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Tense Forms & ‘Identily the tenses, then maich them with the correct description. 1 They are getting marnec this summer. @ fixed attangements i the near future 2 The robber waves his gun and everyone gets personal expariences/changes that have hapgened down on the floor. © actions taking place at or around the moment. 2 Tho sun tises in tho east and sets in the ‘of speaking; temporary situations west. actions started at a stated time in the past 4 The course starts on! 10th October and continuing up to the present 5 Claro is looking for a new fiat reviews!sports commentaries/dramatic nauratives 6 We've been sharing a tat for years. permanent situations or states 7 & a They employ staff trom all over the worid. permanent truths or laws of nature Paula has become more independent since emphasis on duration of an action that began: starting university. in the past and continues up to the present 8 The child has been missing since last night —_|__tmetables/programmes future meaning) so+0 fa 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 & Identity the tenses, then match them with the correct description. 1. Bill always stops to buy milk ons way to @_ past actons of certan curanon naving visible work. resus/etfects in the present : 2. The new serial is growing in popularity changing or developing situations 3 There goes the last dus! © recently completed actions: 4 Scientists have just discovered a way to d_ axclamatory sentences prevent memory loss. ® frequently repeated actions with “always” 8 Andrea has phoned me every day this week expressing the speaker's annoyance or crticisi 6 Laura is always eriticising my appearance actions which happened at an unstated past 7 | fee exhausted as | have been working on time and are connected to the present ‘my assignment all night. @ emphasis on number, frequency Piling 8 He's been asking to borrow money again. hy repeated/nabitual actions 9 The Kellys have moved to Manchester. 1 expressing anger, iitation, annoyance or pe criticism Tih 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 racing & Fut the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Mr-and Mrs Williams, 11) weiting... (write) to thank you for coming to our wedding last mionth. ! hope you enjoued yourselves. Sheita and | 2) sosues Gustireturn) from our honeymoon in Kenya and ae -- howilook forward to) starting our new life together. We 4) Gustimove) into our new house and Since our honeymoon we 5) ... . (pend) all our free time decorating. The house 6)... {actually/begir) to fee! like home now and we?) (gracually/sette) into a routine. We 8)... (have) breakfast together in the morning, but then we 9 sewn sn (notisee) each other until late fa he rea wer yn te ~ (Get) home from work. | hope both of you. Pi. - (be) well since we (ast saw you No par oto edieed, 019 arses in ay jms. electronic 9g of ofnennoe pernsson ofthe Love, David and Sheila Ce Tense Forms .. Biv vis eerete permanent aa ter thn an econ ard do not ve conti ome, ‘These are: verbs of the senses (used to express involuntary actions): fool, hear, sce, smell, as ete, / see someone standing at the front door. Verbs of feelings and emotions : adore, detest, ; lke, enjoy, forgive, hate, like ete. She realy enjoys cooking for hor fiends. Verbs of opinion : agree, 4g | believe, suppose, understand etc. | dan't believe ne’s coming. Other verbs : appear ( coor), E belong, concetn, contain, depend, fit (= be the rignt shape and size for sth), have (= possess), know, mean, owe, own, possess, need, prefer, require, want, weigh, wish, keep (— continue), seem etc. This skit fits you wel Note: Feel and hurt can be used In continuous or simple forms. Ann is feeling/feels ted. Listen, i 0K and watch express deliberate actions and can be Used in continuous forms. They are looking at es some pictures. : es Some stative verbs (be, love, see, smell, taste, think etc) have continuous forms but there is@_p difference in meaning. B | al ~ 4 ee 28 I'see exactly what you mean. (=| understand) @ ‘She Is seeing a lavyer tonight. (= She's meeting) 3 Peter thinks he knows everything. (= He believes) @ He is thinking of studying Law. (= Kelscorsiderng) 4S They have a vila in Portugal. (= They own) © He is having probloms, (= He is excerieneng) 5.N ‘Ababy’s skin feels very smooth. (= thas. © He is feeling the engine to see how ht ts. smooth taxture) = He's touching) ‘This soup tastes of garlic (=itnas the asteofgarle)_@ Why are you tasting the curry? (= Wy are you Sine testing the nayour?) Ea ‘The room smells of fresh flowers, (= Itrashe _@ Why are you smelling thet meat? (= Way are you sinell op checking its smell) Most people love/enjoy eeting out. (= Theylike in. @ She is loving/is enjoying every minute of her © F ‘genera holiday. (= She likes soectcall Peter is a difficult person to get on with. (Hs @ Jane is being particularly generous this weok, Anima charactoris dificut) = She is behaving generousiy sir He looks as he's going to faint. (= He appears) @ They are looking at the photos. (= Theyaeviewing) that a The patient appears to be recovering, (= 2 © ‘Simply Red are appearing on stage next week, a long seems to ba) They are giving @ performance) chang Sam now weighs more than his father (=His __@ The doctor is weighing the baby, (= she s helps | wight is more) finding out its weigh) therap My uniform doesnt fit me. (= itisy’ he ight size) @ We are fiting a new kitchen next week (= instalina) be «ice been ¢ lve lor Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous. A: | seeing... (see) an old friend tonight Bt {s2e) - so you won't be able to meet me after work, will you? A: Why (you/smell) the milk? Bit (smell) a bit strange. | think it might have gone oft A (youlenjoy) reading Jane Austen's noveis? B: Not usually, but | - (enjoy) this particular one. A: Why Wohn/be) so bad tempered today? 2. Lo B: | don't know. He (be) usually 60 easy to get on with, (g A: Carol and | hink) of getting married. B: (you'think) that's a good idea” You haven't known each other for very long, A (yourhave) the phone number of a good business consultant? 3 Me B: Why? (youynave) problems at work? A (the singer/appear) tonight? to B Unfortunately not. She (appear) to have lost her voice, (ne . . Tense Forms BAD Why (youtaste) the baby's drink? Be, Wenn (laste) @ lve bitter. | think Il] add some more suger. 9 A: Ihaar the Forde pees (look) for a bigger house. B: Yes, it (look) as if they are going to move. 10 A: How much _ [the parcel/weigh)? B: I'm not sure. The assistant»... (woigh) it at tho moment. 6 Fill in “hasjhave been tofin", “has/have gone to”. 1 HOWIONG sniennnnnnnneA AS. she POC Kiheensssessneesnn YOU? 2 Sheila Brussels twice this year. 3 MUM -» he supermarket. She'll be back in about an nour. 4 Sam isn't in the office, He snr ..@ meeting. 8 MrSmith Paris for nearly three years. Since expresses a starting point. She's been working here since November. For expresses the duration of an action. They've been in Hawall for (wo weeks. u ie Fill in “since” or “for”. ek, Animals have been @ source of help and comfort to humans 1) since... history began, and we have known 2) wv» YOS Bae eving) that animals make people gentler and more relaxed. 3) stwook. a long time the question has been exactly how animals can change people. Some researchers believe that siroking a pot helps to relieve anxiety and tension and, 4)...... the 1960's. therapists have believed that animals’ remarkable powers can be used to heal our bodies and minds. This belief has actually been confitmed 8) ..... the discovery that seriousiy ill people lve longer if they have a pet to care for. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present forms. wil you? 1. George Smith ...hae been training... train) tor this match for months. He (practise) at ro rik? least four hours a day for the last two weeks and he sous (809) At NOW HE re snnonnn: FON) ye gone oft. confident. However, he (face) a difficult opponent tonight. Palmer (win) ns roves? several games recently, AA NE sr cnn ((o0%) determined to win this one too. The cular ono. match (66) about to sian. s0 let's watch and see what snes: (MAPPEN) yectoday? Louisa usually (g0) to work by tube, but todlay she et on wih, ina chauffeur-driven limousine. The reason for this se (08) that she ng marti. z ((ust/win) tho young business person award, and as part of the prize people eo (treat) her like royalty ensutant? 3 Mary sews (dye) her hal for years, She ....... (Go) to the hairdresser once a week and at work) (try) every colour you can imagine, She (cay) sho . -- (want) tonight? to maten her hair with ner clothes, | (ask) ner for ages why she Be isice jpotksep) hee nablial cowl but he an abe! (Giga) whats! 