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1. What is Salesforce?


 Salesforce is a company which provides a web-based tool called Salesforce

 Salesforce by following the Cloud Computing approach, providing SAAS and PAAS
 SAAS: Providing Sales, Marketing and Call Center applications as a service
 PAAS: Platform as a Service, This is a category of cloud computing that provides a
platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and services over
the internet.
2. What is the benefit of Salesforce CRM?
Answer: Here are some of the top benefits of Salesforce CRM

 Ensuring faster and better sales opportunity.

 Deploying an analytical approach to customer acquisition.
 Reducing cost and improving customer satisfaction.
 Automation of repetitive and less important tasks.
 Improved efficiency and enhanced communication on all fronts.
3. Explain the advantages of Salesforce SaaS functionality? close
Answer: Some of the main benefits of Salesforce SaaS are:

 A pay-as-you-go model perfectly suited for all customers.

 No hassle of infrastructure management.
 All applications are accessed via internet.
 Easy integration between various applications.
 Latest features are provided without any delay.
 Guaranteed uptime and security.
 Scalable performance for various operations.
 Ability to access via mobile devices from anywhere.
4. What is a custom object in Salesforce?
Answer: A record is analogous to a row in a database table. Objects already created
for you by Salesforce are called standard objects. Objects you create in your
organization are called custom objects. Objects you create that map to data stored
outside your organization are called external objects. 

5. Explain the various dashboard components?

Answer: The various Dashboard components are explained below:

 Chart: it is used for showing data graphically.

 Gauge: it is used for showing a single value within a range of custom values.
 Metric: This is used for displaying a single key-value – it is possible to click empty text
field next to grand total and enter the metric label directly on components. All metrics
placed above and below one another in dashboard column.
The various Dashboard components are explained below:
 Would be displayed as a single component.
 Table: Showing report data in column form using the Table.
 Visual force Page: It is used for creating a custom component or showing information
not available in another component type.
 Custom S – component: this contains the content that is run or displayed in a browser
like Excel file, ActiveX Control, Java applet or custom HTML web form.
6. What does a custom object permit the user to do?
Answer: Once the custom object is defined, the subscriber can perform the following
tasks: Create custom fields, relate the custom object to other records, track events and
tasks, build page layouts, create a custom tab for the custom object, analyze custom
object data and create dashboards and reports, share custom tabs, custom apps,
custom objects, and various other related components. None of these tasks can be
accomplished until the custom object has a definition.

7. Explain the various Standard Profiles in Salesforce?


 System Administrator – Customization and administration of the application.

 Standard User – Can edit, view, update or delete one’s own record.
 Read Only – Able to just view the records.
 Solution Manager – Comes with standard user permission but also can manage
categories and published solutions.
 Marketing User – Is able to import leads into the organization along with standard user
8. What is Object Relationship Overview?
Answer: In Salesforce, the object relationship overview links custom object records to
standard object records in a related list. This is helpful to track product defects in related
customer cases. Salesforce allows users to define different types of relationships by
creating custom relationship fields on an object.

9. What does it indicate if an error state this “list has no rows for assignment”?
Answer: The error that tells “list has no rows for assignment” indicates that the list you
are trying to access has no values in it.

10. What is a Visualforce Page?

Answer: Visualforce is the new markup language from salesforce, by using which, We
can render the standard styles of the salesforce. We can still use HTML here in
Visualforce. Each visualforce tag always begins with “apex” namespace. All the design
part can be accomplished by using Visualforce Markup Language and the business
logic can be written in custom controllers associated with the Page.

11. What is a Wrapper Class?

Answer: A Wrapper Class is a class whose instances are a collection of other objects
and is used to display different objects on a Visual force page in the same table. 
12. What is Production?
Answer: We should not make coding changes in production since end-users are using
the application from the production environment.

13. What is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?

Answer: SOQL is Salesforce Object Query Language and SOSL is Salesforce Object
Search Language. If you are sensing that Salesforce is a culture unto itself, you are

14. What is sandbox?

Answer: To make any changes for the exiting application we should copy all contents
of the product into the sandbox and make all changes after that test thoroughly and
move those changes into production.

