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MIRA, Ella Jane R.


NPK-halagang Lupa
A Reflection Paper on Soil Test Kit Technology

Ang lupa ay búhay kung ang lupa ay buháy

Importance of soils is utterly unnoticeable. I myself did not see its effect on plants until I
entered the field of agriculture. We frequently ask about yields and profits without actually
taking into account the condition and quality of the soil. This is the backbone of the nation’s
agroecosystem, thus it is just to know its basic components and nutrients that sustain and
keep it functional.

Technologies have always been useful and significant in our lives. It provides ease and
simplicity at work, identification of important values in different fields, exchange of
information, and other countless benefits it has to offer. When this activity was given, it was
really hard to choose from a wide range of options in agricultural technology. Indeed, a lot of
innovations and strategies are already present, providing different functions and benefits—
may it be in the field of crops, animals, weeds, or even insects. We had to narrow down our
choices, think of something that is not being discussed about, and therefore come up with
the idea of focusing on soils, specifically determining its macronutrients and pH level.

The soil test kit consists of chemical solutions in small bottles contained in a small bag for
portability. The solutions are added to a small sample of soil in test tubes in order to analyze
the amount of pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and salinity status present in the soil. It
is used in order to maximize crop production, preserve the environment from runoff and
excess fertilizer leaching, and enhance the nutritional stability of the growing media. This
technology would be of great help in saving money and energy by using only the needed
amount of fertilizer. Also, this technology could be a great opportunity to introduce the roles
of different macro and micro-nutrients, as well as their importance in crop production. Taking
the AGRI 51 Soil Science course had a great influence on me in suggesting this technology
to our group. Through this subject, I have realized how crucial it is to keep the soil healthy
and balanced.

Admittedly, farmers have limited to no awareness about these nutrients and components.
They just put high-cost fertilizers to their soils without even knowing what nutrients it is
lacking, hence, allotting more money to inputs, and exhausting the soil because of
chemicals.As extensionists, we should be able to make them aware that thase technologies
exist and are ready to use. It is our role to introduce it to them without the feeling of
intimidation and overwhelm. It cannot be denied that the soil test kit has a heavy composition
in the technical aspect, but making them understand even its most basic concept could help
them not only economically, but also in preserving this resource for future generations.

Soil is life if the soil is alive.

Aside from viable seeds, we must also ensure a balanced and healthy soil for optimum plant
growth and yield production. In the field of agriculture, everything starts with the soil— let us
make it enriched, sustained, balanced, and sufficient.

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