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Morning Glory School & College

Savar Cantonment
Subject: English Literature
Lesson from English For Today (EFT)
Unit (1-4)
1. Make Sentences with followings:
i. lesson= Learn your lessons.
ii. student= I am a student of class three.
iii. school= The name of my school is Morning Glory School & College.
iv. old= I am 8 years old.
v. teacher= We should respect our teachers.
vi. person = He is a very good person.

2. Learn a Dialogue on Greetings and Introductions. (*The Dialogue will be taught

in the class)
* Do all the exercises given in the book.

Unit (5-12)
1. What is Command and Instruction? (*Teacher will discuss in the class.)
2. Make Sentences:
i. board= Clean the board.
ii. chalk= Bring a chalk for me.
iii. duster= I need a duster to rub the board.
iv. flag= The colour of our national flag is green and red.
v. anthem=We should learn our national anthem.
vi. exercise =Exercise is good for health.
vii. shower=We should take shower regularly.
viii. uniform= Put on your uniform.
3. Write five examples of command and instructions.
Ans: Five examples of command and instructions are given below:
i. Stand up.
ii. Raise your hand.
iii. Drink water.
iv. Don’t drink dirty water.
v. Put on your uniform.
4. Write five examples of requests.
Ans: Five examples of requests are given below:
i. Please give me a glass of water.
ii. Could I open the window, please?
iii. Could I have a cup of water, please?
iv. Can you clean the board, please?
v. Wash the clothes, please.
* Do all the exercises given in the units.

Learn sounds and make words with the sounds:
i. an= pan, man
ii. en= pen, men
iii. et= pet, net
iv. at= rat, mat
v. er= water, tiger

Unit (15-18)
Learn and write:
1. Write the name of the seven days of a week.
2. Write the name of the months of the year.
3. Write how many days in the months individual.
i. January- 31days.
ii. February-28 days (Leap Year-29)
iii. March- 31 days
iv. April- 30 days
v. May-31 days
vi. June- 30 days
vii. July- 31 days
viii. August- 31 days
ix. September-30 days
x. October- 31 days
xi. November-30 days
xii. December-31 days

 MCQs, F/Bs will be added from the units and materials will be provided in the
class. *Do all the exercises given in the book.
 Learn the spellings from pg-81. Based on the spellings jumbled words will
be given in the class.

Lessons from the book Oxford Reading Circle (ORC)

Story :The Fraid
1. Word Meanings: *Learn all the meanings from the story (given in the book)
2. QAs:
a. Why did Sue want to go down the road?
Ans: Sue lived in a place where there were no children. So, she wanted to go down the road to
play with the little boy who lived there.
b. Did Sue listen to what her mother told her?
Ans: No, Sue forgot what her mother had told her and returned home after dark.
c. Did Sue’s mother get cross with her?
Ans: Yes, Sue’s mother got cross with her as she forgot her promise of coming back
to home before dusk again and again.
d. How did the monkeys imitate Sue and her mother?
Ans: The monkeys imitated Sue and her mother in following ways:
i. When mother wagged her finger, monkeys also wagged their fingers.
ii. When Sue went down the road to play, the monkeys followed her.
iii. When sue and the little boy played covering their eyes with their hands the
monkeys copied.
e. How did Sue’s mother try to teach Sue a lesson?
Ans: Sue’s mother tried to give her a lesson by covering herself in a white sheet and
disguising herself as a ghost. She did this so that Sue could really get afraid.
f. Did Sue learn her lesson? What do you think?
Ans: Sue never learnt her lesson because she did not get afraid when her mother tried to scare
her. Instead, the mother got afraid of the monkey because the monkey dressed up as her.
3. F/B:
a) Sue’s mother was_____________. (furious)
b) Mother ______________ her finger at Sue. (wagged)
c) The monkey’s hung on the ___________ of the roof. (edge)
d) Sue __________did learn what afraid was. (never)
e) _____________________ adapted the story “The Fraid”. (Susan
4. T/F: (*Do yourself)
a) Sue lived in a cold island of Jamaica.
b) Sue came sauntering along the road.
c) Sue’s mother hid by the side of the wall.
d) Sue forgot her promise.
e) Monkey always copy people.
Story: The Turtle and the Swans
1. Word Meanings (*Learn word meanings from the book)
2. QAs:
a. In what ways was the valley a good place?
Ans: The valley was a good place in the following ways:
i. The valley was rich and green surrounded by hills and forests.
ii. There was also a delightful lake in the valley.
b. How did the valley change in one year?
Ans: The valley changed in one year as there was no rain and the lake began to dry
up. The green grass of the valley and the blue hills turned brown. The Earth round
the lake became parched and soon it became a dirty, brown puddle.
c. Why were the swans sad?
Ans: The swans were sad as the turtle became so haughty and told he would say
good bye to the swans and they would never find him in the lake when they return
as he would die of thirst.
d. What was the turtle’s idea?
Ans: The turtle’s idea was to hold either end of the stick by swans and grip the
middle by the turtle and fly accordingly.
e. Why did the turtle get cross when he heard what the people said?
Ans: The turtle was cross because it had been his clever idea to fly that way. The
swans were just carrying out his plan. He wanted to be recognised and appreciated
by the onlookers.
3. Matching and joining (MJ):

i. Green valley surrounded by a. waddle up

ii. Life went on b. strong jaws

Iii. The swans would c. blue hills and forests

iv. The turtle said I have d. peacefully

v. The swans flew for e. an old Fable

vi. “The Turtle and the Swans” is f. many miles

Example: 1. (i+c) =Green valley surrounded by blue hills and forests.
(*Prepare other answers following the example)
4. MCQs:
a. What is the meaning of “aglow”?
i. shining ii. morning iii. dark iv. brown
Answer: i. shining

b. The Earth round the lake became-

i. watery ii. muddy iii. sandy iv. dried and cracked
Answer: iv. dried and cracked

c. Life was peaceful in the valley because:

i. the turtle had friends.
ii. there was enough food and water.
iii. all the above.
Answer: iii. all the above.
d. The swans knew about the great lake:
i. from the other animals.
ii. from the people of the valley.
iii. from their flights beyond the blue mountain.
Answer: iii. from their flights beyond the blue mountain.

e. Dusk means-
i. early morning ii early evening iii. afternoon iv. night
Answer: ii early evening

A Cat
A cat is a four-footed domestic animal. It looks very beautiful. It has two great eyes,
two ears and a bushy tail. It has sharp claws. It is almost found in every house. It is
generally brown, white and black in colour. It is fond of fish, meat and milk. It likes
warm places to sleep in. It can see in the dark. It can climb up a tree and can jump
from one roof to the other. People keep cat as a pet because it is a wonderful
domestic animal. She is playful also. But whenever she is put in trouble, she
becomes very dangerous. It attacks even a man and can cause of severe harm.

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