, from Fig. 5.40.
Oh= vo2- AB? = Vb2-h
tan = (66) h
OB B2-2
From (65) and (66), we get


From this eqn, we can calculate h. usually

h <<b. Therefore, h2 negligibly
(67) siniplifies to is small comparcu

tan 6

Roads are ustiauiy banked for the average

speed of vehicles passing over them. However, iT nep do
a vehicle 1S SOmewt ess or more than this, the
self adjusting static friction will operate between nc y
and the road, and the vehicle will not skid.
The speed limit at Which the curve can be
negotiated safely is clearly indicated on the sign boaru
erected along the curved roads.
On the same basis, Curved railway tracks are also
banked. The level of outer rail is raised a lhttle
above the level of imner rail, while laying a curved railway track.
Note that curved portions of highways are always banked (tilted) to prevent cars from sliding off
highway. When the highway 1s dry, the frictional force between the tyres and road surface is often enough to
prevent sliding. However, when the highway is wet, firictional fore is much reduced. Therefore, banking of
road/railway track is essential.
When a cyclist takes a turn, he also requires some centripetal force. If he keeps himself vertical while
turning, his weight is balanced by the normal reaction of the ground. In that event, he has to depend upon
force of friction between the tyres and the road for obtaining the necessary centripetal force. As force of
friction is small and uncertain, dependence on it is not safe.
To avoid dependence on force of friction for obtaining centripetal force, the cyclist has to bend a litle
inwards from his vertical position, while turning. By doing so, a component of normal reaction in the horizontal1
direction provides the necessary centripetal force. To calculate the angle of bending with vertical, suppose
m mass of the cyclist, FIGURE 5.41
velocity of the cyclist while turning,
V= RcosB R
radius of the circular path,
angle of bending with vertical. Rsine
the cyclist (mg) acting
In Fig. 5.41, we have shown weight of
C. Ris force of reaction
vertically downwards at the centre of gravity
Or the ground on the cyclist. It acts at
an angle e with the vertical.
rectangular components m9
Rcan be resolved into two
R cos 6, along the vertical
upward direction,
towards the centre of the
K Sin 6, along the horizontal,
cyclist, i.e.,
0 balances the weight of the
n cquilibrium, R cos (69)
R cos 0 mg
force (m vr)
provides the necessary centripetal
and R sin 6
R sin =
5/46 Pradeepe Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

Rsin mv
Dividing (70) by (69), we get R cos

Lan .(71)

Clearly. would depend on v and r.

large i.e. turning should
For a safe turn, 0 should be small, for which v should be small and r should be
should neither be fast nor sharp.
be at a slow speed and along a track of larger radius. This means, a safe turn

RETAIN In actual practice, the value of 0 will be slightly less than the calculated value, because the
IN force of friction between the tyres and the road will contribute somewhat towards the
MEMORY centripetal force.

Sample ProblemAn aircraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 km h, with its
wings banked at 15. What is the radius of the loop?
Sol. Here, 720 h-l=
60 x 60
200 m/s

15°, r=?

As tan=
200x 200 4x10"= 1-52 x 10 m
8 tan 6 9-8 tan 15° 9-8x0-268
When a particle is moved in a circle under the action of a torque, it acquires an angular acceleration.
Angular velocity of the particle and hence its angular momentum will change. Also, the linear velocity, linear
momentum and kinetic energy of particle will change. Such a motion is therefore called non uniform circular
Motion ina vertical circle
To understand the dynamics of non-uniform circular motion, FIGURE 5.42
let us consider the motion of a small body of mass n tied to one end H
of a string and whirled in a vertical circle. At any time, let the body
be at P at angular position 0, as shown in Fig. 5.42. The forces
acting on the body are:
), Weight mg) of the body, acting vertically downwards,
(i1) Tension (7) in the string, acting along PO. O
Now (mg) can be resolved into two rectangularcomponents:
mg cos 6, opposite to T
mg sin 6; along tangent to the circle at P.
Net force on the body at P, acting along PO = (T-mg cos 6).
This must provide the necessary centripetal force (m v-lr) required mgcose
by the body, where v is linear velocity of the body at P.

T- mg cos 6 =-

-+mg cos 6 .(72)

Twill be nium. when cos 8 = min =- 1
ie. 0= 180°, the body is at the hignes point. H.

From (72). min = _ ..(73)


The body Will move along the vertical circle IN T.<0, the string will slack and
only when T.20.
body will 1all down lronm i, instead of moving in the circle. Hence
for completing the vertical circie i. *

looping the loop,

min mg 20, ie., 2 mg or u2 ysr ..(74)

Thus. minimum value of velocity at the highest point is

Applying principle ot conscrvation of energy, total mechanical energy at L = total mechanical energy at

vi=m v +mg (2r)

using (74). mv m (g r)+2mgr

v25gr, ie. v, 25g (75)

Hence. for looping the vertical loop, the minimum velocity at the lowest point L is 5gr
From (72), we find that tension in the string will be maximum, when cos 6= max = + 1 ie. 0 =0° i.e. at
the lowest point L.

from (72), max +mg ..(76)

when the body is looping the loop 25gr UH2/9r
. r) + mg ie, |T26 mg
max T 5 g ,

While the body is moving in a vertical circle and the string
becomes horizontal as at M, Fig. 5.43, 0 = 90° M'M2Smg
As total energy at M = total energy at L

m 2 r =m i.
mv mvž-mgr
Using (75), we get mv2m(5 gr)-»
5mVM2;ngr Or .(77)

T.Using this value of vM and = 90° in (72), we get TM3 mg

5/48 adeep' Hndamental Physies tN1)
All these results are depicted in 1ig. 5.43.

RETAINFrom the study of motion of a bodly in a vetieal eincle, we conchule the ollowingw
IN i) For looping the loop, v, 25 gr
(i) For oscillation over the are of vetical cincle, 0<0s 90 and 0< p, s g
This follows from energy conservation, S ngr

Obviously, velocity becomes zero before T vanishes. That is why the hody oseillates.

(ii) For leaving the vertical circle somewhere bctwccn 90 <0< 180.
AL the point of leaving he circle, T'= 0, but vclocity * 0.


Following are some of the practical applications of motion in a vertical cinele
1. When a bucket containing water is rotated in a vertical cirele
with a velocity at the lowest point, v 2 5 gr, water shall not spil even
at the highest point, when the bucket is upside down, Fig. 5.44. If the

bucketis whirled slowly, so that mg >. H then a part of the weiglht

shall provide the necessary centripetal force (m vlr) ; and the rest of O
the weight of water mg
ill spil. Only this nmuch water shall
leave the bucket.
2. A pilot of an aircraft can successfully loop a vertical loop without falling at the
top of the loop (being
without belt), when its velocity at the bottom ofthe loop is 2
5r. dyd
3. In a circus, a motor cyclist is able to perform the feat of driving the motor cyele along a vertical einele
in a cage. The motor cyclist does not fall even at the highest point, when his velocity at the
bottom ot
tdhe cage

To acquire this velocity at the lowest point L of the vertical loop of radius
he has to roll down a vertical height h, Fig. 5.45.
From v- u=
we get, v-0 = 2 gh
2 a s, taking u = 0, a =+8,3= , FIGURE 5.45

v= 2 gh
For looping the loop, this velocity v acquired at L must
atleast be equal to
5 gr, ie., 2gh = 5gr
2 gh=5 gr or LEJnONto78)

Samplo Problem
A motor cyclist loops
uppermost point. What is a vertical loop of diameter 50 m, without dropping
at the minimum spced at lowest and highest noints the loop
of the
points of loopP*
Sol. Here,r= 50/2= 25 m
v, =Sr g = v5x25x98 = 35m/s
vHr8 = v25x98 =15-65 m/s

TYPE LINEAR MOMENTUM Example 2 An astronaut accidently gets
AND FORCE Separated out of his small spaceship accelerating
in interstellar space at a constant rate of
100 ms. What is the acceleration of the astronaut
Formulae used. 1. Linear momentum, p= mnu
the instant after he is outside the spaceship ?
2. Force = rate of change of linear momentum, (Assume that there are no nearby stars to exert
gravitational force on him).
ma NCERT Solved Example
Solution. The moment the astronaut is out of
where a is acceleration produced in the body.
spaceship, net force acting on the astronaut is zero.
Units used. When mass m is in kg, velocity v in This is because there are no nearby stars to exert
gravitational force on him and the small spaceship
ms, acceleration a ms, then force
in F is in exerts negligible gravitational attraction on him.
newton. When m is in gram, v in cm s, As net force acting on the astronaut is zero, the
acceleration of the astronaut is zero.
a in cm s,
then force is in dyne. Example B The motion of a particle of
Also, 9.8 N=1 kg f and 980 dyne = 1
mass m is described by y=ut +gt. Find the
Example] A bus starts from rest force acting on the particle.
accelerating uniformly with 4 ms2, Att = 10 s, a
NCERT Solved Example
stone is dropped from the window of the bus 2 m
high. If g = 10 m/s, what are the magnitude ot
Solution. Here, y= ut +gt
velocity and acceleration of the stone at 10-2 s?
Solution. Horizontal velocity of bus/stone at g
velocity, (21)= u+ gt
t 10 s dt
U=u+ at = 0 +4 x 10 = 40
ms, =d
For vertical motion of the stone,
acceleration, a
0+8 =8
U=0,a = g= 10 m/s2,1= 102- 10-0=
0-2 s
As F=ma .
yU+ at 0+ 10 x0-2 = 2 m/s at t =
Thus, the given equation describes the motion
10 s
Horizontal vel. of stone = velocity of a particle under acceleration due to gravity; and y
when it is dropped = 40 m/s
v is the position co-ordinate in the direction of g.

Resultant velocity of stone Example 4 Two bodies A and B each of

ms mass m are fixed together by a massless spring. A
V402 + 22 = 40-04 force F acts on the mass B as shown in Fig. 5.46.
acceleration along
After the stone isdropped, its At the instant shown, the body A has an
only vertical acceleration a. What is the acceleration of B
is zero. The stone has
the horizontal ?

Cceleration = 10 m/s.
5/50 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XT) VoL

FIGURE 5.46 As Impulse = change in linear momentumn

Impulse = m (v- u) = 0-15 (-12- 12)

mU m
Negative sign shows that impulse is along
36 Ns d

Solution. Let T be the tension in the string. negative x-axis, i.e., from the batsman to the bowler,
Equation of motion of A is T= ma
Ifa' is acceleration of B, the equation of motion Example A ball moving with a momen.
of B can be written as
tum of 15 kg ms-l strikes against the wall at an
angle of 30° and is reflected back with the same
ma' =
F-T= F-ma momentum at the same angle. Calculate impulse.
Solution. Here, p = 15 kg ms-
30°. p' =p = 15 kg m/s, Fig. 5.47

Formulae used. Impulse = force x time = change p tsb

in linear momentum = Fx t=m (v u) -

Units used. The SI unit of impulse is N-s or kg

ms. Force F is in newton, time t in sec, mass m in
kg and velocities u, v in ms-t

Example 5
A bullet of mass 0-04 kg
moving with a speed of 90 ms-l enters a heavy
wooden block and is stopped after a distance of Impulse= change in momentum (along the wall)
60 cm. What is the average resistive force exerted
by the block on the bullet ? =p cos 0 +p cos = 2p cos 0

NCERT Solved Example 2x 15 cos 30° 15V3 kg ms

Solution. Here, m = 0-04 kg, u = 90 ms, Example 8 A force acting on a body of mass

- s =
V = 0, 60 cm = 0-6 m, F =?
2 kg varies with time as shown in Fig. 5.48. Find
From u=2 as impulse of the force and final velocity of the body.
0-902 2ax06 FIGURE 5.48
a -6750 ms2
2x0-6 FN3t
From F=ma = 0-04 x (-6750) = -270 N
Negative sign is for resistive force, which is
Example 6 A batsman hits back a ball 0 1
2 3 4 5
straight in the direction of the bowler without t(s)
changing its initial speed of 12 ms-1, If the mass Solution. Using Fig. 5.48.
of the ball is 0-15 kg, determine the impulse Impulse = area under F-t graph
imparted to the ball. (Assume linear motion of the
ball). NCERT Solved Example m (v-u) =- = 12 Ns
Solution. Here, u = 12 ms,v =- 12 ms,
m = 0-15 kg; Impulse = ? 2 (-0)= 12, v==6ms-
psha 5/51
Example 9machine gun
has a mass of
res 20 gram bullets () In free fall of the lift under gravity, a = g
20 kg. It at the rate of
300 -8)
bullets per second at a speed of 250 m/s. What force .R=m (g-
apPplied on the gun to keep i.c., the person becomes weightless.
mustbe it in position
Solution. Here, M = 20 kg ? Units used. a and g are in /s; m is in kg and R is
= in newton (N).
20g 20x 10 kgn 300, v= 250 ms
Force requred to hold the gun in position
- rate of change of momentum
Example 11 Find the apparent weight of a
of bullets man weighing 49 kg on earth, when he is standing
in a lift which is (i) rising with an acceleration of
F 300 x 20 x 103 x 250 =
1500 N 12 m/s* (ii) going down with same acceleration
(i) falling freely under gravity (iv) going up or
Example l0 A ball of nmass 0-2 down with uniform velocity. Take g = 9:8 m/s*.
trayelling in a straight line with a speed Solution. Here, m = 49 kg. R = ?
15 m/s along negative r-axis is deflected by
a bat
at an angle of
30. I the speed of the ball after (i) upward acceleration a = 12 m/s
deflection 10 m/s,
is find the impulse on the ball. R= m (g + a) = 49 (98 + 1-2) = 539 N
Solution. Here, m = 0-2 kg
o539 55 kgf
FIGURE 5.49 98

(ii) downward acceleration a = 1-2 m/s

R m (g-a) =49 (9-8 - 1-2) = 49x 8-6 N

O X 98
f = 43 kgf

(iii) free fall, a

U= 0: v= l10 m/s ; 0 30
= = 8,
U-15 m/s :

=10v3/2=5V3 mn/s R=m (g -a) = m (g -

8) = Zero
cosU 30°
iv) when velocity is uniform, a = 0.
= 10 = 5 m/s
Usin 30° R=mg = 49 kg f
12 mass 2000 kg is
A lift of
puise, = m (va-v)
0-2 (5
473 Ns
3 +15) Example

supported by thick steel ropes. If maximum

Ns upward acceleration of the lift be 1-2 m/s>, and
ym (v-U)= 0:2 (5 -0) = 1-0
the breaking stress for the ropes be 28 x 103 Nm
Net impulse on the ball, I =+ what should be the minimum diameter of rope ?
Solution. Here, m = 2000 kg.
=y(4-73)2 +12 = 483 Ns a = 1:2 m/s<, upwards;

m (g +a) = 2000 (9-8 + 1:2) = 22000 N

Breaking stress =
force T
= mg
area D14 TD
Formulae used. The actual weight ofa person
apparent weight, 4x2200
When the lift is at rest, his 2-8x10=
R mg
i) When the lift is moving uniformly in
downward direction, R = mg
ii) When the lift is moving upwards
with an D 4x22000X-104
22x 2-8x103
acceleration (a), R = m (8 + a) an
(iv) When downwards with D 102m =1 cm
the lift is 2oving
eleration (a), R = m (8-a)
5/52 Pradeep 'a Fundametitanl Physies tZ1 0
Exampie 18 starts from rest with a
A lift
constant upward acceleration. It moves 1:5 m in
) Fn pint
m my
,mid pitn td kruer we
4 tnass th hali kength td kower wire
the first 0-4 s. A person standing in the lift holds a
packet of 2 kg by a string. Calculate the tension in = 2%4 1=415k
the string during the motion.
Solution. Here, u =0, s = 15 m,
iT=m (y 4 uj = 415 (1042) = 4)%
f = 0:4 s
Formulae used.
1-5 0+a (0-4)
1.The vectn sum of linear momenta of all the
bodies in an isulatexd system remains constant, i.e.
0.4x0.4 =18-75 m,
i+ m t.v = constant

As the string is moving upwards with this

acceleration 2. Recoil velonity of gun, v2 =

T=m (g +a) =2 (9-8 + 1875) = 57-1 N

where m is mass of gun, mj is mass of bullet and
Example 14 Fig. 5.50 show two bodies A
and B of masses 25 kg and 28 kg respectively , is velocity of bullet.
from a rigid support by two inextensible wires 3. The forces of action and reactim art al weys eual
each of length 1-8 m. The upper wire is of and opposite.
negligible mass and lower wire is of mass 1-5 kg/ Units used. mj. m2 in kg; vj. v2 in ms ; a and g
m. If the entire system moves upwards with an are in m/s2
acceleration of 2 m/s, find tension () at middle
point P of upper wire (ii) at middle point Q of lower Example l5 Ahunter has a machine gun
wire. Take 8= 10 m/s<. that can fire 50 g bullets with a velocity of 150 m/s.
A 60 kg tiger springs at him with a velocity of
FIGURE 5.50 10 ms. How many bullets must the hunter fire
per second into the tiger in order to stop him in
his track.
Solution. Let n bullets be fired in one second.
To stop the tiger in his track, rate of change of

25 k momentum of bullets = rate of change of momentum of

tiger n (50x 10)x 150 = 60 x 10
= 80
2-8 kg 50x10x150
Example 16 A car of mass 1000 kg
travelling at 32 ms dashes into the rear ofa truck
Solution. As the system moves upwards with
an acceleration. a = 2 m/s2 of mass 8000 kg, moving in the same directíon with
a velocity of 4 ms, After the collision, the car
tension in the wire T=R = m (g +a) bounces with a velocity of 8 ms. What is the
() For point P at mid point of upper wire
velocity of the truck after the impact ?
m=m + mg + mass of lower wire Solution. Here, m = 1000 kg, u = 32 m/s,
2:5 +2-8+ 1-8 x 1-5 ma = 8000 kg. u2 = 4 m/s, v = -8
m/s, v2 = ?
= 8-0 kg Using principle of conservation of linear
T 8 (10+2) = 96 N momentum, m> V2 + m U = mj 4j +m2 "1

n Xmx V
8000 + 1000 x (-8) = 1000 x 32 + 8000 MV
x 4 64000 MV 60x10
64000+ 8000 mxv 50x10-x150
9 m/s
n = 80 bullets/sec

Examplo l7A disc of mass 10 g is kept TYPE ROCKET PROPULSION

loating horizontally by throwing 10 marbles per
second against it from below. If mass of each
marble is 5 g. Calculate the velocity with which Formulae used. 1. Thrust on the rocket,
marbles are striking the disc. Assume that marbles
strike the dise normally and rebound downwards
with the same speed.
Solution. Here, M = 10g = 102 kg, n = 10,
where is mass of burnt gases escaping per
m 5g=5 x 10 kg,v =? dt
To keep the dise floating horizontally. second, and
U = exhaust speed of the bunt gases.
Weight of disc = upward force on the disc
2. Velocity of rocket at any time t
= rate of change of momentum of marbles
102x 9-8 = nx mx2 v = 10 x 5x 103x 2v U=ulog9, m
=u (2.303)log10m
3. Acceleration of rocket at any instant
v = 9.8 x 10-2 x 10 m/s = 0-98 m/s
Example A machine gun fires a bullet Units used. u, v are in m/s; a is in m/s,
ofmass 40g with a velocity of 1200 m/s. The person dm
holding it can apply a maximum force of 144 N on in kg/sec and F in newton.
the gun. What is the maximum number of bullets
that can be fired per second ? (AIEEE 2004)
Example A rocket has a mas of
Solution. Here, m = 40 g= 40 x 10 kg 2 x 10 kg, of which half is fuel. Assume that the
U = 1200 m/s, F= 144 N, n = ? fuel is consumed at a constant rate as the rocket is
As force = rate of change of momentum of fired and there is constant thrust of 5 x 10° N.
bullets, Neglecting air resistance and any possible
variation of g, compute (1) the initial acceleration
F=nx mxv (ii) acceleration just when the whole fuel is
144 1443 consumed.
mxv 40x103 x1200 48 Solution. Here, mass of rocket,
m 2x 10*kg
Example 19 A hunter has a machine gun
that can fire 50 g bullets with a velocity of 150 m/s. A mass of fuel, m=(2x 10*) kg = 10* kg
60 kg tiger springs at him with a velocity of 10 m/
S. How many bullets must the hunter fire into the upthrust =5 x 10° N
tiger in order to stop him in track ? () Net force on the rocket,
Solution. Here, m = 50 g= 50 x 10- kg
F=up thrust weight (mg)
Sf v = 150 m/s, M = 60 kg V= 10 m/s 5x 10-2x 10* x 10
el n =?
= 10° (50-2) = 48 x 10
According to the principle of conservation of Initial acceleration
linear momentum, _48x10 = 240 m/s2
change in momentum of bullets = change in

momentum of tiger
5/54 Pradeep o Fundamental Physics (X1) VOLI

(i)When the fuel has been completely

dm m (a+8)6000 (296 +98)
exhausted. remaining mass of rocket,
m=m- m = 10* kg d 1200
= 197 kg/s
Net force on the rocket,
F=upthrust weight (m" g) Example A
balloon of mass m is rising
= 5 x 10- 10* x 10= 49 x 10 up with an acceleration a. Show that the fraction
of weight of the balloon that must be detached in
=- = 490 m/s2 na
m" 10 order to double its acceleration is
(2a +g)
Example 2] Calculate the ratio m/m for Assume that upthrust of air remains the same.
a rocket if it is to escape from the earth. Given Solution. Let F be the upthrust of air. As the
escapevelocity= 11-2 km/s and exhaust speed of balloon rises with acceleration a, Fig. 5.51.
gases is 2 km/s. F-mg = ma or F = m (g + a) )
Solution. Assuming that the rocket starts from When mass m is removed from the balloon,
rest, velocity acquired is given by acceleration becomes (2 a). Therefore,
v=ulog, ( =2:3026ulo9,0 FIGURE5.51
Now, V = 11:2 km/s and u= 2 km/s 2a

11-2 2.3026 x 2 log10


=- 11-2
2-3026x22-432 mg m-m)g

mo F-m- m) g = (m- m) 2 a
antilog 2.432 = 270-4
m or F= (m-m) (g + 2a)
From () and (i), (m - m) (8 + 2a) =m (g +a)
Example 22 A rocket is set for vertical m-m =m (g + a/(g +2 a)
firing. If the exhaust speed is 1200 ms how much
m (g +a) ma
gas must be ejected per second to supply the thrust
m m-
8 +2a g+2a
i) to overcome the weight of rocket Example 24 A rocket motor consumes
(i) to give to the rocket an initial vertical 100 kg of fuel per second, exhausting it with
upward acceleration of 29-6 m/s. Given mass of a speed of 6 x 10* ms What thrust is exerted on
rocket = 6000 kg. the rocket ? What will be the velocity of the
u = 1200 m/s, rocket at the instant its mass is reduced to
Solution. Here, u=?
(1/40)th of its initial mass? Take initial velocity of
rocket as zero. Neglect gravity.
mo=6000 kg
(i) To overcome the weight of rocket, dm
Solution. () Here, = 100 kg wt/s,
Thrust, F =u

dt m8 u = 6 x 10 m/s
o bozol
d4n mo& 6000x98
49 kg s-l
Thrust F = =
6 x 103 x 100
dt 1200
= 6x 10Ni i bsautbu14
(ii) a=29-6 m/s u m (a+ 8) (ii) v = ?,
m=o or 40
d m
qole silel sf

v=(2303)ulog,, Solution. When the nail fixcd on the lable is

removed, the system of two bodies moves with an
acccleration (a) in the dlirection shown in Fig. 5.53,
2-303 x 6 x 10° x log1o 40
2.303 x 6 x 10* x 1-602 FIGURE 5,.53

2213 x 103 m/s


VI m2I" m9
Formulae used
Draw free body diagram for cach individual
body According to Newton's 2nd law,
or for any part of the system. Show various forces
acting on the body/part. Find the net force (m + m2) a = m2 8
on the body and equate it to its mass times
acceleration produced. The equations
of motion 8 5x98=3-27 m/s*
obtained for different parts/bodies can
be solved to m tm (10+5)
arrive at the desired results. Also, T=m X a =
10x 3.27 = 32:7 N
Suppose tension in the string becomes T', when
Example 25 A train is moving
along a the bodies stop. In this position, acceleration, a =0.
horizontal track. A pendulum suspended from Therefore, net force on cach body is zero. For the
roof makes an angle of 4° with the vertical. If body m2, we may write T' = m28 = 5 x 9.8 = 49 N.
g 10 m/s', what is the acceleration of the train ?
Solution. Fig. 5.52., shows equilibrium position
Examplo 27 See Fig. 5.54. A mass of
6kgis suspended by a rope of length 2 m from the
of the pendulum. T is tension in the string. If a is ceiling. A force of 50 N in the horizontal direction
acceleration of the train, then in equilibrium,
is applied at the mid-point P of the rope, as shown.
T cos 4° mg and 7T sin 4° = ma What is the angle the rope makes with the vertical
Dividing, we get
T sin 4°
T cos 4°
= 2=4
in equilibrium ? (Take g = 10 ms-2). Neglect mass
of the rope. NCERT Solved Example

Solution. Fig. 5.54(b) represents free body

a = g tan 4° = 10 x 0-07 diagram of 6 kg block.
= 0-7 m/s2

FIGURE 5.52 1m
T1 0
i >50N W 50N
T2 60N
4T4 cos 4° W a
Sin 4 60N

mg In equilibrium, 72 = mg = 6 x 10 = 60 N
Fig. 5.54(c) represents free body diagram of
Example 26 A body m of mass 10 kg is forces at point P.
smooth horizontal table. It a
placed on a is As the horizontal and vertical components of
nnected to a string which passes the resultant force must vanish separately, therefore
at the other end, a
Conless pulley and carries acceleration T sin 6= 50 N and 7 cos =
72 = 60 N

m f mass 5 ke. What

will be
Produced in the bodies when the nail fixed on the Dividing, we get tan 0=
tension in the
dle Is removed ? What will be the wnen 0 tan (5/6)
ing during the motion of the bodies? What 40
ne bodies stop ? (g = 9-8 Nkg).
5/56 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XID vOL
Formulac used. 1. Coefficient of friction,
force of friction (F)
normal reaction (R)
When a body is at rest or it is at the verge of moving
horizontally over the surface of the other body,
P applied force, and R = mg = actual weight of
the body. Solution. Here, m = 10 kg, mg = 5 kg,
2. If 0 is the angle of friction, then tan 6 = mc=1,
3. If the body is moving over a rough horizontal To avoid slipping of A,
surface with a retardation a, then u = alg. force of friction = T= wt. of B
Units used. u has no units ; 6 is in radian; F, P, R H nc+mA) 8 = mg 8
andmg are in newton; n in kg; g in m/s4. 5
0-2 (m + 10) = 5;
Example 28
A block of weight 20 N is m 25- 10 = 15 kgg
placed on a horizontal table and a tension T is
applied on the block. Tension can be increased to Example 30 Determine the maximum
8N before the block begins to slide. A force of 4 N acceleration of the train in which a box lying on
keeps the block moving at constant speed, once it the floor will remain stationary, given that the
has been set in motion. Find the coefficients of coefficient of static friction between the box and
static friction and kinetic friction. the train's floor is 0-15. Giveng= 10 m/s.
Solution. Here, mg = 20 N NCERT Solved Example
As is clear from Fig. 5.55, Solution. As acceleration (a) of the box is due
to static friction, therefore,
ma =fSH, R SP, mg
maxHs8 = 0-15 x 10 1-5 m/s2 1231

mg 20 N
Examplo B
What is the acceleration of
the block and trolley system shown in Fig. 5.57(a),
R = mg = 20 N if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the
Force oflimiting friction = maximum static
frictionrolley and the surface is 0-04? What is the tension
S= 8 N in the string ? Takeg = 10 ms. Neglect
the mass
of the string. (Central Schools 2014)
4, ==0-40
20 NCERT Solved Example
Once the motion has started, force of kinetic
friction, JA =4 N FIGURE 5.57
20 kgf= 20a
PR2020 J
Examplo 2 In Fig. 5.56, the masses of A
and B are 10 kg and 5 kg. Calculate the minimu i ir
mass of C which may stop A from
Coefficient of static friction between
slipping. W 3kg
block A and
table is 0-2.
Solution. As the string is inextensible..
and the
pulley is snmooth, the 3 kgblo and the 20 As block B is on smooth surface, therefore to
kg trolley,
both have same magnitude of acccleration move A and B together, (maximum) force F required
Applying Newton'sssecond law of motion (a). to be applied on B = frictional force applied on A by
to free bo
diagram of W= 20 kg. lig. 5.58(a), we get B plus frictional force applied on B by A


8 = 27N

As both the blocks are moving on a smooth table

under the action of this force,
therefore, a=
2-3 nms

T-=20a .)
m, +m2 4+5
Now, J H;R= HR mg = 0-04x 20 x
10 Examplo B8 A particle of mass m rests on
8N a horizontal floor with which it has a coefficient
T-8 20 a of static friction u. It is desired to make the body
Again applying Newton's second law move by applying minimum possible force F. Find
of motion
tofreebody diagram of W=3kg, Fig. 5.58(b), we get its magnitude and direction.
30-7T=3 a Solution. Let a force F be applied at L0 to move
the body, as shown in Fig. 5.60. Here, frepresents
Adding(i) and (ii), we get
the force of friction.
22 23 a
bu zod For horizontal equilibrium,
F cos 6 =f= " R
a==0-96 ms-2 For vertical equilibrium,
From (ii), T 20 a +8 F sin 0+ R=mg ; R = mg -
F sin 6.(i)
T= 20 x 0.96 + 8 = 19.2 + 8 27-2 N
Example A blockA ofmass 4 kg is placed
on another block B of mass 5 kg, and the block B
rests on a smooth horizontal table. For sliding F sin 0.
block A on B, a horizontal force of 12 Nis required
to be applied on A. How much maximum force can
be applied on B so that both A and B move F cos
fogether ?Also, find out acceleration produced by
this force. (Central Sehools 2014)
2 Solution. Here, m = 4 kg, m =5 kg.
Force applied on A.f= 12 N, Fig. 5.59 Put in (i), Fcos =u (ng F sin 0) -

FIGURE 5.59 F (cos 6 +l sin 6) = |l mg

m1 A F= cos + Mgsin 6
m2 Now, F will be mininmum, when denominator.
cos 6+ sin 8 = maximum

must atleast be equal to force

of kinetic
friction applied
on A by B
d (cos +H sin 0) = 0

ie. =H R = Ham1 8 sin 0 + u cos 0

f=f - =

12==Hx4g 4g 23 8 or tan = .(iv)

Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XT VOr
Using Fig. 5.61,

Formulae used. 1. If a is angle of repose, then

tan o=
2. Over an inclined plane of angle of inclination
normal reaction, R = mg cos 6
3. When body moves down the inclined plane, force
of friction is up the plane.
sin =; cOs 6 = Net force down the inclined plane
+1 VH+1 f= mg sin 0- F=mg (sin 6 u cos 0) -

4. When body is moved up the inclined plane, force

Put in (ii),
of friction is down the plane
. Force required,
f= mg sin 6 + F=mg (sin 6 +ucos 0)
2+1 Units used. In mks system, all forces F, R, mg and
+1 +1 fare in newton ; o, O may be in degree or radian.
From (iv), tan (u) Example 85 Find the force requiredIto
This is the direction of Fmin move a train of mass 10° kg up an incline of 1 in
50 with an acceleration of 2 ms. Coefficient of
Example 84 A bullet of mass 0-01 kg is friction between the train and rails is 0-005.
fired horizontally into a 4 kg wooden block at rest, Take g = 10 ms2
on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the block and bullet is 0-25. The Solution. F= ?, m = 10° kg, sin =-
bullet gets embedded in the block and the 50
combination moves 20 m before coming to rest. a = 2 m/s, u = 0-005, g = 10 ms
With what speed did the bullet strike the block ? Now,
Solution. Here, m = 0-01 kg, M = 4 kg, u = 0, ,
u= 0-25, s = 20 m, v
If f is kinetic friction producing retardation a
in the combination, then
= 0
F= mg (sin 6

cos 8) + ma

= 10 x10+0005x1+10® x2
JP R ==H (M + m) g = (M + m) a S0
a=Hk 8 0.25 x 9-8 = 2-45 m/s2 = 10° x 0-025 +2 x 105 = 2.25 x 10 N
If V is velocity of combination after the bullet Example B6 A railway engine weighing
is embedded in the block, then from 40 metric ton is travelling along a level track at a
v2- 2 as speed of 54 km h-. What additional power is
= required to maintain the same speed up an incline
0- 2-245) x 20 98
of 1 in 49. Take g = 9:8 m/s* and u = 0-1.
V= 98 = 9.8995 mn/s Solution. Here, m = 40 metric ton = 40 x 10° kg
If Vis velocity of bullet, then from the principle 54x 1000 tl
of conservation of linear momentum, V= 54 km/h = 60x 60 m/s= 15 m/s,
= nm/s2,
m V' = (M +m) V 8 98
H 0-1, sin 6 = 1/49 ;:(P2- Pi) =?
(M +
m)V(4+001)9.8995 On a level track,
m 0-01
P= = x
mg x v = 0-1 4 x 104 x 9.8 x 15
3969 7 m/s 5-88x 10 watt
Up the incline, P2= mg (sin e +H cos 0)
xv Solution. Here, m=4 kg, 0 = 15°. u, =?As the
4x10x98+01x115 mass just begins to slide at this angle of inclination,
49 ,
therefore, 0 = 15°= the angle of repose.
= tan 15° = 0.27
= 7-08 x 10 W
Additional power required
=P2-P=(7-08 Example 89 mass of 200 kg is placed on
5-88) 10 w a rough inclined plane of angle 30°. If coefficient
= 1-20 x 10
W = 120 kW
Example B A block A of of limiting friction is 1/3, find the least forces
mass 14 kg in newton, acting parallel to the plane (i) to keep
moves along an inclimed plane that makes
an angle the mass from sliding down, (iü) to move the mass
of 30 with the horizontal. This block is connected up the plane. (Central Schools 2008)
to another block B of mass 14 kg by a taut massless
string that runs around a massless frictionless Solution. Here, m =
pulley. The block B moves down with constant
200 kg, 0 = 30,
velocity. Calculate force of friction and As is clear from Fig. 5.64(a) and (6),
of kinetic friction.
R=mg cos 6
Solution. Refer to Fig. 5.62, Force of friction F = HR=u mg cos 6
x200x98 cos 30°

sins0 B 3 980
F=x200x98= N
m1g m1g Cos30 2
119 m29 Also, component of weight acting down the
plane = mg sin 6
As block B moves down with constant velocity,
net force on it is zero. 200 x 9-8 sin 30
T=m> 8 = 200x9.8x= 980 N
Again, block A will also move with constant
Therefore, net force on A is also zero.
g sin 30° = 0..f=T-m g
T-f-m sin 30

j= m2
8-m1 g sin 30° =m 8 = 68-6 N

686 686x2 = 0-58 R

mg cos 30° 14x983 B

Example 38 See Fig. 5.63. A mass of 4 kg mgsint4 mgcos

rests on a horizontal plane. The plane is gradually
inclined until an angle 6 = 15° with the horizontal
A 0 F mg
andthe mass just begins to slide. What is the
() Hence the least force required to keep
Ccoefficient of static friction between the block and the
the surface ? body from sliding down, Fig. 5.64(a),
NCERT Solved Example
- mg sin 6- F=980-980 Zero
(ii) To move the body up the plane,
FIGURE 5.63 the least
force required, Fig. 5.64(b),
f mg sin 6 + F=980 +980 = 1960 N
mgsin+R Example 40 Find the force required to
mg mgCOsJ move a train of 2000 quintals up an incline
A of 1 in
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XJ)ZEL
force of n plane having an inclination of 37". The cfficiend
50, with an acceleration of ms4, the
2 thhe Ínetined
of dynamic friction of m and m2 with
friction being 0-5 newlon per quintal. plane are 4 = 0*75 and p2 = Y25 respetivey
Solution. Here, m = 2000 quintals Find the common acceleration of the two blocks
2000 x 100 kg
and tension in the rod. Take sin 37° 06 aud

= 2 ms cos 37" = 0-8.

sin 0= a
50 Solution. Iet a be the common acceleration of
Force of friction = 0.5 N per quintal the blocks and Tbe the tension in the connecting rod,
Fig. 5.65. Components of wts of two
blocks down
F= 05 x 2000 = 1000 N
In moving up an inclined plane, force
required the inclined plane

against gravity FIGURE

=mg sin 6= 200.000 x 9:8 x
39200 NN m
Also, force required to produce
acceleration a
= ma = 200,000 x 2 = 400,000
N 370
Total force required = 1000 + 39,200
+ 400,000 1 8 Sin 37 + m2 g Sin 3T
= 440,200 N (m +m2) g sin 37 inclined
Frictional forces on two blocks up the
Example piece of ice slides downa
A ma 8 cOs 37°
H m 8 Cos 37° H2
to slide down plane
45 incline in twice the time it takes coefficient F (H m +H2 m2) 8 cos 37
a frictionless 45° incline. What
is the
incline? Net force down the plane = (m +m2) a
of friction between the ice and the
Solution. Here, 6 = 45";
$2:l =0 s (m + ma) a= (mj + m2) g Sin 3 cos 37
On the rough incline, d = 8 (sin 6- u
cos 6) -( + H2 m)8
= time laken Putting the values, we get a = l'3 m/s*
6 To find T, we write eqn. of motion of block
On the frictionless incline, a, =8 Sin
T+mj 8 sin 37° H1 m 8 cos 37° = ma

2 time taken, and =2/2 on solving, we get 7=52N

From Example 43 A particle of massgram1

executes an oscillatory motion on the concave

of radius 2 m. placed
S1 0+ 8 (sin 6 -H cos 6) surface of a spherical dish
on a horizontal plane. If the motion of the partide
starts from a point on the dish at the height
and s2 =0+5 g sin
0. 1
em from the horizontal plane and the
As of friction is 0-01, how much total distance will
2 moved by thhe particle before it comes to rest
=g sin 0.15
Solution. Here, m = Ig. R =2 m, h =
g (sin 0-H cos 0) f
l= 0-01 =
Sin -J cos6 Potential energy of particle mgh
sin (21, 4 the distance moved by the particle before
Ifd is
coming to rest, then work done against
friction is
I- cot 0= - or
cot0= 1- 4 4
=" W= ((u R) x d= l mg x d
As PE. is spent in doing this work.
mg X d= mgh
= 100cm = Im
Exampio42 Two blocks m = 4 kg and
m2=2 kg connected by a weightless rod slide down

Example 44 A block of metal of mass CIRCLE

gram placed over an inelined plane at an angle of AND MOTION OF VEHICLE
15 slides down without acceleration. If the UNBANKED CIRCULAR TRACKS
inclination is increased by 15", what would be the
acceleration of the block ? Formulae used.
1. In a horizontal circle, centripetal force
Solution. Here, m = 50 g = 0-05 kg
centrifugal force = tension in the string
Angle of repose, o = 15°, 6 = 15° + 15° = 30°
a =" T=. = mro= mr (2 T n)
tan a
tan 15° = 0-2679
2. When a vehicle moves over an unbanked circular
Net downward force on the block, down the track, force of friction provides the necessary
incline, centripetal force
F=mg sin 6-f = F= u R =
ma =mg sin 6- ung cos 6
a= g (sin 6- H cos 0) v= urg
= 9.8 (sin 30° -
u cos 30°) 3. When there is no friction, the vehicle must move
at a very slow speed to avoid overturning. The safe
9-8 (0-5-0-2679 x V3/2)
a 2:6 m/s2 g rx
ample5 A body of mass 10 kg is placed
on an inclined surface of angle 30°. If coefficient where 2x distance between the front wheels
or back wheels
of limiting friction is 1/3, find the force required h height of centre of gravity of
just to push the body up the inclined plane. Force vehicle above the road
is being exerted parallel to the inclined plane. Units used. m in kg, rin metre, v in m/s, o in rad/
(Delhi 2005) sec. F, Tin newton; u has no units.
Standard Value. g = 9.8 m/s

R Example 6
A string breaks under a load
of 4-8 kg. A mass of 0:5 kg is attached to one end
of a string 2 m long and is rotated in a horizontal
circle. Calculate the greatest number of
hof mg mg cos 0
revolutions that the mass can make without
breaking the string.
Solution. Here, 7 = 4-8 kg wt. = 4-8 x 9.8 N.
Solution. Here, m= 10 kg, 0 = 30°, m = 05,r= 2 m, v ?
to As T mro = mr (2 t v)
As is clear from Fig. 5.66, force required just
push the body up the inclined plane is
=4 Tm ry
F=mg sin 0 +f T 48x98
mg sin 0+uR 4 Tt mr 4x987x05x2
mg sin 0 + mg cos
u = 1-215
mg (sin e+ u cos 0) 1102 rps.
cos 30°
=10x98 sin 30°+ Greatest number of revolutions that the mass
3 can make per minute
= 1.102 x 60
F=98 05+ =98N
66-12 rpm
5/62 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XDvOLI
Example 47 car travels on a flat,
circular track of radius 200 m at 30 ms- and has
a centripetal acceleration = 45 ms. (a) If the
mass of the car is 1000 kg, what frictional force is
required to provide the acceleration ? (b) If the
coefficient of static friction is 0-8, what is the
maximum speed at which the car can circle the
track ?
Solution. Here, r = 200 m, v = 30 ms
Centripetal acc., a = 4:5 ms; m = 1000 kg A
Frictional force required, F=? mg
As F= Accelerating force = ma = 1000 x 4-5
4500 N As is clear from Fig. 5.67,
(b) u = 0-8, v = ? T cos =

v= r g = v08 x 200 x 98 = 39-6 ms T sin 0 = 20 mro

Example 48 Two small wooden blocks are Dividing, we get
placed on a circular rotating table of radius m 1
mro ro
at distances 10 cm and 60 cm from the centre of tan 0=

the table. The table is rotating with angular
velocity 4 rad/s, about the axis of rotation. Out of 8 tan
these two blocks, which one continues to revolve 2
with the table ? Given u = 0-2.
Solution. Here, r = I m, o = 4 rad s, u = 0.2
The wooden block will continue to revolve with
12 2x93x5/12 = 2.19 s

the table till force of friction is greater than or atleast

mg 200 9.8
equal to centripetal force required by it i.e., F2 mr From (i), 7= = 2-12 N
o or uR Ž mr o or u mg 2 mr 0 cos 6 1000 12/13

r Example 50 A particle describes a

2r or
horizontal circle on the smooth surface of an
inverted cone. The height of the plane of the cirle
i.e. rsZ9-8 above the vertex is 9-8 cm. Find the speed of the
(4) particle. Take g = 9:8 m/s.
. The block placed at 10 cmrS12:3
rS0-123 m or cm Solution. Here, h 9.8 cm, v
= = ?
will revolve with As is clear from Fig. 5.68,
the table.
Example 49
A sphere of mass 200 g is
R sin a
attached to an inextensible string of length 130 cm
whose upper end is fixed to the ceiling. The sphere R
is made to describe a horizontal circle of radius
50 cm. Calculate the periodic time of this conical
R cos
pendulum and the tension in the string.
Solution. Refer to Fig. 5.67, mg
200 g; OB l = 130 cm;
Here, m

AB = 50 cm, t =? T=?
OA = P-2 = J130)2 -(50)2 = 120 cm

Rcos x= Examplo 52 A cyelist specding at 6 m/s in

a circle of 36 m diameter makes an angle 0 with
R sin d= 1g
the vertical. What is the value of 0 ? Also, deter
Dividing, we get,
mine the miniun possible value of the cocfficient
Ot Iriction between the tyres and the road.
lana=8 Or
Solution. I lere, n = 6 m/s, r= = 18m,
v=ysh 98x 100 = 0-98 nm/s

FYRE BENDING OF A CYCLIST As lan ()=-= =4=02040

AND BANKiNG OF ROADS '8 18x98 98
X 0= tan (0-20M0)) = 11° 32'
Also, u = tan ) (2040
Formulae used. 1. tan 0 = U
8 Examplo b3 car is specding on a hori-
zontal road curving round with a radius 60 m. The
2. tan 6 = coeflicient of friction between the wheels and thee
r8 road is 0-5. The height of centre of gravity of the
where b is breadth of road ; h is height of outer car from the road level is 0-3 m and the distance
edge above the inner edge and e is angle of bending between the wheels is 08 m. Caleulate the maxi-
from the vertical in case of cyclist or it is the angle mum safe velocity for negotiating the curve. Will
of banking in case of banked roads. the car skid or topple if this velocity is exceeded ?
In these formulae, we ignore the role of friction. Solution. Here, r = 60 m, jl = 05, h = 0:3 m,
3. When friction is also taken into account, the distance between the wheels, 2 x = 08 m,
maximum velocity of vehicle over a banked road is x = 0:4 m

re (4, + tan 0) 1/2 For no skidding, tan 6 = u =


ax(1-H, tan )
rg V05x60x9.8 =
17.15 m/s
v= =

Umax rg tan 0] or tan 0 = max

If 0, Fortoppling, -Xh = mg x
This speed will cause no wear and tear of the tyres.
Units used. Angle 0 with vertical is in degrees, 28 m/s
Velocity v in msl, radius r in m, coefficient of 03
friction, H, has no units. Hence the maximum safe velocity for
Standard value. g = acc. due to gravity =9.8 ms negotiating the curve is 17-15 m/s. Beyond this speed,
skidding starts until the car topples at v = 28 m/s

Example 5l A curve in a road forms an Example 54 A cyclist speeding at 18 km/h

are of radius 800 m. If the road is 39-2 m wide. on a level road takes a sharp circular turn of radius
Calculate the safe speed for turning if outer edge 3 m without reducing the speed. The coefficient of
of the road is 0-5 m higher than the inner edge. static friction between the tyres and the road is
v =? 0-1. Will the cyclist slip while taking the turn ?
Solution. Here, r= 800 m, / = 39.2 m,
0-5 m. NCERT Solved Example
Solution. Here, v = 18 km/h
For small values of 0; tan 0=
18x1000 ms-
= 5
05x800x98 60x 60
39.2 r=3 m, H, = 0-1

V 10 m/s
5/64 Pndeep 's undannental Physicn (XTy YOL

On an unbanked road, frietional toree nlone can Optimm mecd of tlic Car to 4vid wearad
provide the centripetal forve. Theretore, condittom 4009 tan 10
for the cyclist not to slip is that
AO0 9801763 V911
r -s F,E 4, R = M,me) 20 29 nn/s
S, (in Maxim permissible speed is
As =5= 25,and
4, g =0.1 x 3 x 10=3
the condition is not satisficd. lence the "ma
1- tan0
cyelist will slip.
Example 55 A cireular racetrack of radius 4(00x 98 (02 +
15". 1rthe coefficient
300 mis banked at an angle of VI-02x01763
of friction between the whecls of a race car and
the road is 0-2. what is the (a) optimum speed of
-39.10 m/s
the race car to avoid wear and tear on its tyres, Examplo 5
railway carriage has its CG
and (b) maximum permissible specd to avoid al a height of m above the rails, which are I m

apart. Calculate the maximum safe speed at which

slipping? NCERT Solved

Solution. Here. r= 300 m, 0= 15". = (02

On a banked road. horizontal conmponent of the
it can travel round an unbanked curve of radius
80 m.
normal reaction and the frictional force combine to
Solution. Here, h = I m, 2 b I m,
provide centripetal foree to keep the car imoving ona ax? r= 80 m
circular curved track without slipping.
At the optium speed, coponent of normal F'orsafe turn, tan )=
reaction is enough to provide the necess:ary centripetal
force and the frictional force is not needed. Therefore, x 80x 9-8
there is no wear and tear on its tyres. The optimumn
b 1/2
speed is
Vo (rg tan 8)" = (300 x 9.8 tan 15°)2 = VI60x98 = 39-6 m/s
v = (300 x 9.8 x 0-27) 28-2 m/s
The maximum permissible speed to avoid MPE MOTION IN A VERTICAL CIRCLE
slipping is given by

+tan 9)7/2 Formulae used. 1.

At any position of angular

max(-4,tan 6). displacement O along a vertical circle

T +mg cos 0
300x9-8 (0-2+ 0:27)1" r
2. At the lowest point of vertical eircle, 0 = 0°
38-2 ms-1 TL
Example 56 A
circular race track of 3. At the highest point of the vertical circle
radius 400 m is banked at an angle of 10°. If the
coefficient of friction between the wheels of a race oil19
car and the road is 0-2, what is the
0=180. T= mg

4) optimum speed of the race car to avoid 4. Minimunm velocity at the highest point for louping
wear and tear on its tyres. thhe loop,
(ii) maximum permissible speed to avoid
slipping? 5. Minimum velocity at the lowest point forlooping
Solution. Here, r = 400 m, 0 = 10°. = 0:2 the loop,

horizontal, 6 = 90°, minimum

When the string is Solution. Here, m = 200g= 02 kg
velocity. =r= 80 cm =0-8 m, v =,

. The body will oscillate about the lowest point of From=5gr = V5x10x08 = 6:32 ms

vertical ircle, when v< 2 gr L=6mg =6x0-2x 10 =12

the body to leave the

Example 60 A massless string of length
8. For
12 m has a breaking strength of 2 kg wt. A
2 gr u< 5 gr of mass 0-4 kg tied to one end of the string
is made
in tensions 7L-TH=6 mg to move in a vertical circle by holding the
9. Difference
10. Height
through which a body should fall for end in hand. Can the particle describe the
r/2 circle? Take g = 10 ms4.
looping the vertical loop, h = 5
Units used Example
NCERT Solved
Velocities v, U» V in ms-l, height h and radius r Solution. Here, I= r= 12 m, m= 0.4 kg ,
metre, tension in the string, T, T, THin newton,
acceleration due to gravity, 8 = 9-8 ms
and mass 8= 10 ms2
Breaking strength, F = 2 kg wt = 20 N
m in kg.
Now, max 6mg
= 6 x0.4 x 10= 24 N.
Example 58 A bucket containing water is which is more than breaking strength of string.
tied to one end of a rope of length 2:5 m and Therefore, the string will break and the
rotated about the other end in a vertical circle so particle cannot describe the vertical circle.
that water does not spill even when bucket is A small stone of mass 0-2 kg
upside down. What is the minimum velocity of the
Example 6
bucket at which this happens ? How many tied to a massless, inextensible string, is rotated in
rotations per minute is it making ?g= 10 m/s. a vertical circle of radius 2 m. If the particle is
Solution. Here, r = 2:5 m. Water in the bucket just able to complete the vertical circle. what is its
speed at the highest point of the circular path?
will not spill when weight of water is balanced by
How would the speed get affected if the mass of
centrifugal force, mg =
the stone is increased by 50% ? Take g = 10 m/s*.
NCERT Solved Example

U=rg=25x10 = 5 m/s Solution. Here, m 0:2 kg, r= 2m


This is the velocity at the highest point. When the particle is just able to complete the
vertical circle,
Angular speed, o= s = 2 rad's

Frequency of rotation, V10x2 = 447ms1

and y8r =
rpm As Ug does not depend upon mass, m of the
2TPS stone, therefore, value of v will not be affected by
200 g is any change in mass of the stone.
Example 59 A small stone of massHolding A particle of mass 150 g is
length 80 cm. Example b2
ed to one end of a string ofstone is whirled into a attached to one end of a massless inextensible
the other end in hand, the
speed that string. It is made to describe a vertical circle of
ertical circle. What is the minimum
point of the radius 1 m. When the string is making an angle of
eeds to be imparted at the lowest
circ just able to
path, so that the stone is would be the
48-2 with the vertical, its instantaneous speed is
2 m/s. What is the tension in the string in this
omplete the vertical circle ? What
circular path ? position? Would this particle be able to complete
S1on at the lowest point of its circular path ?
(Take g = 10 m/s)
Example NCERT Solved Example
NCERT Solved
Pradeef'o Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI
Solution. Here, m= 150 g 0.150 kg,
r=I m, 0= 48.2", V = 2 m/s, T= ? FIGURE 5.69

rom T= -t mg cos0

(15 x 22 H 3r C
T +015x 10x cos 48-20
= (0-6
+ 1:5 x 0-6665 = 16 N
To be able to complete the vertical circle,

er= vOxI = 3-16m/s

mx68 = 7mg
As instantaneous velocity is 2 m/s, it cannot N = mg
inerease (to 3.16 m/s) on reaching the highest point
s gravity is opposing the motion. Therefore, the Force exerted by circular track on the particle
particle cannot complete its circular path. at C
Example 63 A bucket containing 4 kg of mc
water, is tied to a rope of length 2:5 m and rotated N mg
in a vertical circle in such a way that the water in
it just does not spill over when the bucket is in where vÉ = v-4gr =6gr-4gr =2gr
upside down position. What is the speed of the
bucket at (a) highest point and (6) lowest point of N, =-mx2gr -
mg = mg
its circular path ? Take g = 10 m/s2.
, N2 are the forces exerted on the circular
NCERT Solved Example N
track by the particle at B, C respectively.
Solution. Here, m 4 kg,l =r =2:5 m
In the upside down position, water does not spill.
Example 65 A child revolves a stone of
mass 0-5 kg tied to the end of a string of length 40
cm in a vertical cirele. The speed of the stone at
= Vi0x 2:5 = 5 ms-1 the lowest point of the circle is 3 m/s. Calculate
Ver tension in the string at this point.
Also, v= 5 gr= V5 x10x2:5 = 112 msl Solution. Here, m = 0.5 kg; r= 40 cm = 0-4m
V =3 m/s, T= ?
Example 64 Fig. 5.69 shows a smooth At the lowest point of vertical circle, Fig. 5.70.
looping the loop' track. A particle of mass m is
released from point A, as shown. If H = 3r, would FIGURE 5.70
the particle loop the loop ? Vhat is the force on
the circular track when the particle is at point
() B (i) C? NCERT Solved Example

Solution. Here, H 3r
When the particle of mnass m is released from A, ymv2/r
velocity acquired by it on reaching B is
g2g H=2g x3r =y6gr
which is greater than 5gr, the minimum velocity T mg +
required at B for looping the loop. Hence, the particle
will loop the loop.
Force exerted by the circular track on the 0-5 9-8+ |
particle at B mg + muB
B T=16 15 N

YPE TYPICAL EXAMPLES Acccleration of rod, along F1

Examplo 66 The FIGURE5.71 M

masse m1. "l2

ind m3 of the |
Fig. 5.71 Mass of part AB of the rod =
bodies shown in
three resjpectively. 1
and 3 Kg
are 5,2 Let T be the tension in the rod at B.
Calculate the values of tensior the
When (i) the Writing the equation of motion of part AB of
T. T and 31s going upward 2 d
whole system
aceeleration of 2 m/s2
with an
i) the
whole system is -T=ma M
stationary ( = 9-8 m/s
Solution. All the three
bodies are nmoving
together with n3
upward acc. of 2 m/s-. The
force pulling the system upwards is T1 and downward or T=Fi-(F-F)
pull ofgravity is (+m2+ 13) 8
T=F1-ylL) + F2 (/L)
() According to Newton's 2nd law of motion,
Example b8 Two blocks of masses 2:9 kg
T- +m2 + mz) 8 = (m1 t m2 +ma) a
and 1.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support S
or 71 = (11 + l2 + m3) (a + 8)
by two inextensible wires each of length 1 m, Fig.
(5+2+3) (2 +9-8) = 118 N 5.73. The upper wire has FIGURE 5.73
Similarly, for motion of n2 and mz, we write negligible mass and S
lo a0T = (n + m3) (a +8) = (2 +3) (2 +9.8) lower wire has uniform
mass of 0-2 kg/m. The
= 59 N B
whole system of blocks,
and, for motion of nl3» wires and support have
ma (a +8) = 3 (2 +9.8) = 35.4 N an upward acceleration
1.9 kg
(i) When the whole system is stationary, of 0-2 m/s-.Acceleration
due to gravity is 9-8 m/
a=0 s. Find the tension at (a)
= 0,
USing the same equations as above with a the mid. pt. of lower wire
We get
(b) the mid point of
10 x9-8 = 98 N 2.9 kg
+ m2 + m3) g =
g = 5 x98 = 49 N
upper wire.
(m+m) Solution. As the system is accelerated upwards,
therefore, leusion at any point is given by
3m3 X 8 = 3 x 9-8 = 29-4 N
Example 67 What is the tension in a rod
o T m (g + a)

length when For the point A,

L and mass M
at a distance y from F1,
is acted on by two unequal forces Fj and
F2 0-2
m = 2.9+ 3-0
) as shown
in Fig. 5.72. ?
net force
from Fig. 5.72, =3 (9-8 + 0-2)
the ro.
Here, as is clear
TA m (8 + a)
30 N
S=(F-F2) For the point B
+ 1.9 + 0 = 5 kg
m= 2:9 + 0.2
FIGURE 5.72 + 0-2)
m (8 + a) = 5 (9-8
T= = 50 N
5/68 Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI) voL
Example 69 The pulley arrangements of Force exerted by rope on the black,
Fig. 5.74 are identical. The mass of the rope is F=m a =7x2 = 14N
negligible. In (a), the mass m is lifted up by attach- As a reaction, force exerted on the rope by the
ing a mass (2 m) to the other end of the rope. In block 14N
(b), m is lifted up by pulling the other end of the
rope with a constant downward force F = 2 mg. Example An acroplane flying in thesky
In which case, the acceleration of m is more ? dives with a speed of 360 km/h in a vertical circle
of radius 200 m. The weight of pilot sitting in itis
FIGURE 5.74 75 kg. Calculate the force with which the pilot
presses his seat when the aeroplane is (i) at the
lowest position and (i) at the highest position. Take
8 10 m/s
olution. In Fig. 5.76,
R is normal reaction at the lowest position and
R, is normal reaction at the highest position of vertical
circle r= 200 m; m=75 kg,
v 360 km/h = 100 m/s

mg 2m mg FIGURE 5.76
2mg F 2mg mg
Solution. In Fig 5.74(a), pulling force,
F=(2 mg - T) = 2 mg - mg = mg R1t my
totalmass moved, = m +2m = 3 m
Acceleration, a: force mg-
3m mass (i) At the lowest position,
In Fig. 5.74(b) the pulling force,
F (2 mg T) = 2 mg - -
mg = mg R1-mg = centripetal force ny

Mass moved = m

Acceleration, a ==
=m R =m+g|=757100x100
Example Y0 A pull of 15 N is applied on a = 450 kg wt
rope attached to a block of mass 7 kg lying on a
smooth horizontal surface. The mass of the rope (ii) At the highest position, R, + mg =
is 0-5 kg. What is the force exerted on the
rope by
Solution. Here, F = 15N,
R ms=75 100x100 10
m = 7 kg, m = 0-5 kg, F= ?
3000 N= 300 kg wt
Example 12 A bullet of mass 0-01 kg is
fired horizontally into a 4 kg wooden block at rest
15 N on a horizontal surface. The coefficient kinetie
friction between the block and the surface is 0-25.
In Fig. 5.75, The bullet remains embedded in the block and the
Acceleration produced,
combination moves 20 m before coming to rest.
With what speed did the bullet strike
the block ?
= 15 Solution. Here, mass of bullet, m = 0-01 kg.
= = 2 m/s2
m +m2 (7+05) mass of wooden block, ma = 4 kg

Coeff. of kinetic friction, l = 0-25 FIGURE 5.77

distance moved by the combination, s = 20 m
Let velocity of bullet be uj, initial velocity of
block, u =0
If v is the velocity with which the combination B 30
moves, then according to the principle of conservation LABO = 0 = 30°
of linear momentum, and the
The top half AC of the plane is smooth
(7+m2) v = =mj u +ma u2 lower half CB is rough. Let Fbe the force of friction
(0-01 +4) v u
0-01 +4 x 0 in this part.
0-01u For the top half of inclined plane,
401 =

l, v ?
Force of dynamic friction on the combination u =
0,a =g sin 30° =S=
F uR = (mj + m2)8
As2-u2 =2as
= 0-25 (0-01+4) x 9.8 N
. yg
Retardation produced,
. -0=2 or V=
F 0-25x4-01x98
a 2-45 ms-2
m+m 4-01 For the bottom half of inclined plane,
Using for the combination, the relation u= gl, v =
0, s = 1, a = ?
-u2 as ; 0-v
2 (-2:45) x 20
As -u=2 as
v2= 4.9 x 20 98 or v= /98 al, a =-S
From (i), u = 401 v
net force
or u =401 v98 = 3969-7 ms1 In this part, acc. =
Example78 A body starts rolling down mg sin 30°-.
an inclined plane, the top half of which is perfectly a
smooth and lower half is rough. Find the ratio of
the force of friction and weight of the body, if the
body is brought to rest just when it reaches the
bottom, the angle of the plane being 30°.
- o

Solution. In Fig. 5.77, AB is an inclined plane or P= mg 1

of length 2/ with centre at C.

1.Newton's three laws of motion form the basis of mechanics. According to Ist law, a body continues to be
in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some external force to
change the state. This law defines force and is also called law of inertia.
According to 2nd law, the rate of change of linear momentum of a body is directly proportional to the
external force applied on the body, and this change takes place in the direction of the applied force. This law
sgives us a measure of force.
opposite reaction. This law gives us the
According to third law, to every action, there is always an equal and
nature of force.
2. Inertia is inability of a body to change by itself, its state of rest
or its state of uniform motion along a straight
rest (i) Inertia of motion, (ii) Inertia of direction.'
Aline. Inertia is obviously of three types: (i) Inertia of
3. From Newton's 2nd law, we obtain F=ma
mass and acceleration of the body.
Le, external force is the product of
5/70 Pradeep'a Pundamental Physics (XT)OL
4. The absolue unit of foree on Sl is newton (W) and on egs system, it is dyne. The gravitational unit of for
on SI is kilogram weight or kilogram foree, The gravitational unit of force on egs system is gram weight
gram force. IN = 10° dyne, I g w, = 980 dyne.
5. According to the principle of conservation of linear momentum, the vector sum of linear momenta of at
the bodies in an isolated system is conserved, and is not affected duce to their mutual action and reaction. A
isolated system is that on which no external foree is acting. Flight of rockets, jet planes, recoiling of a
cte. arc cxplaincd on the basis of this principle. Ncwton's 3rd law of motion can also be derived fromthi
principle and vice-versa.
6. Apparent weight ofa man in an elevator is given by W'= m (g # a),
where mg is real weight of the man. Aceeleration is (+ a), when the lift is accelerating upwards and (-d
when the lift is accelerating downwards.
When lift is moving miformly (upwards/downwards). a =0, W = mg = real weight.
In free fall, a = g W'=m (g -8) = 0
i.e. apparent weight becomes zero.
7. When two bodies of masses m and m, are tied at the ends of an inextensible string passing over a ligh
frictionless pulley, acceleration of the system is given by

a= - (-m2) 8
(m, +m)
Tension in the string is T=

(n + ma)
8. A rocket is an example of a system with varying mass. Rocket propulsion has been explained in
terms of the
principle of conservation of linear momentum. The velocity (v) of rocket at any time t is given by

V= u log,
where u is velocity of exhaust gases relative to the rocket ;m is initial mass of the
rocket and m is mass of
the rocket at time t.

The thrust on the rocket is given by Fm- dm

where dm/dt is the rate of combustion of fuel at the instant t.
9. Impulse I =Fa, Xt = pP2-Pi

where t is the time for which average force acts

(P2-P) is change in linear momentum of the body.
10. The forces which are acting at a
point are called concurrent forces. They are said to
their resultant is zero. be in equilibrium, when
11. Friction is the opposing force that comes into
play when one body is actually moving
another body or one body is trying to move over the surface of
over the surface of the other. Two causes of friction
of surfaces in contact; Force of adhesion between are: roughness
the molecules of the surfaces in contact.
12. Limiting friction is the
maximum value of static friction. Dynanmic/Kinctic
force of limiting friction. friction is somewhat less than the
13. Static friction is a self adjusting force.
14. Rolling friction
is less than sliding friction.
15. Laws of
limiting friction are :
IstLaw: Fee R, where R is normal reaction.
2nd Law: Direction of F is opposite to the
intended direction of notion.
3rd Law: F does not depend upon
4th Law : F de~ends upon nature
actual arca of contact. rlT ()
of material and naturc of polish of the
surfaces in contact.

16. Coefficient of friction = F/R

Angle of friction (6) is the angle which resultant of F and R makes with the direction of R. The elation
between and 0 is tan 6
17. Angle of Kepose (o) 1s the minimum angle of inclination of a plane with the horizontal, such that a Douy
placed on the plane just begins to slide down.
1 Acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane tan a
a8 (sin 6- cos 6)
19, Work done in moving a body over a rough horizontal surface W=uRxs = |l m8 XS
20. Work done in moving a body over a rough inclined plane W=mg (sin 0 + cos 6) x
21. Fricton i1s a necessary evil. Some of the methods of reducing firiction are polishing, lubrication; streamining
the shape etc.
22. Centripetal torce 1S the force required to move a body uniformly in a circle. Magnitude of this force 1s

F=-n = mr@. It acts along the radius and towards the centre the circle
23. Centrifugal torce 1s a force that arises when a body is moving actually along a circular path, by virtue of
tendency of the body to regain its natural straight line path. Centrifugal force can be treated as the reaction
of centripetal torce. The magnitude of centrifugal force is same as that of centripetal force. The direction of
centrifugal force is along the radius and away from the centre of the circle.
24. While rounding a level curved road, the necessary centripetal force is provided by the force of friction
between the tyres and the road. Th maximum velocity with which a vehicle can go round a level curve
without skidding is v= Hrg
25. To avoid dependence on friction, curved roads are usually banked ie. outer edge of the curved road is
raised suitably above the inner edge. If 0 is the angle of banking, then
R cos 6 = mg and R sin = tan6==
r r&
26. When a cyclist takes a turn, he also requires centripetal force. For this, he bends a little inwards from his
vertical position, while turning. Angle 0 of bending from vertical position is given by

27. While rounding a banked curved road, maximnum permissible speed is given by

tan 6) 7/2
8 (4 +tan
max(1-H, )
When frictional force is ignored, the
optimum speed is =(rg tan 8)/2
in the strong at any position is
28. Motion along a vertical circle is a
non uniform circular motion. Iension

mv+mg cos,
point of the circle.
with vertical line through lowest
Wnere 6 is the angle
velocity of projection at lowest point L is v 2 5gr
9For looping the vertical loop,
the highest point H is v 2 y8r circle is 7, T.. =66 mg
4) The value of velocity at point ana nignest point ot vertical
the string at lowest
1) Difference in tension in S y28r
arc of vertical circle 0 < v
ror oscillation over the
90° < 0< 180, V2gr <v, << 5gr
30, 2gr 5gr
somewhere between
to loop a vertical loon of
(v) For leaving the vertical circle has to adescend Sris
For leaving the which a motor cyclist
The minimum height h

5/72 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X) vOL


Based on NCERT Book sut 8I
10. In moving a body of mass m up and down a rough
I. Multiple Choice Questions incline of inclination 0, work done is (S is length
of the planck, and ju is coefficient of friction).
1. Newton's first law defines
(a) mg sin 0xS (b) mg cos 0 =S
(a) foree only
(c) 2 mg cos 0 x S () Zero
(b) inertia only
11. A ball rolling on ice with a velocity of 5.6 m/s
( both. force and inertia
stops after travelling 8 m. If 8 = 9.8 m/s,
(d) Neither force nor incertia
coefficient of friction is:
2. The mud guards over the wheels of a car work on 0-1 (b) 0:2
the basis of
(c) 0-3 (d) 0-4
(a) inertia of rest (6) inertia of direction
12. A particle will leave a vertical circle of radius r,
(c) inertia of motion (d) none of these
when its velocity at the lowest point of the circle
3. Accelerated motion is always due to is
(a) internal force 6) friction
(c) external force (d) none of the above
() 28r 5gr

4. For a given change in linear momentum, when time ()gr d6g

of impact increases, force 13. What is the angle of friction between two surfaces
(a) decreases (b) increases in contact if the coefficient of friction is 1/3)%?
(c) remains same (d) none of the above (a) 30° (b) 60°
5. Forces of action and reaction never cancel each (c)90° (d) 0°
other as they are
14. A block is sliding down the rough plane. The work
(a) always equal done by the frictional force is
(b) always opposite
(a) negative (6) positive
(c) acting on same body
(c) zero (d) all of above
(d) acting on different bodies
15. By seeing force body diagram of a body sliding
6. Which of the following is a self adjusting force ?
down an inclined plane. Identify [A] and [B]
(a) kinetic friction (6) limiting friction E.
(c) static friction (d) all the three
7. When the surfaces in contact are made too
smooth re 0
by polishing, force of friction tio
(a) decreases (b) increases atdmoo
(c) becomes zero (d) becomes infinite
8. Angle of repose for a rough inclined A) n
plane is 60°. mg
The coefficient of friction is A0
(a) 3 (b) 1/3 (a) mg sin 6, mg tan 6 (6) mg cos 6,
mg sin
(c) (d) Zero (c) mg sin 6, mg cos (d)
mg tan 6, mg sin 6
9. In moving a body of mass m once up 16. An object of mass m
and down a lies on thhe floor of a lift, when
smooth incline of inclination 0, total work done is
(S is length of the planc).
lift moves with constant speed
*v' downward,
then the value of reaction force
(a) mg sin 6x$ (u) R =0 (b) R=mg
(6) mg cos OxS (c) R= mvH (d) R=m (g + vlt).
(c) mg (sin 6- cos 6) S 17. An object of mass m
lies on the floor of a lift. When
(d) Zero the lift moves upwards with an
acceleration 'a' then
reaction on the object will be

(b) m (a-8) force for

(a) m (g + a) (c) To provide additional centripetal
(c) zero (d) mg higher velocity
force for
18. Forces of acti and reaction never cancel each (d) To provide additional electrostatic
other as they are higher velocity
a car on a
(a) always equal 26. Expression for maximum velocity of
(b) always opposite banked circular road having u as limiting
(C)acting on same body coefficient of friction is
(d) acting on different bodies
(a) V +tan
19, A force of 5 N changes the velocity of a body from
10 m/s to 20 m/s in 5 second. How much force
required to bring about the same change in
2 second ? r-tan
)(6) V81+ptan0)
(a) 12-5 N (b) 13 N
(c) V=yurg
c) 125 N (d) 10 N
(d) V= urg V= urg
20. The two ends of spring balance are pulled each by
27. In uniform circular motion,
a force of 10 kg wt. What will be the reading of
the balance ? (a) Both velocity and acceleration are constant,
(a) 10 kg wt (6) 5 kg wt (6) Velocity changes and acceleration is constant,

(c)- 10 kg wt (d)-5 kg wt (c) Velocity is constant and acceleration changes,

21. A cricket player catches a ball of mass 0-l kg (d) Both, velocity and acceleration change.
moving with a speed of 10 m/s in 0.1 s. Force 28. What is the angular velocity of the earth ?
exerted by him is (a) 2 7/86400 rad/s (b) 2 /3600 rad/s
(a) 10 N (b) 5N (c) 2 n/24 rad/s (d) 2 /6400 rad/s
(c) 2N (d) 1N 29. The safe speed of a vehicle on a horizontal circular
22. Two bodies of unequal masses have same linear road is independent of
momentum, which body has greater kinetic (a) Mass of vehicle
energy? (b) Coefficient of friction between road surface and
(a) heavy body (b) light body tyre of vehicle
(c)same for both (d) none of these (c) Radius of curve
(d) Acceleration due to gravity
23. Two bodies having same mass 40 kg are moving
in opposite directions, one with a velocity of 30. The ratio of angular speed of second hand to that
10 m/s and other with a velocity of 7 m/s. If they of the minute hand of a clock is
collide elastically and as one body, the velocity of (a)60:1 (b)1:60
combination is (c)1:1 ()1:6
(a) 10 m/s b) 15 m/s 31. A car is moving on a circular path and takes a turn.
c)7 m/s (d) 3 m/s IfR, and R be the reactions on the inner and outer
24. wheels respectively then
For a body moving with constant speed in
(a) R= R2 (b) R <R2
norizontal circle, which of the following remains
constant ? (c) R>
R2 (d) Ri>=R
(a) Velocity (b) Acceleration 32. A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn.
When it overturns,
)Centripetal force (d) Kinetic energy
. The need to
banking of road 1s
(a) The inner wheel leaves the ground first
the ground first
for (b) The outer wheel leaves
(a)provide additional gravitational force
higher velocity (c)Both the wheels leave the ground
(b)To provide additional centrifugal force for
d) Either wheel may leave the ground first
higher velocity
5/74 Pradeep o (XD
Fundamental Physics
33. The lincar momentum of a body changes at the 9. Sprinkling of powderon the carom board..
rate of 10 kg m/s per second. Force acting on tlhe friction
body is 10. Coefficient of kinetic friction is ..then the
(a) IN (h) 10 N cocfficient of limiting static friction.
(d) 10 kg 11. Angle of friction hetween any two surfaces in
34. A foree vector. applied on a mass is represented as contact is the angle which the resultant of force of
limiting friction and ... make with normal
F= (6i-8j+ 10) and accelerates with I
m/s. reaction.
What will be the mas of the body ? 12. Co-cficient of limiting friction between any two
2/10 kg surfaces in contact is ratio of force of .
(a) 102 kg (b)
and..... between them.
(c) 10 kg (d) 20 kg
13. Ifaman moves upwards with acceleration "a", then
35. A ball of mass 10 gram hits a hard surface vertically
the value of normal reaction is given by...
with a speed of 5 m/s and rebounds with the same
speed. The ball remains in contact with the surface
14. If a lift cable
then normal force applied

for 0-01 second. The average force exerted by the become zero.
surface on the ball is 15. A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 20 kg fo

(a) 100 N (b) 10N 10seconds then change in its momentum 15.
16. The motion of rocket is based on the principle of
(c) IN (d) 0-1 N
conservation of. ****°"****

36. A bomb at rest explodes into 3 parts of the same

17. If linear momentum of the gun is 4 kg m/s, then
mass. The momentum of the 2 parts are
linear momentum of bullet is ***"
-2pi and pj. The momentum of the third part 18. All the points on a rotating body in uniform circular
will have a magnitude of motion have same angular speed except ..
as it is not rotating.
(a) P 19. Instantaneous angular displacement is a ...
(c) p5 (d) Zero quantity.
37. A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts 20. When a particle moves in a circle with constant
which have their velocities in the ratio 2: 1. The speed, its velocity is variable because of changing
ratio of their nuclear sizes will be ************

21. In uniform circular motion, angular acceleration

(a) 21 (b) 1:3
(c) 3:1 (d) 1:2 22. The angle of banking is given by tan 6 =..

23. Angular displacement is measured in

24. Total Iinear momentum of ... system is conserved.
II. Completion Type Questions 25. When the resultant force acting on a system is zero,
the total monientum of the system is said to be
1. One newton force is....produces an
acceleration of..n a body of..
2. Impulse of a force is...and.. 26. The fielder lowers his hands to catch a ball, just to
3. Burnt out speed ofa rocket ... Wnen.....
minimize the ....
27. Heavier objects have more .. than the lighter
Friction arises on account of. t the...
5. When surfaces in contact are......friction
between them......instead of...
6. Coefficient of limiting friction between any two
III.True/False Type Questions
surfaces in contact is.. .force of.. 1. Friction generates heat.
and...between them. 2. The angle of repose can be determined by the
7. Friction always... relation, 4, = tan d (All symbols have usual
8. Friction is a...though it is.. meaning).
3. Co-cfficient of friction is dimensionless
4. The maximum static friction is called limiting FIGURE 5(Q).2
5. Ifa person is in a lift, which is in the rest condition,
then the normal reaction on the person is
given by
R mg.
6. 1f a person moves in a lift in downwards direction
with acceleration a, then reaction force is given
R=m (g a). -
Column I Column III
7. 1f a person moves in a lift upwards and downwards (a) Net force along the (p) m (g sin 0 + g cos 6)
direction with constant velocity then reaction force plane
becomes zero. (b) applied force on the (q) m (g sin 0 + H 8 cos 6)
8. Two bodies of unequal masses have same kinetic
cnergy. The heavy body must have greater linear ()zero
momentum. 3. ColumnI Column II

9. The area under Force time graph is 100 Ns for a

(a) Force (P) M' LlT-']
(b) Impulse (9) 1ML' 7T-j
short time interval of 1 s. The magnitude of
impulsive force is 10N. ()M'L'T
4. ColumnI Column II
10. If an object is moving at a constant speed in a
(a) Newton's first law (p) Law of inertia
circular path, it has a constant linear momentum.
of motion
11. Recoil of a gun is based on law of conservation of (b) Change in momentum (q) Kinetic energy
linear momentum. (r)Impulse
12. When a body moves in uniform circular motion, 5. Column I Column II
the kinetic energy of the body changes throughout (a) Impulse (p) kg m/s2
the motion ? (b) Force (q) kg m/s
13. The linear momentum of a ball falling freely is
()kg m/s
always conserved. (s) kg m/s3
14. While taking catch of a cricket ball, cricketer pulls 6. Column I Column II
his hand to increase the force on his
hand. (p) Rate of change of
(a) Impulse
momentum momentum
15. The ratio of S.I. to C.G.S units of linear
(b) Force (g) Change in momentum
is 105.
bodies at rest as ()Product of mass and
16. Ncwton's 3rd law is valid for the
well as in motion. Column II
7. ColumnI
V Matching Type Questions (a) Work energy theorem (p) F=
Column I1
1. Column I (b) Einstein equation (4) W=AK
conservative force
(a) Friction is a p) () E= mc2
(b) Friction force is 8. Column I Column II
independent of in (a) Inertia of a body
(p) Mass
()area ofsurface depends on
(q) Motion of rocket
(b) Principle of conser
. A block of mass m is pushed up with
plane as shown
in the vation of momentum
(r) Acceleration
Speed on a rough
Fig. 5Q).2.
5/76 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) voL

I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (u) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (c) 3. () 14. () 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (a)

21. (a) 2. (b) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. d) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (a)

31. () 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (d)

I. Completion Type Questions

I. that much force which; I m/s*; mass kg. 2. product of force; time for which the force acts

3. is the speed of the rocket ; its entire fuel is burnt up. 4. adhesive pressure; points of actual contact
5. too smooth: increases ; decreasing 6. ratio of; limiting friction; normal reaction
7. opposes relative motion 8. necessity ; an evil
9. reduces 10. less 11. normal reaction 12. limiting friction; normal reaction
15. Change in momentum = Fx t= 10 x 10 = 100 kg
13. R= m (g + a) 14. R = zero
16. linear momentum. 17. linear momentum of bullet = linear momentum of gun = 4 ks m/s.

18. centre 19. vector 20. direction 21. zero0 22. tan = r8
23. radian 24. an isolated 25. conserved 26. force exerted by the ball. 27. inertia

III. True/False Type Questions

1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True
9. False 10. False 11. True 12. False 13. False 14. False 15. True 16. True

IV Matching Type Questions

1. (a) (g): (6)> ) 2. (a) (); (6)> (q) 3.(a))(6)(p
4. (a)>(p); (b) -> () 5.(a) > (): (b)> (p) 6. (a)> (q): (6)>(p)
7. (a) >(g): 6)-> () 8. (a) (p): (6)> ()

For Difficult Questions 0
I. Multiple Choice Questions
8. (a): = tan 0 = tan 60°
1.(c): Newton's first law defines both, force and 9. (d): W= 0, as work done against gravity =
inertia. done by gravity.
2. (b): Inertia of direction is the basis of mud guards
over the wheels.
10. (c): When inclined plane is rough, work done
against friction is added.
4. (a): As change in linear momentum = Fxt,
When increases, F decreases. W 2 mng cos xS
5. (d): Forces of action and reaction act on different
11. (b): From v-
u = 2 as
=2 xax8;
bodies. That is why they never cancel
eachother. (4,E
6. (c): Only static friction is a self adjusting a -5-6 - 1-96 ms
force. 16
7.(b): Force of friction increases when surfaces
contact are made too smooth.
o98 =02 (leaving -sign)

12.()Prom the study of theory, the particle wil

24.(d): KE = m* = constant
leave a vertical circle of radius r, when its
velocity at the lowest point of the circle is required to provide adli
25. (c): Banking ofrmads is velocity.
tional centripetal foreve tor higher
3gr nvad, man, velocity of
26. (a): On a banked cinrular
13. (a): lanG =p=l/2
G= 30 t
t= -tant)

14.(a): Workdone by frictional force is negative direction

27.(d): In uniform circular nmotion, as the
15.(c): Prom Fig, 5Q).3, therelore,
of motion changes continuously.
FIGURE5(Q).3 both. velocity and aceeleration change.
R 28.(a): Angular velocity.

2 2T rad/s So-400
24x 60 X 60
ag mg cos 0 29.(a): On ahorizontal circular road, v= VILr8
does not depend upon mass ot vehicle.
A 9

30.(a):- _2 o0 60:1
A = mg sin 6 2 r/T T I min
B = mg cos e 31. (b): As is known from theory, R, < R.
16. (h): When v = constant, a = 0 32. (a): In case of overturning. the inner wheels leave
R=mg the ground tirst.
acceleration (a) ms
17. (a): As lift moves upwards with 10 ky
R- mg = ma 33.(b): F=2, = 10 kg n/s* = 10 N

(g + a)
R m
on different +10)
34.(a): Here. F= (6î-8j+
18. (d): Action and Reaction forces acting
bodies never cancel eachother. F=IFl=y6 +(-8)*+10
19. (a): From change in momentum Fxt = V200=10/2
=5 x5 =
FF-X> = 12:5 N
10-10/2 kg
20. (a): R
10 kg wt.
F= Charge in momentum
35. (b): Average force
21.(a): Fxt=Change in momentum time of contact
Fx0-1 =0.1 x 10 2(10x10)x_ 1ON
10 N F
F 001
36. (c): Resultant momentum of 2 parts
22.(b): From KE= 2m =y-2p)+p? =p5
(when is constant) As the bomb explodes at rest, nmomentum of
KE thirdpart
greater K.E.
Lighter body will have linear momentum, 37.(d): Here, on disintegration,
D): Applying conservation of P1 P2
= 40 (-7)
(m +m) v 40 x 10+ m U m V2
= 120
(40+ 40) v 400-280

2 =
15 m/s m2 U 2
5/78 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
24.Total linear momentum of an isolatel system
4 25. When F= 0, total linear momentum ot the syste
is conserved ?
26. The fielder lowers his hands to catclh a ball just
minimise the force exerted by the ball on hislhand
27.Heavier objects have more inertia tlhan lighter
II. Completion Type Questions objects.
1. One newtan force is that much force which
III. True/False Type Questions
produces an acceleration of 1 m/s in a body of
mass 1 kg. 1. Yes, friction generates heat.
2. Impulse = force x time. 2. = tan o for determination of angle of repose,
3. Burnt out speed of a rocket is the speed
of the F MLT
rocket, when its entire fuel is burnt up. 3. dimensionless
R MIT-2*
4. Friction arises on account of adhesive pressure
at 4. limiting friction = maximum static friction.
the points of actual contact.
5. When surfaces in contact are too smooth, friction 5. When the lift is atrest, v = 0, a =0?
between them increases instead of decreasing ? R=ng
6. Coefficient of limiting friction between 6. When acceleration is downwards,
any two
surfaces in contact is ratio of force of limiting R=m (g-
friction and normal reaction between them. 7. When velocity is constant, a = 0
7. Friction always opposes relative motion. mg
8. Friction is a necessity, though it is an evil.
9. Sprinkling of powder on the carom board
reduces 8. KE is samne
friction. 2m
10. Coeff. of kinetic friction is less than the
coeff. of .
p oc m or p* vm
limiting static friction.
heavy body will have greater liner momentum.
11. Angle of friction = angle which resultant
of F and 9. Fxt= 100 N - s.
R makes with normal reaction R.
When t= 1 s. F= 100 N
12. = FIR. 10. When a body moves with constant
13. When upward acceleration = a, speed in a circular
path, the direction of motion is changing. Therefore,
R m (g +a)
14. If a lift cable breaks, velocity v is changing. Linear momentum
R mg -
mg = Zero. p = mv is changing.
15. Change in momentum = Fxt 11. Yes, momentum
of gun is equal and opposite to
= 10x 10 =100 kg ms momentum of bullet.
17. Linear momentum of bullet =
linear momentum
of gun =4 kg m/s. 12. KE=mu = constant.
18. Centre of rotating body is at rest.
13. Linear momentum is not
19. Instantaneous angular displacement conserved as gravitational
is a vector force is acting on the body.
14. The cricketer pulls
20. Velocity is variable because his hand to increase the time of
of changing direction. catch and hence decrease the
21. In uniform circular motion, force on his hand.
angular acceleration = 15. Linear momentum, p =
Zero. mv> kg m/s
= 10 gx 10 cm/s
22. tan =vlrg = 10 g cm/s
23. Angular displacement 16. Newton's 3rd law
applies equally to bodies at rest
measured in radian. as well as in motion.
Matching Type Questions 4. Newton's first law of motion is called law ol
1.(a) Priction is a non-conservative force. inertia. Impulse is change in linear momentum
(a) (q) (a)> (p) and (b) ->()
(b) riction force is independent of area of surface 5. Unit of impulse = kg m/s
n contat.
Unit of force = kg m/s*
()>() (a)> (r) and(b)> (P)
(a) When speed is constant, nct force along the 6. Impulse
Change in momentum; force = rate of
plane is Zero change of momentum
(a)() (a)-> (g) and (b) >(p)
() In moving up, friction is acting down the plane. 7. Work energy theorem is W= AK
Theretor, applied force = mg(sin 6 + cos 8)
l Einstein equation is E = mc2
= (a)> (q) and (b) -> ()
3. Forve M'L'T2), and
8. Inertia of a body depends on mass of the body.
npulse = ioree x tinme = [MLT
=MLT- Principle of conservation of linear momentum
governs the motion of rocket
()>(r) and - (p) (b)
(a) (p) and (b) - (q)
I. Newton's first and second Laws of Motion 4. Four blocks of the same mass m connected
by cords are pulled by a force on a smooth
1. A stone, when thrown on a glass window horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 5(Q).4.
smashes the window pane to pieces, but a Determine the tensions T1, T2, and T3 in the
bullet from the gun passes through making a cords.
clean hole. Why ? Sol. Let a be the common acceleration of the whole
Sol. This is because velocity of bullet from the gun system.
is very large. It takes very little time to cross the F=(m +m + m +m) a =4 ma,
window pane. Particles of window pane near a = F4 m
the hole have too little time to share the motion
of the bullet. Reverse is the case when stone is FIGURE 5(Q).4
thrown with hand.
2. The distance travelled by a body is directly
proportional to time. Is any external force
acting on it ?
Sol. Here, s « t.

3. A
External force,
S = kt, where k is constant.

a dv
F = m xa =Zero.
particle of mass 0-3 kg is subjected
force F = -kr, where k = 15 Nm, What

to a
- FIGURE 5(a).5

Applying Newton's 2nd law separately for each

block, Fig. 5(Q).5.

be its initial acceleration when particleis F-T = ma, T1 12 = ma -

away from T2-T3 ma, T3=ma

released from a point 20 cm
On solving these equations, we get
Sol. Here, m = 0.3 kg, k = 15 N/m,
X 20 cm = 0:2
kr =- 15 x - 3N
F=- 5. The speed of driving a car safely in darkness
depends upon the range of headlights.
n 0-3
m/s* Explain.
Pradeep 'a
Fundamental Physics (XIVa
Sol. Thc range of headlights of car is
the maximum Sol. Zero. This is because in free fal. g = a.
distance (s) upto which an obstacle on the road
can be secen by the driver. The car must F=m (g-a) = m (g- 8) = Zero.
stop 10. A meteorite burns in the atmosphere
before it hits the obstacle. Ifa is retardation bel
produced in the car by applying brakes, then to it reaches the earth's surface. What happe
stop the car within the distance s, the speed v of to its momentum ?
Sol. The meteorite moves under the force of grayi
the car must be less than therefore, its momentum goes on changing. B
2as. Hence the
total momentum of meteorite and earth is alwa
speed of driving a car safely depends upon s,
the range of head lights. conserved.
11. On the pan of a spring balance, is placed
6. A force of 5 N changes the velocity of a body
from 10 ms to 20 ms-l in 5 sec. How much beaker containing water. How will the
force is required to bring about the same reading of spring balance change if we
change in 2 sec ? our finger in this water ?
Sol. The reading of spring balance will increase. Thi
Sol. From dp = is because water will exert an upthrust on the
idt. nd F finger and the finger will exert an equal forze
dl of reaction in the downward direction.
F d d-X>-12-5N
125N 12. A person of mass m is hanging from a rope
F dt
7. The motion of a particle
dt fastened to a stationary balloon of mass M
If the person climbs the rope, then with what
of mass m is velocity the balloon would move and in what
direction ?
described by y = ut +g. Find the force Sol. Let v be the velocity of person climbing up the
acting on the particle. rope. As initial momentum of the person and
balloon is zero, the balloon will move down
Sol. As y= ut +- gt&2 with such a velocity u that total momentum
continues to be zero. As relative velocity of
person relative to earth is (v u), therefore

velocity, .=u+ 8t or
m (v- u)- Mu = 0
mv = (M + m) u
Acceleration a = -0+8
M +m
Force, F= ma = mg 13. Vehicles stop on applying brakes. Does this
phenomenon violate the principle of
This is the force acting on the particle. ?
conservation of momentum
8. Aeroplanes having wings fly at low altitudes
while jet planes fly at high altitudes. Why ? Sol. The vehicles stop on applying brakes. This is
fully in accordance with the law of conservation
Sol. The wings of an aeroplane push the air
of momentum. On applying brakes, we apply
backwards. The aeroplane moves forward due
some opposing force on the vehicle. As a result.
to reaction of the pushed air. At lower altitudes,
the vehicle comes to rest. The loss of momentum
air is dense. Therefore, the plane receives of the vehicle is exactly equal to the impulse of
sufficient reactional push to move forward.
the applied force.
In a jet plane, external air is sucked into the 14. Rocket can move in air free space, but jet
plane and compressed. Therefore, jet planes fly
planes cannot. Why?
at high altitudes where air density is small. and
Sol. A rocket is self contained, as both the fuel
II. Newton's third Law of motion the oxygen needed to burn the fuel are
rocket can move
inside the rocket. Therefore, a
and conservation of linear momentum in air free space. A jet plane has fuel
only. It
9. A thief jumps from the upper storey of a needs to take oxygen from the atmosphere
house with a load on his back. What is the burn the fuel. That is why a jet plane
force of the load on his back, when thief is in operate in air free space.

IIl. Friction 21. How does a lubricant help in reductng

friction ?
15 Why is it diiieult to move a bike with its Sol. When a lubricant is added to a
brakes on? spreads between the two surlaces rubing Cach
present on the
Sol When the brakes of a bike are on, its wheels other, fills the irregularitien
cannot rotate. They will simply skid. Thus Surfaces and forms a thin layer
between the
rolling friction will be converted into sliding Surfaces in contact. As a reult of it, the contact
replaced by
friction which is comparatively larger. Hence it between the two hard surfaces is
becomes difficult to move the bike. the contact between the hard surlace
friction is
16, Sand is spread on tracks covered with snow. lubricant layer, Due to it, the force of
Why? reduced considerably.
22. When a person walks on a rough rond,
Sol Covering of snow laid tracks with sand increases roacd on (lhe
the force of friction between the road and the frictional force exerted by the
person is opposite to direction of his motlon.
wheels. Therefore, chances of slipping &
skidding reduce. Comment.
person walks,
17. Whena wheel is roling on a level road, what Sol. The statement is wrong. When a
backwards with his
is the direction of frictional force between the he pushes the ground/road
feet. Hence, force of friction acts in the
wheel and the road ?
direction, i.e., in the direction of his motion.
Sol. As the wheel is moving forward, the portion of
23. Can coefficient of friction exceed unity?
the wheel in contact with the road moves one.
backwards. Hence the force of friction must be Sol. Coefficient of friction is normally less than
acting in the forward direction, along the tangent But when the surfaces in contact are very
irregular having sharp minute projections and
to the surface of the road and the wheel in cavities, the coefficient of friction between them
may exceed unity.
18. Is large brake on a bicycle wheel more ?
24. Why are ball bearings used in machinery
effective than a small one ? Explain.
wheel is not Sol. By using ball bearings between the moving parts
Sol. No, the large brake on a bicycle of a machinery, the sliding friction gets
more effective than a small one because converted into rolling friction. As rolling friction
force of friction is independent of the is much less than sliding friction, power
failure of
area of contact. However, chances of dissipation is reduced.
is larger.
brake decrease when area of contact 25. What is the need for banking of roads ?
Therefore, large brakes are preferred.
of the Sol. When curved roads are banked, horizontal
y. How do we save petrol when the tyres component of normal reaction of the road
motor cycle are fully inflated ? provides the necessary centripetal force to move
inflated, deformation
SolL. When the tyres are fully the vehicle along the curved path. This recluces
result of it, value of wear and tear of the tyres.
of tyres will be small. As a
reduce. Due to it,
force of rolling friction will 26. A horse pulling a cart has to apply a greater
more distance for the
the motorcycle will cover save force to start the cart than to keep the cart in
it. Hence we
given petrol consumed in motorcycle are fully motion. Why ?
petrol when the tyres of the Sol. To start the cart, inertia of rest (of
the cart) has
inflated. to be overcome. Further, force required to be
horizontal surtace applied has to be greater than the force
20. A block of mass 1 kg lies on friction of
of static
a truck. The coefficient surface limiting fiction. Once the motion starts, force
i Derween the block and the is 0-6.If of kinetic friction has to be overcome, which is
block is 5
the acceleration of the less than the force of limiting friction. Hence
acting on the smaller force is enough to keep the cart in
calculate the frictional force
block. motion.
Sol. Limiting force of friction = IV. Dynamics of Circular Motion
R= H mg = 0-6x 1x9.8 N
27. Why has a horse to pull cart harder during
= 1x5 =5
OotE APplied force, F'=ma move. the first few steps of his motion ?
As F<F, the block
would not
force = 5 N.
Force of friction =:applied
5/82 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XI)VO
Sol. During the first few steps of his motion, the 30. A bucket containing water is rotated ina
horse has to pull a cart harder. because the horse tical circle. Explain why water does not fa
has to work against the limiting friction, whereas Sol. This is because weight of water in the bucker
once the notion starts, the horse has to work
spent in supplying the necessary centtipela
against the dyuamic friction which is less than force. For details, see Art. 5.21.
the limiting friction.
31. Why does a pilot not fall down, when h
28. Why does a cyclist lean to one side, while
aeroplane loops a vertical loop?
going aloug a curve ? In what direction does
he leau ? Sol. This is because at the highest point of th
Sol. A cyolist leans while going along a curve. By (vertical) loop, weight of the pilot is spentin
doing so, a componert of normal reaction of providing the necessary centripetal force.
the ground is spared to provide him the 32. If a force is acting on a moving body in
centripetal force he requires for turning. direction perpendicular to the directiono
He has to lean inwards from his vertical position motion, what will be its effect on speed an
i.e. twwarcds the centre of the circular path. direction of the body?
29. Why does a child in a merry-go-round press Sol. As force is perpendicular to the directionof
the side of his seat radially outward ? motion, there will be no change in speed oft
Sol. This is because of centrifugal force acting body, but the direction of motion of the body
radially outwards on the child rotating actually will keep on changing continuously.
in the merry go round.

Q UESTIONS Very Short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer


I. Newton's first and second Laws of Motion 5. A retarding force is applied to stop a motor
car. If the speed of the motor car is doubled,
If the net foree acting on a body be zero, then
1. how much more distance will it cover before
will the body remain necessarily in rest stopping under the same retarding force?
position 2 Ans. As s « v, therefore, motor car will cover a
Ans. No, the body may be moving uniformly alonga distance four times longer than before.
straight line. 6. A body is dropped from the ceiling of a
2. The distance travelled by a moving body is transparent cabin falling freely towards the
directly proportional to time. Is any external earth. Deseribe the motion of the body as
force acting on it ? observed by an observer (a) sitting in the
A ns. When s o«
i, acceleration = 0. Therefore, no cabin, (6) standing on earth.
extermal force is acting on the body. Ans. (a) The body will appear stationary in air.
3. A person sitting in the compartment of a train
(6) The body will appear to be falling freely
moving with uniform speed throws a ball in under acceleration due to gravity.
the upward direction. What path of the ball
7. The linear momentum of a body can change
will appear to him ? What to a person
standing outside ? only in the direction of applied force
Ans. Vertically downwards; parabolic to a person
standing outside.
Ans. The statement is correct. It is in accordanceWlu
Newton's second law of motion.
4. If force is acting on a moving
body 8. Calculate the net force acting on a body
perpendicular to the direction of motion, then
what will be its effect on the speed and mass 10 kg moving with a uniform veloci
direction of the body ? of 2 ms
Ans. No change in speed, but change in direction is Ans. As velocity is uniform, acceleration, a =0
possible. F=ma =0

Calculate the mass of a body weighing 100 notjon

99. dyne. Take g =
10 ns-2. I. Newton's third Law of
and conservation of linear monentuin
Fronm W= mg,
Ans. euses y 9
15,The length of an ideal spring iner
W10Uuy = Cm when a body of kg
1 is suspemled frnn
10g frietioul
1000cms2 Ir this spring is laid on a I s
horizontal table and bodies of kg erh
On what factors does the thrust on a roclket willb=
10. suspended from its ends, then whal
depend ? the increase in its length ?
on a rocket depends on only.
Ans. The upward thrust Ans. Increase in length will be (01 cm
exhaust speed of the gases w.rt. the rocket and 16. The two ends of a spring-balance
are piullet
rate at which mass of the exhaust gases cscapes. will he the
each by a force of 10 kg. wt. What
11. A ball is suspendecl by a cord from the ceiling reading of the balance?
of a motor car. What will be the effect on the Ans. The reading of the balance will be 10 ky wl.
position of the ball, if () the car is moving 17. A lift is accelerated upward. WilI
with uniform velocity ü) car is accelerated
apparent weight of a person inside the if
(ii) car is turning towards left? increase, decrease or remain the same relative-
Ans. (i) The ball will remain suspended vertically to its real weight ? If the lift is going with
only. uniform speed, then ?
(i) The ball will move in the backward direction. Ans. The apparent weight will increasc. If the lift is
(iin) The ball will move towards right. going with uniform speed, the apparent weight
will remain the same as the real weight.
12. A vessel containing water is given a constant 18. A ball of 0-5 kg mass moving with a speed of
acceleration towards the right, along the 10 m/s rebounds after striking normally a
horizontal. Which of the figures 5(Q). perfectly elastic wall. Find the change in
correctly represents the surface of the liquid. momentum of the ball.
FIGURE5(Q).6 Ans. Change in linear momentum = m mv
- -

= 2 mu E
- 2 x 05 x 10

oleol =- 10 kg ms
19. A body of 2 kg is suspended on a spring
balance hung vertically in a lift. f the lift is
falling downward under acceleration due to
gravity 8, then what will be the reading of
Ans. Fig. 5(Q).6(c) represents correctly the surface the balance ? If going upward with the same
of the liquid. This is because the liquid acceleration, then?
experiences an equal force towards the left. And Ans. Reading of the balance = apparent weight w
the liquid surface has to be perpendicular to the = m (g-a) =m (g- 8) = zero.,
resultant force on the liquid. If lift is going upwards with same acc;
13, What is the ratio of SI to CGS units of linear W'= m (g +a) = m (g + 8) = 2 m g=4 kg
momentum? 20. A 5 kg body is suspended from a spring
balance, and an identical body is balanced
Ans. SIunit of p kg ms on a pan of a physical balance. If both the
CGS unit of p gcms balances are kept in an elevator, then what
would happen in each case when the elevator
nsi100 10 g10*cms= 105 is moving with an upward acceleration ?
Cms- Ans. The reading of the spring balance will increase,
but there will be no effect on the equilibrium
4. Show that if the force acting on a particle is
common physical balance.
ro, its momentum will remain unchanged. 21. A thief jumps from the roof of a house with
Ans. According to Newton's second law of motion, box of weight W on his head. What will
the weight of the box as experienced by
= constant. the
F dWhenF=0, dt =0 orp thief during jump ?
5/84 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)
Ans. Weight of the box duringjump, W = m (g-a) 33. Rubber tyres are preferred to steel t
= m (g- 8) = zero Why?
22. What is the principle of working of a rocket ? Ans. This is because coefficient of friction bety
Ans. A rocket works on the principle of conservation rubber tyres and road is smaller than
of linear momentum. coefficient of friction between steel tyres
23. An impulsive force of 100 N acts on a body road.
for 1 s. What is the change in its linear 34. What is the relation between coeffickem
momentum ? friction and angle of repose ?
Ans. Change in linear momentum = Impulse = Fxt Ans. u = tan o..
= 100 x 1
= 100 Ns. 35. Is frietion a self adjusting force ?
24. What are the conditions for maximum and Ans. No, all types of friction are not self adjus
minimum pull of a lift on a supporting cable ? Only static friction is a self adjustingforce
Ans. When the lift is in free fall, pull of the lift on 36. What is the angle between frictional tog
supporting cable is zero (minimum). When the
and instantaneous velocity of the bd
lift is accelerating upwards, pull = m (g + a) moving over a rough surface ?
= maximum.
Ans. The angle is 180°, because force of frictg
25. What is the principle of working of a rocket ?
always opposes the relative motion.
Ans. A rocket is based on the principle of 37. Can we get off a frictionless horizont
conservation of linear momentum.
surface by jumping ?
26. A bomb explodes in mid air into two equal
Ans. No, as frictionless surface offers no reaction
fragments. What is the angle between their
directions of motion ? 38. What is the angle of friction between t
surfaces in contact, if coefficient of frictin
Ans. 180°, as the two fragments would move in
exactly opposite directions. is 1/3 ?
27. Can a rocket operate in free space ?
Ans. Yes, principle of conservation of linear
momentum holds equally well in free space.
Ans. = 0=?

As tan
III. Friction 8=p 0= 30"

28. Why do we easily slip on a rainy day ? 39. What is dry friction ? And what is wet

Ans. Water acts as a lubricant reducing the friction friction?

between the road and our feet. Ans. Dry friction is the force of friction between two
29. What are the factors on which coefficient of solid surfaces in contact. Wet friction is the force
friction depends ? of friction between a solid surface and a liquid
Ans. Coefficient of friction between any two surfaces surface.
in contact depends on (i) material of the 40. What is the unit of coefficient of friction ?
surfaces. Ans. Coefficient of friction has no units.
(i) nature of polish of the surfaces. 41. What is the angle of friction between two sur
30. What type of friction is involved when an axle faces in contact if coefficient of friction S
rotates in a sleeve?
Ans. It is sliding friction.
31. Is friction independent of actual area of
contact ? Ans. As tan 6= = 0 30. 11
Ans. Yes, force of friction does not depend upon
actual area of contact. 42. It is easier to roll a barrel than to pull it along
32. The fast moving vehicles are given streamline the road. Why ?
shape.Why? Ans. This is because rolling friction is less than
Ans. This reduces the force of friction due to air. sliding friction.

IV. Dynamics of Circular Motion 10= 25 em

43. A bucket of water is rotated in a vertical circle
Ans. h==x
so that the surface of water is at a distancer 7. A stone is tied to one end of a string and
from the axis of rotation. What is the rotated in a vertienl cirele, Whnl is
minimum angular velocity so that the water differenee in tensions of the slrg al lowest
does not spill out ? and highest points of the vertieal eisele
= times the weight of the stone
Ans. For water not to spil. weight of water must be Ans. 72-T=6 mg 6
balanced by centrifugal force (mr w*). 48. A body is moving with a uniform speed
on (he
i.e.,mr et = mg: = glr a cirele. Is there any force neting
44. What is the apparent weight of a body of changing
mass m at (a) the highest and (b) lowest point Ans. Yes. Centripetal lorce is required for
if it is just looping the loop' in a vertical continuously the direction of motion of the
to a ear
cirde ? 49. What provides centripetal force
(HP Board 2006)
Ans. Apparent weight of a body is tension in the on a level road ?
tyres and the
string. While looping the loop. TH = 0 and Ans. The force of friction between the
TL =6 mg. road provides necessary ventripetal
45. The acceleration of a train travelling at 50. When a body moves along a
cireular path,
40 m/s as it goes round a curve of 160 m in which thing experiences centrifugal force

radius is.. by the agency

Ans. Centrifugal force is experienced
40 m/s* supplying the centripetal force needed
Ans. a =
10 moving in a circle.
51. Does the angle of banking
depend on mass
46. A ball of gm released down an inclined
plane describes a circle of radius 10 cm of the vehicle ?
bottom. does not depend
the vertical plane on reaching the Ans. No, angle of banking of a road
The minimum height of the inclined plane upon mass of the vehicle.
iS. cm.
Carrying 2 marks
L Newton's first and second
Laws of Motion Fxs=m2 =_(2u) 4

1. A body is acted upon by

a number of external s, i.e., distance covered by
motorcar will
forces. Can it remain at rest? become 4 times. The car will cover
three times
all the external original.
Ans. Yes, provided vector sum of more distance than the
forces acting on the body is
5. Two bodies of masses
M and m are allowed
body is zero, will air resistance
to fall from the same height. If two hodies
2. If the net force acting on a same, will the
at rest ? for each body be simultaneously
it remain necessarily the ?
necessary. When net force acting on reach the ground
Ans. No, not in the state of
uniform body will reach the ground
body is zero, it may be Ans. No. The heavier downward force on
motion along a straight
line. earlier. This is because, net acc.
to - F). Therefore, its

blades of an electric fan continue body of mass M = (Mg

3. Why do the current is
rotate for some time, after a
Mg-=g 8 -and acc. of body of
switched off ? motion. M M
account of inertia of
Ans. It happens on is doubled, how
4. If the speed of a motor car
before smaller mass, a' =F8
distance will it cover will
much more force ? d, Hence heavier body
under the same
retarding As M>nm. a> body.
earlier than the lighter
al ti stopping reach the ground

Ans. As Fzs = mu?

5/86 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLn
. 'Two budies ofmasses M and m are allowed 13. When a man jumps down from a height
fall freely from the same height. If air several storeys onto a stretched trapaulin,
Fesistane for each body is same, then will receives no injury. Why ?
bolh he bodies reaeh the earth Ans. When a man jumps onto stretched trapaulin, he
simullanecously ? trapaulin gets depressed at the place of impact
Ans. Yeb, hoth the bodies will reach the earth increasing the time t of impact, Force
gether, if ain resistance for each hody is same. experienced by the man F = Impulse/time
7. A sodu water hottle is falling freely. Will the decreases and the man is not hurt.
ubbles of the gas rise in the water of the 14. Airis thrown on a sail attached to a b0at
bolte ? an electric fan placed on the boat. Will the
Ans. Butbfoles will not ise in water. This is because boat start moving?
air, then air
waler in freely falling bottle is in the state of Ans. No, when the fan pushes the sail by
weiphtlessness. No upthrust acts on the bubbles. also pushes the fan in the opposite
Since fan is placed on the b0at, the vector sum
athelete runs a certain distance hefore
8. An zero. The
aking a long jump. Why ? of linear momenta of fan and boat is
boat can move only under the force of
Ans, In a long jump, the horizontal range R« (initial from some external agency.
vcocity, An athelete runs a certain distance
15. A bird is sitting on the floor of a wire
before 1k ing a long jump because velocity bird
aquired by running is added to the velocity of and the cage is in the hand of a boy. The
the athelete at the time of jump. Due to it, he starts flying in the cage. Will the the
experience any change in the weight of
Can junp oVer a longer distance.
cage ?
9. How do you account for the function of mud with
Ans. In a wire cage, air inside is in free contact
guards ? atmospheric air. Therefore, when the bird starts
Ans. Due ty directional inertia, the rotating flying inside the cage, the weight of bird
is no
of any vehicle throw out mud, if any, more experienced. Hence the cage will appear
angentially. The mud guards over the wheels lighter than before.
stop this mud protecting the clothes etc. of
driver of the bike or motor bike. III. Friction
10. Caleulate the force acting on a body which
changes the momentum of the body at the 16. The minimum force required just to move a
rate of I kg ms4, block on a rough horizontal surface is 10
An applied force of 5 N fails to move
Ans. As force = rate of change of momentum
block. What are the values of static friction
= kg 1 ms2kg _=IN and dynamicfriction?
Ans. Static friction =5N. Dynamic friction is
. What is the function of shockers in a scooter? less than 10 N.
Ans. When a scooter moves on an uneven road, 17. Friction is a self-adjusting force. Correct
impulsive forces are exerted by the road. The statement.
function of shockers is to increase the time of Ans Static friction is self-adjusting force.
impact. This would reduce the jerk experienced friction and kinetic friction are not self-
by the rider of the vehicle. adjusting
18. Angle of repose of a rough inclined plane
I. Newton's third Law of motion
60°. What is the coefficient of friction ?
and conservation of linear momentum
12. Why buffers are provided between the bogies Ans. =tan 6 = tan 60° 3
= 1732
19. A ball rolling on ice with a velocity= of 49
of a train? springs S stops after travelling 4 m. Ifg
9:8 m/s',
Ans. When a train starts or stops, buffer
increase the time of impact between the bogies. what is the coefficient of friction ?
The force acting between the bogies Ans. Here, u = 4.9 m/s, v = 0, s = 4 m,
8 m/s, u = ?
= 9-8
decreases. Therefore, strong jerks
v2-u2 2 as = 2 (-H 8) s

the passengers are avoided.


tt -2gs 0-(49)
= 0-31
25. A motor cyclist is going in a vertical circle.
What is the necessary condition so that he
may not fall down?
20. Automobile tyres are generally provided with
Ans. The necessary condition is that his velocity at
irregular projections over their surfaces, the lowest point (L) must be greater than or
why ? , and
atleast equal to 5gr velocity at the
Ans. Irregular projections over the surface of
automobile tyres increase the force of friction highest point should be greater than or equal to
between the tyres and the road.
8r. Here, r is radius of the vertical circle.
21. Why is it diffcult to climb up a greasy pole ?
26. For oscillation of a simple pendulum of length
Ans. A greasy pole has a slippery surface having low
friction. The person climbing up is not able to L, what is the maximum possible velocity at
press it hard. As action is small, reaction of the the lowest position ? What happens to the
pole is also small. Hence it becomes difficult motion if velocity exceeds this value ?
for him to climb. Ans. For oscillation of a simple pendulum max.
22. Why frictional force gets inereased when two possible velocity at the lowest point = 3gL.
surfaces in contact are polished beyond a
certain limit ? When the velocity exceeds 3gL but is less
Ans. When surfaces in contact are polished beyond ,
a certain limit, number of atmos/molecules of than5 gL the bob leaves the vertical circle.
the surfaces in contact increases and distance When v=5gL, the bob will complete the
between them decreases. Therefore, strong
adhesive forces come into play. They are vertical circle.
responsible for increasing the friction. 27. The driver of a truck travelling with a
velocity v suddenly notices a brick wall in
IV. Dynamics of Circular Motion front of him at a distance d. It is better for
him to apply brakes or to make a circular
23. For looping a loop of radius 4 m, through turn without applying brakes in order to just
what minimum height should a particle avoid crashing into the wall ? Why ?
descend ? Ans. In applying brakes, suppose Fg is the force
Ans. Here, r= 4 m. For looping the loop, required to stop the truck in distance (d)

Fxd= mv
h= = 10 m
or FB

24. Why
are the passengers thrown outwards
when a car in which they are travelling In taking a turn of radius d, the force required
Suddenly takes a circular turn? S

Ans. This is because of inertia of direction of the in V

passengers. They tend to maintain their direction
of motion, while the direction of car
d 2F or

Hence, it is better to apply brakes.

on turning.


and linear 4. Define absolute and gravitational units of force.