To create the sandbox, in production we can find one link called sandboxes. By clicking
on that link we can create the sandbox by choosing the type of the sandbox.

15. What is the sharing rule?

Answer: The sharing rules are applied when a user wishes to allow access to other

These 23 most common questions and answers will help you prepare effectively and
perform well in Salesforce interviews. Study them thoroughly to make a good
impression on your prospective employers. Learn  From Real-Time Experts.

16. What are the types of Sandboxes?


 Developer Sandbox
 Developer pro sandbox
 Partial data sandbox
 Full copy sandbox
17. Explain the Salesforce dashboard?
Answer: In Salesforce, the dashboard is a pictorial representation of the report.

20 reports can be added to a single dashboard.

18. What is Developer sandbox?


 It copies only configuration changes from the production

 It won’t copy real-time data
 We can test the configuration changes with sample data
 The refresh time interval is one day
 If we refresh all the sandbox contents will be replaced with production
 Contents
19. What is an Audit Trail?
Answer: The Audit Trail function in Salesforce is useful for gaining information or for
tracking all the recent setup changes that the administration has done in the
organization. The audit trail can preserve data for up to six months.

20. What is developer pro sandbox?


 Copy configuration changes

 No real-time data
 Sample data limit is 1GB
 Refresh time interval one day
21. What is the junction object and what purpose does it serve?
Answer: Junction objects are used to build many-to-many relationships between
objects. For example, the user can take a recruiting application where a position for a
job can be linked to many candidates or can take a candidate and link the candidate to
many other jobs. In order to connect the data model, a third party object is referred to as
a junction object. In the given example, the junction object is “job application.” 

22. What is partial data sandbox?


 Copy configuration changes
 Copy a certain amount of real-time data
 Real-time data limit is 5GB
 For each table, it can copy a maximum of 10k records
 Refresh interval of 5 days
23. Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?
Answer: It is not possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce.

24. What is Full copy sandbox?


 It is exact replica of the production
 Copy both configuration and entire real-time data from the production
 Refresh time interval 29 days Salesforce Online Training
25. What are the different types of reports available in Salesforce?

 The different types of reports in Salesforce are:
 Tabular report that displays the grand total in table form.
 Matrix report where grouping is based upon both rows and columns.
 Summary reports that are detailed reports in which the grouping is based on
 Joined report which allows two or more reports to be joined in a single report.
26. What is Track Field History?

 While creating the object, we can enable ‘Track Field History’.
 If, we enable ‘Track Field History’ user can see ‘Set History Tracking’ button under
‘Custom Fields & Relationships’ section which is available on the object detail page.
 By clicking on ‘Set History Tracking’ button, we can enable tracking for the fields
whichever we want.
 To see the object history, go to object’s record layout and add Object Name History
related list to the layout.
 Whenever the user changes field value from one value to another value, it will show
the history of the field in ‘Object History’ related list.
27. What are the three types of object relations in Salesforce?

The three types of object relations in Salesforce are:

 One-to-many
 Many-to-many
 Master-detail
The relation types are quite logical once the user becomes familiar with the software

28. What are the Activities in Salesforce?

Answer: To create the Activities while creating the object, we should check for ‘Allow
Activities’ checkbox then the user can add open Activities and Activity History related
lists on the Object layout.

There are two types of activities

Task: Task is nothing but work assigned to a particular person, it doesn’t have a certain
time limit.

Event: It has a certain time limit in that time only all persons should assemble after the
time limit over, the event will get complete.
Once the event or task status changed to ‘Completed’ this we can see those records
under Activity History Related List.

29. What is a static resource in Salesforce?

Answer: With Salesforce’s static resource, subscribers can upload zip files, images, jar
files, JavaScript, and CSS files that can be referred in a Visual force page. The optimum
size of static resources in Salesforce is 250 MB.

30. How to rename the tab?

Answer: Tab name will be decided based on the Plural Label of the custom object, to
rename go to a corresponding object detail page and rename the plural label.

