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FOCUS 2 WORKBOOK DANIEL BRAYSHAW @ Pearson Ge see CER Aart Lives people live VOCABULARY Personality * un-, in-, im- ir, dis- + questions with like ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW |— 1 Choose the correct adjectives. 1 Gabby is very unsociable / loud / stressed. She stays at home and doesn't like going out with friends. 2 Chris is serious / boring / quiet. He never has anything interesting to say because he spend all his time playing computer games, 3 Meghan is aways interesting / funny / relaxed. She never gets stresced about anything. 4 Joe never laughs or has any fun. Hes a very serious / sociable / relaxed young man, 5 Marcus always makes me laugh. He's really quiet / funny / loud. WORD STORE 1A | Personality 2. Anna is making a list called ‘My Porfoct Fiancé’ Complete her list with pairs of opposites from the box. ‘caring cheerful generous hard-working lazy mean miserable outgoing solfidh sensible shy. sily My Perfect Fianch is positive: K negative Yering not sesh _ py Poa he a cof rea Se pie 3. Complete the conversation between Anna and Laura with the correct adjectives from the box. There are ‘two extra words. mean ‘selfish shy silly J (= cheerful generous hard-working miserable A few months later L: So, how are things with Simon? Is he the perfect fiancé? ‘A: Well, nobody's perfect, but you know what? He's really great. First of all, he’ really cheori always happy and smiing, And he’s very He wants to be a teacher and he joes lots of studying in the evenings. 1: Does he have any time for you then? A: Oh sure. He's a very? zs me every night and asks about my day L: Wow. Lucky you! Dave never asks about my day. He only thinks about himself. He's so ? Dove also thinks he's the best fiancé in the word, but he never buys me anything nice and he doesn’t like paying for us when we go cut. He's realy guy. He calls ‘A: Poor you. Simon is exactly the opposite. He takes me to a restaurant sometimes and he pays for the food. And he often buys me flowers , I'm really happy, you know. Li Well, good for you. Unfortunately, Im not. fm unhappy: really *_ I don't know what to do. Does Simon have a twin brother? WORD STORE 1C | Questions with like © Look at the dialogues, Correct the mistake in each WORD STORE 18 | uns, ine, im, jr, dis: 4 Add negative prefixes to adjectives a-g. Complete sentences 1-4 with some of the adjectives in their nogative o positive form. yopopuler sensitive ‘ry tobe generous. Nobody likes mean people. They are nearly always unpopular. 11 Mur trusts my older brother Peter to look after our little sister. He's extromely He never does anything dangerous or sil 2 Katio never lie, She isa very * person. Katie's also * she knows a lt of things. 3 Davi dovan' sy please! or thark you! Ho en, He's extremely ® _ 100 ond likes doing everything without any help, ‘4 | was unhappy bacause | dida’t pass my driving test. | told Tom and he laughed! Is he always so ‘You can use peronality adjectives before a noun: 4 caning friend cor after the verts be: My tiend is caring, 5 Read REMEMBER THIS. Put the words in the correct, order. has / very / parents / Pauline / serious Pauline has very serious parents. 4 last / was / haitclresser / cheerful / Zoe's 2 two/I/ dishonest / had / fiends 3 new/ Jamie's /loud friend / extremely /is TT help you lear the personality adjectivas from this lesson, try to remember them with people you know: My dad is usually cheeriul. He’ not a miserable man, Choose five pairs of opposite personality adjectives from this lesson. Write sentences about people you know. Use the model sentences, My little sister is shy, She's not an outgoing ait 1 Our History teacher is He's/She's not a man/woman. 2 My bestfriend is He/She is not a person. 3 4 5 ‘A: Do you jooks lke your parents? Do vou look like. your parents? B: People say | look alte like my murn, 1A: What flavour ice cream you like? Bs love vanil 2 A: Are Gareth and Liu lke dogs? B: | think they lke cats move. 3 A: What is your sister look like? B: She's tall and has srall brown eyes. 4 A: What does Tracy like? Bs She's caring and sensitive '5 A: What does your English teacher ook? B: He's short and wears glasses. SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT ‘Choose the correct answers A-C. 1A person who is_is outgoing and likes meeting other people. Arelaxed Bunny C sociable 2 A person who is _ does not co silly things, Asensible —_B selfish C sensitive 3 A person who is_loves doing new and crazy things. Aindependent B adventurous € irresponsible 4 A person who is _ is somebody who is not loud. Ascciable —B sily ‘C quiet 5 Apperson who i¢_ is somebody that not many people like, Aunwise Bunpopuler —_C-outgoing 18 Complete the sentences with adjectives. The first letters are given. Mike is generous. He gives half of his pocket money to the local charity. 1 Please don't be s Share the chocolate with me. 2 My older sstor doesnt ak to people she doos't know well. She's extremely 5 3 Mia is very ‘ond doesn't lke asking for help or advice from anybody. 4 Amyisw. «She knows the answer to every question | ask her. 5 Lucy's extremely u_. She never wants, ‘to try new things. Fortunately, her younger sister is yuite the site! See GRAMMAR Prosont tencos = question forms ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Its 11:00 and the bus hasn't arrived notarsve) yet. ‘Oh! Wait. there it is. can see it now. Ie (come) round the corner. 2 never/tn) sushi iP {notfike) fish. 3 Sony, Emily * __{notfoe) here now. She ® (evn) in the: ppark. Can you call back later? 4 Your dad (already/have) breaktast. He, (valk) the. 4 4+ Write questions for the underlined parts of the anewors. What ihe playing? He's playing chess. , James is watching The Da Vinci Code. ; ) Caria REND : RW eiEREEnioen : Basketballs my brother's favourite spor. 5% % % Complete the questions in the dialogues. 1S: Who Joves wrhing? Pi: My brother loves writing dog, He'll be back in ten minutes, S: What! 2 5 Leroy *_______(read) P: He's writing a short story now. 2 very Go0d book at the moment. He always Si Why 2. ? bu) his books ontne : He's writing it because he wants to win a... ‘a competition at school 2% Complete the questions with the correct forms of $: Do ? eos P: Yes, like wating, Why arc you always 20 selfish? Si Have‘ ? 1 —___Catl ever had Jong hair? P: No, | haven't written a story for the competition. 2 What ’an appropriate birthday present for {ay NEVER Roper? Dy Whette se ee ey 3 ___ doctors need to be caring and sensitive ‘5: im baking a cake. people? P: Why 2 4.Why Kelly so miserable today? 5: It's brown because its chocolate caké. 5 Which sports Phils sister ike? P: Have? 2 & How much ‘they pay for their childron’s 5: No, | haven't baked cake before. dance lessons? P: Do", 2 3% % Complete the questions about the “subject and 5: No, | don't want any help, Thank you ‘the “object of each sentence. lcci hes exer “soa: SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 8 Who's eaten cass? > |6 Write questions for the underlined parts of the SE answers. 2 *Laweence and Lucy are living in London ly ‘ Who ‘Dad usually cleans the bathroom at the weekend. b Where 1 3 “ay reads *biography books. The girls are cooking mushroom soup. a Who ae) a - b What. 2 Dean has brought his new guitar 3 4 *Charles has chosen "chips for lunch. Michelle has forgotten to close the door. Who am 4 Saye Nicola is doing her homework 5 “Helen is helping *Hary. a Who 2 Greig wants @ motorbike b Who 2 iene coated Beople are listening to the bond a Who 2 b How 2 Word building + voluntary work -ative, able, -ing 1 Choose the correct words to complete the interview ‘with two volunteers, Keren end Mertin. 1: Whatsort of people volunteer? Kz ‘Fantastic / Fantasy people! No, Um, volunteers are care ( caring people. Of course, alot of people are {1 but volunteers are more likely to do something, ‘about it. |: So why do you do this ‘voluntary / volunteer work? Me: Lan / passion about the environment, ‘and I'm interested in responsible / respon farming, | believe that organic farming is very ‘important for the future. | also like working in 2 team. learn important life skills and I'm more ‘confidence / confident than before. Also, | want to study farming and agriculture, 90 thisis good experience. 1: What about you, Karen? Wel there are problems in my community and I want to help. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words in capitals. 1 FANTASY / FANTASTIC ‘a This book Its the best thing I've ever read. Marcus loves books. He's read The Lord of the Rings four times! 2 CARE / CARING ‘8 can pay for child for my baby daughter now that have a job. b My sister isa very person. When I'm feeling sad oril, sho always really kind tome. 3 VOLUNTARY / VOLUNTEER «2 Jenet has decided to become a for a charity that helps children in Africa. bi'm afraid we don't pay you. sal as ae eee 4 PASSIONATE / PASSION ‘have a real for politics. 'm thinking of joining the Green Party. barthuris very about music. He's got over 600 CDs and often goes to concerts. 5 RESPONSIBLE / RESPONSIBILITY alts notmy. ‘to dean your room. Itis your room! bWho is. for that noise? Please, be quiet. 6 CONFIDENT / CONFIDENCE 8 Morris isn’t a very child, so try to be very positive about his homework. b People thet have too much, can be dificult to work with LISTENING LANGUAGE PRACTICE We often form adjectives with sufixes: care + -ing = caring, passion + ~ate = passionate. 3 Read REMEMBER THIS. Choose the correct adjectives. Use a dictionary if necessary. Many people find Steve Jobs’ life and work Nnspire / inspiring / inspiration. His ideas to change the world were admirable / admire / aciniring VOCABULARY PRACTICE | Voluntary work 4 Look at the vocabulary in lesson 1.3 in the Students’ Book. Complete the sentences with the correct word, ‘or phrase from the box. developing country farm hospital library nursery old people's home prison soup kitchen Fe decided | want to work in a(n) library because Love books so much. 1 Tims motheris a volunteer in a local ‘She doesn't get paid, but she likes helping the homeless people who eat there. 2 Ellas grandfather lives in aff) because he's 67 years old and can't do everyday things lke cooking and washing by himself. 3 I'm learning to be 2 doctor and part of my course isinareal where | can watch people with experience. 4 Have you ever been in alr) 2 Yes, |have, | sited Alcatraz when | wasin San Francisco in the States. 5 James and Amanda mat when they were at alr) ee nd then they wont to the tame school They both 17 and best iriends now. 6 Helen grew up on a large where her ferily hed lots of sheep and cove. 7 Inalr) | many people are poor land do noi have enough food or water. WORD STORE 1D ve, -ative, able, -ing 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of ‘the words from the box. act adapt communicate imagine inspire protect I've decided I need to be more active $0 I'm going to join the school basketball tear. 1 Mario is very = you can ask him to do anything and he always doas it wel 2 Michal is. 1 50 why don't we ask him to create the new charity event? 3 Lucy n't very 180 its not easy to get her to share her opinions. 4 Parents shouldn't be too of teenagers. Young people need to become ind 55 This biography of Nelson Mandela is extremely You should read it Classroom psychology + verbs ‘&nouns * veri» + preposition 1 Read the text quickly and choose the best title. 