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Narrative Text - Definition Narrative text

Narrative is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of somekind, which in turn finds a resolution. -

Structure of the text:

a. Orientation : Orientation tells who was involved in the story, when, where, and why the story happened b. Evaluation : Evaluation includes assessment / evaluation on the course of the story or conflict. c. Complication : Complication contains the height of the conflict / problem in the story. A story can have more than one complication. d. Resolution : Resolution is solving problems. Could end up with joy (happy ending) could also end up with sadness (sad ending). e. Re-orientation: Re-orientation concludes the story

- Kind of narrative text :

a. Fable : Fable is a story about animal or the characters of story are animals. The title of the story: brother bear, ice age, finding nemo, kungfu panda, the ant and the grasshopper, shark tale, the hare and the tortoise, ugly duckling, the three little pig, dumbo.

The Ant and the Grasshopper On one fine summer's day in a field a Grasshopper was hopping about in a musical mood. An ant passed by bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. The grasshopper invited the ant to sit for a chat with him. But the ant refused saying that "Im storing up food for winter". " Why dont you do the same?" asked the ant to the grasshopper. "Pooh! Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got enough food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. Finally, when winter came, the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing corn and grain from their storage. Then the Grasshopper understood that It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

b. Tale : Tale is a fiction story that is simple to read and understand. Often is read for children under 5 years old. The title of the story: Sleeping beauty, Snow white, Cinderella, Tinker bell, little mermaid, beauty and the beast, tangled, enchanted, mariposa, swan lake.

Snow white
A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant. Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.

The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all". But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her. The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away. She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.

Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs she found seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep. When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them. The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness. Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

c. Legend : Legend is a story from the past that may or may not be true. The title of the story: tangkuban parahu, malin kundang, danau toba, How Kangaroo Got His Tail, Why the flamingo is pink, Why Opossum's Tail is Bare, Why Owls Stare, Big Turtle, Why Bat has no friends, and The Red Dragon.

Why the flamingo is pink

"Oh I hate being brown!" cried Sam the flamingo. Why can't I be pink? It's such a pretty color and not so dull and ugly as this brown.

One day Sam and his brave flamingo friends said they were going to the dangerous pink lagoon. It had pink crocodiles which liked to eat tasty, brown flamingos. It was very scary, but it was their only chance to become pink. They moved quickly toward the lagoon. Sam's heart pounded with fear as they got closer. Sam said, "On the count of three, we will all jump in together. ONE... TWO... THREE... JUMP!" cried Sam. They all jumped in together. They stayed in as long as they dared. Then, they jumped out. "We're pink!" cried the flamingos. We're actually pink! I like your feathers. Look at mine, they're pink, too." They talked excitedly about their feathers all the way home. The next day, they were brown! "Oh no, we're this ugly brown again." When their feathers dried over night, they turned back to the ugly brown. It was a very sad day for the flamingos. "How are we ever going to stay pink?" they asked. Sam looked up at the sky to make a wish and noticed there were pink clouds. The clouds turned a darker pink as the day went on. Soon, it started to spit rain, but it wasn't normal rain, it was pink rain! It rained harder and harder. All the animals scurried to their homes so that they would stay dry. The flamingos refused to seek shelter because it was another chance to become pink. The rain continued for seven days and six nights. All the animals stayed in their burrows, nests and homes. Only the flamingos stayed outside. Finally, the rain stopped. The flamingos started cheering because they were all pink. Even after their feathers dried, they were still pink. And, that is why the flamingo is pink today!!

The End d. Fiction : Fiction is type of literature describing imaginary events and people, not real ones. The title of the story: harry potter, Narnia, crayon sinchan, Doraemon, The Incredible, Monster Inc. ,The Dark Night, The dark rising, aliens in attic, avatar.

Monster Inc.
Since the very first bedtime, all around the world children have known that once their mothers and fathers tuck them in and shut off the light, that there are monsters hiding in there wardrobe, waiting to emerge. But what they dont know is, it is nothing personal its just their job. With a decidedly different kind of work force Monsters Incorporated is the largest scare factory in the monster world. Monsters, Inc. is working 24 hours a day and 365 days a year all over