1. Explain what is meant by force, inertia State relation between them. LArt. 5.11]
momentum. [Arts. 5.2, 5.4 and 5.5]
5. State and Explain Newton's second law of
2. What is meant by law of inertia ? Discuss briefly
motion. Hence, deduce the relation F = ma,
the concept of inertial mass. where the symbols have their usual meanings.
[Arts. 5.4 and 5.13] (J&K Board 2011) [Art. 5.11]
and show that
3. State second law of motion 6. Explain the term impulse. Show that impulse
second law is the real law of of a variable force is equal to area enclosed by
[Arts. 5.11 and 5.21] the force-time curve. Art. 5.151
/102 Pradeet's Fundamental Physics (XI) O
TTE ro FIGURE5(0).20
eult Pobloma
75, Iu ig. 5().200), R, is just cqual and opposite
weight of vu
n lig. 5(Q).20%b), buidgr is corer
<nmg mg mg
R, R, =ng= R

n lig. 5((Q).20(«), bridge is coneuve

R=mg +
R> m


1. Fig. 5(Q).21 shows the position time graplh visualise a ball moving between two walls
of a particle of mass 0-04 kg. Suggest a located at.r =0 andr=2 cm. getting rebounded
suitable physical context for this motion. repeatedly on striking against each wal.
What is the time betwecn two conseutive On every collision with a wall. linear
impulses received by the particle ? What is momentum of ball changes. Therefore. the ball
the magnitude of cach impulse ? receives impulse afier every nO seconds.
Magnitude of each impulse
= total change in linear momentum
x(cm) = m (u) - m (v) = m (u - v)
= 0-04 (10+10-) 0-08 x10
= 8x 10 kg ms-
2. A block of mass 15 kg is placed on a long
-X trolly. The coefficient of friction between the
block and trolly is 0.18. The trolly accelerates
t (s) from rest at 0-5 m/s for 20 seconds and then
Sol. Here, m = 0-04 kg moves with a uniform velocity. Discuss the
Position time graph in Fig. 5(Q).21 shows that
motion of the block as viewed by ti) a
stationary observer on the ground (ii) an
the particle moves from = 0 atO tox = 2 cm at
observer moving with the trolly.
A in 2 seconds.
Sol. Here, m = 15 kg, H = 0-18
As x- t graph is a straight line, motion is with
constant vclocity, a = 0.5 m/st = 20 s,
cm Force on the block due to motion of trolly.
u -2-0) = I cm/s = 102 m/s F=ma =15 x0:5 = 7-5 N.
This force is in the direction of motion of trolly.
Again, fron x = 2 cm at A, particle goes to x =0 Force of limiting friction on the block
at B in 2 sec.
As AB is a straíght line, motion is with constant
F=uR =(l mg = 0-18 x 15 x 9.8
26-46 N
=- I cm/s = 10* m/s -
It opposes the motion of the block. As F' <F
therefore, the block will not move. The force of
Negative sígn indicates the reversal of direction state friction (F), will adjust itself equal and
of motion. This is being repeated. We can opposite to the applied force. Hence toba
LAWS OF MOTION rnormethmi 5/103
stationary observer on the ground, the block will
appear to be at rest relative to the trolly. FIGURE5(Q).23
When trolly moves with uniform velocity, the
block will continue to be stationary. Because in
that case, forward force is zero and force of
friction alone is acting on the block. 2
(i) An observer moving with the trolly has a
accelerated motion. Hence the observer is
inertial. The law of inertia in no longer valid. 37
3, What is the tension in a rod of length L and
mass M at a distance y from F1, when the Sol. As shown in Fig. 5(Q).23, let T be the tension
in the rod connecting the two blocks and a be
rod is acted on by two unequal forces F, and
common acceleration of the two blocks.
F2<F1) as shown in Fig. 5(Q).22.
As is known, R = mj gcos 37, R = m^g cos 37
FIGURE 5(Q).22 Frictional force on two blocks, up the incline,
F1 =H
m8 COs 37, F2 = |42 m2 8 cos 37
F2 The components of weights of two blocks down
the incline = m^ g sin 37° + ma 8 sin 37
= (m + m2) g sin 37°
Total frictional force up the plane =F1 + F2
Sol. As is clear from Fig. 5(Q).22,
Net force on the rod, f= F1 F2 - (4 m +H2 ma) g cos 37 i)

Acceleration of rod, The equation of motion of the combination of

two blocks can be written as

a= (F); along F (m +ma) a = (mj + m2) g sin 370

M M (4 m m2) 8 cos 370
Mass of part AB of the rod -=| 4+2) a = (4 +2) 9-8 x 0-6
(0-75x4+0-25 x 2) x 9.8 x 0-8
6a 35-28 -27-44 7-84
If Tis tension in the rod at B, then equation of
motion of portion AB of the rod. 7-84
a = = 1:30 m/s
The equation of motion of block m can be
ri o F-T = ma=| written as
T+m g sin 37°- m 8 Cos 37° m xa
2119eit1 =(-F) T+4x98 x 0-6 -0.75 x 4 x 9-8 x 0-8
d be =4x 1-300

bauo 23.52 = 5-20

T+ 23-52 -

T-F1-(F1-F) T 520 N
5. A wire of mass 9-8 x 10* kg per metre passes
T over a frictionless pulley fixed on the top of
llo an inclined frictionless plane which makes an
Masses M
This is the desired result.
angle of 30° with the horizontal.
= kg connected and M are tied at the two ends of the wire.
loy blocks m, = 4 kg and mn, 2 mass M,
Two a plane having
slide downcoefficients The mass M, rests on the plane and
Dy a weightless rod of downwards. The
hangs freely vertically
an inclination of 37°. The with the whole system is in equilibrium. Now, a
and m2
ynamic friction of mj= 0:75 and p2= 0-25 wire
transverse wave propagates along the m/s2
nclined plane are 4 common acceleration with a velocity of
100 m/s. If g = 9:8
yoTrespectively. Find the Take calculate the values of masses
M and M,.
tension in the rod.
Of the two blocks and
cos 37° = 0-8.
sin 37° = 0-6 and
M04 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X1) VoL

FIGURE 5(0).24 m + m, vi)- (m, v, t

(m, +ma) gx (210-0)
m2 v2)

=2 (m+ ma) g to
7. An acroplane requires for take off a speedor
M 80 km/h, the run on the ground being 100 m
04- M2 The mass of aeroplane is 10* kg and coelli- cient
M9 of friction between the plane and ground is 02
M1g Mi9
cos 0
What is the maximum force required by the
1 M29 engine of the plane for take off ?
80x 1000 200
Sol. Here m=
98 = kg/m x 10 Sol. Here, v = 80km/h =
60x 60 9

30. g 9:8 m/s

=? S= 100 m, u
0, u =02, m = 10* kg. F=?
V= 100 m/s, M = ? M
The various forces acting on the system are From vu = 2 as
shown in Fig. 5(Q).24. 2
As the system of two masses is in equilibrium, -0 2xax100
200x200y 20m/s
T=M 8 sin 9
M1 g sin 30°= "18 .4) a=
9x9 200 8T s
Force required to produce acceleration
R M g Cos 6 Mj 8 cos 30° = M,g
.i) ma =104x200 81
= 2-47 x 10t N

...ii) Force required to overcome friction

Also, T M2 8
mg =0-2x 10x 98= 1-96 x 10 N.
From (i) and (in), T = "12 = M, 8 maximum force required by the engine to take
off = F + F2
M = 2 M2
2:47 x 10 + 1-96 x 10= 443 x 10 N
Now, the velocity of transverse waves is
8. A body of mass m rests on a horizontal floor
with which it has coefficient of static friction
. It is desired to make the body move by
applying the minimum possible force F. Find
T=vxm= (100) x 9-8 x 103 = 9.8 N. the magnitude of F and the direction in which
From(ii), M, =
- = 98-= 10 kg
lkg it has to be applied.
Sol. Let the force F be applied on the body at
From (iv) M, = 2 M, =2 x 10 kg = 20 kg. angle 6 with the horizontal, as shown in
6. Two particles of masses mj and m2 in 5(Q).25.
The force of friction f = u R acts along
projectile motion have velocities v, and v2
surface of contact, to the left as shown.
respectively at time ( =0. They collide at time

time 2 ,
their velocities become v and v2 at
while still moving in air. Find the
FIGURE 5(Q).25

value of (m v, + m, v2)- m, vi + m, v2). F sin 0**

(IIT Sereening 2001)
Sol. As there is no external force in the horizonta F cos 6
direction, their momentum is changed in tl
vertical direction only by the gravitational force
in time 0 to 2 to S= uR
As change in momentum= external forcex time interval beti
For horizontal equilibrium
Sol. We know that when there is no friction acce
F cos =/= p R leration down the incline is
For vertical equilibrium a = 8 sin 6
sin 0 = mg And when friction is present, acceleration down
R= mg -F sin 6 the incline is
Put in (i),
F cos = (mg
a=g (sin H cos 8)
F sin 0) In each case, distance covered issd.
FL mgHF sin 0
or F (cos 0+
sin 6) = mg. d-ara 2

F=-cos 6+4sin 0 .i1)

For force F to be minimum, the denominator
should be maximum, for which
gsin = n2
8 (sin Hcos 0)
(cos 0 +4sin 8) =F0
sin -n cos 6 = sin 6.
1) sin 0= Hn cos e
sin 6 + u cos 6 = 0 or u cos 6 = sin 0

Sin 6

cos tan 6 or u
an 6
From Fig. 5(Q).26.
tan 45
FIGURE 5(Q).26

+1 =1
2 10. The rear side of a truck is open and a box of
40 kg mass is placed 5 m from the open end.
The coefficient of friction between the box
1 and the surface below it is 0-15. On a straight
road, the truck starts from rest and
accelerates with 2 m/s?. At what distance
sin6= Vu2+1 from the starting point does the box fall off
the truck? Ignore the size ofthe box.
Sol. Here, mass of box, m = 40 kg
Cos = =
acceleration of truck, a 2 m/s.
2+1 distance of box from open end, s=5m
From (ii), coefficient of friction, H = 0-15
mg Force on the box due to accelerated motion of
truck, F= ma 40 x 2 80 N.
+1 This force is in forward direction. Reaction F'
241 ? of this force on box = 80 N in backward
direction. This reaction is opposed by force of
mg limiting friction = R=4 mg = 0-15 x 40 x
2+1 horizontal
9-8 58-8 N in the forward direction

Angle which this force makes

with Net force on the box in backward direction,
P F' -f= 80 58-8 = 21-2 N. backwards
is tan released at rest on a
acceleration of block, a =
.A smooth block is time
distance d. If
incline and then slides aincline is n times as
taken to slide on rough on smooth incline, a ==053
down 40
1arge as that to slide friction.
find the coefficient of
Pradeep ' Fundamental Physics (XI) wwwwwwwe Vo

= 5 m,
If t is time taken by the box to travel s
and fall off the truck, then 4 2
h BA = OB OA = r-y

5 0+x0532 h=r-3r0134r
h 13-4 ofr
2x54:34s 12. Two bodies A and B of masses 5 kg and
If the truck travels a distance x during this time,
10 kg respectively in contact with eachother
rest on a table against a rigid partition. The
then from coefficient of friction between the bodies and
the table is 0-15. A force of 200 N is applied
=u+a2 horizontally at A. Calculate
) reaction of the partition
x=0+x2(434) 1884 m (i) action, reaction forces between A and B.
11. Calculate the height upto which an insect can
What happens when the partition is
crawl up a fixed bowl in the form of a removed? Does the answer to (i) change
hemisphere of radius r. Given coefficient of when the bodies are in motion ? Ignore
= difference between p, and H
friction 1//3.
FIGURE 5(Q).27

R 200 N

Sol. Here, mass of body A, m = 5 kg
/ B mass of body B, m2 = 10 kg
W cosd W sin a
coefficient of friction between the bodies and
Sol. In Fig. 5(Q).27, B is bottom of the bowl of radius the table, u = 0-15
r OB. The insect can crawl up the bowl from
B to P through a height
Horizontal force applied on A. F= 200 N
i) Force of limiting friction acting to the left.
BA h Fig. 5(Q).28
As is clear from Fig. 5(Q).27, R = W cos o, and
F=Wsin a, where Wis weight ofinsect andF f= (mj + m2)8
is force of friction. = 0-15 (5 + 10) x 98 = 22-05 N

Net force exerted on the partition (to the right)

W sin o
= tan d F'=F-f=200 22-05 = 177.95 N
R W cos o
Reaction of partition = 177-95N to theleft.
In AOPA, tan o= (i) Force of limiting friction acting on the body A
= =
m8 0-15 x 5x 9.8 7-35 N
Net force exerted by body A on body B
tan a= F" = F-S 200 7-35 = 192-65 N
This force is to the right
Reaction of body B on body A= 192-65 N to
the left.
Areeleration produced in the system
From (i). T=F-Mu = 2
177.95 From (ii).
= 11-86m/s2
5+10 T mag ma= 2 98-2 u, wdiy
Force producing motion in body A Prom (i),
F m a =5 x 11-86 = 59-3 N 2T=mja1 + mig = 1
u + 92 udvily
Net force exerted by body A on B, when Add (v) and (vi),
partition is
removed =F F\ = 192-65 59.3 = 133-35

N. 2 T= (20-2 a) + (19.6 2 4,)

Hence reaction of body B on body A,
partition is removed = 133-35 N.
when 39-6-2 (a +a) = K9-6-4u
Thus. answers to (i) do change. Using (vii), 4 + 9:8 = 396- 4 u
13. A constant force F = 20 N acts on a block 5 a = 39.6- 9.8 = 29&
mass 2 kg which is connected to two blocks
of masses m=1:0 kg and m,=2 kg as shown
in Fig. 5(Q).29. Calculate the accelerations
4 =5 5-96 m/s

produced in all the three blocks. Assume From (vii), 2 T=5.96+ 9:8 = 15 16
pulleys are frictionless and weightless. 15-76
FIGURE 5(Q).29 2
From(vi), 2a 19-6-T=196-7-88= 11.7
F 20N M=2 kg
1178 =5-89 m/s2
u= 2 a-az 2 < 5.96- S9
From (iv)
= 11-92-5-89 = b-03 m/s
14. Two wooden blocks of masses 1 kg and 2 kg

m are separated by a certain distance. A bulet

ofmass 50 gfired from a gun pierces through
Sol. The free body diagrams of three blocks of the block of mass 1 kg and then stopped in
masses M, mj and m2 are shown in Fig. 5(Q).30. the second block. After the impact of the
bullet, both blocks start moving with the same
Equations of motion of three blocks are
speed. Calculate the percentage loss in the
FIGURE 5(Q).30 initial velocity of the hullet when it is
2T inbetween the two blocks.
Sol. Here,Mi=1 kg. M2=2 kg.
a m
50 g= kg
F >T 1000 20
Let v = initial velocity of the bullet
v = velocity of the bullet after piercing
through the first block
Mg m18 m2g
V= velocity of cach block when hit by the
Ma =F-T
.i) bullet, Fig. 5(Q).31.

ma =2 T-mj 8 .(i)
FIGURE 5(Q).31
left through a
Now, if mass M moves to the
moves downwards Bullet
distancex, and mass m,
then the distance M M2 2kg
through the same distance x, 1kg
upwards. Therefore,
travelled by mass m, is 2x, double
accelerations of M and ma is As the bullet penetrates first block, as per the
Sum of the principle of conservation of linear momentum
m i.e.,
the acceleration of iv) mv = MV+ m
a+a2 = 2 a
5/108 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XD goL

Again, applying the same principle, when the

bullet is embedded in second block :
= (M2 + m) V This is the retardation at t = 1ls
(M +m) V (2+0-05) v R=m (g +a) = 1500 (9-8- 1-8)
0-05 = 12000 N
41 V
The height to which the ift takes the passenge
From (i), 0-05 v =
V+0-05 v area of trapezium OABC
= V+0-05 x 41 V= 3-05 V

36 =%n
v =-3-05 61 V
Yoage loss in initial velocity of bullet As initial velocity of lift = 0 and final velocity
of lift is also zero, therefore, change in velocity
(v-)x100 (61 V-41 V)
of lift, Av = 0. Average acceleration of lift,
61 V

X100 = 32-8% 12
61 Further, in 12 seconds, net displacement is zero.
15. A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift Therefore, average velocity is zero.
and the passengers is 1500 kg. The variation 16. A block is gently placed at the top of a
in the speed of the lift is given by the graph inclined plane 6-4 m long. Find the time takena
shown in Fig. 5(Q).32. What will be the by the block to slide down to the bottom of
tension in the rope pulling the lift at (i) t=1 the plane. The plane makes an angle 30" with
s, (i) t=
6s (ii) t = 11s? What is the height
to which the lift takes the passengers?
the horizontal. Coefficient of friction between
the block and the plane is 0-2.
During the course of entire motion, what is
Take g = 10 m/s.
the average velocity and average acceleration
of the lift ? Take g = 98 m/s. Sol. As the block is sliding down the inclined plane,
force of friction F acts up the plane, Fig. 5()33.
FIGURE 5(Q).32 fa is acceleration produced in the block, then
net force on the block down the plane is
36 B

10 12
Sol. Here, m 1500 kg, T= R =?
= mg cos
(i) From 0 to 2 s ; u = 0,v = 3-6 m/s,

,-U- 30-0 1.8 m/s2 S=ma = mg sin 6- F

mg sin
As acceleration is uniform, therefore at t =1 s,
mg sin 6-p mg cos
a = 1-8 m/s2 mg (sin 6-p cos 6)ob
R= m (g +a) = 1500 (9.8 + 1-8) Or a = 8 (sin 6-u cos 6)
= 1500 x 11-6 = 17400 N
= 10 (sin 30° -0-2 cos 30°)
(i) From the graph we find that at f= 6 s, a =0.

R= mg = 1500 x 9.8N = 14700 N
(ii) Att= 11 s:
From the graph, the velocity of
body is
decreasing at a constant rate, from t = 10 s a= 5 (1 0-2x 1-732) = 5 x 0-6536
I= 12 s = 3.268 m/s tli io

Now, = 6:4 m:
0 as the block
u =
The reaction R is vertically upwards.
starts from rest. Action Reaction Pairs
t=? Case (a) :() force of gravity (= 20 N) on the
block by the earth-vertically downwards
From +a (action). And force of gravity on the earth by
the block directed upwards (reaction)-not
shown in fig. 5(Q).34.
6-4=0+x3-2682 ii) force on the floor by the block (action). And
force on the block by the floor (reaction).
2x641-98s Case (b): (i) force of gravity (=270 N) on the
t 3268 system by the earth (action). Force of gravity
on earth by the system (reaction), equal to 270
17. See Fig. 5(Q).34.A wooden block of mass 2 kg N not shown in fig. 5(Q).34.
rests on a soft horizontal floor. When an iron (i) force on the floor by the system (action).
eylinder of mass 25 kg is placed on top of the And force on the system by the floor (reaction).
block, the floor yields steadily, and the block (ii) force on the block by the cylinder. And force
and the cylinder go down witlh an acceleration on the cylinder by the block.
of 0-1 ms. What is the action of the block on 18. A 4 meter long ladder weighing 25 kg rests
the floor (a) before and (b) after the floor yields? with its upper end against a smooth wall and
Take g 10 ms. Identify the action reaction lower end on rough ground. What should be
pairs in the problem. the minimum coefficient of friction between
Sol. ()Refer to Fig. 5(Q).34(@), From the free body the ground and the ladder for it to be inclined
diagram of the block, R = 2 x 10 20 N. at 60° with the horizontal without slipping ?
Therefore, by Newton's 3rd law, the force Take g = 10 m/s.
exerted on the floor by the block is equal to Sol. In Fig. 5(Q).35, length of ladder, AB, = 4 m.
20 N, directed vertically downwards.
FIGURE 5(Q).35
FIGURE 5(Q).34

Free body diagram
of block

Free body diagram
of(block +cylinder) D
system B Floor
0.1m s-2 270N
W 25 kg at the centre C of the ladder.
cylinder) accelerates LABO = 60°
6) The system (block + resultant .
downwards with 0-1 ms2. Therefore, LBAO = 90° 60° = 30°

earth = (25 + 2) 10 R is reaction of the wall on the ladder

1 OA
of force of gravity due to the floor
N] and normal reaction R by R is reaction of the ground, normal to
270 acceleration, Fig. Force of friction (f) between the ladder and the
must be producing this second law,
(Q).34(b). According to Newton's ground acts along B0.
In equilibrium, R2 = W and R = f )
270-R= 27 x 0-1 Taking moments about B, we get for equilibrium
R 270-2-7 2673N of the ladder
action of the system
Ro x0- Wx BD + R xAO = 0
" By Newton's 3rd law,to 267.3 N vertically
on the floor is equal or Wx BD =R\ x AO
5/110 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOL
Using (i), kz =
z BD f% AO Let a be the acceleration, while ascending
plane as shown in Fig. 5(Q).36(a). Here, fricttion
L BD BCcos 6
AB sin 64
is acting down the incline.
mg sin +f=m aj
AB/2 1/2 Let a be acceleration while descending down
ABAB3/2 the plane as shown in Fig. 5(Q).36(6), Here
friction is up the plane
mg sin 0 -f=ma
029 Divide (i) by (ii)
19. A body ofmass 5x 10 kg is launched upon
a rough inclined plane making an angle of
mgsin 6+f_4
30° with the horizontal. Ohtain the coefficient mg sin 6-f az
of friction hetween the body and the plane if
the time of ascent is half the time of descent. mgsin 6+mg cos 6_4
mg sin 6-mg cos 6
Sol. Here, m =5x103kg, 6 =30",H =? h=*
mg cos e(tan 6+) 4
Iffis the force of friction between the body and
inclined plane, then mg cos e(tan 0- u) a2
S= R= H mg cos If is time of ascent and t is time of descent
for length of plane (), then
FIGURE 5(Q).36

mgsin mg mg cos 0
From (iv), tan +
tan 1
tan + = tan
4 0-4 u
=3 tan 6

E tan 30°=

mg mg cos 6
H =0-346
naisit 9sH 0ME.OE

For simplicity in numerical calculations, take g = 10 ms4]
o. 1. Give the magnitude and direction of the net force
acting on
(a) a drop of rain falling down with a constant
(b) a cork of mass 10 g floating on water
(c) a kite skilfully held stationary in the sky
(d) a car moving with a constant velocity of 30 km/h on
a rough road.
(e) a high speed electron in space far from all
gravitational objects, and free of electric and magnetie
Sol. (a) As the rain drop is falling with a constant speed, its acceleration a = 0. Hence net force
F = ma= 0.
(b) As the cork is floating on water, its weight is being balanced by the upthrust (equal to weight of water
displaced). Hence net force on the cork is zero.
e) As the kite is held stationary, net force on the kite is zero, in accordance with Newton's first law.
(d) Force is being applied to overcome the force of friction. But as velocity of the car is constant, its acc.
a 0. Hence net force on the car F = ma = 0.
(e) As no field (gravitational/electric/magnetic) is acting on the electron, net force on it is zero.
Q.2. A pebble of mass 0-05 kg is thrown vertically upwards. Give the magnitude and direction of net
force on the pebble, (a) during its upward motion, (b) during its downward motion, (c) at the highest
point, where it is momentarily at rest.
Do your answers change if the pebble were thrown at an angle of, say 45° with the horizontal
direction ?
Ignore air resistance.
Sol. Whenever a body is thrown vertically upwards or it moves vertically downwards, gravitational pull of
earth gives it a uniform acceleration a =+g=+ 10 ms in the downward direction. Therefore, the net
force on the pebble in all the three cases is vertically downwards.
As m = 0-05 kg and a =+ 10 m/s.
In all the three cases, F = ma = 0-05 x 10 = 0-5 N, vertically
direction, it will have horizontal and
If the pebble were thrown at an angle of 45° with the horizontal
not affect the force on the pebble. Hence our
vertical components of velocity. These components do
(C), the pebble will not be at rest. It will have horizontal
answers do not alter in any case. However, in case
component of velocity at the highest point.
Give magnitude and direction of the net force acting on a stone of mass 0-1 kg
.3. the
(a) just after it is dropped from
the window of a stationary train.
window of a train running at a constant velocity of 36 km/hr
(b) just after it is dropped from the 1 ms-?
from the window of a train accelerating with
(c) just after it is dropped
which is accelerating with I ms, the
stone being at rest relative to
lying floor of a train,
(d) on the
the train.
Neglect the resistance of air
= 10 mís
DO1. (a) Here, m = 0-1 kg, a = +g
10 = 1:0N
Net force, F= ma =0-1 x
This force acts vertically
Pradeep'a Pundamental Phrysies (
When the train is running at a constant velocity, its
acc. = 0. No force acts om the stne Aiue H
motion. Therefore, force on the stone = weight stone
F of = mg = 0*1 10 = 16N
This force also acts vertically downwards.
()When the train is accelerating with 1 m s4, an additional force = = (11
stone in the horizontal direction. But once the stone is dropped P m =
1 acte i N

from the train, P besomes zer nd fhe s

fone on the stone is F= mg =0-1 x 10 = 1-0 N, acting vertically
() As the stone is lying on the floor of the train, its acceleration is same as
that of the train
lorve acting on stone, F = ma = 0-1 x = 0.1 N 1

This force is along the horizontal direction of motion ofthe train. Note
that weight of the stone in fis ase
is being balanced by the normal reaction.
Q. 4. One end of a string of length r is connected to a particle of mass m
and the other end tn a small eg
on a smooth horizontal surface. If the particle moves in a circle with speed v, fhe net torce on

particle (directed towards centre) is (i) T)

T-" (i) T+ (iv)o
Tis tension in the string. Choose correct alternative.
Sol. The net force on the particle directed towards the centre is T. This provides the necessary Centripesal
to the particle moving in the circle.
Q.5. A constant retarding force of 50 N is applied to a body of mass 20 kg moving iitially with a speed s
15 ms, How long does the body take to stop ?
Sol. Here. F=-50 N. m = 20 kg , u = 15 ms-l, v = 0, 1 = 2

From F= ma, a ==
F -50
111 20
2-5 ms2
From U = u + at
0 15-2:5 t
Q.6. A constant force acting on a body ofmass 3-0 kg changes its speed from 20 m/s to 3-5 m/s in 25s. The
direction of motion of the body remains unchanged. What is the magnitude and direction of the
force ?
Sol. Hcre. m = 3-0 kg, u = 2-0 ms,
v = 3-5 ms, t= 25 s, F= ?

F= ma = -m (v-u)_3-0 (3:5-20)= 0-18 N

The force is along the direction of motion.
Q.7. A body of mass 5 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 8N and 6N. Give the magnitude and
direction of the acceleration of the body.
Sol. Here, m = 5 kg, d= ?

F= OA = 8N
0B 6N
=v82 +62
Resultant force, F = OC = F2+ F2 =10 N

If ZAOC= 6, tan = ACOB=2=075 0=36° 52


This is the direction of resultant force and hence the direction of acceleration of the body. Fig. 5N).1.

Also. 10
in 5
=2 ms2

in the middle ot
Q. 8. The driver of a three whecler moving with a speedl of 36 km/a sees n child standing
the road and brings his vehicle to
rest in 4s Just in time to save the child. Whnt I the averag
retarding foee on the vehicle ? The mass of the three wheeler Is 400 kg nud the mass of the driver is

65 kg.
Sol. Here, u = 36 knn/h = 10 n/s, v = 0, t= 4s, m 400 +65 m 465 kg

F = ma
m )_465
Retarding foree = (0-10-1162:5 N
Q.9. rocket with a lift offmass 20000 kg is blasted upwards with a net initlal acceleration oI S ms
Calculate the initial thrust (force) of the blast.
Sol. Here. m= 20000 kg = 2 x 10* kg; Initial acc. = 5 ms2 : "Tlhrust. F' = ?
Clearly. the thrust should be such that it overcomes tlhe foree of gravity besides giving it an upward
acceleration of 5 ms. Thus the force should produce a net acceleration of 9.8 + 5:0 = 14.8 ms,
As thrust= force = mass x acceleration. F=2 x 10 x 14-8 = 2-96 x 10 N
Q.10. A body of mass O-40 kg noving initially with a constant specd of 10 m/s to the north is subjected to
a constant force of 8-0 N directed towards the south for 30 s. Tuke the instant the force is applied to
bet 0, and the position of the particle at that time to be = 0, predict its position ati=-5 s, 25 S,
Sol. Here, m = 0-40 kg, u = 10 m/s due N, F=- 8:0 N (minus sign for opposite direction of force)

a =-So :-20 0-40

ms for 0SrS 30 s

() Atr=-5 s, r = ut = 10 x (-5) = - 50 m
(i) Atr= 25 s, = ut + af = 10 x 25+ 20) (25)2 = - 6000 m

(it) Att= 100 s, The problem is dividedinto two parts. Upto 30 s, there is force/acc.

t +aP 10 x 30+ 20) (302 =-8700 m

Att 30 s, v = u + 30 =- 590 m/s, .. for motion from 30 s to 100 s
at = 10 -20x
X=U =- 590 x 70 =- 41300 m. .
x =* t2=- 8700 41300 - 50000 m=- 50 km
- -

Q. 11. A truck starts from rest and accelerates uniformly with 2 ms.
Att = 10 s, a stone is dropped by a
person standing on the top of the truck (6 m high from ground). What are the (a) velocity and
(b) acceleration of the stone att = 11 s? Neglect air resistance.
Sol. Here, u = 0, a = 2 ms, t
= 10s
Let v be the velocity of the truck when the stone is dropped.
From v = u + at Dx
U =0+2x 10 20 ms O, A
dropped, v, = v = 20 m s,
(a) Horizontal velocity of stone, when it is
As air resistance is neglected, v, remains
stone, u =0, a =g = 10 ms2
In the vertical direction, initial velocity of
time = 11 10 = 1s

10 ms
From v = u+at, v, = 0+ 10xl =
Resultant velocity ofstone, OC is given
by v= /v +u= v202 +102 = 22-4 ms-
of stone makes with the horizontal direction OA, then
If is the angle which the resultant veloeity OC

from Fig. 5(N).2, tan = ==05

dropped from the truck, horizontal iorce on the stone = 0. The only
(6) The moment the stone is direction. The
= * = l0 ms in the vertically downward
of the stone is that due to gravity a 8
Tollowed by the stone is, however,
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (X)VO
9. 12. A bob of mas 0-1 kg hung from the ceiling of a room by a string 2 m long is set into oscillation
speed of the bob at its mean position is 1 m/s. What is the trajectory of the bob, if the string
when the beob is () at one of its extreme positions (b) at its mean position ?
Sol. (a) We slhall studly in unit 10 that at cach extreme position, velocity of the bob is zero. If the slring is c
the extreme position, bob is only under the action of 'g'. Hence the bob will fall vertically downwar
6) At the nean position. velocity of the bob is ms, along the tangent to the arc. which is in

horizontal direction. If the string is cut at mean position, the bob will behavc as a horizontal projccti
Hence it will follow parabolic path.
0. 13. A man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing machine in a lift, which is moving fa) upwards with
uniform speed of 10 ms. (b) downwards with a uniform acceleration of 5 ms,
(c) upwards with a uniform acceleration of 5 ms.
What wonld be the readings on the scale in each case?
(d) What would be the reading if the lift mechanism failed and it hurtled down freely under gravity 2
Sol. Here. m = 70 kg. g = 10 m/s
The weighing achine in cach case measures the reaction R ie. the apparent weight.
(a) When the lift moves upwards with a uniform speed, its acceleration is zero.
.. R=mg = 70 x 10 = 700 N
(b) When the lift moves downwards with a = 5 ms2 R=m (g-a) = 70 (10-5) = 350 N
(c) When the lift moves upwards with a = 5 ms R=m (g + a) = 70 (10 +5) = 1050 N
If the lift were to come down freely under gravity, downward acc.
a=8 R=m (g-a) = m (g -8) = Zero
Q. 14. (a) Fig. 5(N).3 shows the position time graph of a particle of mass FIGURE 5{N).3
4 kg. What is the force on the particle for < 0; 0 <t<4sand
t x (m)

(b) The impulse at t 0 and = 4s. Consider one dimensional
motion only.
Sol. (a) (i) For t < 0, the position time graph is AO
which means
displacement of the particle is zero, i.e. particle is at rest at the origin.
Hence force on the particle must be zero.
(i) For 0 <i <4s, the position time graph OB has constant
Therefore velocity of the particle is constant in this
a slope.
interval i.e. particle
has zero acceleration. Hence force on the
particle must be zero.
(iii) For 1> 4s, the position time
graph BC is parallel to time axis. Therefore,
distance of 3 m from the origin, i.e. it is the particle remains at a
at rest. Hence force on the particle is
(h) Jmpulse zero.
ut 1 = 0
We know, impulse = change
in linear momentum. Before t = 0, particle Joe
is at rest i.e. u = 0
After t =0, particle has a constant velocity v= =075 m/s.
Impulse = m (v u) = 4 (0-75-0) = 3 kg ms-l

Impulse at t = 4 s
Before= 4 5, particle has constant velocity u =
After1 = 4 s, particle is at rest i.e. 0:75 m/s.
v= 0
Impulse = m (v
u) = 4 (0-0:75) = -
3 kg ms- 9ln

Q. 15. Two bodies of masses 10

kg and 20 kg
the ends of a light string. A horizontal respectively kept on a snmooth, horizontal surface are tied
of string. What is the tension in force F= 600 N is applied to (i)
A and (ii) B along the direction
the string in ench case ?
Sol. Here, F= 600 N
m= 10 kg, m2 = 20 kg.
Let T be the tension in the
string and a be the acceleration
of the system, in the direction
of force appled
10+20) 20 m/s

(a) When force is applied on lighter block A, Fig. 5(N)4.

m a = 20 x 20 N = 400 N
M2 n2
m1 m1

FA Force applied on m Force appliod on mn2

ma m2a m1a
m2 m2

F-T ma T m2a ma -T F-T m2

(b) When force is applied on heavier block B, Fig. 5(N).5.
m a = 10x 20 N T= 200 N
which is different from value of T in case (a). Hence our answer
depends on which mass end, the force is applied.
Q.16. Two masses 8 kg and 12 kg are connected at the two ends of a
light inextensible string that passes over a frictionless pulley, Fig.
5(N).6. Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the
string, when the masses are released. YOUU
From Q. 15, we learn that when
T m29 m2a
two bodies of masses m and M
are in contact with eachother and
a force is applied on the
mza combination, the acceleration (a)
is same and does not depend on
m29 whether force is applied on m or
m19 M. However, the force of contact
mig-T= mja depends on whether force is
applied on m or M.


Sol. Here, m = 8 kg, m^= 12 kg

(7 m2) 8 (12-8)983921-96ms2
As a 12+8 20
2m ma 8 2x12x8X98 _ 94-1 N
Again, (12 +8)
frame of reference. Show that if it distintegrates into two
Q.17. A nucleus is at rest in the laboratory
must be emitted in opposite directions.
smaller nuclei, the products
velocities. Therefore, total linear
products and vj. V2 be their respective
Sol. Let mi,m, be the masses of
m V2. Betore disintegration, the nucleus is at rest. Therefore.
momentum after disintegration

is zero.
its linear momentum
before disintegration
conservation of linear momentum,
According to the principle of
= or v
m v+m2 v, 0 m2

Pradeeh 's Pundanental Physith (it/
Ncgative sign shows that v, and v,
are in opposite directions.
Q.18. Two billiard balls each of mass 0-05 moving
kg in opposite directions with speed 6 ms" tvllma
rebound with the same speed. What is the impulse imparted to se
each ball deue to the other 1
Sol. Here, initial momentum of the ball A
= 0-05 (6) = 0-3 kg ms'
As the speed is reverscd on collision, final momentum - 9*kg nwe
of the ball A = 0-95 (-) =

lnpulse imparted to ball A = change in momentum of ball A = final mwmentum

=-0-3-0.3 = 0-6 kg ms-.
iithal tiHmett
Q. 19, A shell of mass 0-02 kg is fired by a gun mass 100
of kg. If the muzzle speetd of the shell la i
what is the recoil speed of the gun? i
Sol. Here, mass of shell, n = 0-02 kg, mass of gun, M = 100
kg, muzzle speed of shell, V = Hi tins
recoil speed of gun, v = ?
According to the principle of conservation of linear momenturm, mV + Mv = ()

or nV-002x80 0-016 ms-l

M 100
Q. 20. A batsman deflects a ball by an
angle of 45" without changing its initial speed which is
54 km h-, What is the impulse imparted
to the ball ? Mass of the hall is 0-15 kg.
eual t
Sol. In Fig. 5(N).7, the ball hits the bat KL along
AO and is deflected by the bat
along OB where ZAOB = 45°. ON is normal FIGURE S(M)
to the portion of the bat KL
deflecting the ball.
0 2NOA =45°/2 =22-5°
Initial vel. along AO =u= 54 km h = 15 ms,
and mass of ball, m = 0.15 kg.
Initial velocity along AO has two rectangular
components: u cos 6 along
NO produced and u sin 0 along the horizontal
Final velocity along OB has the same magnitude
= u. It is resolved into
rectangular components: u cos along ON two K
and u sin 6 along OL. ON
We observe that there is no change
in velocity along the horizontal,
velocity along vertical is just-reversed. but
. Impulse imparted to the ball = change in
linear momentum of the ball
mu cos 0-(-m u cos ) = 2mu cos 6
Q.21. A stone of mass 0-25 kg tied to 2x
0-15x 15 cos 22.5° =4.5x 0.9239 = 4-16 ms
the end of a string is whirled round
speed of 40 rev/min. in a horizontal in a circle of radius 1:5 m with a
plane. What is the tension in the
speed with which the stone can be
whirled around if the string can
string ? What is the maximum
200N? withstand a maximum tension o

Sol. Here, m =
0-25 kg,
r= 1:5 m, n=40 rpm =
rps =
rps, T=?
T mr0- = m r (2 Tn) =
4T m rn2

T 4xxx0-25 x 15x = 6-6 N

If Tmax
max 200 N, then from

T ax
a2 maxX 200x1-5
max = 1200
m 0-25
mAxV1200 =
Vmax 346 m/s
LAWS OF 5/117

. tin Q.21, the speed ot the stone is increased bevond the maximum permissible value, and the string
eaks suddenly, which of the following correctly describes the trajectory of the stone aet
(a) the stone jerks radially outwards,
(b) the stone flies ofT tangentinlly
from the instant the string breaks,
(c) the stone flies ofl at an angle with the tangent
whose magnitude depends on the speed of the stone
Sol, Thc instant the string breaks, the stone flies off tangentially, as per Newton's first law of moon.
23 Explain why (a) a horse cannot pull a
cart and run in empty space.
(b) passengers are thrown forward from their seats
when a speeding bus stops suddenly.
(c)It is easier to pull a lawn mower than to
push it ?
()A cricketer moves his hands backwards while
holding a catch.
Sol. (a) While trying to pull a cart, a horsc pushes the ground backwards with certain force at an angle. 1ne
ground ofilers an equal reaction in the opposite direction,
on the feet of the horse. The forward component
of this reaction is responsible for motion of the cart. In empty space, there is no reaction and hence a nors
cannot pull the cart and run.
(b) This is due to inertia of motion. When the speeding bus stops suddenly, lower part of the bodies in
contact with the seats stop. The upper part of the bodies of the passengers tend to maintain the uniform
motion. Hence the passengers are thrown forward.
(c) While pulling a lawn mower, force is applied
upwards along the handle. The vertical
component of this force is upwards and reduces Fsine
the effective weight of the mower, Fig. 5(N).
8(a). While pushing a lawn mower, force is Fcose
applied downwards along the handle. The Fcose
vertical component of this force is downwards
and increases the effective weight of the mower, Fsine
Fig. 5(N).8(b). As the effective weight is lesser
in case of pulling than in case of pushing, mg mg
therefore, pulling is easier than pushing.
change in linear momentum of the

(d) While holding a catch, the impulse received by the hands, F xi

ball is constant. By moving his hands backwards, the cricketer increases the time of
impact (?) to complete
hands are not hurt severely.
the catch. As t increases, F decreases and as a reaction, his
Q.24. Figure 5(N).9 below shows the position time graph FIGURE 5(N).9
a suitable
of a particle of mass 0-04 kg. Suggest
What is the time
tdiphysical context for this motion.
u between two consecutive

particle moves fromx=0 at

impulses received by the
particle ? What is the magnitude of
Sol. Here, m = 0-04 kg. Position time
O to x
each impulse ?
graph shows that the
= 2 cm at A in 2 sec.
68 10 12 14 16 X
graph is a straight line, the motion is with
As x- t
constant velocity
(2-0) cm = 1 cm s-= 10
(2-0)s at B in 2 sec.
particle goes to x = 0
from x= 2 cm at A, is with constant
As AB is a straight line, 1 ms
V =-
cm s-l = - 10 This isbeing repeated. We can visualise al ball
of direction of motion.
the reversal getting reborunded repeatedly on striking against
Negative:sign indicates at x =0 and x = 2 cm, Therefore
walls located momentum ot the ball changes. moment
ll receives
moving between two wall, Iinear in linear ntum
every collision with aMagnitude of impulse = total change 10-2
cach wall. On 0-08 x
O04 (10+ 10)
seconds. =
impulse after every two - mv =m (u -v) =
= mu- (m v)
5/118 radeeps Hundamental Physies (XD FOL
Q.25. Figure 5(N).10 shows a man standing stationary with respect to a horizontal conveyer belt that is
accelerating with I ms2, What is the net forvr on the man ' f the coelticient of static friction
between the man's shoes and the belt is 0-2, upto what acceleration of the belt can the man continue
to be stationary relative to the belt ? (Mass of man is o5 kg.
Sol. Here, acceleration of conveyer belt, a= l u/s* FIGURE 5(N).10
As the man is standing stationary w..t. the belt.
acceleration of the man = acceleration of belt = a = n/s*

m = 65 kkg
Net force on the man, F= ma = (65 x = 65 N

Now, H 0-2

Force of limiting friction F= uR =l mg

If the man remains stationary upto max. acc. a of the belt,
then F= ma' = |l mig
a= g = 02 x 9.8 = 1-96 ms
Q.26. A stone of mass m tied to one end ofa string is revolved in a vertical circle of radius R. The net forces
at the lowest (F) and highest (Fy) points of the circle directed vertically downwards are
(a) F mg -T1, Fu =mg + T2 (b) F,= mg + Ty Fy= mg
= -
mv mv
(c)FL mg+T1- ,Fu=mg-T2+ R

(d)FL mg-T1-,Fu= mg +T2+ mvf -

Choose correct alternatives. T1,v denote the tension and speed at the lowest point. T. t' denote
corresponding values at the highest point.
Sol. The net force at the lowest point L is FL = (ng- T). and the net foree at the highest point H is FH=mg +
T2. Therefore, alternative (a) is correct. For details, see Art. 5.47.
Q. 27. A helicopter ofmass1000 kg rises with a vertical acceleration of 15 ms.The crew and the passengers
weigh 300 kg. Give the magnitude and direction of
(a) force on the floor by the the crew and passengers,
(b) action of the rotor of the helicopter on surrounding air.
c) force on the helicopter due to the surrounding air.
Sol. Here, mass of helicopter, m = 1000 kg
Mass of the crew & passengers, m2 = 300 kg
upward acceleration, a = 15 ms and g = 10 ms-2
(a) Force on the floor of helicopter by the crew and passengers =
apparent weight of crew and passengers
= ma (8 + a) = 300 (10 + 15) = 7500N
(b) Action of rotor of helicopter on surrounding air is obviously
vertically downwards. because helicopter
rises on account of reaction to this force. Thus, force of action
F (m +ma) (g + a) = (1000 + 300) (10+ 15) = 1300 x 25 = 32500 N
(c) Force on the helicopter due to surrounding air is the reaction.
As action and reaction are equal and
opposite, therefore, force of reaction, F = 32500 N, vertically
Q. 28. A stream of water flowing horizontally witha
speed of 15 ms pushes out of a tube of cross sectional
area 104 mt, and hits at a vertical wall nearby. What is the force
exerted on the wall by the impact
of water, assuming that it does not rebound?
Sol. Here, v = 15 ms
Area of cross section, a = 102 m2, F ?
Volume of water pushing out/sec = a x v = 10x 15 m s
As density of water is 10* kg/m, therefore, mass
of water striking the wall per sec.
= (15x 10-2) x 103 = 150 kg/s.
X 1S0x15
change in inear momentum F=XU t
-2250 N
o1As time
table. Each coin has a mass m kg. Give
on top of one another on a
are put bottom) due to all coins
Q. 29. Ten one rupee coins force on the 7th coin (counted from the
magnitude and direction of (a) the on the
coin by the eighth coin and (c) the reaction of the sixth coin
above it. (b) the force on the 7th
seventh coin. it. Therefore,
weight of the three coins lying above
Sol. (a) The force on 7th coin is due to
F=(3 m) kgf (3 mg))N
vertically downwards.
where g is acceleration due to gravity. This force acts Hence
(6) The eighth coin is already under the weight of two
coins above it and it has its own weight too.
force on 7th coin due to 8th coin is sum of the two forces i.e
F=2 m + m = (3 m) kgf= (3 mg) N
The force acts vertically downwards.
(c) The sixth coin is under the weight of four coins above it.
Reaction, R=- F=-4 m (kgf) = -(4 mg) N
Minus sign indicates that the reaction acts vertically upwards, opposite to the weight.
Q. 30. An aireraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 km/h with its wings banked
at 15". What is
the radius of the loop?
Sol. Here 6 15°

v =
720 km/h = = 200 m s; g = 9-8 ms-4
60x 60
from tan 0
= 15232 m = 15-232 km
g tan 6 9.8x tan 15°
Q.31. A train rounds an unbanked circular bend of radius 30 m at a speed of 54 km/h. The mass of the
train is 106 kg. What provides the centripetal force required for this purpose ? The engine or the
rails ? What is the angle of banking required to prevent wearing out the rails?
Sol. The centripetal force is provided by the lateral thrust exerted by the rails on the wheels. By Newton's rd
law, the train exerts an equal and opposite thrust on the rails causing its wear and tear.
Obviously, the outer rail will wear out faster due to the larger force exerted by the train on it.

Here V= 54 km/h
54x100=15 m/s.
8 = 9.8 mn s
FIGURE 5{N).11
As tan 6 =- _15X1=016 tan 0-76 374°
Q. 32. A block of mass 25 kg is raised by a 50 kg man in two different
ways as shown in Fig. 5(N).11. What is the action on the floor by
ipatotthe man in the two cases ? If the floor yields to a normal force of
700N, which mode should the man adopt to lift the block without
the floor yielding ?
Sol. Here, mass of block, m = 25 kg
Mass of man, M = 50 kg
Force applied to lift the block
F=mg = 25 x 9.8 = 245 N
Weight of man W = Mg = 50 x 9.8 = 490 N.
26 kg
a 25kg
Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XDOL
(a) When block is raised by man as shown in Fig. L
5(N). 11(a), force is applied by the man in the upwaN
direction. This increases the apparent weight of the man. Hence ard
action on the floor.
W W+F= 490 + 245 = 735 N
(6) When block is raised by man as shown in Fig. 5(N).11(b), force
is applied by the man in the downward
direction. This decreases the apparent weight of the man. Hence, action on the floor in this case
would h
W W- F= 490-245 245 N.
As the floor yields to a normal force of 700N, the mode (b) has to be adopted by the an to lift the block.
Q. 33. A monkey of mass 40 kg climbs on a rope which can withstand a maximum tension
of 600 N. Ia
which of the following cases will the rope break ? The monkey (a) climbs up with an acceleration ot
6 ms (b) climbs down with an acceleration of 4 ms (c) climbs up with a uniform speed of 5 ms-l
(d) falls down the rope nearly freely under gravity. Ignore the mass of the rope.
Sol. Here, mass of monkey, m = 40 kg FIGURE 5(N).12
Maximum tension the rope can withstand, T= 600 N.
In each case, actual tension in the rope will be equal to apparent weight of monkey
(R), Fig. 5N). 12.
The rope will break when R exceeds T.
(a) When monkey climbs up with a = 6 ms
R=m (g +a) =40 (10 +6) = 640 N (which is greater than 7).
Hence the rope will break.
(b) When monkey climbs down with a = 4 ms, R= m (g -a) = 40 (10- 4) = 240 N,
which is less than T The rope will not break.
(c) When monkey climbs up with a uniform speed v = 5 ms, its acceleration
a 0 R=mg = 40 x 10 = 400 N, which is less than 7T
. The rope will not break.
(d) When monkey falls down the rope nearly freely under gravity,
Hence the rope will not break.
R=m (g a) = m (g 8) = Zero

Q.34. Two bodies A and B of masses 5 kg and 10 kg in contaçt with

each other rest on a table against a rigid
wall, Fig. 5(N).13. The coefficient of friction between
the bodies and the table is 0-15. A force of 200
N is applied horizontally on A. What are (a)
the reaction of the wall (b) the action, reaction forces
between A & B? What happens when the wall is removed ?
bodies are in motion ? Ignore difference between
Sol. Here, mass of body A, mj = 5 kg
, and H
Does the answer to (b) change, when the

FIGURE 5(N).13
Mass of body B, ma = 10 kg
Coefficient of friction between the bodies and
the table, l = 0.15
Horizontal force applied on A, F= 200 N
(a) Force of limiting friction acting to the
H(m +ma) = 0-15 (5 + 10)x 10 22-5N
8 200 N
Net force to the right exerted on the partition
F' 200-22.5 177-5 N
Reaction of partition = 177:5 N to the left.
b) Force of limiting friction acting on body A
S m g =0-15 x 5x 10 7:5 N
Net force exerted by body A on body.
F"= F-f 200-7.5 = 192:5 N
This is to the right.
Reaction of body B on body A = 192:5 N to the left.
When the partition is removed, the system of two
bodies will move under the action of
N net forece

Acceleration produced in the 177:5

systcm, a =. F = 1183 ms2
+m2 (5+10)
Force producing motion in body A
Net force exerted by body A on B, when Pm a =5 x 1183 = 59.1 N
the reacticon of bocdy B on body partition is removed= P- F = 192.5-59-1 = 133.4 N. Hence
A, when partition is removed 133.4 N
change. to the left. Thus answers to (6) do
Q. 35. A block of mass 15 kg is placed
on a
trolly is -18. The trolly accelerates long trolly. The coefficient of friction between the block and the
velocity. Discuss the motion from rest with 0-5 m s-2 for 20 s and then moves with a
of the block as viewed by (a) unitorm
observer moving with the trolly. a stationary observer on the ground (D) an
Sol. Here., m = 15 kg. H = 0:18, =
a 0:5 ms2,t= 20 s
Force on the block due to
motion of the trolly F =
It is obviously in the forward ma = 15 x 0-5 = 7:5 N
direction (of motion of the trolly)
Force of limiting friction on
the block = F = u R = u mg = 0-18 15
This opposes the moition of x x 9.8 = 26-46 N
the block. The block shall
itself equal and opposite to not move. The force of static friction F will adjust
F, the applied force.
Hence to a stationary observer
on the ground, the block will appear
When trolly moves with uniform to be at rest relative to the trolly.
velocity, forward force is zero. Force friction
(b) An observer moving with of alone is acting on the block.
the trolly has accelerated motion. The
The law of inertia is no longer valid. observer is, therefore non-inertial.
Q.36. The rear side of a truck is open
and a box of 40 kg mass is placed 5 m from the open end as shown
Fig. 5(N).14. The coefficient of friction in
between the box and the surface below it is 0-15. On a straight
road, the truck starts from rest and accelerates
with 2 ms. At what distance from the starting point
does the box fall off the truck ? (Ignore
the size of the box).
Sol. Here, mass of the box, m = 40 kg
acceleration of truck, a = 2 ms-2 FIGURE 5(N).14
distance of box from open end s=5 m,
Coeff. of friction =0. 15
Force on the box due to accelerated motion of the truck,
ma = 40 x 2= 80DN
This force Fis in the forward direction.
Reaction F on the box is equal to F= 80 N in the backward direction. This is opposed by force of limiting
friction f=HR= H mg = 0-15 x 40 x 10 = 60 N in the forward direction.
Net force on the box in the backward direction is P = F-f= 80- 60 = 20 N

Backward acceleration produced in the box :a===05 40


Iftis time taken by the box to travel s = 5 metre and fall offthe truck, then from
S = ut +at2

5 0xr+ x05

lf the truck travels a distance x during
this time, then again from

s =ut=at
(447)2=19-98 m
X = 0x 4-34 +x2
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VE
Q. 37. A disc revolves with a speed of 33 rev./min. and has a radius of 15 cm. Two coins are placed at 4
cm and 14 cm away from the centre of the record. If the coefficient of friction between the coins and
the record is 0.15, which of the two coins will revolve with the record ?
Sol. The coin revolves with the record in the case when the force of friction is enough to provide the necessary
thhe record.
centripetal force. If this force is not sufficient to provide centripetal force, the coin slips on
Now. the frictional force is uR where R is the normal reaction, and R = mg
Hence force of friction
H mg and centripetal force required is
or mrw
4. are same for both the coins and we have different values of r for the two
So to prevent slipping i.e. causing coins to rotate mg 2 m r @ or g2r o
For 1st coin

r= 4 cm= 100
n=33 3rev./min. = 3x60 rev./sec
0 2 T n = 2 Tx 3:49 s-

ro 4
x (349)2 =0-49 ms and H g =0-15 x 10 = 1:5 ms

As g>r w, therefore this coin will revolve with the record.

For 2nd coin
r= 14 cm = m; 0= 3.49 s-

r x 14
(349) = 1705 ms2 and g = 1:5 ms2
Here, H g2ro* is not satisfied, so this coin will not revolve with the record.
Note that we have nothing to do with the radius of the record (=15 cm).
Q.38. You may have seen in a circus, a motorcyclist driving in vertical loops inside a 'death well' (a hollow
spherical chamber with holes, so the spectators can watch from outside).
Explain clearly why the motoreyclist does not drop down when he is at the uppermost point of death
well with no support from below. What is the minimum speed required at the uppermost
position to
perform a vertical loop if the radius of the chamber is 25 m?
Sol. At the uppermost point of the death well, with no support from bclow, the
motorcyclist does not drop
down. This is because his weight is being balanced by the centrifugal force. Infact,
the weight of the
motorcyclist is spent up in providing the necessary centripetal force to the motorcyclist
and hence he does
not drop down.

At the uppermost point, R + mng = , where R is the normal reaction (downwards) on the motorcyciist,
by the ceiling of the chamber.

Speed will be minimum, when R = 0 mg= or v= yrg = v25 x10 = 15-8 m/s
2 Q. 39. A 70 kg man stands in contact against the inner wall of a hollow cylindrical drum of
radius 3 m
rotating about its vertical axis with 200 rpm. The coeflicient of friction between the wall and hisS
clothing is 0-15. What is the minimum rotational speed of the cylinder to enable
the man to remain
stuck to the wall (without falling) when the floor is suddenly removed ?
Sol. Here m 70 kg. r= 3 m
n 200 rpm = =
60 l= 0:15, t) ?
The horizontal force N by the wall on
frictional force (S) in this case is
the man provides the necessary centripctal force =
vertically upwards opposing the weight (mg) of the man.
mr o. 1n

After the floor is removed, the man will

remain stuck to the wall. when
ng =
H Ni.e. mg < or mr»* g < r 0*
. Minimum angular speed rotation
of of
Q. 40. A thin circular loop of radius R rotates
the cylinder is
ur015x3 = 4:7 rad/s
about its vertical diameter with an angular frequeney 0.
Show that a small bead on the wire
remains at its lowermost point for o s Vg/R . What is the angle
made by the radius vector joining the centre to
the bead with the vertical downward direction for
o = 2g/R ?
Neglect friction.
Sol. In Fig. 5(N).15, we have shown that radius vectorjoining
the bead to the centre of the wire makes an angle
6 with the vertical downward direction. If N is
normal reaction. then as is clear from the figure,
mg = Ncos 9 ..)
mro = N sin 0
FIGURE 5(N).15

or m (R sin 6) o = N sin 6 or mRo=N

from (1), ng = m R o cos or cos= Rw ...(tii)
N cos
AsI cos 61S1,therefore, bead will remain at its lowermost point for

or 0s
R - mrw

When @= from (iii), cos =. = 60°


(From Supplementary Textual Material)
Q.1. A stone of mass 0-2 kg is tied to one end of a string of length 80cm. Holding the other end, the stone
is whirled into a vertical circle. What is the minimum speed the
of stone at the lowest point so that it
just completes the circle? What is the tension in the string at the lowest point the circular path ?

(g= 10 ms)
Sol. Here, m
0:2 kg, l = r = 80 cm = 0-8 m, vz = ?, T= ?
U=5gr = V5x10x08 =6:32 ms, T1= 6 mg = 6 x 0-2 x 10 = 12 N

circle of radius 2 nm. The particle is just looping the

Q.2. A particle of mass 100 g is moving in a vertical
tension in the string at the highest point of the cireular
loop. What is the speed of the particle and
path ? (g = 10 ms)
Sol. Here, m = 100g = 0.1 kg, r= 2 m
VH=? Tu=?
= V$r = V10x2 = 447 ms-
When the particle is just looping the loop, V

At the highest point, Ty= Zero in a vertical circle of radius 1-2 m

0-2 kg, attached to a massless string is moving Does the particle completeth
.3. A particle of mass lowest point ol 1US circular path.
ms at the moves from the position
is imparted a speed of 8 in the strng when the particle
tisttt vertical circle ? What is the
change in tension
position where the string is
horizontal ?
vertical to the
where the string is
5/124 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD voL
Sol. Here m = 0-2 kg, r= 12 m UL =8

Minimum speed at lowest point for completing the vertical circle = 5gr = V5x10x12 = 7:75 msl
As v=8 m/s is greater than 7-75 ms, therefore, the partickle completes the vertical circle.
From T +mg cos6
At the lowest point, string is vertical

+mgcos mg

When the string is horizontal, say at A

TA A+mg cos 90°= A
T-T -v)+ = x(2g r) +mg = 3mg =3 x02 x 10 = 6N
Q.4. A particle ofmass 200 g is whirled into a vertical circle of radius 80 cm using a massless string. The
speed of the particle when the string makes an angle of 60° with the vertical line is 1-5 msi. What is
the tension in the string in this position?
Sol. Here, m 200 g=0-2 kg, r= 80 cm = 0-8 m, v = 1-5 m/s; = 60; T= ?

From +mg cose-0-2x15x15

1XD02x10cos60°= 0-56+ 1 =
1-56 N

.5. A particle ofmass 0-1 kg has an initial speed of 4 msl at a point A on a rough horizontal road. The
coefficient of friction between the object and the road is 0-15. The particle moves to a point B, at a
distance of 2 m from A. What is the speed of B ? (Take g = 10 ms-).
Sol. Here, m = 0-1 kg, u = 4 ms, u = 0-15, s = 2 m, v = ?

Retardation due to friction (-a) = mg = ug = 0-15 x 10 = 1-5 m/s2

Let v be the velocity of particle at B. Using the relation

u+2 as
v2 42+2(-1-5) x 2 10 or V= V10 = 3-16 m/s
Q.6. A particle of mass 0-2 kg has an initial speed of 5 ms at the
inclination 30° and vertical height 0-5 m. What is the speed bottom of a rough inclined plane of
inclined plane ?
of the particle as it reaches the top of the
FIGURE 5(N).16
(Take = 1/3, g = 10 ms). V ?
Sol. Here, m = 0-2 kg, u = 5 m/s, 0 = 30°, h = 05 m.
Refer to Fig. 5(N).16.
051m. mg sin30 A30 h=0-5m
Here, length AB =-
sin 30 1/2
A 300 mgv mg cos 30°
Let fbe the force of friction.
Net downward force along the plane on the particle moving up tTEdi
the plane is
F=mg sin 30° +f mg sin 30° + mg cos 30°

Retardation of particle (-a) = sin 30° + H g cos 30°

3 =10x+x10x 10 m/s2
Let v be the velocity of particle at B. Using the relation v=
u+2 as.
We have v2 52 +2(-10) x 1 =5 920 ()
or V= V m/s = 2-24 ms-1



1. Aball is travelling with uniform translatory (c) Newton's second law only
motion. This means that (d) both Newton's second and third law
(a) it is at rest. 6. A hockey player is moving northward and
(b) the path can be a straight line or circular and suddenly turns westward with the same speed
the ball travels with uniform speed. to avoid an opponent. The force that acts on
(c) all parts of the ball have the same velocity the playeris
(magnitude and direction) and the velocity is (a) frictional force along westward
(b) muscle force along southward
(d) the centre of the ball moves with constant (c) frictional force along south-west
velocity and the ball spins about its centre
uniformly. (d) muscle force along south-west

2. A metre scale is moving with uniform velocity. 7. A body of mass 2 kg travels according to the
This implies law r () = pt + qt4 + rt? where p = 3 ms,
(a) the force acting on the scale is zero, but a torque 4 =4 ms and r = 5 ms".
about the centre of mass can act on the scale. The force acting on the body att= 2 seconds is
(a) 136 N (b) 134 N
(b) the force acting on the scale is zero and the
torque acting about centre of mass of the scale (c) 158 N (d) 68 N
is also zero. 8. A body with mass 5 kg is acted upon by a force
be zero
(c) the total force acting on it need not F
= (-3î+ 4j)N.If its initial velocity at
but the torque on it is zero.
(d) neither the force nor the torque need
to be zero. t=0is v=(61-12)ms1, thetime atwhich
initial it will just have a velocity along the y-axis is
3. A cricket ball of mass 150 g has an (b) 10 s
(a) never
= (3î+4j)ms-l and a final
velocity u (c) 2 s (d) 15 s

velocity v =-
(3+4)ms after being hit. 9. A car of mass m starts from rest and acquires
(final momentum- a velocity along east v =vi(v> 0) in two
The change in momentum
seconds. Assuming the car moves with uniform
initial momentum) is (in kg ms*)
(6)-(0-45?+06) acceleration, the force exerted on the car is
(a) zero mu
(a) eastward and is exerted by the car engine.
()-(0-9?+12) d)-5(+)
3, the magnitude of mu
4. In the previous problem during the hit is (b) eastward and is due to the friction on the
the momentum ms tyres exerted by the road.
(b) 0-75 kg
(a) Zero ms- mu
(d) 14 kg (c) more than eastward exerted due to the
() 15 kg ms-1
Conservation of momentum in a collision engine and overcomes the friction of the road.
5. from
be understood
between particles can mu
(d) exerted by the engine.
(a) conservation of
(b) Newton's first law
5/126 Padeep's Fundamental Physies (XTD VOL


13. In lig. 5(N).19, a bodyof maSs m slides on
10. The motion ofa particle of uass m is given by
r=0 for t<0s,r (0)=A sin 4 nt lor 0<t (1/4)s plane inelined at angle 8, to the horizontal and
H, is the coeflicient of friction between and
(A> 0), and x = 0 for t> (1/4) s. Which of the
following statements is true ? the plane. A is connected by a light string
assing cover a frictionless pulley to another
(a) The force at i = (l/8) s on the particle
body B. also of masS m. sliding on a frictionless
16 té A m. horizontal.
plane inclined at angle 6, to the

(b) The particle is acted upon by an inyulsel Which of the following statements are true
magnitude 4 té A nn at I = 0 s and f = (|/4) FIGURE 5(N). 19
(c) The particle is not acted upon by any force.
(d) The particle is not acted uoon by constant

(e) There is no impulse acting on the particle.
11. In Fig. 5(N). 17, the co-eflicient of friction
between the floor and the body B is 0.1 The 32
co-efficient of friction between the bodies B and
A is 0-2. A force F is applied as shown
on B. A will never move up the plane.
Which of
The mass of A is m/2 and of' B n. is
() A will just start moving up the plane
the following statements are lrue sin 6, -sin 6,
FIGURE 5(N).17
(c) For A to move up the plane. 6, must always be
greater than 8.
(d) B will always slide down with constant
(a) The bodies will move together if F =0.25 14. Two billiard balls A and B, each of
mass 50 g
(b) The body A will slip with respect to if F=
B speed
and moving in opposite directions with
0-5 mg. of 5 ms each, collide and rebound with the
(c) The bodies will move together if F =05 same speed. If the collision lasts for 10

which of the following statements are true

(d) The bodies will be at rest ifF= 01 m8.
the two is 0-25 kg
(e) The maximum value of F for which (a) The impulse imparted to each ball
bodies will move together is 0.45 mg. ms and the forceon each ball is 250 N.
an angle 6 is 025 kg
12. Mass m moves on a slope making (b) The impulse imparted to each ball
to mass m2 ms and the force exerted on each ball is
with the horizontal and is attached
by a string passing over a frictionless pulley 25 x 10N.
co-efficient of fric-
shown in Fig. 5(N).18. The (c) The impulse imparted to each ball
is 0-5 Ns.
tion between mj and the sloping surface
is u. are
(d) The impulse and the force on each ball
FIGURE 5(N).18 equal in magnitude and opposite in
15. A body of mass 10 kg is acted upon by
perpendicular forces, 6N and 8N. The resultant
211 72 acceleration of the body is

(a) I ms at an angle of tan-l(4/3) w.r.t. 6 N

Which of the following statements are true
? 6 N
(6) 02 ms at an angle of tan (4/3) wrt.
will move up the plane.
(a) Ifm<m, sin 6, the body force.
(b) If m2> m,(sin 8 + cos 6), the body will w.r.t. 8 N
move up the plane. (c)I ms at an angle of tan(3/4)
0), the body will force.
(c) If m2 < m (sin 6 + u cos
move up the plane. (d) 0-2 ms at an angle of
tan (3/4) w.r.t. 8N
0), the body will
(d) If m2 < m, (sin 6 H cos

move down the plane.

L.( 2. (b)
3. (c)
10. (a.b.d) 11. (a.b.d.e) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (c)
12. (b.d) 7. (a) 8. (6) 9. (b)
13. (b. c) 14. (c, d) 15. (a. c)
Choice Questions -I
1. In unitorm translatory motion,
all parts of the
and this velocity is constant. ball have the same velocity in magnitude and
2. When a metre scale is moving
with uniform velocity,
acting about centre of mass the force acting on the scale is zero and the toryu
of the scale is also zero.
3 Here.
150 g = 0-15 kg , 7=(3î+4 )m/s, v=
-{3î+4j) m/s
Change in momentum p =mv-mu
= 015[-(3 ?+4)-(31+4 = -030[(3?+4)
P=-(0-9+12/)kg m/s
4. Magnitude of momentum
transferred(= change in momentum), Ipl= y09 +(1-2) = 1-5
5. Conservation of momentum in kgms".
a collision between particles
2nd law and 3rd law. can be understood from both, Newton' s

6. In Fig. 5(N).20, OA = FIGURES(N).20

P = initial momentum of player northward,
OB = p = final momentum of player westward.
According to triangle law of vectors,
OA + AB = OB W
= change in momentum.
The change in momentum of player is along south
west. S
As motion is due to frictional force of reaction
of the ground, therefore, force that acts on the player is
frictional force along south west.
7. Here m= 2 kg
()= pt + qt+r*

v= p+2gt +3rm2
a ==0+2q +6rt
At t= sec, a = 2 q+ 12 r= 2 x 4+ 12 x
2 5 68 m/s2
F=ma = 2 x 68 N = 136 N
8. Here, m=5 kg: F (-3?+4)N
Initial velocity at t = 0, u= (6î-12 Î) m/s, retardation, a: m/s2
AS final velocity is along Y-axis only, its I-component must be zero.

From v= u + at, for X-component only, 0 = 6i-3,

.5X0 =10s


5/128 adeep s Fundamental Physics (XD

9. Here, mass of car = m

v= vi t=2 sec.
As it starts from rest, u = 0, final velocity along east, ,

From V u+at

vî-0+ax2 d-?
force ofcar is
F=m-i, ie., east ward

This is due to friction on the tyres exerted by the
Multiple Choice Questions III
10. Here, x = 0 for <0s
x (t) = A sin 4 tt for 0<1

X=0 for >

For 0<ts
= 4 TA cos 4 tt, a (t) = *-16
TA sin 4 Tt

At ts, a()=-16 T A sin 4 T x=- 8

16 ?Ax1
F= ma (t) =- 16 Am
Impulse = change in linear momentum = Fxt = -161 Amx=-4 Am

The impulse (change in linear momentum) at t = 0 is same as at t=sec.

Further, as F depends on A which is not constant, therefore, the particle is not acted upon by a constant
force. FIGURE5(N).21
11. Here, mass of B = m, mass of A =

(a) Force of friction between A and B

=0 = 0-1mg

Force of friction between B and floor J2 =0m+ mg = 015mg

The bodies will move together, if F=fj +f2 = 0-1 mg + 0-15 mg = 0-25 mg.
(b) If F= 0-5 mg, force between A and B will exceed 0-1 mg and the body A will slip.
(c) The bodies cannot move together, when F = 05 mg. d 15J
(d) If F= 0-1 mg, the bodies will be at rest as F <G +f2).
)The two bodies will move together till max. accelerating force on A = 0-1 mg f
acceleration of A = = 02g, acceleration of B = 0-2 g
max. acc. force on B = mx0:2g= 0-2 mg
As = 0:15 mg
Maximum value of F for which A and B will move together = 0-1 mg + 0:2 mg + 0-15 mg = 0-45 m8


MOTION 5/129

12. In Fig. 5tN).22, J

is the force of friction.
When the body moves up the plane, f acts udown the planc
f=HR=H m^ 8 cos
In that event, m2 8>m 8 Sin 6 + FIGURE 5(N).22
m28>m1 8 sin + H m
0 g cos 8
m2>m (sin + cos 6) mgsin-EH
Choice (b) is correct. m29
When the body moves down the plane, m949cose
facts up the plane. In that event
(m2 8 +)<m\ 8 sin 8
m28m8 sin 8-f -u cos 6)
m28m 8 sin 6 -H m
ld) is cormeet.
8 cos 6 Or m2 m (sin 6
13. As is clear trom Fig. 50N),23, A can move up the plane depending on values of m, ma O, Ba and
frictional force f
When A just starts moving up the plane. acts down the plane.
mg sin 8,
+f= mg sin 6 FIGURE 5(N).23
But =HR = mg cos 6 R1 R2
mg (sin 6| + cos 6) = mg sin 82
or H cos 8 = sin 6, sin 6

2 mgsin@0
sin 6,-sin & mgsind
mgmgcos6, mg
cos & 1 e2
As cannot be negative, therefore 6 must always be greater than B.

14. Here, m = m2 = m = S0 g = 100og g

initial vel. (u) = u1 = u = 5 m/s, final vel. (v) = v U2=- 5 m/s, t= 10 s
each ball
Impulse imparted to each ball = change in linear momentum of

m(U-u) = -5-5) = -0-5 Ns

Impulse 05 = 500N
Force- 103
ball are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.
The impulse and force on each
FIGURE 5(N).24
15. Here, m = 10 kg
N, F2 =8 N. F2
In Fig. 5(N).24, F=6 =10N
Resultant force R=F+F =v6?+8? 8N

R10Im/s; along R. 82
a 10
m 6N
Let 6, be angle between R
and F

, 6
tan (4/3) w.r.t. F =6N

R and F2
Let 6, be angle between
tan 6 4
w.r.t. F=8N force
0, tan
Prradeeps Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
16. A girl riding a bicycle along a straight
road with a speed of 5 ms- throws a stone of mass 0-5 kg
which has a speed of 15 ms-l with respect to the ground along her direction of motion.
The mass
of the girl and bicycle is 50 kg. Does the speed of the bicycle change after the stone is thrown ?
is the change in speed, if
Ans. Here, total mass of girl, cycle and stone m= 50-5 kg
initial speed, u = 5 m/s, mass of stone, ma = 0-5 kg velocity of stone. u2 = 15 m/s
Ifv is speed of girl and cycle (of mass m = 50 kg) after throwing the stone, then applying principle of
conservation of linear momentum, we get
m U1m2 u2 + m
mv = m ll2 2
50 v = 50-5 x 5 0.5 x 15 = 252-5 7:5 245
- -

Change in speed = 5 -4-9 = 0.1 m/s
17. A person of mass 50 kg stands on a weighing scale on a lift. If the lift is descending with a downward
acceleration of 9 ms,
what would be the reading of the weighing scale ? (g = 10 ms )
Ans. Reading of weighing scale =
apparent wt. of person =R =m (g -a) = 50 (10-9) = 50 N =5 kg
18. The position time graph of a body of mass 2 kg is as given in FIGURE5(N),25
Fig. 5(N).25. What is the impulse on the body at =0 s and t
t 4s?
Ans. Here, m = 2 kg
As is clear from position time graph in Fig. 5(N).25,
Atr = 0, x =0 ie. body is at rest. Therefore, impulse of body (at
t 0) = 0. a9
Fromt 0 to t=4 s, position time graph ofbody is a st. line with
positive slope. The body moves with a uniform velocity.
Beyond t = 4 s, position time graph is parallel to time axis.
Therefore, body comes to rest. 4 (s)
Now, initial vel. of body (u) = tan 9-ms
final vel. of body (v) = 0

Impulse (at t =
4 s) = Change in momentum =m (v - u) -a0-
is not
19. A person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead. If he
wearing seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering wheel. Why
forward on account
Ans. When the car is brought to a sudden halt, upper part of driver's body continues to move
him is frictional force
of inertia of motion. If he is not wearing seat belt, the only force that tries to stop
exerted by the seat, which is too small. That is why, he hits his head against the steering wheel.
a mass 2 kg as a function oft is given by v(t) = 2ti+j.Find the momentum
20. The velocity of body of
and the force acting on it, at time t = 2 s.
Ans. Here, m = 2 kg
vt)=2t î+2
A = 2 s

'=4 i+4 =4(i+

p=mv=24 i+4j)=[8î+8 kgms

Also. du d2+21
d dt
a =2i+21
1= 2 s, a =2i+4
F =ma=2(2i+4) =(4i+8j
A )N
21. A block placed on a rough horizontal
horizontal force surface is pulled by a
P. Letf bethe force applied
by the rough surface FIGURE5/N).26
on the block. Plot a graph
off versus F.
Ans. The graph ot F versus f is as shown in Fig. 5(N).26.
The portion OA
of graph represents static friction which is f B
self adjusting. In this
portion, f=F. The point B corresponds
to force of limiting friction
(= OB). which is the maximum value of static
friction. CD I| OX
represents kinetic friction, when the body
actually starts moving. The
force of kinetic friction does not increase with applied
force, and is
slightly less than limiting friction.
22. Why are porcelain objects wrapped in paper or straw before packing for transportation ?
Ans. For transportation, porcelain objects are wrapped in paper or straw to reduce the chances of damage in cas
of sudden jerks or even fall. The force takes longer time to reach the porcelain objects through paper straw.
As Fxt=change in momentum is constant andrtincreases, therefore F reduces.
23. Why does a child feel more pain when she falls down on a hard cement floor, than when she falls on
the soft muddy ground in the garden ?
Ans. When a child falls on a cement floor, his body comes to rest instantly i.e. time taken by the body to com:
to stop is too small. As Fxt=change in momentum = constant and t decreases, therefore Fincreases The
child is hurt more. The reverse is true for soft muddy ground.
24. A woman throws an object of mass 500 g with a speed of 25 msl
(a) What is the impulse imparted to the object ?
(b)If the object hits a wall and rebounds with half the original speed, what is the change in momentum
of the object ?

Ans. Herc, m= 500 g =kg, u = 25 ms-

change in momentum = initial
momentum given =mu=-x25 =12:5Ns
(a) Impulse imparted

) On rebounding force the wall,
18-75 kg
Change in momentum = m (v
- u) =-125-25) = -

than going straight nn

roads generally made winding upwards rather
45. Why are mountain
the opposing 1orce oeon, R=H mg COS 6. where B is angle ofslons
Ans, While going up a mountain, should be large.
WIith horizontal. To avoid skidding; F That is wny mountain roads are generallv maia
and hence 6 must be small. slope.
Cos 0 should be road straight up would have larger
WInding upwards. The
O1TOM 30 2WA
5/132 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) OL

26. A mass of 2 kg is suspended with thread AB, Fig. 5(N),27. Thread CD of the same type is attached to
the other end of 2 kg mass. Lower thread is pulled gradually, harder and harder in the downward
direction so as to apply force on AB. Which of the threads will break and why ?
FIGURE 5(N).27 FIGURE 5(N).28

2 C
k 2 kg

Ans. The thread AB will break earlier than the thread CD. This is becase force on CD = applied force f, and force
on AB fplus force due to 2 kg weight, as shown in Fig. 5(N).28.
27. In the above given problem if the lower thread is pulled with a jerk, what happens ?
Ans. When the lower thread CD is pulled with a jerk, the thread CD itself may break. This is because pull on CD
may not be transmitted to AB instantly. FIGURE5(N).29
28. Two masses of 5 kg and 3 kg are suspended with help of massless
inextensible strings as shown in Fig. 5(N).29. Calculate T and T2 when
whole system is going upwards with acceleration = 2 ms T

(use g = 9:8 ms).

Ans. Here, m = 5 kg, 5 kg
m2=3 kg
8=98 m/s2
a = 2 m/s-, upwards
T= (m +m) (g + a) = (5 + 3) (9.8 + 2) = 94-4 N 3 kg
T2m2 (g +a) = 3 (9-8 +2) = 35.4 N
29. Block A of weight 100 N rests on a frictionless inclined plane FIGURE 5(N).30
of slope angle 30° Fig. 5(N).30. A flexible cord attached to A
passes over a frictionless pulley and is connected to blockB
of weight W. Find the weight W for which the system is in B
equilibrium. W
Ans. As is clear from Fig. 5(N).30, the system will be in equilibrium,
when force on block A, up the plane is equal to force on A
the inclined plane i.e.
mg mg cos
0 30
W=mg sin 4 = mg sin 30 100x=50N
30. A block of mass M is held against a rough vertical wall by
pressing it with a FIGURE 5(N).31
finger. If the coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is
the acceleration due to gravity is g, calculate the ninimum force
required to
be applied by the finger to hold the block against the wall ?
Ans. Let F be the force applied by the finger on the block. N is normal
reaction of the
wall on the block. Mg is weight of block acting vertically downwards.
fis the
force of friction between the wall and the block, which
acts upwards as shown Mg
in Fig. 5(N).31.
The block will not fall, if
f= Mg
MOTION 5/133

N= Mg Ms
or F= Mg or
31. A
100 kg gun ires a
ot 1 kg horizontally from
a cit of height 500 m. It falls on the ground at
distance of 400 irom the bottom of the cliff. Find the recoil velocity of the gun. (actelet
gravity = 10 ms2)
100 kg; m>=1 kg;h= 500 m FIGURE 5(N).32
Ans. Here, m=
x= 400 m, Fig. 5(N).32
Let u be velocity of ball and t be time taken by the ball to hit the ground.

From h=ss2
h 500 m

-400 m
From = ut, u=* 1040m/s
Ifv is recoil velocity of gun, then according to principle of conservation of linear momentum, m v = m2 u
-x40= 0-4 m/s
FIGURE 5(N).33

32. Figure 5N).33 shows (r, t), 0, ) diagram of (m)
a particle moving in 2-dimensions.
If the particle has a mass of 500 g, find the
force (direction and magnitude) acting on 2m
the particle.
Ans. As (x, t) diagram of particle is a st. line, motion 1mt
along X-axis is uniform.
1s 2s 3s 1s 2s 3s
From x = ut, u=- =1m/s (a) (b)

Force along X-axis is zero.

The (y, t) diagram is a parabola. If a is uniform acceleration along Y-axis. then from =
4ax22, a =2
As F ma F= 1000 X2=1N along Y-axis
With an acceleration of 2 ms, tosses a coin vertically
33. A person in an elevator accelerating upwards
After how much time will the coin fall back into his hand
upwards with a speed of 20 ms.
g 10 ms)
Ans. Here, u =
20 ms;v=0
= (g + a) = (10+ 2) = -12 m/s
Ettective acceleration, a' -
u + at
time ascent of the coin, then from v =
tis of
0 20-12 1, 123

me of descent = time of ascent

coin will fall blackinto
hand=+ = 3:33s
time after which the
5/134 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI

on a body, all acting on a point P on the
34. There are three forces F1, F2 and F acting
the forces are coplanar.
5(N).34. The body is found to move with uniform speed. (a) Show that
to these three forces is zero.
(b) Show that the torque acting on the body about any point due
acceleration a = 0.
Ans. (a) As the body is moving with uniform speed, its
F+F+F 0. FIGURE 5(N).34
three forces are passing through a point
P, as shown in Fig. 5(N).34.
lie in one plane say A, their resultant lies in
the same plane A.
If R. F F
+ F,), therefore F must also lie in plane A. Hence
Since F =-(F F2

F. F2,F are coplanar forces. O

therefore, torque acting
b) Since all the forces pass through same point P, zero. About any other
on the body about P due to the these three forces F3
point, say 0, torque = OP X(F+ F+F).
therefore, torque about point O = zero.
As F+F+E =0, inclined plane making an angle of 45° with the
35. When a body slides down from rest along a smooth
rest along a rough inclined plane
horizontal, it takes time 7. When the same body slides down from to
is seen take timepT, where p is some
making the same angle and through the same distance, it
1. between the body and the rough plane.
Calculate the co-efficient of friction
number greater than
Ans. When a body slides down a smooth inclined plane, a g sin
= 9 = g sin 45° =

From Sut +at


When the same body slides down the rough inclined plane,

=8-) sin 45= cos45

ag (sin 6-H cos )

Again, from sut

= 0+8D(pT)?

2 v2
From (i) and (ii)
1-u or

36. Figure 5(N).35 shows (, t), and (),, t) diagrams for a body of unit mass. Find the force as a function
of time.
Ans. As is clear from Fig. 5(N).35(a) and Fig. 5(N).35(b),
V2, for0 <t<ls| vy=t for 0 <t<1s
2(2-1), for 1
<t<2s vy=1 for 1 <t
=0, for2<r

FIGURE 5(N).35

bod ril (ms ) (ms

IS 2s 2s 3s
(a) ()

ma, m ay
F Ma, =m-
=Ix2 for0<t <Is | =1 x1 for 0<< ls
=1-2) for I<I<2s = 0 for 1
= 0 for 2 <t

Hence F 2i+j for 0 <t<ls

F=-2i for 1
<t< 2s
F 0 for 2<t
37. A racing car travels on a track (without banking) ABCDEFA, Fig. FIGURE 5(N).36
5(N).36. ABC is a circular arc of radius 2 R. CD and FA are straight
paths of length R and DEF is a circular are of radius R = 100 m.
The co-efficient of friction on the road is = 0-1. The maximum Ri
speed of the car is 50 ms. Find the minimum time for completing
one round. 90 R D
Ans. As the track is unbanked, the necessary centripetal force is provided by
force of friction i.e.

mv V=rg
= F= l R =L mg

length = (272R) =3 rR=

3 rx 100 = 300 T m
For path ABC:
14-14 m/s
v u2Rg = v0-lx2x100x10 =
length-(2nR) = TX100
* 50t
For path DEF:
y0-lx100x10 = 10m/s
v, = VuRg =

50T 15:7 s
= 5 T sec =
For paths, CD and m
R+R= 2R=200
350 I5.7 + 4.0 86:3
one round I=1*2+3 = 66-6 +
time for completing
5/136 Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XD

38. The displacement vector of a particle of mass m is given by rt)= iAcoscot +j Bsin cax . 2n
a) Show that the trajectory is an ellipse (6) Show that F = - mar.
Ans. (a) Here, r (t)= i Acosor +j Bsinot X=A cos or, y = B sin or

or +sin-ør= which is the equation of an ellipse.

The trajectory ofthe particle is elliptical.

(6) Now, v=
-ioAsin @r+joBcosot

a dt
-io Acoscor-o Bsinot =-w1îAcos or +j Bsincar] =-
F=ma = -m 0*r
39. A cricketer bowler releases the ball in two different ways
(a) giving it only horizontal velocity, and
(b) giving it horizontal velocity and a small downward velocity.
The speed v, at the time of release is the same. Both are released at a height H from the ground.
Which one will have greater speed when the ball hits the ground ? Neglect air resistance
Ans. (a) When horizontal velocity = vs FIGURE 5(N).37
and there is no downward velocity given, Us Vs
As shown in Fig. 5(N).37(a)

Velocity on hitting the ground

v=u=yu? +2gH
(b) When horizontal velocity = v,
and downward velocity = u,
as shown in Fig. 5(N).37(b).
(a) b)
Then =u2+2gH
velocity on hiting the ground v=yv?+v2 =?+uf+2 gH Clearlyv'>v.
Note. If u is taken as negligibly small, then v' = v.
40. There are four forces acting at a point O produced by strings as shown in Fig. 5(N).38, which is at
rest. Find the forces F; and F2.
FIGURE 5(N).38 FIGURE 5(N).39

2N 2
1N 1/2
45°I45 2N 1N
45 45 rollsA (6)
F90 F1
F1 14/2

Fa 1o1 2idT
019 ()



Aus. n Pig. S(N).39, resolving torce of I N along OA into two rectangular components :

1/2 along Fi and 1/2 opp

to F2
Similarly. two rectangular components
of N
2 force along OB are
2opp. to F, and y2 opp. to
In equilibrium 0
V2 or
in F=V2+ 2t- x414 = 2-121N
41. A retangular boN lies on a rough inclined surfnce. The co-efficient
and the box is ja. Let the mass of the of friction between the surlace
box be m.
(a) At what angle of inclination 0
of the plane to the horizontal will the box just start to slide down
the plane?
)What is the force acting on the
box down the plane, if the angle of inclination of the plane is
increased to a> 0?
c) What is the force needed to be
stationary or just nmove up with uniform upwards along the plane to make the box either remain
speed ?
dWhat is the force needed to be applied upwards along the plane to make the box move up
plane with acceleration a ? the
Ans. (a) As the box tends to slide down, force FIGURE 5N).40
of friction will act up the
As is clear from Fig. 5(N).40, box will just start sliding
down, when
mg sin 6
=f=\R=H mg cos 6
or tan 6 or =tan (g.
6) When angle of inclination is increased to a >> 0, then net force
acting on the box, down the plane is mg g cos
F mg sin a-f=ng sin a-pR = mg (sin a - H cos c).
(c) To keep the box either stationary or just move it up with uniform
upward force needed, F2 = mg sin a +f=mg (sin a + 4 cos a)
In this case, friction would act down the plane).
d) f the box is to be moved with an upward acceleration, a, then upward force needed,
F mg (sin a +l cos o) + ma
42. A helicopter of mass 2000 kg rises with a vertical acceleration of 15 ms The
total mass of the crew
and passengers is 500 kg. Give the magnitude and direction of the
(a) force on the floor of the helicopter by the crew and passengers
6) action of the rotor of the helicopter on the surrounding air.
c) force on the helicopter due to the surrounding air, (g = 10 ms-2
Ans. Here,
m= 2000 kg,a = 15 ms;
m= 500 kg, g = 10 by the crew and passenger
a) Force on the floor of the helicopter
= m, (g +a) = 500 (10+ 15) = 12500 N = 12:5 x
surrounding air
) Action of rotor of helicopter on the
= (2000 + S00) (0+ 15) = 2500 x 25 = 6-25 x 104 N
= (m, + m,) (g + a)
This force is downwards.
surrounding air = reaction of force in (b) = 6-25 x 10° N, upwards.
) Force on the helicopter due to
5/138 Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI)ve

SPECIAL For ultimate preparation of this unit
for competitive examinations,
students should refer to
Pradeep's Stellar Series...
MCQs in Physics for NEET
MCQs in Physics for JEE(Main)
separately available for these examinations.

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Correct Answer)

I. Newton's first and second laws of motion
1. Three blocks A, B and Cof masses 4 kg, 2 kg and
kg respectively, are in contact on a frictionless
14 x (m)
surface, as shown in Fig. 5(CF).1. Ifa force of 4

Nis applied on the 4 kg block, then the contact

force between A and B is
2 3 4 5
4. A particle of mass m is projected with velocity
(6) 8 N making an angle of 45° with the horizontal. When
(a) 6N
particle lands on the level ground, the mag-
(c) 18 N (d) 2 N
nitude of the change in its momentum will be
(AIPMT 2015)
(a) 2 mu (b) mv/2
2. A balloon has 8 g of air. A small hole is pierced
into it. The air escapes at a uniform rate of (c)mvV2 (d)zero (AIPMT 2008)
7 cm/s. If the balloon shrinks in 5.6 s, then the 5. Figure 5(CF).3 shows the position-time (r-) graph
average force acting on the balloon is of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass
(a) 10 N (b) 10 dyne 04 kg. The magnitude of each impulse is
(c) S6 dyne (d) 10- N FIGURE 5(CF).3
3. In Fig. 5(CF).2, the position time graph of a
particle of mass 0-1 kg is shown. The impulse at
t= 2 sec. is x(m)|
(a) 0-2 kg
ms- (6) 0-02 kg ms-
(c) 0-1 kg ms" (d) 04 kg ms-l

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4

(a) 0-8 Ns (b) 16 Ns

(C) 0-2 Ns (d) 0.4 Ns FIGURE 5(CF).5
(AIEEE 2010)
6. A stone is dropped from a height h. It hits the
oround with a certain momentum p. If he same
stone is dropped from a height
l00% more than
the previous height, the momentum when it hits
the ground will change by:
(a) 68% (b) 41%
(c) 200% (d) 100%
(AIPMT Main 2012) Bm
7. A heavy iron bar of weight W is having its one
end on the ground and the other on the shoulder
of a man. The rod makes an angle 0 with the
horizontal. What is the weight experienced by the
(o) 8 (0)8
man ?
(c) 8.8
(a) W sin e (b) W cos
(c) W (d) w/2 (NEET 2017)
8. A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface
with angle of inclination 'a'. The incline is given II. Newton's third law of motion
an acceleration 'a' to keep the block stationary, and conservation of linear momentum
Fig. 5(CF).4. Then a is equal to 11. A man of mass 50 kg is standing in a gravity free
space at a height of 10 m above the floor. He
throws a stone of mass 0-5 kg downwards with a
speed of 2 m/s. When the stone reaches the floor,
the distance of the man above the floor will be
(a) 20 m (b) 9.9 m
(c) 10-1 m (d) 10 m
12. A body of mass 1 kg, initially at rest, explodes
a) g tana (b) 8 and breaks into three parts of masses in the ratio
c) g cosec a d)g/tan a 1:1:3.If the two pieces of equal masses fly off
9. A balloon with mass m is descending down with perpendicular to each other with a speed of
an acceleration a (where a < g). How much mass 30 m/s. The speed of third piece will be
should be removed from it so that it starts moving
up with an acceleration a ? (a) 10/2 ms (b) 202 m/s
2 ma 2 ma
(c) 5/2 ms ) 402 ms
g+a 13. A ball of mass O:2 kg rests on a vertical post of
ma ma lheight 5 m. A bullet of mass 0-01 kg travelling
8ta (d)g-a with a velocity v m/s in a horizontal direction.
(AIPMT 2014) hits the centre of the ball. After the collision, the
m ball and the bullet travel independently. The ball
10. Two blocks and B of masses 3 m and
hits the ground at a distance of 20 m and the bullet
and in-
Tespectively are connected by a massless at a distance of 100 m from the foot of the post.
is suspended
extensible string. The whole system The initial velocity v of the bullet is
Fig. S(CF).5. The
Dy a mass spring as shown in
A and B (use g = I0 m/s>)
magnitudes of acceleration of respectively
immediately after the string is cut, are
10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (a)
8. (a) 9. (a)
5. (a) 6.(b) 7. (d)
Pradeep's Pundamental Physics (XI)
bcing presscd against a wall by a force f'as
FIGURE 6(CF).6 If the cocfficient of friction bet
ween the blocts
is 01 and between block B and the
wall is 0-15
the frictional force applied by the wall on the
block is
Ball Bullet

20 n 100 m
(a) 250 m/s (h) 250 2 m/s
(c) 400 m/s (d) 500 m/s
14. The line of nction of the resultant of two likec (u) 100 N (b) 80 N
parallel forces shifts by one lourth of the distance (c) 120 N (d) 150 N
between the forees when the two forces arc (JEE Main 2015)
interchanged. The ratio of the two forces is
(a) 3:4 (b) 1:2
IIL Friction
3:5 (d) 2:3
15. A mass of 3 kg descending vertically downwards 19. A block has been placed on an inclined plane with
supports a nass of 2 kg by means of a light string the slope angle 6. The block slides down the plane
passing over a pulley. At the end of 5 s, the string at constant speed. The coefficient of kinetic
breaks. How much high from now the 2 kg friction is equal to
mass will go ? (g = 9:8 m/s-) (a) sin (b) cos
(a) 9-8 m (b) 196 m (c) 8 (d) tan 6
() 2.45 m d) 4-9 m (AIIMS 2014)
16. A shell of mass 200 gram is cjected from a gun of
20. A block A of mass m, rests on a horizontal table.
mass 4 kg by an cxplosion that generates 1-05kJ A light string connected to it passes over a
of cnergy. The initial velocity of the shell is
frictionless pulley at the edge of table and from
a) 100 ms- b) 80 ms its other end, another block B of mass m2 is
(c) 40 ms (d) 120 ms suspended. The coefficient of kinetic friction
(AIPMT 2008) between the block and the table is uk. When the
17. A block A of mass m rests on a horizontal table. block A is sliding on the table, the tension in the
A light string connccted to it passes over a string is
frictionless pulley at the edge of table and from
its other end, another block B of mass
m2 is
suspended. The cocfficient of kinetic friction (a) m-H m)8 2+H)8
hetween the block and the table is
( +m,) m+m
H. When the
block A is sliding on the table, the tension in
string is
mtm2 ,+m,)
m)8 m m,
(a)2,(m +m2) (6)
(+H)8 (AIPMT 2015)
m+m 21. A plank with a box on it at
one end is gradualy
m,m, (-H)8 raised about the other end. As the angle of
(c) (d) inclination with the horizontal
m* m2 reaches 30°, the
(m,+ n2) box starts to slip and slides
4-0 m down the plank
2015) in 4-0 s. The coefficients
18. Given in Fig. 5(CF). of static and kinetic
7, are two blocks A and B friction between the box and
weight 20N and 100N respectively. of the plank will be,
These are respectively

13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)

(a) zero (b)

(c) 4m m
mg 3 8
(AIIMS 2015)
24. A block of massm is placed on a surface with a
(u) 04 and 0.3 (b) 06 and 0-6 vertical cross-section given by, y = r%. If the
(c) 0-6 and 0.5 (d) 05 and 0-6 coefficient of friction is 05, the maximum height
(RE-AIPMT 2015) above the ground at which the block can be placed
22. Two nasses m =S kg and ma= 10 kg, without slipping is
by an inextensible string over a frictionless
Are moving as shown in the figure. The
coefficient (a)m (b) m
of friction of horizontal surface is 0.15.
minimum weight m that should be put on
top of m
m2 1o stop the motion is

FIGURE 5(CF).9 (JEE Main 2014)

25. A uniform wooden stick of mass 1-6 kg of length
m I rests in an inclined manner on a smooth vertical
m2 wall of height h (« ) such that a small portion of
the stick extends beyond the wall. The reaction
force of the wall on the stick is perpendicular to
T the stick. The stick makes an angle of 30° with
the wall and the bottom of the stick is on a rough
floor. The reaction of the wall on the stick is equal
in magnitude to the reaction of floor on the stick.
The ratio ll and the frictional forcefat the bottom
of the stick are (g = 10 m/s<)
(a) 18.3 kg (b) 27.3 kg
(c) 43.3 kg (d) 10.3 kg
a)-f= 163N
(JEE Main 2018)
23. Consider the Fig. 5(CF).10, shown below in which
two masses of m and 2m are placed on a fixed
triangular wedge.
() -16N

19 TI
lombe JEE Advanced 2016)
26. The upper half of an inclined plane of inclination
A45 45°
eis perfectly smooth while the lower halfis rough.
Inelo A block starting from rest at the top of the plane
blockA and
T cocfficient of friction between will again come to rest at the bottom, if coefficient
block B and the
tne wedge is 2/3, while that for of friction between the block and the lower half
wedge is 1/3. of the plane is given by
released from rest, then
the whole system is
acceleration of blockA is ANSWERS
23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (d)
21. () 22. (6)
5/142 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (XT)VOLN
mg x (sin 6- cos 6) to P2 = mg (sin g
- 2 P versus P graph t
(a) l =- (b)= cos ), the frictional force f
tan 0
tan 6 Fig. 5(CF). 12 will look like
= tan 0
(c) l= 2 tan 0 () FIGURE 5(CF).12
(AIPMT 2013)
27. A body takes time t to reach the bottom of an
inclined plane of angle 0 with the horizontal. If P2
the plane is made rough. time taken now is 2 t. (a)- P ()P P2 P
The coefficient of friction of the rough surface

(a)tan 0 (b)tan

(c)tan 6 (d)tan P (d) P1 P2 >P

(c) P
28. A given object takes n times more time to slide
down 45° rough inclined plane as it takes to slide
down a perfectly smooth 45° incline. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the object (LIT 2010)
and the incline is
31. A block of mass m is in contact with the cart Cas
shown in Fig. 5(CF).13.
(a) (b) 1-5
2-n FIGURE 5(CF).13
29. The rear side of a truck is open and a box of mass
20 kg is placed on the truck 4 m away from the
open end, H = 0.15 and g = 10 m/s. The truck
starts from rest with an acceleration of 2 m/s* on
a straight road. The box will fall off the truck when
it is at a distance from the starting point equal to
(a) 14 m (b) 8 m and the cart is .
The coefficient of static friction between the block
The acceleration a of the cat
that will prevent the block from falling satisfies
(c) 16 m (d) 4 m
30. A block of mass m is on an inclined plane of angle
6. The cocefficient of frietion between the block
(a) a> (6) a>
and the plane is u and tan 0> u. The block is held
stationary by applying a force P parallel to the (c) a (d) a<3
plane as shown in Fig. 5(CF).I1.
FIGURE5(CF).11 (AIPMT 2010)
32. A block is moving on an inclined plane making
an angle 45° with the horizontal and the
coefficient of friction is u. The force required to
just push it up the inclined plane is 3 times the
force required to just prevent it from sliding down.
If we define N = 10u, then N is
The direction of force pointing up the plane is (a) 3 (b) 4
taken to be positive. As P is varied from (c)5 (d) 6
26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a) 31. () 32. (c)
AWS OF MOTIONq tstnomebt 5/143
t tshorS
33, A mass m hangs with the hclp of a string wrapped
around pulley on a frictionless bearing.
pulley has mass m and radius R. Assuming pulley
The (c) r6 82 2
to be a perfect uniform circular (AIPMT 2014)
disc, thc
acceleration of the mass m, if the string does
not 36. A block of mass m is placed on a surface with
slip on the pulley, is vertical cross-section given by, y = r'6. If the
coefficient of friction is 0-5, the maximum height
above the ground at which the block can be placed
without slipping is

(a) m
(AIEEE 2011) 2
34. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very ()m (d)m
slowly. Fig. 5(CF).14. The cocfficient of friction (Main) 2014)
between the insect and the surface is 1/3. If the
line joining the centre of the hemispherical surface 37. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined
to the insect makes an angle o with the vertical, wedge ABC of inclination 0 as shown in the
the max. possible value of a is given by Figure. The wedge is given an acceleration 'a'
towards the right. The relation between a and
FIGURE5(CF).14 0 for the block to remain stationary on the
wedge is


(a) cot a = 3 b) sec a=3

)cosec a =3 (d) None C B
35. A system consists of three masses m, m and m3
connected by a string passing over a pulleyP, Fig. 8
(a) a = g cos 6 (b) a=
5(CF).15. The mass mj hangs freely and m and sin
m3 are on a rough horizontal table
(the coefficient
and of
of friction = u). The pulley is frictionless (c) a= (d) a = g tan 6
negligible mass. The downward acceleration of cosec
mass m is : (Assume m = m2 = m3= m) (NEET 2018)

IV. Dynamics of Circular Motion

2 m3 38. A ring of mass M and radius R is rotating with
010 T1 P angular speed w about a fixed vertical axis passing
gAuftu.l through its centre O with two point masses each
of nass at rest at 0. These nmasses can move
srli2srmi mi radially outwards along two massless rods fixed
Iwob gile on the ring as shown in Fig. 5(CF).17. At some
instant, the angular speed ofthe system iso and

(a) 3 9
36. (c) 37. ()
34. (a) 35. (c)
33. (b)
5/144 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI)van
one of its masses is at a distance ofR from O. At (c)m Rg/ R
(AIPMT Maln 2012
this instant, the distance of other mass from 0 is smat
41. A wire, which passes through the hole in a small
FIGURE 5(CF).17 bead, is bent in the form of quarter of a irel
The wire is fixed vertically on ground as shown
in Fig. 5(CF).19. The bead is released from near
the top of the wire and it slides along the wite
without friction. As the bead moves from A to
the force it applies on the wirei

(a ()R 90°

(a) always radially outwards

(JEE Advanced 2015) (b) always radially inwards
39. A ball of mass (m) 0:5 kg is attached to the end of (c) radially outwards initially and radially inwards
a string having length (L) 05m. The ball is rotated later
on a horizontal circular path about vertical axis, (d) radially inwards initially and radially outwards
Fig. 5(CF).18. The maximum tension that the later. JEE (Advanced) 2014
string can bear is 324 N. The maximum possible 42. A body initially at rest and sliding along a
value of angular velocity of ball (Gin radian/s)is frictionless track from a height h (as shown in
the figure) just completes a vertical circle of
FIGURE 5(CF).18 diameter AB = D. The height h is equal to

(a) 9 (b) 18 A
(c) 27 (d) 36
(IIT 2011) (b) D
40. A car of mass m is moving on a level circular track
of radius R. If 4, represents the static friction bet- hi
ween the road and tyres of the car, the maximum (d)D (NEET 2018)
speed of the car in circular motion is given by
43. A block of mass l10 kg is in contact against the
inner wall of a hollow eylindrical drum of radius
(a) 4, m Rg&
( Rg/H, I m. The coefficient
of friction between the block
38.(d) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (d)
MOTION 5/145

and inner wall of cylinder is 0-1. The minimum in uniforn

45. Two particles A and B are moving
angular velocity needed for the cylinder ra
to keep cinular motion in concentric cincles of radii
blockstationary when the cylinder Theit
0the is vertical and with spevds Va and Vp respctively.
and rotating about its axis will be (g = 10 m/s>). of
time periond ot ntation is the same. The ratio
10 angular spnd ot A and 8 will be
(a) 10 rad/s (b)radds (:V
(c) 10 rad/s (d) 10 T rads 1 NEET 2019)
(NEET 2019) 46. A blok of nass l0kg is kept on a rough inclinad
44. A mass m is attached to a thin wire and whirled plane as shown in Fig. 5(CE).56. A fore of 3N
in a vertical circle. The wire is most likely is applied on the hlock. The coefficient of static
to break
when friction betwern the plane and the bl«rk is 0-6.
(a) the mass is at the highest point What should be the minimum value of force P.
such that the block does not mnove downwand ?
(b) the wire is horizontal
(c) the mass is at the lowest point
( Take g= t0 vs-)
(a) 32 N (b) 18 N
(d)inclined at an angle of 60° from
vertical () 23 N ) 25 N
(NEET 2019) JEE Main 2019)

Multiple Choice Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)
47. The force exerted by the tloor of an elevator
on ot mass 20 s tloating in water
(b) a cork
the foot of a person standing there is morr
the weight of the person if the elevator is ()a car moving with constant speed of o0 km/h
on a rugh road
(a) going up and slowing down
() in a tug of war game, if one team applies more
(b) going up and speeding up
forre than other
()going down and slowing down 50. Which of the following statement(s) is (are)
(d) going down and speeding up
48. A spring connects two particles of masses m, and
(a)If therr is no triction. work needs to be done
m. A horizontal force Facts onm Fig. 5(CF).21. to move a boady up an inclined plane.
Ignoring friction, when the elongation of the
()lt there wer no frietion. moving vehicles cvuld
spring is x, then not be stoppd even by locking the brakes.
a2 FIGURE 5(CF).21 ()As the angle of inclination is inereased, the
normal reaction on the body placed on it
wwwww inereases.
() A duster weighing 0-5 ky is pressed against a
m2 m1 vertieal board with a foree of 1I N.
If the
coefticient of friction is 05, the work
(a)a= Kx/m2 (b) a = (F- Krym
rubbing it upward through a distanee
done in
()F=mj a+ ot
2 10 em is 055 J.
F 51. A small block of mass of 0-1 kg lies on
a fixed
inclined plane PQ which makes an angle
8 with
the horizontal. A horizontal foree of 1 N
when the spring has maximum elongation]
, In which of the following cases, the net force is the block through its centre of mass as
acts on
shown in
zero ? Fig. 5(CF).22. The block remains stationary
(take g = 10 m/s*)
S) a drop of rain falling down with terminal
47. (h.e) 48. (abe.d
45.() 46. (a)
43. (c) 44. (c)
49. (a,b.c) 50. (a,b)
5/146 Pradeep's Fundamental Physícs
ascending and down the
(a) up the incline while
FIGURE 5(CF).22 incline while descending,
(b) up the incline while ascending as wellas
IN (c) down the incline while ascending
and upto
the incline while descending,
ascending as wellas
(d) down the incline while
is at rest under the
action of
(a)0 45° 55. A block of mass m
in Fig. 5(CF).24.
a force acts on the block force Fagainst a wall as shown
(b) 0>45° and frictional statements is incorect?
towards P Which of the following
the block FIGURE 5(CF).24
(c) 0>45° and a frictional force acts on
towards 2
acts on the block
(d) 0<45° and a frictional force
(TIT 2012)
towards Q
over a clamped
52. A string of negligible mass going
pulley of mass m supports a block
of mass M as
on the pulley
shown in Fig. 5(CF).23. The force
by the clamp is given by

(a) f= mg [where fis the friction
(b) F=N [where N is the normal force]
(c) F will not produce torque
(IT 2005)
(d) N will not produce torque
M 56. In Fig. 5(CF).25, a ladder of mass m is shown
leaning against a wal. It is in static equilibrium
making an angle with the horizontal floor.
(a) 2Mg (b) 2 mg
coefficient of friction between the wall and the
+ m*]s8 ladder is Hj and that between the floor and the
(c)IM +m) ladder is H2. The normal reaction of the wall on
d) M+m) +M*]s the ladder is N and that of the floor is Ng. If the
ladder is about to slip, then
53. A particle stays at rest as seen in a frame. We can
conclude that FIGURE 5(CF),25
(a) the frame is inertial
(6) resultant force on the particle is zero
(c) the frame may be inertial but resultant force di
on the particle is zero z0ofs
(d) the frame may be non-inertial but there is a
non zero resultant force. I13 A 0o
54. Acylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some T mmm mmnm 2ol9V
height and then rolls down (without slipping 2
throughout these motions). The directions of (a) H = 0, Hh#0 and N tan 6 = mg/2 Lub
frictional force acting on the cylinder are
(6) 4 #0, H = 0 and N, tan 8 = mg/2 ei

51. (4,c) 52. (c) 53. (c.d) 54.( 55. (c,d) 56. (c,d)

)P0,H 0 and N214mg d) In the forward direction on both the
2 59. In the ig. 5(CF).26,
a ladder of mass m is
(d)H =0, P2#0 and N, tan 0 " shown leaning SP1
2 against a wall. It is in
JEE (Advanced) 2014] static equilibrium
57. Consider a vehicle going on a horizontal road making an angle e8
towards east. Neglect any force by the air. with the horizontal1
frictional force on the vehicle by the road floor. The coefficient
(a) is zero if the vehicle is moving with a uniform of friction betweena
TVelocity the wall and the 2
(b) is towards east if the vehicle is accelerating ladder is H and that
(c) must be towards east between the floor and the ladder is H. The normal
reaction of the wall on the ladder is N and that of
(d) must be towards west.
the floor is Ng. If the ladder is about to slip, then
58. When a bicycle is in motion, the force of friction
exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such (a) = 0, H2 #0 and N, tan 6 = mg/2
that it acts 6) # 0, H= 0 and N, tan 6 = mg/2
(a) In the backward direction on the front wheel
and in the forward direction on the rear wheel (c)H#0, H2 #0 and M21+4, u
when cycle is being pedalled
(6) In the forward direction on the front wheel and
in the backward direction on the rear wheel =0, N tan 9
(d) Hh #0 and 2
(c) In the backward direction on both the wheels
when pedalling is stopped (JEE Advanced 2014)

IMuliple Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

Each comprehension given below is followed by some multiple choice questions. Each question has
one correct option. Choose the correct option.
(a) 7.4 N-s (b) 4-8 N-s
omprchension According to Newton's (c) 1-2 N-s () 4-7 N-s
second law of motion, F = ma, where F is the 61. Average force exerted by the bat is
force required to produce an acceleration a (a) 480 N (b) 120 N
in a body of mass m. If =0 then F =
0, i.e., (c)1200 N () 840 N
move a body
r 1no external force is required to
uniformly along a straight line. If a force F
Comprehnension Friction between any two
acts on a body for t seconds, ihe effect of surfaces in contact is the force that opposes
change in
lorce is given by Impulse = F xt= the relative motion between them. The force
linear momentum of the body. of limiting friction (F) between any two
surfaces in contact is directly proportional
With the help of the passage given to the normal reaction (R) between them i.e.,
alternative for Fo R or F = uR, where p is coefficient of
Choose the most appropriate
limiting friction. If 0 is angle of friction, then
each of the following questions:
moving with a L tan 6.
60. A cricket ball of mass 150 g is
a bat so that the
Velocity of 12 m/s and is hit by With the help of the comprehension given
ball is turne back with a velocity of 20 m/s. If above, chose the most appropriate alternative
the bat
contact between the ball and for each of the following questions:
ration of force 1s
Is 0-01 sec. The impulse of the ANSWERS
60. (6) 61. (
59. (c,d)
57. (b,d) 58. (a,c)
5148 Phadeep's Fundamental Physics (XD voLn
62. A force of 49 N is just able to move a dloek of 63 The acceleration prduced in the block in the
wood weighing 10 kg on a rough horizontal above question is
surface. The coefficient of fnction is
(a) 98 ms (b) 03 ms
(a) 05 (b) 4.9
(c) 10/49 (d) 499-8 (c) 15 ms (d) 4.9 ms

LMatching Type Questions

DIRECTIONS. In the following questions, match column I and column II. Select the correet match
out of the four choies given at the end.

64. Column 1
Column I1
(A) Body ying on a horizontal surface (p) is a self adjusting force
(B) Static friction (q) is maximum value of statie friction
C)Limiting friction (is less than limiting friction
(D) Dynamic friction (s) force of friction =0

(a) A-s. B-p. C-q, D-r (b) A-p. B-g, C-r. D-s (c) A-s, B-r, C-q, D-p (d) A-r, B-q. C-p, D-s

65. A block of mass m is thrown upwards with some initial velocity up FIGURE 5(CF).27
a rough inclined plane as shown in Fig. 5(CF).27 on the block
Column I Column I
(A) Net force along the plane (P) mg sin- 6+ H g sin cos 8)
(B) Net force perpendicular to plane (q)m g sin u g cos 8)
(C) Net force in horizontal direction ()Zero
(D) Net force in vertical direction (s)m(g sin 8 cos 6+u g cos- 0)

(a) A-s, B-r, Cq, D-p (b) A-p, B-4, Cr, D-s () Ap, B-q, C-s, D-r (d) A-q, B-r, Cs D-p

Matrix-Match Type Questions

DIRECTIONS. Each of the following questions contains statements given in
two columns, which have to be matched. The answers to these questions have
to be appropriately bubbled. Ifthe urrect matches are A-r,s ; BP,q: Cp:
D-4,5, then the correctly bubbled matrix will look ike the one shown here: OOOO
66. Column I
Column 11

(A) centripetal force (p) tan 8 = v/rs

(B) centrifugal force (q) max urg
(C) bending of cyclist () u-lr
(D) rounding a level curve (s) m rw

ASWER 62. (a) 63. (d) 64. (a) 65. (d) 66. A-r, s : B-7, s; C-p: D-qTa
togcther (scc
of friction
and another mass m2 = 2 kg, are placed
I uicient
67, A block of masS mi= given in List 1. TnC
inclined plane win angle of inclination 6. Various values of 0 are uy
m and the plane is always zero. The coefficient of static and
between the biock friction on D
the block m2 and the plane are equal to u = 03. In List II, expressions for the
angles given in List and
Match the Corect expression of the friction in List I with the
option. The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g. FIGURE5(CF).28
(Useful information: tan (5.5°) 0-1:
tan (11-5) =0:2; tan (16:5) = 0-3]
List-I List-II 12

(A) 8=5° P)ma 8 sin 6

(B) 6=10° m +m2) 8 Sin6
(C) = 15° ) m8 cOs 6

(D) = 20° )(m +m) g sin 6

(b) A-4, B-4, C-q, D-r
(a) A-p, B-p, C-p, D-r (JEE Advanced
D-s (d) A-q, B-4, C-r, D-r
() A-q, B-4, C-q, AB C D

Integer Type Questions

is a single digit
DIRECTIONS. The answer to each of the following questions
the question numbers
ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct answers to
4, 0,9 and 2 respectively,
then the correct darkening
A, B, C and D (say) are
as shown on the side:
of bubbles should be reaches the bottom of
from top of a smooth inclined plane. It
68. A block is released 1st half of
taken (in second) by the body to cover
the plane in 2s. The
inclinedplane is: connected by a
and 2 kg are
69. Two bodies of masses 3 kg Two forces of 10 N
Spring balance, Fig. 5(CF).29. reading of
applied on the blocks as shown. The FIGURE 5(CF).29
SN are be
(in newton) would
thespring balance
4 N is supported by two
ropes. One
T0. A block weighing angle of 30°
horizontal and the other makes an rope 2 Kg
rope is newton) in the 3 kg
With the ceiling.
The tension (in

. attached to the ceiling is

A chain
consisting of
lifted vertically with
links each of mass
0.1 kg is

5(CF).30. The force of link

of 2
constant accelerationinter-


ms as shown in Fig. and the

between the top link 10 m/s*.
action (in newton) Take g =
below it will be : over a
umediately which passes
One end of massless pulleyPis tied to a
4 frictionless 5(CH).31.
SSless and other end is free, Fig. 1S 360 N.
While the can bear
tension that the ropesafe acceleration (1n
aximum maximum rope
value of aow vn the ANSWERS
s) can a man of
60 kg climb
71. (3) 72. (4)
68. (1)
67. A-q: B-g:C-r; D-r
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

ALE Assertion-Reason Type Questions

FOR MEDICAL STUDENTs Reason: Because rocket is not projected wi
some initial velocity.
DIRECTIONS. The following questions consist of (a) A (b) B (c) C d) D
two statements each, printed as Assertion and 78. Assertion: A body dropped from a given height
Reason. and another body projected horizontally from the
Whilk answering these questions you are required same height strike the ground simultaneously.
to chonse any one of the following four responses. Reason Because horizontal velocity has no
(A) li both. Assertion and Reason are true and the effect in the vertical direction.
Reason is the correct explanation of the (a) A b) B (c)C (d) D 0
Assertion. 79. Assertion : Friction is a self adjusting force.
(B)If both, Assertion and Reason are true but Reason: Because friction does not depend upon
Reason is not a corect explanation of the mass of the body.
Asertion. (a) A (6) B (c)C (d) D
C)If Aserion is true but the Reason is false.
D)If bh. Asserion and Reason are false. FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS
73 Assertion : A person receives more injury when DIRECTIONS. Each of the following questions
he falls irom a height on a concrete pavement than contains two statements. Check if
when he falls from the same height on a bed of (A) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true and State
sand. ment-2 is correct explanation of Statement-1.
Reason: The force exerted on the person by the (B) Statement-1 is true Statement-2 is true but
concrete pavement is more than that exerted by Statement-2 is not a correct explanation of
the bed of sand. Statement-1.
(a) A (b) B (C) Statement-1 is true but Statement-2 is false.
(c) C (d)D
74. Assertion: Slope of momentum-time graph gives D) Statement-1 is false, but Statement-2 is true.
80. Statement-1 : Force of friction depends on the
Reason: Acceleration is given by rate of change
of momentum.
actual area of contact.
(c) A (6) E
Statement-2: Smoother the surfaces of contact,
c)C (d) D smaller is opposition to motion.
75. Assertion : The work done in bringing a
body (a) A (6) B
down from the top to the base along a frictionless (c)C (d) D
inclined plane is the same as the work done 81. Statement-1: Thrust on a
in rocket depends only
bringing it down along the vertical side. on velocity of exhaust gases. Rate
of decrease of
mass is irrelevant.
Reason: The gravitational force on the body
along the inclined plane is the same as that Statement-2: Larger the velocity, greater the
along is
the vertical side. thrust.
(a) A ) B (c) C (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(d) D
76. Assertion : A rocket moves forward by 82. Statement-1: A horse cannot a
pushing run cart in empty
the surrounding air backwards. Space.
Reason It drives the necessary thrust to move Statement-2: A cart runs only on account of
forward, according to Newton's second law reaction of the ground on the feet
of of the horse.
motion. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(a) A (b) B 83. Statement-1 : A force
(c)C (d) D of kg produces an

77. Assertion: A rocket in flight is an illustration acceleration of I m/s in a body off

of mass'1 kg.
projectile. Statement-2: It follows from a =Flm
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
73. (a) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (d) 77. d) 78. (a) 79. (d) 80. (d)81. () 82. (a)
3. (d)

Statement-1: A ball of mass 100 g hits a bat with which a

84, with 85. Statement-1: The maximum specd
a speed of 72 km/hr. and bounces back with the vchicle can go round a level curve of diameter
same speed. in one second. The force excrtcd by =0-1.
m without skidding is V10m/s.given
the bat on the ball is 4 N.
Statement-2: It follows from F=ma
Statement-2: Itfollows from vS urg.
(a) A (b) B ()C () D
(b) B (c)C (d) D
(a) A

L Multiple Choice Questions (Based on Experimental Skills)

S6. The foree of limiting friction between a body and FIGURE 5(CF).33
the surface of contact is 5 N. A force of 7 N is
applied on the body and the actual motion starts.
The effective force of friction now is
(a) zero (b) 5N
(c) 7N N.
8S7. When a wheel is rolling on a level road, the
6 Sin 8
direction of frictional force between the wheel Sin
and road is in a
(a) backward direction (b) forward direction
(c) depends on speed (d) cannot say
88. In a laboratory experiment, four students
graphs between force of limiting friction (F)
5(CF).32. Which one is
normal reaction (R), Fig.
corect ?
Sin 6

material held on
90. For two bodies A and B of same
frnction F
a horizontal plane, force of limiting
versus normal reaction R graphs are as
shown in
smoother surface
Fig. 5(CF).34. Which one has
R in contact with the plane?

a body
downward force Fonangle of (b) B
89. The variation of net sine of (a) A
plane versus () Neither A nor B.
on a rough inclined by the four graphs, Fig. (c) Both A and B
inclination (0) is shown
one is
5(CF).33. The correct ANSWERSS
90. (b)
88. ()89.
87. (b)
86. (d)
(84. () 85. (a)
5/152 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics XD VOL

For Difficult Questionss

Questions (with One Correct Answer)

L Multiple Choice
1. Here F= 14N. FIGURE5(CF).36
m =4 kg, mp = 2 kg, mc= I Kkg

Total mass m = ma + mp + c v
=4+2+1 =7 kg sin 45°
Acceleration of the system
V cos 45
= 2m/ 0 cOs 45°
The contact force bctwcen 4 kg and 2 kg block VSin
will move 2 kg and kg block with the same

However, the vertical component of velocity is

acceleration. Let Fi be the contact force, Fig.
change in momentum in vertical direction
FIGURE5(CF).35 = mv sin 45° (- nv sin 45°)

A = 2 mv sin 45=2 mvx V2mv
v2mv =

5. Here, m 0-4 kg; From Fig. 5(CF).3,
(mg + m) a = (2+ 1) = 65N
when s = 2 m, i = 2 s and u = 0,
2. Here, m =8g From s= ut +at
1000 2
= 7
7 cm/s = m/s m/s2
V -

0+ax22 or a = 1

f=5.6 sec,
F=? From v= u+ at = x2=2 m/s 0+1
According to Newton's 2nd Law: =
Impulse change in momentum = mv
F (mv) = *v is constant
= 0-4 x 2= 0.8 N-s
6. Velocity of stone hitting the ground, when
F- 1000x 56
= 10 N
dropped from a height h is v=
2 gh. Therefore,
3. From the graph, Fig. 5(CF).2, it is clear that upto pmv = m2 gh yy
t 2-0 s, the body moves with a constant velocity New height = h + h = 2 h.

slope ofpositiontimegraph==2ms.
After New velocity, v'= 2g (2h) = V2v

2-0 s, position time graph is parallel to time New momentum, p = mv = mv2v

axis, which means that the body comes to rest.
Percentage increase in momentum
.Change in velocity = dv = 2 m/s.
Impulse = change in momentum
= dp = m dv = 0-1 x 2 = 0-2 kg ms
P mv
4. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).36, when the particle 41-4%
lands on the level ground at A, there is no change 7. Let F be the weight experienced by man and F2
in linear momentum along the horizontal
be the reaction of the ground on the other end.
LAWS OF MOTION119stht s 5/153

HONUS/EPANATIONS Case (i) Let ma be the mass removed from

For Difficult Questions balloon, then the balloon moves upwards with
W=F+ F2 acceleration a, Fig. 5(CF).39(6)
) .i)
Taking moments about A, Fig. 5(CF).37 Now F-(m-m) g = (m-m) a
Adding () and (i), we get
F mg-(m-m) 8 = ma + (m-mga
2 ma
Solving it, we get,
10. Before the string is cut, let x be the extension in
F2 spring as shown in Fig. 5(CF)40(a) and T be
the tension in string. Then

kx kx

F (AD)-W(AE) =0
3 m m
W(AE) W[(U2)cos]
AD [l cos ] a28
8. The block will remain stationary, when as shown T mg 3 mg mg
in Fig. 5(CF).38, mg
macosa R
T+3 mg
kx )
In 5(CF).4O(b), T= mg ..i)
ma From () and (i); mg + 3 mg = kx
ma sin a mgsina or =4 mg .(iii)
mg cos a mg After the string is cut, T= 0
Let a and a, be the accelerations of masses A
and B, then
ma cos o= mg Sin a
Refer to Fig. 5(CF).40(c),
& Sin a kx-3 mg =3 mx a
a g tan oa
cOs a 4mg-3mg=
9. Let Fbe the upthrust on balloon due to
air. or a
3m 3m
Case () When balloon is descending down Refer to Fig. 5(CF).40(d)
5(CF).39(a), ma = mg or a2F8
acceleration a, then as shown in Fig.
.) 11. Here, mj = 50 kg, m2 = 05 kg, v2 = 2 m/s
mg-F = ma
10 m, vj =?
From the conservation of linear momentum,
AF V = mn2 V2 Therefore, 50 x v = 05 x 2
m/s 50
Time taken by the stone to cover the distance of
10 m and reach the floor (in gravity free space)

i.e., t=V2 =5s

Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
For Difficult Questions As +

distance covered by the man (in the opposite

direction) in 5 sec = v, Xt =
x5 = 0lm F+F2 F +F2

Distance of the man above the floor F_5F +F2

= 10 +0.1 = 10-1 m F+F2 4(PF+F)
12. Here, total mass = 1 kg or 5F1 +F2 = 4 F2
m: m :mz = 1: 1:3
. mm21+1+3 1
5 F 3 F2 or

15. Acceleration of the system before the string

ma=1-0.4 =0-6 kg breaks,
U1U2 = 30 m/s,
net pulling
P1 P2 = 0.2 x 30 kg m/s =6 force3828
AS P P2 are perpendicular to each other, so total mass
according to law of conservation of linear mo- After 5 s, velocity of the system,
mentum, P3 should be the resultat of pj and p2.