1 Where you sit is how you feel 2 Where is where you are 3 Where you sit is how you fit 000 4 Formore than 70 years. psychologists and teachers hrave studied the link between the place where students choose to sit in class and what they are like as people and eamers. Where do you usually decide to sit? Have you ever really thought about the reasons for your decision? 1 At the back People often think that students who sit atthe back aro lazy. Butis this realy true? Well. some researchers say itis not. In fact, shy students often choose the back row because itis far away from the teacher and they don’t Want to answer questions or be invoivec* in discussions. ‘tthe back, students probably won't speak much, but in big classrooms, it can be hard to see the whiteboard and hear what the teacher is saying. 2. For studonts with ‘poor sight or hearing. a seat at the back of the classroom is definitely not a good choice. M1 On one side ‘Students who sit on one side of the class, are normally, interested in lessons, but they like watching and listening rather than joining in, These students are usually also very {Goad at taking notes. *__ . On the sides of the classroom. ‘you will generally find madest* and thoughtful people. These people usually get goad marks at school and are keer on leaming. MI In the middle Do you sitin the middle of the classroom? Yes? Then the statistics say you probably tke your teacher. ¢__ Caring, outgoing and cheerful people usually sit in the ‘middle. They are norally serious about laaming and feet disappointed with low marks in tests and exams. woe | aRnetes WVAt the front fre you pessionate about Knowledge? Do you like being in control? Are you worried about missing important Information in essons? Yes? Then you probably sit ight | at the front ofthe lass Students at the font usually ‘want to discuss things with the teacher and are often very enthuslstic about school. They want to bein the best place to see and hear everything the tacher does and says. The only roblem with sitting atthe fronts that it | ‘an be dificult to see and hear what other students do and say in class.9— We need YOUR opinion. Tell us what you think of this article Adi your comments below Involved (a) ~someore who is involved nan actvily or event gherita| Modest (acj)- somecne who 's modest doesn’ ike taking sbout their abilties, sills, suceas, talents, etc. keen (ad) serneone who iskeen on something s very interested in itor enjoye doing it vary each disappointed (a) ~ happy because something you hoped for dinot happen, oF because somecne oF something was Pot as ‘goed ae you expected 2. Road the text. Match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5. There is one extra sentence. You probably alto have 2 good relationship with your classmates, B This could be the reason why students who sit here often get lower marks in tests and exams, C So, if you really want to hear what everyone says in cass, choose a diferent piace to st D Reseerch suggests that the cheir you choose in the classroom says a lot about you and your personality E This means its @ good idea to sit in a different piace every day. F Noxt time you mise # lesson, borrow notes from someone who sits here. 3. Read the text again. Match questions 1-6 with the correct part of the text IV. In which part of the text do you learn 1 where in the classroom you can find students who ‘prefer thinking about what they see and hear ‘luring the leeton to discussing things? 2 why those who would rather not respond to questions usually look for a place far from the whiteboard? Oo 3 where to find students who are posite about the person they learn mostly for? Oo ‘4 where in the classroom you should look for someone who has detailed written information (on what the lesson was about? oO 5 wherein the classroom it could be hard to hear what the classmates say during the lesson? a 6 where you can find students who don't always have good results wien the teacher checks whet they learnt in the lessons? Oo 4 Complete the table with underlined nouns and verbs from the text. Noun Verb choice discussion 5 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 4. Change the form of the verbs if necessary. Sorry? What did you say? Could you repeat that please? My eanng is temble these days. ‘1 When Ollie takes Helen out for dinner, she always: the mest expensive thing en the menu. 2 Stevie Wonder, the famous sou! singer, is blind. He lost his when he was a baby. 3 Peter is very wise. He really alot of things. 4 Today in class we had an interesting about politics. 5 Wecan't ifwe like Kevin's new haircut oF not. Its certainly very... different. When you learn @ new word, e.g. a verb, look in 2 dictionary and see if you can also learn another form of the word, #.g. a noun or an adjective. They often look similar and because of that are easy to remember, 2.9 feel - feelings. ‘A. Check the noun forms of the adjectives in a dictionary. popular = populacity 1 polte = | 2 sensitive Bhonest = Alery = 8 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A. The first three letters are given. Everyone likes Mrs Jackson. She's @ very popular teacher, 1 Pol is very important when you meetnew peopie. 2 Be careful what you say to Rachel. She's very pe ees | 3 What makes a good friend? Well, hon_is very important. 4 | think laz isa very bad thing, Everybody should work hard. WORD STORE 10 | Verb + preposition 6 Choose the correct prepositions. 1 Lazy people do not believe in / on / about working, hard. 2 I'm tying to focus at / with / on my homework. Please he quiet 3 It’s @ goad idea not to worry on / about / in your exam, Study hard and you willbe fine. 4 How do you deal in / at / with your work and study at the same time? 5 Janice doesn’t like to depend on / from / with enybedy. She's very independent. 6 | prefer to.connect on / at / with friends by meeting them, not through social media, 7 Pauline listens at / on / to music on her way to schoo! ‘every moming, 8 Oliver really cares on / about / with his friends. He's always kind and generous to them. 9 Are you still thinking at / on / about the dress in the ‘shop window? 9 fed PUNY ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Choose the correct answers A-C. 1 We __ town on Saturday afternoons. We hate shopping when its busy, avoid B miss C decide: 2.1__ a burger, medium fries and a chocolate milkshake, please. Alike “dike Clove 3 They usually eat in the most expensive restaurants, tbut we __ it. We don't have enough money. Addon'tmind — B enjoy C can't afiord 4 My litle brother _ that he's riding a motovke. He makes motorbike noises and runs around the house Aeenioys Bpretends —C spendstime 5 Dad sil goes running in the winter, but Mum _t. ‘She won't go because its too cold. Aprelers Brefuwes — C agrees 6 1 don’t know how t'l__to finish ell this homework before school on Monday, but I'l try. Anope Bconsider — C manage 2% Choose the correct forms, 1 Christopher doesn’t mind to pay / paying for English lessons. He goes on holiday to England every year 2 Amy avoids to sunbathe / sunbathing, She has blonde hair and very far skin, 3 Do you want to 40// going camping at the weekend? ‘The weather forecast is good. ‘4 Marco and his mum choose fiying/ to ly when they visit ther family in aly 5 Carly pretends to be / being cheerful when she's ‘away, but | really think she misses home. 6 Do we really need to take / taking four big bags with us? We are only going away for three days. 3. & # Complete the sentences with the -ing form or ‘the to infinitive of the verbs in capitals. 4 SHOP {don't like shopping with my dad. He hates ‘and | refuse with him 2. swim Lola loves * Yesterday, she managed »___ 500 metres. Next weekend, she hopes & Complete the sentences with one word in each, .g@p. In one sentence, you don't need to add a word. Its auch a beautful day ! Lets goto the beach. Liss That's an excellent idea, WNe can have 2 picnic! There are such __ elegant sutsin this shop. | can't cece which one to buy for Dad. Daughter: | prefer the dark blue suit. That one looks realy nice. 1 Mum: 2 sill: Amanda is such sensible git. She never does anything silly or iresponsibl Tins Yes, and che's wise too, 3 Tom: It’s really loud. Why are there so__ children in the cinema? Bill; —_| think the new Madagascar film starss today. la: This song is__ energetic that | just want to dance here and now. Listen to it Matt: Sorry. I don’t realy like this kind of music. 5 Eva: Ben is such ___unsociabble guy. Do you think he's miserable? Jess: | don't know. Maybe he's just shy. 5 4% & Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between three lend Five word, including the werd ir anpttate ‘The weather is so beautiful that I want to go swimming in the sea. 1S Fe ic such beautiful weather that | want to go ‘swimming in the sea, I'm bored because of my work and | want to find anew job. BORING My that want 1 find @ new job. 2 John and Sandra are so insensitive that Im surprised they have any friends. AN \'m surprised John and Sandia have any friends because couple. 3 | got such negative results in the test. | don’t want to try again, THAT The test don't want to try again 44 Jock was disappointed with Abby's answor. She's normally such a generous person. SO Abby that Jack was disappointed with her answer. 5 You can't trust Mike because he ie so dishonest. PERSON Mike that you can't trust 4 Those hoodies were really inexpensive, so! bought two. CHEAP Thesehoodies that! bought :wo. "1 A personal email/letter 1. Choose the correct words to complete the tips on writing personal emails. 1 Start the email with 2 formal / friendly greeting, &9 Dear Mark or Hi Ruby. 2 Use full forms / contractions, €.g. Laem I'm. 2 It’s OK/ not OK to use emoticons @) and abbreviations, e.g. Bye for now = Byednow. 4 Its 2 good / bed idea to ask some questions if you ‘want a reply. 5 Finish the email with a friendly goodbye such as Yours sincerely / Cheers. 2. Put the words in order to make phrases. Becky / Hi Hi Becky 1 writing / tm / about /to / tell / you/ more/ bit /3/ myself 2 now /1/ going / be / must 2 eat 90 Herne ome you Sing 4. UT month. /C/ next 5 you/ your! are / doing? / How / and / family 6 was /hear /10/ good /It/ from / you. 7 hello /Say/ your family, > 3. Choose the correct phrase 1~7 from Exercise 2 to replace the underlined formal phrases e-g in the email. os Dear Ms Jones, Hi Beck, “enjoyed reading your recent email, {hope you and your family are very well Read the email again and choose the correct prepositions. Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions. ''m really bad at cocking but | am looking forward to tying some Spanish food 1 hear that you're good chess. Maybe you can teach me how to play when | visit you? 2 Are you serious taking me to the Louvre? I'd reall ly love to go. 2 My sister ie completely obsossed motorbikes. Do you like them too? 4 I believe that you're mad art Who's yout favourte artist? '5 Did you know that 'm afraid dogs? You don't have one, do you? & Deo youlike tennis? Unfortunately, I'm useless all sports 7 Well,| was disappointed the street art festival last year. !hope this year it will be different. 