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Most of the terms explained in the glossary are sorted from the glossary provided in NRC’s Information
Digest (NID) 2010 to 2011. An attempt has been made to make it relevant to the content of the book. Some
terms may not be in NID and have been added to provide an explanation of the terms relevant to the book.

Applicant: A company, organization, institution, or other entity that has applied for a construction permit
to build a reactor facility or applied for the combined license.
Atomic Energy: The energy that is released through a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay process. The
process of particular interest is the process known as fission, which occurs in a nuclear reactor and produces
energy, usually in the form of heat. In a nuclear power plant, this heat is used to boil water in order to pro-
duce steam that can be used to drive turbines. This, in turn, activates generators to produce electrical power.
Atomic Energy is more correctly called Nuclear Energy.
Background radiation: The natural radiation that is always present in the environment. It includes cosmic
radiation which comes from the sun and stars, terrestrial radiation, which comes from the Earth, and internal
radiation which exists in all living things. The typical average individual exposure in the United States from
natural background sources is about 3 mSv (300 millirem) per year.
Boiling-Water Reactor (BWR): A nuclear power reactor design in which water flows upward through the
core of the reactor, where it is heated by fission and allowed to boil in the reactor vessel. The resulting steam
then drives turbines, which activate generators to produce electrical power (see Fig. 1.2). BWRs operate
similar to electrical plants using fossil fuel, except that the BWRs are powered by 370 to 800 nuclear fuel
assemblies in the reactor core.
Capability: The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can
generate under specified conditions for a given period of time without exceeding the design limits of tem-
perature and pressure.
Capacity: The amount of electric power that a generating unit can produce. The amount of electric
power that a manufacturer rates its generator, turbine transformer, transmission circuit, or system, is able to

290 Appendix A

Capacity factor: The ratio of the available capacity (defined as the amount of electrical power actually
produced by a generating unit) to the theoretical capacity (defined as the amount of electrical power that the
generating unit could theoretically produce, if it operates continuously at full power) during a given time
Cask: A heavily shielded container used for the dry storage or shipment (or both) of radioactive materials,
such as spent nuclear fuel or other high-level radioactive waste. Casks are often made from lead, concrete,

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or steel. Casks must meet regulatory requirements. The cask is not intended for long-term disposal in a
Containment Structure: A gas-tight shell or an enclosure that surrounds a nuclear reactor to confine fission
products that otherwise might be released to the atmosphere in the event of an accident. Such enclosures are
usually dome-shaped and made of steel or reinforced concrete.
Contamination: Undesirable radiological, chemical, or biological material with potentially harmful
effects. The contamination could be either airborne, or deposited in, or on the surface of structures, objects,
soil, water, or living organisms in a concentration that makes the medium unfit for its next intended use.
Criticality: The normal operating condition of a reactor, in which nuclear fuel sustains a fission chain
reaction. A reactor achieves criticality (and is said to be critical) when each fission event releases a sufficient
number of neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of fission reactions.
Defense-in-depth: An approach to designing and operating nuclear facilities that prevents and mitigates
accidents that release radiation or hazardous materials. The key is creating multiple independent and redun-
dant layers of defense to compensate for potential human and mechanical failures so that no single layer, no
matter how robust, is exclusively relied upon. Defense in depth includes the use of access controls, physical
barriers, redundant and diverse key safety functions, and emergency response measures.
Design-Basis Threat (DBT): A profile of the type, composition, and capabilities of an adversary. The NRC
uses the DBT as a basis for designing safeguards systems to protect against acts of radiological sabotage and
to prevent the theft of special nuclear material. Nuclear facility licensees are expected to demonstrate they
can defend against the DBT.
Design Certification (DC): Certification and approval by the NRC of a standard nuclear power plant de-
sign independent of a specific site or an application to construct or operate a plant. A design certification is
valid for 15 years from the date of issuance but can be renewed for an additional 10 to 15 years.
Dry Cask Storage: A method for storing spent nuclear fuel above ground in special containers known as
casks. After fuel has been cooled in a spent fuel pool for at least 1 year, dry cask storage allows approxi-
mately one to six dozen spent fuel assemblies to be sealed in casks and surrounded by inert gas. The casks
are large, rugged cylinders, made of steel or steel-reinforced concrete [approximately 50 cm (20 in.) thick].
They are welded or bolted closed, and each cask is surrounded by steel, concrete, lead, or other material to
provide leak-tight barrier and radiation shielding. The casks may be placed horizontally in aboveground
concrete bunkers, or vertically in concrete vaults or on concrete pads.
Early Site Permit (ESP): A permit through which the NRC resolves site safety, environmental protection,
and emergency preparedness issues, in order to approve one or more proposed sites for a nuclear power fa-
cility, independent of a specific nuclear plant design or an application for a construction permit or combined
license. An ESP is valid for 10 to 20 years, but can be renewed for an additional 10 to 20 years.
Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor (ESBWR): A 4500-MWt nuclear reactor design, which has
passive safety features and uses natural circulation (with no recirculation pumps or associated piping) for
normal operation. GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) submitted an application for final design approval and
standard design certification for the ESBWR on August 24, 2005.
Glossary of NPP-Related Terms 291

Efficiency, NPP: The percentage of the total energy content of a power plant’s fuel that is converted into
electricity. The remaining energy is lost to the environment as heat.
Electric Power Grid: A system of synchronized power providers and consumers connected by transmis-
sion and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. In the continental United States, the
electric power grid consists of three systems—the Eastern Interconnect, the Western Interconnect, and the
Texas Interconnect. In Alaska and Hawaii, several systems encompass areas smaller than the State.

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Emergency Classifications: Sets of plant conditions that indicate various levels of risk to the public and
which might require response by an offsite emergency response organization to protect citizens near the site.
Both, nuclear power plants and research and test reactors, use the emergency classifications (see 10 CFR
Part 50, Section 50.47).
Emergency Preparedness (EP): The programs, plans, training, exercises, and resources necessary to pre-
pare emergency personnel to rapidly identify, evaluate, and react to emergencies, including those arising from
terrorism or natural events such as hurricanes. EP strives to ensure that nuclear power plant operators can
implement measures to protect public health and safety in the event of a radiological emergency. As a condi-
tion of their licenses, plant operators must develop and maintain EP plans that meet NRC requirements.
Energy Information Administration (EIA): The agency, within the U.S. Department of Energy, that pro-
vides policy-neutral statistical data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policymaking, efficient mar-
kets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.
Entomb: A method of decommissioning, in which radioactive contaminants are encased in a structurally long-
lived material, such as concrete. The entombed structure is maintained and its surveillance is continued until the
entombed radioactive waste decays to a level permitting termination of the license and unrestricted release of
the property. During the entombment period, the licensee maintains the license previously issued by the NRC.
Event Notification (EN) System: An automated event tracking system used internally by the NRC’s
Headquarters Operations Center to track incoming notifications of significant nuclear events with an actual
or potential effect on the health and safety of the public and the environment. Significant events are reported
to the Operations Center by the NRC’s licensees, Agreement States, other Federal agencies, the public and
other stakeholders.
Exposure: Absorption of ionizing radiation or ingestion of a radioisotope. Acute exposure is a large ex-
posure received over a short period of time. Chronic exposure is exposure received over a long period of
time, such as during a lifetime. The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
estimates that an average person in the United States receives a total annual dose of about 6.2 mSv (620 mil-
lirem) from all radiations sources, a level that has not been shown to cause humans any harm.
Of this total, natural background sources of radiation—including radon and thoron gas, natural radiation
from soil and rocks, radiation from space and radiation sources that are found naturally within the human
body account for approximately 50%. Medical procedures such as computed tomography (CT scans) and
nuclear medicine account approximately for another 48%. Other small contributors of exposure to the U.S.
population include consumer products and activities, industrial and research uses, and occupational tasks.
The maximum permissible yearly dose for a person working with or around nuclear material is .05 Sv (5
rem). For more information on this subject, the readers should refer to NCRP Report No. 160 (2009), avail-
able on the NCRP website at
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): A component of U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, responsible for protecting the nation and reducing the loss of life and property from all hazards,
such as natural disasters and acts of terrorism. FEMA leads and supports a risk-based, comprehensive emer-
gency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation. FEMA also ad-
ministers the National Flood Insurance Program.
292 Appendix A

Fissile Material: A nuclide that is capable of undergoing fission after capturing low-energy thermal (slow)
neutrons. Although sometimes used as a synonym for fissionable material, this term has acquired its more-
restrictive interpretation with the limitation that the nuclide must be fissionable by thermal neutrons. With
that interpretation, the three primary fissile materials are uranium-233, uranium-235, and plutonium-239.
This definition excludes natural uranium and depleted uranium that have not been irradiated or have only
been irradiated in thermal reactors.