4 Tense Forms . 4 A: Excuse mo, | vos (7) 1 pay ior this shi for ten rrinutes, Nobady p (seem) to want to serve me | - ty) eomlaning But MoBOGY een eM. A its the worst service | leverlexperience). Something ought io be dene! z B: | agree sir but | (natwark) here. moment. | enclose references/former employer and CV. | trust you give/application{serious consider- | of French, | workJassistant French teacher/two years/school cutside London. | be unemployed/at the | | ation. | lock forward/hear you/earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, 8) Make all the necessary changes and additions to make a complete letter. Dear Sirs, | write/apply/position of French teacher/advertised /The European. academic qualifications include! degree in French/Oxford University. | spend several years/Paris/have excellent practical knowledge ee ee Dear Sirs, I'm writing to apply ... a co ne st GQ entity the tenses, then match them with the correct description. ‘ 0 a 1 \had read most of his novels by the end of —__@_ action in the middle of happening at a stated the holicay past time or 2. | was enjoying myseltat the pary while Tim complete action or event which happened at to was babysitting at home. 2 stated past time 3 We got up at half past six this morning past actions whieh happened one immediately 4 They were stil considering his proposal after another P that evening, past action in progress interrupted by 5 Sho jogged five miles every day when she was another past action ennstc young, € action continuing over a period up toa 2) 5 Sho had a shower, got dressed quickly and specific time in the past he 3) left for the airport 1 complete past action which had visible severe 7 Reporte’s had been telephoning all results in the past Portug morning, g past action which occurred before another Porlig 8 Acrowd of tourists were waiting outside the action or betore a siaied time andne hotel when the bomb exploded. h past habit or state Felina’ 9 Ho made his last fim in Poland i. Past Perfact Continuous as the past They 40. She had been going out with Tony tor the equivalent of the Present Perfect Continuous (de). years before she decided to marry him J. action not connected to the present which Colum 41. She was upset because she had just heard happened at a definte past time not world the news mentioned Queen 42 The police officer changed her phone k Past Perfect as the past equivalent ofthe _voyag number because she had been receiving Prasent Periect 1482, anonymous calls for several weeks 1 two or more simultaneous past actions and th 49. The dancer had awoys dreamed 1m past action of certain duration which hac (have) of becoming successtul visible results in the past the “Ne 19) 4g Bow Ban Bae Bene Boe Toe Bae Sane We MAR 18, anim ps fisten) be done! s include! wledge ce the Fconsider- sla stated ppened at rnedately by toa ile another : tinuous ‘wich the ns 1 had B .. Tense Forms © Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms, then match the tenses with the correct description. “% When she 1) ..was.. (be) only fifteen Helen 2) (leave) school without any qualifications. Nevertheless, she 3) (02) very ambitious and 4) (want) to work in the fashion industry. Luckily she 5) find) 2 job immediately as an assistant in a small fashion company. While she 6) (work) there she 7) (decide) to go to evening classes to get a qualification in business studies, ‘Once she 8) (successfullyjcomplete) the course she 9) (Ge/prometed) to the position of assistant manager. After she 10) (do) that job for some years sho 11) (want) a change. She 12) think) of moving to London for some time, so she 13) (eppiy) for a job which she 14) (see) advertised in a fashion magazine. Helen 18) (get) a job as the manager of a small but prestigious fashion company in central London, She 16) {achieve} her ambition of becoming a successful businesswoman at last complete past actions netcon- ag complete acton or event which nected to the present with a happened at a stated past time stated or implied time reference past action which occurred before action in the middle of happening anther action or before a stated ata stated past time past time action continuing