Ps=P+p = y6?+(6 =
62kg m/s =x5= gm/s
mz U3. v, =3 62 =102 m/s Required height, h
P3 28
m 0-6
13. Here, h = 5 m, m 0-2 kg, m
= = 0-01 kg, = 4:9m
= 20 m; 2
d dz= 100 m
16. Here, m = 200 g = 200gkg
h=ut + 8r =0xr+x10x12 1000
m24 kg, total= energy,
5 5 or t= 1 s
E= 1-05 kJ 1050 J.
Further as v xt 20 m or v1x 1 = 20
= u
Let be initial velocity of the shell and u, be the
V = 20 mn/s initial velocity of the gun.
VX t= 100m or v2 x = 100
According to principle of conservation of linear
v2 = 100 m/s momentum, mu +ma u = 0
Applying law of conservation of linear mo-
(0-01) v = (0-01) (100) + (02) (20) 20
ai zA81
0-01 v= 1+4 or V= 0-01 500 m/s Now, E =mmf +5m, u
14. Let the distance between two parallel forces F
and F2 be L. If rj is distance of Fj and r2is 1050=
distance of F, from the direction of the resultant,
then equating the moments of the forces - 10
Fxr= F2 x2 or
F 200x 1050 =
F id sdi norfW .et
Also, F+E, and
2F+F2 4 =10000 =
100m/sqe msten0
For horizontal is equal to the angle of repose (0).
Ditficult Quostions
As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).43
17. FIGURE 5(CF).41
R F=uR
m19 T

b mg cos 6

m29 R=mg cos e

As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).41, F=uR= mg sin 0 i)
Dividing (i) by (), we get
force offriction, f=H R = H,
Equations of motion of two blocks are
m8 tan 6
m2 8-T= m2 a .)

T-Hm 8=m1a
From () m2 8 m2 a = T

Putting the value of T in (i)

m2 8-m2d-H 8 = mj a

(m, H m)8 Bmla
Putting in (1)

As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).44,
force of friction, f= Hk R= Hk m1 8
m+2J Equations of motion of two blocks are
ma8-T= ma a
T m8
-"2m+m2 T-H m 8= m a it)
From (i) m 8-m2 a = T
_m m8 +má8-m g tH, 2 8 2
Putting the value of Tin (ii)
m 8-m2a-H m 8 =m a
(m,-H )8
T ", (1+4)g m,+m2
m+m2 Putting in (),
18. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).42, for the systm to
be in vertical equilibrium. my
m2 8-T=m, "2H,
F, 100+20 120 N "2m + m2
Fs T=m82m,+m2
ma 8 +m5 8m 8+P m ma 8
20 N 100 N m2
19. When the block slides down the inclined plane witn T ,d+4,)g
constant speed, the inclination of the plane with m,+m2
5/156 Pradeep's Fundamental Physies (X1) ON
NTSMERTYNNYASIYONS mg sin 45° my sin 4
For Difficult Quostlons
mp/2= 2 mp/2
21. When box just slips, then Effectivc force of friction on two maRER I
Coefficient of statie friction,
trictirn 1t ,
I = mg cos 9+ 0, 2 on

tan 30°:
-m 2m
When bon slides down the plane, cocfficicnt of
kinetic friction will be involved.
Let a be the acceleration of the box sliding down
the plane, then using
lfriction so the massCs will ot rnove
As eff
S =ut+a, wehave Hence thc acceleration of the systern will be zero.
24. Given y =x/%
4=0+xax42 or a=#=05ms2 dy
dx 2
Here. a = g sin 6- Hk 8 COs 6
- The block is just placed on the surface at heigh
05 9-8 x sin 30° Hkx 9:8 cos 30° y, where it docs not slip, see Fig. 5(CF)46.

05 98x-H, x98x tan =dy

dx 2
05= 49-H X49N3 At limiting equilibrium, l =tan 9 = ()-5
4.4 or 0-5 = x/2 or =l or x =t
4.9 3 4:9x1-73 0:5 From (i), y = (1)°/6 = (1/6) m

22. Here, m = 5 kg; m2

= 10
kg FIGURE 5(CF).46
0-15, m= ? V

To stop the moving block m2, force applied

(m 8) must be less than the force of friction,
f=p (m + m) 8 dy
< (m + m2) 8
i.e., m8
or 5 <0-15 (m + 10) d
or 5 <0-15 + 15 or 3-50-15 m
or m or m> 27-3 kg
25. Here, m length =I (> h)
= 1:6 kg
Minimum weight = 27-3 kg
In lig. 5(CF).47, N, is reaction of wal
23. Refer to Fig. 5(CF).45, perpendicular to rod, N, is reaction of groun
FIGURE 5(CF).45 noral to floor. f is force of friction along
floor towards the wall
R1 R2
f2 2 30"
UIS mg cos0 mg o 2 mg sln 0 (30
6u mg 2 2 rmg
0=45 N2
Effective pulling force on masses along the plane
mass m moves
when mass 2 m moves down and
up the plane is
HONTEMEPLANATIoNS Squaring, we get
For Difficult Quostlons
In equilibrium,
2F= 0 sin

- cos6 sin
cos 30°-f=0
Fy=0 sin 4 sin 6- 4 u cos 0
N sin 30° +N2-mg =0 4 cos 0 =3 sin 0
Also, To-0
or tan0
mg xcos 60°-N,cos 300
28. From s = ut +a =0+a.
Also, N = N2 ..(iv)
From ).f=N, cos 30°

From (i) and (iv), For smooth plane, a =g sin

For rough plane, a =g (sin 0 -H cos ).
Nx+M =mg
(sin s
2s = nt = n g25
(sin 0-cos0) sin
or ng (sin 0-p cos 0) =8 sin e

When 6 45", sin 0 = cos = 1//2
From (ii),
Solving, we get =

29. Max. acc. of the block = g= 0.15 x 10

= 1:5 m/s

We can show that

Ac. of truck = 2 m/s2
f 3 Relative acc. of box w.r.t. truck truck a, = 1:5
26. For the upper half of inclined plane, -2-0=-0-5 m/s* (backwards). It will fall offthe
a 5, where a 8 Sin
2For the lower half of inclined plane, truck in atime = 2x 4s
0= v-2 a, s, where = " g cos a - g sin 6
Displacement of truck during this time

From these two equations, aj = d2

=Hg cos -8 sin 6
8 sin =16m
28 sin 6 =Hg cos 6B sax2x42
10 2 tan 0 = 30. Initially, the frictional force (which is limiting
27. When the plane is smooth, force of friction) is upwards and is maximum.
When force applied (P) is inereased, the body
a =
g sin 6, ', a Vs sin starts moving. The dynamic frictional force
decreases and its dircction is reversed. Thus,
When plane is rough, a
g (sin 6- cos 6) graph (a) is correct.
31. When acceleration of the cart is a, then as shown
2.s in Fig. 5(CF).48,
ag (sin 6-cos ) R ma
The block will not fall till force of friction,
As 2 21 S2mg
2s 2s R2 mg
V8 (sin 0-ucos 0) 2sin
Pradeep Fundamental Physics (KI) vOLI

For Difficult Questions 2

2 ng or
ima Taking equation of motion of mass m,
we have

mg-T= ma
mg~2 ma or a=
34. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).50,
R= FIGURE 5(CF).50

32. Force required to just push the block up the

inclined plane of inclination 0 is
Fupmg sin 6 + l mg cos 6 mg sin a
Force required to just prevent the block from mg cos a mg
sliding down is
Fdown mg sin 6- mg cos 6 F= mg sin
According to question, Fn up 3 down R mg cos o
= 3 sin 66
mg sin 6 + mg cos 0 (mg

-H mg cos ) tana, i.e., = tana
or sin + u
cos = 3 (sin 6 H cos 6)
cot a = 3
As 45, therefore, 35. Let a be the downward acceleration of mass m.
Pulling force on all the three masses,
F= (m +m2 + ma) a
force of friction on masses ma and m3.
Onsolving, =- f= (m +ma) 8
Equation of motion of mass m is
Given, N= 10 u =10> (n+m2 +ma) a = m8-L (m2+ma) 8
or m + m + m) a = mg 4 (m + m) 8 -

33. In Fig. 5(CF).49, Iet Tbe the tension in the string,

o be the angular acceleration of pulley anda be mg(1-24)81-2D
the linear downward acceleration of mass m.
or a=
3m 3
FIGURE5(CF).49 36. Given y=*'l6 ..(i)



Torque on pulley, t = TxR;1=la.

where I= moment ofinertia of pulley =.

LAWSOF MOTION Intof a 5/159

TEEAP For Difficult auostions FIGURE 5(CF).53

on the surface at height
The block is just placed
y.where it does not slip, Fig. 5(CF).51. Then

tan0= =.
dr 2
cquilibrium, tan 6 T cos 6
At limiting |l =

of 05 x/2 or= | or x =t1

From (), y=()°%6= (1/6) m T sin 0

37. Let R be the reactional force acting on the block

duc to inclined plane.
Resolvin tension 7T
of string at A into two
rectangular components T sin 9 acts along AO and
R cos 0 T cos acts vertically upwards. As ball describes
a horizontal circular path of radius R, so the
horizontal component of tension (= T sin 0)
provides the required centripetal force, ie.,
>R sin 0 Tsin 6 =m R=m @ L sin from ()]
of T=m L
or = VmL
V05 x05
40. For smooth driving of the car,
36 rad/s

force of friction centripetal force
The various forces acting on the block are shown
in Fig. 5(CF).52. When the block is just stationary HR=4,(mg) 20
on the inclined plane, then R
R sin 6 = ma = 4,Rg
and R cos 9 = mg .(i) 41. When bead is at A, the force it applies on the wire
Dividing (i) by (ii), we get is radially inwards. When it reaches at B, it
strikes the surface and pushed outwards. Thus,
tan = or a =g tan 6 force is radially outwards.
42. As the track is frictionless, the total mechanical1
J8. Let the distance of other mass from the centre 0
energy of the body remains constant, ie.,
be x.
M.E.(at top)= M.E-(at bottom)
Applying Law of conservation of angular
0+mghmv +0
Initial Angular momentum = final angular
MR o-MR?+ or h

+9R*+25r8 For completing the vertical circle of diameter D,

200 5gR
on solving, we get x= R h--R
39. As shown in Fig. 5(CF).53, = 10kg, r = 1 m, (L = 0-1, = ?
43. Here, m
..() 10 m/s2
R A0 =L sin 6 8
6/160 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD voL

For Diticut Quostions T=mg 4
FIGURE 5(CF).54 The tension at the lowest point is maximum,
Hence the wire is most likely to break at the lowest
45. As TA:TB
2Tt 27T

mro DA

46. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).56 force of friction

(f) acts up the inclined plane.
Ror equilibrium of the block,
S12 mg FIGURE 5(CF).56
N2 mg
(mr o) 2 mg

2 mg
6 mg cos
10 mg
r V01x1
= 10 rad/s A45
44. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).55.
In equilibrium,
f+P=mg sin +3
P=mg sin 0-f+3
mg sin 6-H mg cos +3
mg (sin 6- cos )+3 r1otont
P= 10 x 10 (sin 45°-0-6 cos 45°) +3

100 60
mg N

Liuitiple Ghoice Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)

47. If elevator is slowing down, acceleration = -a 48. Here, (a) Restoring force on spring = Kr
If elevator is speeding up, acceleration = +a for mass m2
(a) going up and slowing down ma a2-Kr=0
R-mg = m (-a) .R=m (g -a) m2 a2 =K ..)
(6) going up and speeding up iw Aauld srl1
R-mg= ma, R = m (g +a)
(c) going down and slowing down
mg-R=m(-a), or R =m (g +a) (b) For mass m, F-Kx = mj a
(d) going down and speeding up
mg-R=ma, or R=m(g -a) F-Kx
.Option (b) and (¢) are correct.
i 5/161

For Difficult uestions Q FIGURE5(CF).57

(c)Adding () and (i),

ur F- Kx + Kx = mj a +ma a," 9
F=m a1+m22 F cos 6
(d) Ifaj = a2
F (m + ma) a
mtm2 Sincos6|
49. (a) If a rain drop falls with terminal velocity mg
weight= upthrust + viscous drog, mg mg sin 6
cork floating in
(b) For a water
weight upthrust, . Fnet =0
(c) In case of constant speed of a car, a = 0
F=ma =0 Ife> 45, mg sin 0> F cos
(d) In a tug of war game, if one team applies more the block tends to move down the incline QP.
force than other, then net force will be the resultant Frictional force must act on the block towards Q.
of two forces. Which will not be zero. Choice (c) is correct. With the same argument,
we can show that choices (6) and (d) are
Fnet #0. incorrect.
50. (a) If there is no friction, the work needs to be 52. Force on the pulley by the clamp = resultant of T
done to move a body up a rough inclined plane, = (M+m) g and mg acting along horizontal and
but work has to be done against gravity. Therefore, vertical directions respectively, Fig. 5(CF).23
this is correct.
yCM+m) g1? + (mg)2
(b) If there is no friction, moving vehicles could
not be stopped because vehicles are stopped by =ICM +m)? +mls
friction, Therefore, this is corect.
53. Particle will be seen at rest only when frame is
(c) As R= mg cos o, inertial and resultant force on particle is zero.
a increases.
R decreases as Also, if frame is non inertial (i.e., accelerated),
(a) Here F= 0-5 kg f+ uR the particle must also possess the same acc. in
= 10-5 N magnitude and direction i.e. resultant force on the
F= (0:5 x 10 +05 x 11) N
particle must be non zero.
Work done, W= Fx S 10-5 x 0-1 105 J

m/s* 54. As shown in Fig. 5(CF).58, component of weight

S1. Here, m = 0-1 kg, F= N, 8= 10 1
(mg sin 8) is always down the inclined plane,
mg into two
In Fig. 5(CF).57, we have resolved whether the cylinder is rolling up or it is rolling
rectangularcomponents mg cos 0 L to PQ down. Therefore, for no slipping, sense of angular
rectangular acceleration must be the same in both the cases.
mg sin 6 along QP. Again, two
PQ and Therefore, force of friction (f) acts up the inclined
components of F are F cos 0 along
plane in both the cases.
F sin 0 1 PQ.
stationary, when forces FIGURE S(CF).58
The block will remain
along PQ have zero resultant
L.e., mg sin 6 = F cos6
0-1 x 10 sin 0 = cos 6

or tan = 1 or =45
Choice (a) is correct.
Pradeeh Fundamental Phystes (NDvET

Difficult Questions and N m*
As ladder is in
cquilibrum, so taking
B, we haNe
on the block are shown of forces about point
55. The various forces acting
remains stationary
in Fig. 5(CF).59. As the block
under the effect of these
forces. so mg =f(force m cos = N,Isin
of friction)
F N (Normal reaction) nig N, tun0
or N 2an 2
FIGURE 5(CF).59 ladder
is equililbriun of
When ¢0, and there
then +N,
N and
-X Putting (i) in (in), we get,

mg moving with uniform velocit

57. When vehicle is
0. external force applied = 0. Therefore
Torque due to F or mg is zero as
the line of action its acc. =
vehicle is accelerating
centre C. Since the force of friction = 0. When
of F or mg passes through whecls on the
torque due towards east, force exerted by rear
body is in equilibrium, so the sum of in the forward
ground makes force of friction act
to force offriction and torque due to normal
(t) direction i.e. towards cast.
58. In cycling, rear wheel
moves by the force
reaction (ty) must be zero, i.e. t,+ Ty = 0.
communicated to it by pedalling and front
pedalling. force
moves on its own. Hence while
and N may not pass force of
As line of action of Í exerted by rear wheel on ground. makes
may not be zero, friction act in forward direction. Front
through centre C of block, so t moving by itself experiences force of
triction in
is stopped.
does backward direction. When pedalling
may also not be zero. Therefore, f
and t both the wheels moving themselves

does friction in backward direction.

not produce any torque is wrong and N For static
not produce a torque is also wrong.
59. Refer to Fig. 5(CF).61 shown here.
equilibrium, equilibrium, u2 can never be zero. When l
56. Refer to Fig. 5(CF).60, for maximum
H2 can never be zero. When p = 0, we have


LAWS OF 5/163
For Difficult
or N,tan=g2
and No= mg When #0, and there is equilibrium of ladder,
As ladder is in equilibrium, so taking then HN +N= mg .ii)
of forces about point B, we have and ..iv)
Putting (iv) in (ii), we get,
mgcos6 = N,Lsine
H42 + N2 = mg

mg mg
N= 2 tan 6
or N2
1+ H2

Multipie Gnoice 0uestions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

60. Here, m = 150 g = 150 x 10-kg 62. Here, P =F=49 N, m= 10 kg

uu=-12 m/s, v = 20 m/s, t 0-01 s =
Impulse = change in linear momentum = 0-5
R mg 10x9-8
m (v - u)
150 x10- [20-(-12)] 63. Force producing acceleration,

= 4:8 N-s f applied force force of friction

61. As Impulse =
= 12-045 = 0-75 kg f
F xt
= 0-75 x 98 N
Impulse 4-8
F 480N
1= 075x9.8 = 49 ms
m 15

B Matching Type Questions

64. Force of friction is zero when body is lying on a FIGURE 5(CF).62

horizontal plane with no tendency to move. Static
friction is a self adjusting force. Limiting friction
1S the maximum value of static friction. Dynamic

friction is slightly less than limiting friction.

Choice (a) is correct.
As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).62
mgsin E mg
mg cos

R= mg cos 6 Net force in horizontal direction

f=HR= u mg cos 6
Net force along the plane = F cos = m g sin 6 cos 6 +H g cos 0)

mg sin 0 +f=ng sin 6 + L mgcos cos

Net force in vertical direction
m (g sin +4g =Fsin 6 = m (g sin- + Hg sin 6 cos)
Net force perpendicular to plane =F cos 90°
Choice (d) is correct.
(XD Vo
Pradecs 's Fundamental Physics

For Difficult Quostlons

AMatrix-Match Type Questions

66. Centripetal force

Centrifugal force is reaction of centripetal
having the same magnitude.
Bending of cyclist is governed by the relation
tan 6 v-Irg. While rounding a
level curve,

m and tan (11-5°) = 0-2,

67. Here, coefficient of friction between block
the plane =0 and for block m2,
.As Block m2 starts sliding at 6> 11-5°. When

and plane 4, = H = l = 0:3. 5 and 6 = 10°, the block will be at rest.

For equilibrium, Force of friction = (m +m2)8 sin
8 cos 6 = (m1 + m2) g sin
For 15°and = 20°, block starts sliding.
Force of friction = m2 8 COS ET
tan = sin 6
cos 6
mt2 03X2=02
m+m2 1+2
Option (d) is correct.


nteger Type Questions

68. Let 2 l be the length of inclined plane and be

e 69. Total mass, m =m + m, =3 +2 =
5 kg,
Net force F=F1
- Fz = 10-5
the angle of inclination as shown in Fig. 5(CF).64. = 5N
FIGURE 5(CF).64 Acccleration, a=i==Im/s*, along 10 N force

Reading of spring balance = F1 m^a -

10-3 x 1 = 7N
70. As is clear from Fig. 5(CF).65, the block will be
in equilibrinm, when f102 91
T sin 30 W=4 nos
From S=ut +at2
Tx=4 19po1A .dt
2/=0+(gsin 6)(2)2 or T 8N 41x9 10

Ift is time taken to cover the first half of inclined FIGURE5(CF).65

plane, then
I=0+(g sin 6)2 T sin 30° 30°
Dividing () by (ii), we get
2 Pl ;i=1s
LAWS OF MOTION ihle utsba 5/165

rTINTSRXPLAATIIONs 72. If a is acccleration of man climbing down the

ForDifficult Quostions
rope, then as is clear from Fig. 5(CF).66.
71, IfFis the upward force applied, then ma=mg- T
F-5 mg =5 ma 60 a = 60 x 10- 360 = 240
F=5 m (g +a) 240
If T is force of interaction between the top link a
= 4 m/s
and link immediately below it, then
ma = F- mg T -
T=F-mg -
= 5m (g +a) m (8 +a)

T 4 m (8 +a)
4x0-1 (10+2) ma
= 3N

W 17
Assertion-Reason Type QRuestions
FOR MEDicAL STUDENT 79. Only static friction is a self adjusting force. This
is because force of static friction is equal and
73. Change its momentum is given by dP = F dt.
opposite to applied force (so long as actual motion
In case of concrete pavement, nman is brought to does not start). Friction does depend upon weight
rest almost immediately and as such Ar is small, of the body.
therefore F is large. So person receives more
injury on concrete pavement. FOR ENGINEERING STUDEN7
74. Both, assertion and reason are false because slope 80. Force of friction is independent of the actual area
of contact. Statement-1 is false, but Statement-2
of momentum time graph gives is true.
81. Thrust on a rocket depends both, on rate of
ap -(mv)
a decrease of mass and also on velocity of exhaust
dt dt gases. Statement-I is false. However, Statement-
2 is true.
m = ma = force. 82. Both the statements are true and statement-2is
dt correct explanation of the statement-1.
75. Work done is same, because gravitational forces 83. Statement-1 is false. A force of 1.N produces an
are conservative forces. Gravitational force on the acceleration of 1 m/s in a body of mass 1 kg.
as that
body along the inclined plane is not same However, Statement-2 is true.
along the vertical. The reason is false. 84. Here, m= 100 g = 107 kg,
0A rocket moves forward on account of Both, u= 72 km/hr = 20 m/s
T exhaust gases in the backward
assertion and reason are false. 10- (20+20)
= 4N
fuel and
KOCket is propelled by combustion of alone.
under the action of gravity The statement-1 is true. Statement-2 is also true,
ES not move TOcket is not an
example of projectile. but it does not explain the assertion properly.
C,We do give initial velocity to rocket.
(u) along the 85. v= yprg = /01x 10x10 = Vi0 m/s
omponent of horizontal velocity
vertical motion Both the statements are true, and statement-2 is
ertical=u cos 90°= 0. Therefore, two bodies to correct explanation of statement-1.
S1 affected. Time taken by the
Strike the ground is the same.
S/166 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (X1)VO

For Difficult Questions

M Multiple Choice Questions (Based on Experimental Skills)

F=mg sin 0-J,

86. Effective force of friction= dynamic friction which
is slightly less than force of limiting friction where fis the constant force of friction.
5 N).
As sin increases, F increases.
87. The motion of the point of contact of wheel with
the level road is directed backwards tangentially. Choice (b) is correct.
Therefore, frictional force must be in forward 90. As = F/R = slope of P-R. curve, whichis
direction. greater for A, therefore, for body A, force
88. As F R, therefore, choice (d) is the correct friction is larger and for body B, force of frictio-
graph between F and R. is smaller
89. When a body of mass m is held on a rough inclined Surface of body B in contact with the plan-
plane of inclination 8, the net downward force must be smoother.
on the body is

In everyday language, we often use
the terms Work, "Energy' and
astudent preparing for examination, 'Power'. A teacher teaching a class,
mom cooking food, a farmer ploughing
working. A person who can the field, all are said to be
put in long hours of work is said to have
or boxing, we talk of powerful large stamina or more energy. In karate
punches that are delivered at a great speed.
exact definitions of the three terms We shall see in this unit that
are related loosely to the physiological the
our mind. pictures these terms generate in

6.2. WORK
In Physics, work and energy have precise meanings,
which must not be confused
meanings. For example, when we with their everyday
lift boxes of books onto library shelves, we
to eat food to get tired and hungry.* We need
get more energy. We define, work W as the energy transferred
a force acting to or from an object by means of
on the object. Energy transferred to the object is positive
object is negative work. work and energy transferred from
Thus, basically, work is transferred energy. 'Doing work is
Quantitatively nothing but, the act of energy
Work is said to be done by a force when the body is displaced actually through
some distance in
the direction of the applied force.
However when there is no displacement in the direction of the
applied force, no work is said to
C, Work done is zero, when displacement of the body in the direction of be done.
the force i

It is interesting to note that hunger is not an indicauon or work done. Even when we
experience the sensation of hunger after a few hours. Infact, hunger is an are restina we
indication of the need for more fuel
VOTk done by
the body cannot be defined in terms of hunger.
6/2 Pradeep's Fundamentil Plhyaies (X)Z
procduces a displucenent s in tlhe buxly alone t ne
Suppose a constant force F acting on a body
positive x-direction. Fig. 6.1. FIGURE d,1

If angle which F makes with the

is the
positive x-direction of the displacement, then the
two rectangular components of F are

(i)F, in the dircction of swhere =

Fcos 0
(i) F, perpendicularto swhere F,=F sin 0
work is done by the
The component F docs no work as the body does nol move up or down. All the

component F,
i.e., W=Fx s= F cos 0xs
W=(F cos ) * 1)
Hence, work done by the force is the producet of component of force in the direetion of
and the magnitude of displacement.

To calculate work done by a force, we use only the forcecomponent along the object's
IN displacement. The force component perpendicular to the object's dissplacement does no
Eqn. (1) can be rewritten as

W-F. .(2)
Thus, work done by a force is the dot product of force and displacement.

In terms of rectangular components, F and s , may be written as

F iF,+jF, +F, and =ix+fy+kz
From (2), W=F. S =(fr, +r, +kr,)-(is+jy+k:)
W=xF,+y F, + zFz 3)
Obviously, workis a scalar quantity, i.e., it has magnitude only and no direction. However, work done
by a force can be positive or negative or zero, as detailed in Art. 6.4.
JT .
As work = force x distance. W= (M'LT-2) x L
This is the dimensional formula of work. lgat/s 101
The units of work are oftwo types: 1. Absolute units 2. Gravitational units
(a) Absolute units
rf W ()
1. Joule. It is the absolute unit of work on SI.
Work done is said to be one joule, when a force of one newton actually moves a body through a
distance of one metre in the direction of applied force.

Prom W Fs cos 0
joule newton x I metre x cos 0° = 1N-m
= I

2. Erg. It is the absolute unit of work on cgs system.

Work done is said to be one erg, when a force of one dyne actually moves a hody through
one a|
distance of em. in the direction of applicd force.

From W=Fs cos 0

I erg = I
dyne x I cm x cos 0°
Relation between joule and erg
As 1 joule = Nxl mx cos 0°. 1
J= 10 dyne x 10 cm x 1 = 10'
1 joule = 10' ergs

(b) Gravitational units

These are also called the practical units of work.
1. Kilogram-metre (kg-m). It is the gravitational
unit of work on MKS system.
Work done is said to be one kg-m, when
a force of 1 kg f moves a body through a distance of
I m in the direction of the applied force.
From W=Fscos
kg-m = l kgfx 1
mx cos 0° = 9-8 Nx 1
m =
9.8 joule, i.e., |1 kg - m= 9:8 JI|
2. Gram-centimetre (g-cm). It is the gravitational unit of work on cgs system.

Work done is said to be one g-cm, when a force of 1 gf moves a body through a distance of
1 cm. in the direction of the applied force.

From W Fscos 6
g-cm = l gfx 1 cmx cos 0°
1g-cm = 980 dyne x I cmx 1
1 g-cm = 980 ergs
Relation between kg-m and g-cm
kg-m 10 gx 10 cm
kg-m= 10 g-cm


Although work done is a scalar quantity, its value may be positive, negative or even zero, as detailed below:

As F. s =Fs cos
W .
when 0 is acute (< 90°), cos is positive. Hence, work done is positive.
For example : () When a body falls freely under the action of gravity, 0 = 0°, cos 0 = cos 0° =+1.
Therefore, work done by gravity on a body falling freely is positive, Fig. 6.2.
(ii) When a lawn roller is pulled by applying a force along the handle at an acute angle, work done by the
applied force is positive.
(i) When a gas filled in a cylinder fitted with a movable piston is allowed to expand, work done by the gas
is positive. This, isbecause force due to gaseous pressure and displacemcnt of piston are in the same direction.

iv) When a spring is stretched, work done by the stretching force is positive.
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics

As W F.s = Fs cos 0 work

When 6 is obtuse (> 90°), cos 0is negative. Hence, WORK DONE BY
done is negative. FORCE

For example:
() When a body is thrown up, its motion is opposedl by gravity.
displacement s
The angle 0 between gravitatonal force F and the
work done by gravity on
is 180°. As cos 6 = cos 180°= -1, thereforc,
a body moving upwards is negative.
This is shown in Fig. 6.2. force of
rough horizontal surface, the motion is opposed by the
(7) When a body is moved over
a force is not
force is negative. Note that work done by the applied
friction. Hence, work done by frictional
negative. It is positive.
by the braking force is negative.
When brakes are applied on a moving vehicle, work done
iii) positive charge, work done by electrostatic
charge is moved closer to another
(ir) When a positive
of repulsion between the charges is
force (F) and displacement (s) are parallel to each other that is
RETAIN 1. Work is positive when
are in the same direction. And work is negative when
force (F) and displacement (5) are
antiparallel to each other.
Thus work done by the gravitational force is positive,
when the object falls and work done by
is thrown upwards, Fig. 6.2.
the gravitational force is negative, when the object
2. Again, when we lift an object by applying a vertical
force on it, work done by applied force
is positive and work done by gravitational pull is negative.
3. Positive work accelerates a body, i.e., velocity of the body
increases. Negative work retards
the body, i.e., velocity of the body decreases.

Work done by kinetic friction is not always negative. It may also be

DO positive in some cases.

YOU For example

When a force F is applied on a block B to move it on a rough horizontal

KNOW surface, force of friction f opposes the motion, Fig. 6.3 (a). Work done by
force of friction on the block B is negative, i.e.,
W= (s) cos 180° = -f ().
Tendency to move 4-

Imagine another block A kept on rough top of block B. Wlien force F is applied on block B, then due to
inertia ofrest, block A tends to move in the backward direction. The force of friction (f) on block A is inn
the forward direction (i.e., to the right). Therefore, work done by force of friction on block A is
W= J
() cos 0° = + (s)


When force applied F or the displacement or both are zero, work done W Fs cos 6 is zero.
Again, when angle 6 between F and s is 90°, cos 0 = cos 90° = 0. Therefore, work done is zero.
For example: (i) When we push hard against a wall, the force we exert on the wall does no work,

hecause s =0. However, in this process, our muscles are contracting and relaxing alternately and internal
energy is being used up. That is why we do get tired.
() A weightlijter holding a 100 kg mass steadily on his shoulder

for 30 second does no work on the load during this time, because s =
(ii) When a coolie carrying some load on his head moves on a
horizontal platform, 0 = 90°, i.e., motion is at 90 to the force applied.
Therefore, work done by the coolie is zero. Similarly, when a person
carrying a brief case moves on a horizontal road, work done by the
person is zero.
(iv) A block moving on a perfectly smooth horizontal table is not
being acted by any external force (as there is no friction). Therefore, no
work is done even when the block undergoes a large displacement.
()When a body tied to one end ofa string is rotated uniformly in a
circle, Fig. 6.4, work done by the centripetal force applied along the string
is zero. This is because 0 = 90° and W = Fs cos 90° = 0.
(vi) If we assume that the moon's orbit around the earth is perfectly
circular, then the earth's gravitational force does no work. This is because
earth's gravitational force is radially inwards and moon's instantaneous
A 90
displacement is tangential, so that 0 = 90° and cos 6 cos 90° = 0.
(vii) Tension in the string of a simple pendulum is always perpendicular
by tension is
to displacement of the bob, Fig. 6.5. Therefore, work done
always zero.

1. A weight lifter does work in lifting the weight off the

ground, but does
DO no work in holding the weight up for any length of time.
When circular motion is not uniform, a tangential force
is acting on
2. the body in addition to radial force. Work done by radial
force is zero,
Obviously, K.E. of body
KNOW? but work done by tangential force is not zero.
would change.

(vii) is zero, only

clearly understood that work done in example (iv) to
RETAIN1.It should be
conditions, i.e., when there is neither any opposing
force of friction
IN under ideal/perfect forces are present,
resistance due to air etc. In actual practice, both the opposing
MEMORY nor any energy is spent.
therefore, some work is certainly done and some
and zero, or (i) displacement of the
done is zero when (i) force acting on the body is
2. Work
applied force is zero, or
body in the direction of perpendicular to each other.
displacement are
(ii) force and on the object is
more forces act on an object, net work done
3. When two or
each force or
algebraic sum of the work done by W= Fnet (8) (cos 6)
oold t()(i) work done by the net force of these forces in moving the object:force on the body 0
(static or dynamic), resultant
4. When the body is in
Therefore, W=0
6/6 Pradeepo Fundamental Physics
100 N resistance
Samplo Problem box is pushed through 4-0 m across a floor offering
How much work is done by the (i) applied force (ii) resisting force
Sol. Here, s = 4.0 m, F= 100 N, W= ?
100 x 4x = 400 J I
Work done by applicd force W= F's cos 0" = Fs cos ( =
Work done by resisting force W= Fs cos 180° 100 x 4(- 1)=-400 J
a vector
Sample Problom A force F = (i +2j-k) N moves a particle along

S= (4 +f+7k) metre. What is the work done?

W= ?
Sol. Here, F= (î+2/-k) N and =(4 î+f+7k) metre,
=4(î.)+2(G.f)-7k.K)=4 +2-7=-1J
W=F.3 =(f +21-i).(4? ++7k)
a) Graphical Method commonly. We can, therefore,
which is encountered more
A constant force is rare. It is the variable force acting along the
consider a force
learm to calculate work done by a variable force. For the sake of simplicity, let us
magnitude, as shown in Fig. 6.6.
fixed direction, say x-axis, but having a variable force.
moving the body from A to B under the action of this variable
We have to calculate work done in infinitesimal
To do this, we assume that the entire displacement
from A to B is made up of a large number of
is from P to Q.
displacements. One such displacement shown in Fig. 6.6(a) force
the displacement PQ= dx is infinitesimally small, we consider that all along this displacement,
is constant in magnitude (= Ps) as well as in
from P to Q is
Small amount of work done in moving the body AT4)
dW Fx dx = (PS) (PO) = area of strip PQRS
Total work done in moving the body from A to B is given

W E dW=2Fx dr
terms in the sum increases without
If the displacements are allowed to approach zero, then the number of
limit. And the sum approaches a definite value equal to the area under the
curve CD as shown in Fig. 6.6(b).
Hence, we may rewrite, FIGURE 6.6

(dx) Fx) F(x)

In the language of integral calculus,

we may write it as D

W F (dx), Work

A o
. B
= OA and Xg = OB PQ

WE area of the strip PQRS

= total area under the curve between Fand x-axis from x = xA to x = Xg
et Bus rofwad

Hence, work done bya variable force is numerically equal to the area under the force curve and the
displacement aris.
RETAIN 001gni9tto z0o s 2e0701
0- deomdt bodarq a vod
IN Note that area under force-displacement
curve must be added with proper sign to
MEMORYY work done by the force varying obtain ner
in magnitude and direction.

(6) Mathematical Treatment (of work done by

variable force). FIGURE6.7
Suppose we have to calculate work done
in moving a
body from a point A (S) to a point B
(S) under the action
of a varying force, Fig. 6.7. Here, and Sp are the distances
S ds Q
of the points A and B w.rt. some reference point.
At any stage, suppose the body is at P, where
force on the body is F.Under the action of this force,
the body undergo an infinitesimally small displacement
PO = ds .During such a small displacement, we
assume that the force remains constant, then
small amount of work done in moving the body
from P to Q is
dW = F.ds
When ds 0, total work done in moving the
body from A to B can be obtained by integrating the
above expression between
S and Sp.

w- F. Sp

In three dimensional analysis, we take

F=F,î +F,î+F,k
and ds= dxî+ dyj+dzk

F.ds = (F,î +F, j+E,È)-(dsî+dyî+d:k)= F, de*+ F, dyt F, dz

Work done by force

F while the particle moves from an initial position, , yi, z) to a final

position, r yp
f 1f

W fdW = [F, dx+ F, dy+ J F, da

Sample Problem A force F (10 + 0-50 x) acts on a particle in x direction, where F is in
newton andx is in metre. Find the work done by this force during a displacement fromx =0 to = 2 m. r
Sol. Here, F= (10 + 0:50 x)
Small amount of work done in moving the particle through a small distance dx is

dW F.dx=(10 +0-5x) dx
6/8 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physies (XI) vOL

Total work done, W=

10+0-5x) dx
x=0 YOU
1. When a body moves with a
constant velocity, work done on/
= 10 (2-0)+(2-0) by the body is zero. This is
= 20+
because, when velocity is
21 joule constant, net force on the body is
NON-CONSERVATIVE FORCES zero. Therefore, work done =
6.6. CONSERVATIVE AND 2. When a ball hits a bat,
the ball

(a) Conservative forces

exerts a force F on the bat.
A force is said to be conservative, if work done by or against According to Newton's third law
only on the initial and
the force in moving a body depends
of motion, the bat exerts a
nature of path
final positions of the body, and not on the F, on the ball equal in magnitude
followed between the initial and the final positions.
This means, work done by or against a
conservative force in moving toF, but opposite in direction.
a body over any path between fixed initial
and final positions will be the
Therefore, +F =0. But the
initial height h; to algebraic sum of work done on
In Fig. 6.8, we have shown a ball going from an
(1, 2, 3). In each case, work the ball and work done on the bat
a final height h, along three different paths in this process is not zero.
= mg
done by the gravitational force is the same (h;-h,) as the change in
vertical distance (h;- h) is the same. FIGURE 6.8
Thus, gravitationalforce is a conservative force. To prove this,
us calculate amount of work done against the gravitational
force in moving
a body of mass m through a height AB = h over different
paths from A
to B.
Fig. 6.9(a) shows the body being raised vertically upwards. Force hi
applied F = mg.

As work done =F. s Fs cos 6

= h
= 7)
W= (mg)h cos 0° mgh
Fig. 6.9(6) shows the body being taken along a smooth inclined plane CB of height AB =h and
inclination 6.
As is clear from Fig. 6.9(b), foree applied is F=mg sin 6 and the distance moved along the direction
force is CB.

dr h


Work done = F. CB =
F (CB) cos 0°
Wmg sin 9xCB = mg

W2 mgh
Fig. 6.9(c) shows that body is being taken through =
the same height AB h over a staircase. Let there De
nSteps, each of vertical heighth and horizontal width x.
.Work done, W3 = n [mgh' cos
0° + mg x cos 90°]. As nxh'=h, therefore,
W3=n xmgh =mgh
Fig. 6.9(d) shows the body being carried through
the same height AB = h over any arbitrary Zig Zag pau
This path can be suppOsed to be made up of a large number
of infinitesimally small horizontal displacements
say, dx) and vertical displacements (say, dh).
Work done = Z mg (dh) cos 0° +
Zmg (dx) cos 90°
W4 mgh
From the above discussion, we find that W = W» = Wa =
W = mgh, i.e., work done is the same,
whatever be the path folowed, between the given initial position A and final position B. This establishes that
gravitational force is a conservative force.
Other examples of conservative forces are: force in an elastic spring ; electrostatic force between two
electric charges, magnetic force between two magnetic poles. The last two forces are called central
forces as
they act along the line joining the centres of two charged/magnetied bodies. Thus, all central forces are
conservative forces.
A roller coaster track is an example of a closed path. Gravitational force is the only force that does
work on the car, assuming that there is no friction and no air resistance. Normal reaction of the track
does no work as it is always perpendicular to the motion of the car. Over the entire trip, gravitational
force does as much positive work as negative work, so that net work done over the closed path is zero.

RETAIN Remember that work done in moving a body over a

IN smooth inclined plane does not depend upon slope DO
MEMORY of inclined plane. As W=mgh, therefore, work done
depends only on height h of the inclined plane. For a YOU
given height, work done in moving a body over any
smooth inclined plane of any inclination will be the
For a conservative force, any
choice of path between two given
Ptoperties of conservative forces points gives the same amount of
work. This result is very powerful,
I. Work done by or against a conservative force, in moving a body as it allows us to calculate work
Jrom one position to the other depends only on the initial position and
done by substituting some
fnal position of the body. convenient path between two
2. Work done by or against a conservative jorce aoes not uepeta given points, in place of any
pon the nature of the path followed by the body in going jrom initial inconvenient path."
position to the final position.
a through any round trip (i.e., closed
3. Work done by or against a conservative force in moving body
the body) is always zero.
path, where final position coincides with the initial position of
we take work done in moving the body from A to
For example, in case of gravitational force, Fig. 6.7, if
the body from B to A, by gravity has to be taken as
,against gravity as negative, then work done in moVing
positive, i.e., WAB-WBA
6/10 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics
WAB+WBA=0 of potential energy.l
B is stored in the body in the form
Infact. work done in taking the body from to
(A>B9A), net work
energy spent in moving the body from B to A. Thus, over the round trip
IS this which is
done is zero.
(6) Non-conservative Forces
moving a body
non-conservative, if work done by or against the force in
A force is said to be these wo positions.
jrom one position to another,
depends on the path followed between
W2, W3 denote the amounts of FIGURE 6.10
In Fig. 6. 10(a), suppose W1,
three different paths
work done in moving a body f:om to along
1, 2, 3 respectively. If the force is
W W2 W3 # closed path: A
Fig. 6.10(b) shows a particle moving along a A
W, is work done in moving the particle from
1> B>2>A. If particle from B>
A1B and W2 is work done in moving the
2 A, then for a non-conservative force,
WI#l W2

along the closed path, A > B A is not

Net work done A
zero, i.e. o F.ds # 0

Common examples of non-conservative force are:

(i) Force of friction (ii) Viscous force (iii) Air
(iv) Tension, normal force. against
A another position B on a rough table, work done
For example, if a body is moved from a position to A and B and also on the positions A and B.
frictional force (W) shall depend on the length of the path between
Further, if the body is brought back to its initial position A, on the same
path, the same work (W) has to
be done against the frictional forces, which oppose the motion
always. Hence, net work done against the
to 2 W.
frictional forces in moving a body over a round trip is not zero. It is numerically equal
If E = total value of initial energy, and E,= total value of final energy, then
w id rlT
The work done by/against non-conservative forces appears in some other forms of energy like hea
sound, light energy ete.
When all forms of energy are taken into account, law of conservation of energy is true, both for
conservative and non-conservative forces.

6.7. POWER
Often, we say a person is physically fit and powerful, if he not only climbs up four floors of a tall
building, but also climbs themfast.
Power of a person or machine is defined as the time rate at which work is done by it.
work done
i.e., Power = Rate of doing work = .(12)
time taken
Thus, power of a body measures how fast it can do the work. When a body takes lesser time to do a
particular amount of work, its power is said to be greater and vice-versa.
The power at a particular instant of time t is the ratio of small work done (dW) to the small time interval

(d) around , i.e., P =


(Now, dW =
F.ds , where F is the force
applied and ds is the small displacement.


But aS- V ,the instantaneous velocity.

dt P-F.7| 13)
Thus, power can be expressed as the dot product
of force and velocity.
Ifeis angle between F and v , then P= F.v =Fv cos
However, when v is along F , 0 = 0°, .
P = Fv cos 0° = Fv
As power is the ratio of two scalar quantities W ,
and therefore, power is a scalar. That is why t 15
expressed as dot product of F and v.
Dimensions of power can be deduced

P=_M'I?T-2 = [M'LPT-i]
t T
Units of power
The absolute unit of power in SI is watt, which is denoted by W.
From P= Wlt
1 joule
watt =

ie., |
1W=1 Js

Power fa body is said to be one wat, if it can do one joule of work in one second.

The bigger units of power are 1 kilo watt = 1000 watt, ie., 1
kW = 103 W
and I mega watt 1,000,000 watt, i.e., 1MW = 100 W
The absolute unit of power in egs system is 1 erg s-l
Obviously, 1 W= 1 Js- = 10 erg s
The gravitational unit of power on MKS system is (kg f) ms and in cgs system, it is (g f) ems-1
Another popular unit of power (used mostly in engineering) is horse power (h.p.), where

h.p. = 746 W

his unit is still used to describe the output of automobiles, motorbikes etc.
lable 6.1 gives us average power consumption by an adult in some of the common processes/ activities.
some common activities
TABLE 6.1: Average power consumption in

Activity Power (watt)

Heart beat 1-2
Sleeping 75
Slow walking 200
6/12 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

ProblomAn elevator weighing 500 kg is to be lifted up at a constant velocity of

0-4 m/s. What should be the minimm horse power of the motor to be used
Sol. Here, m=500 kg, v=04 m/s, P='?
P= Fv (mg) x v = 500 x 9.8 x 0.4 = 1960 watt
then minimum horse power of motar
we assume that there is no loss against friction etc. in the motor,

p 1960 h.p = 2-62 h.p

70 kg runs up a flight of 30steps in 35
seconds. What
Samplo 2A
Problom person weighing
is the power of the person if each step is 20 cm high ?
Sol. Here, M = 70 kg, = 35 s 1

p- W Mgh -70x98X6117-6 watt

h 30 x 20 cm = 6 m, P= ?P 33

For example, a child who runs and plays
In day to day life, we use the term 'energy' in
many ways.
a person has lot of energy, he can run faster or farther;
after adults are tired is said to be full of energy. When
he can jump higher and so on. system. The system
of energy allows us to keep track of the changes that take place in a
The concept
the earth or even the universe. Some of the characteristics of energy are:
could be our body, our car, our home,
matter possesses energy. (ii) Energy menifests itself in so many different
(i) The entire universe is constant.
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. Total quantity of energy in the
(iii) transferred to
(iv) Energy can be stored, and it can be
However, no body knows how much is this total energy. transferred
from one form to the other. (vi) The amount of energy
other matter. (v) Energy can be transformed transfers/transformations can be seen, heard, felt or
transformed can be measured. (vii) Some energy
Basically, we define
body to do the work.
Energy ofa body as the capacity or ability of the
doing more work, it is said to possess more energy. The reverse is also true
When a body is capable of work
admire a long distance runner for her stamina or energy. Similarly, a person who can
For example, we
or energy or greater capacity to work.
for 14-16 hours a day is said to have a larger stamina ot
energy is a scalar quantity, having magnitude only and no direction. The dimensions
Like work, energy ac
the same as the dimensions of work, i.e., [MLT]. The units of measurement of
energy are absolne
the same as the units of work, i.e., In SI, absolute unit of energy is joule and in cgs system, the
unit of energy is erg, which have already been defined.
Some practical units of energy and their equivalence to joule are
given in Table 6.2.
TABLE 6.2. Some Practical units of energy
Symbol Equivalence in ()
S.No. Unit

1. erg erg 10-J

calorie cal. 4-2 J
kilowatt hour kWh 3.6 x 10J
electron volt* eV 16x 10-9 j
5. Mega electron volt MeV 1-6 x 10-13 J

difference o
electron volt (eV) is the energy acquired by an electron on passing through a potential
4One 10-19 J
eV=(1-6x 10-1 C)x volt = 1-6x
volt, i.e.,

RETAIN J sionled be clearly understood that energy is different from power.

IN 1 te total anount of work a body can do, power dctermines the rateWhereas
MEMORYnowCr, ne takcn to complctcthe of dolng
energy, work is significant. But in unnc id


The kneu" enerky oJ a body is the energy

I4or exale, (i) A bullet lired Írom a gun
possessed by the body by virtue of is monon.
can pierce through a target on account of kinetic enerEy O
i) Widd nils work om the kinetic cnergy of air,
(il/) Wialer inills work on the kinetic energy
For example. sailing ships use the kinetic energy of wind.
sed to
of water. For example, fast flowing stream has been ue
grid con.
(iv) A nail 18 drjven into a wooden block on
account of kinetic energy of the hammer striking the nal.
Jormula for Kinetic Energy
Kinctic nergy of a body can be obtained
cither from
()thie amount of work donc in stopping the moving body, or
ii) the amount of work done in giving the prescnt velocity to the body from the state or rest.
Lct us usc the sccond method
Supposc m=mass of a body at rest (i.e., u =
0), F= Force applied on thebody
d = acccleration produced in the body in the direction of force applied.
velocity acyuired by the body in moving through a distance s, Fig. 6.11.
rom 12-u2as FIGURE 6.11
w2-) 2 as


AS = ma using (14), F=m

Work done on the body, W= Force x distance

W =mx = mu
kinetic energy (K.E.) acquired by the body,
This work done on the body is a measure of

= W =
mvi (15)
K.E. of body 2

Alternative Method method ofcalculus

energy ofa body is also obtained by the
he formula for kinctic
= Force applied on the body,
initially at rest (1.e., u= 0), F
et m= mass of a body, which is
direction of the force applied.
produced in the body in the
1s = smalI displacement
by the force,
dW = P.ds = Fds cos 0° F ds (16)
amount of work done
Small force, then from
produced by the
"1S acceleration
= ma =m
151 ltltnsa t
6/14 Pradecp a Fundanmental Physics (XI)vOL

From (16), dW =| m ds
work done by the forcc in increusing the velocity of the
KNOW Speed thrills but kills' is so

body from zero to v is a slogan. When speed of car is

made twice, its KE

W= mvdv=m| vdv= m
becomes 4 times. Therefore, work
that needs to be done on the car
W=mv K.E. of the body = W=<mu2 to stop it during a crash becomes
mass ofthe body four fold. That really kills.
Thus, kinetic energy ofa body is halftheproduct of
and square of velocity of the body.
We observe that K.E. o« m and also K.E. oc
greater kinetic energy. The reverse is also true.
i.e., a heavier body and a body moving
faster possesses

system, it is erg.
The absolute unit of K.E. on SI is joule and on cgs
Table 6.3.
Some typical kinetic energy values are given in
TABLE 6.3. Some Typical Kinetic Energy values
Mass (kg) Speed (ms-) K.E.(J)
S. No. Object
0.5 14 50
1. Stone dropped from 10 m
Rain drop at terminal speed 3:5 x 103 9 =14 x 103
3. Air molecule
10-26 500 10
70 10 3.5 x 103
4. Running athlete
5. Bullet 5x 10-2 200 10
20 4x 103
Car 2000

RETAINA Theexpression
K.E. = mv holds even when the force applied varies in magnitude
IN 2
in direction or in both. Thus, the expression is valid irrespective of how the body acquires
the velocity v.

2. K.E.m=m(v.v). Therefore K.E. is a scalar quantity.

direction of
3. K.E. ofa body depends on the speed of the body and not on its velocity, i.e.,
velocity does not affect the K.E. of the body.
4. As mass (m) and square of velocity (v4) are always positive, therefore, K.E. of the body
is always positive. It is never negative.
5. K.E. of a body having non-uniform circular motion is not constant. For example. when
body is moving in a vertical circle, its K.E. is maximum at the lowest point and minimum a
the highest point.
6. Kinetic energy of a body depends upon the frame of reference. For example, K.E. O

the frame of earth,

a person of mass m sitting in a train moving with vel. v
ant K.E. of the same person = 0, in the frame of the train.
oile i id
ample Problom1 ar momentum of a body is increased by 10%. What is the
percenta change in its KE?
Sol. Here. P2
100 P

Clearly, E>E
Percentage increase in KE. = EE) 100=
1-1x100= 21%
E 100
Sample Problem 2 A body of mass 5 kg initially at rest, is subjected to a force of 20 N.
energy What
is the kinetic acquired by the body at the
end of half minute
Sol. Here, m = 5 kg. u=0. F = 20 N

KE =?; i= min =30s:

a=-==4 m/s

u+at 0 + 4x 30= 120 m/s


KE=mv=x5 (120) =3-6x 104J

of a body, v = velocity of the body.
Let m = mass
Linear momentum ofthe body,p = mv

and K.E. ofthe body = mv=(m )


K.E.= .(17)
This is an important relation. It
Shows that a body cannot have K.E. m = constant
constant KE = constant K
without having linear momentum. The P

reverse is
also true.

Further, if p =constant, K.E. « -

his is shown in Fig. 6.12(a).

K.E, = constant, p oc m or p* vm
This is shown in Fig. 6.12(6).

p« VK.E.
m=constant, p K.E. or
This is shown in Fig. 6.12(0).
6/16 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X)ZE


to change in
According to this principle, work done by net force in displacing a body is equal
kinetic energy of the body.
the body increases by the sarne
Thus, when a force does some work on a body, the kinetic energy of
body, its kinetic energy decreases
amount. Conversely, when an opposing (retarding) force is applied on a
by the body against the retarding force.
The decrease in kinetic energy of the body is equal to the work done
equivalent quantities.
Thus, according to work energy principle, work and kinetic ener8y are
motion in one dimension.
Proof. To prove the work-energy theorem, we confine ourselves to
body, F = force applied on the body along its
Suppose m = mass of a body, u = initial velocity of the
final velocity of the body after t seconds
direction of motion, a = acceleration produced in the body, v =
(ds), where ds is the small distance
Small amount of work done by the applied force on the body, dW F

moved by the body in the direction of the force applied.

Now, F= ma = 1n

dW= F(ds) = mds=m |dv =mw dv d

its velocity from u to is
Total work done by the applied force on the body in increasing

W=| mudv = m| vdv

W-m (u-u)=m?- mu?

and mu =K, = initial K.E. of the body

But mv'= K,= final K.E. ofthe body
. W= K-K, = Increase in K.E. of body
i.e., work done on the body = increase in K.E. of body.
Similarly, we can show that if some work is drawn from the body, K.E. of the body decreases by
same amount. This proves work energy theorem or work energy principle.
Work Energy Theorem for a variable force
As is known, work done on a body by a variable force Fin displacing the body from initial position
to the final position x is given by

W-JF(x)d )

Ifm is mass of the body and a, is acceleration produced in the body along x-axis, then F () = ma, Put in (),

W ma, dx

Now, a' dt
dx dt

But ddt a d
Putting in (i) and changing the limits
of integration in terms of v, i.e.,

W= mv, du, dx

W mvdv, =
i.e. work done = increase in K.E.
of the body
which is the work energy theorem.
Relation between force and K.E.

From work energy theorem, W=mu2-mu?

2 2

ny. mu
Clearly, to cause the same change in K.E. of two bodies,
smaller force has to be applied through
larger distance and vice-versa.
When a car and a bus having same K.E. undergo same retarding force, they would
stop on travelling
the same distance.
Again, when a car and a bus moving with same speed, undergo same retarding force,
the bus will
travel larger distance than the car, before coming to a stop.

RETAIN 1. Whereas Newton's second law is a relation between acceleration and force at any instant
IN of time, work energy theorem involves an integral over an interval of time.
MEMORY 2. Newton's second law in two or three dimensions is in vector form, but the work-energy
theorem is in scalar form.
og Ii 3. In the above discussion, we have assumed that the work done by the force is effective
only in changing the kinetic energy of the body. It should, however, be remembered that
work done on a body may also be stored in the body in the form of potential energy.
In that event, we shall say that work done on the body increase in P.E. of the body.
If both the PE and KE of the body change, then according to work energy theorem,
work done on the body = increase in PE. and K.E. of the body.
Similarly, work done by the body = decrease in PE. and K.E. of the body.
4. Conversely, when work done on the body is positive, its K.E. will increase and when
work done on the body is negative, its K.E. will decrease.
5. Work energy principle/theorem is true for any system of particles in the presence of all
types of forces (external as well as internal). These forces may be conservative or non
6. When we consider a system of particles and the particles exert forces on one anather
then change in K.E. of the system is equal to work done on the system by the external
well as internal forces.
6/18 Pradeep' Pundameéital PhyGHE TI t
s tst weigHiirg 5tik
Sample Problem Find the average frictional force that would stop
a distance of 25 m, if the initial speed is 72 km/h.
0, u = "72 km/h =
72x1O0 rals 20) fnls
Sol. Here, F= ?, m= 500 kg, s= 25 m, v 61)x 61)
in K.E. of the body
According to work energy principle, W = change

Fs=m (v-u?)

=- 500x400
Fx25=x500 (0-20) 2

UUX 400 = -4000N Average frictional force= 4000
F=- 25


body is defined as the energy possessed by the body by virtue of ifs
The potential energ)y of a
position or configuration in some field.
energy is the energy that can be associated with the configuration (or arrangcnet)
Thus, potential charnges, then
objects that exert forces on one another. Obviously, if configuration of the system
system of
potential energy changes.
Potential energy takes many forms. For example: temperature,
(i) Our body transforms potential energy in food
into internal energy to maintain body
Some of the energy from food is converted into KE of
blood, muscles and bones. Some of the poteitial
the nervous system of the body.
energy of food is converted into electrochemical energy to operate
charges that are attracted towards cach other
i) Batteries also contain potential energy by separating
This potential energy can be transformed into other forms of energy by
completing the circuit.
the gravitational potential
(ii) Because of gravitational attraction of masses towards each other, arises
energy. This type of energy is hidden until the object is allowed to fall.
them O
(iv) Potential energy can be stored in objects by compressing them, stretching them, bending
twisting them in shape. This is called elastic potential energy. It can be converted into other forns of
by allowing the object to regain its original shape.
When we wind the spring of our watch, potential energy is stored in the spring on account of configuration
of the turns of the spring. As the spring unwinds, it works to move the hands of the watch. Thus, the wound
spring has the potential to do the work.
Again, it is due to potential energy of the compressed spring in a loaded pistol that the bullet is released
with a large velocity on firing the pistol.
Similarly, when a stretched bow is released, the arrow goes forward with a large velocity on account o
potential energy of the streched bow.
Gravitational Potential Energy
Gruvitational potential energy of a body is the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its
position above the surfuce of the earth.

For example, in the 1996 Olympics, when Andrey lifted the record breaking weights above his head, he
increased he separation between the weights and earth. The work his force did changed the configuration
(i.e., relative location of weights and earth) and hence changed the gravitational potential energy of the
weights-earth system.

Infact. the amount oI work done in carrying the body from surface of carth to its prescnt position nganst
aravitational force of carth, is stored in the body in
theg the form of its gravitational potential cnergEy. Wen
is allowed to fall from that position, it can do the amount of work equal to its gravitational potcnu
nergy. For example, gravitational potential
energ energy of water stored to great heights in dams is usced to run
turbines and produc
luce electric energy at hydroclectric power stations.
calculate gravitational potential energy, suppose
m mass of a body, g = acceleration due to gravity on the surface of carth.
h height through which the body is raised, Fig. 6.13.

If we assume that height h is not too large and the value of g is practically
constant over this height, then the force applied just to overcome gravitational
attraction is
F mg ..(18)
As the distance moved is in the direction of the force applied, therefore,
Work done = force x distance
W= Fxh = mgh
Note that we have taken the upward direction to be positive. Therefore, work done by applied force
=+mgh. However, work done by gravitational force = mgh. -

This work gets stored as potential energy. The gravitational potential energy of a body, as a function of
height (h) is denoted by V (h), and it is negative of work done by the gravitational force in raising the body
to that height.
Gravitational P.E. = V (h) = mgh .(19)
Relation between conservative force and potential energy of the syste
direction of the force, work
When a force F, acting on a body displaces it through a distance Ar the
done by the force on the body is
As gravitational P.E., AU=- AW

AU=- F, Ar or
When Ar 0, Lt
F Ar0
Ar x
F aU
Similarly, F dy

Now, F-iFiE, +hr,

where V + | is called the del operator

6/20 Pradeepo Fundamental Physics (KI v
Mathematically, the potential energy V (x) is defined if the force F (x) can be written asit
Fx) =-

This implies that F(x)dr =- dV -V 21
ie., work done by a conservative force like gravity in taking the body from initial position
final position (t) is equal to difference between initial and final P.E. of the body.
When the body is released from height h, it comes down with an increasing speed. The velocity v wi
which the body hits the ground is calculated from the fact that the gravitational P.E. f the body at height

manifests itse!f as K.E. of the body on reaching the ground, i.e., mv = mgh or v=2 sh
The following points should be clearly understood regarding potential energy
1. Potential Energy is defined onlyfor conservative forces. It does not exist for non conservative forcer
For example, when we move a body up a smooth inclined plane of height h, work done on the body is (mgh
This is the P.E. stored in the body. If the inclined plane were rough, work will be done against friction too in
moving the body up the plane, but that part of work is not retrievable and potential energy acquired by the
body is (mgh) only.
2. Potential energy depends upon frame of reference. It may be positive or negative.
By convention, in a conservative field, PE. is equal to negative of work done in moving a body from
some reference position to given position.
3. A body in motion may or may not have potential energy.
4. The formula of P.E. = mgh is infact, the gravitational potential energy of earth body
system. The
height h is taken above some reference level, which is defined in the given problem. If reference level is taken
as surface of earth, then variation of gravitational P.E. with height is obviously,
linear in nature.
By convention, gravitational PE. of a body is said
to be positive, when work is done by the body in
returning to its reference position. Similarly, gravitational P.E. the
of body is said to be negative, when work
is done on the body to bring it back to the reference
5. Work done in assembling a body from infinitesimally
small fragments distributed initially at infiite
separations is also stored in the body itself in the
form of (self) potential energy.
Sample Problem How high must a body be lifted so
movi"g with a velocity of 30 m/s ? Take g 10 that it gains P.E. equal to its KE while
Sol. Here, h=?v = 30 m/s, g = 10
Ifm is mass of the body, then as PE. = KE. : mgh=mv' 30x30
h=2g v10 =45 m
2xI 4

Springs can be of many types.

Important among these
as shown in Fig. 6.14(a)
and spiral springs, as are helical springs FIGURE 6.14
shown in Fig. 6.14(b).
Usually, we assume that
force in a spring is same
the springs are massless.
Therefore, restoring elastic
To produce compression
forces are to be applied or extension in a spring,
on the spring. In equilibrium, two equal and opposite
due to elasticity of restoring force developed
the spring is equal to applied
the applied force. force; and is always opposite
A definite
amount or Work has to be done
against the restoring force, both in compressing or in stretcnig
ring. This work done is stored in the
the spring spring in the form of elastic potential energy
of the spring8
Thus, potential energy of a spring is
the energy associated with the state
expansion oj an elastic spring. of compresston or
To calculate it, consider an elastic spring OA
of negligible mass. FIGURE 6.15
The end O of the spring 1s nxea to a rigid support and a body of mass m
ottached to the free end A. Let the spring be oriented
the body of mass m lie on a alongx-axis and
perfectly frictionless horizontal table,
Fig. 6.15.
The position of the body A, when spring is unstretched is
chosen as the origin.
When the spring is compressed or elongated, it tends
to recover to its original length, on account of
elasticity. The force trying to bring the spring back to
its original configuration is called restoring. force or
spring force.
For a small stretch or compression, spring obeys Hook's law, i.e., for
a spring,
Restoring Force o stretch or compression
-Fc: or F = kx-
where k is a constant of the spring and is called spring constant.
We may define spring constant as the restoring force per unit FIGURE 6.16

displacement of the spring, ie., k =

Units of k are N/m or dyne/cm.

The dimensional formula of k = =[M' DT2
The variation of restoring force (-F) with stretch or compression
)is shown in Fig. 6.16. Clearly, greater the stretch or compression, Stretch or compression (x)
greater will be the restoring force and vice-versa.
Some more information about fore constant or spring constant. From (22), k=-Fa. Therefore,
force constant ofa spring is equal to slope offorce versus suretch curve. lis units are Nim and dimensions are
MT 21. Greater the force constant of a spring, smaller will be the stretch or compression of the springfor a
given force.
The spring with smaller force
d Therefore, a spring with greater force constant is said to be stiffer.
constant is soft.
fx=1, F= -kx or k = - F
required to produce unit displacement
Hence, force constant of a spring is numericaly equal to the force
(compression or stretch) in the spring. The value of k depends on length of spring
l, radius of the spring R
and nature of material of the spring wire.
t is established that for a spring, k « ;
will be the force constant
Le, Smaller the length of the spring, greater
And vice-versa. This is shown in Fig. 6.l/.
that the restoring force is
negative sign in eqn. (22) indicates
healways towards the equilibrium position.
through an infinitesimally small
Let the body be displaced further
Stance dx, against the restoring torce.
increasing the length of the spring engtn Or spring()
Sn amount of work done in dx (23)
by dx is dx = kx
by dW=- F
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (X1)VO
Total work done in giving displacement x to the body
can be obtained FIGURE 6.18
by integrating (23) from x = 0 to x = x, i.e.,


This work done is stored in the spring as potential energy of the spring.

PE.= W=
k2 .(24)

The variation of potential energy with distance x is shown in Fig. 6.18.

Alternate Method. The same formula for P.E. of a spring can also be obtained graphicaly.
The variation of restoring force (F) with displacement (x) within FIGURE 6.19
elastic limnits, is shown in Fig. 6.19.
Taking the potential energy of the spring in unstretched position as
zero, the potential energy of the spring having displacement x is
numerically equal to area of AOPQ.
I.e., P.E. of spring = area of AOPQ
base (OP)x height (PQ)_XxF

But F=kx . P.E. of the spring at B =

Regarding potential energy ofa spring, the following points should be clearly understood:
1. In Fig.6.20(a), A is normal position of the body in unstretched
position of the spring. When the body is pulled from A to B, where
AB = x, work is done against the restoring force F. Potential energy
stored in the spring (at B)

2. If we were to leave the body at B after stretching the

it would move to A on account of potential energy stored in the
At A, x = 0, F

PE. of the spring =

k = 0 B
The entire P.E. of the spring is converted
into K.E. of the body
at A. That is why the body cannot stop A.
at It goes over to the position
C, where AC =-x, Fig. 6.20(c).
6.21 TE
AtC, the P.E. of the spring
Thus, at C, the K.E. of the body is converted K.E
fully into potential
energy of the spring. From C, the body moves ENERGY
to A, when whole of P.E.
stored is converted into K.E., Fig. 6.20(d).
This is repeated. The body P.E
thus starts vibrating simple harmonically* about
the equilibrium position
A, between the positions B and C.
Total energy T.E. in all the positions
remains the same. DISTANCE
The variation of PE., K.E. and T.E. with distance
is shown in Fig. 6.21.
*For details, see Art. 14.15.

3 IfU, is the maximum speed and x,, is the maximum displacement, then


As k/m has the dimensions of [T-4, therefore, this equation is dimensionally correct.
4. Work done by the external pulling force is positive, as it overcoes the spring force. Howevet, wo
done by the spring force or restoring force is equally negative.

5. We have said above that work done by the spring force in a cyclic process is zero. It is tio
dependent (F= kx). The spring force does work which depends only on the initial and final positions.

Therefore, the spring force is a conservative force.

6. In Fig. 6.20, we find that (i) When the displacement x from the equilibrium position A is zero. restorin
force F = 0, Fig. 6.20(a) and (d).
(i) For the stretched spring x >> 0, F <<0, i.e., force is F
negative, Fig. 6.20(b).
(ii) For the compressed spring x <<0, F>>0, i.e., force
is positive, Fig. 6.20(c).
7. The plot of restoring force F versus displacement x is
represented in Fig. 6.22. The area of the shaded triangle OKL
represents the work done by the force. Because of opposing
signs of F and x, this work done is negative,

The potential energy of a spring, when stretched
through a distanice x is 50
it further through the same distance?
J. What would be the work done in stretching

Sol. Here, x =x, E =k

= 50 J, W= ?2 =x+x=2x
P.E. of the spring
As work done = increase in

. W=E-E =5k-
W 3xkr = 3 x 50 = 150 J
Elastic P.E. of a spring in relaxed position displacement.
always positive, being proportional to square of
2. Elastic P.E. of a spring
is compressed.
when the spring is stretched or distance x.
3. Elastic PE. appears
a distance X, and then it is stretched further to a
stretched by
4. If the spring is already
then work done, AW =
stretched spring
energy of already
nCrease in potential

AV =-AW=-5 -kd-).
Pradeep 'e Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
The mechanical energy (E) of a body is the sum of kinetic encrgy DO
(K) and potential energy (V) of the hody

i. K+ V
26 KNOVW 2
Obviously, mechanical energy of a body is a scalar quantity measured 1. The earth's crust is not uniform.
in joule. It has discontinuities and
Wecan show that the total mcchanical energy of a system is dislocations that are called fault
conserved theforces, doing work on the system are conservative. (or
if lines. These fault lines in the
when net work done by erternal non-conservative forces is zero) carth's crust are like compressed
This is called the principle of conservation of total mechanical springs' and possess a large
amount of potential energy. When
these fault lines readjust, an
For simplicity, we assume the motion to be one dimensional only. earthquake results. The stored
Suppose a body undergoces a small displacement Ax under the action of a potential energy is released in the
conservative force F. According to work energy theorem, form of kinetic energy.
change in K.E. =work done 2. The energy associated with state
AK = F (x) Ar of separation of charged particles
(27) that interact electrically is called
As the force is conservative, the potential energy function V (x) is electric potential energy.
defined as
Electric Potential Energy (V) of
AV= F (x) Ar two point charges q1 and q2
or AV= F (x) Ar
..(28) Separated by a distance r in
Adding (27) and (28), we get
vacuum/air is V4nE0T
AK+ AV=0
A (K+ V) 0, which means
where =9x 10° Nm2c-2
(K+ V) = E = constant 29) 4TE
i.e., sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the is called absolute electrical
body is a permittivity of free space (vacuum
constant over the whole path, x; to xp. It implies that
K+V(xp = K,+ V (x) or K+ V (x) = constant
i.e., total mechanical energy, E== constant
It means that individually, kinetic energy K and
the potential energy V (x) may vary from point point,.
but their sum is constant throughout. to
The folloing points should be clearly understood as regards
mechanical eneryy E.
1. Value of mechanical energy
of a body depends upon frame of
2. In certain cases, mechanical energy may only
In certain other cases, mechanical energy may
When K = 0, V = 0, only then E = 0. However, when E =
be potential energy.
be kinetic energy.
0, it is not
Mechanical energy of a body
necessary that K = 0 and V= 0. Infact, K is always positive. falling freely in air towards earth
When V is
equally negative, E = 0. is NOT conserved. This is
3. As E- V= K and Kis always positive, therefore, for because a non-conservative force
a system to
exist, E- V20 or E2 V. (i.e., resistive force due to air) acts
4. Negative value of mechanical energy indicates on the body in addition to a
a bound state, conservative force (i.e., gravi-
e.g., electron in an atom; and a satellite revolving around a tational foree)
planet, both
are in bound state having negative mechanical energy. bovnsztio
To illustrate the law further, let us calculate kinetic energy K.E., potential energy P.E. and total eneTEy
TE. of a body falling freely under gravity. FIGURE 6.23
1et m be the mass of the body held at A, at a height h above the ground, Fig. 6.23.
As the body is at rest at A, therefore,
At A:K.E. of the body = 0
PE. of the body = mgh, whereg is acceleration due to gravity at A.
TE. of the body = K.E. + PE. = 0 + mgh
E mgh (30)
Let the body be allowed to fall freely under gravity, when it strikes the ground at
Cwith a velocity v. GROUND
From v2-uP 2as
2-02 (8) h
v'=2 gh 31)

AtC:K.E. ofthe body =mv2 =m(2 gh) = mgh

2 2
P.E. ofthe body = mgh = mg (0) =0
Total energy of the body = K.E. + P.E.
E = mgh+0 mgh 32)
In free fal, let the body cross any point B with a velocity v. where AB = x
From v-u = 2 as

v-0 2(8) x 33)

At B:K.E. ofthe body m =*m(2gr) = mgx
P.E. of the body at B = mg (h -x)
Height of the body at B above the ground =CB = ({h-x)
Total energy of the body at B = K.E. + P.E.
mgx = mgh .(34)
E3 = mgx + mg (h -x) = mgx +mgh

From (30), (32), (34), we find that E = E> = E = mgh FIGURE 6.24

i.e., total energy of the body during

free fall remains constant at all TE
on changing. At A, energy is
positions. The form of energy, however keeps and C,
is entirely K.E. In between A
Cnrely potential energy and at C, it energy PE
1S partially potential and
partially kinetic. This variation of
Cgy mechanical energy stays constant at
Shown in Fig. 6.24. Total
where only conservative forces
cause .
Thus, in an isolated system,
ener changes, the kinetic energy and
potential energy may change, but
Cgy system (which is sum of K.E. and PE.) Positioon
echanical energy of the

to the sum of K.E. and P.E. at another

sum of K.E. and P.E. at one instant
We can, therefore, equate the
considering intermediate states. this law has evar
stant without
in every Situation. No violation, whatsoever, of
This law has been found to be constant is the mechanical energy of the system.
Cen observed. Hence, what
6/26 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VoLn
mechanical energy are:
Some other examples of conservation of
1. Vibrations of a simple pendulum FIGURE 6.25
normal position of rest of a simple
In Fig. 6.25, OA is
B, through a height h, it
When the bob of the pendulum is displaced to
1s given P.E. = mgh, where m
is mass of the bob. On releasing the
is being converted into K.E.
at B, il moves towards A. P.E. of the bob
converted into K.E. The bob,
On reaching A, the entire P.E. has been max. PE max. PE
inertia, it overshoots the
therefore, cannot stop at A. On account of
h above A. The entire K.E
position A and reaches Cat the same height
at C. The whole process is repeated
of the bob at A is converted into PE.
equilibrium position OA. At
and the pendulum vibrates about the
momentarily at rest. Therefore,
extreme positions B and C, the bob is
is potential energy. At A, max. KE
its K.E. = 0. The entire energy at B and C
there is no height and hence no potential energy. The
entire energy at
A is kinetic energy.
is shown in Fig. Energy
The variation of energy with position of the bob A
6.26. .E

2. Motion of a small spherical ball over a watch glass

Fig. 6.27 shows a watch glass or a large concave mirror
in clay. Consider a tiny spherical ball placed at the
edge B at a height
h above the centre A. If m is mass of the ball,
P.E. of the ball held at PE
B= mgh.
When the ball is released at C, it starts rolling down the mirror. Position
A, velocity of
P.E. of ball is being converted into K.E. At the bottom
K.E. FIGURE 6.27
the ball is maximum as the entire P.E. has been converted into
The ball cannot stop at A on account of inertia. It goes over to the
other edge B. The velocity of the ball goes on decreasing and so does
its K.E. At C, K.E, = 0, and P.E. is maximum. The entire process is
repeated, and thus the ball keeps on rolling over the mirror about A.
3. Vibrations of an elastie spring
As discussed already in Art. 6.13, total energy is conserved in case of an elastic spring


We have studied some details of potential energy and kinetic energy. These are not the only two forms
of cnergy. Energy may manifest itself in several other forms. Some of the examples are:
1. Heat Energy

It is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of random motion of the molecules of the body.
Heat is also associated with the force of friction. When a block of mass m sliding on a rough horizontal
surface with speed v, stops over a distance x, work done by the force of kinetic frictionfover a distance X 1

-flr). By the work energy theorem,mv =ft). We often say that K.E. of the block is lost due to frictional
force. However, when we examine the block and the horizontal surface carefully, we detect a slight increase
in their temperatures. Thus, work done by friction is not lost, but it is transferred as heat energy of the
ORK, ENERGY AND POWER sagshpr 6/27

2. Internal Encrgy
1t is the total
energy posSsessed by the body
by virtue of particular
iouration of its molecules and also their random motion. Thus,
internal energy of a body is the sum of potential energy and kinetic YOU
PncrEy ofthe molecules of the body. P.E.
is due to configuration of
theKNO W
olecules against intermolecular forces and K.E. is due to random
molecules. Internal energy of a body is
motion of the sometimes called the microscopic
mechanical energy of the body.
3. Electrical Energy
The flow of electrnc current causes bulbs to glow, fans to rotate and bells to ring, A definite amount of work
has to be
done in moving the iree charge carriers in a particular direction through all the electrical appliances. This
auses the expenditure of electrical energy. An urban consumes
cau Indian household about 200 joule of energy per
second on an average.
4. Chemical Energy
Chemical energy arises from the fact that the molecules participating in the chemical reaction have
different binding energies. A stable chemical compound has less energy than the separated parts. A chemical
reaction is basically a rearrangement of atoms. For example, coal consists of carbon and a kilogram of it,
when burnt releases 3 X 10' J of energy. Chemical energy is associated with the forces that give rise to the
stability of the substances. These forces bind atoms into molecules, molecules into polymeric chains etc. The
chemical energy obtainable from the combustion of coal, cooking gas, wood and petroleum have become
indispensable for us.
5. Nuclear Energy
It is the energy obtainable from an atomic nucleus. Two distinct modes of obtaining nuclear energy are
) Nuclear fission (ii) Nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fission involves splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei, whereas nuclear
fusion involves fusing of two or more lighter nuclei to form a heavy nucleus.
In both, the nuclear fission as well as nuclear fusion, a certain mass disappears, which appears in
the form of nuclear energy in accordance with Einstein mass energy relation, E = mc2. For details, see Art. 6.17.
Further, the explanation of huge amounts of energy released by the sun is also based on Einstein mass
energy relation. Four light hydrogen nuclei fuse to form a helium nucleus, whose mass is somewhat less than
the sum of the masses of the four hydrogen nuclei. This mass difference (An) is called the mass defect. It is
the source of solar energy = (Am) c
Table 6.4 gives approximate energy associated with some of the important

TABIE 6.4 Energy associated with some important phenomena

S.No. Phenomenon Energy(J)
1. Energy required to break one bond in
DNA 10
Energy spent in turning a page 10-3
Work done by each human heart beat
4 Daily food intake of a human
adult 10 10
litre of gasoline 3x
Energy released in burning
K.E. of a jet aircraft
Energy released in burning
1000 kg of coal 3x 1010
fusion bomb 1017
Energy release of 15 megaton
on earth 5x 1024
9. Annual solar energy incident 1029
10. Rotational energy of earth 1044
supernova explosion
11. Energy released in a 1052
12. Rotational energy of Milky 1068
13. Big Bang
6/28 Pradeep a Pundamental PhysiCN (Z1jVZ


energy are two separate physical quuantities. In an vyu
in Classical (old) Physics, mass and m the ason
(Science of chemistry was develken
nass is constant, and energy too remains constant. conserved friade
scparatcly). In the yeat 1995, FatrAtin eneyo
mass and energy are
that in all chemical reactions, mass and maus5 cun be
trunefurmed into
energy can be transformed inta
incredible discovery that as pst forth by Finmes
can obtained at the cost of the other. The mass energy equivalencc rclation
One be

E mc
energy that appecars, C = velocity of igit
in vacun,
m = mass that disappears, E =
energy. Converscly, when an amourst of
energy V is mven
This is when mass is being converted into
m = Elc
into mass, the mass that appears is kepuralely, bu
Thus, according to (modern) Quantum
Physics, mass and energy ure not conservEd
EVEN vhe
single entity called mass-energy'. E is the energy thal the object posesseS
are conserved as a
it is at rest, simply because it has mass. th
conservation of cnergy have beEn unifsed by
Thus, the law of conservation of mass and law of n
This relation is of great importance in PiysiCs, hs
relation into a single law of conservation of mass energy.
origin of solar enerEY, stellar eneryy, nudea
solved many hitherto unsolved problems. For example, the
been traced using this relation.
energy from fission, fusion binding energy of nuclei etc. have

As speed of light in vacuum, c =3 x 10° m/s is1 very large, a staggering amount of enErgy 15 2sTited
with a mere one kilogram of matter. Thus, for m = kg, E = nc = (3 x 10°)° = 9x 10'"
1 JJ

power generating statíon.

This equivalent to the annual electrical output of a large (3000 MW)
The energy equivalent of some typical objects are given in Table 6.5.
TABLE 65 Energy Equivalent of some objects
S.No. Object Rest Mass (kg) Energy Equivalent (E)
1. Electron 9.11 x 10-31 8-19x 10-14 J 511 keV
2. Proton 1-67 x 10-27 1-50x 1010 J =
938 MeV
Uranium atom 3-95 x 1025 3-55x 10J = 225 GeV
4. Dust Particle Ix 10-13 1x 10 J = 2 kcal

Illustrations of inter conversion of mass and energy

(a) Annhilation of matter. Under suitable conditions, an electron (e) and a positron (et* annhil:te
(or destroy) each other resulting in the release of two y-rays. Thus mass is converted into energy according t
Einstein equation, E = me. This process is represented as fet = 7+7
As is known,
mass of electron = mass of positron = 9.1 x 10-31 kg
Total mass of e and et, m=2x9-1 x 10-31 kg T
According to Einstein equation, energy released
E=mc= 2x9.1 x 10-31 (3 x 1082 J
= 1-638 x 10-13 J =*
16x10-13e =102 Mev
Energy of each photon 1-02,
= MeV = 051 MeV

*A positron (e") is a particle whose mass is same as that of electron,

but it carries unit positive charg
instead of an equal negative charge on electron. Positron is also called antiparticle
of electron.

Pair l'rodiction. t 1s the revcrse of the

nhenomenon of annhilation of mztter. in s CZse 2
energy I02 MeV interacts with a
nucleus under suitable conditions and gTves rise to aslee
and a postron (e )
air ot partlicles. Thus energy is converted into mass according to Emste
= me2

1-02 McV 1-02/1-6 10-13J

(3x10 ms? 9x106(ms 2
m =
18:13 x 103 kg
This is the combined mass of electron and positron.

Mass of each
2kg=9-065 x 1031 kg
This is the rest mass of an clectron/positron.
Variation of Mass with velocity
According to instcin, the relativistic variation of mass with velocity is given by the relation

where mo = rest mass of the particle, i.e., mass of paticle when at rest
m= effective mass or relativistic mass of the particle moving with velocity v
c= velocity of light in vacuum
The expression indicates that mass of particle/body increases with increase in its velocity. when
E m =
, i.e., when velocity of particle/body becomes equal to velocity of light in vacuum/air. it mas
becomes infinite.
Sample Probiem In a nuclear reaction, the mass defect is 1 atomic mass unit. What is the
energy released ?
Sol. Here, Am = 1
amu = 1-66 x 102 kg; E =?
E= (Am) c2= 1-66 x 102 x (3 x 1082 1-494 x 10-10J

Sample Problem I 22000 kg of water is heated from 0°C to 100°C. what will be the
corresponding increase in mass of water Take specific heat of water = cal. g-l°Ci
? 1

Sol. Here, m = 2000 kg = 2 x 10°g, AT= 100 -0 = 100°C, cal.glc-c= 1

x2x 100 x 100

(AT) =1 2 x 10 cals
Heat energy supplied/gained by water, AQ = c.m
10° J.
or AQ= E 2 x 10" x 4-2 J = 8-4 x

E = 9:3 x 10 kg
Hence, increase in mass, m=- (3x102
energy from one form to the other. We come across such changes in
is the phenomenon of change of
day-to-day 1life. For example
energy and heat energy.
energy is converted into light
0) In an electric bulb, electric energy is converted into heat
heater, geyser etc., electric
(7) In an electric iron, electric converted into mechanical energy.
fan, electric motor, electric energy 1s ener
(7) In an electric energy of water is converted ultimately into electric
station, potential
(n) In a hydroelectric power converted into mechanical energy.
chemical energy from coal/oil is
() In a heat engine, convertedinto energy.
reactor, mass is being
) In a nuclear into energy, and so on.
stars, mass is being converted transformation of atomi an
) In the sun and other Out heat and ignt as a result of
The explosion of an atom bomb gives
0/00 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics e(XI)Va


n Ait. 6.14, we have establishel the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. i.e.. total mechanis
doing work on the system are cOnservative.
C y ol a system is conserved if the forces no1-conservative, a part of mechanical energy may be chanoa
Won soe ot the oees involved are
energy. Therefore. according to the principle
iito othor lornns of energy such as heat, light and sound
consesvativn ol energy,
we aceunt forall forms of energy, the total energy of an isolated systemn does not
the total energy of an isolated syste
Thus, cnergy may be transfornned from one form to another. but
shall remain constaut.
As the universe as a whole can be treated as an isolated system.
the sum total of energy of all kinds in the
universe ncains coustant at all tinnes, Thus, energy can neither be
created nor be destroyed. If one part of the
amount of energy.
universe loses cnerEY. sone otlher part of the universe would gain an equal
The principle ef couservation of energy cannot be proved as such.
However, no violation of thi
piniple has ever bwen vbserved.
The concept of transformation of energy into various forms and its ultimate
conservation is of vital
itnportanee in all br:anches of science, including engineering and industry.
Sample Problom rubber ball falls on a floor from a height of 19-6 m. Calculate the
energy on
with which it strikes the ground. To what height vill the ball rebounce if it loses 25% of its
striking the ground ?
Sol. IHere. h = 19.6 n, v= ? Loss of energy 25% h=?

On striking the ground. K.E. = P.E.

m mgh
=2g = v2x98x 19-6 = 19-6 m/s
As the body loses 25% ofits energy, final energy Ez 75 of initial energy lishat

i.., mg h, = 75 mg h) h x196 = 147 m

In common language, a collision is said to occur when objects crash into eachother.
For example, collision
between automobiles, a hammer striking a nail, collision between billiard balls, carrom coins etc.
Collisions range from the microscopic scale of subatomic particles to astronomical scale
of colliding8
slars and colliding galaxies. Often, the collisions are too brief to be visible, though they involve significant
distortion of the colliding bodies.
In general, we define

a collision asan isolated event in which two or more colliding bodies exert relatively strong
forces on eachother for a relatively short time.
Thus, actual physical contact between two bodies is not necessary for a
collision. For example, an alpha
particle speeding towards nucleus of an atom gets deflccted by the
electrostatic force of repulsion withouu
actual physical contact with the nucleus. The alpha particle is said to have
undergone collision with the nucleus.
The major object of the study of collisions is to find out as much
as possible, about the forces that act
during a collision from the knowledge of the state of particles before and
after the collision. Infact, all our
unlerstanding of the subatomic world-clectrons, protons, neutrons, muons,
quarks etc. comes from experimenis
involving collisions. Two key rules ofthe collision game are
() Law of cr servation of linear momentum, and (ii) Law of conservation
of energy.ute u
Dpes of
Culisions between partcles have been divided broadly into two types
1.Elastic collisions
2 nelastic collisions
A Golision in which there is absolutely no loss of kinetic energy is called an elastic collisto
Frexample. collision between atomic and sub atomic particles are elastic collisions. Practically, colSIO
ween two ivory balls can also be taken as an elastic collision.
The basic characteristics of
an elastic collision are
)The linear momentum is consenved,
()Total energy of the system is conserved.

(i) The kinetic energy is conserned.

0bviously. the kinetic energy in such collisions is not converted into any other form of energy like

energy. sOund energy etc.

(iv)The forces involved during elastic collisions must be conservative forces.
6) Inelastic collisions
collision in which there occurs some loss of kinetic energy is called an inelastic
therefore, collisions we comne
As there is always some loss of kinetic energy in most of the collisions,
across in daily lite are generally inelastic.
to be perfectly inelastic. For
If two bodies stick to each other, after colliding, the collision said
K.E. of mud is complete. The collision is
example. mud thrown on a wall sticks to the wall. The loss of
perfectly inelastic.
together, the collision is perfectly
Similarly. when an arrow gets stuck in a target and the two move
it often gets buried in earth. The collision is
inelastic. Likewise, if a meteorite collides head on with earth,
perfectly inelastic.
The basic characterisrics of an inelastic collision are:
) The linear momentum is consened.
i) Total energy is conserved.
(in) Kinetic energy is NOT consenved.
Obviously, a part of kinetic
energy is converted into some other fom of energy, e.g., heat
energy, YOU
sound energy etc.
(iv) Some or all the forces involved in an
inelastic collision may be NOW ?
We normally think of 'elastic' as
non-consenative in nature.
ball onto a hard floor, and referreing to something that
For example. When we drop a rubber
the ball would lose always returns to or keeps its
the collision between the ball and the floor is elastic, in an elastic
and would rebound to its original shape. Thus,
Kinetic energy because of the collision, maintain their
height may be somewhat collision, objects
onginal height. However, the actual rebound are not
kinetic energy in the collision. Therefore, original shapes and
orter, showing some loss of
we neglect the small lossderormed by the action of forces.
is somewhat inelastic. However, if On the other hand, objects in an
OI K.E., we may approximate the collision as elastic. inelastic collision are deformed
to neariy ouo during the collision and lose some
When we drop a golf ball on the ground, it rebounds mated
collision cannot be approxi- kinetic energy in the form of heat
O 1s original height. Therefore, this
we drop a ball of wet energy, sound energy, internal
as elastic. It is an inelastic collision. Again, when
not rebound at all. As elastic potential energy etc.
putty on to the floor, it sticks to the floor and does
ne putty sticks, the collision is a perfectly inelastic
6/32 Pradeep a Pundamental Piysies (K1T
The main characteristics of collisions as
sumaised in Table 6.6. i
discussed above are
TABLE 6.6, Charncterlstics of Collislons
Linear Momentum Total Eneray KineticEnergy
S. No. Type of Colllslon
Comserved Conserved
Perfectly elastic collision Conserved
Conserved Not-conserved
Inclastic collision Conscrved
2. Conserved Not-conserved
Perfectly Inelastic collision Conserved

and lincar monentum, both are conserved

RETAIN Itshould be clcarly understood that total cnergy inelastic
in elastie as well as inelastic collisions.
However, K.E, is not conserved in an
MEMORY collision. In an elastic collision, K.E. is also
6:21. are perfectly
In actual practice. collisions between all real objects
are neither perfectly elastic nor they
inelastic. They are called imperfect or semi elastic collisions.
a quantity, called coefficient of
restitution o
The degree of elasticity of a collision is determined by
coefficient of resilience.
ruatio of
Coeficient of restitution or coefficient of resilience ofa collision is defined as the
relative velocity of separation after collision to the relative velocity of
approach before collision.

lt is represented by 'e'.
relative velocity of separation (after collision)
relative velocity of approach (bcfore collision)
are their respective velocities after
If u. u are velocities of two bodies before collision, and v1, V2
collision. then

e 36)
For a perfectly elastic collision, relative velocity of separation after collision is equal to relative velocity
of approach before collision
e=1 (37)
For a perfectly inelastic collision, rel. vel. of separation after collision = 0, as the two bodies, after
collision, move together
e=0 ..(38)
For all othercollisions, e lies between 0 and 1, i.e., | 0<e<l.
Note that we shall discuss about collisions in systems that are closed, i.e.,
no mass enters or leaves the
system. Further. the systems are isolated, i.t., no net external forces act on the
bodies within the system.
Infact, external forces, e.g., gravity and friction are negligibly small compared to the
strong impulsive torces
during collision (which are internal forces).
Determination of e
Let us take two spheres A and B of masses m nd M (>> m) respectively
suspended as simple pendulums
from a common support. In the normal position of .cst, the two spheres are in light
contact with cach other as
shown in Fig. 6.28.
Let the sphere A be displaced to a height h and released from
there. The velucity acquired by sphere A
just before striking sphere B is u = gh 2
is initially at rest, lu=0.
As sphere B
B rise to a height h and A recoil back to
On collision, let
a height "
2 gh and v 2 gh B

As e2 2 gh-0 h
coefficient of restitution of the collision.
Knowing h, hj and h2, we can calculate the
6.22. ELASTIC other withour
moving initially along the same straight line, striking against each
It involves two bodies line after collision.
energy and continuing to move along the same straight With
loss of kinetic
m and m, are moving initially along the same straight line
Suppose two balls A and B of
velocities u and uz respectively, Fig. 6.29a).
approach before collision, .(39)
When u> Uz, relative velocity of
=U U2 -
After collision,
Fig. 6.29(b). Let the collision be perfectly elastic.
> v1, the
straight line, Fig. 6.29(c). When v,
Therefore, the two balls collide,
is velocity of B along the same
suppose v, is velocity of A andv,
bodies separate after collision. .(40)
separation after collision = V2 -V1
Relative velocity of m u + m2 u2
balls before collision =
Linear momentum of the two
after collision = m Vj +m V2
Linear momentum ofthe two balls
m m2
m V2

is conserved in an elastic collision, .(41)
As linear momentum
m (U2-u2) = m (41 -"1)
or .(43)
Total K.E. of the two
balls before collision
=m, "f +;m,u
vz .44)
= m, vf +m,
balls after collision
Total K.E. of the two & (44),
an elastic collision, therefore from (43)
conserved in
As K.E. is also

or m, (v-u) =m, (uf -v5)

we get
Dividing (45) by (42), +)(44-")
(U +u,)(v2 -12)_u
m,(v-us_m uf- (2 (4-)
m, (v, -u2) 46)
ire vd
2-1 12
6/34 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)VOL
Hence, in one dimensional perfectly elastic collision, relative velocity of separation after collision is

cqual to relative velocity of approach before collision.

From (46),

By definition, 2 =e=1
in one dimension is unity,
Hence, coefficient of restitution/resilience of a perfectly elastic collision
Calculation.of velocities after collision
Velocity ofA:
From (46),
Putting in (41), we get

Uj (m] + ma) = (m1 -ma) l1 t+ 2 ma U2

(1-m)12, 48)
Velocity of B:
Put this value of v from (48) in (47)

V2 -lu2 t- = U| m +m2 ]



The expression for can be obtained from (48), the expression for v, by replacing by
IN m, and u by u2. The reverse is also true, ie.. (48) can also be obtained from (49), in the
MEMORYsame way

Particular cases:
TTO2 bas
1. When masses of two bodies are equal, i.e., m = m2 = n, say
3d brurt
2 m2
From (48), ",
2m l2, ie., velocity of A after collision = velocity of B before collision.

From(49), 2-
= u, i.e., velocity of B after collision
ie, veloC = velocity of A before collision.

Hence, when two bodies of equal masses undergo perfecty elastic collision in one dimension, their
velocities are just interchanged. This is shown in Fig. 6.31 (a).
This result has an important application in a nuclear reactor. Fast moving neutrons in a nuclear
reactor are slowed down by making them collide against the nuclei of a moderator. As nuclei of a
moderator, ie., hydrogen atoms (i.e, protons) have roughly the same mass as that of neutron, on
collision, fast moving neutrons are slowed down transferring their energy to protons. Therefore,
hydrogenic materials (e-g, heavy water, paraftin ete.) are best suited as moderators in nuclear reactors.

When the target body B is initially at rest, i.e.. u2 = 0

- m,)u ..(50)
From (48).

2m, (51)
From (49).
+2 =
Three cases arise further
:(a) When masses of two bodies are equal, i.e., mj m2
From (50). =0
2 11,
From (51). 2 After Collision
Before Collision During Collision
i.e.. body A comes to rest and
body B starts
moving with the initial velocity of
A. Obviously,
100 % K.E. of A is
in such a collision. A B A
transferred to the body B. This is shown in Fig.
(b) When target body
B at rest is very
can be ignored
6 A B A
heavy, i.e.. m>> m1. i.e., A B

Compared to m,
Putting m = 0 in (50) and (51), we obtain
-u; U2=0 A B

A rebounds with
projectile body A collides against a heavy target body B at rest; height
Hence, when light
when a ball rebounds to the same
to be at rest. This is what happens
its own velocity andB continues
striking a floor.
from which it was thrown, on ignored compared
B at rest has negligible mass, i.e., ma <<m, i.e., ma can be
(c) When target body
to m
we get v i 2
Putting m, = 0 in (50) and (51), m
target body B at rest.
body A undergoes an elastic collision with a light
Hence, when a heavy projectile its own and the body B starts
moving with double
the same velocity of
the body A keeps on moving with
the initial velocity of A. moving in opposite directions is shown in Fig. 6.30(c).
between two bals
A head on elastic colision
mass 2 kg makes an elastic collision with another bodi at rest
A body of
Sample Problem
direction with a speed equal to one third of its original speed.
and continues to move in the
Find the mass of the second body.
U m2 = ?
Sol. Here, m = 2 kg, l2 = 0,
2 m,
dimension, Vj
collision in one
In a perfectly elastic

(2-al, +0

2+m =4,
6-3 m2
m2 = kg
4 m2
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
Fig. 6.32 shows two bodies of masses m
and m2 moving with velocities, u FIGURE6.31
and u2
respectively, along a single axis. They collide
involving some loss of kienticenergy. Therefore,
the collision is inelastic. Let v, and m2
v, be the m2
velocities of the two bodies after collision. BEFORE COLLISION AFTER COLLISION
As the two bodies form one system, which is closed and isolated, we can write the
law of conservation
of linear momentum for the two body system as:
Total momentum before the collision (P;) = Total momentum after the collision
m u +m2 U2 = m1 U1+m2 V2 (52)
The overhead arrows for vectors have been avoided as the collision is one dimensional
and velocity
components along one axis are used.
If we know masses m, m2, initial velocities u, uy and one of the final velocities, we can calculate the
other final velocity from eqn. (52).
Perfectly inelastic collision in one dimension
Fig. 6.32 shows perfectly inelastic collision
between two bodies of masses mj and ma. The m1 FIGURE 6.32
body of mass m2 happens to be initially at rest m2 m2
(4= 0). We refer to this body as the target. The
incoming body of mass m, moving with initial u20
velocity u is referred to as the projectile. After BEFORE COLLISION AFTER cOLLISION
the collision, the two bodies move together with a common
velocity V. The collision is perfectly inelastic.
As the total linear momentum of the system
remains constant,
therefore P; = Pr
i.e. m +m2 u2 =(m +m) V DO
m4 = (m + m)
( u2 = 0) YOU

Knowing m1, ma and

m+m .(53) KNOw ?
In a completely inelastic collision,
u, we can calculate the final velocity V. As the two bodies stick together, i.e.,
the ma:sratio
m 1, therefore, V <
they do not separate at all. Linear
momentum alone is conserved in
tma such a collision.
We can calculate loss of K.E.
in this collision.
Total K.E. before collision =E =mu

Total K.E. aftercollision =

E, =(m, +m,)V =; n +m,) .using (53)
m m+m
2(m +ma)

=E-E =m,
Loss ofK.E. u 4 n,uf-m u
which is positive. 2 (m+m) .(54)
Therefore, some K.E. is always
lost in an inelastic collision.
RETAIN 1. In a perieetly inelastic
collision in one dimension,coeficient of restitution, e =
Kelative velocity of separation after collision is zero,
IN move together as one body. i.e., the two bodies, after colllSiO
2. Remenmber that when a collision occurs in a closed isolated
system, the linear mone um
of each colliding body nmay change, but the total linear momentum
P of the system remals
constant, whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.


the initial velocities and final velocities of both the bodies are along the same straight line, then it s
estled a one-dimensional collision or head on collision. In the case of smali spherical bodies, this is possibie
if the direction of travel of body passes through the centre of body 2.
may 11e
In general, the collisions are two dimensional, where the initial velocities and the final velocities
in a plane. So. when two bodies travelling initially along the same straight line
collide without loss of kinetic
to be elast1C
energy and move along diferent directions in a plane after collision, the collision is said
ollision in mo dimensions.
Suppose 11. m2 are the masses of two bodies A and B moving FIGURE6.33
initially along X-axis with velocities u and u, respectively. Y

When u>U2. the two bodies collide. After collision, let the body
B move
move with a velocity v at an angle 0 with X-axis. Let the body
o in Fig. 6.33. Here,
with a velocity v^ at an angle with X-axis as shown
o is known as the angle of recoil. m
is known as angle of scattering and m2 -X
As the collision is elastic, kinetic energy is conserved.
Total K.E. after collision = Total K.E. before 3
v-m,uj +m,
or +m, (55) V2

or , uf + m, v = m uf +m, u
conserved in elastic
collision, therefore, along X-axis, total
linear momentum
As linear momentum is
momentum before collision. .(57)
after collision = total linear COs ) = m +m u
m V Cos 6 m2 U2
collision is zero (as both the bodies are moving along X-
momentum before v, sin )
Now, along Y-axis, linear momentum along Y-axis is (m vj sin6-ma
linear ..(58)
axis). And after collision, total sin o = 0
m U sin6-m2 V2 four variables v, V2, 0 and o, which is not
.' have to calculate
and (58), we velocities v, of A, v, of
From three eqns. (56), (57)measure experimentally any one parameter, i.e., final three equations,
possible. We have, therefore, to parameters can then be calculated from the
the three
B or their directions and o. The rest of
(56). (57) and (58).
colision in two dimensions, ie., m =m,
of same mass undergo perfectly
When two particles
us take uj = u and u = 0. (59)
For simplicity, let
+u=u2 60)
From (56);
From (57),
vj cos V2 o =0
cOs = 4 .61)
U sin 6V2 sin
From (58),
Using (60), we obtain
from (59)
= vf cos- 6+u
cos0+2v, v, cos 6cos
+v = cos (v, +v, cos)
u (1-cos o) = 2v, v, cos êcos
v? (1-cos 6)+
Pradeep's Vundamental Physies (XI) VELA

= 21, , cos0cos
vsin 0+ v sin2
From (61),
2 sin o sin 0
Put in (62), 2 sin- 0 = 2, v, cos Ocos

or cos 6= 2 sin20 Sin* 0 .63) A

20, v, cos o 2 COs * 90
Now, cos (0 +¢) = cos 0 cos o - sin 0 sin o (at rest)
Using (63) and (61), we get

sin 0
cos sin2 0= 0
Before Collision
After Collision

+0=90" .64)
Hence, we conclude that in aperfectly elastic collision in two dinnensions hetween two parlicles of same mass,
the two particles move along mutually perpendicular directions afler the collision. This is shown in Fig. 6.34,
When two bodies travelling initially along the same straight line collide involving some loss kinetic
energy, and move after collision, along different directions in a plane, the collision is said to be inelastic
collision in two dimensions.
As the system is closed and isolated, the total linear momentum of the system remains consant, i.c.,

Referring to Fig. 6.31 and equating final momentum (P,) along X-axis to initial momentum
along the same axis, we get
m U COs 6 +ma V2 COS ) = m u +m2 ll2 65)
As initial momentum of the two bodies along Y-axis is zero, therefore applying
the law of conservation
of linear momentum along Y-axis, we get
0 m U sin 6- ma V2 sin o
Knowing m, ma; u, ug ; 0 and o, we can calculate v and v, from eqns. (65) and
Perfectly inelastic collision in two dimensions
Fig. 6.35 shows perfectly inelastic collision between two
bodies of masses m and m2. The body of mass ma is moving
initially with velocity u along X-axis. The body of mass m is
moving with velocity u at an angle 6 with X-axis as shown. After
the collision at O, the two bodies stick to eachother and move
with a common velocity V at an angle o with X-axis as shown in 1
Fig. 6.35. l2
As the s ystem is closed and isolated, the total linear
momentum of the system remains constant.
Referring to Fig. 6.35, and equating initial momentum alongg N
X-axis to final momentum along the same axis, we get
m cos 6 + ma u = (m + ma) Vcos .(67) y
Again, applying the law of conservation of linear momentum along
Y-axis, we get
m sin 6 +0= (m, +mo) Vsin o
Knowing mj, m2; uj. u and 6, we can calculate final velocity V and its direction, i.c.,
Z¢ from eqns.
67) and (68).

samplo Problam A ball moving with a speed of 9 m/s strikes

entical ball at rest, such that after the collision, the direction of
a id
all makes an angle of 30" with the original line of motion. Find
speeds of the two balls after collision.
Sol. Here, m 2 m, U1 =9 m/s, u2 0;
0 30°, vj = ?

v= ?
KNOw ? collisions
In our everyday world,
Applying principle of conservation of linear momentum bodies
take place only when twoconsider
() along the direction of motion
(X-axis) strike each other. Let us
m u + m l = m Uj cos 6 + m2 V2 cos e2 an alpha particle coming
away in
mx9+0 = m vi cos 30° + m v, cos 30° a nucleus and getting comet
Similarly, a
Some direction.
coming from a distance In
2 the sun and getting with
18 both the cases, we deal
at a
forces involving actioncalled
distance. Such an event is
the direction ofmotion (Y-axis) or collision from a
(i) along a direction perpendicular to
0+0 =m
vi sin -ma Va sin 62
distance. The velocities and
m V sin 6, = m2 V2 sin 62 directions of the two bodies
m v sin 30° = m vz Sin 30° involved depend on their initial
velocities, their masses, shapes,
18 sizes and also on the type
20, interaction involved.
Put in (i),

93333. m/s
same velocity = 3/3 m/s after collision.
Hence, the two balls move with the

URIosITY car reaches high speeds and how a person scales
high cliffs ?
a potential
Q. 1 Can you visualize how acquires kinetic energy and a person scaling high cliffs acquires
Ans. A car reaching high speeds
is petrol/diesel and
oxygen from air. In case of humans, the
In the case of car, the
source of K.E.
oxygen are combined chemically, and
oxygen. In both the cases, fuel and removing
source of P.E. is food and burning. We may visualize the combustion process as energy,
combustion or atoms. This energy is called chemical
the process is called in the bonds between the atoms.
some of the energy stored potential energy as it depends on the position of
of energy/potential energy stored
which is essentially a form are coming from chemical
P.E. of person, both
Thus K.E. of car and atoms of fuel and oxygen.
in the bonds between the
How can tidal energy be harnessed to generate electricity, and that
too with least
Q2 is the least expensive way
Ans. As is known, hydropower by burning coal and oil to produce
pollution problems caused Canada) producing the
pours into the Bay of Fundy (in eastern kinetic
Atlantic Ocean extreme 17 m. The huge amount of
Twice each day, the ranging from 12 m to an of
highest tides in the world converted into electrical energy by building a dam and
tides can be
energy available in these entrance to the bay.
plant at the incoming tides will rush
hydroelectric power
floW of tides. Every twelve hours, the
the natural impounded behind the dam.
Such a dam would obstruct gates in the dam and be
through the open flood through turbines generating hydroelectric power.
water would exit
When the tides recede,
6/64 Pradecp s Fundamcntal Physics (XI) MOL
(b) Law of conservatíon of energy does not hold
2. Linear momentum is conserved. But therce occurs
in non-inertial frame of refercnce.
some loss of KE.
. (a)>(r); (h) ->(p)
3. The spring crosses its mean position with max. decreases.
2. When a hody falls, its PE
velocity. . (a)> (9)
However, KE increascs ; and therefore
4. KE=mu
2 cnergy remains constant
When v is doubled, KE becomcs 4 times. . (b)> (r)
in the presence 3. Work done by conservative forces changes
5. Work energy theorem is not valid
friction. potcntial energy.
of non-conservative forces like
(u)> (p)
6. Joule (cnergy) = mass x (velocity) brings about a change
Work donc by external forces
=kg (m/s)2 in mechanical energy.

Matching Type Questions (h)> ()

in joule and SI unit of
4. Kinetic energy is measured
holds good
1. (a) The law i.e., work energy theorem spring constant is newton/metre.
in inertial as well as non-inertial frame of (a) >(r); (b)> (q)

amplitude of
which is not possible. Therefore,
I. Work, Energy and Power motion cannot exceed t
4. A uniform rectangular parallelopiped
1. A body is in accelerated motion. Is it placedin
some example. mass m having sides, 1, 21 and 4lis
that no work is done ? Give
is zero even turn on each of its three sides on a horizontal
Yes, it is possible that work done the
This surface. What is thee potential energy of
when a body is in accelerated motion. parallelopiped in the three positions?
happens when force is acting in a direction
position is most stable ?
perpendicular to the direction of motion. For small side,
example, earth moving around the sun
in a Sol. When parallelopiped is placed on its
circular orbit under the gravitational force its centre of gravity is at height 4 l/2 =
perpendicular to its path. Hence work done is the horizontal.
zero, though the motion is accelerated. P.E., U = mg x 21 = 2 mgl
2. A porter carrying load on his head moves up Similarly, when placed on middle side 21
a staircase. Is he doing any work ? PE., U, = mg x l= mgl
Sol. Yes, the porter is doing work against the And, when placed on large side,
gravitational pull of earth.
3. One end of a spring is rigidly fixed. A block P.E., U =mg x = mgl/2
attached to the free end of the spring is pulled stable
which is minimum. This is the position of
through a distance rg. On releasing the block,
xo equilibrium.
its amplitude of motion cannot exceedt the
Why ? 5. Mountain roads rarely go straight up
slope, but wind up gradually. Why ?
Sol. When the spring is stretched by xo. its P.E
Sol. If roads were to go straight up. the slope (6)
would have been large, the frictional force
( mg cos 6) would be small. The wheelsa oflarge
P.IE will br vehicle would slip. Also, for going up
where k is spring constant. Atx > Xo,
slope, a greater power shall be required.
greater thank Therefore, its 6. A light body and a heavy body have
linear momentum. Which one has greater
KE- would be negative, K.E. ?
hls93 6/65
Sol. Here, P2 1.e., m U1 =m2 v2
simultaneously switched off. Which one will
2 m
stop at a lesser distance?
Sol. The vehicle stops when its K.E. is spent in
working against the force of friction between
the tyres and the road. This force of friction
and E mu varies directly with weight of the vehicle
As K.E, = work done
= force of friction x distance.
E=Fxs or s=
2 For given K.E; distance s will be smaller, where
using(), = Pis larger, such as in case of a truck.
E mm2 Therefore, the truck will stop at a lesser distance.
If m< m2, E2 < Bj or E > E2 i.e., lighter 10. The velocity of an aeroplane is made twice
body has more K.E. (a)Whatwill happen to the momentum? Will
7. A light body and a heavy body have same the momentum remain conserved ? (b) What
kinetic energy. Which one has greater will happen to the K.E ? Will the energy
linear remain conserved ?
Sol. Here, E= Sol. When velocity of aeroplane is made twice, its
E2 momentum will become twice.
The momentum of plane and that of air will
or remain conserved. This is because when
momentum of plane becomes twice, the
momentum of air in the opposite direction will
or 2 also become twice.
(6) K.E. of the plane will become four times.
As P2 m V2 and pj= m V The additional energy will be obtained from the
burning of the fuel of the plane. Total energy
P2 2-a
m m mm
m 11.
shall remain conserved.
In a thermal station, coal is used for the
generation of electricity. Mention how energy
changes from one form to the other before it
P2= m is transformed into electrical
If m^>m,then P2>Pv Sol. When coal is burnt, heat energy is
This converts water into steamn.
i.e., a heavier body has greater linear This steam rotates the turbine and thus heat
momentum. energy is converted into mechanical energy
8. A truck
and a car moving with the same K.E. rotation. The generator converts this mechanical
are stopped by applying same retarding force energy into electrical energy.
Bby means of brakes. Which one will stop at a 12. What is the minimum energy released
in the
smaller distance ? annhilation of an electron positron pair ?
ol Both the truck and the car will stop at the same Sol. The rest mass of an electron or positron
distance. This follows from work energy mo= 91 x 103 kg.
principle In the annhilation of an electron positron pair,
KE= work done in stopping the rest mass of the two particles is converted
luri =force x distance. into energy.
AS K.E. of both and retarding force applied on Minimum energy released,
both are equal, therefore, the distances covered E 2m
c=2(9.1 x 10) (3 x 103)2joule.
must by equal.
truck and a car are moving with the same
are 1-602x10-13
MeV = 102 MeV
E. on a straight road. Their engines
6/66 Pradeep Fundamental Physics

13. The heart rate (number of heart beats/ and

minute) scales as 1/L, where L is the 27o i t
characteristic length of the mammal. (a) Can
you explain this ? (b) The scale factor of a
human relative to a monkey is about
2-5. or
What is the monkey's heart rate ?
Sol. Human heart rate is about 70 beats/minute.
smaller =k^=2k ie, whenlengthis halved,
the characteristic length of the mammal, 1. If=lh,k becomes twice
is the heart beat rate. spring constant of each half
a monkey
As scale factor of a human relative to
is about 2-5, therefore, monkey's heart
2. If =, then k = k (1 +n):
= 70 x 2.5 175 beats/minute. 2
14. The absolute value of potential
energy (and T
therefore total energy) has no physical
significance. It is the difference of potential
energies that matters. One can, therefore,
add force constant k is
energy 16. If stretch in a spring of
or subtract a constant to the potential every doubled, calculate
force in the spring
(provided we do it to potential energy at (a) ratio of final to initial
position for a given force) without any
change stored in the two
(b) ratio of elastic energies
convention, for
in the physical situation. By cases.
forces which fall off to zero at large
(c) work done in changing
to the state of
is taken to be
the potential energy at infinity double stretch.
zero. With this choice, is the potential Sol. (a) For a given spring, F kr
positive or negative for (a)
bound state, (b) planet-satellite
system, k2 -2
(c) electron-electron system?
fall off to zero
Sol. By convention, for forces which (b) For agiven spring,
at large distances, the potential
energy at infinity U=kr ;0s
may be 11D
is taken to be zero. These forces
attractive or repulsive. Calculations show that
if the forces are attractive, then potential
at finite distance is Negative and
vice-versa. On
this basis, we conclude that (c) As work done in stretching the spring

(a) for electron positron bound state, Potential stored in the spring in the form of
Energy is negative potential energy of the spring, therefore,
(b) for planet satellite system, potential energy
is again negative.
(c) for electron-electron system, potential energy
is positive
15. A spring of force constant k is cut into two
pieces of lengths 1 and l2. Calculate force
17. The potential energy of two atoms separated
constant of each part.
by a distance xis given byU= -
Alr', where
A is a positive constant. What is the
Sol. For a spring k e«
exerted by one atom on another atom?
Sol. Here, U=- A/9, F= ?
kw 1
k*and and
From F (U)9qsb
9d 31s2.I

1 nob ioW .2n

or k, =k force exerted by one atom on another atom

=- 6 A/r7 0 gnini? odi
18. A force is acting on a
Yoaxis in the direction of body
be the
moving along Sol. Let v, be velocity of first ball and v2
motion of the body. velocity of 2nd ball after collision.
If this force produces a potential energy
U Ax, where A = 12J m, then As linear momentum is conserved.
what is
the force acting on the body when the body mxv+mx0=mu + mv2 ...)
is at x = -0-8 m. or v =U1+V2
Sol. Here, U=A As KE is conserved.

F aU
dx dx
A4) =-4Ax 0
X=-0-8 m, then
1:2(-08)3 = 2:46 N
v +v
or v-1
19. Chemical, gravitational and nuclear energies
are nothing but potential energies for or (v+)(0-v,) =v
different types of forces in nature. Explain From i), v -v1 =V2
this statement clearly with examples.
(+v,)v2 = vá or v +V1 V2
Sol. A system of particles has potential energy when
these particles are held certain distance apart or ...ti)
against some force. Add () and (i), 2 v =2 v2 or v2=U
For example, chemical energy is due to chemical From (i), V2=U1t 2
bonding between the atoms. Gravitational which was to be proved.
energy arises when objects are held at some
22. Explain how fast moving neutrons can be
distance against the gravitational attraction. quickly slowed down by passing them
Similarly, nuclear energy arises on account of through water or heavy water.
nuclear forces.
II. Collisions Hydrogenic materials are used as moderators
in nuclear reactors to slow down the neutrons.
20. When is the exchange of energy maximum Why?
during an elastic collision? Sol. We have studied that when two bodies of same
Sol. Exchange of energy during an elastic collision mass undergo an elastic collision, their
1Smaximum (= 100%), when the two colliding velocities are interchanged after collision. Water
bodies have equal masses. and heavy water are hydrogenic materials
21. A body of mass m moving with speed v containing protons having approximately the
collides elastically head on with another body same mass as that of a neutron. When fast
of mass m, initially at rest. Show that
the moving neutrons collide with protons, the
collision. neutrons come to rest and protons move with
moving body will come to a stop after
the velocity of neutrons.

