A Dance of Poppies

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A Dance of Poppies

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/14354460.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Original Characters
Additional Tags: yoonmin, Romance, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega,
Friends to Lovers, time jumps, One Shot, Mates, Mating Rituals, Mating
Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mpreg, alpha!yoongi, omega!jimin, Fluff,
Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time, Love Confessions, Slow Build,
Min Yoongi | Suga & Park Jimin Are Best Friends, Domestic Fluff,
Requited Love, Courtship, Smut, Heat Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering,
Anal Sex, Scent Marking, Scent Kink, Come Inflation, Exhibitionism,
Semi-Public Sex, Breeding Kink, Knotting, Underage Masturbation, but
its very quick and glossed over, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF,
they are so whipped for each other, the mpreg is very brief and doesn't
go into detail, it can be skimmed over if it makes anyone uncomfortable,
all smut takes place after both yoongi and jimin are of age, No
Underage Sex
Language: English
Collections: Yoonmin, Btssss, BTS Fanfiction Archive, Fine Fanfic,
Bangtastic(BTS)Fics, A/B/O faves, that type of wolf fic, fav_ymn
Stats: Published: 2018-04-19 Words: 32692

A Dance of Poppies
by springrain21


When Jimin's family is killed, Yoongi's pack takes him in, and they fall in love over the


NOTICE: I do not allow translations of any of my works.

I was originally going to make this a threadfic on twitter, but I had too many ideas and it
would have been too long so I moved it here. This took forever to write but I'm happy with
how it came out. This was my first time writing an ABO and also mpreg, so hopefully I did
it all justice. I hope you all enjoy!
Jimin is six when his entire pack is killed.

His family has known the other pack had been after them, but no one realized just how close they
actually were. No one realized that when Jimin’s father offended the other alpha by slowly
expanding their territory that he’d take it so personally.

The other pack is much bigger and stronger, and they’d driven Jimin’s family out of their territory
in rage. They hadn’t stopped there though, dogging the smaller pack’s steps as they’d fleed for
miles, setting up makeshift camps and slowly growing hungry and tired from being on the run so

Eventually, though, they were bound to catch up.

They come in the middle of the night, and Jimin is awoken to the sounds of screaming. He shoots
up in his furs at the same moment his mother had come bursting into the tent, eyes wild and frantic.

“We have to leave, Jimin-ah,” she gasps, pulling him roughly to his feet as the yells and screams
of his pack rise in the air outside the tent. Light flares through the flaps of the tent as smoke begins
to rise, and Jimin realizes the camp has been set on fire.

“Eomma?” Jimin asks in fear as he clasps her hand tightly. “What’s happening?”

She tugs him to the opposite end of the tent, across from the entrance flaps where the fire is
raging outside. Her brown wool gown is torn and dirty as she pulls him into a crouch on the

“They found us,” she whispers, looking behind

them frantically before she begins to claw at the edge of the tent where it’s been staked into the
ground. “I have to get you out of here.”

Confused terror swells in Jimin’s chest and he feels tears stinging his eyes. His mother succeeds in
ripping the tent away from the ground and pulls it up as far as she could to make room for Jimin.
Outside, a rough voice of a man yells, “Check that tent, I thought I saw someone run in there.”

Jimin’s mother’s usually sweet omega scent spikes in acrid fear. She grabs him by the back of his
wrinkled tunic and shoves him roughly through the small opening between the tent and the ground.
Jimin grunts and scrambles through, mud streaking across his face and clothes.

Once outside, he turns around and reaches for his mother. “Come on, eomma!”

His mother shakes her head roughly. “Run into the woods, Jimin-ah. Keep running and don’t look

Jimin’s blood goes cold. He opens his mouth to protest when the flaps of the tent behind his
mother are thrown open. She immediately releases her hold on the canvas of the tent and it snaps
back into place, cutting off Jimin’s view of her.

He hears the man yell and his mother’s shrill screams. Jimin claps a small, chubby hand over his
mouth to muffle his own screams and stumbles back into the trees. Their makeshift camp had set
up on the edge of a forest, and Jimin’s tent had been pitched with it’s back to the treeline.

Everything is on fire, smoking rising to the sky that is filled with horrified screamings, and Jimin
wonders what’s happened to his father and the other men. His father, the pack alpha, would surely
be fighting for his family against the attackers. Jimin hopes his grandparents are safe, and all his
cousins and aunts and uncles.

He turns and runs deeper into the woods, his little bare feet getting pricked and poked by the
rough forest floor as he goes. It’s freezing out and all he has on is his sleep tunic and trousers. He’s
panting in a mix of fear and exertion as he runs deeper and deeper into the forest until he’s left the
burning campsite far behind and the only noises around him are the swishing of leaves and the
hooting of owls.

Jimin doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his face starts to freeze from the wetness. He wipes at
his cheeks roughly and finally comes to a slow, shaky stop. Looking around, Jimin spots a wide
tree with a hollow at the base of the trunk. He peeks inside, and finding nothing more than rotted
leaves, he crawls into the small space that smells of musty wood.

Jimin curls into the fetal position and wraps his arms around his torso. He lets the tears flow
freely, his sobs quiet and choked as the realization of all he’s suddenly lost catches up with him.
Jimin cries until he has nothing left, and finally drifts into a restless sleep.

Yoongi is eight when some of the men find a small boy abandoned in the forest.

He’s sitting in the middle of camp next to the cooking fire, helping his girl cousins weave baskets
because he’s bored and doesn’t have anything else to do, when two of his uncles and some of his
older cousins arrive back in camp, walking in an odd circular formation around something.

“Send for Hongwon!” One of his uncles yells, and Yoongi perks up at the sound of his father’s
name. One of Yoongi’s aunts rushes off to the alpha’s hut to find him.

A moment later, Yoongi’s father, followed closely by his mother, Sunsoo, her belly heavy with
child, comes sweeping into the camp clearing. Yoongi’s father is an imposing, stately man with a
stern, cool air about him. He shrugs his pelt of bear fur higher up his shoulders and stops before
the returning hunters, his black hair gleaming in the sun.

“What is it? What’s happened?” Hongwon asks immediately.

The hunters part to reveal a young blonde boy, tiny and chubby, covered in dried mud and clad in
ripped, dirty clothing. He’s staring around at them with wide, fear filled eyes, and his bottom lip is

“We found him wandering lost and alone by the river,” Ilhoon, one of Yoongi’s uncles says,
motioning to the boy.

Yoongi’s mother gasps and drops to her knees in front of the boy. She reaches out and cups a
filthy, chubby cheek gently in her hand, and the little child immediately nuzzles into her touch with
a small whimper. “Oh, you poor baby,” Sunsoo coos, drawing him into a motherly hug.

“He was completely alone?” Yoongi’s father asks, looking down at his wife hugging the child
with a frown.

Ilhoon nods and gestures behind him at the forest. “He smells of fire and smoke. Do you
remember the smoke we saw rising over the trees four days ago? I think he might have been there.”
Sunsoo smoothes the boy’s matted, dirty blonde hair away from his face. “What happened to you,
little one?” She asks gently.

Yoongi creeps closer and sees that tear tracks mar the mud on his chubby cheeks. He does indeed
smell like smoke and fire, tinged with the sour scent of fear and grief, but under that, there’s a
milky, baby softness that immediately makes Yoongi feel safe and sleepy.

The boy’s brown eyes fill with tears and his lip begins trembling again as he looks at Sunsoo.
“M’ family was a-attacked,” he whispers hoarsely.

The rest of the pack, who had gathered around to peer at the stranger curiously, all shift and look
around at each other in shock. Hongwon stiffens and exchanges a weary look with the other
hunters. Then he looks down and nods at Sunsoo. “Take him to our hut and get him cleaned up and

Sunsoo stands, one hand on her swollen belly and the other reaching down to take the boy’s little
hand in her own. “Come with me, sweetling.”

The boy toddles after her, his little legs struggling to keep up with her longer strides. “Hyeri,”
Sunsoo calls to one of Yoongi’s younger sisters by the fire. “Bring a bowl of stew and some

Yoongi follows after his mother and slips inside the alpha’s hut right before the wooden door
swings closed behind them. Inside, it’s warm and cozy, with thick, plush furs piled on the floor for
his parents and siblings. There’s a table and a few chairs next to the small fire crackling in the
roughly built fireplace. There’s a chest of clothing and a few of his father’s weapons hung on the

“Eomma? Can I help?” Yoongi asks, and his mother looks behind her shoulder at him in surprise.

“Oh, Yoongi-yah,” she says, settling the boy down on the warm furs. “See if you can find some
clothes for him. Wonbin’s should fit him.”

Yoongi obeys, rifling through the chest to find his younger brother’s clothes. He pulls out a soft
wool tunic and brown breeches that look about the same size as the blonde boy. There’s a knock
on the door that is probably Hyeri with the food, and his mother leaves for a second to get it.
Yoongi slowly approaches the shivering boy and sits down beside him. He holds out the folded
clothes to him.

“Hello there. I’m Yoongi,” he says, and the boy blinks at him with wide eyes. His full, chubby
cheeks are encrusted with dried mud and his eyes are red rimmed from crying. After a long
moment, the boy finally accepts the clothes with slow movements.

“J-Jimin,” he whispers, his fingers brushing over the soft wool of the tunic.

Yoongi slowly, so as not to spook Jimin, reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. “You’re
safe now, Jimin.”

Jimin gulps thickly and flutters long, pretty lashes at Yoongi uncertainty. Up this close, the scent
of his baby softness makes Yoongi melt. “I am?” Jimin asks quietly, shifting a little closer to

Yoongi feels a surge of protection fill him as Jimin peers at him. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Jimin stares at Yoongi with wide, awe-filled eyes. Sunsoo returns just then, holding a big wooden
bowl of steaming venison and vegetable stew and a hunk of fresh bread. She holds the bowl out to
Jimin, who finally pulls his gaze away from Yoongi’s and grabs it, devouring the bread

“After you eat, we’ll get you all cleaned up, okay?” Sunsoo asks, brushing Jimin’s matted blonde
hair away from his forehead as he shovels a huge bite of stew into his mouth.

As he’s eating, Jimin continues to shift closer to Yoongi until they’re shoulder to shoulder. About
half-way through, Yoongi’s father enters the hut and kneels before Jimin. “Can you tell me what
happened to you, son?”

Between his bites of food, Jimin tells them how his father had made another pack angry, that
they’d had been on his family’s trail for months, and how they’d constantly been on the move
trying to get away from them. They’d finally caught up to them and Jimin’s mother had just barely
gotten him out in time. Everything had been set on fire and there’d been so much screaming.

Sunsoo covers her mouth with her hand, and Yoongi presses against Jimin’s side, offering him
silent comfort. Jimin looks at him and smiles softly, and Yoongi’s tummy feels all warm.

“How many in your pack, Jimin-ah?” Hongwon asks.

Jimin screws up his face as he thinks. “My parents, my grandparents, two uncles and aunts, and
four cousins.”

Horror twists Yoongi’s insides. Jimin had lost his entire family in one night.

It was a relatively small pack, and Yoongi assumes that’s why it was so easy to pick them off.
There are over twenty members of Yoongi’s pack, and they would have put up much more of a
fight. It sounds like Jimin’s pack was already weakened and tired from running for so long when
their pursuers finally caught up with them.

Yoongi turns to his father, eyes pleading. “Can he stay with us?”

Hongwon looks at Jimin, who is still scarfing the stew hungrily. “Of course he can.”

Later that night, after Jimin has been bathed and dressed in Wonbin’s clothes and fed one more
time, he stands awkwardly in the corner of the hut as Yoongi’s family settles down on the furs to
sleep. Yoongi’s sisters, Hyeri and Inhee, curl up around their parents, while Wonbin uses
Hongwon’s arm as a pillow.

Yoongi crosses over to Jimin and gently takes his little hand. He leads him over to the furs,
settling down with Jimin’s back to the wall and Yoongi’s body guarding him from the others, as
ridiculous as it sounds, seeing as none of his family is a danger to Jimin.

Yoongi lays down on the soft, warm furs, and after a long moment, Jimin joins him. He curls in
close but stops just shy of where they’re touching, and Yoongi doesn’t push it in fear of spooking

Soon, Jimin’s breath evens out and his body relaxes. The scent of his sweet softness lulls Yoongi
to sleep soon after.
Some time in the night, when the fire is the hut has died out, Yoongi is awoken by the sound of
sniffling and soft whimpering. He opens his eyes to see Jimin beside him, still asleep but his face
twisted in fear. His body is trembling like a leaf, and a single tear slips past his closed eye and
slides down his flushed cheek.

Yoongi reaches out a hand and gently shakes Jimin awake, whispering a soft, “It’s okay, Jimin-
ah,” as Jimin jolts awake.

The blonde boy stares at him, eyes filled with tears and bottom lip trembling again. Yoongi can’t
help himself when he pulls Jimin to him completely and hugs him tight. Jimin immediately
burrows his face into Yoongi’s neck and wraps his arms around the older boy, body relaxing at the
physical touch.

Yoongi strokes slowly up and down Jimin’s back until his shaking finally subsides and he once
again drifts off to sleep, his chubby cheek squished against Yoongi’s collarbones. Yoongi buries
his nose in Jimin’s soft blonde hair, washed clean of the mud and smoke and smelling so nice.

After that first day, Yoongi and Jimin are inseparable.

Jimin follows Yoongi everywhere, and the older boy shows him all around the camp, introducing
him to his pack and taking him to go exploring in the woods.

Jimin, shy at first, begins to slowly warm up to the others, especially Sunsoo and Yoongi’s
sisters. The pack, in turn, seems to be enamoured by the chubby blonde boy with blushing cheeks
and endearing eye smiles. Yoongi’s elderly grandmother, Kyungmin, seems especially charmed by
him. The old woman seems to have developed a fondness for the little blonde boy and likes to slip
him pieces of dried fruit whenever her grandchildren aren’t looking.

Not everyone is welcoming of Jimin, though. A couple of Yoongi’s boy cousins seem to view
Jimin as an outsider from a rival pack. Yoongi has seen his cousins eyeing Jimin suspiciously the
last few days, and has kept a watch on them.

One day, about a week after Jimin came to them, he and the younger boy are about to go
exploring in the woods when a fierce wind picks up and Yoongi sees Jimin shiver. All he’s
wearing is a tunic and breeches and a pair of fur boots that used to be Yoongi’s.

“Wait here,” Yoongi says, already turning to jog back to his hut to get Jimin a fur.

He throws open the trunk and grabs the first fur he sees, a warm and thick pelt belonging to a
grey wolf. When Yoongi gets back outside, he sees three of his cousins surrounding Jimin by the
trees. Even as he watches, Jongho, whose always been a bully, shoves at Jimin’s shoulders roughly.
Jimin lands on his butt on the hard ground with a gasp and stares up at a sneering Jongho with
watery eyes.

“You’re not welcome here, runt,” Jongho snaps at him, and Yoongi sees red.

He drops the pelt and charges headfirst at Jongho with a snarling growl. He leaps at his cousin
and tackles him to the ground, straddling him as he begins raining his fists down on the older boy’s
face. Jongho is yelling, trying to push him off as Yoongi is growls furiously. He can feel hands
scrabbling at his back and shoulders as his other cousins try to pull him off, but he shoves them

“What’s going on here?!” Comes a cry, and they all look up to see Jongho’s mother running up to

Yoongi finally climbs off of a battered and bruised Jongho, glaring daggers at him when he
groans in pain. Yoongi looks at his aunt and points to Jimin, who is still on the ground and has
been watching the fight in shock.

“Jongho was bullying Jimin,” Yoongi says, walking over to crouch on the ground next to the
blonde boy. He reaches out and pushes Jimin’s hair away from his face, and the younger sniffles
and leans into his touch. “He pushed him over and called him names.”

Yoongi’s aunt looks at Jongho sharply. “Is that true?”

Jongho stands up shakily, cradling his arm and nursing a black eye. He glowers at the ground,
silent, but it’s enough of an answer for his mother. She growls and grabs him roughly by the ear,
making him yelp in pain as she begins pulling him away.

“Just wait until your father hears about this,” she’s telling him as they stomp off. She looks
behind her shoulder and jerks her head roughly to Yoongi’s other cousins. “Don’t think I haven’t
forgotten about you two. Get over here.”

Heads bowed in defeat, they scurry after their mother, casting Yoongi and Jimin guilty looks
behind them as they go. Once they’re out of sight, Yoongi cups Jimin’s chubby cheeks in his hands
and brushes a stray tear that’s fallen away with his thumb.

“Are you okay, Jiminie?” Yoongi asks him gently, leaning in to peck a tiny kiss on the tip of his
nose. It earns a watery giggle as Jimin nods. He allows Yoongi to pull him to his feet, and he
retrieves the abandoned pelt and drapes it over Jimin’s little shoulders. It makes him look likes he’s
swimming in grey fur and its adorable.

“Do you still want me to show you the poppy field, or do you want to go home instead?” Yoongi
asks him, worried that Jongho and the others had spoiled the mood.

Jimin quickly shakes his head though and takes Yoongi’s hand. “I want to see.”

Yoongi grins at him and leads him into the forest in the direction of the hidden poppy field he’d
discovered last summer. No one else knows about it, and he’s excited that he gets to share it with

They trek through the woods hand-in-hand, stopping occasionally to drink some of the water
Yoongi had packed. Yoongi shows Jimin which berries growing in the forest are safe to eat, and
they snack on blueberries and blackberries as they go. By the time they reach the field, their hands
and lips are stained purple.

When they step out into circular opening ringed by trees on all sides, Jimin gasps. The field is not
overly large, but still big enough to fit a few small tents inside. The green of the soft, tall grass is
almost completely hidden by the masses of bright red poppies swaying in the breeze. Everywhere
Yoongi looks, the pretty flowers dot the field in masses, their sweet, alluring scent filling the air.
The sun shines down on the clearing and turns the poppies a brilliant fire red, the black centers of
the flowers winking out at them like a thousand little faces.

Jimin giggles and runs into the field, his chubby fingers skimming gently over the petals. He turns
to Yoongi and grins happily. “It’s so pretty!”
Yoongi melts a little at seeing Jimin so happy and carefree. He runs after Jimin and follows him
into the middle of the clearing, where Jimin gets down in the flowers and lays on his back. Yoongi
joins him and they spend a while gazing at the fluffy white clouds drifting through the blue sky
overhead. Yoongi and Jimin link hands again and burrow deeper into their furs when a cold winds
pick up a little. Even though the sky is clear and bright, winter is approaching and the days are
quickly turning colder.

After a long time, Jimin turns his head to the side to look at Yoongi. “Hyung, are we friends?”

Yoongi squeezes his hand tight and smiles at him. “The very best. Forever and ever.”

Jimin is eight when Yoongi moves from his parents’ hut to join his other boy cousins in the
communal hut they share until they present as either an alpha, beta, or omega. Jimin is loathe to be
seperated from Yoongi at night, so even though he’s technically too young to be away from adults,
they allow him to move in with Yoongi.

Jongho and the other boys are annoyed at this and shoot Jimin glares and biting words, but with
Yoongi protecting him he finds he doesn’t care. They take up a small corner of the hut, with
Jimin’s back always against the wall and Yoongi’s body as a buffer between him and his cousins.
They cuddle under the furs, wrapped together in familiar warmth. Yoongi’s scent, like the woods
and clove, has become the smell of home to Jimin.

During the days, the men of the pack take Yoongi, Jongho, and the others boys out in the forest to
teach them how to hunt. Jimin is too young so he stays back with the women and girl children.
Sunsoo, who smells like milk and roses and warmth, teaches him how to skin a hare for the stew.
Wonbin is sitting with them, dutifully stirring the stew with a long wooden ladle.

“Like this, eomma?” Jimin asks, trying to copy her motions with a skinning knife.

Sunsoo smiles at him and nods, continuing to work on her own hare. “Very good, Jimin-ah.”

Hyeri walks up to them then, carrying a plump baby in her arms. “Jiwoo is awake,” she says,
presenting the babbling baby to Sunsoo, who quickly wipes her hands on her woolen dress and
takes her newest son into her arms. The baby coos happily and grabs a fistful of Sunsoo’s long,
raven-colored hair in his chubby fist.

She sits back down on one of the logs surrounding the cooking fire and nods at Jimin to keep
skinning. They continue for a while until four year old Inhee and one of Yoongi’s older girl
cousins comes running up to them. “Eomma, look!” Inhee exclaims, holding out her hands to show
four small, off-white eggs.

Sunsoo frowns at her youngest daughter. “Where did you find those?” She asks, and Inhee smiles
guiltily and shrugs. Sunsoo’s mouth tightens. “Did you go out in the woods alone?”

Inhee shakes her head and nudges the cousin. “Soonyoung was with me!”

Sunsoo glares at Soonyoung, a pretty girl of eleven. “You should know better than to let her go
out in the woods, Soon-ah. You should’ve waited for Yoongi to come back, then he could’ve gone
with you.”
Soonyoung blushes and looks rightly reprimanded. “Sorry, auntie,” she mutters, looking down at
the ground. Wonbin sniggers and Jimin slaps him on the arm with a glare.

“Ow, hyung!” Wonbin whines at him, but Jimin ignores him and goes back to skinning.

