Chapter 3

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Chapter III Research Methodology and Design This chapter deals with research design, respondents of the study,

data, gathering procedure, data processing procedure and statistical tools used in analyzing and interpreting the data.

Research Design The descriptive research was used in the study. According to Travers (1984), this research design describes the present existing conditions. it involves the collection of data in order to test the hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects under study. It determines and reports the way things are. The research design was deemed appropriate for this particular study because its main concern was to evaluate the students awareness and application of the Vincentian Core Values in St. Anthony College Hospital.

Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study are the Students of St. Anthony College Hospital, Specifically 2nd year, 3rd, and 4th year. The total sample size of the respondents was determined by the use of Cochran formula with confidence level of 95 percent. The formula is: (Pagoso, 1985) Ni = NT 1 + NT (e)2 Where: NI = Total sample size NT = Total population e= Desired Margin of error (Percent allowance for non-precision because of the use of the sample instead of population) The appropriate total sample size for each situation were determined by the use of the proportional allocation formula. The formula is: (Pagoso, 1985)

ni = nTNi NT

Where: ni = Sample size per school nT = population per school Ni = Total sample size Ni = Total population The distribution of the respondents was presented in table 1. Table 1. Distribution of Respondents Population 60 67 108 Sample Size Percent

2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Research Instrument The data needed for the study was gathered through the use of questionnaires. The questionnaires for the respondents were made up of three parts. Part I was on demographic profile, part II was on the awareness of the Vincentian Core Values and part III was on the application of the Vincentian Core Values. Both part II and part III of the questionnaires were made up of 15 each items. The research instruments were subjected to pivotal run on 30 students of St. Anthony College Hospital Inc to check for flaws in the instructions and the items. The pretest respondents were not included in the actual study. Validity of the Questionnaire The questionnaire was subjected to face validation zeroing on its content. The validator were considered adept in this line of discipline under the study. Reliability of the Questionnaire To test the reliability of the questionnaire, it was subjected to a pre-test. It was administered to 30 students of St. Anthony College Hospital Inc who were chosen by convinience and did not participate in the actual survey. Only 30 students of St. Anthony College Hospital Inc were use in the reliability testing because according to Garrett, this number is adequate.

Data from the pre-test were tabulated and reliability method was computed using the split-half method. The items in every part of the questionnaire were split in to odd and even numbers. the results of the odd-numbered items were correlated with that of the even-

numbered items. The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to determine the reliability coefficient of one half of the questionnaire: (Downie, 1984):

P= 1- 6 ED2 N(N2-1) Where: P = is the reliability coefficient of one-half of the questionnaire ED2 = Sum of the squares of the difference N = Numbered paired scorer To get the reliability coefficient of the whole questionnaire, the Spearman Brown Prophecy formula was used: (Garrett, 1971)

r112r 1/2 1/11 1 + r 1/2 1/11 Where: r11 = Reliability coefficient of the whole r 1/2 1/11 = Reliability coefficient of one-half of the questionnaire According to Milton Smith, a reliability coefficient of 0.80 or more but not more than 1.0 is necessary for the whole questionairre to be reliable. The computed reliability coefficient of the whole questionnaire was ----. Thus using Smith's guideline, the questionnaire was deemed reliable, hence, utilized in the study .

Data Collection Having established the validity and reliability of the research instrument, it was reproduced according to the number of the respondents - ---- students of St. Anthony College Hospital Inc. The researcher obtained a permit to administer the research instrument from the ---------------. With the permit granted, the researchers personally distributed and administerd the instrument to ensure 100 percent return rate. Statistical Analysis of Data the data gathered were processed manually because its bulk is manually manageable. To facilitate analysis, the raw data were scored using the following scoring guide as basis: Score Scoring Interval Response Categories Verbal Interpretation

5 4 3 2 1

4.2 - 5.0 3.4 - 4.1 2.6 - 3.3 1.8 - 2.5 1.0 - 1.7

Always Often Sometimes Undecided Never

Fully Implemented Implemented Moderately Implemented Least implemented Not implemented

The choices of the respondents were scored and totaled to get the total score and then, divided by the number of respondents to get the mean. Statistical tools The gathered data were analyzed with the use of following statistical tools: frequency count, percentage, mean, chi-square and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The researchers used the frequency count and the mean to know the respondents' --------------------------. The mean formula is: (Downie, 1984)

X = EX N Where: X = is the mean EX = Sum of Scores N = Numbers of respondents To find out whether or not there was a significant relationship between respondents' sex, age, awareness and application of the Vincentian Core values, the chi-square was used. The formula is: (Downie, 1984)

X2 = E (fo - fe)2 fe Where: X2 = is the chi-square fo = observed frquency fe = expected frequency To determine the significant relationship between respondents' -----------------. the researchers used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. the formula is: (Downie, 1984) r = S12 + S22 - Sd2 2 SQR S12 SQR S22

Where: r = Pearson - Y Value S12 = Variance of the first variable S22 = Variance of the second variable Sd2 = Variance of the difference between the two variables Result of the computation was interpreted using the following scales with their corresponding interpretations: 0.00 to + 0.20 Denotes indifferent or negligible relationships + 0.20 to + 0.40 Denotes low relationship present but only slightly + 0.40 to + 0.70 Denotes marked or substantial relationship + 0.70 to + 1.00 Denotes high to very high relationship The Significance of the relationship was determined by comparing the computed value of " r " with the tabular value of " Y " for N-2 degrees of freedom and 5 percent level of significance.

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