the world, collecting and refining human screams into clean, dependable energy. We scare because we care. Sulley is one of the top Scarers. Sulley is a huge, intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns. His Scare Assistant, best friend and roommate is Mike, a green, opinionated, feisty little one-eyed monster. Like a hard-driving coach, Mike is tenacious in helping keep Sullivan in top scaring form. The cast of characters also includes the factorys CEO, a crab-like monster named Henry J. Waternoose, the snake-headed, beguiling receptionist Celia and the paperwork loving, slug-like dispatch manager Roz. Sulleys main rival for the top Scarer position is a sarcastic chameleon monster named Randall Boggs. But one night after work, Sulley accidentally lets in a little human girl named Boo and his life is turned upside down. Everything he believes in and has worked so hard to achieve is suddenly in jeopardy. Human children are considered toxic in the monster world, and letting a child into this world is considered a serious crime. Needless to say, Sulley is desperate to return the child to her home before she wreaks havoc throughout Monstropolis. Mike is adamant about getting the child out of Monstropolis before she jeopardizes their way of life. But a funny thing happens as Sulley tries to get rid of his little mistake he actually starts to care about her. As Sullivan takes bigger and bigger risks to ensure the girl's safety, he begins to question whether scaring kids is really what he wants to do with his life.

e. Mythos: Mythos a thing or person that is imaginary or not true. The title of the story : The Percy Jackson : lightning thief, my girlfriend is a nine-tailed fox ( gumiho ), solstice, Eliza and Athena, A Mermaid and a Magic Comb, A Mummy's Tale, A Ride with the Devil, A Witch in a Bottle, Pandora's Box, and The Black Dogs of Bungay.

Pandoras Box
Has your curiosity ever got you into trouble? Have you ever been so desperate to know a secret that you took no notice of a warning? All through history there are stories of people being told not to open doors, caskets, cupboards, gates and all sorts of other things and, in so many of the stories, the people just did not listen. One person who did not listen was Pandora. Her story comes from Ancient Greece and her curiosity brought a whole heap of trouble!

In ancient Greece there were two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus. They upset the gods and annoyed the most powerful of all Gods, Zeus, in particular. This was not the first time humans had upset Zeus, and once before, as punishment, he had taken from humans the ability to make fire. This meant they could no longer cook their meat and could not keep themselves warm. However, Prometheus was clever and he knew that, on the Isle of Lemnos, lived Hephaestos, the blacksmith. He had a fire burning to keep his forge hot. Prometheus travelled to Lemnos and stole fire from the blacksmith. Zeus was furious and decided that humans had to be punished once and for all for their lack of respect. Zeus came up with a very cunning plan to punish the two brothers. With the help of Hephaestos, he created a woman from clay. The goddess Athene then breathed life into the clay, Aphrodite made her very beautiful and Hermes taught her how to be both charming and deceitful. Zeus called her Pandora and sent her as a gift to Epimetheus. His brother Prometheus had warned him not to accept any gifts from the gods but Epimetheus was completely charmed by the woman and thought Pandora was so beautiful that she could never cause any harm, so he agreed to marry her. Zeus, pleased that his trap was working, gave Pandora a wedding gift of a beautiful box. There was one very, very important condition however, that she must never opened the box. Pandora was very curious about the contents of the box but she had promised that she would never open it. All she could think about was; what could be in the box? She could not understand why someone would send her a box if she could not see what was in it. It seemed to make no sense at all to her and she could think of nothing else but of opening the box and unlocking its secrets. This was just what Zeus had planned. Finally, Pandora could stand it no longer. When she knew Epimetheus was out of sight, she crept up to the box, took the huge key off the high shelf, fitted it carefully into the lock and turned it. But, at the last moment, she felt a pang of guilt, imagined how angry her husband would be and quickly locked the box

again without opening the lid and put the key back where she had found it. Three more times she did this until, at last, she knew she had to look inside or she would go completely mad! She took the key, slid it into the lock and turned it. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and slowly lifted the lid of the box. She opened her eyes and looked into the box, expecting to see fine silks, gowns or gold bracelets and necklaces or even piles of gold coins. But there was no gleam of gold or treasure. There were no shining bracelets and not one beautiful dress! The look of excitement on her face quickly turned to one of disappointment and then horror. For Zeus had packed the box full of all the terrible evils he could think of. Out of the box poured disease and poverty. Out came misery, out came death, out came sadness - all shaped like tiny buzzing moths. The creatures stung Pandora over and over again and she slammed the lid shut. Epimetheus ran into the room to see why she was crying in pain. Pandora could still hear a voice calling to her from the box, pleading with her to be let out. Epimetheus agreed that nothing inside the box could be worse than the horrors that had already been released, so they opened the lid once more. All that remained in the box was Hope. It fluttered from the box like a beautiful dragonfly, touching the wounds created by the evil creatures, and healing them. Even though Pandora had released pain and suffering upon the world, she had also allowed Hope to follow them.

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