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Dear sir/madam,
I am an MBA student of --------------College, ----------.As part of my MBA
project. I am conducting a study on the topic”----------------”. In regarding to this I request
you to kindly fill in the questionnaire given below to help me complete my project. The
information given by you is for our reference and will be strictly confidential.

Personal Details
Name :
Age : Up to 20 year 20-30 years 30-40 years Above 40
Sex : Male Female
Marital Status : Married Single
Educational Qualification : UG PG Other
1) How many years you have experience in this organisation?
a) 1-5 years
b) 6-10years
c) 11-15 years
d) 16-20 years
2) What is your monthly salary?
 Rs.50000-10000  Rs.10001-15000  Rs. 15001-20000
 Rs.20001-25000  above Rs 25000
3) What is your opinion about the workload entrusted on you by the organisation?
Highly satisfied  satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied 
Highly dissatisfied 
4) What do you feel about your relationship with the management?
Highly satisfied  satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied 
Highly dissatisfied 
5) Are you satisfy with your current job?
Highly satisfied  satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied 
Highly dissatisfied 
6) Do you have job security in your job?
Yes  No 
7) Are you satisfied with the decision made by the company?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied d) Highly Dissatisfied
e) No Comments
8) Do you agree that the company encourages your hard work?
Highly satisfied  satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied 
Highly dissatisfied 
9) What type of motivational activities is being carried on by your organisation in
order to improve your effective participation?
Awards  Rewards 
10) Which one of the following contributes towards your development individual?
Performance  Career development  Productivity 
Personality development  Team Performance 
11) In which of the decision making committees you have participated?
Safety  rest rooms  canteen  Incentive
12) Do you accept that the practice of participation reduces the conflict, stress? Level
Strongly agree  Agree Neutral  Disagree 
13) The effective of participation is measured through?
Performance appraisal Supervision  Feedback system 
Oral communication  Official report 
14) Do you accept that the participation improve your motivation self-esteem, Job
satisfaction and co-operation of work?
Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree 
Strongly Disagree 
15) The Participation program is targeted on
Individual performance  Team build 
16) Do you accept that the strong and effective trade union is necessary for?
Interacting with management?
Strongly agree  Agree Neutral  Disagree 
Strongly Disagree 
17) Do you accept the participation programme is empowered to share various?
Management and leadership function?
Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
18) Are you satisfied with the training offered you in your organisation? Through
Participation programme?
Strongly agree  Agree  Neutral  Disagree 
Strongly Disagree 
19) Are you affected by any of these diseases because of your work?
a) Hypertension b) Obesity  c) Diabetes  d) Frequent Headache 
e) None  f) others, specify...............................
20) Overall rating of workers participation programmers in your organization?
Excellent  Good  Need Improvement 
Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory 

 Gennard & Judge, Human Resource Management, 1th edition, Tata BPP Learning
Media, 2009.

 Mirza S Saiyadain, Human Resource Management, 4th edition,The McGraw Hill

Companies, 2009.
 Biswajeet Pattanayak, Human Resource Management, 2th edition, Prentice-Hal of
Indian Private Limited, 2002

 Albright, T.L. and H.P. Roth. 1994. Managing quality through the quality loss
function. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 20 – 37
 Amar, A.D. 1984. Japanese production management – just – in – time and total
quality control: Review and critique. Mid – Atlantic Journal of Business
(Summer): 55-59.


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