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E-Commerce Security

Conference Paper · November 2009

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2 authors, including:

Theresa A Kraft
University of Michigan-Flint


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Kraft and Kakar Sat, Nov 7, 11:30 - 11:55, Crystal 6

E-Commerce Security

Theresa A. Kraft

Ratika Kakar

School of Computer Science,

University of Michigan – Flint
Flint, MI 48502, USA

It is commonly believed that robust security improves trust and this will ultimately increase
the use of Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) (Kim, C., et al., 2009). This paper examines
E-Commerce security by first investigating the recent market trends for E-Businesses and the
key role E-Commerce plays in the retail market. Additionally, the current practices and trends
of E-Commerce including the privacy and security aspects are researched and documented.
The primary concern addresses the manner in which the information transactions are handled
and the effect this has on the consumers’ privacy. Various privacy concerns and arguments
against and for these privacy issues are discussed. The legal aspects of these privacy con-
cerns are also discussed and methodologies are evaluated with recommendations for possible
solutions. The primary importance is how to protect the privacy of the users, while conducting
businesses electronically. A key factor for the future success of E-Commerce is security, a re-
quirement that is becoming more crucial in the current global E-Commerce environment.
Keywords: E-Commerce, E-Business, Security, Privacy, Identity Theft, Internet Based Tech-
nology, Privacy Enhancing Technology

1. INTRODUCTION E-Commerce security must include a set of

procedures, mechanisms and computer pro-
The web has become an indispensable tool grams for authenticating the source of in-
covering several aspects of business, educa- formation and guaranteeing the process
tion and personal life. The Web “has (Kim, C., et al., 2009). Consumer security
changed the ways in which we buy products fears about E-Commerce have resulted in
(e-commerce), socialize (on-line dating, so- retailers’ loss of an estimated $2 Billion in
cial networking), understand the world (por- 2006, according to a Gartner survey of
tals), acquire news (on-line media), voice 5,000 U.S. adults (Baseline, 2006). Approx-
opinions (Web Logs - blogs), entertain our- imately one-half of those losses ($913 mil-
selves (everything from music downloads to lion) could be attributed to people who
on-line casinos), and go to school (on-line avoided sites that seemed to be less secure
learning)” (Pressman, R., Lowe, D., 2009). and the rest (about $1 billion) came from
The power of the internet also allows for the consumers who were too afraid to conduct
efficient, inexpensive collection of vast E-Commerce business at all. The report also
amounts of information without consumers’ includes on-line banking, where some 33
consent (Chung, W., and Paynter, J., 2008). million U.S. adults have avoided on-line
banking due to security concerns.

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Another report by Forrester Research esti- The on-line Web-based presence is evolving
mates the electronic retailers lost $15 Billion into a critical element of the growth strategy
in 2001 because of consumer privacy con- for many consumer-facing industries (Malpu-
cerns. Consumers do not trust E-Commerce ru S., 2007). More than 650,000 small, me-
sites to be secure and respectful of their pri- dium and large companies sell products and
vacy (Smith, R., and Shao J., 2007) services utilizing the U.S. on-line market-
place. The on-line retail market is continu-
Despite these concerns, E-Commerce plays a ing to grow at an impressive rate fueled
very important role in the growth of indus- primarily by a steady stream of new on-line
try, as an effective, convenient and faster shoppers. “The on-line market is becoming
method of doing business. As the trend of less of a replacement for the brick and mor-
on-line transactions continues to grow, there tar retailing as it is a compliment and con-
will be increases in the number and types of sumers are integrating the web into their
attacks against the security of on-line pay- multichannel shopping activities” (Johnson,
ment systems. Such attacks threaten the C., 2005). The 2008 Forrester Outlook for
system security, resulting in systems that E-Business predicts that the US On-line Re-
may be compromised and less protected, tail sales will grow to $204 billion in 2008
resulting in consumer privacy issues. Con- and continue upward to $334 billion in 2012
sumers may be at the risk for losing their as shown in Figure 1 (Johnson, C., 2008).
personal information, since they may be un-
aware of the security aspect of performing
on-line transactions. Therefore, it is very
important to make the Internet safe for buy-
ing and selling products on-line. Global pri-
vacy consistency is required, as Internet
usage is largely unregulated, which means
that laws in one country are not aligned with
the laws in other countries.