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Fission (fissioning): The splitting of an atom, which releases a considerable amount of energy (usually in
the form of heat) that can be used to produce electricity. Fission may be spontaneous, but is usually caused
by the nucleus of an atom becoming unstable (or “heavy”) after capturing or absorbing a neutron. During fis-
sion, the heavy nucleus splits into roughly equal parts, producing the nuclei of at least two lighter elements.
In addition to energy, this reaction usually releases gamma radiation and two or more daughter neutrons.
Force-on-Force (FOF): Inspections designed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of a licensee’s
security force and ability to defend a nuclear power plant and other nuclear facilities against a design-basis
threat (DBT). An essential part of the security program, instituted by the NRC, is a full force-on-force
inspection spanning 2 weeks that includes tabletop drills and multiple simulated combat exercises between
a mock commando-type adversary force and the plant’s security force.
Fragility-Containment: Fragility of the containment structure is the conditional probability of its failure
at a given hazard input level. The input is the internal hazard (e.g., pressure–temperature) resulting from the
initiation of a beyond design basis accident.
Fragility-General Definition: Fragility of an SSC is the conditional probability of its failure at a given
hazard input level. The input could be earthquake motion, wind speed, or flood level. (From ASME/ANS
PRA Standard).
Fragility Model: The fragility model generally used for a hazard specific PRA is a double lognormal model
with three parameters: (1) the median capacity, (2) the logarithmic standard deviation of the aleatory (ran-
domness) uncertainty in capacity, and (3), the logarithmic standard deviation of the epistemic (modeling and
data) uncertainty in the median capacity.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): A Federal law that requires Federal agencies to provide, upon
written request, access to records or information. Some material is exempt from FOIA, and FOIA does not
apply to records that are maintained by State and local governments, or Federal contractors, grantees or
private organizations or businesses.
Fuel assembly (fuel bundle, fuel element): A structured group of fuel rods (long, slender, metal tubes con-
taining pellets of fissionable material), which provide fuel for nuclear reactors. Depending on the design,
each reactor vessel may have dozens of fuel assemblies (also known as fuel bundles), each of which may
contain 200 or more fuel rods.
Fuel reprocessing (recycling): The processing of reactor fuel to separate the unused fissionable material
from waste material. Reprocessing extracts isotopes from spent nuclear fuel so they can be used again as
reactor fuel. Commercial reprocessing is not practiced in the US, although it has been practiced in the past.
However, the U.S. Department of Defense oversees reprocessing programs at DOE facilities such as in
Hanford, WA, and Savannah River, SC.
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): Human resources measurement equal to one staff person working full-time
for 1 year.
Gaseous Diffusion: A uranium enrichment process used to prepare uranium for use in fabricating fuel for
nuclear reactors by separating its isotopes (as gases) based on their slight difference in velocity. Lighter
isotopes diffuse faster through a porous membrane or vessel than do heavier isotopes. This process involves
filtering uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas to separate uranium-234 and uranium-235 from uranium-238, in
Glossary of NPP-Related Terms 293

order to increase the percentage of uranium-235 from 1% to 3%. The only gaseous diffusion plant in opera-
tion in the United States is in Paducah, KY. A similar plant near Piketon, OH, was closed in March 2001.
Both plants are leased by the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) from the DOE and regulated by
the NRC since March 4, 1997.
Half-life (radiological): The time required for half the atoms of a particular radioisotope to decay into
another isotope that has half the activity of the original radioisotope. A specific half-life is a characteristic

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property of each radioisotope. Measured half-lives range from millionths of a second to billions of years,
depending on the stability of the nucleus. Radiological half-life is related to, but different from the biological
half-life and the effective half-life.
High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW): The highly radioactive materials produced as byproducts of fuel
reprocessing or of the reactions that occur inside nuclear reactors. HLW includes: Irradiated spent nuclear
fuel discharged from commercial nuclear power reactors. The highly radioactive liquid and solid materials
resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, which contain fission products in concentration that
includes some reprocessed HLW from defense activities, and a small quantity of HLW from the reprocessed
commercial radioactive waste. Other highly radioactive materials, which the Commission may determine
require permanent isolation.
Irradiation: Exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation may be intentional, such as in cancer treatments or
in sterilizing medical instruments. Irradiation may also be accidental, such as being exposed to an unshielded
source. Irradiation does not usually result in radioactive contamination, but damage can occur, depending on
the dose received.
Isotope: Two or more forms (or atomic configurations) of a given element that have identical atomic
numbers (the same number of protons in their nuclei) and the same, or very similar chemical properties but
different atomic masses (different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei) and distinct physical properties. Thus,
carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14 are isotopes of the element carbon. The numbers denote the approxi-
mate atomic masses. Among their distinct physical properties, some isotopes (known as radioisotopes) are
radioactive because their nuclei emit radiation as they strive toward a more stable nuclear configuration. For
example, carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable, but carbon-14 is unstable and radioactive.
Licensee: A company, organization, institution, or other entity to which the NRC has granted a general or
specific license to construct or operate a nuclear facility, or to receive, possess, use, transfer, or dispose of
source, byproduct, or special nuclear material.
Licensing basis: The collection of documents or technical criteria that provides the basis upon which the
NRC issues a license to construct or operate a nuclear facility; or to conduct operations involving the emis-
sion of radiation; or to receive, possess, use, transfer, or dispose of source, byproduct, or special nuclear
Light-Water Reactor (LWR): A term used to describe reactors using ordinary water as a coolant, including
boiling-water reactors (BWRs) and pressurized-water reactors (PWRs), the most common types used in the
United States.
Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW): A general term for a wide range of items that have become contami-
nated with radioactive material or have become radioactive through exposure to neutron radiation. A variety
of industries, hospitals and medical institutions, educational and research institutions, private or government
laboratories, and nuclear fuel cycle facilities generate LLW as part of their day-to-day use of radioactive
materials. Some examples include radioactively contaminated protective shoe covers and clothing; cleaning
rags, mops, filters, and reactor water treatment residues; equipment and tools; medical tubes, swabs, and hy-
podermic syringes; and carcasses and tissues from laboratory animals. The radioactivity in these wastes can
range from just above natural background levels to much higher levels, such as seen in parts from inside the
reactor vessel in a nuclear power plant. Low-level waste is typically stored onsite by licensees. The storage
294 Appendix A

is required either until it has decayed away and can be disposed of as ordinary trash, or until the accumulated
amount becomes large enough to warrant shipment to a low-level waste disposal site.
Maximum dependable capacity (gross): The maximum amount of electricity that the main generating unit
of a nuclear power reactor can reliably produce during the summer or winter (usually summer, but whichever
represents the most restrictive seasonal conditions, with the least electrical output). The dependable capacity
varies during the year because temperature variations in cooling water affect the unit’s efficiency. Thus, this

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is the gross electrical output as measured (in Watts unless otherwise noted) at the output terminals of the
turbine generator.
Maximum dependable capacity (net): The gross maximum dependable capacity of the main generating
unit in a nuclear power reactor, minus the amount used to operate the station. Net maximum dependable
capacity is measured in watts unless otherwise noted.
Megawatt (MW): A unit of power equivalent to one million watts.
Megawatt-hour (MWh): One million Watt-hours.
Moderator: In a nuclear fission process, scientists have known that the high speed neutrons (> 5 million
electron volts — Mev) have to be slowed down to the speed of thermal neutrons (< 0.3 ev) for the chain
reaction to continue effectively. What is required is a material that has the ability to slow down the high
speed neutrons quickly, and has little tendency to absorb neutrons. Such a material is called a “moderator.”
Effective moderators are: ordinary water, heavy water, graphite, beryllium, and certain organic materials.
Monitoring of Radiation: Periodic, or continuous determination of the amount of ionizing radiation or radio-
active contamination in a region. Radiation monitoring is a safety measure to protect the health and safety of
the public and the environment through the use of bioassay, alpha scans, and other radiological survey meth-
ods to monitor air, surface water and ground water, soil and sediment, equipment surfaces, and personnel.
Natural Uranium: Uranium containing the relative concentrations of isotopes found in nature (0.7%
uranium-235, 99.3% uranium-238, and a trace amount of uranium-234 by mass). In terms of radioactivity,
however, natural uranium contains approximately 2.2% uranium-235, 48.6% uranium-238, and 49.2%
uranium-234. Natural uranium can be used as fuel in nuclear reactors.
Net electric generation: The gross amount of electric energy produced by a generating station, minus the
amount used to operate the station. Note: Electricity required for pumping at pumped-storage plants is
regarded as electricity for station operation and is deducted from gross generation. Net electric generation
is measured in watt-hours (Wh), except as otherwise noted.
Net Summer Capacity: The steady hourly output that generating equipment is expected to supply to system
load, exclusive of auxiliary power, as demonstrated by measurements at the time of peak demand (summer).
Net summer capacity is measured in watts unless otherwise noted.
Nonpower reactor (research and test reactor): A nuclear reactor that is used for research, training, or de-
velopment purposes (which may include producing radioisotopes for medical and industrial uses) but has
no role in producing electrical power. These reactors, which are also known as research and test reactors,
contribute to almost every field of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geology, arche-
ology, and ecology.
NRC Operations Center: The primary center of communication and coordination among the NRC, its li-
censees, State and Tribal agencies, and other Federal agencies, regarding operating events involving nuclear
reactors or materials. Located in Rockville, MD, the Operations Center is staffed 24 hours a day by employ-
ees trained to receive and evaluate event reports and coordinate incident response activities.
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA): A specialized agency within the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), which was created to assist its Member countries in maintaining and further
Glossary of NPP-Related Terms 295

developing the scientific, technological, and legal bases for safe, environmentally friendly, and economi-
cal use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The NEA’s current membership consists of 28 countries in
Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region, which account for approximately 85% of the world’s
installed nuclear capacity.
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI): A unified nuclear energy industry group that addresses and resolve nuclear
regulatory issues and related technical matters that provide high levels of reliability and economic efficiency