UESTIONS Very short Answer, short Answer & Long Answer

Carrying 1 mark

Ans. Work done is zero, as displacement of bob of

LWork, Energy and Power simple pendulum is always perpendicular to the
by a string of the pendulum.
State the factors on which work done
3. What is represented by area under the force
force depends. displacement curve ?
(i) magnitude
s. Work done by a force depends on
displacement Ans. It represents the work done by the force over
Orforce (ii) magnitude ofand displacement. the given displacement.
) angle between force applied 4. Is power a scalar or vector ?
tension in
oj4 What ís work done by the force of Ans. Power is a scalar.
he string of a simple
6/68 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
5. When is KE of a planet revolving around the Ans. No, K.E. does not depend on the direction of
sun maximum ? motion. No, K.E cannot be negative. Yes, value
Ans. When it is closest to the sun, KE of planet is of K.E. depends upon the frame of reference.
maximum. 15. Name the largest and smallest practical unit
6. Show graphically the variation of potential of energy.
energ. of an object thrown vertically Ans. 'Kilowatt hour' is the largest practical unit of
upwaras w.r.t. its height. energy and 'electron volt' is the smallest
practical unit of energy.
Ans. The P.E. versus height graph is a straight line
with slope = mg as shown in Fig. 6(Q).1 16. Is work done by a non conservative force
always negative ? Comment.
6(Q).1 Ans. No. For example, work done by a non
conservative force Iike friction is zero, so long
as the body does not start moving. Again when
PE friction causes motion, work done by friction is
17. Does potential energy of a spring decrease
increase when it is compressed or stretched ?
7. What is spring constant ? What are its SI Ans. When a spring is compressed or stretched,
units ? potential energy of the spring increases in both
Ans. Spring constant of a spring is restoring force the cases. This is because work is done by us in
developed in the spring per unit elongation/ compression as well as stretching.
compression. SI units of spring constant are 18. When an air bubble rises in water, what
N/m. happens to its potential energy ?
8. Name the process in which momentum Ans. Potential energy of air bubble decreases,
changes but KE does not. because work is done by upthrust on the bubble.
Ans. In uniform circular motion, momentum changes 19. In which motion, momentum changes but
but KE does not change. K.E. does not ?
9. What is the source of KE of falling rain Ans. In uniform circular motion.
drops? 20. A shot fired from a cannon explodes in the
Ans. Potential energy of falling rain drops goes on air. What will be the changes in momentum
decreasing and their KE goes on increasing.
10. What is work done in holding a 15kg suitcase
Ans. There will be no change in linear momentum,
while waiting for a bus for 15 minutes?
but the K.E. will increase. This is because
(J&KBoard 2011)
chemical potential energy of the explosives in
Ans. Work done is zero, because displacement is zero. the shot is converted into K.E.
11. Is it practically possible to have situations 21. The momentum of an object is doubled. How
where (E- V) <0? does its K.E. change?
Ans. No, because (E V) represents K.E., which
Ans. K.E. becomes four times.
cannot be negative. 22. Can P.E. of an object be negative ?
12. Can K.E. of a system be
increased or Ans. Yes, it can be negative, when forces involved
decreased without applying any external are attractive.
force on the system ?
23. Does the work done in moving
Ans. Yes, by doing work through internal forces e.g., a body depend
on how fast or how slow the body is moved ?
in explosion of a bomb.
Ans. No, time is not involved, in
13. Does the sun do any work on work or energy.
earth, when Time is involved only in power.
earth revolves around the sun in a perfectly 24. A spring is cut into two
circular orbit ? equal halves. How is
the spring constant of each half affected?
Ans. No, because angle between gravitational pull and
Ans. Spring constant of each half becomes
direction of motion at any instant is 0 = 90°. twice the
spring constant of the original spring.
14. Does K.E. depend upon the direction
of 25. Is it possible to exert a force
motion involved ? Can it be negative ? Does which does work
on a body without changing
its value depend on frame of refrence? its kinetic
energy ? If so, give example.

C Yes, when a spring is compressed objeets are equal

or wlhena () Yes, when uasses of two
body is pulled with a constant
velocity on a and collision is perfectly elastiC.
rough horizontal surface.
29. In which, clastic or inelastie
collision, fhe
26. In case of a moving body, as force albout K.E. ?
of friction momentum is conserved ? What
is mig, can we regard u mg r as potential in both the types ot
energy similar to mgh ? Ans. Momentum is conserved in elistic
collisions, but K.E. is conserve«d only
Ans. No, potential energy is defined only for collisions.
conservative forces in
30. Which physical quantites are conserved
II. Collision an elastic collision ?
Ans. Linear momentum and KE.
27. Isit possible to have a collision in which the
whole of KE is lost ? 31. Which physical quantity is conserved in both,
elastic and inclastic collision ?
Ans. Yes. For example, in perfectly inelastic collision
Ans. Lincar momentum is conserved in both elastic
of two bodies moving towards eachother with
and inelastic collisions.
equal linear momenta. collision.
32. If two bodies stick together after
28. If two objects collide and one is initially at inelastic ?
Will the collision be elastic or
rest (a) is it possible for both to be at rest
Ans. Inelastic collision.
after collision ? (b) is it possible for any one
33. A bullet gets embedded ina wooden block.
to be at rest after collision ?
Where does its KE go ?
Ans. (a) No, because momentum will not be
Ans. KE of bullet gets converted into heat and sound
conserved in that case.

Carrying 2 marks
5. When a spring is compressed or stretched,
I. Work, Energy and Power what happens to its potential energy ?
1. Does the work done in raising a body through Ans. In either case, work has to be done. Therefore,
a certain height depend upon how fast it is potential energy of the spring increases.
raised ? 6. Out of kilowatt hour and electron volt, which
Ans. No. Work done depends only on weight of body is bigger unit of energy and by what factor ?
It does
and height through which it is raised. Ans. Kilowatt hour is bigger unit of energy than
not depend upon the time taken. electron volt.
way to other.
2. Ina tug of war, one team is giving
What work is being done and by whom ? IkWh 10 x60x60 =2-25 x 105
team. Work 1-6x10-19J
Ans, Work is being done by the winning leV
two teams
done = resultant force applied by the 7. Work done in moving a body over a closed
x displacement of the loosing loop is zero'. Is this statement true for all
with a bird
3. What sort of energy is associated forces?
flying in air? Ans. No, the statement is true only when motion is
Ans, A bird flying in air has
mechanical energy, which under conservative forces.
energy and kinetic 8. A rocket explodes in mid air, What happens
the sum of potential

of the bird. to its total momentum and total KE ?

doubled. By what
4. Momentum of a body is Ans. Explosion is under the internal forces. As no
percent does its KE change external force is involved, the total momentum
is conserved. However, total KE increases
Ans. K=m?=m) = 2 m because chemical energy of the fuel changes into
2 2m
p is doubled kinetic energy Kbecomes 9. A particle is moving in a circular path of
When given radius with number of rotations per
4K-K)100 second (i) constant (ii) decreasing
Umes, % age increase in KE K
(ii) increasing.
ilonid 300%
Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)voLI
What happens to work done in the three oti(b) When a spring is stretched, work is done on
cases? the spring in stretching it. Therefore, P.E.
Ans. As is known, work done = change in KE increases.
(c) Two dissimilar charges attract each other and
mr22 =2n2mr2x2 come closer. Work is done by the field.
Therefore, P.E. decreases.
(i) When n is constant, KE is constant. Work (d) Work is done by us in taking the body away
done is zero. against the gravitational force. Therefore, P.E.
(i) When n is decreasing, KE decreases; work increases.
is done by the body. (e) Air bubble rises up in water because of
(ii) When n is increasing, KE increases. Work upthrust. Therefore, P.E. decreases.
is done on the body. 16. Two springs A and B are identical but A is
10. Can you associate potential energy with a non harder than B (K^ > Kg). On which spring
conservative force? more work will be done if : (a) they are
Ans. No. Potential energy can be associated only with stretched through the same distance, (6) they
a conservative force. are stretched by same force ?
11. A spark is produced when two stones strike
against each other. Why? Ans. (a) As W=K, and K^ > Kg
Ans. Work done in striking the two stones against
work done on spring A will be more than
each other is converted into heat. This appears work done on spring B (for same )
as a spark.
(b) As F= Kx, therefore, x = FIK
12. In an exothermic chemical reaction, is mass
As K> Kß XA< XB
being converted into energy?
Ans. Yes, mass is converted into heat energy, though
this mass is too little.
13. A hydrogen bomb is more powerful than an
W-k-2 x -
atom bomb. Why ? As AB WA< Wp or Wg>WA
Ans. A hydrogen bomb based on nuclear fusion is ie, more work is required in case of spring B
more powerfül than an atom bomb based on than in the case of spring A.
nuclear fission. This is because, energy released 17. A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with
per unit mass of the fuel is much larger in respect to shore. (a) Is he doing any work?
nuclear fusion than in nuclear fission. 6)If he stops rowing and moves down with
14. A shot fired from a cannon explodes in air. the stream, is any work being done on him ?
What will be the changes in the momentum Ans. () No work is being done by the net force
and the kinetic energy ? because displacement of boat relative to the
Ans. The linear momentum will be conserved, shore is zero.
because explosion occurs from within, i.e., (b) When he stops rowing, force of water flow
under internal forces only. However, KE will will produce displacement w.r.t the shore.
increase due to (chemical) potential energy of Therefore, work is done by force of flowing
the explosives. water. KE of the person will increase.
15. Explain with reason whether the potential 18. A spring is compressed by tieing its ends
energy in the following cases increases or together tightly. It is then placed in acid and
decreases: dissolves. What happens to its stored
(a) a spring is compressed, potential energy.
(6) a spring is stretched, Ans. When the spring dissolves in acid, the elastic
(c) two dissimilar charges are brought near potential energy stored in thè spring passes to
each other, the acid. The internal energy of the acid
(d) a body is taken away against the increases and hence its temp. rises.
gravitational force. 19. (a) Two masses one n times heavier than the
Ans. (a) When a spring is compressed, work is done other are dropped from same height. How
do their momentum compare just before they
on the spring in compressing it. Therefore, P.E.
hit the ground ?
(b) Two masses one n times heavy =
225- 100
as the 997t1 225 %. Hence, increase in K.E.
4have equal kinetic energy. How do other their = 125%
momentum compare? energy
25. Can a body have momentum when its
Ans (a) When dropped from same height, the two
blsr masses hit the ground with same velocity
isnegative? V is
Ans. Yes, when K < V, total energy E K+
negative. The body has the momentum ('
BW 2h -"-,
Pi m 0). For example, in an atom,
electron has
momentum, though its energy is negative.

(b) We know that K.E., 26. The potential energy function for a particle
2m executing simple harmonic motion is given

p=y2mK by V(r) =kr2, where k is the force

As K is same, 2 =V constant of the oscillator. For k = Nm,
show that a particle of total energy 1 joule

20. (a) Can kinetic energy of a system be changed moving under this potential must turn back
without changing its momentum ? when it reaches * = t2 m.
(b) Can momentum of a system be changed Ans. As is known, the particle will turn back when
without changing its kinetic energy? whole of its energy is converted into potential
Ans. (a) Yes. For example, when a bomb explodes
linear momentum is conserved, but KE changes. aergy, ie., V(a)= k =1(Gjoule)

(6) Yes. For example, in case of uniform circular

motion. KE remains unchanged, but linear
x =1 or =4
momentum chan es because of change in the
direction of motion.
27. A stone is dropped from the top of a high
21. A meteorite burns in the atmosphere before tower. Will the mechanical energy of the
it reaches earth's surface. What happens to stone be conserved or not if the force of
g its momentum ? friction due to air is not neglected?
Ans. The momentum of the meteorite is transferred Ans. Mechanical energy is conserved only when
iliw to the air molecules. Thus, momentum forces involved are conservative. As force of
ro conservation principle is not violated. friction due to air is non-conservative, therefore,
mechanical energy of the stone is not conserved.
22. Can a body have momentum without
ELenergy ? 28. A man can jump higher on moon than on
Ans. Yés. When E K+ V=0, either both are zero
= earth. With same effort, can a runner
Sill o or improve his timing for 100 m race on moon
K=V. Thus, K.E. may or may not be zero. as compared to that on earth ?
woll 1:As Ip =y2mK Ans. The man can jump higher on moon than on
earth, because the acceleration due to gravity
p= 0, only when K
0 and p * 0,
on moon is less than acceleration due to gravity
K= - V on earth. However, acceleration due to gravity
momentum ?
3.Can a body have energy without has no effect on horizontal motion. Therefore,
a runner cannot improve his timing on the moon
D for 100 metre race.
s, when p =0, 2m 29. A force Fis related to the position of a particle
by the relation F (10 r*) N. Find the
energy), which may or
ilesi But E= K+ V= V(Pot. work done by the force when the particle
0 52may not be zero. moves from x = 2 m to r = 4 m.
by 50%.
momentum ofa body is increased
What is the percentage change in its
K.E. ?
W= Fdr= 10:dr =|0x
Ans Whennmomentum is increased by 50% 2 2
becomes 5/2
OH Increases by 50%, i.e., velocity

Umes; K.E becomes 9/4 times,

1.e., x
100 -14-21=x56=186-7J
&72 hadeep' Pundamenal Physics (xI)
. Collislons
I, Throwlng ud on n wall la Mn exampl
perfertly nelustle (ollislon. Comment
whole AnN, 'Tue, Wlen mud in throWIn om a wal, it ticks
U In anY perfctty inelastie vollislon, Is
to the wall, K of ud reduces tn zero ding
of KE ast° to on coNCT VAtionm of KE. Tere is absou
Ans Na Only that nuwd KE is last as is necessary
o lendeney of mud to separate from wall
fr the onaTvation af linear nuomentun.
the collinion ia perfectly ineJastic.

Carrylny 3 marks
hy zero work ? State the diffcrent Irom variation in potcntial eneryY nd
1. What is meant
a tone dds no work. KE of a body in free fall ?
ndirions under which IArts. 6.13 and 6.141
Give any ne enample. Art. 6.41
5. What is meant by mass cnergy cquivalence
2 Twoddies of unamal masses have same lincar
mmenm. Which one has gwater K,E Discuss its significance in PhysiCs. JArt. 6.171
IConceptual Problem 6, Page b/641
. lydrogenic matrials arc used as moderators in
3 Two ddies of maqual masses have same K.E. uclcar reactors t0 slow down the
Why ? 1Conceptual Problem 22, Page 6/671
Which one has grater linear momenunm ?
[Conceptual Problem 7, Page 6/651 7. low do you justily cncrEy conservation from
the vibrations of a simple pendulum ?
4 How do potntial energy and K.E, of a spring IArt. 6.15
Vary with displacement ? Is this variation

Carrying 5 or more marks

11. ixplain what meant by potential cnergy of a
1, Explain what is meant by work. Obtain an
xpressian for work done by a constant force. spring ? Obtain an cxpression for it and discuss
[Art 6.2] the nature of its variation. Art. 6.13
12. Mention some of the different forms of energ
2 Discuss the absolute and gravitational units of and discuss them bricfly. Art. 6.16
work on mks and cgs systems. [Art. 6.3]
13. Give a brief account of mass energy
3. What is meant by positive work. negative work
and zero work ? Nlustrate your answer with two
equivalence. What is its significancein
Physics ? [Art. 6.17)
examples of each type. [Art. 6.4]
14. State and establish principle of conservation of
4. Obrain graphically and mathematically work
done by a variable force. Art. 6.5]
energy. (J&K Board 2011) [Art.6.14
15. How do vibrations of a simple pendulum and
5. Whar are conservative and non-conservative
forces, explain with examples. Mention some motion of a ball over a watch glass illustrale
the principle of energy conservation ?
of their properties. [Art. 6.6]
6. What is meant by power and energy ? Give their [Art. 6.15
units. [Arts. 6.7 and 6.8] 16. What is meant by a collision ? Discuss two types
7. Explain the meaning of K.E. with examples. of collision with their essential characteristics
Obtain an expression for K.E of a body moving [Art. 6.20
uniformly? [Art. 6.9] 17. Discuss elastic collision in one dimension
8. State and explain work energy principle. Obtain expressions for velocities of the t
bodies after such a collision.
[Art. 6.11] 6.22
9. What do you mean by potential energy ? Give (J&K Board 2011) [Art. on
any two examples of potential energy other than 18. Discuss briefly inelastic collisions in
that of the gravitational potential energy. dimension. [Art. 6.23
19. Give a brief account of elastic collisions in tw
[Art. 6.121
10. Obtain an expression for gravitational potential
dimensions. [Art. 6.24)
energy of a body. 20. Briefly analyse inelastic collision in tw
[Art. 6.12] dimensions
i[Art. 6.25)


TMPE WORK 6. A particle moves from a point = (2i+3j) to

1. A uniform chain of length I and mass M

is Iying
another point r = (3?+2) during which a
on a smooth table and onc third of its
length is
hanging vcstically down over the cdge of the certain force F= (5î+5}) acts on it. Calculate
If g is acceleration duc to gravity, calculate work done by the force on the particle during this
required to pull thc hanging part on
the table. displacement. [Ans. Zeroj

2. A man moves on a straight horizontal road with a
block of mass 2 kg in his hand. If he covers a 7. In a ballistic demonstration, a police officer fires
a bullet of mass 50 g with a speed of 220 m/s on a
distancc of 40 m with an acceleration of 1 ms, wooden target. The bullet emerges with 20%o of
find the work done by the man. Ans. 80 J its initial K.E. What is the emergent speed of the
3. A body moves from a point A to B under the action bullet ? [Ans. 98:38 m/s]
of a force shown in Fig. 6(Q).2. What is the amount 8. A toy rocket of mass 0-1 kg has a small fuel of
of work done ? mass 0-02 kg, which it burns out in 3 second.
Starting from rest on a horizontal smooth track, it
FIGURE 6(Q).2 gets a speed of 20 ms- after the fuel is burnt out.
40t What is the thrust of the rocket ? What is energy
content of the fuel per unit mass. You may ignore
FIN) 30 the small variation in mass of rocket during fuel
0 burning.
Ans.N; 1000.Jkg
9. While catching a cricket ball of mass 200 g moving
with a velocity of 20 ms-, the player draws his
+X(m) hands backwards through 20 cm. Find the work
done in catching the ball and the average force
[Ans. 115 J] exerted by the ball on the hand.
4. A body of mass 0-3 kg is taken up an inclined [Ans. 40 J, 200 N]
plane of length 10 m and height 5 m, and then
10. A body of mass 2 kg is resting on rough horizontal
allowed to slide down to the bottom again. The
surface. A force of 20 N is applied to it for 100s
coefficient of friction between the body and the
parallel to the surface. If coefficient of kinetic
plane is 0-15. What is the
friction between the surfaces in contact is 0-2
(a) work done by the gravitational force over the
Calculate (i) work done by applied force in 10 s.
ttat round trip ?
(ii) change in KE of object in 10 s.
(b) work done by the applied force on the upward
Take g = 10 m/s2. (Delhi 2004)
fjourney ?
S(c)work done by the frictional force over the round [Ans.8000J;6400 J]
trip, 11. An automobile moving at a speed of 72 km h-
0(d) kinetic energy of the body at the end of the reaches the foot of a smooth incline, when the
trip ? engine is switched off. How much distance does
Ans. (a) Zero, (6) 18:5 J (c) -76 J (d) 10-9 J] the automobile go up the incline before coming
5, A force exerts an impulse J on a body changing its to rest. The angle ofinclination with horizontal is
speed from u to v. The force and object's motion 30 and g = 9.8 ms2. [Ans. 40-8 m]
are along the same line. Show that the work done 12. A body of mass 5 kg is acted upon by a variable
by the force is J (u + v/2. force. The force varies with the distance covered
Pradeep's Fundamental Physies (XD
/74 EO
platform is depressed by a distance x. What sthe
trly as shern in Fig. 6(Q).3. What is the
spring constant K ?
try thhe

steed tf the beily wtién it has covered 25 m ? Ans. K = 4g (h,

Asotttie that thve benly starts from rest.
constant K obeys Hon
18. A spring with a force
to stretch ít thr
FIGURE6Q).3 Law. It requires 4 J of work
length. Calcula
10 cm beyond its unstretched
required to stretch it threough
and the extra work
LAns. 800 Nim;12
additional 10 cm.
Foto 4 kg is attached to a spring
19. A block of mass
force constant 24 N/m.
To start with,
h, the springi
rest on a friction
unstretched and block is at
constant horizoms
horizontal surface. When a
on the block to movet
25 r 50 m force of 10 N is applied
0-5 m, what is th
Distance block through a distance of
speed of the block ? T
[Ans. 10 m/s]
a body of mass
13, AhoniMmtal force of 5 N acts on
2 kg initislly at rest. It
starts moving on a table
raving coefficient of friction = 02. 00000 +oON
in 5 s
(i work deone by the applied force in s 777m7777777777ir7777777777777
work done by force of friction 5
done by net force in 5 s
(iniy mork 4 kg
5 s.
(vy change in K.E. of the body in Ans. 1 mk]
What do you conclude from this vertical spring and
IAns. 33/75 J; - 26-46 J, 7-29 J
; 20. An object is attached to a
position. This
verified] lowered slowly to its equilibrium
Work Energy Theorem is the sane
stretches the spring by a distance d. If but
POTENTIAL ENERGY ANDD object is attached to the same vertical
distance docs
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY permitted to fall freely, through what
Ans. 24
14. A simple pendulum of length I m has a wooden it stretch the spring?
hob of mass kg. It is struck by a bullet of MASS ENERGY


10 g moving with a speed of 200 m/s. The
gcts esnbedded into the bob. Obtain the height
21. What is the minimum amount of energy par
which the bob rises before swinging back. release

Take g= 10 m/s2 [Ans. 0-2 m] in the annhilation of an electron positron

Abody dropped from a height H reaches the Take rest mass of electron/positron b

gtund with a speed of 12g H. Calculate the

9.11x 10-3 kg, =3 x 103 m/s.
[Ans. 1-023 Mel
a tag
wak done by air-friction. [Ans. - 0-28 mg H] 22. When slow neutrons are incident on
16. A pendulum bob has a speed of 3 m/s while containing 92U4, a possible fission reaction
pessitng through its lowest position. What is its 92U45+n s6Ba41 + aK92+3 n +
Estimate the amount of energy released
sped when it makes an angle of 60° with the
vertical ? The length of the pendulum is 05 m. following data:
Take y= 10 m/s, [Ans. 2 m/s] 5rm to163
235-04u; 01 1291
POTENTIAL ENERGY =140-91u:slso3n ( ati


= 1-0087
17. A trall oh mass m is dropped from a height h on a M 36K2| =91-926 u; M,
iatftnn fixed at the top of a vertical spring. The
incline of
Take u=1-661 x 10* kg,"slsi 31. A car weighing 1120 kg is going up an
fatl I in 56 at the rate of 20 m in 2 s. Find the
power of
fiy MeV =1-602 x 1071 J [Ans. 174-1 MeV
the engine if frictional force is 64 N.
nucleus of radium (8g Ra20) decays to gRn2 Ans. 2600 watt]
23. A on a
32. A train weighing 100 metric ton is running
level track with a uniform speed of 72 kmh.
by the emission of o-particle (, He) of energy If
0-5 kg per
4.8 MeV. If mass of goRn= 222-0 a.m.u., mass the frictional resistance amounts to
of ,He is 4-003 a.m.u. and mass of ggRa226 is metric ton, find the power of the engine.
[Ans. 98 kW]
226-00826 a.m.u., then calculate the recoil energy
up an
33. An engine of weight 6-5 metric ton going
ofthe daughter nucleus. Take I a.m.u. = 931 MeV. 9 km/h. If
[Ans. 0-097 MeV] inclined plane of 5 in 13 at the rate of

the coefficient of friction is, calculate the

VI power of the engine. Take g = 9-8 m/s.
24. A well 20 m deep and 3 m in diameter contains
[Ans. 73-5 kW]
water to a depth of 14 m. How long will a 5 hp 34. The human heart forces 4000 cm° of blood per
engine take to empty it ? [Ans. 33816 s] minute through the arteries under pressure of 130
mm. The density of blood is 1-03 g/cc. What the
25. An elevator which can carry a maximum load of
horse power of the heart ? [Ans. 1-17 x 10
1800 kg is moving with a constant speed of
2 ms. The frictional force opposing the motion
is 5000 N. Calculate the minimum power delivered
by the motor to the elevator in watt and hp. VII an
Take g = 10 m/s-. [Ans. 46 kW ; 61-66 hp] 35. A ball moving with a speed of 9 m/s strikes
identical ball at rest such that after the collision,
26. An engine pumps up 100 kg of water through a
the direction of each ball makes 30° angle with
height of 10 m in 5 second. If the efficiency of the
the original line of motion. Find the speeds of the
engine is 60 %, calculate the power of the engine two balls after collision. Is KE conserved here
kW. Take g = 10 ms4. [Ans. 3-33 kW]
tin hour Ans. V2 = 3/3 m/s ; No]
27. A pump can throw up 10 quintals of coal per
from a coal mine 120m deep. Calculate the power 36. A nucleus of radium (ggRa0) decays to
efficiency is by the emission of an alpha particle >He* of energy
of the engine in watt assuming that
80%. [Ans. 408:3 watt] is 222-0 amu and
4:8 MeV. If mass of 86Rn
28. A car of mass 2000 kg is lifted up a
distance of
mass of 2He* is 4-003 amu, calculate the recoil
30 m by a crane in minute. A second
1 crane does
cranes consume energy of daughter nucleus sgRn222
the same job in 2 minutes. Do the [Ans. 0-0866 MeV]
? What is
the same or different amounts of fuel
? Neglect power 37. What percentage of K.E. of a moving particle is
the power supplied by each crane
transferred to a stationary particle when it strikes
dissipation against friction.
the stationary particle of 4 times its mass
4900 W
[Ans. same fuel ; 9800 W; Ans. 64%]
29, Water fallíng from a 50 m high fall
is to be used
1-8 x 10° kg of 38. A bomb at rest explodes into two fragments of
for generating electric power. If masses 3-0 kg and 1-0 kg. The total kinetic energy
water falls per hour and half the of the fragments is 6x 10*J. Calculate (i). kinetic
into electric
potential energy can be converted energy of the bigger fragment (ii) momentum of
can be lit ?
Cnergy, hoW many 100 watt lamps the smaller fragment.
[Ans. 122] [Ans. 15 104 J (i)- 300 kg ms]
uniformly irom 39. A stationary U°° nucleus emits an o-particle
.A car of mass 1000 kg accelerates
Calculate (pHe*) with velocity 1.4 x 10' m/s and kinetic
rest to a velocity of 54 km/h in 5 second. average
K.E. (c) energy 4l MeV. Calculate the velocity of the
(a) its acceleration (b) its gain in [Ans.-2-4 x 10° m/s]
this period, neglect residual nucleus.
POwer of the engine during m moving with velocity u hits
40. A sphere of mass
friciton W] another stationary sphere of same mass. Ife is coe-
lAns. (a) 3 ms-2 (b) 1-125 x
105 J (c) 22500

6/76 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL
reached by the pendulum if the two masses stict
fticient of restitution, what is the ratio of velocities
together ?
of two spheres after collision ? Ans. )a,28
1 1+e
49. A ball moving on a horizontal
frictionless plane
with a velocity af
41. What percentage of K.E. of a moving
particle is hits an identical ball at rest
calculate th
transferred to stationary particle, when it strikes 0-5 m/s. If the collision is elastic,
the speed of
the stationary particle of (a) 100 times
its mass speed imparted to the target ball, if
Show thar
100 %] projectile after the collision is 30 cm/s.
(6) equal mass ? [Ans. (a) 3-92 % b) to eachother
particle is the two balls will move at right angles
42. What percentage of K.E. of a moving after the collision.
[Ans. 0-4 m/s]
transferred to a stationary particle, when moving 2 m/s collides head
particle strikes with a stationary particle of
mass 50. A ball moving with velocity of
double the mass,
on with another stationary ball of
is 0-5, find their
(a) 19 times in mass (b) equal in mass 9 If the coefficient of restitution
velocities after collision. (AIPMT 2010)
of its mass? [Ans. 0; 1 m/s]
[Ans. (a) 19 % (b) 100 % (c) 99-8 %]
43. A simple pendulum of length m has a

bob of mass 1 kg. It is struck by a bullet of

10kg. moving with a speed of 2x 10 ms. The VIII v making
bullet gets embedded into the bob. Obtain the height 51. A ball of mass m hits a floor with a speed
an angle of incidence with the normal.
to which the bob rises before swinging back.
[Ans. 0-2 m] coefficient of restitution is e. Find the speed of
the reflected ball and the angle of reflection
of the
44. A moving ball of mass m undergoes a head on ball, [Fig. 6(Q).5].
collision with another stationary ball of mass 2
m. Show that the colliding ball losesth of its
energy after collision.
45. A particle of mass m strikes on ground with angle
of incidence 45°. If coefficient of restitution,
e , find the velocity after impact and angle

of reflection. Ans.v;0= tan, [Ans. v=v ysin0+e cos*6

46. A body of mass m falls from a height h and collides
with another body of same mass at rest. After
0' tan (tanof 6e))m
52. A body falling on the ground from a height l0
collision, the two bodies combine and move rebounds to a height of 2.5 m. Calculate () ne
through distance (d) till they come to rest. Find percentage loss of kinetic energy of the boay
the work done against the resistive force. during its collision with the ground, (i) ratio
the velocities of the body just before and just aftt
Ans. "gh7 the collision. [Ans. 75%, 2
2J 53. Fe' nucleus emits a y-ray photon of energ
47. A 10 kg ball and a 20 kg ball approach each other 144 keV. If the mass of nucleus is 56.935 am
with velocties 20 m/s and 10 m/s respectively. calculate the recoil energy of the nucleus.
What are their velocities after collision, if the Given 1 amu = 1-66 x 10-2/ kg.
collision is perfectly elastic ?
[Ans. 1-95x 10 keV|
[Ans.- 20 m/s; 10 m/s
54. Aparticle moves ina straight line withretardatiou
48. A sphere of mass m collides against a pendulum proportional to its displacement. Calculate thelo
ofmass m with horizontal velocity vg-() Calculate
the maximum height reached by the pendulum if
of K.E. for any displacement . (AIEEE 2004
the masses scatter elastically along the line of mK
initial motion, (i) What is the maximum height Ans. 2

Herc.Weight of length
For Difficult

Lof thechain = Mg
Weight of lengthof the chain which
E x(220 = 1-21 x 103
Final KE of bullet,
E, = 20% E
100 = 0-242 x 10 J
Thecentre of gravity of the hanging part lies at
middle point, 1.e., at a distance = I6
below the From
oige of the table. E,
Work required to pull the hanging part on the table,
MgL m
W=force x distance
=M 18 V 98:38 m/s

2.Herc.m =2 kg, s 40 m, a =I ms4, W=? 8. Here, M=0-1 kg, m = 0-02

kg, t=3 s,
W Fs cos 0° mas
=2x1x40 80 J u= 0, v = 20 m/s, Thrust = ?, energy/mass = ?

3Work done = area under F-x graph, Fig. 6(Q).2 Thrust of rocket,

= 20x1 + F Ma = (u)_O1(20-0)
x1+ 30x1 3

=20+30+35 +30 = 115J

KE gained by rocket = Mv =x01(20)2
S. As impulse = change in momentum 2 2

J=m (v-u) 2 20 J

According to work energy theorem, = 20

Energy/mass of fuel
1000 J kg-l
W=increase in K.E. m (v- u)
9. Here, m = 200 g= kg, u = 20 m/s, v = 0,
W= m (v -) (v + u)
Using (i), W= J (v +u)/2 S= 20cm m, W= ?, F=?

=(2?+3) and =3î+2)
Work d

= 0--mu"
= Loss of KE

=- - 40 J
F (5î+5). W=?
As W=Fx s, F=- 1/5200N
3=r-i=(i- 10. Here, m=2kg, u = 0, F=20
N, t = 100s,

=5-5=0 H=0-2, Jk = H mg = 02 x 2 x 10= 4 N

F,F- (5î+5).î-) Net force, F-= 20-4
7.Here, 10
m=50£ Skg0
1000 Acceleration, a = =8 m/s

u = 220 m/s
s =u +ar=0+x8x10
= 400 m
Initial KE of bullet, E mu2
Pradeeh's Fundamental Physics
body = work done
Since increase in K.E. of the
therefore work
v fio 1 by the net force on the body,
For Difficult Problems
energy theorem stands verified.
1 kg, m = 10 g, u = 200 m/s,
Work done by applied force = Fxs, 14. Here, l = 1 m, M
20 x 400 8000 J h =?g= 10
wooden bob with bullet inside
Change in KE = work done by net force If v is velocity of linear momentum
= 16 x 400 = 6400 J
then from conservation of
(M+ m) v m x u,
72x1000m/s = 20 m/s
11. Here, u = 72 km/h
60x 60
u 10-2x 2002 ms
(M +m)
30, g= 98 m/s, s= ?v =0

Retardation up the smooth incline,

a=- g sin 6 = - 9.8 sin 30°
4.9 m/s=- Now,
2 101
= 0-2 m

From vu= 2 as 15. The forces acting on

the body are
0-20 x 20 2 (-4.9) s
(i) force of gravity (i) air
-40040-8m theorem, total work
According to work energy
-98 done on the body = Gain in
12. Here, m = 5 kg, v = ?, s
25 m, u = 0. From Fig.
=mv?=m(12-/gH = 0.72 mgH
6(Q).3, F= 10N

= 2m/s2 Wj = mg
a- As work done by gravity
done by friction, W2 = W-
as Work
As -u=2 = 0-72 mgH mgH
v=u+ 2 as = 0 + 2x 2x 25 = 100
W2-0-28 mgH
V= i00= 10m/s
B, the
16. Refer to Fig. 6(Q.6. In moving from A to
m = 2 kg, u
=0, H 0-2 bob rises through a distance 2A
13. Here, F=5 N,
= 0-2 x 2 x 9.8
Force of friction, f=LR= 4 mg FIGURE 6O).6
3-92 N
=1-08 N
Net forceon the body, F'=F-f=5-3.92
ow iptol
1-08 0-54
Acceleration of body =F- = = ms4 60
m 2 a
Distance travelled in 5 s is
row sUA
Sut+ até = 0 + (0-54) x 52 = 675 m 19He
() work done by applied force A

W =Fx s = 5 x6-75 J = 33-75 J AC OA-OC =1-l cos = (1 -cos )

(i) work done by force of friction principle o
If v is velocity at B, then applying
-fxs =- 3:92 x 6-75 = - 26-46 J conservation of energy,
(iii) work done by net force
mv -mgl(1-cos) x01
Wa= FxS= 108 x 6-75 = 7-29 J muf=
(iv) velocity of body after 5 s - cos 0)
V =u + at = 0 +0-54 x 5 = 2.7
m/s v=-2 gl (1
2i 2A .07

= 32-2x 10 x0:5 (1 -
71 Od
Increase in K.E. mv-mu2
2 = 9-5 4

5 x2(2-7)-0 =7-29
J v = 4 =2 m/s
For Difiicult Problems
when the object falls freely, its gravitational PE.
is clear from Fig. 6(Q).7, the ball 1S
converted into elastic P.E. of the spring8
17. As
a total distance
m through distance x. (h +x) and the spring falls through
is compressed ie, mgx=K =

sbien 19ll FIGURE6(Q).7 2d

O- or or x=2d
22. Mass defect, A m 235-04 + 1-0087

- 140-91 -91-926-3x 1-0087

A m = 0-1866 u = 1866 x 1.661 x 104' kg
n S-0 Energy released, E = (A m) c*
=0-1866 x 1661 x 10-27 (3 x 1052PJ
P.E. lost by the ball = mg (h + x) 0-1866x1-661x9 x10-1
1-602x 10-13
o9r Work done on the spring Kx2 E 174-1 MeV
From energy conservation principle, 23. Mass defect,
A m = 226-00826 (222-000+ 4-003)
K=mg (h +) = 0-00526 amu.

Total energy released

K=4mg (h+x) 0-00526 x 931 MeV
= 4-897 MeV
Recoil energy of daughter nucleus
18. Here, W=4 J, x = 10 cm = 10- m
= 4-897 4-8
WK* = 0-097 MeV

2x4 800 N/m 24. Here, depth of well
20 m, radius r=m
00-1? depth of water = 14 m, t = ?
Total work done in stretching the spring through
P 5 hp =5x 746 W
Area of cross section of well,
20cm isK2 =x800 A=a (3/22
= 99

Extra work required = 16J-4J= 12 J

19. Here, Volume of water in well,
K= 24 N/m, m =4 kg
F=10 N, x = 05 m V=Axd =x14=99 m3
KE + gain in
K done on the spring = gain in Mass of water in well, m = Vxp = 99 x 103 kg
S1q19117G When the well is emptied, depth of water changes
from (20-14) m in the beginning to (20-0) m at
Fx= mu24K2 the end.

10x05-x4v? 4x24 (0:5 Average height raised, h=T4=

= mis W= mgh = 99 x 10*x 9.8 x 13
2v=5-3 2;v= 1,v=1 Work done,
1s Known, in equilibrium position, t==9x10'x98x13
F=mg = Kd As P ", 5x746
3381-6 second
6/80 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (X) OLI
Avcrage power spent
For Difficult Probloms gain in K.E. 1125x105
25. Here, m= 1800 kg, v = 2 ms, 5

5000 N, P = ? P 22500 W
Minimum force required to be applicd, 33. Here, m = 6:5 metric ton = 6:5 x 1000= 6500 ko
F=mg +f= 1800 x 10+ 5000= 23000 N FIGURE 6(Q.8
P= Fxv = 23000 x 2 =46000 W = 46 kW R

4600p = 61-66 bP
26. Here, m = 100 kg, h = 10 m, f = 5 s mgsin A
10 m/s, n =60% mg

output power, = ngh100x10x10

2000 watt
= 2 kWN
sin ,3
U =9 km/h
6060x 60 2-5m/s
Input power P = ? cos6 -sin29 = 1-(5/13)2 =

As n- P 2 = 3-33 kW
28. They consume the same fuel, because work done
Force applied by the engine, Fig. 6(Q).8,
is the same.
F=mg sin +f= mg sin + mg cos
mgh 2000x9-8x 30
9800 W mg (sin 4 + p cos 0)

ngh 2000x 9-8x30 = 4900 W
= 6500x9-8x= 29400ON
29. Here, h 50 m, m 1-8 x 10° kg,
t= lh= 60 x 60 s Power of engine, P = Fxv
Total power generated = energy/sec = 29400 x 2-5 73500 W

x9-8x50 P 73-5 kW
8x10° 34. Here, V=4000 c.c, t= 1 min. = 60 s
60x 60
= 12250 watt Pressure, P = h pg= 130 x 10-x 1-03 x980
No. of 100 watt bulbs that can be lit
12250 Power = Work PxV
= 122.5 time
13x1-03x980 x4000 erg/sec.
It means 122 bulbs can be lit.
30. Here, m= 1000 kg 60
218-7 x 4x 10 watt
u = 0, v = 54 km/h =
54x 1000
60x 60
m/s = I5 m/s
Horse power 2187x4x104 = 1-17 x 10
1= 5 s 746
35. Here, u = 9 m/s, u2 = 0.
a = ? gain in K.E. = ? Average power = ?
From v = u + at FIGURE 6(Q9

15 = 0+ax5; a= 3m/s2
=zm(v* -u?)
u-9mis2 30 - X
Gain in K.E.
B 0°
=x1000(152 -0) =1-125 x 10 J V2

NTTESDifticult problomnu
% K.E., transferred = 2)x100
Applying prinoiple of conservation E
of linear
niomentunm, l'ig. 6(Q).9,

() along
X-axis 125mU
mv2 x100 64%
= 64%
MX9+ n x )= nn" COS S0+
w, cos 30° mv
masses m
J8, If v1, V2 are velocities of fragments of
according to the
3 kg and m2 = kg, then

18 principle of conservaton of linear
+ m2 U2 = 0
.i) m"
(i) almg Vanis
- 3 +1v2 =0 or=-
m x0t m x 0 = m sin 30° mu, sin 30°

0= m"-v,) x
."- =0,v =V.
Hom (), v1 = V2 = 3v3 m/s m,
As total K.E. = E E+E = 6x 10* J
Total K belore collision

E(1+3)x- 15 x 10*J
mC33 m33=27m 6x10

which is less than total KE before collision. =

4.5 x 104J
E =6x 10- 15x 10
K.E. is not conserved. Linear momentum of smaller fragment
36. The nuclear decay is represented as
8gR226 2He4 =v2xlx45x104
N6Rn2+ P22mE
The KE ofl a particle is given by K= 3x 10-kg ms
As the direction is opposite
p=2mK conserved in nuclear decay. P2-300 kg ms-l
As nomentum is linear
39. Applying principle of conservation of
mK = constant momentum
RnRn ma Ku
m,Ka_ 4005X4 - 0-0866 MeV aatm, v, = 0 .. v, = -

or KR
Rn WhenHe is emitted from
UZ55, residual nucleus
S1, Tlere, m, u, =V, say, m2
= =4
m, = 238 - 4 234
has a masSS

e42=0, v =?
-m,) +2m2 "2 . , x14x10 10

m + m2
=- 24 x 10 m/s
= m, u = u, u =0
(m-4 m)v +0 40. Here, m = ml2
be their respective velocities after
m +4m Let v and v,
initialK.E, E,= m,uf =m* As mU +m2 '2 = m U1 +nm12 U2

, +0= m (V +V2) or u =U1 +U2 )

final K,E., =m, "7 2" Again, by definition, e =29
V2-U1 =ue
6/82 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
If e is angle of reflection,
For Difficult Problenms
Solving (i) and (i), we get
2 tan 2
46. Refer to Fig. 6(0).11, Here, m = m, vj =
2 gh
1-e e m m, V2 =
43. Applying principle of conservation of linear Ifv is the combined velocity after collision, using
momentum, we get mv = (M+ m) V the principle of conservation of linear momentum,
10-2 x (2 x 10*) =(1+0-01) V mU tm2 V2 = (m1 +ma) v
gh +0 2mv
K.E. of the block with bullet in it, is converted
into P.E., as it rises through a height h. v2
Work done against resistive forces
(M+m) V =(M + m) gh = energy lost by the combination of bodies

2=2 gh
or h =


= 0-2m
m =m

45. Refer to Fig. 6(0).10,

Beforecollision, , , h

After collision; v,'= ,)

compt.of vel.of separation
As e= nomal
normal compt.of vel.of approach
47. Here, mj = 10 kg, m, = 20 kg
u = 20 m/s, u =- 10 m/s, v = ?, v
As the collision is perfectly elastic,

-2)41 , 2m22
m+m2 m+m2
(10-20) 20 2x20(-10)
As is clear from Fig. 6(Q).10,
10+20 10+20
FIGURE 6(Q).10 200 400 -600
U1 -20m/s
30 30 30
v 2m, (m2 -m)u2
and 2 m+m m+m

2x10x200 (20-10)(-10) = 10m/s
10+20 20+10 30
Velocity after impact, 48. As the collision is perfectly elastic, the total K.E.
is transferred to the ball of the pendulum, F1ë
6(Q).12. Ifh is maximum height reached by the
pendulum, then as P.E. = K.E.

For Difficult 6/83

5 m+0 = 0-3 m cos , + 0.4 m cos B2
FIGURE 6(Q).12 or
3 cos , 5 =3 cos
=5-4 cos 2
,+4 cos e2

applying law of conservation of linear

momentum along Y-axis,
0-3 m sin 8, = 0-4 m
sin e2
or 3 sin 6 =4 sin e2 .i)
Squaring (i) and (ii) and adding, we get

G- + sin2 0,) = (5-4 cos 0,) + (4 sin 62

9 (cos
Vo 9x1=25+ 16 cos 0, -40 cos 6 + 16 sin* 62
= 16 (cos
6, + sin 0,) 40 cos 6+ 25 -

40 cos 6, = 16+ 25 -9 32

mgh mv
32 4
40 5

=7 From (i), cos ,


(ii) When the two masses stick together, velocity sin 6, cos 0, = 4/5
of the combination (V) is obtained from principle
of conservation of linear momentum, i.e., sin 6,1-cos* e, = 3/5
sin (8 + ,) = sin 6, cos e + cos 6, sin B2
(2m) V=m x vo+0, V=

28 8g
6+62 = 90°
50. Here, 4 =2 m/s, u =0, m = m, ma = 2 m
49. Let m be the mass of each ball. The situation is e= 05, v = ? v2=?
shown in Fig. 6{Q).13.
As e=21 =05
= 0.5 1
U2-U1=05 (41-u) (2-0) =
According to the law of conservation of linear
u1 m V +m2 V2= m U1 +m2 V2
mU +2 mU2 = m x2+0
u2 = 0 .ti)
U+2U2 =2
Add (i) and (ii):
v 3, v2 =
1 m/s
2 From (i), U U2-
=1-1 = 0

v collision and &' is angle

conserved. 51. Suppose is speed after
AS the collision is elastic, KE is
of reflection, Fig. 6().5.
During collision, the floor exerts a force on the
P+mu= mvf+m ball along the normal. There is
to the surface. Therefore,
no force parallel
velocity component of
constant, i.e.,
or +u=vf+v ball parallel to the floor remains
vsin 6'=v sin 6 )

0 (0-5)2 +0 = (0-3)2 + v For components normal

to the floor,
m/s velocity of separation = v'
(03) =0-4
conservation of linear
velocity of approach =v cos
6/84 Phadeep 's undamental Physiis
According to de Bioghe bVett,
For Difficult Probloms momentun of plhoton,
144 1410
cos 0' =ev cos 0 .i)
From (i) and (ii)
'rom conservatiton of linear nminitun
vvsin0+e cos?0 momentum of datugiter mcleus tteitunt

tan 6
and tan 0' = p 768 102 kg m
Recoil cnergy of tuecleus
&' tan e
(74s0 4,2
Note. When collision is perfectly clastic,
2x 5069351 1)
= (0312 1)2
e = 1. .v=
vand 0' = 0.
52. Here. h, = 10 m, hz = 2:5 m
(0312 10 21

Let v be the velocity of the body just before

collision with the ground and v be the velocity
1610 kev
of the body just after collision. = 1-95x 10 keV
54. Herc, retardation o displacement
mv = mgh a = kx
where K is constant of proportionality

and mvg =mgha d

From (i), -a Kx
Dividing, we get
du dr
h2 25 dt d

=2 As = U, therelore, v d =
- Kx ds

% ageloss in KE =
K dv=-K d
mg (h-"2 x100

(10-2-3)xI00= 75%
53. The nuclear decay is represented as
Fe57 Fe$7 +Y-ray photon
(excited) (ground) (14-4keV) Ihus loss in K.., AK=- m2
state state


chain is held on a frictionless table with
(1in)th of its lenglh hanging over the cdge. If converted into heat = 2
the chain has a lengthL and mass M, how
mch work is required to pull the hanging
part back on the table ?
Iength of chain = L
Sol. Here. 840 x840 cal.
Mass of the chain = M E=
40 42
Mass per unit length = MIL = m O'C
Heat spent by bullet to cool to

chain= .
Suppose the length of hanging part of the
= cm A 6 =0-02 x 50 x
30 cal.
(30 - 0) cal.

Force required to be applied =

Tf M is mass of ice melted,
heat spent =
= weight of length y
F= (m y) S = Mx 80 cal.

Small amount of work done in pulling the chain E= 30+Mx 80

through a small distance dy is 840x840
30 + Mx 80
dW=F(-dy), neg. sign for decreasing y: 40x 4-2
- my 8 ay = mg y dy -
4200- 30 = 80 M
Total work done in pulling the hanging part of
the chain on the table M = 52-1 gram
3. A small object of weight mg hangs from a
W= -mg y dy string of length I as shown in Fig. 6(Q).14.
y=Un variable force which starts at zero and
increases gradually is used to pull the object
very slowly so that equilibrium exists at all
= -mg times until the string makes an angle 6 with
vertical. What is the work done by the force ?

FIGURE 6(Q).14

tcos 6
0-02 is
Z. A S0gram lead bullet, specifie heat
initially at 30°C. It is fired vertically upwards sin
to the
wath a speed of 840 m/s. On returning
at 0°C. mg
Starting level, it strikes a cake of ice
iow much ice is melted ? Assume that
energy is spent in melting ice only. Take latent Sol. The various forces involved in the problem are
heat of ice = 80 cal./gram. shown in Fig. 6(0)14,
As the object is in cquilibrium at every stage,
Here, m kg = kg iC=0-02 therefore
S0g =
1000 mg= cos 8 and F= sin
v = 840 m/s, B,=
0°C, M=? T T
L 80 calgram. _T'sine an 6
converted into PE. mg Tcos
going up, KE of bullet isconverted into same
falling down, P.E. is F=mg tan 6
6/86 Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI) Va
Work done by the force, compresses by 0-01 m. From what hot eight
should the stone be dropped to cause
compression of 0-04 m in the spring ?
W =[ F.ds=[ Fdscose
0 FIGURE6(Q).15
=mg tan 0x(l d0).cose

mg| sin de = mgl -cose

=- mgl (cos 6 - cos 0°)
W=mgl (1 - cos 0)
4. A particle of mass m moves in a straight line Sol. Here, m = 01 kg, h = 0-24 m, x = 0-01 m.
with retardation proportional to its Clearly, loss in P.E. of stone = mg (h +), and
displacement. Find the expression for loss of
kinetic energy for any displacement x. gain in elastic P.E. of spring = k
Sol. Here, mass = m. Retardation (-a) of particle is
proportional to displacement (x).
-a ocx or a=- kr .)
mg(h +x) =k2
Now, a ddo
dr dt dr
(0) Let H be the height through which stone should
be dropped to cause a compression of x = 004 m
From (), v
-kx mg(W+) =k2 )
or v du =- kx dr
Dividing ) by (i), we get
Suppose velocity of particle changes from u to
v during its displacement x. 001
Integrating (ii), within proper limits, ht
H+ o04 16

h+= 16 h + 16x
vdu=-k xdi
h+0-04= 16x0-24 +16 x0-01
3-84 +0-16 = 4-00
h = 4-00-0-04 3-96m
6. The iron Fe2 nucleus emitsay-ray ofenerg
14:4 keV. If mass of nucleus is 56-935 u,
calculate the recoil energy of the nucleus:
Take 1 u =166 x 102" kg.
or Sol. Here, energy of ¥ray
E= 14-4 keV 14.4x 1-6 x 10°J
= Mass of nucleus = 56-935 u
Loss in KE mu2-mv2
56-935 x 1-66 x 10-27kg
kx2 Recoil energy of nucleus, E = ?

Momentum of -ray photon

5. A massless platform is kept on a light elastic
spring as shown in Fig. 6(Q).15. When a small mc E _144x16x107
p = mxC =
stone of mass 0-1 kg is dropped on the pan C 3x10
from a height of 0-24 m, the spring x 10-2 kg
bt ssha 6/87
cording to the principle
of conservationof
linear momentum,
nientum of resicdual nucleus,
p' p= 768 x 10-2 kg m/s
Recoil energy of residual nucleus 7/2

(768 x 10-24
2m 8. A trolly of mass 200 kg moves with a uniform
2x56935 x1-66x10-27
Speed of 36 km/h on a frictionless track. A
= 0-312 x 10-21 J child of mass 20 kg runs on the trolly from
one end to the other (10 m away) with a speed
0.312x10-21 of 4 m/s relative to the trolly in a directi0
16x10-166 16kev opposite to the trolly's motion and jumps out
of the trolly. How much has the trolly moved
10 keV
= 1-95 x from the time the child begins to run ?
A block of mass m is
pushed against a spring Sol. Here, mass of trolly. m = 200 kg
of spring constant k fixed at one end to a wall. speed of trolly, v = 36 km/h
The block can slide on a frictionless table as 36x1000
shown in fig. 6(Q).16. The natural length of m/s = 10 m/s
60x 60
the spring is Lo and it is compressed to half
mass of child, m, = 20 kg
its natural length, when the block is released.
Find the velocity of the block as a function of Before the child starts running, linear
its distance x from the wall. momentum of the system
P (m + ma) v = (200+ 20) 10 = 2200 kg m/s
When the child starts running with a velocity
of 4 m/s in a direction opposite to trolly, suppose
is final speed of the trolly w.r.t. earth. Specd
of child relative to carth
Momentum of the system when the child is
o/2 running,P2= 200 v'+20 (v-4) = 220 v- 80
As no external force is applied on the system,
(r<Lo) P2P1
220 v- 80 = 2200
So1. From the question, we find that the spring 220 2200+ 80 2280
pushes the block to the right till the spring 2280
acquires its natural length (Lo). At this 220
= 10-36 m/s
spring and
the block loses contact with the
v on the Time taken by the child to run a distance of
Oves with a constant velocity 10 m over the trolly,
frictionless table.
= = 25 s
, Initial compression of
the spring =
Distance moved by the trolly in this time
wall and
distance x fronm the = velocity of trolly x time
En blockcampression
is at a
is (Lo- X) and
= 10-36 x 2:5 = 25-9 m
of block is v. 9. A car of mass one metric ton travels along a
conservation o horizontal straight road with its engine
PPlying the principle of working at a constant rate ot 20 kW. The
energy, we get
resistance to motion of the car is 600 N. Find
the acceleration of the car at an instant, when

its speed is 25 m/s.
3/88 Pradeep ' Pundamental Physics (X) VOL
Sol. Here, m= I metric ton= 100 kg W mgh-mu
Power of engine, P 20kW 20XX) W
spced of car, e 25 m/s -01598x4-x015x
If F is the driving force of the cat engine, then
from P Fu W 5-88-27
20000 N W-3-18
moving in
25 11. The displacement r of a particle
As the car caperiences resistance to motion () one dimension, under the action of a cnstant
600 N, thercfore nct driving force on the car force is related to time f by the equation
800 660= 200 N.
= (r3), where r is in metre and is in t
F'=F-f= second. Calculate displacement What of the
Ifa is acceleration of the car, then particle, when its velocity is zero. is
seconds ?
200 work done by the force in first six
d 0-2m/2
section of Sol. Here.
10. Fip. 6Q).17 shows a vertical cross
a surface. A and B are two points on
the cross
-3= r or r=(t -3)
sertions. A particle of mass 0-15 kg is released
from rest at A. (i) Assuming that particleis Velocity. 2 (t-3) dt =
reaches B with a speed of 8 m/s and there dt
0, 2 (1-3) =0, r 3 sec.
of A
no resistance to motion, find the height When
above B. From(). r - (f 3)=(3-3- Zero
Now, at 0, - 2 (0 3)-6
= m/s
FIGURE 6(Q).17
andat = 6s, U= 2 (6-3)= -6 m/s
A - initial KE
Work done = final KE
- m(-6)- (-6
B =
Work done Zero
12. A person decides to use his bath tub water
() Assuming instead that the particle reaches generate electric power to run a 40 W balb
10 m
B with a speed of 6 m/s and that the height of The bath tub is located at a height of of
A above B is 4 m, find work done against from the ground and it holds 200 litres
resástance to motion. water. He instals a water driven wheel
Sol. () Here, m = 0 15 kg. vp = 8 m/s generator on the ground. At what rate should
the water dratn from the bath tub tn
fh is height of A atvove B, then according to on.
the law of cofservation of energy.
the bulb ? How lang can he keep the bulb
if bath tub was ffi tnitinlly ? Emeieny
loss in PE (from A to B) = gain tn KE (at B)
generator is 90e. Take g 98 ms.
mgh m 2
Sol. Here, Py = 40 watt.
dv ? n=90%
, h = 10 m, V= 200 litres

98 m/s,t=?
8x8 d
3-27 m a
2x9y Work done when m kg of water falls from
2 height h is
(i) Now, hW= 4 m,
6 m/s
mgh = (Vp) gh,
According to the law of conservation of energy, o
KE at where Vis volume of water and p is density
Loss in PE (from A to B) = gain in water
B work done against friction
Input power = P = rate of doing work.
mg- m}+ w

P OAxOD+| 2
40 400
= 100x10+ 0 10 1000 + 750
i 90/100 9 2

400 = 1750 J
From(). Pgh Work done by frictional force
W2-area of rectangular
=- - 1000 J
400 400 -OGx OE 50x 20 =
m/s same
dt 9pgh 9(10x98x10) 14. A and B are tv70 particles having a speed
mass m. A is moving along X-axis with
400x 103 of 10 ms and B is at rest. After particle A
9x10x 9-8x10litre/sec a perfectly elastic collision with 30°. What
gets scattered through an angle of
= 0-453 litre/sec is the direction of motion of B, and
the speeds
Now, the time for which bulb can be lighted of A and B, after the collision

total volume of water T Solved Example

dVldt particles A and B
Sol. Fig. 6(Q).19(a) shows the
6(Q).19(b) shows the
200 before collision; and Fig.
= 441-5 sec elastic collision in
0-453 two particles after perfectly
woman pushes a trunk on a railway two dimensions.
13. A
platform which has a rough surface. FIGURE 6Q).1S
applies a force of 100 N over a
distance of
10 m. Thereafter, she gets
progressively tired 1
and her applied force reduces
linearly with A
distance to 50 N. The total distance A0 30
which trunk has been moved
is 20 m. Plot --- -x
woman and the m Vo= 60°
the force applied by the
against the (at rest) BR
frictional force, which is 50 N
done by the two
distance. Calculate the work Y'! V2
od forces over 20 m. Before Collision 6After Collision
Examplo a)
NCERT Solvod
Here, u = 10 ms, 0 = 30°, )
the = ?
force applied by woman and
01. The graph of distance is shown in
trictional force against the =? 6.24, special case
Fig. 6(Q).18. As is known from Art.

FIGURE 6(@).13
+o = 90°
90" - = 90°- 30° = 60°
F(N) d= 0 momentum
Using law of conservation of linear
along X-axis,
100 A u = U Cos 6 + U2 cos

50t 10 Cos 30° +, cos 60°-

D 20m x (m)
or 20 v3 v +V2
Friction Again, using law of conservation of linear
woman momentum along Y-axis.
applied by o= U sin 30°- v, sin
Work done by the rce 0 U sin 9 v2 si

rectangular OABL BCED

area of + area of
6/90 Aadeep 'a Fundamental Physics (X)voL
the surface if its initial height from the
surface is 4 m. Also. show that the gain in
KE of the system is equal to lass in its PE
.(ii) Take g 10 ms
or vv3 =v FIGURE &QL20
V3 +v, = 4 v2
From (). 20= 3v
v2==5 m/s
From (i).
v= 3v =V3x5 = 1.732x5 a
8-66 m/s
15. A body of mass M at rest is struck by a
that the m=5kg
moving body of mass m. Prove of mass
fraction of the initial kinetic energy h=4 m 2=2kg
4 Mm
to the struck body is
transferred (m +M)2 m = 2 kg :g= 10 ms
Sol. Here. m = 5 kg.
Sol. Here, m m, U = u, (say), Acceleration of the system.
M, u2 = 0, v2 =?
27 (m2-) u2 a o

From mm+m the
Velocity with which 5 kg mass touches
2m 2 mu ground (v) is obtained from
K.E. of the body struck, after
0 = m+M
-v-0 =
2 x 4-28 x 4
2mu 2x4.28 x4 = 585
Emv=u m+M
Initially, both the masses are at rest
. Initial KE of the system = 0
2Mm u2 2
(m + M) Final K.E. of the system = (m +m) u
Initial K.E. of moving body
(5-85)2 =1198J

E=m,uf-mu? (5+2)
Gain in K.E. 0 119-8 J
= 119.-8
ofinitial K.E. transferred

2Mm2u2 4m M Initial P.E. of the system
200 J
m+M) mgh +m2gh2 = 5 x 10 x 4 +0
B(m+M Final P.E. of the system
m18h +m2gh> 0 4+2x 10x 4 80 J
16. Two masses as shown
in Fig. 6(Q).20, are -80
thhe Loss in P.E. = 200
released from their positions. Calculate
touches Thus, Gain in K.E. = Loss in PE.
velocity with which the mass of 5 kg
wode velA
ua 9311

0.1. The sign ot work done by a force o
quantities are positive or negative.
mportant to understand.
State carefully if the following

(a) Work done by a man

in lifting a bucket
h) Work done by
gravitational force out ofa well by means a
in the above case. of rope tied to the bucke
d Work done by friction on a body
(d) Work done by' an applied
sliding down an inclined
force on a body plane.
(e) Work done by the resistive moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform velociy:
force of air on a vibrating
pendulum in bringing it to rest.
Sol. Work done IW =F.s =Fs cos 6 where 0 is smaller
angle between force F and displacement s.
(a) To lift the bucket, force cqual to
weight of bucket has to be applied vertically upwards and the
moves along the same direction, i.e., 6 = 0°, ducket
therefore W = F s cos 0° = F s. It is positive.
(b) The bucket moves in a direction opposite
to the gravitational force which acts vertically downwards.
= -
180°. W=Fs cos 180° Fs. It is negative.
(c) Friction always opposes the relative motion.
e 180°. W= Fs cos 180"= Fs. It is negative.
= -

(d) As the body moves along the direction of applied force 0 = 0°,
W=Fs cos 0° = F s. It is positive.
(e) The direction of resistive force is opposite to the direction of motion of the bob, i.e., 0 = 180°. Hence.
work done, in this case. is negative.
A body of mass 2 kg initially at rest moves under the action of an
applied horizontal force of 7 N on
table with coefficient of
a kinetic friction = 0-1. Calculate the
(a) work done by applied force in 10 s.
(b) work done by friction in 10 s.
the body in 10 s.
C)work done by the net force on your result.
the body in 10 s; and interpret
a) change in K.E. of 10s
N:H = 0:1, W=?; i=
Here, m 2 kg, u = 0, F 712 = 3: /s*
by applied force; aj = Flmn =
Ceration produced = mg = 0:1 x 2 x9.8 = T-96 N
Orce of friction, f= !R 4 ms
-f __16= -0,98
Retardation produced by friction, "2 m 3:) - 0:98 = 2:52 ms2
moves, (a = djt 02 =
N with which body
4cceleration r =0+ 5 x2:52 x (10)=11261m.
in 10
second, from s = f+ 2
Distance by the
moved by
ce moved
force = F'Xs
126 -246-9
= 882.J
the applied 126
(a)Work done by
W= 7x
W2= -sXS=
- 196X
= =
(7- 1-96) 126 635J =
of friction =
by the
(b) Work done by force Net force xdIstance
Ork net force Wa =
by the
Work done
6/92 Padeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

Faom r= u +
= )+2:52 x 10 =25.2 ms . Final K.E =
m = x2x(252) =635J.

Initial K.E. = mu =0. Change in K.E. = 635- 0 635J
by the net foree on the body.
This shos that change in K.E. ot the body is equal to work done
Q.3. Given in Fig. 6(N).1 are evamples of some FIGURE 6N).1
potential energy functions in one dinension
i) to (iv). The total energy E of the particle is
indicated by the cross mark on energy aris. In
each case. specily the rgions, if any. in which Vo
the particle cannot be found for the given
energy. Also, indicate the minimum total E
energy the particle must have in each
Think of simple physical contexts for which
xa x=b
these potential energy shapes are relevant. Ox*a
Sol. We know that total energy E=K.E. + P.E. K.E.
= E- P.E. and K.E. can never be negative. Th
object cannot exist in the region. where its K.E.
would become negative.
() For.r>a P.E. (V%) > E
K.E. becomes negative. Hence. the objeet

cannot exist in the region x > a. x-b/2 Xb/2
(ii) For a <a and x >b, P.E. (V%)> E.
K.E. becomes negative. Hence the object
ab x-a/2 x=a/2.

cannot be present in the region x < a and .r > b.

(iii) Object cannot exist in any region because P.E. (V)> E in every region.
- al2 <r< b/2.
(i) On the same basis, the object cannot exist in the region b/2 < x< al2 and

Q.4. The potential energy function for a particle executing FIGURE 6(N).2
simple harmonic motion is given by (r) V = 1/2 kx, where
k is the force constant of the oscillator. For k = 0-5 Nm,
the graph of V (r) versus x is shown in Fig. 6(N).2. Show V(x)t
that a particle of total energy 1 joule moving under this
potential must turn back, when it reaches r = t 2 m.
Sol. At any instant, the total energy of an oscillator is the sunm of
K.E. and P.E.
X 2m- 2m
i.e. E
K.E. 1
P 2
The particle turns back at the instant, when its velocity becomes zero i.e. u = 0.


As E=l joule and k =N/m or 4, r t2 m

Q.5. Answer the following: (a) The casing of a rocket in flight burns up due to friction. At whose
is the heat energy required for burning obtained ? The roeket or the atmosphere ?
(b) Comets move around the sun in highly elliptical orbits. The gravitational force on the comet du
to the sun is not normal to the comet's velocity in general. Yet the work done by the gravitationa
force over every complete orbit of the comet is zero. Why ?

(c) An artificial satellite orbiting

very thin atmosphere loses its energy earth
in FIGURE 6N)3
due to dissipation against atmospheric 15kg
resistance, however small. Why then does its
speed increase progressively as it comes closer
and closer to the earth ?
(d) In Fig. 6(N).3(a), the man walks 2 m
carrying a mass of 15 kg on his hands. In Fig. 15 kg
6(N).3(b), he walks the same distance pulling
the rope behind him. The rope goes over a
pulley, and a mass of 15 kg hangs at its other
end. In which case is the work done greater ?
Sol. (a) The total energy of rocket in flight depends on its mass i.e. P.E. + K.E. = mgh +
m. when the
casing burms up. its mass decreases. The total energy of the rocket decreases. Hence, heat energy required
for burning is obtained from the rocket itself and not from the atmosphere.
(6) This is because gravitational force is a conservative force. Work done by the gravitational force of the
sun over a closed path in every complete orbit of the comet is zero.
(c) When the artificial satellite orbiting the earth comes closer and closer to earth. its potential energy
decreases. As sum of potential energy and kinetic energy is constant, therefore. K.E. of satellite znd hence
its velocity goes on increasing. However, total energy of the satellite decreases a líttle on account of
dissipation against atmospheric resistance.
(d) In Fig. 6(N).3(a), force is applied on the mass, by the man in vertically upward direction but distance
is moved along the horizontal
90°. W= Fs cos 90° = Zero.
In Fig. 6(N).3(b), force is applied along the horizontal and the distance moved is also along the horizontal.
Therefore, 0 = 0°.
W=Fs cos = mg x cos 0° s
W 15 x 9-8 x 2x 1 = 294 joule. Work done in 2nd case is greater.
Q.6. Point out the correct alternative: (a) When a conservative foree does positive work on a body. the
potential energy of the body increases/decreases/remains unaltered.
b) Work done by a body against friction always results in a loss of its kinetic/potential energ.
(c)The rate of change of total momentum of many particle system is proportional 1o the external
force/sum of the internal forces of the system.
(d) In an inelastic collision of two bodies, the quantities which do not change after the collision are
the total kinetic energy/total linear momentum /total energy of the system of two bodies.
Sol. (a) Potential energy of the body decreases. The conservative force does positive work on a body. when it
displaces the body in the direction of force. The body, therefore, approaches the centre of force, decreasing
x. Hence, P.E. decreases.
(b) Work is done by a body against friction at the expense of its kinetic energy. Hence K.E. of the body
(c) Internal forces cannot change the total or net momentum of a system. Hence the rate of change of total
the system.
momentum of many particle system is proportional to the external forre on
(d) In an inelastic collision of two bodies, the quantities which do not change
after the collision are total
as some energy
linear momentum and total energy of the system of two bodies. The total K.E changes
appears in other forms.
Q.7. State if each of the following statements is true or false. Give reasons for your
(a) In an elastic collision of two bodies, the momentum and
energy of each body is conserved.
eoq (b) Total energy of a system is always conserved, no matter what internal and external forces on the
body are present.
closed loop is zero for every force in' nature.
al t(c) Work done in the motion of a body over a
initial kinetic energy of
1oi(d) In an inelastic collision, the final kinetic energy is always less than the
the system.
6/94 Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI)VOL
Sol. (a) False. The total momentum and total energy of the system are conserved and not of each body.
(b) False. The external forces on the body may change the total energy of the body.
(c) False. Work done in the motion of a body over a closed loop is zero only when the body is moving
under the action of conservative forces (like gravitational or electrostatic forces). It is not zero when the
forces are non-conservative e.g. frictional forces etc.
(d) True, because in an inelastic collision, some kinetic energy usually changes into some other form of
Q.8. Answer carefully, with reasons: (a) In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, is the total kinetie
energy conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact) ?
(b) Is the total linear momentum conserved during the short time of an elastic collision of two balls?
(c) What are the answers to (a) and (b) for an inelastic collision?
(d) If the potential energy of two billiard balls depends only on the separation distance betw
their centres, is the colision elastic or inelastic ? (Note, we are talking here of potential ener
corresponding to the force during collision, not gravitational potential energy).
Sol. (a) No, K.E. is not conserved during the given elastic collision. K.E. before and after collision is the same.
Infact, during collision, K.E. of the bals gets converted into potential energy.
(6)Yes, the total linear momentum is conserved during the short time of an elastic colision oftwo balls,
(c) In an inelastic collision, total K.E. is not conserved during collision and even after collision. The total
linear momentum is however, conserved during as well as after collision.
(d) The collision is elastic, because the forces involved are conservative.
Q.9. A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration. The
power delivered to it at time t is proportional to (i) t2 (ii) t (ii) t32 (iv) 12
Sol. From U = u +at
= at
v =0+ at
As power, P= Fxu P= (ma) x at = ma*t
As m and a are constants, therefore, P o t
Q. 10. A body is moving unidirectionally under theinfluence of a source of constant power. Its displacement
in time is proportional to () r2 (gi) t (ii) s32 (iv)
Sol. As power, P = force x velocity P=MLT =] |LT-) = [ML2 T-3]
As P= [ML T*] = constant. L4 T* = constant or = constant. L2o T3 or Lo T
0. 11. A body constrained to move along the z-axis of a co-ordinate system is subject to a constant fore
F = (-î+ 2+3k) newton. What is the work done by this force in moving the body over a distance
of 4 m along the z-axis ?
Sol. Here, (-î+2j +3k)N
= 4k 15116
(' 4 m distance is along z-axis).
As W F.5 W =(-i+2j +3k).(4k) =12.k = 12J
0.12. An electron and a proton are detected in a cosmie ray experinment, the first
with kinetic energy 10
keV and the second with 100 keV. Which is faster, the electron or proton ? Obtain the ratio of their
speeds. Take mass of electron = 9-11 x 10 kg, mass of proton = 167 x 10-27 kg and
1 eV = 1-6 x 10-19
J. ginug .I
Sol. Em, v = 10x 16x 10-16 19WOG ..i)

Em, =100 x 16 x 10-16 rdgtol ii)

io1e1t aA

Divide () by (ii)- =.110


1 p 1-67x10-27 =10-135
p 10 m V10x9-11x10-31 Y911
Q.13. A rain drop of radius 2 mm. falls from a height of 500 m above the ground. It falls with decreasing
acceleration due to viscous resistance of air until half its original height. It attains its maximu
(terminal) speed, and moves with uniform speed thereafter. What is the work done by the gravitao
force on the drop in the first half and second half of its iourney ? Take density of water = 10 kgm
What is the work done by the resistive force in the entire journey if its speed on reaching the grouna
is 10ms?
Sol. Here,r=2 mm =2 x 10 m.

Distance moved in each half of the journey, s =

= 250m.
Density of water, p = 10 kg/m.
Mass of rain drop = volume of drop x density
xp=x2x7 1033x 10 = 3-35 x 10- kg
mTr =
W mg xS =3.35 x x 9.8 x 250 0-082 J
moves with decreasing acceleration or with
It should be clearly understood that whether the drop remains the same.
uniform speed, work done by the gravitational force on the drop
reaching the ground.
If there were no resistive forces, energy of drop on
= mgh = 3.35 x 10 x 9.8 x 500 = 0-164
1-675 x 10-3J
Actual energy, E =;mv =; x 335 x 10 (10) =
0-1623 joule
W =E E = 0-164 1-675 x 10 W=
Work done by the resistive forces, wall with
- -

hits the speed 200 m/s at an angle 30° with the normal, and
Q. 14. A molecule in a gas container ? Is the collision elastic or
momentum conserved in the collision
rebounds with the same speed. Is
inelastic? collisions, elastic as well
is conserved in all A
Sol. We know that momentum K.E. is conserved or not.
as inelastic. Let us now check if velocity
too heavy, the recoiling molecule; oduces no
As the wall is
in the wal1, Fig. 6(N).4
30 O
then total K.E N--
gas molecule and M is mass of wall,
lf m is mass of the
after collision.
(0) 10 mJ
E=m(200)+M =2x
10* m J]
molecule before collision. [E = m (200) = 2x
which is the K.E. of the
elastic. to fill a tank of volume 30
m3in 15
Hence, the collision is building can pump up water
Q. A pump on the ground floor of a and the efficiency of the pump is 30 %,
how much electric
15. above the ground
min. If the tank is 40 m pump ?
power is consumed by the 15 min. = 15 x 60
= 900 s.
water 30 m3;t=
Sol. Here, volume of volume x density = 30 x
103 ko
efficiency, n = 30%.
Height, h 40 m;
water =p = 10* kg/m,
Mass of water pumped, m=
As density of
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (KI) VOLI
iso 0
Actual power consumed or output power P Wmgh30XI0
== =: X**0=13070 watt

power (required), then as m=0 3070

P=0= 30/10043567 W=43-567 kW
ItP; is input
Q. 16. Tvo identical ball bearings in contact with each other and resting on a frictionless table are hit head
on by another ball bearing of the sanme mass moving initially with a speed v, Fig. 6(N).5. If the
collision is elastic, which of the following is a possible result after collision
Sol. Let m be the mass of each ball bearing.
Before collision. total K.E. of the system = mv +0=mv
After collision. K.E. of the system is FIGURE6(N).5
2 3
Case I. E=(2m)(v/2? -mu2 1

At rest
2 3 1 2 3
Case 1. E, =5mv
At rest At
Case I1, E=;(3m)(v/13)2 mu2
1 2 3

We observe that K.E. is conserved only in case II.

Hence case II is the only possibility.
30° to the vertical FIGURE 6N).6
Q.17. The bob A of a simple pendulum released from as shown in
hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table
collision ? Neglect
Fig. 6(N).6. How high does the bob A rise after the
the size of the bobs and assume the collision to be I300
when two bodies of same
Sol. The bob A shall not rise. This is because
mass undergo an elastic collision, their velocities
are interchanged.
B would move
After collision, bal A will come to rest and the ball
A will not rise after
with the velocity of A, Fig. 6(N).6. Thus the bob
the collision.
horizontal position A as
Q. 18. The bob of a pendulum is released from a
is 1-5 m, what is
shown in Fig. 6(N).7. If the length of the pendulum
point B, given
the speed with which the bob arrives at the lowermost FIGURE 6(N).7
that it dissipates 5% of its initial energy against air O 1.5m
Sol. Here, h = 1-5 m, v = ?
Energy dissipated = 5 %
energy at B is zero.
Taking B as the lowest position of the bob, its potential
energy of the bob is mgh
At the horizontal position A, total potential
In going from A to B, P.E. of the bob is
converted into K.E.
B -
Energy converted = 95 % (mgh)
95 mgh
= *mu =
It vis velocity acquired at B, then K.E. 100

95 = ax2x98x15 = 528ms
1002gh 27 km/h
mass 300 kg carrying a sand b»g of 25 kg is moving uniformly with a speed of
Q.19. A trolley of floor at the rate
frictionless track. After a while, sand s rts leaking out of a hole on the trolley's
on a sand bag is empty ?
0-05 kgs. What is the speed of the troiley after the entire
of bag is moving uniformly, therefore, external force on the
system = Zero.
carrying the sand
Sol. As the trolley application of any external force on the trolley. Hence,
out, it does not lead to the
When the sand leaks
speed of the trolley shall
not change.
WOR 6/97
a20 A
of, mass 0-5kg travels in a straight
done by the net force with velocity v == ar3/2,
ght line with wherea = 5 m-
ar", where
its displacement from r = 0 to x Zm
, What is
m=05kg: v= ar", = during
Sol. Herr,
luitial vel. at r= 0,
a 5 m-l2 s-1,
W= ?
v=ax0=0, Final vel. at r = 2, v, =a 234 = 5 x 2"*
Work done = increase
in K.E. =
W= x05 [(5 x 22-0J = 50 J
o.21. The blades ot a windmill sveep out a circle of area A. (a) If the wind flows at a velocityv perpenaicu
to the circle, what is the mass of air passing through
(c) Assume that the wind mill converts
it in time t ? (b) What is K.E. of the ar
25% of the wind's energy into electrical energy, and tnat
A 30 m,V= 36 km/h and the density of air
is 1-2 kg/m3. Whatis electrical power produced?
Sol. (a)Volume of wind flowing/sec Av
Mass of wind flowing/sec Avp
Mass ofair passing in t sec, m =A vpt

()K.E. ofair=mu = 5(Avpr)v? = 5Av'pt

()Electrical energy produced xK.E. of air =
Electric power =. 1 Av'pr -Av'p
P x 30 x (10) x 1-2=4500 watt = 45 kW

.22. A person trying to lose weight (dieter) lifts a 10 kg mass through 0-5 m, 1000 times. Assume that the
potential energy lost each time she lowers the mass is dissipated (a) How much work does she do
against the gravitational force? (b) Fat supplies 3-8 x 10" J ofenergy per kilogram which is converted
to mechanical energy with a 20% efficiency rate. How much fat will the dieter use up?
Sol. Here, m = 10 kg, h = 05 m, n = 1000
(a) Work done against gravitational force
W=n (mgh) = 1000 x (10 x 9-8 x 0-5) = 49000 J.

6) Mechanical energy supplied by
kg of fat 3-8 x 10'x = 0-76 x 10' J/kg

1kg x 49000 = 6-45 x 10 kg

Fat used up by the dieter =
23. A family uses 8 kW of power. (a) Direct solar energy is incident on the horizontal surface at an
average rate of 200 W per square metre. If 20% of this energy can be converted to useful electrical
energy, how large an area is needed to supply 8 kW ? (0)Compare this area to that of the roof ofa
typical house.
Sol. Let the area be A square metre.
Total power = 200 A.
= (200A)
Useful electrical energy produced/sec100 = 40 A = 8000 (watt)

Therefore, A= 8000200sq.m
a large house of 250 sq. metre.
nis area is comparable to the roof of
6/98 Pradeep Fundaméntal Physics (XI) VOL
kg and horizontal speed 70
ms strikes a block of wood of mass 0-4 kg and
Q.24. A bullet of mass 0-012 is suspended from the ceiling by thin wire
instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block
amount of heat produced in the block,
Calculate the height to which the block rises. Also, estimate the
Sol. Here, m = 0-012 kg, u = 70 m/s m>= 04 kg, u =0
Let v be the velocity
As the bullet comes to rest with respect to the
block, the two behave as one body.
acquired by the combination. U1 r
momentunm, (71 + m2) U = m] uj+ m2 U2 mi
Applying principle of conservation oflinear
m 0-012x 70 0-84=
2-04 ms
m +m 0-012+0-4 0.412

Let the block rise to a height h.

PE. of the combination = K.E. of the

(m + ma) gh = , m^
+ ma) v4 . 2-04x 2-04
= 0-212mn

lost (W), where

For calculating heat produced, we calculate energy
initial K.E. of bullet final K.E. of combination

=m u?-m, tm,)u? = x0012(70)2 -(0-412)(204)2

W 29-4-0-86
joule. Heat produced, H =

frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other steep meet at 0, from where two stones
Q. 25. Two inclined
Will the stones reach the bottom at the same
are allowed to slide down from rest, one on each track.
? Explain.
time? Will they reach there with the same speed
inclined to the horizontal at 20 and 20, respectively.
Sol. In Fig. 6(N).8, OA and OB are two smooth planes speed.
As height of both the planes is the same,
therefore, both the stones will reach the bottom with same
As P.E. at 0 = K.E. at A = K.E. at B FIGURE 6(N).8

gh mus=mv. v =v2
As is clear from Fig. 6(N).8, acceleration of the two mgcos2
blocks are sind1 mgcose, mgsine2

a8 sin 61 and a =8 sin 6, mg mg

As 02> 0

From v u+at=0+
a2> 1
at or t=-
AA mg

As to, and az>a t30 noiilfo

ie. Second stone will take lesser time and reach the bottom earlier than the first stone.
Q. 26. A 1 kg block situated on a rough incline is connected to a spring of spring constant 100 Nm s
shown in Fig. 6N).9. The block is released from rest with the spring in the unstretched position.
The block moves 10 cm down the incline before coming FIGURE 6(N).9
to rest. Find the coefficient of friction between the block
and the incline. Assume that the spring has negligible k 100 N/m
mass and the pulley is frictionless.
Sol. As is clear from Fig. 6(N).9.
dOO00000g io
R=mg cos F= p R 4 mg
6, cos F
Net force on the block down the incline
mg cos mg sin 6
= mg sin 6-F =mg sin 6- mg cos = mg (sin 6-u cos 8) ng e37
distance moved, x = 10 cm = 0-1 m.

umin equiinorium, work done = P.E. of

stretched spring ulxoroil tat 9 o to 1silci
Jweld mg (Sin 6- cos 6) x= Kr< t ert doin it t ift sth,ttrit

2mg (sin 6- u cos ) = Kx

2x 1x 10 (sin 37- cos 37°) = 100 x0-1
20 (0-601 u.0.798) = 10

Q.27. A bob of mass

kg falls from the ceiling of an elevator moving down with a uniform speed of7ms
t hits the toor of the elevator (length ofthe elevator = 3 m) and does not rebound. What is the heat
produced by the impact ? Would your answer be different the elevator were stationary
Sol. Here, m = 0:3 kg, U = 7 m/s, h = length of elevator = 3 m
As relative velocity of the ball w.r.t. elevator is zero, therefore, in the impact, only potential energy Or une
ball is converted into heat energy.
Amount of heat produced = P.E. lost by the ball = mgh = 0:3 x 9-8 x 3 =8-82 J
The answer shall not be different, if the elevator were stationary as the ball too in that case would start
from stationary position, ie, relative velocity of the ball w.r.t. elevator would continue to be zero.
Q.28. A trolley of mass 200 kg moves with a uniform speed of 36 km h-l on a frictionless track. A child of
mass 20 kg runs on the trolley from one end to the other (10 m away) with a speed of 4 ms relative
to the trolley in a direction opposite to the trolley's motion, and jumps out of the trolley. What is the
final speed of the trolley ? How much has the trolley moved from the time the child begins to run ?
Sol. Here, mass of trolley, m = 200 kg, speed of the trolley, v= 36 km/h = 10 m/s, mass of the child, m> = 20 kg
Before the child starts running, momentum of the system
P = (m + ma) v = (200+ 20) 10 = 2200 kg
When the child starts running, with a velocity of 4 m/s in a direction opposite to trolley, suppose v' is final
speed of the trolley (w.r.t. earth). Obviously, speed ofthe child relative to earth = (v-4)
Momentum of the system when the child is running,
P2200 v'+20 (v' -4) 220 v'-80
As no external force is applied on the system P2=P1
220 80 2200
220 v = 2200 + 80 = 2280
= 220
= 10-36 ms-

= 2-5s
Time taken by the child to run a distance of 10 m over the trolley, t: 4 ms-
x time = 10-36 x 2.5 = 25.9 m
Distance moved by the trolley in this time = velocity of trolley
cannot possibly describe the elastic
Q.29. Which of the following potential energy curves in Fig. 6N).10
between centres of the balls.
collision of two billiard balls ? Here r is distance
FIGURE 6(N).10

2R 2R
2R 2R
2R (vi)
(i) (in) (iv) V
(7) between them, i.e.
masses varies inversely as the distance
Sol. The potential energy of a system of two
i.e., at r = R + R 2R;
balls touch eachother, PE. becomes zero,
Vr). When the two billiard curves
r (V) only satisfies these two conditions.
Therefore, all other
V()=0. Out of the given graphs, collision of two biliard balls.
Cannot possibly describe the
6/100 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI
Q.30. Considerthe decay of a free neutron at rest: n»p+C. FIGURE 6N).11
Show that the two body decay of this type must necessarily
give an electron of fixed energy, and therefore, cannot account
for the observed continuous energy distribution in the p-decay
of a neutron in a nucleus, Fig. 6(N).11.
Sol. In the decay process, n> p +e
cncrgy of clectron is cqual to (A m) c2
wherc A m = mass defcct = mass of neutron - mass of proton and
which is fixcd. Therefore, two body decay of this type cannot K.E. of B-particle
explain the observed continuous energy distribution in the B-decay
of a neutron in a nucleus.
by W. Pauli to
Note. The simple result of this exercise was one among the several arguments advanced
known as neutrino.
predict thec existence of a third particle in the decay products of B-decay. This particle
We now know that it is a particle of intrinsic spin 1/2 (like e", p or n), but is neutral, and
either massless or
particle interacts very weakly
having an extremcly small mass (compared to electron's mass). This new
with matter. The correct decay process of neutron is : n->p +e+ VJ.

(From Supplementary Textual Material)
Q.1. A billiard ball A moving with an initial speed of ms, undergoes a
1 perfectly elastic collision with
30°. What is the angle of recoil of
another identical ball B at rest. A is scattered through an angle of
B? What is the speed of ball A after collision ?
Sol. Here, u = I m/s, 9 = 30°, ¢ ?,v1 = ?
As + 90 90°-0= 90°-30° 60°
From u = V cos 8 +v, COs
1 =v cos 30° +V2 cos 60°E V5,2 2
or 3+v 2

0 = vj sin 30° v2 sin 60° = or V2
Again, as 0=U1 sin 6 -v2 sin ¢ :. -

Putin (), "v3+= 2

3+ 23 =

Q.2. Two identical balls A and B undergo a perfectly elastic collision in two dimensions. Initially, is
moving with a speed of 10 ms-l and B is at rest. Due to collision, A is scattered through an angle

30°. What are the speeds of A and B after the collision ?

Sol. Here, u= 10 m/s, 0 = 30°, vj = v2=? ?
As 0 + 90°, 90°- 6= 90°- 30° = 60°
From u=V Cos 6 +V2 COs

10=v cos 30° +v2 cos 60° =- or v3 +u = 20

Again, from 0=U sin 6-v sin o
V2 Sin o=v sin 6

V2 sin 60° =vj sin 30° or

2 or 3v2

From (), 3u3 +v, =20 20

5 ms
From (i), v=3v =y3x5 = 1732 x 5 = 8-66 m/s
0.3. A and B are
twoidentical balls. A moving with a speed of 6 m/s, along the positive X-axis,under
a collision with B initially at rest. After collision, each ball moves along directions makinga
t 30° with the X-axis. What are the speeds of A and B after the collision ? Is this collisIOn pz
Sol. Here, u =6 ms,0 30°, ¢ =
30°; v=? 2=?
Using the law of conservation of linear momentum along X-axis
u =V cos +U2 cos o

6=v cos 30° +U2 cos 30° = (+ v,)

Using the law of conservation of linear momentum along Y-axis
O= U S1n
8-v2 sin o =v, sin 30°-va sin 30° .VU2

From(, +U2
23 ms-1 collision is NOT perfectly elastic.
As +#90° The
02 Pradeep'e Fundamental Physics (XT) VvOL



(a) +2000 J (b) -200J
1. An electron and a proton are moving under
(c) zero (d) -20,000 J
the influence of mutual forces. In calculating
the change in the kinetic energy of the system 5. A body is falling freely under the action of
during motion, one ignores the magnetic force gravity alone in vacuum. Which of the
of one on another. This is because, following quantities remain constant during
the fall ?
(a) the two magnetic forces are equal and (b) Potential energy
(a) Kinetic energy
opposite, so they produce no net effect.
(c) Total mechanical energy
(b) the magnetic forces do not work on each
(d) Total linear momentum.
6. During inelastic collision between two bodies,
(c) the magnetic forces do equal and opposite (but
which of the following quantities always
non-zero) work on each particle.
remain conserved1?
(d) the magnetic forces are necessarily negligible. (a) Total kinetic energy
2. A proton is kept at rest. A positively charged (b) Total mechanical energy
particle is released from rest at a distance d in (c) Total linear momentum
itsfield. Consider two experiments; one in which (d) Speed of each body.
the charged particle is also a proton and in 7. Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual
another, a positron. In the same time t, the work and the other steep meet atA from where two
done on the two moving charged particles is stones are allowed to slide down from rest, one
(a) same as the same force law is involved in the on each track as shown in Fig. 6(N).12.
two experiments.
FIGURE 6(N).12
(b) less for the case of a positron, as the positron
moves away more rapidly and the force on it

(c) more for the case of a positron, as the positron h
moves away a larger distance.
(d)same as the work done by charged particle on
the stationary proton.
Which of the following statement is correct
3. A man squatting on the ground gets straight same
(a) Both the stones reach the bottom at the
up and stand. The force of reaction of ground time but not with the same speed.
on the man during the process is sarn
(6) Both the stones reach the bottom with the
(a) constant and equal to mg in magnitude. speed and stone I reaches the bottom
(b) constant and greater than mg in magnitude. than stone II.
(c)variable but always greater than mg. (c) Both the stones reach the bottom with the
Speed and stone II reaches the bottom earl
(d) at first greater than mg, and later becomes
equal to mg. than stone I.
4. A bicyclist comes to a skidding stop in 10 m. (d) Both the stones reach the bottom at
times and with different speeds.
During this process, the force on the bicycle rticle
8. The potential energy function for a par
due to the road is 20ON and is directly opposed
to the motion. The work done by the cycle
on cecuting linear SHM is given by v (r) ="
the road is
where is the force constant 6/103
Fig. 6N).13]. For k 0.5 N/m, of thhe oscillator
is shown in the graph
nergy the
E turns back figure. of
A particle FIGURE6(N).15
p it reaches
EtmIt V and K indicate the
respectively of the particle E and K..E., a) (b)
which of the iollowing is
correct then?


m 12. Which of the diagrams shown in Fig. 6(N).17

most closely shows the variation in kinetic
(a) V= O, K = E (b) V= E, K =
= 0 energy of the earth as it moves once around
(c) V< E, K 0 (d) V 0, K< E. the sun in its elliptical orbit ?
9. Two identical ball bearings in contact
with each FIGURE 6N).17
other and resting on a frictionless table
are hit K.E
head-on by another ball bearing of the K.E
mass moving initially with a speed V as (a)
shown (6)
in Fig. 6(N).14.

FIGURE 6(N).14
(c) (d)

If the collision is elastic, which of the following

13. Which of the diagrams shown in Fig. 6N).18
[Fig. 6(N). 15] is a possible result after
represents variation of total mechanical energy
lsuCollision ? of a pendulum oscillating in air as function of
FIGURE 6N).15 time
FIGURE 6(N).18

V V=0 V
(a) (b)
(a) 6)

V/3 V/1 VI2 V/3

(c) (d) VUVUT"|
(c) (d)
DOdy of mass 0.5 kg travels in a straight
a = 5 m""S*, 14. A mass of 5 kg is moving along a circular path
h velocity v = ax3/2 where of radius 1m. If the mass moves vith 300 revo
ne work done by the net force during its lutions per minute, its kinetic energy would be
splacement from x = 0 to x = 2 mis (a) 250 (b) 100 (c) 5 T2 (d)0
(a) 1.5J (b) 50 J 15. A raindrop falling from a height h above
c) 10 J mn (d) 100 J
ground, attains a near terminal velocity when
it has fallen through a height (3/4)h. Which of
A body is moving unidirectionally under the
power the diagrams shown in Fig. 6(N).19 correctly
nfluence of a Source of constant diagrams shows the change in kinetic and potential
upplying ergy. Which of the the energy of the drop during its fall up to the
show in Fig 6(N).16 correctly shows ground ?
motion ?

placement-tiime curve for its
6/104 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (KT) VOL
FIGURE 6(N).20
FIGURE 6(N).19


-KE hi4KE depth depth

(a) (b) (b)

(c) (d)



16. In a shotput event, an athlete

throws the
speed of mass 150 g moving witha
shotput of mass 10 kg with an initial ground. 18. A cricket ball of middle of the bat,
1 msat 45° from a height 1.5 m above speed of 126 km/h hits at the batsman. The
Assuming air resistance to be negligible
and held firmly at its position by the bowler after
acceleration due to gravity to be 10 ms4, the ball moves straight back to the
just hitting the bat. Assuming that collision between
kinetic energy of the shotput when it elastic and the two
reaches the ground will be ball and bat is completely force that the
(a) 2-5 J (b) 5-0 J remain in contact for 0-001s, the firmly at
(c) 52-5 J (d)155-0J batsman had to apply to hold the bat
6(N).20 correctly its place would be
17. Which of the diagrams in Fig. (b) 21 N
shows the change in kinetic energy of an iron (a) 10.5 N
sufficient (c) 1-05 x 104 N (d) 2-1 x 10* n
sphere falling freely in a lake having ?
depth to impart it a terminal velocity d dod
bottom of (d) The bullet will move in a different
19. A man of mass m, standing at the path.
the staircase of height L climbs it and (e) The bullet will fall vertically
downward after
at its top. hitting the target.
equal to
(a) Work done by all forces on man is the target
the rise in potential energy mg The internal energy of the particles of
will increase.
(6) Work done by all forces on man is zero. 21. Two blocks M, and M, having equal
mass are
(c) Work done by the gravitational force on free to move on a horizontal
is mgL. surface. M, is attached to a massless springrest
(d) The reaction force from a step does not do at
shown in Fig. 6(N).21. Initially M, is v and
work because the point of application of the and M is moving toward M, with speed
force does not move while the force exists. collides head-on with M2.
20. A bullet of mass m fired at 30° to the horizontal FIGURE 6(N).21
leaves the barrel of the gun with a velocity v. M2 m
The bullet hits a soft target at a height h above Mm
the ground while it is moving downward and
emerges out with half the kinetic energy it had W
before hitting the target.
the KE
Which of the following statements are correct (a) While spring is fully compressed, all
in respect of bullet after it emerges out of the of M, is stored as PE of spring.
target ? 6) While spring is fully compressed, the final
(a) The velocity of the bullet will be reduced to momentum is not conserved, though
half its initial value. momentum is equal to initial momentum.
(c) If spring is massless, the final state of M
(b) The velocity of the bullet will be more than
half of its earlier velocity. state of rest.
(c) The bullet will continue to move along the (d) If the surface on which blocks are moving ha
same parabolic path. friction, then collision cannot be elastic.
POWER 6/105

3. (ul) 4. (c) 8.(b) 9. b)
2. () 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c)
12. (d) 13. (c) 17. (b) 18. (c)
11. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (d)
20. (b.d 21. (c.d)

Multiple Choice Questions - I

magnctic forces due to motion of electron and proton act in a direction perpendicular to the
I. directio of motion, no work is done by these forces. That is why one ignores the gnetic force of one
ion another.
particle on
is much lighter than
Eorce between two protons = force between a proton and a positron. As positron X
it moves away through much larger distance compared to proton. As work done = force
distance, therefore in the same time 1, work done in case of positron is more than that
in case of proton.
di the man = mg. However, when he is
the man gets straight up and stand, reaction of ground on on
When than mg, as the man is to exert some extra force
sauatting on the ground, reaction of ground more

the ground to
stand up.
the road must be zero.
4. As the
road does not move at all, therefore, work done by the cycle on
energy of the body remains
5. Jn free
fall under the action of gravity alone in vacuum, the total mechanical
In inelastic collision
between two bodies, total linear momentum remains
from the same height, therefore,
7. As both surfaces and
I II are frictionless and two stones slide from rest

=mgh. As acceleration down plane II is

both the stones reach the bottom with same speed |nU"
the bottom earlier than stone I.
greater than a = 8 sin O,), therefore, stone II reaches
larger(a= g sin B is Therefore, kinetic energy
its velocity at this point is zero.
8. Atx=+X the particle turns back. Therefore,
potential energy i.e. V= E.
K=0. The total energy E is in the form of collision, their velocities are
As the ball bearings are identical,
their masses are equal. In elastic
9. of becomes V. In collision
vel. of 1 becomes zero and vel. 2
interchanged. In collision between and 2;
(b) is correct.
and vel. of 3 becomes Choice
between 2 and 3, vel. of 2 becomes zero
kg, v = ar32, where a = 5 m2s,
Here, m
10. =05
Acceleration, A == (ar/2) =ax/2 dt (a3/2)
dt dt

F mA=05X 4

1. Here,
P [ML2 T3]= constant
mass M of body is fixed, L T*= constant
displacement (d) oc 32
3Constant or L« T"4 or
Choice (b)
is correct.
Pradeep ' Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL

12. As the earth moves once around the sun in its elliptical orbit, its K.E. is maximum when it is closest to
the sun and minimum when it is farthest from the sun. As K.E. of earth is never zero during its motion,
choice (d) is correct.
13. When a pendulum oscillates in air, it loses energy continuously in overcoming resistance due to air.
Therefore, total mechanical energy of the pendulum decreases continuously with time. The variation of
total mechanical energy E with time t is shown correctly by curve (c).
14. Here, m=5 kg, r= Im
S = 5 rps = 5 x 2T rad s-l

K.E.=mv=im(ro) = x5(1x 10r)? = 25072J

15. At a height h above the ground, P.E. of raindrop is maximum and KE. = 0. As the raindrop falls,
its P.E.
goes on decreasing and K.E. goes on increasing upto a point h/4 above the ground. At this stage, rain
drop has acquired near terminal velocity (= constant). Therefore, at this stage, K.E. tends to be constant.
PE. becomes zero when raindrop falls to the ground. Choice (b) is most appropriate.
16. As the shotput reaches the ground, its K.E. = P.E. of shotput when it is thrown + K.E. given

= mgh +m
= 10x10x15+x10(1)' = 150 +5 = 155 J
17. When an iron sphere falls freely in a lake, its motion is accelerated due to gravity and retarded due to
viscous force. The overall effect is increase in velocity and hence increase in K.E. till the sphere acquires
terminal velocity, which is constant. Hence K.E. of sphere beyond this depth of lake becomes constant.
Choice (b) is most appropriate.
150 126x1000
18. Here, m= 150 g100 kg, u=126 km/h= 60x 60
m/s 35m/s
U =- 126 km/h = - 35 m/s, t=0-001s
As Fxt=impulse = change in momentum of ball

Fx0-001 = m (v-u)
=(-35-35) = -. le boxi

21 srot
F= 2x0-001-105x10 N
Negative sign indicates force applied in a direction opposite to the direction of motion of ball.ini
Multiple Choice Questions - II
19. When a man of mass m climbs up the staircase of height L, work done by the gravitational force on man
is (-) mgL, and work done by muscular force is mgL. If we ignore air resistance and friction, then the
work done by all forces on man is equal to mgL + mgL = zero. Further, reaction force from a step does
not do work because the point of application of force does not move while the force exists.
20. Assuming air resistance to be zero.
K.E. of bullet emerging from soft target = mv
Soft Target
0-707v o<130° h
ie. velocity is more than half of its earlier velocity.
As the bullet loses some of its vertical velocity component, therefore, velocity on emerging from the
soft target changes. The bullet will move in a different parabolic path.
The energy lost in passing througn the target is transferred to particles of the target. Therefore, their
internal energy increases. Choices {6), (d), (f) are correct.
wORK, ENERGY AND POWER 7 aus 6/107

21 While spring is fully compressed, the entire K.E. of Mj is not stored as

P.E. of spring as M, may move.
If spring is massless, then as M = M2, velocities of M and M2 are interchanged
on collision. M, comes
to rest. instead of M2. Choice (c) is correct.
If surface on which blocks are moving has friction, loss of energy is involved.
Collision cannot be
elastic. Choice (d) is correct.


22. A rough inclined plane is placed on a cart moving with a constant
velocity u on horizontal ground.A
block of mass M rests on the incline. Is any work done by
force of friction between the block and
incline ? Is there then a dissipation of energy?
Ans. The force of friction between the block and the incline prevents
the block from sliding down. As the block
does not move, therefore, no work is done by the force of friction.
As no work is done by the force of friction, therefore, there is
no dissipation of energy.
23. Why is electrical power required at all when the elevator is
descending? Why should there be a limit
on the number of passengers in this case ?
Ans. Electric power is required to prevent the elevator from falling
freely under gravity. Limit on the number of
passengers in this case is needed again to prevent the
elevator from descending with large velocity.
24. A body is being raised to a height h from the surface
of earth. What is the sign of work done by
(a) applied force (b) gravitational force?
Ans. From W= Fs cos 0, (a) for applied force = 0°, cos 6 = cos 0° = 1.
W= positive, and
(b) for gravitational force, 6 = 180°, cos 6 = cos 180°=- 1
25. Calculate the work done by a car against gravity
in moving along a straight horizontal road. The
mass of the car is 400 kg and the distance moved is 2m.
Ans. In this case, work is done only against friction between
the road and tyres. Against gravity,
W=Fs cos 90° Zero.
26. A body falls towards earth in air. Will its total mechanical
energy be conserved during the fall? Justify.
Ans. No. This is because some work has to be done against resistive
force of air which is a non-conservative
force. Therefore, gain in K.E. < loss in P.E. Hence mechanical energy is not conserved.
21. A body is moved along
a closed loop. Is the work done in moving the body necessarily zero ? If not,
state the condition under which worlk done over a closed path is always zero.
AnS. No, not necessarily. Work
done in moving a body over a closed path will be zero only when all the forces
acting on the system are conservative forces.
8. In an elastic collision
of two billiard balls, which of the following quantities remain conserved during
the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact).
a) Kinetic energy. (6) Total linear momentum ?
Give reason for your answer in each case.
s. In such a collision, total linear momentum is always conserved. However, when the balls are in contact,
there may occur some deformation. So part of K.E. may be converted into elastic potential energy. Therefore,
K.E. may not be conserved.

Calculate= the power of a crane in watts, which lifts a mass of 100 kg to a height of 10 m in 20s.
Ans. Here,
m 100 kg, h = 10 m, t = 20 s

P= mgh100x98x10 = 490W
Calculate the power used by
Yerage work done by a human heart while it beats once is 0-5 J.
heart if it beats 72 times in a minute.
6/108 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (X) VOL

Ans. P=~=:
W 72x05W =
31. Give example ofa situation in which an applied force does not result in a change in kinetic energy
Ans. In an atom, an electron revolves around the nucleus with a constant speed in a given orbit. The force
v is constant,
applied is electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and electron. As speed

mv = constant FIGURE 6(N).23
2 C
32. Two bodies of unequal mass are moving in the same direction with equal
kinetic energy. The two bodies are brought to rest by applying retarding
force of same magnitude. How would the distance moved by them before
coming to rest compare ?
Ans. Work done in stopping the body = force x distance = K.E. of body, which
same for two bodies.
As retarding force applied is the same, therefore, distance moved by both the
bodies before coming to rest must be the same.
33. A bob of mass m suspended by a light string of length L is whirled into a
vertical circe as shown in Fig. 6(N).23. What will be the trajectory of FIGURE6(N).24
the particle if the string is cut at
(a) Point B? 6) Point C? (c) Point X?
Ans. When the string is cut, centripetal force is no longer provided. The bob flies
along the tangent to the arc at that point.
(a) When string is cut at B, the bob moves vertically downwards.
(6) When string is cut at C, initial vel. of bob is along the horizonta e
right as shown in Fig. 6(N).24. Therefore, the bob follows
with vertex at C.
a parabolic path

(c) When string is cut at X, initial velocity is along tangent to the circle at X.
The bob will follow a parabolic path with vertex higher than C.


34. A graph of potential energy V (r) versesr is shown in FIGURE6N).25
Fig. 6(N).25. A particle of energy Eg is executing motion Vo4
in it. Draw graph of velocity and kinetic energy versus x
for one complete cycle AFA.
Ans. Kinetic energy versus r graph
KE= Eo- V()
atA, V() = Eo B
KE =0
at B V()<E%
KE is + but notmax. FIGURE 6(N).26
at C and at D, V (x) = 0
KE = max.
AtF, V () = Eo
KE 7
KE =0
The variation of KE withx is as shown in Fig. 6(N).26.
Velocity versus r graph

As KE=mv AtA and F, where KE =

0, v = 0

At Cand D, KE= max. erefore, v
At B, KE is+ but not maximum. =t max.
FIGURE 6(N).27
Therefore, v =t some value (< max.)
The variation of elocity v with x is as shown
in Fig. 6(N).27.
A ball of mass m, oving with a speed
15, ADwith
an identical ball at rest. 2 vg, collides inclastically B
Show that (a)
collision, both the balls move forward. For head-on -X
For a general collision, the angle between
of scattered balls is less than 90 the two velocities
( Ifv1,V2 are velocities oftwo balls after collision,
to the principle of conservation of linear momentumn.then accotding D

m (2 vo)= muj+ mm2

2 U0U+U2
By definition, .i)
v2+ 200 U2U+ 2 0e
From (), 20 V
+(U +2o0)
or =2 (v +Vo e) or (1 - e)
As e<1, Uj has the same sign as vg
the ball moves forward after collision.
From (i), U2=Vo (1 - e) +2v0e = Ug (1
Again, as e<1,v2 has the same sign as vo. Hence the other ball also moves forward after collision.
(6) According to principle of conservation of linear momentum,

p P+P2 FIGURE 6N).28

For a general collision, some KE is lost.

Before Colision After
or p> (pf + p). Collision

which is possible only when 0<90°, Fig. 6(N).28;

which was to be proved. four r-gions A, B, C
particle with total energy E. There are
36. Consider a one-dimensional motion of a energy V, kinetic energy (K) and total energy E is as
and D in which the relation between
given below: Region D: V>K
Region C: K>E,
Region A: V>E, Region B: V<E, region or not.
whether a particle can be found in the given
State with reason in each case positive but Vcan be positive
or negative.
K is always
Ans. As is known, E =K+ V, where negative, which is not
n Region A. V> EAs K= E-
V iKis Particle can be found in region B.
energy is greater than PE.
n Region B. V<E or E> Vi.e.
. Particle can be found in region C.
possible when Vis
Region C. K> E, which is
n allowed.
KE which is FIGURE6(N).29
Region D. V> K i.e. PE>
n in region D. vertical
ience particle can be found released from horizontal to the
shown in
37. The bob A
of a pendulum mass at rest on a table as
another bob B of the same 1mi
Fig. 6(N).29. calculate
of the pendulum is 1 m,
the length
will rise after collision.
bob A
4 the height to which moving elastic.
bob B starts the collision to be
0) the speed with
glect the size of
the bobs and assume
6/110 Phadeep' Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

Ans. (a) ANthe evllisionn is elastic and two balls lhave sanie mass, thercfore, hall A transfers its entire lincar
onentm to and dex not rise al all.
( Speed with whielh # stauts moving = specd with which A Ihits B
/2 gh = v2x9.8xi =4.42 ms- m/s,.

radndrop of mass 1.00 g falling hrom a height of knm hits the ground with a speed of
1 50
J8. A
Caleulate (u) the loss of P.E. of the drop. (b) the gain in K.E. of the drop. (c) Is the gain in K.E.

to loss of 1r.E. ? f not wlay, "Take g = 10 msá

h=I km = 10' m, U= 50 m/s; g = 10
Ans, Ner m1000g= I0 kg. JJ

) loss of 1E, of dvp = mgh = 10 (10) 10' = 10

() Gain in, of drop mu xl0 (50)2 = 125

work against the viscous drag of air.

() No, Tlhis is bevauise a part of PE. lost is uscd up doing

39. Two pendulunas witlh identieal bobs and lengths are suspended FIGURE 6N).30
rom a common support such that in rest position, he two bobs
Are in contact, Fig. 6(N).30. One of the bobs is released
belng displaced by 10" so that it collides clastically head-on with
the other bob.
(a) Deseribe the motion of two bobs.
) Draw a graph showing variation in energy of either
pendulum with tinme, for 0 sIS 27, where T is the period of
ench pendulum.
Ans. As two penduluns have identical bobs and lengths, they will
cxecute sinple harmonie motions of same time period, say
Atr= suppose bob A is displaced by 10° to the left. It is
0, time (t) Energy ofA Energy of B
given potential energy E = E. Energy of B, E = 0. E1 E
When A is released, it strikes B at f = T/4. In the head on 0
0 E
elastic collision betwecn A and B, A comes to rest and B gets
TI4 0 E
velocity of A. Therefore, E = 0 and E = E. Att = 2 T4
B reaches its extreme right position when K.E. of B is converted 2 7/4 0 E
into P.E, = E = E. Energy of A, E= 0.Att=3 T4, B reaches its 3 T/4 E 0
mean position, when its PE. is converted into KE. = E, = E. 4 T/4 E
It collides elastically with A and transfers whole of its energy 5 T/4 0 E
to A. Thus, E = 0 and E = E. The entire process is repeated. 6 T/4 E
The values of energies of A and B at different time intervals 7 TI4 0
are tabulated here. The plot of energy with time 0Sis 2 Tis 8 T/4 E
shown separately for A and B in Fig. 6(N).31.
40. Suppose the average mass of FIGURE 6(N).31
raindrops is 3-0 x 10-> kg and their E2 nidgis
average terminal velocity 9 ms-. re h99u
Calculate the energy transferred by
rain to each square metre of the
surface at a place which receives 100
em of rain in a yea
Ans. Here, average mass of rain drops
3-0 x 10 kg
v=9 nis,A = I sq. metre, 2T/4 T 6T/4 8T/4 O T/4 3T/4 5T/4 7T14

h= 100 cm = m. Time Time


of water due to rain, V=A xh= 1xl =lm'

Volume l
As density of water, p = 10 kg/m*
mass of water due to rain M = V p = 1x 10' kg

Energy transferred KE =M=x1o' (o) =405 x 10*J
41. An engine is attached to a wagon through a shock absorber of length 1.5 m. The system with total
mass of 50,000 kg is moving with a speed of 36 km hr' when the brakes are applied to bring it to r
In the process of the system being brought to rest, the spring of the shoek absorber gets compreset
by 1.0 m. If 90% of energy of the wagon is lost due to frictiom, caleulate the spring constant.
Ans. Here, l = 1:5 m, m= 50000 kg = 5 x 10' kg
=. 36x1000
U = 36 kmh-l
60x 60
ms= 10 ms, x = 1:0 m, k =?

Total KE =m2 =x5x10*(10)* = 25 x 10 J

As 90% of energy of wagon is lost due to friction, therefore, energy transferred to shoek absorber,

E = 25x10° = 2-5 x 105 J


From E-k2

_2x2.5x10 = 5x 103 Nm

0.25 m while taking each step of

42. An adult weighing 600 N raises the centre of gravity of his body by
by him in jogging assuming
1m length in jogging. If he jogs for 6 knm, calculate the energy utilised
Assuming that the body of the adult is
that there is no energy loss due to friction of ground and air.
food, calculate the energy equivalents of
capable of converting 10% of energy intake in the form of
food that would be required to compensate energy utilised for
Ans. Here, mg = 600N, h = 0-25 m per step
Number of steps = n= =6x10

10 x 600 x0-25 J
Energy utilised in jogging = n (mg) h = 6 x
10? J
E= 9x
This is 10% of intake. Intake energy = 10 E=9x 10 J
of petrol gives oft heat equivalent to 3 x 10' J. Ina test drive, a car
43. On complete combustion,
a litre wlhile moving with a uniform
including the mass of driver, runs 15 km per litre
weighing 1200 kg, to be uniform,
Assuming that friction offered by the road surface and air
speed on a straight track. during the test drive. If the efticiency of
the car engine
force of friction acting on the car
calculate the
were 0.5.
3 x 10 J of energy.
Ans. Here, 1 litre of petrol gives off car E = 0:5 x 3 x 10'J= 1:5x 10' J.
0-5, energy used by
As efficiency of engine is
Fis force of friction, then Fxs
If 105) = 1:5 x 10
Fx (15 x
F 10 N
6/112 Pradeep s Fundamental, Physics (XD vOL


to horizontal at an angle of 30° by a force
44. A block of mass kg is pushed up a surface inclined
1 af
friction between block and
10 N parallel to the inclined surface [Fig. 6(N).32]. The coefficient of
incline is 0.1. If the block is pushed up by 10 m along the Incline,
(a) work done against gravity FIGURE 6(N).32
(6) work done against force of friction
(c) increase in potentinl energy
(d) increase in kinetic energy
(e) work done by applied force.
Ans. In Fig. 6(N).33,fis the force of friction acting down the
Here, m= kg, 6 30° 1 130
F 10 N, H = 0.1, s = 10 m.
FIGURE 6(N).33
(a) Work done against gravity
W mg sin 9 x s = 1x 10 sin 30° x 10 =

(b) Work done against friction

W=fx s Rxs=H mg cos 6 xs
= 0-1 x 1 x 10 cos 30° x 10 = 10 x 0-866 = 8-66 J sin6
mg mg mg cos 0
(c) Increase in P.E. = mgh = mg (s sin 0) = x 10x 10 sin 30°
50J 6 = 30°

(d) Increase in K.E. = AK= ?

Acceleration of block up the incline
F-(mg sin6 +umgcos
6) 4-13m/s
a =
From -u= 2 as
AK m(v2
2 -u) =mx2 as = mas = 1
x 4.13 x 10 41:3 J
45. A curved surface is shown in Fig. 6(N).34. The portion BCD FIGURE6(N).34
is free of friction. There are three spherical balls of identical
radii and masses. Balls are released from rest one by one
from A which is at a slightly greater height than C.
With the surface AB, ball 1 has large enough friction to cause
rolling down without slipping; ball 2 has a small friction B
and ball 3 has a negligible friction.
(a) For which balls is total mechanical energy conserved ?
(b) Which ball (s) can reach D ?
(c) For balls which do not reach D, which of the balls can reach back A ?
Ans. (a) As ball rolls down AB without slipping, friction is large enough to cause only rotational motion.

However, no energy is lost due to friction. Ball 3 has negligible friction. Therefore, total mechanical energy
is conscrved in case of balls I and 3. Small friction in case of ball 2 involves some dissipation of energy.
(b) Ball 3 alone can cross over C (lower than A) and reach D as it has negligible friction.
Ball 1 acquires
somerotational energy and ball2 loses some cnergy overcoming friction. They cannot reach D.
(c) Balls and 2 turn back before reaching C. Ball 2 cannot reach back to A on
account of frictional losses.
Ball I cannot roll back to A because of kinetic friction.
46. A rocket accelerates straight up by ejecting gas downwards. In a small time
interval Ar, it ejects a gas
of Am at a relative speedu. Calculate E of theentire system at t+Ar and t and show that the

device that ejects gas does work =

Am.u in this time interval (neglect gravity).

M be thc mass of rocket at any time t and

Ans. le of rocket at this time
v, the velocity
Am = mass oI gas ejected in time interval Art with relative vel. u.

At timet; (KE) = E,
M, and At time (1+ A), (KE) = E^ = KE of rocket + KE of gas

(M -
Am)(v +Av)? +Am(v-u)?
Expanding and neglecting terms which are too small, we get

2 +MvAv-(Am)vu +5(Am)u2
= [MAv-(Am).u]v+(Am)u2
M-diui '. MAv (A m) u =0

using work energy theorem.

From (), E2
-E =(Am) u* = W,
face with a speed of 10 cm/s
47. Two identical steel cubes (masses 50 g, side 1 cm) collide head on face to
each. Find the maximum compression of each. Young's modulus
for steel = Y = 2x 10 N/m*
Ans. Here, m = 50 g = 50 x 103 kg
l10 cm/s = 0-1 m/s
side, L= cm = 0-01 m, v=

Y=2 x 10l N/m2

Max. compression, AL = ?
According to Hook's law,
Y: or F L
If k is compression constant of the
cube, then F = k AL

Using (i),

k= =YL
(0-1)2 = 5 x 104 J
Initial KE = 2xmv = (50 x 103)

(kAL) (AL) = 2x5k(AL) = Initial KE =5 x 104

iFinal PE =2x F(AL) = 2x
Sx104 5x10 5x104 = v25x10-13 =5 x 10-7m
= SxI0
.. AL =Px=Y V2x10x001
increasing its potential energy. The speed
of the
against gravity mechanical
8. A baloon filled with helium rises conservation of
rises. How do you reconcile this with the law of
baloon also increases as it assume that density of air is constant.
energy ? You can neglect viscous drag of air and
m = mass of baloon
Ans. Let V= volume of helium (baloon),
Pairdensity of air
PHedensity of helium,
Volume V of baloon displaces volume of
6/114 Pradeep 's Fundamental Phjysics (XI)VOL

= ma = m-
The baloon experiences an upthrust V (PairPHe) 8= dt
Integrating both sides w.r.t. 1, we get
V(Pair-PHe 8t= m
V (PairPHe8
From (i), a
If the baloon rises to a height h, then from
S =ut+ar2
V(Pair PHe)gt
h = 0+

mu2= mv)_
Pair-PHe)Vg22 ...using (i)
K.E. of baloon =
2 2m 2m
=mu=V(PairPHe)8 2m
using (iii), we get
mv2=V (Pair -PHe) gh

1 P.E. ofair.
mv+V PHe 8h = V Pair 8h, i.e., K.E. of baloon + PE. of baloon = change in
2 in
an equal volume of air comes down. Increase
Hence we conclude that as the Helium baloon goes up,
P.E. and K.E. of baloon is at the cost of P.E. of air (that comes



u vhod A

GOn petfEion
SPE CIAL For ultimate preparation of this unit
for competitive examinations,
students should refer to
Pradeep's Stellar series...
MCQs in Physics for NEET
MCs in Physics for JEE(Main)
separately available for these examinations.