The ability to use E-Commerce technologies

was made possible in late 1970s. During this
time, E-Commerce meant the execution of
commercial transactions electronically with
the help of Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
In 1991, the Internet was opened for com-
mercial use and started becoming popular in
1994 (E-Commerce Land, 2004). Subse- Figure 1: US On-line Retail Sales (John-
quently, it took almost four years to develop son, C. 2008)
security protocols like HTTPS. Amazon was
one of the first E-Commerce businesses to The growth of on-line transactions is sup-
establish a secure market. ported by increases in broadband access to
the Internet, which is expected to reach 71
Companies such as EBay, FedEx, Schwab, million households as DSL, Cable and Wi-Fi
OnStar and Google know that using a web fight for the market share. “Three and half
site to connect with customers is a key to million more households shopped on-line in
success. Forrester’s research into the Busi- 2004 than in 2003, and we expect an addi-
ness to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce mar- tional 2.4 million household to shop on-line
ket segment illustrates the overall growth of in 2005 en route to 48% of U.S. households
on-line retail and reinforces the importance shopping on-line in 2010” (Schadler, T., Gol-
of secure Web-based applications. The retail vin C., 2005). The forecast for the number
and travel portion of B2C E-Commerce ex- of U.S On-line Shopping Households from
ceeded $200 billion as of March 2007, with the period of 2005-2010 is shown in Figure
60 million U.S. households that shop on-line. 2.

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na of cyber crime. In 2008, the IC3 website

received 275,284 complaint submissions
(IC3, 2008). Complaints included auction
fraud, non-delivery, and credit/debit card
fraud as well as non-fraudulent complaints
such as computer intrusions,
spam/unsolicited e-mail, and child porno-
graphy. The total dollar loss from all re-
ferred cases of fraud was $264.6 million with
a median dollar loss of $931.00 per com-
plaint. E-mail (74.0%) and web pages
(28.9%) were the two primary mechanisms
by which the fraudulent contact took place.
Figure 2: US On-line Shopping House-
hold (Schadler, T., Golvin, C., 2005) The yearly comparison for complaints re-
ceived by the IC3 for the period of 2000 to
E-Commerce businesses have been success- 2008 is shown in Figure 3. In 2008 there
ful because they provide convenience, ena- was a 33.1% increase compared to 2007
ble selection and expose transparency of when 206,884 complaints were received.
price, geography etc. Factors contributing to Dollar loss of referred complaints was at an
the on-line success include allowing con- all time high in 2008, at $264.59 million,
sumers to shop whenever they want without compared to previous years as illustrated in
having to think about constraints like physi- Figure 4 (Internet Crime Complaint Center,
cal location or time. Moreover, customers 2008).
can compare the prices of products on-line
and find the best deals. This helps them to
rely on the Web as a price-competitive

E-Commerce is not a replacement of tradi-

tional commerce channels, but complements
the traditional channels. Consumers are now
able to do multichannel retailing. They can
view the catalogs, visit stores and browse
Internet sites. “Forrester’s research shows
that the key trends currently driving E-
Commerce are the mainstreaming of on-line
retail, retailers’ move to data-driven mer-
chandising, and personalization of expe-
riences and products” (Johnson, C., 2005).
The on-line retail market is viewed by con- Figure 3: IC3 Web Site Yearly Complaint
sumers as convenient, less costly and ubi- Comparison, (IC3, 2008).
quitous. Consumers are more satisfied with
the on-line choices they have. In 2008, non-delivery of merchandise and/or
payment was the most reported offense,
3. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION comprising 32.9% of referred crime com-
plaints. Auction fraud represented 25.5% of
3.1 Privacy concerns complaints while credit and debit card fraud
made up an additional 9.0% of complaints.
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), It is estimated that over 90% of all com-
which began operation on May 8, 2000, was plaints were related to the Internet and on-
established as a partnership between the line services.
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI). Their objective is to serve as a vehicle
to receive, process, and refer criminal com-
plaints regarding the rapidly expanding are-

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mation about its users with various partners,

including companies that do direct mailing
and telephone solicitations” (Chung, W., and
Paynter, J., 2002).

