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Math 138 Activity 1- Problem Solving, Mathematical Investigation and Modelling

Group 6 Members: Mary Jessica Pastor Jelly A. Perater

Jessa Angelie Pullan Christine Mae N. Ramos
Frelen Joy D. Salde
Instructor: Donnell Cereno

1. State and discuss the problem solving definition.

Based on our research, problem solving is the act of defining a problem, where it is
the first step in solving problem, you can't find solutions to a problem if you can't
define problem.
In Defining the problem you need to analyze a scenario or a situation.
Second one is determining the cause of the problem, because by determining the
cause of the problem, is also a way of determining a solutions by identifying,
prioritizing, and selecting alternatives solutions. There's a process of problem solving
by following some steps, such as you need to identify the problem, determining the
cause of the problem, and after the problem and cause are identified, the next step is
to select alternative solutions and the last one is to implement the solutions.

2. Differentiate between routine and non-routine problems. Give examples

particularly for mathematics.
According to our findings, it is essential to determine the two different category of
problems which is the routine and non-routine problems. To tackle routine problems,
direct applications of recognized or specified techniques are required. Exercises are
sometimes used to refer to routine problems or difficulties. It is a problem with one
mathematical operation that we may be familiar with in real-world circumstances. It is
also a form of problem that can be termed fundamental since it simply demands basic
abilities to follow the basic procedures in addressing that particular type of problem.
Meanwhile, non-routine problems are more abstract or subjective, requiring a method
to address. It is a type of problem that is more complicated because it is basically
considered a complex problem that requires more than one mathematical operation. It
also requires the solver to use their creativity and higher-order thinking skills in order
to solve the particular problem. Non-routine situations often lack an obvious solution.
Often, these problems may be solved in a variety of ways. Generally speaking, routine
problems and non-routine problems are the two category or problem in which each of
it has different functions as well as definitions in our daily life in solving particular
situation. Moreover, routine problems are simpler to solve than the non-routine
problems because routine problems doesn’t require us to use our higher order thinking
skills rather, we use our common sense or we directly think of a solution to solve the
problem. The non-routine problems on the other hand, is opposite to the routine
problems for it requires us to use a higher order thinking skills in order to solve the
complexity of the said problem.
Example for routine problems in mathematics:
Maria had a total of 56 tulip flowers. She gave some to her friend Myca, now she has only 37
tulip flowers left. How many tulip flowers did she give to her friend?
In this problem, it is considered as routine problem because it is simple which only asks to
subtract the numbers of tulip flowers.
Here is another example:
Juan has 5 ballpoint pens in his pouch. He bought 4 more pens and put it inside his pouch.
How many pens in total are now there in the pouch?
As what we can observe in the example problem, it is can be solved with a single operation
which is addition.
Examples for non-routine problems in mathematics:
In an exam, there are a total of 50 questions. For every correct answer will be given 2 points
and for every wrong answer will be deducted 1 point. Marco scored 35 points in total, how
many correct answers does he have?
As what we have observed, the example above was solved using multiple ways in which we
uses two operations such as addition and subtraction in solving the problem given.
Another example:
At the gym, in releasing the educational assistance, there were 560 senior high school
students and 2 times as many as college students. There were also 450 parents of elementary
students at the said venue. How many people were at the gym?
In the 2nd example given, it is a non-routine problem because it makes us think critically and
use multiple operations in solving the particular problem.
3. Discuss Polya’s problem solving steps. Give an example from your personal
experience in mathematics.
Based on our finding, George Polya, regarded as the originator of contemporary problem
solving, conducted in-depth research, produced a large number of mathematical papers, and
published three books on the subject. I'm going to show you his way of problem solving to
help take you through these challenges.
As previously indicated, I teach students how to solve word problems using Polya's four
processes to problem solving. Just keep in mind that while your math teacher or math
textbook could have worded it somewhat differently, you'll see that they all essentially imply
the same thing.
You will have better success in the field of issue solving if you adhere to these procedures.