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Correct Answer)

I. Work, Energy and Power 4. A point particle of mass m moves along
uniformly rough track PQR as shown in Fig.
1. Ablock of mass 10 kg, moving in x-direction with 6(CF).1. The coefficient of friction, between the
a constant speed of 10 m/s, is subjected
to a particle and rough track equals u. The particle is
retarding force F=0:1 xJ/m during its travel from released from rest from the point P and it comes
x= 20 m to 30 m. Its final KE will be to rest at a point R. The energies lost by the
(a) 450 J (b) 275 J over the parts PQ and QR of the track are equal
(c)250 J to each other, and no energy is lost when
(d) 475 J (AIPMT 2015) particle
changes direction from PQ to OR. The values
2. A particle of mass m is driven by a machine
that of
the coefficient of friction u and distance
delivers a constant power K watts. If the particle x (=QR)
are respectively close to
starts from rest, the force on the particle at time t
is FIGURE 6CF).1
a) mKr-/2 (6) 2mK-2

2 2 h=2m
(AIPMT 2015)
3. A body of mass 1
kg begins to move under 30
the action of a time dependent force Horizontal surface a
F= (21î+3/2 N, (a) 0-2 and 6-5 m
where i and are unit
(c) 0-29 and 3-5 m
(b) 0-2 and 3-5 m
vectors along X and Y axis. What power will be (d) 0.29 and 6-5 m
developed by the source at (JEE Main 2016)
(a) (2 2+4 ) w b) (2+ 3 A) w 5. A person trying to lose weight by burning fat lifts
a mass of 10 kg upto a height of 1 m 1000 times.
(c) (2+3) W (d) (21+3 P)W Assume that the P.E. lost each time he lowers the
(NEET 2016)
1. (d) 2. (d) 3.(c) 4. (c)
Pradeeh s Fundamental Physics (X) vOL
fat will he use up () ym K-/2 (h) 2mK-V2
mass is dissipated. How much
considering the work done only when the m-1/2
is lifted up ? Fat supplies
per kg which is converted to
3-8 x 10' of cenergy
nechanical energy
()m K/2 d)

= 9.8 m/s-. 9. A body of mass m = 10*

kg is moving in a
with 20% efficieney rate. Tuke g frictional fotce
(b) 645 x 10 kg medium and experiences a
(a) 2 5 x 10 kg kv2. Its initial speed is v% 10 ms-l, In

()989 x 10 kg (d) 12-89 x

10 kg F-
(JEE Main 2016)
after 10s, its energy is
mv, the value ofkwill
capacity 120 litre can
6. A water cooler of storage be
cool water at a constant rate ofP watt.
In a closed
(a) 10 * kg m (b) 10 kgm'
circulation system, as shown in Fig.
10 kg m kg s (d) 10
an cxternal ()
water from the cooler is used to cool (JEE Main 2017)
kW of hcat
device that generates constantly acts on a particle
(thermal load). The temperature of water
fed into 10. A tine dependent force F= 6t
starts from rest, the
the device cannot exceed 30°C and
the entire of mass kg. If the particle

the first sec. will 1

stored 120 litre of water is initially cooled

to 10°C. work done by the force during
The entire system is thermally insulated. be
minimum value of P (in watt) for which the devicc (a) 9J (b) 18J
can be operated for 3 hours is (c) 4-5 J
(ad) 22 J

(JEE Main 2017)

Cooler 11. A long spring when stretched by x
cm, has a
Hot potential energy U. On increasing the stretching
in spring
to nx cm, the potential energy stored
will be
(a) Uln (b) n U
(c)nU (d) Uln
Cold Device 12. Consider a drop of rain water having massIg
falling from a height of km. It hits the ground

(a) 1600 (b) 2067 with a speed of 50 m/s. Take 'g' constant with
(c) 2533 (d) 3933 value 10 m/s2. The work done by the
(i) gravitational force and the (ii) resistive force
Take specific heat of water = 4-2 kJ kg-l K-
of air is
and density of water is 1000 kg/m'. -
(a) (i) 10 J - (ii) 8-25J
(JEE Advanced 2016)
(b) (i) 1-25 J (ii) 8-255 J -

7. Two similar springs P and Q have spring constants (c) (i) 100 J (ii) 8-75 J
Kp and Ko. such that Kp> Ko- They are stretched
(d) (i) 10J (ii) 8-75 J -

frtby the same amount (case a), then by the same (NEET 2017)
force (casce b). The work done by the springs Wp
and Wo are related as, in case (a) and case (b), 13. The velocity of a particle at which the kinetc
respectively energy is equal to its rest mass energy 1S
(a) Wp Wo: Wp= Wo
(b) Wp< Wo: Wo= Wp
(c) Wp> Wo: Wo> W
(d) W,= Wo: Wp> Wo (AIPMT 2015) (3c/2
8. A particle of mass m is driven by a machine that
) 2
delivers a constant power K watls. If the particle 14. A running man has the same kinetic energy
starts from rest, the force on the particle at timer that of a boy of half his mass. The man speeds
is by 2 ms and the boy changes his speced
5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (c) I1. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d) ()P
0 thnt te kinetir energies
he man te agnin equal. Then of te boy and
in us is and compresses it till ihe bloek is notiemlers6 THe
)22 Kinctic frictional foce is 15 N and sting ostai
tb 2 is 10,000 N/m. The spring conresses y
(a) 8.5 em
5.5 tm
Amvinp blok huving mass m, () 2-5 c
nother sttiuany collides with
block having mass 4 AIEEE z017
lihte blenh cmes tu rest alter collision. The
m. 21. A block ot maSs 2 kg is free to mve alnp the *
he initnl velwity ol the lightet
the vaue l coctficient of
block is
testitution (e) will be
, XIS. It is al rest and Iom=
Subyected to a time dependent fore F
onwads, it
in the

lirection. Thetorce, Fi) varies with s swn
0.25 in F'ig. 60CP),3 The kinetic energy ol the blenek
(d) 0.4 (NEET 2018) alter 4.5 seconds is
h. he olential energy of a gas molecule
is FIGURE6(CF).3

2 . MandNbeingpositive constants.

hen the potential cncrgy at equilibrium
must be
() M14 N
()A4NM () MN4
17, A
bodi of mass 5 35
kg is moving with a momentum
of 10 kg m/s A force
of 0-2 N acts on it in the 2NT
dition of motion of the body for 10 sec. 'The
nerease in its kinctic cncrgy is (a) 4.50 JJ
(b) 7.50 J

(a) 28 J b) 3-2J () 5.06 J (d) 14.06 I

()38 (d) 4.4 J IT 2010

18. A bullet fired nto a fixed target loses half of its 22. The potential energy function for the force
velecity after penctrating 3 cm. How much further between two atoms in a diatomie molecule is
it will pcnetrate before coming to rest assuming
that it faces constant resistance to motion ? approximately given by U(=
a) 10 cm (b) 1.5 cm where a and b are constants and r is the distance
() 2.0 cm (d) 3.0 cm between the atoms. If the dissoctation energy of
19. A vertical spring with force constant K is fixed the molecule is
on a lablc. A ball of mass m at a height h above D = [U (r= o) Uat equilibrium

the free upper end of the spring falls vertically on
the spring so that the spring is compressed by a b
(a) 12a
distance d. The net work done in the process is

ta) mg (h+d)- K* () b d AlEEE 2010)

6a 2a
mgth -d)-Kd? 23. A man of 50 kg mass is standing in a gravity free
space at a height of 10 m above the 1oor He
throws a stone of 0.5 kg mass downwards with a
(c)mg (h - d) + Kd speed 2 nn/s. When the stone reaches the floor,
the distance of the nnan above the floor will be
(a) 9.9 m (b) 101 m
(d) mg (h + d)+ K# (AIPMT 2007)
() 10 m (d) 20 m
20. A 2 kg block slides on a horizontal floor with a (AIPMT 2010)
speed of 4 m/s. It strikes an uncompressed spring,
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (h)
17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
14. (h) 15. (b) 16. (b)
Physics (X1)vOL
Pradeep s Fundamental
bond in DNA is
()r Po f(b)
Einergy required to break one
(a)10-0J ()10- J ()/2
()10J AIPMT (Prelim) 2012
(10J (Kerala CEE 2010) path of radius a
is moving in a circular
()100 J °*' is cut into two parts
'A 30. Aparticle
an attractive potcntial
25. If a spring of stitness tlhcn the stiffness under the action of
l4 I =2:3, :
and F' of length
of spring A' is
given by U =-. k
Its total energy is

k (b) 242
2 (AIEEE 2011) (ady-
( (c) Tero 2 2
26. At time t = 0s.
particle starts moving along thex JEE Main 2018)
uniformly with a particle in
anis. It kinetic energy increases
t + 10 y) acts on

on it must be 31. A force F = (20

time 'r. the net tforce acting direction. where F is in
newton and y is in metre.
poportional to to move the particle from
Work done by this force
(b) constant
y=0 to y =I m
(a) is

(AIEEE 2011) (b) 5 J

d) (a) 30J 2019
(d) 20 J (NEET
in a straight line (c) 25 J
27. Force F on a particle moving is shot from the bottom of
a long
in Fig. 6(CF).4. 32. When an object
vanes with distance d as shown an angle of 60° with
The work done on the particle
during its smooth inclined plane kept at
along the
displacement of 12 m is horizontal, it can travel a distance x
is decreased to
plane ? But when the inclination
FIGURE 6(CF).4 with the same
30° and the same object is shot
will be
AF(N) velocity, it can travel x2 distance xilt2

(a) 1: /2 (b) w2:1

(c) 1:3 (d) 1:2/3

(NEET 2019)
dm) 33. A block of mass m, lying on a smooth
(a) 18J (b) 21J surface is attached to a spring of negligihle
the spring
(d) 13 J and spring constant K. The other end of
(c) 26J equilibrium
is fixed, The block is initially at rest in
[AIPMT Prelim) 2011] constant
28. The potential energy of particle in a force field is
force ,
position. If now the block is pulled with a
the maximum speed of the block Is
U .where A are positive
and B
constants and r is the distance of particle from
the centre of the field. For stable equilibriunm, the
distance of the particle is :

(a) B/2 A (b) 2 AIB >F

(c) AIB (d) BIA
AIPMT (Prelim) 2012) 2F
29. A car of mass m starts from rest and accelerates (a) (b)
so that the instantaneous power delivered to the
mK TVmKsll
car has a constant magnitude Po. The instan
taneous velocity of this car is proportional to: (c)
VmK mK 2019)
(JEE Main
24. (e) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (6) 29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32, (c)33, ()

II. Collisions 39. A bulet weighing 5 g and moving with a vein

A Two particles 600 m/s strikes a 5 kg block of ice resting ATTeT
A and B move with constant
iriconless surface. The speed of the block
velocities U and v2 . At the initial the collision is
moment their
(a) 6 cm/s (b) 60 cmls
position vectors are and
respectively. The (c) 6 m/s (d) 0-6 cmn/s
condition for particles A and B for their collision 40. A ball moving with velocity of 2 m/s colides head
on with another stationary ball of doabie the mass.
If the coefficient of restitution is 0-5. then ther
velocities (in m/s) after collision wil be
(a) 0, 2 0,1
(c) 1,1 () 1, 0-5
41. A ball of mass kg moving with velozity m's

collides with spring of natural length 2 m an

force constant 144 Nm. What will be length ot
(RE-AIPMT 2015) compressed spring ?
(a) 2 m (b) 1.5 m
35. On a frictionless surfaces, a block of mass M
moving at speed v collides elastically with another (c) Im (d) 0.5 m
block of mass M which is initially at rest. After 42. A spring block system is resting on a fnctionless
collision the first block moves at an angle 0 to its floor as shown in Fig. 6(CF).6. The spring
initial direction and has a speed vl3. The second constant is 2-0 N m and mass of the block is
block's speed after the collision is 2-0 kg. Ignore the mass of the spring. Initially.
the spring is in an unstretched condition. Another
(a) 3 v/2 b) 22 vl/3 block of mass 1-0 kg moving with a speed of
2-0 ms collides elastically with the first block
(c) 3 vl4 (d)3/2 The collision is such that the 2-0 kg block does
(RE-AIPMT 2015) not hit the wall. The distance in metres berween
the two blocks when the spring returns to its
36. A particle of mass m moving in the x-direction unstretched position for the first time after the
with speed 2 v is hit by another particle of mass collision is ...
2 m moving in the y direction with speedu. If the
collision is perfectly inelastic, the percentage loss FIGURE 6CF).6
in the energy during the collision is close to
2 kg
(a) 44% b) 50% 1 kg
2 m/s
c)56% (d) 62%
(JEE Main 2015)
37. A block of mass 0-50 kg is moving with a speed (a) 2 m (b) 3 m
of 2-00 m/s on a smooth surface. It strikes another c) I m (d) 4 m
mass of l kg at rest and they move as a single (JEE Advanced 2018)
body. The energy loss during the collision is
43. A shell is fired from a cannon with velocity
(a) 0-16 J (b) 1-00 JJ
mls at an angle with the horizontal direction. At
(c) 0-67 J (d) 0-34 J the highest point in its path, it explodes into

38. A body of mass m collides elastically with pieces of equal mass. One of the pieces retraces
another body of mass m2 at rest. If the velocity its path to the cannon. The speed
in m/s of the
other piece immediately after
thee explosion is
m after collision is times its initial velocity, (a) 3v cos 6 (b) cos
the ratio of their masses is
(c) (3/2) vcos (d) (3/2)v cose
(a) 1:5 A (b) 5:1
(c)5:2 t (d) 2:5
42. (a) 43. (a)
39. (b) 40. (6) 41. (b)
36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (b)
34. (b) 35. (b)
Pradeep's Fundamental
ua Physics (XI)Vo
44. An object of mass 40 kg and having velocity
m/s collides with another object of mass 60
kg FIGURE 6(CF).7 oNe
having velocity 2 m/s. The loss of energy when
the collision is perfectly inclastic is
(a) 392 J (b) 440 J
(c)48J (d) 110J

45. Particle A makes a perfectly clastic collision with

another particle B at rest. They fly apart in
opposite direction with equal speeds. The ratio

of their masses
TUA 1u = 100 m/sec
(a) 80 mn (b) 85 m

(c) 75 m (d) 10 m
(0) (d)
49. A car weighing 2x 10° kg and moving at 20 mk
46. The first ball of mass m moving with the velocity along a main road collides with a lorry of mass
v collides head on with the second ball of mass m 8x 10 kg which emerges at 5 m/s from a crOss
at rest. If the cocfficient of restitution is e, then
road at right angles to the main road. If the two
the ratio of the velocities of the first and the
vehicles lock, what will be their velocity after the
collision ?
second ball after the collision is
(a) 4/2 m/s, 45 with cross road
(b) 1+e
1-e (b) 4/2 m/s, 60° with cross road

d) (c) 4/2 m/s, 60° with main road

47. A ball moving with a velocity of 6 m/s strikes an (d) 42 m/s, 45° with main road
identical stationary ball. After collision, each ball
50. A block of mass 0.18 kg is attached to a spring ot
moves at an angle of 30° with the original line of
force-constant 2 N/m. The coefficient of friction
motion. What are the speeds of the balls after the between the block and the floor is 0.1. Initially
collision ?
the block is at rest and the spring is unstretched
An impulse is given to the block as shown inthe
(c)m/sec (b) 3 m/sec Fig. 6(CF).8. The block slides a distance of 0.00
m and comes to rest for the first time. The inital
velocity of the block in m/s is V = N/10. Then "
(c)23 m/sec () 3 m/sec is
48. A wooden block of mass 10 gm is dropped from
the top of a tower 100m high. Simultancously, FIGURE 6(CF).8
bullet of mass 10 gm is fired from the foot
of the
tower vertically upwards with a vclocity of O000000000
100 m/sec, Fig. 6(CF).7. If the bullet
is embe
dded in it, how high will it rise above the
before it starts falling ? (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5
(Considerg = 10 m/sec?)

44. () 45. (h) 46 f 17, r) d
A Solid cylinderof mass 3 kg is rolling
horizontal surface with velocity on a va)
4 ms.It collides d b
u 0
with a horizontal spring of force c) 4 ie 19t (d) 3
200 Nm, The maximum compression
produced (JEE Main 2019)
inthe spring will be: 55. When a rubber band is stretched by a distance x,
(a) 05 m (b) 0-6 m it excrts a restoring force of magnitude F = ax +
(c) 0-7 m (d) 0-2 m bx, where a and b are constants. The work done
[AIPMT (Prelim) 2012] in stretching the unstretched rubber band by
52. Two spheres A and B of masses m and Lis
respectively collide. A is at rest initially and Bm2
moving with velocity v along x-axis. After al bE
collision B has a velocity in a direction
perpendicular to the original direction. The mass (c) al+ bL3 (d)(at+btt
A moves after collision in the direction.
(a) same as that of B (JEE Main 2014)
(b) Opposite to that of B 56. Hailstorms are observed to strike the surface of a
frozen lake at an angle of 30° with the vertical
(c) 0 = tan (1/2) to the x-axis
and rebound at an angle of 60° with vertical.
(d) 6=tan(-1/2) to the x-axis
Assuming the contact to be smooth, the
[AIPMT (Prelim) 2012] coefficient of restitution is
53. A body of mass (4 m) is lying in xy plane at rest. (a) 114 b) 1/3
It suddenly explodes into three pieces. Two pieces (c) 1/5 (d) 3/4
each of mass (m) move perpendicular to eachother
57. In a collinear collision, a particle with an initial
with equal speeds (v). The total kinetic energy
speed vo strikes a stationary particle of the same
generated due to explosion is
mass. If the final total kinetic energy is 50%
greater than the original kinetic energy, the
(a) mv (6)m2 magnitude of the relative velocity between the two
particles, after collision, is
(c) 2 mv (d) 4 w2
(AIPMT 2014)
54. There blocks A, B and C are lying on a smooth
(a) (6)200
horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 6(CF).9. A
and B have equal masses m, while C has mass M.
Block A is given an initial speed v towards B due (c) d)
to which it collides with B perfectly inelastically.
The combined mass collides with C, also perfectly (JEE Main 2018)
58. Body A of mass 4 m moving with a spread u
inelastically. If th ofinitial KE is lost in whole collides with another body B of mass 2 m at rest.
The collision is head on and elastic in nature. After
process, what is the value of Mlm ?
the collision, the fraction of energy lost by the
colliding body A is
FIGURE 6(CF).9 (b) 8/9
(a) 1/9

TTB M (c) 4/9 (d) 5/9
(NEET 2019)

56. (b) 57. (b) 58. (b)
53 (h 54, () 55. (a)
6/122 Pradeep's Fundamcntal Piysies (K1)

Questions (with One or More than Ono Corroct Answorsi

Multiple Choice
with a spced of 2 ms, Wlich of the oilowin.
59. Two balls having linear momenta P = pi and statement(s) is (are) concet fon he systei (f these
undergo acollision in free space. two masses ?
P-pi (a) Total momentum of the syste1 is kg mg'

There is no external force acting on the balls. Let

(b) Momentum of 5 kg mass after collision
Pand P2 be their final momenta. The 4 kg ms
following option(s) is (are) not allowed for any (c) Kinctic cnergy of the centr¢ of mas is (175
non-zero value of p, aj, a2, b, b2» C. C2 (d) Total kinetic encrgy of the system is 4
(T JEE 2010
(a) Pa, i+h j+qk, P =a,i+b%i 65. A 3 kg ball strikes a heavy rigid wall with a speed
of 10m/s at an angle of 60" with the wall.
reflected with the sanme spetd at 60° as shovwn n
Fig. 6(CF).10. If the ball is in contact with wall
for 0-2 s what is average force cxertcd on the ball
by the wall ?
d) P =a,î+hi, =a,î+hî FIGURE 6(CF).10
60. When work done on a particle is positive, then
(a) KE increases (b) KE decreases
(c) KE remains constant 60
(d) momentum increases btle
61. A particle is acted upon a force of constant
magnitude which is always perpendicular to the 60
velocity of particle. The motion of particle takes
place in a plane. It follow that
(a) its velocity is constant WALL
(b) its acceleration is constant (a) 300 N (b) zero
(c) its KE is constant
(d) it moves in a circular path () 150/3N (d) 150 NN

62. If you lift a suitcase from the ground and keep it 66. A force F acting on a body depends on its
on the table, the work done by you does not displacement S' as F o S-l3. The power delivered
depend on by F will depend on displacement
(a) the path taken by suitcase (a) S2/3 (b) S
asab i
(b) the time taken by you in doing so (c) S (d) sO
wb t
(c)weight of suitcase 67. A ball falls vertically on to a floor, witn
(d) frame of reference momentump, and then bounces repeatedly, the
63. If the force is always perpendicular coefficient of restitution is e. The total momentum
to motion,
then KE remains constant imparted by the ball to the floor is
(a) KE remains constant
(b) Work done is zero (a) p(1+ e) (b)
(c)velocity is constant 1-e
(d) speed is constant
64. A point mass of 1 kg collides elastically

stationary point mass of 5 kg. After their

with a e) th
collision, 68. No work is done by a force
on an object T
the 1 kg mass reverses its direction and (a) the object is stationary but the pointo
ANSWERS application of the force moves on the obje
59. (a,d) 60. (a,d) 61. (c.d) 62. (a,b)
67. (c) (a,bd) 64. (a,c) 65. (d 66. (d
Rn asn 6/123
(h) the objcct moves in such a way
of application of the force remains
that the point
( the force is always perpendicular to its velocity (b) , =1-
d the force is always perpendicular
acceleration. to its
69, A particle is acted upon by a force of
constant rest
magnitude which is always perpendicular 72. A body moving towards a finite body at
to the
velocity of the particle. The motion of collides with it. It is possible that
the particle
takes place in a plane. It follows that (a) both the bodies move after collision
(a) it moves in a circular path (b) both the bodies come to rest
(b) its velocity is constant (c) the stationary body remains stationary, the
(c)its acceleration is constant moving body changes its velocity
(d) its kinetic energy is constant. d) the moving body comes to rest and the
70. The upper half of an inclined plane with stationary body starts moving.
inclination o is perfectly smooth while the lower 73. A particle of mass m is initially at rest at the origin.
half is rough. A body starting from rest at the top It is subjected to a force and starts moving along
will again come to rest at the bottom if the the x-axis. Its kinetic energy K changes with time
coefficient of friction for the lower half is given by as d Kldt Y1, where y is a positive constant of
(a) tan o (b) 2 tan appropriate dimensions. Which of the following
cos statements is (are) true ?
(c) 2 (d) 2 sin o
(a) force applied on particle is constant,
71. A smooth block is released at rest on a 45° incline
and then slides a distance 'd'. The time taken to
6) speed of the particle is proportional to time
(c) the distance of the particle from the origin
slide is 'n' times as much to slide on rough incline
than on a smooth incline. The coefficient of increases linearly with time
friction is (d) force is conservative.
(JEE Advanced 2018)
Multiple Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

Each comprehension given below is followed by some multiple choice questions. Each question has
one correct option. Choose the correct option.

Comprehension| Work is said to be done by 74. In the above question, work done by the resisting
a force acting on a body, provided the body force is
is displaced actually in any direction except (a) 400 J
in a direction perpendicular to the direction (b) -400J
of the force. Mathematically, w F.5 (c) 25 J
= Fs cos 6. Whereas energy is capacity of a (d) - 25 J
body to do the work ; power is the rate at 75. A truck draws a tractor of mass 1000 kg at a steady
which the body can do the work. rate of 20 m sl on a level road. The tension in
the coupling is 2000 N. Power spent on the tractor
PF.= F.v
Both, work and energy are measured in joule
(a) 40 W
and power is measured in watt.
b) 20 W
With the help of the comprehension given
(c) 20 kWW
above, choose the most appropriate alter-
native for each of the following questions (d) 40 kWw

68. (a,b,d) 72. (a,d) 73. (a,b,d) 74. (6) 75. (d)
69. (a,d) 70. (6) 71. (d)
6/124 Pradeep's Pundamental Physins VIE

(a) 100 kg m s'

Comprelhension Potential energy of a body (b) 50 kg m s
is the energy possessed by the body by virlue
(c) 150 kg m s
ofits position. P.E. =mgh where the symbols
have their usual meaning. Kinetic energy of (d) 200 kg m s
a body is the energy possessed by the body wen l faulls duasty
77. The body will atllain this KJ.
by virtue of its velocity.
from a height of

K.E. = m
va (a) 125 nm

(b) 250 m
Energy can neither be created nor be
destroyed. However energy can be changed (c) 1250 m
from one form to the other, such that energy (d) 2500 m
appearing in one form is equal to the energy
disappearing in the other form. 78. The ratio of potential energy to kinetc eergy
With the help of the passage given above, a height of 62-5 m above the ground is
choose the most appropriate alternative for (a) 2
each of the following questions T
76. A body of mass kg is allowed to fall freely under
gravity. The momentum of the body 5 second after
(d) 4
it starts falling is

Matching Type Questions

column I and column II. Select the corred
DIRECTIONS. In the following questions, match
match out of the four choices given at the end.

79. Column 1 Column I

(A) Work done is maximum (P) potential energy is stored
(B) Velocity of a body is doubled spring constant becomes twice
(C) Length of a spring is halved K.E. becomes four times
(D) On compressing or stretching a spring () Angle between force and displacement

(4) A-s; B-r; C-q; D-p (b) A-p: B-q:C-r; D-s (c) A-s; B-r; C-p; D-q (d) A-p; B-r; Cs;D-q
80. Column l1
(A) K.E. of a body cannot be negative (P) K.E. increases by 300%

(B) In uniform circular motion (q) K.E. increases

(C) A shot fired from a gun explodes in air () K.E. remains constant

(D) Momentum of a body is increased by 100% (s) True

A-p, B-4, C-r, D-s (c) A-p, B-7, C-q, D-s (d) A-s, B-r, C-4, Dp
() A-s, B-r, C-q, D-pb)

76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (d)
d apsha 6/125

Matrix-Match Type Questions

DIRE the following questions
iwo columns, which have to be contnins stntemenis given
matchcd. The answers to
hove to be appropriately these questions
bubbled. If the correct matches
C.nD-4,S, then the correctly bubbled
are A-r, s, B-p, 4,
matrix will loolk like the one shown O
81. Column II
Column 1
(A) Magnetic potential energy
(P) negative
(B) electrostatic potential energy
(q) positive
(C) elastic potential energy
(r) zero
(D) gravitational potential energy () not defined
82. Column I Column II
(A) In a perfectdy elastic collision (P) some K.E. is lost
(B) In a perfectly inelastic collision 0<e<1
C) In a partially elastic collision ) e

(D) In a partially inelastic collision () e = 0

83. A particle of unit mass is moving along the x-axis under the influence of a force and its total energy is
conserved. Four possible forms of the potential energy of the particle are given in column I (cd and Ug are
constants). Match the potential energies in column I to the coresponding statement(s) in column II.

Column I Column II

(A) (p) The force acting on the particle is zer atx = a.


( The force acting on the particle is zero at x = 0.

force acting on the particle zero atx=-a
C)U,)2 ()The 1s

(s) The particle experiences an attractive force towards

x= 0 in the region I xl<a.
can oscillate about
() The particle with total energy 4
the point = -a. x
Cp-1 (JEE Advanced 2015)

82. A-r; B-p, s; C-p, q; D-p, 9
r; B-p, q, r; C-q, r; D-P, r
81. A-p, q,
85. A-p.q,.,t; B-q,s ;Cp,41S; D-p.,S
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics

Mnteger Type Questions A

following questions is a single
answer to each ofthe
answers to the question numbers
integer, ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct
respectively, then the correct
darkening 000
A, B, C and D (say) are 4, 0, 9 and 2
on the side
of bubbles should be as shown
its velocity after
penetrating through 3 cm.
fixed target loses half of
84. A bullet fired into a assuming that it faces
penetrate before coming to rest,
How much further (in cm)
constant resistance to motion
a 2 kg particle free to
move along the x-axis is given
85. The potential energy of
V (x)= joule O00
(in m/s) is:
the particle is 0-75 J. The maximum speed of the particle
The total mechanical energy of 6(CF).11.The work done (in joule) by upper
upper block as shown in Fig.
86. A force of 0-5 N is applied on
block on lower block for a displacement
of 3 m is:

1 kg 0.5 N
2 kg

Its acceleration as a function of displacement

is shown in Fig. 6(CF).12.
87. A 100g block moves along X-axis. 8 m
done (in joule) on the block by the force applied as the block moves from x = 0 to x =
Calculate work



>* (m)

88. Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are moving with equal linear momenta. The ratio of their
kinetic energie
of ma
89. Consider an elliptically shaped rail PQ in the vertical plane with 0Q = 4 m and OP = 3 m. A block
kg is pulled along the rail from P to Q with a force of 18 N, which is always parallel to line PO.
no frictional losses, the KE of the block when it reaches Q = n x 10 joule. Take g = 10 m/s2. What
value of n ? JEE Advanced Paper 1, 201

84. (1) 85. (1) 86. (1) 87. (8) 88. (4) 89. (5)

VI Assertion-Reason Type Questions

FOR MEDICAL STUDENTs 95. Assertion. Time taken by a body to conmplete a
DIRECTIONS. The following questions consist of given work has nothing to do with energy of the
Iwo statements cach, printed as Assertion and
Reason. Reason. Because power of a body is the rate ot
While answering these questions, you are required
doing work.
to choose any one of the following four responses
(a) A 6) B (c) C (d) D
96. Assertion. A spring has potential energy. both,
(A) If both, Assertion and Reason are true and
when it is compressed or stretched.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(13) If both, Assertion and Reason are
Reason. This is because in compressing or
true but stretching, work is done on the spring against the
Reason is not a correct explanation of the restoring force.
(a) A (b)B ()C (d) D
(C) If Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
97. Assertion. When current is drawn from a cell,
(D) If both, Assertion and Reason are false. chemical energy is converted into heat energy.
90. Assertion. When two equal masses undergo a Reason. This is because wire through which
glancing clastic collision with one of them at rest current flows gets heated.
then after the collision, they will move at 90° to (a) A (6) B (c) C (a) D
eachother. 98. Assertion. In an elastic collision between two
bodies, the relative speed of the bodies after collision
Reason. It follows from the principle of is equal to the relative speed before the collision.
conservation of linear momentum.
Reason. In an elastic collision, the linear
a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D momentum of the system is conserved.
91. Assertion. According law of conservation of
to (a) A (b)B (c)C (d) D
mechanical energy, change in potential energy is (RE-AIPMT 2015)
cqual and opposite to the change in kinetic energy.
Reason. Mechanical energy is not a conserved FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS
(a) A (b) B c)C (d) D DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions,
read the two statements and check if
92. Assertion. A quick collision between two bodies
is more violent than a slow collision, even when
(A) Statement-1 is true; statement-2 is true, and state
ment-2 is correct explanation of statement-1.
the initial and the final velocities are identical.
(B) Statement-1 is true; statement-2 is true, but state-
Reason. The rate of change of momentum which ment-2 is not a correct explanation of statenment-1.
determines the force is greater in the first case.
(C) Statement-1 is true, but statement-2 is false.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d)D
(D) Statement-1 is false, but statement-2 is true.
93. Assertion. Work done by the frictional force is
99. Statement-1. Kinetic energy is conserved in both,
Reason. This is because frictional force acts along perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions.
the dircction of motion. Statement-2. Because linear momentum is
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D conserved in both.
94. Assertion. Work done by or against gravitational (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
force in moving a body from one point to another 100. Statement-1. For any collision, coefficient of
IS indopendent of the actual path followed 0
restitution (e) lies between and 1.

between the two points. Statement-2. This is because no collision may

Reason. This is because gravitational forces are be 100% elastic or l100% inelastic.
conservative forces. (6) B (c) C (d) D
(a) A
(a) A (b) B (c)C ) D
96. (a) 97. (d) 98. (d)
93. (c) 94. (a) 95. (b)
90. (a) 91. (c) 92. (a)
99. (d) 100. (a)
6/128 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)
101. Statement-1. A body with negative energy cannot 104. Statement-1. Two particles moving in the same
have momentum. direction do not lose all their energy in
Statement-2. This is because momentum can be completely inelastic collision.
positive only. Statement-2. Principle of conservation
(a) A (b) B () C (d) D of momentum holds true for all kinds of collisions
102. Statement-1. Energy released when a mass of one (a) A 6) B () C (d) D
microgram disappears in a process is 9 x 10 J (AIEEE 2010)
Statement-2: It followsfrom E =m
v' 105. Statement-1. A point particle of mass m movino
with speed v collides with stationary point partice
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D of mass M. The maximum energy loss possible is
103. If two springs S1 and S2 of force constants K
and K respectively are stretched by the same force m
given as mu2.wheres +m
it is found that more work is done on spring S
than on spring S2.
Statement-2. Maximum energy loss occurs when
Statement-1. If stretched by the same amount, the particles get stuck together as a result of the
work done on S1, Will be more than that on S.
Statement-2. K <K2
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
(AIEEE 2012)
(JEE Main 2013)

For Difficuit Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (wth One Correct Answer)

1. Here, m = 10 kg, u= 10 m/s,
F=-0-1x JJm
[as force is retarding] K mu-dv or vdv=-
= Kdt
20 cm, x2 = 30 cm dt m
Integrating, we get
As W Fdx= -01xdr =-01
Jvdv=fA or
2 m

-(30)- 0-1.
or = or v=2K N
2 Now, a = 4- d
K.E =mu =x10x(10)? =500J
According to work-energy theorem, 2K
W K.E K.E; or -25 = K.E-500
2 mt
K.E= 475 J ma =mx
2. Here, power = K watt, time = As
t or
as P= Fv = mav, a =dv
dt or F -1/2
101. (c) 102. (c) 103.
(d) 104 (b) 105. (d)
For Difficult Questions
10 x5
Here, m=1 kg M98x
3-8 x107
= 1289 x 10 kg

lF= (2r1+3/2N, P=? 6. Heat generated in device in 3 hours

Pxf=3x 103 x 3 x 60 x 60 = 324 x 10°J

F= ma = m
Heat used in heating water
dt 10)
ms A0 = 120 x 1x 4-2 x 103 x (30-

duE2i+sr2 =(21î+312 m/ 100-8 x 10 J

1 Heat absorbed by coolant
dv=(2t+32 î)d Pxt=Pxt-msAe
324 x 103- 100-8 x 10 =223-2x 10° J
P 2067 watt
60x 60
23P=@+P) 3
7. Here, Kp > Ko (Given)
case (a):71
In =2=
Now, P=F. (21î+32.21+2)

P 2+3)watt We Wp> Wp Wo
4. As energy lost over PQ= energy lost over OR
(4 mg cos 8) PQ = (4 mg) QR In case (b): F1 =F2 = F,
or QR = PQ cos
for constant force, W =
From Fig. 4(CF).1, sin 6 = sin 30° =-

PQ =4 m 2Kp , Wo> Wp
W F2 Kp
From (), QR = 4 cos 30° =42
3:5 m 8. Here, power = K watt, time = t
Again, decrease in P.E. = loss of energy due to du
as P=FV = mav, a =
friction in PQ and OR
mgh = (4 mg cos 6) PQ + mg x QR dv -Kdt
K = mv or vdv = ..)
h=u cos 0x PQ+ |Hx QR dt
Integrating, we get
2 cos 30° x 4 +H x 2v3

m 2 m
= 0-288 =0-29
or oF=2K
43 2N
5. Here,
m= 10 kg h= I m n = 1000 as
Work done in lifting mass = n X mg"
1000x 10 x 9-8 x1 mt
M is mass of fat burnt, then
energy gainea
Mx 3-8x 10' *
.i) As F=mna =
mx or F=
and (ii)
lf there isno loss of nergy, then from ()
x 9-8
or F= -1/2
1000 x 10
Mx 3-8 x 107x 100
6/130 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)7O
Difficult For Questions
Now = n or U = n U
9. Here, m = 1074 kg, Vo = 10 m/s, t = 10 s,
F=-kvé :k=?
If v, is velocity of body after 10 s, then 12. Work done by gravity = mgh = (10) x 10x 1
= 10 J
= 5 m/s Work done by resistive force = final energy
- initial energy
From F= -kv
m =-ku2
- +mv2-(mgh +0)=mv
10-3 x10x 10" =-875J
U 2
= -100 ku2 =x103x 502 -

di 13. The relativistic K.E. of a particle of rest mass

mo is given by
or -100 k dt mo
K= (m - mo) cé, where m=-
-100k [ dt Here, m is mass of particle moving with velocity v.
As K.E. = rest mass energy
. (m- mo) c = my c or mc =2 my
5 10
k (10-0)
-100x10 kdt -Ic2
k= 10 kg m- 1-Ic2=
10. Here, F=61, m = 1 kg, u 0, W=?
vIc2 3/4, v=cc
Now, F= ma=m dt dt = 2 m
14. If m is mass of boy, the mass of man

F =6t
As K.E. of man = K.E. of boby

du = 61 dt (2m) v? = m2
dv = J61 dt = 2v
In the second case,

=3 (12-0)
3 m/s (2
m)( +2)? = mtu'+)
2(+2) =(V2 v+a)
From work energy theorem,
W =A KE = m (v2 -u2) 2vtx=2 (v+2) =

= 2/2 m/s
x1 (32-02) =45 J = 4 nm
15. Here, = m, m2
=0, e =?
VU, v
11. Here, U =Kx2. Let P.E. be U when spring If V is final velocity of heavier block, then

is stretched to nx cm.
according to the law of conservation of Iin
U'= K(na?= ;Kn?? m
m V +m2 V2 =m2 V
xv +4 mx0= 4m V V= vl4
CXINTSIEEPLANATIONS Now, P.E. of compresscd spring
For Difficult Questions
' Net work done in the process
=K d4
Coefficient of restitution,

_Relative velocity of separation W=mg (h +d) -K
Relative velocity of approach
20. Here, m = 2 kg, v = 4 m/s
0-25 Force of kinetic friction, F = 15 N
spring constant, K = 10000 N/m
:M N
Let the spring be compressed by x metre.
16. Here, U =
2 K.E. supplied = Work done against friction
-dM 12
N +P.E. of spring

-6M 12N m=Fx+K2

13 x2 2x42 = 15x+ 10000
In equilibrium position, F = 0
6M 12N or 5000 x+ 15 x 16 = 0
or 62NV On solving, we get

13 M x = 0-055 m = 5-5 cm
M 21. If v is the final velocity, then change in
Hence, U = - N M2
momentum = impulse = area enclosed by graph
(2NIM) (2NIM)2 4N with time axis
17. Initial K.E. = = 10x10=10J
2m 2x5
10 J 2 (-0) S-xx2= 4.5
Impulse =P2-P1 = Fxt v =
2.25 m/s
P2- 10= 0-2 x 10;pP2 = 12 kg m/s
Final K.E. P
14.4 J
2 2
= 5.06 J
Increase in K.E. = 14.4 10 = 4-4 J 22. U b
18. Using law of conservation of total energy

Case ().5m-z F- dU (x)

=- 12a 6b
At equilibrium distance between the molecules,
or m2=Fx3 F 0

12a0D -0 or
Case (ii),mu = FxS 137 *b)
or or S= 4 cm
FIGURE 6(CF).13 From (i)
. Further distance Ball Dissociation energy of molecule,
D =Ux=o)Uat equilibrium
4-31 cm
19. As the spring is
d =0- where, x= 2a6
compressed through a
distance (d), therefore, + a b
Spring D=
total energy supplied by
(2albl2/6 (2alb)6/6
the ball mg (h + d), 26
being the potential 2
energy of the ball, Fig.
-d Bran
Work done arca under triangle DCH
XINTSIEIPANASTIOS rectangle ABCD + area of
= arca of
ForDifficult +x2x(12-7) = 8+5 13 J
kkg = 2x(7-3)
23. Here, m, = 50 kg, m2
= 0:5 2 particle in a force field is
energy of
u = ?, u2 =2 m/s
28. The potential
By momentum
m m2 u2 = 0
m,u2 -05x2 50
m 50
upward motion of man.
Negative sign is for
gravity free space, time
taken by stone to reach For equilibrium, d-0
or -+0
theflor, =5s r .24
man = uj x1
Upward distance moved by the + for

The equilibrium will be
50 this value of r.
of man above the floor
= (10 +01) m
= 10-1 m
Now,2 dr
theory, energy required
24. From the knowledge of A/B.
one bond in DNA is 10J which is positive forr=2
to break
spring, then Hence choice (b) is correct.
25. If l is the total length of car, Po =F (v)
29. Constant power of

If kAs kp are the stiffness of
A and B, then
= ma (v) =
or Po dt = mv dv

Integrating both sides, we get

Kl=kAl=kg 'p or a T(21/5) Pdt= mvdo = mv

ie, )=2

26. Let kinetic energy E=ct. But E =


or Utli2
momentum and
where c is a constant, p is linear
m is the mass of particle. 30. Here, U = - K
. Total energy = ?
p= y2Em = {2 ctm ils1 to
= As F=
Force, F=2cm)?
2em x2 dr

or F
This provides the necessary centripetal force
27. Refer to Fig. 6(CF).14,

or mv
0ro1 19t31.2
KE- 2r
(0,0) 12


For Difticult Questions
22 M M u0
Total energy = KE + PE Zero
31. Work done by the variable force Before Collision V2
After Colision
W Fdy J (20+10) dy
According to law of conservation of kinetic
y=U energy
Total KE before collision = total KE afterT
20y+10 20 (1 -0) +5 (12-0 collision

25 J Le.M+0-5M
32. As is known from theory (v- u* = 2 as)

Stopping distance, x = u
2g sin 60°
or V2 2/2
2g sin 30°
36. For perfectly inelastic collision
30° 1/2
Sin 60 1:V FIGURE 6(CF).16
33. When speed is max. (constant), a
x= FIK.
= 0.

Applying work energy theorem,

AKE-K+Fx O 2m)
. Initial momentum
2 Umax
(m (2v))+{2m(v)}
max m or max = 22 mv
mK Vmk
final momentum = (2 m+ m) V=3 mV
34. Two particles A and B will collide if the direction As momentum is conserved
of relative velocity of particle B with respect to
final momentum = Initial momentum
particle A= (0-7)/1,-7 is directed
3mV 22 m
towards the direction of relative position of
particle A with respect to particle
Therefore, for collision
V22 3
of A and B Initial KE m(2v)?+(2m)v? = 3mv?

7- FiaKE-mv-om
35. Refer to Fig. 6(CF.15. As the collision is perfectly
elastic, hence the laws of conservation of linear =-mv"
momentum and kinetic energy are obeyed.
Pradeep Fundamental Physics (X1) OL

XINTSNEXPLANYATIONS 40. Here u = 2 m/s, u2 = 0, e =0-5,

For Difficult Questions m m, m2 = 2m
As momentum is conserved.
um +m
u2 = m1 V1 + m2 U2
3mv-mx1000 m x0 =mv + 2 mw2
mx 2+2
Loss of energy .)
3 mv or U +2v2=2
55-5% =56% As coefficient of restitution e 29
= 1 kg
37. Here mj = 0-50 kg, u = 2-00 m/s, m2
u = 0, v1 V2 =v 05=2
or v2-1
According to law of conservation of linear Adding () and (i)
momentum 3 v2 =3 or U2 =l m/s
m U+m2 u2= (m + m) v
U=0 m/s
Elastic P.E. of spring = K.E. of
or V=1jT"2 u 41.

05x2+1x0 =4 m/s = 067 m/s

05+1 15 mu A3
= 0-5 m
Loss of energy = Ki - Ky
K 2-0.5
Length of compressed spring = l-x
(05)(2)-5(15)(0-672 = 1:5 m
= 1
-0-33 = 0-67 J 42. Here, k = 2-0 N/m, mj = 2 kg
38. In an elastic collision, m = 1 kg, V2 = 2-0 m/s
2m Time period of spring

m+ma) T=2 212

As second ball is initially at rest, u2 = 0
Time taken by the spring to return to its

m, +m stretched position =se t Sec.

Distance between the two blocks at this time

As x = combined vol. x time
2m +2 m2 = 3 mj -3 m2
or 5 m= n or 2x0+1x2 27t
1+2 xT= 3

39. Here m^ = 5 g= 0-005 kg, u = 600 m/s,

=2-09 m
m =5 kg, u = 0
After collision, they will move with the same momentum
velocity v. 43. Let m be the mass of the shell. Total
cos 6.
at the highest point before explosion = m v
As momentum is conserved its
One of the pieces of mass m/2 will retrace
u + m u = (mj + ma) v path to the cannon only when its velocity

mtm, -v cos 6). Therefore, its momentum=-

0-005x 600 +5X0= cos 6. Applying principle of conservation of linear
V= - 06 m/s = 60 cm/s momentum.
For Ditficult Questions
By definition, e = 2u-0
cost = m vcos9
or ..ii)
u (1+e)
m vcos 6 Add (i) and (in), v, =
Subtract (i) from (i)
=3v cos 0
nm, = 40 Kg. = 4 m/s
44. Here.
m,=60 kg. u2 = 2 ms 2 1+e
47. As shown in Fig. 6(CF).17,

Final vel. atter collision, v = "1" tm, uz FIGURE 6CF).17

( +m) mu sin 30°
40x4+60x 2 = 28 m/s mu1
Loss ot energy m
30 mu cos 30°
mu2 Cos 30

=x40x4+x60x22 - m2

(40 +60)x(28)

392 = 48 joule mU2 sin 30°

320 + 120 -

45. Herem = nma. m> = mg, lu1 = 1, U2 = O0, application of the law of conservation of linear
=V, V, =-v momentum perpendicular to initial line of motion,
Applying principle of conservation of linear gives
momentum 0 = mv, sin 30°- m, sin 30° .V1V2
- ma) v 0) Applying the same principle along the line of
m u + 0= m V + m2-v) = (m1
Applying principle of conservation of K.E.
mxv +m x 0 = mvi cos 30° + mv2 cos 30°

(m, tm,) v ..i)

mx6+ mx 0 = 2 mmu cos 30° = 2 mv,
Dividing (ii) by (i), we get 6
v 2V3m/s
+m,)v 48. Ignoring g compared to initial velocity, the bullet
-l2 100
and block will meet after t =:
= 1sec
From ().
During this time, distance travelled by the block
_ =5m
from (ii) *m2 sg=x10x12
Distance travelled by the bullet,
On solving. we get -
= 100 S = 95 m
ie,- 3
velocity of bullet just before collision,
u = 100- 10 x = 90 m/s, upwards

46. Here, U, V2 be
Let velocity of block just before collision,
m =m, u, = 4,
tneir velocities after collision.
l, = 0.

of linear
u = 10 x l = 10 m/s,
conservation According to law of conservation of linear
ccording to principle of
momentum. momentum,
H+0 m (v, +v,) or vj *2
6/136 Pradeep's Fundamental Pliysies (XDgoL

For Difficult
or v= 144x10-2
104 10-2 or vmm
m +m u = (m + m2) V
As per question, or N=4
10 10
90) = 0-02 V
0-01 (-10+
V 40 m/s 51. Here, 3
m = kg, v = 4 m/s
k 200 Nm,r= ?
Maximum height risen by the block
The compression will be maximum, when
V2 40x 40 _ 80 m Gain in PE of spring = Loss in total KE of rollino
28 2x10
Height reached above the top of the tower
80 5 = 80-5 75 m
49. As is clear from Fig. 6{CF).18, total momentum =mv*- mv+mv
before impact

40x 10 2

kg m/s
+(8x10 x5)*
= 0-6 m

52. Herc, mass of A = m mass of B = m2


FIGURE 6(CF).18 Initial velocity of A ; = 0 u

PL Initial velocity of B, uz v, along x-axis.
Lorry x
After collision, let final velocity of A along
axis be v, and final velocity of A along y-axis be
v. Final velocity of B = along Y-axis.
Applying principle of conservation of linear
PLPc momentum along X-axis,
m X 0 m V = m V, +m2 x 0

Direction of momentum with main road Applying principle of conservation of linear

-1 . 0 = 45°
momentum along Y-axis,
tan6 L8x10'
Pc m x 0 + m2 x 0 = m Uy + m2
According to the law of conservation of linear
momentum, m2
or Uy
x402 = (2x103 +8x10®) xv 2m
If mass A moves at angle 0 with the X-axis, then
V= 42 m/s=
50. Here, m = 0-18 kg:k 2 N/m, H = 0:1,
x= 0-06 m, Ux 2m m2 U

According to work energy theorem, we have

0 tan to the r-axis.
mu=mg x+kr
2 53. Here, m = m2 = m, mz = 4 m-2 m = 2 m,
x018 xu = 0-1 x 0-18 x 10 x 0-06 P1 P2mv. As these pieces move perpendicula
to eachother, their resultant momentum

+5x 2x (006 = p=p+ P = {(mvy +omv

mUV2h ltno


For DIfficult Quostion
U cos 60
Principle of conservation of lincar momentum
gives P3 m3V3 =P =mvs2 30
muw2mw2 U sin 680°
m 2m u sin 30°

m u cos 30°/30
Total K.E.
mmam After impact, velocity of hail storm is v at 60°
mv with vertical. Its components arev cos 60° along
vertical and v sin 60° along the horizontal.
54. Ifv' is combined velocity of the three masses after As the surface of frozen lake is smooth, the
inelastic collision, then from principle of horizontal component remains unaffected
conservation of linear momentum, . U Sin 60°= u sin 30°

mu The vertical component changes from u cos 30°

mv= (2 m+ M) v or v'= to v cos 60°. If e is coefficient of restitution, then
2m + M
v cos 60°=eu cos 30° .i)
mv Divide (i) by (i),
Initialenergy, E =
eu cos 30° vcos60°
u sin 30° vsin 60°
Final energy, E2 = (2m+M) v
e cot 30° = cot 60°

- mu
2m +M
cot 60
cot 30°
57. Here, final total KE is 50% greater than the
m2 original KE. Therefore, it is a case of super elastic
If v, v2 are velocities of two particles after
Loss of energy = E- E2 =of initial KE collision, then from principle of conservation of
linear momentum,
mu2-m* +u2 mU+m V, = m Vo
2(m M) or U+=o
Applying principle of conservation of energy,
onsolving, weget=4
55. Here, F= ax + bx
dW Fds, W
[Fdr = (ax +bx )d (ii)

Now, (+vz¥ =vf +u+2, "

S6. In Fig. 6(CF).19, we have shown initial velocityy
of hail storm (before impact) = u at 30°
vertical. Its components are u cos 30° along
vertical and u sin 30° along the horizontal.
of 2, u-žv--
6/138 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
CHINTSIEXFLANAATIoNS 58. Fractional loss of KE of body A
For Difficult Questions
Again, (v -V2) = (v + V2)-4 vj V2 (m +m)
v+=2 v 4(4m) (2m)32m
=v v2 (4m +2m) 36m2
FVultiple Choice Questions (with One or More than One CorrectAnswers)

59. Initial linear momentum =0.

= pî+(-pî) FIGURE 6(CF).20
According to law of conservation of momentum, u1 u u2 =0
the final momentum should be zero. 5kg
For option (a)
Before Collision
P+D ( +a,)î+(6 +b2)i+qk U1-2m/s
The term c,k cannot be zero 1kg 5kg

After Collision
For option (d) P+ = (a + a,) î+2b
According to law of conservation of linear
Here, term 2b, j cannot be zero. momentum
u = 5v-2 .1)
Therefore, choices (a) and (d) are not allowed.
According to law of conservation of K.E.
60. According to work energy theorem
Work K- K, when work done is positive.
This shows K,> K. Hence, option (a).
xlxu? +x5x0 =
When KE increases it means v> u. So pr>Pi
Hence, option (d).
61. As force is always perpendicular to velocity, type
or u=
4 +5v2
Solving (i) and (i), we get v = m/s
of motion is circular motion. Also, as in uniform
and u = 3 m/s.
circular motion speed is always constant,
Total momentum of the system before collision
therefore, KE is constant.
= 3 kg m/s.
62. As work done W = F.S,S does not depend Momentum of 5 kg mass after collision = ma V2
upon path, so work done does not depend on the = 5x1 =5 kg ms-
path taken by the suitcase. Also, it does not depend m U +m2 V2
on the time. Now, Vem
m, +m,
63. Here, 0 = 90°, W= Fs cos 6 = Fs cos 90° = 0
So work done is zero. 1-2)+ 5()
In uniform circular motion, speed is always a 1+5 2
m/s . tgall0
constant but velocity changes as direction 1

changes. K.E. of c.m = (m +m,) cm

If speed is constant, then KE is also constant.
64. Refer to Fig. 6(CF).20,
total momentum before collision
0-75 J
m4t m> u =
x u +5x0
Total momentum after collision
= u
=m vf +;m
Total K.E. of the system

V +nmaV2 =1 x (-2)+5 xv xlx(-2+x5x =2+25=45
Choices (a) and (c) are correct.


For Dittieult cauestious

As isceur Irom lig. oF). l0, coponentss of SI2

onentunm perpenlicular to wall cancel out, and
components aalong the wall adkl. As
FxI = change in momentum S/2
2 m v eos 0
2m vcos 0 2x3x10cos60° - sin 9= sin ¢- u cos o
2sin 2 tan

2 150N 71. From s
ut +at, on smooth incline,
60. As P« acceleration, a oc S-l/5
Now a d dvds
= sin 45°) 2
v S-1/3 d =0+(g
dt ds dt ds ds
Integrating both sides, we find On rough incline,
oc Sl/3
= d= 0+8 (sin 45- H cos 45) (ni)¥
As P=Fv P(S-l/8) (sl/3) s°
i.. power is independent of S. From () and (ii),
67. When a particle undergoes normal collision with
a floor or a wall, with coefficient of restitution e, cos 45°) n2P = g sin 45° 2
8 (sin 45°-H
the speed after collision is e times the speed before
collision. Therefore, change in momentum after

fist impact = ep (-p) p (1 + e)


Atter the second impact, change in momentum d- H1- n2

would be e (ep) - (- ep) = ep (I + e) and so on. Note that H, is coefficient of static friction, Hk
Therefore. total change in momentum of ball coefficient of kinetic (sliding) friction.
= momentum imparted to floor 72. When a body collides with a finite body at rest,
=p (1 +e) [l +e+e +..] both the bodies cannot come to rest. Neither the
p (1+e) stationary body can remain stationary as
= p (1+e) momentum of the two bodies is shared and
(1-e) conserved. Choices (a) and (d) are correct.
90° i.e.
68. W=Fs cos 6 = 0, when either s = 0 or 6 = appli- dK
when object is stationary but the point of
cation of the force moves on the object or object
73. Here, =Yt
moves in such a way that point of application of
force remains fixed ; or force is at
90° to the As K =- mv
acceleration. Choices (a), (b), (d) are correct. dv dv
is perpendi m(20) =mv Yt
69. When force of constant magnitude 2 dt
motion is dt
cular to the velocity of the particle,velocity/acc.
along a circular path. Direction of t
m v du= yt dt
goes on changing, but KE = 2 mvd =constant.
0 0
Choices (a) and (d) are correct.
70. Refer to Fig. 6(CF).21. In the journey
over the mv-Y
2 2
or v
upper half of incline, v -
-0 2 (g sin )
u = 2 as
=g sin s . As acceleration, a
= dv

In the journey over the lower

half of incline
F=ma=m | m =const
v2-u2 as S

0-g sin o.s=2g (sin o- cos ) Choices (a, b, d) are correct.

6/140 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VoLn
For Difficult Questions
(Based on the given

Multiple Choice Questions

74. Resisting force opposes the applied force.

Box =0+ 10 x5 = 50 mn/s
p =mv =1x50 50 kg m s

moves at 180° to the resisting force.

W=F cos 6 = 100 x 4 cos 180° = - 400 J 77. m gh = K.E. = 1250
75. Force applied = tension in coupling = 2000 N 2501250 =125 m
As P=Fv cos 6 mg 1x10
.P= 2000 x 20 cos 0° = 40000 W = 40 kW 78. When h is half the original height, PE. = m gh

76. Here, m = kg u 0, t=5 s. p =?

1 =
also becomes half. The other half of total energy
appears as kinetic energy. Therefore, PE/KE =1
V=u*+ ar

L Matching Type Questions

79. W=Fs cos 6 = max., when 6 0° 80. As KE. = mv-, therefore, it can never be

negative. In uniform circular motion,

becomes 4 times when v is
doubled. KE. = mv = constant.

When a shot fired from a gun explodes in air, its

As k, therefore k becomes twice when I is
linear momentum remains constant, but its K.E.
increases. When p>2p, K.E. = becomes 4
PEk =+, when x is positive or negative. 2m
times i.e. K.E. increases by 300%. Choice () is
Choice (a) is correct. correct.

Matrix-Match Type Questions

81. (A-p4:; B-p.q,r; C-q,r; D-pr) 82. (A-r; B-p,s; C-p,4; D-p.q)
In a perfectly elastic collision, coeff. of restitution,
Magnetic potential energy =x
e= 1.
In a perfeciiy inelastic collision, e =0 and some
It may be negative, positive or eveii zero. K.E. is lost.
In both, partially elastic or partially inelastic
Electrostatic potential energy = -942 Z
collision; some K.E. is lost, and 0 <e< 1
4TET 83. (A-P.q,rt ; B-q,s;;
It can also be positive, negative or zero0.
(A), U =
Elastic potential energy
It can be positive or zero.

Gravitational potential energy Gm

It can be negative or zero.
For Diicult Questions
If 0, F=0: F dU

f1--J- or =tl or x=ta



then F=
2 t).tf
Fxx and if x =- a, then F is directed towards =-U0
cquilibrium position. i.e., the particle will
oscillate. Hence option T is true. Therefore,
(A p. q. t is satisfied
(B)U = Here, F=0, when x=0,x=ta. Also F is negative
for x<a. Thus, option (C) >p, 4, r, s is satisfied.

F =-
.-2x 2a
(D) U-
Ifx= 0. F= 0.
In the above relation of force the negative sign F=-dU_ |1_1 3x2
shows that the force is attractive. Thus, option
(B)4. s is satisfied.

(C)U= Here, F=0, When x=ta. Also F is negative for

x <a. Thus, option (D) >p, r, s is satisfied.

Integer Type Questions

84. Let m be the mass of bullet and v be its initial 85. When speed is maximum, KE is maximum.
velocity. IfFis constant resistance to motion, then PE is minimum.
(i) Work done loss in KE = force x distance

m -Fx3 As J minimum,

or = Fx3 ) dx

(i) Work done = loss in KE = force x distance

4=0r=0 or
r =tl|
= Fxs
Vmin (atx=t 1) = 5 -0-25J
Dividing (i) by (i), we get
As Kmax + Vmin Mechanical energy
Kmax ME- Vmin
Pradep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VO
88. Here, m, = m, m2 = 4
Questions Difficult
Ifv1, v, are their respective velocities, thenas
P1 P2
m 0-75-(-0-25) = 1
m V=m2 V2

1m/s 1"2=4:
Umax V2

86. Force of friction between the two blocks, Fig.

= mg =0-1x1x10= 1N
f=HR H
As applied force F = 0-5 N <f.
The two blocks move together. 89. As is clear from Fig. 6(CF).22,
Common acceleration, =V32 =
PO OP? +002 +42 5m

Work done in taking the block from P to Q along

elliptically shaped rail,
. Force applied by upper block on lower block =
W Fx PQ 18 x 5 = 90 J
Potential energy of block at Q =+ mgh
F ma 2a = 2x
= +1x 10 x 4 = + 40 J
Work done by upper block on lower block for
displacement of 3 m = F3 xs
3 =1J

87. As the given graph is linear, Fig. 6(CF). 12,

.a= ox, where a is slope of graph

--252 4 mi
Now, F= ma = m ax

8 8

W= Fdx=| maxdx = ma O 3n

25(64--8J K.E. at Q= W- PE. = 90-40 =50 J= 10
102 n=5

For Difficult Questions

MAssertion-Reason Type Questions

101. Statement-I is false. Negative energy
90. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. The K+U negative
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
91. Here, Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
Therefore, the body can have linear momentum.
According to law of conservation of mechanical
Statement-2 is false. Choice (c) is correct.
energy (If no external forces do work on a system),
forinternal conservative forces, K+U= constant 102. From E = me*,
or AK +AU = 0 or AK=- AU =
whenm =l microgram 10g = 10" kg
92. In a quick collision, time t is small. As Fxt=
constant, therefore, force involved is large, i.e., E = 10 (3 x 108)2
collision is more violent. Both, the assertion and
reason are true and the latter is correct explanation
= 9x 10 J
of the former. The statement-l is true, but the statement-2 is
93. Frictional force always opposes relative motion. certainly false. Choice (c) is correct
Therefore, work done by the frictional force is
103. Let be extension produced in S and
negative. Assertion is true, reason is false.
94. Both, the assertion and reason are true and the be extension produced in S,, when
latter is correct explanation of the former. two springs are stretched by the same force.
95. Both, assertion and reason are true, but the latter
F=Kj X =K2 X2
is not a correct explanation of the former.
96. Work done on the spring is stored in the spring in
the form of potential energy as restoring force is and WF *
always opposite to applied force.
97. When a cell supplies current, chemical energy of As W> W2. Fx> FX2
cell is converted into electrical energy. Conversion Or
to heat is partial. Choice (d) is correct.
98. Here Assertion is false, because in elastic collision
K <K2
the relative velocity of separation (not relative Statement 2 is true.
speed of separation) is equal to the relative
When two springs are stretched by the same
velocity of approach (not relative speed of
amount, i.e., X1 =X2 =X
approach) of two bodies during collision. Hence
reason is though true but cannot explain the
Assertion. Hence false.
99. Kinetic energy is not conserved in a perfectly
inelastic collision, as some of the total energy may
be converted into heat energy etc. Statement-1 is
false, but statement-2 is true.
K< K2, Wi < W2
100. For a perfectly elastic collision, e = 1 and for a Statement 1 is false.

perfectly inelastic collision, = 0. Therefore,e 104. Both the statements are true. But statement 2 is

lies between 0 and 1. Choice (a) is correct. not a correct explanation of statement 1.
6/144 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (KI)
For Dificult Questions
105. Statement-2 is true, from the knowledge of theory.
Now, maximum energy loss 2(M +m)

2 m (M + m) where M +m
n Statement-1 is false.
M 2m (M + m) Choice (d) is correct

So far, we have studied the motion of a single particle,
treated as a point mass having practically no size.
We may define a particle as an object which
has a finite mass, but whose size and internal structure can be
Any real body which we come across in daily life has a finite size. Such an extended body consists
of a
system of particles. We may define a system as a collection of very 1large number of particles, which mutually
interact with one another.
For the sake of simplicity, we shall consider the extended bodies as rigid bodies. Ideally, a rigid body is
that which has a definite size and definite shape. This is because distances between different pairs of
particles of such a body do not change on applying any force on it. However, no real body is truely rigid as
real bodies deform under the action of forces applied on them. But in many situations, the deformations are
often negligible.
For describing the motion of rigid bodies, we shall introduce the key concept of 'centre of mass'. This
concept enables us to understand how we can apply justifiably the Newton's laws of motion, in essentially the
same form to objects of large size including even the astronomical objects like the planets and the stars.


Every body of finite size is made up of a very large number of particles. It is almost impossible to
Escribe the positions and velocities of all the particles individually. We have, therefore, to devise a method
any number of particles interacting
0r describing the overall motion of the body. As stated already collection of
wn one another is said to form a system. Note that "particles interacting with one another' means that
to form a well defined system.
are exerting forces on one another. These forces alone enable them
S any object of finite size can be regarded as a system.

the forces exerted by various particles of the system on one another are called internal forces. Note
Al system are mutual L.e. Internal forces between a pair of
ntenal forces between any two particles of the
cancel out in pairs.
Cles are equal and oppOsite. Hence such forces
on the object from outsi
tside. This force
Tomove or stop an obiect of finite size, we have to apply a force an external force. The overall motion
system is called
onaa given ssystem by the agencies outside the
fa body is affected external forces only.
by 7/1
7/2 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLA
A rigid body may have three kinds of motion:
1. Pure Translational Motion
2. Pure Rotational Motion
3. Combination of Translational and Rotational Motion.
(a) Pur 'Translation Motion
In such a motion, every particle of the body travels the same
linear distance in a given time interval. Fig. 7.l shows pure
translational motion of a block down an inclined plane.
Further, if paths of particles are straight lines, the motion is said
to be rectilinear translation, and if the paths are curved lines,
motion is said to be curvilinear translation.
(b) Pure Rotational Motion
In such a motion, a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis. Every
particle of the body moves in a circle, which lies in a plane P2
perpendicular to the axis, and has its centre on the axis.
Fig. 7.2, shows the rotational motion of a rigid body about a Pa
fixed axis, the Z-axis. The body is in XY plane. A particle Pi of the
body describes a circle of radius r with centre at C on the Z-axis.
Another particle P2 of the body describes a circle of radius r, with
centre at C, lying on the same Z-axis. The circles described by P
and P2 may lie in different planes, but both these planes are
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. For any particle Pz on the axis x
of rotation, r = 0. Therefore, such a particle remains stationary, while
the body rotates. Note that angular velocity o f all the particles is the same irrespective of
their distance from the
revolution about the given
axis of rotation. This is because the body being rigid, all particles complete together one
axis. However, their linear velocities are different (v =ro) depending on their distance (r) from
the axis.
Some of the examples of pure rotation about an axis are: the motion of a ceiling fan, a potter's wheel,
a giant wheel in a circus, a merry-go-round and so on.
In more general cases of rotation, one point and not one line of the rigid body is fixed.
For example, in an oscillating table fan or pedestal fan, the axis of rotation is horizontal. This axis has
an oscillating sideways movement in a horizontal plane about the vertical through the point at which the axis
is pivoted.
(c) Combination of translational and rotational motion
For example, when a cylinder rolls down an inclined plane, its motion is a combination of translation
and rotation about a fixed axis. As the cylinder shifts from top to the bottom of inclined plane, the points P1
P2, P3, P4 On the rolling cylinder have different velocities at a particular
instant oftime, Fig. 7.3. If the cylinder were to roll without slipping, the
velocity of the point of contact Pg would be zero, at any instant of time. DO
From the above discussion,
we conclude that (i) The motion
of a rigid body, which is not
pivoted or fixed in some way is
The combination of rotational
either a pure translation or a
combination of translation and motion and the spin motion about
rotation. a given axis of rotation is called
(ii) The motion of a rigid Precession. For example, the
body, which is pivoted or fixed in motion of a spinning top
represents precession.
Some way is rotation.

The rotation may be about an axis which is fixed

e.g. in a ceiling fan or about an axis which is movinB
e.g., in an oscillating table fan. We shall confine
ourselves to rotation about a fixed axis.
The concept of centre of mass of a system
enables us to discuss overall motion of the system by replacing
the system by an equivalent single point object.
We may define
Centre of mass of a body or a system of bodies
as a
system of bodies, is supposed to be concentrated. point at which the entire mass of the body/
system of bodies were to be applied at If all the external forces acting on the body
the centre of mass, the state of rest/motion
system of bodies, shall remain unaffected. of the body
It should be clearly understood that
the centre of mass of the given system is only a
mathematically for the sake of convenience. point defined
It is not at all necessary that the total mass
actually present at the centre of mass. For of the system be
example, centre of mass of a uniform circular ring
centre of the ring, where there is no mass. is at the
Similarly, there is no dough at the centre
and no iron at the centre of mass of a of mass of a doughnut
horse shoe. The position of the centre
time is calculated using the usual Newtonian of mass of the system at any
articles that follow. type of equations of motion. This will be clear from the
Let O be the origin ofa rectangular
co-ordinate system XYZ, Fig. 7.4. Consider
of masses mj and ma located at A and B a system of two particles
where OA = and OB =T FIGURE 7.4
Let C be the position of centre Y
of mass of the system of two m1 A

particles. It would lie on the line

joining A and B. Let OC = R be
the position vector of centre of mass.
To evaluate R , suppose
U1U2 are velocities of particles m
and m2 respectively at OA
any instant t. Then X

and V2dt 1)
Let f = external force applied
on particle of mass m, S2 = external force applied on particle
of mass m
F2 intermal force on mj due to F21 = internal force
m2, on m^ due to m
Linear momentum of particle m
is P
According to Newton's second .2)
law, the rate of change of linear
momentum of this particle is equal
total force acting on this to
particle, which is
(f+ Fp)
(2).(m v)=f+ F2
Similarly, the equation
of motion of second particle may be written
as(m,v2) = S2+ Fz1 4)
Adding (3) and (4), m,
we get
v,)+m, v,) = f+Fizt f*Fz
7/4 MOTPradeep's Fundamental Physics (XID VOM


where total external force on the system of two particles.

Using (1), we get

7 f or
nm-7- m2), we get
2 rtm, )=f

Multiplying numerator and denominator of left side by (mj +

m tm,)
(m tm,
d2 (m
5) 6)
is R
, its eqn. of motion can be written as
When whole mass is concentrated at C, whose position vector

(m +m,) dt2 R_? -(7)

Comparing (6) and (7), we get R tm2


m tm

is given mathematically
This is the position vector of centre of mass of the two particle system, which
by eqn. (8).
(m +m) R = m +m2 2 ..9)
From (8), we get

Hence, position vector of centre of mass of two particle system is such that the product of total mass
of the system and position vector of centre of mass is equal to sum of the products of masses of the

particles and their respective position vectors.

1. The above derivation shows that with the concept of centre of mass, motion of total mass of the
system is described under the effect of external forces only. The internal forces between the particles forming
the system cancel out in pairs.
2. Equation (7) describes the motion of total mass (m+ ma) supposed to be concentrated at a single
point called the centre of mass of the system. Hence we conclude that motion of the system can be studied
either by applying Newton's second law of motion to individual particles of the system or by applying Newton's
second law of motion to total mass (m + ma) located at the centre of mass.
3. Equation (8) shows that position vector of centre of mass can be taken as the weighted average of the
position vectors ofthe two particles, the weights attached being mj and m2 atposition vectors and
4.If the centre of mass of two particles of the system were at the origin
ie., r =0,thenfrom (8), m, tm, r, = 0 or m^=-m

Eqn. (10) shows that if is negative, T is positive. It means, ifm, lies on the left ofthe origin (c.m).
then m2 lies on the right of the origin (c.m). Hence centre of mass of a system of two particles lies always on
the straight line joining these particles.

Further, if m > m2, then <, i.e., centre of mass oftwo particle system lies closer to the heavier
particle. In general, the centre of mass divides internally the line joining the two particles in the inverse
ratio of masses.
5. When the two particles are of equal masses FIGURE7.5
ie, m = m2 = m say, then from (9),.
(m+m) r=mytmr =m (+h)
PmG+m +
Pit 2

i.e., centre of mass of two particles of equal masses lies exactly

midway between them as shown in Fig. 7.5.
Sample Problem Find the centre of mass of a carbon monoxide molecule of bond lengihd.

Sol. We know that c=23

mo 16a
Let the centre of mass of the molecule be at a distance x from carbon FIGURE7.6
atom as shown in Fig. 7.6. CM
As mX X= m, (d-) d-_3
mo 4 -d

3 x= 4 d-4x or x=
The results obtained in the previous article are generalised easily to a system of n particles-not necessarily
lying in a plane, but distributed in space.

Ifbe the position vector of ith particle and m, be the mass ofthe ith particle, then generalising eqn.
(8), the position vector R of the centre ofmass would be givenas

i i=n

The symbol2 (the Greek letter, sigma) denotes summation, in this case over n particles. The index i

runs from 1 to n. The sum m, is the total mass of the system of n particles. Therefore, from (12),

Note that the sum on the right hand side is a vector sum.
Let x y z; be the co-ordinates of the point, where ith particle of the system is located.
7/6 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XI) VODL

l 14)
mass of the system, we may write
If X, Y Zbe the co-ordinates of the centre of
R-îx+jy +z
Fromeqn. (13), ix+jY+kZ = m (îz +in +k)
Equating the x, y, z components on either side, we
X = 2 mi 15)

mp (16)
V i=1


If two particles of a system lie along X-axis, then Xem ; yem

my*2 2; Xem
If two particles of a system lie along Y-axis, then Yem
size is so large that it is impossible
The number of particles (atoms or molecules) in a rigid body of finite
to carry out the summations over individual particles in
these equations.
the body as a continuous distribution of mass. Let
As the spacing of the particles is small, we can treat
Am2, ... Am,. If the ith element of mass Am, is
us subdivide the body into n small elements of masses Am,
are approximately given by
located about the point (x y» Z), the co-ordinates of the centre of mass
X = (Am,) 18)
M ia

Y (Am)y .(19)

Z 2 (Am,)z

Am; smaller and smaller, these expressions become exact. In

As we make n bigger and bigger and each
integrals. Thus,
that case, we denote the sums over by

am)|xdm .(21)

=Jydm .22)
2A m,)
a m,)Jzdm 23)

The co-ordinates of the centre of mass now are

tX |xdm ..24)

Yyd .25)

M ..26)
The vector expression equivalent to these three scalar expressions is


If centre of mass lies at the origin of the co-ordinate system, then

R (x.y,z) =0

7 dm=0
or xdm = ydm = z dm =0 28)
Sample Problem Three particles of masses 0.2 kg, 03 kg and 0-4 kg are situated at the
vertices A, B and C of a right angled triangle ABC with A = 90° ; AB = 2 cm along X-axis and BC =
25 cm. Find the distance of centre of mass from A.
Sol. In Fig. 7.7,A is taken as origin (0,0) of co-ordinate system, AB
is X-axis. FIGURE 7.7

m= 0-2 kg at A, m2 = 03 kg at B, m^ = 0-4 kg at C C04 kg

As AC=BC2 - AB2=(25)2-22 =1-5 cm

2-5 cm

+m2 tm 0-2x0+0:3x2+0-4 (0) 2

m+m +m 0-2+0-3+04
Y +ma ya (0, 0) 2 cm (2,,0)
cm +m2 02x0+03x0 +04x15 0-2 kg 0-3 kg
m +m +m 0-2+03+0-4
0-4x15 cm
09 3

The distance of cm from origin A 1s

m cmtcm
A rigid body is composed of many particles. It does not show any change in its configuration on
ng a force on it. If a rigid body has an iregular shape or non uniform distribution of mass, its centre of mass
can be calculated with the help of integral calculus.
centre of symmetry
t a body has a symmetrical shape, then the position of its centre of mass lies at the
or on the axis of symmetry. For example:
() in case of a sphere/disc/parallelopiped, the centre of mass
lies at the centre of sphere/disc/
lies at the centre of the ring.
u) in case of a uniform circular ring, the centre of mass
7/8 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
Infact, for all homogeneous rigid bodies the centre of mass coincides with their geometrical centre,
(a) Centre of mass of a uniform thin rod.
Consider a uniform thin rod AB of mass M and length L. It is
held along x-axis with its end A at the origin, where x = 0, y=0. Fig. oM
7.8. Let the rod be made of elements placed side by side. One such ---- X
element of length dr of rod is shown at distance x from the origin. A (0, 0)
Mass of the element, dx

the origin. Then
Let (cm Yem) be the coordinates of centre of mass of thin rod from

cm xdm
0 (as y = 0 for thin rod)
and cm dm =

(L/2, 0), i.e., midway between its ends A and B.

It means the centre of mass of thin rod AB lies at point
(b) Centre of mass of circular ring, disc and sphere a point
bodies. Each body has a symmetry about
The circular ring, disc and sphere are symmetrical
respective bodies.
which is the centre of symmetry, i.e., the centre of mass of mass lies at C,
circular ring or disc or sphere as shown in Fig. 7.9(a), the centre of
Ifris the radius of
whose coordinates are (; r). are (0, r).
the centre of mass lies at C, whose coordinates
If the origin lies at A as shown in Fig. 7.9(b), then coordinates are (r, 0).
the origin lies at B, as shown in Fig. 7.9(C), then the centre of mass lies at C2, whose

C , r C0.r X
X -X B
(0, 0)

lamina is at the centroid* C of the triangle,

Fig 7.10(a) shows that centre of mass ofa uniform triangular
which is the point of intersection of the medians of the
Fig. 7.10(b) shows the centre of mass C of a solid symmetrical



vertex ofa triangle to the middle point of the opposite side. Every triangle
*Median is a linejoining the
is called 'centroid' of the triangle.
three medians and their point of intersection
Table 7.1 lists the position of centre
of mass of somec of the honmogeneous bodies of regular shapC
TABLE 7.15 Position of centre of mass of
some homogeneous bodies of regular shape
S. No. Body Position of Centre of Mass
1. Uniform hollow sphere Centre of the sphere
2. Uniform solid sphere Centre of the sphere
3. Uniform circular ring Centre of the ring
4. Uniform cireular disc. Centre of the disc
5. Uniform rod Centre of the rod
6. A plane lamina in the form of a square|
or a rectangle or a parallelogram. Point of intersection of diagonals.
7. Triangular plane lamina Point of intersection of the medians of the triangle.,
Fig. 7.10(a).
Rectangular or cubical block. Point of intersection of the diagonals.
9. Hollow cylinder Middle point of the axis of the cylinder
10. Solid cylinder Middle point of the axis of the cylinder
11. Cone or Pyramid On the axis of the cone at a point distant 3 h/4 from the
vertex O where h OA is height of the cone, Fig. 7.10(6)

Following points regarding centre of mass should be clearly

understood. DO
1. The position of the centre ofmass ofa system is independentof
the choice of co-ordinate system.
2. The position of the centre ofmass depends on the shape and size KNOW?
of the body and the distribution of its mass. Hence it may lie within or Centre of mass of a body is defined
outside the material of the body. as the point where the entire mass
of the body is supposed to be
3. The centre of nass changes its position only under the concentrated. In reality, in certain
translatory motion. There is no effect of rotatory motion on centre of cases, there may be no mass at the
mass of a body. centre of mass of the body. For
mechanics, example, there is no dough at the
4. The concept of centre of mass proves that the laws of
centre of mass of a doughnut, and
which are true for a point mass, are equally valid for all macroscopic
no iron at the centre of mass of a
bodies. horse shoe. The centre of a unifom
5. 1f we know the centre of mass of different parts of the system and circular ring, a semicircular hoop,
their masses, we can get the combined centre of
mass by treating various a hollow sphere, a bangle, etc.
respective which is its centie of mass, is just
parts as point objects whose nasses are concentrated at their
centres of masses.
radius r are
1. The centre of mass of a uniform semicircular ing of
DO em cm
YOU 2. The centre of mass of a uniform
eireular disc of radius r are

KNOw ? e em) = (0, 0)

disc of radius rare
3. The centre of mass of a uniform semicircular

disc of radius r are

4. The centre of mass of a uniform quarter

hemisphere ofradius r are

.The centre of mass of a uniform solid
7/10 MOPradeep'a Fundamental Physics (Xi)oL

Sample Problem Fig. 7.11 shows a unilorm square FIGURE 7.11

plate fronm which four identical squares at the corners can be
removed. (a) Where is the centre of mass of the plate originally ?
(b) Where is it alter square 1 is removed ? (¢) Where is it after
squares 1 and 2 are removed ? (d) Where is c.m after squares 1
and 3 are removed? (c) Where is c.m after squares 1, 2, 3 are
removed ? (t) Where is c.m after all the four squares are X' -~~-X
removed ? Answer in terms of quadrants and axes.
Sol. (a) Originally, centre of mass is at the centre O.
(6) After square l is removed, c.m lies in quadrant 3.
(c) After squares I and 2 are removed, c.m lies on Y-axis
below O.
(d) When squares 1 and 3 are removed, will remain at 0.
(e) When squares 1, 2, 3 are removed, c.m will shift to fourth quadrant.
When all the four squares are removed, c.m will shiftback to O.
RETAIN 1. In case of homogeneous bodies like a uniform circular disc, hollow sphere, solid sphere,
IN marble ball, glass bal, etc. the centre of mass coincides with the geometrical centre.
MEMORY 2. In case of bodies having axis of symmetry like a solid cylinder, hollow cylinder, etc., the
centre of mass lies on the axis of symmetry.
3. When a hollow sphere is half filled with water/sand, the centre of mass shifts from centre
of the sphere to a point below the centre.


We know that position vector R of a system of n particles is given by eqn. (13)

MR 2m ri

MR =m r+m, rt.+m," .29)

Assuming that masses m, m2, ., m, and total mass M do not change with
sides of eqn. (29) with respect to time, we get
time; and differentiating both

F m d +m,
t dt t" dr .(30) DO
= velocity offirst particle,
Although the centre of mass is just
2=D= velocity of second particle and so on a geometrical point, it hasa
position, a velocity and an acce
leration, as if it were a particle.
velocity of centre of mass of the system of particles

MV =m, vtm, v2t..m, v (31)

Differentiating both sides of (31) again w.r.t, time, we
d d V2 d
dt 2 dt2+..n dt (32)
or MA =m4tm aat.1, (33)
where acceleration of first particle
acceleration of second particle and so on

-dV acceleration of the centre of mass of the system of particles

According to Newton's second law,

a = F vector
sum of all the forces acting on the first particle.
m,a=Fh vector sum of all forces on second particle and so on.
Eqn. (33) can be written as M A =
Therefore, total mass ofa system of particles,
F+Ft.F 34)
multiplied by acceleration of its centre of mass is equal
to vector sum of all the forces acting on
the system of particles.
Among these forces, there will be external
forces exerted by agencies outside the system and also
internal forces exerted by particles of the system
on one another. We know from Newton's third
internal forces exist in equal and opposite law that
pairs. Therefore, their contribution is zero. Only
contribute to eqn. (34), which can therefore external forces
be rewritten as

MAext 35)
where Fext is the vector sum of all external forces acting
on the particles of the system.
Eqn. (35) shows that the centre of mass of a system of particles moves as if the entire mass
system were concentrated at the centre of mass and all the external forces of the
were applied at that point.
Hence we conclude that whatever be the system of
particles and whatever be the motion of its individual
particles, the centre of mass of the system moves according
to eqn. (35). This is how translational
a rigid body is
separated even when it is rotating as well. The same is true for a motion of
kinds of internal motion. system of particles with all
1. The position of centre of mass is independent of
the choice of co-ordinate system.
2. While the position of centre of mass of a body changes
in translatory motion, but it remains
unchanged in rotatory motion.


Let us consider a system of n particles with masses m, m2 ..
1,, moving with velocities v,,v2,...v,
Tespectively. The particles may be interacting and have external forces
acting on them.
The linear momentum of the first particle is P=", the second particle is P2 =m, v2 and so
on. Uof
For the system of n particles, the linear momentum P of the system is the vector sum oflinear momenta
Orall individual particles of the system, i.e.,
7/12 Pradeep o Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL

P Pi+Pat.P
P=m, v+m, U2t.., V (36)
particles concentrated at the centre of mass and V is velocity
If M is the total mass of the system of n
of the centre of mass, then
From (36) and (37), P MV=m, +ma vt.
particles is equal to the product of the total
mass of
system of
Hence the total linear momentum ofa
the system and the velocity of its centre of

Differentiating (37) w.r.t. time, we get

d M
dP-M=MA = Fxt .38)
dt dt
law extended to a system of particles.
This is the statement of Newton's second particles is zero.
isolated system, the vector sum of external forces acting on a system of
In an
from (38), d P0 or P = Constant
= constant .(40)
i.e., MV = constant V
remains constant when total exrternalforce on the system is zero.
ie., velocity of centre of mass the
forces i.e., the forces exerted by the particles on one another
Note that on account of internal on the system is zero,
complicated paths. Yet if the total external force acting
individual particles may have mnoves unifomly along a straight line
like a free particle. f
mass moves with a constant velocity, ie.,
the centre of system is zero.
rest, it would remain at rest when total external force acting on the
the centre of mass is at components of
Py C2 and P, = C3 where P, Py, Pz are the
Note that eqn. (39) implies that Pz C,
= =

axes and C1. C2, C3 are constants.

total linear momentum P along x, y andz
7.10. SOME EXAMPLES OF THE centre of mass 1S
no external force acts on a system, whose
We have established above that when
to be at rest.
initially at rest, the c.m. would continue the
with some velocity along a straight line, it would continue to do so in
And if the c.m. is moving
absence of external forces. shapes or orientations
should be clearly understood that the system, as a whole, may be changing
It the trajectory of centre of mass of isolated system.
it will have no effect on
due to internal forces, but
motion of centre of mass
We discuss below some common examples of forces
nucleus disintegrating into a nucleus of radon and an alpha particle. The
1. Consider a radium the total
are internal to the system. The external forces on the system are negligible. So
leading to the decay
same before and after decay.
linear momentum of the system is the
is at rest, the products of FIGURE 7.12
If the decaying radium nucleus
back to back as shown in
decay (Rn and alpha particle) move
mass remains at rest.
Fig. 7.12a) so that their centre of
is moving along a straight QHe He
If the decaying radium nucleus
line with some velocity, the
and alpha
two products of decay, Rn nucleus
in different directions in such a way
mass keeps on moving with the
QRn Ra
straight line as the original decaying le
velocity along the same
[Fig. 7.12(b).
nucleus was movino
2. We know that moon revolves around the earth in a circular orbit and
elliptical orbit.
the earth revolves around the su
in an
The earth and moon exert gravitational forces of attraction FIGURE 7.13
on eachother, which are internal forces only. To rule out the C.m of earth Moon
Dossibility of earth and moon colliding against each moon system
other under
the internal gravitational forces, we imagine
that both, the earth
and moon are revolving about their common centre of mass, such
that they are always on opposite sides of the common centre of E2rnh
mass. The much larger mass of earth, makes their centre
of mass
very close to earth. To a first approximation, we can consider
common centre of mass at the earth itself. It is under
this Sun
approximation that we often talk of only the moon revolving
the earth.
Infact, the earth-m0on system moves in such a way that its
centre of mass follows the elliptical path
around the sun, Fig. 7.13. For earth moon system, force
of attraction due to the sun is an external force.
3. Binary stars. As is known, two stars which
move in their FIGURE 7.14
elliptical orbits around a common centre of mass, are said
to form binary
Sirius an example of a binary star system in our universe.
is mass of star Sirius A, Mg is mass of

star Sirius B and r,

7are their
respective position vectors from their common centre of mass MA
at any
instant, as shown in Fig. 7.14, then by definition

As centre of mass coincides with the point about which the two
stars orbit, therefore. r = 0

From (41), MA+Mg =0 or

The two stars of binary system exert equal and opposite gravitational forces on each other.
Hence the
net external force on them is zero. However, the motion of these binary stars is
influenced by some other
celestial bodies passing close to them. Therefore, the paths of these binary
stars are disturbed on account
of net external force acting on them. The effect of external force on the movement
of stars is known as
4. We know that when an object of finite size is thrown
with some initial velocity at an angle with the horizontal, it
Jolows a parabolic path. The centre of mass of such an object Parabolic
also follows the parabolic path, even if the object were to trajectories
disintegrate in mid-air. of fragments
For example, suppose a fire cracker fired from O explodes trajectory
nto fragments in mid air at P [Fig. 7.15]. The forces leading of c.m
Cxplosion are internal forces. They contribute nothing to
th motion
of centre of mass. The total external force, namely,
ne force of gravity acting on the cracker is the same before A

nd after explosion. The centre of mass, therefore, continues

ong the same parabolic trajectory as it would have followed,
if there were
no explosion.
rarabolic trajectories of individual fragments are also shown in Fig. 7.15.
7/14 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XDUOLn

RETAIN change the original parabolic path of the centre of

The internal forces of explosion cannot
IN mass of the fragments.
10 kg and 15 kg respectively as
Sample Three bodies A, B, C having masses 5 kg,
Problom S3o
a tower with A vertically upwards with 10 m/s ; B with 20 m/s at an angle of
projected from top of velocity and
towards east and C with 15 m/s horizontally towards south. Find
above horizontal
acceleration of centre of mass of the system.
Sol. Here, m = 5 kg;mg= 10 kg ;mc= 15 kg
In Fig. 7.1l6, X-axis is taken along south, Y-axis is
along east and Z-axis is upwards.
The velocities of three bodies A, B, C in vector form
can be written as
FlGURE 7.16
vA 10k m/s
Z (up)

20 (cos 53° j+ sin 53° k) m/s

= (20x06j+ 20x0-8k) m/s = (12j+16k)mis 10 m/s

m/s v="AA*"g " +mcc

Vc15i mA tmg+c
5(10k)+10(12j +16k) + 15 (15i) Y (east)

30+30j+ m/s
em=(7-5i +4j + 7)
ap =-98k mis, a =-98k
Now, a-98k m/s?, m/s

mA A +m @g
tmcc 5(-9-8k) + 10(-9-8 k) + 15(-98k) -9-8k
Cm mA+mg t mc 5+10+155


We know that in pure rotation of a rigid body about a fixed FIGURE 7.17
axis, every particle of the body moves in a circle which lies in a
plane perpendicular to the axis, and has its centre on the axis.
In Fig. 7.17, we have shown a rigid body in XY plane rotating
about a fixed axis, the Z-axis. A particle at a point P describes a
circle with centre C lying on 0Z. The radius of the circle is r,
which is perpendicular distance of the point P from the axis.
The linear velocity vector v of the particle at Pis shown along
the tangent to the circle at P.
In a small interval of time Ar, let the particle reach P after
tracing PCP = A0. This is the angular displacement. We define
Angular velority
ofaparticleas thetimerate fchange
of its angular displacement.
angular displacement A6
i.e., Angular velocity =
time taken Ar
As At tends to zero, the ratio approaches a limit which is the instantaneous angular velocity
de of the particle at P. We represent the instantaneous angular velocity by the Greek letter o (omega)
dt ..43)
Angular velocity is measured in radian/sec and its dimensional formula is [M° 1® Tj
Angular velocity is a vector quantity whose direction is given by right hand screw rule.
For rotation about a fixed axis, the angular velocity vector lies along the axis of rotation and points out
in the direction in which the tip of right hand screw would advance if the head of the screw is rotated with the

RETAIN For anticlockwise rotation, the direction of angular velocity o is along the axis of rotation
IN and directed upwards, Fig. 7.18(a).
MEMORY For clockwise rotation, the direction of angular velocity o is along the axis of rotation
and directed downwards, Fig. 7.18(b).



Anti clock wise rotation,

a o upwards Clock wise rotation,
Relation between Angular velocity and Linear velocity
Suppose a particle is moving along a circular path of radius r with a uniform angular speed o, Fig.. 7.19.
At any time suppose the particle is at A, where OA = T. In a small time Ar, let the particle reach B tracing
LAOB = A0. Let OB = (r+A r) AB = OB OA Ar FIGURE7.19

By definition, ): or A6 = o (Ar).

Also, A0 AB AB IArT Ar

i.e., (A1)= Ar| O

IAr Dr
Ifvis instantaneous velocity of the particle at time t, then
Ar0 At
= Limit
(or) Or or .(44)

In vector notation, the relation is U 0xr 45)

7/16 Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

For particles on the axis, r = 0 and hence v = 0r = 0. Thus, particles on the axis are
stationary. This
verifies that the axis is fixed.
about the given axis
Further, as the body is rigid, all the particles of the body complete one revolution
particles is the same. Therefore,
together, in the same time. Therefore. time period (T) of all the
all the particles is the same.
Thus, just as in pure translation, all particles of the body have the
same linear velocity at any instan
time, similarly, in pure rotation, all particles of the body have the same angular velocity at any instant
of time.
the axis of rotation. Thus, although
Eqn. (44) shows that v depends on r, distance of particles from
angular velocity co of all the particles of rigid body is the same, the
linear velocity v of particles lying at
different distances from the axis of rotation is different.
angular velocity does not change with
Note that for rotation about a fixed axis, the direction of
the rotation is non-uniform.
time. Its magnitude may change from instant to instant, when w may
both the magnitude and direction of
For more general rotation like that of an oscillating fan,
change from time to time.


is defined as the time rate of change of its
Angular acceleration of an object in circular motion
angular velocity.
It is represented by Greek letter, a (alpha).
changein angular velocity _Ao
i.e., angular acceleration =
At At
time taken

The magnitude of angular acceleration will be a= Limit A dod(ded d2

Ar>0 Atdt dt dt )
s and its dimensional formula is [M°L°TJ Angular acceleration is a vector
SI unit of a is rad
Relation between angular acceleration and linear acceleration.
The relation between linear velocity v and angular velocity o is v = Wr

Differentiating both sides with respect to time, we get

or aar (47)
acceleration and radius. In terms of vectors, we rewrite
ie., linear acceleration is the product of angular
this relation as
a = axr .(48)

velocity (0) is increasing; and vice-versa.

RETAIN 1. Angular acccleration (o) is positive when angular
the same sign. Obviously, a rotating body
IN 2. A rotating body speeds up when and a have
MEMORY slows down when w and o have opposite sign.
velocity, its speed of rotation, sense of rotation
3. When a disc rotates with a uniform angular
same. However, the angular acceleration
and orientation of the axis of rotation remain the
of the disc is zero. aoliat

gample Problonm The speed of a

motor increases from 600 rpm to 1200 rpmn in 20 Sec
What is its angular acceleraion, and how many revolutions
does it make during this time ?
Sol. Here, n= 600 rpm =
=10 1ps, n2 = 1200 rpm =
*60 =20 rps
1 20 s, a =
? n=2, a=29=4tl 2Tt(20-10)-a rad/s*
From 206 = o-, 0=2 2a - (407)-(20 t)2 1200 t2
-= 600 t radian
2T 2TT

. Number of rotations made, n 600 T

2T 2 TT
When we switch on a fan, the centre of the fan remains unmoved, while
the fan rotates with an angular
acceleration. As the centre of mass of the fan remains at rest, the vector
sum of external forces acting on the
fan must be zero. lt means One can produce angular acceleration even when resultant
external force 1s
zero. We also know that we cannot produce angular acceleration without applying an external force.
What is
then responsible for producing angular acceleration ? The answer is moment of force or torque due to the
When an external force acting on a body has a tendency to rotate the body about a fixed pont or abou
a fixed axis, it is said to exert a torque on the body.

The moment of a force or the torque due to a force gives us the turning effect of the force about
the fixed pointlaxis. is measured by the product of magnitude of jorce and perpendicular
distance of the line of action of forece from the axis of rotation.
Torque is represented by a Greek letter t. Thus
Moment of force or Torque = force x perpendicular distance

We shall prove that T rxF==rFsinGn (49)

where 6 is smaller angle between r and F n is unit vector along t The direction of t is

perpendicular to the plane containing and F, and is determined by right hand serew rule or right hand
thunb rule. The Sî unit of torque is N-n, which is equivalent to joule. The dimensions of torque are
To understand further, the moment of force or torque due to force, let us consider a rod OA of lengthr,
Suspended from O and capable of rotation about 0, Fig. 7.20. Let a force F be applied at the free end A of the
force or torque,
rod. In Fig.7.20(a), angle between 7 and F is 6 =0°. Therefore, magnitude of moment of
sin 6 = r Fsin 0° = 0 .(50)
T=rF zero.
1.e., turning effect of the force in this case is OA

leL In Fig. 7.20(b), 6 = 90°

sin 90° = rF= max.
T=rF sin 0 = rF case, is 1 P2
1.e., turning effect of the force in this
In Fig. 7.20(c), 9 900
0) = F xP1 Fsin &

T=rF sin 6 = F (rsin distance of

line P =r sin 6 = perpendicular 1s
e of action of force from O. The rotation
7/18 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (X) vOL
sin G= F(r sin 6) = Fz P2
In Fig. 7.20(d), T=rF
where p2 = r sin 6 = perpendicular distznce of line of
action of DO
force from O. The rotation is clochvise.
In Fig. 7.20(c) and (d). we find that component of
force F YOU
perpendicular to r is F sin 6. From eq. (49)

TrF sin 6 = r(F sin 6) = rF

In linear motion. force is
6, we may important. But in rotational
Again, as component of r perpendicular to F is r sin motion. it is not the force alone,
= Hence
write= sin G=F (r sin 6)
rF Fr. but how and where the force is
applied is important.
=rF=Fr clockwise moments are taken as negative
By convention, anticlockwise moments are taken as positive and
work done by a force in rotating a particle
The expression for torque can be obtained when we calculate
of mass m in a plzna
fixed axis OZ (not shown). Let P be the
Consider a particle of mass m rotzting in plane XY about a
position of the particle at any instant, where OP =r
and XOP = 6. Let the rotation occur under

action of a force F applied at P, along PA . Fig. 7.21. FIGURE 7.21

In a small time dt, let the particle at P reach Q.
where 0Q (7+dr) and POQ= d8.
In vector triangle OPO,. OP PQ 0Q
or PO = 00-OP (7+dr)-F
PQ =dr
Small amount of work done in rotating the particle from

P to Q is dW = F.d7 ..(51)

IfF, F, are rectangular components of force F and dx, dy

are rectangular components of displacement dr , then FIGURE7.22

F=ir, +jr,)
dr=(îdx+ jid)
From (51), we get
dW = (iF, +jF,) (idx+jdy)

dW= F, dx + F, dy .(52)
Let the co-ordinates of the point P be (x, y)

As is clear from Fig. 7.22,

cos 6 .53)
X=r X
y=r sin 6 .(54)
and the body free
In actual practice, we can visualize a body whose mass (m) is concentrated at
rotate about the origin O. Else, a rigid body consists of a particle of mass m on one end of a massless rod of
path that
r. The rod can move only by rotating about the other end O. Thus, the particle can move only in a circular
has the rotation axis at its centre.
Differentiating (53) wrt. 9, we
dx d
r cos 0) = r (cos 0) = r(- sin 0) .(55)
dr =- y d8
Again, differentiating (54) w.r:t. 0. dy (rsin
we get
de d0
0) = r cos 0 = x (57)
dy=r d9 .(58)
Substituting in (52), we get dW = F, -y d0) + F, (r d0) = xr
F, d6 -
y F, d0
dW = (r F,- y F) d0
or dW T. (d®) (60)
where rF,-y F) .(61)
called torque. Eqn. (61) is the expression for
T. is torque in cartesian co-ordinates.
From (60). We define

Torque as a quantity in rotational motion, which when multiplied by a smnall angular

displacement gives us work done in rotational motion. This quantity corresponds to force in
linear motion, which when multiplied by a small linear displacement gives us work done in
linear motion. This is the physical meaning of torque.


Suppose the line of action of force F makes an angle a. with X-axis, Fig. 7.23. Two rectangular
components of F are:
=F cos a .(62)
Py=Fsin a .63)
Ifx, y are the co-ordinates of the point P, where OP =r
and XOP = 0,
then X=r cos 6 (64) Pr)
and y=r sin 6 .65)
Substituting these values in (61), we get X
sin 8) (F cos o)
T= (r cos 0) F sin o -(r 90 Line of
=rF [sin o cos 6 cos a sin
6] action of F

T=rFsin (a-6)
line of action of F makes with the position vector OP = r.
Let be the angle which the
or 67)
As is clear from Fig. 7.22, +
Putting in (66), we get, T=rFsino
Eqn. (68) is the expression for torque in
polar co-ordinates.
Discussion magnitude of FF
the body depends not only on the
to rotate
1. Equation (68) shows that ability of F in what direction.
butalso (6 is applied and
On Just how far from 0,
the force
on the line of action of F
ig. 7.23, draw ONL
OT Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) voL
In AOPN sino= OP
ON = r sin ¢ (69)
From (68), T=rF sin o = F(rsin )) = F (ON) (70)
Hence, torque due to a force is the product of. force and perpendicular distance of line of action of
force from the axis of rotation. FIGURE 7.24
2. From eqn. (70), we find that () Torque due to a force is
maxímum, when r is maximum.
For example, to unscrew a nut fitted tightly to a bolt, we need
a wrench with a long arm, Fig. 7.24.
When the length of arnm (r) is long. the force (F) requiredto
produce a given turning effect (T=rFsin ) is smaller
3: Torque will be maximum, when sin = max. =
+1.Therefore, = 90°, ie., when force is applied in a
direction perpendicular to r . For example, it is casiest
to open or close a door by applying force at the edge of
the plank in a direction perpendicular to the plank of the
door, as shown in Fig. 7.25.
4. When = 0° or 180°, sin o = sin 0° or sin 180° Free Free
edge e
= 0/Therefore, t = r F sin o = 0.
i.e., torque of the force is zero. For example, the door cannot be rotated by applying force in a direction
parallel to the plank of the door, as shown in Fig. 7.25(b).
5Eqn. (68) can be rewritten in vector form as
T= rxF ..(71)
Obviously, torque is a vector quantity whose direction is given by right handed screw rule or right hand
thumb rule.
Fig. 7.26 shows relative orientation of r and F .Force F acting actually at P has been shifted to
origin 0, in a direction parallel to itself.

T x F
-> In the world of pure rotation, a
vector defines an axis of rotation
and not the direction in which
something moves.

When F rotates the particle in XY plane in anticlockwise direction, the tip of the right hand screw
moves along the positive Z direction, which is the direction of the torque t. 22A HAWO TI
Torque on a door about the axis of rotation, due to the weight of the door is zero.

RETAIN In Fig. 7.27, we have shown

two rectangular
IN components of F: F. = cos ç, FIGURE 7.27
F in the direcion
of increasing r. It is called
"radial component of
F, and F= F sin ¢, in the direction
6 and perpendicular to ofincreasing
F,. This is called
transverse component of F.
From (68), T=rF sin o =
r (F sin ¢) =rFh.
i.e., torque of a force is
given by the product of
transverse component of force and perpendicular
distance from the axis of rotation.
due to transverse component only.
component of force has no role
Thus torque is
The radial
to play in the torque.
Sample Problem Find the torque of a force (5-2i+7k) about the origin. which acts on
a particle whose position vector is (2i-j+k).
Sol.Here, T=?; F=(5î -2j+7). 7= (2i-j+k)

T=i-7+2)-j (14-5) +k(-4+5)

T=-5i-9j +k
In Art. 7.14, we have obtained an expression for torque due to a force rotating the particle in XY
This is only the z-component of torque. The other two components of torque, in this case.
are zero i.e. t, = 0
and T, = 0.
The force applied may rotate a body in three dimensions. In that case, we shall have three rectangular
components of torque, which can be obtained easily from eqn. (71) as follows:

i,+r, +kt, = (îx+iy +z)x(iF,+ ir, +F)

=RxF-xF, -kyF, +îyF. +i:F, -i:r,
=i (yF -zF,)+ j(:F, -xF)+k(xF, -y F)
Equating the three rectangular components on two sides, we get
yFz .(72)
TyzFxFz (73)


In Art. 7.15, we have obtained work done (dW) in rotating a particle through a small angle (d6) as

dW=t(d0) 60)
7/22 Pradeep s Fundamental PhysICS (X) VO
(60) by dt, we get
If this work is done in a small time interval dt, then dividing both sides of
Now. by definition, =
P, the average power associated with torque,

and = 0, average angular speed of the body in this interval.

From (75). P=to
product of torque and angular speed of the body
ie power associated with torque is given by the
about the aris of rotation.
In linear motion. the corresponding relation for power
is P=Fv 77)

Sample Problem To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of 200

s, an engine needs
engine required ?
to transmit a torque of 180 N-m. What is the power of the
Sol. Here. 0= 200 s.
T= 180 N-m, P = ?
As P=to P = 180 x 200 36000 watt 36 kW
We know the concept of torque as the rotating effect or
turning effect of a force. Torque is regarded
second law of motion, force is equal to rateof
as rotational analogue of force. According to Newton's
change of linear momentum. Therefore. if we can represent
torque as the rate of change of somequantity,
momentum, and it can appropriately be called the
that quantity will be rotational analogue of linear
angular momentum.
quantity, we rewrite expression for torque
In order to express torque as the rate of change of some
rotating a particle in XY plane. (Eqn. 61)
TxF -y F, .(78)
linear momentum of the body, then
If p, = m vy and p, m v, are the x and y components of

According to Newton's 2nd law of motion,

du, du
F, (me)mdi and F, - (mv,) =m
du, du (79)
y m- L or
Substituting in (78), we get t=Xm dt

dt t=m* dt
Using rule for differentiation of products., we may write
d dv,
y dx
V -y-"y .80)

du, dv.
dt d
Substituting (80) in (79), we obtain
m -yv,)
T (xmv,- ym v).

mv, =Px -YP, .81)

As mu, =P, and T(xp,

Put 9 py-P)=L .(82)

Thus we have d the rate of change of a quantity L defined by eqn. (82). We call
quantity L as the angular momentum of
this the body.
Eqn. (82) represents an expression for angular momentum
angular momentum of particle/body about a given axisis the moment
in cartesian co-ordinates. Thus basical
of linear momentum of the
particle/body about that
As is known, linear momentum is the product of obiects'
mass and its velocity. Angular momentu o
an.ohiect about a given axis of rotation is the product of obiecs mass. its velocity and perpendicular distance
line of action ot momentum from the centre of rotation. Note that we have to take component of velocity
perpendicular to this distance.
Suppose KG, y) 15 position ofa particle of mass m and linear momentum rotating in XY plane about
Z-axis, Fig. 7.28. Let OK = r and LXOK = .
X=r cos 6 and y = r sin 6 84)
Let the line of action of linear momentum P make an angle o with OX and angle o with 7.
Pxp cos
and Py =p sin a (85)
Putting these values in (82), we get
L= (r cos 6) (p sin o) (r sin 6) (p cos a)

=pr [sin a cos 6- cos a sin 6]

L=prsin (o.- 0) .
From Fig. 7.28, 0+¢ = 0-0 K(x)
Putting in (86), we getL=pr

This is the
expression for angular momentum of a particle
o 900
polar co-ordinates.
In Fig. 7.28, draw ON perpendicular to the line of
action of N

InAOKN, sin
= ON
OK r
ON= sin ¢

Substituting in (87), we get L=p (ON) =p .(88)

mnomentum and
a given axis is the product of linear
Angular momentum of a body
about momentum vectorfrom the axis of rotation,
action of linear
PEpendicular distance of line of
meaning of angular
the physical
We may rewrite eqn. (87) as
L=prsin¢=r(p sin

ar , Lp)Er
the units of angular
momentum would be
momentum are (kg
ms-) (m) = kg m's-, The dime
nensional formula for
7/24 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLn
Eqn. (87) can be rewritten in vector form asS FIGURE7.29


This indicates that angular momentum is a vector quantity and

its direction is given by right hand serew rule or right hand thumb
ule, When the centre of mass rotates through smaller angle in
, the
XY plane. say from the direction of r to the direction of P
angular momentun vector L is along OZ i.e. the positive Z-
direction, as illustrated in Fig. 7.29. K

RETAIN 1. Proceeding as in the case of torque, we can show that radial component of
momentum does not contribute to angular momentum of the particle. It is only
MEMORY component of linear momentum (perpendicular to position vector
r ), which when
multiplied by distance from the axis of rotation gives us angular momentum.
2. Again. proceeding as in case of torque, we may write the three rectangular components
of angular momentum as
LXPy-YPx | .(90)

Sample Problem An electron of mass 9 x 10-31 kg revolves ina circle ofradius 0-53 A around
the nucleus of hydrogen with a velocity of 2-2 x 10° ms, Show that angular momentum of
electron is
h/2 T, where h is Planck's constant.
Sol. Here. m = 9 x 10-3 kg, r = 0-53 Å = 0.53 x 10-10 m, v = 2-2x 100 m/s
= 10-34 Js.
Angular momentum,L= mvr=9x 10*3l x 2.2 x 10° x 0.53 x 10-10 1-0494 x
Also, = 1-05 x 10-34 Js.
2 7T 2x 22/7
Hence, L h/2t
To understand the geometrical meaning of angular momentum, let us consider a particle rotating in XY
plane about an axis Oz, ig. 7.30. At any time t, let OK = 7 be the position vector of the particle.
In a small time dt, let the particle at K reach L,

where OL = (F+dr)
Join KL, which represents displacement of the particle in
small time dt. M

In vector AOKL,

= (r+dr)-T=dr .(91)
From O, draw OM equal and parallel to KL . Join ML.
Area swept by the position vector in a small time
dt is
IdAl = Area of AOkL =
(area of parallelogram OKLM) = 1OKXOMI
IdAI =5IFxdr'

Divide both sides by dt


Txp L)

ILI 2m dA DO
dt .(92) YOU
is area swept by the position vector per unit time, KNOW ?
Just as linear momentum is the
and is called areal veloCity of the position vector of particle.
product of mass and linear
Equation (92) shows that velocity, angular momentum of a
angular nomentum of a particle about a given axis is twice particle about a given axis is twice
the product of mass of the particle and areal velocity of the product of mass of particle
and areal velocity of position
position vector of the particle. This is the geometrical
vector of the particle.
meaning of angular momentum.
the areal velocity of
It follows that if mass m of particle and its angular momentum L are constant,
geometrical meaning of
theposition vector of particle would be constant. This is another way of stating
angular momentum.
momentum L and linear momentum p iss L = rxp
The vector relation between angular

Differentiating both sides w.r.t. time, we get

dL d(7xp)
differentiation on the right hand side,
Applying the product rule for
i stit .(93)
= linear
momentum of the particle
particle and p =mv
= velocity the
vectors is zero. Further, as dp=
product of two parallel dt
x=DxmU=0, as the cross

eTefore, from (93),


momentum oaparncle Is
equal to the torque acting os
on it.

Hen of change ofangular

ce the time rate
7/26 Pradeep 'e Fundamental Physics (XI)van

qu. (94) is the rotatiomal analogue of the equation p) = F.

which represents Newton's second law for the translational motion of a single particle.
The total angular momentum of a system of particles about a given point is the vector sum of angular
nomenta of individual paticles about the same point. Thus, for a system of n particleCs,

The angular momentum of the ith particle is given by

i=l i=l
This is the gcneralisation of the definition of angular momentum for a system of particles.

Now TdL ..96)
dt dt
where t is the torque acting on ith particle

The force F on the ith particle is the vector sum ofexternalforce Fext acting on the particle, and the

intenal force Fint exerted on it by the other particles of the system. Therefore, total torque

F-- 7

F = Fe + Fint, therefore,
- i=n
xFext and int

2i=l xFnt
According to Newton's third law, the internal forces between any two particles of the system are equal
and opposite. Therefore, contribution of internal forces to the total torque on the system is zero
i.e int
= 0
7- {=
From (96) .99)

Hence the time rate of change of total angular momentum ofa systen ofparticles about a given pou
is equal to the vector sum of external torques acting on the system, taken about thhe same point.
This is the generalisation of the single particle case to the system of particles. This eqn. (99) 15 tne
rotational analogue of the equation

The results of Art. 7.22 regarding angular momentum and torque of a system of particles apply equaly
well to rigid bodies.

Q.1 How do you accountfor the motion of your arms and legs?
Ans. The concept of torque accounts for the motion of our arms and legs.
For example, when we bend our arm at the elbow, our forearm
rotates about
as fulcrum. The biceps produce the torque. Muscles, exert forces when they the elbow, which acts
carry these forces to the required location. shorten and the tendons
When we hold a metal block in our hand of the bent arm,
the force of gravity on the block tends to
straighten our arm by exerting a torque. To keep our arm
bent, our biceps must produce an equal
torque in the opposite direction. Obviously, the force
exerted by the biceps, which is closer to the
hinge (elbow) must be greater than the force of gravity on
the block, which is farther from the elbow.
Q. 2 What do you know about artificial joints ?
Ans. On account of tremendous stress on the bones and joints of
artificial joints for the damaged ones arms and legs, designing and substituting
have become really important.
The hip and elbow joints are the most stressed ones.
most of the body weight and is essential for The ball and socket joint in the hip carries
The major consideration in artificial joints is their biocompatibility.
body rejects the cement used to interface Many systems fail because the
the artificial and real body parts.
The most common material used for making artificial
joints is titanium. Other light weight plastics
and materials similar to bone are also being developed.


A body, in general, can undergo translational as
well as rotational motions.
For mechanical equilibrium of a rigid body, wo conditions
need to be satisfied.
1. First condition of Equilibrium
A rigid body is said to be in translational
eyiibrium, if it remains at rest or moving with a
constant velocity in a particular direction. For this,
the net externalforce or the vector sum
all the external forces acting on the body must be zero., of

F-0 o F= F=0
It implies that in translational equilibrium of a rigid
body, 2 F, = 0, ZF, = and
i.e. all forces along X-axis must balance out. 0 2F. = 0
Same is true for forces along Y and Z axes.
From Newton's second law, F =ma =
0, for translational equilibrium,

a= 0 or =0
U constant or zero.
It means when a body is in translational equilibrium, it will
be either at rest (v = 0) or it will be in
uniform motion (v = constant) along a straight line, i.e., its linear
momentum will be constant. The body will
have zero linear acceleration. If the body is at rest, equilibrium is said
to be static equilibrium. If the body is
in uniform motion, equilibrium is said to be dynamic equilibrium.

IN For static equilibrium, the linear momentum P of the body must be zero.
7/28 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XDVoL

Further, F = - dU wherc U is potential energy of the body. In translational


-= 0

body is constant (naximun or minimum).

.U= constant i.e. in equilibrium, potential energy of the
The translational static equilibrium of a body may be of
following three types
equilibrium position after being slightly displaced
(i) Stable equilibrium: When a body tries to regain its
energy of the body in stable equilibrium tends to
and released, it is said to be in stable equilibrium. Potential
is in stable equilibrium.
be minimum. For example, a table/chair lying on ground
disturbed further after being slightly displaced and
ii) Unstable equilibrium When a body gets
the body in unstable equilibrium tends to
released, it is said to be in unstable equilibrium. Potential energy of
increase. For example, a book standing on an edge is in unstable
(iin) Neutral equilibrium: When a body can stay in equilibrium
even after being slightly displaced
energy of the body in neutral equilibrium
and released, it is said to be in neutral equilibrium. Potential
example, a ball rolling on the ground is in
remains constant i.e. there is no change in P.E. of the body. For
neutral equilibrium.
on being displaced slightly. In
Note that in stable equilibrium, the centre of mass of a body raised
displaced slightly ; and in neutral
unstable equilibrium, the centre of mass of the body is lowered on being
displaced slightly.
equilibrium, the centre of mass of the body remains at the same height on being
2. Second condition of Equilibrium
A rigid body is said to be in rotational equilibrium, if the body does not rotate or rotates
constant angular velocity. For this, the net external torque or the vector sum of all the
acting on the body is zero.
all the
In other words, a body is in rotational equilibrium, when the algebraic sum of moments of
forces acting on the body about a fixed point is zero.
Infact, a body is in rotational equilibrium, when algebraic sum of moments of all the forces acting on
the body, about a fixed point/axris is zero. For example, in case of beam balance or see-saw shown in
7.31, the system will be in rotational equilibrium, if
F x -F2 xlh =0
Now, FX
l =+t, (anticlockwise moment)
and F2 x lh =-T2 (clockwise moment)
A -l2-
or t=0
i.e., for rotational equilibrium, total external torque
acting on the body must be zero.
The equation of motion of a rotating body is given by
ext Pllio7
For the body to be in rotational equilibrium, ext =0 or L constant l
ie, angular momentum of the body in rotational equilibrium will stay constant.

As Tola
0 a=0
ie., angular eleration of the body in rotational equilibrium will be zero.
Sometimes, a rigid body may be in partial
ilibrium,i.e, it may be in translational equilibrium A
ional equilibrium OR the body may be in
tational equilibrium and not in translational a -

equilibrium. Fo
For example, let us consider a light rod AB
ofnegligible with centre at C. Two parallel forces,
each of magnitude F are applied at the ends perpendicular
to the rod as shown
in Fig. 7.32.
. Net external force = F+ F=2 F#0
As EF# 0, therefore, the rod will not be in FIGURE 7.33
translational equilibrium. However, the moment of
forces at A and B about fixed point C will be equal in
magnitude = ak), but opposite in sense. Therefore,
the net moment of forces on the rod will be zero. Hence
the rod will be in rotational equilibrium.
Let the force applied at end B of the rod be
reversed as shown in Fig. 7.33. Here, the net external
force on the rod = F- F= 0.
. The rod is in translational equilibrium.
Now, momets of both forces about C are equal (= dF), and they act in the same sense and cause
anticlockwise rotation of the rod. Thus, the rod is not in rotational equilibrium.
A pair of equal and opposite forces with different lines of action are said to form a couple. A couple
shown in Fig. 7.33, produces rotation without translation.