Later that afternoon, Hyeri, Inhee, and Soonyoung teach Jimin how to make flower crowns. They
gather up half a dozen bouquets of flowers from around the clearing and spread them all out in the
middle of the camp. “Here, Jiminie, add some lilacs to yours,” Hyeri says, handing Jimin a handful
of the flowers. “The purple will look pretty with your blonde hair.”

At one point, Wonbin comes up to them and tries to stomp on their flowers with an annoying
laugh. “Flower crowns are for babies,” he crows at them, and Inhee, his twin, growls in anger and
pushes him over onto the ground. Wonbin squawks when Inhee jumps on him and starts slapping
at his face.

The twins tussle on the ground for a few moments until Hyeri gets annoyed and yells at them to
stop. “I’m going to tell eomma you won’t leave us alone!” Hyeri warns him as Inhee rolls off him
with a huff. Wonbin glares at his older sister before stomping away angrily.

Soonyoung rolls her eyes and continues weaving a daisy into her crown. “Boys.”

Dust is beginning to fall when the hunters return, dragging a large buck with them. Jimin is sitting
with Yoongi’s grandmother as she works on tanning a fresh hide. She’s telling him stories of her
youth and keeps reaching into her pocket to slip Jimin some sweet blackberries. Every time she
does, Jimin smiles sweetly as her and pops the berry into his mouth.

“Aigoo, how can someone be so precious?” The old woman mutters, reaching down to caress his
plump cheek lovingly. He still has the flower crown he’d made with the girls on his head, even
though some of the flowers are starting to wilt.

Yoongi enters the camp with a bow slung over one shoulder and a dead hare clutched in his other
hand. Jimin looks to grandmother for permission, who smiles softly at him and nods. “Go on,” she
says, and Jimin gets up and runs up to Yoongi, his flower crown balanced atop his head.

“Did you catch that yourself?” Jimin asks in excitement, pointing at the hare. Yoongi smiles
triumphantly and leans in close to Jimin so only he can hear.

“Jongho didn’t catch anything. He’s terrible with a bow and arrow. His father got mad at him
because he kept missing.”

Jimin covers his mouth to stifle his giggles when Jongho pushes past them with a thunderous
frown on his face. Yoongi’s eyes flick up to the clower crown on Jimin’s head and he smiles.
“That’s pretty. Did you make it?”

Jimin nods and reaches up to feel the woven flowers. “I could make you one if you want.”

Yoongi smiles warmly at him and takes his hand as they walk over to the fire to deposit Yoongi’s
catch. “I’d love that, Jiminie.”
Yoongi is ten when he and Jimin sit in their secret poppy field as Jimin teaches him how to weave
crown out of the bright flowers. Jimin chatters as they work, his little fingers deftly working the
stems together while Yoongi struggles to make his look as good as Jimin’s. Jimin giggles at his
attempts before he sets his crown aside and takes Yoongi’s from him.

“Like this, hyung,” Jimin says, showing him with slow movements how to weave the stems

The warm spring sun is shining down on them and the birds are singing. Yoongi pokes at the cute
baby fat of Jimin’s tummy, which makes him squeal and drop the flower crown. “Hyung!” He
whines, slapping Yoongi’s hand away.

Yoongi dives in again and places his hands on the sides of Jimin’s face, squishing on his fat
cheeks and making his lips pout out. “Aigooo, so cute,” Yoongi coos at him in an imitation of his
grandmother, squeezing his cheeks a few times and grinning fondly at him. He leans his face in
and rubs his nose against Jimin’s, making baby noises through his smile.

Jimin shrieks in anger and shoves Yoongi away, his cheeks turning red both from the abuse and
embarrassment. Yoongi laughs and pinches Jimin’s plump cheek again, and he growls in
annoyance and pushes his hand away again. “Hyung, focus! I’m trying to teach you how to do

“Okay, okay,” Yoongi grins, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry.”

Jimin slants Yoongi a suspicious look before he picks up their fallen flower crowns and starts up
where they left off, cheeks burning bright red.

Jimin is ten when he and Yoongi sit at the bank of the river under the cool shade of the trees.

Yoongi has his trousers rolled up and his legs in the water, and Jimin is cross-legged behind him
as he picks twigs and leaves out of Yoongi’s mussed up black hair. He and Jongho has gotten in
another fight when earlier, Jongho has purposefully knocked into Jimin’s shoulder as he’d passed,
making the younger boy spill the firewood he’d been carrying all over the ground. Yoongi has
growled in outrage and tackled Jongho onto the grass, raining punches down on this face.

Sunsoo had broken up the fight and sent Yoongi and Jongho in opposite directions to cool off. A
pissed off and dirty Yoongi has taken Jimin by the hand and marched them into the woods.

Now Jimin is picking the debris out of Yoongi’s raven hair from the fight. Yoongi is still
grumbling to himself in anger, so Jimin plucks out the last twig from his hair and scratches up and
down Yoongi’s back a few times to calm him.

“I wish you’d stop fighting with him,” Jimin says, making Yoongi huff and cross his arms

“I’ll stop fighting with him when he stops bullying you.”

Jimin feels warm at Yoongi’s words, and he wraps his arms around his best friend’s shoulders in
a hug.

Then he pushes Yoongi into the river and laughs at the girly scream he lets out.

Yoongi’s sopping wet head breaks the surface of the running water and he sucks in a spluttering
gasp. “Yah!” He yells, glaring at Jimin as he treads water. “You little brat!”

Jimin giggles gleefully and scrambles to his feet to make a break for it when Yoongi lunges at
him through the water. He’s not quick enough though, because Yoongi leaps up and grabs Jimin
around the waist, pulling them both back into the river with a mighty tug.

Cold water engulfs Jimin’s entire body and he screeches as soon as his head breaks the water.
“Hyung!” He yells in outrage, splashing water at a laughing Yoongi swimming beside him.

“You started it!” Yoongi exclaims, splashing him right back.

Jimin tries to dunk his head under the water but Yoongi swims away. They play around in the
river for a while longer until the sun disappears behind the clouds and they start to get cold.

By the time they arrive back at camp, they are dripping wet and shivering violently. Sunsoo takes
one look at them and clucks her tongue disapprovingly. She tells them to sit in front of the fire and
fetches dry clothes for them. Once they are dressed again, they huddle together in front of the fire
under a large, warm fur. Jimin rests his head on Yoongi’s shoulder, loving the warmth he radiates.
They stay like this until the dinner preparations begin and the women drag in a giant boar to begin

They go to bed with full bellies and content hearts, cuddled together in their corner of the boys’

Yoongi is twelve when his parents finally let him and some of the older children make a trip to
the nearby beach by themselves. Jimin, Hyeri, Soonyoung, Jongho, and a few other cousins set out
in the morning with sacks packed full of picnic supplies packed by their mothers. Wonbin, Inhee,
and the younger children had thrown a mighty tantrum at not being allowed to go, but Hongwon
had been stern in telling them that they were too young to be out without any adults.

On the trek through the forest to the beach, Yoongi and Jimin bring up the rear of the group,
holding hands as they walk with their arms swinging. Jongho makes it very obvious that he’s the
leader of this expedition, and usually that would make Yoongi seethe. It’s pretty much a given that
both Yoongi and Jongho will eventually present as alphas, and they’ve always had a rivalry
because of it. Right now though, Yoongi couldn’t care less, more than content to fall behind in
Jimin’s company and let Jongho take the lead.

It’s a hot, sunny day, and the shade of the trees offers some much needed relief. It’s about a two
hour walk to the beach, and Yoongi and Jimin picks berries and snack on them as they trudge after
the others.

Eventually, the hard packed earth of the forest floor begins to turn sandy, and they step out of the
trees onto a small sandy cove. The rolling blue water of the ocean slurps up onto the wet sand
before it recedes again, the sun glinting off the surface like glass. Seagulls caw overhead and the
air smells salty and briny, and the cool breeze coming off the water is refreshing and pleasant on
Yoongi’s hot face.

Jimin gasps at the sight before him and goes pelting across the hot, white sand towards the water.
He’s never seen the ocean before, and the childlike wonder on his face is the best thing Yoongi’s
ever seen. He kicks of his leather sandals and steps into the water as it laps back up the sand. The
sun shines down on his blonde hair and turns it a brilliant gold as the sea air ruffles the soft strands.
He looks like a shining angel and it's beautiful. Yoongi drops his sack and toes of his own sandals
before running after Jimin.

“Hyung, it’s incredible!” Jimin laughs as he turns to look at Yoongi, the soft sea spray misting
across their faces.

“It’s just water,” Jongho bites from behind them, but they both pointedly ignore him.

They both shuck off their lightweight cotton tunics and toss them onto the sand before wading
into the cold water. Jimin keeps making cute gasping sounds the further up the the water laps
against his porky belly.

They wade out until their shoulders are submerged and their feet are barely brushing the sandy,
rocky ocean floor. They are pulled gently to and fro by the soft current of the sea, and it makes
Yoongi feel utterly weightless. Jimin squeals when seaweed brushes against his leg and Yoongi
laughs at the look on his face. In revenge, Jimin splashes at him and Yoongi gets a mouthful of
salty water.

Hyeri swims out to them a little while later while the other children remain closer to the shore,
tossing a carved wooden ball between each other and laughing loudly. They stay out in the water
until their fingers turn into prunes and their limbs begin to get sore from wading. Yoongi’s
stomach growls loudly and he decides it's time for lunch.

Jimin and Hyeri swim after him and they all stagger onto shore on shaky legs. Yoongi and Hyeri
unfold the large quilt their mother had packed them and lay it down in the sand. The other kids,
seeing them unpacking lunch, get out of the water to join them. Once they’re all seated on the quilt,
dripping water and tired, food gets passed around. Hunks of smoked deer and slabs of dried fish
leather and fresh bread. There’s nut and berries and carrots that are grown in the camp. Everyone
gulps down mouthfuls of water as the hot sun dries their skin and makes them sleepy and content.
They joke and laugh with each other, and even Jongho seems to be more agreeable than usual.

When lunch is finished, Jimin, Hyeri, and Sooyoung begin making a sandcastle, while Yoongi,
Jongho, and the others spread out to search for shells and interesting findings across the beach.
Always keeping Jimin in the corner of his eye, Yoongi searches the shore for anything pretty. He
finds two delicate turritella shells, one multiple shades of brown and the other a light pink. He finds
a pure white scallop the size of an an ear, a long, smooth auger, and a couple of little cowrie shells
buried in the sand. He finds a handful of abalones, their beautiful colors shining in the sun. He also
finds a hag stone, a small oval rock worn smooth by the sea with a single hole going completely
through the middle. Hag stones are a gift from the sea goddess and are thought to bring good luck.

Searching through a small tide pool, Yoongi pulls out a big grey clam the size of his hand. He
tries to pry it open but it won’t give, so he takes to smashing it against the rocks until it finally
cracks open. Inside sits a single, perfect pearl, mostly round and just a little oval. It’s iridescent
baby pink and mint green that glints in the sun. Yoongi plucks it carefully from the clamshell and
tucks all his findings safely in his pockets. He wants to show Jimin, but something tells him to wait
for a special occasion.
After awhile they all converge back into the water when the sun gets too hot. They swim around
for a few more hours until they all grow too tired and decide to call it a day. They repack their
supplies and set off home, letting the sun and the warm air dry their clothes. Once again, Yoongi
and Jimin fall behind the others, holding hands as they walk. Jimin has turned a few shades darker
under the sun but poor Yoongi is a brilliant shade of sunburnt red, and he knows he’s going to be
sore for the next couple of days.

“That was really fun, hyung,” Jimin smiles at Yoongi sleepily, a flush high on his cheeks from the
sun. “Can we come back again soon?”

“Of course we can,” Yoongi squeezes Jimin’s small hand. The blonde boy grins at him sweetly
and Yoongi feels warmth spreading through his chest.

Jimin is twelve when Jongho presents as an alpha.

The usual age for presenting is between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, and Jongho had been
sixteen for about a month before he presented. The pack had celebrated with a fantastic feast,
music and dancing. Most every member of the pack presents as betas, so it’s always joyous when
any of the young presents as both alphas and omegas.

The day after the celebration, the mood in camp is somber. Jongho stands with his parents at the
edge of the camp, dressed in layers of warm clothes and a big leather sack across his back.

When a young man, or woman, though it’s incredibly rare, presents as an alpha, they have to go
through a sort of coming of age ritual to prove their worth to their pack as an alpha.

A year alone, in the wild, away from their family, relying on only themselves and their skills to

The pack has gathered with a heavy heart to see Jongho off, and Hongwon, as the alpha of the
pack, places a hand on his nephew’s shoulder. “Good luck,” he says solemnly. “We’ll be waiting
for your return.”

Jongho nods and takes a deep breath, casting his parents one last look before he turns and
disappears into the forest.

They won’t see him again for an entire year.

Yoongi is fourteen when Soonyoung presents as an omega, just three months after her brother,
Jongho, left on his Solitude. There is another grand celebration, even more joyous because they
know Soonyoung doesn’t have to go away.

Unlike when alphas present, omegas don’t have to do anything special. But word will spread
quickly through the land of the new omega, and alphas will start arriving from near and far to try
to court her.
The first one arrives a week after Soonyoung’s first heat, which she’d spent in the solitary heat
hut a mile away from camp. When she comes back home, she seems brighter, happier, more sure of
herself. Yoongi, who hasn't presented yet and still has the nose of a beta, can’t smell any
difference, but he knows that her scent must have changed; become sweeter, more enticing.

They are gathered around the fire for breakfast when one of Yoongi’s uncles catches the scent of
a stranger. An alpha. They are all immediately on alert, forming a protective ring around

The alpha steps out from the trees, hands raised in an non threatening manner. He looks to be in
his early 20s, tall and dark haired with a defined body and sharp jawline.

He introduces himself as Joonjin of the Na pack, who reside far across the valley. As he
introduces himself, his eyes keep catching on Soonyoung, who is watching him with narrowed
eyes behind her mother’s shoulder.

Hongwon allows Joonjin to meet with Soonyoung, but only with a chaperone. Joonjin leads
Soonyoung away from the camp, followed closely by Ilhoon, one of Yoongi’s uncles and also a

“I don’t like the look of him,” Jimin whispers to Yoongi as they add vegetables to the cooking pot
for tonight’s dinner.

Yoongi nods and glances off in the direction they had disappeared. He also doesn’t like the
feeling of this Joonjin, and he doesn’t like him being with Soonyoung. But Ilhoon, a strong hunter,
won’t let anything happen while he’s around.

“Soonyoung is smart. She won’t go for someone who shows off by flexing his big muscles,”
Yoongi assures Jimin, who still looks a little concerned.

They return to camp a little while later, Soonyoung with a tight look on her face and Joonjin
looking annoyingly triumphant. Hongwon, as pack alpha, is obligated to ask him to stay for dinner.

All day Joonjin goes around camp telling everyone who will listen about all his accomplishments
and achievements as an alpha, chest puffed out in pride. Yoongi can tell he rubs most everyone the
wrong way, and the sound of his constant crowing is grating on Yoongi’s nerves.

By the time dinner rolls around, the whole pack is irritated and annoyed. Joonjin doesn’t seem to
get the memo because he just keeps bragging about his victories.

Eating is a quiet affair save for Joonjin, who is unfortunately sitting next to a seething
Soonyoung, who is subtly leaning away from him with a pinched look on her face.

Blessedly, dinner finally ends and Joonjin draws Soonyoung to the edge of camp, with Ilhoon
keeping watch close by. Yoongi and Jimin don’t even try to hide their staring this time as Joonjin
hands something to Soonyoung. She looks down at it for a moment before shaking her head and
saying something they can’t hear. Then she turns her back on him and strides back into camp.

Joonjin’s face drops and he turns around abruptly and stomps away without another word. Ilhoon
drifts back into camp and smiles when he sees the confused looks on Yoongi and Jimin’s faces.

“That was what it looks like when an alpha gets rejected,” he tells them.

Yoongi sniggers and Jimin slaps him on the shoulder before anyone hears him. They get up and
race after Soonyoung, catching her just before she enters her hut.
“Noona, what did he try to give you?” Jimin asks curiously, and Soonyoung scowls.

“It was a courting gift,” she says, crossing her arms in annoyance. “A pinecone.”

“A pinecone?” Yoongi tries to hold back his laughter.

“Apparently it’s from some special tree that grows by his pack’s camp,” Soonyoung rolls her
eyes. “If I had accepted it, it meant I would’ve accepted his attempts to court me.”

“I’m glad you didn’t accept,” Jimin says, and Soonyoung smiles and ruffles his blonde waves.

“Me too, Jiminie.”

Jimin is thirteen when Jongho returns from his Solitude.

Now seventeen, Jongho seems to have grown up. There’s a mature, relaxed ease about him, his
facial features have sharpened and defined, and he’s taller and more toned now. The biggest
surprise comes when Jongho sees Yoongi again for the first time and he pulls him into a brotherly
hug. The two have always been rivals so to see Jongho showing genuine affection for Yoongi has
the whole pack shocked.

He regales the pack about all his adventures during his Solitude, how he had to hunt and forage
for food, how he’d had to fight off a lone beta who he discovered sniffing around his makeshift
camp, and how he’d almost fallen over the side of a cliff one night.

Jimin finds the stories fun, but he finds the way that Yoongi is absentmindedly playing with the
younger’s fingers much more interesting. Lately Jimin’s been noticing things about his best friend.
Like the way his black hair gleams almost blue under the sunlight, like a raven’s wings. And the
way his eyes are always droopy with sleep but always seem to light up when he sees Jimin. Or how
long and slim his fingers are and how nicely they fit with Jimin’s when they hold hands.

Yoongi brushes his thumb along Jimin’s knuckles, the light touch raising goosebumps on his
skin. Yoongi is listening to Jongho’s story with an unconscious frown on his pouty lips, but Jimin
finds himself glancing up at Yoongi’s face every few seconds. When Yoongi finally notices, he
looks at Jimin curiously, brows raised.

“What’s wrong?” He whispers, and Jimin’s cheeks heat up at being caught. He quickly drops his
gaze to their joined hands and shrugs.

“Nothing,” he breathes back, squeaking in surprise when Yoongi wraps an arm around Jimin’s
waist and pulls him snug against his body. It takes a few moments but Jimin finally relaxes and
lays his head on Yoongi’s shoulder, sighing in contentment. Yoongi’s warmth and scent are home
to him now, and Jimin barely remember his life before he joined the pack and met Yoongi.

Unknown to the two of them, the other members of the pack are sneaking glances at them and
smiling at each other knowingly.
Yoongi is fifteen when he gives Jimin the first gift.

It’s just a single poppy, picked from their special field, but Yoongi feels like it's a meaningful gift.
He finds Jimin in the woods by the camp foraging for firewood, his blonde hair glinting in the
light spilling through the trees.

Hiding the flower behind his back, Yoongi approaches Jimin, who looks up at him and grins
happily when he sees the older boy. “Hyung!” He chirps, setting down his stack of firewood. “Did
you come to help me?”

“Sure,” Yoongi says. “But first I wanted to give you this.”

He holds the flower out to Jimin, watching his face closely for his reaction. Jimin’s eyes light up
when he sees the poppy and a smile stretches across his face. “For me?” He asks, looking at
Yoongi, who nods. Yoongi holds his breath as Jimin reaches out for it. He plucks it from Yoongi’s
fingers and holds it to his nose to smell it. “Thank you, hyung!”

Yoongi sags in relief. Jimin may not know what the flower signifies, but Yoongi sure does. And
the fact that Jimin accepted it makes Yoongi’s instincts howl in satisfaction and happiness. Jimin
tucks the flower into the leather belt cinched around his tunic and picks the firewood back up.

“Should I have gotten you a present too?” Jimin asks as he straightens back up, and Yoongi

“No,” the older boy replies. “You don’t ever have to give me gifts.” Jimin looks a little confused
but Yoongi bends down and quickly begins gathering up firewood before he can ask any questions.

They forage around for a little longer until both of their arms are full of firewood. They head back
to camp and deposit their haul by the cooking fire, where Sunsoo and Hyeri are skinning a couple
hares for supper. They just narrowly escape being roped into helping, and they both go racing off
to join Inhee and Wonbin where they are tossing a wooden ball at each other and hitting it with a
roughly carved bat.

After dinner, Yoongi and Jimin curl up in their corner of the boy’s hut. While he was away, a
private hut had been built for Jongho, so he no longer lives with them. Jimin places the poppy
Yoongi gave him between two flat slats of chopped wood and hides it under one of the furs in the

“What are you doing?” Yoongi asks him curiously.

“I’m pressing it so I can keep it forever,” Jimin replies, finishing his task and laying down next to
Yoongi on their pile of furs. He squirms into Yoongi’s space, and the older boy wraps his arms
around Jimin and hugs him close. Yoongi’s chest fills with warmth at Jimin’s words and he leans
in and kisses the top of Jimin’s fair head.

Yoongi drifts off to sleep to the sound of Jimin’s gentle breaths and his soft, comforting scent.

Jimin is fourteen when Yoongi presents as an alpha.

One morning they wake up and Yoongi’s smells a little different, even to Jimin’s muted senses. A
little muskier and darker. Yoongi is groggy, rubbing his head and wincing when he moves. When
they step outside, Soonyoung is the first to smell him with her sensitive omega nose.

“Yoongi-yah!” She gapes at him. “You presented!”

That quickly draws the others, and Hongwon clasps his son on the shoulders and stares at him
intently. “An alpha,” he finally smiles, and the pack cheers. Sunsoo rushes up and suffocates
Yoongi in a hug, her eyes twinkling with tears of joy.