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in nuclear power plant operations.
Nuclear fuel: Fissionable material that has been enriched to a composition that will support a self-sustaining
fission chain reaction when used to fuel a nuclear reactor, thereby producing energy (usually in the form of
heat or useful radiation) for use in other processes.
Nuclear poison (or neutron poison): In reactor physics, a substance (other than fissionable material) that
has a large capacity for absorbing neutrons in the vicinity of the reactor core. This effect may be undesirable
in some reactor applications because it may prevent or disrupt the fission chain reaction, thereby affecting
normal operation. However, neutron-absorbing materials (commonly known as “poisons”) are intentionally
inserted into some types of reactors to decrease the reactivity of their initial fresh fuel load. Adding poisons,
such as control rods or boron, is described as adding “negative reactivity” to the reactor.
Nuclear power plant: A thermal power plant, in which the energy (heat) released by the fissioning of
nuclear fuel is used to boil water to produce steam. The steam spins the propeller like blades of a turbine that
turns the shaft of a generator to produce electricity.
Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex: An annex to the National Response Framework, which provides for
a timely, coordinated response by Federal agencies to nuclear or radiological accidents or incidents within
the United States. This annex covers radiological dispersal devices and improvised nuclear devices, as well
as accidents involving commercial reactors or weapons production facilities, lost radioactive sources, trans-
portation accidents involving radioactive material, and foreign accidents involving nuclear or radioactive
Nuclear reactor: The heart of a nuclear power plant or non-power reactor, in which nuclear fission may
be initiated and controlled in a self-sustaining chain reaction to generate energy or produce useful radiation.
Although there are many types of nuclear reactors, they all incorporate certain essential features, includ-
ing the use of fissionable material as fuel, a moderator (such as water) to increase the likelihood of fission
(unless reactor operation relies on fast neutrons), a reflector to conserve escaping neutrons, coolant provi-
sions for heat removal, instruments for monitoring and controlling reactor operation and protective devices
(such as control rods and shielding).
Nuclear waste: A subset of radioactive waste that includes unusable byproducts produced during the vari-
ous stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, including extraction, conversion, and enrichment of uranium; fuel fab-
rication; and use of the fuel in nuclear reactors. Specifically, these stages produce a variety of nuclear waste
materials, including uranium mill tailings, depleted uranium, and spent (depleted) fuel, all of which are
regulated by the NRC. By contrast, “radioactive waste” is a broader term, which includes all wastes that
contain radioactivity, regardless of how they are produced. It is not considered “nuclear waste” because it is
not produced through the nuclear fuel cycle and is generally not regulated by the NRC.
Occupational dose: The internal and external dose of ionizing radiation received by workers in the course
of employment in such areas as fuel cycle facilities, industrial radiography, nuclear medicine, and nuclear
power plants. These workers are exposed to varying amounts of radiation, depending on their jobs and the
sources with which they work. The NRC requires its licensees to limit occupational exposure to 50 mSv
(5000 mrem) per year. Occupational dose does not include the dose received from natural background
sources, doses received as a medical patient or participant in medical research programs or “second-hand
doses” received through exposure to individuals treated with radioactive materials.
296 Appendix A

Outage: The period during which a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility is out of service.
Outages may be forced or scheduled, and full or partial.
Pellet, fuel: A thimble-sized ceramic cylinder (approximately 3/8-inch in diameter and 5/8-inch in length),
consisting of uranium (typically uranium oxide, UO2), which has been enriched to increase the concentra-
tion of uranium-235 (U-235) to fuel a nuclear reactor. Modern reactor cores in pressurized-water reactors
(PWRs) and boiling-water reactors (BWRs) may contain up to 10 million pellets, stacked in the fuel rods

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that form fuel assemblies.
Performance-based regulation: A regulatory approach that focuses on desired, measurable outcomes,
rather than prescriptive processes, techniques, or procedures. Performance-based regulation leads to defined
results without specific direction regarding how those results are to be obtained. At the NRC, performance-
based regulatory actions focus on identifying performance measures that ensure an adequate safety margin
and offer incentives for licensees to improve safety without formal regulatory intervention by the agency.
Performance indicator: A quantitative measure of a particular attribute of licensee performance that shows
how well a plant is performing when measured against established thresholds. Licensees submit their data
quarterly; the NRC regularly conducts inspections to verify the submittals and then uses its own inspection
data plus the licensees’ submittals to assess each plant’s performance.
Possession-only license: A license, issued by the NRC, that authorizes the licensee to possess specific
nuclear material but does not authorize its use or the operation of a nuclear facility.
Power uprate: The process of increasing the maximum power level a commercial nuclear power plant may
operate. This power level, regulated by the NRC, is included in the plant’s operating license and technical
specifications. A licensee may only change its maximum power output after the NRC approves an uprate
application. The NRC’s analyses must demonstrate that the plant could continue to operate safely with its
proposed new configuration. When all requisite conditions are fulfilled, the NRC may grant the power uprate
by amending the plant’s operating license and technical specifications.
Pressurized-water reactor (PWR): A nuclear power reactor design in which very pure water is heated
to a very high temperature by fission, kept under high pressure (to prevent it from boiling), and converted
to steam by a steam generator (rather than by boiling, as in a BWR). The resulting steam is used to drive
turbines, which activate generators to produce electrical power. A PWR essentially operates like a pressure
cooker, where a lid is tightly placed over a pot of heated water, causing the pressure inside to increase as
the temperature increases. As the steam cannot escape, it keeps the water from boiling at the usual 100°C
(212°F). About two-thirds of the operating nuclear reactor power plants in the United States are PWRs (see
Fig. 1.1 and Appendix 1A of this book).
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA): A systematic method for assessing three questions that the NRC uses
to define “risk.” These questions consider (1) what can go wrong, (2) how likely it is, and (3) what its con-
sequences might be. These questions allow the NRC to understand likely outcomes, sensitivities, areas of
importance, system interactions, and areas of uncertainty, which the staff can use to identify risk-significant
scenarios. The NRC uses PRA to determine a numeric estimate of risk to provide insights into the strengths
and weaknesses of the design and operation of a nuclear power plant.
Rad (radiation absorbed dose): One of the two units used to measure the amount of radiation absorbed by
an object or a person, known as the “absorbed dose,” which reflects the amount of energy that radioactive
sources deposit in materials through which they pass. The rad is the amount of energy (from any type of
ionizing radiation) deposited in any medium (e.g., water, tissue, air). An absorbed dose of 1 rad means that
1 gram of material absorbed 100 ergs of energy (a small but measurable amount) as a result of exposure to
radiation. The related international system unit is the Gray (Gy), where 1 Gy is equivalent to 100 rad.
Radiation, ionizing: A form of radiation, which includes alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and
x-rays, neutrons, high-speed electrons, and high-speed protons. Compared to non-ionizing radiation, such
Glossary of NPP-Related Terms 297

as found in ultraviolet light or microwaves, ionizing radiation is considerably more energetic. When ioniz-
ing radiation passes through material such as air, water, or living tissue, it deposits enough energy to break
molecular bonds and displace (or remove) electrons. This electron displacement may lead to changes in liv-
ing cells. Given this ability, ionizing radiation has a number of beneficial uses, including treating cancer or
sterilizing medical equipment. However, ionizing radiation is potentially harmful if not used correctly, and
high doses may result in severe skin or tissue damage. It is for this reason that the NRC strictly regulates
commercial and institutional uses of the various types of ionizing radiation.

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Radiation, nuclear: Energy given off by matter in the form of tiny fast-moving particles (alpha particles,
beta particles, and neutrons) or pulsating electromagnetic rays or waves (gamma rays) emitted from the
nuclei of unstable radioactive atoms. All matter is composed of atoms, which are made up of various parts;
the nucleus contains minute particles called protons and neutrons, and the atom’s outer shell contains
other particles called electrons. The nucleus carries a positive electrical charge, while the electrons carry
a negative electrical charge. These forces work toward a strong, stable balance by getting rid of excess
atomic energy (radioactivity). In that process, unstable radioactive nuclei may emit energy, and this spon-
taneous emission is called nuclear radiation. All types of nuclear radiation are also ionizing radiation, but
the reverse is not necessarily true; for example, x-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, but they are not
nuclear radiation because they do not originate from atomic nuclei. In addition, some elements are natu-
rally radioactivez as their nuclei emit nuclear radiation as a result of radioactive decay, but others become
radioactive by being irradiated in a reactor. Naturally occurring nuclear radiation is indistinguishable from
induced radiation.
Radiation source: A radioactive material or byproduct that is specifically manufactured or obtained for
the purpose of using the emitted radiation. Such sources are commonly used in teletherapy or industrial
radiography; in various types of industrial gauges, irradiators, and gamma knives, and as power sources for
batteries (such as those used in spacecraft). These sources usually consist of a known quantity of radioactive
material, which is encased in a manmade capsule, sealed between layers of nonradioactive material, or firmly
bonded to a nonradioactive substrate to prevent radiation leakage. Other radiation sources include devices
such as accelerators and X-ray generators.
Radiation therapy (radiotherapy): The therapeutic use of ionizing radiation to treat disease in patients.
Although most radiotherapy procedures are intended to kill cancerous tissue or reduce the size of a tumor,
therapeutic doses may also be used to reduce pain or treat benign conditions. For example, intervascular
brachytherapy uses radiation to treat clogged blood vessels. Other common radiotherapy procedures include
gamma stereotactic radiosurgery (gamma knife), teletherapy, and iodine treatment to correct an overactive
thyroid gland. These procedures use radiation sources, regulated by the NRC and its Agreement States,
which may be applied either inside or outside the body. In either case, the goal of radiotherapy is to deliver
the required therapeutic or pain relieving dose of radiation with high precision and for the required length of
time, while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue.
Radiation warning symbol: An officially prescribed magenta or black trefoil on a yellow background,
which must be displayed where certain quantities of radioactive materials are present or where certain doses
of radiation could be received.
Radioactive contamination: Undesirable radioactive material (with a potentially harmful effect) that is
either airborne or deposited in (or on the surface of) structures, objects, soil, water, or living organisms
(people, animals, or plants) in a concentration that may harm people, equipment, or the environment.
Radioactive decay: The spontaneous transformation of one radioisotope into one or more different isotopes
(known as “decay products” or “daughter products”), accompanied by a decrease in radioactivity compared
to the parent material. This transformation takes place over a defined period of time (known as a “half-life”),
as a result of electron capture; fission; or the emission of alpha particles, beta particles or photons (gamma
radiation or x-rays) from the nucleus of an unstable atom. Each isotope in the sequence known as a “decay
298 Appendix A