Web bugs are another invasion to users’ pri-

vacy. They are invisible pieces of code that
can be used to track users’ movements on
the Web, pilfer computer files and so on. The
simplest form of web bug is a small graphic
interchange format that works with cookies
and sends information to third parties.
Script-based executable bugs can be in-
Figure 4: IC3 Web Site Yearly Complaint stalled on the user’s hard drive to collect
Dollar Loss (IC3, 2008) information. If these Web bugs are placed
on servers, they can be used to control the
In addition to Internet crime concerns, cus- user’s computer from the server. An exam-
tomers are also worried about the security of ple of this is the script-based executable
their personal information. Consumers’ in- bug, which launches multiple browser win-
formation may be collected without their dows as the user tries to exit the website.
consent. This raises their concerns regarding Bugs are more invasive to privacy since they
identity theft and privacy because they are can be used to capture user’s Internet Pro-
worried about how their information might tocol (IP) address or install pernicious files
be used, stored, misused and retransmitted. on the user’s hard drive. The primary priva-
Therefore, information security and privacy cy concern here is that “with a web bug, the
policies are very important aspect of on-line user’s computer can be fully exposed to ma-
transactions. licious sites that can take any files or infor-
mation from programs on the user’s hard
One major privacy threat is capturing of in- drive without his knowledge or consent
formation secretly without user’s consent (Chung, W., and Paynter, J., 2002).
and using it for potentially malicious purpos-
es. Consequently, this may lead to selling 3.2 Arguments against privacy concerns
information to third parties. Stealing con-
sumer identity information may also result in Privacy concerns are controversial with
credit card theft. For Example, in 2007 T.J. many firms utilizing customer data for trend
Maxx disclosed in a Securities and Exchange analysis. Firms collect information to provide
Commission filing that more than 45 million customized services, identify buying trends
credit and debit card numbers may have and target good and services for specific
been stolen from its IT systems over an 18- markets. “Consumers must make choices on
month period. The data breach at the major how much and what type of privacy they are
retailer will cost the company $100 per lost willing to give up in exchange for outcomes
record, according to database security firm that are valuable to them” (Storey V. C., et
IPLocks. "The effectiveness of the people al., 2009).
who stole the information is critical here;
they did it for a long time and they sold [the Posner argues that information can have
stolen information] out to multiple sources. value and corporations will incur costs to
Those credit card numbers are showing up in discover it (Reis, S., 1984). “Since the cor-
foreign countries” (Gaudin, S., 2007). porate gains enhance the economy more
than the individual gains”, he concludes,
Cookies are another invasion of users’ priva- “that defense of individual privacy is hard to
cy. They keep track of the user’s movements justify as it can negatively impact these
on the website and store it for later identifi- more important corporate gains” (Smith, R.,
cation. Information stored in cookies can be and Shao, J., 2007). This is illustrated by
combined with mailing lists and used for po- the fact that many retailers collect data
tentially damaging purposes. An example of about their stores and their shoppers, and
this is America On-line, which “shares infor-