Everyone had known Yoongi would present as an alpha, being the firstborn son of the pack alpha,
it was almost guaranteed. He will most likely succeed Hongwon as pack alpha eventually.

In the back of his head, Jimin had sort of known this. But now, as the pack celebrates and
congratulates a shocked Yoongi, it hits him.

Yoongi will have to leave for a whole year.

Jimin’s stomach drops into his feet and he feels like a bucket of ice water has been dumped over
his head. He tries not to let it show on his face because he doesn’t want to ruin Yoongi’s moment,
but inside his chest, he can feel his heart shattering.

Yoongi must be able to sense it or notice the change in Jimin’s scent with his new alpha nose,
because he looks over at him sharply from where Ilhoon has him in a friendly headlock. Jimin tries
to smile at him reassuringly, but it’s stiff and awkward and he knows it doesn’t reach his eyes.

It’s quite a while later before Yoongi can finally break away from his family as they rush around
to prepare a celebration feast. Jimin is hiding in the forest by himself, sitting on a fallen tree trunk
and feeling miserable.

Yoongi, like he always has, finds him easily. Yoongi kneels in front of Jimin and cups his face in
his hands, looking worried. “What it it, Jiminie?” Yoongi asks softly, and the tears that Jimin’s
been holding back finally flow.

“Y-you have to leave now,” he blubbers miserably, nuzzling into Yoongi’s touch. Yoongi coos
gently and pulls Jimin into a tight hug against his chest.

“I’ll be back before you know it,” Yoongi says, rubbing Jimin’s back soothingly as Jimin cries
into his neck.

“A year is so long,” Jimin sniffles, holding tight to his best friend. “I’ll miss you so, so much.”

“I’ll miss you more,” Yoongi murmurs, his fingers twisting in Jimin’s blonde waves. “More than
you know.”

Jimin sobs again and squeezes Yoongi even harder. “What am I going to do without you? Who
will protect me?”

Jimin doesn’t know if he imagines it when Yoongi growls lowly. “Jongho and the others don’t
bother you anymore, so you don’t have to worry about them, okay?” Yoongi says, his thumb
brushing along Jimin’s ear. “And you can stick with Hyeri and Inhee and help eomma around
camp, alright? And you and Wonbin can make sure no stupid alphas try to come court Soonyoung
who aren’t worthy of her. You can play with Jiwoo and keep halmeoni company. You know how
much she loves you.”
Yoongi words work to calm Jimin down a little, and he wonders when Yoongi’s voice had started
getting deeper. Jimin nods minutely into Yoongi’s shoulder, taking a few deep breaths to calm
himself. “You won’t forget about me, right?” Jimin asks meekly, and Yoongi squeezes him tight.

“As long as you don’t forget about me.”

Jimin weekly slaps at Yoongi’s arm. “I would never forget you, stupid.”

Jimin can almost feel Yoongi’s smile. “Well then, there’s your answer.”

Jimin lets out a watery giggle despite himself. God, he’s going to miss Yoongi so much. They’ve
never spent a single day apart in the last eight years, and Jimin doesn’t know how he’s going to be
able to be without Yoongi.

They stay out in the woods together until the sky darkens and the smell of roasting meat reaches
them. Soonyoung comes to find them a short time later to announce its time for the celebration.

Holding hands as if its each of their lifelines, Yoongi and Jimin reluctantly return to camp. The
celebration kicks off immediately. There’s food and drink and laughter and storytelling.
Soonyoung plays a lively tune on her lute and a few of the cousins join in with deerskin drums. The
little kids of the pack dance around and squeal with laughter, and Hyeri and Inhee place a beautiful
handmade lei of flowers around Yoongi’s neck as the guest of honor.

The atmosphere is lively and energetic, but both Jimin and Yoongi are quiet and solemn. They
cling together the entire night, and Jimin swears on more than one occasion that Yoongi subtly
scents him. He wonders if he smells any different to the alpha’s new nose.

By the time the celebration dies down, Jimin is exhausted, but he doesn’t want the night to end,
because when the morning comes, Yoongi will have to leave.

Instead of going to sleep in their hut, Yoongi suggests that they take a small tent and camp in their
poppy field for the night. Jimin eagerly accepts, and awhile later they lie in the middle of their
field, sheltered by a small leather tent pitched up by wooden rods.

They are lying cocooned in piles of soft, warm furs, wrapped around each other as they listen to
the crickets chirping outside.

“I don’t want you to go,” Jimin murmurs into Yoongi’s neck as the new alpha strokes his blonde

“I don’t want to go either,” Yoongi replies softly, fiddling with Jimin’s earlobe. “I don’t want to
leave you.”

“You don’t have to,” Jimin sniffles, though he knows it’s in vain.

Yoongi flicks his ear gently. “You know I do.”

Jimin huffs and snuggles closer to Yoongi. They lie like this for a few more moments until
Yoongi shifts. “I almost forgot,” he says, pulling away from Jimin to dig into the small leather
satchel he’d brought with him. He pulls something out and presents it to Jimin. “For you.”

It’s a river stone, perfectly round and pure white. It’s smooth to the touch and is about the size of
a robin’s egg. Jimin takes it reverently and strokes his thumb over the smooth, cold surface.

Jimin looks up to see Yoongi watching him closely. “It’s beautiful,” Jimin whispers. “I love it.”
Yoongi smiles at Jimin, the breathtaking one that shows all his gums, and Jimin feels his heart
stutter in his chest.

A swell of jittery courage overtakes Jimin and he gulps thickly. “C-can I give you a present too?”

Yoongi frowns at him. “Jiminie, I said you never have to giv-”

Jimin cuts him off by leaning in and kissing him. It’s just a quick little peck, barely any pressure
and over in half a second, but it still serves in making Jimin’s heart explode and his chest feel hot.

Yoongi stares at Jimin with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape, and when he doesn’t say anything
for a few beats, Jimin starts to fear he’d done something wrong.

“W-was that okay?” He stutters, his blood running cold in mortification.

Yoongi finally reacts. He blinks a few times before pulling Jimin into a tight hug. “Of course it
was, sweetling,” Yoongi whispers into his hair, and Jimin relaxes, heart swelling at the term of

“I’ll think about you every moment,” Yoongi tells him as exhaustion begins to creep over Jimin.
He just barely manages to hold back a whimper, nuzzling his face deeper into Yoongi’s neck

They both drift to sleep wrapped up in each other, with the scent of poppies around them.

The next morning, the mood is somber as Yoongi and Jimin head back to camp so Yoongi can
gather his things.

The pack all gather around Yoongi as he stands in the middle of the camp, a huge sack of supplies
across his back and his warmest and most durable clothes on. Sunsoo tearily kisses him goodbye
and his younger siblings crowd in for a group hug. His grandmother waddles up and wraps a wool
scarf tightly around his neck before clapping him fondly on the cheek.

Hongwon, never one to show much affection, pulls Yoongi into a tight embrace and whispers
something that only he can hear. When they pull away, Yoongi is blinking away tears, and Jimin
wants nothing more than to kiss them away.

Finally, it’s Jimin’s turn to say goodbye. He approaches Yoongi slowly, not willing to let him go
but knowing he has to. Yoongi holds out his arms and Jimin jumps into them with a muffled
whimper. The two hug tightly, desperately, as if their lives depend on it.

“I’ll see you soon, Jiminie,” Yoongi breathes, and Jimin feels tears sting his eyes.

“You better,” he sniffles back, voice watery. Yoongi kisses his forehead gently and finally pulls
back, though it’s slow and reluctant.

Yoongi takes a few steps backwards before, with one final look at Jimin, he turns and disappears
into the forest.
The first few weeks without Yoongi are torture for Jimin.

He didn’t realize how accustomed be was to Yoongi’s presence, to their constant cuddles and
touching and closeness, but now that he’s devoid of it, Jimin feels like he’s slowly crumbling
away. He goes about his days as if he were dead, feeling empty and lost.

Finally, Yoongi’s grandmother gets tired of his moping and calls him into her hut. She sits him
down and stabs a hooked finger at his chest, eyes narrowed in a glare. “Do you really think this is
what Yoongi wants?” She asks sternly. “For you to be this miserable without him? He’d be so
upset if he knew how sad you were because of him.”

Jimin stares at her with wide, shocked eyes. He’d never thought about it like that. It’s true,
Yoongi would be horrified to see how lifeless Jimin has become in his absence, and that thought
makes Jimin cringe. “I-I’m sorry, I-”

“Don’t apologize,” halmeoni interrupts firmly. “Just start being happy and living your life again
the way Yoongi would want.”

Jimin gulps heavily and feels the sting of tears in his eyes. After a long, silent moment, he finally
nods. “Okay,” he whispers, slipping his hand into his tunic pocket to close his fist around the river
stone Yoongi gave him, which he always keeps with him.

Halmeoni grunts and nods approvingly, reaching out to pinch Jimin’s fat cheek. She sends Jimin
on his way after slipping him a piece of his favorite dried caribou meat, which he hides so the
other grandchildren don’t see.

The men of the pack have started building Yoongi’s hut for when he returns. All alphas get their
own hut to cut down on territorial issues, while betas all tend to stay together, or with their mates
and families. Unmates omegas room together as well, as apparently they get a sense of safety in
numbers. Jongho had been built a hut while he was away, while Soonyoung had moved into the
omega hut with a few of the of the unmated omegas of the pack.

Recently, Jongho has been venturing away from camp in search of a mate. This time, he’s already
been gone for five days, and they have no idea how much longer it could be. They’re all hoping
that he’ll return with a nice omega male or female and settle down to have some pups.

Likewise, more and more alpha males have arrived to try to court Soonyoung, all big and buff and
arrogant, but she continuously turns them all down. Her parents are beginning to get frustrated with
her, but when asked why she keeps rejecting them, she simply states that they weren’t ‘the one’.

Over the next few months, Jimin spends a lot of time running around and frolicking with Hyeri,
Wonbin, Inhee, and little Jiwoo. They chase each other through the forest and dare each other to
see who can climb the highest tree. In the summer, they take another trip to the beach, since
Wonbin and Inhee are old enough to go now, although Jiwoo has to stay home.

They spend the day baking in the sun and swimming in the ocean, splashing water at each other
and searching for shells. Jimin can’t wait until they can all come back again when Yoongi returns.

Eventually, as time goes on, Jimin begins to notice that his baby fat is slowly melting away. He
still has full cheeks and a little soft belly, but he slims down in other places, like his hips and waist
and jawline. He likes the way that his body feels now; more refreshed and energetic.

Sunsoo teaches Jimin to milk the single cow they keep tethered in a grassy field right by the
camp, shows him how to sheer their few sheep to turn their wool into clothing, and how to gather
eggs from their chickens without pissing off the rooster.

While life is good, Jimin still desperately misses Yoongi, and counts each day that passes in
anticipation for his return. If he’s missing Yoongi extra bad, he’ll secretly sneak off to their poppy
field, where it feels like Jimin is surrounded by Yoongi’s presence. It makes the longing a little
more bearable and he’ll stay there for hours. He hopes his best friend is safe and warm and is
taking care of himself. Jimin promises himself that he’s going to give Yoongi the biggest hug in
history when he sees him again.

The Solitude isn’t so hard, Yoongi has come to learn. It’s pretty simple; hunt, sleep, bathe in
rivers, keep a fire going. In all honesty, it’s actually pretty boring. All his life, Yoongi has been
surrounded by his pack, never alone for more than a few hours, and he misses it. He can’t wait to
go back home and be around his family again.

To pass the time, Yoongi makes things for Jimin. He wittles him a little wooden wolf figurine out
of wood, collects pretty stones and delicate broken egg shells. He skins the pelt of a small bear
he’d killed and tans the hide, turning it into a warm fur and sewing two leather straps across the
chest to be worn. It gleams bright black in the sunlight, and even though it's hot out, Yoongi takes
to wearing it so that when he give sit to Jimin, it’ll be soaked in his scent.

Yoongi finds a hunk of solid amber wedged into a nook in a pine tree, with a huge mosquito
encased perfectly inside. Here and there he comes across beautiful feathers lying abandoned on the
forest floor or stuck in the underbrush, so Yoongi carefully plucks them up and tucks them away

His greatest gift though, Yoongi will save for the very last.

He takes all the seashells he’d collected that day at the beach and carves tiny holes into them. He
strings them all onto a thin leather cord and even carves a few wooden beads to add on as well. In
the very middle, Yoongi strings the pearl he’d found in the clamshell, and it glints in the sun,
beautiful in the very center of the delicate necklace.

Yoongi can’t wait to give Jimin all his treasures, and his heartbeat quickens at the thought of his
little blonde Jimin, with his plump, rosy cheeks and his breathtaking eye smile and the little
chipped front tooth he’d gotten when he’d tripped over a log a few years ago.

Warm with the thought of Jimin, Yoongi tucks away the presents and crawls into his small tent to
get some sleep, counting down the days until he’ll get to see his baby again.

Jimin is fifteen when he presents as an omega.

It starts off slow, with Jimin just feeling hotter and more sluggish than usual. His skin is clammy
to the touch and there’s a thin sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead.
It’s Jongho who notices first. Jimin is helping Sunsoo gut some fish, feeling a little warm and
heavy, when Jongho is passing by and freezes. He sniffs the air a few time until his eyes widen and
he stares at Jimin.

“Jimin-ah…” he begins slowly before tapering off, and Jimin is confused when pink blooms on
Jongho’s cheeks. The older man looks at Sunsoo for help. “Uh...I think Jimin-ah...presented.”

Sunsoo does a double take at Jimin, her eyebrows shooting up. Then she leans in close and sniffs
at Jimin’s neck, which makes Jimin squirm a little. She blinks a few times as realization dawns on
her face. “I didn’t even notice,” she whispers. “It’s hard for omegas to smell other omegas.”

Jimin gapes at his mother. “O-omega?”

She smiles reassuringly and ruffles his blonde hair. “Congratulations, baby.”

Jongho is staring at him intently and Jimin’s body suddenly feels extra hot. “W-what do I do?”
Jimin gulps, looking at Sunsoo nervously. She quickly wipes off her hands and leads Jimin away
from prying ears.

“Your first heat will hit any day,” she tells him in a low voice. “We’ll set you up in the heat hut
and we’ll send an omega to bring you food and water.”

Fear overtakes Jimin and he cowers into himself. “How long will it last?”

Sunsoo smooths over his cheek with the clean part of the back of her hand. “Three to four days,”
she replies. “It’ll be intense, Jimin-ah, and you won’t have anyone to help you.” Jimin holds back a
whimper and nods miserably.

He listens to Sunsoo tell him about what to expect during his first heat, and already Jimin is
feeling a little hotter and feverish. By the end of the day, he is sweating profusely and rubbing at
his tightly uncomfortable skin.

His heat hits two days later, and Sunsoo escorts him to the heat hut about a mile away from camp.
It's horrible, he’s burning up from the inside out and everything is on fire. Every touch against his
skin makes him whimper in pain because he’s so sensitive, like a whip lashing against him, and a
few hours into his heat he’s ready to claw his skin off.

Sunsoo warned him about the slick, but it didn’t prepare Jimin for how much there’d be. It leaks
out of him like a waterfall, hot and wet and a little slimy. His whole body aches for something to
fill him and he’s hard, so hard it physically hurts. It’s pure torture and he spends a long time crying
into his pillow, wishing for death to come for him.

When the ache becomes too much, Jimin acts on instinct and uses his fingers. It’s instant relief,
and he cries with how good it feels. He wants more though, something bigger and longer that’ll fill
him up and put out the fire under his skin.

Eventually, Jimin is able to get himself off enough that there’s a temporary lull in his frantic
desire, and he’s able to fall into a fitful sleep. Sunsoo and Soonyoung take turns leaving food and
drink outside the door, which Jimin will drag himself over to and force himself to consume to keep
his strength up.

It goes like this for the next four days, and by the time the heat under his skin finally fades away,
Jimin is utterly spent and exhausted. Sunsoo comes to collect him, petting his hair and telling him
how good he did, and he cries into her shoulder for awhile.
When he comes back, they move him to the omega hut, since it's not safe for Jimin, who is
unmated, to be around alphas, and even some betas, now. He shares the hut with Soonyoung,
Hami, one of Yoongi’s unmated aunts, Winwoo, a male cousin, and Jinae, an old spinster who
never had the desire to take a mate.

Before he moves out of his old hut, Jimin retrieves the dried poppy flower Yoongi had given him
from where he’d hidden it in their corner. He tucks it away safely in his new hut, which smells like
overly sweet omega.

It’s true that once you present, the senses become enhanced. Suddenly, Jimin can smell
everything, and it takes him a little while to get used to the overwhelming sensation. He learns to
pick out the different scents of the pack members.

Sunsoo smells like warmth and roses and motherly love, a scent that has always been there but is
much more amplified now. Hyeri smells like the sea and growing leaves. Wonbin and Inhee smell
like the dirt they like to wrestle in and the bruises they give each other. Hongwon smells like the
pack alpha; hard and stoic and like the woodsy aroma of the forest.

Lately, Jimin has noticed that Jongho is paying special attention to him. He always seems to be
watching the omega, and he’s started being nicer than usual. He’d offered to help Jimin with
skinning last week’s hares and had even let Jimin cut in line to get dinner last night.

Jongho smells like an alpha too. Heady and sort of musky, but there’s a sharp pine sap scent to
him that Jimin can’t quite find pleasant.

It’s on one fall day when Jimin is bringing an armful of firewood into camp that Jongho finds him
and pulls him aside. The older, taller boy seems nervous as he plays with something behind his
back. His cheeks are flushed and he can’t quite meet Jimin’s eyes.

“What is it, Jongho-ah?” Jimin asks curiously, setting down the firewood. Jongho seems to take a
deep breath and finally holds something out to Jimin.

It’s a leather cord with a carved wooden bead tied in the center. Jimin stares at it in confusion
before looking back up at Jongho, who is watching him nervously. Courting gifts, Soonyoung had
explained to him shortly after he presented. If an alpha wants to court you, he’ll try to present you
with gifts. If you accept the gift, it means you are accepting the alpha’s advances.

It was when she said that that Jimin had realized in shock that Yoongi has given him gifts. But
surely they hadn’t been courting gifts. It was before Jimin had even presented, and it’s mostly
unheard of to try to court an unpresented individual. So Jimin had chalked it up to his best friend
simply being nice and giving him a few gifts.

Jongho clears his throat uncomfortably and Jimin startles. He realizes he must have been staring
off into space while thinking about Yoongi. Jimin looks from Jongho to the gift, and deep down he
knows he can’t accept Jongho’s advances. It doesn’t feel right.

“Uh, I’m really flattered, Jongho-ah,” Jimin begins hesitantly. “But, um...I don’t think I can

Jongho’s face falls and Jimin feels a surge of guilt. “Is it because of Yoongi?” The older boy asks

“Of course not,” Jimin says quickly. But is it? “I just...don’t think we would be very compatible.”

“Why not?” Jongho frowns.

"Well, you used to bully me and push me down and constantly get into fights with Yoongi because
of me,’ Jimin thinks. “We’re just too different,” he says instead.

Jongho grits his teeth and Jimin watches as he seems to struggle with some sort of inner
monologue. Finally, and to Jimin’s surprise, Jongho finally looks at him and nods slowly. “Very
well,” he says. “I’ll respect your wishes.”

Then he walks away, tucking the gift into his pocket. Jimin watches him go in confusion, when
Soonyoung suddenly slithers up to him. “Did my brother just try to court you?”

Jimin blinks at her a few times. “I think so,” he finally says, not really believing it himself.

Soonyoung slaps a hand over her mouth to hide her snickers. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it,” she
giggles, looking at Jimin in awe. “And I can’t believe you rejected him!”

Soonyoung pats Jimin on the back with a laugh before she wanders away, leaving Jimin to
wonder what just happened. He hurries to go find Sunsoo and tell her what happened, and his
mother tries to hide a smile when he tells her how he said no to Jongho.

“I’m proud of you,” she says, brushing Jimin’s hair away from his face. “Don’t ever feel like you
have to settle with just any alpha.”

Feeling better after their talk, Jimin goes to sleep that night dreaming of Yoongi.

Yoongi is seventeen when he finally returns to his family.

It’s a cool fall day when he steps out of the trees and into the camp clearing, and immediately, the
scents of his pack and childhood overwhelm him. A sense of safety and belonging that he’s been
missing for a year settles in his chest, and Yoongi knows that he’s home.

Inhee is the first to see him. She screams loudly and drops her half-woven basket, running across
the camp and into Yoongi’s arms. The commotion attracts the attention of the rest of the pack, and
soon Yoongi is surrounded by his family and their welcoming hugs and kisses. Sunsoo is crying
when she finally releases Yoongi from a crushing hug, and Hongwon claps him on the back

“Congratulations,” he tells his firstborn. “You’ve proven yourself as an alpha.” Then the two
share a hug and Yoongi can’t help but feel proud of himself.

There’s one person Yoongi is looking for who is very obviously not amongst the welcoming
party. The one person Yoongi is truly dying to see. Sunsoo must see Yoongi’s gaze flitting around
because she whispers so only he can hear, “Jimin went off into the forest a little while ago.”

Yoongi smiles at her gratefully and drops his bag where he stands, too excited to see Jimin to
properly put his things away. He heads back into the forest at random, since his mother didn’t say
where in the woods Jimin had gone. But Yoongi has a feeling he knows.

