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1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Scope of the project........................................................................................................4
1.3 References......................................................................................................................4
1.4 Overview.........................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2..................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Use case diagram............................................................................................................5
2.2 Deployment view............................................................................................................6
2.3 Process view....................................................................................................................7
2.4 Implementation View......................................................................................................8
3. ARCHITECTURAL GOALS AND CONSTRAINTS........................................................................8
The system shall be interoperable with both commercial and free alternative
implementations of the car rental profile.............................................................................9
4.Use cases for Car Rental System............................................................................................9
4.1Use Case Realization......................................................................................................10
5. Logical view.........................................................................................................................11
5.1 overview.......................................................................................................................11
6.Car Rental System process view...........................................................................................12
7.Deployment Diagram for Car Rental System:.......................................................................14
Chapter 8................................................................................................................................16
8.1 Implementation view....................................................................................................16
9. Data View............................................................................................................................16
10. SIZE AND PERFORMANCE..................................................................................................17

This Car Rental Application is designed to aid the car rental company to enable
renting, selling, repairing, washing and parking of cars through an online system. It
helps the users to search for available cars view profile and book the cars for the
time period. It has a user-friendly interface which helps the user to check for cars
and rent and/or buy them for the period specified. They could also make payment
online. The rental cars shall be categorized into economy, premium etc. Based on the
type of car required by the customer, the user shall be able to make bookings. The
use of internet technology has made it easy for the customers to rent, buy, park,
wash and repair a car any time. This Car Rental Application makes everything easy. It
saves time and labor. The tool shall ask the user for information such as the date and
time of journey, type of car etc. for renting. Also, it will need an identification
number. Using these details, the tool shall help the customer to book a car for the

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of our project is as follows: -

-The project’s purpose is to automate vehicle rental, sell, parking, washing and
service so that clients don’t have to waste time for the whole process.
-To convert the overall manual process in to a digital method, a customer
satisfaction test was used to validate the system.
-To manage details of car, sell, rental, parking, washing and service and
manages all the information about a vehicle.
-Record, manage and integrate an information of the customer as well as the
-view car details search sort as per criteria.
- To manage the details of Inventory, Customer, Car Models, Sales, Car
- To provide a convenient and efficient method for cleaning cars as their order.
- Centralize car service stations in your service network by managing all
vehicle repair stations from one place.
- Overcome the current framework issues and diminish the time utilizations

1.2 Scope of the project

The scope of this project is as follows:

 The system will be mainly design for a company that offers services like car
rent, car sell, parking, car wash and minor repair of cars to customers.
 The system will keep detail records of both the cars and the customers, the
duration they rent car as well as the type of car they rent and incase of
buying car will do the same.
 The system will have the ability to generate and print invoice for each
successful transaction.
 The system will register the cars that are parked
 The system will allow the customer to pay digitally for all the services that are
mentioned above
Level of Access
The system will have two levels of access:

 The administrator
 Customer

1.3 References


• Luke Pierotti, Full stack web developer, bringing people together through code.,
Aug 29, 2017,
• Hile-lights Blog, July 2018, What Is JavaScript Used for in Front-end Web
• Kingsley Ubah, Web Developer. Technical Writer. Educator. Freelancer, AUGUST
10, 2021,

1.4 Overview
To develop a system of car rental/sales management by completely focusing on
customer, our employees, growth, innovation and efficiency. All of these elements
will drive us toward success. The process on searching the client’s details is slow if it
uses manual system and there are thousands of clients. Besides that, staffs have to
record the booking manually and it is difficult to improve a monthly report or an
annual report. However, this project has strategic backup system for any eventually.
Vehicles are well maintained and tested for delivering optimum and uninterrupted

Chapter 2

2.1 Use case diagram

- Use case diagrams are behavioral diagrams that visualizes the interaction between
users and the system. users, can be customers of the car rental, are entities that
control the functionality of the system. Use cases diagram provides a simplifies view
of what the system does by identifying system functionalities and how they interact
with internal and external users. In the car rental system there are five
functionalities, car rental, car sales, car parking, car washing, car repair. which have
different roles that the system responds accordingly.

