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1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe the product package in detail

b. To explain the characteristics  of the product
c. To advertise the product to the customers
d. The give the nutrition facts of the product 
2. What substance has the most value?
a. Sodium
b. Total fat
c. Dietary fiber
d. Total carbohydrate
How to eliminate Acne scars using egg white
1 egg

How to use:
1. Rinse your face with clean water
2. Take one egg and break it
3. Separate the egg white from the yolk
4. Apply the egg white on your face evenly
5. Wait until dry. It needs 10 to 15 minutes
6. Rinse your face with cold water
7. Do this routinely for 2 to 3 times a week

3. To rinse our faces we need . . . .

a. Egg yolk
b. Egg white
c. Cold water
d. clean water
4. What should we do after breaking the egg?
a. Take one egg
b. Rinse our faces
c. Clean our faces
d. Separate the eggs white
5. It needs 10 to 15 minutes”. The underlined word refers to . . . .
a. Waiting until dry
b. Applying the egg
c. Cleaning your face
d. Taking the eggs white
6. The underlined word “Rinse your face with clean water” is closest in meaning to . . .
a. Dry 
b. Arid
c. Dirty
d. Wash off

Simple Ways to Use a Washing Machine

1. Pay attention to your clothing care label. Although most clothes are washing- machine
washable, but there are some that are not. You need to differentiate between them.
2. Separate the clothes by their color. Group them into light color, dark color and jeans
or denim.
3. Don’t forget to separate them by their fabric weight to prevent damage to your clothes
4. Set the machine by choosing the right washing cycle. Whether it is normal, permanent
press, delicate or special cycle.
5. Set the water temperature, whether it is hot, warm, or cool.
6. Pour liquid or powder detergent into the machine.
7. Dump the clothes in.
8. Press the “On” or “process” button.

7. What does the text tell us about?

a. Persuade us to buy the washing machine.
b. Tell us how to operate washing machine.
c. Give the description about washing machine.
d. Share the writer experience about the using of washing machine.
8. Why should you separate the fabric weight?
a. To make the clothes shine.
b. To keep the clothes clean.
c. To create the new cloth.
d. To prevent wear and tear.
9. “You need to differentiate between them.” ( Step 1)
The underlined word above refers to . . .  .
a. Washing machine cycles
b. Clothes’ color
c.  Fabric weight
d. Clothes

How to Operate an Action Camera

Before we start: 
-  Make sure the battery is in the camera and charged.
- Put on the housing (the housing lens affects the image, so if it's not on, your image may look
First, to turn on the camera, simply press the FRONT button once.
Second, configure the camera to suit your preference. Select "F" for video or "P" for pictures.
Third, to shoot video, simply turn on the camera which will turn on in video mode (default)
and press the top button once to start recording, and once again to stop. 
Fourth, to shoot only one picture, turn on the camera, then navigate with the front button until
you see a small non-blinking camera icon on the top left corner of the screen.
Finally, to turn it off, simply press and keep pressing the front button for 4 seconds, or until
the red led starts flashing and beeping.
Adapted from:

10. What does the text tell the readers about?

a. The manual to keep a camera properly
b. The brief information about a camera
c. The procedure of how to use a camera
d. The advertising of a camera product
11. How should people set the camera if they want to record a video?
a. Put on the housing and press the button
b. Turn it on and press the top button once
c. Put on the housing and record the video
d. Turn it on and select ‘F’ from the display
12. then navigate with the front button until you see a small ...” (fourth step)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The owner
B. The reader
C. The producer
D. The writer
13. Who will get the benefit most after reading the text?
a. Engineer
b. Photographer
c. Actress and actor
d. Movie producer


Finally your hard effort has paid off. That’s a really amazing news I heard from your parents
that you got the first prize in National Archery Championship.
I hope the best of you for your next International Championship on June.

14. What can we infer from the text?

a. The winner had little practice.
b. Someone has won a competition.
c. A competition has already started.
d. There was an archery exhibition
15. We know from the text that the receiver of the text is ....
a. careful
b. skillful
c. shameful
d. regretful

Dear Dedi,
The graduation has come!
You know how proud we are of you!