The closer he gets to the poppy field, the more excitement bubbles under his skin. Finally, he
steps out into the rolling red field, and there he is.
Jimin is sitting in the grass with his back to Yoongi, the blonde of his hair shining in the sunlight
beaming down on him. He’s humming quietly to himself, and the sound makes Yoongi positively

“Jiminie,” Yoongi says quietly, and Jimin spins around, eyes wide and mouth open in a silent

That’s when Yoongi smells him. So, so fucking sweet, like honey and maple and a hint of
orangey citrus. Underneath is his usual baby softness, and the combination almost makes Yoongi
black out. It’s mouthwatering, and Yoongi realizes with a jolt that Jimin must have presented as an
omega while he was gone.

“H-hyung?” Jimin whispers, climbing unsteadily to his feet. “Is it really you?”

Jimin’s omega scent fills Yoongi’s nose, and he can even taste it in his mouth. He swallows the
heavenly flavor down and nods, staring at Jimin in a sort of drunken awe. Jimin lets out a sort of
sob, and before Yoongi’s knows it, Jimin flings himself into his arms and almost chokes the breath
out of Yoongi.

Yoongi hugs Jimin back for dear life, burying his nose in his neck to inhale that intoxicating scent
while sparks explode under his skin. “I’ve missed you so much,” Yoongi whispers as Jimin clings
desperately to him. He cups the back of Jimin’s head, the other wrapping tight around his slim
waist. “So, so much.”

Jimin is sniffling into Yoongi’s shoulder, his hands grasping everywhere at Yoongi, as if he
thinks if he stops touching him, he’ll disappear again. “I’ve been so lost without you, hyung,”
Jimin gasps. “Sometimes it felt like you were never coming back.”

Yoongi squeezes Jimin impossibly tighter, a growl wanting to rumble in his throat. “But I’m back
now,” he says, stroking Jimin’s golden locks. “And I’m never leaving you again.”

“Promise?” Jimin mumbles, voice watery with emotion.

Yoongi finally pulls away a little and cups Jimin’s jaw with both hands. “I promise,” he says,
smoothing his thumbs over Jimin’s cheekbones.

He leans in and kisses the very tip of Jimin’s little button nose, then between his eyebrows. He
wants to kiss Jimin’s beautiful plump lips, but instead he just rests their foreheads together. Jimin
sighs happily and his eyes flutter closed as they lean into each other.

After awhile, Yoongi pulls back to take Jimin in. He realizes in surprise that Jimin has lost some
of his adorable baby fat. He’s slimmer now in some areas that used to be cute and chubby.

“Where’s all my fat?” Yoongi asks, blinking at Jimin. He reaches up and squishes Jimin’s cheeks
out. “These are still the same, but where’s my other adorable fat?”

Jimin whines and shakes Yoongi’s hands off, his abused cheeks going pink in embarrassment.
“Hyung,” he mutters, flushing even harder when Yoongi pats around his waist and tummy, eyes
wide in awe.

“Where’d the squish go?” He asks, genuinely confused. Jimin squawks loudly when Yoongi
suddenly pulls his tunic up to reveal his belly, not so chubby as before, but still soft and a little
pouchy. Yoongi coos and rubs as Jimin’s little tummy, which makes Jimin squeal in outrage, face
blinding red.
“Hyung!” Jimin cries, slapping Yoongi’s hands away and tugging his tunic back down.

Yoongi just chuckles at his cuteness and leans in to plant a quick kiss on one of his hot cheeks.
“You look so pretty,” he says softly, and Jimin squeaks, burying his face in Yoongi’s neck in
embarrassment. Yoongi wraps him up in another tight hug, his inner alpha growling happily at the
fact that Jimin will smell strongly of him now.

They hug for a long time, the poppies swaying in the breeze around them and the chirping of birds
in the air. With Jimin in his arms, Yoongi knows he’s finally home. When Jimin starts to nuzzle
his face into Yoongi’s neck, unconsciously scenting him, the older boy gulps while his inner alpha
howls in approval.

“Have you always smelled so good, hyung?” Jimin murmurs against Yoongi’s skin, and he

Yoongi strokes Jimin’s soft hair, trying not to let the feeling of Jimin scenting him get him
worked up. “U-uh...I think it’s because you presented as an omega,” Yoongi says, throat dry.

Jimin tenses up a little in his arms. “Does...does that mean I smell good to you too?”

Yoongi swallows thickly. “Mmm-hmm,” he hums, sounding a little strangled.

Jimin reluctantly peels away from Yoongi. “Sorry. This is probably weird, right?”

Yoongi brushes Jimin’s bangs away from his face. “I don’t want anything to change between us.”

Jimin smiles in relief at him and nods. “Me neither.”

“Oh,” Yoongi says, reaching into the pocket of his tunic. “I have something for you.”

He holds out the wolf figurine he’d carved out of wood to Jimin, whose lips part in a silent ‘O’.
Jimin looks between the wolf and Yoongi a few times, and there’s something different in his eyes
compared to the other times Yoongi’d given him courting gifts: understanding.

Jimin now seems to understand the significance and meaning of what Yoongi is giving him, and
the older boy holds his breath in nervous anticipation. Will Jimin truly accept his feelings, now
that he knows what it means?

Jimin blinks a few times before he finally reaches out and reverently takes the wolf from
Yoongi’s hand. Relief and happiness and pride fill Yoongi and he lets out a breath he didn’t know
he was holding. Jimin holds the wolf to his chest and strokes his thumb over the dark, gleaming
head. “It’s stunning,” Jimin whispers, looking back up at Yoongi with awe in his eyes. “Thank you,
hyung. I love it.”

Yoongi grins at him, his chest blooming in warmth. Jimin has knowingly accepted his courting as
an alpha, which is all Yoongi has ever wanted.

Then Jimin takes him completely by surprise and rises up on his tiptoes to press his lips lightly to
the side of Yoongi’s mouth, just barely on his lips.

Heat explodes through Yoongi’s body and his heart skyrockets in his chest. He stares at Jimin
with wide eyes when he steps back, both of their cheeks bright pink. “Come on,” Jimin says,
looking down shyly. “The pack will want to have a feast to celebrate your return.”

Jimin takes his hand and they twine their fingers together. “They also built you your own hut,”
Jimin tells him as he leads him out of their poppy field.

Yoongi realizes with a jolt that he and Jimin won’t be able to sleep together anymore. Yoongi will
have his own hut and Jimin will have moved to the unmated omegas’ hut. Though Yoongi plans on
changing that soon.

The thought hurts. They’ve already been separated a year, and now they can’t even go back to
cuddling at night? Yoongi tries not to let his sadness show on his face.

Yoongi holds onto Jimin’s hand tightly as they walk, and Jimin chatters happily about all he’s
missed. Apparently Soonyoung still hasn’t accepted any alphas’ advances, Hyeri shows signs of
presenting as a beta, and Jongho attempted to court Jimin.

Yoongi stops dead in his tracks, yanking a surprised Jimin to a halt as well. “Jongho did...what?”
He says slowly, feeling his blood begin to boil.

“It’s okay, hyung, I didn’t accept,” Jimin explains quickly, sensing Yoongi’s anger and noticing
the way his scent is spiking in aggression. “I didn’t accept his advances.”

Yoongi takes a moment to take a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It’s okay, Jimin rejected
Jongho. There’s no need for him to get so worked up over it. Yoongi breaths in and out a few
times, the alpha inside him trying to claw its way out in rage.

“I’m sorry,” Jimin says miserably. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Finally snapping out of it, Yoongi growls and pulls Jimin into a tight hug. “Don’t apologize,
sweetling. It’s not your fault Jongho tried to court you.”

Jimin relaxes into his arms and nuzzles his face under Yoongi’s chin, purring softly. God, Yoongi
could stay like this for eternity with Jimin, his Jimin, warm and soft and smelling so sweet,
wrapped up in his arms where Yoongi can keep him safe forever.

When they finally separate, Jimin is blushing again, so he quickly weaves their fingers back
together and continues pulling Yoongi along. As they walk, a questions nags at Yoongi’s until he
finally gives in and asks. “Why did you reject him?”

Jimin looks at him quickly, cheeks darkening again. It’s silent for a moment as they crunch along
the fallen leaves of the forest floor. “Because he’s not you,” Jimin finally says in a quiet voice,
glancing up at Yoongi’s shyly.

Oh. Oh. Yoongi gulps heavily, feeling heat rise in his cheeks and his heart soar in his chest. Is
Jimin saying what he thinks he’s saying? Yoongi smiles softly and squeezes Jimin’s hand tighter,
trying to silently tell him what Jimin’s words mean to him.

Jimin giggles quietly and continues to lead Yoongi back to camp. By the time they arrive, the
preparations for the feast are already in full swing. There’s a boar roasting over the fire and some
of the children sit peeling vegetables. His grandmother is testing their different homemade wines to
choose the best tasting, and his mother is carrying in a basket of fruit.

“Hyung!” Wonbin shouts, running up to them. “Come look at your new hut. I helped build it!”

Yoongi and Jimin follow after his younger brother, and as they pass the campfire, Yoongi sees
Jongho sitting with Soonyoung, helping her peel carrots. Yoongi feels his proverbial hackles raise
and forces himself not to let out a growl. Yoongi looks away from Jongho sharply, trying to calm
his breathing.
Jimin squeezes his hand, and Yoongi looks up to see the younger boy watching him with a soft,
reassuring smile. He has to stop himself from reaching out and stroking Jimin’s plump cheek,
though he doesn’t think Jimin would mind too much.

His new hut stands with its back to the forest. It’s small and simple like all the others, with a
rickety wooden door hiding the interior. It's almost completely opposite the omega hut, which is on
the other side of camp, and Yoongi hates how far away he’s going to be from Jimin at night.

Inside, its sparsely furnished, with a table and two stools in one corner, a pile of soft furs in the
other, a small fireplace, and a wooden chest for Yoongi’s clothes and belongings. It smells stale
inside, since no one has stayed in it since it was built, and its been waiting for Yoongi’s this whole
time. He would like for it to smell like Jimin; intoxicatingly sweet and citrusy.

“Do you like it?” Wonbin asks excitedly, and Yoongi smiles at his younger brother, clapping him
on the shoulder.

“It’s great,” he replies, and Wonbin beams at him. He leaves them to run off and find Inhee to
annoy her, most likely, and Yoongi and Jimin duck into the hut, shutting the door behind them.

Yoongi collapses on the array of soft, warm furs with a loud sigh. “It’s been forever since I’ve
slept on something that wasn’t the forest floor.”

Jimin lays down next to him and squirms into Yoongi’s space, and Yoongi rolls onto his side and
wraps his arms around Jimin. The younger boy tucks his head under Yoongi’s chin and sighs
happily. Already, Jimin scent is permeating through the small hut, seeping into the furs, and
Yoongi takes comfort in the fact that everything will smell like him for awhile.

“Tell me everything,” Jimin says softly, so Yoongi does. He tells him all the stories of his
Solitude, all his trials and hardships and victories. He talks more than he has in a whole year, and
by the time he’s finished and Hyeri knocks on the door to announce supper is ready, Yoongi’s
throat is sore and his voice is raspy from use. Jimin listens in silent awe as he traces light designs
over Yoongi’s chest. When Yoongi sits up, Jimin grumbles in annoyance at being disturbed and
follows after a moment.

“Come on,” Yoongi says, pulling Jimin to his feet. “I’m starving.”

Jimin follows him out of the hut, where the sky is getting dark and the pack is gathered around the
roaring fire. They all cheer when they see him, once again tackling him with hugs and kisses.

The food is delicious, better than anything Yoongi’s eaten in what feels like eternity. He eats his
weight in meat and then goes back for even more. That’s another thing about presenting as an
alpha; he feels likes he’s hungry all the time and can devour more food than should be possible.

Even though his throat hurts, he still recaps some of what he told Jimin to the pack, choosing the
most entertaining and exciting stories. By the time bedtime rolls around, Yoongi is full and sleepy
and content.

He hugs Jimin goodnight, subtly scenting him, before he retires to his new hut. Jimin’s scent still
clings to the furs, and Yoongi buries his nose in them with a happy sigh. It’s not as great as the real
thing but it’ll have to do for now.

He drifts off to sleep with the scent of honey and maple in his nose.
Jimin is seventeen when Yoongi teaches him how to hunt.

They head out into the forest, each carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows. It’s a warm summer
day and the sun filters down through the leaves above them. Birdsong and the swooshing of
branches in the breeze fills the air as Yoongi leads Jimin deeper into the forest. Once he seems
satisfied with a small, grassy clearing, Yoongi is very patient in showing Jimin the proper way to
hold the bow and how to position his feet. Jimin’s heart begins racing when Yoongi stands behind
him, chest flush against Jimin’s back, and places both of his hands over Jimin’s to show him the
proper form.

Together, Yoongi and Jimin draw back the bowstring, aiming for a wide tree in front of them. Of
course, Jimin misses the first dozen times and starts to get frustrated with himself until Yoongi
whispers in his ear, “If you hit it this time, I’ll give you a kiss.”

With a heavy gulp and a frantically beating heart, Jimin forces himself to focus. Yoongi takes a
step back as Jimin draws the bowstring to his cheek, taking aim at the trunk of the tree. He releases
his breath the same time as the arrow. It goes whizzing through the air and lands in the tree with a
dull ‘thunk’.

Jimin gasps in shock and spins around to face Yoongi. “Hyung, did you see? I did it!”

Yoongi in grinning proudly at him, and when he steps in close to Jimin, the younger’s heart
begins thudding heavily. “Where do you want that kiss, sweetling?”

Of course Jimin knows where he wants it, but he decides to tease Yoongi a little. His lifts his hand
and uses his finger to poke all over his face aggressively, showing where he wants kisses.

Yoongi quirks a brow at Jimin. “A little greedy today, are we?”

Jimin doesn’t say anything, just pulls his most impressive pout and fixes Yoongi with his best
puppy-eyes. Yoongi sighs in defeat and cups Jimin’s face in both hands. Jimin’s eyes flutter closed
and he grins when Yoongi starts pecking wets smooches all over his face, his cheeks and chin and
forehead and eyelids and the tip of his nose. Jimin giggles when Yoongi bites gently on his cheek
before soothing it with another peck.

With each press of Yoongi’s lips to his face, Jimin’s heart flutters more and more. This close, he’s
surrounded by Yoongi’s intoxicating alpha scent, like the woods and cloves and the most
mouthwatering musk. If Jimin could, he’d spend hours with his face buried in Yoongi’s throat,
gulping in his scent.

Yoongi gives Jimin’s blushing face a few more kisses before he finally pulls away. “Satisfied?”
He asks, his own cheeks a little pink. Jimin grins at him and nods.

“If I hit it again will you give me more kisses?” He asks innocently, and Yoongi gapes at him.

“Greedy little brat,” Yoongi mutters, ruffling Jimin’s curly blonde hair, though his eyes are soft
and fond. “If you’re able to shoot actual game, then I’ll give you all the kisses you want.”

Jimin’s smile falters. “I have to kill something?”

“We talked about this, Jiminie,” Yoongi frowns as well. “You can’t feel bad about killing
something for food.”
Jimin fiddles with the bowstring. “I know,” he mutters, looking down. “But I don’t feel right
about killing an innocent animal.”

Yoongi sighs and reaches out to tug lightly on Jimin's earlobe. “Let’s just keep practicing, okay?”

Jimin nods and takes a deep breath to ground himself. He hits the tree a few more times, and even
though Yoongi said no more kisses until he shoots something for real, the older boy can’t seem to
resist sneaking in from behind each time and pecking a few kisses across Jimin’s cheek and jaw,
earning pleased little giggles with each one.

Deeming him a good enough shot, Yoongi leads a reluctant Jimin deeper into the woods, this
time moving much more quietly and stealthily. They sneak through the underbrush silently until
Yoongi suddenly holds his fist up, indicating for Jimin to freeze. He holds his finger to his lips
before pointing through a gap in the bushes.

There’s a little doe grazing by the foot of a tree about twenty feet in front of them. Jimin’s heart
plummets when Yoongi indicates the bow slung across his back. Quietly, Jimin slips off the bow
and nocks an arrow, raising it and shakily aiming at the baby deer, who hasn’t seen them yet.

He looks over at Yoongi, who nods in encouragement. Taking a deep breath, Jimin pulls the
bowstring back to his cheek, his heart racing in his chest.

At the very last second, Jimin shifts his aim just the tiniest bit to the left. He lets loose, and the
arrow flies through the air, landing in the tree the doe is grazing at. It lets out a startled noise and
takes off into the woods, it’s little hooves galloping across the forest floor until it disappears in the

Jimin lowers the bow and releases a shaky breath. “Too bad,” he says, turning to look at Yoongi.

Yoongi has his arms crossed and is watching Jimin with narrowed eyes. “You missed on purpose,
didn’t you?”

Jimin’s eyes widen and he suddenly feels too hot. “N-no! Of course not!” He exclaims loudly,
feeling his traitor face betray him as he flushes hard.

Yoongi quirks a brow and takes a step closer. “Are you sure about that? Because if it were true,
I’d have to punish you with tickles.”

Jimin jumps back just in time as Yoongi lunges at him. He shrieks shrilly and tosses his bow and
quiver onto the ground before he spins around and starts running, screaming his head off as he
goes. Yoongi is hot on his heels, and Jimin pumps his legs as fast as he can to get as much distance
between them as possible.

Jimin races through the underbrush as fast as he can, scaring a flurry of birds into the sky with his
loud screeching. He wants to laugh but he’s too busy trying to run for his life, darting in zig-zag
patterns in hopes of shaking Yoongi.

Yoongi has always been stronger and faster than Jimin though, and it's only a matter of time until
he gets caught. Jimin squeals when Yoongi jumps at him and tackles him into a pile of dried
leaves. Yoongi straddles his waist, pinning Jimin’s arms above his head with one hand as Jimin
yells and tries to desperately squirm away.

“No!” Jimin gasps as Yoongi uses his other hand to begin viciously tickling his stomach. “H-
hyung!” He’s laughing despite himself, thrashing around violently as Yoongi’s fingers dig into
Jimin’s exposed armpit. He shrieks in laughter, tearing forming in his eyes as he tries to buck
Yoongi off.

Yoongi is laughing too, his cheeks flushed with the exertion of keeping a struggling Jimin pinned.
“This is your punishment,” Yoongi growls playfully, pulling Jimin’s tunic up and leaning down to
blow raspberries onto his soft little belly.

Jimin shrieks shrilly and jerks spastically, his laughter wild as tears start streaming down his face.
“Hyung, stop!” Jimin pleads in a gasp.

Yoongi places a kiss next to Jimin’s belly button before he moves up and silences Jimin’s cries
with his lips. Jimin immediately relaxes into the kiss, his body going lax as he sighs into Yoongi’s
mouth. The alpha’s lips are so soft and warm and taste indescribably good. God, Jimin loves
kissing Yoongi. It doesn’t happen to often, but when it does, Jimin savors every second of it.
Sparks explode in Jimin’s body when Yoongi just barely flicks his tongue across Jimin’s bottom
lip before finally pulling away with a small gasp.

Oh. They’ve never done that before.

“Learned your lesson?” Yoongi asks, voice a little rough. He glides his fingers threateningly
down to Jimin’s stomach again, who twitches nervously. Jimin nods his head quickly and gives
Yoongi his most endearing, innocent smile.

Yoongi visibly gulps and Jimin takes it as a victory. He wiggles his arms away from his sides and
holds out his hands imploringly. “Where’s my present?”

Yoongi scoffs at him in disbelief, sitting back up to straddle Jimin’s waist. “What makes you
think I have another gift for you?”

Jimin furrows his brow and pouts out his bottom lip. Yoongi almost always has a courting gift
hidden on his person at any given time. Over the years Jimin has built up quite a collection of
Yoongi’s courting gifts. “You don’t?”

Yoongi lets out a long suffering sigh before he digs around in his pocket. “You’re such a greedy
little brat, you know that?” He grumbles, finally holding something out to Jimin.

It’s a smooth, oval rock, dark grey in color, with a small hole going completely through the
middle of it. “A hag stone!” Jimin exclaims in excitement, taking the rock and examining it
closely. “Wah, daebak. I’ve always wanted one!”

Yoongi rolls off of Jimin so he can sit up, reaching out to brush a few dry leaves stuck in his
blonde hair. Jimin looks up from the stone and grins at him. “Thank you, hyung. I love it.”

Yoongi smiles back and dips in to kiss Jimin’s plump, flushed cheek before standing up. He helps
Jimin to his feet and they retrace their steps to pick up their fallen bows. Jimin holds Yoongi’s
hand the whole time, and he can smell Yoongi’s happiness and satisfaction.

It’s a cold winter day when another foreign alpha arrives in their territory. They’re all used to
seeing them coming to try to court Soonyoung for her only to reject them. Though Yoongi doesn’t
like having strange alphas so close, it doesn’t come as a surprise when another one arrives at camp.
What does come as a surprise is when instead of heading for Soonyoung, who in the field milking
the cow, he heads straight for Jimin, who is sitting next to the fire, bundled up in warm furs.
He stops before Jimin, who blinks up at him in surprise, and bows. Actually bows. Then he pulls
something out of his pocket and presents it to Jimin.

Yoongi sees fucking red.

He’d been at the side of the camp talking with his father and uncles about expanding their hunting
territory, but the second he sees the alpha trying to court Jimin, he’s gone.

