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Sarah A. Abdussalam

Professor Nawal Morsi

Eng 4115

18 November 2013

Interpretation of the symbolism in ”The Second Coming” as a decolonial poem
The conflict between Britain and Ireland was on many levels, but mainly religion, land, and

identity. The Irish were degraded because they are Catholics while the British are Protestants, their

land was occupied, and their identity was demolished. William Butler Yeats is an Anglo-Irish and a

modernist. His main mission was to end the British colonisation over Ireland, and he heavily used

symbolism to address this issue. This reading of “The Second Coming” will depict how Yeats

prophecies the decolonisation of Ireland. The poem sums up the time in which it was written, that

is, the aftermath of WWI and the Russian revolution and on the eve of the Anglo-Irish War in which

the Irish fought for independence.


The first symbol is the gyre which is a pair of cones, the narrow end of each cone being the

centre of the broad end of the other. Technically, it stands from the alternation between two

historical cycles: the world's gyre is shifted by a revelation every two thousand years. The results

are evident in the upheaval caused by Christ's teaching, an upheaval two thousand years before that,

and the frightening wars of Yeats' time. Those violent years coincide with the birth if an Irish

Identity. “The men of 1916 had offered their deaths to history. In doing so, they had broken the

cycle of eternal recurrence. Their consciousness of themselves became the consciousness of the

race” (Celtic Revival by Seamus Deane). Therefore, “the widening gyre” that is getting weaker and

weaker symbolises the British colonialism.


Furthermore, “The falcon,” symbolising the Irish nation is breaking away from the falconer, the

British domination, and is no longer controlled by it. Other birds are mentioned in the second part

of the poem, too. They are described as having “reel shadows.” And the word “reel” is a name of an

Irish folklore dance. Mentioning names from the Irish culture serves as a decolonial characteristic.

“Yeats remembers in his poetic style, as in his performative chanting, that “Ireland has a still living

folk tradition,” in contrast to what he thought of as the writtenness of England’s “impersonal

philosophical poetry.” (The Hybrid Muse: Postcolonial Poetry in English by Jahan Ramazani)


“Things fall apart;” the situation is uncontrollable. “The centre cannot hold;” the unity of the

colonisers broke in the aftermath of the moral decay. Consequently, “mere anarchy is loosed upon

the world.” There was a series of earth-shaking events, Dublin was witnessing a lot of rallies,

people were dying on the streets, and there was a lot of arrests and imprisonments. “The blood-

dimmed tide is loosed,” the rebellion revealed the worst in in the humans. It is an ugly picture

showing utter violence and cruelty. “The ceremony of innocence is drowned;” this shift in the cycle

shocked the people who are not used to this brutality. Whereas, “the best” people lack the ability to

make a difference. This is the climax of the upward spiralling motion and the inevitable birth of the

rough beast as “its hour comes” is the beginning of a new era.


According to Donald Davie, the Sphinx is given monstrous features because it is a part of

the traumatic transition which is the revelation, not because it is evil in itself: “the poem says...that

when the superhuman invades the human realm all that the human can say of it is that it is non-

human: there can be no discriminating at such a time between subhuman and superhuman, between

bestial and divine” (A contributor in An Honoured Guest: New Essays on W.B. Yeats by Denis
Donoghue and J.R. Mulryne). The Sphinx might symbolise two things: first, it is combination of a

human head; intellectuals, and an animal body; intensified mob. United they lead a revolution to

replace the older systemic this spiralling motion, Christianity. The other reading of this symbol is

that is it might refer to the Egyptian Civilisation which is one of the oldest civilisations in the world.

And it was not merely based on race nor religion, rather the Egyptians had a national identity, they

had a map, a system, and a culture of their own. Therefore, the Sphinx may refer to Yeats’s

futuristic vision and hope for the Irish people to have their independent national identity. Also as

opposed to Christ who in this case represents the old world order; or colonisation.


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