Figure: Use case diagram.

2.2 Deployment view

- A deployment diagram is a UML (unified model language) diagram type that shows
the execution architecture of a system, including nodes such as hardware or
software execution environments, and the middleware connecting them.
Deployment diagrams are typically used to
visualize the physical hardware and software of a system.
2.3 Process view
2.4 Implementation View



The following non-functional requirements that affect the architectural solution have
been identified:
Non-functional requirement Description


The application shall be easy to be integrated into existing business workflows using
different communication protocols and data formats

The application shall be able to be deployed on a wide variety of software/hardware



The system shall be interoperable with both commercial and free alternative

implementations of the car rental profile.

4.Use cases for Car Rental System

Admin Entity : Use cases of System User are Manage Cars, Manage Car Booking,
Manage Passenger Information, Manage Car Routes, Manage Drivers.
Customer Entity : Use cases of Customer are Rental Reservation,Parking reservation,
Washing reservation,Repairing reservation,Sales reservation, View Invoice, Make
4.1Use Case Realization

The system has four main functions: rental information management, automobile
release and recovery management, and bill revenue management. Among them, the
rental information management function module is divided into eight sub-function
modules, such as rental issue, rental record management, confirmation of car return
management, scheduled record management.
The automobile release and recovery function includes three sub-function Open
Access Library Journal modules: car rental, car renewal, and car return settlement.
The bill revenue management function is divided into daily income and monthly
income. The system has the following advantages:
1) The function of leasing information management is realized. Through the lease
information management, it manages the lease information management of the
automobile leasing management system based on Ras Dashen Cars. The lease
management personnel respectively manage the registration of the lease
announcement and formulate the lease system. In the whole management process,
through the management of different operations of the information management of
kindergarten lease, lease managers can make detailed management of the lease
information of the lease management system.
2. The lease management function is realized. This function includes car rental, car
rental renewal, and car rental settlement function, which is based on the Ras
Dashen Cars of car rental management system in the process of lease management
operation to ensure the stability and security of car rental management system for
the lease management to provide the basis for normal operation.
3. Realize the function of vehicle management. This function is a very important
function of the system, including the basic information of the car, car maintenance
information, car release, and car recycling; four sub-functions. The automobile
management function first publishes the automobile basic information, carries on
the inquiry work, and completes the system automobile management work.
4. Realize the function of bill management. This function realizes the bill
management of the car rental management system based on Ras Dashen Cars. This
function module has three sub-function modules: rental registration form
information, payment information and checkout information. Car rental
management system based on SSH framework involves detailed collection of billing
information. First of all, the lease management personnel can manage and operate
the information of the lease registration form. At the same time, the lease
management personnel can also manage the payment information.
5. Logical view

5.1 overview

The purpose of the logical view is to specify the functional requirements of the

The main artifact of the logical view is the design model:

 The design model gives a concrete description of the functional

behavior of the system. It is derived from the analysis model.

 The analysis model gives an abstract description of the system

behavior based on the use case model.

 In general, only the design model is maintained in the logical view,

since the analysis model provides a rough sketch, which is later

refined into design artifacts.

Design Model

 The design model consists of collaborating classes, organized

into subsystems or packages.

Artifacts involved in the design model may include:

 class, interaction, and state diagrams

 The subsystems and their interfaces described using package diagrams
6.Car Rental System process view

If a driver decides to rent a car or buy one beforehand, they go to an app and find a
vehicle that meets their needs. Then if they want to rent, they book it and pay for
the chosen rental period, if upfront payment is required. But if they want to buy a
car, they will look the car on the app and buy it straight away by online payment.

On the appointed day, the customer arrives at the car location to pick up the chosen
car. An agent makes copies of their IDs, explains the terms of the lease, instructs
them on any special features of the car, and finally hands them the keys. When the
customer drops off the car, the agent checks its mileage and inspects for any

In fact, the system process involves many more operations like booking a session
with a mechanic, looking for available space to park, booking car wash session.
Automating them improves the speed and quality of service. Let’s zoom in on how
each module of the Car RRS contributes to that.
Car rental System

Car rental system booking engine

A booking engine is at the forefront of the system. Synced up with the inventory
database, the engine obtains the updated list of available cars for the dates,
available parking spaces, session with mechanics, car wash booking. Additionally, the
module typically performs the following functions.