over a period up {tho Past Porfoct as the past to.a specttic time in the past equivalent of the Present Perfect Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms. Christopher Columbus 1) (work) as a woollen clath weaver wit'1his father before he 3) (begin) his nautical carcer at the age of 22. After sevetal merchant voyages he 4) (settle) in Lisbon, Portugal in 1478. By this t me he 5) (teach) himsetf Portuguese and Latin and 6) (reac) many geographical and navigational books. in 1481 he 7) (marry) Folioa Perestrolio. They 8) (have) ono son, Diego. They9) (beimarriec) for wo years when his wife 10) (Gie). Ai tis time he 11) (wo1k) for John of Portugal. Columbus 12) : (always/wish) to sail around the wold westward but John would t agree. Finally King Fercinand and Queen Isabella of Spain 13) (decide) to finance the voyage. Ho 14) 1492. There 15) and the Santa Maria and a crew of 90 men. They 16) (rave) many false alarms before they finally 17) (spo!) the “New World” at 02.00 on Friday the 12th of October, 1482, Columbus (make) another three voyages after this. He 19) (retire) to Valladolid 12 years alter his first voyage and in 1517 he 20) was born... (belborn) in Italy in 1451. He “(Got off for the frst time in April (be) three shigs: the Nina, the Pinta »» (dig) there, Tense Forms . Prat the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Continuous. © Used to. and porn verbs aré ‘A fow years ago a iriand of mine, Tom, 1) ..wae travelling... (ravel\ in Java. One day he 2) (decide) to visit an ancient ternple The walls vere covered in oeautitl old paintings of mysterious-looking faces, While he 3) (walk) around the temple, he Would 4) (fee) a7 inexpicable desire to remove one particular ce face which seemed to be staring at him. Nervously, chocking to see that no one §) look), he 6) (peel) the ‘aoe trom the wall and 7) (put i caretuly in his bag, Tor 6) «thinly no: more about the incident until two years later A thal time he 9) {lve) n London and 40) (Work) ina shop seling old books and manuscripts Was gol One day an extromoly old man 11) the door. Tom could harcity see him but he 12) the man’s piercing black eyes. He 13) fixing him with his gaze, saying nothing. As the man 14) (have) an awful, terrifying feeling (stare) at nim, Tom 15) (walk) slowly through (notice) (stare) at Tom, of shame and fear. Suddenly, the man was gone. When Tom got home that evening he 16) (search) frantically through all hs things until he 17) (ling) the face from the temple. It was the face of the old man from the shop! He 18) so (know) then that he had to return the picture to the temple, or something terrible would happen. © She has come. (unstated ime: we con't know when she caine) © He has been in hospital for two months. (he's stil In hosptel - ection connected to the present) © He's been out twice this week. (t's stil the same ‘week- action connected to the presen) © I've seen Jessica Lange. (action connected 10 the present - she's sil alive) © The Prime Minister has decided to o'ssolve Parliament. (ennouncing news) Fill in with Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1 The president 1) unemployment. The problem 2) president 3) ... ‘© Se came last Friday. (steted time - Wher? Last Friday.) ‘@ He was in hospital for ane week. (he isn't in hospta any more - action not connected to the present) ‘@ Ho wont out twice last week. faction not comected to the present its the next week now) @ | saw Richard Burton. (ection not connected to the presant- he's dead) @ He announced his decision this morning. (giving dts ofthe news stated tre inthe past) 8 intended Comple Use two Paul live live When he the mom would Rosa di used He mean going dont th used My granc used She want going My moth would & Make al hae announced... (announce) the introcuction of a new set of measures to deal with (oecome) worse in recent months, and yesterday the (state) that action must be taken now. She actually 4) (sign) the new bill during this morning's session of Parliament. 