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1. To our respected adjudicators, government, Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon.

As an opposing member, I firmly believe that abortion does not only put the child’s life at
stake but the woman’s well-being as well.

2. Our leader stated that life begins at conception. This is proven further because
according to Princeton education, fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with
the contact of a sperm with a secondary ovum and ends with the fusion of their
pronuclei and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized
ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning of a human being.

3. The government team has stated that (summarize points). However, abortion has a
lot of side effects.

4. According to Foundations of Life, Cramping, pelvic pain, bowel, bladder, cervix

damage, severe bleeding, or more serious issues are all side effects of abortion
operations. The most frequent post-abortion complication is infection, which can readily
occur if the fetus is not entirely removed. Death is a side effect for the infant. Dilation
and Extraction (D&X) is one method of abortion; it is carried out between 20 and 32
weeks. The cervix is dialated, and the doctor uses a device to grip the baby's foot and
pull it out except for the head. The baby's head is then cut open with scissors, a tube is
introduced, and the contents are suctioned out. The newborn dies during birth when the
head falls.
Side effects of this abortion procedure include damage to the uterus, bowel, bladder, or
cervix, or other serious conditions that may require additional surgery. There also may
be an inability to get pregnant in the future due to complications. Side effects to the
baby include death. Unsafe abortions result in an estimated 39 000 annual fatalities,
increasing the number of hospitalized women with complications. Most of these fatalities
are concentrated in low-income nations, with over 60% occurring in Africa and 30%
occurring in Asia, and among people who are most at risk.

4. In conclusion, abortion has many disadvantages that can fill an entire dictionary,
that's all thank you.

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