8 I'm not really keen _ ____ motor racing but of course we can watch the racing show if you want. 9 Are you involved any sports chib? Could I go to training with you when | come? 1'm excited "about / for/ at your visit next month, end ‘Lam writing to give sou some information about myself and my life, {fm sixteen and | live with my parents in Krakéw. Im not crazy*at/to/ about living here but it's OK. | go to school in the city and I'm involved 2in/ with / on lots of after-school activities. im not keen tat / on / to studying, but 'm worried *for/ at / ‘about my exams ~ | don’t want Dad to be disappointed $on / with/ at me, 01 work hard. Do you like school? Sorry it only a short email, but “I need to stop writing now ‘Please give my best wishes to your family. ‘look forward to receiving a reply from ‘Lwill see you next month, ‘you soon, Kamila 12 6 Find and correct the mistakes. What do you enjoy to do? Whi 10 Some family friends from the UK and their teenage Aye Snow on are coming to stay with you and your family this GO| nagene Saas ces eee ies B iwite to tel you about the plans for Saturday S cariegal ak sa fa ——__________()_| giving some information about yours. Include and How are you going’ | develop these points: D Hay Stoven, ers [po ecciceyorekactiey siya ini CF_|_ = Telthim some basic information about yourself lage, the place where you live, ate) ‘Tell him about your hobbies. * Ask him about his interests. Waiting forward to hearing from you soon. 7 Puttthe sentences in Exercise 6 in the order they are usually used in an email 8 Read the task below. Then read the email and complete the questions with the missing question words. You have received an email from your English- speaking friend. Read the excerpt below. Thanks for inviting me to vsit you next month. really excited about coming to Spain for the first time. Please tell me more about what sort of things you do there in your free time. Do you like going to the cinema or doing sports? What places do you lke visiting with your friends? Write an email with a reply. Include and develop these points: * Say how you feel about your fiend visiting you | + Tel himvher about some of the things you doin your er | feertime : 1 Wote about some ofthe places youvsit with your fiends, |_| Finished? Always check your writing. | + Ask about your frienc’s interests ‘Can you tick J everything on this list? tn my personal email: + Ihave started with afiendly greeting e.g, Hi Barry, Dear Nick or Hi Kate. “ “are you? tm reallyexcited aboutyour visit, | * the firstperegraph says why lam writing, ¥@ love #0 tell / telling you about what | spend my free * the second paragraph gives some basic time to do / deingand the places | ike visiting, information about me (age, home town, etc) ‘+ [have included come information about my likes/dislicesshobbies, etc. * [have included some questions to show ‘As you know, mm keen on 2do/ doing sports. | hope you don't mind *to wake / waking up early to go running @. . Yyou like sports? Of course, | also enjoy >t0g0/ going to the cinema but | refuse *to watch / Soreness watching romantic films! © kind of films do * have used contractions (e.g. I'm/ aren’t / that’s), you ike? ® you have favourite lm? FS TT *__ you ever heard of la Barceloneta? I hope and abbreviations (info (CU / gr8), but "io take taking you there with my fiends. not too many Fim sure wel have fun, + {have finshed with a tiendly goodbye, eg. CU All the best, See you) soon / next week /in a few months. the best, ‘+ | have checked sling and punctuation. guel ny sping ad O|O}O} O JO/OJO};OJOVO «+ My text is noat and clear. 9 Road the email again. Choose the correct forms of the verbs. Showing interest 1 Translate the phrases into your own language. B: Wow, that’s interesting! A: I don't like travelling. Don't you? Oh, | dol A: play the violin. B: Do you? Right. 2. Mark and Diane are at a music festival. They meet in ‘a queve to buy a Tshirt. Complete their conversation ‘with expressions from the bank. : Excuse me. Do you know how much the T-shirts cost? Mi Er...n0 1 mean yes...» think the white ones are £10 and the coloured ones £15, That's what it says on the sign, D: Oh yeah You're right. | didn't see the sign. Well, wont a blue one. M: Oh... er me £20, | don't like white. D: Hat M___n I'm Diane by the way. Mi: Er. ism Mark Dz What do you think of the festival? | love it.I saw six bbands yesterday. My friend is here too. Somewhere! M: Oh ..right..%_s__? D: Yeah. She's 2 DJ, She's playing toright at 10 o'clock, intent rumber 4, Mi 9R___? «. W___, that's She plays techno mostly and a bit of house, see. Well, |... er... don't really like D: *R__71__it. Idance to any kind of music really Mi Obs ew. Thats *¢_. Actualy, don't | dance Dy _?0h,1d_.|wanttobe 2 professional dancer one day. So, what do you do when everyone is dancing then? M: Er... well. | stand at the back and listen to the ! music. I'm quite shy really. D: Are you? ’R____... Well .. er... 0h, look there's my friend! M: What about your Tshin? Er... yes, thats my friend over there. Time to 90. Mi Oh, er... OK. Bye then. Put the words in order to make phrases. Then ‘complete the conversations. There is one extra phrase in each group. Ashe? / Hasn't Ryan: My sister is having a baby in December. Emma: 22a/y? That's cool. My sister hasn't got any children yet. Ryan: Wel, maybe ‘one day, I'm really looking forward to being anunde. 8 you?/Right.../Do interesting / that's / Wow you? / Can't Karen: My parents are keen on music. Dad plays the piano and Mum is grest singer Ken: | would like to hear them play. Unfortunately, | don't play any instruments and | can’t sing. Karen: 2 Wall, don't worry, Fm not musical at all think my parents are a bit disappointed with me. © love/ Really? /it/1 Do / Right / you? t00/Me Gita: It’s getting cold again. This morning there was ice on our car | hate the winter. Miko: * Everything {oaks s0 beautiful in the winter. | hope it snows soon. | love building snowmen, | prefer to Gita: stay inside and watch films © don't/1/Oh/ dos you? too /Me they? / Are Phil: I've finally saved enough money and this weekend I'm buying a new phone. ‘ ‘Shall we 20 to the shops together? Phit: Sure. How much have you got to spend? Paul Er... well .. my parents are paying for it 2 Lucky you. ~~ EXAM SPEAKING 1 In pairs, ack and answer the questions. PART Talk about the environment. 11 What is your dream birthelay meal? 2 Would you preter to work long hours in a job you enjoy or short hours in a job you hate? Why? 's there an extreme sport you would like to try? Why? What can tourists do and eee in the area where you lve? 5 How is the weather changing? Should we try to stop it from changing? How? 3 4 2. Look at the photos of people doing voluntary work, PART ‘Take turns to describe the photos. PART 2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions about the photos. Student A’s photo 1. What is the woman with short hair doing? 2 How can you describe the woman's perconality? 3. How are the volunteers helping the people standing opposite them? 4 What skills do the volunteers need to do this work? 5 Would you lke to do this voluntary work? Why?/Why not? Talk about personalities. 11 What adjectives can you use to describe yoursel!? Why? 2 When you meet new people, are you outgoing or shy? Why? 3. What sort of a personality should a good teacher have? 4 Which perton in your family do you admire becouse of their personality? Why? 5. How important are clothes for yaur identity? Why? Student B's photo What are the young people in this photo doing? How are they helping the elderly people? Why do you think this is useful for the elderly people? What skills do you need to d this sot of voluntary work? Would you like to do this voluntary wok? Why?/Why not? 3 Read the instructions on your card. In pairs, take turns to role-play the conversation. Student A — You are getting to know Student B, an exchange student at your school. Ask questions and find ways you are similaridifferent. + Introduce yourself and ask Student B what his/her favourite hobby is. ‘+ Show intorest. Say if you are similar or different. ‘Ask Student B about his/her personality, + Say if you are similar or differant. ‘Ask Student B if he/she is from Generation Z. ‘+ Say if you are similar or different. Ask Student B it he/she prefers films, music or books. + Say if you are similar or different. Summarise ways that you'te similar to Student B + End the conversation, Student B — You are an exchange student visiting Student ‘A's school. Listen, answer and find ways you are similar/diferent, * Tell Student A about your favourite hobby. + Describe your personality. * Say if you are from Generation Z. + Tell Student A if you prefer films, music ‘or books. + Summarise ways that you're different to Student A. 15 Rete ukaau ek sieuubulas 1 Choose the negative adjective in each group. honest funny relaxed 1 cating cheerful == mean hard-working 2 unpopular outgoing sensible sociable 3 interesting silly generous independent 4 responsble adventurous lary polite 5 wie sensitive popular dishonest [_4) 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The fest and last leters ore given. It's hard to talk to Brian because he’s so boring, | want to sleep when | speak to him. 1 help you with your homework after | with this logic problem, 2 John's. hand doesn't like to share anything. i 3 James is very, 2. He likes ewimming, running and playing basketball. 4 Amanda is extremely nd likes working alone. 5 Jen's dadisa very « @ poreon He finds it ‘easy to speak to anybody. 5 3. Compiete the sentences with the correct words. The umber of letters is given in brackets. Annette worked on a fruit fan (4) last summer, She earned good money picking apples all day There are two iron as yeu contest the sauna of young clon playa Secunia asic coy Ua still borrows books from. . ay ee tae oy ores James helps serve the food in a soup ___ Mat weekends. Do you do any ere Giiveakenn tal acon dora (9), public schools are not free? Toot raameprin end to pier aoe histor ecueaton People nthe UK often put thelr parents or renderer in an cd people's (iy Wonorvaty contin to doe mayen ee ms) 16 ‘Choose the correct answers A-C. ___ you ever tried yoga? ADo @Have Chee 1 Do they __ their car every weekend? A washing B washes C wash 2 Which singer __ a number one hit? Ahave never had 8 isnever having C has never had 3. ishe talking to on the phone? AWhe B Whot © What time 4 __ do you usually clean your room? AWho 8 When What 5 What TV series __ at the moment? ‘Ado you watch 8 are you watching € have you watched 5 Complete the sentences with the -ing form or the to infinitive of the verbs in brackets. ‘My sister has decided to celebrate (celebrate) her birthday alter her exams 1 Kelly would lke (learn) how to play the violin. 2 Sam doesn’t enjoy (Play) football when its cold and rainy. 3 Wil you manage (comy) the shopping on your own? 4 Have you considered (study) English at university? 