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many use the information to try to improve 3.4 Legislation and self regulation
Self-regulation should be used to handle pri-
A good example is Wal–Mart, which has vacy concerns but if it is inadequate, then
access to information about a broad slice of legislation should be used as a last alterna-
America. The data are gathered item by tive to handle the issue. The legislation
item at the checkout aisle, then recorded, needs to be properly organized in order to
mapped and updated by store, by state, and be enforceable.
by region. By its own count, Wal-Mart has
460 terabytes of data stored on Teradata Websites should follow self-regulation if they
mainframes. To put this in perspective, the do not want government involvement in pri-
Internet has less than half as much data, vacy matters. The Federal Trade Commis-
according to experts (Hayes, C., 2004). sion (FTC) also prefers the websites to self-
The storage of this large amount of data regulate since the technology changes rapid-
provides Wal-Mart with the opportunity to ly. In 1998, the On-line Privacy Alliance was
perform data mining, data analysis, and the formed and published a self-regulatory poli-
discovery of trends to increase the efficiency cy for on-line companies. To implement pri-
and profitability of business. Wal-Mart found vacy policies, a seal system was established.
“that sales of strawberry Pop-Tarts increases Seals are given only to selected websites
by a factor of seven times the normal sales that promote the three goals of seals and
rate, ahead of a hurricane and the pre- complies with the policies. The three goals of
hurricane top-selling item was beer" seals are:
(Hayes, C., 2004).
1. Give on-line consumers control over
3.3 Arguments for privacy concerns their personal information.
2. Provide web publishers with standar-
Despite recent technological improvements, dized, cost effective solutions to satisfy
consumers still have concerns for their on- businesses and address consumers’ an-
line privacy and many users are still reluc- xiety over sharing information.
tant to buy products on-line due to privacy 3. Provide governmental regulators with
and security reasons. Privacy concerns that evidence that the industry can self regu-
must be addressed for improving consumer late.
confidence in the web site include:
TrustE™ is a self-regulatory privacy regime
• Visits to web sites will be tracked secret- “that can build consumers’ trust and confi-
ly; dence on the Internet through a program in
• E-mail addresses and other personal in- which websites can be licensed to display a
formation will be captured and shared privacy seal or trustmark on their websites”
for marketing and other purposes with- (Chung, W., and Paynter, J., 2002). The
out permission; TRUSTe organization allows E-Business sites
• Personal information will be sold to third to display a trustmark, indicating to con-
parties without permission; and sumers that the site adheres to the
• Credit Card Theft (Chung, W., and Payn- TRUSTe’s privacy principles and practices,
ter, J. 2002). which are approved by the U.S. Department
of Commerce and the FTC. E-Businesses
Although writing and enforcing a privacy pol- displaying the trustmark must also allow
icy and implementing other privacy enhanc- oversight to ensure that they are compliant
ing mechanisms are time consuming and with the privacy practices (Smith, R., and
costly, a proactive stance makes the “firm Shao, J., 2007).
appear more consumer focused in the eyes
of the consumer, privacy advocates and po- The European Commission (EC) decided to
tential government regulators” (Storey, V., harmonize data protection regulation across
C., et al., 2009). the member states of the European Union
(EU) and proposed the Directive 95/46/EC
on the protection of individuals with regard
to the processing of personal data and on