For example, when we open the lid of a bottle by turning it, our fingers apply a couple on the lid, Fig. 7.34(a).
Again, when a compass needle is held arbitrarily in
any direction in earth's magnetic field, a couple acts on
the needle. The force on north pole of needle is towards
the north and force on south pole of needle is towards the
south. The forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction. The couple so formed rotates the compass needle
and aligns it along north south direction, Fig. 7.34(b).


equilibrium if algebraic sum
According to the principle of moments, a body will be in rotational
body, about a fired point is zero.
of the moments of all forces acting on the
and clockwise monents as negative. It means
By convention, we take anticlockwise moments as positive
body, sum of anticlockwise moments about afixed
point is equal to the sum of
Jor rotational equilibrium ofa
ctOCkwise moments, about the same point
lever FIGURE 7.35
To illustrate this principle, let us take an ideal
mass pivoted
mprising of a light rod AB of negligible
is called fulcrum of
point 0, Fig. 7.35. This pointplayground, the beam -d- d2
the lever. A seasav on children's
lever. Twwo
of a physic:
lance are common examples ofpendicular
orces and per-
to and F2 parallel to eachother shown. F2
applied at the ends A and B as
ever rod are
the fulcrum. R is
Let R
be the reaction of the support at
directed and F2
opposite to the forces Fj
7/30 Pradeep s Fundamentz Pbysies
The lever is a system in mechanical equilibrium. For translational equilibriuwn, net force =

R-F1-F2 =0 or R=F1 +F2

For rotational equilibrium, the algebraic sum of moments of forces about O must be zero. A)
and OB = d2, then Fxd- Fz x dh =0
Note that R acts at the fulerum itself. Therefore its moment about the fulcrum is zero.
From (101), F xd F2 xd2
In case of the lever, force Fj is usually some weight to be lifted. I
is called load; and its distance from the fulcrum; AO d1 is called the
load arm. Again, force F2 is the effort applied to lift the load and its
distance from the fulerum; OB = dz is called the effort arm. Therefore,
from (102), we find that
load lifted x load arm = effort applied x effort arm .(103) KNOW
The ratio F/F, is called mechanical advantage (M.A.) of the lever, The principle of uouems ise
load lifted, even when forces f att F
i.e., M.A. = F_d2 at some angle to the eve aod Ta
effort applied, F2 forces need not oniy DE Derpen
F2 or F2<F1, ie., a small effort is applied cular to the sod.
Usually, M.A. > 1, ie.,F>
to lift a heavy load. In that case, d> d, ie., effort is to be applied through a
larger distance and load is lifted through a smaller distance.
The centre of gravity (CG) ofa body is a point
where the entire weight of the body (i.e., CC
gravitational force on the body) acts. Obviously,
gravitational torque on the body about this point
is always zero.
In Fig. 7.36(a), we have shown the weights 1WWW4 Ws
Wi, W2. W3, W4, Wsof particles of a body
situated at different positions. W is the resultant
weight of the body acting at the centre of gravity (CG) of the body, Fig. 7.36(b).
The centre of gravity of the body is its balancing point, as shown in Fig. 7.36(c).
It implies that gravitational torque on the body about CG is zero.
To determine the centre of gravity of iregular shaped body, say a cardboard,
we take a narrow tipped object like a sharp pencil. By trial and error, we can
locate a point G on the cardboard, where the cardboard is balanced on the tip of
the pencil. This point of balance is the centre of gravity of the cardboard. The tip
of the pencil at G provides the reaction R (in the upward direction) to the total
weight Mg of the cardboard. The cardboard is in translational equilibrium. as
R = Mg, Fig. 7.37.
Also, the cardboard is in rotational equilibrium-because if
it were not so. the cardboard E
unbalanced torque, would tilt and fall. Forces of gravity like m1g, m2g, ... etc. act on individuzl pani
the cardboard. They make up the torques on the cardboard. For ith particle of mass
m, ,
(8). If
m, the force oi ga
is the position vector of this particle from CG of the cardboard, then
torque aboun the CG#

7=xm, (
As CG of the cardboard is so located that the ttial torque on it due to forces
of gravity on all the par
is zero, therefore,

7- -2 Zxm(E)=0 (105)

As 8 is non-zero and same for all the particles of the boly, we ay ewrite (105)4

2=0 .f 104)

This is the condition, when centreofmass ofthe body lies at the origin. An position ve ton ae tak
wat. the CG, therefore, the centre of gravity of the body coincides with the centre of mussof the bondy.

However, if the body is so extended that g varies from part to part FIGURE 7.38

of the body, then the centre ofgravity shall not coincide with the centre of
mass of the body.
There is yet another way of determining the CG of a body of irregular
shape. Suspend the body from some point like A. Draw the vertical linc AA
It passes through CG. Similarly, draw vertical lines BB, and CC, by suspending
the body from some other points B and C etc. as shown in Fig. 7.38. The point G

of intersection G of these verticals gives us the position of CG of the irrcgular

body. If the body is small enough, 8 is same for all the particles of the boxdy. A
Therefore, centre of mass of the body would coincide with its CG.
Three simple relations between rotational kinematic variables are

)o=0 4+0at i) 6=
t+o and (ii) o -o =2a,
where the symbols have their usual meaning. They correspond respectively to the three equations

linear motion

(i)v =u +at (i) s=ut +at(ii) v2- u2 =2as

We can deduce rotational kinematic equations as follows:
(a) =O0 +at
We know that
Suppose a rigid body is rotating about a given axis with a uniform angular acceleration o.
do ..(107)
0.= or do = a dt
Att= 0, let o = O0
Att t, let = 0
Integrating (107) within proper limits, we get do= adt

or ..(108)
0-O0= o (t-0) = at

6)0 0+2at
time t, then we know that
If o is angular velocity of the rigid body at any
d6 ...(109)
d0= 0 dt
Att= 0, let 6 = 0
Att=t, let 0 = 0
7/32 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) voLn

Integrating (109) within proper limits, we get

= ..using (108),
de= odt (o, +0u)dt

d0 =| di +| otdt

-0 (t-0)+ -0)


(c) o2- =2a6

We know that 0= and

do dedo
C or do = 0 d6 .111)
= 6, 0 = 0, final angular velocity
When 6 0, 0 = @, initial angular velocity and when 6
. Integrating (111) within proper limits, we get
do= ad6

- 2
a (0-0) a = or o- 2a0 ..(112)

Sample Problem The motor of an engine is rotating about its axis with an angular velocity of
100 rpm. It comes to rest in 15 s, after being switched off. Assuming constant angular deceleration,
calculate the number of revolutions made by it before coming to rest.
Sol. Here, = rpm =
100 x2n=
60 3

=0,t= 15 s

10T +
x15 or o.= 10n
3 45

a rad/s2

Angle traced by the motor in the process is

-o+r =x15+ (15) = 50 T-25 T=25 T

= = 12:5
No. of revolutions =


u nit3, We have studiccd inertia of linear notion i.e. inability of a body to change by itself, its state of
tor stale vf unilorm inear motion. An extermal force is always required to change the state of rest or the
state of unitlinnm linear
oton ot he body. This force varies directly as the mass of the body. Hence mass o
bodr is a measure aJ mertia of the body in linear motion.
Sinilarly. a boy at nst cannot start rotating about an axis on its own ; and a body rotating about a given
anis canot stop
on its owIL. ie. there is inertia of rotational motion as well.
quantity that measures the inertia of rotational motion of the body is called rotational inertia
or moment of inertia of the body.

Thus olaliomal incrtia plays tlhe same role in rotational motion as mass plays in linear
motion. i.. moment of inertia is rotational analogue of mass in linear motion.


Kinetic energy of rotation of a body is the energy possessed by the body on account of is rotation
about a gren aris.

lu Fig. 7.39, we have shown a rigid body rotating in XY plane about Z-axis, with a uniform angular
velocity o.
Let the body consist
espectively from the axis
of particles of masses m, na, i3,..
of rotation.
at perpendicular distances
i 2 3

in the same time.

As the body is rigid, all the particles of the body complete one revolution about 0Z
Therefore., angular velocity of all the particles is the same i.e., o. However, as distances of
particles from the
axis of rotation are different, therefore linear velocities of different particles
the respective linear velocities of the particles, then Uj =' ®, U2 '2
= U3=r3
are different. If vj, v2,V3 are

Kinetic energy of particle of mass 1S

body are
Similarly. kinetic energies of other particles of the
K.E. of rotation of the body

3 2

.(113) 1
K.E. of rotation =

i=n .(114)
Put m,= rotation.
the body about the given axis of
inertia of
Where 7 is called moment of
7/34 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XD OL
its distribution about the given axis,
Clearly, moment of inertia I involves both, the mass of the body and

K.E. of rotation =Io

In Art. 7.2, we have represented moment of inertia asI

= mn, r. Hence we may define
products of masses of all the
Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis as the sum of the
perpendicular distances from the axis of
particles of the body and squares of their respective
axis of rotation, (i) orientation of the axis of
The value of I shall depend upon (i) position of the the axis of
the body, (iv) size of the body, (v) distribution of mass of the body about
rotation, (ii) shape of
rotation. mass,
and has a continuous uniform distribution of
When the body does not consist of discrete particles,
integration and we may rewrite eqn. (114) as
the summation in eqn. (114) can be replaced by
I =J dm
perpendicular distance r from the axis of rotation.
where dm is the mass of a small element of the body at a
element of volume dV is dm = p.d4V.
If p is density of the body, then the mass of small
From (4),
can also define moment of inertia I from eqn. (115)

K.E. ofrotation =I o
If o=1, then K.E. of rotation =Ix12 = or =2xKE ofrotation i.e. .(117)

moment of inertia of a body about a given axis is equal to DO

twice the K.E. of rotation of the body rotating with unit
angular velocity about the given axis. YOU
Physical significance of Moment of Inertia KNOW ?
Jerky motion of a vehicle can be
we have deduced above that K.E. of rotation of a body =lo* reduced by attaching a flywheel
(115) with its engine. A flywheel is a
circular disc capable of rotating
Let us compare it with:K.E. of translation of the body = 2 about an axle passing through itS
centre and perpendicular to its
.(118) plane. Most of the mass ot
We know that linear velocity v is an analogue of angular velocity flywheel is concentrated at its rim
(i.e., away from the axis of
o in rotational motion. Similarly, K.E. of translation is an analogue of rotation). Therefore, moment of
K.E. of rotation in rotational motion. Hence mass (m) of the body is an
inertia of flywheel is large.
analogue of moment of inertia () of the body in rotational motion. Whenever, there is sudden
Hence we conclude that moment of inertia (1) plays the same role in increase or decrease in the speed
rotational motion as mass (m) plays in linear motion. of the vehicle, the large moment
We know that mass of a body is regarded as a measure of inertia of of inertia of flywheel opposes it.
the body for linear/ translational motion. That is how sudden jerks are
Infact, a body free to rotate about an axis has a tendency
to oppose any change in its state
of uniform rotation, i.e., the body opposes any torque or moment of rest or state
of couple that tends to change its state of
uniform rotation. Thus the body has inertia for rotational motion.
The nature of rotational inertia must be that
of a moment of force. Hence the name moment of inertia. Greater
the moment of inertia of a body about a
given axis, more difficult it will be for a torque
to change the state of rotation of the body.
inertia of a body can be regarded as a measure Hence moment of
of rotational inertia of the body.
Units of Moment of Inertia
As I= mass (distance)
units of moment of inertia are kg m* or g cm*. The dimensions
of moment of inertia are [M LT'
As explained already in Unit II, moment
of inertia ofa body is treated as tensor.
This is because moment of inertia of a body about
different axes of rotation has different values. You
may recollect that other examples of tensors are density,
stress, strain, refractive index, etc.

The radius of gyration of a body about a given axis is the

perpendicular distance of a pointP
from the axis, where if whole mass of the body were concentrated,
the body shall have the same
moment of inertia as it has with the actual distribution
by K.
of mass. This distance is represented

Suppose a rigid body consists of n particles, each mass m.

distances of these particles from the axis of rotation, Fig. 7.40.
Let r, I2, r3 ...rz be the perpendicular
By definition, moment of inertia of the body about the given axis is FIGURE 7.40

I= mr +mr +mr t..m

m + + t)
= mxn|
m m-KPM
I = M
Axis of rotation
where M= mx n = total mass of the body.
If the total mass of the body M were concentrated at P at a perpendicular distance K from the axis, its
moment of inertia would be
When Kis radius of gyration, I = I

MK2=M++...2) or K=
Hence (120)

Radius of gyration of a body about a given axis is equal to root mean square distance of
constituent particles of the body from the given axis of rotation.
dimensions are [M°L' T
Lne radiusof gyration being a distance is measured in metre or cm. Its
body, (i) position
The value of radius of gyration shall depend upon (i) shape and size of the
4na configuration of the axis of rotation, and (iii) distribution of mass of the
body w.r.t. the axis of
7/36 ROTTPradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XT) MOLI

Sample Problem A body of moment of inertia 0:5 kg m is rotating about a given axis at the
rate I rps. What is kinetic energy of rotation of the body about that axis ?
Sol. Here, I
0-5 kg m, n = 1
ps, KE = ?
= I(2«n =2 n2n?I
=2x3 x12x05=9-85 J
Considera rigid body rotating about a given axis with a uniform
angular acceleration o, under the action of a torque.
Let the body consist of particles of masses m, m2, mg al ,
perpendicular distances rj. r2, r3, ... respectively from the axis of
rotation, Fig. 7.41.
particles m2 3
As the body is rigid, angular acceleration a of all the r2Frs -

accelerations are
of the body is the same. However, their linear the axis.
different because of different distances of the particles from
If a1, d2, a3,.
particles, then a1 = r| C, a= r2 o, a3 r'3 C,
= .
are the respective linear accelerations of the
Axis of rotation
Force on particle of mass m is f = m1 a1= m 1 a
Moment of this force about the axis of rotation
f1 xr1 = (/171'1 0) X r1 = m, r aX

Similarly, moments of forces on other particles about

the axis of rotation m, r C, ma r, .,a.
. Torque acting on the body, T = m, ré o+m, r5 o+m ot..m,

i=n .(121)
o or T=la|

axis of rotation.
where I= m, r = moment of inertia of the body about the given
If a = 1, T=Ix I or I T on the
given axis is numerically equal to torque acting
Hence, moment of inertia of a body about a
body rotating with unit angular acceleration
about it.
We may rewrite eqn. (121) in vector form as T=Ia relation
equation is called fundamental equation of rotation or law of rotation. It corresponds to the
which is the fundamental equation oflinear
= m a
rotating about a given axis with a uniform
rigid body
angular velocity Fig. 7.42. Let the
, .,
masses m, at perpendicular distances r, r2 r3,
body consist of n particles of m, m2, m3,....
from the axis of rotation. the
the particles is the same. However, as the distances of ..
As the body is rigid, angular
velocity o of all
U, are the
are different, their linear velocities are different. IfU1, V2, U3
particles from the axis ofrotation particles, then
linear velocities of the
particle of mass m is p = m Vj mj (r
= )
The linear momentum of o
of this particle about the given axis= Pi
X (m,i 0) X r1m
The angular momentum

m,' ,
dtSimilarly, angular mouenta

of other particles of the body about the given axis are m,

Angular momentun ot the body about the given axis,


(0 or L=lo .(123)

where= 2m, moment of inertia of the body about
i= Axis of rotation
the given axis.
Thus angular momentum of a body about a given axis is the product of moment of inertia and angular
velocity of the body about that axis.
Also, if o = 1, then from (123). L=Ix 1 or I=L
a momentum of
Hence moment of inertia of body abouta given axis is numerically equal to angular
the body rotating with unit angular velocity about that axis.
We can rewrite eqn. (123) in vector form as L=1
This equation corresponds to the equation P-mu forthe linear/rectilinear motion. 125)
axis. Take
Sample Problem Calculate angular momentum of earth rotating about its

I=MR", where M= 6x 1024 kg and R =6400 km.

Sol. Here, L= ?, T= 24 hrs = 24 x 60x 60=
10 m
M= 6 x 1024 kg, R = 6400 km 6-4 x

T MR 4x22 6x10 (6-4x10°)_7-15 x 1033 kgm2s-l1
5T 5x7 24x 60x60
We have already proved in case of a rigid body .(126)
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. 1, we get

where 0=- angular acceleration of the body

dt .(121)
But torque, TIa
From (127) and (121), we get
angular momentum of the body.
i.e., torque acting ona body is measured by the rate ofchange of
7/38 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI
system ofparticles, then the total
According to this principle, when no external torque acts on a
angular momentum of the system remains always a
torque acting on the body is due to external
For a system of n particles making up a rigid body, total
the body do not contribute to the torque.
forces only. The internal forces between the particles of
As total dt

When no external torque acts on the system, T,total 0

from (129), ota)=0

or = Constant
i.e. 1tl2tl3t.LConstant (vector)
This is the principle of conservation of angular
time is equal
It means that net angular momentum at some initial
to net angular momentum at some later
time, i.e., if net external torque DO
acting on a system is zero, angular momentum L of
constant, no matter what changes take place
the system remains
within the system. YOU
As eqns. (129) and (130) are vector
to three component equations
equations,they are equivalent
corresponding to the conservation of
directions. The law of conservation of
angular mnomentum in three mutually perpendicular
angular momentum, the law of
external conservation of linear momentum
We have stated above that in the absence of an
RETAIN constant. and the law of conservation of
IN torque, angular momentum vector remains energy, all the three hold in the
MEMORY world of subatomic particles, and
Hence the direction of L also remains unchanged. This
also when speeds of objects
suggests a fixed plane for the orbit of every planet. approach the speed of light. No
Hence we conclude that every planet revolves around exceptions, whatsoever, have ever
the sun in a fixed elliptical orbit, i.e., plane ofthe orbit been found to these laws. 2i
ofa planet can never change on its own.

1. The angular velocity of revolution of a planet around
the sun in an elliptical orbit increases, when
the planet comes closer to the sun and
moment of inertia (/) about the sun decreases.
This is because, when the planet comes closer to the sun, its
velocity o increases. The reverse is also true.
As L = I w is constant, therefore, its angular or
acrobat performs feats involving spin by bringing her arms and legs closer to her body
2. A circus her
to the body, her moment of inertia I decreases. Hence
vice-versa. On bringing the arms and legs closer
also true.
angular velocity @ increases. The reverse is
above, an ice skater or a ballet dancer performs the feats.
3. Exactly on the same basis as folds
a ballet dancer is rotating with her arms and legs stretched outwards, Fig. 7.43. When she
Suppose her
brings the stretched leg close to the other leg, her moment of inertia decreases and hence
her arms and
as shown in Fig. 7.43.
angular velocity increases


4.The spinning volunteer. A person carrying FIGURE 7.45

dunbbells in his hands and standing on a rotating platform
can change the speed of the platform. Fig. 744(a) shows
the dumbbells in arms which are outstretched. When the
person suddenly folds his arms, Fig. 7.44(b), his moment
of inertia (T) decreases because effective distance r of the
dumbbells from the axis of rotation decreases. As no net
external torque acts on the system consisting of the person,
dumbbells and rotating table, therefore angular momentum
(Ix o) remains constant. Therefore, angular velocity (0)
of his body, which is the angular velocity of the rotating
platform increases.
5. A, springboard diver. A diver performs
somersaults by jumping from a high diving board keeping
Ais legs and arms out stretched first, and then curling
body. On doing so, the moment of inertiaI of
his body
decreases. As angular momentum (Ix ø) remains
He then
therefore, angular velocity o of his body increases. Water Tank
to touch the
performs somersaults. As the diver is about
Surtace of water, he stretches out his limbs.
The moment
0r inertia of his body increases and
his angular velocity -- **

uecreases. He can enter the water with a little splash.

this is shown in Fig. 7.45. FIGURE 7.46
stretches its body alongwith
0. While jumping, a cat no
so that its moment of inertia (1) increases. As
Tail @ = constant.
ACrnal torque is acting. L =I on its Teet,
0 decreases and the
cat lands gently
Fig. 7.46.

Space craft orientation

craft for
mounted rigidly on a space
A lywheel is
7.47(a). The space cratt
control as shown in Fig.
y wheel form an isolated system. When neither
flywheel is turning, the total
nor the
OmentumL of the system is Zero.
7/40 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics XD VoLn

Tehange the ouientation of the space craft, the FIGURE 7.47

Fly Wheel
ly wleed is ade to tolate. "The spacc craft starts rotating
Space Craft
e o|0ile sCnse to nalntain the angular momentum
l the system al zco. When the flywhccl is brought to
e sce nafl also stops rotating. However,
ol the N[ace ctalt has been changed as shown
i In
inip.B. 7.47(b).
The amgular sperd (0) ofinnrr layers ofthe whirl
wind (tornudo) is alemingly high. This is because moment
l inetia (/) ol inner layers is much smaller.
with two propellers. b
9. Al helicopters are provided
were one single propcller, the hclicopter
I ee opposite direction in accordance with the law of
conservation of angular momentum.
Atc ilsell in
the star may begin
star. When nuclear fire in the core of a star burns low,
10. The ineredible shrinking
to collapse, ultimatcly becoming a neutron star change.
the star is an isolated system and its angular momentum L cannot
Dung this shrinking proccss, angular speed is
its rotational inertia I is decreasing. Therefore, its
As the size of star is decreasing,
cOnespondinply incrcascd grcaly.
rotation is not
examples, angular momentum is conserved, but K.E. of
RETAIN n all the above
=l2 02


i.e. K, = /2 K2
inertia decreases, rotational KE
then K2 > Ki, i.e., when moment of
If <1is due to work done in decreasing the moment of inertia of the body.

of inertia 0:5 kg mand radius 20 cm is

rotating about
Problom of moment
A wheel
Samplo edge. Find
of 20-0 rad/s. It picks up a stationary particle of mass 200 g at its
its axis at an angular speed
he new angular speed of the

Sol. Here, I = 05 kg m, r = 20 cm
= 20
m=m, 0 = 20-0 rad/s, , = ?

mm= 2x0525 kg
4- (Ix5) 25
Mass picked up, m2 = 200 g = 02 kg

New monent of nertia

12 =5m,r+m, =;(m, +m,)r2
25:2 kg m
momentum, I2 02 =/ O
conservation of angular
According to the principle of

5x 20X50 = 19-84 rad/s


oThe plane of the orbit of a planet can never change on its own. Why ?
AnS. As is known, every planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The centripetal force necessary
for the purpose is provided by gravitational pull of
the sun on the planet. As this force acts 1owards
the centre of the sun, external torque due to this force is zero.
According to the principle of conservation of
angular momentum, in the absence of external torque,
angular momentum L of the planet shall remain
constant in magnitude and direction. Hence, orot
of every planet will be in a fixed plane. The
plane of the orbit cannot change on its own.


When moment ot inertia of a body about any given axis is known,
we can calculate moment of inertia
the same body about another axIs, using the following two theorems on moment
of inertia
Theorem of parallel axes, 2. Theorem of perpendicular axes.


According to the theorem of parallel axes, moment

of inertia of a rigid body about any axis AB
is equal to moment of inertia of the body about
C of the body in a direction
another axis KL passing through centre of mass
parallel to AB, plus the product of total mass M of the body and
square of the perpendicular distance between the two parallel axes, AB KL. and
Ifh isperpendicular distance between the axes AB and KL, Fig. FIGURE 7.48
7.48. then according to the theorem of parallel axes, A K

ABIKL M .(131)
Proof. Suppose the rigid body is made up of n particles of masses
my ma
m3. m, at perpendicular distances 2. r3, r.
from the axis KL passing through centre of mass C of the body.

If is the perpendicular distance of a particle of mass m; from

KL. then

i=l B

The perpendicular distance ot th particle from the axis AB = (r; + h)

'AB 2m, ( +h*
m, +h + 25, 4)


As the body is balanced about the centre of mass, the algebraie sum of the moments of the weights (mg)
allparticles passing through C must be zero
about an axis
.e 2 (m,g) =0 or
7142 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

As 80,
2 m, , =0

Also, m, = M= total mass of the body.

From eqn. (133) and eqn. (132), ABKL+M2

This proves the theorem of parallel axes.
inertia of a plane lamina (ie.,
According to the theorem of perpendicular axes, the moment of
OZ perpendicular to the plane of the
a two dimensional body of any shape/size) about any axis
lamina about any two mutually
lamina is equal to sum of the moments of inertia of the
meeting at a point where the given
perpendicular axes OX and OY in the plane of the lamina,
axis 0Z passes through the lamina.
Suppose the lamina is in XY plane, Fig. 7.49. Let
=moment of inertia of the lamina about OX
lamina about OY
I= moment of inertia of the
= moment of inertia of the lamina about Oz.
According to the theorem of perpendicular axes,

Proof. Suppose the lamina

consists of n particles of masses
.(134) X

distances ri. r2, 3, respectively

m, ma, m3, ... m, atperpendicular perpendicular distances
from the axis 0Z. Suppose the corresponding
OYare x1 xX2, Ig .. and from the axis
of these particles from the axis
OX are y, V2 Y3 . y, respectively.

m, .(136)
,m, +m tmg * t,=2 i=l

and mf +m, +ma
+. 2i=l m

Adding eqns. (135) and (136), we get

i=n i=n i=n

=l i=1 i=l


Asisclearfrom Fig. 7.49, =f+}* +1, =

2 m,=1
perpendicular axes.
=+y, which proves the theorem of

Suppose M is the mass of a thin cireular ring of radius R with FIGURE 7.50
otre O. We have to calculate () moment of inertia of the ring about Y
an axis YO. perpendicular to the plane ofthe ring andpassing through
its centre,
Fig. 7.50.
Length of the ring = circumference = 2 T R
Mass per unit length of the ring = M/2 T R
Consider a small element of the ring of length dx, Fig. 7.12. R

Mass of this element dr
Moment of inertia of this element about YODY

As the small element can lie anywhere over the entire length of the ring, i.e., from r = 0 to x = 2 TR,
Moment of inertia of the entire circular ring about YOY
I= d2 La=(2 7R-0) =MR?
T 27t

mass (radius)? .(138)

I= MR =
(ii) Moment of inertia of a uniform circular ring about
diameter of the ring.
inertia of the ring about
From symmetry, we find that moment of
any diameter (d) will be the same. Let us
consider any two mutually
7.51. Using the theorem of
perpendicular diameters AB and CD, Fig.
perpendicular axes, we find that

a+l= MR? Mr (139)

circular ring about a tangent

Moment of
(un) in ertia ofa uniform FIGURE 7.52
the plane of the ring.
the circular ring in the plane of the
tangent to X
In Fig. 7.52, XY is a parallel axes.
use the iheorem of
1o find Iyy, we
+MR2 =MR2
(R) MR?
xy AB + M

xr 2
ring abouta
uniform circular
Moment of inertia ofa
plane of the
pendicular to the
7/44 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (X) MOLN

In Fig. 7.53, PQ is a tangent to the circular ring perpendicular to FIGURE7.53o

the plane of the ring. To find Iro we use the theoem of parallel axes. P

polyy' + M (R) = MR? + MR= 2 MR?

i.e.. PO 2 MR2 .(141)
We can calculate value of radius of gyration (K) of the body
about any axis by equating moment of inertia of the body
about that axis to MK". For example, radius of gyration of a
uniform cirular ring about any diameter is obtained from
eqn. (139)
MR =MK K=5
Sample Calculate moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc of mass 10 kg and
diameter 0-5 m about a tangent perpendicular to the plane of the disC.

Sol. Here, M= 10 kg, R =m= m

I MR-. Using theorem of
About an axis passing through centre of disc perpendicular to its plane,
parallel axis, moment of inertia about a tangent perpendicular to plane of disc,
+ MR2
=MR +MR2 2MR2
'=I =

30 kg m
32 16


Suppose M is the mass of a uniform circular disc of radius FIGURE 7.54
R with centre O. We have to calculate (i) moment of inertia of
the disc about an axis YOY perpendicular to the plane of the
disc and passing through its centre, Fig. 7.54.
Surface area of the disc = t R
Mass per unit area of the disc = MT R2
Consider a small element of the disc, which would be a dr
circular strip of radius x and width dx, say.
Length ofthis element =2 Tx
Surfacc arca of this element = 2 Tx dr

Mass of the clement . M7(2Trdx) = 2Mrdr wullubl

Moment of inertia of this element of the dise about YOY' = mass x (distance)?

2)2M" dxoto
As the element under consideration may lie anywhere from the centre of disc ( = 0) to periphery of the
disc (r = R), theref-re,

Moment of inertia of the circular disc about YOY

I= 2M3 =2M R
R2 R2
x=0 RL4 R-0)
-MR2 .(142)

i.e. I (mass) (radius)?

Sample Problem Show that the radii of gyration of a circular ring and circular dise of the sane
radius about an axis passing through their centres and perpendicular to theirplaneare in the ratio v2:1.
Sol. Here, moment of inertia of circular ring about the given axis is = MK = MR* )
and moment of inertia of circular disc about the same axis is I, = MK; = MR<

Dividing ) by (ii), we get or

K2 1


Table 7.2 1ists the formulae of moment of inertia of some bodies ofregular shape about given axes
TABIE 72, Moment of Inertia of some bodies of regular shape about given axis
Body Axis of Rotation Moment of
S. No.

1. Uniform rod of length perpendicular to rod through its centre 12

2. Uniform rectangular lamina of perpendicular to lamina and through its centre M+b 12

lengthand breadth b perpendicular to its plane and through the

centre MR2
3. Uniform circular ring ofradius R| MR /2
Uniform circular ring of radius R|
the centre MR
perpendicular to its plane and through
5. |Uniform circular disc of radius R
6. Uniform circular disc of radius R|
. Annular cylinder (or ring)
Central axis 2
Axis of cylinder
8. Hollow cylinder of radius R MR
Axis of cylinder 2
Solid cylinder of radius R
0,Hollow sphere of radius K
Solid sphere of radius K
7/46 o Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
In case of rotational motion about a fixed axis, it should be clearly understood that
() We need to consider only those forces that lie in planes perpendicular to the axis. The forces which
are parallel to the axis of rotation will give torques perpendicular to the axis. They will tend to turn the axis
As the axis is fixed, we shall ignore the torques perpendicular to the axis.
i) We need to consider only those components of position vectors which are perpendicular to the axis
of rotation. Components of position vectors along the axis will result in torques perpendicular to the axis,
They need not be taken into account.
Keeping these two simplifications in mind, we have derived in Art. 7.15, small amount of work done by
torque T in turning the body through a small angle de
dW de .143)
If there are more than one forces acting on the body, work done by all of them can be added to give totl
work done on the body. Iftorques due to different forces are t ,tz, .. etc., then total work done on the body
dW= ( + T2 +Tg t.) do 144)
Note that angular displacement d9 for all the particles of the rigid body is the same.
As all the torques are parallel to the fixed axis of rotation, the magnitude T of the total torque is the
algebraic sum of the magnitudes of component torques, i.e., T= "T +T2 +T3t.
dW T de0 145)
The corresponding relation for linear motionis dW Fdx .146)
dW d9 =
Dividing both sides of eqn. (145) by time di, we get or P t® (147)
This is the instantaneous power associated with torque. This relation corresponds to expression for
power in linear motion, i.e.,
P=Fv .(148)

In a perfectly rigid body, as there is no internal motion amongst the particles, therefore, there is no
dissipation of energy. The rate at which work is done on the body is equal to rate at which K.E. of rotation of
the body increases, i.e.,
If we assume that I does not change with time, i.e., mass of body, size of body and axis of rotation of
body do not change with time, then
dW (2 ) 0=Io
dt s .(149)

From (149) T=la (150)

This corresponds to the famous equation of linear motion F ma

Just as force produces linear acceleration, torque produces angular acceleration o= which is

directly proportional to applied torque and is inversely proportional to moment of inertia of the body.
The general expression for total angular mor ntum of a system of particles is
i=n i
{x =
2xm x, =2xm, (ox 7) i=l
Using vector triple product,
we get

For any individual particle, i=l
angular momentum
para This 1s in contrast to
linear motion, where vector and angular velocity vector are not necessaruy
always parallel to each other. linear momentum vector and linear velociry
vector a
As m,=l, moment ofinertia of the
body aboutthe axis of rotation-which
i=1 we have taken as Z-
axis, therefore, from (151),

L=L=Ik 152)
Differentiating both sides w.r.t.
time, taking kA as a fixed constant
vector, we get


For rotation about a fixed axis,

=tk 154)

From (153) and (154),

dt 155
Ifmoment of inertia I does not change with time, then from (155), I =t or I a=T
This is the relation we have derived earlier.
The rolling motion is oneof the most common motions observed in daily life. All wheels. for erample,
used in transportation have rolling motion. We can study rolling motion as a combination of translation ofthe
centre of mass and rotation of rest of the object around the centre of mass. This is shown in Fig. 7.55.
Fig.7.55(a) shows pure rotation as if axis of rotation through the centre of wheel were stationary. Every
point on the wheel rotates about its centre with angular speed o. And every point on the outside edge of the
wneel has linear speed v = R o, where R is radius of the wheel.

Pure Rotation
+ Pure Translation

T-Vom v--V+Vm=0
7/48 Pradeep 's Pundamental Physics (X1)voL
point on the outside edge
lig. 7.55(b) shows/pure transtation as if the wheel did not rotate at all. Every
v and so docs the centre of the wheel.
of wheel moves to the right with lincar speed
lFig. 7.55(c) is the combination of Figs. 7.55(a) and (b). This represents
the actual rolling motion of the
be stationary and the portion of the wheel at
wheel. Clearly, the portion of the wheel at the bottom (at P) would
portion of the wheel.
the top T' would be Inoving at specd = 2 ufaster than any other
horizontal FIGURE 7.56
Thus the velocity of a spherical body rolling over the
surface without slipping gocs on increasing from point of contact
(= 0) to the topost point on the periphery of
the body (v =2 0 R),
Fig. 7.55(e).
Consider a wheel of radius R rolling over a horizontal smooth;
surface without slipping. The whcel has two types of motion
Fig. 7.56.
() the linear motion of the centre of mass with velocity v along

the horizontal,
(ii) rotational motion of the wheel about a horizontal
axis passing through its centre, with an angular
speed o.
Therefore, total kinetic energy K of the system= K.E. of translational
(Kp) about the
motion of centre of mass + K.E. of rotational motion
centre of mass
i.e., K=Kp+ KR
If m is mass of the body and vem is velocity of centre of
mass of the KNOw?
body, then When an object rolls across a
surface in such a way that there is
K.E. of translation, K, =mvm no relative motion of object and
surface at the point of contact, the
Since motion of rolling body about the centre of mass is rotaton,
motion is called rolling without
therefore, Kp represents K.E. of rotation of the body slipping. See that frictionis
responsible for such a motion. But
i.e., no work is done against friction
because there is no relative
where Iis moment ofinertia of the body about the symmetry axis of motion between the body and the
the rolling body. surface at the point of contact.
Putting in (156), we get
=mvem .(157)
K.E. of rolling body, K +lo
From vcm R 0, = cm

and I= m, where k is corresponding radius of gyration of the body. Putting in (157). we get

K-mam .(158)

This is a general equation, which
applies to any rolling body, a disc, a ring, a cylinder or a

In eqn. (45). mvm is the kinetic.

associated, with the translational motion of the wheel's
centre or mass, anai=1cm moment of inertia ofthe body
about an axis through its centre or n

ro-5 -mk*
is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of the wheel
about an axis through the centre of mass.

Hence, we conclude that KE of a rolling object

= translational KE due to translation of its cenre
mass- rotational KE due to its rotation about
the centre of mass.
Special cases
1.If the rolling body is a solid cylinder or uniform circular disc of radius r and mass m, then

I = mk =mr
From (158)

Kmuem mvem

2. If the rolling body is a hollow sphere of radius r and mass m, then

I = mk2
From (158), K-in -m
3. If the rolling body is a solid sphere of radius r and mass m, then

I = mk
mr .
From (158),
K=m+ or a circular ring of radius r and mass m, then
4. If the rolling body is a hollow cylinder
I=mk2= =1

From (158), K=mm d+1)=mvm

weighing 5 kg (a) slides with
hollow cylinder, open at both ends and
Sample Problem A thin slipping. Compare the kinetic
(b) rolls with the same speed without
4speed of 10 m/s without rotating
Dergies of the cylinder in the two
Sol. Here, m = 5 kg, v = 10 m/s translatory.
rotating, its energy is wholly
a)When cylinder slides without
both translational and rotational K.E,
slipping, it has
0) When cylinder rolls without
7/50 Pradep'e Fundamental Physics (X) Vo
But I= mand r0 = v

Em+mr)a =5mu*zmv =mv?=:5x 102= 500 J

E, 500


Consider a solid cylinder of mass m and radius r rolling down an inclined plane of inclination 8, without
slipping. FIGURE 7.57
In Fig. 7.57, we have shown cross section of a right
circular cylinder.
The various forces involved are: (i) weight (7ng) ofthe
cylinder acting vertically downwards,
(ii) normal reaction (R) of the inclined plane acting in
a direction perpendicular to the inclined plane OA mgsin
(it) force of friction (F) between the cylinder and the mgcose
inclined plane. This force acts tangentially upwards on the
inclined plane. -X
The weight (mg) can be resolved into two rectangular components : mg cos 6, opposite to R and
mg sin 0, acting down the inclined plane.
As there is no motion in a direction perpendicular to the inclined plane, therefore
R= mg cos 6 159)
Ifa is linear acceleration of the cylinder rolling down the inclined plane, then net force on the cylinder
down the inclined plane is S=ma= mg sin 6- F (160)
Now, the torque t acting on the rolling cylinder is only due to the force of friction (F),* which acts
tangentially upwards on the surface of the cylinder. The weight mg and normal reaction R do not contribute to
the torque, being radial forces.
t=Fxr .(161)
Iflis moment of inertia ofthe solid cylinder about its axis of symmetry and oa is angular acceleration of
the cylinder down the inclined plane, then

( a = r a) (162)

From (161) and (162), Fxr=4

F=Ialr2 .(163)
Putting in (160), we get ma = mg sin 6- I alr
a (m +) = mg sin
mg sin 6
a= .(164)
mg sin 0
8 sin 6 a = 8 Sin 6
AsI=mk, therefore, a=.
m+mk212 (1+k21,2)
1+k2Ir2 165)

*Out of total force (mg sin 0), acting on the cylinder down the inclined plane, a part (ma) is spent in
roducing downward acc. (a). The balance downward force (mg sin 6- ma) = F (in magnitude) is responsible for
roducing torque on the cylinder rotating it with an angular acceleration o. This value of friction is just right for
he body to roll smoothly down the ramp without sliding.
Now, moment of inertia of the solid cylinder about its own axis of symmetryis

g Sin 0
-mg sSin 6
8 sin

1s 166)

Clearly, a <8 ie. acceleration ofthe solid cylinder down the inclined plane is less than acceleration due
to gravity.
utting this value of a in (163), we get

- 8 sin

F-mg sine 167)

Obviously, F< mg, i.e. force of friction is less than the weight of the body.
Now, for rolling without slipping, there must be a certain minimum value of coefñcient of fiction
between the cylinder and the inclined plane, i.e.,

== R 3
mg sin 0 1
mg cos6

Note that in the above example, centre of mass of rolling cylinder is in motion.
Sample Problom A cylinder of mass 10 kg is rolling perfectly on a plane of inclination 30.
Find the force of friction between the cylinder and the surface of
inclined plane
Sol. Here, M= 10 kg, 0 = 30°
slipping, force of friction is given by
When a cylinder rolls smoothly without
F=mg sin =x10x9-8 sin 30° =x=16-3 N
7.47. LAWs OF ROTATIONAL MOTION we can state three laws of rotational
Newton's three laws of translational motion,
Coresponding to
motion as follows: given axis unless an
1. A body continues to be in a state of
rest or in a state of unijorm rotation about a
external torque is applied on the axis is directly proportional to the
angular momentum of a body about a given
2. The rate of change of
external torque applied on the body another rigid body B in contact with it, then the body B would
torque on
3. When a rigid bodyA exerts a
on the body A.
CAert an equal and opposite torque ROTATIONAL MOTION
ANALOGY BETWEEN quantities which descriko linear
48. summary of the analogy
(similarity) between various
Table 7.3 gives a rotational motion.
Oion to those which
7/52 MO Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XT)VOL
TABLE 7.3. Analogy between linear motion and rotational motion
Linear Motion (Fixed Direction) Rotational Motion (Fixed Axis)
. Distance/displacement (s) 1. Angle or angular displacement (6)
2. Lincar velocity, v = 2. Angular velocity, 0=
dt dt

dvds .
3. Linear acceleration, a = - 3 Angular acceleration, u.
4. Mass (m) 4. Moment of inertia ()
5. Linear momentum, p = m U 5. Angular momentum, L /»
6. Force, F=ma 6. Torque, T = Ia
7. Also, forcc, F = 7. Also, torque T=-dL
8. Translational K.E = mu' = 8. Rotational K.E =;Iof
Work done, W Fs
= 9. Work done, W = t 0

10. Power, P= Fv 10. Power, P = t 0

11. Linear momentum of a system is conserved 11. Angular momentum of a system is conserved
when no external force acts on the system. when no external torque acts on the system.
(Principle of conservation of linear momentum) (Principle of conservation of angular momentum)
12. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem: W=AK
12. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem: W= AK
13. Equations of Translational motion 13. Equations of Rotational motion

(i) e = o

(i) v =u at+ (i)s=ut+jar +5a

(iin) v-u=2a s, where the symbols have (ii) o -of = 2 a 0, where the symbols have

their usual meaning. their usual meaning.

14. Distance travelled in nth second, 14. Angle traced in nth second,

Smh+ (2-1) nth +(2n-1)

TYPE CENTRE OF MASS 3. The co-ordinates of centre of mass will be

Formulae used. +m m +m, d

1. Position vector of centre of mass of n particle m +m 22
i=n and
m +m2

system is
mi 4. If centre of mass lies at the origin, 7
M X=y=z =r=0

2. For two particle system, position vector of

centre m t n2 2 = 0

of mass is

Similarly. 2 - 5 1oinon nit Solution. Rcfer to Fig. 7.59,T

(21xA 9 FIGURE 7.59
B (0.25, 0.253)
Clearly, the algebraic sum of the moments of masses
of various paricles about its centre of mass is zero.
5. For a continuous mass distribution, 60° X
(0.25, 0) (0.5, 0)

6. Velocity of c.m. of a system of two particles is In AOBN, cos 60° = N


2 ON = 0-5 cos 60° = 0.25 m

l2 sin 60° =
Units used. All masses are in k8, all distances are OB 0-5
in metre and all velocities in ms-l
BN =05
sin 60° 0-5
Example Find the centre of mass of a . The co-ordinates ofO (0, 0), A (0-5, 0) and B
uniform triangular lamina.
(0-25,0-25 3). The masses of 100 g, 150 g and 200 g
NCERT Solved Example
are located at the vertices 0, A, B of the equilateral
Solution. In Fig. 7.58, ABC is a uniformn triangle OAB. The co-ordinates of the centre of mass
triangular lamina. lt may be subdivided into thin are
strips, each parallel to the base BC as shown. mm
4+m2 *2 tm3 X3
FIGURE 7.58 m tmtm3
100x0+150x0-5+ 200x0-25

75+50 125

centre of mass m,tmtm
By symmetry, each strip has its
are joined,
at its geometrical centre. If these points 100x0+150x0+200 x0-25 3
we get the median AK. Similarly, we
can argue that
Centre of mass lies on median BL and
also on median
CM. It means the centre of mass of
uniform triangular 503 m
intersection of the three 450
amina lies at the point of
of the triangle Note that the centre of mass C is not the
edians, i.e., on the centroid G is because
centre of mass of geometric centre of triangle OAB. This
Example 2 Find the are not uniformly
equilateral the three vertices of the triangle
uree particles at the vertices of an are 100 0 g loaded.
triangle. The masses of the particles B Find the position of centre
respectively. Each side of the Example
Dg and 200 g of mass of the T-shaped
plate from 0, in Fig.
equilateral triangle is 0.5 m long8
NCERT Solved Example
7/54 MO Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

where O0=
After the circular disc of mass M has been
removed, the disc may be considered as a system of
two masses, M at O and - M at0'. Ifx is the distance
cm of centre of mass (P) of the remaining part of the disc
6 m from 0, then
x0-M'xR/2 M
M+-M) M-M
2m TRm/36
Solution. Suppose o is mass per unit area of
2 70
the plate.
Mass of horizontal portion = 8 x 2 a= 16G Negative sign shows that P is to the left of O.
Mass of vertical portion = 6 x 20= 12G Example 5 circular plate of uniform
Centre of mass O of horizontal portion is such thickness has a diameter of 56 cm. A circular
that 00 =l m. portion of diameter 42 cm is removed from one
Centre of mass O2 of vertical portion is such edge of the plate. Find centre of mass of the
that 00, =2+3 = 5 m. remaining portion of the disc.
Ifyis distance of cm of T-shapedplate from 0, Solution. Here, radius of ciruclar plate
16Gx1+12GX5_0O - 2-71 m
56 28 cm with centre O. And radius of cir-

Example From a uniform circular disc cular portion removed ==21cm with centre O,
of radius R, a circular disc of radius R/6 and Fig. 7.62.
having centre at a distance R/2 from the centre of
the disc is removed. Determine the centre of mass FIGURE 7.62
of remaining portion of the disc.
Solution. Suppose mass per unit area of the disc
is m. Therefore, mass of original disc 28cm
M=TRxm 21m
Mass of portion removed from the disc O2

Km TR2 m -

In Fig. 7.61, mass M is concentrated at O and If m is mass per unit area of disc, then
mass M was concentrated at 0, M=T (28) m and
=T (21) m
FIGURE 7.61 Mass of shaded portion,
ma = M-m = {t (28) T (21)] m

= 343 t m
Ifm and ma are assumed to be concentrated at
O and O2 respectively, and O is their centre of
X'---- then
moment of m2 about O = moment of m about
R/2 O.

ma x O,0=m xO,0

0,0 x0,0 tpR2

cm 1 12
441Tmx7 TR hpxh
cm= 9 cm
343 t m
This is the distance of c.m. of remaining portion M-hp
of disc from centre of disc.
Similarly Xcm = 0, Zgm=
Example 6 Determine the coordinates of Hence co-ordinates of the centre of mass of solid
the centre of mass of a right circular solid cone of
base radius R and height h. cone are
Solution. Fig. 7.63 shows a uniform solid cone
of base radius R and height h. It is supposed to be A man of mass m is standing
made up of a large number of circular discs of
Example 7
on a platform of mass m2 kept on a smooth
different radii and masses.
horizontal surface. It the man moves a distance d
FIGURE 7.63 w.r.t., the platform, find the displacement of the
A platform w.r.t., ground.
Solution. Here, mass of man = m
(h-y) mass of platform = m2

h BXCdy FIGURE7.64

1R n12

Consider one such disc of radius BC = x and

As the surface on which platform is placed is
mass dm at a height y from the base.
smooth, therefore no external force is acting along
A ABC and ADO are similar, the horizontal, i.e.,

0, Therefore, a,Cm = 0 and vem Const.

_R(h-y)2 As vm is zero initially, it would remain zero

or ..) Cm
h even after the man moves. Refer to Fig. 7.64.
Mass of elementary disc, dm = Volume x density Let x= displacement of man towards right
dm = TT.dy x p displacement of platform towards left
.(ii) m] X1
2 2
h2 and X +2 d
Co-ordinates of centre of mass of cone are
m 2 +X2 =d
h-dy 2 a+1d
h m, d
ur R2
=Tp 2y +y3 -2hy )dy 2 m, +2
7/56 MOPradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

W=Te=10' x 22x10 J
5-23x10 -2615 x 10 watt
Formula used 0-2
1. Torque = force x its perpendicular distance from
the axis of rotation 10 A constant torque is acting on
wheel makesn
2. Torque, T = rF sin 0 or t= rxF a wheel. If starting from rest, the
3. Power of torque, P=t0 rotations in t seconds, show that the angular
4. Work done by torque, W = t 6
Angular momentum Linear momentum x its
= acceleration is given by oa =
4 Tn rad s.
5. 2
perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation 0, 0 =2 Tt n radian,
Solution. Here,
6. Angular momentum,
t=t, =?
L= p sin or L = rxp.
7. When a particle of mass m is moving witha As =o+ar2
uniform speed v along a circle of radius r;
L =mvr. 21tn= 0+ar
8. Torque = rate of change of angular momentum
4 Tn
T dL/dt rad s2
Units used. Torque is in N-m, work done in joule,
power in watt, angle in radian, angular velocity
and 11 Show that angular momen-
radian/sec., Mass in kg, linear velocity v in m/s

angular momentum L in kg ms. tum of a satellite of mass M, revolving around

earth of mass M, in an orbit of radius r

Example 8 Find the torque of a force M

(5i-2j+ 3k) about the origin ; which acts on Solution. A satellite revolves around earth under
a particle whose position
vector is (i-j+k). gravitational pull which provides the necessary
Solution. Here, centripetal force,

F (5i-2j+3k) and r=(i-j+k) A

GM, M,
i.e. M, .2

T rxF =(i -j+k)x(5i-2j+3k)

-1 Angular momentum of satellite L = M, V r
-2 3

= i(-3+2)- j3-5) +k (-2+5) L M, xr Ot1ugi

= (-i+2 j+3k)
Example 9 A torque of 10* N-m acting on small particle of mass 15
a rigid body, turns it through
30° in 0-2 second. Example 2 A
body Pprojected at an angle 0 with r-axis with initial
Calculate work done by the torque on the velocity vo in x-y plane as shown in Fig.
and power of torque. Calculate the angular momentum of the particle
Solution. Here, T= 103 N-m,

30° radian, t=0-2 s. sin

at t<- 20
= f(0-0)-Í0-0)
+k[v cos sin 0 ()-vg cos 0 g
g cos
vcos sin 0t+ 0 gr*

cos0 gr k
Solution. As time of flight T-20, sin 9 7xV-v,
o Sin 9 8 From (),
therefore, at particle has not reached

the maximum height. Let r be position

vector of
L mg v, t2 cos 0R
the particle as shown in Fig. 7.66.
YA Formulae used.
1. 0 +Ot

2. 0 0t
>X 3. o-o =2 a0

4.V=r0; 0= 2Tn =
5. a = r
( cos +u, sin 8 )t-82 6. Centripetal acc. = =r o
Units used. nin rps; @, @ in rad/s ;o in radian/s;
T, 1 in sec ; 0 in radian ; r in metre ; v in m/s and
T=v cos)?+|v sin
00-s a in m/s.

Example 3
On application of a constant
7=-3 torque, a wheel is turned from rest through an
angle of 200 radian in 8 s. What is its angular
acceleration? If the same torque continues to act,
Cos f+v, sin 0f-gtj what will be the angular velocity of the wheel
16 s from e start ?
cOs 6f+(v, sin 0-gt)i Solution. Here, o =0,0= 200 rad, = 8 s, t
Angular momentum of particle, O= 7, 0 ?, t= 16 s

.) From 6

0+a (8);
diA 200
32 6-25 rad
= s-2
TXU=, cos e() v sin 0()-8 Again, from o =@ + at= 0 +6-25 x 16

cos (vsin 6-8gt) 100 rad/s

7/58 V Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLLI
Example 14
A flywheel rotating at a speed As work done = increase in K.E. of rotation
of 600 rpm about its axis is brought to rest by
applying a constant torque for 10 seconds. Find
the angular deceleration and angular velocity 5
second after the application of the torque.
484I(12r)? -(2m)2] =Ix14072
Solution. Here, n 600 rpm =
= rps
60 484 70 Ix
= 10 rps
n= 0, t = 10 seconds, a= ?
484x4= 0-7 kg m
- 2T ( -) 70x484
t Example l1 The moment of inertia of a
2Tt(0-10)-2Trad/ss body about a given axis is 1-2 kg m*. Initially, the
10 body is at rest. In order to produce a rotational
angulardeceleration = 2 T rad/s* KE of 1500 J, for how much duration, an
= acceleration of 25 rad s* must be applied about
Again, 0 + at. O=2 Tn + Ot thataxis2
2 Tx 10-2 Tx 5 = 10 T rad/s Solution. Here, I = 1-2 kg m ,0 =0,
Example l5 Obtain the equation o = 25 rad s, t= ?

0 = @0+ a t from first principles. Additional rotational K.E. = 1500 J

NCERT Solved Example

Solution. Refer to Art. 7.26(a). I-1o 1500


IV 3000 50
Formulae used.
rad s-1
1. K.E. of rotation
=Io* From @= + at

2. K.E. of translation =mv 50 0+25 t, t==2s25

Example 18A thin hollow eylinder open
3. Total K.E. = mv at both ends and weighing 5 kg () slides with a
s, speed of 5 m/s without rotating and (ii) rolls with
Units used. v in ms, o in rad m in kg,
the same speed without slipping. Compare the KE
I in kg m; energy in joule of the cylinder in the two cases.
Solution. Here, m = 5 kg, v = 5 m/s
Example 16 An enerey of 484 J is spent in
increasing the speed of a flywheel from 60 rpm to () Translational K.E. =mv=x5x5
360 rpm. Calculate moment of inertia of flywheel. = 62:5 J
Solution. Here, energy spent, W=484 J; speeu
() When the cylinder rolls with the same
Initial speed, o = 60 rpm = x
2T rad/sec Total K.E. = K.E. of translation +K.E. of

2 T rad/sec
62-5 J+ Io =625+ (mr)
Final speed, o = 360 rpm

radian/sec = 12 T radian/sec; 62-5
5= 125 J



Formulae used.
1. Angular momentum, L =1Io
2. Torque, T = /a
3. Relation between torque and angular momentum,
in sec., w in rad/s, a in rad/s2,
L= Txp= rxm v
Units used. T
Iin kg m2; Lin kg m? s,
t in N-m ILI=rmvsin 6
Example 19
A flywheel of mass 25 kg has where is the smaller angle between r and v.
a radius of 0-2 m. It is making 240 rpm. What is
From Fig. 7.20, r sin 0 = OK = perpendicular
distance of O from the line of motion of particle.
the torque necessary to bring it to rest in 20 s ? If
the torque is due to a force applied tangentially As position of particle changes, r and e both
on the rim of the wheel, what is the magnitude of change, but r sin 6 remains constant.
the force ? Assume that mass of flywheel is Therefore, magnitude of L =m v sin 6 =m r
concentrated at its rim. v (OK) = constant
Solution. Here, M = 25 kg, R = 0-2 m,
The direction of L is i and v and
= 240 inwards. This also does not change.
240rpm rps = 4rps, n, = 0,
Hence L remains the same in magnitude and
t 20 s direction.
Moment of inertia of flywheel,
I= MR = 25 (0-2) = kg m 1
Examplo21 Show that moment of couple a
does not depend on the point about which you take

I (- =1-
2T (n2 -1 the moments.
NCERT Solved Example

T=X2T(0-4) Solution. Refer to Fig. 7.68. Forces F at A

=- 0-4 T=- 1-257 N-m
20 and F at B form a couple. Let O de the origin.
If Fis the tangential force applied on the rim, Let OA =
and OB =, be the position vectors
then as Fx R=T
of A and B.
F==R zD = 6-285 N FIGURE 7.68
Example 20 Show that the angular A
nomentum about any point of a single particle
remains constant
OVng with constant velocity
throughout the motion.
NCERT Solved
Let us take the moment of the couple about the
any time 1,
Solution. Refer to Fig. 7.67. At origin O.
velocity v is at P. Moment of couple = sum of moments of two
PpOSe the particle moving with momentum of the forces forming the couple
to calculate angular
ticle about any arbitrary point
0. The 7xF+x(-F)=6-)xF
7/60 9O1Pradeeh's Fundamental Plhysics (XT)VOL
Using triangle law, Angular displacement, 0 = ,t +; a
(20)2 = 400 rad.
BA= OA - OB =- 0+x2
Work done, W= t0 = 6 x 400 = 2400 J
Moment of couple = BA x F Examplo 25 solid cylinder of mass 5 kg
This expression is independent of location of the and radius 30 cm and free to rotateabout its axis,
origin O- about which we took the moment of the receives an angular impulse of 3 kg m^s-l initially,
couple. followed by a similar impulse after every 4 second.
Examplo22 A car moves on a road with a What is the angular speed of the cylinder 30 sec.
after the initial impulse. Given that the cylinderis
speed of 54 km h-i, The radius of its wheels is initially at rest.
0-35 m. What is the average negative torque
Solution. Here, m = 5 kg, r = 30 cm = 0-3 m,
transmitted by its brakes to the wheels if the car =
is brought to rest in 15 s ? Moment of inertia of 0,
the wheels about the axis of rotation is 3 kg m. Angular inmpulse
Solution. Here, u = 54 km h = 15 ms, change in angular momentum

r= 0:35 m
15 3=I(-o)=mr (0-0)
t?.= 15 s, o =0; rads-
o =*=-0-35 rads (03) o; o=
From - = a 3x5 3

From = 0 +t
G_0-15/035 =-100 rad/s
15 35 0-040/3-0
m2s2 As angular impulse is imparted after every 4
t=la=3|-2 8-57 kg
second, i.e., at t = 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28 s. The
last impulse continues upto t= 32 s
Example 23 A grindstone has moment of
inertia of 6 kg m*. A constant torque is applied 0 = O0 + at =
0+x32 = 106-7 rads
and the grindstone is found to have a speed of 150D 3
rpm, 10 second after starting from rest. Calculate Example 26
To speed up a flywheel from
the torque. 60 rpm to 120 rpm, energy equal to 9000 J is
Solution. Here, I = 6 kg m-, required. Calculate the moment of inertia of
150 flywheel. Also calculate change in angular
2 =
2.5 rps, f = 10 s, =0, T = ?
momentum of flywheel.

= 2 Tn2 = 2 n x 2.5
T rad/s Solution. Here,
V= 60 rpm = rps l
20) 6(5T-0) = 3 n N-m 120 pm = 2 rps, E = 9000 J
T= Id = / 10 2
Example 24 A body whose moment of w=2 r " =2 rx I rad/s
inertia is 3 kg m is at rest. It is rotated for 20 s (0=2 T v = 2 x 2 rad/s r
with a moment of force6 N-m. Find angular = -
displacement of the body. What is work done
Solution. Here, /
Moment of force,
= 3
kg m2,
= 0,1 = 20 s
= 6 N-m, 6 = ?,
, W= ?
As E E- E
E=(16 r2-4 r) = 6lxn2

As t=/a, a== 2rad s-2 9000 6 In, l=
151-97 kg m*
Change in angular momentum Examplo 28
horizontal disc rotating
AL = I (02 0) -
ahout a vertical axis passing through its centre
= 151-97 (4 T-2 T) = 151.97 x 2r makes 180 rpm. A small piece of wax of mass 10g
AL = 95498 kg m2 s-l falls vertically on the disc and sticks to it at a
distance of 8 cm from its axis. If the frequency is
TYPE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION thus reduced to 150 rpm, calculate moment of
VI OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM inertia of the disc.
Formulae used. In the absence of an external Solution. Here, n = 180 rpm =3 rps
torque, i.e., when t =0 5
or L = constant, i.e..
= I50 rpm =rps
0 L=1®= constant
Let 7 be the moment of inertia of the disc about
the given axis.
When mass m 10 g = 104 kg sticks to disc at
T2 r=8 cm =8 x 102 m,
Units used. T1, T2 in second ; w in radian/sec, I in then I1 +mr.
kg m* and t in N-m According to principle of conservation of
angular momentum
Example 2 What will be the duration of
the day, if the earth suddenly shrinks to 1/64 th of
or ( m) 2 T n2 =11 2 Tn
its original volume, mass remaining unchanged ?
Solution. Here,

final volume, V2 = initial volume, V

or + m =11=- 4
I=5 mr2 =5x 102 (8 x 10-2,2
= 3-2 x 10 kg m
As no external torque is acting,
Example 29 A disc
of moment of inertia
- I is rotating freely with angular speed @ when
constant. another non-rotating disc of moment of inertia I,
is dropped on it. The two discs then rotate as one
unit. Find the final angular speed.
MR MR Solution. Here, initial angular momentum

Let be the final angular velocity of the

R combination. Therefore, final angular momentum.
As T1 time taken by earth to complete one
evolution about its axis.
As L= L
i.e., normal length
+) o=4 o
of the day 24 hours

x24 15h I+I2

7/62 1Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOo
Solution. Moment of inertia of a disc of radius
RADIUS OF GYRATION Rand mass M, about an axis perpendicularto its plane
VII and passing through its centre is MR-2. Let us
take three concurrent axes through the centre O of
Formulae used. the disc, as x, y, z axes as shown in Fig. 7.69;r andy
axes are in the plane of disc and z axis is perpendicular
to it. According to theorem of L axes,
1. I = 2 m, = MK2
i=l FIGURE 7.69

2. K=2 VPn
3. According to theorem of parallel axes,
4. According to theorem of perpendicular axes,
5. For a uniform circular ring, moment of inertia
about an axis passing through the centre and MR2=21,
perpendicular to the plane of the ring, I = MR2 (1,-1)
6. For a uniform circular disc, moment of inertia
about an axis passing through the centre and or ,MR2
perpendicular to plane of disc I =MR2 Example B] What is the moment ofinertia
7. For a thin uniform rod, moment of inertia about of a rod of mass M, length l about an axis
an axis through its centre perpendicular to length perpendicular to it passing through one of its
NCERT Solved Example
ofrod, IM/2 Solution. For the rod of mass M and length
8. MI of a rectangular lamina of sides I and b about moment of inertia about an axis AB, Fig. 7.70, is
an axis passing through its centre and L to its plane FIGURE 7.70

m( +b)
9. Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder about its O
axis = MRZ
10. Moment of inertia of a solid cylinder about its B-/2
axis MR2

11. Moment of inertia of a hollow sphere about its

= 2 MR2 The given axis is XY. Applying theorem of
diameter 3 parallel axes,
12. Moment of inertia of a solid sphere about its XYAB+M (/2)
M, MI2 M12
Units used. n, M in kg;1, r, R in metre; Iin kg m
Example 2 What is the moment of inertia
Example 30 What is the moment of inertia of a ring about a tangent to the circle in the plane
of a circular disc about one of its diameters? of the ring ? NCERT Solved Example
NCERT Solved Example
Solution. Moment of incrtia of a circular ring
M and radius R about the diameter AB, Fig.
Examplo 8Find the moment of inertia of
of a rectangular bar magnet about an axis passing
7.71 is
through its centre and parallel to its thickness.
FIGURE7.71 Mass of magnet is 100 g, its length is 12 cm,
Tangent breadth is 3 cm and thickness is 2 cm.
Solution. Here, = ?, m = 100 g:
= 12 cm, b = 3 cm, t= 2 cm
The axis shown in the Fig. 7.73 is parallel to
thickness of rectangular bar.

12cm 2cm
The given axis is XY, tangent to the ring in the
plane of ring and parallel to its diameter AB. Using
the theorem of parallel axes,

y=AB+ MR =MR +MR?=MR?

Example 33
Im =100
Four spheres, each of
diameter 2 a and mass M are placed with their 100x53 1275 g cm
centres on the four corners of a square of side b. 12
Calculate the moment of inertia of the system Example 35 Calculate the moment of
about one side of the square taken as the axis. inertia of a cylinder of length 15 m, radius 0-05 m
Solution. In Fig. 7.72, ABCD is a square of side and density 8 x 10 kg/m* about the axis of the
b. Four spheres, each of mass M and radius a are cylinder.
placed at the four corners of the square. Solution. Here, I = ?, l= 1-5 m, r = 0-05 m,
FIGURE 7.72 P=8x 10" kg/m3
Mass of cylinder, m = area x 1xp
A Txlxp
= 3-14 (0-05)2 x 1-5 x 8x 103 = 94-2 kg

About the axis of cylinder, I = mr2


Moment of inertia of the system about any

side, =x942 (005) = 0-1175 kg m
say CD is
Example 86 Three balls of masses 1 kg
Mi of sphere at A about CD
about CD 2 kg and 3 kg are arranged at the corners of an
+MI ofsphere at B equilateral triangle of side 1 m. What wvill be the
+ MI of sphere at C about moment of inertia of the system about an axis
about CD
+ MI of sphere at D through the centroid and perpendicular to the
plane of the triangle.
M +M-|Ma?+M Solution. In Fig. 7.74, G is centroid of
5 equilateral triangle ABC.
Now, median AD = VAB2 - BD2
=12-(0-5)2 075
=Ma2 +2M62 =£(4a2 +56)
7/64 noI Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (KIVOLn

what is the number of revolutions made by it
before coming to rest ?
A(1 kg)
Solution. Here, n= 100 rpm =rps,60
m 1m
n =
0,1= 15 s, a =?, n = ?
c(3 kg) O=-
(2 kg)
0.5m 0.5m
075 2 15
60 21t rad s

Moment of inertia of the system about an axis

through centroid G and perpendicular to plane of
triangle ABC is =o+ur
I=1 xAG +2 x BG +3 x CG

=(1+2+3) AG? =6075 =27x15 15

50 Tt 25 T= 25 t
6xx075 =2 kg m* Number of rotations made,


VII Example B8 A disc of radius 0-5 m is

Formulae used. 1. Power of a torque, P =T0 rotating about an axis passing through its centre
2. Acceleration of a point mass tied to the string and perpendicular to its plane. A tangential force
wound on a cylinder, of 2000 N is applied to bring the disc to rest in
1+I/mR 2s. Calculate its angular momentum.

mg Solution. Here,
r0-5 m, F= 2000 N, 1 =2s
3. Tension in the string, Final angular momentum, L2 =0,
Initial angular momentum, Li =?
4. Acceleration of a body rolling down a rough -
Torque applied, t = Fxr=-2000 x 0-5
inclined plane of inclination is
= - 1000 N-m
mg sin 6
8Sin 6
m+I/r2 As
5. Coefficient of friction for rolling of solid cylinder
without slipping down the rough inclined plane is
-1000=I, L = 2000 kg m2s-l
tan Example 39 cylinder of mass 5 kg and
Units used. Mass m in kg, accelerations a and g axis
inertia I in radius 30 cm and free to rotate about its
ms, tension T in newton, moment of in N-m receives an angular impulse of3 kg m2s"
kg m, Power P in watt and torque t
followed by a similar impulse after every 4 second.
What is the angular speed of the cylinder 30 s
Example B7 The motor of an engine is impulse?? The cylinder is at rest initially.
velocity of ne initial mpulse
the iniual
rotating about its axis with an angular Solution. Here, m = 5 kg, r= 30 cm = 0-3 m
15 s after being
100 rpm. It comes to rest in = 0, 02=?,1=30s
is constant,
switched off. If angular deceleration
Angular impulse = Change in
angular momentuma

4 m gh_4gh
3 (02-o) m
(02-01) 3mr 3r2

K.E. of rotation=-
mgh 2x98x4 2613 J
3x2x100 40 3
5x9 3
As Example4] A 70 kg man stands in contact
against the wall of a cylindrical drum of radius
40= 3 m rotating about its vertical axis with 200 rpm.
0+04 or = rad/,2
3 The coefficient of friction between the wall and
As impulse is imparted after every 4 seconds, his clothing is 0-15. What is the minimum
impulses imparted are at =0,4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 rotational speed of the cylinder to enable the man
sec. The last one lasts upto t to remain stuck to the wall (without falling) when
32 sec. (before the
next impulse is imparted). the floor is suddenly removed ?
As Solution. Here, m = 70 kg, r = 3 m.

200 rps 10.

=0+x32= 320
106-7 rad/s
= 200 rpm = = x2T rad/s
3 60 3

In the present case, necessary centripetal force

Example 40 A solid cylinder rolls down an is provided by the horizontal reaction H of the wall
inclined plane. Its mass is 2 kg and radius 0-1 m. on the man, i.e.,
If the height of the inclined plane is 4 m, what is
its rotational K.E. when it reaches foot of the = mv-=
H mraN (: v=r)
plane ? Assume that the surfaces are smooth. Take
MI. of solid cylinder about its axis = mr/2. The frictional force Facts upwards and balances
the weight mg of the man.
Solution. Here, m = 2 kg, r= 0-1 m
The man will remain stuck to the wall after
Height of inclined plane, h = 4 m.
the floor is removed, if weight of man s force of
Rotational K.E. = ? friction
At the top of inclined plane, the solid cylinder or mg u H(=L mrw)
has P.E. = mgh
At the bottom of inclined plane, the cylinder or S0 or 02
hasK.E. of translationmu"

and K.E. ofrotationIo

min ==Vr 98 =467
V0-15x3 rad/sec

Example 42 The angular speed ofa motor

= wheel is increased from 1200 rpm to 3120 rpm in
muIo mgh 16 seconds. (i) What is the angular acceleration,
assuming the acceleration to be uniform ? (i) How
many revolutions does the engine make during this
Now, v = r
1m time?
Solution. Here,
NCERT Solved Example

m ra)+m2]o*-mgh -1200
2 n 1200 rpm = ps 20 rps
mro= mgh
7/66 HO Pradeep'a Pundamental Physics (X) VOLI

n2 3120 rpm =*rps = 52 rps Forasolideyinder 1=m:

8 Sn=
16 secs
a ?:0=? ac &sin 0-67 g sino
From d= 2r (n, -n
Fora solid sphere, I= mr?; k2=42
2T(52-20=4 T rad/s2
16 8 Sin = 0-71 g sin®
Angular displacement (0) in time ris calculated sph1+2/5
from the relation As acceleration of the sphere is maximum
therefore, the sphere will reach the ground with
,+r? = 2mmt+ar? maximum velocity.
Example 44 of mass 5 kg is
A body

2 Tx 20 x 16+ x4 r (16)2 attached to a weightless string wound round a

cylinder of mass 8 kg and radius 0-3 m. The body
640 T + 512 T= 1152 T rad
= is allowed to fall. Calculate (i) tension in the string,
As 8= 2 T radian in one revolution, therefore, (ii) acceleration with which the body falls and
number of revolutions (ii) angular acceleration of the cylinder.
Solution. Here, m = 5 kg, M = 8 kg, R = 0-3m
2T 27T Moment ofinertia of the cylinder
Example 3
Three bodies, a ring, a solid mg
cylinder and a solid sphere roll down the same (i) Tension in the string, T = -
inclined plane without slipping. They start from 1mR /I
rest. The radii of the bodies are identical. Which mg mg 5x98
of the bodies reaches the ground with maximum 21-78N
velocity? NCERT Solved Example
1+mR2 2m 12x5
MR2 8
Solution. In Art. 7.20, we have obtained acce- (ii) Linear acceleration
leration of an object rolling down an inclined plane
a 98
a =Sn 6 8& sin 6 1+ mR
1+Imr2 (1+k2/2 1+
2m 2x5
Fra ring, I m2;k2 =2 544 m/s*
. ring g51n = 05 gsin
(ii) Angular acceleration,
:44 03 18 13 R


1. Centre of mass of a body is a point where the entire nass of the body can be
Infact, nature of motion executed by the body shall remain unaflected supposed to be concentrated.
if all the forces acting on the body
were applied directly at this point.
Mathematically: If i and r2 are position vectors of the two particles of masses m
and m, constituting the

system, then position vector of the centre of mass is given by 7 i *m, "2 s9T9dis

2. For a system of n-particles, the centre of mass is given by

m+m +m t..t mn M
the geme
In symmetrical bodies with uniform distribution of mass, the centre of mass coincides with
centre of the body.
The centre of mass of an isolated system is either at rest or it moves with a uniform velocity
along a straugrr
line path.
or torgue auz
3. Torque (T). The turning effect of a force about the axis of rotation is called moment of force
to the force. Torque is measured as the product of the magnitude of the force and
the perpendicular distance
of the line of action of the force from the axis of rotation.
Mathematically: If a force F acts at a point, whose position vector is r the torque due to force

(a) In cartesian coordinates, TxFy-yF
(b)In polar coordinates: T= r F sin o, where o is angle between force vector F and position vector r
SI unit of torque is Nm.
is measuredas ihe producz
4. Angular momentum (L). It is the rotational analogue of linear momentum and
from the axis of rotation.
of the linear momentum and the perpendicular distance of its line of action

Mathematically : If P is linear momentum of the particle andr its position vector, then angular momenrum

of the particle, L = r xp
(a) In cartesian coordinates: Lz =XPy-YPx
(6) In polar coordinates: L =rp sin

where o is angle between the linear momentum

vector P and the position vector r
SI unit of angular momentum is kg
m* s.
to twice the product of mass of the particle and
Geometrically, angular momentum of a particle is equal
the given axis.
areal velocity of its radius vector about
. Relation between torque and angular

(i) If the system consists Fean)d,d.
of n-particles, then
dt dt dt

of angular momentum. if no external torque acts on a system, then the total angular
6. Law of conservation
momentum of the system remains
= Latal constant, when Text0
Mathematically: L +L2 +Ly t.+ inertia of a
a rgid body about a given axis of rotation is the sum of the
7. Moment of inertia (). The moment of respective perpendicular distances from
particles and squares of their
products of masses of the various
axis of rotation.

=m, r +m t.t+m, =2m,

Mathematically: I +m2 i=l
Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (ZDEE

thassho the bndy. However. it depends on shape & size of the body & also on position and
f tthe dnis uf' ntation.
RARH gtatin (A. eined ax the distance ofa point from the aris of rotation at which, if whule
e he hn t ennared. the moment of inertia of the body would be same as with the uctua

ms distance of particles from the axis of rotation.

tst ot thits ot g tativn is m. Note that the moment of inertia of a body about a given axis is equal to the

Nant of thass uf the baiy and square of its radius of gyration about that axis, ie., I = MF.
Thmm of perpemdicular aves. ir states that the moment of inertia of a plane lamina about an ais
niwe ihs piane is equal ro the surn of the moments of inertia of the lamina about any tuo mutualy
is piane vani intersecting each other at the poini., where the perpendicular aris passes
hdi it viter it
Matthernatitlly: = +, where N and Y-axes lie in the plane ofthe Lamina and Z-axis is perpendiclar
its pltt ttd pnasses tuuugh tdhe point of intersection of X and Y axes.
t0 Ttvm of parallel aves. lt states that the moment of inertia of a rigid body about ary acis is equal t
herrid the inir about a parallei aris through its centre of mass plus the product of mass of the
A n te Nnar the perpendicalar distance berween the axes.
Matematiaily: ?=i+Mi, where l, is moment ofinertia of the body about an axis through itscentre cf
tmass and is the perpendicular distance bettween the two axes.
1. Aenent of inertia of a few bodies of regular shape

) Ll of a nai abrut an axis through its c.m. and perpendicular to rod, I=M?
7 ML of a cincular ring about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its plane, I= MRŽ2

) Mlof a cirvular dise about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its plane,

( MI of aright circular solid eylinder about its symmetry aris. I = MR2

( M.L ot a right circular hollow eylinder about its axis = MR2

() M.L of a solid sphere about its diameter, I = MR2

(i) LL. of a spherical shell about its diameter. I = MR?

12. Moment of inertia and angular momentum. The moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis 1s
uerically equal to the angular niomentum of the rigid body, when rotating with unit angular velocity abou
that axis.
L =
Mathematically: Io
13. Moment of inertia and kinetic energy of rotation. The moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis of
notation is nunierically equal to twice the kinetic energy of rotation of the body, when rotating with unit
angular velocity about that axis.

Mathematically K.E. ofrotation = -


14. Moment of inertía and torque. The moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis of rotation is numeriealy
equal to the external torque required to produce a unit angular acceleration in the body about the given axis.
Mathematically :t =/a
Law of conservation of angular momentum. If no external torque acts on a system, the total
momentum ot the system remains unchanged.
Mathematically 7 0= :
constant vector, i.e., in magnitude, I, 0 = I, 0,, provided no external torque acts O
the system.

16. For translational equilibrium ofa rigid body. F= F =o

For rotational equilibrium of a rigid body, 7-7-0o

various quantities describing linear motion
17. The following table gives a summary of the analogy between
and rotational motion.

Linear motion S. No. Rotational motion

S. No.
1. Distance/displacement (s) 1. Angle or angular displacement (8)

2. Angular velocity, 0= de
2. Linear velocity, v dt
du dr 3. Angular acceleration,
a= 0-d*o
3. Linear acceleration, a =- dt d2
dt d Moment of intertia ()
4. Mass (m)
= m U 5. Angular momentum, L = /0.
5. Linear momentum, p
Torque, T =la
6. Force, F= ma
7. Also, torque, T=-
7. Also, force F=dt dt

Translational KE, K7 = mv2 8. Rotational K.E., K =;l

= Fs 9 Work done, W= t 6
9. Work done, W Power, P= t 0
10. Power, P = Fv 11. Angular momentum of a system is conserved
11. Linear momentum of a system is system. when no external torque acts on the system
on the
when no external force acts (Principle of conservation of angular
(Principle of conservation of momentum).
momentum). 12. Equations of rotational motion
12. Equations of translatory motion
(i) v = u + at

(ii) s =ut +ar2

ii) 0= oI+ar
where the symbols have (ii) a0, where the symbols
w-fusual= 2meaning.
(ii) v- =2as, have their
1 11
their usual meaning.
70 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

Based on NCERT Book"
8. Angular velocity of minute's hand of a clock in
I. Multiple Choice Questions radian/sec is
1. The centre of mass of a body is moving with a
(a) Tt/30 b) Td1800
uniform velocity of 10 cm/s. Three forces are 2Tt
applied on the body, which are in equilibrium. The
(c) 2r/30 (d800
velocity of centre of mass would become 9. Moment of inertia of a body depends upon
(a) Zero (b)>10cm/s (a) mass of body
()< 10 cmís (d) 10 cm/s (6) shape and size of body
2. A fire cracker following a parabolic path explodes (c) position and orientation of axis of rotation
in mid air. The centre of mass of all the fragments (d) all the above
will follow a path
10. Formation of a neutron star is explained on the basis
(a) along horizontal
(b) along vertical (a) conservation of linear momentum
(c) along same parabola (b) conservation of energy
(d) along circle (c) conservation of angular momentum
3. The corect relation between linear velocity v and (d) none of these
angular velocity of a particle is Moment of inertia of a uniform circular ing of

(a) 0x7 (b) =x mass 2 kg and diameter 1 m about its diameter is

(a) 0-25 kg m (6) 0.5 kg m
c)o=7xD () 7=7 xo (c)1 kg m2 (d) 2 kg m
12. The radius of gyration of a uniform circular disc
4. The expression for torque in polar co-ordinates is of radius R, about any diameter of the disc is
(a) T=rF sin (b) T=rF cos o (a) K= R b) K= R/2
o (c) K = 2 R
c)T=rFtan o )T Tsin 13.
(d)none of these
Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder of mass M
5. To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of and radius R, about the axis of cylinder is
100 s, an engine needs to transmit a torque of 90
N-m. The power of engine must be
aMR? (b) MR2
(a) 9 kW (b) 90 kW
(c)9 MW (d) 90 MW ()MR2
6. A rigid body is said to be in translational 14. Kinetic energy of a body rolling without slipping
equilibrium, when its velocity v is is
(a) zero
(b) constant (a) K =mv
(c) constant or zero
(d) neither constant nor zero C)K=mv+lo d) K=mv2-lo*
7. A rigid body is said to be in partial equilibrium, 15. Acceleration of a solid cylinder rolling without
when it is in slipping down an incline of inclination 0 is
(a) translational equilibrium only
(a) g2 sin cos
(b) roiational equilibrium only 6)8 &uenci
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b) (d)s2 tan
c OF
The otational analogue of force is
(a) momentum (b) angular
(d) none of these (r) d (d)-1
grindstone.of moment of inertia
17. A 6 kg m2 is found 26. A system consists of two identical particles, one
have a speed of i150 rpm, 10 sec. after of the particles has an uccelerationa and the other
applied is starting
from rest. 1orque IS t rest. "The center of nuass has an acceleration ol

(a) 6 n Ns (b) 3 T Ns (a) 2 a

(c)9 Ns
t (d) 12 t Ns
What would be the length of the day, if earth were
to shrink suddeniy to l/64th of its original volume? 27. A point on the rim of a wheel of diameter 40 c
(a) 24 h (b) 12 h has a velocity of l6 m-s', The angular velocity o
(c)6h (d) 1-5 h the wheel is
19. Dimensional Formula of torque (a) 2 rad-s (b) 4 rad-s-
(a) ML T (6) ML T-2 (c) 6 rad-s (al) 8 rad-s
() ML T2 28. An engine flywhecl of diameter m rotates with

(d) ML LT
an angular velocity of 600 rev-min. The linear
20. The SI unit of Angular Momentum
velocity of a particle on the peripthery of the wheel
(a) Nm (b) kg m-/s
will be
c)kg m s a) kg m s (b) 30 t m s
(a) 40 t m s-l-

21. The moment of momentum is also called (c) 20 t m sl - (d) T0 t m - s

(a) couple (b) torque 29. The radius of gyration of a disc of mass 50 g and
() impulse (d) angular momentum radius 2.5 cm, about an axis passing through its
22. A coin of mass 0.48 kg and radius one meter is centre of gravity and perpendicular to the plane, is
rolling on a horizontal surface without sliding with (a) 0-52 cm (b) 1:76 cm
angular velocity 600 rotation/min. The total K.E. (C) 3:54 cm (d) 6-54 cm
of the coin is 30. A cylinder of mass 500 g and radius 10 cm has
(a) 360 J (b) 1440 J moment of inertia about its central axis in kg-mn
(d) 600 J equal to
c) 4000 J (b) 2.5 x 103
23. A body of mass M while falling vertically
(a) 1-25 x 10-3
parts, a (c) 5.5 x 10 (d) 7-5 x 10-3
downwards under gravity breaks into two
2 MI3. R is rotating
part B of mass M/3 and body C of mass 31. A solid sphere of mass M and radius
The centre of mass of the bodies
B and C taken about an axis passing through its centre making
600 rev-min. Its rotational kinetic energy
(a) does not shift
(a) 80 t R (b) 80 r

6) shifts towards body B MR
c) shifts towards bodyC a body (initially at rest)
d) depends upon height of breaking 32. The moment of inertia of
In order to produce
towards each other about a given axis is l-2 kg-ms.
Two identical particles move J, an angular
respectively. The velocity a rotational kinetic energy of IS00
wth velocity 2 v andv acceleration of 25 rad-s* must be applied about
of their centre of mass 1s
(a) 0 (b) v that axis for a period of
(b) 2 s
(a) Is
(d) 10 s
3 (c) 4 s
masses spherical ball is rolling on a horizontal
having 33. If a solid rotational kinetic energy to
25. Consider a systemn of two particles table, the ratio of its
particle of mass m IS pusneda
2. If the particles through the total energy is
tOwards the mass centre of or
would the particletne
distar a, by what distance centre or (a10
mass move, so as to keep the
Particles at the original position

(a) d (b)n
7/72 MONTPradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
34. If the carth were to sudddenly contract to hall
to The angular momentum is perpendicular
the (a) x-axis (6) y-axis
half of its present radius, then change in
(d) all of these
duration of the day will be (ASSume earth to be a (c) z-axis
perfect solid sphere of moment of inertia 40. A body of moment of inertia of 3 kg-m rotating
with an angular velocity of 2 rad-s has the same
MR) kinetic energy as a body of mass of 12 kg moving
5 with a velocity of
(a)6h increase (b) 18 h increase (a) m-s
(b) 2 m-s
(c) 6 h decrease (d) 18 h decrease (c) 4 m-s- (a) 8 m-s
35. A round disc of moment of inertia l about its axis 41. If rotational kinetic energies of two bodies
moments of inertia of 9 kg-m and kg-m are
perpendicular to its plane and passing through its
centre is placed over another disc of moment of same, then ratio of their angular momenta is
inertia rotaling with an angular velocity 0 about (a) 9:1 (b) 1:9
the same axis. The final angular velocity of the (c) 1:3 (d) 3:1
combination is
42. A point P on the wheel is in contact with the
(b)-40 ground. It rolls on the ground without slipping. The
(a) displacement of point P, when the wheel completes

half of rotation is (Radius of wheel = m)

(c)20 2
(a) I m (6) 2 m
36. A thin circular ring of nmass M and radius r is (c) 2.
(V+2) m ((+4)m
velocity .
rotating about its axis with a constant angular
The four objects cach of mass m are
kept gently to the opposite ends of two
43. A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls
without slipping down an inclined plane of length
L and height h. What is the speed of its centre of
perpendicular diameters of the ring. The angular mass when the cylinder reaches its bottom?
velocity of the ring will be
(a)gh (6)2 gh
(a) o
(c) +4m) o (n
M-4m) o 44. A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m about
M M +4m its vertical axis, rotates at the rate of 60 rev-min
37. The angular velocity of a body changes from oj to about this axis. The torque, which can stop the
0 without applying any torque but due to changge wheel's rotation in one minute, would be
in its moment of inertia. The ratio of radii of
gyration in both the cases is ()N-m N-m 9i
6) Jo:y02
(c): (d) o: (c)N-m 15 N-m n
2 12
38. A particle performing uniform circular motion
has 45. A constant torque of 314 N-m is exerted on a
angular momentum L. If its angular frequency is
doubled and its kinetic energy halved, then the new ,
pivoted wheel. If angular acceleration of wheel 1s
4 Tt rad/s then the moment of inertia of the wheer
angular momentum is is
(a) 2L (6) 4 L (a) 25 kg-m (6) 35 kg-m
(c) 45 kg-m (d) 55 kg-m siqiri
46. A flywheel has a moment of inertia 05 kg-m
What torque is required to increase its velocity fron
39. The position of a particle in a space is given by :
2 Tt rad-$ to 15 T rad -
s in 10 s?
P-T+2- (a) 1-0 N-m
(c) 2-0 N-m
(b) 1-5 N-m
(d) 3-0 N-m
and momentum p=3 i +4 j-2k.

II Completion
Type Questions
T True/False Type Questions
Centre of of a body is..
1. at which 1. Torque is a scalar quantity.
....... TS

2. In
ertain cases, there may .... at the ....
2. If the external torque is zero, the angular
By convention, anticlockwise moments are. momentum will be constant.
are taken as ******* ***** 3. The theorem of perpendicular axes is = +
and.. I I
4. Torque due to a force is the product of *******°**
4. In pure translation, every particle of the body moves
and... of line of action exactly with the same velocity at any instant of
5. Power associated With torque is given by. time.
and.... Or the body about .
5. The total torque on a system is independent of the
6. Angular momentum of a particle . ... 1S origin if the total internal force is zero.
.. of the particle
7. Mass of a body is..

f . of the body
6. The M.I. of a thin circular ring about its diameter

8. A quantity that measures .... . of the body is ****°*.

7. The cross product of =(7î +3-5k) and
called.. of the body.
9. Radius of.
of a body about a given axis is
F--j+k) is 2f+12/+10k.
equal to.. of the constituent particles of the 8. Centre of mass and centre of gravity always
body coincide.

10. When
. acts
on a system of particles, then
TV Matching Type Questions
of the system remains
Conserved, ...
** *****

11. When..... 1S may.. Match appropriately column I and column I

12. The rate of
... of a body about a given axisis
.. to.....
1. ColumnI Column II


Rotational analogue of is. ..

applied on the body.
(a) Solid cylinder about its axis
(b) Hollow cylinder about its axis
(p) MR2
(g) 1/2 MR

Angle traced by a rotating body in nth second is
where symbols have their usual
2. Column I
)1/12 ML2
Column II
(a) Stable Equilibrium, potential (P) Maximum
15. The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod about
an axis perpendicular to the length and passing energy
throughthe centre is.. e****.**
(b) Unstable Equilibrium, potential (q) Zero
16. The relation t de gives ***°* *******° ()Minimum
17. of gravity of a body is an imaginary
The centre 3. Column I Column II
point, where total... **** of the body is (a) In parallel axis theorem, total (p) I=lx+ly
Supposed to be concentrated. M.I
0. Centre of mass of a body is a point, where total (b) In perpendicular axis theorem, (q) I=IcM+ Md
supposed to be concentrated.
total M.I
in radian (r) I=I- Md?
Angular velocity of minute hand of clock
per second is ... ANSWERS
Multiple Choice Questions 9.(d) 10. (c)
6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b)
1.(4) 4. (a) 5. (a) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (b)
2. () 3.(a) 16. (C) 17. (b)
15. (a)
11. (a)
12. (b) 13. (6) 14. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (b)
26. (c)
21. (d) 24. (c) 25. (c) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
22. (b) 23. (a) 36. (b) 37. (a)
35. (b)
31. (6)
33. (b) 34. (d) 46. (c)
32. (b) 45. (a)
41. (d)
43. (d) 44. (b)
42. (d)
774 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
II. Completion Type Questions
1. a point; entire mass of body ; supposed to be concentrated.
2. be no mass ; centre of mass.
3. taken as positive; clockwise moments ; negative.
4. force; perpendicular distance; of force from the axis of rotation.
5. product of torqe; angular speed; the axis of rotation.
6. about a given axis ; moment of momentum; about that axis.
7. measure ; inertia ; in linear motion
8. rotational inertia ; moment of inertia.
9. gyration, root mean square distance ; from the axis of rotation.
10. no external torque ; angular momentum; constant.
11. angular momentum ; KE ofrotation; may not be conserved.
12. change of angular momentum; directly proportional; the external torque.
15. MP/12
13. force; torque 14.
tho +2n-1) 16. work done

17. weight of body 18. Mass of body 19. T/1800 rad/s

III. True/False Type Questions

1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. False

IV Matching Type Questions

1. (a)(q) :()>(p) 2. (a)>): (6)> (P) 3. (a)();6)>P)

For Difficult Questions

I. Multiple Choice Questions 14. (c): When abody is rolling without slipping.
1.(d): As the applied forces are in equilibrium,
velocity of centre of mass remains the same K.E,=mv+Io
ie. 10 cm/s.
2. (c): As no external force is involved in explosion, 15. (a): From a =g Sine
the cracker the centre of mass of all the m+l/2
fragments will continue along the same
4. (a): T =rF sin ¢
For solid cylinder, I =
mr :(o
= = mg sint-g
5. (a): Pt0= 90 x 100 9000 W 9 kW
a= sin6e
7. (c): Partial equilibrium means translational m+m/2 3
equilibrium or rotational equilibrium and not 16. (c): Torque is rotational analogue of force.
17. (b):
_@2-@-27(150/60)-005 T
8. (b): o=
27t 21 -
rad/s 18O0 rad/s. 10
60x 60
T=Ia6x0.5 m = 3 t N-s
10. (c): Formation of neutron star is explained on the ar
18. (d): From principle of conservation of angul
basis of conservation of angular momentum.
(): 1=m-;x2|; 0-25 kg
I 0=Ix constant.

12. (b): I=MK =MR; K=R/2 Tc I



29. (b) : K ?m= 50 g, r= 2-5 cm
Vs:R=: K=
K 25 cm
2 1414

30. (6): Here, m

500 g =4kg, = 10 cm =r 0-1 m
24 =
T2 hr 1-5 hr

(a): Torque = Fx r= (MLT) x L = [ML2 T-21


m=x;on2 = 25 x 10 kg m*

20.(6): Angular momentum = @=kg m/s. 600
=1 31. (b): n =600 rpm =
2. (6): Here, m = 0-48 kg, m,
rps = 10 rps.
n= 600 rpm = 10 rps.
Total KE-mu+I o2 Rotational KE /o?-5[ Mr ) (2 Tn)2

mroxmo=mr o 2
4T10x 10 MR
3 80
x1 (2 n x 10)2 32. (b): Here,
I = 12 kg mf, o =0
= 1440 J Rotational KE Io2 = 1500, o = 25 rad/s
23.(a): As no external force is involved, therefore
centre of mass does not shift.
m(20)+m(-U)_U 02 12 50
24.(c): Ucm
25.(c): As mass centre of particles is to be kept at From t
02 1 0 =2 sec
original position, therefore,

H l "1 a= mh d or d'= "

3.(0): Kg1of =(mo-,
26. (c): a= "4 tm2 az KT =mv
m +m2
Total energy = K= Kr+ KT
a atm x0
27.(d): Here,
n m

40 cm = 2 m. v = 16 m/s
m m 7m

From v =r0
AR /5 mv
K 7/10 mu2
-8 rad/s 34. (d): According to the principle of conservation of
angular momentum.
28.(d): Here, =
r m, = Ix=constant
1o noilln = 600 rpm =
o00 rps = 10 rps

when R RI2, I becomes 114.

ro=x2n Tbecomes 774
i.e.,24/4 = 6 hrs.
Decrease in duration of the day = 24 6 -
18 h
Tn=T x 10= 10 T m/s
7/76 Pradech's Pundamental Physics (X1)yo
35. b): 1f co' is final angular velocity of the 41. ): Hlere, = 9 kg m', 1, I
kg m?
combination. then applying conservation of
angular momentum principle, we have 2

'= 2
36. (b): Applying principle of conservation of angular 3
momentum, we get
2 02
(M+4 m) o =
42. (d): n half the rotation,
M+4m X=
2 TTr
- TF= TTXI metre
37. (a): If moment of inertia change from 7 to l2
y =2r=2xI m=2 m.
then =h 02
. Displacement of point P =
*+ y2

= VT +4 metre
mKf 2
43. (d): Here, K7 + Kp = Mgh
m K
=oo K2
M 1of
= Mgh

38. (d): KE = Mv 2
MR2 o =
when o is doubled and KE is halved, I must
become I/8. Mv
As I0= L, therefore when I becomes l/8 and
o is doubled, L becomes L/4.
39.(a): L =xp
44. (b): Here, I = 2 kg mf,
=6+2-R)x(@î+41-2) nj= 60 rpm =I rps.
t= I min. = 60 s: ng =0, =?
-4fxf-2ix k+6«f-4f -2-@_27(n2-n)27T(0-1)
-3hxi-4Rxf t 60 30

L--2x-kxî=-2R-f T=Ia = 2(-T/30) = N-mn

Hence L lies in y z plane. It 45. (a): t= 314 N-m, a. = 4

must be T rad/s. I =?
perpendicular to x-axis.
40.(a): Here, kg mf, @ = rad/s
=3 From T= Ia, I >=
2 = 25 kg
ma=12 kg V2=? 4Tt
46.(c): I=0-5 kg mt=?
mu-4of =2 T rad/s, o, = 15 T rad/s t= 10 s.

12 u =3 x22 = 12 T=l a =] 2O1)

v=1, v2=1m/s _05 (15T-27t) 65T

10 = 2.0 N-m
I1 Completion Type Questions
Moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod about an
7. FxF = (7? +3-5k) x-j+k)
axis perpendicular to the length and

through the centre
12 -skxf +5kxf
16. t d6 = work done = -10k-12f-2?= -(2?+12f+10k)
17. c.g. is a point where total weight of the body is The given statement is false.
supposed to be concentrated. 8. Centre of mass and centre of gravity may not
18. c.m is a point where total mass of the body is coincide always. The statement is false.
supposed to be concentrated.
19. For minute hand, T= 60 min = 60 x 60 sec.
V. Matching Type Questions
1. (a) Moment of inertia of a solid cylinder about its
= rad/s.
60x 60 1800 axis =MR2
III. True/False Type Questions (a) (4)
1. Torque is a vector and not a scalar. (b) Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder about
its axis = MR
2. As T=-dt 0, (6)> (P)
2. (a) In stable equilibrium, P.E. = minimum
L= constant
3. According to theorem of perpendicular axes, (a)-> (n
(b) In unstable equilibrium, PE = maximum
4. In pure translation, at any instant, every particle of (6) (p)
the body moves exactly with the same velocity. 3. (a) In parallel axis theorem, I= lcM + Md2
5. When total internal force = 0, total torque on a
system does not depend upon the origin.
6. For a circular ring. Il = MR-/2
(b) In perpendicular axis theorem, I=lx + ly
(6)> (p).
(about its diameter)

I. Centre of Mass
Sol. Let r, rhbe the position vectors of two
particles of masses m and m, situated at A and
1. Iscentre of mass a reality ? B respectively, Fig. 7(Q). 1. Let the origin O of
Sol. No. The centre of mass of a system is a
the frame of reference coincide with the centre
hypothetical point, where the entire mass of the of mass of the two particles.
body is supposed to be concentrated.
2. What is the advantage of concept of centre FIGURE7(Q).1
of mass ? CM
us to
concept of centre of mass enables
he describe the behaviour of a macroscopic
bodies m1 m2
for the
In terms of the laws developed
microscopic bodies. m +m, =0

Prove that the centre of mass of two particles

davides the line joining the particles
in the Or

nverse ratio of their masses.

7/78 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI)
7. Torque and work are bothequal to force
or ti
distance. How do they differ?
Sol. Work is a scalar quantity, but torque is vect
whieh was to be roved. Work = force x distance moved by the bodyi
4. n railway compartment, there
a stationary the direction of force. Torque is measured h
are several pussengers. If they start moving force multiplied by perpendicular distance of
in the compartment, will CM of the the line of action of force from the axis of the
compartment change ? Will the CM of the rotation.
system of compartment and passengers a
8. Why is the handle of serew made wide?
change ?
Sol. Turning moment of a force = force x distance
Sol. The position of CM of the compartment will (r) from the axis of rotation.
change as the passengers are external bodies for To produce a given turning moment, force
te compartuent required is smaller, when ris large. This is what
However. the position of CM of the system happens when handle of the screw is made wide
(compartment + passengers) will not change as 9. A particle performs uniform circular motion
no external force is acting on the system. with an angular momentum L. If the
5. An isolated particle of mass m is moving in a frequency of particle's motion is doubled and
horizontal plane tr -y), along the x-axis at a its K.E. is halved, what happens to its angular
certain hcight above the ground. It explodes momentum ?
suddenly into two fragments of masses m/4 Sol. L = mvr and v =r0 =r(2 T n)
and 3m/4. An instant later, the smaller
fragment is at y = + 15 cm. What is the r
2 TTn
position of larger fragment at this instant ?
Sol. As isolated particle is moving along x-axis at a
ertain height above the ground, there is no
- mv 2Tn
ulotion .ong Y-axis. Further, the explosion is
under internal forces only. Therefore, centre of = K.E.
As K.E.= mv', therefore, L
mass remains stationary along Y-axis after
collision. Let the co-ordinates of centre of mass When K.E. is halved and frequency (n) is
be (em 0).

m t2 doubled, L'=A.E-K.E./2 K.E =

2 Tn T(2n) 4 Tn 4
Now. cm = 0
i.e., angular momentum becomes one fourth.
+m2 y2 0 I. Moment of Inertia
or 2 3m/4
x15 =
-5cm 10. Why is moment of, inertia called rotationa
inertia ?
. Larger fragment will be at y = - 5 cm Sol. This is because moment of inertia of a body is a
along r-axis. measure of inertia of the body in rotational
II. Rotational Motion 11. a
What is the advantage of flywheel?
Sol. In a flywheel, the entire mass is distributed on
6. Which physical quantities are expressed by the rim of the wheel at maximum distance from
thefolloing: the axis of rotation. Therefore, moment of ineria
(i) rate of change of angular momentum of the flywheel is large. It helps in making tne
oflinear momentum?
(ti) moment motion more smooth or less jerky.
12. Why spokes are provided in a bicycle wheel?
Sol. (i) Rate of change of angular momentu:
represents torque. Sol. By connecting the rim of the wheel to the axle
through the spokes, the mass of wheel goes over
(ii) Moment of linear momentum represents to the rim. As a result, moment of inertia of tne
angular momentum. wheel increases. This ensures smooth motio
13. The moment of inertia of a solid
sphere about
tries to get away from the axis of rotation.
a tangent is mrs.
What would be Therefore, its moment of inertia I increases. AS
moment of inertia its T=/a = constant, therefore, a decreases i.e.
about its diameter.
Sol. According to raw egg will spin with smaller angular
theorem of parallel axis,
em+m acceleration. The reverse is true for a hard boiled
egg which will rotate more or less like a rigid
m=T m =mr - mr2
3 =<mr2 19. If earth were to shrink suddenly, what would
14. Find radius of gyration happen to the length of the day ?
ofa rod of length 7
and mass m about an axis Sol. If earth were to shrink suddenly, its radius R
perpendicular its Would decrease. The moment of inertia of earth
length through one end.
Sol. Here. K = ?

According to theorem of parallel

axes, I=MR would decrease. As no external

=m torque is acting on earth, its angular momentum

endem +m (U/2)
3 =
I 0 =1 remains constant. As
mK2 3
or K decreases, T must decrease. Hence the length
of the day will decrease.
15. For a given mass and size, moment of inertia
20. Two discs of same mass and thickness are
of a solid disc is smaller than that of a ring.
Why ?
made of materials having different densities.
Which one of them will have larger moment
Sol. This is because entire mass of ring is of inertia ?
at its
periphery i.e. at maximum distance from the Sol. Here, m = m2 V, P1= V2P2
centre. The mass of disc is distributed from the
centre to the rim. (Tr.P (T)1.P2
16. In a fly wheel, most of the mass is P1
concentrated at the rim ? Explain why? P2 ...(i)
Sol. Concentration of the mass at the rim increases
moment of inertia (7) of the flywheel. If such a
wheel gains or loses some K.E. of rotation, Now,
(m= m2)
1t brings about a relatively smaller 2

change in its angular speed o, (:: I is large). .using ()

Hence such a flywheel helps in maintaining
uniform rotation.
17. Two satellites of equal masses, which can be
I oc
considered as particles are orbiting the earth The disc of material with lower density will
at different heights. Will their moments of have larger moment of inertia.
Inertia be same or different 21. The moments of inertia of two rotating bodies
Sol. Moments of inertia of the two satellites will be A and B are I4 and Ip. A> Ip) and their
different. This is because, I = mass x (distance). angular momenta are equal. Which one has
ror the satellite revolving at a greater heignt, greater K.E. ?
is larger.
aistance from the axis of rotation Sol. We know, angular momentum L = I@
Therefore, its moment of inertia is larger.
and K.E. of rotation,
8, How will you distinguish between a hara
spinning each
egg and a raw egg by
edon a table top ? a
distinguish between a hard boiled egg and
o.To on a table top. The
ege When L is constant, K o 1/
d egg. we spin each shall be a raw ege.
As l>lg' K<Kg or Kg> K i.e. the body
spins at a slower rate B has greater K.E. of rotation than the body A.
This Is because in a raw egg, liquid
matter inside
7/80 oRTPradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)OT
22. If the ice on the polar caps of the earth melts, nSol. While falling, a cat stretches its body alongwith
how will it affect the duration of the day ? the tail so that its moment of inertia (/) increases.
Explain. As no cxternal torque is i1Ctng, l = I )
Sol. Earth rotates about its polar axis. When ice of constant. As / incrcascs, (ndleercases and it lands
polar caps of earth melts, mass concentrated gently on its fcet.
near the axis of rotation spreads out. Therefore, 28. If angular nnomentum is co1Iserved ln a
moment of inertia I increases. system wlhose moment of inertia is eleereawd,
As no external torque acts, will its rotational kinetie energy be also
conserved ? Explain.
L=Io=1 constant. Sol. Here, L, = l ) = constant
With increase of 1, T will increase i.e length of K.E. of rotation, K =
the day will increase.
IV. Dynamics of Rotational Motion K
21 21
23. A planet revolves around a massive star in a .
highly elliptical orbit. Is its angular As L is constant, Ko« 1//
momentum constant over the entire orbit ? When moment of incrtia (/) decreases, K.E. of
Sol. Yes, angular momentum of the planet is constant rotation (K) increases. 'Thus K.E. of rotation is
over the entire orbit. This is because revolution not conserved.
of planet around the star is under the effect of 29. When there is no external torque acting on a
gravitational force between the star and the rotating body, which of the following quan-
planet. This is a radial force whose torque is tities can change ? (i) Angular acceleration
zero. Therefore, angular momentum of the (Gi) Angular momentum (ii) Angular speed.
planet is a constant (vector), whatever be the Sol. (i) The relation between torque and angular
nature of the orbit. acceleration is t = I a when t = 0, 0 = 0
24. If no external torque acts on a body, will its
Angular acceleration cannot change.
angular velocity remain conserved ?
(ii) The relation between torque and angular
Sol. When T = 0, L=l @= constant.
Angular velocity will be constant so long momentum is
as I remains constant i.e. if moment of inertia T=-dt
of the body about the given axis remains fixed.
25. How does an ice-skater, a ballet dancer or an when T = 0, dL = 0
or L = constant
acrobat take advantage of the principleof dt
conservation of angular momentum ? angular momentum of the body does not
Sol. During the course of their performance, change when torque is zero.
an ice
skater, a ballet dancer or an acrobat take (ii) As L=I0= constant, when T = 0, therefore,
advantage of the principle of conservation angular speed (o) will change if moment of
angular momentum (i.e., I @ = constant), by inertia () changes.
stretching out arms and legs or vice-versa. 30. Equal torques are applied
On on a cylinder and
doing so, their moment of inertia increases/ a hollow sphere. Both have same mass
decreases. Hence angular velocity and
oof their spin radius. The cylinder rotates about its axis and
motion decreases/increases accordingly.
the sphere rotates about one of its diameters.
26. Explain why the speed of a whirl Which will acquire greater speed ? Explain.
wind in a
tornado is alarmingly high ?
Sol. In a whirl wind, air from nearby regions Sol. From
gets T=la or a =
concentrated in a small space. Moment ofinertia
() decreases on account of decrease in distance.
As L= I 0= constant, therefore, angular
As T=constant, ao
increases to alarmingly high values.
27. Explain how is a cat able to land on its Now moment of inertia of cylinder
feet about its axis
after a fall taking advantage of the principle
ofconservation of angular momentum?
and moment of inertia of hollow
sphere about Sol. As is known from theory,
its diameter is
Total KE of the ball
mv 7

(202 =280 J

2/3MR4 As work done in stopping the ball = K.E. of

1/2MR23 ball
mg sin 0) x s = 280
Hence, the cylinder will acquire greater speed 280 280
= 57-14 m
compared to the hollow sphere. mg sin 6 ix9-8x
31. A solid sphere is made to roll down from 2
same height on two inclined planes having 34. A very small particle rests on the top of a
different angles of inclination. In which case hemisphere of radius 20 em. Caleulate the
will it take less time to reach the bottom ? smallest horizontal velocity to be given to it
Sol. As two inclined planes have different ifit is to leave the hemisphere without sliding
inclinations, but same height, therefore, velocity down its surface, take g = 9:8 m/s*.
on reaching the bottom along two inclines is Sol. The particle will leave the hemisphere, when
the same. normal reaction R becomes zero. In that event,
From V=u +at 0 + at
t= vla = mg
Now, v is same and ae sin e. tc
sin 20
i.e., time taken will be smaller when the
.v=r8=10x98= v96 =1-4 m/s
spheres rolls down the plane of higher 35. The angular velocity of earth around the sun
inclination. increases when it comes closer to the sun.
32. A thin wheel can stay upright on its rim for a Why ?
considerable length of time when rolled with Sol. On coming closer, distance of earth from the
a considerable velocity, while it falls from its axis through the sun decreases. I = MK2
upright position at the slightest disturbance, decreases. As Io is constant, w increases.
when stationary. Explain. 36. A particle performing uniform circular
Sol. When the thin wheel is rolling upright, it motion has angular momentumL. What will
possesses some angular momentum in the be its new angular momentum if its angular
horizontal direction along the axis of the wheel. frequency is doubled and its KE is halved ?
As angular momentum is conserved in
magnitude as well as direction (in the absence Sol. Rotational KE, K = lo2
of external torque) the wheel cannot fall from
its upright position. However, when external
torque due to friction reduces angular velocity
of the wheel to zero, (i.e., when the wheel
becomes stationary) it falls from its upright Angularmomentum,L = 2K
position at the slightest disturbance, on account lo =o=4A
of moment of force due to its weight.
When is doubled and Kis halved,
35. A one kg ball rolling on a smooth horizontal
Surface at 20 m s- comes to the bottom of an angular momentum, L' = 4/2- 2K
inclined plane making an angle of 30° with 20 40
the horizontal. Calculate K.E. of the ball
when it is at the bottom of incline. How far
up the incline will the ball roll ? Neglect
Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL

UESTIONS Very Short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer eA

Carrying 1 mark
II. Rotational Motion
I. Centre of Mass
10. Which physical quantity is represented
by the
1. What is the position vector of centre of
product of the moment of inertia and the
of two particles of equal masses ? angular velocity ?
Ans. It is the average of the position vectors of
I and o represents angular
Ans. Product of
particles. momentum (L = I w).
2. Does centre of mass of a system of
two force. What
? 11. Name the rotational analogue of
particles lie on the line joining the particles are its units ?
always. force. Its units
Ans. Torque is rotational analogue of
Ans. Yes.,

3. Can centre of mass of a body lie where there are N-m.

is absolutely no mass? 12. Write an expression for torque.
Which rule
mass of a
Ans. Yes. it can. For example, centre of is used for finding its direction?
uniform circular ring lies at the centre of the
Ans. T= rxF. The direction of t
is given by
ring, where there is no mass.
4. Does centre of mass of a rigid body lie
always right handed screw rule.
13. Write the dimensional formula of
on the body ?
mass of a momentum. Is it scalar or vecotr ?
Ans. No, it is not necessary. The centre of
Ans. Angular momentum = [M'LT]. It is a
rigid body may or may not lie on the body.
5. On what factors does the position of
cm of a 14. Name the physical quantity whose dimen-
rigid body depend ? sions are same as that of angular momentum.
Ans. The cm of a rigid body depends on
geometrical Ans. Planck's constant (h) has the dimensions
shape of the body and distribution of its mass. angular momentum.
6. Where does the centre of mass of a uniform 15. Which physical quantity is conserved when
triangularlamina lie? a planet revolves around the sun ?
Ans. It lies at the centroid of the triangle i.e. at the Ans. Angular momentum of plant is conserved.
point of intersection of three medians of the 16. What is angular velocity of earth spinning
triangle. around its own axis ?
7. Where does the centre of mass of a uniform
cone lie ?
Ans. = T25x60x 2T

Ans. It lies on the line joining the apex to the centre III. Moment of Inertia
of the base at a distance equal to th of the 17. Is moment of inertia a scalar or a vector ?
length of this line from the base. Ans. Moment of inertia is a scalar quantity.
isolated 18. What is the expression for moment of
8. What is nature of motion of cm of an and
system? of a hollow cylinder of mass m, length /
at rest or radius r about the axis of cylinder ?
Ans. The cm of an isolated system remains
moves with a uniform velocity as no external Ans. I = mr
force is acting on the isolated system. 19. What is moment of inertia of a solid cylinder
9. Where does the centre of mass of
a uniform of mass m, length l and radius r about
rectangular lamina lie? axis of the cylinder?
intersection of diagonals
Ans. CM lies at the point of od od
of the rectangle.
Ans. I=mr

20. What is radius of gyration of a solid sphere 28. There are twospheres of same mass and same
of mass mm
and radius r about its diameter ? radius, one is solid and other is hollow. Which
of them has a larger moment of inertia about
MK = MR2 =0-4 MR2
Ans. itsdiameter?
Ans. The hollow sphere shall have greater moment
R 0-4 of incrtia, as its entire mass is concentrated at
21. Ou what factors does the radius of gyration the boundary of the sphere, at maximum
of a body depend ? distance from the axis.
Ans. The radius of gyration of a bocdy depends on (i) 29. Two solid spheres of the same mass are made
psition and orientation of the axis of rotation of metals of different densities. Which of them
() distribution of mass of the body about the has a larger moment of inertia about a
anis of otation. diameter ?
Ans. The sphere of metal with smaller density shall
22. A ring and a cireular dise of different
be bigger in size & hence it will have larger
materials have cqual masses and cqual radii. moment of inertia.
Which one will have a larger moment of
inertia about an axis passing through its IV. Dynamic of Rotational Motion
centre of mass perpendicular to its plane ?
30. A ballet-dancer stretches her hands out for
Ans. A ing has a larger moment of inertia because slowing down. This is based on principle of
its entire nass is eoncentrated at the rim at conservation of...
maximum distance from the axis. Ans. This is based on the principle of conservation
3 A disc of metal is melted and recast in the of angular momentum.
form of a solid sphere. What will happen to 31. What is rotational analogue of force?
the moment of inertia about a vertical axis Ans. Rotational analogue of force is torque.
passing through the centre ? 32. A cannon ball and a marble ball roll from
Ans. Moment of inertia will decrease, because rest down an incline. Which goes to the
bottom first?
and 1, =. mr, the radius of Ans. Both the balls reach the bottom simultaneously.
This is because acceleration due to gravity is
sphere formed on recasting the disc will also independent of the mass.
decrease. 33. Can a body in translatory motion have
24. What are the units and dimensions of angular momentum?
moment of inertia ? Is it a vector? Ans. Yes, a particle in translatory motion always has
Ans. The units of M.I are kg m and its dimensional an angular momentum, unless the point (about
formula is [M'L27°). No, is not a vector.
it which angular momentum is calculated) lies on
25. What is rotational analogue of mass of a the line of motion.
body ? 34. Why spin angular velocity of a star is greatly
Ans. Rotational analogue of mass of a body is enhanced when it collapses under gravi-
moment of inertia of the body.
tational pull and becomes a neutron star ?
Ans. On collapsing under gravitational pull, size of
26. What are the factors on which moment of
star decreases. Therefore, its moment of inertia
inertia of a body depend ? decreases. As angular momentunm (L = I w) is
Ans. Moment of inertia of a body depends on position conserved, and 7 decreases, therefore, spin
and orientation of the axis of rotation. It also angular vclocity o increases.
n depends on shape, size of the body and also on 35. Complete the statement : Angular momen-
the distribution of mass of the body about
tum of a particle is equal to twice ...
given axis. Ans. Angular moment of a particle is equal to twice
27. Is radius of gyration of a body constant the product of its mass and areal velocity.
quantity ? 36. Rolling motion can be treated as a
Ans. No, radius of gyration of a body depends
distribution of mass
combination of ..s Fill in the blanks,
axis of rotation and also on Ans. Rolling motion can be treated as a combination
of the body about this axis. of pure rotation and pure translation.
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) MOL
37. Write an expression for kinetic energy of 7
rolling body. Ans. =tan9
Ans. k
angular acceleration
body in nth second is:
39. A body is rotating about a given axis with an
Angle traced by the

38. What is the minimum value of coefficientof

frietion between the cylinder and inclined Ans. pth = 0+(2n-1)
plane for rolling without slipping ?


ILI =r p sin o. L = 0, only when o = 0°

I. Centre of Mass or 9= 180°.
Where does the centre of mass of a uniform 5. The length of seconds hand of a clock is 10 cm.
triangular lamina lie? The speed of the tip of the hand is..
Ans. It lies at the centroid of the triangular lamina
i.e., where the three medians of the triangular
lamina intersect.
Ans. U=r@=r 10x cm/s.

2. Two particles of masses mj and m, move with 6. Is torque a scalar or vector ? If it is a vector,
velocities Uj and v2 towards eachother on a what rule is used to determine its direction ?
smooth horizontal surface. What is the
Ans. Torque is a vector quantity. T = rxF. Its
velocity of their centre of mass?
direction is determined by right handed screw
m tmV2 rule or right hand thumb rule andis
Ans. Ucm
m +ma perpendicular to r and F.
3. Two balls of mass m each are placed at the 7. Why do we prefer to use a wrench with a long
two vertices of an equilateral triangle. arm?
Another ball of mass 2m is placed at the third
vertex of the triangle. Locate the centre of Ans. The turning effect of force, t
= rxF.When
mass of the system. arm of the wrench is long, ris larger. Therefore,
Ans. As is clear from Fig. 7(Q).2 the centre of mass smaller force (F) will produce the same turning
of two balls at A and B lies at the centre D of AB. effect.
8. What is the dimensional formula of angular
momentum and what are its units ? Is it a
2m scalar ?
Ans. The dimensional formula of angular momentum
is [M'LT]. Its units are kg mn- si. It is not a
scalar, but a vector.
9. Is the angular sped of rotation of hour hand
m D
B of a watch greater or smaller than the angular
speed of earth's rotation about its axis ?
The centre of mass of mass 2 m at D and 2 m at Ans. The hour hand of a watch takes 12 h to complete
Cwould lie at O, the middle point of CD. one rotation i.e. T1 = 12 hour. And the earth
takes 24 hours to rotate once around its axis,
II. Rotational Motion i.e., T2 = 24 hour.
4. Can a body in translatory motion have
angular momentum ? Explain. As
Ans. Yes, a body in translatory motion shall have T
angular momentum, unless the fixed point about
which angular momentum is taken lies on the
and 71 T2 o> 02
ie, angular speed of hour hand is greater than
line of motion of the body. This follows from the angular speed of earth around its axis.

