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LONESTAR TEST CERTIFICATE [Bet Reponed You aaa IMETi088 [DateRecovea ‘(Nov 2022 ‘CHEMIGAL ANALYSIS TEST REPORT 4. Information Provided by te Customer CustomerforLAL Sever Tectia epecton Sevens Customer Ret tal request Dt 2.12022 Sample Deserption_:46'Da Pp Ten GA Sample Location CONH Area, Sh Naya 2.tnormaton Provide by the Labortory ature of Tet: ‘Chemica Anaiyset Test Method: Wet ethos Date Tested: 21Noy2i22-21Nov 2022 TestRatrences: = Tes TEST METHOD RESULT Caton, wo AE SOP-2107ASTITE OTE 38 Suir CAVSOP-HTOTASTITE OTE 7008 Prepon, wo CHI-SOR. G06 ASTI E 350 08 Marganese we ‘GiNS0P-2647ASTITE 35D. 120 ‘Cronin ‘Ci S0P-2647ASTITE ED oa Tek ‘CH-SOP-264ASTITE [7 eyederan.w% ‘HI SOP-64 ASTITE 0 = Shon Grav S0P-2647ASTIVE 360 72 rin 3 Gh S0P-2647ASTITE 360 Bae Copper ‘iN SOP-2547ASTATE SED a2 “ai wt NESOP-264 ASTHTE SEO =e Vaneau, WE 96 HMSO. 264 TASTE 50 305 bu, WE CaM SOP 264 TASTE AT iat oon Gat S0P-2547ASTIVE 350 001 CARBON EQUVALENT TW) CALCULATION ted Noto: * Sub Contract Tes (Test cariedout @ LAL Approved Sub Contractor) End of Report Py» Rodnad t ial y a 5 BPM Seun3 Bj OL whew, “a (Qo = PLT foe *e _ = \ Fo Rotated tates sab HBC ence ool anes LONESTAR ‘ALPHA LABORATORIES. TEST CERTIFICATE [are rages [DateReceved [ie Now 2022 ‘CHEWIGAL ANALYSIS TEST REPORT 1. Information Provided by the Customer Customer for LAL Sievert Techical nspecion Series Customer Ret Email request Dt 02.11.2022 Sample Description 48" Dia Pipe Tien 8B Sarple-t Location ‘GNI Area, Sah Nina 2. Information Provided by the Laboratory Nature of Tost: (Chemical Analysst ‘est Method : Wet Metioa Date Tested: ‘21Nov2022-211Nov2022 —TeetReferences: - Test "TEST METHOD. RESUUT Gabon, wo ‘CHWESOP 2107 ASTM E TOTS ‘oi7 Sut (CHNE-SOP-210/ ASTM E 1010 0.010 Phosphor wt 5 ‘GH-SOP-006 /ASTM E 350 0007 Manganese ‘GH SOP-266 ASTM E 950 tat (Chromium, we 3 ‘CHESOP-268//ASTHE 360 002 Nike WE ‘GHISOP-268 AST E 360 one Woybdenam. we ‘GHIFESOP-2647 AST E 350 =o Saco Ww ‘CHI-SOP-264/ASTOE 350, oz ian, wt (CHIESOP-264 /ASTOE 350 106 Copper wt (CHESOP-264/ ASTM E 350 0.02 Tisai, we 3 CCHH-SOP-2647 ASTM E 350 02 Vanedium, we % (CHN-SOP-264 /ASTWTE 350, 0.056 big. W ‘GHN-SOP-264 /ASTM E272 01 Boron we % ‘GHN-SOP-268 /ASTM E 350 =Do0r ‘CARBON EQUIVALENT OT) ‘CALCULATION 0.408 Note: * Su Contact Test (Test cariedout @ LAL Approved Sub Contractor) 1 PQ Sart va of Report Revawed ank voitod 4 ALTAF REHMAN salurgy Manager = a san Se bet none of tdbseheens ate Sa woe » arti tee cee OQ cccroemenmn —_ GARE FROST TERGISr SSEMSIRSEOM No CONTRACTOR: Galler Engineering SUBCONTRACTOR: = OmerconkactNo Ambo WN, : PATA corrine “Groote DATE ‘anova [aoe caneiaoa ee aaeneyERES aT] NSPECTONOATE WIV STARING TE DURATOW. Bs AeECTON CATON. CHU" Pete tom NGFFTOSSS osceme —-Cheni Linenectea Leal Sdtechonic Chore Chose 1D Stucturat Dotrer TYPEOF INSPECTION: C)MATERIAL C]stoge Fea! Lsat Functional Boner INSPECTION FONT: CO] Review Winer Wied — Clomer Metalsaming er CE analysis exing GPP 10 SSS ale a iain loci 1-008 4a 1.0066) REFERENCE DWG /SPEC + “CGLA®-MEC-00500.000-PSON.GEG200 REV-OGA |AcIMTY DESCRIPTION ACIVIY No. was (COMMENTS / REMARES SURCON EP (Peta: SHONATURE: | CCOMTACTORRE® (Pit name! VIAVA SIGNATURE RSFECTONRESIE rec I Ace winconments Ceected Citbonea Citanceted Cquaurreecono: § )natteawed Grkeaied 0 Attached COMMENTS / REMARKS Atinch CC Mrabgex Lah heped NAMES aad hans SONATE (Harn) ONE 3 9fj [22> ‘hemrsnefconeoneranstipslar coon yn mr avy eet Oure whe ages =e ——— i ane Fk Pere name (ins “feasnces © souarun Dra ae IS BS Disbuton: wne® [}conrRacToRD ‘onromcatsnect Paps

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