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Without a safe and eco-friendly environment, our abode would not be habitable for living.

activities caused many damages to environments in which we live. In fact our actions have
constituted major threats to the climatic system which in turn led to climate change and its effect are
being felt through various environmental crisis. This has caused displacement and seasonal
migration of people in Nigeria because they look for means of sustenance. The urge to proffer
solutions to problems which stand to hunt human and the curiosity to become one of the most
influential researchers who proffers transformational solutions to problems that can lead to climate
change, spurred me to pursue career in Statistics with climate change modelling so that my dreams
of securing an eco-friendly environment for Nigerians and the world will be actualized. Purdue
University will provide the opportunity of actualizing my dream of studying Statistics with a view
to modelling climate change so that I will participate actively in global restructuring and proffer
solutions to problems affecting human, science and climate in Nigeria.
I received adequate training in General Household Survey, Environmental Statistics and Multiple
Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) from Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics (NNBS). I partook in
environmental modelling structured towards modelling precipitation and other factors which could
result to continual flow of rainfall. During National Youths Service Corps (NYSC), I served as
Medical Statistician at the Medical Centre Offa, and I used my knowledge of modelling to track the
prevalence and incidence rate of malaria among students by building predictive model which
forecast the likelihood of certain number of students that would have malaria parasite. I later used
my knowledge of environmental statistics to model climatic system of Offa community by building
predictive model to track rainfall pattern using the data collected from meteorological garden. I
made recommendations regarding rainfall and ensuring safe environment for people.

Climate change has caused much environmental degradation in Nigeria. In fact, Ibadan Oyo State,
had greatly affected, in August 26, 2011, where many lives were claimed. Also, Benue State floods
have displaced thousands of people and claimed lives. Since Nigeria is faced with different kind of
environmental problems such as flooding and erosion, there is need for Statistician to interfere in
predicting the likelihood at which the carbon emission will beyond a certain threshold and tracking
the carbon emission peculiar to major industrial cities in Nigeria, with a view to determining the
extents of pollution in order to set a certain threshold limit for companies engaging in releasing
carbon to the atmosphere with which their level of carbon emission must not be exceeded. With my
adequate knowledge in modelling, mathematics, statistics, simulation and professional experience
regarding tracking statistical behaviour of stochastic processes, by building a predictive model
which will be efficient to predict the progression of climate change so as to take proactive measures
to prevent significant change caused by human activities, spurred me to further my educational and
professional career in the field Statistics so that I will acquired lots of skills and techniques needed
to solve many environmental problems in the world and thus making me a good international

During this period, I will major in Probability and Mathematical Statistics and my specific research
work will focus on applying probability distributions and building probability models (hybrid
probability distribution) with a view to modelling and predicting the behaviour of many stochastic
phenomena. This is purely an applied area of probability distributions and hybrid probability
models to model various environmental crises, disaster and other phenomena which can disrupt the
ecosystem. I have published five research journals in reputable international journals and one book
in reputable academic publishing; I am so grounded in programming, statistical computing and I
have used my knowledge of modelling and data mining to solve many problems in Nigeria. With
my adequate experiences and sound academic background, I believe I will cope exceedingly in this

With the urge to get quality education, international exposure and meeting new people that will
contribute positively towards achieving my dreams, Purdue University, as a prestigious, world class
and dignified citadel of learning which the motive of bringing people together from all part of the
world and providing them with efficacious, excellent, goal-oriented and applied education
structured towards making their students far more competitive in global education and restructuring,
this spurred me to further entrench my education and professional career in Statistics (PhD). To
obtain instructional and applied skills towards solving many problems in the area of providing
quantitative, evidence based decision making, policy making and prospective planning structured
towards workable sustainable development goals (SDGs) and millennium development goals
(MDGs), I prefer studying Statistics (PhD) at Purdue University due to their practical oriented,
curricular, goal oriented, quality education and research acumen which will be given to me
throughout the period of my study which will in turn make me relevant in the society when it comes
to making vital decision in different Sectors of economy.

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