Payment operations. Connected with a payment gateway the booking engine

accepts online payments from customers and issues electronic invoices. It also tracks
pending customer payments and calculates all costs, providing financial reports.

Reservation processing. To complete the booking, the engine

 delivers reservation details to the fleet management module,

 enters customer details in the Customer Relationship Management module,
 notifies the Task Management module so that agents can prepare the service
based on customers need
 sends the customer a confirmation of their reservation.
7.Deployment Diagram for Car Rental


The table shows the basic details of the deployment diagram of the car rental
application. It has quick description details of the project.

Name: Car Rental Application Deployment Diagram

The car rental application deployment diagram represents the physical

Abstract: structure of the project. It reveals the software and hardware included for the
application to work correctly.

Deployment Diagram

Users: System Admin, Car Owners, and Clients.

Our car rental application allows you to keep precise records of your whole fleet in
one location, making day-to-day operations straightforward. Your business would be
illegal if you didn’t keep proper documents, and no one could audit you. You
wouldn’t be able to get insurance or anything else.

Customers can hire a vehicle through a car rental app. This technology allows the
company to make its services available to the general public via the internet while
also keeping track of its performance.

Car rental companies usually work with people who need a short-term car, like
people who don’t own a car, people who are traveling outside of their city, or people
who have damaged or destroyed cars that need to be repaired or replaced.

But our application offer a various choices like renting a car, car repair service, buy a
car, park a car and wash their cars.

UML Deployment Diagram for Car Rental Application

A deployment diagram for car rental application in UML is used to illustrate its’
physical architecture. In UML, deployment diagrams can show you how the software
and hardware of the learning system work together and where the processing takes

The car rental application uses a UML deployment diagram to show how should the
developed software be deployed. It clarifies the communications between
links(nodes) which helps the project to work according to the design given to it.
Deployment diagrams depict the setup of run-time processing nodes and the
components that reside on them.

Deployment Diagram for Car Rental Application

A car rental application’s goals are to increase transaction security, lower costs,
make it more accessible to clients, minimize administrative tasks, and improve data
analysis while also producing overall reports for app transparency.

Chapter 8

8.1 Implementation view

   The following are some of the implementation layers performed in this car

rental management project including communication layer,Service layer, and main
➢ Communication layer: is responsible of communicating car
rental management guidance to customers through the application.
Customer’s request for to rent car ,service car, washing car, parking etc.then
car rental management system respond by checking the requirements.
➢ Service layer: responsible of serving the main functionality of the project
by using  integration of Java and SQLite for database construction.
➢ Main layer: holds all the platform functionalities performed in the project
which is constructed by using Java programming language.

9. Data View
The data view is represented using an Entity-Relationship diagram.
10.1. Size
Size restrictions applied on the data that is exchanged by the back-office systems,
but not on the
application or its components themselves, have an impact on the architecture and
on the
configuration of the system.
To support the exchange of large binary files, the plugin API supports payload
submission by
reference. Additionally, payloads can be stored on the file system instead of the
database to avoid the processing of huge
As the car rental, service, parking, wash and sell all the process provides no
provisions for large file handling (split/join) the transfer of data is limited by
bandwidth and memory constraints.
Extra restrictions can be implemented via the business process. These restrictions
concern the maximum size of a payload and the maximum number of payloads in a
10.2. Performance
An important architectural decision that benefits the performance of our system
includes the
decoupling of the solution into corner 1/4 representing the back-office systems and
corner 2/3
representing the systems Access Point.

This system is using internally JMS queues to perform the processing of the
messages coming
from the back-office systems via the plugins or from other access points.
All these architectural decisions lead to an improved throughput and load
distribution of the

The system architecture will enforce all the capabilities of the system such as
extensibility, reliability,

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