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Word/Phrase Definition Translation

to set goals to decide what it is you'll try ставити цілі

to achieve

path to success the way how you’re trying to шлях до успіху

succeed in smth

to block out stop something such as light заблокувати

or noise from reaching

to pursue one’s goal to follow in order to overtake слідувати за ціллю

gut instinct an instinctive feeling, as інтуіція

opposed to an opinion or
idea based on facts

to channel your efforts to transfer efforts направляти свої зусилля

to push beyond your limits taking on newer, вийти за межі своїх

progressively harder можливостей

to claw one’s way back to work hard to recover from прокласти шлях назад
some significant loss or

contention a point advanced or спір, конкуренція

maintained in a debate or

hurdle a problem or difficulty that труднощі

must be overcome

spur give an incentive or стимул

encouragement to

insurmountable too great to be overcome нездоланний

to keep plugging away to continue doing something продовжувати рухатись

even though it is difficult or (до цілі)

to mature from… to… become fully grown or дозрівати від


to put things into perspective decide on priorities дивитися на речі у


to get side-tracked distracted from smth відволіктися

tackling dealing with боротьба

world peace is not riding on світ клином не зійшовся на

you succeeding вашому успіху

assertive having or showing a напористий

confident and forceful

proactive creating or controlling a активний

situation rather than just
responding to it after it has

to boost confidence increase confidence підвищувати впевненість

to be on top of one's diary слідкувати за чиєюсь


discipline a field of study дисципліна

external distractions ones that originate outside зовнішні відволікаючі

of you фактори

detrimental effect a harmful or damaging effect шкідливий ефект

to become second nature an acquired deeply стати звичкою (другою

ingrained habit or skill натурою)

imagery visual images collectively образність

permutations each of several possible перестановки

ways in which a set or
number of things can be
ordered or arranged

barriers in mind a person's state of mind that бар’єри у голові

can limit their ability to make
the right decisions

underestimate yourself limit your life experiences недооцінювати себе

Word/Phrase Definition Translation

social background the kind of family you come соціальна приналежність

from and the kind of
education you have had

financial backing financial resources provided фінансова підтримка

to make some project

influential acquaintances be well-connected впливові зв'язки

well-rounded education means courses, activities, всестороння освіта
and programming

relevant experience past work experience (in відповідний досвід

terms of the skills or
knowledge required)

ability to delegate transfer of responsibility for вміння делегувати

specific tasks from one
person to another

willingness to compromise prone to give way to the готовність до компромісу

influence of others, flexible

resilience the capacity to recover стійкість

quickly from difficulties

powers of intuition a natural ability that makes it здатність до інтуїції

possible to know something
without any proof or

charisma a special magnetic charm харизма

ruthlessness the quality of lacking pity or нещадність

compassion for others

ability to seize opportunities ability to take advantage of it здатність використовувати

and do something that you наявні можливості
want to do

marketable able or fit to be sold or ринковий


as far back as an object or event goes as ще (тоді; у пізні дев’яності)

far back in distance or time
as some other object or
event, which is used as a
reference point

for the purpose of intention у цілях

situated right (beside) to the furthest or most розташований прямо

complete extent or degree (ззаду)

apply to be applicable or relevant застосовуватися до

catch one’s eye to get someone's attention привернути уваги

in excellent condition of satisfactory quality у відмінному стані

on the off-chance just in case на всяк випадок

on second thoughts after re-consideration подумавши

on a whim impulsively з забаганки

on a budget with a limit amount of money з обмеженим бюджетом

on principle due to a belief із принципу

on one’s own independently самостійно, незалежно

on target as planned у ціль

on duty working на службі, на чергуванні

on purpose intentionally спеціально

on condition that only if за умови

wear down overcome переборювати

carry out execute здійснювати

carry on continue продовжувати

carry over spread перенести

wear off subside знищувати

wear on pass роздратовувати

wear out destroy through use зноситися

carry off win unexpectedly здійснювати зліт,


wear away dissolve розчинятися

have the world at one’s feet to be extremely successful мати світ у своїх ніг
and admired by a large
number of people

be in seventh heaven a state of intense happiness бути на сьомому небі

be a feather in one’s cap an achievement or honor бути тим ким можна

that someone can be proud пишатися

have one’s head in the be absentminded or ловити гав

clouds impractical

keep on top of things to remain completely in бути у курсі подій

control of, knowledgeable

keep up with the Joneses try to emulate or not be не відставати від інших
outdone by one's

rub sb up the wrong way to cause (someone) to be дратувати

angry or annoyed
steal the show attract the most attention затьмарити усіх
and praise