Yoongi stalks across the clearing, rage practically radiating off him and his hands fisted at his
sides. The alpha in him is a raging beast, chomping at the bit and wanting nothing more than to
tackle the much bigger alpha and beat him into a bloody pulp. To make matters even worse, as
Yoongi approaches, he can smell Jimin’s discomfort and nervousness rising off him in waves.

“...Jimin, right? I’m Taeyoon-” the alpha is saying as Yoongi stops before them. Taeyoon pauses
when he sees Yoongi, his nostrils flaring at the territorial alpha pheromones he’s emitting.

Yoongi reaches down and pulls Jimin up off of the log he’s sitting on. He tugs Jimin tightly
against his chest and wraps his arms around him possessively, a growl rumbling in his throat as he
stares Taeyoon down.

Jimin melts into him, nuzzling into Yoongi’s neck, seemingly completely forgetting about the
other alpha as he purrs softly into Yoongi’s skin.

“Hey,” Taeyoon says, looking a little pissed as he takes a step forward, as if to try to yank Jimin
from Yoongi’s arms.

A vicious growl rips from Yoongi’s throat and Taeyoon rears back, his own growl rising up as he
glares at Yoongi. Jimin whines, scent spiking in distress as the two alphas stare each other down.
Yoongi wants to rip Taeyoon’s fucking head off, but he just barely restrains himself, too focused
on keeping Jimin safe in his arms.

“Get out of here, Jimin doesn’t want you,” Yoongi snarls at Taeyoon, who bares his teeth back.

“Who the hell are you to decide for him? He might’ve accepted my courting gift before you
interrupted,” he snaps back, rising up to his full considerable height menacingly.

No, Yoongi probably couldn’t take him in a fight, but if it's for Jimin, he’s damn well willing to
try. He’d fight to the very death, if he had to.

By now, the pack has gathered around, watching the showdown of the two alphas nervously.

“Get the fuck out of here before I kill you,” Yoongi says in a deadly calm voice, even though
inside his blood is boiling with rage and his vision is going red around the edges. It physically hurts
restraining himself the way he is. All he wants to do is rip Taeyoon’s throat out.

Taeyoon snarls back and balls his fists, the tension in the air rising dangerously, coiling, like the
tightness in the air right before a storm is about to break. A fight is about to break out and the pack
can sense it, but no one knows what to do.

“Listen here, you-” Taeyoon begins, taking a step forward, but a deep, commanding voice makes
him freeze.

“I suggest you take your leave now, son,” Hongwon says calmly as he steps into the ring the pack
had formed around them. He exudes powerful pack alpha vibes, the likes of which even Taeyoon
wouldn’t dare challenge. “You’re not welcome here.”

Taeyoon looks between Hongwon, Yoongi, and Jimin, who is still hiding in his arms. “But-”

“As you can well see, Jimin is taken,” Hongwon says firmly as Yoongi tightens his grip around a
sniffling Jimin. “You should leave before you embarrass yourself.”

Yoongi watches in satisfaction as Taeyoon turns red and glances around for the first time to see
the whole pack watching. He looks once more at Jimin, who still has his face hidden in Yoongi’s
neck, before he curls his lip over his teeth in disgust. “Fine,” Taeyoon spits, throwing the courting
gift he’d been trying to give Jimin, a carved wooden bangle, onto the ground. “He’s ugly anyway.”

Jimin flinches as if he’d been struck as Taeyoon spins around and stalks away into the forest from
where he came. Yoongi buries his hand in the back of Jimin’s hair and holds him even closer as the
pack whispers and slowly begins to disperse. Hongwon sends Ilhoon to follow Taeyoon and make
sure he leaves their territory without any problems.

“Shhh, don’t listen to him, heartling,” Yoongi murmurs gently. “You’re so beautiful.”

Jimin snuffles quietly and Yoongi untangles from the hug and begins pulling Jimin away. Once
they’re inside Yoongi’s hut and settled on the furs, Yoongi is shocked to see tears glistening in
Jimin’s eyes.

“Oh no,” Yoongi coos, cupping Jimin’s face and stroking his thumbs across his cheekbones.
“Don’t cry, pretty,” Yoongi leans in close and nuzzles his nose along Jimin’s cheek. “Don’t listen
to that mean alpha. You’re the most beautiful flower in the world.”

Jimin giggles quietly when Yoongi keeps nuzzling his cheek. “Hyung,” Jimin smiles, pushing out
his cheeks and making it even easier for Yoongi to skim his nose along the soft, warm squish.

“My prettiest baby,” Yoongi whispers, now placing soft little kisses along Jimin’s jawline. It’s
cold in the hut but Jimin’s natural heat is more than enough to keep Yoongi warm.

“Yoongi hyung,” Jimin giggles again when Yoongi noses under his ear, making Jimin squirm.

Yoongi slowly pushes Jimin back on the furs and begins kissing him. Jimin immediately melts
into him with a soft sigh, and the taste of Jimin’s lips always makes Yoongi lightheaded. Their lips
slot together perfectly, warm and soft and familiar. They kiss for a long time, slow and deep and
lazy, sneaking in little bits of tongue here and there that makes both of their scents spike in growing

Before it can get too heated though, Yoongi finally forces himself to pull away with a gasp,
chuckling breathlessly when Jimin follows his mouth for more with a little whine. As much as
Yoongi wants Jimin, he wants to wait until everything is perfect for the two of them.

They both crawl under the piles of furs and snuggle up together, warm and safe in their own little
world. Jimin plays with Yoongi’s fingers, looking thoughtful. “You know I’ll say yes, right?”

Yoongi blinks at him in confusion. “To what?”

Jimin blushes and refuses to meet Yoongi’s eye. “When you ask me to be your mate.”

Yoongi melts and pulls Jimin into a tight hug. God, he smells so incredibly sweet and
mouthwatering. “I know,” he whispers. “I would ask now, but I still have lots of gifts to give you.”
Jimin giggles and kisses the skin under Yoongi’s ear. “How many years are you planning to court

Yoongi smiles into dark space under the furs. “For however long it takes to keep making you

Jimin is eighteen when a small nomad pack wanders into their territory.

At first Hongwon had thought it was an attack, and had sent the men out with weapons to meet
the intruders. It turns out they were just a small group of seven, hungry and tired after being driven
out of their territory by a larger pack.

Hongwon has agreed to let the new pack stay at their camp overnight before going on their way
tomorrow, so now the camp is in a flurry as they prepare a meal big enough to feed two packs.

Night has fallen and Jimin is helping Sunsoo and some of the other women with dinner
preparations in the kitchen hut while Yoongi is out sitting with the rest of their pack as the
newcomers warm themselves by the fire and fill Hongwon in on what happened to them.

Jimin is busy mixing the basting sauce for the meat when Hyeri, who has presented as a beta,
enters the hut and sneaks up to him. “Jiminie,” she says in a low voice, and Jimin looks up at her in
question. “You might want to see this.”

Confused, Jimin joins her at the door and follows her gesture to see a young woman from the new
pack sitting next to Yoongi, pressed into his space and fluttering her lashes at him. Yoongi is
leaning as far away from her as he can, a pinched expression on his face, and Jimin can see his
obvious discomfort.

“Even I can smell the omega phereomes she’s putting off,” Hyeri says with a disgusted snort.

A horrible, primal rage overtakes Jimin, and before he knows it, he’s dropping his basting stick
on the ground and marching across the clearing towards where everyone is gathered around the
roaring fire.

As he gets closer, Jimin realizes Hyeri was right. The omega girl is putting off so much sickly
sweet pheromones that it makes Jimin’s nose sting. She’s giggling at Yoongi and twirling a strand
of long, dark hair around her fingers.

Fists clenched at his side to keep himself from strangling this bitch, Jimin steps into the circle of
light and promptly sits down on Yoongi’s lap. The girl startles, rearing back and staring at Jimin in
shock. Jimin locks eyes with her, leveling her a mean, dangerous smile, before he wraps his arms
around Yoongi’s shoulders and begins scenting him in front of everybody. Yoongi grips tightly at
Jimin’s hips and tilts his head back just enough to allow Jimin easier access to his neck. A purr,
louder than necessary just to be petty, rumbles in Jimin’s throat as he rubs his face back and forth
across Yoongi’s scent glands, which makes Jimin a little lightheaded and dizzy with how
intoxicating he smells.

Someone coughs awkwardly and Jimin guesses everyone is staring at them, but he doesn’t care.
Yoongi is his and he’s going to drench the alpha in his scent so everyone knows.
“I told you going for Yoongi was pointless,” Jimin recognizes Soonyoung’s voice, sounding
amused. “He and Jimin have belonged to each other for years.”

Yoongi seems fine with Jimin’s little display. In fact, he seems outright pleased and smug about
the omega’s possessiveness over him, and Jimin assumes it’s an alpha thing.

“Knock it off, Kimhee,” snaps another voice, and that’s only when Jimin becomes aware of the
omega (Kimhee?) hissing softly at their display.

Jimin finally pulls away from Yoongi’s neck, pupils dilated and feeling a little drunk, to see who
the voice belongs to. It’s another young woman who screams alpha. She has shoulder length hair
and sharp, dark eyes, which are narrowed as she reprimands Kimhee.

Kimhee stops hissing and glares at the alpha girl, crossing her arms and pouting petulantly. Jimin
notices Soonyoung gazing with wide eyes at the alpha, looking awed, cheeks dusted with pink. The
alpha seems to sense her gaze because she looks at Soonyoung, who promptly flushes red and
glances down.

Jimin grins to himself. Maybe there was a reason Soonyoung always rejected the male alphas.

Jimin goes back to happily scenting Yoongi until dinner is ready. Kimhee keeps shooting them
dirty looks as Jimin lovingly feeds Yoongi bits of meat and vegetables. Jimin flushes and turns hot
when Yoongi sucks the juice of the meat off of Jimin’s fingers, keeping eye contact the whole

The next morning, they bid teary farewells to Soonyoung as she leaves with the other pack,
holding hands with the alpha girl.

Yoongi hates when Jimin gets his heats.

All he wants to do is help his baby and ease his suffering, but since they’re not technically mated
yet, it wouldn’t be acceptable.

For those three or four days that Jimin is forced to be secluded in the heat hut by himself, Yoongi
locks himself in his hut and tries not to think about how much pain Jimin must be in. It’s torture,
and sometimes Yoongi almost thinks he can imagine the scent of Jimin’s heat slick all the way
from camp.

He understands why alphas, any alphas, are forbidden from going near the heat hut when there’s
an omega occupying it, because Yoongi knows if he even got within a hundred feet of Jimin when
he’s in the middle of his heat, he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

Whenever Jimin’s heats end and he arrives back at camp, worn and exhausted, he always smells
extra mouthwatering. His sweetness is amplified times ten because of the omega pheromones that
are beginning to settle back down after the heat. All Yoongi wants to do is bury his face in Jimin’s
neck and inhale forever, which Jimin usually lets him do, because omegas are extra clingy right
after a heat.

Today is one such day, and Yoongi is lying eagle spread on his furs when there’s a knock at his
door. “Jimin is back,” it’s Wonbin’s voice. “Should I send him in?”

“Yes,” Yoongi calls back, sitting up and smoothing down his clothes.

A few moments later, the door creaks open and Jimin steps in, looking completely drained and
tired. His scent hits Yoongi like an avalanche and he has to take a deep, calming breath to steady
himself. Jimin closes the door and Yoongi holds out his arms. “Come here.”

Jimin whimpers and all but dives into Yoongi’s embrace. Yoongi pulls them back onto the furs
and wraps Jimin up tight, who is whining softly and pressing his whole body against Yoongi. “Was
this one extra difficult?” Yoongi asks quietly, his heart aching at the sight of Jimin’s pain.

Jimin nods miserberably and tucks his face against Yoongi’s scent gland. He’s wearing one of
Yoongi’s tunics, a deep red one made of soft cotton, another recent courting gift and one of Jimin’s
favorites so far. Yoongi assumes he’d worn it through his heat, and he hopes it brought Jimin a
little bit of comfort, having Yoongi’s scent so close.

Yoongi strokes his soft blonde hair and pulls the furs up around them. “Go to sleep, heartling,” he
soothes gently, and within moments, Jimin is out cold, the effects of not having been able to sleep
for four days finally catching up with him.

Yoongi cradles him and pets him until he, too, drifts off to sleep.

Jimin is nineteen when Yoongi finally, finally asks him.

They’re in their poppy field on a sunny spring day, with Yoongi sitting up and Jimin lying down
with his head in the alpha’s lap. His eyes are closed in contentment and he’s simply enjoying the
feeling of the warm sun on his skin when Yoongi taps him on the tip of his nose.

“Baby, I have something for you,” he says, but he sounds different. More nervous than usual.
Jimin cracks his eyes open to see Yoongi peering down at him, face a little tense.

Jimin struggles into a sitting position and frowns at Yoongi in concern. “Is everything okay?”

Yoongi nods and reaches into his pocket, fiddling with something. “Yeah, it’s just…” Yoongi
takes a deep breath. “This is an important one, okay?”

Jimin nods in understanding and watches as Yoongi pulls out a beautiful seashell necklace. Jimin
gasps and reaches out a hand to finger the shells gently. In the very center glistens a beautiful little
pearl, glinting like a jewel in the sun. “Hyung, it’s breathtaking,” Jimin breathes in awe. Yoongi
smiles at him and Jimin allows him to wrap the necklace around his neck and hook it in the back.

Jimin looks down and touches the shells again, loving how beautiful they look against Yoongi’s
red tunic he’s wearing.

“Jiminie,” comes Yoongi’s voice, and Jimin looks up, freezing when Yoongi cups both his
cheeks in his large hands. “I love you. You know?”

Jimin’s heart swells a thousand times in his chest and warmth surges through him. “I know,” he
whispers back.

Yoongi rubs his thumbs over Jimin’s cheeks. “Will you be my mate?”

Jimin can’t control his grin. Finally! “Yes, you idiot,” he laughs, tackling a surprised Yoongi
back into the poppies and starts attacking his face with kisses. “Yes! Yes!”

Yoongi laughs as well and wraps his arms around Jimin’s waist as he lets the omega assault him.
Jimin can’t believe it! After all these years they’ll finally be mates! He’s been waiting for this day
his entire life.
Finally Yoongi gives Jimin a light slap on the ass. “Kiss me for real, you little brat.”

Jimin is more than happy to comply. He captures Yoongi’s lips clumsily, happiness and euphoria
making him feel light as a cloud. Jimin laughs into the kiss, sort of ruining it, but Yoongi doesn’t
seem to mind. He just smiles against Jimin’s mouth and pulls him closer.

Eventually they are able to calm down and find a rhythm. Their lips glide together perfectly,
warm and smooth. Yoongi’s lips feel so plush against his own, and Jimin moans softly when
Yoongi licks into his mouth. The sound must set Yoongi off, because the next thing he knows,
Yoongi is flipping him over and pressing him into the soft grass. Then his lips are on Jimin’s
again, hungry, desperate.

Jimin’s eyes roll into the back of his head and he clutches at Yoongi’s shirt, pulling him closer. A
shiver of pleasure runs through Jimin as Yoongi ravages his mouth, their tongues gliding together,
hot and wet. Yoongi presses down on top of him, settling between Jimin’s thighs, which part to
accommodate him.

They kiss hard and deep until they have to break apart, gasping for breath. Before Jimin can
gather himself, Yoongi is kissing at his neck, sucking hard at the hot skin. Jimin jolts and he feels
the first bit of slick leak out of him when Yoongi licks a hot stripe along Jimin’s scent gland.

Yoongi must be able to smell the sudden release of omega pheromones, cause he groans low and
licks at Jimin’s neck again. “Fuck, you smell so good,” he growls, the sound rumbling in his throat,
and Jimin whines, feeling more slick begin to leak out and start to wet the back of his trousers.

Yoongi grazes his teeth along Jimin’s scent gland, right where the mating bite will go, and the
omega gasps, instinctually tilting his head back, begging to be claimed. Yoongi growls again, low
and guttural at the sight of Jimin submitting to him, but he manages to restrain himself and instead
goes back to sucking and licking at the spot.

Jimin buries his hands in Yoongi’s black hair and presses him tight against his neck, loving the
feeling of the alphas lips and tongue and teeth on him. Yoongi scent, usually so strong, is
overwhelming right now, releasing extra alpha pheromones, and its driving Jimin crazy.

Yoongi presses his hips into Jimin’s, and he feels how Yoongi is already half hard, and oh, Jimin
wants his knot. He wants it so bad.

The thought is just enough to pull Jimin back to his senses. “W-wait, hyung,” he gasps, and
involuntary shiver running through him when Yoongi sucks under his jaw. “Not like this.”

Yoongi pulls back, pupils blown wide and expression dazed. “Huh?”
Jimin gulps and struggles to sit, and Yoongi rolls off of him to let him up. “It-it has to be special,”
Jimin says, feeling lightheaded and dizzy as Yoongi reaches out to play with his fingers. “Tonight.
Just wait until tonight.”

Yoongi licks his swollen lips and stares at Jimin for a moment. He seems dazed as well and it
must be taking him longer to process Jimin’s words. Finally he nods and squeezes Jimin’s hands.
“Whatever you want, sweetling.”

Jimin smiles gratefully and leans in for another quick kiss before he stands up on shaky legs.
“Don’t come back to camp until night has fallen,” Jimin says, already turning around and dashing
out of the poppy field.

“What?” Yoongi exclaims. “What am I supposed to do until then?”

“You’ll figure it out!” Jimin calls over his shoulder with a grin. Then he’s gone from the field,
leaving a confused Yoongi sitting amongst the poppies.

After what feels like a thousand eternities, in which Yoongi restlessly paced the forest, night has
finally fallen and he’s dashing through the dark woods back to camp.

He can’t believe it. After all these years of courting and playing their flirty little games, Jimin is
finally going to officially become Yoongi’s mate.The thought urges Yoongi on even faster, and he
explodes from the trees into camp with so much force that Inhee, who is tending to the embers of
the cooking fire, shrieks and jumps about a foot in the air.

Yoongi doesn’t even stop to apologize. He strides across the mostly deserted camp, since
everyone has retired to their huts. Yoongi can smell Jimin’s scent coming from his hut and the last
few feet feels like he’s moving in slow motion. There’s smoke coming from the chimney, and
Yoongi assumes Jimin must have lit a fire to fend off the coldness of the spring night.

Yoongi stops before his door and takes a deep breath to steady himself before he pushes it open.

The sight that greets Yoongi knocks the air out of his lungs.

Jimin lying on his side on the bed of furs in front of the crackling fireplace, clothed in nothing but
a plush white and brown fur that’s just barely covering his modesty, with the seashell necklace
around his throat. And the smell. Oh god, Jimin’s omega sweetness permeates every inch of the
hut, almost suffocating Yoongi. It makes his head swim and his mouth begin to water.

Jimin is watching him with heavy-lidded eyes, lips parted and a little wet, like he’s been licking
them. “Alpha,” he breathes, pulling the furs back to expose his naked body.

Yoongi is on him in an instant. He presses down on Jimin’s bare body and hungrily claims his
lips. Jimin immediately mewls into his mouth and opens for him, letting Yoongi lick inside. Jimin
wraps his bare thighs around Yoongi’s waist and pulls him closer, his hands carding through messy
black hair as they kiss passionately. Yoongi can smell the scent of Jimin’s slick and it lights a fire
in his belly, the smell so sweet and heady and perfect.

He pulls away from Jimin’s mouth with a little bite to his bottom lip before sitting back up and
straddling Jimin’s waist. “What are you doing?” Jimin whines when he breaks the kiss, reaching
for Yoongi with a pout.

“Have to see,” Yoongi whispers, his gaze taking in every inch of Jimin naked body, perfect in
every way. “Been imagining this for so long.”

Jimin blushes scarlet and tries to hide his face, but Yoongi quickly grabs both of his small hands
and brings them up to his mouth, kissing his knuckles and fingers tenderly. “Don’t hide from me,
Jiminie. You’re so fucking perfect.”

Jimin allows Yoongi to guide his arms up until they’re pressed into the furs above his head.
“Keep them there,” Yoongi says, before he slowly trails the tips of his fingers down Jimin’s wrists,
his forearms, the sensitive skin under his upper arms. Jimin shivers at the light touch but
obediently keeps his hands in place. Yoongi thumbs along Jimin’s prominent collar bones, leaning
down to press a few featherlight kisses along them, causing Jimin’s breath to hitch.

He keeps going, using both his hands as he runs them down Jimin’s torso, feeling the smooth,
warm skin underneath his palms. He brushes over Jimin’s pink, erect nipples, making the omega
gasp, before Yoongi keeps going. His hands settle around Jimin’s small waist, and Yoongi
massages his hip bones with his thumbs for a moment before he starts gently stroking Jimin’s little
belly with his fingertips. He does it so lightly that it's almost tickling, and Jimin giggles
breathlessly, his stomach muscles tensing under Yoongi’s touch.

Yoongi leans down again and peppers kisses across Jimin’s slightly chubby tummy. He’s always
loved Jimin’s belly, ever since they were little and he thought it was just a cute thing to poke at.
It’s still soft and a little squishy, and Yoongi presses his lips into the hot, flushed skin, a content
purr rumbling in his throat. Jimin is beginning to squirm a little, and the smell of his slick gets
stronger, but Yoongi wants to take his time with everything.