31. What is the difference between Trigger and Workflow?

Answer: Workflow is an automated process that fire an action based on evaluation
criteria and rule criteria. As described above, Trigger is the code that is executed on or
after the record is updated or inserted.

32. How to display multiple columns after clicking on the tab?


 ISNULL (): It works only for number data type fields, if we don’t populate with value
for number fields it will return true.
 ISNULL (): It won’t support TEXT data type fields because text fields never become
 ISBLANK (): It supports both numbers as well as text data types.
33. What is the trigger?
Answer: A trigger is a lever which, when pulled by the finger, releases the hammer on a
firearm. In a database, a trigger is a set of Structured Query Language statements that
automatically “fires off” action when a specific operation, such as changing data in a
table, occurs. A trigger consists of an event and an action. Triggers are used to
preserve data integrity by checking on or changing data in a consistent manner.

34. What is a dependent picklist?

Answer: In some scenario’s, we should be able to control one of the fields from another
field. Example, if we select Country Controlling field as the US then City should display
only US cities.

 We can use checkbox data type fields also while creating dependent picklist.
 We can use multi-select data type fields also while creating dependent picklist.
35. How does Salesforce track sales?
Answer: Salesforce is a tracking program that records a number of helpful basic
details, such as:

 Number of customers served daily
 Daily sales volume
 Detailed reports from Sales Manager
 Sales figures by month or quarter
 Most importantly, Salesforce tracks and reports repeat customer activity, which is
the key to any sales organization.
36. What is the architecture of the Salesforce?

 MVC Architecture – Model, View, Controller
 View – It is the user interface
 Controller – Business Logic
 Model – It is the Database, which stores Schema
37. What can cause data loss in Salesforce?
Answer: Data loss in Salesforce can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

 Changing data and date-time
 Migrating to percent, number, and currency from other data types
 Changing from the multi-select picklist, checkbox, the auto number to other types
 Altering to multi-select picklist from any type except picklist
 Changing to auto-number except for the text
 Changing from text-area to e-mail, phone, URL, and text.
38. What is the difference between 15 digit and 18 digit id in Salesforce?

 In Salesforce, whenever a user creates any component or record then sales force
will generate a unique id with which user can identify the record or component.
 After creating the record, in the URL user can see the id of the record which is of 15
digits length.
 Through user interface user always see 15 digit ids which are Cases-Sensitive.
 If the user queries the existing records from the database through API, it will always
return 18 digit ids which are Case-Insensitive.
 Last 3 digits of the 18 digit represent checksum of the capitalization of 15 digit id.
 Based on the first 3 digits user can identify the object of the record.
 All the record belongs to the same object will contain the same first 3 digits.
39. What is Self-Relationship?
Answer: A Self-Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. It is this
premise that allows users to take the object “Merchandise” and create relationships with
another object.
40. What is Record Type?

 For an object based on the Record Type, we can show different fields and different
picklist values by assigning different page layouts for the record types and profiles.
 After creating the record type, on the record type detail page user can see all the
picklist data type fields, user can edit the picklist and decide which values should
display for this particular record type.
41. What are the different data types that a standard field record name can have?
Answer: A standard field record name can have a data type of either auto number or
text field with a limit of 80 chars.

For generating auto numbers, the format needs to be specified while defining the field
and after that for every record that is added, the number will get auto-generated. For
Sr No-{1}
Sr No-{2}
Sr No-{3}

42. What is the difference between detail page and edit page?

 Whenever a user tries to create a new record or edit an existing record user can
input the values for the fields, this page is nothing but edit page.
 After creating a new record or editing an existing record, the user can see the
information of the record; this page is nothing but detail page.
43. What are who Id and What Id in activities?
Who ID refers to people. Typically: contacts or leads. Example: Lead ID, Contact ID

What ID refers to objects. Example: Account ID, Opportunity ID

44. What are the types of tabs?


 Custom tabs: Its create for objects
 Web tabs: Its create to display a website
 Visual force tabs: It creates to display the visual force page
45. What is the use of writing sharing rules? Can you use sharing rules to restrict
data access?
Sharing rules are written to give edit access (public read and write) or public read-only
access to certain individuals in Salesforce org. A classic example is when: – only your
managers or superiors need to be given extra credentials to your records in objects as
compared to your peers.

