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~,: Bhupindera Planners

Rec,.! Na 001\.C/2\ll
Offlct : Shop No. 30, Coort Compltx , fltt hgarh Sahib -
"HO(l1t1, CMI Env11. A1th, Plln1111,,11111, ElllmltOf. V.iut< o1 MC si,t,lnd,hteh911h s.hlb. Baul PIUll!la
RH1 : \/.P.O. S1ng1111pur11 Sodhlln, Sahib
Mob.: ~17 1_. 190 1 79862-87175, 01763•261-417 (Rl

The Mnrkct value of I.he Agriculture I.and ol lb. G,u11t1•t ......

8 / o lb, OuJJar llqll {VlN A.ppUcaat lb. Ywnaj lto&b 1 / o Bb ,
Dbumbi.d.r Bla&h 1/o Sb. 01lf'lll.n t 8ln&b) ucconlh1K In Cop)' of
Jamohandi Year 20 19 -2020 Khcw1;1t No. 105/95 Khntoni No. I 15 Khfl.'lrll
No. 8/f\7{2/1(2- 151, 18/2/2 (2- 11Killn112 Land Men11uring 4 Kanal 16
Ma ries Elttcnt Shnrc 1/4 Which Co mes 10 J Knnal 4 Ma rin!! 11nd KhcWHI
No. 122/ I \4min Khntoni No. 134 Khasrn No. 8 // 17 /2/2(3-5), 23/2(3-S).
24 /2 (8-7), 15//3/2(0- 13). 6110-2) KillH 5 Land Mc111uring 15 Kanai
Mar\as Extent Share 1/4 Wh ic h Comes to 3 Kanai 18.75 a
Khewa t No. l26/l l7min Khatoni No. \47 l{hm1ru No. 14 // l/ 2I0- 1-
10 / 1(5- 15\ Kittas 2 Le.rid Mem1uring 6 Kanai 2 Marlas Total L&Od
Kanai 4.7!5 lb.rt.. Situated at Village Shahpur, Hadbast No. 25g, Tehsil
Morinda, Distl. Rupnagar \Ropar), Punjab (India) is as und er :-
JIIATURB OF Property •- Agriculture Ulnd.
Location :- This land Situated in Agriculture Area .

The Market value of the Agriculture Land completed including as folio~

Total Land 11 Kanai 4 .75 Marlas
OR l .40Acre
I) The Market value of th e Agriculture
land @ 42,50 ,000/- per Acre Is Rs.
42,50 ,000 X 1.40 Acre 59,50,000-00

Total Am.o-t 89,50,000-00

IFtftJ llbae Lac Fifty Tbouand Ra,-- o.t,I

N.B. :- The Ma rke t value of the Agriculture Land of Sb. GanDMt Sln&h
8/o Sh. OulJar SIJl&b (VIM AppllC&Dt Sb. Y,maj 8lqb 8/o Sil.
Dharmbuler 81.qh 8/o Sh. Qunneet SlnchJ for Embossy purpose
based on certain information supplied by the owner

Owner's Signature

"Hence the vn\ll_ntion ,_cf;~_i!lcatc sued by" :-

---\,~ - .,_.,_, ~ .!.C..l2.,.

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