“The prettiest baby I’ve ever seen,” Yoongi murmurs into Jimin’s skin, making the omega blush

Once he’s gotten enough kisses, Yoongi sits back up and maneuvers off Jimin’s body until he’s
kneeling on the furs. Them he pulls Jimin close by his thighs, and Jimin gasps and settles them
around Yoongi’s waist.

Yoongi continues with his exploration of Jimin’s body. The omega’s little cock is standing hard
and erect between his legs, but Yoongi bypasses it and moves onto Jimin’s thighs. “Hyung,” Jimin
whines petulantly when Yoongi ignores his cock, but the alpha just slaps him lightly on the hip in

Yoongi kisses down the expanse of Jimin inner leg, starting from high up on his thigh, which is
coated with slick, and Yoongi moans aloud at the taste of it, saliva forming in his mouth. The
feeling of Yoongi’s lips combined with the vibration of his moan so close to Jimin’s erection has
him letting out a stuttered gasp as his body jerks.

“So beautiful,” Yoongi whispers, making Jimin whine in embarrassment.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Yoongi works his way all the way down to Jimin’s ankle, leaving little
kisses in his wake that have Jimin sweating. By the time he reaches the tips of his toes, Jimin is
panting and squirming, his hands fisted in the furs above his head.

“Hyung, please,” he whimpers, bottom lip trembling. “Stop teasing me.”

Yoongi coos and goes in for a soft kiss, which Jimin meets eagerly, body going pliant under the
alpha. They kiss sweetly for a few moments until Yoongi pulls away again. “Will you roll over for

Jimin gulps and nods, and while he changes positions, Yoongi quickly rids himself of his clothes.
Yoongi groans at the sight of Jimin on his stomach, presented for him. Jimin’s ass and thighs are
completely drenched in slick and the smell is making Yoongi dizzy. He smooths his hands over the
swell of Jimin perfect ass cheeks before parting them. He hisses at the sight of Jimin’s little pink
pucker awaiting him, glistening with slick and begging to be tasted.

Jimin lets out a jerky, surprised moan when Yoongi laves his tongue over him, and the alpha
almost passes out with how sweet Jimin tastes, like the nectar of a forbidden fruit. Yoongi wastes
no time in trying to lick up every last drop of slick, which is quite the challenge because the more
he licks, the more slick Jimin releases with soft, whining little moans.

God, he tastes so fucking good and Yoongi can’t get enough. When he works his tongue inside,
Jimin arches his back and fists his hands in the furs. “O-oh,” he moans, pushing back on Yoongi’s
tongue to get him deeper.

The wet sounds of Yoongi slurping up Jimin’s slick is positively filthy. He uses his tongue on
Jimin for a while, thrusting and licking and sucking, until Jimin is crying and begging for more.
Then Yoongi works in a finger alongside his tongue and Jimin stutters out a moan, trying to push
back for more. "Ah! H-hyung,” Jimin gasps as Yoongi crooks his finger in such a way that Jimin’s
whole body spasms. “M-more.”

Yoongi gives Jimin’s hole a few final licks, gathering up as much slick as possible, before he
finally pulls away. The entire lower half of his face is wet and glistening with slick, and Yoongi
licks it off his lips as he slides another finger into Jimin’s needy hole. Jimin groans and rolls his
hips back, his breathing harsh and fast as Yoongi begins to scissor him open. With the copious
amounts of slick Jimin is producing, it makes the glide of his fingers easy.

Jimin keeps letting out soft little whines and whimpers as Yoongi works him open. As he
continues to thrust into Jimin’s tight, wet heat, Yoongi drapes himself over Jimin’s back and
nuzzles into his neck, licking over his scent gland. Jimin’s omega pheromones are going haywire,
and Yoongi feels drunk off them.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Yoongi breathes into Jimin’s skin as he continues to work his

Jimin nods frantically, tilting his head so Yoongi has better access to his neck. “S-so good,
hyung,” he pants, pushing his ass back on Yoongi’s fingers. “Want another.”

Yoongi kisses along Jimin’s jaw before he sits back up to get a better angle. He slowly sinks in a
third finger, giving Jimin time to adjust to the stretch. He waits until the omega nods and lets out a
little sigh before he begins moving again.

Jimin seems to enjoy the fullness because he’s moaning higher now, trying desperately to push
back and get all of Yoongi’s fingers as deep as they can go. His walls clench around Yoongi’s
digits, sucking them in greedily, and he moans at the thought of how that tight heat will feel around
his cock. The squelching of Yoongi’s fingers moving in and out of Jimin fills the hut and makes
the hair on the back of Yoongi’s neck raise.

He continues to open Jimin up, going slow and steady, until tears are forming in Jimin’s eyes and
he’s brokenly begging for more. “Pl-please, hyung,” he gasping, looking at Yoongi over his
shoulders with pupils blown wide and face flushed. “I’m ready.”
Yoongi takes a deep, shaky breath before removing his fingers with a wet squelch. “Roll onto
your back again,” Yoongi says gently, rubbing at Jimin’s hip. “I want to see your face.”

Jimin rolls unsteadily onto his back, blushing crimson when he meets Yoongi’s awed gaze. For a
moment Yoongi doesn’t move, can’t move, simply kneeling between Jimin’s legs. He can’t believe
after all these years he’s about to make Jimin his, in every way possible. The realization hits
Yoongi like an avalanche and he suddenly feels a little weak.

As if sensing his thoughts, Jimin holds both of his arms out to Yoongi, reaching for him with a
soft smile on his face. “I love you.”

It feels like his heart explodes in his chest. Yoongi sucks in a breath and presses flush down on
Jimin’s hot body, claiming his lips in a sweet, deep kiss, trying to express everything he’s ever felt
for Jimin through it.

God, he loves this boy with his whole heart. Always has, even when the love was just that of a
best friend and companion.

The fire crackles next to them and the heat of it on his skin and the warmth of Jimin’s flushed
body makes Yoongi feels like he’s floating. He breaks away from Jimin’s lips and kisses across his
jaw, nipping lightly and making Jimin giggle breathlessly.

“Love you so much,” Yoongi murmurs into Jimin’s skin as he kisses down his neck. The alpha
sucks at Jimin’s scent gland, causing Jimin to whine and release even more pheromones that makes
feel Yoongi drunk and heavy. “My angel.”

“Hyung,” Jimin breathes, weaving his hands in Yoongi’s tangled hair to press his mouth even
closer. “It’s always been you.”

Yoongi nuzzles his face into Jimin’s neck, eyes squeezed shut as Jimin pets his hair, cooing softly
as Yoongi simply presses his lips against his scent gland, just breathing him in. Jimin is purring
softly, and Yoongi mirrors the sound in his own throat, feeling so full and content in his love’s

They lay like this for awhile, simply drinking each other in, until Jimin tentatively wraps his legs
around Yoongi’s waist and wiggles his hips. Understanding his silent plea, Yoongi chuckles softly,
placing another kiss on Jimin’s neck before he pulls away. He leans in until their noses are
touching and gazes into Jimin’s eyes.

“Are you ready?” He whispers, lining his cock up with Jimin’s entrance.

Jimin nods, his lips parting at the feeling of Yoongi so close to where he needs him. Slick is
dripping out of him, coating the tip of Yoongi’s cock, which is beading with precome. Yoongi
weaves their fingers together and pins them above Jimin’s head again. Them he sinks into Jimin in
one smooth motion.

Jimin gasps loudly and Yoongi takes the chance to kiss him again, licking inside his mouth
hungrily. Yoongi kisses him deeply as he waits for Jimin to adjust to his sizable length. The feeling
of Jimin hot and tight and so, so wet around him is like a punch to the gut, and electricity surges
through Yoongi’s body at the feeling. It's almost painful to keep from moving, but he would rather
die than hurt Jimin by going too fast.

Yoongi is licking across Jimin swollen bottom lip when the omega shifts his hips hesitantly,
testing. He lets out a small sigh into Yoongi’s mouth and rolls his hips again, more sure, searching.
The grip of Jimin’s legs around Yoongi’s waist tightens, pulling him closer, and Yoongi gets the

With incredible slowness, Yoongi pulls out to just the tip, before sinking back in again, still slow
and steady. Jimin mewls softly and Yoongi greedily swallows the sound as he bottoms out again,
settled so deep inside him that it makes the omega shake under him. They finally break away with
a loud gasp of air as Yoongi pulls out again, and he moves his lips to Jimin’s neck, sucking harsh
marks onto his scent gland.
Jimin whimpers when Yoongi slides back in again, his hips beginning to roll in time with the
alpha’s measured thrusts. “O-oh!” Jimin cries as Yoongi pushes all the way to the hilt, his cock
hitting something so deep inside Jimin that his eyes roll back into his head. “Oh god.”

Slick is squishing out of Jimin’s hole with each deep thrust, coating Yoongi’s groin and dripping
down Jimin’s thighs and into the furs under them. “F-feels so good, Jiminie,” Yoongi breathes
raggedly into Jimin’s neck. “So perfect for me. My beautiful omega”

Jimin moans softly at the praise, his head tilted to the side to give Yoongi the best access to his
neck. “Y-yes,” Jimin jerks violently as Yoongi’s cock brushes against his prostate. “Such a-ah!-
good omega f-for you.”

Yoongi picks up the pace of his thrusts a little, but he still keeps them slow and measured, sinking
in mind-numbingly deep until Jimin’s whole body is shaking and he can’t stop moaning. At some
point they’ve stopped holding hands and now Jimin’s are everywhere on Yoongi; tugging his hair,
scratching down his back, on his ass trying to pull Yoongi into deeper thrusts.

Jimin is a panting mess under him, his whole body glistening with sweat and his skin pink and
flushed, hair plastered to his forehead. He looks like a fucking angel, everything Yoongi’s ever
wanted. Yoongi peppers soft kisses along Jimin’s neck and up his jaw as he thrusts in and out of
his omega, their bodies rocking together in tandem.

“Hyung,” Jimin chokes on a moan. A tear slips down his cheek that Yoongi kisses away. He cups
Jimin’s face in his hands, staring into his watery eyes and he drives into Jimin again, slow and

“Are you going to take my knot?” Yoongi whispers, and the words throw Jimin into a full bodied,
violent shudder. His back arches, pressing his chest into Yoongi’s, and his eyes flutter closed.
Yoongi squeezes Jimin’s cheeks gently in warning. “Look at me.”

Jimin’s eyes open again, looking at Yoongi, and the expression in them is so dazed and high and
hungry that Yoongi moans softly. “Are you going to take my knot like my good omega?” Yoongi
asks again, thrusting into Jimin with particular force.

Jimin cries out and nods frantically, somehow forcing himself to keep eye contact with Yoongi.
“Y-yes,” he whines, his hands back in Yoongi’s hair. “Wanna...wanna take your knot like a g-good
omega,” his words are beginning to slur. “Want you to-to...fill me up and b-breed me.”

“Fuck,” Yoongi growls, feeling heat surge through him at Jimin’s words. There’s a tightness in
his groin that is beginning to build and Yoongi knows he won’t last much longer. “Gonna make
you mine. Gonna mark you up and fill you with my come s-so everyone knows.”

Jimin whimpers, rolling his hips frantically as Yoongi’s rhythm begins to falter. “Yes, yes,” he
pants, moaning out loud when Yoongi licks across his scent glands again. “M-make me yours.”

Slick is still dripping out of Jimin each time Yoongi pulls out, drenching the hut in its scent and
driving Yoongi crazy. The coil in his groin is tightening with each thrust, pulling taut like a
bowstring, and he pants into Jimin’s neck as he gets closer.

Jimin is near delirious, body shaking and vision swimming. “C-close,” he whispers, clutching
desperately at Yoongi’s shoulder blades. Yoongi can feel the knot expanding at the base of his
cock and Jimin gasps at the new stretch.

Yoongi kisses the juncture between Jimin’s neck and shoulder. Then he sinks his teeth in to
complete the mating. Immediately, Yoongi feels a connection to Jimin, an awareness that wasn’t
there before as their souls bond.

Jimin wails as he comes, thrashing violently under Yoongi as he releases between their stomachs.
His walls clench and spasm so tightly around Yoongi’s cock that it throws him over the edge. He
sees white as the knot locks him in place and he releases inside Jimin, spurt after spurt of come
until it feels like he’s never going to stop. Jimin gasps and whines as Yoongi fills him, rolling his
hips down for more even though he’s barely coherent from his orgasm.

Yoongi moans, long and low, feeling each pump of come into Jimin like a punch in the groin. It
seems to go on forever until finally Yoongi’s cock seems to run out. With a gasping sigh, Yoongi
collapses on top of Jimin, kissing softly at the new bite mark on his neck to soothe it.

Now they just have to wait for the knot to go down before Yoongi can pull out, and it could be
anywhere from ten minutes to an hour from what Yoongi’s heard. They’re both covered in sweat
and slick and completely exhausted. Yoongi rests his face on Jimin’s shoulder, purring softly when
Jimin begins tiredly carding through Yoongi’s damp hair.

“That was...wow,” Jimin breathes, earning a sleepy smile from the alpha.

“Wow is right,” Yoongi murmurs, nuzzling at the damp skin of Jimin’s neck. Even now, he can
smell how their scents have permanently mingled and it makes his heart sing.

They both moan weakly when Yoongi’s cock releases one last final spurt of come into Jimin, like
a valiant last hurrah. Jimin trails his fingers across Yoongi’s back, sparking goosebumps on the
alpha’s skin at the touch.

“You’re mine now,” Yoongi says quietly, pressing his lips to Jimin’s collarbones, and he smells
the uptick of happiness in Jimin’s scent.

“Always have been,” Jimin replies with a soft smile.

Yoongi presses his ear to Jimin’s chest and hears the steady thumping of his heart, still a little
rapid but beginning to calm now, and sighs in contentment.

They talk quietly about nothing in particular until they both begin to feel heavy with exhaustion.
Yoongi’s knot slowly goes down until he’s able to pull gently out of Jimin. He goes to grab
something to clean up the copious amounts of come dripping out of Jimin but the omega shakes his

“Later,” he says sleepily, holding out his arms for Yoongi. “Come here.”

Yoongi knows Jimin will complain about the dried come in the morning, but he obeys. He crawls
up and pulls Jimin close, wrapping his arms tightly around him, and Jimin settles his face in the
crook of Yoongi’s neck and curls his hands against the alpha’s chest.

Now that they’re mates, Jimin will move into Yoongi’s hut and they can finally sleep together at
nights again. They can be together always, and Yoongi’s never been happier.

Yoongi drifts to sleep to the sound of Jimin’s quiet breathing and the warmth of his mate against
his body.

Jimin is awoken to the feeling of lips pressing kisses along his jaw. His eyes flutter open, taking a
moment to adjust to the predawn light streaming into the hut with a confused furrow of his brow.
Yoongi is cradling Jimin to his chest as he peppers kisses across the omega’s face, his eyes soft
and fond as Jimin’s memories come flooding back.

“Morning,” Yoongi murmurs, smiling softly at his new mate.

Jimin grins sleepily at Yoongi and puckers his lips for a kiss, which Yoongi grants with a
chuckle. Jimin lets Yoongi peck his lips chastely a few times, too tired for much more, giggling
quietly when Yoongi kisses the tip of his nose. Jimin goes to stretch and it immediately feels like
his skin is going to crack with all the dried come and slick coating his stomach, ass and thighs.
Jimin makes a sound of pure disgust and Yoongi laughs at him, eyes twinkling.

“You should have let me clean you up last night,” he chides gently, and Jimin pouts at him.

“But I just wanted to sleep,” he whines petulantly, not noticing how softly Yoongi is gazing at

“Well, maybe you’ve learned your lesson,” Yoongi replies, huffing a laugh when Jimin smacks at
his chest in annoyance. Yoongi lifts his head to peer around the hut. “It's still pretty early. If we
hurry we can get down to the river and clean up before anyone else wakes.”

Jimin doesn’t really want to move, still feeling kind of boneless from last night, but he also hates
the tight, crusty dryness on his skin. Plus, it’s starting to itch a little. Jimin turns to Yoongi and
pulls his very best puppy eyes. “Only if you carry me.”

Yoongi narrows his eyes at. “Are you being serious?”

Jimin flutters his lashes prettily. “Please?”

Jimin and Yoongi both know that he’s too weak for Jimin and always gives into him no matter
what, and Jimin sees the exact moment Yoongi’s resolve crumbles. He pouts mightily and glares at
Jimin as he sits up. “You’re such a damn brat.”

Jimin grins at him as Yoongi stands up and throws his clothes on from the night before. “I love
you too.”

Yoongi just snorts and pulls some fresh clothes out of his wooden chest and shoves them into a
leather satchel. Then he tosses a large tunic at Jimin, who sits up and tugs it on, cringing as come
flakes off his skin. Once they’re both dressed, Jimin stands on his knees and holds out his arms to
Yoongi, who rolls his eyes sweeps Jimin up bridal style. The omega giggles and wraps his arms
around Yoongi’s broad shoulders as he kicks the door of the hut open.

There’s no one outside yet and they manage to make it to the treeline without being spotted.
Yoongi is strong from years of hunting and building and heavy lifting, and he carries Jimin with
ease through the forest. Jimin rests his head against Yoongi’s shoulder, not noticing when his alpha
glances down at him with a smirk.

“So,” Yoongi begins casually. “Last night was pretty incredible.”

Jimin’s face turns bright red and he buries his face in Yoongi’s shoulder. “Hyung,” Jimin whines,
high-pitched and embarrassed.

“Don’t go getting all modest on me, sweetling,” Yoongi chuckles fondly. “I’ve see your true

Jimin moans in mortification, his whole body flushing. The bite mark on his neck, already
halfway healed, tingles with the memories of last night. “Shut up,” he mutters heatedly.

“All this time I thought my Jiminie was so innocent,” Yoongi continues with a wide smile. “So

Jimin bangs his fist against Yoongi’s chest in anger, his scowl hidden in Yoongi’s tunic as they
arrive at the river. “I hate you.”

“Oh yeah?” Jimin can hear the grin in Yoongi’s voice. “You hate me? Well then here.”

Then he tosses Jimin right into the icy cold water.

Jimin breaks the surface of the river with an ear-splitting screech of outrage, the cold shocking
him to his core. “Hyung!” Jimin screams, startling a flock of birds into the air. “I’m going to kill

Yoongi just laughs as he lazily starts peeling his clothes off, paying no mind to Jimin fuming in
the water. He folds them all neatly and sets them on top of the leather bag at the base of a tree,
grabbing a bar of soap from the bag, before slowly sinking into the water with a shiver. Jimin tries
not to stare at his wide, broad shoulder or his taut, toned stomach, and he definitely tries not to look
any lower than that.

Once Yoongi is submerged up to his shoulders, he tries to reach for Jimin, who splashes him and
moves away with a huff, arms crossed and lips pouted. Yoongi chuckles and drifts closer again,
shaking water from his hair.

“Are you mad at me, Jiminie?” Yoongi hums, and the sound of his deep, smooth voice makes
Jimin shiver involuntarily. When Jimin doesn’t immediately move away, Yoongi swims closer.
“Will you forgive me, baby?”

Jimin crosses his arms tighter when Yoongi tries to tug them apart. The tunic is floating around
his body in the water and Yoongi grabs it to pull him closer. The alpha nuzzles into Jimin’s face,
nosing along his jaw and cheek. “Forgive me?” He asks again, brushing his lips over Jimin’s
pouted ones.

Jimin feels electricity run through his body and he finds himself leaning into Yoongi, the omega
in him drawn by his warmth and scent. Yoongi pulls him into a gentle hug and Jimin rests his head
on Yoongi’s bare shoulder. Yoongi rubs up and down Jimin’s back, his hands bunching in the wet
material of his tunic.

“Let’s get this off you,” Yoongi says, and Jimin raises his hands above his head so his alpha can
pull it off. Yoongi bunches it up and begins wiping Jimin down with it, and the omega preens at
the care and attention, smiling despite trying to remain mad at Yoongi.
Jimin allows Yoongi is scrub away all remnants of dried come and sweat from last night, and it
feels so nice that Jimin lets his eyelids droop as Yoongi cleans him up. When he’s done, Yoongi
tosses the sopping wet tunic onto the bank of the river to collect later.

Then Yoongi grabs the bar of soap and suds up his hands before handing it to Jimin. The omega
purrs when Yoongi begins working his hands into his blonde hair, long fingers massaging against
his scalp. Jimin soaps up his hands as well and goes to work in Yoongi’s black hair too. They fall
into a comfortable silence as they wash each other’s hair, and Jimin can feel Yoongi’s presence
humming in the back of his mind. Jimin’s never felt this close to Yoongi before and it’s like
everything’s finally falling into place.

Once they’re both soaped up enough, they dunk their heads under the water to wash it all out.
They break the surface with a gasp and take a second to blink water out of their eyes. Yoongi
smiles gently and pulls Jimin into a soft kiss, their lips cold and wet but pleasant all the same.

They kiss for a little while until Yoongi’s lips slowly trail down to Jimin’s neck. The omega sighs
and shivers when Yoongi kisses tenderly across the bite mark, and Jimin feels electricity run
through his body at the soft touch. He tilts his head back, presenting his neck as much as possible
to the alpha, eyes fluttering closed at the wonderful sensation. He can sense Yoongi’s happiness
and contentment and a purr rumbles in Jimin’s throat.