2 George 1) ‘ive times this month. Tho supervisor 3) obviously 4) 3 John Keats, who 1) (wrte) a lot of beautiful poems. | 4) - (arrive) late to work again this morning. He 2) (not/pay) any attention. (die) when he 2) (be) late at leas . (speak) to him about it yesterday but he (be} only 26 years old, 3) (read) most of his poetry, but 15) (neverimanage) to get to the end of Endymion. t's tco long for me! 4 Clare 1) one month and | have to say | 3) major cities in Europe Dut | 5) 8 Dc, (see) five films this mont Actually, | think the films they 3) than anything | 5) (see) for ages. (be) in New York for almost a yeer now. |2) (be) very impressed. | 4) vo. (N@VEr/Se2) any place as exciting as the Big Apple but 2) (make) ten years ago 4) (go) to vist her la (visit) most of the (novike) any of them very much (be) much better Dear Sirs Yesterd Firstly/cieli control knc such bad c trust/this n Dear Yoot Tense Forms © Used to expresses past habitual actions She used to wake up al 6 am avery day. ‘and permanent statos. (Note that stative (also. would wake up) verbs are not used with “would”. They used to live in a fat. (not: would) ‘© Would expresses past repeated actions When I was young, | would go fora walk before and routines - not states. breakfast. (also: | used t0 90...) # Be/Get used to expresses habitual actions she isn't used to staying up late al night. and means “beiget accustomed to", “be in She js gotting used to working under presours, the habit of” ‘@ Wes going to expresses actions one She was going to buy a new watch but unforu- intended to do but didn't. rrately sho couldn't afford one. GG complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Pau lived in Brazil when he was young live Paul ...uged to live... in Brazil wnen he was young. = 2 Whan id was nite, he Sed towel ges oaeakie tear gem sould non he was nthe ay, nnn: 8 018K he morrng BP) 2 ocacicrt ho Bnglon od stra bution ahe ule cs & ; Used Rosa cnt tke Engish iood att Put now i arti make a up oft bu they had un ut of sabags gong He Zeus evs uty bat un oto tent Bitipial s Secrttrink i ova nd i ooy to oat wih chopsticks : deed dont tank eve ° with chopsticks 6 gender evel) aves oy saa BEM) used uy gararemer sce wil 2. Sho wantd to oa im but obs could Had is phos rat oe ES bat ho couldn't hie pheno number. : a: Uy nett alvase Gave mis a uf SVSO/ FUG) ig WS hese wld Mymoler cere 2 bath evry Fidey right when | waste AS Make aul the necessary changes and additions to make a complete letter. todeal with Dear Sirs, | Yesterday/l receive/new TV set/l order. However/| be/ very angryfas it arrive/terrible condition. | Firstly/delivery men/be rudejrefusewait/while lunpack/TV, When | unpack/! see/it be damaged. The control knob/be brokenjand there be/ large crack/on the top/TV. I/never before/receive/anything/ in such bad condition. Could you arrange/collect this set/and deliver/a new one/soon/possible? | | trust/this matter receive/prompt attention. late at loast day put he | Yours faithfulle ter ast regs most of the | | Big Apple. | Leta eA tf ce very much uch better Dear Sirs, Yesterday | received. Tense Forms .. Pat the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past forms. Aloxander the Great ..1vae born... (be/born) in 356 BC in Macedonia. He (become) King When he Was 20 aNd... (oOntiNUe) eile the Work that his FAtheF ecu (begin). In 384 BC he si (invade) Persia and by his thiristh birthday he vient (Conquer) most of south-west Asia, However, aestot while he on iplen) the invasion of Arabia he (catch) a fevar and (dia), Pare cpeny no GOs UO EB nn. Scotland. We (Save up) for months ard 20 we ibe) very excited when the time (come) 0 leave. We (PACK) OUT Bags, wussnesne (Get in the car and (eet Of), We nse {erive) for six hours when 7 Albert suddenly remember) something - we (forge topack theskis! =) 3 George Grimes --.---nssrss (Wake Up} feeling very ocd. Al through the night he wn ‘ (¢ream) about strange eroatures when {ry) to brea in tough his wincow. They Nv (nave) hors ang big green eyes and they a . (seem) to be threaten- ing him, “Oh well he = (hink), "at leest they aren't real Just at that moment, howe er, abig scaly hand (Come) crashing through the window! fate and bic 4 When B09 (invite) me to 0 fishing wih him | (be) excited because | problems (rever/go) fishing before. But as w= {drive to therivorwo 8) (see) the first black clouds and ten minutes later it (rain) heavily. efund. By t Three hours iter, Soaking Wet WE es san (StIINO0K for) somewhere to get warm and dry. doubt that y 5 ss [youlonjoy) your hoidey?