5 Jeanette’ dad sometimes crives her to schoo!, but really, he profors__—_ (wall. Ls) Choose the correct answers A-C. JOIN THE POLICE | Would you like to 4 something to help society and the community you live in? Have you ever» _ about a career in the police? Police work is challenging - our officers are often in difficult situations and accept *__for their actions. ur national police force wants *_ crime and we need * people to help us do this. Choose ®__for the police and help make your town a safe place to live, B doing done 1 Athink B thinking C thought 2 Aresponsible _B responsibility C iesponsible 3 A stop B tostop € stopping 4 A unadventurous. B boring C adaptable 5 A to work Bworking works 5 Total /30 7 Choose the correct answers A-C. Who? A does Janet enjoy to meet? {B)does Janet enjoy meeting? € Janet enjoys meeting? is__ person that it's impossible to be friende € such an irresponsible 2 Peter, __ Arthur yet? He plays on my football team. Aid you meet B are you meeting Chave you met 3 | haven't agreed _ shopping with you. Ato going Btogo Cgong 4 That music sounds interesting, _ ‘A What are you listening to? B What do you listen to? ‘C What have you listened to? 5 | don't know anything about his hobbies. What__ ‘A does James lke? B is Jarves like? C likes James? 5 8 Choose the correct answers A~C to replace the underlined part of the sentence. Jd Katie ke to_come to my party? (A)Does Katie want to-come B |s Katie coming € Does Katie ike coming 1. What is your cousin Jon like? ‘A What things does your cousin Jon lke? 'B What kind of person is your cousin Jon? € What is your cousin Jon’ appearance? 2 | can't afford to buy this hoodie. ‘A Idon't have enough money tobuy B I don't mind paying for € Lem considering not buying 3 fd prefer to onder pies for nc Al want 0 order B | hope to order € lageeto order 4 What sports are you pessionste sbost? A don't you mind doing? B do you choose to do? C do you really enjoy doing? 5 Does this te belong to Faul? A\sthis Pau's te? 8 Does Paul have a tie? € Does this look like Pauls tie? a) 9 Complete each pair of sentences with the same answer A-C. cf your friends do you depend __for good advice? How ean you focus __ your work with that loud noise outside? An 8 from ©on I'm not going to take this job because |_to work ‘on Sundays. James is such a polite person that he would never to help you Krefuse B want C avoid 2 There ace many people in here. | can't move my arms. Does it take _much time to become a doctor? | Aso B such Couche 3 __ are you visiting in London? has broken my new laptop? AWhat B Why Who 4 What kind of music_ she like? Why Jane lock so miserable? Ais B does Chas 5 Dan cares __what people say about him. ‘Why are Jils parents so worred __ her? Avith B for Cabout [_a) 10 Complete the text with the correct word. ‘Are you mad 2bou! chess? Yes? Great! ‘Then you are welcome to come to Charlie's Chess, ‘Club and play a game or two with ust We have people here who are very serious playersand cant’ —___Iosing, but also lots of people who {ust lke playing for fun. We are sure you wil nd the perfect chess partner to connect # ‘at your level. ‘Are you good at chess? No? Ha, me nether! But always remember, chess is * lafungame and you ‘can choose ‘rave free lessons wh one of ‘our very friendly Cub members! We belleve * having a good time and developing your chess skis, We hope to see you soon! 7 VOCABULARY Online * phones and computers * word building = collocations Science and technology REMEMBER THIS Log on and log in both mean start using a computer system or website (you often have to enter a username and password to do this, but not always) Their antonyms are log off end log out SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Complete the sentences with the correct form of the ‘verbs from the box. (dowrioad teow go pom update vi ) fal guidance How do media? 1. don't understand why £0 many people celebrities on Twitter. 2 Akito ‘online the moment she wakes up to check her social media messages. this website before. thas 3. I've never some excellent information on it 4 its very important to your social media profile. Then everybody has the latest information Dean is the only person | know that still buys CDs. Most people music on computers now. WORD STORE 2A| Phones and computers 2. Complete the texts with compound nouns. The first and last letters are given. @COMPUCLEAN, we dean all kinds of computers including desktop eamoutem and We Eg Call us now on 073 123 345.456 for more information. eee To use the Internet you need to have aw. bb Then, youcan Use the touch screen on your phone or the *K. don your computer to puta word or phrase into a5 hi e such as Google. Ifyou have athe information you are vying to find appears very quickly 18 ‘Vihen you learn phrasal verbs, checkin the cietionary cor enline and find the antonym. We often (but not always) ‘we use the opposte prepostion, eg switch on = switch off |_ A. Write the opposites. Use a dictionary f necessary. sell up + scroll down 1. turnup (the volume) = 2 tunon . 3. logon a B Complete the santences with phrasal verbs from Exercise A. The information you need is at the bottom of the webpage. You need to sco! 1. | can't study with that loud music playing. Please will you the volume. 2. Uze your username and paceword to to the website, 3 the TY before you go to bed. zd ‘Thank yeu for joining, the number one website for language leamers. We have sent you an email with your 2a ‘and other Jogin details. Follow the ink inthe email and choose 2p. of nine ckaracors or more. And ‘emember, you can use a“ r +t print your personal dally wordlist, ‘0 you can study any time, anywhere! Roe eae will328 says: ‘Most young people do nat use their phones for speaking topeopie, We ether look for information onthe Internet of we send *t_ tm_ to family and friends (SHow wnar you've Learnt |————— WORD STORE 28 | Word building 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the ‘Charles Darwin, the world famous biologist, travelled to many exotic places such as the Galapagos Islands. BIOLOGY 1. Galileo Galilei, 2 famous wat the first person to see the rings of Saturn, He did this using his telescope in 1610. ASTRONOMY 2 The famous Isaac Newton was bborn an Christmas Day 1642 And it’s not tre that {an apple hit him on the head. PHYSICS 2 Larry Page, the whe helped start the company Google, is now worth $44.5 billion. COMPUTER SCIENCE 4 The Nobel Prize is named after Alfred Nobel. He was a and he is famous for making dynamite, CHEMISTRY 5 Euclid was 2 and many people call him the Father of Geometry. He wrote one of the first textbooks for teaching Maths. MATHEMATICS. WORD STORE 2C | Collocations 4 Choose the correct verbs. 1 When you do / make an experiment, its not always 2. | prefer collecting / taking spacimens It's better than ‘working in the laboratory. 2. Was it Maria Stlodowske-Curie that invented / discovered radium? 4 The Scottish man, John Logie Baird, invented / discovered television in 1925. 5. Please take / dothe important measurements this afternoon, Adam. 6 Famous scientists often develop / observe important theories 7 Do you prefer taking / doing notes on 2 computer or a piece of paper? 8 Today we can do / make research on the intemet. In the past it wasn’t 20 easy. 9 Scientists spend a lot of time just observing / Aiscovering their experiments. 5 Choose the correct answers A-C. 1. can’t enter the website, Something is wrong, Amusing the comect__? A keyboard B password € text message 2 I've started using anew _. I type in what i'm leoking fer on the Internat and it finds the websites want really quickly. A broadband B Username ¢ search engine 3. Sarah spends a lat of time __ specimens in the countryside, She truly enjoys boing a biologist. A collecting B developing € inventing 4 Kevin wants to be a computer __ when he is older. A science B scientist € biologist 5. Ben emailed the document to me. | made a copy of iton paper with the __ for you. A keyboard B web browser € laser printer & I'mbuey at the moment I'm nates on thie fm about astronomy, A making B doing C taking 7 Most people have a intemet connection now because its fast, A web browser B broadband cesktop 8 I need anew __formy desktop computer. The "Enter key doesn’t work. A keyboard B laptop C username 9 You must be very creative to_ something completely new and useful for people to use, A invent B discover observe 10 James’ father is a(n) __ . He develops new drugs for people who are sick A estionomer B chemist physicist a) 19 GRAMMAR Past Continuous and Past Simple SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW. ‘1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Graeme*: 1¢ (go) online this morning and (buy) tickets for the concert (60) very busy al (nothhave) 2. Simone and Kay * day yesterday. They time fore break. a8 (Carly/be) at the Science dub last * (she/give) her presentation? (you/download) those games they/be) free? 2 Complete the dialogue between a policeman and Steve with the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. At the police station Pr What ware you of October? $: Erm... don't remember. | think | was at home. Yes, 0 (watch) TV Vlas anyone athome with you? : No, nobody. It was just me. |? (not work that day P: $29. So nobody saw you athome at 6 p.m. that day? 3: of course. Silly me! My wife was there ‘cine (do) at six o'clock on the 23rd too. She® (make) dinner in the kitchen. P: And what about your children? S: Ohyyeah, the kids! They (dor homework) upstairs in their bedrooms. P: And your mother in-law? S: Oh yes, of course. Er... She (tone) inthe kitchen. | see. So, can you explain why we have pictures of you waiting in your car outside the bank at 6 p.m? 3. * Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. Alexander Grahom Bell 5 exserimenting (experiment in his laboratory when he made the frst successful telephone call, 1 (rchimedes/have) a bath when he shouted ‘Eureka’? 2. Mark Zuckerberg. ——— (study) at Harvard University when he created Facebook. 3 (isaac Nemor/sit) nderan apple tree when he thought of his theory of gravity? 4 Maria Curie (nottive) in Poland when she won her first Nobel Prize in 1903, 4% Choose the correct forms. 1. Sotry, shad / was having a shower when you ‘called / were calling. 2 *Did Lola siand / Was Lola standing outside when it ‘started / was staring 10 rain? 3. When the car *crashed/ was crashing into us, we waited/ were waiting at the trafic ights. 4 Fortunately, we “did't si/ weren't skiing when the bad weather *came / was coming, + * % Complete the story with the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. hat were you doing (you/do) the last time you" (see) something truly ‘amazing? Well, fisherman and journalist AI ‘McGlashan * (fish) with friends in hhis private boat when he ® (find) ‘something very, very strange. At first the group of fishermen * (not/know) what it was, ‘but when they * Qook) closely, they ‘saw the body of a giant squid — almost 4 metres long! {Al got out his video camera and then another amazing ‘thing*__ (happen). He 7 (film) the squid when a large blue shark . (arrive) and began eating the dead ‘squid for lancht Al?____ (tell) an Australian newspaper ‘that in all his years of fiching he'd never seen. anything like it. SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT —— 16 Find and correct the mistakes. He was cicking on an icon and nothing happened. clicked 1. Tom was downloading music when his computer ‘was getting the virus. 2. Annabelle visited the z00 when she saw ‘an elephant forthe frst time. 3. Grandma, were you watching television when ‘Apollo 11 was landing on the moon? 4 They were waiting for the bus when it was starting to snow. 5. The girls were playing tennis when Helen was breaking her arm. 6 Was the computers working this morning when you errived? a) Science and scientists * collocations. 1. Read the extracts of interviews with two people and choose the correct answers. 