“Feel better?” Yoongi asks when he finally pulls away from Jimin’s neck, pushing the omega’s
clean, wet hair away from his face with a tender fingers.

Jimin nods and leans forward, taking Yoongi by surprise when he kisses the tip of his nose, and
Jimin grins at the way Yoongi’s eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink. “H-hey,” Yoongi croaks, his
lips pushing into a pout. “I’m the only one allowed to give nose kisses.”

Jimin scoffs and pecks another kiss on the tip of Yoongi’s nose. “That’s a stupid rule. You have
such a cute nose.”

Yoongi flushes even harder. “It’s not cute!” He splutters indignantly. “It’s not!” He exclaims
when Jimin just grins. Yoongi rolls his eyes and splashes Jimin with water. “Come on, let’s head
back. Everyone will be awake by now.”

Jimin giggles at Yoongi’s obvious subject change but doesn’t say anything. They wade out of the
water and Jimin immediately begins shivering, but thankfully Yoongi had the foresight to pack a
blanket with them. He drapes it over Jimin and vigorously dries him off, wiping off as much water
as possible. Once Jimin is sufficiently dry, Yoongi towles himself off with much less care and
pulls out the fresh clothes he’d packed them.

Yoongi’s clothes are drenched in his scent and Jimin purrs happily when he puts them on. Yoongi
didn’t bring them any shoes, so he piggy-backs Jimin, who is squealing with laughter, all the way
back through the forest towards camp.

When they arrive, Yoongi sets Jimin back down and takes his hand as they enter the clearing.
Grandmother is trying to start a fire and is the first one to see them. She takes one look at the bite
on Jimin’s neck and their linked hands and grabs the pot on the ground next to her. She bangs
against it loudly with a ladle and yells, “Finally!”

The harsh clanging hurts Jimin’s ears as Hyeri and Inhee come running out to see what the
commotion is. They see Jimin and Yoongi and immediately high five each other, grinning wide as
the two new mates blush.
Jongho passes by them and nods at the two of them, long having since given up on Jimin. He’s
still been unsuccessful in finding a mate and Jimin feels really bad for him and wishes there was
something he could do to help.

Sunsoo comes out of her hut just then, and when she sees the two of them, her eyes fill with tears.
She places each of her hands on their cheeks with a proud smile. “I always knew everything was
leading up to this moment,” she says, and Jimin smiles shyly and ducks his head.

“Eomma,” Yoongi mutters in embarrassment, and Sunsoo chuckles before releasing them.

“I’ll have all Jimin’s things moved over to your hut,” she says, giving them one last smile before
striding off to find Hongwon.

“Come on,” Yoongi says, tugging Jimin towards his-their-hut. They awkwardly accept some
more congratulation as they pass, looking at each other and giggling nervously.

When Jimin steps inside the hut, he sighs happily, immediately flooded with the Yoongi’s scent.
Yoongi, on the other hand, freezes, jaw clenching as his eyes go wide. “Hyung?” Jimin frowns
when he sees the expression on his face. “What’s wrong?”

Yoongi licks his lips and swallow thickly. “It, uh…” he begins, voice a little choked. “It still
smells like your slick in here.”

Oh. Oh. Jimin’s whole face burns red as he looks around the hut, his gaze landing on the pile of
furs they’d consummated their mating on last night. They’re now all dried and crusted from all the
slick Jimin had produced, and they must still smells something fierce.

Jimin groans and buries his hot face in his hands, his whole body burning in mortification. He
hears Yoongi chuckle and then feels him pressing close. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby,” Yoongi
says softly, trying to tug Jimin’s hands away.

The omega just whines and burrows deeper, even the tips of his ears turning red. Yoongi laughs
quietly and pulls Jimin closer by his hips. “Are you going to get like this every time we have sex?”
He whispers into Jimin’s ear, and the omega lets out a squeak, a thrill running through him at
Yoongi’s words.

They’re mated now so technically they can have all the sex they want. The thought makes him
blush harder even though his insides begin tingling. Yoongi must smell the change because he
smirks against Jimin’s ear, his thumbs rubbing circles into Jimin’s hip bones. “Getting worked up
again already, baby?” Yoongi whispers huskily, and Jimin whines again, finally dropping his
hands as he presses against Yoongi.

He’s already feeling slick begin to moisten his hole as Yoongi starts kissing his neck, sucking and
licking across the skin. He tilts his head back to allow Yoongi better access and he jerks violently
when Yoongi licks across the healing bite mark, making Jimin’s body buzz.

A loud pounding on the door makes them spring apart.

“Yoongi-yah, you’re on hunting duty with me. Let’s go.” It’s Ilhoon, Yoongi’s uncle, and he’s
not known to be a very patient man.

Yoongi groans in annoyance and runs his hand through his hair. Jimin giggles a little hysterically
and shoos Yoongi away with his hands. “Go on,” he says with a smile. “I’ll, uh, wash the furs
while you’re gone.”
Jimin can see Yoongi trying to hide his grin as he nods. He dips in quick and plants a kiss on
Jimin’s lips that makes the omega smile. “I’ll be back soon.”

Jimin has to make three trips to lug all the slick-crusted furs down to the river. On his second
trip, Inhee and Wonbin tag along with him and begin teasing him mercilessly when he haltingly
explains what he’s doing with a flaming red face. Thankfully, they’d both presented as betas the
month before so they can’t smell Jimin’s slick or he knows he would never be able to live it down.

They are kind enough to help him soak the furs in the river and scrub them out, even though they
keep pulling faces of disgust and making noises that makes Jimin’s face burn in mortification.
Once they’re done, they hang them over low tree branches by the river to dry, because no way is
Jimin hanging them up to dry in camp and having the entire pack know why.

“What does it feel like to produce slick?” Inhee asks bluntly as she wrings the water out of a wet
fur. Jimin’s blushes fiercely but before he can answer, Wonbin pipes in with,

“I hear it feels like slug slime. Is that true?”

“Stop,” Jimin whines, hiding his face in his hands as the twins cackle at his pain.

“Aw, Jiminie’s all embarrassed. How cute,” Inhee coos, and Jimin slaps her with a wet fur,
making her screech.

That devolves into the three of them chasing each other around and slapping each other with
heavy, wet furs, which stings something fierce, Jimin quickly finds out. They’re all aching and
splattered with water by the time they get tired, and they slowly trudge back to camp.

The furs are dried and back in their hut by the time Yoongi gets back after having caught a big
buck. That night, they are careful to lay out a few blankets on top of them before Yoongi takes a
whimpering Jimin from behind. They fall asleep wrapped up together and Jimin has never been

Jimin is lying on his back on a blanket in the peaceful poppy meadow, soaking up the sun that
shines down on him. The air is warm and the birds are singing and he feels so calm and lazy and
content that he starts dozing off.

A crashing in the trees nearby and the sudden smell of a very familiar scent blowing towards him
has Jimin opening his eyes. “Sorry I’m late,” Yoongi pants as he jogs into the field. “My father
wanted to talk to me about inviting the neighboring pack over in hopes of finally finding a mate for

Jimin hums in acknowledgement as Yoongi lays down beside him in the grass. He feels bad that
Jongho still hasn’t been able to find a mate, and he hopes that if they meet with this pack that the
older alpha will be able to find someone.
Yoongi rolls onto his stomach to give Jimin a sweet kiss that makes the omega smile. Jimin curls
his hand around the back of Yoongi’s head and pulls him into a deeper kiss. They lazily makeout
in the grass for awhile until Yoongi somehow ends up half on top of him and his hands start
wandering around Jimin’s body; sliding down his waist and settling around his hips, squeezing
with just the right amount of pressure. The weight of Yoongi’s body, now a familiar sensation,
feels so damn good that a soft moan escapes his lips as they kiss. Yoongi’s grip around his hips
tightens and he nudges Jimin’s thighs aside with his knee and settles between them.

The scent of Yoongi’s growing arousal makes Jimin feel drunk and high. He mewls softly when
Yoongi pulls away from his mouth and settles his lips on Jimin healed over mating bite. A surge of
prickling electricity shoots through Jimin when Yoongi sucks harshly at the spot and his hips buck
up involuntarily.

When Yoongi presses his half hard erection into Jimin’s, the omega gasps and tries to grind down
on him. Arousal buzzes under his skin, making him grow hot and needy as Yoongi licks and nips
at Jimin’s neck. Jimin starts tugging impatiently at the back of Yoongi’s tunic, his mouth hanging
open as he pants heavily. “Come on, hyung, please,” he groans, his omega pheromones going wild
from Yoongi mouthing at his scent glands. He can feel slick beginning to trickle out of his hole,
seeping into the back of his breeches.

Yoongi chuckles against his skin as he grinds down on Jimin again. “Here? Really, heartling?”
Yoongi asks, but Jimin can’t even find it in himself to be ashamed. “What if someone finds us?”

Jimin can’t quite bite back the moan that escapes him at the thought, and Yoongi goes still on top
of him. He lifts his head to look at Jimin, and he sees Yoongi’s pupils are blown wide and he looks
a little feral. “You like that? The thought of someone walking in on me fucking you like the good
omega you are?”

Jimin whimpers pathetically, Yoongi’s words causing slick to start gushing out of him, he and
claws with more desperation at Yoongi’s clothes. “Y-yes,” Jimin pants, wiggling his hips, trying to
entice Yoongi. It seems to work because Yoongi sits back up and quickly pulls Jimin’s boots off
before roughly tugging his breeches down with a few sharp tugs.

Jimin’s small cock, hard and already beading with precome, slaps against his stomach, and
Yoongi gives it a single pump that has Jimin jerking under him with a gasp. Then Yoongi runs his
hands down Jimin’s hot thighs, making the omega purr at his touch.

Jimin, in a moment of bravery, hooks a leg around Yoongi’s waist and seamlessly flips him over
on the blanket. Yoongi lets out a grunt of surprise as Jimin straddles him, his small fingers already
fumbling with the ties of Yoongi’s breeches. Jimin feels so empty, needs Yoongi in him right now
to fill him up nice and good.

Once untied, Jimin shoves Yoongi’s breeches down just enough to release his cock, long and
thick and achingly hard, and Jimin begins salivating at the sight. Before Yoongi can really figure
out what’s going on, Jimin hovers over his cock and slams down in one hard motion, already
opened up from when they’d fucked earlier that morning.

“Fuck!” Yoongi cries, his hips jerking involuntarily at suddenly finding himself encased in
Jimin’s tight, wet heat. Yoongi grips at Jimin’s hips, tight enough to leave bruises. “G-give me a
little warning next time, Jiminie.”

Jimin just smiles down at him mischievously and begins fucking himself on Yoongi’s cock at a
bruising pace. Everytime he pulls up, slick squishes out of him and drips down his thighs,
drenching the skin around Yoongi’s groin and staining his breeches.
Jimin bounces up and down, eyes fluttering closed and mouth tipping open in pleasure. Yoongi’s
big hands wrap around and grab at Jimin’s ass cheeks, parting them, gripping the flesh roughly as
he lets Jimin fuck himself on his cock. Yoongi is groaning and panting, watching Jimin on top of
his with lustful, heavy-lidded eyes.

Oh god, Yoongi feels so amazing inside him, stretching him to the limits and brushing against that
spot deep within that makes Jimin see stars. He braces his hands on Yoongi’s chest and slows
down a little, rolling his hips in deep circles that make him cry out when the tip of Yoongi’s cock
brushes against his prostate.

“A-ah!” Jimin gasps, grinding in a hard circle again, and electricity sparks up his spine and his
rhythm falters for a second. He knows he isn’t going to last long at this pace.

Jimin removes one hand from Yoongi’s chest and lifts up the tunic of Yoongi’s that’s he’s
wearing. He pushes it past his chest and thumbs over his sensitive nipples as he bounces on
Yoongi’s cock. His touch elicits sparks and Jimin moans, his head falling back as he gets lost in
the pleasure. Yoongi is still kneading his ass, fingernails digging into the soft skin with just enough
pain that it makes Jimin whine in pleasure and grind down harder.

“Fuck, look at you,” Yoongi hisses, his deep, raspy voice sending tremors through Jimin’s body.
“Look what a little slut you are, fucking yourself on my cock.” Yoongi slaps his ass sharply and
Jimin cries out, his movements faltering. “Who knew my little omega would be such a cockslut?”

Jimin whimpers, his whole body flushing with prickly heat, and he nods frantically. “A-always
want alpha’s c-cock,” Jimin pants, grinding down deep on Yoongi and hitting his prostate dead
one, making him keen loudly as pleasure rolls through him. His thighs are beginning to ache and
burn but he doesn’t care. “F-fills me up so good.”

Yoongi moans and Jimin reaches back to grabs both of the alpha’s hands off his ass to place them
on his chest, right over his nipples. Yoongi takes the silent cue and immediately begins playing
with them, using his long fingers to pinch and roll and rub them. Like in all things, Yoongi’s
fingers feel so much better, and Jimin can’t stop letting out little mewling moans as he rolls his
hips down on Yoongi.

“H-hyung...alpha,” Jimin whines, gasping each time Yoongi’s cock catches against his prostate,
causing heat to begin pooling in his groin. “Fucks me so-ahh!-g-good.”

Yoongi presses his thumbs into Jimin’s nipples as the omega rides him. “You like that, baby?”
Yoongi growls, his hips twitching, wanting to fuck up into Jimin but somehow restraining himself.
“You going to let your alpha knot you? Let me breed you and fill you up with my pups?”

Jimin shudders and jerks so violently that it completely throws him out of rhythm, so Yoongi
takes matters into his own hands. He grips Jimin tight by the hips, plants his feet on the ground,
and rams up into Jimin hard.

Jimin screams and falls forward onto Yoongi’s chest as the alpha fucks up into him at a brutal
pace. Jimin noses his way into Yoongi’s neck as his mate slams into him, slick dripping out with
each thrust and making a mess everywhere. His mouth is slack, his swollen lips pressed against
Yoongi’s scent gland and little gasps and whimpers escaping him each time Yoongi pistons into

The heat in his belly is building rapidly, tightening like a coil, and he knows he’s about to break.
Jimin moans and pushes back when Yoongi’s thrusting becomes more shallow and he feels the
knot beginning to grow, stretching him even more, almost to the point of pain but it feels so damn
good, so right.

Yoongi gives one more sharp thrust that hits his prostate dead on and Jimin tumbles over the
edge. He moans long and high as he comes between their stomachs, a tidal wave of pleasure
rocking through him as his vision goes white. Yoongi groans, and the next thing he knows, Jimin
is being pumped full of come. He can feel Yoongi’s cock pulsating inside him, releasing bucket
loads of his seed as the knot locks him in place. The omega in Jimin preens at the feeling and he
starts purring tiredly, burrowing deeper into Yoongi’s neck as he continues to release inside him.

“Alpha,” Jimin whines weakly, wiggling back to try to take even more of Yoongi’s come, his
delirium from his orgasm making him a little desperate.

“Shhh,” Yoongi soothes gently, rubbing up and down on Jimin’s back. “Calm down, baby. You
did so good.”

Jimin settles at his words and goes limp on top of him with a sigh. “F-feels so nice…” Jimin
mumbles, his words slurring as Yoongi slips his hands under the tunic and strokes his bare back.
“Fill me up with...pups…”

They’ve discovered that Jimin gets a little spacey and out of it after sex, so Yoongi just chuckles
and lightly scratches Jimin’s back, making the omega purr even harder.

Jimin must have fallen asleep for a little bit, because when he wakes up, Yoongi’s knot has gone
down and he’s gently pulling out. Jimin whines weakly in protest because he hates feeling empty,
especially after Yoongi’s knotted him.

“I know,” Yoongi comforts him softly, rubbing over the soft skin of Jimin’s ass cheeks. “It’s

Jimin winces and whimpers in loss when Yoongi pulls out and bucket loads of come and slick
immediately come dripping out. The omega part of him hates losing even an ounce of Yoongi’s
come and he wishes there was a way he could keep it in for longer.

Yoongi gently rolls Jimin over and onto his back on the blanket, using a corner of the sheet to
wipe up as much of the mess coating Jimin ass and thighs as he can. Jimin hums happily under the
attention, absentmindedly watching a bright red poppy next to him swaying in the breeze as
Yoongi cleans him up.

When they’re both dressed again, Yoongi lays down next to Jimin and the omega curls into him
with a content sigh. They nap in the warm sun for hours, sharing lazy kisses every time they blink
awake for a few moments before dozing off again, and Jimin truly doesn’t think he could be
happier than in this moment.

The neighboring pack arrives in their territory a month later. It’s been arranged for them to stay a
week, and Yoongi is on edge, weary about having these strangers living with them for so long.
He’s extra worried about Jimin and his safety, though now that he’s mated, the odds of another
alpha approaching him are almost at zero. Jimin, too, Yoongi has noticed, has been extra
possessive of him, even to their own pack members, scent marking Yoongi like crazy and growling
when anyone gets too close. Yoongi assumes he’s remembering the last time an omega had flirted
with him, and he expects his mate is loathe to let it happen again.
The day that the other pack arrives is tense for the both of them, and they stand off by their hut as
their family gathers around to greet the newcomers. Jimin has his arms latched around Yoongi’s
waist and his cheek squished against his chest, and Yoongi has an arm draped protectively around
Jimin’s shoulders.

They both perk up when they see Jongho approaching the newcomers, a group of ten with the rest
of their pack saying behind in their territory. There’s a young man, probably around Yoongi’s age,
small and petite and very obviously an omega, standing next to his pack alpha as he shyly looks
around the new surroundings.

Yoongi and Jimin both see it the moment it happens. One second, Jongho is walking towards the
strangers, and then the next the small omega is looking up at him. Jongho freezes in place and his
eyes widen, and across from him, the omega looks like he’s seen a ghost.

Jimin giggles at the scene before him as Jongho and the omega stare at each other in awe. “That
was fast.”

Jongho courts the omega, Sungwoon, for five days before he proposes the mating. On the seventh
day, Sungwoon waves goodbye to his pack as they head back home and he stays behind, holding
Jongho’s hand tightly.

Yoongi, long having put aside his rivalry with Jongho, couldn’t be happier for him. His cousin
has been in search of a mate for far too long, and Yoongi is glad he’s finally found someone. Even
if, Yoongi quickly finds out, they have incredibly loud sex that makes Jimin giggle and blush
furiously when they hear it.

Jimin had just turned twenty when his first heat as a mated omega arrives.

He’d felt the tell tale signs, the rising of his temperature, the profuse sweating, the sudden
sensitivity to scents, and the clinging neediness to be touched and petted. His omega pheromones
had also spiked, and if he hadn’t already known, Yoongi’s sudden possessiveness and
overprotectiveness would have tipped him off.

For the week leading up to his full heat, Yoongi is with him constantly, always keeping some sort
of contact with Jimin’s skin and growling dangerously at anyone who comes close to Jimin,
including other omegas. Jimin though, in his pre-heat haze, loves the strong alpha display Yoongi
is putting on, practically eats it up, purring at the feeling of being so well cared for. He spends
almost every waking moment with his nose buried in Yoongi’s neck, drawing strength and comfort
from him and feeling much calmer with his alpha’s scent so close.

Jimin will whine pitifully if Yoongi has to leave his side even for a second, usually to change into
fresh clothes, go grab them two bowls of food, or to go relieve himself outside. When he returns,
JImin clings onto him and refuses to let go, and Yoongi will murmur soothing words to him and
stroke his back to calm him.

A few days before he feels like the heat is about to hit, he and Yoongi pack up some supplies and
trek out to the heat hut so they can be alone. It also helps to calm down Yoongi’s territorialism,
being away from the threat of other alphas so close to his mate. They spread out their supplies;
food and water, fresh clothes and plenty of clean towels, and they hunker down to wait for the

Jimin wakes up in the middle of the night in full heat.

His skin is on fire, hot to the touch, and he feels like he’s burning alive from the inside out. His
whole body aches, throbbing with pain, and every little brush of his clothes against him is like a
harsh whip lash. He’s already drenched his sleep pants with slick, there’s so much that even the
furs under him are damp.

A high pitched whine of pain escapes Jimin, and Yoongi is awake immediately. His alpha’s hands
are suddenly on him, petting and soothing the burn, and Jimin sobs in at the instant relief his touch
brings. “It’s okay, baby,” Yoongi says, brushing Jimin’s sweaty hair out of his face. “I’ve got you.”

His deep, raspy timbre makes Jimin’s body shudder and slick gush out of him, his hole fluttering
around nothing. Jimin’s inside are positively aching, begging to be filled, begging to take Yoongi’s
knot. He wants it so bad it hurts. “A-alpha,” Jimin gasps, rutting his rock hard erection against
Yoongi’s thigh. “P-please.”

“Okay, heartling, okay,” Yoongi whispers, dipping in to suck harshly at Jimin’s mating bite,
which makes Jimin cry out and convulse wildly. Then he sits up and roughly tugs Jimin’s sopping
wet breeches down, pulling off his own just as fast. He quickly rids both of them of their tunics,
and Jimin feels a little better without any rough fabric rubbing against his skin.

Jimin rolls onto his front and pushes his ass, glossy with slick, up for Yoongi, presenting for him.
He’s gasping in anticipation, his greedy hole desperate for something, needing to be filled before
he goes insane. The fire under his skin is eating him alive and Jimin starts crying before he can
stop himself, slick oozing out of him and dripping down his thighs and onto the furs.