® "No, (be) adieactor! As (get on) the plane, ound | (leave) my hoiday money at hore! | We 18) (Save) for months to get that money. My father (eend) ine a cheque, but i 2 (teks) fve days to reach me.” 6 Alan (work) in the same office for ten years betore he (apply) for ranorer lg) Fill int post With "Mask LID". HE evsnnserennen (weit) for en ansiver for WEEKS WHEN NE suesennn (be/asked) to attend an interview with the Personnel Manager. He (go) there dressed = in an expensive suit which he «en (Duy) the day before, only to find that they. Dear Mr (want) someone to werk as a cleaner ecard Thailand, Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description. min Our tour 1 Tho buildors are going to start work ternorrow, a. prediction about the future imperial 2 Sheil be waiting oulade the station as Usual, basking poliely about people S airarigemenis mmc uanea! 3. | forgot to tell Jim the news. I'll ring him now. ¢ action which may (net) happen in the future time for y 4 By Christmas wo will have been working action which isthe result of a routine on loth together for ten years. e action intended to be performed in the near life. Our ti 5 BeaicuLyaitegargtolaiciveutiace: aus if you 13) 6 Tho mesting starts at 9 clock faction which willbe finished before a stated 7 'msure tings will work out inthe enc future ime 8 Pethaps your mother will change her tind. action in progress at a stated future time — © Will many people be coming to tho wodding? h_ovidenco that sth will definitely happen 40 They will have finished the plans by the end i duration of an action up to a certain time in ze of the week. the future Fill in 11. Hospital stat are beginning a two-day stike |. timetable/orogramme tis, tomorrow. fixed arrangement in the near future 2D) ee coo rite eon ora wll CecuerT ee ne Genero catego bbe moving to the cies, ea 3A Have Bee Be Bare Bee Bie Ca Pons Bie Dees Was Mae 12 B: No.t Po cx he skis! ndow They e threaten ent, howev: j because | he river wo in) heavily rm and dry) que, but it for ancther re drassed gements je future ne near a stated time en time in aking 2 . Tense Forms ime, if (conditional), unles ase, tiljuntil, when (time conjunction), ‘unenever, while, ‘once, suppose/supposing, on concition that etc. Let's buy more food in case James comes. (70: in Case danies-Wit-oorie.) © If meaning “whether” especially after | don’t know, | doubt, | wonder etc end when used as a question word can be used with future forms. When will the race take place? | doubt if they will hold their ennual anniversary party this year. MLB Hittin the correct present or future forms. Welcome to Nutfield Valley Health Farm! v After you 1) ..have settled in... (seitle in), a member of staff 2) (come) and SAD Fittin the correct present or future forms. Dear Mr Green, Regarding our telephone conversation last week, here are the details of your forthcoming trip to Thailand. You 1) ...will be leaving... (leave) on Saturday 4th December from London Gatwick at 10.00 pm. You 2) (fly) with Thai Air, flight number TA 907. The flight 3) (arrive) in Bangkok at 4.00 pm on Sth December - that 4) vw» (be) 17.00 pr local time. Our tour guide, Jim Smith, 5) (wait) for you ct the airport to accompany you to the Imperial Hotel. As soon as you 6) Gettle in), you 7) (attend) a welcome | dinner party, In the next days you 8) (visi famous Sights. There 9) svn erenen (62) time for you to do your shopping as well. By the time you 10)... Get on) the return fight | on 10th December, you 11) experience) the most traditional aspects of Thai | life, Our tour guide 12)... (be) with you throughout, so there shouldn’t be any problems, | lf you 13) (need) more information, please contact us. Yours sincerely, A. Jones | a ee aia ii, (ED Fatt in “wit” oF “be going to”. + A: There's no suger let B: That's OK. |... go and buy some, 2 Have you got any plans for the evening? B Yas, | see "The Doll’s House” in town, 3A: Haye you bought a dress for the reception? B: No, but | buy one this afternoon. 14 Tense Forms ...- 4 A: Here's £20. B: Thank you. : - pay you back as soon as | cen. 5 A: Have you heard that Mrs Potts is il? B: Yes. Actually we ... . visit her this atternoon. 