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NPM: 40721100062


1. Study Modal showing ability:

2. Do the exercises:



3. Match the suggestions / advice in number 1 – 8 to the responses point a – i.

You should try doing more exercise. i

1. Why don’t we visit Dubai this summer

holiday? (B) a) That’s a good idea. She is always losing hers.
2. You shouldn’t work such long hours. (E) b) Yes, or we could go somewhere cheaper.
3. Don’t think about her. (D) c) Yes we could, but I think I’d prefer to stay at
4. We could get her a new pen. (A) home and just watch TV.
5. Shall we go out tonight? (C) d) That’s sensible advice, but I can’t forget her.
6. Why don’t you ask him to meet you e) I know, but I have got a lot to do.
tonight? (G) f) Do you think so? I think I might miss my chance
if I leave it much longer.
7. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? (H) g) Hmm. I am too shy to do that.
8. You could always put the decision off a h) Yes, good idea. I need some fresh air.
little bit longer. (F) i) Yes, you’re right. It would do me good.

4. A student wrote this reply to a letter asking for advice. Underline six more mistakes
and write the corrections.

Dear Patricia,

Your letter was entirely interesting to me. You seem to be in a difficult situation. I have
some advices for you. I think the first thing you do is to arrange a meeting with your
daughter. Then, if I were you, I tell her how I felt about her husband’s behavior. She
may get angry, but hopefully she will listen to you and understand your situation. Then,
you could trying asking her to speak to her husband. She should to talk to him and find
out why he is always rude to you. If she still does not understand your problems, perhaps
you should to try to talk to your son-in-law yourself. The last but not least, why you don’t
stop worrying too much. Your daughter is such a good friend to you so you should being
happy for that!


(you do > you should do)

A. Choose the best answer to each question.

Conversation 1:

Woman: "... to the party tonight?"

Man: "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It looks
wonderful on you."
1. The best phrase to complete the first sentence in the above dialogue is.
A. What are you going to wear?
B. Can I recommend something to wear?
C. Do you have something to wear?
D. What do you think I should wear?
E. Which dress could you wear?

2. In the above dialogue, the woman ....

A. asks the man for a suggestion
B. agrees with the man’s suggestion
C. gives the man a suggestion
D. disagrees with the man’s suggestion
E. asks the man about his party

3. By saying "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month", the
man ....
A. asks the woman for a suggestion
B. agrees with the woman’s suggestion
C. gives the woman a suggestion
D. disagrees with the woman’s suggestion
E. invites the woman to a party

Conversation 2:

Woman: "I’d like to ... about my soup. There’s a fly in it."

Man: "We are terribly sorry for that, madam. We’ll replace it with a new one."

4. The best word to complete the first sentence in the above dialogue is ....
A. regret
B. apologize
C. consider
D. reject
E. complain

5. In the above dialogue, the man apologizes and ....

A. gives the woman a suggestion
B. agrees with the woman’s suggestion
C. offers to replace the woman's soup
D. disagrees with the woman
E. asks for the woman’s opinion

6. Where does the above dialogue possibly take place?

A. A restaurant
B. An office
C. The post office
D. A bank
E. A travel agent

Conversation 3:

Woman: "Oh, this bag is so heavy that I can hardly lift it."
Man: "...?"
Woman: "Thank you. That’s very kind of you."

7. The best sentence to complete the above dialogue is ....

A. Can I offer you a lift?
B. Can you help me?
C. Can you do me a favour?
D. Can I give you a hand?
E. Can I see the bag for you?

8. In the above dialogue, the man .......

A. asks the woman’s help
B. offers to help the woman
C. asks the woman to help
D. agrees with the woman’s offer
E. suggests the woman to help him

9. What will the man probably do?

A. carry the woman’s bag
B. put the woman’s bag
C. bring his bag to the woman
D. make the woman’s bag lighter
E. let the woman carry her bag

10. Mark each of the following sentences according to its meaning, as follows:
AS: If it means "Asking for a Suggestion"
GS: If it means "Giving a Suggestion"
RS: If it means "Responding to a Suggestion"

1. What should I do?

2. No, we shouldn't do that.
3. I don't think so.
4. I think you should ask for a suggestion.
5. Let's take his advice.
6. Why don't you have it repaired?
7. What do you think I should do?
8. That's a good idea.
9. Tell me what to do.
10. If I were you, I would stay at home and get some rest.

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. What should I do?

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