He cries out when Yoongi parts his wet cheeks and thumbs over his fluttering hole, his nerve
endings sparking and making him rut into the furs. “H-hurry,” Jimin begs, his breathing becoming
labored and harsh.

Jimin barely has a second to register Yoongi’s cock head at his entrance before his mate is
slamming inside in one go. Jimin screams and convulses wildly on the furs, the instant relief of
having something so thick and long inside him making his brain short circuit for a moment.

Then Yoongi is thrusting, brushing against his prostate a few times, and Jimin is already coming
with a wail, his whole body shuddering violently. Yoongi doesn’t even pause, just keeps fucking
him through his orgasm, and Jimin is crying under him, pushing back for more, the burn under his
skin not even calming for a moment.

Slick is gushing out each time Yoongi fucks back into him, and the sound is so squishy and wet
and lewd that it almost makes Jimin come again. Yoongi’s hands are on him, on his waist and his
hips and his ass, and his touch is like a balm to Jimin’s aching skin. Yoongi keeps pistoning into
him, brushing against Jimin’s prostate each time and making him see stars. Through the fog in his
brain, Jimin realizes Yoongi is growling to himself as he fucks his omega, and the sound tips Jimin
over the edge again.

He keens shrilly as pleasure crashes into him and blinds him for a moment, feeling everything
shatter inside him. He chokes on his sobs as he comes into the furs again, his entire body shaking
with the force oh his climax.

He’s still achingly hard though, and he only needs about three seconds of recovery. Yoongi is still
drilling into Jimin and he can’t seem to decide between pushing back on Yoongi’s cock or rutting
into the soiled furs under him.

Yoongi has Jimin gripped tightly by his hips, pulling him back onto hard thrusts that have him
hitting that sweet spot deep inside Jimin. “O-oh!” Jimin cries out as his eyes squeeze shut, his
hands fisting in the furs. “H-harder!”

Yoongi grunts and somehow starts fucking Jimin with even more force, slamming into him so
hard that the smacking of his hips on Jimin’s ass as he thrusts actually stings. Jimin’s eyes are
dripping with tears and his mouth is hanging slack against the furs, and he doesn’t even notice
when he starts drooling. Slick is still leaking out of him each time Yoongi pulls out and thrusts
back in, completely soaking the backs of his thighs and pooling in the furs below him.

Yoongi fucks his hard and fast, his movements unforgiving and everything Jimin is needing. It
feels indescribably good, the feeling of Yoongi stretching him so full, hitting so deep inside him
that Jimin’s toes curl. If he thought there was a lot of slick the other times they’ve had sex, it’s
nothing compared to this. Jimin is like a waterfall, positively gushing and making a wet mess of
everything, and each time Yoongi fucks into him, more slick squelches out.

His third orgasm builds slower than the first two, with Yoongi’s relentless rhythm driving into his
prostate on each thrust. He’s sobbing freely now, tears streaming down his ruddy cheeks as the
pleasure begins building in his body again. Above him, Yoongi is grunting as he fucks Jimin, his
breathing growing harsher and faster. Then, Jimin feels Yoongi’s knot beginning to grow and he
cries harder, pushing back on Yoongi desperately.

“Y-yes,” Jimin babbles incoherently. “Knot me, a-alpha…fill me-oh!-up and b-breed me.”

Yoongi growls and pushes in one final time as the knot swells, locking him in place before he
comes with a low moan. At the feeling of Yoongi’s seed pumping into him and the knot stretching
him to his limits, Jimin climaxes again. He wails loudly and his body seizes up as ecstasy rocks
through him so intensely it's almost painful.

Finally, he goes limp on the dirty furs in exhaustion, the burn under his skin finally calming down
for now. Yoongi drapes his body across Jimin’s back, nosing and kissing at his neck, and Jimin
mewls softly each time he feels more come pumping inside him, swelling his belly up with how
much there is.

“Better?” Yoongi whispers, kissing across Jimin’s sweaty shoulders.

“F-for now,” Jimin slurs, his eyelids drooping as a purr rumbles in his throat at the feeling of
Yoongi’s seed filling him up so full.

They remain like this for a little over ten minutes as Yoongi’s knot slowly goes down, until Jimin
feels the heat rising under his skin again and he starts whimpering. Yoongi goes to pull out and
Jimin panics, reaching back to grab Yoongi by the hip to stop him.

“No!” Jimin cries out, and Yoongi freezes, probably afraid he’s hurt the omega. “C-can’t lose
it…” Jimin sniffles pathetically. “Want your p-pups.”

Yoongi coos softly and peppers kisses across Jimin neck. “It’s okay, baby,” he soothes as he
noses at Jimin’s scent gland. “I’ll give you more.”

Jimin settles a little at this and allows Yoongi to pull out, though he whimpers loudly at the
sudden loss of his cock combined with what feels like gallons of liquid spilling out of him.
Yoongi rolls Jimin onto his back away from the mess he’s made and settles between his thighs just
as Jimin begins panting again, rolling his hips in search of any friction as the heat becomes

“H-hurry, please hu-ahh!”

Jimin’s begging is cut off by Yoongi sliding back inside him in one sharp thrust. Jimin cries out
and shudders violently as Yoongi immediately starts pounding into him, fucking the leaking come
and slick back inside him. Jimin wraps his thighs tightly around Yoongi’s waist, moaning when the
alpha presses in close and starts licking and sucking harshly at his neck. Jimin digs his heels into
Yoongi’s ass cheeks, trying to draw him even deeper.

“Fuck, you feel so good. My beautiful omega,” Yoongi hisses into Jimin’s skin, earning sobbing
whines from Jimin as Yoongi punctuates each word with a thrust.

Jimin can feel every drag of Yoongi’s cock inside him, every curve and line sliding against his
walls, hitting that little bundle of nerves inside him that has Jimin babbling nonsense and drool
dripping down his chin. His eyes are squeezed shut and his head is thrown back to present his neck
to Yoongi, his arms wrapped tightly around Yoongi’s sweaty shoulders in attempts to pull him
even closer.

Yoongi pauses in thrusting just long enough to grab Jimin’s left leg and hike it over his shoulder,
bending Jimin almost clean in half. The new angle opens Jimin up so wide and has Yoongi hitting
his prostate so perfectly that he screams and his eyes roll back into his head as his body convulses
wildly. Yoongi slams in a few more times and bites down on Jimin’s mating mark, and he comes
again with a wail, white hot pleasure surging through him and blinding him for a moment. His cock
twitches weakly between their bodies and spurts a small string of white come onto his slick-soaked

Yoongi’s rhythm falters as he gives a few more thrusts, groaning low, and Jimin moans when
Yoongi’s knot begins swelling again, stretching him to the limit. “Yes, yes,” Jimin gasps, rolling
his head back and forth on the furs, vision blurry and chin slick with spit. “K-knot me…” he slurs
drunkenly as Yoongi buries himself deep in Jimin and stills as the knot expands. “F...fill me up…”

Yoongi hisses as he comes, and the feeling of being pumped so full of Yoongi’s warm seed
throws a startled Jimin into yet another orgasm. He shrieks shrilly and spasms wildly under the
alpha, his mouth stretching open in a silent scream as the climax is all but ripped from his
oversensitive body. His little cock shoots blanks as Jimin gasps harshly and thrashes violently, his
vision going completely white.

It takes him awhile to come down from the high, and when he does, Yoongi is gently kissing his
cheeks and rubbing a hand over his belly, which is distended after taking so much come. “Shhh,”
he soothes softly as Jimin shakes under him. “You did so well, beautiful. So good for me. Such a
perfect little omega.”

Jimin mewls weekly, glowing at the praise even as his consciousness begins to slip. The burn of
the heat is bearable for now, and he’s absolutely exhausted. The last thing he’s aware of is Yoongi
gingerly pulling out of him before Jimin passes out.

Jimin doesn’t know how long he was out before the heat boiling under his skin wakes him up
again. The first thing he notices is that he’s been wiped clean of all the come and slick coating his
body and that Yoongi is curled up against his back, face nestled in the back of Jimin’s neck and his
arms around the omega’s waist.

Jimin also feels something very hard and prominent poking into his backside, and he realizes his
heightened omega pheromones must be keeping Yoongi in a constant state of arousal, even in his
sleep. Jimin whimpers and pushes back, trying to spear himself on Yoongi’s cock, his greedy hole
clenching around nothing and slick already leaking out.

Yoongi’s hold around Jimin tightens and he presses a kiss onto the back of his neck as he wakes.
“Did you sleep good?” His deep voice is a low rumble, raspy and thick from just having woken up,
and Jimin moans, more slick pouring out of him.

“P-please,” Jimin begs as a shudder of desire rolls through him.

They fuck in a spooning position, with Yoongi pressed against his back and one arm holding
Jimin’s leg up and out of the way so he can get a better angle. It’s the quietest orgasm he has so far,
moaning into the furs as he comes again, pleasure rocking through his body and setting his blood
on fire.

Then Yoongi maneuvers him onto his hands and knees and takes him from behind, drawing two
more orgasms out of Jimin before he knots him again. He collapses on his chest, teary-eyed and
face covered in drool, babbling incoherently as he takes all of Yoongi’s come, purring and
delirious at the wonderful feeling of Yoongi’s knot inside him.

By this point, Jimin has lost all sense of time and he has no idea how long they’ve been going at
it. He doesn’t know if it’s been hours or days.

After Yoongi’s knot goes down and he pulls out, the alpha forces Jimin to gulps down lots of
water and eat a few strips of dried meat before the heat acts up again. Jimin complains at first, but
then he does have to admit that he feels better after eating something.

After that, Yoongi makes Jimin come once with his long, slender fingers and another with his
sinful tongue, slurping up the copious amounts of Jimin’s slick like it’s the most delicious thing
he’s ever tasted.

After that, Jimin falls asleep again and Yoongi wipes him clean and kisses his swollen belly
before lying down next to him to sleep until Jimin wakes up again.

Jimin loses track of how many times he comes after he wakes up, his mind delirious and heat-
fogged. Then, after what feels like days, Jimin’s heat finally breaks right as Yoongi’s knot is
locking them into place for the last time. Jimin climaxes with a shuddering sigh and goes limp
under Yoongi, the heat finally fading away and leaving Jimin absolutely exhausted.

“Is it over?” Yoongi whispers, kissing across Jimin’s face while they wait for the knot to go
down. Jimin nods weakly and smiles tiredly when Yoongi nuzzles into his neck.

They spend the rest of the day recovering, simply cuddling and catching up on their sleep. Finally,
Yoongi somehow convinces Jimin to get up and go bathe in the stream outside.

The water is freezing but it feels good against his skin, where Jimin swears he can still feel the
ghost of the heat. Yoongi uses a bar of floral smelling soap and scrubs him down thoroughly,
cleaning off days’ worth of come and slick and sweat. He gets his hair washed and his shoulders
massaged, and even though his body still feels over sensitive after the heat, Yoongi’s hands on him
feel so good.

After they’re both all clean, Jimin naps on a big, flat rock by the riverbank, soaking up the warm
sun with his head in Yoongi’s lap as his alpha strokes through his damp hair. Occasionally, Yoongi
will press a blueberry to Jimin’s lips, who opens them obediently and chews the sweet fruit without
opening his eyes.

After awhile, Jimin feels strong enough to make the trip back to camp, and Yoongi quickly packs
up their supplies, hurrying because Jimin, always extra clingy after his heats, starts whining
pathetically and calling for Yoongi.

They walk hand-in-hand part way, until Jimin gets too tired and Yoongi carries him the rest of the
way. No one bothers them when they get back to camp just as the sun is setting, and they head
straight for their hut. Jimin collapses on the soft furs with a sigh of contentment, the scent of his
and Yoongi’s home washing over him and making him feel much calmer.

Yoongi had installed a wooden shelf above the fireplace where Jimin has displayed the courting
gifts he’s received over the years. The very first gift, the dried and pressed poppy, is up there,
along with the white river rock and the hag stone and the carved wolf. There’s a large hunk of
amber and a little wooden bowl filled with delicate bird eggshells and beautiful gleaming feathers.
There’s more stones and a little stick doll Yoongi had given him shortly after he’d gotten back
from his Solitude. The seashell necklace is also up there, where Jimin puts it when he’s not
wearing it. Seeing all his treasured gifts brings a sleepy smile to Jimin’s face as he nuzzles into the
furs that smell of him and Yoongi.

Jimin drifts to sleep curled around Yoongi, absentmindedly thinking how lucky he is to have him
as his alpha.

It’s a few weeks after his heat that Jimin starts feeling a little sick. His tummy kind of hurts and he
feels a little nauseous, and he blames it on the stew he’d had for breakfast, which he had noticed
tasted a little off.

Yoongi is out hunting with the others or else he’d be fussing over his mate, insisting that
Yoongi’s grandmother, who is skilled at healing, look him over. Jimin pushes his discomfort to the
back of his mind and follows Sunsoo out to the small field where they keep their livestock to help
her milk the cow. He’s placing the bucket under the cow while Sunsoo is talking when the
nauseousness becomes too much.
With a gasp, he staggers away a few steps and throws up into a clump of weeds, his throat burning
and his eyes watering. Sunsoo is there immediately, rubbing at his back and handing him a
handkerchief to wipe his mouth.

“Are you okay, Jiminie?” She asks, her eyes wide with concern when Jimin straightens with a

Jimin rubs at his roiling tummy and nods, feeling a little better after having thrown up. “I think
the stew this morning made me sick.”

When Jimin looks up at her, Sunsoo is watching him with an odd expression. He squeaks when
she suddenly reaches out and cups his cheeks, her eyes sweeping him over. “What are you doing?”
Jimin asks in confusion when she places her hands on his hips, and then over his stomach.

Sunsoo looks back up at him with shining eyes and a soft smile. “Baby, I think you’re pregnant.”

Jimin stares at her. Did he just hear right? Did she just say…

“What?” He whispers, feeling his heart begin to pound in his chest. Could it really be?

Sunsoo cups Jimin’s belly, which has seemed a little chubbier lately, but he just thought it was
from eating more food than usual. His mother smiles at him, so full of joy, and it feels like all the
air is suddenly snatched from Jimin’s lungs.

Is it possible? He’s pregnant? With Yoongi’s baby?

Suddenly there are tears in Jimin’s eyes and he’s laughing breathlessly, looking down at his
stomach. He places a hand over his belly as a tear leaks down his cheek. “A baby,” he breathes, not
daring to believe it.

All this time he’d always talked about Yoongi breeding him, putting his pups in him, but
somehow Jimin never actually thought about it happening for real. Now though, he wonders how
he’d never truly considered it. He’s going to have a baby, the product of all his and Yoongi’s long
years of love, and he doesn’t think he’s ever been happier.

“Eomma,” Jimin says, looking at Sunsoo with teary eyes. “I’m having a baby.”

Sunsoo pulls him into a tight hug as Jimin cries in joy, kissing his hair and crying along with him.
It will be her first grandchild, Jimin realizes, and he suspects that she’s overcome with happiness.

After a long time, Jimin finally calms down and gathers himself. He hugs Sunsoo tight before he
takes off at a run in the direction of the poppy field. “Where are you going? What about Yoongi?”
She calls after him.

“Tell him he knows where to find me!”

Yoongi races through the forest, worried out of his mind. He’d come back to camp to find Jimin
missing and Sunsoo telling him to find him as fast as he can, saying Jimin said he knows where to
find him.

With no idea what could possibly be wrong, Yoongi trips his way through the dark forest as the
moon shines overhead. Finally, he catches a whiff of Jimin’s scent and explodes into their secret
Jimin is standing with his back to him amidst the swaying poppies, sealed closed for the night. The
moon is shining down on him and turning his hair silver, and for a moment Yoongi is struck by
how breathtaking his mate is.

“Jiminie?” Yoongi calls cautiously, and when Jimin turns around and Yoongi sees that he’s
crying, alarm seizes him.

He races up to Jimin and cups his face in his hands, wiping away his tears. “Heartling, what’s
wrong? What happened? Are you okay?”
Then he realizes Jimin is smiling, a watery, tremulous thing, and Yoongi frowns in confusion.
Jimin takes one of Yoongi’s hands off his face and places it over his belly. “Hyung, we’re having a
baby,” he whispers, and Yoongi’s whole world stops.

Yoongi stares down at his hand on Jimin’s belly, the material of his blue tunic bunching under his
touch. His mouth feels like cotton and his heart starts beating rapidly in his chest. Did he hear
Jimin correctly? Did he say...baby?

The gears are turning in Yoongi’s head. Jimin’s heat had been five weeks ago, and omegas can
only get pregnant during a heat. Jimin has looked different lately, a little softer around the edges,
and his scent has taken on a softer, milkier tone. He’s been sleeping fitfully and has been pickier
about his food but Yoongi hadn’t paid it any mind.

It all adds up. Yoongi looks back up to see Jimin watching him with a soft smile. Yoongi places
his other hand on Jimin’s belly as well, his touch revernet as he stares at the omega, breathing fast.
“We’re going to have a baby?” Yoongi whispers, and Jimin nods, smiling wider.

Yoongi doesn’t realize he’s crying until Jimin wipes away his tears and pulls him into a tight hug.
Yoongi holds onto him like his life depends on it, breathing in Jimin’s sweet, wonderful scent and
feeling so overwhelmed with love for both his mate and their unborn child.

Somehow their hugging turns into slowly swaying together under the moon, the poppies brushing
against their legs with the sound of the night time crickets as their music. Jimin is smiling into his
neck, which is damp with the omega’s tears, and Yoongi holds him close, wishing this moment
could last forever.

The months leading up to the baby being born are filled with Jimin growing rounder and more
adorable. His cheeks are extra chubby now and always flushed pink, and Yoongi just can’t resist
kissing them whenever he sees his mate. Jimin always has a hand on his belly, rubbing it with a
soft smile on his face. He giggles sweetly whenever Yoongi kisses his bump and whispers to their
baby that it’s going to be the most loved little thing on the planet.

At night, Jimin will sing lullabies to his belly while Yoongi rests his hand on it, feeling so warm
at his mate’s beautiful voice. Yoongi likes to press his ear against Jimin’s belly and he swears he
can hear their baby’s heartbeat change whenever Jimin starts singing.

The first time they feel it kick, they start crying again and it takes awhile for them to calm down.
Yoongi can’t seem to stop placing kisses all over Jimin’s tummy, making the omega squeal with
laughter and try to push him away.

The whole pack is involved and they’ve received so many handwoven baby clothes and hand-me-
down supplies that they’ll be set for awhile. Yoongi has taken to carving toys for it, much like the
wolf he’d carved Jimin as a courting gift. He makes a horse, a duck, and a turtle while Jimin sews
together a little plushy out of fabric infused with both of their scents and stuffed with sheep’s wool.

Finally, the time comes and Yoongi squeezes Jimin’s hand through a long, difficult labor.

Then, Jimin is cradling their baby in his arms, a tiny little girl with a mop of dark hair. She’s the
most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen and they both cry their eyes out when Sunsoo sets her in
Jimin’s arms.
“Hyung, look at her,” Jimin sobs, running a delicate finger down their daughter’s tiny nose.
“She’s so perfect.”

Yoongi reaches out a hand and strokes her downy soft, raven black hair in reverence. She’s a
perfect blend between the two of them, with Jimin’s pink little rosebud lips and the chubbiest
cheeks, and Yoongi button nose and sleepy dark eyes. She wraps her impossibly small hand around
Yoongi’s fingers and holds tight, making little gurgling sounds that has Yoongi crying again. She
smells like theirs too, a milky softness that absolutely melts Yoongi and turns him into a puddle.
He’s barely known her for two minutes and yet he already loves her with his entire being.

They name her Hwayoung, beautiful flower, and she truly is their greatest gift. When she cries,
Jimin starts singing the lullabies he’d sing when she was in the womb, and she falls silent to listen.
If anyone but the two of them try to hold her, she screams until she’s back in their arms, nuzzling
her little face into their necks and calming at their familiar scent.

The more she grows, the chubbier she gets. Yoongi lovingly calls her his little dough of bread
because of all her rolls, and he likes to nibble at them and make her squeal in laughter. Her mass of
black hair is always standing on end from static, and her impossibly fat cheeks are always pink like
Jimin’s. She’s only able to fall asleep at night with Jimin singing to her and each of their hands
resting on her fat belly where she sleeps between them.

She grows more beautiful and precious every passing day, and she’s the darling of the pack.
Everyone dotes on her and she has them all wrapped around her little finger, and she seems to know
it, if the gleam in her mischievous eyes is anything to go by.

A few months after her birth, Yoongi and Jimin takes her to the poppy field for the first time.
They lay out a blanket and settle down next to her under the sunlight with the poppies swaying
around them. She kicks her chubby legs in the air and gums happily on the wooden horse Yoongi
had carved her, making content little baby sounds that melt Yoongi and Jimin’s hearts. Jimin is
watching Hwayoung with soft eyes as she gurgles to herself, and he reaches out to take Yoongi’s

“My eomma would be so proud of her,” he says quietly, for the first time in a long time allowing
himself to think of the woman who gave birth to him.

Yoongi squeezes his hand and leans carefully over their daughter to kiss Jimin softly on the lips.
“She’d be even more proud of you,” Yoongi replies gently. “I’m proud of you.”

Jimin blinks back the tears prickling in his eyes and smiles when Yoongi kisses his nose. “I love
you, you know?” Jimin whispers.

Yoongi smiles down at him. “I know.”

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