work one’s fingers to the to work very hard працювати не покладаючи

bone рук

work one’s way up to the top to make progress пробитися угору


advisor a person who gives advice радник

in a particular field

lodge a small house at the gates ложе, будиночок

of a park or in the grounds
of a large house

isolation the process or fact of ізоляція

isolating or being isolated

barrenness the state of not being able to безплідність

produce plants or fruit

solitude the state or situation of самотність

being alone

rendition the act or result of rendering інтерпретація


edition a particular form or version видання

of a published text

cliff-hanger a situation or part of a play з відкритим фіналом

or film that is very exciting or

blockbuster smth that has a great блокбастер

commercial success

box office hit a very successful film or аншлаг

play that earns a lot of

pilgrimage a pilgrim's journey паломництво

trek a long arduous journey, похід

especially one made on foot

voyage a long journey involving подорож

travel by sea or in space

dean the head of a university декан

faculty or department or of a
medical school

curator a person who oversees or куратор, попечитель

manages a place that offers

prefect a chief officer, magistrate, or староста, керівник

regional governor in certain

deck a floor of a ship палуба

stage a raised floor, typically in a сцена


I’d be over the moon! be very pleased about я буду на сьомому небі від

I’d bored stiff be extremely bored дуже нудно

umpire an official who watches a арбітр

game or match closely to
enforce the rules

darkroom a room for developing проявна кімната

photographs, in which
normal light is excluded

tripod a three-legged stand for штатив

supporting a camera

saddle a seat fastened on the back сідло

of a horse or other animal
for riding

stirrup each of a pair of devices стрем’я

attached to each side of a
horse's saddle

bit a piece of metal put in a трензель

horse's mouth to allow the
person riding it to control its

bridle the headgear used to control вуздечка

a horse

chat show programme in which ток-шоу

celebrities are invited to talk
informally about various

soap opera drama serial dealing мильна опера

typically with daily events in
the lives of the same group
of characters

whisk a utensil for whipping eggs віничок

or cream

grater a device having a surface тертушка

covered with holes edged by
slightly raised cutting edges

saucepan a deep cooking pan, каструля

typically round

colander a perforated bowl used to друшляк

strain off liquid from food
after washing or cooking

audible able to be heard чутний

raucous making a disturbingly harsh різкий

and loud noise

deafening so loud as to make it оглушливий

impossible to hear anything

wintry feeling very cold and bleak зимовий

disconcerting causing one to feel unsettled бентежний

distressing causing anxiety, sorrow or тривожний


harrowing acutely distressing болісний

undemanding not requiring much time, невибагливий

effort, or attention

daunting seeming difficult to deal with лякаючий

in prospect

gruelling extremely tiring and виснажливий


unparalleled exceptional незрівнянний

exhilarating making one feel very happy хвилюючий

commercialised manage or exploit in a way комерціалізований

designed to make a profit

soothing having a gently calming заспокійливий


pristine coastline pure; uncorrupted незаймане узбережжя

littered coastline contain a lot of rubbish засмічене узбережжя

temperate climate is used to describe a climate помірний кліматичний пояс
or a place which is never
extremely hot or extremely

extreme climate includes unexpected, екстремальні кліматичні

unusual, severe, or події
unseasonal weather

delicate blossoms having a soft or fragile витончений


fragrant blossoms having a pleasant or sweet духмяний


gnarled branches twisted and strangely вузлуваті гілки

shaped because it is old

blackened branches made black or very dark in почорнілі гілки


sparkling stream shining with small points of виблискуючий, сяючий

reflected light потік

winding stream something with twists and звивистий струмок


heavy traffic traffics that's congested інтенсивний рух


slow-moving traffic moving without much speed сповільнений рух

fanciful interpretation over-imaginative and химерна інтерпретація


literal interpretation an interpretation based on буквальна інтерпретація

the exact wording

unjustified regulations not shown to be right or невиправдані норми


strict regulations demanding that rules жорсткі норми

concerning behaviour are
obeyed and observed

bring the house down make an audience laugh or викликати бурхливі

applaud very оплески

read somebody like a book easily understand the true читати як відкриту книгу
thoughts and feelings of
someone by looking at how
that person acts

face the music be confronted with the отримати по заслугам

unpleasant consequences of
one's actions

let one’s hair down allow yourself to behave розслабитись

much more freely than usual
and enjoy yourself

off the beaten track in or into an isolated place у глушині

on a shoestring budget a budget with extremely з обмеженим бюджетом

limited funding

on the house at the management's за рахунок закладу

expense; free

on the edge of one’s seat watching or listening to на краю сидіння

something with great
interest especially because
one does not know what is
going to happen

paint the town red go out and enjoy oneself задати жару

read between the lines look for or discover a читати між рядків
meaning that is implied
rather than explicitly stated

at least at the minimum принаймні

at large in general загалом

at last in the end нарешті

at present now наразі

at a loss puzzled or uncertain what to у збентеженні

think, say, or do

at times sometimes; on occasions іноді

at odds with in conflict or at variance (йти) у розрізі з чимось

at a standstill in a bind у глухому куті (зайти у

глухий кут)

at a glance immediately upon looking з першого погляду

at a loose end not knowing what to do не при ділі

put up construct, assemble будувати, виставляти

put off postpone відкладати

put sb through cause sb pain змусити когось пройти

через щось (страждання)
put sb down criticise критикувати

put up with bear миритися з чимось

put aside save відкласти (зекономити)

set sb back embark коштувати

set in continue, develop розгортуватись (події)

put sth back replace повернути

set off cause as an expense спровокувати;