Polya developed his well-known four-step method for overcoming problems, which is
applied worldwide to help people:
Step 1: Understand the problem.
Understanding a problem can occasionally be the issue. You may likely obtain the
incorrect results if you are unsure of the problem that has to be solved. Of course, you must
thoroughly read the problem in order to demonstrate your grasp of it. Sounds easy enough,
but some people try to solve the problem before they have read it from beginning to end.
After reading the issue, you must list all the relevant parts and information. You will be
assigning your variable here.
Step 2: Devise a plan (translate).
You come up with a solution to the issue when you develop a plan, to translate. You can
approach the problem in a number of ways, such by setting up an equation, creating a
diagram, or creating a chart. We will set up equations for each problem in this course. You
will translate them in the same manner as in Tutorial 2: Algebraic Expressions and Tutorial 5:
Real Number Properties.
Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve).
The next important step is to execute the plan (address the problem). Here, you'll solve the
equation you developed during the "devise a plan" stage. This tutorial's equations are all
going to be linear equations. Go back to Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One Variable and
review that concept if you need help solving them.
Step 4: Look back (check and interpret).
You're probably aware with the adage "don't look back." It's helpful to reflect in order to
solve problems (check and interpret). Basically, make sure the solution makes sense and that
you used all of your facts. Make careful to write your final answer with the appropriate
labeling if your answer does validate.
My neighbor Mr. John has many animals on his farm. He has 72 chickens, which make up
60% of his total animals, and the rest of his animals are sheep. How many legs in total do his
animals have?

1) Step One of Polya's Process is to understand the problem.

We are trying to count how many legs the animals have in total. The animals are chickens
(which have 2 legs each) and sheep (which have 4 legs each).

2) Step Two of Polya's Process is to devise a plan.

We will work with an equation.
An example of an equation to use to solve the problem is
(72 chicken × 2 legs) + (number of sheep × 4 legs) = total legs.
However, we do not know the number of sheep.
We know that 60% of the total number of animals is equal to 72, so if n is the total number of
animals, we have 0.60n = 72 so the total number of animals is 72/0.6 = 120.
Then the number of sheep is the remaining amount of animals.
A revised equation to use to solve the problem is
(72 chicken × 2 legs) + ((120-72) sheep × 4 legs) = total legs.

3) Step Three is to carry out the plan.

We will solve our equation.

120 - 72 = 48 sheep, and so we have
(72 × 2) + (48 × 4) = total legs.
72 × 2 = 144 and 48 × 4 = 192
So the total number of legs is 144+192 = 336 legs.

4) Step Four is to look back.

Does this answer make sense?

There should be more legs than animals and the number should be an even number (the
animals each have an even number of legs) and 336 fits this.
We can check that 0.6(120) = 72 chickens and that 0.4(120) = 48 to make sure the number of
animals is correct. Our answer checks out.

4. State and discuss other steps in problem solving for mathematics (aside from
that of Polya).
Aside from Polya, there are other steps in problem solving for mathematics. Martin (2017)
states that the steps in problem solving in mathematics are identifying the problem, gathering
information, creating an equation, solving the problem and verifying the answer.

1) Identify the Problem

State the problem as clearly as possible. Be specific about circumstances that
make it a problem. Identifying the problem provides us with all the information we
need to solve.
2) Gather Information
Make a list or chart outlining the information stated on the problem and leave
blanks for any knowledge lacking on the problem.
3) Create an Equation
Creating an equation will lead us to answers. At times, the system of guess and
check may help.
4) Solve the Problem
By entering the data and figuring out the unknown variable using the equation,
we can solve the problem. We must also double-check our solution to prevent any
5) Verify the answer
Check to see if all the information is used and that the answer makes sense. Be
careful in writing the final answer with the appropriate labeling if the answer does

As you can see on the steps above, there are similarities with the Polya’s steps.
However, in Polya there are only 4 steps, shorter one and it is much easier than this 5

5. Discuss the significance of problem solving in teaching and learning of

As far as I know, in teaching and learning problem solving in mathematics has significance,
especially when teachers share their ideas to their students. Furthermore, when we say
problem solving, it is all about reasoning and not memorization. As a learner, particularly in
mathematics specifically in problem solving, we develop our deep understanding and able to
explain the steps has been used in the solution. As a consequence, a topic of problem solving
in mathematics helps every learner to be more independent which serve as one of the
important main subject or topic in the world of mathematics. In addition, the essential of
problem solving in teaching and learning mathematics would be a way of being wise and a
great thinker. In fact, in learning mathematics is much enjoyable and interesting, so that, it
produce a positive and a good attitudes. In my experience, problem solving skills that I have
been learned in the field of mathematics empower me especially in my personal life.
Generally speaking, in teaching and learning problem solving in mathematics gives a good
benefits to each and everyone.
Problem Solving. Retrieved from
Routine and Non-routine Problem. Retrieved from
Polya’s Problem Solving. Retrieved from
Steps in Problem Solving for Mathematics. Retrieved from
Significance of Problem Solving in Mathematics. Retrieved from

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