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Class = 6478
1. Calculate the descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, etc.) for the
AQIs of Lahore and Delhi using Minitab

Variable N Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum Q1 Median Q3
Delhi AQI Data 200 157.13 5.15 72.86 5308.88 5.00 121.25 164.50 187.75
Lahore AQI 200 201.35 5.11 72.32 5229.76 78.00 159.00 176.00 222.00
Variable Maximum Range IQR Mode N for Mode Skewness Kurtosis
Delhi AQI Data 389.00 384.00 66.50 154, 7 0.11 0.39
Lahore AQI 503.00 425.00 63.00 158 7 1.97 4.41

2. Find the z-scores of each variable and create scatter plots to evaluate if the
two variables follow normal distribution

This graph shows that only 1 observation has a Z-score above 3, and none have a Z-score below -3, so by
extension 99.5% of the scores fall between -3 and +3. The skewness for this data is also low (0.11),
which means that we can claim that the data for Delhi is normally distributed.
The data for Lahore has more skewness (1.97) and kurtosis (4.41) than for Delhi as most of the values are in the
region of -1 to 0. Additionally, 4 of the observations have a Z-score greater than 3, so only 98% of the data is in the
region of -3 to +3. Since normally distributed random variables have a low skewness and kurtosis and >99% of data
falls between +-3, this data is not normally distributed.
3. With 𝛼 = 5%, test the claim that AQI of Delhi is equal to 150. Interpret the

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI for μ
200 157.13 72.86 5.15 (147.04,

μ: population mean of Delhi AQI Data

Known standard deviation = 72.86

Null hypothesis H₀: μ = 150

Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ ≠ 150

Z-Value P-Value
1.38 0.166

Since the calculated Z-value is less than tabular Z-value (1.38<1.96), the null hypothesis of AQI-Delhi μ = 150 is
accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

4. Also, test the claim that AQI of Lahore has ‘very unhealthy’ level of concern or
worse i.e., 𝐴𝑄𝐼 𝐿𝑎ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑒 is more than 201. (𝛼 = 5%)

Descriptive Statistics
95% Lower Bound
N Mean StDev SE Mean for μ
200 201.35 72.32 5.11 192.94

μ: population mean of Lahore AQI Data

Known standard deviation = 72.32

Null hypothesis H₀: μ ≥ 201

Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ < 201


The null hypothesis here is that μ ≥ 201 which means ‘very unhealthy’ level or worse.
Since Calculated Z-value < Tabulated Z-Value (0.07 < 1.65), the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative
hypothesis is accepted.
5. With 95% confidence level, check whether Delhi is less polluted than Lahore
i.e., test hypothesis that Lahore has higher AQI than that of Delhi, and
provide a suitable interpretation for the result.

Descriptive Statistics
Sample N Mean StDev SE Mean
Delhi AQI Data 200 157.1 72.9 5.2
Lahore AQI 200 201.3 72.3 5.1

Estimation for Difference

95% Upper Bound
Difference for Difference
-44.22 -32.25

Null hypothesis H₀: μ₁ - µ₂ = 0

Alternative hypothesis H₁: μ₁ - µ₂ < 0

T-Value DF P-Value
-6.09 397 0.000

In this case, the alternative hypothesis is that the AQI for Lahore is higher.

The |calculated T-score| > | Tabulated T-score| as 6.09 > 1.65. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected
and the alternative hypothesis is accepted showing that Lahore AQI is indeed higher.

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