Mom and Dad
16. What is the purpose of writing the text?
a. To congratulate someone on his graduation
b. To tell someone about the graduation
c. To describe someone’s felling
d. To show someone’s love 
17. “The graduation has come!" 
The underlined word means … of the study.
a. ending
b. starting
c. exercises 
d. commencement

How to scramble eggs

Break eggs into bowl. Add 1 tablespoon milk or cream and a dash of (18)……….for each
egg. Beat well with fork. Heat half tablespoon fat for each egg in moderately hot skillet.  (19)
….in mixture and reduce heat. Cook (20)….., turning gently as mixture sets at bottom and
sides of pan. Avoid constant stirring. When cooked through but still moist (5 to 8 minutes),
serve at once.

18. .
a. Sugar 
b. Water
c. Milk
d. Salt and pepper
19. .
a. Pour
b. Heat
c. Put
d. Move
20. .
a. Fast
b. Slowly
c. Hard
d. Harshly 
21. My friend forgot my birthday. I wish he  . . . .
a. Had not forgot
b. Would not forgot
c. Did not forgotten
d. Had not forgotten 
22. I did not wake up on time. I wish I  . . . (wake) up on time.
a. Had wake
b. Had woken
c. Would wake 
d. Would woken 
23. Most girls ______ they could meet a sensitive hunk, with brains.
a. Hope
b. Hopes
c. Wish
d. Wishes
24. We ______ that the next government will do more to keep the wheels of industry
a. Hope
b. Hopes
c. Wish
d. Wishes
25. I ______ we could treat each other without formality.
a. Hope
b. Hopes
c. Wish
d. Wishes
26. We ______ that they will join us in opening a new chapter of peace and cooperation.
a. Hope
b. Hopes
c. Wish
d. Wishes
27. I need to take out a loan from a finance company . . . buy a new car
a. To
b. So 
c. So that
d. Moreover
28. I am studying an English course, . . . I can pass my class
a. To
b. In order to
c. So that
d. However
29. You are carrying too much, I  . . . open the door for you
a. Will
b. Is going to
c. Am going to
d. Are going to
30. Wait! I will drive you to the station.
a. Will
b. Is going to
c. Am going to
d. Are going to
31. We . . . . have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
a. Will
b. Is going to
c. Are going to
d. Am going to
32. On Friday at 8 o’clock I . . . my friend
a. Am going to meeting
b. Am going to meet
c. Is going to meet
d. Are going to meet
33. Tara and Fikri . . . (draw) pictures when the teacher  . . . (warn) them
a. Drew, was warning
b. Drew, were warning
c. Was drawing, warned
d. Were drawing, warned
34. What . . . Kitaro . . .(do) while you . . . (sing) a song.
a. Was doing, sang
b. Was doing, were singing
c. Was doing, was singing
d. Was did, sang
35. Shofia  . . . (feed) the dog when it . . . (bite) her.
a. Is feeding, bit
b. Was feeding, was biting
c. Was feeding, bite
d. Was feeding, bit
36. Looks! Mrs. Puji . . . her motorcycle
a. Was riding
b. Is riding
c. Riding
d. Will be riding
37. Look outside, it  . . . now
a. Is rain
b. Is raining
c. Raining 
d. Was raining

Riding your bike can be a great deal of fun, and it's a brilliant way to keep fit. But, bike riding
has its hazards, especially when you're sharing the road with motorized traffic. To keep safe,
it is important to have a bike in top condition and to pay attention to some basic cycling
requirements. Here are the preparation before you go cycling.

Part 1: Checking your bike

Check your cycling equipment. It is important to ensure that your bike is roadworthy and
safe. This is especially important for aging bikes. Checking your bike means looking at the
a. Check the tires. Are your tires inflated adequately? Put the whole tire into a small bowl of
water. See if there are any bubbles coming out. If there are any bubbles, it means your tire is
punctured and you can get it fixed by a bike shop or do it yourself. 
b. Check the brakes.  Do they work well?
c. Check the chain. Is the chain free of debris, and able to turn with no problems?
d. See if the bike is the right height for you. Sit on your bike and make sure that the tips of
your toes touch the ground. Adjust the bike seat as needed, and the handles too.

