Human Resource Director Interview

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Interview with A Hiring Manager

Fundamental information on interview procedures is prevalent among human resource directors

or other hiring persons with a similar repertoire of interview skills. The paper will explore five

questions I asked the hiring manager and his answers.

Q1. How many applicants do you interview per month?

A. The number of candidates depends on the requirement of the resource and the applicants’

number for the positions.

Q2. what are the pivotal areas you recruit on behalf of the organization?

A. The main positions that I recruit include; project and operations managers, service desk

directors, and software engineers. However, I have administered interviews in all the positions in

our New Jersey office.

Q3. What are your most memorable career experiences?

A. I have had a considerable number of bad and good experiences as an interviewer. I have

encountered diverse skills and attitudes from different applicants. Some of the applicants have

incredible talents and express more focus on their careers while others show less concern for the

future. One of my best experiences was with an applicant for a project manager position whom I

interviewed a month ago. The applicant had exceptional talents and potential to challenge for the

top management position in a couple of years. This particular candidate showed great confidence
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and will to express his opinions concerning diverse subjects. Such interviews always run

smoothly and the interviewer also has the possibility of gaining insight.

Q4. What are your bad experiences?

A. Some of my bad experiences involve interviewing candidates dressed informally. One of the

most frustrating behavior involves attending to cell phones during the interview procedure.

Q5. What is the one thing you will not tolerate again?

A. I will certainly not allow informal dressing by applicants. The formal dressing provides an

ambiance of seriousness since whatever is to be discussed is crucial for their future. Informal

dressing expresses neglect and may minimize an applicant’s chances of acquiring the position.
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Work Cited

Karsgaard, Carrie, Mackenzie Mackay, and Alexandria Catholique. "Experiential Science 30:

Disturbance and Development: Student Handout: How to Conduct an Interview." (2020).

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