10. Why are doors provided with handles near 20. A solid disc isrecast into a thin walled
the outer edges. far away from the hinges ? cylinder of same radius. Which will have
Ans. As t =rF sin 6. therefore to produce a given larger moment of inertia ?
torque. r is made large so that force nceded is Ans. The thin walled hollow cylinder will have larger
small. Hence the doors can be opened or closed moment of inertia as its mass is located
casily comparatively larger distance from the axis of
11. It is difficult to open or close the door by rotation.
pushinp/pulling it at the hinges. Why ? 21. Two satellites of equal masses are orbitin8
Ans. This s because by doing so, r =0. therefore. the earth at different heights. Will their
torquc= rË sin 0 = Zero. moment of inertia be same ?
12. To open or close a heavy door, why force is Ans. No. Moment of inertia = M (R+ h). As
applicd at right angles to the door. are different, moments of inertia of the two
= satellites will be different.
Ans. When0 = 9. t = rF sin 90 rF= maximum
13. Why is iteasier to open a tap with two fingers 22. In which of the following cases shown in Fig.
than with one finger ? 7(Q).3, it is most difficult to rotate the rod
Explain why ?
Ans. With two fingers, we are applying a couple
whose arm is cqual to length of handle of the FIGURE 7(Q).3
tap. When we apply force with one finger. an
equal and opposite force acts at the axis of =
rotation. Length of arm of couple is halved.
Moment of couple is halved.
14. What is angular impulse ?
Ans. The angular impulse acting on a body is
change nn angular momentum of the body about
a given axis.
15.Which component of linear momentum does
? is
not contribute to angular momentum Ans. In Fig. 7.28, moment of inertia (/) of the rod
does maximun in case of (c). Work required to rotate
Ans. The radial component of linear momentum
not contribute to angular momentum. maximum in case of (c).
16. A particle moves in a circular
path with the rod, W =lo* is

speed. What happens to its 23. There is a stick half of which is wooden and
? half is of steel. It is pivoted at the wooden
angular momentum end and a force is applied at the steel end at
Ans. From =rx p =
r Xm v right angles to its length. Next, it is pivoted
at the steel end and the same force is applied
magnitude of at the wooden end. In which case is angular
When speed decreases,
but the direction acceleration more and why ?
angular nmomentum decreases.
of angular momentum
remains the same. Ans. We know that torque,
= constant
T= Force x distance = la
II. Moment of Inertia
17, About which axis would
the moment of a i.e a
inertia of a body be minimum is minimum Angular acc. (a) will be more, when is small,

a body for which lighter material (wood) should be at

As, The moment of inertia of mass.
through its centre of larger distance from the axis of rotation, i.e.,
about an axis passing
uniform cube have when the stick is pivoted at the steel end.
18. About which axis would a ? of the same mass
24. Two circular discs A andB
minimum rotational inertia
have minimum rotational and same thickness are made of two different
Ans. The uniforn cube will metals whose densities are d^ and dy (d>
inertia about a
diagonal. constant d). Their moments of inertia about the axes
. Is radius of gyration of a body a
passing through their centres of gravity and
perpendicular to their planes are A and 1p.
quantity ? and orientation of
No. t depends upon
position Which is greater, /4 or I?
s. of the body
the axis of rotation
Pradeep s Fundanmental Physics (XI) VOLI
Ans. Let r and rn be the radii of discs A & B. As (b) Will it take longer to roll down one
their mass (m) and thickness (1) are same, inclined plane than other ? Explain.
Ans. (a) Yes, because speed at the bottom depends
m = ()1xd = (Tr)xrxdp only on height and not on slope.

dp be the time of descent, as t 1/sin .

(b) Yes, greater the inclination (0), smaller will

da 29. Using expressisions for power and kinetic

energy of rotational motion, derive the
relation T=la, where letters have theirusual
Now meaning.
IB da Ans. We know that power in rotational motion,
P =T
As ddp' Ip>la
25. Calculate radius of gyration of a cylindrical
rod of mass m and length L about an axis of
and K.E. of rotation, E =Io
rotation perpendicular to its length and As power= time rate of doing work in rotational
passing through the centre. motion, and work is stored in the body in the
Ans. K= ? mass = m, length L form of K.E.
Moment on inertia of the rod about an axis
perpendicular to its length and passing through
the centre is
of rotation)

I= 12
Also, I=m K2 P=I0 0
Using (i), P = t @=I0a or T=Ia, which is
or K the required relation.
30. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and
radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane
IV. Dynamic of Rotational Motion
about an axis passing through its centre and
26. () A person sits near the edge of a circular perpendicular to its plane with an angular
platform revolving with a uniform angular velocity @. Another disc of the same
speed. What will be the change in the motion dimensions but of nmass M/4 is placed gently
of the platform ? on the first disc co-axially. Show that angular
(ii) What if the person starts moving from velocity of the system is 4o/5.
the edge towards the centre ofthe platformn? Ans. Initial angular momentum of one disc.
Ans. () As L = I @ = constant, and I increases, = MR2
therefore, o will decrease. L=lo o
(it) As the person starts moving from the edge M
towards the centre of platform, I goes on When another disc. of mass and radius R is
decreasing. Hence goes on increasing. placed gently on it, total moment of inertia of
27. Why there are two propellers in a the combination is
helicopter ?
Ans. If the helicopter had only one propeller, then
due to conservation of angular momentum, the
As no external torque has been applied, angular
helicopter itself would turn in the opposite
momentum is conserved.
28. A solid wooden sphere rolls down two MR2
different inclined planes of the same height :. I'o'=Io, 0=0=. MR2
but of different inclinations. (a) Will it reach 5
the bottom with same speed in each case

31. Is angular momentum of a system always 32. A flywheel is revolving with a constant angular
conserved ?
velocity. A chip of its rim breaks and filies
AnS, No. Angular momentumn of a system is away. How is its angular velocity affected ?
conserved only when no cxternal torque moment
acts on Ans. As a chip hreaks off, mass and hence
the systemn.
of inertia of flywhecl decreascs. As lo
constant, therefore angular velocity o increases.


Explain that torque is only duc to transverse tornado so
6. Why is the specd of whirl wind in a
component of force. Radial component has high? [Art. 7.9
nothing to do with torque. IArt. 7.15] 7. State the two thcorems of moment of inertia.
2. Show that centre of ass of an isolated system [Arts. 7.11 and 7.12]
moves with a uniform velocity along a straight 8. Explain the physical significance of moment
line path. [Art. 7.8] inertia and radius of gyration.
3. Locate the centre of mass of uniform triangular IArts. 7.2 and 7.3]
lamina and a uniform conc. [Art. 7.7] 9. Obtain expression for K.E. of rolling
4. Explain the concepts of torque and angular [Art. 7.19
momentum. Arts. 7.13 and 7.19] 10. State the laws of rotational motion.
5. Explain what is meant by centre of gravity. [Art. 7.21]
[Art. 7.25]

Carrying 5 or more marks

1. Obtain an expression for the position vector of inertia of the body. Explain its physical
centre of mass of a two particle system.
[Art. 7.5]1 (J& Board 2011) [Arts. 7.2 and 73]
position vector of 13. Establish a relation between torque and
2. Obtain an expression for the Art. 7.5]
the centre of mass of a system of
n particles. of inertia of a rigid body.
[Art. 7.6] 14. Establish a relation between angular
an isolated system and moment of inertia of a rigid body.
3. Prove that centre of mass of [Art. 7.6]
along a straight
moves with a uniform velocity conservationn
line path.
[Art. 7.8] 15. State and explain the principle of
atleast two
4. Discuss atleast three examples
of the motion of of angular momentum. Give 7.8 & 7.9]
centre of mass.
Art. 7.10] examples.
parallel axes.
torque or moment 16. State and prove theorem of
5. Briefly discuss the concept of 7.11]
[Art 7.13]
of a force. co- perpendicular axes.
torque in cartesian 17. State and prove theorem of
6. Derive an expression for [Art. 7.14] Art. 7.12]1
ordinates. co- for moment of inertia of a
torque in polar 18. Derive an expression
.Obtain an expression for [Art. 7.15]
thin circular ring about an axis
p:assing through
ordinates. to the plane of the
angular momentum and its centre and perpendicular
8. Explain the concept of co- Art. 7.13]
it in cartesian7.18] ring.
ODlain an expression for Art. expression for noment of inertia of a
ordinates. 19. Obtain an diameter of the
meaning of angular uniform circular disc about a
Discuss the physical [Art. 7.19] disc. J&K Board 2011) lArt.
geometrical meaning of without slipping of a cylinder
cxplain the 7.20] 20. Discuss rolling plane and obtain an
Briefly [Art down a rough inclined friction
angular momentum.
equilibrium of a rigid body. expression for the coefficient of
? necessary for the same.
[Art. 7.20]
Briefly explainsaid to be in partial equilibrium
When is a body Art. 7.23) between rotational motion and
21. Draw analogy [Art. 7.22
translational motion.
for kinetic energy of
12.Obtain an expression moment of
Hence define
OLation of a body.
MOTION 7/101


1, A 70 kg man stands in contact against
wall of a cylindrical drum of radius 3 m, But K =mgh, =mv2
rotating about its vertical axis with 200 rpm.
The coefficient of friction between the wall In sliding down a height h2»
and his clothing is 0-15. What is the minimum
rotational speed of the cylinder to enable the mg h =mv2 .ii)
man to renmain stuck to wall without falling
when the floor is suddenly removed ? Dividing (i) by (i), we get
Sol. Here. m 70 kg, r=3 m
n = 200 pm, jl = 0-15, min = ?
The necessary centripetal force (m v-lr) is
provided by horizontal normal reaction R of the
wall on the man, i.e., =x 2-7 m= 18 m
my2 with
R= = mr@- 3. A tube of length L is filled completely
an incompressible liquid of mass M and
The frictional force f acting upwards, balances closed at both ends. The tube is then rotated
the weight (1ng) of the man. The man will remain in a horizontal plane about one of its ends
stuck to the wall after the floor is removed, with a uniform angular velocity o. Find the
provided. force exerted by the liquid at the other end.
u Sol. As is known, in rotational motion, angular
f=H R, i.e., mg S (mr o*) velocity 0 remains constant for all segments of
the liquid in the tube.
or o2 Force exerted by the liquid at the other end
9.8 = Force required for rotational motion

nin Vur V 0-15x3 F=mro

Consider a small element of the liquid of length
=21-77 =467 rad/s dx at a distance x from the centre,
an inclined Mass of this element of the liquid
2. A solid cylinder at rest at top of
plane of height 2.7 m rolls down
same cylinder has to slide
slipping. If the m=dr; r=r
down a frictionless inclined plane
acquires the same velocity as that
acquired = mro = xw
by centre of mass of rolling
cylinder at the dF
be the
bottom of the incline, what should
height of inclined plane ?
Sol. Here, h = 2.7 m, h2 =
without slipping,
When the solid cylinder rolls
its total kinetic energy

oxn-=mv+lo2 4. A uniform square plate and

a disc having
same mass per unit area are kept in contact
as shown in Fig. 7(Q).18. The side
of square
to L.
and diameter of circle are both equal
Locate the position of centre of mass of the
system w.r.t. the centre of the square.
7/102 Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XT)NÖL
FIGURE7o)18 Mass per unit length of ring. o
Let us consider a small element of semicireular
ring subtending a small angle d6 at 0.
length of the element = R de
Mass of the element (dm)
= (R d6) M (Rd0)
=" =de
Sol. Iet nass per uriit area of the squareplate = mass TR
per unit asea of disu = G
(Rsin 8)de
Mass f suuare plate From (, Yem
m= GI, and mass of disc
=£-cos e
m,(nr) G=|
(cos 0-cos 0) =-(-1-1)
Centre of square is O,, where m is concentrated
nnd centre of disc is O,, where m2 is
Concntrated. If x is distance of c.m of the cm
combination fron Oj, then
6. Find the location of centre of mass of a
m +m2, 0+ m, L uniform semicircular plate of radius R and
mass M.
Sol. In Fig. 7(Q).20, we have chosen XY axes with
the origin at O, the centre of semicircular disc.
4 GTL414x L By symmetry, the centre of mass would lie on
Y-axis. Thus xem 0, and
G124 TFG GL (1+ r/4)
4 Ycm ydm 21 .)

Tt/4x L
(4 + T)/4
TTtLT If o is mass per unit area of the disc, then
4+ M 2M
5. Find the centre of mass of a uniform TR/2 TR
semicircular ring of radius R and mass M. The semicircular plate can be supposed to be
Sol. In Pig. 70Q).19, O is centre of a semicircular made up of a large number of semicircular strips,
ring of raulius R. Let us choose O as origin and each of mass dm and radii ranging fromr=0to
the XY axcs as shown. By symmetry, centre of r= R. Consider one such semicircular strip
mass of semicircular ring would lie on Y-axis radius r and thickness dr as shown in Fig.

R d0

y= R sin 6 9upiol

>X L d

c=0, and

em yd Surface area of this element = Tr (dr)

MOTION 7/103
Mass of this element, dm
=GxTr dr 8, A wheel of radius r and moment of inertia I
TR2 PTrd
about its axis is fixed at the top of an inclined
plane of inclination 0 as shown in Fig.
7(Q).22. A string is wrapped around the
dm= rdr wheel and its free end supports a mass M,
which can slide on the plane. Initially, the
The co-ordinates of CM of this element wheel is rotating at a speed o in a direction
such that the block slides up the plane. How
(x,y) far will the block move before stopping ?
Therefore, for semicircular plate FIGURE7(Q).22
Y Cm Y dm
0 M
Sol. Let a be the deceleration of the block moving
Ycm 4R up the incline. Therefore, linear deceleration of
TR2| 3TT
the rim of the wheel would also be a.
Hence centre of mass of uniform semicircular Angular deceleration of wheel

plate is 0, 4R
around the rim ofa wheel It T is tension in the string, then equation of
7. A string is wrapped
of moment of inertia 0-20 kg m and radius motion of block would be
20 cm. The wheel is free to rotate about its Mg sin -T Ma
axis. Initially, the wheel is at rest. The string Also, TTxr=Iu
is now pulled by a force of 20 N. Find the
angular velocity of the wheel after 5 second. g ()
Sol. Here, I = 0-20 kg m
Put in (i)
R 20 cm m
Mg sin 6 =Ma+ T =Ma+**
0, F= 20 N
0= ?t= 5 s
FIGURE 7(0).21

Mgr sin
I+ Mr2
Initial velocity of the block up the incline
v =r@
. Distance moved by the block before stopping
Torque applied on the wheel
T=FxR= 20 (1/5) = N-m 4
2Mgr sin 6
a= = 20
rad/s (+Mr)
0-20 2 Mg sin8
= 0 +
100 rad/s
2 =0 +20 x5
7/104 MoIT Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XDvOL
9. A solid sphere of mass 3 kg and radius 2 m is f force of friction between the two discs when
free to rotate about an axis passing through rolling starts,
its centre. Find a constant tangential force F
required to rotate the sphere with a velocity
of 10 rad/s in 2 sec. starting from rest. AlIso,
@ R = o (2 R)
find the number of rotations made by the =2 0
sphere in that time interval. For smaller disc,
Sol. Here, m = 3kg, r = 2 m @o = 0 = I (0-
0 10 rad/s, t = 2s 1SxR )

- 10==
5rad/s For bigger disc,
=. 21
=+ar2 I 02
= 0+x5x22 =10rad
or fxR=
From (i) and (i), - @ = 02
2 or -2 o = @2
Now, T=Fxr = Io-mr*a

= or = 0/3
F-mra=x3x2x5 12N
11. A cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 10 cm is
held between two planks as shown in Fig.
Number of revolutions 010 7(0).24. Calculate KE of the cylinder when
2T 27T
there is no slipping at any point.
10. Two discs of radii R and 2 R are pressed
against eachother. Initially, disc with radius FIGURE 7(Q).24
R is rotating with angular velocity o and 10 m/s
other disc is stationary. Both discs are hinged
at their respective centres and are free to
rotate about them. Moment of inertia of a
smaller dise is I and of bigger disc is 2I about
their respective axis of rotation. Find the 4 m/s
angular velocity of bigger dise after long time.
10 m/s
FIGURE 7(Q).23
4 m/sS

Sol. As there is no slipping at any point, the velociy

R of points A and B on the cylinder are equal to
2R respective velocities of planks, Fig. 7(Q).24.
Sol. Refer to Fig. 7().23. As the discs are pressed i.e., VA = 10 m/s
against eachother, an equal and opposite m/s
frictional force will act on both the discs, till B4
the time rolling starts and hence the linear speed Now, vc =ATa10+4
of the circumference of the two discs becomes 2
the same.
If o is angular velocity of cylinder, then
Let o = angular velocity of smaller disc after
long timeet
=A 2r 10-4 30 rads
angular velocity of bigger disc afterlong 2x0-1
Kinetic energy of cylinder = K, + K,
y= "my *m,y2 +m3y3
The centre of mass of the L-shaped lamina
would lie on the line OD
mv+m2 13. Three particles, each of mass m are situated
at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side a. The only forces acting on the particles
=x 2x72 +x2x012 x302
are their mutual gravitational forces. Itis
desired that each particle move in a circle,
K 49+4.5 = 53-5 JJ while maintaining the original mutual
12. Find the centre of mass of a uniform L shaped separation a. Find the initial velocity that
lamina (a thin flat plate) with dimensions as should be given to each particle and also the
shown in Fig. 7(Q).25. The mass of the lamina time period of the circular motion.
is 3 kg. Sol. In Fig. 7().26, gravitational force between any
NCERT Solved Example two particles is F-Gm m
Sol. Refer to Fig. 7(Q).25. Choosing the X and Y-
axis as shown, the co-ordinates of the vertices
of the L-shaped lamina are given in the figure.
FIGURE 7(Q).25
F E(1,2)
(0,2) C3
C C2
(0,0) (1,0) A(2,0)
Resultant force on each particle due to the other
As is clear from the figure, the L shaped lamina two particles is
consists of three squares, each of side m and

mass kg (* the lamina is uniform). By

R= F + F2 +2FF cos60°
symmetry, the centres of mass C1. C2, C3 of the
= VF2 +F2+F2 = F3
Squares are their geometric centres and have

coordinates C and C3 R=
3 Gm
If particles were at rest, each particle would
Taking the masses of the squares to move under the action of resultant force R (on
each) and meet at the centroid O of the triangle.
be concentrated at these points, the Let each particle be given a tangential velocity
v so that R acts as the centripetal force, they
of the centre of mass are
would move in a circle of radius
m tm2*2 *mz3 OA = OB = OC = r
m+m2 tm3 2
a asin 60°=a=a/
1x+1x+lx The original mutual separation will be
7/106 Pradecp' Fundamental Physics (X1) VOL
Sol. Refer to Fig. 7(Q).28. The ladder AB is 3 m lone
Rr 3 Gm AC= I
As R =
3m FIGURE7(Q).28
or = VGma |Wall
Time period of eircular motion

T 27 a a
Gm** 3 Gm
14, A metal bar 70 cm long and 4-00 kg in mass
is supported on two knife edges placed 10 cm
from each end. A 6-00 kg weiglht is suspended
at 30 cm from one cnd. Find the reactions at 2/2m
N F2
the knife cdges. Assume the bar to be of
uniform cross-section and homogeneous.
NCERT Solved Examplo
Sol. Refer to Fig. 7(Q).27. AB = 70 cm. K , Kz are
two knifecdges K, A = kK, B = 10 cm. Gis centre
of gravity of the rod, where weight of rod.
W= 4 kg is acting vertically downwards. CB= VAB- AC? = V3-
FIGURE 7(Q).27
CB= S = 2/2m
The forces acting on the ladder are
(i) Weight W of ladder acting vertically
downwards at D, the centre of gravity of ladder.
K1 R2
K-10 cm W 10cm- (ii) Reaction of wall on the ladder, i.e., Fi per-
w' pendicular to the wall, as the wall is frictionless.
35 cm 35 cm (ii) Reaction of floor F^ acting at an angle 6
30 with the horizontal. That is the resultant of
A weight W'=6kg is suspended at P where AP normal reaction N of floor and force of friction
30 cm. Let Ri and R, be reactions at the knife F along AC (that prevents sliding away of the
edges. For translational equilibrium of the bar ladder from the wal).
R +R2 = W' + W=6+4 = 10 (kg ...i) For translational equilibrium in vertical
For rotational equilibrium, we take moments of direction
forces about G (taking anticlockwise moments N- W=0
as positive and clockwise moments as negative) or N= W= 20 kg 20 x 9.8 N = 196 N
R, (K, G)+ W (PG) + W (Zero) + R2 (GK,) =0 For translational equilibrium in horizontal

R, (35 10)+ 6 (35 30) + R, (35 10) = 0

- direction.
or 25 R + 25 R + 30 0 F-F =0 or F = F
25 (R R,) = 30 -
For rotational equilibrium, taking the moments
of the forces about A,
R-Rg- = 12 ..ii) Fx(2/2)-W (1/2) =0
Add (i) and (ii), 2 R = 11-2 W W 196N
R = 5-6 kg wt = 56 x 9.8 = 54-88 N
Using (), R2 = 10- R, = 10- 5.6 = 4.4 kg wt
2x22 4 4
346 N= F
R= 4.4 x 9-8 N = 43.12 N
Now, = Vw + F2 = y196)2 + (346)
15, A 3 m long ladder welghing 20 kg leuns on a F
frictionless wall. Its feet rest on the floor 1 m 199-0 N
from the wall. Find the reaction forces of the
wall and the floor. Also, tan NF = 34.6
= 5-656

tan-l5656 R0°
MOTION 7/107
16. A billiards ball, initially at rest is
given a
sharp impulse by a cue. he cue is held FIGURE7(Q).30
distance h above the central line, at a
7(Q).29. The ball leaves the cue with Fig.
a speed M 20kg
R 20 cm
vo and acquires a final speed 0 Show
that h = 4 RI5, where R is radius of the ball.
FIGURE 7(Q).29
F 25N
(a) Compute the angular acceleration of the
R (6) Find the work done by the pull, when 2 m
of the cord is unwound.
(c) Find also the kinetic energy of the wrheel
at this point. Assume that the wheel starts
Sol. If we represent the impulse given to the ball by from rest.
J, then the initial velocity is
(d) Compare answers to parts (b) and (c).

cm NCERT Solved Examnple

M Sol. (a) Refer to Fig. 7(Q).30.
M vXh 5vh
and -2MR 2R2
Here, M 20 kg, R = 20 em = -

F 25 N
After the application of impulse, angular O=?, W=?, K=?
momentum of the ball about O will be
conserved. Now, torque T= FxR =25 x=5 Nm
i.e., initialLfinal Moment of inertia of flywheel about its axis,

XR=lm+Mv xR
cm+Mv xa200 0-4 kg m

As As Ia=t

MR2| +M oR
a = 125 rad/s2
(b) Work done by the pull. unwinding metre
2R ofthe cord W= Fx*=25 x 2= 50 J
(c)As the wheel starts from rest, 0 =0. Angular
2 MR+MR9|"o displacement of wheel when 2 m sring is

unwound, d
= 10 rad.

the wheel, then

If o is final angular velocity of
Mh=MR -MR =
= +2 a 6 =0 +2 (12.5) 10= 250
K.E. gained =;lo =; x
0-4 x 250 50J
h=Rwound round the (b) and (c) are the same,
17. mass is (d The answers to
cord of gligible mass 20 kg and
radius ie., K.E. gained by the wheel = work done by
rim of a flywheel of applied on the the force. There
1S no loss of energy due to

25 Nis
20 cm. A steady pull of7(Q).30. The
Cord as shown in horizontal axle
nounted on a
frictionless bearings.
7/108 MPradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) MoL


Q. 1. Give the location of the centre of mass of a (i) sphere, (ii) cylinder,
(ii) ring, and (iv) cube, each of
lie on the body ?
uniform mass density. Does the centre of mass of a body necessarily
is located at their respective geometrical
Sol. In all the four cases, as the mass density is uniform, centre of mass
the body. For example, in case of a
No, it is not necessary that the centre of mass of a body should lie on
no mass.
circular ring, centre of mass is at the centre of the ring, where there is =
10-10 m).
two atoms is about 1-27 Å (1 Å
Q.2. In the HCI molecule, the separation between the nuclei of the a chlorine atom is about 355
Find the approximate location of the c.m of the molecule, given that
times as massive as a hydrogen atom and nearly all the mass of
an atom is concentrated in its
35-5 m units
Sol. Let the mass of the H atom = m unit, mass of the Cl atom =
Let c.m be at a distance x A from H atom Distance of c.m from Cl atom = (1-27 -x) A
Ifc.m is taken at the origin, then mx+ (1-27 x) 35.5 mx m = 0
= (1-27-x) 35.5 m

Negative sign indicates that if chlorine atom is on the right side of c.m (+), the hydrogen
atom is on the left
side of c.m, Fig. 7(N).1. So leaving negative sign, we get FIGURE 7(N).1
x+35.5x 1-27 x 35.5
i.e. 36-5 x = 45-085 =- =1235 m. C.m 35.5
x = 1235
Hence c.n is located on the line joining centres of H and Cl atoms at a distance 1235 A from H

Q.3. A child sits stationary at one end of long trolley moving uniformly with a speed v on a
horizontal floor. If the child gets up and runs about on the trolley in any manner, what is the specd
of the c.m of the (trolley + child) system ?
Sol. The speed of the centre of mass of the system (trolley + child) shall remain unchanged, when the child
up and runs about on the trolley in any manner. This is because forces involved in the exercise are
internal ie. from within the system. No external force acts on the system and hence there is no change in
velocity of centre of mass of the system.
a and b is one half of the
Q.4. Show that the area of the triangle contained between the vectors
magnitude of a x b
Sol. Let á be represented by OP and b be represented by 00 .Let ZPOQ = 0, Fig. 7(N).2.

Complete the lI gm OPRO. Join PQ. FIGURE 7(N).2

Draw QN L OP
In AoQN, sin 6 = Nb
ON= b sin 6
MOTION 7/109
Now, by definition, I

ax b l =
ab sin 6 = (OP) (ON)
2 (OP) (QN)
=2 x area of AOPe
area of AOPQ
=la xb1, which was to be proved.
a 5, Show that a .(b X c) is equal in magnitude to
the volume of the parallelopiped formea
three vectors, a, b and c.
Let a parallelopiped be formed on the three vectors FIGURE 7(N).3

OA a, OB = b and oC = c,Fig. 70N).3.

Now, b x c =bc sin 90° n =bc b

where n is unit vector along

0A perpendicular to the plane O A
containingg b and c.
Now.(bxc)= a.bc n =(a) (bc) cos0° = abc
which is equal in magnitude
to the volume of the parallelopiped.
0.6. Find the components along the x, y, z axes
of the angular momentum L of a particle,
whose position
vector is r with components x, y,
z and momentum is P
with components pyP, and
if the particle moves only in the x-y P. Show that
plane, the angular momentum has only a z-component.
Sol. Refer to Art. 5(a).18.
Q.7. Two particles, each of mass m and speed v, travel in
by a distance d. Show that the vector opposite directions along parallel lines separated
angular momentum of the two particle system is
wherever be the point about which the the same
angular momentum is taken.
Sol. As is clear from Fig. 7(N).4,
vector angular momentum of the two particle
system about any pt. A on
L x0+mv xd =mvd FIGURE 7(N).4
Similarly, vector angular momentum of the two particle m
system about any pt. B on X,Y2 A

=m v xd+m x0= mvd

Let us consider any other point C on AB, where AC = * Xo- B Y2
Vector angular momentum of the two particle system
about C is

liedo L = mv (x)+mv (d-x) = mvd

Clearly, which was to be proved.
L L =Le,
AA non-u
hon-uniform bar of weight W is suspended at rest by
wO strings of negligible weight as shown in Fig. 7(N).5. 36.9 53.1°
are 36-9° 2m
angles made by the strings with the vertical
long. Calculate the
53-1° respectively. The bar is 2ofmthe bar from its left
ance d of the centre of gravity
7/110 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (X) voLn
Sol. As is lear from Fig. 7(N).6, 6= 36.9°. 6, = 53-1°. FIGURE7(N).6
IfT.T2 are the tensions in the two strings, then for equilibrium Ti cose T2 cos82
along the horizontal, T1 sin 8 = T2 sin 6

or 1sin sin5310-7407 =
T2 sin 6, sin36-9 0-5477
T1 Sine1C T2 sin82
Let d be the distance of centre of gravity C of the bar from the
left end.
For rotational equilibrium about C. W
T cos xd= T, cos 8, (2 d -
T cos 36.9° x d = T2 cos 53-1° (2 d) -

T x0-8366 d= T2 x 0-6718 (2 d) -
Put T= 1-3523 T2 and solve to get d = 0-745 m
Q.9. A car weighs 1800 kg. The distance between its front and back axles is 1-8 m. Its centre of gravity is
1-05 m behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by the level ground on each front wheel
and each back wheel.
Sol. Here, m = 1800 kg
Distance between front and back axles 1-8 m
Distance of centre of gravity (C) behind the front axle = 105 m.
Let R, R, be the forces exerted by the level ground on each front wheel and each back wheel. As is clear
from Fig. 7(N).7
R + R= mg = 1800 x 9-8
For rotational equilibrium about C, Rx 1-05 = Rz (18 - 1-05) = R, x 0-75
R075 FIGURE 7(N).7
R2 1-05
R2 R1
Put in (i),
R+R= 1800 x 9-8
7x1800x9-8 1.05m
R2 10290 N

RR=x10290 =7350 N

Q. 10. (a) Find the moment of inertia ofa sphere about a tangent to the
sphere, given the moment of ineria
of the sphere about any of its diameters to be 2 MR>/5, where Mis the
mass of the sphere and R is the
radius of the sphere.
(b) Given the moment of inertia of a disc of mass MM and
radius R about any of its diameters to be
find the moment ofinertia about an axis normal to the disc passing
through a point on its eage

Sol. (a) Moment of inertia of sphere about any diameter =MR2

Applying theorem of parallel axes,.

Moment of inertia of sphere about a tangent to the sphere =

MR2 +M (R)2 = MR2

(b) We are given, moment of inertia of the dis about any of its diameters = MR2
(i) Using theorem of perpendicular axes, moment of inertia of the disc about an
axis passing througn 1

centre and normal to the disc = 2xMR2 = MR2

MOTION 7/111
) Using theorem of parallel
axes, moment
of inertia through a point on its edge anu
nonal to the disc = MR2 + ent
MR2 =MR?
inertia of
of the
the disc passing throug"a

. 11. Torques «of equal magnitude

are applied to
mass and Same radius. The cylind cylinder and a solid sphere, both having the same
hollow cylind
sphere is free to rotate about an s ree
to rotate about its standard axis of symmetry, and the
greater angular speed after a given passing through its centre. Which of the two will aquire a
Col. If M is mass and R is radius of the
hollow cylinder and
M.I. of hollow cylinder about the solid sphere, then
its axis of symmetry,
I = MR, and
MI. solid sphere about an axis
through its centre,
Torque applied, T = 7,
a= l202 . 2, MR2 5
MR2 2
From ®+ a 1, We find that for given @ andt,
greater than the angular speed o,> 0 ie. angular speed of solld spnec w be
of hollow cylinder
0.12. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates
cylind is -25 m. What is the kinetic
about its axis with angular speed 100 The radius of the
energy associated with the rotation of the cylinder ? What is
the magnitude of angular momentum of
the cylinder about its axis?
Sol. Here, M= 20 kg, R = 0-25 m, o = 100 s-

Moment of inertia of solid cylinder = =20X(025)-= 0-625 kg m-

2 2

K.E. of rotation
=Io =x0625x(100)2 = 3125 J
Angular momentum, L =l @= 0-625 x 100 625 Js
Q. 13. A child stands at the centre of a turn table with his two
arms outstretched. The turn table is set
rotating with an angular speed of 40 rpm. How much is the angular speed of the child, if he
folds his
hands back reducing the moment of inertia to (2/5) time the initial value ? Assume that the
table rotates without friction.
(b) Show that the child's new K.E of rotation is more than the initial K.E. of
rotation. How do you
account for this increase in K.E. ?
So. Here, initial angular speed, a = 40 rev/min ; = ?
tinal moment of inertia, I, =1, initial moment of inertia

AS no external torque acts in the process, therefore, L= constant, i.e., I2 0 = I, o

= 100 rpm
o x40
6) Final K.E. of rotation, E, =},a : Initial K.E. of rotation, E, =;h7

E2 2 E, 25 E
i.e. This is because
because the child spends internal
internal energy in folding back his hands,
.E. of rotation increases. ot mass 3 kg and radius 40
14 around a hollow Cyinder
ofnegligible mass is wound Whot is
ope the cylinder, i the rope 1 pued with a force of 30 N? the linear
ngular acceleration ?ofAssume that there is no
ration rope
of the
7/112 MOITO Pradeep'a Fundamental Phiysics (X)
Sol. Here, M 3 kg, R = 40 cm = 0:4 m
Moment of inertia of the hollow cylinder about its axis.
I= MR2 = 3 (0-4) = 0-48 kg m*
Force applied = 30N. Torque, = FxR= 30 x 0-4 =12 N-m
F t
If a is angular acceleration produced, then from t= la
a= 12
= 25 rad s2
Linear acceleration, a =Ra= 04 x 25 = 10 ms2
Q.15. To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of 200 rad s, an engine needs to transmit a torque
of 180 Nem. What is the power of the engine required ? [Note. Unitorm angular velocity in the
absence of frietion implies zero torque. In practice, applied torque is needed to counter frictional
torque. [Assume that the engine is 100% efficient.]
Sol. Here, w = 200 rad s;
torque, T = 180 N-m; Power, P =?
As P=to. P= 180 x 200 = 36000 watt 36 kW
.16. From uniform disc of radius R, a circular section of radius R/2 is cut out. The centre of the hole is
at R/2 from the centre of the original dise. Locate the centre of mass of the resulting flat body.
Sol. Supp0se mass per unit area of the disc = m FIGURE 7 (N).8
Mass of original disc, M=rR2x m
Mass of portion removed from the disc
X----- R/2
Po O
M =T (RI2) x m *m= "4
InFig. 7(N).8, mass M is concentrated
at O and mass M' is concentrated at O', where O0 = R/2
After the circular disc of mass is removed, the remaining portion can be considered as a system of two

masses M at O and -
M = at O'. Ifx is the distance of centre of mass (P) of the remaining part from

C Centre O of disc, then r= XU-M'xR/2

- MR4 =
M-M' M 8 3M 6
Negative sign shows that P is to the left of O.
Q. 17. A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass 5 g are put one
on top of the other at the 12-0 cm mark, the stick is found to be balanced at 45-0 cm. What is the
mass of the metre stick ?
Sol. Let m be the mass of the stick concentrated at C, the biloe 2
50 cm mark, Fig. 7(N).9. 911:
For equilibrium about C, the 45 cm mark, A
12cm A -B
10g (45 12)= mg (50 - 45) 45cm
50cm T
10 gx 33 = mg x5 10g
66 gram
Q. 18. A solid sphererolls down two different inclined planes of the same heights but different angles of
inclination. Will it reach the bottom with the same speed in each case ? Will it take longer to roll
down one plane than the other ? If so, which one and why ?
Sol. Let v be the speed of the solid sphere at the bottom of the incline. Applying principle of conservation of
energy, we get
m =mgh

As o mgh as r 0=V :mmv =mgh


As h is same in the two cases, v must be the Sanc peed.

same i.e. it will reach the bottom with the
As to Sin 6

The sphere will take longer to roll down the plane with smaller inclination.
0.19. A h0op ot radius 2 m weighs 100 kg. It rolls along a horizontal floor so that its ecentre ot uss iis *

speed of 20 cm/s. How much work has to be done to stop it1?

Sol. Here, R=2 m, M= 100 kg; V = 20 cm/s = 0-2 m/s
Mu?+I =Mv? + o =Mv +M
Total energy of the hoop (MR2)

Work required to stop the hoop

total energy of the hoop
= W= Mu= 100 (0-2) = 4 joule
oxygen molecule has a mass of 5-30 x 10-26
0.20. The kg and a moment of inertia of 1-94 x 10g
about an axis through its centre perpendicular to the line joining the two atoms. Suppose the me
speed of such a molecule in a gas is 500 m/s and that its kinetic energy of rotation is two thirds oI 1s
kinetic energy of translation. Find the average angular velocity of the molecule.
Sol. Here, m = 5:30 x 1040 kg, I = 1.94 x 106 kg m, v = 500 m/s

is mass of each atom of oxygen and 2 r is distance between the two atoms as shown in Fig. 7(N).I0,

mr FIGURE 7(N).10

1-94 x1046
- V5.3x10-26 0-61 x

As K.E. of rotation = K.E. of translation . Io =xmv

3 2

omr) o*-mu
S00 1012
X 0-61x10-10 = 67 x rad/s

solid cylinder rolls up an inclined

plane of angle of inclination 30". At the bottom of the inclined
21. A
centre mass of the cylinder has a speed of 5 m/s.
plane, the of
plane ? (b) How long will it take return the bottom?
to to
(a) How far will the cylinder go up the
Sol. Here, 9 = 30°, v = 5 m/s
upto a height h.
Let the cylinder go up the plane

2 mr2 mgh

n v =mgh
3x52 =1913m
7/114 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL

If s is the distance up the inclined plane, then as sin 3826 m
sin 6 sin30°
Time taken to return to the bottom

2s(1+K/?)_2x3826 (1+1/2)
t N
8sin 0 9-8 sin 30 1-53 s

Q. 22. As shown in Fig. 7(N).11, the two sides of a step ladder BA and CA are 16 m long and hinged at A.
A rope DE, 0-5 m is tied half way up. A weight 40 kg is suspended from a point F, 1-2 m from B along
the ladder BA. Assuming the floor to be frictionless and neglecting the weight of the ladder, fînd the
tension in the rope and forces exerted by the floor on the ladder. (Take g = 9-8 m/s)
(Hint. Consider the equilibrium of each side of the ladder separately.)
Sol. Here, BA = CA = 16 m ;DE=0-5 m; M=40 kg; BF = 12 m FIGURE 7(N).11
Let T tension in the rope, A

N, Na = normal reaction at B and C respectively, i.e., forces

exerted by the floor on the ladder.
In Fig. 7(N).11, we find
As DE =0-5 m; BC= 10
m; FH =
= 0-125m
N N2
AG= NAD2- DG2 = Vog2 -0-252 = 0-76 m
For translational equilibrium of the step ladder
N +N2-AMg = 0 Floor
or N +N2 = Mg = 40x 9-8 = 392 )

For rotational equilibrium of the step ladder taking moments about A, we find
BK+ Mg x FH+N, x CK +TxAG-Tx AG =0
N x0.5 +40 x 9-8x0-125 + N x 0.5 = 0 or (-N,) 05 = 40 x 9.8x0.125
N-N2=392 x 0-125 x2 98 .i)
Add (i) and (i), 2 N = 490
245 N
245 2
From i), N= 392-Ni = 392-245 147 N iAisn
L For rotational equilibrium of side AB of the step ladder, taking moments about A, we get
Mg x FH-Ni x BK + Tx AG =0
40 x 9-8 x 0-125 - 245 x 0.5 + Tx 076 0
Tx0-76 = 245 x 0-5 40 x 9.8 x 0-125 = 122.5 49 = 73-5

T- 0-76 =96-7 N
Q. 23. A man stands on a rotating platform, with his arms stretched horizontally holding a 5 kg weight in
each hand. The angular speed of the platform is 30 revolutions per minute. The man then brings his
arms close to his body with the distance of each weight from the axis changing from 90 cm to 20 cm.
The moment of inertia of the man together with the platform may be taken to be constant and equal
to 7-6 kg m2. (a) What is his new angular speed ? (Neglect friction.)
(b) Is kinetic energy conserved in the process ? If not, from where does the change come about ?
Sol. Here, }= 76+2x5 (0-9)
= 15:7
kg m, 30
rpm 109il i
7-6 + 2x5 (0-2)= 8-0 kg m
l= =?

According to the principle of

conservation of angular momentum,

0,=1S:7x30= 58 88 rpm
No, kinetic energy 1s not conserved in the process. Infact, as moment of inertia deereascs. K.E. o roa
increases. Ihis change comes about as work is done by the man in bringing his arms closer to his Duy
0. 24. A bullet of mass 10 g and speed 500 m/s is fired into a door and gets embedded exactly at the cenute
of the door. The door is 1-0 m wide and weights 12 kg. It is hinged at one end and rotates anou
vertical axis practically without friction. Find the angular speed of the door just after the Dg
embeds into it. (Hint. The moment of inertia of the door about the vertical axis at one end is Mi70)

Sol. Angular momentum imparted by the bullet L = mv x r= (10 x 10*) x 500 x , =2.5
ML _ 12x1-0
Also, I= = 4 kg m2
3 3

As L=Io = 0-625 rad/sec.

to the disc and passing
Q.25. Two discs of moments of inertia I and I, about their respective axes (normal contact face to face
through the centre) and rotating with angular speeds @, and o, are brought into system (i) Show
(G) angular speed of the two disc
with their axes of rotation coincident. Calculate
energies of the two discs.
that K.E. of the combined system is less than the sum of the initial kinetic
How do you account for this loss of energy ? Take o# 02
L = /1 0 +l2 2
Sol. Here, total initial angular momentum of the two discs
system = (1 + I2)
Under the given conditions, moment of inertia of the two disc
of the system L = (/1 +12)o
ois angular speed of the combined system, the final angular momentum
If therefore, L = L
As no external torque is involved in this exercise,

I,+l2 ..)

(b) Initial KE. of two discsE

Final K.E. ofthesystem E-;4+1)

using ), E, = ;4+12) 49.G9+
(+l2) 2 +2)

which on simplification, gives us

Now, E -E-;4+;h 2+)

egand soi1 2 2( +I2)

ot mo perfect square.
> 0), involving a
c Dwhich is a positive quantity (ie.
E,>E2 or E2 <E or K.E. =E1-E2. This loss must
be due to friction
E1-2>0 or loss of K.E. in the
process. Loss
UoHence there occurs two discs. only an internal toraue.
in the contact of the conserved as torque due to friction is
momentum is
Note that angular
7/116 TPnadeep' Fundamental Viys (Y0NE
Q. 26. (a) Prove the theorem of perpendieuhar ures (89nt.
plane fronm an axis perpendjcular to tihe plane thrmh the
sdthe dietanws
ngn h4f a yhna a. Pe tiw g

(b) Prove the theorem of parallel axes (0it. If the suadye sd maso ks eturen w e tie s 2,

Sol. (a) Refer to Art. 7.38. (b) JReser to At. 7.37.

Q. 27. Prove the result that the velocity of transiution af a yolim bnay (sika a tng, r, alinn
sphere) at the bottom of an inclined pane of hesynt h e gven y di

using dynamical consideration (i.e., by cxnsiderztinn ad torsas and orgusa), tara

he ai t
gyration of the body about its symmetry axis, and # n the radivn the
innky, Vho isnig esm ae
rest at the top of the plane,
Sol. When a body rolls down an incline of height h, we apply the pinápk d omservati SK
K.E. of translation + K.E, of otation (at the botsn) = PF, a tte

i.e. 2
mv? +1omgh
urp, Fi 7N).12

FioE ,
mv+(mk) o* :


As mu mgh

or mgh

2gh which wes to be proved.

speed a is plaed
Q.28. A disc rotating about its axis with angular
lightly (without any translational pull) on a
frictionless table. The radius of the disc is R. What are the
linear velocities of the points A,B and C on the dis shown in
Fig. 7(N).13 ? Will the disc roll in the direction indiczted?
Sol. Using the relation y = r 0), we get
For point A,
For point B, v
vj =
= R
, along AX
along BX

For point C, v =| parallel to AX,

perfectly frictiorless table. Without fricion, rolling s

The disc will not rotute, because it is placed on a
not possible.
the disc roll (reler to Q. 28) in the diretnn iniiraned
Q. 29. Explain why friction is necessary make
(a) give the direction of frictional force at B, and
the sense of frictionel torque, bedure periea rilling
rolling bezins?
(b) What is the force of friction after perfect
which can be provided only by a tangential force. As force áiciin
Sol. To roll a dise, we require a torque,
it is necessary.
the only tangential force in this case, frictionzl foe mus
the velocity of point B, which is to the left, the
(a) As frictional force at B opposes disc and orwaris
the right. The sense of frictional torque will be perpendicular to the plane of the
the velocity of the point of contact B with the
surface te pede
frictional force at B decreases
(b) As friction would beoe ze
point B becomes zero. Also, force of
rolling begins only when velocity of
this stage.

30. A solid disc and a ring, both of

radius 10 em are placed on a horizontal table simultaneousy
initial angular speed equnl to 10 T rad/s. Which of the two will start to roll carlier The coefficient
of kinetic friction is H = 0-2.
Sol. Here. initial velocity of centre of mass is zero i.e. =
u 0. Frictional forcc causes the c.m. to accelerar
X mg = ma ..i)
As u + at
Torque due to friction causes retardation in the
initial angular spced oy
i.e. H mg x R=- la


As 0= 00 +a f 0= (0 ..(iv)
Rolling begins, when v = Ro
g R2
From (i) and (iv) He st =
R og H
For a ring. I=mR?
HR 8t= R @g-Pk8t 2H 8t
F R 2H8
For a disc, I=mR*
from (v), Hk8t= R Oo-2 H 8t
3 H gt=R o
3P 8 (vii)
Comparing (vi) and (vii), we find that the disc would begin to roll earlier than the ring.
We can calculate the values of t from (vi) and (vi) using known values of uo 8, R and o
Q.31. A eylinder of mass 10 kg and radius 15 em is rolling perfectly on a plane of inclination 30°. The
coefficient of static friction is u, = 0-25.
(a) How much is the force of friction acting on the eylinder ?
(b) What is the work done against friction during rolling ?
(c) the inclination of plane is increased, at what value of8 does the eylinder begin to skid and not LL
roll perfectly ? L
Sol. Here, m 10 kg,
r15 cm = 0-15 m
30°. H, = 025

Acceleration of the cylinder down the incline, a =g in =x9:8 sin30°= m/s2


ma = m (g sin 6 a) = 10 9-8 sin 30°- = 164 N

a) Force of friction, F=mg sin 6

(6) During rolling, the point of contact is at rest. 'Thereiore, work done against friction is zero.

rolling without slipping/skidding, l= tan6

)For 3

tan 6 3 u =3x0-25 0-75

193 5tOd bi 37
7/118 oPradep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

Q. 32. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons, if it is true or false. (a) During rolling,
the force of friction acts in the same direction as the direction of motion of c.m of the body. (b) The
instantaneous speed of the point of contact during rolling is zero. (c) The instantaneous acceleration
of the point of contact during rolling is zero. (d) For perfect rolling motion, work done against
friction is zero. (e) A wheel moving down a perfectly frictionless inclined plane will undergo slipping
(not rolling motion).
Sol. (a) The statement is false as is explained in Art. 746.
O) (6) True. This is because rolling body can be imagined to be rotating about an axis passing through the
point of contact of the body with the ground. Hence its instantaneous speed is zero.
(c)This is not true. This is because when the body is rotating, its instantaneous acc. is not zero.
d) It is true. This is because once the perfect rolling begins, force of friction becomes zero. Hence work
done against friction is zero.
(e) The statement is true. This is because rolling occurs only on account of friction which is a tangential
force capable of providing torque. When the inclined plane is perfectly smooth, the wheel will simply slip
under the effect of its own weight.

1, For whiclh of the following doces the centre of (b)The orientation of the axis of rotation remains
mass lie oulside the body ? same.
(a) A pencil (b) A shotput (c) The speed of rotation is non-Zero and remains
(c) A dice (d) A bangle same.
2. Which of the following points is the likely (d) The angular acceleration is non-zerO and
position of the centre of mass of the system remains same.
shownin lig. 7(N).14? 5. A uniform square plate has a small piece Q of an
irregular shape removed and glued to the centre
FIGURE7(N).14 of the plate leaving a hole behind [Fig. 7(N).16].
The moment of inertia about the z-axis is then
Hollow Sphere
FIGURE 7(N).16

(a) increased (b) decreased
(C) the same
(d) changed in unpredicted manner.
(a) A (b) B 6. In problem 5, the CM of the plate is now in the
(c) C (d) D following quadrant of r-y plane.
3. A (a) I
particle of mass m is moving in yz-plane with
a uniform velocity v with its trajectory running (c) II (d) 1
parallel to +ve y-axis and intersecting z-axis at 7. The density of a non-uniform rod of length 1 m
Za (Fig. 7(N).15). The change in its angular is given by P (r) =a (1+ br)
momentum about the origin as it bounces where a and b are constants and 0SrS1.
elastically from a wall aty = constant is: The centre of mass of the rod will be at
FIGURE 7N).15 3(2+b) 4(2+6)
(a) A3+b)
3(3+b) 4(3+b)
4(2+b) 3(2+b)
8. A Meery-go-round, made of a ring-like
platform of radius R and mass M, is revolving
with angular speed o. A person of mass M is
(a) mva ex (b) 2 mvaex standing on it. At one instant, the person jumps
off the round, radially away from the centre
c) ymv ex (d) 2 ymv ex of the round (as seen from the round). The
speed of the round afterwards is
When a disc rotates with uniform angular
(a) 2
velocity, which of the following is not true ?
a) The sense of rotation remains same. (c) /2 (d) 0
7/120 iPradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLI


alternatives: (d) The torque caused by some forces may be equal
9. Choose the correct
and opposite to that caused by other forces.
(a) For a general rotational motion, angular
12. Figure 7(N).18 shows a lamina in r-y plane.
momentum L and angular velocity o need not
be parallel. axes z and z pass perpendicular to its plane. A
force P acts in the plane of lamina at point as
(b) For a rotational motion about a fixed axis,
shown. Which of the following are true (The
angular momentum L and angular velocity o z-axis.)
are always parallel. point P is closer toz-axis than the
(c) For a general translational motion, momentum FIGURE 7(N).18
p and velocity v are always parallel.
() For a general translational motion, acceleration
a and velocity v are always parallel.
10. Figure 7(N).17 shows two identical particles
and 2, each of mass m, moving in opposite
directions with same speed v along parallel
lines. At a particular instant, r and r, are their
respective position vectors drawn from point
A which is in the plane of the parallel lines.
Choose the correct options:
is along -k
FIGURE7(N).17 (a) Torque T caused by F about z-axis
(b) Torque T caused by FaboutZ' axis is along -k.

(c)Torque t caused by F about z axis is greaterin

v magnitude than that about z-axis.
d2 = T+t.
2 (d) Total torque is given be t edge
13. With reference to Fig. 7(N).19 of a cube of
a and mass ni, state whether the following are
true or false. (O is the centre of the cube.)
(a) Angular momentum L of particle
about A
FIGURE 7(N).19
is L mv (d,) o H TZ
6) Angular momentum Lof particle 2 about A
is L = mvrz O D EOC
(c) Total angular momentum of the system about

A is L = mv (ri + r) Oo

(d) Total angular momentum of the system about

A is L = mv (d,-d)® z-axis is,

(a) The moment of inertia of cube about
Orepresents a unit vector coming out of the page.
represents a unit vector going into the page. (b) The moment of inertia of cube about
11. The net external torque on a system of particles ma
about an axis is zero. Which of the following =1, +
are compatible with it ?
2 z 3
(c) The moment of inertia of cube about
(a) The forces may be acting radially from a point
on the axis. ma
(6) The forces may be acting on the axis of rotation. 2
(c) the forces may be acting parallel to the axis of (d)y

1.(d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a)
10. (a,d) 11. (a.b,c.d) 12. (h.c)
9. (0, 13. (b,d)
Multiple Choice Questions I
Centre of mass ot a bangle Iies at the centre of the bangle, which is outside the body.
2. The position ol
centre ol mass of the system shown in Fig. 7N).14 is likely to be at C. This is because
lower part ol the sphere conlaining sand is heavier than upper part of the sphere containing air.
3. Linear momentum ol particle before colliding = mv = mve,
Linear momentum ol particle alter it bounces = -m v = -mve,
Change in lincar momentum, Ap=-m v - (m v) =-2m v =-2mw e,
Change in angular momentum A L = rxAp, where r= (ye, +ae,)
= (ye,+ae,)x(-2mv ë,) = 2mv ae, .

4. When a disc rotates with uniform angular velocity, angular acceleration of the disc is zero. Choice () is
not true.
FIGURE 7(N).20
With the hole, ,
According to the thcorem of perpendicular axes, I,
and 1, both decrease Gluing the removed piece at the
=l+l T
centre of square plate does not affect 1 Hence, 1, decreases, overall.
6. As piece is removed from quadrant /, the CM of the square plate is shifted
to quadrant IlI as shown in Fig. 7(N).20. cm 1--~x
7. Here, p (x) =a (1 + bx ) II
When b 0, p (x) = a = constant
i.e., density of rod of length 1 m is constant. In that event, centre of mass
of rod would lie at 0-5 m (i.e. at centre of rod).

When we try b>0 in all the four given options, we find choice (a) alone gives x =
4(3+b) =12 05.

Therefore, choice (a) is correCL.

Wnen the person jumps off the round, radially away from the
centre, no torque is exerted i.e. t = 0.
0 momentum, 7 X 0 = constant. As mass reduces to
HCCording to the principle of conservation of angular
nair (from 2 M to M), moment of inertia / becomes half.
Therefore, must become twice (= 2 o).

Multiple Choice Questions-

9. the study of theory, we know that for general rotational
motion, angular momentum L and angular
velocity oneed not be parallel.
momentum p and linear velocity v are always parallel.
gain, for a general translational motion, linear

his because P is directed along v only.

distance of particle from the
10 momentum = linear momentum multiplicd by perpendicular
AIS of rotation, therefore, for particle 1,

to plane of
page and directed upwards, and for particle 2.
1mu(d,)0, perpendicular
page and directed inwards.
perpendicular to plane of
7/122 Pradeep's Pundamental Physien (X1)Mn

tr i nil rdtivbhod
Total angular momentum of the system, L = L-L =m»tdh-d,) ulb-tt4 10 3ty
It would be perpendicular to plane of page and directed inwards,

11. When net external torque on a system of particles about an axis is zero, Le., T= r =rfsin a
= Zero, where, 0 is angle between r and f,t is unit vector along t, then all the four statements (a)

b), (¢), (d) are compatible.

12. According to right handed screw rule, thc direction of torque caused by ahout Z-axis is along
So choice (a) is false.

However choice (b) is true as direction of torque (T") caused by F about 2 axis is along -k
As 7=7xF and P is closer to Z axis, therefore T caused by r
about Z-axis is greater in magnitude
than that about Z axis. Choice (c) is true. Choice (d) is false as it is meaningless to add torques about
different axes.
13. Choice (a) is false, as theorem of perpendicular axes applies only to a plane lamina.

Now, Zaxis is parallel to Z' axis and distance betwecn them = .Therefore, according to the

theorem of parallel axes,

Choice (b) is true.

Again, choice (c) is false as " axis is not parallel to Z-axis.
Choice (d) is true as from symmetry, we find that /, = /y


14. The centre of gravity of a body on the earth coincides with its centre of mass for a small object
whereas for anfextended" object it may not. What is the qualitative meaning of 'small' and 'extended'
inthis regard?
For which of the following the two coincide ? A building, a pond, a lake, a mountain ?
Ans. When vertical height of an object is very small compared to the radius of earth, the object is said to De
small. Otherwise, the object is said to be extended.
A building and a pond are treated as small objects. In their cases, the centre
of gravity coincides with une
centre of mass.
A deep lake and a mountain are taken as extended objects. In their cases,
the centre of gravity may
coincide with the centre of mass.
15. Why does a solid sphere have smaller moment of inertia
than a hollow cylinder of same mass and
radius, about an axis passing through their axes of symmetry ?
Ans. By definition, I =
2 mm

s15rlge sri
In case of hollow cylinder, entire mass lies at distance R from the axis olid
of symmetry. But in case of a
sphere, the same mass is distributed throughout at distances from
zero to R from the axis of symm
Here, R is radius of cylinder/sphere. That is why a solid sphere has ollow
smaller moment of inertia than a no
cylinder of same mass and radius.

s OF

ariation of angular position 6, of a point on a rotating rigid

The Variat FIGURE 7(N).21
body,with ime t is shown in Fig. 7(N).21. Is the body rotating clock
anti-clockwise ?
wise or
7(N).21, we find that slope of
From Fig. -1 graph is positive, which by
onvention, represents nticlockwise rotation.
17. A
unifo cube of mass m and side a is placed on a frictionless
horizont surfa
urface. A vertical force F is applied
to the edge as shoWn
22. Match the following (most appropriate
in choice):
<F< mg/2 ) Cube will move up.
(6) F>mg/2 (ii) Cube will not exhibit
(c)F>mg (ii) Cube will begin to rotate and slip at A. FIGURE 7(N).22
dF=mg/4 (ir) Normal reaction effectively
at al3 AF
from A, no motion.
Ans. As is
clearfrom Fig. 7N).23, torque of force F about A, T
This is
Torque of weight mg of cube about A

. = mg X.clockwise. The cube will not exhibit any motionif t=T2 A

FIGURE 7(N).23
Fxa=mgx or F=" F
The cube will rotate only when
T2 a
Fxa>mgor F "2
If we assume that normal reaction is effectively at a/3 from A, then block
would turn if A
g x=Fxa or F =
When F mg there will be no motion.
Hence, we conclude (a) (): (6) (i); (c)-(): (d)> (iv). FIGURE 1(N).24
1& A
uniform sphere of mass m and radius R is placed on a rough
horizontal surface [Fig. 7(N).24]. The sphere is struck horizontally
at a height h from the floor. Match the following:
(a)h R/2 ) Sphere rolls without slipping with a
constant velocity and no loss of energy.
(6) h
R (i) Sphere spins clockwise, loses energy
by friction.
(c)h 3R/2 (ii) Sphere spins anti-clockwise, loses energy by friction.
d) h 7R/5 (ir) Sphere has only a translational motion, looses energy by friction.
Let the sphere of mass m and radius R be struck horizontally at
gnt h from the floor, as shown in Fig. 7(N).25.
Ihesphere will roll without slipping when o R h-R)
angular momentum of sphere, about c.m. h|

mvth-R) = Io=| or mvth-R) = mvR

7N24 11GT Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XT)VOL

h R R or h R r rprpg 9 itats
The sphere will roll without slipping with a constant velocity and no loss of energy when h =
Therefore, d>().
Torque due to applied force, about c.m., t= F (h- R)
IfT=0.h=R. sphere will have only translational motion. It would lose energy by friction. Hence, b (t
The sphere will spin clockwise, when t is positive, i.e., h > R.
Therefore. c> ().
Again. the sphere will spin anticlockwise, when t is negative, i.e., h <R. Therefore, a> (ii)
19. The vector sum of a system of non-collinear forces acting on a rigid body is given to be non-zero.
the vector sum of all the torques due to the system of forces about a certain point is found to be zero,
does this mean that it is necessarily zero about any arbitrary point?
Ans. No, not necessary.

We are given that F 0.

However, the sum of torques about a certain point

10;2 7x=o
About any other point O', the sum of torques would
be(- a)xF: -2 7*-7« }
As the second term need not vanish for any a , therefore, sum of all the torques about
value of
arbitrary point need not be zero necessarily. any
20. A wheel in uniform motion about
an axis passing
considered to be in mechanical (translational through its centre and perpendicular to its plane is
force or torque is required to sustain plus rotational) equilibrium because
its motion. However, the particles no net external.
experience a centripletal acceleration that constitute the wheel do-
with the wheel being in equilibrium ? directed towards the centre. How do you reconcile this fact-
How would you set a half-wheel
mass of the wheel and perpendicular uniform motion about an axis passing through the centre oE
to its plane ? Will you
motion ? require external forces to sustain the=
Ans. A wheel is a rigid body.
The centripetal accelerations
elastic forces, which cancel of the particles of the
out in pairs. wheel arise due to the intema
In a half wheel, the distribution
of mass (through which of mass about its centre
axis of rotation passes) FIGURE 7(N).26
symmetrical. Therefore, is not
the direction of angular
momentum of the wheel
does not coincide with
direction of its angular the
velocity. Hence, an
torque is required to maintain external
wheel. the motion of the
21. A door is hinged
at one end
vertical axis [Fig. 7(N).26]. and is free to rotate about a
torque about this axis Does its weight cause
? Give reason for any
your answer.
Ans. No. As T =
rxF , therefore torque is produced
force along a direction by a
normal to the force.
If the door is in xy plane,
weight can only be along the torque produced by its
t z direction. It can
about an axis passing never be
through x-direction
or y-direction.
equal int point masses 7/125
(1 1) each of
22. (n-
vacant ertexhas a position vector mass n are placed at the vert
a with respect ertices of a regular n-polygon. The
yector of centre of mass. to the centre of the ygon.
poIygo Find the position
b the position
vector of centre
equal pont
of mass of regular
masSes each of mass n polygon.
As (n
m are placed
at (n - 1) vertices of regular polygon,
(n-) mb+ ma ue
(n-1+1) m or
1) mb + ma = 00
or b
(n 1)
Find ventre of mass of a uniform
23. (a) half-disc, (6)
mass of uniform quarter-disc.
Ans, (a) Centre of half disc FIGURE 7(N),27
) 27 shows upper half of uniform circular
Y plane. Let M be otal mass or halt disc. Mass disc of radius R in
per unit area of half
M 2 2M
TR12 rR2
La half disc can be supposed to be made up
of a large number of
icircular rings, each of mass dm and radii ranging
from r = 0 to
Ok R x
R. Consider one Such semicircular ring
of radius r and thickness
s shown. Surface area of this semicircular ring =
(Tr) dr.
Mass of this element, dm = (tr) drx 2 2M
TTR2 2rdr.

If ) are co-ordinates of c.m of this clement, then (x, y) =| ie, x=0, y =

Let XeeYcm be co-ordinates of c.m of semicircular disc.

m xdn=odm=0

and Yamyd dr
C.m of uniform half disc = (0, 4 R/3 T).
(b) Centre of mass of a uniform quarter disc
M 4M
Here, mass per unit area of quarter disc*TtR14 TR2

4R 4R
c.m of uniform quarter disc
roceeding as in (a) above, we can show that 3t

about their respective axes (normal to the disc and passing

discs of moments of inertia I, and I, contact face to face
Wo angular speed o and o2 are brought into
ugh the centre), and rotating
With their
axes of rotation coincident. situation ? Why ?
momentum apply to the
law of conservation of
ESthe the angular speed of the
two-disc system. process
Calculate the loss in kinetic energy of
the system in the

4) Account for this loss.

7/126 MPradeep'o Fundamental Physics (X)VOL
Ans. (a) Yes, the law of conservation of angular momentm applies to the situation. This is because no extern
torque is involved in bringing the two discs into contact face to face. External forces, gravitation an nal
normal reaction, act through the axis of rotation producing no torque.
(b)If o is angular speed of the two disc system, then from the principle of conservation of angular momentum
+) o=1 0 +lho
(c) Initial KE oftwo discs, E=
Final KE of the system,
Using (i), E, =<u, +1,) 49*1, o,) 4o+l o,)
2 +12)

AE=E-E +h +l
2( +I2) 2

+o+21, R-1-1-o
20 +l2)

24,+1, -owh
2which is a negative quantity. Hence, some KE is always lost.
(d) The loss in KE is due to work done against friction between the two discs.
25. A disc of radius R is rotating with an angular speed o about a horizontal axis. It is placed on a
horizontal table, The coefficient of kinetic friction is H
(a) What was the velocity of its centre of mass before being brought in contact with the table?
b) What happens to the linear velocity of a point on its rim when placed in contact with the table?
(c) What happens to the linear speed of the centre of mass when dise is placed in contact with the
(d) Which force is responsible for the effects in (b) and (c).
(e) What condition should be satisfied for rolling to begin ?
D Calculate the time taken for the rolling to begin.
Ans. () Before the disc is brought in contact with the table, it is simply rotating about its horizontal axis.
Therefore, its centre of mass is at rest, i.e., vem = Zero.
(b) Linear velocity of any point on the rim of the disc would decrease. When disc is placed in contact with
the table.
(c) When rotating disc is placed in contact with the table, its centre of mass acquires some velocity which

was zero before contact. Hence, velocity of centre of mass increases.

(d)In (b) above, force of friction between the rotating dise and table is responsible for decreasing linear
velocity of any point on the rim of the disc. In (c), the dise rolls over the table because of friction. Hence
velocity of centre of mass of dise increases due to friction.
(e)Rolling would begin only when vcm = R@.

Acceleration produced in centre of mass due: to friction cm )

m m

Angular acceleration produced by the torque due to friction,


Vcmem+ aem
TFrom Vem0+ (Pe 8) t= Hk 8t ..i)
From .ii)
For rolling without

Using (i) and (ii), we get

H& ,mg) Rt

-(P mg)R H 8tR =

t- R
26. Two cylindrical hollow drums of radii R and 2R, and of a common height h, are rotating with angular
velocities a@ (anti-clockwise) and o (clockwise), respectively. Their axes, fixed are parallel and in a
horizontal plane separated by (3R +0). They are now brought in contact (8 > 0).
() Show the frictional forces just after contact. FIGURE 7(N).28
(6) ldentify forces and torques external to the
sytem just after contact. R 2R0 Friction on
(c) What would be the ratio of final angular left drumn
velocities when friction ceases ?
Ans. (a) In Fig. 7(N).28, we have shown the frictional BA2R Velocities Friction on
forces on the two drums just after contact. at the point right drum
of contact (downward)
(6) If F' and F " are external forces through
support on the left and right drums respectively, F
Fnet 0.
AS distance between the centres of two drums = R+ 2 R = 3 R, therefore, extermal torque,
TFx 3R; anticlockwise.
)Let o be final angular velocity ofleft drum in anticlockwise direction and o
be final angular velocity
of right drum in clockwise direction. As there will be no friction, finally.

R (0)=2R (0,) or

7/128 MOTOPradeep's Fundamental Physies (XI
27. A uniform square plate S (side c) and a uniform rectangular plate R (sides b, a) have identical areas
and masses [Fig. 7(N).29].
Show that
(i)ys >1; (ii')s>1.
Ans. As anea of square plate S= area of rectangular plate R
Now, by definition


As b<C,

1,s c
As a>c, yR1. R S

(ii) 1R-1)« (a+ b-2 c)

oc (a2 + b2-2 ab)
o (a b), which is +

R-)>0 or R>1
28. A uniform disc of radius R, is resting on a table on its rim. The coefficient of friction between dise
and table is Fig. 7(N).30. Now the dise is pulled with a force F as shown in the Fig. 7(N).31. What
is the maximum value of F for which the disc rolls without slipping?
Ans. Letfbe the force of friction, when force applied is F.
If a is acceleration of the centre of mass of disc, FIGURE 7(N).30
then Ma = F-f ..(i)

If there is no slipping, angular acceleration of disc, =
Torque due to frictional force
= MaR
fxR Ia =MR? or Ma = 2f
FIGURE 7(N).31

From (). F
2f= F-f or 3f= F or
Asthere is no sliding. SSp Mg R
FS3 Ms
Hence, Mg
max3 4


MOTION 7/129

sPECIAL For ultimate proparation
for compotitive
of this unit
studonts should rofor to
Pradeep's Stellar Series..
MCQs in Physlcs for NEET
MCQs in Physics for JEE(Main)
separately available for these examinations.

LMuBtipie Choice Questions (with Ono Correct Answor)

IL Centre of Mass em of centre of mass of the rod is plotted against
n, which of the following graphs, Fig.
n ?
1. Distance of the centre of mass of a solid uniform best approximates the dependence of em on
cone from its vertex is Z0. If the radius of its base FIGURE 7(CF).1
is R and its height is h, then Zg is equal to X Cm X Cm

2 ()
AR L/21 L/2

(d)R x cm X cm
JEE Main 2015)
from a L/2
circular disc of radius R is removed
2. A
such that the
bigger circular disc of radius 2 R,
circumferences of the discs coincide.
The centre
(AIEEE 2008)
R from the centre of
of mass of the new disc is o radius R and mass 9 M, a
4. From a circular disc of
the bigger disc. The value of a is
mass M and radius is removed
small disc of
of the
() (b) 3 concentrically. The moment of intertia
perpendicular to the
remaining disc about an axis
passing through its centre is
plane of the disc and
(AIEEE 2007)
6 (a)MR2 (b) MR2
along the x-axis
rod of length L is lying
LninWuh its ends at x = 0 and x =
L. Its linear
(c) 4 MR2 9
where n (AIPMT Main 2010)
(mass/length) varies with x as k
can be zero or any positive
integer. If position
4. (a)
2. (6) 3. (a)
1. (6)
7/130 MO Pradeep'i Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL
5. From a disc of radius R and mass M, a circular FIGURE 7(CF).2
hole of diameter R, whose rim passes through the
centre is cut. What is the moment of inertia of
remaining part of the disc about a perpendicular
axis. passing through the centre ?

(a)MR MR R

()MR2 (d)MR2
(NEET 2016)
6. A disc and a solid sphere of same radius but 40 MR2
(a) 4 MR2 (b)
different masses roll off on two inclined planes 9
of the same altitude and length. Which one of the
two objects gets to the bottom of the plane first ? (c) 10 MR2 ( MR2
(a) solid sphere (JEE Main 2018)
(b) both reach at the same time
IIL. Moment of Inertiá
() depends on their masses
(d) disc 9. The densities of two solid spheres A and B of same
(NEET 2016)
radii R vary with radial distance r as PA )
7. (1) Centre of gravity (C.G.) of a body is the point
at which the weight of the body acts, = and Pp )=K ,respectively,
(2) Centre of mass coincides with the centre of
gravity if he earth is assumed to have infinitely where k is a constant. The moments of inertia of
large radius, the individual spheres about axes passing through
(3) To evaluate the gravitational field intensity their centres are lA and Iz respectively. If
due to any body at an external point, the entire
mass of the body can be considered to be the 10 value of n is
concentrated at its C.G.,
(4) The radius of gyration of any body rotating (a) 6 (b) 10
about an axis is the length of the perpendicular (c) 16 (d) 7
dropped from the C.G. of the body to the axis. (JEE Advanced 2015)
Which one of the following pairs of statements is 10. From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R, a
corect? cube of maximum possible volume is cut. Moment
of inertia of cube about an axis passing through
(a) (4) and (1) (b) (1) and (2) its centre and perpendicular to one of its faces isS
(c) (2) and (3) () (3) and (4)
(AIPMT Main 2010)
8. From a uniform circular disc of radius R and
()322 (b)
162 T
9 M, a small dise R 4 MR2 4 MR
of radius is removed as (c) (d)-
shown in Fig. 7(CF).2. The moment of inertia
33 Tt
the remaining disc about an axis perpendicular to (JEE Main 2015)
11. If
the plane of the disc and passing through centre / is moment of inertia of a thin rod about an
of dise is axis perpendicular to its length and passing
through its centre of mass, and I, is the moment
of inertia of the ring about an axis perpendicular
5. (a) 6. (a) 7.( 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
9 (D).ii

ring and passing through its centre

to plane of
formed by bending the rod,
1,/l, is (M (d)M2

(b) (AIPMT 2009)

16. A circular disc of moment of inertia !, is rotating
in a horizontal plane, about its symmetry axis, with
2 a constant angular speed (i)i. Another disk of
mass m gram, are situated moment of inertia l, is dropped coaxially onto
12. Three particles. each of
equilateral triangle ABC of the rotating disc. Initially, the second disc has zero
at the vertices of an
side cm as shown in Fig. 7(CF).3. The moment angular speed. Eventually, both the discs rotate
of inertia of the system about a line AX gram-cm- with a constant angular speed (i)p The energy
cular to AB and in the plane ABC, in lost by the initially rotating disc to friction is
wil be
a(a) 2,+1,
(6) 20,+1,

( (0?
1,+1 (d)
(AIPMT 2010)

17. Four solid spheres each of diameter 5 em and

mass 0.5 kg are placed with their centres at the
(6)md corners of a square of side 4 cm. The moment of
inertia of the system about the diagonal of the
square is Nx 10* kg-m, then Nis
(d) 2 m2
(a) 7 (b) 8
13 The ratio of the radi of gyration of a circular disc (c)9 (4) 6 (LIT 2011)
about a tangential axis in the plane of the disc 18. A pulley of radius 2 m is rotated about its axis by
and of a circular ring of the same radius about a a force F = (20 r -5 ) newton (where t is
tangential axis in the plane of the ring is measured in seconds) applied tangentially. If the
moment of inertia of the pulley about its axis of
(b) 1:2 rotation is 10 kg m, the number of rotations made
(c) 2:3 () 2:1 by the pulley before its direction of motion is
14. Three identical rods, each of length L, are joined reversed, is
to form a rigid equilateral triangle. Its radius of (a) more than 3 but less than 6
gyration about an axis passing through a corner
(6) more than 6 but less than 9
and perpendicular to plane of triangle is
(c) more than 9
(d) less than 3 (AIEEE 2011)
19. The moment of inertia of a uniform cylinder of
length I and radius R about its perpendicular
(0 bisector is I. What is the ratio l/R such that the
moment of inertia is minimum?
15. Four identical thin rods each of mass M and length
, form a square frame. Moment of inertia of this (a) 1
frame about an axis through the centre of the
square and perpendicular to its plane is

tbM (JEE Main 2017)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c)
7/132 0Pradeefp'e Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
20. When a ceiling fan is switched off, its angular shown. The moment of inertia of the arrangement
velocity falls to half while it makes 36 rotations. about the axis normal to the plane and passing
How many more rotations will it make before through the point P is
coming to rest ?
(a) 24 (b) 36 FIGURE7(CF).6
(c) 18 (d) 12
21. A point P moves in counter clockwise direction
on a circular path as shown in Fig. 7(CF).4. The
movement of P is such that it sweeps out a length
S=+5, where Sis in metres and tis in seconds.
The radius of the path is 20 m. The acceleration
of P whent=2S is nearly.
(a)MR2 ()MR2
P x, y) (c)MR2 181
20 ()2
(JEE Main 2018)

III. Rotational Motion

(a) 14 m/s2 (b) 13 m/s2 24. The ratio of the accelerations for a solid sphere
(c) 12 m/s2 (d) 7-2 m/s2 (mass m, and radius R) rolling down an incline of
22. A slender uniform rod of mass M and lengthl is angle without slipping, and slipping down the
pivoted at one end so that it can rotate in a vertical incline without rollingis
plane, Fig. 7(CF).5. There is negligible friction (a) 5:7 b) 2:3
at the pivot. The free end is held vertically above
(c) 2:5 d) 7:5(AIPMT 2014)
the pivot and then released. The angular
acceleration of the rod when it makes an angle 25. A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is
with the vertical is brought to a horizontal position and released. The
angular velocity of the rod, when it is in vertical
position is

(a) 28 (b) tt
(AIIMS 2014)
26. A uniform dise is acted by two equal forces of
2 (b)cos magnitude F. One of them, acts tangentially to
the disc, while other one is acting at the central
sin sin
(d) 531 sin point of the disc. The friction between disc surface
and ground surface is nF. If r be the radius of the
JEE Main 2017) disc, then the value of n would be (in N)D
23. Sevenidentical circular planar discs, each of mass (a) 0 b) 12
M and radius R are welded symmetrically as
(e) 2-0 (d) 3-2 (AIIMS 2015)
20. (d) 21. (a) 22. () 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (a) e
h A
ilrise rel S liaving length 2/
has point masses
uftelelt is Iwo clt as sown acceleration in m/s at the
in Fig.
7(CF).7. end of 2-0 s in
The l is 1tiling ntoinl an axiI6 approximately
passing through
il efe nd taking angle u. with the axis. The (a) 7-0
(b) 6-0
iitode ol ate of change of
momentum ofrod,
(c) 3-0
(d) 8:0 (NEET 2016
30. A bob of mass m attached
to an inextensible string
it. culs of length l is suspended from a vertical
The bob rotates in a horizontal
circle with an
angular speed w radian/sec about
FIGURE 7(CF).7 the vertical.
About the point of suspension,
(a) angular momentum changes in
direction but
not in magnitude,
(6) angular momentum changes both in
and direction,
m (c) angular momentum is conserved,
(d)angular momentum changes in magnitude, but
Rod not in direction. (JEE Main 2014)
31. A mass m is supported by a massless string
around a uniform hollow cylinder of mass m and
radius R. If the string does not slip on the cylinder,
with what acceleration will the mass fall on
(a) 5 g/6 (b)g
Axis (c) 2 g/3 )g/2
(JEE Main 2014)
mlo sin o,
(a) 2 cos o. 32. A wire, which passes through the hole in a small
b) m o sin 20 bead, is bent in the form of quarter of a circle.
() ml sin 20 The wire is fixed vertically on ground as shown
in Fig. 7(CF).8. The bead is released from near
(d) m/2 o sin 0 cos o (AIIMS 2015) the top of the wire and it slides along the wire
28. A hcnispherical bowl of radius r is set rotating without friction. As the bead moves from A to B,
alut its axis of symmetry in vertical. A small the force it applies on the wire B is
block kept in the bowl rotates with the bowl
without slipping on its surface. If the surface of
he bowl is smooth and the angle made by the
Ialius through the block with the vertical is 6,
hcn find the angular speed at which the ball is

(a) 0)=rg sin (b) = Wg/rcos


)= (d) o
cos 6 tan
(a) always radially outwards
(AIIMS 2015)
(b) always radially inwards
L9. A uniform circular disc of radius 50 cm at rest is
(c) radially outwards initially and radially inwards
ee to turn about an axis, which is perpendicular
othe plane and passes through its centre. It is
Subjected to a torque which produces a constant (d) radially inwards initially and radially outwards
ingular acceleration of 2.0 rad/s2. Its net later. JEE Advanced 2014)
27. (b) 28. (h) 29. (d) 30. (a) 31. (d) 32. (d)
7/134 Eradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI
in nf'mass wtating with
M and radius R is 36. A particle of mass m is moving along the side of
angular spvd w adouu a lised vertical axis passing a square of side a, with a uniform speed v in Xy
thmagh its vente O with two point masses cach plane as shown in Fig. 7(CF).10. Which of the
following statements is false for the angular
est at 0. These masses can move
momentum L about the origin ?

radially ouwands along two massless ods fixed

m the ting as shown in Fig. 7(CF).9, At sonme
instant, the angular speed of the system is

tnd one of the naasses is at a distance of 5 from R

0. At this instant, the distanee of the other mass


Rk, when particle is moving from

A to B

6) L=mv-a k, when particle is moving

from C to D

c)L=mv +a k, when particle is

moving from B to C
(a)R )R ()L=Rk,
when particle is moving from
d) R D to A (JEE Mains 2016)
JEE Advanced 2015) 37. A roller is made by joining together two corners
34. A uniform circular disc of radius 50 cm at rest is at their vertices O. It is kept on two rails AB and
tree to turn about an axis, which is perpendicular CD, which are placed asymmetrically, Fig.
to the plane and passes through its centre. It is 7(CF).11, with its axis perpendicular to CD and
subjected to a torque which produces a constant its centre O at the centre of line joining AB and
angular acceleration of 2-0 rad/s. Its net acceler- CD. It is given a light push, so that it starts rolling
ation in m/s* at the end of 2:0 s is approximately with its centre O moving parallel to CD in the
(b) 6-0 direction shown. As it moves, the roller will tend
(a) 7-0
(c) 3-0 (d) 8-0 (NEET 2016)
35. A particle of mass 10 gram moves along a circle
of radius 6-4 cm, with a constant tangential AD
acceleration. What is the magnitude of this
acceleration, if K.E. of the particle becomes equal
to 8x 10J by the end of second revolution after
the beginning of the motion.
(a) 0-15 m/s2 (b) 0-18 m/s2
(c)0-20m/s (d) 0-10 m/s2 C
(NEET 2016)

33. (d) 34. () 35. (d) 36. (b.d)

tun lelt u ()un riglht

(a) (a) 402 unit (b) 7.5 unit
()gOstulghi (c) zero (d) 60 unit
() tun lelt uned viglt alterately 43. A table fan rotating at a speed of 2400 rpm is
(JCE Mains 2016) switched off and the resulting variation of the
38. A NAtellite is revolving
in a cireular orbit at a heiglht revolution/minute with time is shown in Fig.
h Iron thr cuth'a nunlace (ruclius of earth
R and 7(CF).12. The total number of revolutions of the
h R). "The nmininm increase in its orbital fan before it comes to rest is
velocity rcquired s that the satellite could escape
to FIGURE7(CF).12
from the euth's gruvitational field is closc
(neglect tlie eflect of' ntosphere). 2400
() 2R (h) R rpm

() R/2 gR (2-1)
(JEE Mains 2016)
39. 'The centre of a wlhecl rolling on a plane surface 600
moves with a speed A particle on the rim of
the wlieel at the sane level as the centre will be
moving at speed 8 24
(b) 2 o
t (s)
() 2 (b) 380
()o (d) zero (a) 280
40. A dise and a solid sphere of same radius but (c) 420 (d) 160
different masses roll off on two inclined planes 44. A wheel is subjected to uniform angular
the acceleration about its axis. Initially, its angular
of the sanne altitude and length. Which one of
(wo objects gets to the bottom of the plane
first ? velocity is zero. In the first 2 sec, it rotates through
(a)solid sphere an angle 6, in the next 2 sec, it rotates through
(b)both reach at the same time an angle 6. The ratio of 6,/0, is
(a) (b) 2
(c)depends on their masses
(NEET 2016) (c) 3 (d) 5
41. A particle moves so that its position vector
is given 45. A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder, both of
, the same mass and same external diameter are
by cos x+ sin t y where o is a constant.
r= t released from the same height at the same time
Which of the following is true ? on an inclined plane. Both roll down without
(a) velocity and acceleration both are slipping. Which one will reach the bottom first ?
perpendicular to r (a) Solid cylinder
to (b) Both together
(b) velocity and acceleration both are parallel
(c) One with higher density
(d) Hollow cylinder
(c) velocity is perpendicular to and x 10- kg m
46. A wheel has moment of inertia 5
acceleration is directed towards the origin to
and is making 20 rev sl. The torque needed
() velocity is perpendicular to r is.... x 104 N -m
and stop it in 10 s
acceleration is directed away from the origin (a) 2 1t (b) 2-5 t
(NEET 2016) (c) 4 T (d) 4-5 t
unit is moving with a I and mass m is free to
42. A particle of mass m = 5 47. A uniform rod of length
A, Fig. 7(CF).13.
unit in XY plane along rotate in a vertical plane about
uniform speed v = 32 The rod initially in horizontal
position is released.
the line Y= X+ 4. The magnitude of the angular
momentum about origin is ANSWES
44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (a)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (a)
37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
7/136 VOPradeep o Fundamental Physics (X) vOLI
The initial angular acceleration of the rod is (MI FIGURE 7(CF).15

of rod about A is )
FIGURE 7(CF).13 M 2 kg

.0.1 kg

(a) mgl/2 b) g/21 3 Ground
(c) 2 1/3 g d) 3 g/2 2
11 20
48. A rod of length I whose lower end is fixed along (a) (6) mn/s

the horizontal plane starts from the vertical 20 11

position. The velocity of the upper end of the rod 11

when it hits the ground is )ms (d)
(Meghalaya 2007)
()3g 6) 2g
51. A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle
()2 3 with the x-axis with an initial velocity v in the
49. A rigid body is made of three identical thin rods, -y plane as shown in Fig. 7(CF).16. At a time
each of length L, fastened together in the form of Sin
i the angular momentum of the
letter H, Fig. 7(CF).14. The body is free to rotate
about a horizontal axis that runs along the length particle is
of one of legs of H. The body is allowed to FIGURE7(CF).16
is y.
from rest from a position in which plane of H
horizontal. The angular speed of body when plane
of H is vertical is

-mg vcos Bk
(a) mg v t cos 0 k (6)

(c)mg V#°cos 6 i (d) - mg vg cos J

where ,j and k are unit vectors along y
and z-axis respectively. (AIEEE 2010)
(a) ys/L (6)s 52. A boy is pushing a ring of mass 2 kg and
0.5 m with a stick as shown in the Fig.

c)2 g/L () FIGURE

a height of Stick
50. A body of mass 0-1 kg is suspended at
m above the ground by a weightless string
passes over a frictionless pulley, Fig.
strikes the
The velocity with which the body
ground is

ANSWERS 51. (b)

47. (b) 48. (a) 49. () 50. (b)
applies a force of 2 N on the ting and
he stiek 56. A bob of mass m attached to an inextensible string
lls it without slipping with an acceleration of is suspended from a vertical support.
0.3 n/s The bob rotates in a horizontal circle with an
coefficient of Iriction between the ground and angular speed o radian/sec about the vertical.
rge enough that olling always occurs About the point of suspension,
the eficient of friction between the stick (a) angular momentum changes in direction but
and the ring is (P/10). The value of P is not in magnitude,
(a) 3
(b) 4 6) angular momentum changes both in
(d) 6 (IIT 2011) magnitude and direction,
and a dise are initially atrest, side by side.. (C) angular momentum is conserved,
s3, A ring
at the top of
an inclined plane, which makes an (a)angular momentum changes in magnitudee,
60° with the horizontal, Fig. 7(CF).18. but not in direction. (JEE Main 2014)
angle of
They start to roll without slipping at the same 57. A uniform circular disc of mass 1-5 kg and radius
instant of time along the shortest path. If the time 0.5 mis initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless
difference between their reaching the ground is Surface. Three forces of equal magnitude F= 0.5
Nare applied simultaneously along the three sides
sec., then the height of the top of the of an equilateral triangle xyz with its vertices
Vi0 the perimeter of the disc. One second after
Take g = 10 m/s4. applying the forces, the angular speed of the disc
inclined plane in metres is.. .
in rad/s 1S
FIGURE 7(CF).18 (a) 1
6) 2 () (d) 4
(JEE Advanced Paper 1, 2014)
0-5 m and
58. A horizontal circular platform of radius
mass 0-45 kg is free to rotate about its axis.
h massless spring toy guns, each carrying steel
ball of mass 0-05 kg are attached to the
at a distance 0-25 m from the centre on its either
0 600
side along its diameter. Each gun simultaneously
fires the balls horizontally and
perpendicular to
0-75 m (b) 1-0 m (c) 1:5 m (d) 2-0 m After leaving
a) the diameter in opposite directions.
(JEE Advanced 2018) the platform, the balls have horizontal speed of
54. A thin horizontal circular disc is rotating about m/s w.r.t. the ground. The rotational speed of the
An insect
vertical axis passing through its centre. platform in rad s- after the balls leave the
s at rest at a point near the rim of the
disc. The platform is
nsect now moves along a diameter of the
disc to 3
(a) 4
Teach its other end. During the journey of the (d)
(c) 2
insect, the angular speed of the disc (JEE Advanced Paper 1, 2014)
(a) continuously decreases at 0, is rotating in
59. A thin nniform rod, pivoted
(6) continuously increases constant angular speed
the horizontal plane with
C) first increases and then decreases 19. At timet=0, a
(AIEEE 2011) o, as shown in the Fig.7(CF).
and moves with
(4) remains unchanged small insect starts from O
radius 0-5 m the rod towards
cylinder of mass 50 kg and constant speed v with respect to
ld to rotate about the horizontal axis. A the other end. It reaches
the end of the rod at t=
Iree round the cylinder
T and stops. The
angular speed of the system
De sng is wound hanging remains 0 throughout. The
magnitude of the
one end ttached to it and other end
to Prouue system about 0, as a
Cy.Tension in the string required s1S torque ( IT1) on the
acceleration of 2 revolution represented by which
lar function of time is best
() 25 N (b) 50 N 7(CF).20 ?
plot in Fig.
c) 78-5 N (d) 157
(AIPMT 2014)
57. (b) 58. (a)
56. (a)
54. (c) 55. ()
s 53. ()
7/138 O Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI
Lo remains constant, while Lp varies with
time fid

(d) Land Lp both vary with time

(IIT 2012)
61. Two identical discs of same radius R are rotating

about their axes in opposite directions with the
same constant angular speed The discs are in
the same horizontal plane. At time t=0, the points
shown in
P and O are facing each other as
Fig.7(CF).22. The relative speed between the two
points P and Q is vr As a function of time, it is
best represented by which plot in

(IIT 2012)
60. A small mass m is attached to a massless string
whose other end is fixed at P as shown in a
Fig.7(CF).21. The mass is undergoing circular
motion in the x-y plane with centre at O and
constant angular speed w. If the angular momen-
tum of the system, calculated about O and P and

denoted by Land Lp respectively, then


O m

and L, do not vary with time 2012)

(a) L (IT
62. A circular platform is mounted on a
(b) LVaries with time while Lp remains vertical axle. Its radius R = 2 m and its

of inertia about the axle is 200 kg m. It is

constant the
at rest. A S0 kg man stands on the edge of

ANSWERS 61. (a)

Eo (o).So
59. (b) 60. (c)
orm and begins to walk along the edge at the
of 1 ms elative to the ground. Time (K,) simultancously. The ratio K,: (K, + K,) for
ed tnken the sphcre is
the man to complete one revolution is
(a) 10:7 (b) 5:7
(c) 7: 10 (d) 2:5 (NEET 2018)
t sec. (6)sec.
67. A disc of radius 2 m and mass 100 kg rolls on a
horizontal floor. Its centre of mass has specd of
() 2 T Sec. (dsec. 20 cm/s. How much work is needed to stop it ?
[AIPMT (Main) 2012] (a) 3 J (b) 30 kJ
od PO of mass M and length L is hinged at end (c) 2J (d)1 J (NEET 2019)
P. The rod is kept horizontal by massless
a string 68. A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 4 cm is
tied to point as snOwn in kig. 7(CF).24. When rotati about its axis at the rate of 3 rpm. The
is cut. the initial angular acceleration of torque required to stop it in 2 T revolutions is
the rod is : (a) 2 x 10-6 N-m (b) 2 x 10-* Nm
FIGURE 7(CF).24 (c) 12 x 104 N-m (d) 2 x 10 Nm
(NEET 2019)
69. The radius of circle, the period of revolution,
initial position and sense of revolution are
indicated in Fig. 7(CF).25.


()8gL (4) 2 gL
T= 43
(AIPMT 2013)
4. A hoop of radlus r and mass m rotating
with an m A

angular velocity @ is placed on a rough horizontal

surface. The initial velocity of the centre of
hoop is zero. What will be the velocity
of the
centre of the hoop when it ceases to slip? y-projection of the radius vector of rotating
particle P is
(a)y () =-3 cos 2 t (b) y () =4 sin

(d) r% = 3 cos
(JEE Main 2013) ()y )=3
() y ()
. Ihree objects, A : (a solid sphere), B (a thin :
(NEET 2019)
ring), each have momentu of a planet of mass m,
Crculardisc) and C: (a circular 70. If the angular
all spin with orbit is L, about
e same mass M and radius R. They moving round the sun in a cireular
angular speed o about their own the centre of the sun,
its areal velocity is
Same (W) required
nmetry axes. The amounts of work relation (a) Lln
(b) 4 LUm
DTing them to rest, would satisfy (c) U2 m
() 2 Lm
Wc (JEE Main 2019)
(a)Wg> WA> Wc WA>
(b) W> Wa uniform
c)Wc>W>WA (d) Wa> Wc> Lshuped object, made ot thin rods of
(NEET 2018) 71.
mass density is
suspended with a string as shown
angle made
7(CF).26. If AB = BC, and the
A solid motion. In rollin8 in Fig. then
Sphere is in rolling kineticC downward vertical is 6,

, as
ner DOdy possesses translational energy
rotational kinetic
well as

67. (a)
by AB with

68. (a) 69. (d) 70. (C)


66. (b)
65. (c)
62, (c) 1 A 64. (c)
7/140 VIOTPradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) voL.I
t(a) tan 6 =
(b) tan 6

B Vmg
(c)tan =3 2

(d) tan (JEE Main 2019)

mg C

Multiple Choice Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)

72. A uniform bar of length 6 a and mass 8 m lies on

a smooth horizontal table. Two point masses m a)MR2 c)MR2
and 2 m moving in the same horizontal plane with
speeds 2 v and v respectively strike the bar [Fig. ()MR2 (d) v2 MR2
7(CF).27] and stick to the bar after collision.
Denoting angular velocity (about centre of mass), 74. A simple pendulum of length L and mass (bob)
total energy and velocity of centre of mass by @, M is oscillating in a plane about a vertical line
E and vo respectively, we have after the collision between angular limits ¢ and o. For an angular

displacement 6, [1 01<], the tension in the string

FIGURE 7(CF).27 and velocity of the bob are T and v respectively
2m The following relations hold good under the
above conditions
(a) T cos 6 = Mg
= Mv
2a (b) T-Mg cos
2 L
(c) Tangential acceleration = g sin 6
() T=Mg cos 8
(a)vo=0 (b) @= (3 v/5 a) 75. The moment of inertia of a thin square plate ABCD
(c) o= (v/5 a) (d) E= (3 m15) of uniform thickness about an axis passing
73. One quarter sector is cut from a uniform circular through the centre O and perpendi- cular to the
disc of mass M and radius R, Fig. 7(CF).28. It is plate Fig. 7(CF).29 is
made to rotate about a line perpendicular to its
plane and passing through the centre of the
(a) I+l2 (b) +l4 l
(c)+l3 d) +l2+l3+l4
original disc. Its moment of inertia about the axis
where I1 l2, I3, l4 are moments of inertia about
of rotation is
axes 1, 2, 3 and 4, which are in the plane of the
FIGURE 7(CF).28 plate.


71. (d) 72. (a,cd) 73. (c) 74. (b.c) 75. (a,b,c)
MOTION 7/141
A circula
disc X of radiu R is made
76 thickness 1, and another plate Y an iron
tc of of radius (a) 4 MR2 9 (b)MR2
is madc Ironm an iron piate ol thickness
The ratio between moment ol inertia /4.
1,/1, is
(b) 16
(a) 32
(d) 64
(c) 10 MR2 dyMR2
spherical bodies of mass M and 5 M and 82. If thcre is no extcrnal forcc acting on a non-rigid
radii Rand 2R respectively are rcleased in frce body, which of the following quantities must
nace with initial separalion betwcen remain constant ?
their centres
ual to 12 R. I1 they attract cach other due to
cqual (a) lincar momentum (b) moment of inertia
gravitational force only, then the distance (c) angular momentum (d) kinetic energy
by the saller body just before collision
is 83. Two solid cylinders P and Q of same mass and
(a) 25 R b) 4-5 R same radius start rolling down a fixed inclined
() 7:5 R (d) 15 R plane from the same height at the same time.
particle of mass m is projected with a velocity Cylinder P has most of its mass concentrated near
8, A
v making an angle of 45with the horizontal. The
its surface, while Q has most of its mass
magnitude ol the angular momentum of the concentrated near the axis. Which statement(s) is
projectile about the point of projection when the
(are) correct?
particle is at its maximum height h is (a) Both cylinders P and Q reach the ground at
the same time
(a) zero (b) mvK4 2) g (b) Cylinder P has larger linear acceleration than
cylinder Q
() mv'lV2) g (d) m y2ghs
(c) Both cylinders reach the ground with same
19. A non-zero external force acts on a system of translational kinetic energy
particles. The velocity and the acceleration of the
(d) Cylinder Q reaches the ground with larger
centre of mass are found to be uo and ag at an angular speed. (IIT 2012)
instant i. possible that
Tt is
84. The potential energy of a particle of mass m at a
(a) v=0, 40= 0 (b) vo0, ag = 0
distance r from a fixed point O is given by
c) Vo=0, ag#0 (d) vo0, ag #0
80. A sphere is rolled on a rough horizontal surface. V(r) = kr
*-, where k is a positive constant of
It gradually slows down and stops. The force of 2
friction tries to appropriate dimensions. This particle is moving
(a) increase the angular velocity in a circular orbit of radius R about the point O.
(6) decrease the angular velocity Ifv is speed of the particle and L is magnitude of
its angular momentum about 0, which of the
(C)increase the linear momentum
following statements is (are) true?
d) decrease the linear velocity
1. From a circular disc of radius R and mass v=R
(a) v=
R ()
9 M, a small disc of radius R/3 is removed, Fig.
CF).30.The moment of inertia of the remaining
sc about an axis perpendicular to the plane of R2
)L= R
the disc and passing through O is () L= vmk
JEE Advanced 2018)
mass 1-0 kg at rest at the origin
85. Consider a body of

at timet = 0. A force F = (ar î+B) is applied

RI /2R3 on the body where a

The torque acting on the body
B = 1-0 N.
10 Ns and
about the origin at

81.(a) 82. (a,c)
80. (a,d)
76. (d) 77. (c) 78. (b,d) 79. (c.d)
83..(d) 84. (b,c)
Pradeep e Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
time t 1-0 s is T. Which of (c) The velocity
the following of the body at t ls is
statement(s) is (are) true ?
7-+2) ms-l
3 (d) The magnitude of displacement of the body

(b) The torque t is in the direction of unit at= Is (one sec) is m

vector +k (JEE Advanced 2018)

L Multiple Choice Questions (Based on the given Passage/Comprehension)

Each conprehension given below is followed by some multiple choice questions. Each question
one correct option. Choose the correct option.

Comprehension The centre of mass of a (d) continues to follow the same parabolic path
body is a point at which the entire mass of which it would have followed if there was no
the body is supposed to be concentrated. The explosion.
position vector r of c.m. of the system of
two particles of masses mj and m2 with
Comprehension Moment of
position vectorsr and r, is given by inertia of a
body about a given axis is the rotational
inertia of the body about that axis. It is
tm2 represented by I = MK', where M is mass of
m +1m body and Kis radius of gyration of the body
For an isolated system, where no external about that axis. It is a scalar quantity, which
is measured in kg m', When a body rotates
force is acting, vem
about a given axis, and the axis of rotation
Under no circumstances, the velocity of also moves, then total K.E. of body = K.E. of
centre of mass of an isolated system can translation + K.E. of rotation
undergo a change
With the help of the comprehension given
above, choose the most appropriate alter-
With the help of the comprehension given
native for each of the following questions above, choose the most appropriate alter-
native for each of the following questions
86. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are located
at (1,2) and (-1,3) respectively. The co-ordinates 88. Moment of inertia of a body depends on
of the centre of mass are: () mass of body
(a) -1,3) b) (1,2) (i) size and shape of body

( ) (ii) axis of rotation of body

(iv) all the above
(a) (i) and (i)
(b) () and (ii)
87. A bomb dropped from an aeroplane in level flight () (iv)
(c)ii) and(ii)
explodes in the middle. The centre of mass of the
89. Kinetic energy of rotation of the flywheel in the
above case is
(a) is at rest (b)
(b) moves vertically downwards
(a) 20 J
(c) 395 J
(d) 80 J
(c) moves vertically upwards


86. (c) 87. (d) 88. (d)
85. (a,c)
Matching Type Questions
DIRECTIONS. In each of the following
questions, match column I and column II
correct match out of the four given choices: and select the

90. A semicircular ring of mass m and radius r has

(a) A-s, B-r, C-q, D-p
moment of inertia 11, I2, I3 andl4 about the four
axes 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively as shown in Fig. (6) A-p, B-q, C-r, D-s
7(CF).31. (c)A-p, B-r, C-q, D-s
()A-r, B-s, C-q, D-p
91. The following bodies are rolling without slipping
---3 with a velocity v. Each has a mass m. Their total
K.E. (of translation and rotation) is
Column I Column II
(A) Hollow cylinder (p) mu?

(B) Solid cylinder (q)

Column I Column I 6
(A) 1 (p) 2 m2 (C) Hollow sphere


(D) Solid sphere

(a) A-r, B-s, C-q, D-p


(6) A-p, B-q, C-r, D-s

(D) () m2 (c) A-s, B-r, C-q, D-p
d)A-p,B-r, C-q, D-s
Matrix-Match Type Questions
DIRECTIONS. Each of the following questions contains statements given A
two columns, which have to be matched. The answers to these questions
to be appropriately bubbled. If the correct matches are A-r, s, B-p, q, C-p;
D-g, s then the correctly bubbled matrix will look like the one shown here:

92. Column I Column II

(A) Moment of inertia (p) mass
B) Radius of gyration () size and shape
C) Angular momentum () angular velocity
D) Kinetic energy of rotation (s position of axis of rotation
93. Column I Column II
(A) Angular impulse (P) F
(B) Torque (
(C) Angular momentum ()
(D) Work done ( I
90. (d) 91. () 92. A-p, 4, s; B-q, s; C-p, g, r, s ; D-p, q, r, s 93. A-q, s; B-r; C-q, s; D-p
Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (X)vOL

M nteger Type Questionns AB C D

single digit
is a
DIRECTIONS. The answer to ench of the following questions
answers to the question numbers
integer, ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct
A, B, C and D (say) are 4, 0, 9 and 2
respectively, then the correct darkening O000
of bubbles should be as shown on the side:
94. Two homogeneous spheres A and
B of masses m and 2 m having radii 2 a anda
respectively are placed in contact. The ratio of distance of c.m
from first sphere to the 00
distance of c.m from second sphere is:
X-axis so that one of its ends is at
95. A non-uniform thin rod of length L is placed along
mass of rod divides
the origin. The linear mass density of rod is = nx. The centre of
the length of the rod in the ratio:
momentum L. When its
96. A particle performing uniform circular motion has angular
angular velocity is doubled and KE is also doubled, the new angular
momentum becomes OO000
x times. What is x ?
97. If K is radius of gyration ofa circular disc about a tangent
perpendicular to plane of disc and K2 is radius of
is the value of Kf/ K< ?
gyration of a circular ring of same size as disc about any diameter, what
98. An annular ring with inner and outer radii R, = 1-2 cm and R2 = 4.8 FIGURE7(CF).32
cm is rolling without slipping with a uniform angular speed. What is
the ratio of the forces experienced by the two particles of same mass
situated on the outer and inner parts of the annular ring ?
99. A uniform circular disc of mass 15 kg and radius 0-5 m is initially at
rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. Three forces of equal magnitude
F 0-5 N are applied simultaneously along the three sides of an F
equilateral triangle XYZ with its vertices on the perimeter of the disc,
Fig. 7(CF).32. One second after applying the forces, the angular speed
of the disc in rad s is (JEE Advanced 2014)
100. A horizontal circular platform of radius 0-5 m and mass 0-45 kg is free to rotate about its axis. Two massless
spring toy-guns, each carrying a steel ball of mass 0-05 kg are attached to the platform at a distance 0-25 m
from the centre on its either sides along its diameter, Fig. 7(CF).33. Each gun simultaneously fires the balls
horizontally and perpendicular to the diameter in opposite directions. After leaving the platform. the balls
have horizontal speed of 9 ms with respect to the ground. The rotational speed of the platform in rad s
after the balls leave the platform is (JEE Advanced 2014)

101. Two identical uniform discs roll without slipping on two different surfaces AB and CD, Fig. 7(CF).4.
starting at A and C with linear speeds v, and V2, respectively, and always remain in contact with the sure
If they reach B and D with the same linear speed vj =3 m/s, then v2 in m/s is (g = 10 m/s*)
94. (2) 95. (2/1) 96. (1) 97. (3) 98. (4) 99. (2) 100. (4)
101. (7)


A Vj= 3 m/s

30 m

27 m

(JEE Advanced 2015)

VII Assertion-Reason Type Questions

Reason. In rolling down, a body acquires both

FOR MEDIGAL STUDENTS kinetic energy of translation and rotation.
(a) A (6) B ()C (d)D
DIRECTIONS. The following questions consist of
105. Assertion. The moment of inertia of a rigid body
two statements each, printed as Assertion and
reduces to its minimum value, when the axis of
rotation passes through its centre of gravity.
While answering these questions you are required
to choose any one of the following four responses.
Reason. The weight of a rigid body always acts
through its centre of gravity.
A. If both, Assertion and Reason are true and the
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
Reason is the correct explanation of the
Assertion. 106. Assertion. At the centre of earth, a body has centre
B. If both, Assertion and Reason are true but
of mass, but no centre of gravity.
Reason is not a correct explanation of the Reason. This is because g = 0 at the centre of
(a) A (c)C
(b) B (d) D
C. If Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
D. If both, Assertion and Reason are false. 107. Assertion. Power associated with torque is
product of torque and angular speed of the body
about the axis of rotation.
102.Assertion. In rolling, all points of a rigid body
Reason. It is rotational analogue of power in
have the same linear velocity.
translatory motion.
Reason. The rotational motion does not affect the (b) B (c) C (d)D
(a) A
linear velocity.
(d) D 108. Assertion. Torque is time rate of change of a
(a) A (b) B (c)C
parameter, called angular momentum.
05. Assertion. The speed of a whirl wind in a tornado
Reason. This is because in linear motion, force
is alarmingly high.
represents time rate of change of linear momentum.
Neason. If no external torque acts on a body, (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
angular velocity remains constant
(a) A (d) D
109. Assertion. There are two propellers in a
(6) B (c)C helicopter.
04, Assertion. The velocity of a body at the bottom
Reason. Angular momentum is conserved.
an inclined plane of given height is more when (b) B (c)C (d) D
it is (a) A
Sides down the plane compared to when
rolling down the same plane. ANSWER
061 108. (a) 109. (b)
106. (a) 107. (a)
102. (d) 104. (b) 105. (a)
103. (c)
7/146 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) voL.I
110. Assertion. If there is no external torque on a body Statement-2. For rolling, torque is required,
about its centre of mass, then the velocity of the which is provided by tangential frictional force.
centre of mass remains constant. (a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
Reason. The linear momentum of an isolated 113. Statement-1. The centre of mass of a body may
system remains constant. lie where there is no mass.
(a) A (b)B (c) C (d)D Statement-2. The centre of mass has nothing to
(AlIMS 2015)
do with the mass.
DIRECTIONS. In each of the following questions 114. Statement-1. Moment of inertia of a body is
whatever be the axis of rotation.
read the two statements and check if
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true ; state- Statement-2. Moment of inertia depends on mass
ment-2 is correct explanation of statement-1. and size and axis of rotation of the body.
b)B (c)C (d) D
(B) Statement-1 is true; statement-2 is true but state- (a) A
ment-2 is not a correct explanation of state- 115. Statement-1. When ice on polar caps of earth
ment-1. melts, duration of the day increases.
C) Statement-I is true, but statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, but statement-2 is true. Statement-2. L = Io
|= constant.
111. Statement-1. In the formation of a neutron star,
(a) A b) B (c)C (d) D
spin angular velocity increases tremendously.
Statement-2. Conservation of rotational kinetic 116. Statement-1. A hollow cylinder of diameter 0-5
energy m has a mass of 10 kg. Its moment of inertia about
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D its axis of symmetry is 0-625 kg m*.
112. Statement-1. A wheel moving down a perfectly Statement-2. I = MR2
frictionless inclined plane shall undergo slipPping (a) A (b) B (c) C (d)D
(not rolling).

For Difficult Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (with One Correct Answer)

1. Let distance of c.m. from the vertex, Z0 = Ycm Let density of cone = pP

Jy dn
yTr2 dyp 2ydy
dy =
TR hp Rh
As r=
i h
R, putting value of in()
R 16.09iboq

CLNTSERSPLANYATIOTN Moment of inertia of disc removed. about an axis

For Difficult Questions passing through its centre and perpendicular to

its plane is
Zem Moment of inertia of the remaining portion of the
2. In Fig. 7(CF).36, O is the centre of cinrular dise
of radius 2 R and mass M. C is centr of dise of =MR2K_ 30AR240.MR
18 9 18
radius R. which is removed. If p is mass per unit
area of disc. then M = T (2 R*p 5. As is clear from Fig. 7(CF).37

Massof diseremoved. M, =T(R) P=4

Mass of remaining disc, M2 = M -M1

32 16 32
Let centre of mass of remaining dise be at C2
where OC=x FIGURE7(CF).37
As Mx OC M^ x C

C2 O C1


XR3 4
3. Linear density p (= mass/length) =F
6. The acceleration of an object rolling down an
inclined plane is given by
When n = 0, p = constant. The c.m will be at the
centre of the rod, i.e., at x = U2. a
8 sin
As n increases to 1, 2, 3..., linear density goes on 1+lImr2
increasing. The c.m shifts beyondx=U2, towards
X = L. For sufficiently large values of n, the c.m
For disc, I =m
tends to be at the other end x = L of the rod.
Graph (a) in Fig. 7(CF).1 is the best approxi-
mation of dependence of Xem On n.
sin 8 = 067 g sin 6

4. Initial moment of inertia of the complete disc

about an axis passing through its centre and
perpendicular to its plane is
For solid sphere,
mass x (radius) =x9M xr2 MR?
sine g sin G
7/148 ViOPradeep 'a Fundamental Physics (XDvOLn
For Difficult or we can say that I « |
Clearly, asolidsphere disc solidsphere 'dise
Hence solid sphere gets to the bottom of the
plane first.
Using P (r) = K and

7. The statement (1) and (4) are truc. PB () = K (r/R)° and solving,
Therefore, option (a) is correct.
8. Here, moment of inertia of the original uniform weget, p"1 n=
circular disc about an axis passing through centre
of disc and perpendicular to the plane of disc is 10. Let p be the density of sphere diagonal of cube
R2 2R av3 a =- R
M) 2

Mass of small disc removed (of radius RI3) FIGURE 7(CF).39

9 M
Moment of inertia of the disc removed about the 2R
central axis.
Mx(R3+Mx|< 4
2 Mass of sphere (M) =tR° p
-MR Mass of cube (M) =|R
requiredh -h
MR? TtR* p --
M' 2
9. Let density of sphere of radius x be p ()
Here V=4 Tx.8x, Fig. 7(CF).38.

FIGURE 7(CF).38 or
Moment of Inertia I
= M'a

2M 4 4 MR2
T 6 937
om=4 4 Tx.ôx.p ) 12
If r is radius of ring, then
Moment of Inertia, 8/ = (8m)x =2 t, r= l/2 T
2M r2 = M (l/2m 2MIEe i
or M2 42
0 2 12 M23
For Difficult
From Fig.


sin30 CN
CA I (3m) m, K

15. Moment of inertia of each rod about an axis

CN=I sin 30°
through its centre and perpendicular to its length

FIGURE 7(CF).40 M12

X 12


I=m^ (0)5 +mp ()° + mc (CN)2

Using theorem of parallel axes, Fig. 7(CF).42,
=0+m+m (U/2)2
M.I of each rod about the given axis

13. Moment of inertia of a circular disc about a MI2

tangential axis in the plane of disc

5 M.I of the square frame about the given axis

MK =MR,4
K, =
R 4M12
Moment of inertia of a circular ring of same radius 3
about a tangential axis in the plane of the ring is 16. As no external torque is acting, therefore,

,=4, +) Dy
Energy lost = AK = E1 -E
=6:6 aK-,0-,+10}
14. As is clear from Fig.

-0|I,|" u,+1,)
17. Refer to Fig. 7(CF)43.

orr= Lsin 60°=YS

m, m. m
7/150 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
For Difficult Questions From(), 1-
Here, m = 05 kg, r=cm=x10 m; I will be minimum, when
2 2
a = 4 cm =4x 102m ddl
Moment of inertia of the system about the
diagonal of the square is

8 m2+ ma*
or - =
-x05xx102 +05x(4x102)2
=9x 10 kg m2
As per question, Nx 104 = 9x 10 or N9
18. Torque = rx F=Ia 20. Here 0 = 36 x 2 7T, 0=
. 2 (20t-5 )= 10 oa or a=4t- As = o= 2a0,
or =41-t2
dt -
= (41-1) dt 2a(36x2«)
On integration, we get 0= 212 .) 3 = 144 To or o =
3 192T
( will be zero at t = 6s
Again, from 2a0=o-a.
-2 dt
3 As finally fan will stop, So o = 0
and ay2= Initial angular velocity
d6=2/2-E |d
192 6 24 T
On integration, we get = Let no. be rotations be n
24 T 2 Tn orn =12
Whent= 6 s, 6=2X6_6 36
3 12 ds
21. Here, s =P +5, v==312, r=20 m
No. of turns, n= <6 Tangential acceleration,
2T 2T
Thus, option (a) is correct.
19. Moment of inertia of a uniform cylinder of
.d dt 3?)=6r
length and radius R about its perpendicular at t= 2 sec, ar= 6 x2 = 12 m/s2
bisector is and v = 3 (2) =12 m/s
Centripetal acceleration

I-1244 a 122

and m TR<1. p Total acceleration,

R2 =2 144 )?
a-a+a=12 20 14 m/s2
For DIflcult Quostlona FIGURE 7(CF).45

12. As is clear from Fig. 7(CF).44, O A

torque about pivot = 0, t = l a C

mg sin me -



26. Letfbe the frictional force between disc surface

(mg sin & and ground surface. Let a be the linear
acceleration of the disc. For the motion of the disc,
we can write
=sin 021
2 F-f ma

23. As shown in
and (F +r=Ia
Fig. 7(CF).6, moment of inertia of
the seven discs about an axis passing through O
and perpendicular to the plane of discs,
I=m and a- r
(F+)r =
MR MRM (2R"| mra
Putting value of ma from (i) in (iñ), we get
+27 MR2 =MR2 (F+r (2 F-A
Applying theorem of parallel axis, moment of or F+f=F-f/2 or f=0 =n F (Given)
inertia of the given system about an axis passing
So n =0
through P and perpendicular to the plane of disCs
27. Refer to Fig. 7(CF).46.

=lo+7M (3 R)2 FIGURE 7(CF).46

MR2+63 MR2=MR?
2 2

slippingg sin 6 (without rolling)

8sin 6 (without slipping)

slijping. =1
4rolling R
Hence, arolling slipping = 5:7
25, Refer rod goes from Axis is of rotation
to Fig. 7(CF).45, when the
rod is equal to
OSition OA to OB, then loss in PE of
the gain in KE of rotation of rod.
7/152 RPradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XT) VOLn

For Difficult Questions

The radius r of the circle traced by the masses is

r= l sin o
Angular momentum L = Txmv
ILI=rxX mor =mor
= m» (l sin o = mo sin o
dL do
= mol 2 sin o.cos O.
dt dt
mol (sin 2 o) 0 =mo sin 2 a
28. Let at an instant, the block kept in the bowl be at
location P when bowl is rotating with angular
velocity o and block does not slip in bowl, Fig.
o m (l sin 9)Po
7(CF).47. Let R be the normal reaction of bowl L=I0= (m r) = (m
on block. It is acting along P0. If m is the mass
of the block, then in equilibrium position, the
sin 8)

horizontal component of R will provide As m, 1, 0 and L is

o are constants, therefore
centripetal force and vertical component of R will constant in magnitude. However, its direction,
balance weight of the block. Thus keeps on changing being perpendicular to
FIGURE 7(CF).47 always.
31. If a is acceleration of mass on release, then as is

clear from Fig. 7(CF).49,

R ma = mg -T
/Rsin A

R sin 6= mo-(r sin 0) or R=mwr ..(i)

and R cos 0 = mg or m@*r (cos 0) mg
[from (i)]


29. r = 50 cm =
0.5 m,
a = 2-0 rad/s
1=2-0 s; a=? mg
Angular speed, @ = Ot = 2-0 x 2-0 = 4 rad/s For the cylinder,
Centripetal acceleration, a, = o r=42 x 05
Torque = 7TxR=Ia =mR°
Linear/tangential acceleration at the end of 2 s T ma
From (1), ma = mg- ma
a, = or = 2-0 x 0-5 = m/s2
2 ma = mg or a = g/2
Net acceleration at the end of 2 second 32. When bead is at A, the force it applies on the wi
is radially inwards. When it eaches at B, it

a = ya? +a? strikes the surface and pushed outwards. Thus,

force is radially outwards.
= 8-0 m/s2 33. Finally, let the other mass be at a distance x fro
a = y82 +12 = 65 the centre.
30. Refer to Fig. 7(CF)48, angular
momentum of the Apply law of conservation of angular momentum
bob about the point of suspension, about the given axis of rotation, we have
For Difficult

Initial angular momentum

= Final angular
Option (a) is correct. Similarly, option (c) is
MR correct. Statements (b) and (d) are false.
o=|MR2- 37. Under the given conditions, it can be
shown that
the cone will turn left.
Onsolving. x=^R 38. From the knowledge of theory,
orbital velocity of satellite,
34. r=50 cm = m, a = 2-0 rad/s2
velocity required to escape from earth,
2-0 s; a =? R
Angular speed, 0 == af = 2-0 x 2-0
4 rad/s
v= 2g
Centripetal acceleration, =

a, 0 r
44x 0-5
Increase in orbital velocity =
Linear/tangential acceleration at
= 2g R -Vg R = 8R(2-1)
the end of 2 s 39. In Fig. 7(CF).50,
a, = Or = 2-0 x 0.5 =1 m/s2
Net acceleration at the end of 2 second FIGURE 7(CF).50

a=ye +a
= =V65
8+12 = 8 m/s?
35. Here, m= 10 g= 10 kg
r= 6.4 cm = 6-4 x 10 m UoRo
a,=? AtP,v = r@= ¥R2 + R2 (0)

K.E. = mv= 8 x 10 J
= v2 Ro = W2 v
40. The acceleration of an object rolling
down an
inclined plane is given by
U2x8x104 = 0-4 m/s
10-2 a 8Sin 6
This is the velocity at the end of two revolutions 1+Im2
after starting from rest, i.e., u = 0, s = 2 x 2 tr
From For disc, I =mr2
v2 a,S u = 0)

= 0-4x04 a =g sin9 0-67 g sin 9

42s 2x2x2t For solid sphere, I=mr2

a 8x3:14x6-4 x10-2=010m/s2
=,a 5 78
= sin6 =0-71 g sin 0
36. In option
(a), co-ordinates ofA are RR Clearly, asolid sphere
disc' solid sphere dise
'5 Hence solid sphere gets to the bottom of the
plane first.
and =v 41. Here, r = cos or x+sin or y .)