1. Speaker Ais a child psychologist / a children’s doctor. 2. Speaker Bis a deep sea diver / a marine biologist 2 Complete the text with the correct verbs from the box. Change the form of the verb if necessary. ( sana colcr €0(s2) explore prover) Extract tom Students Book coreg ‘A: | always want to understand why people do what they do — why do they behave that way? What aro, they thinking? I'm interested in how we develop from birth to the age of seven. [..] love dain research and * data. When | finish my studies, | want to work in a children’s hospital. [1 B: The fist met went scuba diving, I saw a little fish swimming away into the distance, and at that rhoment | thought ‘Oh yes, that’s what | want to do~| want to 2 ‘oceans, * evidence about clobal warming and help 19 ‘marine life" | love my work — | can't understand why everybody isn't * my job, 3 Choose the word which does not form a collocation. Use a dictionary if necessary. explore oceans / planets / people/ counties 2 analyse chemistry/ data/ evidence/ research 3 do exporiments// solutions / research / 4 collect evidence / signatures information / science S protect marine life / the environment wildlife / biology LISTENING LANGUAGE PRACTICE 4 Complete the sentences with collocations from Exercise 3. Even simple things like not throwing rubbish in the sea help to protect 1. | don't like beach holidays. | prefer to explore different ‘and to visit piaces where tourists don't usually go. 2 The police analysed the able to solve the erimo. 3. My dadis travelling for work again. His company is doing with a Japanese car company. 4 Emma's got a summer job with a marketing company doing, ina shopping centre, She has to stop shoppers and ask them a few questions. 5 Ourclacs ie collecting for petition against scientific experiments on animals, & The government should not build a new road here. We need to protect _ ‘and the natural environment in this area, __butweren’t VOCABULARY PRACTICE | Science and scientists 5 Look at the vocabulary in lesson 2.3 in the Students’ Book. Choose a word or phrase from each pair in the ‘box to complete the sentences. archaeology / an archaeologist conservation / a conservationist geology /a geologist linguistion / linguist marine biology / a marine biologist psychology /a psychologist Did you know that 2 inauis studies how languages work? 1. You must be able to swirn if you want to be “You will probably work in the sea a ot Of the time. 2 Haley has. that she meets. He helps her to talk about her feelings. 3 Theres an interesting course on inthe local youth centre. Maybe | can do it and then help people learn more about saving the planet. 4. Refacle wants to be because he always liked looking for old things buried in the ground 5 [don't think Id tke you often examine ‘rocks and stones and get your clothes and hands dirty allthe time. WORD STORE 2D| Collocations & Complete the sentences with the missing verb in the correct form. The first letters are given. Allan analysed the data yesterday and sent me the rozults this morning, 1 Its important 10 ¢ lots of data belore making any hypothesis. 2 Next week, Margaret will p her first research paper in a science journal. She’ very excited. 3. Everybody is responsible for helping top. the environment. So turn off the computer when you are not using it 4 Dr Brown aften « hours looking at test resuits before he finds a problem. 24 a We all Know the basic rules choosing good passwords keeping them secret. Rule number government | actually fone: use numbers, symbols four: never write your down. These rules sound easy to | follow, right? &) | GiaiC nor veaigy The Tales say What eters takes alte longer ~ around computers aeady have fingerprint? | Jeccuepasmordshoudlockvometting 65 thousand tilion centuis*! | like this: 'NOr@5S%_fpO&47dInk. : Do you think you can remember +) that?" Dont forget you should have Several dfferent ones, ou shouldn't when wechoose symbol: and numbers to tell computers and phones who wmite them down AND you have to stead of letter. For example, the you are. For now though, we still Change them every few weeks, Does Password ‘M@nchit3r" seems like need passwords, and if youwant one this sound lice an impassible task? ® 00d one, but the code & actually that is secure and memorable, the Well. for most people, itis So what ety simple ~ fist letter = upper best advice is to make it lovo000000 cdo most of us do? feel Recently, researchers had a chance to analyse secret information about passwords. They found that many of us totaly ignore the experts’ advice and choose simple easy to remember and extremely insecure passwords. Data | shows that one out of | every ten people uses Tt the on NuMaars@nd number for their bank cards, and that the ‘welcome’, "123456, ‘ninja’ and of course ‘password’, are some of the most popular choices. pessword («) - work it out or solve it con the end af your fingers | _contuy (n= 100 years 2 All about passwords * antonyms + nouns and verbs + the temperature ‘a good mix of letters ~ upper case i A 8, © and lower case (a, b, ¢)- (a) more secure than something like Rule number two: use @ different password for each of the devices you Se aivee ra "es Sy pot tig ne passwords regularly. Rule number passwords 1. Read the text quickly and choose the best title. 1 How to create a secure and easy-to-remember password g 2 Howto remember all your passwords 8 3. How to guess someone's password Even governments choose terrible hackers to program their computers For passwords. It seems hard to believe, to look out for these kinds of codes. and but in the 1980s, the American Because the length of the password used the i £0 important, 2 group of words vind ‘secret code’ ‘00000000 to unlockits written in lower case, eg. ‘help nuclear missiles. cheese monkey swimming’ is much __"M@nich str, and probably a bit | So how can we make our passwords easier to remember (think of secure and memorable"? Well first, a monkey ~ it is shouting for help important. For a hacker with cheese!). 4a computer that can make 1000, ‘guesses per second, a lower case, 6) Sletter password like ‘ftmps’ takes One day, we probably won't have to only around 3hrs and 45 minutes to worry about all this because we ‘erak* A similar password with 20 won't need passwords. Some laptop readers. Recently, scientists in the US have designed a prototype ring for your finger that sends electricity Hacker are very good st guessing through your skin to @ touch screen case, @ = 4, 3 = E It is easy for ors Bcos 5 mo USC a 2 - 20Siretu Ug 3 = fingerprint (n) - a mark made by the pattern of the skin 2. Read the text again. Match headings A-H with paragraphs 1-6. There are two extra headings. NuMB3rs @nd s¥mB0s How to become a hacker No more passwords! Passwords for beginners Dengerous choices How they did it in the US How good is your memory? Short = bad, long = good 3. Read the text again. For questions 1-6, choose the ‘correct answer A-D. 11 Which basic rule for passwords is not mentioned? A Use a mix of leters, numbers and symbols for passwords. B Use different passwords for different websites. € Never tell another person your password. Change your pesswords often. 2 The articla says that most people ‘A don't know how to choose o secure password. B use the same password for everything. € don't follow experts’ advice when they choose 1 password, D forget passwords easily. 2. Tho most popular password is ‘A not mentioned. B ‘password. ©1738" ‘00000000 In the 1980s, the US government ‘A hed a secure paseword for unlocking its nuclear missiles. B didn't have a password for unlocking its nuclear missile. lost the password for unlocking its nuclear mi D didn't have a secure password for unlocking its nuclear missiles. 5S The article says that hackers [A choose passwords with symbols and numbers. B program their computers to look for symbols and humbers in passwords € choose lower case passwords. program their computers to look for long passwords, & According to the article, scientists in the US recently designed {A fingerprint readers for phones, B a prototype keyboard. C something people can wear to identify them. D a touch screen laptop. 4 Find the opposites underlined in the text. ro mmoooD> fantastic #emble 3 forget 1 advanced = 4 possible 2 similar * 5 complicated ‘Many words in English have opposites, e.g. stert = finish, ‘0a5y 2 dificult, man + woman. These words are called antonyms, When you leam antoayms, use them in personal sentences to help you remember, In your notebook, write personal sentences with the antonyms from Exercise 4. the weekend, but we The weather was 2 fentasiic film on Saturday. VOCABULARY PRACTICE] Nouns and verbs 5. Look at the vocabulary in lesson 2.4 in the Students’ Book. Complete the sentences with the missing verbs ‘or nouns. The first and last letters are given. My grandmother always has a jiczzw on her living room table. !like tohhelp her when | visit, but loften pput the pieces in the wrong place. 4. You'll need to put on another rof clothing, Its really cold outside today, 2. My father never takes food to work because he eats atthe company’s € n every day. 3 How long wil it take 10 h the top of the hill? t'm already really tired. 4. Annie wants tr her own computer ‘games shop when she finishes school. 5. Inmany towns here you can stil see the f. of the old city walls made from large stones 6 We con't land on the island. There's no a Pe there, WORD STORE 2E | The temperature 6 Complete the telephone conversation between Warmomatic and a customer with the words from the box. There are two extra words. (ee below boiling chilly Se) degrees faling freezing rising Inthe year 2033 . W: Good aftemnaon. Ths is Warrnomatc, How can thelp you? : Hello? Warrnometic? Oh, thank goodness you've answered. HELP! |W: What is the problem, madam? : My computer-controlied heating system isn't working. My home is really cold {very room nthe house andthe temparatres til 2 I's minus ten now. W: OK madam, please ty to calm down. I'll try to fix the problem from my desktop computor. Please call me again in 20 minutes. 20 minutos later . |W: Good aftemoon. This is Warmomatic. How can help you? C: Its me again! Now the house is too ho. Infact, ts es plus 35 centigrade and the temperature is * “Help me! W: Oh dear. There is one very easy solution, madam. G: Anything. Please. Tell me what to do. W: Open awindow madam. It's outside. 23 GRAMMAR SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Tick the sentences that describe routines. Choose the time expressions that show regularity. Alastair played computer games every evening | before bec. @ 11 Karen bought a now laptop last weekend, 0 2 Patricia and Matt called each other every Friday night. QO 3. Dean always watched football on Saturday afternoons, oO |. 4 Maryerepped hermebile phone down theratet. 2. When they wert to university, two friends, Carl and Owen, moved into a student fiat together. Write sentences about them with used to or didn’t use to and the verbs in brackets, When they lived with their parents they cicin't use to ear (eat) unhealthy food. Now they ‘only eat kebabs and pizzas. 1 thoy, (do) any cleaning at home They sill done do much ond their fot ia 9 meas, 2 their parents (pay) the bil. Now they pay their own bills 3 Cal (use) his dad's computer. Now he uses Owen's. 4 Carland Owen Now they argue about the computer. 