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Diary System of Reservation

The system is known as Diary System because in this system the concept of a ‘Diary’ is used. In this system the
hotel maintains a diary in which the name of the guest is written on the diary page, as per the date of arrival. One
page of the diary is mentioned with a date as per the Calendar. Thus, all the guest from whom reservation request
is received is enlisted onto the respective page of the diary, date wise. Thus, preparing and checking of the
Movement List becomes easier. Diary system is only used in small hotels and cannot be used in medium or large
size hotels because of some disadvantages. The tools required for the operation of the diary system are:
a. Room Status Board (RSB)
b. Advance Letting Chart (ALC) or Advance Reservation Chart (ARC)
c. Room Reservation Form (RR Form)
d. Hotel Diary or Booking Diary
e. Movement List or Expected Arrival List

Uses of Various Tools in Diary System of Reservation

1. Room Status Board: While a reservation request is received, first the RSB is referred, which gives an idea
of room availability position against the requested month.
2. Advance Letting Chart: BY referring to ALC the room status can be known against the requested period
of a particular month.
3. Room Reservation Form: This tool is used to record all necessary and relevant information regarding the
prospective guest by the Reservation Assistant.
4. Hotel Diary or Booking Diary: This is another tool which is used by the Reservation Section to record all
necessary and relevant information regarding the prospective guest for the purpose of processing. The
information are recorded on a particular page of diary according to the date of arrival. The Hotel Diary is a
bound book register containing 365 (366) pages arranged in serial order as per the date of arrival. RR forms
are optional, but hotel diary is a permanent record. To avoid untidy work on the diary, RR forms are used.
5. Movement List or Expected Arrival List: This is a tool by which the Reservation Section intimates
Reception Section and other departments about the arrivals of the next day.

Reservation Procedure
1. As soon as the reservation request is received, the room availability position is checked by referring RSB
and subsequently ALC if required.
2. If the Reservation Section is in a position to accept the reservation request, then ALC is updated and
subsequently RSB if required.
3. Then the RR form is filled up with the information if in use.
4. An entry is made in the Booking Diary on the proper page according to the date of arrival of the guest.
5. Before closing the section, Movement list is prepared for the next day and distributed to the following

a. Reception
b. Housekeeping
c. Room Service
d. General Manager
e. F & B Manager
f. Executive Chef (in case of group arrival)
g. Security (in case of VIP arrival)
h. File

Disadvantages of Diary System

1. Reservation cannot be taken far in advance in the diary system of reservation.
2. The Booking Diary is bulky, so it is difficult to handle.

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3. The diary cannot be maintained neatly because of continuous use.
4. The entries in the diary cannot be made in an alphabetical order.
5. Guest status cannot be known at a glance from the diary.
6. The diary system is not a scientific system because, if a page is lost, then the entire information on the page
is also lost.
7. Diary system cannot be used in large hotels because of limited availability of space on each page.
8. Cancellation and amendment becomes difficult as entries are made permanently on the diary pages.

Hotel IHM
Movement List
Date _______________
Type of Dep. Arr.
Sl No Name Pax BI Remarks
Room Date Time

Distribution : Reception / HK / RS / GM / Security / F&B Mgr / Ex Chef / File


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Hotel IHM
Day____________ Date____________ Month ____________ Year___________

Sl Room Name & Address Pax Room Booked Rate & Duration Arr. Booked by Advance BI Sign Remarks
No No Type on Plan of Stay Time

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