-mPx) velocity, 5= A

xf dt
0sin cor r+ wcos wr y ...i)
7/154 nO Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

CIINTSEPLAXYAUOINS 45. Solid cylinder reaches bottom first because for

For Difficult auontiona
- solid cylinder, D2 and forhollowcylinder,
Acccleration, a = o cos or x -w sin or K2
ii) =1.
Accleration down the inclined plane

From (i), we note that acceleration is directed is proportional to Solid cylinder has
towards the origin because a is in opposite
greater acceleration. Ít reaches the bottom first.
direction to r. = 5 x 10-3 kg m, n = 20 rps
46. Here, I
Here, v.7 = (-0sin or + ocos t y). T=?, n2 = 0,
1 = 10 s

=- w sin or cos wf + 0 sin of cos ot

(cos t x+ sin or y)
T=I a=0 -0)_XZt (n2 -n)
= 0
5x10x2 T (0-20)
or vr cos 6 = 0 or cos 6 = 0 or 6 = 90°

ie.. vand r
are perpendicular to each other. = 2 Tx 10 N-m
42. In Fig. 7(CF).51, we have shown the line 47. Torque on rod
Y=X+ 4 along which the particle is moving. = moment of weight of the rod about A
Perpendicular distance of this line from the origin,
t mg
y=X+4 ml
u=mg mg,
t=/ m8
a= 21
4 48. As shown in Fig. 7(CF).52,
4 FIGURE 7(CF).52
r= 4sin 45°= -

Angular momentum about origin

L =mvr =5x3V2 x- = 60 unit
43. Total number of revolutions = area under n-t graph Decrease in gr. P.E. = Increase in rot. K.E.

=x8x+8x00x16x 60 60
= 120+ 80 + 80 280

44. From B= 0 f+ a,
U= ra=1=g
, =0+a(2 =2a

49. Moment of inertia of the system of three rods about

, +0 =0+a(4)2 =8 a the given axis, I = 0+

As decrease in gr. P.E. = increase in rot. K.E.
6 = 8 a-0 =8 o-2 a= 6 a
mg x+mg(L)=1
2 =3
Por Deriault Quontionn
= (-mv cos o sin 9)tk + mv cos 6xgk

+(mv sin 0 cos 0)tk -mu, cos gi*k

- cos Bk

law of conservation of energy 52. Rcfer to Fig. 7(CF).54.

50. Applying the
2-, Ma
1-4 N
mgh=m+lo Ma = 2-2 x 0-3
or S


Taking torque about C, we have
2 gh 2x10x1 20-
1+MI2m) (1+2/0-2) 11
SR-S R = I.a = MR<x = MRa
51. In Fig. 7(CF).53, the particle projected from 0,
or 14 x 0-5 -S x 05 = 2 x05 x 03
reaches P (t, y) in t sec. with velocity
S= 14 -0-6 0-8N
FIGURE 7(CF).53 is the coefficient of kinetic friction, then

h=Hx2 or = 04= 10

vo Sin 011x y)
As per question, or
10 10
OUo cos 6 53. As is known, for a body rolling down an incline
without slipping,

acceleration =- 8 Sin 6
UU cos 6, v, = vo sin 6 -
gt 1+I/MR
and x= (Ug cos 6) 1, y = (", SIn 6)r -
gt For a ring. I= MR
8 Sin &
F=laî+ y ing 2

Momentum of particle atP

For a disc,
mV= mlv, i+v, i
Angular momentum of particle t P about origin
O is
dise4in 0
L 7xp=kî+ y)xm

myv,(-R) + mxv, (k)
(v, î+v, j)

cos 0(-R)
The length / of the incline is

(sin )-s2| 4h
4h 16h
+m (ug cos 0)1 (v sin -g) (k)
sin20 Vs (sin 60°) 38
7/156 OTPradeep's Fundamental Physics (X) VOLI
CXTETSAEAETATIODS 56. Angular momentum of the bob about the point of
For DI11euit auestions suspension, Fig. 7(CF).56,

= _I2"dinc L=lo= (mr )o = m (l sin 0) o

Again, I sin6 1 = (m P sin2 0) o

3h 3h FIGURE7(CF).56
sin0 g (sin 60r2

16h 4h
(2-3)3 = Vh 4-2/3)
2 As m, l, 0 and are constants, therefore L is
(4-2 3) constant in magnitude. However, its direction
keeps on changing being perpendicular to
h=m =075 m always.
54. As cxternal torque is zero, i.e., T = 0, so angular 57. As is clear from Fig. 7(CF).57, torque is produced
momentum is conserved. by three component forces each = F sin 30° at x, y
) = a constant = C
and z.

or =or C FIGURE 7(CF).57

cos 30
When insect moves towards centre, / decreases, 30
hencc increases. As insect moves away from F sin 30°
centre towards diamctrically opposite point, I
increases. Then decreases. Thus first
increases and then decreases.
55. Here, m = 50 kg, R = 0:5 m, T= ?
= 2 revol/s = 2 x 2 t radian/s2
FIGURE 7(CF).55 Total t =3 x F sin 30° x r

-3x05xxos -Nm
R _
1-5x05x05 kgm?
2 2 16 763
As torque, T = Tx R From T=l a, a= 2 rad/s

o= @ + a =
0+2x = 2 rad/sec
TR R2 58. Here, R 05 m, M = 0.45 kg 00
mRa 50x05x4T m = 0-05 kg, r= 025 m
2 2 V = 9 m/s, o = ? 0it
T=50t = 157 N
For Difficult Questions

As is clear from Fig. 7(CF).58,



Tsin 7K

Angular momentum,
About 0, torques due to T cos and mg cancel
I 0=2 n vxr out. Torque due to sin is zero. Therefore, net

torque about O is zero.

MR o-22mUxr
4 mUX r As o
To ,therefore,
Lo constant
= MR2
ie.,Lo does not vary with time.
4x0-05x9XU About P, torque due to Tis zero, but torque due to
4 rad/sec. mg # 0
the rod, its
59. If M is mass of the rod, l is length of de:0#0
moment of inertia about the end O of the
rod1 As p dt
M 1/3. If m is mass of the insect and at
its not constant. It varies with time.
time t, the insect is at a distance x from 0,
L iS

moment of inertia about O = mx Choice (c) is correct.

Therefore, moment of inertia of the system about 61. At an instant, speed of P =v, going in
O is I=M+m
Speed of Q=v, going in anticlockwise
w.r.t. Q=0--0)
Relative angular velocity of P
Angular momentum of the system 2 0
Q in time t
Relative angular separation of P and
L=l0=| M+ m and Q at
2 t.
Relative speed between the points P
Torque, r=d4 M+m
m o(2 =2mwxv
=2(1- cos 2or) = y2vx2sin or

But x =Ut. Therefore, = 2v sin ot

Tm ov t) v = 2 mov^t Since I v,I will not have any
negative value so
Clearly, will come upper
Tt the lower part of the sine wave
At t =0. Therefore, t = 0.
T, v side. Hence option (a) is true.
Hence, the graph between t and tis a straight
line kg m, u = 0, M= 50 kg
62. Here, R= 2 m, /= 200
uptot= T. For t> T, T=0. v =I m/s, t
conservation of angular
Choice (b) is correct. Using principle of
mass acts = Lo
60. In Fig. 7(CF).59, weight mg of the momentum, L,
vertically downwards and tension T in the
string vR 50x1x2
acts along KP. Two rectangular
components of 7 MvR-Io= 0, @= 200
along KO.
are T cos e opposite to mg and T sin 0
7/158 MOnPiadeep's Fundamental Physies (XT)OLi
WA: WB: Wc=solidsphere soliddise "circularring

For Difficult Quostions

If t is time taken by man to complete one
revolution, then
(v +R)t=2 tR I =4:5: 10o

1+2x5 2nx2 Wc> Wp> Wa

t 2 T sec 66. Translational K.E., K, =mv

63. If I is moment of inertia of the rod about the end
P and a is initial angular acceleration of the rod, Rotational K.E., K, =5|o*
then as is clear from Fig. 7(CF).60,

T Ia = Mgx


P K,+R, =mu+
Mg 1

So K+K,
But 3
d-Mg L 67. Here, r = 2 m, m= 100 kg, v = 20 m/s = 0-2 m/s
Work required = change in K.E.
= final K.E. initial K.E.

64. Refer to Fig. 7(CF).61.
-0-mv+ 1o)

Let v be the velocity of the centre of the hoop,

when it ceases to slip.
Applying the principle of conservation of angular
momentum, we get
x 100(02) =
68. Here, m = 2 kg, r=4 cm = 4 x 10
(m r) o mvxr+
= mr o
= 2mvr (= 3 rpm =3x60 rad/s, w =F0
= mvxr+mr|
2 revols = 2 t x 2 rad
T t
o According to work energy theorem,

65. Work required to bring the spinning bodies to rest

W=1 (-o
AW A K.E. = 102

AW«I, as o is same.
CHONTSEXPLANATrONS 70. From gcometrical interpretation of angular
For Difficult Cuestions
momentum, L= 2m
1 m TL
leaving- sign)

2x(4x1022 71. Suppose m is mass of each rod of length a.

4 2x 21 100 For stable equilibrium, torques about 0 must
T 2x 10- N-m
69. At t = 0, y-displacement is maximum in Fig. mgsin
mgcos- asin
7(CF).25. Therefore, the required equation must
be cosine function.
mg+a sin =mgcos
Now, T= 4 s o= rad/s sin
The y-projection of radius vector of particle P is cos 3
y=a cos Wt
y =3 cos
tan (1/3)

Multipie Choice Questions (with One or More than One Correct Answers)

72. (a) As external force is zero, so linear momentum 73. As mass of quarter sector of disc is MI4, therefore,
is conserved. its moment of inertia about the given axis is

i.e.-2 m xv + m x2v+0= (2 m +m +8 m) Vo
(c) As external torque is also zero, so angular
momentum is conserved, i.e., 74. From the dynamics of non uniform circular
+ma v2r2 = (7 motion, T- Mg cos = MvIL. Also, tangential
m "1
i +/2+baro acceleration = g sin 0
(2 m) v a +m (2 v) (2 a)
75. According to theorem of perpendicular axes,
2m(a)+m(2a)2 8mx12 I=1+2 and I=l+4
As I=+l
=6ma2+288ma2 |
76. x (mass) (radius) = l(7 R?) 1.p] R2

6 mva= 30 ma- w
= 5a
or =

travelled by the two bodies

77. Effective distance to be
= 12 R-(R+2R)=9R.
beforethey collide
the bodies is the
As gravitational pull on both

3mu Gm |, therefore, if mi =Mand m2

[ I= 30 ma] same
7/160 MOATPradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI) VOL
So moment of inertia of the disc with removed
For Questions Difficult portion, about the given axis is

I= lh
- = MR2- MR2=4 MR?
5 M then is the ratio of their
82. When no external force is acting, the linear
accelerations. As distance travelled s oc a momentum and angular momentum of the
body remain constant. As the body is non rigid,
its moment of inertia may change and hence its
K.E. may also change.
Dividing total distance 9 R in the ratio 5: 1, we
83. As is known from theory, acceleration of a mass
9R5=7-5R rolling down a fixed inclined plane of inclination
get S is
Sin 69
78. As h =USin d1+KIR )
2g 4g
As cylinder P has most of its mass concentrated
and L = mv r sin 6 =m (v cos 45°) h near its surface, while cylinder Q has most of its
mu mv mass concentrated near the axis, therefore, radius
ofgyration, Kp> Ko
E4 42)E From (i), apa
mv Therefore, at bottom of incline, Vp<Vo
Also, L= mv rsin e =m (v cos 45°) h = or (p R)< (0% R) or p
0o or >0p
i.., cylinder 2 reaches the ground with larger
and v = V4gh
angular speed. Choice (d) is correet.

L=Eh.4gh =m2gh3 84. Here, V

= kr2
79. When external force is non zero, acc. cannot be
zero. However, the centre of mass may be at rest
or may be moving with some velocity. Therefore,
vo= 0 or vg# 0, but 40#0.
F=- kr
80. Force of friction produces the torque for rotation.
Therefore, it tries to increase the angular Now, F= centripetal force =*
velocity. However, friction opposes the motion.
Therefore, it tries to decerease the linear velocity.
.'. at r=R
9M =-kR
81. Mass per unit area of disc
Mass of removed portion of disc
v= R leaving neg. sign)
9M m
Angular momentum, L =I0= (m R) =mvR
Moment of inertia of removed portion about an
axis passing through centre of disc and
perpendicular to the plane of disc, using theorem
of parallel axis is
Ymk R?
L =mR2

when portion of disc would not have been Choices 6) and (c) are correct.
removed, then the moment of inertia of complete
85. Here, F= (arî+ +B) ..)
I2=MR2 As mass is at rest at the origin at time = 0.
disc about the given axis is

For Difficult Questions Using (i), 7=1;

atf= 0, v=0 and 7=0

=1; B=1
From (, F=(4î+}) ..(ii)
From (i), 7=i+1?
md=+ Att= 1s, V=|
Integrating both sides, we get
mu î+tj
As m = 1-0 kg, therefore,
Att=1s, 3=7-6
7d ...(i)

Integrating both sides, we get

Att=1s, t= FxF

--1)- V10
- m

Hence choices (a) and (c) are correct.

1E Multipie Choice Questions (Based on the given PassagelComprehension)

87. As explosion is due to internal forces only, the

86. Here, m= 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg centre of mass of fragments continues to follow
X 1,y= 2; the same parabolic path, which it would have
2-1,2 =3 followed, if there was no explosion.
Co-ordinates of the centre of mass are 88. Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis
depends upon all the three factors.
m*m2 1+2 89. K.E. of rotationI o =;1 (27 n)
2_1 (2) +2 (3). 120
+m2 3 395-1 J
m+m 1+2

Matching Type Questions

90. xmoment of inertia of full hollow ring Ia = MI about tangent in plane of ring
about an axis passing through the centre and =m2+mr =mr
perpendicular to plane of ring I4= MI about tangent L to plane of
mr+ mr= 2 mr
=mr=ma Choice (d) is correct.
translation + K.E. of rotation
91. Total K.E. = K.E. of

= MI about the diameter m E=mv+l

7/162 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XT) VOL

For Difficult Questions
For hollow sphere, I =mr. E =zmv'
For hollow cylinder, I= m*
E= mv- omv
for solid sphere, Imr. E=

For soliu cylinder, I = mr

4 Choice (a) is correct.

Matrix-Match Type Questions

92. Moment ofinertia of a body depends on mass; size, 93. Angular impulse = change in angular momentum
shape and position of axis of rotation. Radius of =Txp=Io.
8yration depends on size, shape of body and axis of
rotation. Angular momentum =l@ depends on all Torque = I o.
the four factors listed in col. I, and K.E. of rotation
= 1/21 o; also depends on all the four factors.
Work done = r:F

MInteger Type Questions

94. Assuming that masses of the two spheres are

concentrated at their centres A and B and taking
x= 0 at A, Fig. 7(CF).62, we get
Ls13212 2
cm2/21 3
mx0+2mx3a AC
cm (m + 2m))
= 2a =
If =L-2_L 3
2m L/3 1
96. Here, Li =11 o, When 02 = 2 01,

and KE

CB = a

95. As shown in Fig. 7(CF).63, mass of small element 2-2x: h=5

of length dx is

dx 97. Moment of inertia of circular disc about a tangent
perpendicular to the plane of disc

dm = n dr =0 dr M=MR; K?=R
Again, moment of inertia of circular ring of same
x dm x(xdr) size as disc about any diameter,

xdr M'K-M'R?
For Difficult uestions Mr2 1-5x (0-5)
I=. 2 2 6

K5R 3/2R2 = 3
If a is the angular acceleration of the disc due to
torque, then
K 1/2R2

3/16= 2
98. As the annular ring is roling without slipping, T=/a or rad/s<
therefore, its angular velocity is constant. So is
its linear velocity v. Therefore, no net force or = +0t = 0 +2 x1 =2 rad/s
net torque is acting on the ring. 100. For circular platform,
The force experienced by the two particles one -
R=0:5 m; M= 0:45 kg
on outer part and other on inner part is only
centripetal force directed towards the centre of r
Fortoy: m= 0-05 kg, = 0-25 m;v =9 ms
ring. Fig. 7(CF).64. According to law of conservation of angular
2Xmvr =/0=

FURRa or =-4 MR2 4x0-05x9x025
= 4 rad/s
0-45x (05)
101. Since final KEs are equal so
(KE of rotation + PE)= (KE of rotation + PE)c

2mR of+mglh=|m
mR, o 4
99. Torque on disc due to all the three forces is
L L2


t3xFr sin 30° 3 x 05 x 0-5 x 1/2 =

Moment of inertia of disc about an axis passing

+ 10x27

through its centre and perpendicular to the plane On solving ; = 49 or v = 7 ms

MI Assertion-Reason Type Questions

FOR MEDIGAL STUDENTS 104. Here, both assertion and reason are true but reason
is not correct explanation of Assertion.
102. Here, both the assertion and reason are false
because in case of a rolling body, all points on it When a body slides, its PE is converted into KE
have same angular speed but different linear of translation, but when it rolls down, some part
speed. Linear speed is different at different places. of its PE is converted into its KE of rotation,
thereby, reducing its KE of translation and hence
tis max. at highest point and minimum at lowest
its linear velocity.
105. Both, the assertion and reason are true and the
103. Here, assertion is true but reason is false speed of
latter is correct explanation of the former. This
whirlwind is a tornado is alarmingly high as Mi
follows from the theorem of parallel axes on
15 less so angular velocity is more as per the law
moment of inertia.
of conservation of angular momentum. Also, =
106. At the centre of earth, g 0. Therefore, a body
has no weight at the centre of earth and hence
dL or L = constant. So
dt no centre of gravity. But centre of mass of a
has nothing to do with gravity. Therefore, centre
angular momentum remains constant, not angular
velocity. of mass exists.
7/164 Pradeep a Fundamental Physics (X) OL
COONUSEXPLANATIONS heavy contraction occurs on account of
For Difficult Questions tremendous gravitational pull. Moment of
inertia I decreases. As L = I 0 = constant
107. In translatory motion, P Fxv therefore, o increases i.e. spin angular velocity
In rotational motion; P=tx increases.
Choice (a) is correct. 112. Both the statements are true and statement-2 is
108. Angular momentum is rotational analogue of correct explanation of the statement-1.
linear momentum, and torque is rotational
113. Statement-1 is true, but the statement-2 is not true.
analogue of force. Choice (a) is correct.
Infact, the centre of mass is related to the
109. Both, the assertion and reason are true, but the distribution of mass of the body.
reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion.
114. Statement-1 is false. But statement-2 is
Infact, if helicopter had only one propeller, the
helicopter itself will turn in opposite direction to true.
conserve the angular momentum. 115. Both the statements are true and statement-2 is a
correct explanation of statement-1. Infact, as ice
110. Here Assertion is false because in the absence of
on polar caps of earth melts, mass near the polar
external torque, the angular momentum of the
axis spreads out, Moment of inertia I increases.
system of rotation is constant and not the velocity
Therefore, T increases i.e. duration of the day
of the centre of mass. Thus velocity will change.
Here Reason is true but cannot explain the
116. From= MR< = 10 0-625 kg m
Both the statements are true and statement-2 is
111. Statement-1 is true, but the statement-2 is false.
correct explanation of statement-1.
Infact, in the formation of a neutron star, a
Paragraph Based
Multiple Choice Questions
Assertion-Reason Type Questions
Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the following paragraphs is followed 1. The process of measurement is basically
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most (a) process of imagination
appropriate answer out of the four options given in (6) process of comparison
each case (c) process of supposition
Paragraph I. Physics is a branch of seience, which (d) none of these
deals with the study of nature and natural phenomena. For
2. When unit (u) of a quantity (2) is contained n times
such studies, measurements are essential. The process of
in the quantity. We write Q = n xu. It implies
measurement is basically a process of comparison. When
a unit (0) of the quantity is contained n times in the quantity Qnju nal2. This is because
(a) magnitude of quantity remains the same
() we write =nXu, As magnitude of a quantity whatever be its units
remains the same, whatever may be its units, we write (6) smaller unit is contained larger number of times
in the quantity
=nh4 n2l42Clearly, n oe 1/u.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
As is known, mass of a body is defined as the quantity (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
of matter in the body. Length of an object is the distance 3. SI represents
of separation between any two points at the extreme ends (a) International system of units
of the object. Time is a measurement of duration for which
an event lasts.
(6) fps system
(c) cgs system
The units of measurement of length (i.e. distance),
mass and time are called Fundamental Units. The units of (d) mks system
all other quantities that can be obtained from fundamental 4. What are the two supplementary units of SI ?
units are called Derived Units. The common systems of (a) radian for plane angle
units used in mechanics are: The fps system; the c.g.s
b) steradian for solid angle
system, the m.k.s system and International system of units
(S1). The SI is based on the following seven fundamental () Neither (a) nor (6) (d) Both (a) and (6)
units and two supplementary units. 5. Choose some of the derived units on SI.
) kilogram for mass (a) kilogram for mass (6) newton for force
(i) metre for length (c)joule for energy (d) Both, (b) and ()
(ii) second for time Parngraph 1, The advantages of SI are the

(iv) kelvin for temperature

(v) ampere for current
i) It is a coherent system of units,
(vi) candela for luminous intensity and
(i) It is a rational system of units,
(ii) It is an absolute system of units,
(vii) mole for quantity of matter.
(v) It is a metric systenm
The two supplementary units are radian for plane
angle and steradian for solid angle. SI is also called () In current electricity, absolute units on SI happen
to be the practical units.
Tafionalised MKS system. Some derived units on SI are
newton for force. joule for work/energy, watt for power, Note that SI applies to all branches of science
oit for potential diff., farad for capacity etc. whereas mks system is confined to mechanics only.
a Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)V
10. If 1 bar represents atmospheric pressure and I t orr
(a) In macro-cosm measurements, we use
is pressure of mm of Hg column, then

i) Astronomical unit (AU) (b) I

torr = 760 bar
= (a) I bar = 760 torr
AU 1-496 x 10 m.
(ii) Light year is distance travelled by light torr (d) None of these
vacuuim in one year.
(c) 1bar
ly = 9.46x 1015 m Paragraph III. The dimensions of a physical
(ii) Par sec is the radius of a circle, at the centre of quantity are the powers (or exponents) to which the units
which an arc of circle AU long subtends an angle of 1".
of base quantities are raised to represent a derived unit of
I par sec = 3-1 x 10l6 m. that quantity.
The expression which shows how and which of the
(b) In micro-cosm measurement, we use
base quantities represent a physical quantity is called the
() I micron =10- m dimensional formula of the quantity.
(ii) nanometer = 10- m
When a physical quantity is equated to its
(ii) angstrom (1 Á) = 10-10 m
dimensional formula, we get the dimensional equation of
(iv) 1 fermi (fm) = 10-15 m the quantity.
Some of the other commonly used units are: Four types of quantities are:
()1 barn = 10- m () Dimensional constants,
(ii) 1 hactare 10* m2 (i) Dimensional variables,
(ii) 1 atomic mass unit (amu) = 1-66 x 102/ kg (ii) Dimensional constants,
iv) 1 bar = 1 atmospheric pressure = 10° N/m (iv) Dimensional variables.
)1 tor= 1 mm ofHg col. Therefore, 1 bar =760 tor Dimensional equations are used for
Commonly used metric prefixes for powers of 10 () Conversion of one system of units into another
are :
(it) Checking the corectness of various formulae
deci (d) 10-; centi (o) 10-2; milli (m) 10-3 (ii) Derivation of fornmulae.
micro (4) 10- ; nano (n) 10; pico (p) 10-12
For conversion of one system of units into another,
deca (da) 10; hecto (h) 10; kilo (k) 10, we use
mega (M) 105.
=n,4nal42 =n^[Mf HT]=n2[M5 12T1
Order of magnitude ofa quantity is the power of 10
which gives us a value nearest to the actual value of the
quantity. For this, a number less than 5 is treated as 1 and
a number between 5 and 10 is treated as 10.
6. Choose the correct statement ofthe following
This equation is to be applied only after expressing
(a) Sl applies to all branches of science and mks the quantity in its absolute units.
system is confined to mechanics only.
For checking the correctness of formulae and also
(6) SI is not a metric system. for derivation of formulae, we use the principle of
(c) SI is not a rational system. homogeneity of dimensions. According to this principle,
(d) All the above statements. only that fomula is correct, in which dimensions of various
7. Out of astronomical unit, light year and par-sec fundamental units on one side of the relation are equal to
the largest one is their respective dimensions on the other side of the relation.
(a) astronomical unit (6) light year 11. The correct dimensional formula of universal
(c) par-sec. (d) all are equal. constant of gravitation is
8. Out of the following, choose the shortest unit of (a) [MLT1 (b) [M- LT-1
distance ()[MLT (d) [M-2 L2 T-l]
(a) micron (6) nanometer 12. [M -lT-) is the dimensional formula of
(c) angstrom (d) fermi (a) force (b) linear momentum
9. The radius of earth is 6400 km, What is its order of (c) surface tension d) coefficient of viscosity
magnitudee? 13. The dimensional formula of Stefan's constant is
(a) 6 (b) 7 (a)[M' 1 T-3K-4 (b)[ML L3K-4
5 (d) 8 (c)[MOL T3 K-4]() [M' L° T2K
Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
and Assertion-Reason Questions P/3
the units of force, energy and velocity are 20 N.
00 J and 5 m/s, then units of mass, length and time
15. In Vander Waal's equation P+V-b)=RT
(a)1kg, m;ls (b) 4 kg, 10 m;2s
the dimensions of (a x b) are
(c) 8kg,
10 m; 2s (d) 8 kg, 10 m;4s (a)M LBT-2 (b) M-12r-3
(c) M®LST2 (d)M'LT-4
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
Paragraph IV. With standard notations, we write For Question numbers 16 to 20, two statements are
1.() Mean absolute error, given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
labelled Reason (R).
Aamean (Aaj) Select the correct answer to these questions from the
i =l codes (a), (b), c) and (d) as given below:
(it) Fractional error or Relative error A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct explanation
of A.
Sa = t B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A.
(i) When x= (a + b); Ar = + (Aa+ Ab) C. A is true, but R is false.
(v) When x = (a-b) Ar=+ (Aa + Ab) D. Both, A and R are false.
16. Assertion. If errors involved in the measurement of
() Ifr=axb,=t|Ad,
a b mass and length of the side of the cube are 3% and
2% respectively, then maximum permissible error
in calculation of density of material of cube is 9%.
mass M M
Reason. Density p=-
Ar volume V
(vii)If r = d",=tn|I
+ 3 x 2%) = + 9%
2. The accuracy of a measurement is a measure of P M
how close the measured value is to the true value of the (d) D
(a) A (b) B (c)C
17. Assertion. The temperatures of two bodies measured
Precision tells us to what resolution or limit, the by a thermometer are
quantity is measured by a measuring instrument. Thus
precision describes the limitation of the measuring t = t
20°C=0.5°C and =60°C +0:3°C. Temperature
difference and the error therein are (40°C + 0-8°C)
Reason. t2-11 = 60°C - 20°C = 40°C.
ACCuracy in measurement may depend upon several
1actors, including resolution of the measuring instrument. At= Al-Ar = 0-3-0-5°C = 0:2°C. -

3. Normally, the degree of accuracy or precision

(a) A (b) B c) C d) D
Snown by the number of digits upto which the measurement 18. Assertion. If voltage V= (100#5) volt, and current
is recorded. I= (1020-2) A, the percentage error in resistanceR
digits that are known reliably plus the first
The is7%.
Aertain digit are known as significant digits or significant
figures. Reason. As R=
Nomally, larger the number of significant figures
dmeasurement, higher is the accuracy of measurement
and vice-versa.

the final result

both, addition and subtraction, there in the
Tetain as many decimal places as are 02)
D WIth the smallest number of decimal places.
in multiplication and division, the final result should
t 100 10)100
= t7%

(b) B (c) C d) D
many significant figures as are there in the original (a) A
r with smallest number of significant figures.
Pl4 anoiftoetA Pradeep s Fundamental
Physics (XD VoL
19. Assertion. A physical quantity Q is given by
(a) A (b) B (c)C
20. Assertion. 5:74 gram of a substance occupies
The percentage errors in a, b, c, dare
75. volume of 1-2 cm. Keeping in view the significan
1%, 2%, 4% and 2% respectively. Percentage error figures, density of the substance is 4-8 gm/c.c.cant
in Q is 22%.
mass 5-742
Reason. Density p=
Renson.:2 4 volume 12cm
4.783 g cms
=2x1%+x29%+4x4% +x 2% Rounding off, p = 4-7 g cm3
t 22% (a) A (b) B (c)C a) D

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

For question numbers 21 to 35, two statements are 25. Assertion. The parallax of a heavenly body
given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other measured from two points diametrically opposite on
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to equator of earth is 2.0 minute. If radius of earth is
these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as 6400 km, distance of heavenly body is 2-2 x
givenbelow: 10 m.
A. Both, A and R are true, and R is correct
explanation of A. Reason. Here, 0 2.0' 2
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct 60 60 180

explanation of A. I=2r=2x 6400 km= 1-28 x 10*km

C. A is true, but R is false. = 1-28 x 100m

D. Both, A and R are false.

21. Assertion. With standard notations, we write
Reason. This is because magnitude of a quantity r=. 2-2 x 101 m
remains the same, whatever may be its units. 20x180
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D (a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
22. Assertion. International system of units (SI)
has as 26. Assertion. The dimensions of velocity gradient are
many as seven fundamental units and two
supplementary units.
Reason. This is because SI applies to all branches
of science. Reason. Velocity gradient
velocity M°LT

(a) A (b) B distance L

(c) C (d) D
23. Assertion. In microcosm measurements, the smallest [M°L° T-lj
unit is 1 fermi = 10-15 m. (a) A (b) B (c)C d) D
Reason. Radius of proton is 1-2 fermi. 27. Assertion. Mechanical equivalent of heat W) 15
(a) A (b)B (c)C
measured in joule/calorie, though it has no
(d) D
24. Assertion. In macro-cosm measurement, the largest
unit of distance is
eason. J = =W_MLT2 [MLT7
par sec = 3.1 x 106 m ML?T-
Reason. Yet another unit of distance is
light year = 9.46 x 10l5 m. calorie JOule cal-

(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D (a) A (b) B (d) D

(c) C
Paragraph Based
sed Multiple Cholce Questions and Assertlon-Reason Questions PIS

ASsertion. Distance travelled by a body in nth 33. Assertion. Number of light years in 1
km are
second has the dimensions of velocity. -057 x I0-13
Reason. Sth= distance travelled in one (nth) second, Reason. 1
ly = 9.46 x 10 m
which is velocity. 9:46 x 102 km
(a) A (b) B (c) C
Ikm = y
Assertion. Critical velocity v.=RX 9.46102
= 1057 x 10-13 ly
(whereNg is Reynold number, n is coefficientof (a) A (c)C (d)
viscosity, p is density) has dimensions of velocity. 34. Assertion. Faraday constant is measured in
Reason. Critical velocity is the velocity of flow upto coulomb.
which the flow is streamline. Reason. araday constant = Avogadro number x
(a) A (b)B (c)C (d) D
elementary chary
30. Assertion. If a quantity appears with power less a
=M OrT0x (AT)
than one in an expression, its contribution to error
in the final result is reduced.
=AT= coulomb
(a))A (b) B (c)C (dy D
Reason. This is because contribution to error in final
result is obtained by multiplying the error by thc 35. Assertion. Pressurc gradient and energy density have
power which is less than one. same dimension in ass.

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D Pressuree

Reason. Pressure gradient
31. Assertion. Change of units does not change the distance
number of significant figures in a measurement.
Reason. Location of decimal point does not affect MIL2 = |MI-2 72
the number of significant figures. L
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D

32. Assertion. In x = 4-700 m = 4-700x 10 cm energy.

Energy density
= 4-700x 10° mm volume

4-700 x 10 km MIPT-2
the number of significant figures is 4.

Reason. The power of 10 is irrelevant to the

determination of significant figures. Both have same dimension (= 1) in mass.

(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D (a) A (b) B (e) C (d) D

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (a)
1. (b) 2.(c) 3. () 4. (d)
(b)12. (d) 13. (u) 14. (c) 15. (a)

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

(a)17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (4) 20. (c)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

21. (o) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (a)
22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (a)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a)
20Glt20u mOB60R-roioeaA
P/6 br Dradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLT

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions 14. Here, MLT Z = 20 N
1. The process of measurement is basically a process ML2T-2= 200 J
of comparison. LT- = 5 m/s
2. Both the choices (a) and (b) are correct. Divide (ii) by (i) ti

3. SI represents Intermational system of units.

4. Both, (a) and (b) are the correct choices. MLT 200
MLT-2 20
5. Both, (b) and (c) are the correct choices.
6. Statement (a) alone is correct. L 10 m
7. 1
par sec = 3.1 x 106 m
1 ly =9.46x 1015 m From (iil), T
1 A.U.=1-496 x10 m
From (), M (10) (2)2 = 20
8. Shortest unit of distance amongst the given ones is
1 fermi =
10-l m. 10
9. R 6400 km = 6-4x 10 km
= 6-4 x 10 m
= 10 x 100 = 10 M 4x =8kg
order of magnitude = 7.
10. As 1 bar = 1
atmospheric pressure
Choice (c) is correct.
15. From Vander Waal's equation,
76 cm of Hg col.
760 mm of Hg col.
1 bar = 760 torr P- a =PV2

Gmam2 As b V=L3
11. From F=-
mim M xM
13 T-2]
a = MLS T-2
G [M-
axb [ML T-21 xL3 =[ML$ T-21
12. From F=1AU Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
16. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
Fxr MLTx [ML-T'I
L Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
AX LT) 17. Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.

13. From Stefan's Law, 18. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reasou
is correct explanation of the Assertion.

E= GT4,
G=-energy/seclarea 19. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And Reaso
T* is correct cxplanation of the Assertion.
20. Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
MIPr-2 1

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

TE 21. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reasou
= [ML° T3K-4) is correct explanation of Assertion.
Doraaraph Based Multiplo Cholco Quostlons and Assortlon-Ronson Quostlons

CCINTRSMEXPANATIONS 29. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
is correct explanation of Assertion.

22. Both. the Assertion and Reason are tnue and Reason 30. Both, the Asscrtion and Reason are true, and Reason
is correet explanation of Assertion. is correct cxplanation of the Assertion.
23. Both. the Assertion and Reason are tnue. But Reason 31. Both, the Assertion and Reason are truc, and Reason
is not the corect e^planation of Asscrtion.
is correct explanation of the Assertion.
24. Both. the Assertion and Reason are true. But Reason
is not a corect explanation of Assertion. 32. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
is correct explanation of the Assertion.
25. Both. the Assertion and Rcason are true, and Reason
is corect explanation of Assertion. 33. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
26. Both. the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
is coTect explanation of Asscrtion.
34. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
27. Both. the Assertion and Rcason are true, and Rcason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
is corect explanation of the Assertion.
35. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
28. Both. the Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason
is correct explanation of the Assertion.
is corect explanation of the Assertion.
3 me enoitatih eoiof0 stqiiuM beee8 iqnpens


Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the following paragraphs is followed (a) 13-6 cm (b) 15.7 cm
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most (c) 12.4 cm (d) 14-7 em
appropriate answer out of the four options given in 2. In above question, time taken by body in going
each case: from A to B is
Paragraph I. When an object is in motion, then (a) 6-28 s (b) 3.14 s
the total length of the actual path covered by moving (c) 1-57 s (d) 3-82 s
object in a given time is called the distance travelled.
3. In above question, what is the displacement of
But the shortest distance between the initial and final
positions of the object, is called displacement of the body in going from A to B?
object in the given time and its direction is from initial (a) 7-07 cm (b) 9.09 cm
position to final position. Infact, distance is a scalar (c) 14.14 cm ) 16-16 cm
and displacement is a vector. If a body moves along a 4. In above question, the time taken by body to reach
straight line for a given time, then the distance travelled its initial position is
is equal to the magnitude of the displacement. If a body (6) 1257 s
(a) 24-81 s
is moving on a curved path, then the distance travelled
will be greater than the displacement. The distance
(c)6-25 s () 13-62 s
travelled by a body in motion can not be zero but 5. Select the correct answer from the following
displacement of body can be zero if the body reaches statements
its initial position of motion after the given time. The A. A body can possess displacement without distance
distance travelled by the object between two positions covered.
tells the type of the path followed but displacement of B. Displacement can be positive, negative or zero.
the object between two positions does not tell the type
C. Distance travelled by a body can be zero or
of path followed. positive.
A body moves along a circle of radius 10 cm. It
D. A particle moves along a circle of radius r with
starts from point A and moves in anticlockwise direction
constant speed. When it has turned through an
with a constant speed 5 ms. Fig. 3.1.
angle at the centre, the distance travelled is r8.
(a) A, B, C are true only
(b) B, C, D are true only

5 cm/s (c)B, D are true only

(d) A, B, C, D are true
O10cm Paragraph IL. When a body is in motion, then
the rate of change of distance travelled by a body is
called its speed which is uniform if the particle covers
equal distances in equal intervals of time. The speed of
the moving body can never be negative or zero.
Fig. 3.2. shows the distance (S) - time () graph
1. Calculate the distance travelled by the body while of two trains A and B which start moving simultaneously
going from A to B. in the same direction along the straight paths.

Multiple Cholce Questions and
Assertion-Reason Questlons P/9
Paraaraah Based
Paragraph IlI. As soon as a car starts from rest
in a certain direction, a scooter moving with a uniform
speed overtakes the car. Their velocity (v) - time (t)
150 graphs are shown in Fig. 3,4.
80 A Car B
75 E
60 Scboter
25 50- E
8 (min) 40
FIGURE 3.2 30
A when motion starts ? 20
6. How much B is ahead of
(b) 100 m 10
(a) 75 m G
(c) 125 m (d) 50 cm
5 10 15 20 25 30 (min)
B ?
7. What is the speed of body
(b) 12.5 m/min
(a) 25 m/min
(c) 6-25 m/min (d) 95 m/min 11. What is the distance travelled by car in 30
8. When and where train A will catch
train B? minutes?
(6) 4 min, 100 m (a) 2100 m (6) 1400 m
(a) 2 min, 100 m
(c) 4 min, 125 m (d) 6 min, 125 m (c) 1150 m (d) 700 m
9. What is the difference in speed of A and
B ? 12. What is the difference between distance travelled
(a) 25 m/mnin (b) 31-25 m/min by car and scooter in 30 minutes:
(c) 18-75 m/min (d) 125 m/min (a) 600 mn (6) 100 m
10. From the various graphs between displacement (c) 350 m (ad) 800 m
(S) and time () for various motions are shown in
13. After what time, the car will catch up the scooter?
Fig. A, B, C and D respectively. Select in sequence
(a) 15 min (b) 30 min
the motion of body having constant positive
velocity, constant negative velocity, zero velocity (c) 35 min (d) 40 min
and uniform retardation. 14. Distance of car from starting point to meeting
SA point with the scooter is:
(a) 1400 m (b) 1500 m

()1750m (d) 1800 nm

15. From the following velocity (v) - time () graphs

of various motions, select the correct answer

sequence for the following motions () A graph

for a constant positive acceleration (i) A
S for a constant negative acceleration (ii) A graph
for zero acceleration (iv) A graph for

1thn D

fetr aereius FIGURE 3.3

(a) A, B. C, D (6) B, D, A C
c)C,D, A, B (d) B. D, C, A B
P/10 ofoioeh Pradech's Pundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
(u) A, B, D, C

LL (b) D, A. B, C

() B, A, D, C

(ad) C, D, A, B


Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

Paragraph IV. When two objects A and B are in B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct
motion with different velocities, then the velocity of explanation of A.
object A v.r.t. another object B is called relative velocity C. A is true, but R is false.
of object A w.rt. object B. If vA and vp are the velocity D. Both, A and R are false.

of objects A and B respectively, then relative velocity 16. Assertion. A car P is moving with velocity 50 km/h
of A w.r.t. B, due east and a train Q is moving with velocity
30 km/h due west, then relative velocity of car
w.r.t. train is 20 km/h.
Relative velocity of B w.r.t. A is, Reason. v Po = Vp-Ue
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
17. Assertion. Two trains A and B are moving on
If motion of two objects is along a straight path,
parallel tracks in west-east direction. Along one
in the same direction, then
track a train A is moving with a speed 30 ms
VAB =VA-VB from west to cast while along the second track.
and "BA=V-UA train B moves with the speed of 48 ms"' from
If two objects A and B are moving along a straight east to west. Relative speed of ground w.r.t. train
path in opposite directions, then B is 48 ms west to east.

ABA--vp) =va*v Reason. Velocity of ground is zero.

(in the direction of A) (a) A B (c)C (d) D
VBA=VB --UA)= Vp + VA 18. Assertion. A train is running with velocity 54 km/
(in the direction of B) h from noth to south. A monkey is running on

If two objects are moving in the same directions the roof of the train against the motion of train
with the same velocity, then with velocity of 18 km/h with respect to train as
(: = Ug) observed by a man standing on the ground, then

velocity of monkey w.r.t. ground is 10 ms due
and vpa V-VA = Vn-U=0 south.
For Question numbers 16 to 20, two statements are Reason. "AIT M-Vp n029
given, one lalbelled Assertion (A) and the other (u) A (b)1 (c)C (d) D
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to
these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as
19. Assertion. Wind is blowing with speed , west
to cast along two parallel tracks. Two trains A and
given below: B moving with the same speed v in opposite
A. Both, A and R are true andRis correct explanation directions on these tracks have the stream tracks.
of A.
Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions P/11

If stream track of train A is double than that of B, 20. Assertion. When a person is sitting in a running
then the speed of cach train is times the velocity
3 train, all the objects on earth appear to move in
of wind. the backward direction.
Reason. Relative velocity stream trackA is double Reason. For a person sitting in a running train
than the relative velocity of stream track B. the relative velocity of objects on earth w.r.t.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D person is negative.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

For question numbers 21 to 35, two statements are distance travelled
given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other Reason. Average velocity =
time taken
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to
these questions from the codes (a), 6), (c) and (d) as (a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
26. Assertion. The acceleration of a body has the
A. Both, A and R are true and R is the correct direction of velocity.
explanation of A.
Reason. If velocity increases, the acceleration also
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a the correct
explanation of A.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
C. A is true, but R is false.
27. Assertion. The acceleration of a particle in motion
D. Both, A and R are false.
is increasing with time.
21. Assertion. Earth revolving around the sun is a
Reason. The displacement of a particle is
three dimensional motion.
proportional to the cube of time.
Reason. For earth revolving around the sun, x, y
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
and z-axis coordinates are changing with time.
28. Assertion. A body has a constant speed but it
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
possesses varying velocity.
22. Assertion. Displacement can be equal to or less
than the distance travelled by object in motion. Reason. Speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector.
Reason. Displacement tells the shape of path (a) A (6) B (c)C (d)D
followed by the object in motion. 29. Assertion. A body moving with a uniform speed
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D may have an acceleration.
23. Assertion. Displacement is a vector quantity. Reason. A body moving on a circular path with
Reason. Distance is a scalar quantity. constant time period has centripetal acceleration.

(a) A (a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D

(b) B c)C (d) D
24. Assertion. A man walks 4 m to the north, 12 m to 30. Assertion. A body is projected vertically up from
west and finally climbs up a vertical pole upto a the ground. Distance travelled by it in the last
height of 3 m. His displacement will be 13 m. second of its upward journey is independent of
the initial velocity.
Reason. Displacement =
+y2+z Reason. Distance travelled in nth second of its
(a) A
vertical motion is,
(b) B (c)C (d) D
25. Assertion. A person walks a distance 30 m
towards west with a speed of 2 ms- and 40 m D=u-(2n-1).
towards north with a speed of 1-5 ms. The
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
average velocity of his journey is 1-2 ms.
P/12 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XT)voLn
31. Assertion. The shape of displacement-time graph
for a body projected vertically upwards is a curve Reason. D,=u +;(2n-).
with decreasing slope.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
Reason. For upward motion, the displacement is
34. Assertion. A body covers first half of distance
with speed vj and second half of distance with
S=u- speed v2, then the average speed is

(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D 2v V/(v1 +2).

32. Assertion. Acceleration due to gravity in vacuum total distance travelled

Reason. Average speed=
is same irrespective of size and mass of the body. total time taken
Reason. Acceleration due to gravity depends upon (a) A (b) B (c)C ()D
the mass and radius of the earth. 35. Assertion. A body starts from a point and returns
(o) A (b) B (c)C (d)D back to the same point after some time, then its
average velocity is zero but not average speed.
33. Assertion. A stone is falling freely from rest for
S seconds. The total distance covered by it in the Reason. Average velocity is a vector quantity and
last second of its motion equals the distance average speed is a scalar quantity.
covered in the fîrst three seconds. (a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
1.(b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (6) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. () 9.()10.6)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b)

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

16. () 17. (6) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (a)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

21. () 22. (c) 23. (6) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (6)
31. () 32. (b) 33. ( 34. (a) 35. (b)

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
3. Displacement =AB = Vr2+r2
1. Here r= 10 cm. Distance travelled by body from
A to B
=V102 +102 = 10-/2tuen

Tr22 1-15-7cm = 10x 1414

= 14:14 cm
distance15:7 = 2 Ttr
2. Time taken =.
speed 5 cm/s
3-14 s 4. Time taken =2x 1257s

0E 0
raoh Based Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questlonss

rTTSIEPLANATIONS The car will catch up the scooter, when

(700+ 70 t) = 50 (20 + /) = 1000 + 501
5. A body cannot have displacement without
distance covered and distance travelled by a body
or 201 1000-700 = 300
in motion cannot be zero. or I= 15 min

6. Atf 0, the train B is ahead of A by a distance Total time when car will catch up the scooter
75 m. 20+15
= 125-75 = 35 min
7. Speed ofB
CE 4-0 14. Distance of car al meeting point is equal to
distance of scooter from starting point in time
12:5 m/min 35 min = 35 x 50 1750 m
8. A will catch B at meeting point D after 4 minutes 15. Knowledge based question.
at distance of 125 m.
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
DF 125
9. Speed of A =- =
16. Both Assertion and Reason are wrong because
OF 4
= 31-25 m/min VpO=Vp- (-vg)=vp + "g
Difference in speed
31-25 50 + 30
= 80 km/h.
= 18.75 m/min
17. Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason
10. Knowledge based question.
is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
11. Distance travelled by car in 30 minutes
Here vG=0, vp = 40 ms east to west
area OAF + area ABGF =- 48 ms- west to east

VGB VG-Up =0-(-48)

x 20 x 70 + 70 x (30 - 20)
48 ms west to east.
700 + 700 18. Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason
is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
= 1400 m
12. Distance travelled by scooter in 30 minutes Here, velocity of train,

50 x 30 V= 54 km/h = 15 msl due south.

= 1500
Relative velocity of monkey w.r.t. train,
Difference in the distance travelled UMT 18 km/h = 5 ms due north
- 5 ms due south
= 1500 1400
= 100 m Ifvy is the velocity of monkey, then
13. The distance travelled by car in 20 min MTUM-UT
or UMUMT+U7= 15 +(-5)
=x 20x 70=700m 10 ms duesouth
19. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
Distance travelled by scooter in 20 minutes is the correct explanation of Assertion.

20 x 50= 1000 mn Relative velocity of stream track A = v +

Let the car catch up the scooter in time (20+) min Relative velocity of stream track B = v -
Distance travelled by car in time (20 + ) min Given, (v + @) = 2 (v - @) = 2v -2 o
(700+70 ) m V=3
are true and Reason
Distance travelled by scooterin time (20 +) mnin 20. Both Assertion and Reason
50 (20+ 1) m is the correct explanation of
P/14 tPradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
COONUSIEXPLUANAATIOINS Thus both Assertion and Rcason are true and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Assertion-Reason Type Questions 28. If a body is moving on a circular path with a
21. Both Assertion and Reason are wrong. Earth
definite period, then its speed is constant bu
revolving around the sun is two dimensional velocity is varying from point to point of its
motion. motion. Here both Assertion and Reason are true
but Reason is not the correct explanation of
22. Here Assertion is true but Reason is false as the
distance travelled tells the shape of path followed
29. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
and not the displacement.
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
23. Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason
is not the correct explanation of Assertion. 30. Distance travelled in last second of its vertical
upward motion = distance travelled in one second
24. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason while falling from its highest position.
is the correct explanation of Assertion because
Here, u = 0, a = g, 1=1, so
displacement = y42 +122 +32 =13m.

25. Time taken for displacement 30 m along west

S = ut +at
2 = 0xl+xgx1?=
Time taken for displacement 40 m along north
Here both Assertion and Reason are true but the
80 Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
31. Both Assertion- and Reason are true and the
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Net displacement = v302 +402 50s
32. g is independent of size and mass of the body but
80 IZS
depends upon the mass and radius of earth. Both
Total time taken 15+ Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not
the correct explanation of Assertion.
Average velocity
time taken 33. Here, u =0, n =5, D =0+(2x5-1)=
50 Distance travelled in first three seconds of its fall
Average velocity 125/3
= 12 msl
is S =0x3+sx3- Thus D, =S.

Thus Assertion is true but Reason is false. Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason
26. Acceleration of a body has the direction of change is not the true explanation of Assertion.
in velocity. If velocity increases, the acceleration 34. Total time taken to travel a distance S is
may or may not change. Thus both Assertion and
Reason are false. d2d2
= U2
27. From Reason, S oe or S k

Velocity, v=dS d (k-3k? 20, 2

dt dt

(5kt-)= 6te.
Acceleration, ==4
dt dt
ph Based Multiple Choice
Paragraph and Assertion-Reason Questions P/15

HONTSIEXPLLANATIONS 35. Here, in a given time of its motion, displacement

= 0, but the distance travelled is not zero.

=. d = displacement
Average speed Average velocity
time taken

Average speed
time taken t
22 which is not zero.
Here, both Assertion and Reason are true and
Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason the Reason is not the correct explanation of
is the correct explanation of Assertion. Assertion
e naiorf0.olqiluli boast riqempmeq

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the following paragraphs is followed
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most
appropriate answer out of the four options given in 10N
each case:
Paragraph I. Vectors arethosephysical quantities A60
which have both magnitude and direction. In writing, a 10N
vector can be represented by a single letter with arrow FIGURE 4.2
head on it, i.e., A . The magnitude of this vector is (a) 10 N (b) 20 N
IAI or A. The unit vector of A is Ä= AIA. If two
()103 N (d) 5 N

vectors A and B are inclined at an angle e with each :

3. Two forces in the ratio 1 2 act simultaneously
other then their resultant vector in magnitude is given on a particle. The resultant of these forces is three
by times the first force. The angle between them is
(a) 0 (b) 45
R= A2 + B +2AB cos
(c) 60° (d) 90
If B is the angle which R makes with A , then 4. If A+ B
C and A + B =
C, then the angle
tanB between A and B is
A+ Bcos 6
(a) 0 (b) (T/4) rad
(c) (T/2) rad () (T) rad
5. Choose the correct answer from the following
R statements.
A. Vectors cannot be added algebraically.
B. A physical quantity cannot be called a vector if
its magnitude is zero.

FIGURE 4.1 C. The magnitude of (A- B) is same as that of

The magnitude of resultant vector lies inbetween dtd
the values (A + B) and A B) -

1. The vector sum of the two forces of 10 N and 6 N D. (i+) is a unit vector. (3)
can be
(a) A, B and C are correct only
(a) 2 N (b) 8N
(6) B, C, D are correct only
(c)18N (d) 20 N
(c) A, C and D are correct only
2. Two forces each numerically equal to 10 N are
acting as shown in Fig. 4.2, then the resultant is (d) A and C are correct only

Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions
Paragraph Based P/17

in a river.always nmoves in 10. Sclect the correct answer on the basis of following
Paragraph l1. A boat
ant velocity of boat and velocity
resultant statements.
direction of
he There is a river of width s and
water is A. A boat travels a distance in 4 hrs upstream and
river ow. V A boatman can row a
of niver with velocity the same distance downstream in 2 hrs. Then ratio
flowing in
water with velocity v. If
a boatman tends of volocity of boat to that of water flow is 3: 1
oat in still
in the shortest time, he should go
ross the river B. Velocity of boat in still water is (2+3j)ms.
ndicular to the direction of
river flow, Fig. 4.3. In
river flow is If it rows in a river flowing with a velocity of
this case the resultant velocity of boat and
(3+2j)mns, then the resultant velocity is
v= + Time of crossing the river, f =
In this case, the boat
will be reaching the opposite C. A man rowing a boat in a river making an angle
bank of river at point
C, where AC = v,, t and OC = vt. of 45° with the straight course reaches the opposite
point on the other bank of river from the starting
point. If the velocity of water is v, then velocity
of boat is v2v
(a) A and B are correct only
(b) B andC are correct only
(c) A and C are correct only
(d) all are correct
Paragraph III. A dot product of two vectors
A and B is equal to the
product of the magnitudes of
the smaller angle between
3 km h the two vectors and cosine of
A river km wide flows at the rate of
bank capable = cos
from west to east. A boatman on the north them, i.e., A-B AB
intends to
of rowing his boat at the rate of 4 km h-
Cross the river in the shortest time.
6. What is the resultant velocity of the boat

(a)7kmh (6) 3/2kmh-

(c)5 km h (d) 52 kmh-
1. In above question, time taken by boat to cross the
vectors is a scalar.
river is Dot product of two zero
(b) 15 min vectors may be positive,
(a) 12 min Dot product of two equal vectors is equal
(d) 25 min negative. Dot product of two
(c) 20 min or either vector, i.e.,
boatman from square of the magnitude of
O What is the distance covered by the to the
Starting point to the reaching point on the
bank of river? two perpendicular vectors is zero,
Dot product of
(a) 0-75 km (b) 1-0 kmn
(c) 1-25 km (d) 1-75 km 0.
90° = AB x 0 =
B = AB cos
The angular elevation of the path followed
Doatman with the downstream of river flow
is A along B is
Vector conmponent of
(a) tan
1) () tan

() sin-1 (a) cos- 4/5

nolhoeaA Pradeeps Fundanmental
Physics (XIDVAL
Vector component of B
along A is 14. If A =(sî-2+38)
ad B=(2++2h),
= (Bcos6) A =| A:B |A. then component ot B along A is

11. A=(î+21-) and B=-î+j-2k,

then 38
angle (in rad) between A and B
(a) n/2
()v28 28
b) /3 38
(c) /4 (d) T/6 15. Select the correet answer
from the following
12. If A = (î+2}-4k) and B =
statements :
(î+2-h), then A. Dot product of two vectors is
the value of (A+ B)-(A- B) is B. Dot product of two parallel vectors is
(a) 10 C. Dot product of two perpendicular
b) 15 vectors is
(c) 20 maximum.
(d) 25
D. Dot product of two vectors can be
A= positive, zero
13. If (î+j+2k) is or negative.
perpendicular to
(2+yj-3k) then the value of yis
(a) A, B, C are correct only
(a) 2 (b) B, C, D are correct only
(b) 4
(c) 6 (c) A, B,C and D are correct only
(d) 8
(d) A and D only

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason

Paragraph IV. Cross product of two vectors is a cross product of two equal vectors is
vector whose magnitude is equal to the product also a null
of vector, i.e.,
magnitudes of two vectors and sine of the smaller
between them. Direction of this vector is perpendicular
to the plane containing two vectors and is
directed as
given by Right Hand Screw rule, i.e., Magnitude of the vector product of
two vectors is
equal to (i) the areà of a parallelogram
whose two sides
AxB ABsinOn are represented by two vectors
(i) twice the arca of a
triangle whose two sides are represented
where n is a unit vector perpendicular to the by two vectors.
For Question numbers 16 to 20, two statements
containing A and B .It is directed upwards the given, one labelled Assertion (A) are
plane and the other
as per Right hand screw rule labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer
these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c)
and (d) as
given below:
A. Both, A and R are true andRis correct explanation
of A.
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. Both, A and R are false.
Cross product of two vectors is anti-commutative, 16. Assertion. Cross product of two vectors is
i.e AxB-BxA commutative.

Cross product of two collinear vectors gives null Reason. AxB =BxA.

vector, i.e., AxB 0 (if0 = 0° or 180°) (a) A (6) B (c)C (d) D

Multiple Choice Questlons and Assertion-Reason Questions P/19
Paragraph Bas

Assertion. If A B =|AxB1, then the angle 0 19. Assertion. If A,B and C are coplanar, then
B is n/4. A-(BxC)=0.
between A and
=ABcos 0 Reason. (BxC) is parallel to A.
Reason. A:B
(a) A (b) B c)C (d) D
and IAxBl= ABsin
20. Assertion. Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram
(b) B (c)C (d) D
(a) A
are formed by the vectors A = (4î+3) and
Assertion. The cross product of two vectors
B=(-3+6), then the area ofparallelogram
and B does not change
under reflection.
is 18.5 units.
Reason. On reflection,
A changes into -A and
Reason. Area of parallelogram
B changes into
(d) D (6) B (c)C (d) D
(6) B (c)C (a) A
(a) A

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

two statements are
For question numbers 21 to 35, Reason. A B = ABcos .

given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the

other (d) D
(a) A (b) B (c) C
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct
answer to
(c) and (d) as 24. Assertion. The minimum
number of vectors of
these questions from the codes (a), 6), a zero
given below
unequal magnitude required to produce
explanation resultant is four.
A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct
of A
Reason. The vectors must not be coplanar.
()C (d) D
a correct (b) B
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not (a) A
explanation of A. 25. Assertion. If a unit vector represented by
C. A is true, but R is false. 051+08+ck, then the value of c is o11
D. Both, A and R are false.
magnitude one.
can be Reason. Unit vector of A has
21. Assertion. The component of a vector (d) D
b) B (c)C
equal to the magnitude of the given vector. (a) A
between (A+ B) and
Reason. Vector component of A in the
direction 26. Assertion. The angle
making an angle 0 with the given vector will
(Ax B) is 180.
cos 6.
(c)C (d) D
(a) A (b) B are acting in
Reason. (Å+ B) and (AxB)
22. Assertion. If (Ax B) = (BxA), then angle opposite directions.
(c)C (d) D
(a)A (b) B
between A and B is t rad. necessarily
Assertion. If C = (A+ B), then the
Reason. Px0 = PQsin en. valid condition is A =

(a) A (c)C (d) D perpendicular to

(b) B
Reason. A and B should be
ASsertion. Two vectors have magnitudes 4 and
. If the angle between them is 60°, then the dot
each other.
(c)C (d) D
(b) B
product of two vectors will be 10. (a) A
P/20 Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XI)1VOL
32. Assertion. A particle is projectecd with velocity
ity u
28. Assertion. The angle between A and the
so that its horizontal range is thrice the greates
resultant of (A+B) and (A-B) is zero. height attained. The horizontal range of tha

Reason. Resultant of (A + B) and (A-B) acts particle is 25

24 u
along the direction of A.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D R=S1n20
Reason. Horizontal range,
29. Assertion. A room has a dimensions
3 mx4mx5 m. A fly walks starting at onecorner
and ends at the diametrically opposite corner. The u sin0
and max. height, H
length of the shortest path is nearly 7 m. 2g
Reason. Length of the shortest path will be
(a) A b) B (c)C (d)D
=+y+2. 33. Assertion. A uniform circular motion is an
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D accelerated motion.
30. Assertion. An aeroplane takes off at an angle of eason. The speed of the body in a uniform
60° to the horizontal. If the component of its circular motion is constant but the direction of
velocity along the horizontal is 240 km h, then motion of the body changes at every instant of
its vertical component velocity is 2403 kmh
(a) A 6) B (c)C d) D
Reason. Horizontal component velocity of A is
A cos and vertical component velocity is A sin
. 34. Assertion. (A-B)-C= A-(B-C)
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
Reason. The associative law is applicable to
31. Assertion. A projectile has a constant initial vectors subtration.
velocity and angle of projection. The changes in (d) D
(a) A 6) B (c)C
the horizontal range due to change in acceleration
35. Assertion. Minimum number of unequal forces
due to gravity is =R.
whose sum is zero are three.
Reason. The forces represented by three sides
R=" Sin26 of a triangle taken in one order have zero
Reason. Horizontal range,
8 resultant.
(a) A (6) B (c))C (d)D a) A (b) B (c)C d)D

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4.(0 5. ( 6.(e) 7.(6) 8. () 9. (a) 10.(c)
11. (6) 12. (b) 13. (6) 14. (6)15. ()
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. () 20.()
Assertion-Reason Type Questions
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. ()25. (a) 26.(d)27.(d) 28.() 29.4)30. a)
31. (6) 32. (a)33. (a) 34. (d)35. (a)
Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason
ased Multiple
ParagraphBa Questions P/21

21 9 Multiple Choice Questions
Paragraph Based If Bis the angle which A makes with x-axis,
10 N and N lies then
resultant two forces of 6
The f
I. between (10 +6) N, i.e., 16 N and (10-6), ie.,
Hence the poSsible value of resultant is
tan . l = tan 45 or p=45°
4 N.
= 10N, 6. Here, v, =4 km h;v,,=3 km h-,
Here,A = 10 N, B
= 120 width of river, s = km
180°- 60° |

Resultant velocity of boat along OC,

R= A+ B +2ABcos
= =5 km h-
10 7. Time of crossing the river,
x, R =3 x, 0=?
3. Here, A =x, B=2 1km
= 0-25h
cos=- 4kmh-l
AB 2 = 0-25 x 60 min
= 15
9x2--4x2 8. Here the actual distance covered by the boatman
OC=U x1=5x025
= 125 km
ledgue 4x
9. tan = V/v,=4/33
4 x2

or 0°
or =tan (4/3)

4. Here, resultant, R

+ B) 10. A.
1 - 4

or S=4 (U, -Uy

2 AB

-(A+B-A-B =1 V,+
2 AB in)
Or s= 2(V + )
or0=0° 4 (v,-vw)= 2 (V, +V)
vectors. A
Vectors can be added by laws of or 2v,-2U =Ub+ U
pnysical quantity can be called a
vector if its

agnitude is zero, i.e., a zero vector.

Or v=

v=v, +v
but B. Resultant
and (B-A) have the same magnitude
is not a unit
vector. =(2î+3)+0?+2)
PPOSite direction. (î+ j)
v2. = 5i+5)
A=0+). then A = a3+02 =
teeu n0eeR.noitro22A Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) vOm
14. Component of B along A B cos 6 = A8
C. Refer to Fig. 4.6, In AOAB, sin 45°=
5+(-2)2 +32

10-2+6 14

45 38
15. Knowledge based question.

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

16. AxB =-(BxA) anticommutative.
sin sin 45° 1/2 Thus both Assertion and Reason are false.

Thus option (c) is true. 17. Given A.B =


AxBl orAB cos =AB sin 6

sin 6 or tan 6 =1= tan t/4 or 6 = T/4.
or =1
11. cos8 = Cos 6
Thus both Assertion and Reason are true and the
+2-)(-î+i-2h Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
2+22 +(-1?-1)2+0+(-22 =
18. AxB under reflection (-Á)x(-B) AxB
-1+2+2 Thus both Assertion and Reason are true and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

-==cos Tt/3 19. BxC is acting Lr to the plane containing B

and C and is directed as given by Right hand

or 6 TU3 rad
Rule. As A, B and C are coplanar, so A is
12. (A+ B)=(î+2j-4)+(0+27-)
perpendicular to (Bx C). Hence,
A-(BxC)=lI BxCIcos 90°=0
(A-B)-(0+2/-4h)-6+29-=-3$ Thus Assertion is true but Reason is false.

. (A+ B)-(A--B) = (2î+4}-sh-(-3)

20. Area of parallelogram =| Ax B l=| 4 3
13. A-B = ABcos90° =0
= î(0-0) + j0-0)+k (24+9)=33k
++2h)-(2î+ yi-3k)=o 33 unit
or 2+y-6 = 0 or y=6-2= 4 Thus both Assertion and Reason are false.
Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions P/23
raph Based
CTTNTSMEE 28. Resultant, R = (A + B) + (A - B) = 2A

Assertion-Reason ype Questions . Angle between is zero. Both

A and R
Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the
component of A is also a vector. Hence corect explanation of Assertion.
Vector is
wrong. The component of a vector
Reason is given vector. 29. When the fly walks then shortest distance
than the magnitude of the
always less
also wrong.
Hence Assertion is travelled =x+y +z
=AB sin tn = 0
22. If 0= T rad, then 3+ 42 +52
BxA = BAsin n(-n) = 0 =3+41
and =94 m.
Reason are true and Reason Thus, both Assertion and Reason are false.
Both Assertion and
explanation of Assertion.
is the correct
30. 240 = A cos 60°

23. A-B =AB

cos =4 x5x cos 60°
=. 240 240 km h
= = or A 480
4x5x1/2 10
COs 60° 1
Both Assertion and Reason
are true and Reason
is the corect
explanation of Assertion.
vectors of unequal Vertical component of A A sin 60
24. The minimum number of
resultant is
magnitude required to produce a zero = 480x v3/2
three and they must be
represented by the three
order and they 240v3 kmh
sides of a triangle taken in same
Assertion and
should be in the same plane. Both
are true and Reason
Reason are false. Both Assertion and Reason
is the correct explanation of
25. Unit vector of the given vector A is
u sin 20
31. Horizontal rang
05)2 +(08)2 +c2 =1

o 0-25+0-64 + c=1 Differentiating it w.r.t. g we have

or c=1-089 = 0-11 dR u2
20 u and e are constant]
or C 011 dg
and Reason
Both Assertion and Reason are true
Assertion. 2
IS the correct explanation of

A and B.
dR = -sin 20ds
26. (A + B) is acting in the plane of
(A xB) is acting Lrto the plane of
A and B8. sin
and (A x B) is
hus angle between (A + B)
90. Hence both Assertion and Reason
are false. ds
C= A+B, then the relation is valid whether are true but
27. If
both Assertion and Reason Assertion.
Assertion Thus correct explanation of
A =Bor A>B or B <A. Thus both the Reason is not the
and Reason are wrong.
Pradeep'a Fundamental Physics (XI)
Horizontal range, R=- -
sin cos e
32. Given, R = 3 H 8

24 sincos
3xsin20 8
28 Thus both Assertion and Reason are true
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
or 2 sin e cos =sin-0 33. In a uniform circular motion, the direction
motion changes with time. Hence the velocity
body changes with time. As the rate of change
or tan velocity is acceleration, so uniform circular
motion is an accelerated motion.

So sin =. 34. (A B)-C+A-(B-C). Hence associative

law is not applicable to vectors subtraction. Thus

and cos = both Assertion and Reason are false.

35. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
paragraphs is followed
Each of the following Newton's first law defines inertia as inability of
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most a body to change by itself its state of rest or state of
appropriate answer out of the four options given in uniform motion along a st. line.
eachcase Three types of inertia: Inertia of rest; Inertia of
Paragraph 1. Force is an external effort in the motion ; Inertia of direction. Quantitatively, inertia of a
form of push or pull which () produces or tries to body is measured by mass of the body.
produce motion in a body at rest (i) stops or tries to 1. Who postulated that an external force is required
stop a moving body (iii) changes or tries to change the to keep a body in uniform motion along a st. line?
direction of motion of a body.
(a) Galileo (b) Newton
According to Aristotle, an extermal force is always
(c) Aristotle (d) none of these
required to keep a body in uniform motion along a
straight line. Later on Galileo established that state of 2. Which of the following is not a unit of linear
rest and the state of motion with constant velocity are momentum ?
equivalent. In both cases, no net force is acting on the (a) kg-ms- (6) g-cm s
body. (c) N-s (d) N-m
According to Galileo's Law of inertia, if net 3. Newton's first law of motion defines
external force is zero, a body at rest continues to be at (a) inertia
rest, and a body in uniform motion continues to move
uniformly along a st. line.
(b) force
(C) momentum
Linear momentum (p) of a body is defined as (d) both (a) and (b)
the product of mass (m) of the body and its velocity
4. To every action, there is always an equal and
(), ie. opposite reaction. In this statement
-m.It is a vector quantity measured
(a) Action occurs first
in kg-ms (b) Reaction occurs first
Newton gave the following three laws (c) Both action and reaction occur at the same
First Law. A body continues to be in its state of time.
St Or of uniform motion
along a st. line, unless it is (d) none of the above.
AIed upon by is doubled,
some net unbalanced external force. 5. When force applied on a body
Second Law. The rate of change of linear
(a) its linear momentum is doubled
OTmentum of a body is
external force
directly proportional to tne (b) its lincar momentum is
applied on the body. momentum is halved
(c) its rate of change of linear
hird Law. To every action, there is always an momentum is
equal and opposite (d) its rate of change of linear
Newton's first law defines force as an doubled.
Cxterna Law
the form of push or pull, which moves or tries Paragraph I1. According to Newton's 2nd
body at rest ; stops or tries to stop a body in
F=ma. Thus this law gives us a measure
or tries to change the direction o ofmotion
of the body. of force.

P/26 Pradeep'o Fundamental Physics (XI) vOL
9. A student noted down the following points:
Again, from F=ma==(mu)
dt dt () No force is required to move a body uniformly
along a straight line.
dv dm
dt dt
(i) Some force is always required to move a body
uniformly along a circle.
If m is constant, -=0, . F=m
dv (iii) The second law of motion is a vector law.
(iv) The concept of inertial mass comes from
nt. dv
Ifv is constant, =0,
. F =v dm
Newton's 2nd law.
dt dt Which of the above statements are correct ?
SI unit of force is newton (N); (a) () and (i) (b) (i) and (ii)
where 1N=1 kg ms () (ii) and (iv) (d) All the four
CGS unit of force is dyne, 10. Inertial mass of a body is
where 1 dyne = 1 g cm s (a) the force required to produce unit acceleration
IN= 10 dyne in the body
Gravitational units of force are kg-wt or kg-f and (6) the force required to produce unit velocity of
gram wt. or g-f. the body
Remember that in all numerical problems, we have (c) the force required to change the direction of
to use only the absolute units of force. Gravitational motion of the body
units are practical units only. They have to be converted (d) none of these
into absolute units. Paragraph IL. Apparent weight of a person in a
Some of the important consequences of Newton's lift depends on state of motion of the lift.
2nd Law of motion are
) When elevator is at rest or moving uniformly
(i) No force is required to move a body uniformly in upward/downward direction
along a straight line.
Apparent weight (R) = actual weight (mg)
(ii) Accelerated motion is always due to external
force. ii) When elevator is moving up with constant
acceleration (a), apparent weight
iii) The second law of motion is a vector law.
(iv) It gives us the concept of inertial mass of a R = mg +f= mg + ma =m (g + a)

body as the force required to produce unit acceleration (ii) When elevator is moving down with constant
in the body. acceleration (a), then apparent weight
6. A car of mass 1000 kg is moving with a velocity R2 mg-f=mg - ma = m (g- a)
of 10 m/s under the action of a forward force of In free fal of lift under gravity, a = 8
2000 N and retarding force of 500 N due to
friction. The velocity of car after 5 seconds will
R2m 8 -a) = m (g- 8) = Zero.
According to the principle of conservation of
linear momentum, in an isolated system, the vector sum
(a) 12-5 m/s b) 175 m/s of the linear momenta of all the bodies of the system is
(c) 20-5 m/s d) 22-5 m/s conserved and is not affected by their mutual action
7. SI unit force N=1kg 1 ms is related to CGS and reaction.
unit offorce 1 dyne =1g cm s as This law is universal, i.e. this law applies to both,
(a) 1 N= 10 dyne (b) 1N= 10'dyne the microscopic as well as macroscopic systems.
(c) 1 N= 10 dyne (d) None of these A rocket is a system with variable mass. It is also
8. A hunter has a machine gun that can fire 50 g based on the principle of conservation of linear
bullets with a velocity of 150 m/s. A 60 kg tiger momentum. The linear momentum of mass m of the
springs at him with a velocity of 10 m/s. How rocket at instant r is equal to vector sum of linear
many bullets per sec. must the hunter fire to stop momentum of rocket mass (m dm) moving with

the tiger in track ? velocity (v + dv) and linear momentum of mass (dm) or
(a) 100 (b) 60 exhaust gases moving downwards with velocity (-"
(c) 80 (d) 120 This gives us velocity (v) of rocket at any time
Multiple hoice Questions and Assertion-Reason
aph Based Questions
perpendicular to eachother
with a speed of 30 m/s.
mo-2.303u log1o The velocity of heavier fragment
y=uloge will be
(a) 10/2 m/s (b) 10 m/s
upthrust on the
rocket, F=-u|
(c)202m/s d) 20 m/s
14. What is the ratio (mg/m) for a rocket if is
it to escape
can bear:
parachute can bear a maximum from earth ? Take escape velocity = 11-2 km/s
strings of a
11. The kg wt. By what minimum and exhaust speed of gases = 2 km/s.
tension of 72
96 kg descend by
acceleration can a person of (a) 270-4 (6) 70-6
parachute ? (c) 135-2
means of this (d) 141-2
6) 4-9 m/s2 15. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) 98 m/s-
m/s2 (d) zero ) Apparent weight of a person in a lift depends
(c) 2-45
12. A person
weighing 70 kg is standing on a on state of motion of the lift.
elevator. The supporting i) In free fall, acceleration due to gravity is zero.
weighing machine in an
cable of the elevator
suddenly snaps. The reading (ii) In free fall, apparent weight of a person in a
machine will become lift is zero.
of weighing
(b) 70 x 9-8 kg (iv) Principle of conservation of linear momentum
(a) 70 kg
(d) zero applies to both, microscopic as well as
(c)7kg macroscopic systems.
of mass 1 kg initially at rest
explodes and
13. A body (b) (i) and (ii)
masses in the ratio (a) ) and (i)
breaks into three fragments of
(d) (i), (ii) and (iv)
The two pieces of equal masses fly off () i) and (iv)
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
Note that static friction is a self adjusting
Paragraph V. Friction is an opposing force that self
moves (slides Limiting friction and Dynamic friction are not
comes into play when one body actually
surface of another adjusting. Their values are fixed.
or rolls) or even tries to move over the
body. Laws oflimiting friction are:
or (i) F o R (normal reaction)
Friction arises on account of strong atomic
molecular forces of attraction between the two surfaces always opposite to the
(i) The direction of F; is
the verge of moving
at the points of actual contact. direction in which one body is at
The opposing force that comes into play when one over the other.
body tends to move over he surface of another, but the area of contact.
achual motion has yet not started is called Static Friction.
(ii) F, is independent of
of material of the
(iv) F, depends on nature polish.
Limiting Friction is the maximum opposing force their
surfaces in contact and state of
tat comes into play, when one body is just at the verge
of moving over the surface of another body. Coefficient of limiting friction
Kinetic Friction or Dynamic friction is the friction
force of limiting
Pposing force that comes into play when one body 1S normal reaction
actually moving over the surface of the other body. In resultant
friction (6) angle which the
Ig. 5.1, F represents static friction, F represents Angle of reaction R
limiting friction and normal
uruting friction and represents kinetic friction.
F of the force of direction of normal reaction.
makes with the
= tan6
We can show R
C a rough
in moving a body over
Work done
FFFR horizontal surface is
W=Pxs=Fxs =(4 R) xs
X (mg) xs.
Applied Force
P/28 Pradeepo Fundamental Physics (XD VOL

Work done in moving a body up a rough inclined 17. Assertion. Limiting friction is the maximumn
plane of inclination 0 is value of static friction.
W mg (sin 0 +H cos 6) x s. Reason. Limiting friction is less than dynamic or
kinetic friction.
Friction is a necessary evil.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
For Questi numbers 16 to 20, two statements are
given, one i.belled Assertion (A) and the other 18. Assertion. Static friction is a self adjusting force.
labelled Reason (R). Reason. This is because limiting friction and
kinetic friction are also self adjusting.
Select the correct answer to these questions from the
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
codes (a), b), C) and (d) as given below :
A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct explanation 19. Assertion. Coefficient of limiting friction (p) is
of A. the ratio of force of limiting friction and normal
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct reaction.
explanation of A. Reason. u = tan 6, where 0 is angle of friction.
)A (b) B (c)C (d) D
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. Both, A and R are false. 20. Assertion. With usual notation, work done in
16. Assertion. Friction is an opposing force that moving a body up a rough inclined plane of
inclination 0 is
comes into play when one body tries to move or
W mg (sin +H cos 0) x s
actually moves over the surface of another body.
Reason. It arises on account of strong atomic or Reason. This is because work is done against
molecular forces of attraction at the points of gravity and also against the opposing force of
actual contact. friction.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

For question numbers 21 to 35, two statements are
given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 12 ie. v ee
V2 m
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to
(a) A (b) B (c))C (d) D
these questions from the codes (a), (6), (c) and (d) as
given below: 23. Assertion. Inertia of a body in linear motion is
A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct explanation measured by the mass of the body and linear
of A. velocity of the body.
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct Reason. Inertia of a body is equal to linear
explanation of A. momentum of the body.
C. A is true, but R is false. (a) A 6)B (c)C (d) D
D. Both, A and R are false. 24. Assertion. When a horse starts suddenly, the rider
21. Assertion. Newton second law of motion is the tends to fall backwards due to inertia of rest.
real law of motion. Reason. Inertia of motion is responsible for
Reason. This is because Newton's first law and backward fall of the rider.
third law of motion can be deduced from (a) A (6) B (c)C (d) D
Newton's 2nd law of motion. 25. Assertion. When a knife is sharpened by pressing
(a) A (b) B )C (d) D it against a grinding stone, the sparks fly off along
22. Assertion. The velocities of the bodies having the tangent to the grinding stone.
equal linear momenta vary inversely as their Reason. This happens due to directional inertia.
masses. (a)A (b) B (c)C (d) D
Reason. When pi= P2 26. Assertion. Newton's first law of motion defines
miVmV2 force; 2nd law gives us a measure of force and
3rd law tells us the nature of force.
Bnsod Multiplo Cholce Questlons and Assertion-Reason Questions P/29

Reson. icasenns for all the threc laws have

"T'hc 31. Assertion. Force never occurs singly in nature.
thec tcxt.
bcen cxplaincd in Reason. Forces always occur in pairs as a result
A (c) C (d) D of mutual interaction between two bodies.
27. Asserton. Whcn car is being driven along a (a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
straight horizontal rOad, thc driving force is 32. Assertion. Forces of action and reaction never
provided by the road. cancel cach other.
Renson. Thc road rather oppOses the notion of Reason. This is because forces of action and
the car. reaction act always on different bodies.
(b) B ()C (d) D
() A (a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
28. Assertion. Gravitational forces between two 33. Assertion. Upthrust on a rocket fired is
bodies are position clepcndent forcos. Force on a
charged particle in a magnetic ficld is velocity dm
dependent forcc.
where v is velocity of escaping gases w.r.t. rocket,
Reason. F = Fm =Bqv sin 0. dm
is rate of change of mass (due to escaping
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D gases).
29. Assertion. Two masses kg and 4 kg are
8 Reason. Force is given by rate of change of linear
connected at the two ends of an inextensible string momentum.
passing over a smooth frictionless pulley. The a)A 6)B )C (d) D
tension in the string is 52.3 N. 34. Assertion. Static friction does not exist by itself.
When no force is applied, static friction is zero.
Reason. T=22)8_2x8x4x98 Reason. Opposition to motion appears when
mt m2 (8+4)
some force is applied, even when body is not
actually moving.
(a) A (b) B (c) (d)D
35. Assertion. Out of static friction, limiting friction
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
and dynamic friction; static friction alone is self
30. Assertion. Dimensions of impulse are [MLT =]
Reason. Impulse = force x time Reason. Even limiting friction and dynamic
= [MLT ]xT= [MLT-j friction become self adjusting sometime.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D (a) A (b) B ()C (d) D

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
1.(c) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. ( 6. (b)7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (d)
Faragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
Type Questions
25.. (a)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (c) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. () 29. () 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (c)
/30 Pradeep s Fundamental Physics (XT) VOLI

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions kg. m2= kg, m^=3 kg
Here, m=
1. Aristotle postulated this statement.
2. N-m is not a unit of linear momentum.
Pi+ P2= y(m x30) + (m2 x 30)2
3. Newton's first law of motion defines inertia and
force. =x 30/2=6
4. Both, action and reaction occur at the same time.
5. When force applied on a body is doubled, rate of From the principle of conservation of linear
change of linear momentum of the body is momentum,
6. Here, m= 1000 kg, u = 10 m/s P=P+ P2
F 200 N- 500 N = 1500 N m3v=6/2
v ?, t=5 sec.
U=V=10/2 m/s
a= 2 1000
= 15 m/s2
14. Assuming that the rocket starts from rest, velocity
v = u + at = 10 +1-5 x 5 = 17-5 m/s acquired is given by
7. 1N 10 dyne.
8. Letthe hunter firen bullets per second. To stop V=uloge =2:3026u log10
the tiger in track,
Linear momentum of bullets = linear momentum mo
of tiger
112 2:3026 x210810 m
n x mv = MV
log1o 112
MV 60x10 2x23026 2-432
mv (50x150
1000 antilog (2-432) = 270-4
60x10 600x20 15. The only wrong statement is (it). Statements (),
150/20 150 (iii) and (iv) are correct.
9. All the four statements are true.
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
10. Inertial mass of a body is the force required to
16. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And R
produce unit acceleration in the body.
is corect explanation of A.
11. Here, F=12 kg wt = 72 x 9.8 N
17. Assertion is true. But the Reason is false. Infact,
a=1, m=96 kg limiting friction is greater than kinetic friction.
From F= m (g -a) 18. Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
72 x 9-8 = 96 (9.8 a) -
19. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. But
Reason is not a correct explanation of Assertion.
98-a= X9-8
=x98 20. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
a=98-x98=x98 =2-45 m/s2 Assertion-Reason Type Questions
12. When the elevator cable snaps suddenly, a = g.
21. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Apparent weight of person = m (g- a)
22. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
m (g- 8) = Zero. Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason
Paragraph Based Questions
Assertion and Reason are falsc. 30. Both, the Assertion
Both, the. and Reason are true.
Reason is correct explanation And
23. reason is false.
Assertion is true, but the of the Assertion.
24. Reason are true. And 31. Both, the Assertion and
the Assertion and Reason
25. Both.
cxplanation of the Assertion. Reason is correct explanation of are true. And
Reason is correct the Assertion.
and Keason are true, And 32. Both, the Assertion and Reason
Both. the Assertion are true. And
Reason is correct explanation of the
Reason is
correct explanation of the Assertion, Assertion.
Reason is false. 33. Both, the Assertion and Reason are
Assertion is true. But the true. And
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Assertion and Reason are true. And
28, Both. the
Reason is corect
explanation of the Assertion. 34. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
29 Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. And
of the Assertion. 35. Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
Reason is correct explanation
otea noens9.roiheaeA bru arnoltasuo 9oiori0 olqiliuM beasd riqogs109

6 lustborg 91. nslqatb ban 99101 (11)


Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the following paragraphs is followed 1. Which of the following statements is false ?
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most (a) Dimensional formula of work is [M'L'T-
appropriate answer out of the four options given in (6) SI unit of work is joule and cgs unit of work
each case: 1s erg
Paragraph I. Work is said to be done by a force, (c) 1 joule = 10' ergs
when the body is displaced actually through some (d) Work done by a force is cross-product of force
distance in the direction of the applied force. Work done
by the force is the product of component of force in the and displacement i.e. W=Fxs
direction of displacement and the magnitude of 2. Choose the wrong statement of the following
displacement. In the Fig. 6.1, (a) When a body falls freely, work done by gravity
is positive
(b) Work done by gravity on a body moving
upwards is negative
c) On holding a 100 kg mass steadily on his
shoulder for any length of time, the person
does no work
d) Work done by kinetic friction is always
3. From Fig. 6.2, find work done in moving an object
W Fxx s
(F cos 0)s = F: s from x = 2 m to x =3 m.
Dimensions of work are
W [MLT] xL= [ML? T-2 60N
SI unit of work is one joule and CGS unit of work 40N
is erg. F(N)
joule = 1 newton x 1 m
= 10 dynex 10 cm -
= 10 ergs
- X
Gravitational units of work are kg-metre and
x (m)
gram cm. 1 kg-m = 10 g-cm.
When <90°, cos 0is positive. Therefore, work FIGURE 6.2
done is positive. When 0> 90°, cos 0 is negative, work
done is negative.
(a) 50 J (b) 60 J
= (c) 80 J (d) 100 J
When 6= 90°, W Fs cos 90° = Zero.
4. Work done is zero, when
Work done by a variable force is numerically equal
displacement i) force acting on the body is zero
to the area under the force curve and the
axis. (i) displacement of the body in the direction of
force is zero
aratraph Based Mutiple Cholce Questlons and Assertion-Reason Questlons P33
displacement are perpendicular to Energy of a body is the capacity of the body to do
Cii) force and
eachother the work.
(iv) when the body is not in static or dynamic Like work, energy is a scalar quantity, having
equilibrium. magnitude only and no direction.
Choose the wrong statement out of the above. Units of energy are the same as the units of work.
(a) ) and (in (6) (i) and (it) Some practical units of energy are:
(c) Civ) (d) none ()1 erg= 1o7J
5. In which of the following cases, work done is not (i) 1 calorie = 4-2J
Zero ? (ii) 1
kWh = 3:6 x 10 JJ

() When we push hard against a wall (iv) 1

electron volt (eV) = 16x 1077 J
(in When a coolie carrying some load on his head (v) Megaelectron volt 1
MeV = 1-6x 10-13 J.
moves on a horizontal platform
6. Which of the following is a non-conservative
(ii) in the case of a block moving on a rough force ?
horizontal table
(a) Gravitational force
(iv) when a body tied to one end of string is rotated
(b) Force in elastic spring
uniformly in a circle
c)Electrostatic force between two charges
(a) (i) (b) (i)
(d) Viscous force.
(c) (i) () (iv)
7. Choose the wrong statement out of the following.
Paragraph i. A force is said to be conservative
() Air resistance is a non-conservative force
if work done by or against the force in moving a body
depends only on initial and final positions of the body i) Time has nothing to do with energy
and not on the nature of path followed between the (ii) 1 Mega electron volt 1-6x 10-15 J
initial and final positions. For example, force in an (iv) Dimensional formula of power is [ML-T-]
elastic spring, electrostatic force between two charges, (a) (iv) only (6) (i) only
magnetic force between two magnetic poles,
(c)(i) only (d) () only
gravitational force etc. are conservative forces.
8. For a given height, work done in moving a body
A force is said to be non-conservative if work done
over any smooth inclined plane of any inclination
by or against the force in moving a body from one
will be the same.
position to another, depends on actual path followed
between these positions. For example, force of friction,
(a) True always
viscous force, air resistance etc. are non-conservative (b) False always,
forces. (c) depends on several other factors
Power of a person or a machine is defined as the (d)cannotpredict
time rate at which work is done by it. 9. When a ball hits a bat, with a force F, the bat
exerts a force F2 on the ball equal in magnitude
PdFds=p.3 to F, but opposite in direction. Therefore
Power is a scalar quantity. F+F=0. The algebraic sum of work done on
Dimensions of power the ball and work done on the bat in this process
will be
P-MLT -=ML?T-3 (a) never zero (b) zero always
SI unit of power is watt (W), where (c)zero sometimes (d) cannot predict
1 watt = 1
joule/sec. 10. Out of the following units of energy, select the
1 kilowatt =10 watt largest one.
(a) electron volt (b) calorie
mega watt = 10° watt
horse power 746 watt. (c) erg (d) kilowatt hour
P/34 ntu0 rotitnolhote Pradeeps Fundamental Physics (XI) vOLI
Paragraph III. Kinetic energy is the energy
possessed by the body by virtue of its motion. If m is Potential energy of spring = W

mass of a body moving with velocityv, its KE = mv. Mechanical energy (E) of a body is the sum of
KE (K) and potential energy (V) of the body
SI unit of KE is joule.
i.e. E=K+VV
KE is a scalar quantity that depends on the frame
of reference. Total mechanical energy of a system is conserved
if the forces doing work on the system are conservative.
This is the principle of conservation of total mechanical
2 2m
2m energy.

According to work energy theorem or work energy If we account for all forms of energy, the total
energy of an isolated system does not change. This is
principle, work done by net force in displacing a body
the principle of conservation of energy.
is equal to change in KE of the body.
Einstein was the first to establish the equivalence
i.e. W= mu between mass (m) and energy (E) through the relation

1 1
2 2
where c is velocity of light in vacuum.
-2-mu The relativistic variation of mass with velocity (v)
is given by the relation

To cause the same change in K.E, smaller force

has to be applied through larger distance and vice-versa.
The potential energy of a body is defined as the
energy possessed by the body by virtue of its position
or configuration in some field.
- mo

11. Which of the following is a

(a) Potential energy
vector ?
(6) Kinetic energy
Gravitational P.E of a body is the energy C) Mechanical energy d) Force
possessed by the body by virtue of its position above 12. How is force constant (E) of a spring related to0
the surface of earth. length () ofthe spring?
Gravitational P.E =V =mgh| 1

Potential energy of a spring is the energy

(a) k l (6) k
associated with the state of compression or expansion
(c)k (d) k o 1/2
of an elastic spring. For a small stretch or compression
restoring force (-F) o«x (stretch or compression) 13. If the forces doing work on a system are
conservative, then what is conserved ?
or-F=kr (a) total mechanical energy
where k is called force constant of the spring. (6) potential energy
A spring with greaterforce constant (k) is said to
(c)kinetic energy
be stiffer, Fig. 6.3.
(d) none of the above
14. To cause the same change
in K.E., smaller force
has to be applied through
(a) smaller distance (b) larger distance
F oc: (c) same distance (d) none of the above
15. The energy equivalent
of an electron of rest mass
9-11 x 10-3 kg is
stretch or length of
compression (x)
(a) 512 kev (b) 512 Mev
(c)512 eVv (d) 931 MeV
Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions
Paragraph P/35

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

ollision is an isolated event in
colli We can show that
Paragraph IV. A
exert relatively
ore colliding bodies
eachother for a relatively short time.
forces on
between particles are of two types
Elastic collisions, After collision,
2. Inclastic
inwhich there is absolutely no loss
-m2)41 2mlt2
(a) A collision

In such collisions mtm2 m + m2

of KE is called an elastic collision.

Linear momentum is conserved

conserved and U2= 2m4 m2-m) 42
(i) Total energy is m +m2 +m
(i) K.E is conserved Inelastic collision in one dimension
() Forces involved during elastic collisions must
be conservative forces.
If the collision is perfectly inelastic
(b) A collision in which there occurs some loss off
KE is called an inelastic collision m4 +mal42 = (m1 + m) V
In inelastic collisions
V=l4 tm2u2
(i) Linear momentum is conserved
(i) Total energy is conserved
(Gi) KE is NOT conserved lfu = 0, V=-4
(v) Some or all the forces involved in an inelastic
collision may be non-conservative in nature. Loss of KE in such a collision = 2(m1 mmT
If the two bodies stick to eachother after colliding +m2)
and have no tendency to separate, the collision is said
For Question numbers 16 to 20, two statements are
given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
to be perfectly
Coetficient of restitution or Coeff. of resilience labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from
(e) of a
collision is the
codes (a), (6), («) and (d) as given below:
Telative vel. of separation after collision explanation
e= A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct
relative vel. of approach before collision
of A.
true, but R is not a correct
B. Both, A and R are
e2 explanation of A.
u2 false.
C. A is true, but R is
For perfectly elastic false.
collision, e = D. Both, A and R are
1 and
for perfectly
inelastic collision, e = 0 perfectly elastic collision,
16. Assertion. In a
For all othercollisions, restitution = 1
0 <e<l (a) Coefficient of equal
Elastic collision separation after collision is
in one dimension (b) Velocity of collision
m approach before
to velocity of
momentum is conserved.
(c) Linear K.E.
total energy and
Reason. n such collisions,
Collision both are conserved. (d) D
After Collision (c)C
(a)A (b) B
P/36 fope4 adeep's Fundamental Physics (X) vOL
19. Assertion. When a collision
occurs in a closed
17. Assertion. In a perfectly inelastie collisions.
() Coctticient of restiution is zero, isolated system, the linear momentum of each
colliding body may change, but the total linear
(b) Two bodies, afier eollision move as one,
momentum of the system remains constant
()There of linear momentum.
is no loss or gain whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.
Reason. In such collisions, total energy is Reason. This is because, in all collisions (elastic
conserved, but there is always some loss of or inelastic) linear momentum is conserved.
K.E B (c)C (d) D
(a) A
(a) A () B (c) C ()D
20. Assertion. In a perfectly elastic collision
in two
18. Assertion. The coefficient of restitution has no dimensions between two particles of same mass,
units and its value lies between 0 and 1. the two particles move along mutually
Reason. Coeff. of resilicnce perpendicular directions after the collision.
rel. vel. otfseparation after eollision Reason. This very conclusion holds even when
rel. vel. of approach before collision the collision is not perfectly elastic.

(a) A (b) B ()C (d) D (a) A (b) B (c)C (D

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

For question numbers 21 to 35, two statements are Reason. This is because string of simple
given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other pendulum is always perpendicular to the
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to displacement of the bob
these questions from the codes (a), (b), (e) and (d) as W Fs cos 90° = Zero.
given below (a) A (b) B (c)C (4) D
A. Both, A and R are true and R is correct explanation
24. Assertion. When a body is in static or dynamic
equilibrium, no work is done on/by the body.
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct
Reason. This is because in equilibrium, resultant
explanation of A.
force on the body is zero. Therefore.
C. A is true, but R is false.
W= Fs cos 6 Zero.
D. Both, A and R are false.
(a) A (b) B ()C ()D
21. Assertion. The force component perpendicular
to the objects' displacement does no work.
25. Assertion. When circular motion is not uniform
work done by the forces involved is zero.
Reason. W= F.s =Fscose Reason. In circular motion
When = 90°, cos 6 = cos 90° = 0 90, cos =cos 90° =
W=0 (a) A (b) B (c)C (D
(a) A (b) B c)C (d) D 26. Assertion. When a force F= (î + 2j-k)N
22. Assertion. Although work done is a scalar
quantity, its value may be positive, negative or moves a particle along a vector
even zero.
Reason. W =
P.s =Fscos Work done = - 1 J.
Depending upon 0, cos 6 may be t or zero.
Reason. W =Fi5 = ((+2j-k)-(4?+j+ 7k)
(a) A b) B ()C (d) D
23. Assertion. Work done by tension in the string of
=4+2-7 = - J 1

a simple pendulum is always zero. (a) A (6) B (c)C (d) D

d Multiple Cholce
M. Questions and Assertion-Reason Quostlons P/37
by a forc varying in 32. Assertion. A spring with greater force constant
Assertion. Work done
nugnitude and tion is area under force-
dircctio is said to be stiffer.
with proper sign.
displacement curve added
restoring force
=Fs cos6 Reason. Spring constant k =
Reason. W= F:s displacement

(b) B (c)C (d) D

() A When k is large, restoring force (= deforming
energy are taken
Assertion. When all forms of force) for particular displaccment is large
the law of conservation of energy is
into account, (h) B (c) C
and non-conservative (a) A
valid for both conservative
forces. 33. Assertion. The potential encrgy of a spring, whien
energy include even the stretched through a distance r is 50 1. Work done
Reason. All forms of
cncrgy losses. in stretching it further through the sane distance
(b) B (c)C (d) D is 150 J.
(a) A
29. Assertion. Energy and power represent the
thing. Reason. Pot. cnergy E=.
Reason. The two can be added and
d D
(b) B (c)C (d) D (a) A (b) B C
(a) A
30. Assertion. Kinetic energy of a body is never 34. Assertion. Elastic potential energy of spring
a is
ncgative. never negative, whether it is stretched
Reason. KE=mv=+, even when v is

Reason. Elastic P.E of a spring =

(b) B (c)C (d) D

(a) A (c)C (d) D
(a) A (b) B
is constant, the
31. Assertion. When KE of a body is heated from 0°C
variation of linear momentum (p) of the
body with 35. Assertion. If 2000 kg of water
increase in mass of
mass (m) is as shown in Fig. 6.5. to 100°C, the corresponding
water will be 9.3 x I0 kg.

constant Reason. AQ = c.m.AT

KE =

= Ix (2x 10 ) x 100

2x 10 cal.
m =2x 10 x 4:2J.
FIGURE 6.5 2x10x4.2
= constant
Reason. KE =
2m = 9.3 x 10" kg
p m
(a) A (b)B ()C
) B (c) C (d) D
(a) A

Choice Questions
Paragraph Based Multiple 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
3. () 4.() 5. (e) 6. () 7. (u)
1. (d) 2. (d)
12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (6) 15. (a)
11. (d)
P/38 roite9u0 rroesoA-noieeeA bPradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)VOLI

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

16. () 17. (a) 18. (a) 19.()20. () bne otöo noenH Ls notherdi itogse
Assertion-Reason Type Questions
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a)

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions 14. As KE = work done = force x distance
smaller force has to be applied through larger
1. Statement (d) is false, as W =F.S distance.
2. Statement (d) is wrong. Work done by kinetic 15. From E
mc= (9-11 x 10-3l) (3 x 1082 J
friction is not always negative. It may be positive = 9.11 x 10-155 J
in certain cases.
3. From the graph, Fig. 6.2, atx =2 m, F=40 N and 911x9x10-15
E= keV = 512 keV.
at x = 3 m, F= 60 N 16x10-6
Work done = area enclosed under the graph
Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions
= 50
(40+60) (3-2) J 16. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
4. Choice (c)is correct. Work done is zero when the
body is in static or dynamic equilibrium. 17. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
5. Choice (c) is correct, because in the case of a block
moving on a rough horizontal table, work done is 18. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. In
not zero. perfectly inelastic collision rel. vel. of separation
6. Viscous force is a non-conservative force.
after collision = 0, therefore, e = 0. And in a
perfectly elastic collision, rel. vel. of separation
7. Statement (iv) is wrong as
after collision is equal to relative velocity
P= [ML?T3 approach before collision. Therefore, e = 1.
8. The statement is true always. Further, e has no units being the ratio of two
9. Yes, the algebraic sum of the work done on the velocities.
ball and work done on the bat in this process is Thus Reason is correct explanation of the
never zero. Assertion.
10. Largest unit of energy is 19. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
kilowatt hour (= 3.6 x 10° J) Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
20. The Assertion is true. However, the Reason 15
11. Force is a vector.
12. As is known, k Assertion-Reason Type Questions
21. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
13. When forces doing work on a system are conser-
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
vative, total mechanical energy is conserved.
Based Muitiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions P/39
DoraGraph wwwww

29. Both, the Assertion and Reason are false.
22, Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of
the Assertion. 30. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
true, and Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
23. Both, the Assertion and Reason are
Assertion. 31. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and the
Reason is correct explanation of the
the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
24. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the
Assertion. 32. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and the
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
25. Both, the Assertion and Reason are false.
33. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. But the
26. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason does ot explain correctly the Assertion.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
34. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, but the
27. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason does not explain the Assertion correctly.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
35. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
28. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the following paragraphs is followed efmass lies closer to the heavier particle. In general,
by multiple choice questions. Choose the most the centre of mass divides internally the line joining
appropriate answer out of the four options given in the nwo particles in the inverse ratio of masses.
each case: For two particles of equal masses, centre of mass
Paragraph I. Centre ofmassof a body or a system lies exactly midway between them.
of bodies is a point at which the entire mass of the body/
For a system of n particles, the position vector
system of bodies is supposed to be concentrated. If all
the forces acting on the body/system of bodies were to R of centre of mass is
be applied at the centre of mass, the state of res/motion
of the body/system of bodies shall remain unaffected.
Note that centre of mass of a given system is only
defined mathematically for the sake of convenience. It R-i=n
is not at all necessary that the total mass of the system
be actually present at the centre of mass. For example,
centre of mass of a uniform circular ring is at the centre In general, the co-ordinates of centre of mass are
of the ring. where there is no mass.
If m, m2 are masses of two particles at position
vectors and respectively, then position vector R i=l
of their centre of mass is given by

R= +m22 Y mi Yi
(7 t+m2)
This equation shows that position vector of centre
of mass can be taken as weighted average of the position
vectors of the two particles.
If the centre of mass of the two particles of the
Z i=1

system were at the origin, i.e. R = 0, then

In general.
myn tmn=0
or=-R m2 If a body has a symmetrical
its centre of mass lies
shape, the position or
at the centre of symmetry or ou
If is negative, is positive. It means if m the axis of symmetry.
If a body has irregular shape or
lies on the left of the origin (c.m), then m2 will lie c non-uniform distribution
of mass, its centre of mas9
the right of the origin (c.m). Hence c.m of a system can be calculated using
integral calculus.
two particles lies always on the st. line joining these For all homogeneous
rigid bodies, the cenre o
particles. Further, if m > m2, then n< ie. centre mass coincides with
their geometrical centre.

agraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
and Assertion-Reason
We can show that total mass of a P/41
system of 5. The speed
particles, multiplied by acceleration of its centre of a motor increases from
of mass 600 rpm in 10 seconds. 300 rpm to
is equal to vector sum of all the
forces acting on the The angular acceleration
system of particles. of the motor is
1. Which of the following statements is (a) T rad/s2
true? b) 2T rads2
(a) Centre of mass of a body of any shape
is just c) 3 T
the centre of the body. rad2 (d)rad/s2
(6) Centre of mass of a body is a Paragraph I1. Torque due a
point where the to force is the moment
whole of mass of the body lies. of the force about a fixed
point. It gives us the turning
(c) Centre of mass of a system is effect of the force about
defined only the fixed point/axis.
mathematically. It is not at all necessary Torque = magnitude
that of force x perpendicular
any mass of the system be actually distance of the line
present at of action of force from the axis
that point rotation. of
(d) None of the above
T=TXF =rFsinOn
2. If and 2 are the position vectors
of two
particles of masses m and m> where
respectively, the is smaller angle between
r and F, and
position vector r of their centre
of mass is n is unit vector along
(a) 1 tm22 (6) m The direction of t is perpendicular to the plane
tm2 m+ m2 containingr and F, and is determined by right hand
"1*m22 screw rule or right hand thumb rule.

(c) The SI unit of

m-m2 torque is N-m, which is equivalent to
mm2 dimensions of torque are [M'L-T*].
joule. The
3. Which of the following statements
is false ?
(a) The c.m of two particles lies always on the In cartesian co-ordinates,
line joining these particles.
(6) The c.m of two particles is always
T =xFy-yF)
closer to In polar co-ordinates
the heavier particle.
(c) The c.m of two particles divides internally the TrF sin
line joining the two particles in the inverse
ratio of their masses.
d) The c.m of a rigid body of any shape and size
coincides with its geometrical centre always.
4. Read the following statements
() The position of c.m of a system is independent
of the choice of co-ordinate system.
(i) The centre of mass changes its position only
under translatory motion.
(in) There is no effect of rotatory motion on centre
of mass of a body. N
(iv) The centre of mass of a uniform circular ring
of radiusr has co-ordinates where is the angle which the line of action of
cm0, Ycm F makes with the position vector OP = r, Fig. 7.1.
31t Hence torque due to a force is the product of force and
Which of the statements are false
perpendiclar distance of the line of action of force from
(a) (i) and () (b) (i) and (i) the axis of rotation.
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) only (iv)
P/42 Pradeep Fundamental Physics (XI) VOLI
Power associated with torque is given by the
product of torque and angular speed of the body about
(c)(i+2j-3Å) (d)-i-2/+3k)
8. With usual meaning of the symbols, choose
the axis of rotation. the

In linear motion, P = Fxv statement which is not correct.

In rotational motion, P=tx 0 (a) L= Fx P (6) T= TxF
Angular momentum of a body about a given axis
is the moment of linear momentum of the body about
that axis. It is represented by L, where
()d d)T=P
9. To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of
L xpy-yPx 200 rad/s, an engine has to transmit a torque of
Thus angular momentum of a body about a given 180 N-m. What is the power of the engine
axis is the product of linear momentum and required ?
perpendicular distance of the line of action of linear (a) 18 kW (b) 36 kWN
momentum vector from the axis of rotation. (c) 45 kW (d) 60 kW
L =p )=rPD 10. Choose the correct dimensions of torque, divided
SI unit of angular momentum is kg ms andits by angular momentum
dimensional formula is [M' L2 T]. (a) [M® L0 T-'] (b) [M L0T')
We can show that angular momentum of a particle ([M°L2 T-j (d)[M2LOT2
about a given axis is twice the product of mass of Paragraph III. For mechanical equilibrium of a
particle and areal velocity of position vector of the rigid body, two conditions need to be satisfied.
particle. This is the geometrical meaning of angular (a) A rigid body is said to be in translational
equilibrium, if it remains at rest or moving with a
d constant velocity in a particular direction. For this, the
ILI= 2m net external force or the vector sum of all the external
forces acting on the body must be zero.
Relation between torque and angular mometum
1s F-0 or F-2F=0
dt For static equilibriumn, linear momentum p of
the body must be zero. When the body is in uniform
6. Read the following statements and choose the motion, equilibrium is said to be dynamic equilibrium.
false one.
(b) A rigid body is said to be in rotational
(a) Angular momentum is rotational analogueof equilibriunm if the body does not rotate or the body
linear momentum rotates with constant angular velocity.
(b) Torque is rotational analogue of force
For this, the net external torque or the vector sum
of all the torques acting on the body, about a fixed point
() tcorespondsto F= must be zero.
dt dt
A pair of equal and opposite forces with different
d) L=2m do lines of action are said to form a couple. A couple
produces rotation without translation.
where symbols have usual meanings. According to principle of moments, a body will
be rotational equilibrium if algebraic sum of moments
7. A force F=(5i-2j+3k) acts on a particle of all forces acting on the body, about a fixed point is

(i - j+k).
whose position vector is The torque
Corresponding to three equations of linear motion.
of this force is we have three equations of rotational motion:

(a) -i+2j+3k) 6)-2j-3k) () 0 = o

raph Based
Based Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason Questions
Paragraph P/43
(d) A pair of equal and opposite forces with one
line of action form a couple.
13. A flywheel rotating at a speed of 600 rpm about

Gii) o-w =2«0 its axis is brought to rest by applying a constant

torque for 10 seconds. Find the angular velocity
The symbols used have standard
meaning. 5 seconds after the application of torque.

11. Read the following statements and choose the (a) 10 t rad/s
incorrect one. (b) 5 T rad/s
(a) A pair of equal and opposite forces with (c) 10 rad/s
different lines of action are said to form a
(d) 5 rad/s
14. The spin drier of a washing machine revolving at
(b) The effect of couple is to produce rotation 15 rps slows down to 5 rps, while making 50
without translation.
revolutions. What is the angular acceleration of
(c) The couple produces translation without the drier?
rotation. (a) Tt rad/s2

(d) None of the above.

(6)-2 T rad/s2
12. Choose the wrong statement out of the following: (c)-4 T rad/s2
(a) For static equilibrium, linear momentum p (d) 4 t rad/s2

of the body must be zero. 15. Rate of change of angular momentum represents

(b) For dynamic equilibrium, the body must be in (a) force

uniform motion. (b) torque
(c) For rotational equilibrium, net external torque (c) linear momentum
on the body must be zero. (d) KE of rotation

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

IV. A quantity that measures the Moment of inertia plays the same role in rotational
motion as mass (m) plays in linear motion.
inertia of rotational motion of the body is called
rotational inertia or moment of inertia of the body. Moment of inertia of a body can be regarded as a
Kinetic energy of rotation of a body is the energy measure of rotational inertia of the body.
possessed by the body on account of its rotation about Radius of 8yration (K) of a body about a
the constituent
a given axis. axis = root mean square distance of
particles of the body from the given axis of
K.E. ofrotation =Io
K-+ and size of
moment of inertia of the Value of K depends upon (i) shape
where I=mis body
axis of rotation
body about the given axis of rotation. It is equal to the (i) position and configuration of
body w.r.t. the axis
Sum of products of masses of all the particles of the (ii) distribution of mass of the
body and the square of their respective perpendicular of rotation.
distances from the axis of rotation. We can prove that
Units of moment of inertia are kg-m and its corresponding to | F=ma
dimensional formula is [M L2T°j (0t=la
af oitsesA Pradeep' Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

A. Both, A and R are true and Ris correct explanation

(2 lo omsponding to |p = mv of A.
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not a correct
dl. explanation of A.
(int cormesponding to e9 belldu
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. Both, A and R are false.7Tterfoibsp a
Acconding to the principle of conservation of 16. Assertion. Moment of inertia of a body is
anguiar neamenum. when no external torque acts on a rotational inertia of the body.
system of particles. then the total angular momentum
Reason. Moment of inertia of a body is same as
of the system enains always a constant.
kinetic energy of rotation of the body.
(b) B (c)C (d) D
When aveal = 0, Z+lo+Lat... L,n = constant. (a) A
17. Assertion. Moment of inertia plays the same role
This corresponds to the principle of conservation
in rotational motion as mass plays in linear
of linear momentum.
Reason. SI unit of moment of inertia is kg m2.
(a) A (6) B (c)C (d) D
18. Assertion. Value of radius of gyration of a body
depends upon
O () shape and size of the body,
(it) position and configuration of axis of rotation,

- (iil) distribution of mss of body w.r.t. the axis of

Reason. Radius of gyration is measured in meters.
(a) () (a)A (b)B ()C d)D
19. Assertion. The rotational analogue of famous

Aconiing to theorem of parallel axes. Fig. 7.2a). relation F is T= where symbols have
LAB+ their usual meaning.
Acconding to theorem of perpendicular axes. Fig. Reason. Rotational analogue of force is torque,
7.2(b). and rotational analogue of linear momentum is
angular momentum.
We can show that (a) A b) B (c)C (d) D
)Moment of inertia of a thin circular ring about 20. Assertion. A disc of moment of inertia / is
an axis passing through its centre (O) and L to plane of rotating freely with angular velocity w. When
nng is I= MR2 another non-rotating dise of moment of inertia
is dropped on it. The two discs then rotate as one
(i) Moment of inertia of uniform circular disc 1.10es
about an axis passing through its centre and L to plane with angular velocity =0 rt1
ofdisc is 1=#MR Reason. =Li
For Question numbers 16
to 20, two statements are ( +12) =1o itoilT9ee
(A) and the other
given. one labelled Assertion
labelled Reason (R). 02
to these questions from the
Select the correct answer (a) A (b) B (c) C 93 (d) D
codes (a), (b),(c) and (d) as given below:
Daragraph Based Mutiple cholce
Questions and Assertlon-Reason Questlons P/45

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

21 to 35, two statements are (a) A
For question numbers (b) B (c)C (d)D
(A) and the other
given, one labelled Assertion 26. Assertion. In pure translation, all particles of the
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to body have the same linear velocity at any instant
these questions from the codes
(a), (6), (c) and (d) as of time.
given below: Reason. In pure rotation, all particles of the body
A. Both, A and R are true, and R is correct have the same angular velocity at any instant of
explanation of A.
B. Both, A and R are true, but R is not the correct (a) A (b) B ()C (d)D
explanation of A.
27. Assertion. In rotational motion, it is not the force
C. A is true, but R is false.
alone, which is important. But how and where
D. A is false, and R is also false. the force is applied is important.
21. Assertion. Though centre of mass is just a Reason. In rotational motion, we deal with
geometrical point, yet it has a position, velocity torques and moments of forces.
and an acceleration, as if it were a particle.
(a) A (b)B (c)C (d)D
Reason. This has been adopted for the sake of
28. Assertion. To unscrew a nut fitted tightly, to a
bolt, we need a wrench with a long arm.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d) D
Reason. When length of arm (r) is long, force
22. Assertion. In reality, there may be no mass at the
required to produce a given turning effect is
centre of mass of certain bodies.
smaller (t = rF sin )
Reason. The centre of mass has been defined only
(a) A B (c)C (d)D
mathematically for the sake of convenience.
29. Assertion. In the world of pure rotation, a vector
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D defines an axis of rotation and not the direction
23. Assertion. Centre of mass of two particles in which something moves.
equal masses lies exactly midway between them.
Reason. This is customary.
*m2 2 (a) A (b) B (c)C
Reason. From r=j (d) D
m+m 30. Assertion. To maintain a rotor
at a uniform
angular speed of 150 s,
an engine requires to
When m
transmit a torque of 180 N-m. Power of the engine
=m,; r=T2 required is 27 kW.
(a) A (b) B Reason. P t0= 180x 150 27000W = 27 kW
C (d) D
24. Assertion. The (a) A (6) B
centre of mass of a uniform (c)C (d) D
triangular lamina is at the centroid of the triangle, 31. Assertion. An electron of mass 9 10-31
which is the point of intersection
x kg
of the three revolves in a circle of radius 0-53 Å around the
medians of the triangle. nucleus of a hydrogen atom with a velocity
Reason. For a uniform triangular 2-2x 10 m/s. The angular momentum ofelectron
lamina, centroid
is the geometrical is h/2 Tt, where h is Planck's constant.
centre of the lamina. For
homogeneous rigid bodies, Reason. Angular momentum, L= mrv
coincides with the geometrical
centre of mass
centre. = (9x 10sl) x 0-53 x 10-10
(a) A x 2:-2 x 10
(6) B c)C = 1-05 x 10-34 J-s.
25. Assertion.
The position of centre of mass is
independent of
the choice of co-ordinate system. h 6-6x10-34
Reason. Position Also, = 1-05x 1034 J-s
of centre of mass of a body
changes in translatory
2T 22
unchanged in motion, but it remains
rotatory motion.
(a) A (b) B (C (dD
P/46 tioeoH-iroi19Peh Pradeep's Fundamental Physics (XD VOLI

32. Assertion. The principle of moments is true even 34. Assertion. Jerky motion of a vehicle can be
when forces Fj and F2 act at some angle to the reduced by attaching a flywheel with its engine.
lever rod. The forces need not only be Reason. Moment of inertia of flywheel is large.
perpendicular to the rod.
It opposes the sudden increase or decrease in the
Reason. The principle of moments is applicable speed of the vehicle.
(a)A (b) B (c)C (d)D
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D
35. Assertion. Plane of the orbit of a planet can never
33. Assertion. Moment of inertia is rotational
change on its own.
analogue of mass in linear motion.
Reason. In the absence of an external torque,
Reason. Moment of inertia plays the same role
in rotational motion as mass plays in linear
angular momentum vector remains constant in
motion. magnitude and direction.
(a) A (b) B (c)C (d)D (a) A (b)B (c)C (d)D

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4.(d) 5. () 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. () 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b)

Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason Questions

16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (6) 19. (a) 20. (a)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

21. (a) 22. (a) 23.( 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (6) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. ()
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. () 35. (a)

Paragraph Based Multiple Choice Questions
Angular acc. o
2 27t(2-)
1. The only true statement is (c) ie. centre of mass
of a system is defined only mathematically. It is
not at all necessary that any mass of the system 2 1 (10-5)
be actually present at that point. 10

tmm Tt rad/s2
2. =j m+m2
6. The only false statement is (d). Infact,

(d). For a rigid body

3. The only false statement is L=2m A
mass does not
of any shape and size, centre of dt
coincide always with its geometrical
statement is (iv). Choice () is dA
4. The only false where represents areal velocity.
correct. dt

5. Here, nj
= 300 rpm 3005
rps 7. F=5i-2j+3k
= =
10 rps, = 10 s 7=6-j+k)
n = 600 rpm 60
Multiple Choice Questions and Assertion-Reason
Paragraph Based Questions
PLANATIONS 14. Here, n = 15 rps,
n2 = 5 rps
50x 2Tradians, u,= ?
From 200 =05-of= (2
n,j- (21n'
-+kxsi-2/+38) x
2 o.x 50 2T= (2
7x 5 (2 1 -
200 Tt o = 200x 4
-1 1 -200x 412
-2 3 200T -4 T rad/s

15. Rate of change of angular

momentum represents
=î(-3+2)-i3-5) +k(-2+5) torque.

(-i+2+3) Paragraph Based Assertion-Reason

= estions
16. Assertion is true, but the Reason is
dp = F 17. Both, Assertion and Reason aretrue,
is not correct ButR is not
is the correct a correct explanatíon of the Assertion,
dt dt
relation. 18. Both, Assertion and Reason are true. But R is
9, Here, 0= = a correct explanation of the Assertion.
200 rad/s. T 180 Nm, P = ?
19. Both, Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
P T0 = 180 x 200
is correct explanation of the Assertion.
36000 watt 20. Both, Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
36 kW is correct explanation of the Assertion.

Angular momentum
Assertion-Reason Type Questions
21. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
11. Statement (c) is incorrect. A couple produces
rotation and not translation. 22. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
12. Statement (d) is wrong. A pair of equal and
23. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
opposite forces with different lines of action form
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
a couple.
24. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
600 Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
13. Here, n = 600 rpm rps = 10 rps
60 25. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. But
Reason is not a correct explanation of the
From ,
n= 0,t = 10 sec.
=® +
26. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true. But
02 TTn +0x 10 Reason is not a correct explanation of the
0=2Tx 10+10 a
27. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
-21tx10--2 Trad/s Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
10 and
28. Both, the Assertion and Reason arc true,
Again, from =@ +C Reason is correct explanation of the
does not
0=2 T x 10-2 7x5 29. The Assertion is true. The Reason
T rad/s account for the Assertion, correctly.
... Pradeep 's Fundamental Physics (XI)vo
wwwwww.. *

th, the Assertion and Reason are
true, and 33. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
n is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion
31. Both, the Assertion and
Reason are true, and 34. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct.explanation
of the Assertion. Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion,
32. Both, the Assertion and
Reason are true, and 35. Both, the Assertion and Reason are true, and
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
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