chain”) decays to the next until it forms a stable, less energetic end product. In addition, radioactive decay
may refer to gamma-ray and conversion electron emission, which only reduces the excitation energy of the
Radioactivity: The property possessed by some elements (such as uranium) of spontaneously emitting
energy in the form of radiation as a result of the decay (or disintegration) of an unstable atom. Radioactivity
is also the term used to describe the rate at which radioactive material emits radiation. Radioactivity is mea-

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sured in units of Becquerel or disintegrations per second.
Radiography: The use of sealed sources of ionizing radiation for nondestructive examination of the struc-
ture of materials. When the radiation penetrates the material, it produces a shadow image by blackening a
sheet of photographic film that has been placed behind the material, and the differences in blackening sug-
gest flaws and unevenness in the material.
Radioisotope (Radionuclide): An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously,
thereby emitting radiation. Approximately 5000 natural and artificial radioisotopes have been identified.
Radiopharmaceutical: A pharmaceutical drug that emits radiation and is used in diagnostic or therapeutic
medical procedures. Radioisotopes that have short half-lives are generally preferred to minimize the radia-
tion dose to the patient and the risk of prolonged exposure. In most cases, these short-lived radioisotopes
decay to stable elements within minutes, hours, or days, allowing patients to be released from the hospital
in a relatively short time.
Reactor core: The central portion of a nuclear reactor, which contains the fuel assemblies, water, and con-
trol mechanisms, as well as the supporting structure. The reactor core is where fission takes place.
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP): The process by which the NRC monitors and evaluates the perfor-
mance of commercial nuclear power plants. Designed to focus on those plant activities that are most impor-
tant to safety, the process uses inspection findings and performance indicators to assess each plant’s safety
Regulation: The governmental function of controlling or directing economic entities through the process
of rulemaking and adjudication.
Regulatory Information Conference (RIC): An annual NRC conference that brings together NRC staff,
regulated utilities, materials users, and other interested stakeholders to discuss nuclear safety topics and sig-
nificant and timely regulatory activities through informal dialogue to ensure an open regulatory process.
REM (Roentgen equivalent man): One of the two standard units used to measure the dose equivalent (or
effective dose), which combines the amount of energy (from any type of ionizing radiation) that is deposited
in human tissue, along with the medical effects of the given type of radiation. For beta and gamma radiation,
the dose equivalent is the same as the absorbed dose. By contrast, the dose equivalent is larger than the ab-
sorbed dose for alpha and neutron radiation, because these types of radiation are more damaging to the human
body. Thus, the dose equivalent (in rems) is equal to the absorbed dose (in rads) multiplied by the quality fac-
tor of the type of radiation {Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 20.1004, (“Units of Radiation
Dose”)}. The related international system unit is the sievert (Sv), where 100 rem is equivalent to 1 Sv.
Renewable resources: Natural, but limited, energy resources that can be replenished, including biomass,
hydro, geothermal, solar, and wind. These resources are virtually inexhaustible but limited in the amount
of energy that is available per unit of time. In the future, renewable resources could also include the use of
ocean thermal, wave, and tidal action technologies. Utility renewable resource applications include bulk
electricity generation, onsite electricity generation, distributed electricity generation, non-grid connected gen-
eration, and demand-reduction (energy efficiency) technologies. The Information Digest (NUREG-1350) has
included conventional hydroelectric and storage hydroelectric in a separate category from other resources.
Glossary of NPP-Related Terms 299

Risk: The combined answer to three questions that consider (1) what can go wrong, (2) how likely it is, and
(3) what its consequences might be. These three questions allow the NRC to understand likely outcomes,
sensitivities, areas of importance, system interactions, and areas of uncertainty, which can be used to identify
risk-significant scenarios.
Risk-based decision making: An approach to regulatory decision-making that considers only the results of
a probabilistic risk assessment.

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Risk-informed decision making: An approach to regulatory decision-making, in which insights from proba-
bilistic risk assessment are considered with other engineering insights.
Risk-informed regulation: An approach to regulation taken by the NRC, which incorporates an assessment
of safety significance or relative risk. This approach ensures that the regulatory burden imposed by an indi-
vidual regulation or process is appropriate to its importance in protecting the health and safety of the public
and the environment.
Risk-significant: “Risk-significant” can refer to a facility’s system, structure, component, or accident
sequence that exceeds a predetermined limit for contributing to the risk associated with the facility. The
term also describes a level of risk exceeding a predetermined “significance” level.
Safeguards: The use of material control and accounting programs to verify that the special nuclear material
is properly controlled and accounted for, as well as the physical protection (or physical security) equipment
and security forces. As used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this term also means veri-
fying that the peaceful use commitments made in binding nonproliferation agreements, both bilateral and
multilateral, are honored.
Safeguards information (SGI): A special category of sensitive unclassified information that must be
protected. Safeguards information concerns the physical protection of operating power reactors, spent fuel
shipments, strategic special nuclear material, or other radioactive material.
Safety-related: In the regulatory arena, this term applies to systems, structures, components, procedures,
and controls (of a facility or process) that are relied upon to remain functional during and following design-
basis events. Their functionality ensures that key regulatory criteria, such as levels of radioactivity released,
are met. Examples of safety-related functions include shutting down a nuclear reactor and maintaining it in
a safe-shutdown condition.
Safety-significant: When used to qualify an object, such as a system, structure, component, or accident
sequence, this term identifies that object as having an impact on safety, whether determined through risk
analysis or other means that exceeds a predetermined significance criterion.
SAFSTOR: A method of decommissioning in which a nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition
that allows the facility in a safe configuration and subsequently decontaminated (deferred decontamination)
to levels that permit release for unrestricted use.
Scram: The sudden shutting down of a nuclear reactor, usually by rapid insertion of control rods, either
automatically or manually by the reactor operator. Also known as a “reactor-trip,” “scram” is actually an
acronym for “safety control rod axe man,” given to the worker assigned to insert the emergency rod on the
first reactor (the Chicago Pile) in the United States.
Sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information (SUNSI): Information that is generally not publicly
available and that encompasses a wide variety of categories, such as proprietary information, personal and
private information, or information subject to attorney-client privilege.
Shutdown: A decrease in the rate of fission (and heat/energy production) in a reactor, usually by the
insertion of control rods into the core.
300 Appendix A

Source material: Uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or
ores that contain, by weight, one-twentieth of 1% (0.05%) or more of (1) uranium, (2) thorium, or (3) any
combination thereof. Source material does not include special nuclear material.
Special nuclear material: Plutonium, uranium-233, or uranium enriched in the isotopes uranium-233 or
Spent fuel pool (SFP): SFP is an underwater storage and cooling facility for spent (depleted) fuel

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assemblies that have been removed from a reactor. The facility is also used for temporary storage of new
fuel assemblies.
Subcriticality: The condition of a nuclear reactor system, in which nuclear fuel no longer sustains a fis-
sion chain reaction (that is, the reaction fails to initiate its own repetition, as it would in a reactor’s normal
operating condition). A reactor becomes subcritical when its fission events fail to release a sufficient number
of neutrons to sustain an ongoing series of reactions, possibly, as a result of increased neutron leakage or
Teletherapy: Treatment in which the source of the therapeutic radiation is at a distance from the body.
Because teletherapy is often used to treat malignant tumors deep within the body by bombarding them with
a high-energy beam of gamma rays (from a radioisotope such as cobalt-60) projected from outside the body,
it is often called “external beam radiotherapy.”
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR): Four volumes of the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) address energy-related topics. Parts 1 to 199 contain the regulations (or rules) established by the NRC.
These regulations govern the transportation and storage of nuclear materials; use of radioactive materials
at nuclear power plants, research and test reactors, uranium recovery facilities, fuel cycle facilities, waste
repositories, and other nuclear facilities; and use of nuclear materials for medical, industrial, and academic
Transient: A change in the reactor coolant system temperature, pressure, or both, attributed to a change in
the reactor’s power output. Transients can be caused by (1) adding or removing neutron poisons, (2) increas-
ing or decreasing electrical load on the turbine generator, or (3) accident conditions.
Transuranic waste: Material contaminated with transuranic elements—artificially made, radioactive
elements, such as neptunium, plutonium, americium, and others—that have atomic numbers higher than
uranium in the periodic table of elements. Transuranic waste is primarily produced from recycling spent fuel
or using plutonium to fabricate nuclear weapons.
Tritium: A radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Because it is chemically identical to natural hydrogen, tritium
can easily be taken into the body by any ingestion path. It decays by emitting beta particles and has a half-
life of about 12.5 years.