6 A; Peteris taking his driving tost tomorrow. B: Oh, I'm sure he met snes PASS: 7A: Is Tom coming tonight? B: | don't know. | phone him and see. 8 A: Has Helen decided what to study? B: Yes, She - ‘ train to be @ teacher 9 A: It’s quite cold today. B: I think winter Z seurnee BO Here SOON 10. A: Weare having a picnic on Sunday, be nice B: | hope the weather 2 Make all necessary changes and additions to make a complete letter. Dear Mrs Scott, | write [confirm J arrangements | concerning / new nanny Margarita. Margarita’s plane | leave Hambura | 5.30 / arrive! London Gatwick 6.45, so | it/ be fearly start | you. As agreed / Margarita / work 7-10 morning / 3-8 afternoon and evening, Ske / have j English lessons / tvery Saturday. As know / by Christmas / Margarita / complete ! six months’ employment eth Hazlett. | hope / things run smoothly / you / Margarita Yours sincerely, Janet Hemsworth si iin Tn a contact | secretary Eliza a ee Dear Mrs Scott, i'm writing to confirm the arrangements concerning your new nanny Margarita. (2B ut the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present or future forms. ae le a arctuad va par Des aor eek sagcantel ona nce ea Pe ee cventater ron eens Ae Be cae a is cor ad agvrure Du (Sarge ON ea mare tort Top) cee BS) ee oes yeirae ace aaa iam 3 oyjubichod nod year a AS SGVTT Gear barat sareo! 1 errs) 2 opan dey oh Tag al of Caer Ft St ce able) mael your Mas tscham fou adromte heygioune, Weape tala) oe ogra 8) en, (89H) 9 om, Gon you tra es ee ey haya ceensemov) tere. They 4) Jeanne is afraid she 7) (Piss) living in Nottingham, but Paul is convinces that they 8) ibs} happier in London because there is so much more to do there Pr [therefore / expect / pay rise, 10%, / go | holiday | three Pieeke /Satirday /aj have problems I | a ow “1d “We ke t elag int © su ca in © Al alr @ Ye insferred there anc Jeanne (drive) down next weekend to look for a fat. They hope they §) .. (fine) something inanice area, but with prices the way they are, they will have to be satisfied with whatever they 6) (ing). ee C—"#U....1 | eee . Tense Forms 4 “Where 1) (youlge) on hoviday this year Leura? * an as | can, ' don't now Sue, What about you? “We 2) (probably'go) to Spain again, But as 13) (ged a pay nse very soon. Vd aflernoon, lke to go Somewhere more glamorous. | think | 4) iget) some brochures from the trev agent iomertow, so if you want, 15) (GIcK up) a couple for you es wel pass. ‘Good idea. With any luck, we 6) (decide) where to go by the time summer 7 (come) mand see. | 5 pear Anne, teacher. {got he job! 11) (leave) for Atica in two weeks. Its a shame 12) (Cotisee) you before 13) (go). For the fist Sk MONINS 4) sos (work) in vil here soon, lage school, teaching English anc Maths. 5) . (yoube abi to vist me? If not, by the UME 18) worse (e2) you again, so much 7) (nappen) to us both that be nice. it take us hours to catch up on the news Lots of love, Daniole pees fea eae || ® Ago (= back in time from now) used with Past Simple. Jil called an nour ago. e/ © Before (= back in time from then) Phil told mo vill ‘had calied an hour before. It can also be used agreed | ‘with present or past forms to point out that an action preceded another. He had been working ens | intho company fortwo years before he was promoted. nt “ems / | © Sills used in statements and questions after the ausiliary verb or befor the main verb. They roblems can stil walk long distences. She still works in ihe same office. SUIl comes before the auxiliary verb innegations. They still can't find @ solution to the problem. © Already is used with Pertect tenses in mid or end position in statements or questions. Sheila had th elready cooked dinner before Liz came home. Has he finished already? © Yetis used with Perfect tenses in negative sentences after a contracted auxiliary verb or at the end of the sentence. She hasr't yet accepted the post, She hasn't accepted the post yet. I can also be used at the end of questions. Has sho phoned yet? & Underline the correct word, 1. She has gone to Singapore and she’s still/yet there. 2. He doasn't want to watch the jilm as he's seen it already/stil 3. Amwas on a diet five months velore/ago. She lost three kilos. 4 Sho's only been playing the violin for two years and she can already/stil play several of Mozart's most difficult pieces. Even after twenty-five years she is stil/yet actvaly involved in the club. Jo's yatisiill got a good figure even though sho's five months pregnant. Has Sandra typed up those reports yet/stil? Inead them now.” Peter left the party two hours before/ago because he wasn't feeling well. She had come back ago/before he returned. | can't do the exam - | haven't finished doing all my revision stiliyet 1 & ut the verbs in brackets into a correct tense. 