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the free movement of such data. All mem- The users can also go off the website if the
bers of the EU transposed this legislation website is collecting information about them
into their internal law by 1998. This legis- and users can choose the websites where
lation required that personal data could only they want their information released.
be allowed to be transferred to non-EU
countries if the country provided an ade- Thus, P3P is a smart technology, which al-
quate level of protection (Smith, R., and lows users to make informed and wise deci-
Shao, J., 2007). To satisfy this require- sions about releasing their information, and
ment the EC and the U.S. Department of protects their privacy. The main philosophy
Commerce adopted the “Safe-Harbor” of P3P is that individuals will have to give up
framework in 2000. Under the safe harbor some privacy in order to complete transac-
agreement, U. S. companies can choose to tions with an E-commerce site, but they
register and enter the safe harbor by self- would be able to at least make an informed
certifying annually, and agree to comply choice about which E-commerce sites, they
with the agreement’s rules and regulations. would interact with. P3P is a technology to
EU organizations must ensure and check help consumers and guide their decision-
that the U.S. company is participating with making about whom to trust (Smith, R., and
the Safe Harbor agreement prior to sending Shao, J., 2007).
out the personal information.
E-Commerce transactions take place in an
3.5 Technological solutions open environment that cannot be trusted
since the network is highly vulnerable to
Technologies to protect individual privacy outside security threats. This network can be
can generally be split into two main me- made secure with the help of cryptography.
thods: those that attempt to preserve an Implementing cryptography can hide content
individual’s privacy by enabling anonymous of electronic transactions, detect changes in
communication channels and those that at- electronic transactions and confirm the
tempt to minimize the amount of personal source of electronic transactions (E-
information given to an e-business during commerce Working Group, 2009). Crypto-
the on-line interaction (Smith, R., and Shao, graphy can be applied through encryption
J., 2007). Anonymous communication chan- and digital signatures. Cryptography is an
nels attempt to unlink the individual and effective method of securing E-Commerce
their personal information, for example, al- transactions that take place over the Inter-
lowing the user to create a virtual identity or net.
scrubbing the data stored by the organiza-
tion to remove the identity details. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly
used protocol used to encrypt messages be-
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) at- tween web browsers and web servers (E-
tempts to minimize the amount of personal commerce Working Group, 2009). It en-
information exchanged and is a protocol for crypts the datagrams of the Transport Layer
privacy protection on the Web. The World protocols. SSL is also widely used by mer-
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the govern- chants to protect the consumer’s information
ing body issuing the standard. The beneficial during transmission, such as credit card
aspect of P3P is users don’t need to read the numbers and other sensitive information.
privacy policies of the websites. “P3P SSL is used to provide security and data in-
enables websites to express their privacy tegrity over the Internet and thus plays an
practices in a standard format that can be important role. SSL has now become part of
retrieved automatically and interpreted easi- Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is an
ly by user agents” (World Wide Web Consor- overall security protocol.
tium, 2007). P3P works through browsers,
and it alerts the user when the website col- Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol
lects information about the user. It also tells that is used for securing the communications
the consumer what information is being col- among the applications and their users on
lected by the website. Thus, the websites the Internet. During the communication be-
can express their privacy policies and the tween the server and the client, the Trans-
users can express their privacy preferences. port Layer Security ensures that no message

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is tampered with and that no third party is source of an electronic message and the de-
able to eavesdrop. TLS consists of two lay- tection of any changes in the message (E-
ers – TLS Record Protocol and TLS Hand- Commerce Working Group, 2009). Using this
shake Protocol. TLS Record Protocol provides technique, forgery can be prevented by
connection security. TLS Handshake Protocol proving the authenticity of an electronic
allows the authentication of server and the transaction. Digital signatures can also pre-
client, and the negotiation of an encryption vent impersonation by confirming the identi-
algorithm and cryptographic keys, before the ty of the user and providing repudiation in-
exchange of data. cluding proof of transmission and receipt of
transactions. Thus, digital signatures are
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can also be built into web servers and web browsers
created using encryption (E-commerce with the help of encryption through SSL.
Working Group, 2009). It is a secure way for
machines to communicate though a public A PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is required
network, privately. VPN emulates a private for digital signatures to function correctly (E-
network by specifying endpoints for the se- commerce Working Group, 2009). Digital
cured tunnel and encrypting all of the data certificates are issued by Certification Au-
that passes through it. The Internet is the thorities (CAs) to users after they have con-
backbone for VPNs. Tunneling is a virtual firmed their identity. A PKI is based on digi-
point-to-point connection created through a tal certificates and assumes the use of public
public network. The four critical functions of key cryptography.
Virtual Private Network are authentication,
access control, confidentiality and data inte- Public key cryptography is a techniques used
grity. to authenticate the sender or encrypt the
message. PKI may use one or two different
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) as depicted keys at the same time – private key and
in Figure 5 offer significant benefits for a public key. A PKI consists of Certificate Au-
company. It extends connectivity to remote thority (CA), Registration Authority (RA),
sites, thereby reducing the cost and im- directories where the certificates are held
proves the productivity by providing global and a certified management system. The
networking opportunities. VPNs reduce tran- Certificate Authority issues and verifies the
sit time and transportation costs and provide digital certificates. A Registration Authority
telecommuter support and broadband net- acts as the verifier for the certificate authori-
working capability. ty before a digital certificate is issued to a
requestor. A certificate includes the public
key or information about the public key.
Some PKI leaders are RSA, Verisign, GTE
CyberTrust, Xcert and Netscape