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Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively.

A Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 188, 191

ABWR. See Advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, 125
Accident pressure, 48 ASME BPV III Codes, 59
Acidification, 197 ASME Code, 45, 47, 48, 55, 56, 57, 58, 69
ADS. See Automatic depressurization system (ADS) ASME Code Case N-284, 57, 58
Advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR), 265–267, ASME III, NE-5000, 58
265f–266f, 266t ASME Section XI Subsections IWL and IWE, 98
vs. Mark II type, 265, 265f Atmospheric containments, 7
Advanced light-water reactor (ALWR), 58 Atomic energy, 2
Advanced passive 1000 MWe pressurized water reactor defined, 289
(AP1000), 271–276, 272f, 274f–276f Atomic Energy Act (AEA), 2, 24, 25, 89
Advanced reactors. See also Generation III/III+ reactors Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 2, 23
regulatory framework, 200–202, 201t Audits, 33
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Automatic depressurization system (ADS), 267, 268
(ACRS), 77
Aerosol, in reactor containments, 191–192 B
agglomeration, 192 Background radiation, defined, 289
engineered safety features effects on, 194–195, 195f Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1, 119, 119f–120f
filtered vents, 196 Beyond design basis accidents
formation and growth, 192, 193f defined, 163
gravitational settling, 193 Biaxial stress, 56
leakage out of containment, 195–196, 196f Birkenmaier Brandestioni RVS and Vogt (BBRV)
natural particle removal processes, 192–193, 194f tendons, 103
Aftershock, 213 Blayais Nuclear Power Plant, 223
Agency. See Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Boiling water reactors (BWRs), 1, 3, 163, 251, 289
Agglomeration, aerosol, 192 Bonded or grouted tendons, 107
Aging degradation Boric acid, 98, 121
guidance documents, 91–96 B&PV Code (ASME), 212
overview, 89–91 Buckling, 51, 55
Aging management progams (AMP), 92, 96–97 BWR (Boiling water reactors), 1, 3, 163, 251, 289
Aging management review (AMR), 91 BWR containments, 12–15, 16f, 17–19
operating experience, 97–98 BWR Mk I containments, 14–15, 16f
Aircraft impact, 45, 53f, 59, 61 BWR Mk II containments, 17–18, 17f
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction), 273 BWR Mk III containments, 18–19, 18f
Alkali-silica reactions, 117–118 early, 12–14
Alpha-mode containment failure, 172 BWR designs, generation III/III+ reactors, 265–271
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318, 105 ABWR, 265–267, 265f–266f, 266t
American Concrete Institute (ACI) building code ESBWR, 267–271, 268f–270f, 270t
requirements for structural concrete, 46 BWR free-standing steel containment, 120
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 273 BWR Mark I plants, 98
ANL (Argonne National Laboratory), 188, 191 BWR Mark I steel containment
AP1000. See Advanced passive 1000 MWe pressurized degradation effects
water reactor (AP1000) deterministic modeling, 144–145, 145f
Applicant, defined, 289 PRA analysis, 150, 151f, 152f

302 Index

C CONTAIN DCH models, 182

Capability, defined, 289 Containments, 7, 45. See also specific entries
for containment leakage rate testing, 40 atmospheric, 7
Capacity, defined, 289 combustible gas control, 8
Capacity factor, defined, 290 component testing, 135–138, 137f–138f
Carbon steel liner, 11 cylinder delamination, 114, 116
Cask, defined, 290 cylindrical steel, 54

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Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), 53 design, 39, 45
Certified Seismic Design Response Spectra (CSDRS), Dry PWR containments (large), 20t
259–261 ice-condenser, 7, 21t
and associated generic site conditions for design ice-condenser, 7
certification, 259–261 isolation, 7
“China Syndrome,” 185 isolation provisions, design of, 41–42
Class CC pressure retaining components, 69 leakage rate testing, 40
CLCH. See Convection limited containment heating pressure control, 8
(CLCH) prestressed, 45, 49
Closed system isolation valves, 42–43 spherical steel, 54
Code of Federal Regulation, 109 steel. See Steel containments
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), 23, 61 steel liners, 118–120
Codes and standards, 30 subatmospheric, 7
COL (Combined operating licenses), 200 testing and inspection, 40
Combined license (COL), 252–253 ventilation system, 14
Combined operating licenses (COLs), 200 Containment capacity
Combustible gas control, 29 fragility analysis and, 230
Combustion Engineering (CE), 6 internal pressure capacity and, 235–237, 237f
Commercial nuclear reactors, development of, 2–4 seismic capacity and, 230–235, 231f–233f, 231f–
Component cooling water system (CCWS), 277 235f, 231t, 233t
Concrete Containment evaluation for impact and impulse, 59–63
chemical compositions, 186t evaluation of global response, 60
core debris interaction with, 184–191 evaluation of local effect, 60
experimental investigations, 186–188, 188f finite element analysis, 61
mitigation of, 189, 191 special consideration for aircraft impact assessment,
modeling, 188–189, 189f–190f 61–62
nature of concrete, 186, 186t, 187f Containment failure
nature of ex-vessel core debris, 185 defined, 126
Concrete containments, 45–49, 51, 53–54 Containment Inservice Inspection, 68–74
analyses, 138–140, 139f ASME code, 69
concrete containment design criteria, 48–49 overview, 67–68
conventionally reinforced concrete containments, 46 requirements of Subsection IWE, 69–72
degradation of, 97–98 requirements of Subsection IWL, 72–74
design considerations for prestressed containments, 49 Containment overpressure protection system (COPS),
design of, 45–46 267, 271
liner and liner anchor design, 51 Containment sprays
modeling and analysis considerations, 47–48 aerosol and, 194, 195f
overview, 45–46 Containment structure, 4, 7–9, 11–15, 17–19, 38
pre-service inspection and testing (concrete), 51, 53 BWR containments, 12–15, 16f, 17–19
prestressed concrete containments, 46–47 defined, 290
severe accident analysis, 53–54 PWR containments, 7–9, 10f, 11–12, 11f
Concrete containment tests Contamination, defined, 290
prestressed, 130–132, 131f–133f Control of purchased material/equipment/services, 33
reinforced, 128–130, 129f–130f Convection limited containment heating (CLCH), 182,
Concrete core sampling, 116 184
Concrete cracking, 98 Coolant(s)
Construction permit (CP), 252 core debris interactions with, 171–178
Index 303

explosive interactions with water, 172–178, Design-Basis Threat (DBT), defined, 290
173f–177f Design certification (DC), 200, 252–253
quenching, 171–172, 172f defined, 290
COPS. See Containment overpressure protection system Deterministic approach
(COPS) in inservice inspections, 68–77
CORCON code, 188, 189 Deterministic modeling
Core catchers, concept of, 191 containment degradation effects on severe accident

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Core damage frequency (CDF), 200 response, 142
Core debris BWR Mark I steel containment, 144–145, 145f
interactions with coolant, 171–178 PWR ice condenser steel containment, 143–144,
explosive interactions with water, 172–178, 144f
173f–177f PWR prestressed concrete containment, 146–147,
quenching, 171–172, 172f 147f–148f
interaction with concrete, 184–191 PWR reinforced concrete containment, 146, 146f
experimental investigations, 186–188, 188f Detonations
mitigation of, 189, 191 hydrogen combustion and, 169–170, 169f–170f
modeling, 188–189, 189f–190f Direct containment heating (DCH), 178–184
nature of concrete, 186, 186t, 187f experimental and analytic investigations of, 180–183
nature of ex-vessel core debris, 185 modeling, 180–183
Corrective action, 33 ongoing research, 184
Corrosion inhibitors for prestressing tendons, 103–105 resolution of issue, 183–184
petrolatum-based grease, 104 Three Mile Island accident, 178
Portland cement grout, 104 Document control, 32
CP. See Construction permit (CP) Domestic licensing of production and utilization
Cracks, 53 facilities, 27
Creep, 47 Dry Cask Storage, defined, 290
Criticality, defined, 290 Dry PWR containments (large), 20t. See also
Crystal River 3 Nuclear Power Plant, 114, 116 Containments
CSDRS. See Certified Seismic Design Response Spectra Dry steel containment, 9, 10f. See also Containments
(CSDRS) Drywell, 7
Current licensing basis (CLB), 90 Duane Arnold Energy Center, 123
Cylindrical steel Dynamic increase factor (DIF), 59
dry steel, 9, 10f
Cylindrical steel containment, 54. See also Containments E
Early site permit (ESP), 200, 252, 253
D defined, 290
Damage, 59 Earthquake engineering criteria (for Nuclear power
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, 116–117 plants), 34
DC. See Design certification (DC) Earthquakes, 38
Defects and non-compliance, reporting of, 27 Economic simplified boiling water reactor (ESBWR),
Defense-in-depth, defined, 290 267–271, 268f–270f, 270t
Deflagrations defined, 290
to detonation transitions, 170 Efficiency, NPP, defined, 291
hydrogen combustion and, 166–168, 166f–168f, 170 Eisenhower, D.D., 1
Deflection, 60 Elastic impact, 60
Degradation, containment, 113–123 Electric Power Grid, defined, 291
effects on severe accident response, 142 Emergency Classifications, defined, 291
consequences, 156–158 Emergency core cooling systems (ECCS), 29
deterministic modeling (examples), 142–147 Emergency notification system, 31
probabilistic analysis of, 148–154 Emergency planning and preparedness (for production/
risk-informed assessment, 155–156 utilization facilities), 33
Design bases for protection against natural phenomena, 38 Emergency Preparedness (EP), defined, 291
Design-basis accidents (DBA), 7, 101 Emergency service water buildings (ESWB), 277
defined, 163 Energy Information Administration (EIA), defined, 291
304 Index

Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, 34 GDC 2, 213, 214

Entomb, defined, 291 GDC 16, 67
Environmental and dynamic effects design bases, 39 GDC 52, 67
ERP. See Standard Review Plan (SRP) GDC 54, 68
ESBWR. See Economic simplified boiling water reactor GDCS. See Gravity driven cooling system (GDCS)
(ESBWR) General design criteria (GDC), 26, 31, 37
ESP (Early site permits), 200, 252, 253 General Electric (GE), 3, 7

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Event Notification (EN) System, defined, 291 General membrane stress, defined, 56
Exposure, defined, 291 Generation III/III+ reactors, 239–240
Ex-vessel core debris, nature of, 185 BWR designs, 265–271
ABWR, 265–267, 265f–266f, 266t
F ESBWR, 267–271, 268f–270f, 270t
FCI (fuel-coolant interactions), 172 containment features, 264–285
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), advances of designs, 264
defined, 291 design and analysis considerations for standard designs
Fermi-I, 3 CSDRS and associated generic site conditions for
Final safety analysis report (FSAR), 28, 200 design certification, 259–261
Finite element model/modeling, 45, 55, 57, 61, 142 seismic analysis, structural models for, 261
Fire protection, 29 seismic design, stability evaluation for, 261–262
Fissile Material, defined, 292 settlement effect in, 262–264
Fission (fissioning), defined, 292 structural aspects, 255–257
Fission product cleanup, 8 technical considerations and challenges, 258–264
Flexible mitigation strategies (FLEX), 245 overview, 251
Flood(s) PWR designs, 271–285
design basis for NPP, 215, 217–218 AP1000, 271–276, 272f, 274f–276f
recent experience, 223–224, 224f US APWR, 281–285, 282f–285f
Force-on-Force (FOF), defined, 292 US EPR, 276–280, 278f–280f
Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant (Nebraska), 224 regulatory perspectives
Fracture prevention measures, 30 Part 52 Regulatory Process, 252–253, 252f
Fracture prevention of containment pressure boundary, 40 standardization of reactor designs, 253–255, 254f
Fracture toughness, 33, 40 Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report, 92–94, 98
Fragility analysis Grand Gulf plant (Mark III BWR with reinforced
containment capacity and, 230 concrete containment), 126
internal pressure capacity and, 235–237, 237f Gravity driven cooling system (GDCS), 267, 268
seismic capacity and, 230–235, 231f–233f, 231f– Greased or unbonded tendons, 107–108. See also
235f, 231t, 233t Tendons
SPRA methods, 228–229, 229f Ground motion response spectrum (GMRS), 216, 217,
Fragility-Containment, defined, 292 243, 244
Fragility curves Grouted or bonded tendons, 107. See also Tendons
for PWR ice condenser, 141f Guaranteed ultimate tensile strength (GUTS), 105
Fragility-General Definition, defined, 292 Guidance documents
Fragility Model, defined, 292 industry guidance documents, 95–96
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), defined, 292 NRC guidance documents, 91–95
Fuel assembly (fuel bundle, fuel element), defined, 292
Fuel-coolant interactions (FCI), 172 H
Fuel reprocessing (recycling), defined, 292 Half-life (radiological), defined, 293
Fukushima Daiichi accident, 164 Hallam reactor, 3
Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, 221, Hard rock high-frequency (HRHF) spectra, 259, 261
224 Hicks-Menzies limit, 176
current initiatives following, 241–245, 243f High confidence and low probability of failure (HCLPF),
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), defined, 292 267, 271
High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW), defined, 293
G High pressure melt ejection (HPME), 178–184, 179f,
GALL Report, 92–94, 98 180f, 181f. See also Direct containment heating
Gaseous Diffusion, defined, 292–293 (DCH)
Index 305

High temperature gas cooled reactors (HTGR), 4, 31 IPEEE. See Individual Plant Examination for External
High winds Events (IPEEE)
design basis for NPP, 215, 218, 219f, 220t Irradiation, defined, 293
HPME. See High pressure melt ejection (HPME) IRWST. See In-containment refueling water storage
Humboldt Bay, 12 tanks (IRWST)
Hurricanes, 38, 215 Isolation condenser system (ICS), 268–269
Hydrogen combustion, 164–171 Isolation valves, 41, 42–43

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hydrogen sources, 164–165 Isotope, defined, 293
mitigation, 171 ITAAC. See Inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance
modes of, 165–166 criteria (ITAAC)
deflagrations, 166–168, 166f–168f IWE-1000, 58
deflagration to detonation transitions, 170
detonations, 169–170, 169f–170f K
standing flames, 165, 166 Kinetic energy, 60
Knockdown factors, 56
Ice-condenser containments, 7, 21t. See also L
Containments Large early release frequency (LERF), 155–156
ICS. See Isolation condenser system (ICS) Large release frequencies (LRF), 255
Identification and control of materials/parts/components, Large-scale containment and component testing, 127,
33 135–138, 137f–138f
“Ignition limits,” 166, 167, 167f prestressed concrete containment tests, 130–132
Immediate notification requirements, 31 purpose, 128
Impact design, 45 reinforced concrete containment tests, 128–130
Impact load analysis, 61 steel containment tests, 133–134
Impulse loads, 59 Latin Hypercube sampling (LHS) technique, 141
Impulse-response non-destructive testing (NDT), 114 Leak
Impulse-response testing, 116 defined, 126
In-containment refueling water storage tanks (IRWST), Leakage
255 aerosol, 96f, 195–196
Individual Plant Evaluations/Examinations (IPEs), 127, Leak before break (LBB) evaluation, 39
199 Leak rate testing
Individual Plant Examination for External Events deterministic approach, 68–77
(IPEEE), 200, 216, 239 integrated. See Integrated leak rate testing (ILRT)
Inservice inspection (ISI) programs, 107 performance based approach (PBA), 77–84
Inservice inspections (ISI), 33, 51, 58 and performance based approach (PBA), 78–79
deterministic approach, 68–77 purpose of, 68
performance based approach (PBA), 77–84 Leak rate test pressure, 39
and performance based approach (PBA), 77 LERF (Large early release frequency), 155–156
Inspections. See Inservice inspections (ISI) Licensee, defined, 293
Inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria License Renewal Application (LRA), 90, 91
(ITAAC) License renewal inspection program, 96–97
for standard design, 252, 253 operating experience, 97–98
Integrated leak rate testing (ILRT), 51, 59, 67, 128, 131 License renewal process
Integrated Plant Assessment (IPA), 91 guidance documents, 91–96
Interim Staff Guidance (ISG)-01, 259 industry guidance documents, 95–96
Internal pressure capacity NRC guidance documents, 91–95
fragility analysis and, 235–237, 237f regulations for, 89–91
Internal strain energy, 60 safety principles for, 89–91
International Nuclear Event Scale, 224 License Renewal Rule. See Title 10 of the Code of
Iodine, gaseous Federal Regulations (10 CFR)
in containment, 196–197, 198f Licensing basis, defined, 293
IPE (Individual Plant Evaluations/Examinations), 127, Light-Water Reactor (LWR), defined, 293
199 Limited work authorization (LWA), 252
306 Index

Limit State Test, 131 Natural phenomena hazards, design basis and beyond
Liner anchor testing, 51 design basis for
Loads, 48, 51, 55 current initiatives following Fukushima event, 241–
Load time-function, 61, 62 245, 243f
LOCA (Loss of coolant accidents), 7, 40, 102, 163, evolution of hazard understanding, 216–225
258, 281 flooding, 215, 217–218
Local leak rate testing (LLRT), 51, 59 high winds, 215, 218, 219f, 220t