3. + % Write positive sentences (+), negative sentences () and questions (2) about mobile phones in 1983. Use the correct forms of used to from the box and the words above each line. (ergue) (did didn't useto usedto useto ) mobile phones / have cameras (7) 1. mobile phones / cost a lot of money (+) 2 mostnormal people/ownamobllephone) ‘3. people / make fewer phone calls (+ 4 mobile phones / be bigger (9) 5. mobile phones / have touch screens ©) 6 mobile phones / send text messages (7) 4 kk Tick the correct sentences. Sometimes both sentences are correct. When ! was in the Science club at school, 1a we met every Thursday at 4 pm. 9 b wo used to meet every Thursday at 4 p.m. 2. a we watched videos about great discoveries. 8 bb we used to watch videos about great discoveries. 3. a one week, a physicst came to speak to us. bb one week, a physicist used to come to Speak to us 4 a ourgroup went on a trip to the Science Museum in London, QO b cur group used to go on a trip to the Science Museum in London. oO 5. a my iend Emma once gave a talk about the sun. C) bb my friend Emma once used to give e talk about the sun. 0 SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT '5 Complete the dialogue between Jodie and her ded with the correct forms of used to and the verbs in brackets. J: Dad, dic you use t0 awn (youlown) a smartphone then you were my age? D: Did! what? a \_____tyou/use) a smartphone or alaptop when you were a teenager? D: What?! No I didn’t. Iwas 14in... er .. weit a minute ... in 1981. We * laptops back then. J: So, how? messages? D: Jodie?! There were no messages or texts: no Facebook or anything. We + (end) letters or faxes. see. Wow ... Dad, what's afax? Dz Er... wel... twas a bit like @ photocopier, You *________wite) your message on a piece of paper, then put it in the fax machine (have) (check) your J D: Well, then you* (dia) the ‘number and wait. The machine er... well... itread the piece of paper and sent itto your fiend J: What, the piece of paper? D: What? Nol Not the same piece of paper, Jodie ~ just the message = 4: Isee. Wow. 1983 Linkers and time expressions 1 Choose the correct words. 1. read the biography of Martin Luther King during / while | was at home sick. 2. They didn't have smartphones when / by my father wos a student. 3. As soonas / While we downloaded the'song, we listened to it six times. 4. learned a lot about web browsers during / while the weekend computer course. 5_ Itwas minus ten every day last week until / by Friday. 2% % Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words, including the word in capitals. ‘You can take my laptop now but | need it on Wednesday. BY ‘You can take my laptop now but return it by Wednesday, please 1. The moment you gethome, send me a text message. SOON Sendne a text messagi home. 2. Susie drove to Manchester and listened to the CD in the car WHEN Susie listened to the CD to Manchester. 3: weigh hae ga fea ek URIS the film. 4 Wired something t9 eat and waited for the program to download. WHILE We had something to eat downloading, 5 James dd the experiment then showed me his notes. AFTER James showed me the experiment 6 | ead my book and waited for you to arrive. UNTIL. 1 your arrival 3% * Choose the correct answers A-C. Amodern genius ‘Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous scientists in the world. He was bom in Oxford in 1942 and lived there *__ the moment he moved to Cambridge to complete his PhD. *__ this, however, people already ‘knew that he was intelligent. He enjoyed Maths and Science at school very much. He found both subjects very easy. andit was’ _he was studying there that his friends began to call him Einstein, for fun. ‘Stephen's first university was actually Oxford, where he studied Physics and Chemistry. *_his studies there, atthe age of 21, he became very sick and had problems speaking ‘was extremely Il he decided to work harder. This was because he really wanted to fish his PhD *_he died 1 Ail B by C while 2 A After B Before © Until 3A during B while © assoon as Hawking finished his PnD when he was only 24 Later he wrote over 15 very popular science books. His coctors didnt expect him to lve long, He died at the age of 76 —definitely oo early, as many say, A * Complete the sentences with one word in gap. Use each word only once. Dad: Jono, | don't want you to use my laptop “wale 'm washing the car. Wait unt finish, (OK? Jone: Yes, Dad. | promise: 1 Tess: Let's playa. came. the fight to Madrid. Bill: Good idea. How about Scrabble? 2 Matt: I had to speak to my Physics teacher. Why didn't you wait the end of our conversation? Viez I didn't know where you were orwho you ‘wore with. Sorry 3 Al I decided to take a year off University to study Chemistry. Really? What did you do for a year? | stopped downloading the game a I realised it was illegal software. Chris: Good idea. Why don't we try a different game? 5 Ella: | need to finish this report tomorrow moming, Can we meet in the aftemoon? Jon: No problem. Il send you a text message. & & & Complete the sentences with the words in brackets in the correct form. Do not change the order of the words. You may need to add words. Use no more than six words in each gop. Histened to the sang before | knew (the song / before / know) who sang te 1. Adrian sent the text message (while / drive), which is dangerous. Iwent to 21 (ot fall asleep / during) the Biology class. Iwas just resting my eyes. (Gter/1/ speak / Mandy) | decided not to lend her my smartphone, 4 The children all (90/ sleep /by / midnight) on the school tp last week 5 Yesterday, | called my mum (while Jtravel home on the bus ‘and moving.*_fe realised he 4 A During —-B While C As soon as 5 ATIl B While ‘© When 6 A before Bhy C for 25 5. Read the story Lost in New York below. Cross out one incorrect word in each underlined centence ah. ‘Then write the correct word. 6 Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs In brackets. 1. Read the tips for writing a story. Tick the useful advice. 1. Set the scene by introducing who isin the story Lost in New York Tas (be) on a scheo! trip and on the last day ‘we went to a museum before our flight home, We (travel) by city bus when 1% to feel sleepy. and where they are. 2. Include at least three main charactors. 3. Use different past tenses and structures inthe story 4 Use achectives, adverbs and phrases to make the story interesting 5 Use linkers and time expressions to show the order of events. & Trynotto repeat the same words 7. White a happy ending 8 Write four paragraphs 2. Match suitable parts ofusaful phrases for writing a story. There are two extra endings. (begi O0OGG0S GB0D 0° 09 1k was four years: ‘“AlLof the sudden, someone *______ (start) 1 Wrata shaking me. I as the only person left on the bus. 2 Vlinever “What was going up? I slowly Nos Iwas lost. 3 Iwasa few “Lhave to saying | was scared. [*___ 4 Iewas a lovely day (oath) any mney and my phone was dying 5 What ‘Lwas by trouble. OT giem sey ener es While 1. (think) what to do, 1® 2 yeors later when (Ged eseeoas Clea peat caer =ia-wogbl: “Lucky. she helped me. ‘She was ineredible kind Soceree: and told me how to get to the airport and even gave Sean ‘me ten dollars for the ticket @ forget f aoG oe When I finally 7____ (get) on the plane, | 9 forawalk... the pilot *_____ (make) an announcement | hon event Il never forget Trecogaised her voice immediately. twas the | 1 ago when ‘woman from the bus. She (invite) me to the front of the plane and ™ (exp 3. Read the story Hitting the Jackpot below. Complete nae gape 1-4 with a suitable phrase from Exercise 2. | Liravelled with the pilot = 4 Reed the story agen. Choose the corect words. Hitting the - JACKPOT BOyw has a pears ago whan my luck started to change. | was walking home from work when a man rushed out of a newsagent and jumped on a bus, *Unfortunately / Incredibly. a small piece of paper fell from his pocket. It wasa lottery ticket. I put it in my bag and forgot all about it until a few weeks later when | found it again in my handbag. | checked the ticket. It wasnt the winning ticket, but it won a small amount of money. “Anyhow / Lmust admit | thought about taking the money, but I decided to keep the ticket for good luck instead. “Actually / While, my luck did change after that. © I met my husband, Paul. On our wedding day, he said he felt like the luckiest man alive. At that moment, I decided to tell him the story of my lottery ticket to show him I was lucky too. “Then / Unfortunately Paul started to laugh. s the next thing he tld me. He used o play the lowery and the numbers on the ticket were his hacky numbers. ‘During / Suddenly | knew who he was. lt was Paul who dropped the ticket. I couldn't believe it! We werent rich, but we were very happy ‘anyway / luckily. @oe + Rithe apt be very sues ach 26 7. Read the task below. Then complete gaps 1-6 in the story with the phrases from the box. There is cone extra phrase. Your school is holding a competition for the best, short story about a surprising event. Write a story. Include and develop these points: * Give information to set the scene. ‘Describe what happened on that day using different pst tonses and structures, * Use different words and phrases to show the ocder of ‘events and add intorost * Give your story a strong ending. didn't use to care didn't use to smile usedtohave used tolaugh used to see didn't use to take used totell used to walk ) An unexpected gift Iwas 17 years old “when / while | moved to my village. Every day the same way home from school and every day * ‘an old man. He was / were sitting quietly under the same tre. He always looked miserable and children” athim. During the next few weeks |'started / was starting to say hello when I saw him under the tree and later we actualy became good friends. 1* him about the exams | was tahng at school and he tld al about the be ‘35 a conservationist. shove / must admit about the environment, but thanks to him, 1 Sfartedto think about it more carefully Anyway, one day he wasn't there. And he wasn't there the next day. What ‘was going / went on? | went rohis house to look for him. Unfortunately found out he died the day before. Then, afew weeks later when l'wasn’t /was walking home from school, a young woman came and gave me 3 letter it wes from the old man’s wife. Heteldher about | ‘our conversations and that he felt cheerful when he was talking to me. He decided that he ‘was wanting / wanted togive mea git He Ngove / was giving me his special bracelet. He”__ {tof Now do the same. The old manisa friend fiinever | forget. 8 Read the story again. Choose the correct words a-h. 9 Look at the story in Exercise 7 again and find ‘examples for some of the Exercise 1. Tip 3. 