Electronic payments (in the form of de-

bit/credit cards) should be secured during
electronic transactions. SSL is being widely
used to encrypt debit/credit card details.
SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) is an
alternative technique. It uses encryption and
enables the authentication of both users and
merchants through digital signatures.
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Mail Exten-
sions) protocol can also be used as an alter-
native technique. S/MIME is a standard for
secure email and can be used to secure elec-
Figure 5: Basic Architecture of Virtual tronic payments. S/MIME provides authenti-
Private Network cation, message integrity and privacy, and
data security. Proprietary systems provide
Another encryption technique is digital sig- another alternative by providing users with
natures, which provide confirmation of the

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an electronic wallet that stores card details FTC manages privacy issues in the U.S.A.
on PC. Ideally an effective, global and consistent
set of privacy legislation can be developed,
Consumers are also looking for ways to pro- when these different governments and policy
tect their privacy themselves (Chung, W., makers from different countries come to-
and Paynter, J., 2002). They delete cookies gether. There are certain global projects al-
so that their movements are not tracked. ready under way, such as Automotive Indus-
Tools like Anonymizer™ can also be used to try Action Group (AIAG) in U.S.A. (Mears, J.,
protect the privacy of users. It is a tool that et al., 2002). AIAG is working on industry
is used to keep the movements of the users standards and prefers the Open Application
untraceable. This allows the users to surf Group’s Business Object Documents to work
the web anonymously without giving out on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) tech-
their personal information and IP addresses. nical elements.

Web bug repellents are also being developed A global effort is already being undertaken
by companies to protect the consumers. with the European Union activities for Digital
“Personal Sentinel helps surfers to wash the Business Ecosystem (DBE) (Dini, P., and
bugs out of the page by alerting consumers Nicolai, A., 2003). The European Union (EU)
to the risk level of any given website by list- Framework Program 6 (FP6) with its Digital
ing the number of web bugs (Chung, W., Business Ecosystem (DBE) Project and other
and Paynter, J., 2002). Eliminating the Web Science Research Initiatives have es-
threat of web bug, by using repellents would tablished the foundation of a digital, de-
be a great milestone in protecting the priva- centralized and interdisciplinary environment
cy of consumers as they pose a great securi- for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in
ty threat to the users. Europe. The DBE Project, which started in
2002, is constantly maturing and has strong
3.6 Robust Solutions potential to be applied on a global scale.

A robust solution combining many individual 4. CONCLUSIONS

solutions, may be the ideal recommendation
to provide adequate privacy and security to E-Commerce sales are rising but privacy is-
consumers. Such a robust solution will con- sues are coming into light as more and more
sist of legislation, self-regulation and tech- consumers become concerned about the
nical solutions, integrated together to protection of their personal information. Pri-
achieve this goal. As an example, P3P does vacy is an important issue that needs to be
not help in protecting data, therefore, the addressed to ensure the future growth of E-
addition of self-regulation and legislation can Commerce. Surveys have shown that E-
help in assuring consumers that their infor- Commerce is losing a significant amount of
mation would be protected. In this way, all income due to the privacy and security con-
the solutions combined would give the high cerns of its potential user base. E-
level of desired privacy to consumers. Tech- commerce businesses must have the “ability
nical solutions and self-regulation may help to give consumers control of their privacy in
in enhancing the protection of consumers’ an attempt to create an acceptable level of
privacy, but are not enough. Legislation is trust, which is essential” (Smith, R., and
also required to address the overall issues of Shao, J. 2007).
consumer privacy and security.
On-line companies need to gain customer’s
The global economy requires companies to trust to retain their existing E-Commerce
operate under different principles in different market share and provide for growth. To
countries leading to country specific law and ensure security, the companies need to
regulations. The net result is that a global adopt privacy policies for safeguarding the
company will be forced to comply with dif- consumer’s information. In order to achieve
ferent requirements across other countries. this, legislation, self-regulation, technical
For example, Personal Information Protec- solutions and robust solutions should be im-
tion and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) plemented.
manages privacy issues in Canada whereas