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Local primary membrane stress, defined, 56 historical perspective, 216
Losses caused by degradation of prestressing methods for
elements, 106 containment capacity and fragility analysis,
Loss of coolant accidents (LOCAs), 7, 40, 102, 163, 230–237
258, 281 evolution of (historical perspective), 225–226
Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW), defined, 293–294 examples and insights of containment
LRA (License Renewal Application), 90, 91 performance, 238–239
LRF (Large release frequencies), 255 new reactors, consideration for, 239–240
LWA (Limited work authorization), 252 other natural hazards, 240–241
SPRA methods, 226–230
M other natural hazards, 215
MAAP code, 188 overview, 211–213
MACCS code, 156, 158 recent experience
Manual containment overpressure protection system flood, 223–224, 224f
(MCOPS), 271 seismic, 220–223, 221f, 222f–223f
Mark II BWR, 134 regulations, 213–214
Mark II type containment risk-informed considerations, 225
ABWR vs., 265, 265f seismic, 214–215, 216–217, 217f
Maximum dependable capacity (gross), defined, 294 Natural Uranium, defined, 294
Maximum dependable capacity (net), defined, 294 Near-Term Task Force (NTTF), 241
“Maximum penetration size,” 194 NEI 95-10, 95
McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2, 122f Net electric generation, defined, 294
MCOPS. See Manual containment overpressure Net Summer Capacity, defined, 294
protection system (MCOPS) New Reactor Seismic Issues Resolution Program, 259
Megawatt (MW), defined, 294 Nonpower reactor (research and test reactor), defined, 294
Megawatt-hour (MWh), defined, 294 Non seismic loads, 55
MELCOR code, 156–157 North Anna earthquake, 222
Membrane forces, 48 NPP. See Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)
Metal liner, 11, 12, 18 NRC Near-Term Task Force (NTTF), 216
Missile impact effects, 59, 60 NRC Operations Center, defined, 294
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD (MHI), 281 NRC Policy Statement, 200
Mk I concrete containments, 15, 16f, 21t NTTF (Near-Term Task Force), 241
Mk II containment, 17, 17f, 22t NTTF (NRC Near-Term Task Force), 216
Mk III containment, 18–19, 18f, 22t Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), defined, 294–295
Modeling, containment severe accidents Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), 95
concrete containment analyses, 138–140, 139f defined, 295
probabilistic modeling of response, 141–142, 141f Nuclear fission process, 3
steel containment analyses, 140, 143f Nuclear fuel, defined, 295
Moderator, defined, 294 Nuclear Island (NI) structures, 253, 255, 277
Moments, 48 Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Reports, 95
Monitoring of Radiation, defined, 294 Nuclear poison (or neutron poison), defined, 295
Monte Carlo method, 141 Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), 230
Multiple fission product barriers, 37 Japan, 130, 134
Murray, T.E., 2 Nuclear Power Group (NPG), 3
Nuclear power plants (NPPs), 30, 31, 258
N defined, 295
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), 62 earthquake engineering criteria for, 34
Index 307

general design criteria for, 31 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 4

quality assurance criteria for, 32 Peach Bottom plant (Mark I BWR with a steel shell
requirements for renewal of operating licenses for, 35 containment), 126
seismic and geologic siting criteria for, 36 Peak ground accelerations (PGA), 214, 216, 258, 259, 271
Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex, defined, 295 Peak stress, 56
Nuclear reactors, 1 Pellet, fuel, defined, 296
combustible gas control for, 29 Penetrations, 54

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concepts and containment, 4–7 Performance based approach (PBA), 77–84
defined, 295 inservice inspections and, 77
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 4, 61 leak rate testing and, 78–79
NRC Near-Term Task Force (NTTF), 216 Risk Informed Approach (RIA), 79–84
NRC Policy Statement, 200 Performance-based regulation, defined, 296
Nuclear steam supply system (NSSS), 1, 6 Performance indicator, defined, 296
vendor, 29 Periodic ISI
Nuclear waste deterministic approach, 68–77
defined, 295 purpose of, 68
NUMARC Reports, 95 Petrolatum-based grease, 104
NUPEC. See Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation PGA. See Peak ground accelerations (PGA)
(NUPEC) Phébus FPT-1 test, 197, 198f
NUREG 1335, 199 Physical protection of plants and materials, 35
NUREG-1522, 69 Pipe rupture, 15
NUREG-1560, 200 Piping systems penetrating containment, 41
NUREG-2117, 217 Piqua facility, 4
NUREG/CR-2300, 199 Plants (licensed), names of, 4t
NUREG/CR-3485, 199 Plastic impact, 60
NUREG/CR-4334, 238 Portland cement grout, 104
NUREG/CR-4920, 199 Possession-only license, defined, 296
NUREG/CR-5132, 199 Post-approval site inspection, 97
NUREG/CR-6372, 217 Post-tensioning tendons, 93, 108, 113–114
NUREG/CR-6906, 138 Power uprate, defined, 296
NUREG/CR-7046, 218 PRA analysis. See Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)
NUREG series, 92 analysis
reports, 23, 26–27 Preliminary safety analysis report (PSAR), 28
NUREG-1150 study, 126–127, 126t, 128, 130, 155, 177 Pre-Mk I containment, 12
Prescriptive leak rate testing requirements, 74–77
O other requirements, 77
OBE. See Operating basis earthquake (OBE) Type A Testing, 75–76
Occupational dose, defined, 295 Type B Testing, 76
OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Type C Testing, 76–77
Development (OECD) Pressure suppression system, 14
OL. See Operating license (OL) Pressurized water reactors (PWR), 1, 3, 163, 251
Operating basis earthquake (OBE), 212, 213 defined, 296
Operating license (OL), 252 Prestress, tolerance bands of acceptable, 108f
Operating reactors Prestressed concrete containments (PC), 8f, 9
regulatory framework, 199–200 construction and design features, 102–105
Operator’s license, 24 corrosion inhibitors for prestressing tendons,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and 103–105
Development (OECD), 178 prestressing systems, 102–103
Outage, defined, 296 discussion, 109–110
factors contributing to prestress losses, 105–107
P monitoring prestressing forces, 107–108
Passive containment cooling system (PCCS), 269, 273 trending prestressing forces, 108–109
PCCS (Passive containment cooling system), 269, 273 Prestressed concrete containment tests, 130–132, 131f–
PCCV (Prestressed concrete containment vessel), 281–282 133f
308 Index

Prestressed concrete containment vessel (PCCV), 281–282 PWR designs, generation III/III+ reactors, 271–285
Prestressed containments, 45, 49. See also Containments AP1000, 271–276, 272f, 274f–276f
Prestressing elements, losses caused by degradation of, 106 US APWR, 281–285, 282f–285f
Prestressing force, 97–98 US EPR, 276–280, 278f–280f
Prestressing forces, monitoring, 107–108 PWR ice condenser steel containment
greased or unbonded tendons, 107–108 degradation effects
grouted or bonded tendons, 107 deterministic modeling, 143–144, 144f

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Prestressing forces, trending, 108–109 PRA analysis, 149, 150f
bonded tendons, 108 fragility curves for, 141f
unbonded tendons, 108–109 PWR prestressed concrete containment
Prestressing steel degradation effects
relaxation of, 106 deterministic modeling, 146–147, 147f–148f
Prestressing systems, 102–103 PRA analysis, 153, 154f, 155f, 156t
Prestressing tendons, 101. See also Tendons PWR reinforced concrete containment
Prestressing tendons, corrosion inhibitors for, 103–105 degradation effects
petrolatum-based grease, 104 deterministic modeling, 146, 146f
Portland cement grout, 104 PRA analysis, 151–153, 152f–153f
Prestress losses, factors contributing to, 105–107
creep of concrete, 105–106 Q
effects of temperature, 106–107 Quality assurance
losses caused by degradation of prestressing elements, defined, 32
106 records, 33
relaxation of prestressing steel, 106 Quality Assurance Criteria (for nuclear power plants), 32
shrinkage of concrete, 105 Quality standards and records, 37
Primary bending stresses, 56 Quenching, core debris, 171–172, 172f
Primary containment isolation, 42 QUENCH tests, 171
Primary reactor containment leakage testing, 34
Primary stress, 56 R
Probabilistic modeling Rad (radiation absorbed dose), defined, 296
of containment severe accident response, 141–142, 141f Radiation, ionizing, defined, 296–297
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), 126, 200 Radiation, nuclear, defined, 297
defined, 296 Radiation source, defined, 297
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) analysis, 58 Radiation therapy (radiotherapy), defined, 297
of degradation effects, 148–149, 149f Radiation warning symbol, defined, 297
BWR Mark I steel containment, 150, 151f, 152f Radioactive contamination, defined, 297
PWR ice condenser steel containment, 149, 150f Radioactive decay, defined, 297–298
PWR prestressed concrete containment, 153, Radioactivity, defined, 298
154f, 155f, 156t Radiography, defined, 298
PWR reinforced concrete containment, 151–153, Radioisotope (Radionuclide), defined, 298
152f–153f Radiopharmaceutical, defined, 298
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) technology, 216, 225 Reactor accidents. See also Severe accidents
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), 216, 217, types of, 163
228, 259 Reactor containment building (RCB), 277–278
Probable maximum flood (PMF), 38 Reactor containments
Probable maximum surge (PMS), 38 aerosol in, 191–192
Probable maximum tsunami (PMT), 38 agglomeration, 192
Procurement document control, 32 engineered safety features effects on, 194–195, 195f
Provisions for containment testing and inspection, 40 filtered vents, 196
PSHA. See Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) formation and growth, 192, 193f
PWR (pressurized water reactors), 1, 3, 163, 251 gravitational settling, 193
PWR containments, 7–9, 10f, 11–12, 11f leakage out of containment, 195–196, 196f
large dry, 8–9 natural particle removal processes, 192–193, 194f
PWR ice condenser containments, 12, 13f boundary, 40
PWR subatmospheric containments, 9, 11–12, 11f design basis, 37
Index 309

Reactor coolant pressure boundary penetrating S

containment, 41 Safeguards, defined, 299
Reactor coolant system (RCS), 6, 7 Safeguards information (SGI), defined, 299
Reactor core, defined, 298 Safe-shutdown earthquake (SSE), 38, 212, 213, 214, 258,
Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), defined, 298 271
Reactor pressure vessel (RPV), 9, 15 Safety analysis report (SAR), 40
Reactor Safety Study, 172, 173, 184 Safety Evaluation Report (SER), 97

