3rd Order Sallen Key Low Pass Filter

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This report examines the widely utilized Sallen-Key filter, which is widely employed in a wide
range of system applications that require low pass filtering at baseband frequencies. Engineering
issues arising from a finite and nonzero output impedance in the amplifier used as the active
element of the filter were discovered during the development of this analysis. The Sallen-Key
filter's performance can differ significantly from the somewhat idealized performance predicted
in the technical literature unless appropriate design attention is taken to prevent these issues.

Filters are essential to the operation of most electronic circuits. Filter is a device or process that
removes unwanted components or features from a transmitted signal. To suppress interfering
signals and minimize background noise, this usually entails deleting some frequencies while
leaving others alone. Filters are classed in terms of frequency ranges based on the functions they
are to perform. A filter is an electrical network that changes the amplitude and/or phase
properties of a signal in relation to frequency in circuit theory. A filter should not add new
frequencies to the input signal, nor should it modify the component frequencies of that signal,
but it should affect the relative amplitudes and/or phase relationships of the various frequency
components. [1]. There are several type of filters such as “Low Pass”, “High Pass” and “Band
Pass” filters. As the name implies a “Low Pass” filter is a circuit that passes low-frequency
signals and blocks high-frequency ones. A “High Pass” filter on the other hand passes high-
frequency signals and blocks low frequency ones. A “Band Pass” filter passes signals whose
frequency lies in a certain frequency band. Filters are often used in electronic systems to
emphasize signals in certain frequency ranges and reject signals in other frequency ranges.

3.1 Background:
Low pass filters are the most widely applied filter type. They are designed to readily pass all
frequencies extending from dc to a set cut-off frequency. The region where the frequencies
readily pass through the filter is called the pass band, and the cut-off is defined as the filter
bandwidth. Once the cut-off frequency is reached, the filter begins to attenuate any frequency
higher than the cut-off frequency. In this project, the generic Sallen-Key topology was used that
serve as the basis in implementing this low pass filter project, see Figure 2. In 1955, R.P.Sallen
and E.L. Key described these filter circuits, and hence they are generally known as the Sallen-
Key filters.[2]

3.2 Cascaded filters:

The cascade connection of 1st order and 2nd order Butterworth filters gives the third order
Butterworth filter. Third order Butterworth filter circuit is shown below. In this figure, the first
part shows the first-order low pass Butterworth filter, and the second part shows the second-
order low pass Butterworth filter. But in this condition, the voltage gain of the first part is
optional and it can be set at any value. Therefore, the first op-amp is not taking part in voltage

Fig : 1 Cascaded filter

Hence, the figure for the third-order low pass filter can be expressed as below figure also;

3.3 Sallen key filter:

Fig: 2 Sallen key filter

Sallen-Key low pass filters are the most popular second-order active low pass filter. The design
of Sallen-Key filters is similar to voltage-controlled voltage-source (VCVS), with filter
characteristics such as high input impedance, good stability, and low output impedance. 

A three-pole filter is required to get a third-order low-pass response (-60dB/decade). This is done
by cascading a two-pole Sallen-Key low-pass filter and a single-pole low-pass filter, as shown in
Figure. In general, a four-pole filter is preferred because it uses the same number of op-amps to
achieve a faster roll-off.[3]

3.4 Equations:

The gain of the Sallen-Key filter is given by the equation:

Gain, Av = 1+

The cut-off frequency of the filter can be given by equation:

Cut-off frequency,   fc=
2 π √R 1 R 2 R 3 C 1 C 2 C 3

If we choose RA1= R2 = R3=R and C1 = C2 = C3=C

fc= .
2 πRC
3.5 Working:


The merits of the Sallen-Key low pass filter are a simple design, voltage gain control, cascading
of filters, wide frequency range, high-order filter design, multiple stages, different gains, and

Filters are vital in communication circuits, as they eliminate noise and help optimize 
performance. Filter applications in telecommunication systems vary from high frequency to very
low-frequency. The channel selection in telephone services is a task of high-frequency band-pass
filters, whereas data acquisition relies on anti-aliasing low pass filters. 

The most commonly used active component in filters is the operational amplifier, or op-amp.
Advantages such as its lighter weight, high sensitivity, and better response at low frequency
make an active low pass filter a constant in communication systems. It is also possible to amplify
the output in active filters. 

Gain control is the next important feature of any active filter. The active low pass filter is always
attached to the word ‘order’. The number of passive components present in the filter determines
the order of the active filter. The first order active low pass filters are commonly seen in speaker,
equalizer, and amplifier circuits. The second-order filters are used as anti-aliasing filters, hissing
sound filters, and echo elimination filters. The Sallen-Key low pass filter and multiple feedback
low-pass filters are the two topologies of second-order active low pass filters. 

Sallen-Key low pass filters give us so much freedom during the filter design process. The aim to
achieve better filter performance can be fulfilled by appropriately choosing the RC components
in the Sallen-Key low pass filter. The voltage amplification and voltage gain control features
with stable filter operation are the USP of Sallen-Key low pass filters. Next time you are
designing anti-aliasing filters or low pass noise filters, try the Sallen-Key topology for improved
In Figure 3,circuit connections of frequency response simulation is shown. The input voltage is
function generator and the op-amp supply voltage is positive 15V and negative 15V and an
oscilloscope is connected in the output side.

Fig: 3 Sallen key low pass filter simulation

The Bode plotter tool has been used for obtaining the desired filter magnitude and phase
results has been used as the designing method. The different responses of the Active
filter using the two different windows are shown which are Magnitude and Phase response
for the frequency spectrum. Adding capacitors to filter provide external setting of cutoff

Fig: 3 Sallen key low pass filter magnitude response

Fig: 3 Sallen key low pass filter phase response


In this paper the low pass Butterworth filter of order 3 has been successfully explained as well as
implemented. The simulation has been performed in Spice. The effect of R and C on the -3 dB
frequency has been explained and results shown above.

[2] Texas Instruments, Filter Pro User Guide pdf
[3] https://ruc.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/part-3-3.pdf

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