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This experiment mainly has the following set of objectives:

1. To understand the concept of sound intensity and how it is measured.
2. To learn how to properly operate a sound intensity measuring device.


Figure 1 SKF TMSP 1 Device Description (as given in Table 1)

Table 1 SKF TMSP 1 Device Description

No. Description
1 Windscreen
2 Display
3 Power and Backlight button
4 MAX/MIN hold button
5 Level range control switch
6 Frequency weighing select button
7 Time weighing select button
8 Microphone
9 CAL potentiometer
10 RS-232 Interface
11 Signal Output Terminal
12 External DC 9V power supply terminal
13 Tripod Mounting Screw
14 Battery Cover

For this experiment, a sound intensity measurement device will be used. The device is SKF TMSP 1
model, as shown in Figure 1. The detail display of the device is shown in Figure 2. The description for
both the device and the display are as shown in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.

Table 1 SKF TMSP 1 Display Description

Symbol Function
LCD 4 digits
MAX Maximum indication
MIN Minimum indication
Over range
Under range
FAST Fast response
SLOW Slow response
dBA A-Weighting
dBC C-Weighting
Range Indicate
Figure 2 SKF TMSP 1 Display Display Low Battery
Under range 20dB
AUTO Auto Level range selective

Simple procedure in using the device:

1) Turn the power on (ensure there are batteries installed in the device), and select the desired
response Time and Weighting. If the sound source consists of short bursts or only catching
sound peaks, set response to FAST. To measure average sound level, use the SLOW setting.
2) Select A-weighting for general noise sound level, and C-weighting for measuring sound level
of acoustic material.
3) Select desired Level.
4) Hold the instrument comfortably in hand or fix on tripod, and point the microphone at the
suspected noise source, the sound pressure level will hence be displayed.
5) When MAX/MIN (maximum, minimum hold) mode is chosen, the instrument captures and
holds the maximum and minimum noise level for a long period using any of the time
weightings and ranges.
6) Press the MAX/MIN button 2 seconds to clear the MAX/MIN reading. "MAX/MIN" symbol
7) Turn OFF the instrument and remove battery when not in use.


Sound energy is conveyed to our ears (or instruments) by means of a wave motion through some
medium (gas, liquid or solid). At any given point in the medium, the energy content of the wave
disturbance varies as the square of the amplitude of the wave motion. That is, if the amplitude of the
oscillation is doubled, the energy of the wave motion is quadrupled.

The common method in gauging this energy transport is to measure the rate at which energy is passing
a certain point. This concept involves sound intensity. Consider an area that is normal to the direction of
the sound waves. If the area is a unit, namely one square meter, the quantity of sound energy expressed
in Joules that passes through the unit area in one second defines the sound intensity. Recall the time
rate of energy transfer is called "power". Thus, sound intensity is the power per square meter. The
common unit of power is the watt ( 1 W = 1 Joule/s).

Normally, sound intensity is measured as a relative ratio to some standard intensity, I o. The response of
the human ear to sound waves follows closely to a logarithmic function of the form R = k log I, where R is
the response to a sound that has an intensity of I, and k is a constant of proportionality. Thus, we define
the relative sound intensity level as

SL ( dB )=10 log

The unit of SL is called the decibel (abbreviated dB). I is the intensity of the sound expressed in watts per
meter and Io is the reference intensity defined to be 10 -12 W/m2. This value of Io is the threshold
(minimum sound intensity) of hearing at 1 kHz for a young person under the best circumstances. Notice
that I/Io is a unitless ratio; the intensities need only to be expressed in the same units, not necessarily


For this experiment, a few conditions will be tested to measure the sound intensity level at various
distances. SKI TMSP 1 device shall be utilized for this experiment.

1) For the first scenario, measure the sound level of a person talking. Vary the distance at
which the measurement is taken, starting from 1 meter, up till 10 meters at a 1 meter
increment. Tabulate the results in a Table.
2) For the second scenario, measure the sound level of a running engine (motorcycle). The
distance should be varied the same as step 1. Tabulate the results in a Table.
3) Now try to vary the engine speed (rpm) and measure the sound level at a constant distant of
2 meters. Start the rpm from 1000 up to 5000 rpm with 1000 rpm increment. Tabulate the
results in a Table.
4) Calculate the value of sound intensity, I for each measured noise level (dB) in all steps.


Tabulate the results in a Table.


a) What role does distance play in the sound intensity?

b) Show the calculation of sound intensity, I for each of the sound level measured.
c) Explain the findings you find on sound intensity for the varied engine speed.


Come out with a conclusion of what sound intensity is all about, how it relates to sound level, and what
other variables effect sound intensity.

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