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Reactor site criteria, 35 Safety principles for license renewal process, 89–91
Reactor vessel material surveillance program Safety-related, defined, 299
requirements, 34 Safety-significant, defined, 299
Refueling cavity, 11, 12, 15 SAFSTOR, defined, 299
Refueling water storage tank (RWST), 8 Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2, 118–119
Regulation(s) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), 53, 127, 128, 130,
containment design, 213–214 156
containment-related, 35–43 Scabbing, 59
defined, 298 Scram, defined, 299
development of, 25 Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details
generation III/III+ reactors (SPID), 244
Part 52 Regulatory Process, 252–253, 252f Seabrook Station, 117–118
standardization of reactor designs, 253–255, 254f Secondary force, 48
history, 23–25 Secondary stress, 56
for license renewal process, 89–91 Section CC-2424, 106
Regulatory frameworks, 25–27 SECY-90-016, 200, 201
severe accidents, 199–202, 201t SECY-93-087, 200, 201
Regulatory Guides, 23 SECY-96-128, 200, 201
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.35, 69, 107–108 SECY-97-044, 200, 201
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.35.1, 106 Seiche flooding, 38
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.188, Revision 1, 92 Seismic analysis, 55
Regulatory Information Conference (RIC), defined, 298 structural models for, 261
Regulatory Issue Summaries (RIS), 26 Seismic and geologic siting criteria for nuclear power
Reinforced concrete containments plants, 36
degradation of, 114, 116–118 Seismic capacity
tests, 128–130, 129f–130f fragility analysis and, 230–235, 231f–233f, 231t, 233t
Reinforced concrete (RC) shield, 9 Seismic design
building, 5 basis for NPP, 214–215, 216–217, 217f
Relaxation of prestressing steel, 106 recent experience, 220–223, 221f, 222f–223f
REM (Roentgen equivalent man), defined, 298 stability evaluation for, 261–262
Renewable resources, defined, 298 Seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) methods,
Request for Additional Information (RAI), 97 226–230
Requirements for renewal of operating licensees (for ASME-ANS Standard, 227
nuclear power plants), 35 fragility analysis, 228–229, 229f
Resistance, 48 probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, 228
Riera loading, 61 schematic overview, 227f
Ring girder, 46 systems analysis and quantification, 229–230
Risk, defined, 299 Sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information
Risk-based decision making, defined, 299 (SUNSI), defined, 299
Risk Informed Approach (RIA), 79–84 Sequoyah plant (PWR with a steel shell containment),
Risk-informed assessment 126
of degraded containments, 155–156 SERF (Small early release frequency), 156
Risk-informed categorization and treatment of SSC, 30 Severe accidents
Risk-informed decision making, defined, 299 containment degradation effects on, 142
Risk-informed regulation, defined, 299 consequences, 156–158
Risk-informed safety class (RISC) structures, 30 deterministic modeling (examples), 142–147
Risk-significant, defined, 299 probabilistic analysis of, 148–154
Round Robin programs, 138, 139 risk-informed assessment, 155–156
310 Index

containment structural response to (early estimates), seismic design, stability evaluation for, 261–262
126–127 settlement effect in, 262–264
defined, 163 Standard Review Plan (SRP), 23, 255–256
large-scale containment and component testing, 127 Standard Review Plan for License Renewal (SRP-LR),
containment component testing, 135–138, 94–95
137f–138f Standards for protection against radiation, 27
prestressed concrete containment tests, 130–132 Standard technical specification (STS), 29

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purpose, 128 Standby gas treatment system, 14
reinforced concrete containment tests, 128–130 Standing flames
steel containment tests, 133–134 hydrogen combustion and, 165, 166
modeling and insights Static loading, 55
concrete containment analyses, 138–140, 139f Steel containment degradation, 120–123
probabilistic modeling of response, 141–142, 141f BWR free-standing steel containment, 120
steel containment analyses, 140, 143f Duane Arnold Energy Center, 123
NUREG-1150 study, 126–127, 126t McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2, 122f
phenomena associated with steel cylinder of PWR ice-condenser primary
aerosol behavior in reactor containments, 191– containments, 121
196 Torus of BWR MK I Plants, 121, 123
core debris interactions with coolant, 171–178 Steel containments, 12, 45, 54–59, 140, 143f. See also
core debris interaction with concrete, 184–191 Containments
gaseous iodine in containment, 196–198 buckling analysis, 57
high pressure melt expulsion and direct fabrication and installation, 58
containment heating, 178–184 modeling and analysis considerations, 55
hydrogen combustion, 164–171 overview, 54–55
regulatory framework, 199 pre-service inspection and testing, 58–59
advanced reactors, 200–202, 201t severe accident evaluation, 57–58
operating reactors, 199–200 steel containment design criteria, 55–57
Shear reinforcement, 49 Steel containment tests, 133–134, 133f–135f,
Shears, 48, 49 136f–137f
Shear stress theory, 56 Steel liner, 118–120
Shell buckling, 56 Stress
Shield building concrete cracking, 116–117 allowable, 48
Shrinkage, 47 categories of, 56
Shutdown, defined, 299 Structural Failure Mode Test, 132
Small early release frequency (SERF), 156 Structural integrity test (SIT), 53, 128, 131
Soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis, 47, 55, 260, 261 Structures, systems, and components (SSC), 24, 26
Source material, defined, 300 Subatmospheric containments, 1, 7
Spalling (or scabbing), defined, 59 PWR, 21t
Special nuclear material, defined, 300 Subcriticality, defined, 300
Spent fuel pool (SFP), 11, 12, 19 Subsection IWL of Section XI, 101
defined, 300 Surry plant
Spherical steel containments, 54. See also Containments IPE fragility curve, 127f
SPID (Screening, Prioritization and Implementation PWR with a reinforced concrete containment, 126
Details), 244
Square root sum of the squares (SRSS) method, 48 T
SSE (Safe-shutdown earthquake), 38 TCE. See Two-cell equilibrium model (TCE)
SSI (Soil-structure interaction) analysis, 47, 55, 260, 261 Technical information, 28
Standard designs, generation III/III+ reactors Technical Issue Document (TID), 36
CSDRS and associated generic site conditions for Technical Reports in NUREG Series (NUREGs), 95
design certification, 259–261 Technical specifications (TS), 29
design and analysis considerations Teletherapy, defined, 300
structural aspects, 255–257 Temperature effect on prestress losses, 106–107
technical considerations and challenges, 258–264 10 CFR Part 50, 252, 255
regulatory perspectives, 253–255 10 CFR Part 51 (License Renewal Rule), 91
seismic analysis, structural models for, 261 10 CFR Part 52, 252, 257, 258–259
Index 311

10 CFR Part 54 (License Renewal Rule), 89–90, 96, 97, Tritium, defined, 300
98, 200, 200 Tsunamis, 215
Tendons, 102 Two-cell equilibrium model (TCE), 182, 184
Birkenmaier Brandestioni RVS and Vogt (BBRV), 103 Type A Testing, 75–76
bonded or grouted, 107 Type B Testing, 76
dome, 102 Type C Testing, 76–77
greased or unbonded, 107–108

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grouted or bonded, 107
hoop, 102 Unbondedor greased tendons, 107–108
post-tensioning, 93, 108, 113–114 Uniform hazard spectra (UHS), 260
U-tendons, 47, 110 Updated FSAR (UFSAR), 97
Vorspann System Losinger (VSL), 103 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 125
Tendons, corrosion inhibitors for prestressing, 103–105 U.S. NRC Regulatory Guides, 125
petrolatum-based grease, 104 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC), 89,
Portland cement grout, 104 126, 127, 130, 134, 156, 163, 178, 192, 199–
Test control, 33 200, 241, 252
Testing MACCS code, 156, 158
large-scale containment, 127 MELCOR code, 156–157
containment component testing, 135–138, performance-based approach, 259
137f–138f post-fukushima-related activities, 241–245, 243f
prestressed concrete containment tests, 130–132 regulatory guides (RGs), 258
purpose, 128 Standard Review Plan (SRP), 255–256
reinforced concrete containment tests, 128–130 US advanced pressurized water reactor (US-APWR),
steel containment tests, 133–134 281–285, 282f–285f
Thermal cracking, 49 US evolutionary pressurized water reactor (US EPR),
Three Mile Island accident, 166, 168, 171, 184, 185, 192, 276–280, 278f–280f
212 U-tendons, 47. See also Tendons
containment pressure during, 164, 165f Utilization facilities, 27, 28, 33
direct containment heating. See Direct containment
heating (DCH) V
Time-limited aging analyses (TLAAs), 90, 91, 101 Vorspann System Losinger (VSL) tendons, 103. See also
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Tendons
10 CFR Part 50, 252, 255
10 CFR Part 51 (License Renewal Rule), 91
10 CFR Part 52, 252, 257, 258–259
WASH-1400, 225
10 CFR Part 54 (License Renewal Rule), 89–90
defined, 300
explosive interactions of core debris with, 172–178,
“Title 10 of the Federal Code of Regulation (CFR), Part
50,” 213, 239–240
Water-cooled power reactors, 34
Tolerance bands of acceptable prestress, 108f
WECHSL code, 188, 189
Tornadoes, 38, 215
Welding, 58
Torus of BWR MK I Plants, 121, 123
Torus steel shell, 98
Transient, defined, 300 Y
Transuranic waste, defined, 300 Yankee Atomic Electric Company, 3
Trending prestressing forces, 108–109
bonded tendons, 108 Z
unbonded tendons, 108–109 Zion plant (PWR with prestressed containment), 126
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