Part 2: Dress appropriately

a. Wear bright clothing, a reflective vest, or have flashing lights. These all increase your
b. Wear comfortable shoes. Wear shoes that fit snugly, are flat soled, and have no dangling
pieces that could become caught in the bike structure and spokes. Tuck in laces.
c. Use trouser elastics or ties. They will hold back long pants that are threatening to flap into
the wheel spokes, or become dirtied by the chain grease.
d. Don't tie clothing around your waist. It could unexpectedly come loose and wrap around
your wheel, throwing you head-first into the ground or road. It could also become entangled
in the chain or obscure your rear light and reflector.
e. Wearing a helmet is always a good idea when cycling. In some places, you have no choice
but to wear a helmet by law. Yet, even where this is not legally required, it's a good idea to
wear one to augment your safety.
f. Wear eye protection. Dirt, pebbles, or even bugs can fly into your eyes, causing temporary
vision difficulty. A pair of bicycle-appropriate glasses will help prevent this

38. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. Telling the readers how to get prepare before cycling.
b. Showing the readers how to ride bike safely.
c. Informing the readers the ways to ride bike.
d. Persuading the readers to ride bike securely.
39. Why should bikers wear bright clothing or reflective vest?
a. To make them comfortable.
b. To help them easily seen.
c. In order to keep them safe.
d. It is leggally required.
40. From the sentence ‘A pair of bicycle-appropriate glasses will help prevent this.’
What does the word ‘this’ in the sentence above mean?
a. The danger of dirt, pebbles, or bugs to the eyes
b. Temporary vision difficulty
c. Bugs flying into the biker’s eyes
d. Wearing eye protection
41. Whom is the text specifically for?
a. the readers
b. the writers
c. the road users
d. the cyclist
42. He  . . . notes from 2 to 4 yesterday
a. Took
b. Was taking
c. Is taking
d. Takes
43. Started(1)- were(2)- windows(3)- to rain(4)- they(5)- the(6)- cleaning(7)- when(8)-
a. 5-2-7-6-3-8-1-4-9
b. 5-2-7-6-3-1-4-9-8
c. 5-2-7-3-6-8-9-1-4
d. 5-2-7-6-3-8-9-1-4
44. When I arrived in Japan, it ….hard.
a. Raining
b. Is raining
c. Rains
d. Was raining.
45. Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue!
Tigor : my gosh! Did she lose anything? (1)
Atiqah : hello tigor. Not so well. I had a bad experience last night. (2)
Tigor : what happened? (3)
Atiqah : no, but the window was broken and the food was burnt. (4)
Tigor : Hi, Atiqah. How are you doing? (5)
Atiqah : a woman who lives next to my house ran into my house. “Help me. Someone
broke my window,” she said. Then, my dad ran to her house to help. But he did not
find anybody. She said,” I was cooking when someone broke my window.” (6)
Tigor : what happened? (7)
Atiqah : last night, I was studying when someone shouted for help. “help . . . help” (8)

a. 5-2-3-7-8-4-1-6
b. 5-2-3-8-7-1-4-6
c. 5-2-3-8-7-4-1-6
d. 5- 2-3-8-7-6-1-4.
46. Arrange into a good passage!
1. Put the rice on a plate
2. Put the rice into the pan
3. Slice the shallots and garlic
4. Stir the rice until all the ingredients are mixed well
5. Pour the oil into the pan and heat it
6. Season with some salt and pepper
7. Cook the shallots and garlic until it smells nice

a. 3-5-7-2-6-4-1.
b. 3-5-7-1-4-2-6
c. 3-5-7-2-1-4-6
d. 3-5-7-6-2-1-4

Lyodra : OK. Tell me how to make omelet?

Tiara : alright, let’s prepare the ingredients
Lyodra : what ingredients do we need?
Tiara : two eggs, . . . (1), pepper and some oil
Lyodra : and the equipment?
Tiara : just a fork, a . . . . (2), a dish, a frying pan, and a spatula and a stove of course.
Lyodra : right. then, what should we do?
Tiara :  . . . (3), break the eggs into a bowl and season with salt and pepper.
Lyodra : like this?
Tiara : yes. . . . (4), beat the eggs well with the fork

47. .
a. Salt
b. Tamarind
c. Turmeric
d. Herbs
48. .
a. Bowl
b. Mixer
c. Oven
d. Microwave
49. .
a. Next
b. First
c. Last
d. Finally
50. .
a. Next
b. First
c. Lastly
d. Finally 

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