3 examples of the Past Continuous: Tip 4 2 adjectives to describe the old man: 2adverbs: 1 phrase: Tip 5 4 linkers and time expressions showing the order of events: ———EEEe SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 10 You see a shart story competition in your favourite mmegasine and decide to enter Welte sstory wish the tle ‘A day to remember Include and Gevelop these points: + ie information to set he scene | ater ee oped or ee coy ain a * Use different words and phrases to show the order Fon eines « Give your story a strong ending a SHOW THAT YOU'VE CHECKED — Finished? Always check your writing. Can you tick J everything on this list? In my story: ‘© [ have given information to set the scene, €.9. oO | was ton years old. twas a cold dark evening. | © [have used the Past Simple and Continuous, and perhape used toto describe whathappened, >) | e.g. le started to rain as was climbing the | mountain. NE ‘+ | have used different words and tomake my story interesting for the reader, e.g. What was (_) going on? It was awesome! ‘+ | have included adverbs to add interes, e.g. Suddenly, Luckily, incredibly. ee *+ Ihave given my story @ strong ending, e.g. I A ‘never forget when I fist wert ..,.. was an event Pineveregot * Ihave checked my spelling and punctuation. (_) © My txt is neat and clear O 2 Telling a story 1. Translate the phrases into your own language. A me Use the right tenses + Past Continuous is used to descibe the background for ‘the main events: ‘The sun was shining and | was enjoying myself, «+ Peat Simple is used to describe a problem and the main ‘events. The weather changed. | couldn't see the path. Use linkers # Beginning: To start with/ At frst + Mice: Suddonly/All of 2 suddon/Luckly/Fortunately/ Unfortunately + Enc: Inthe end/Evertually/ Say how you felt | wos excited/frightoned/ relioved/surprised/shocked! worried. Make a ‘final comment’ twas the best/worst day of my fet It never forget the look Finally Se Neutral response Really2/Oh dear/Oh no. ‘Strong eesponse: ‘That sounds amazing/funny/ What a great story/a nightmare! Respond with questions ‘What happened? What did you do? —— 2. Complate the dialogue between Felix and Eva with ‘the words from the box. There are two extra items. exeeptfor excited happened Luckily Noxttime nightmare relieved shocked sounds Suddenly tostart with We had a fantastic time on our summer holiday ~ ‘except forthe day we went tothe island. E: What | ? F: We were iraveliing on a fast boat to visit 2 beautiful ite island. The captain ofthe boat wes going very fst andthe waves were realy Big. 1the boat hit a giant wave €: Ohnol : There was a loud bang, the front window broke and lots and lots of wator rushed in. E: Wow! That?__really frightening «because it happened co quickly and the water hit us really hard? _____, nobody mas seriously hurt E: Whet did you do? F: Well, in the end we got tothe isand ~ wet but very*______to be back on dry land. E: Weta? ‘ 7 well take the slow boat. ‘Complete each gap with one word. Conversation 1: Alice and Cindy [A: | once met someone famous. ; Really? Who? ‘A: Well, | was sitting in Manchester Airport, waiting for a fight to Wersaw Iremember, Iwas reading Harry Potter a the time. Suddenly the lady next tome said Excuse me, you enjoying that book?” i Ce Who was it? ‘A: Wel, | looked at her and | thought, ‘I know you" and then I realised it was J. K. Rowing. (Ce What? The author of the book you © reading? Thats amazing! What did you say? A: Well, to start? I didn't know what to say, but fortunately, she was really frendly. the end, we chatted for about ten minutes and | old her how much | love her books. G: What a oreat story. A: | know, and she signed my book! Conversation 2: Andrew and Nancy A: I'malroid horses, N: What? Why? ‘Ac Well, when I mas twelve years old, my neighbour took me riding on her horse Ne happened? {As Ie was my frst time on @ horse. * first, ‘everything was OK We 4 ‘going very slowly. My neighbour was holding the horse and I was sitting ts back. | was enjoying the ride, but hen al sudden, there vas 2 loud noise and the horse got scered end started running... really fart NN: That sounds realy frightening. ‘As Itwas. Luckily, dict falloff. stay anay from horses these days 1 EXAM SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions. PART Talk about personalities. What is your best fiend like? Are you generous or mean? Why? What qualities would you like to have? Why? What is 2 good travelling companion like? Why? Do you think students should wear school uniforms? Why?Mhy not? Look at the pictures that show different types of scientists. PART Pant 2 Talk about technology. 1. What de you mostly use your smartphone for? Why? 2. How do you feel in a piace with no wifi? Why? 3. Would you prefer to give up your smartphone for 2 week or your laptop for a month? Why? 4. Have you ever had a problem with technology? What happened and how did you feel? 5. What is bed about living in the technologicel age? Which of these jobs do you think is the most interesting? Discuss in pairs. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1 Have you ever watched the night sky like anastronomer? 2. Would you prefer to be a physicist, biologist or chemist? Why? 3. Do you like Mathematics? Why?/Why not? ‘4 What things can conservationists do to help our planet? Discuss this question together. 'Do you Scientists . | + find ways to make us feel better when wwe ate sick + discover ways we can communicate with each other. + help us to understand the world. + find ways to help us travel 5 How do you think archaeologists feel when. they find something important? Why? 6 Do you like studying Science? Why’/Why not? 7 Which of these jobs do you think is the best for you? Why? k scientists do a more important job than artists? Why?/Why not? Artists... create culture in society. help us to understand ourselves. create things that touch our emotions. bring colour to our world. 2.10 Meee kon 1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the correct form. There are two extra words. Jigsaw keyboard laser printer layer password searchengine specimen usernamo For more information, check online using a £22 1 We need another two of paint on the wall can stil see the graff. 2. This now is excollont. Look at the high quality of these pictures. 3 Lutherie inthe garden collecting for ‘our project on plants. 4. I can't find the last piece of the Maybe it's under the sofa, 5. Did you know that the most used the world is 123456"? [ 3) 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. The frst letters are given. ‘Sir ls2ac Newton is probably the most famous [pnt in the world 1. My favourite subject is C. because I love ‘working in the lab. 2. Patrick is very good with numbers, Does he want to ‘studyM___at university? < ae rsaliow ioe ok rronceht ‘And with robots becoming more popular, they will ‘earn more in the future. 4 I know I'm 2 plant biologist, but its ten degrees « outside. Let’s stay in the lab today, OK? ‘5. In January 1971, experts observed temperatures of, 80 degrees b. zero. Now THAT is cold! a) 3 Use the beginnings from the box to make words and complete the sentences. ((archaeo- astro: conserve- geo- lingui psycho: ) Theodore Roosevel was an early <2° st He protected over 150 million acres of American forests for public use. 1 Many people say that John Aubrey (1626-1697), invented when he studied Stonehenge in England. 2 Philp Zimbardo is @ contemporary American His prison experiment’ showed how [people behave in extreme conditions. 3 Did you know that don't only work with materials on Earth? Some of them work with rocks from the moon and other planets. 4 In 1610, Galileo discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter using a telescope. For this reason, people call him the father of 5 Youcon’t have to speak a foreign language to be ‘good "butt probably helps. 1s n't gB/ wasn't going to school on Thursday. id/ was doing his homework when Simon ‘called / was calling 2 We-slept/ were sleeping when the postman trang / was ringing the doorbell 3. ‘Were they finding / Did they find the phermacy before it "closed / was closing? 4 Chloe and Kyle “denced / were dancing together when the music stopped / was stopping. “Did Shelly wait / Wes Shelly waiting at the station when the train "crashed / was crashing? {_#) 5. Find and correct the mistakes. Did Auntie Kay used to cook a big meal on Sundays? 4 Beth used to goto Hong Kong for the firsttime in 2009. Teenagers didn't used to have mobile phones in the 1980s. a ‘Josh used to invent a popular video game, Did use to be milk free at school when you were little? When Grandpa was young, films used to were black and white, awn wo 5) 6 Choose the correct answers A-C. Flat computers Cate small, light personal computers for mobile Use. They have most of the same components as *__computers including a screen, speakers and 2?__ to write/type with. in the 1970s, 18M *__the ‘first company to make and sell these mobile computers. At first, laptops didn’t *__ to have batteries and the screens were black and white and very smell. Later, in the 19905, colour screens popular than any other type of computer. A Desktops B Websites ©)Laptops 1 Attroadband —B desktop € Internet 2 A keyboard B password CC web browser 3 A wes Busediobe used to 4 Ruse B used C have 5 A werebecoming B used to become € became Ls) 730 ——————aeeaaaLaLaaE (esa 7 Choose the correct answers A-C. Phil: My father __ in a chemistry laboratory in Chicago iast summer. Vie: Cool. Did you visit him when he was there? A used to work B were working © worked ‘Why didn't you answer the phone? Sorry, |__ meaturemonts of the room. ‘An, OK 2 Fiona: When Ilived in Florence | often went to the Leonardo da Vinci Museum, Cathy: Really?! didn't know —_ in Florence. Fiona: Yes. | lived there for six years, ‘A you were living B youused to live © wore you living 3 Dad: Sara! Sara:. Sorry. Hjust wanted to check something. A Not to use my smartphone. B You dor't use my smartphone. © Don't use my smartphone, 4 Pete: hada great time __the vi Natural History Museum. Jim: "mot surprised. It's amazing! A during B while € assoon as. 5 Mark: Georgiana waited for me__| finished analysing data and then we had lunch, Connie: That was kind of her. A when B until —— soon {_ #) 8 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. in the correct form. Do not change the order of the words. You may need to add words. Use no more than six words in each gap. The American physicist James Russell ich t invent the CD (not / invent / the CD) in 1964, but in 1965. 1. Professor Phillie was (plan / publish / research paper) when he suddenly became il 21 (not / Use /like) computer games but then I discovered Minecraft. 