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5. OPPORTUNITIES FOR FUTURE • Are the actual actions of users in synch

RESEARCH with their stated actions?
• When the websites post the privacy
Addressing the issue of protecting consum- statements on their websites, how do
ers’ privacy opens the door for many re- the users perceive it, and does it ad-
search opportunities. Different research ef- dress their concerns?
forts are currently being undertaken related • How do the users perceive the privacy
to E-Commerce companies, the government, seals on the websites? Are there any
the interaction between the consumer and specific situations where these seals are
the E-Commerce company, the interaction useful? Are there any differences be-
between the consumer and the government, tween the companies that have privacy
and the interaction between the E- seals on their websites and those that do
Commerce company and the government. not have them? (Efrim Boritz, J. et al.,
Research opportunities related to the com-
pany perspective are: Research opportunities in consumer-
government interaction are:
• Research needs to be done on the actual
privacy practices of E-Commerce com- • Since the consumers’ concerns regarding
panies. privacy keep changing and it takes time
• How do the privacy practices of compa- for the new regulation to be effective, is
nies affect their relationship with con- the self regulation approach effective to
sumers in the short term and long term? consumers’ privacy concerns and is it an
• Do the privacy policies released by com- effective approach to protect the privacy
panies deal with consumers effectively? of consumers?
• What is the difference between the web- • Do consumers’ concerns influence gov-
sites that post privacy policies and the ernment regulations?
websites that do not? Do the sites that • Different regulations are being imple-
post privacy policies have anything in mented in different countries. What is
common? (Efrim Boritz, J. et al., 2008). their impact on consumer’s concerns re-
garding privacy? (Efrim Boritz, J. et al.,
Research opportunities related to govern- 2008).
ment prospective are:
Research opportunities in company-
• Countries adopt different privacy poli- government interaction are:
cies. Research should be done to find
out if any universal privacy practices ex- • Regulation forms the basis for most
ist across countries. Research should al- companies in order to develop their pri-
so be done to develop international pri- vacy policies. Do the companies follow
vacy standards. the privacy regulations stated by the
• What factors influence government to government?
regulate privacy practices? • What impact do the enacted and pending
• What steps need to be taken to ensure regulations have on the privacy policies
that the information of consumers is of the companies?
protected by the government and used • Due to different regulations in the coun-
fairly? (Efrim Boritz, J. et al., 2008). tries, are the privacy policies in one
company different from the privacy poli-
Research opportunities related to consumer- cies in other countries? The differences
company interaction are: in the privacy policies may be a chal-
lenging task for companies trying to es-
• Do companies benefit by addressing the tablish global markets. Do the compa-
consumers about their privacy concerns? ny’s business units in counties with less
Would the companies be more willing to strict regulations have less comprehen-
address privacy concerns if they gain sive policies than business units in coun-
benefits? ties with strict regulations? (Efrim Boritz,
J. et al., 2008).

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c 2009 EDSIG, page 9
Kraft and Kakar Sat, Nov 7, 11:30 - 11:55, Crystal 6

ment comprehensive security practices on E-

These research opportunities would provide Commerce sites. It is in the best interest of
a new set of insights and results, which the E-Commerce entire community to follow
would be beneficial to understanding the good privacy practices, implement good se-
core issues and lead to the appropriate steps curity methods, and protect consumers’ in-
to safeguard the existing systems. formation in the interest of growing the E-
Commerce activity and helping the industry

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