1 Anew addiction 1) ...has recently emerged... (recently/emerge) - to soap operas- and the world's fitst clinic to treat people obsessed with the soaps 2) (open) next week. Victims 3) and Jeanne (coma) from every walk of life - from company directors to cleaners. Symptoms of adcic: ee tion 4) (include) refusing to miss an episode and watching recorded episodes again anice area, and again, One victim §) jor (explain) how he 6) (become) addicted five (fina years ago. His obsession 7) (be) so bac that he &) (be) unable to koop nt thoy asteady relationship. "When my friends 9)... [come round, | was more interested in the soaps. It vias almost as f the people On TV 10) vrevieensnnenn (BECOME) my friends instead.” Bq Tense Forms 2A 11) {think) of going to that new Chinase restaurant inthe city centre to ccolabrato my birthday. 2} (yourbe! there yet? Bi NO, 18) soronnsnsnne (20UbE}, but people 4) (say) that the food is fantastic. ‘A: Woule you like to go there next weexend? B: Yes, that's a great idea. 15) (wit) it in my dary now 3 John 1) (leave) the house in a tush this morning, AS he 2) (drive) to work he suddenly 3) (remember) thathe 4) jn. (belasked) to spoak at a conference. He 5) (look) at nis watch and 6) (see) that it was nearly time for the conference to begin ce 4 Last March Sam 1) (cecide) that ne 2) (have) enough of working ina bank Tp, Nd that NE 3) arn (ide) around the world on a bicycle. He 4) (leave) England ‘two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He 8) (bo) auray for six months now, and no one 6) (know) vihether he 7) (ratutn) oF not e 5 Jan and Paul 1) (argue) in the next room at the moment. It 2) (seem) th Col Pall 3) cen (come) in lato last night after he 4) (promise) Jan that he 5) (be) home in time for dinner. By the tme Ae 6) .o..m (ge) home, Jan?) 1 She (Give) his dinner to the dog and 8)... i (wait) by the window for wo hours! bef 6 AN) /oulgo) en holiday to Germany this year? 2 She B: No, we 2) (go) there every year, so we want a change this year bee A; Where 3) .~» (you/plan) to go instead? B: Wall, we 4) (beltokd) that Greece is @ beautiful country so we 5) (already/book) 2 two-week holiday on Cort 7 Susen 1) vw» (Study) interior dosign part fimo for threo yoars and she 2) (get) her diploma next month. Since she 3) (work) in tne same company for over ten years she 4) (leel) mat she 5) (need) 2 change, so she 6) sense (912M) to open her own design ousiness. She 7) (start) locking for an office next week, and she 8) (hope) she 9) find) someting in a good location ana at a reasonable price by the end of the month. Her tutors 10) (tell) her that she 11) (be) very talented and thoy 12) (assure) hor that she 13) make) a success of the business. 8 Jim 1) (walk) along the High Street when he 2) susmnsene (NOMi®) someone teehind him. Actually, he 3) (follow) him since he 4) (get of the bus. Jim 5) (stop) at a shop window. The man 6) -. (corne) closer to him. vim 7) oo (have) the feeling he 8)... (09) him befor, so ho 9) (go) up to him and 10) (ask): (nowiknow) you? Why 12) (yourfollow) me?” The man 13) (smile) and 14) (cay), "Smilel You 15) (be) on Cancid Camera!" 9 ule 1) awaysiwant) to be famous, ever since she was young. She 2) . (ake) acting classes for years and last week sorneone 9) (offer) ho: a part in an advertisement, They only 4) (need) her vows, though because t's going fo be on the radio. At least her career 5) a (SN) 10 Tom 1) wwe (88V Up) 10 go 10 France for months, and yesterday when he 2) (count) his savings he 3) [realise] he had enough. Uniortunately as he 4) (arive) to the traval agent's he remembered that he 5) (not/pay} his rent for two months so he 6) (turn) round and 7) (drive) back home again 11. Next month 11) (isit) my friend who 2) live) in Brazil, The flight from LONdON 3) ..ern (lake) avout fifteen hours and | 4) {never/be) on a plane before. | §) - (feo!) quite nervous about the journey but my friend 6) (keep) teling me that there 7) . (be) nothing to worry about. o pis

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