3. He sent me the file (00n /it/ download) s0 that l could check it, 4 James work) for 5 Where ‘go) when I sew you in to the ksit icroaokt 9 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words from the box. There are two extra words. collect develop do follow protect remain sit walk ‘The Giants of Georgia In 2008, a farmer ws: woking with hie animale through the Caucasus Mountansn Geol. He used this often, but on this day he saw the real ‘of an old stone structure. The farmer decided to explore the area. Inside the structure ‘were two human skeletons, They *__on chars in front of a table. What was so interesting? The bodies were extremely large, He contacted a team of archaeologists. On the way there, they saw some very large statues and what seemed to be a large stone road through the forest. ‘The scientists evidence (1e. some of the ‘bones) and took it 0 Tbits|, the capital cty of Georgia. ‘They asked Professor Vikua, famous for discovering ‘Homo Erectus Georgius, to help them, but he died | _before he could do any research, When the scientists |ooked for the bones that Professor Vikua had, they | could not find them. In 2014, the Science Channel opened a new investigation, | but they haven't found any new evidence or * ___Atheor to explain these mysterious giant hone. 10 Choose the correct answers A-C. A job advert from space ‘Are we in danger from visitors from other planets? Are the ‘astronauts that we 2 into space making life on this planet dangerous? Last week while "__ascience magazine, [found this interesing article. NASA, itsaid, were looking for someone tohelpthem* experiments on the organisms that astronauts regularly collet during their tips ito space. Te jb is to 2 oies on what you observe during these test, and then ‘work with other scientists looking closely at the data, ‘Your research may help protect Earth againsta future alien invasion. But, NASA hopes, one day the results of your ‘work might help them to“ _ new life on other planets. They ‘might also help mankind #_ pars of the universe where ‘no man or woman has ever visited before. What a great job! A sont (B)send C did send 1 Adidread Bread C was reading 2 Amake Bdo C take 3 A take B have. Cdo 4 Acollect B invent C discover 5 Aget B reach 3 aioe 3 VOCABULARY Watching habits * TV programmes * adjectives * elements of a film/ ‘Wdrama oe ee ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW | —— 1 Complete the text with the correct words. The first and last letters are given. Why iC ove the media and the ars. Every day (afler finish ‘my homework, oF course!) | watch YouTube €12 online, Sometimes they are so funny ~especially the ‘ones with animals or people doing silly things. In the ‘evening, 1 watch the ¥ _y because tha’s when they show the best *h 1 movies. like anything ‘with vampires and werewolves! favourite __g on my laptop. My friend writes | rand it’s about social media. Before 1 goto sleep I read | myte. ‘kor fashion $m___e.'Look | ‘Good’ is the one Hike and I can think about what co ‘wear the next day at school. When I read, often listen to my favourite rock “ Dark Side ofthe Moon by Pink Floyd. Ie a classic! I usually listen to music on my om ‘e phone but sometimes, when I want to lissen wo something diffecen,1 listen to an Internet ". ‘osuation. Do you love the media and the ants more than me? [don't think 20! ae (G ») WORD STORE 3A | TV programmes 2 Match the film titles to the type of film But I don’t only watch things, Sometimes I read my. | LaLa Land 2 animation 1. The Hobbit b comedy 2 Se7en € fantasy 3 Blade Runner 2049 4 horror 4 Angry Birds thriller 5 Bridget Joness Baby {romantic comedy & The Exorcist 9. science fiction 7 MrBean'’s Holiday h musical Complete the sentences with a type of TV programme. Some letters are given. Inever watch re 21! ty TV programmes becouse I don't think they are anything like real Ife, 1. Chiara loves a qoodt _|___ __h_w -maybe one day she'll go on one, win the competition and then become a famous singer. 2 I watched thie excellant p yesterday about King Henry ‘actors were fantastic! 3. Myfavourite g_m_ _h__ isthe one where you start with fifteen people but only one person wins the prize money. Sir David Attenborough, famous for his excellent wildlife chows, hat anowd ___m____f_on TV called Planet Earth 2. 5. Friends is euch a good s__¢__ Is quite old now, ‘but it stil makes me laugh . Complete the sentences with the names of programmes. There are two words in each gap. We saw Brad Pitt on a chat show last week, He's quite funny end answered some interesting questions about his life 1. My cousin's mum watches all of the . | don’t like them because everyone 1s $9. ‘miserable all the time and has problems in their lives. 2. Trevor and Sharon are flying to Cuba next year. They watched a about it and now they really cant wait to go tere on holiday. 3. Did you just soe that 2 There's been a big fire near the city centre. A. Before we decide to go for a picnic let's check the to see # its going to stay sunny, 5. Sam got this special pierogi recipe from 9 that she watched on TV yesterday. 6 Mum's watching a about this criminal that used to be a police officer WORD STORE 36 | Adjectives 5 Choose the correct adjectives. 1. Evelyn doesn’t understand what's heppening in this time drama. The story is too complex / gripping / addictive for hor 2. This comedy isn’t funny it's excellent / embarrassing / entertaining We both feel silly and uncomfortable watching it 3. Cartie isn’t coming to the theatre. She's watching arreally addictive / imaginative / emberressing soap ‘opera and she cant leave home. 4. Agood crime drama needs to be gripping / inspiring / moving, which normally means you don’t know how it will enc ‘5 Have you seen the animation film The Lion king? Its so addictive / engaging / moving that everyone usually cries at the end. 6 I thought the fm was fascinating / disappointing / ‘gripping, to be honest. | was expecting it to be much better. 7. Walter found the documentary very inspiring / imaginative / addictive. Now he wants to volunteer to help homeless people too. 8 That was one of the most imaginative / embarressing / ‘complex things Ive ever seen. How is it possible to be so creative? % I watched a decumentary about how to make glass bottles. | know it sounds bering, but it was actually really moving / fascinating / ciseppointing. WORD STORE 3C |Flements of a flm/TV drama 6 Jake and Angola have just watched a firm at the cinema. Complete their dialogue with the missing words. The dofinitions in brackets are given to help you. J; What did you think of the movie, Angela? Excellent, ch? ‘A: Erm, Not ally. The plot (what happens in the ston) was really sily, For example, why did they go to the island with no food, no water and no map? Because it's film! What did you think about the A (what the actors do)? That was gocd. Some of the actors might even win an Oscar. Well contin they win any Oscars forthe (the text in a drama). What the pain (people in a drama) sid wor clichéd and not very realistic But | have to say that the 4 music during a drama} was area. tereated a very frightening atmosphere, And the * (illusions created by computers) were also very goad. Tha monsters on the island locked real J: agree. And | think all ofthe + the actors wear) were good. [thought the * (the place or time of a drama) was really orignal and the * (how a drama finishes) was 0 big surprise for me.I really enjoyed the film. A: Really? They're showing Hitchcock's The Birds next week. Maybe you'd like t0 see a really good film? (clothes ‘Actors and actresses can be, appear or stain films. pplaysand TV shows, but the verb piay is used with information about the character from the film ‘Compare Johnny Depp stars inthe Prates of the Caribbean fms He plays a pirate called Captain Jack Sparrow. 7 Read REMEMBER THIS. Choose the correct words. {realy like director Peter Jackson's Hobbit films Thay are fantasy films. Martin Freeman and lan McKellen 'star/ play in them, Martin Freeman ?appears / plays Bilbo Baggins and lan McKellen *s / plays Gandalf the wieard = See ‘SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT. 8 Choose the correct words. Conversation 1; Owen and Billy (©: Have you seen that new animation where all of the ’special effects / characters / acting are funny ‘animals that have a secret lfe at right? B: No, |haven't. Let's watch it It sounds “entertaining / moving / inspiring, Conversation 2: Mike and Ete IM: | bought two DVDs for Laura for her birthday. One is ‘a thorror | fantesy/ tiller about dragons, wizards ‘and magic. E: Whats the other one? IM: Its. tromantic comedy / crime dams / period drama about a woman who falls in love with a man from Mars. People say it's very funny. Conversation 3: Olivia and Beth : Did you watch the latest episode of your favourite Sweather forecast / news bulletin / soap opera? I heared it was bering. B: Idid. And it was, So after half an hour, | changed ‘channe's and watched something with a better ‘acting / plot / special eects. Conversation 4: Jenny and Holly J: Lets watch that new ?talent show / chat show / {game show and try to arswer the questions 1H: Idon't watch those kinds of programmes. They're 100 additive / engaging ! moving for me and then I need to watch ther al Conversation 5: Al and Ben ‘A: The Yecript/ setting / acting ofthis film is Birmingham in the 1960s B: I know. And | readin the newspaper that the "script / plot soundtrack was written by a real cex-gangster, 30 how the characters speaks quite authentic 33 GRAMMAR Comparative and superlative adjectives ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW. 7 : 1. Match two adjectives from the box with their ‘opposites 1-4. There are two extra words. (a= exciting far intelligent oe) loud noisy outgoing populer sensible 1 quiet # pois i 2 sily ow / 3. boring * / 4 sty # 1 a eee” 2 * Complete the sentences about the London museums. Write $ for the Science Museum and N for the Natural History Museum. | 27 million 1857 2.0 miles 1.8 miles 10:00 am. = 600 p.m. 4% * Complote the dislogue between Kriston and James with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. In the modern art museum K: What do you think of the exhibition, James? J Yeah, great actually. Its much better (good) than | expected. Ke: Yeah, I think its? (funny) than last year. Actually, it's the? {g00) exhibition I've ever been to. really liked the photos of the dogs in the water Personally. | thought the giant baby sculptures were hed (interesting) thing in the exhibition. Kk: | didhit see those. Where are they? J: Go back down this corridor and they are abit ‘ (fa9 along than the dog photos. 5% * Complete the sentences with the correct form cof the words in brackets. Add any other words if necessary. Heavy metal music fs much louder than (loud) jazz music. 1. Guardians of the Galaxy Ils ust eeehi': (sly) the frst film 2 That film was much (exciting) the one we saw yesterday, 3 The Apollo Theatre isabit (far) the cinemme, so we should take » bus to get there. 4 Horror films are not J: (Popular / as) comedy films ‘SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 5 Complote the second sentence so it has a similar ‘meaning to the first. Use the word in capitals. Of course, for younger listeners, ap is more popular than opera. POPULAR ‘Of course, for younger listeners, opera is not as popular as rap. *_ Museum is not as old as the *_ Museum, The* _ Museum is not as far from Victoria Station as the *_ Museum. 3. The*_ Museum is not as far from Buckingham Palace as the ®_Mucoum, 4 The*_ Museums not open as long as the® _ Musoum. 3. * Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Bob Marly is probably the arosto'* (great) reggoe arist of alltime. 1 I think the violin makes the (beautiful) sound of all the instruments. 2 The guitaris one of the (eas) instruments to leern. 3. Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975) by the Eagles is one ofthe (popular) albums ever written. 4 The Pacific Ocean is the (big) ocean on our planet 1. The actor isnot as short as he looksin his films. BIT The actor than he looks in his filme, 2 Henry's poem is longer than Bethany’s. LONG Bothany’s poem Henrys 3. Idon't know anyone more intelligent then Miko. INTELLIGENT Miko ie the gil | know. 4 The screonsin Central Cinema aren't as big as the | screens in Empire Cinema. THAN | The screensin Central Cinema _the screensin Empire Cinema, | 5 There isn’t a photograph more beautiful than the | tone of the snowy mountains. BEAUTIFUL | ‘The photograph of the snowy mountains | {6 Its far noisier in the library at lunchtime. MUCH When its not lunchtime, it _ in the library.

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