assertive having or showing a напористий, наполегливий

confident and forceful

submissive meekly obedient or passive слухняний, покірний

confident feeling or showing certainty впевнений

about something

insecure uncertain or anxious about невпевнений


tolerant willing to accept behavior толерантний, терпимий

and beliefs that are different
from your own

impatient having or showing a нетерплячий

tendency to be quickly
irritated or provoked

impulsive acting or done without імпульсивний


cautious careful to avoid potential обачний

problems or dangers

quarrelsome given to or characterized by задиристий, сварливий


conciliatory likely to pacify примирливий

considerate careful not to inconvenience уважний, тактовний

or harm others

unfeeling unsympathetic, harsh, or черствий

compliant disposed to agree with поступливий

obstinate stubbornly refusing to впертий

change one's opinion

cheap nannying low cost babysitting дешеві послуги няні

cherished memory to keep hopes, memories, or світла пам’ять

ideas in your mind

unconditional love known as affection without безкорисливе кохання

any limitations, or love
without conditions

low self-esteem when someone lacks низька самооцінка


pressure of time when a person has less time нестача часу

available than is necessary
to complete a task

extended family a family that includes in one велика родина

household near relatives

family squabbles a disagreement, often about сімейні розбірки

an unimportant matter

innumerable too many to be counted незліченний

perplexing very puzzling заплутаний

conscientious wishing to do one's work сумлінний


diverse showing a great deal of різноманітний


stable firmly fixed стабільний, стійкий

mere used to emphasize how всього лиш, виключно

small or insignificant
someone or something is

precious of great value цінний

bitter feeling or showing anger жорстокий, озлоблений

a dreamy look dreamlike мрійливий погляд

a beaming smile a big smile on the face сяюча посмішка

unkempt having an untidy неохайний, розпатланий


a serious mode of dress when you are dressing офіційний/строгий стиль в

strictly or officially одязі

a taste for sth a strong preference пристраститься до чогось

a look of sth judging by the way якийсь вигляд

something looks

a powerful physique having a strong body міцна/спортивна статура

an incurable romantic a person who is very невиліковний романтик


a doting father showing a lot of love for люблячий батько


a confirmed bachelor a man who has never затятий холостяк

married and is thought
unlikely ever to marry

an absent-minded genius people who are considered розсіяний геній

geniuses, but they are
unable to deal with small

a keen sportsman a person who takes part in затятий спортсмен


a happy-go-lucky extrovert cheerfully unconcerned безтурботний екстраверт

about the future, outgoing

a dedicated professional a person who is an expert in спеціалізований

his field професіонал

a reckless spendthrift someone who is extravagant безрозсудний транжира

and recklessly wasteful with

spouse a husband or wife, супутник по життю

considered in relation to (дружина/чоловік/шлюб)
their partner

protracted misery lasting for a long time затяжні злидні


lifestyle choice a choice a person makes спосіб життя

about how to live and

to drift apart gradually become less віддалятись один від

intimate or friendly одного

to move on make progress рухатись вперед

to tie the knot get married одружитися

to frown upon to disapprove of something засуджувати

cohabiting coexisting співжиття

marital breakdown when the relationship розпад шлюбу

between a married couple

divorce-prone when you practically will do схильний до розлучення

any-thing to end your

to embark begin (a course of action) починати, вдатися до

parental divorce when parents’ marriage is розлучення батьків

legally ended

vulnerable exposed to the possibility of вразливий

being attacked or harmed

Track - follow - слідувати
Booming - flourishing - гудіння,гул
Spokesperson - representative - прес-секретар
Prohibit - forbid - забороняти
Indicator - gauge - вимірювальний прилад,калібрувати
Precision - accuracy - точність,акуратність
Invasive - intrusive - настирний,насильницький
Prosecutor - a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal
proceedings against someone - прокурор
Judge - a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law - суддя
Constable - a peace officer with limited policing authority
- поліцейський,комендант
Probation officer - a person appointed to supervise offenders who are on
probation - офіцер пробації
Solicitor - lawyer - адвокат
Barrister - lawyer - адвокат
Justice of the Peace - a magistrate appointed to hear mirror
cases - мировий суддя
Juror - присяжний засідатель
Embezzlement - stealing money from the company where you
work - розкрадання
Jaywalking - crossing the street in the wrong place - перехід дороги в
неправильному місці
Manslaughter - unintentionally causing sb’s death - ненавмисне вбивство
Vandalism - destruction of public place - вандалізм
Littering - leaving rubbish in a public place - засмічення
Fraud - gaining money through dishonest means - шахрайство
Slander - publicly lying about sb - наклип
Loitering with intent - remaining in a public place without an obvious
reason - тинятися без наміру
Mugging - robbing sb in the street - пограбування
Libel - publishing lies about sb - наклеп
Kidnapping - holding sb against their will in order to aging sth - викрадення
Trespassing - illegally entering sb’s property - вторгнення
Revocation of a privilege - the cancellation or annulment of something by
some authority - скасування пільги
Prison term - the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned - тюремний
Court warning - судове попередження
Parole - the temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the
expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour - умовно-дострокове
Capital punishment - the legally authorised killing of someone as
punishment for a crime - смертна кара

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