By default, all users in your organization will have organization-wide-default sharing

settings of either Public Read Only or Private.
To give access to more records, which users do not own, we write sharing rules.
Example: Sharing rules are used to extend sharing access to users in public groups or
roles. Hence, sharing rules are not as strict as organization-wide default settings. They
allow greater access for those users.

As far as the second part of the question is concerned, the answer is no. We cannot use
sharing rules to restrict data access. It is only used for allowing greater access to

46. What is the validation rule

Answer: While creating or modifying the record based on the certain conditions we can
display error messages on top of the page or below to the field.

47. There are two fields if the user populates two field values if we combine those
values uniqueness should be maintained, how to achieve this without coding?
Answer: Create a unique text field and update the field from workflow rule after the
update again all the system validations will be performed so the error will be displayed.

48. What is a bucket field in reports?

Answer: A bucket field lets you group related records together by ranges and
segments, without the use of complex formulas and custom fields. Bucketing can thus
be used to group, filter, or arrange report data. When you create a bucket field, you
need to define multiple categories (buckets) that are used to group report values.

The advantage is that earlier, we had to create custom fields to group or segment
certain data.

49. What are Governor Limits?

Since we are working in a multitenant environment Sales force is enforcing the limits for
all the functionalities.

 How many no of fields for an object: 500
 No of master-detail relationships for an object: 2
 No of lookup relationship for an object: 25
 No of rollup summary fields: 25
 How many external ids we can enable for an object: 7
50. Can you have a roll-up summary field in case of Master-Detail relationship?
Yes, you can have a roll-up summary in case of a master-detail relationship. But not in
case of a lookup relationship.

A roll-up summary field is used to display a value in a master record based on the
values of a set of fields in a detailed record. The detail record must be related to the
master through a master-detail relationship.

There are 4 calculations that you can do using the roll-up summary field. You can count
the number of detail records related to a master record. Or, you can calculate the sum,
minimum value, or maximum value of a field in the detail records.

1. I want to delete 30,000 customer records but do not want anyone else
to recover them. What can I do?

If you are applying for the role of a Salesforce administrator, you can expect the
interviewer to ask such operation-based questions. These questions test your familiarity
with the system and help the interviewer determine if you have the skills to solve
Salesforce operational challenges for other users. You can explain these questions by
specifying the command or procedure that solves the issue and how you use it.

Example: "Salesforce makes it easy to bulk delete records permanently using the hard
delete option. The difference between delete and hard delete options is that the former
sends the deleted records to the Salesforce recycle bin, where it remains for 15 days.
The hard delete erases all records permanently from the Salesforce system with no way
to recover it."

Related: 10 Common Interview Questions About Using Salesforce

2. How do you pass data from a child to a parent component?

The hiring manager might ask this question to test your knowledge of the Salesforce
Lightning platform. Components are crucial in facilitating communication between
different objects on the Lightning platform. When you create a component inside
another component, it creates a parent-child relationship.

Example: "The first step is to create a custom component event with the required
attributes to facilitate communication between the child and the parent components.
Register an event in the child component using the Aura tag and fire an event using a
trigger like "button onclick" or "onchange of input text". Every time the trigger occurs in
the child component, it calls the custom event and passes the required parameters to
the parent component."

Related: 21 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions And Sample Answers

3. How to convert a 15-digit record ID to an 18-digit record and vice


The interviewer might ask you questions like these that require you to perform specific
tasks. These questions help the interviewer test your knowledge of using suitable
Salesforce functions to complete these tasks. You can prepare for similar questions by
revising essential Salesforce functions before the interview and updating your
knowledge on them.

Example: "We can use the CASESAFEID() in the formula field to increase its value
from 15 to 18 digits. To decrease the field size, remove the last three digits. Salesforce
automatically truncates the field size from 18 to 15."

4. Can you suggest a few security best practices to safeguard our

critical data while using Salesforce products?

Security is one of the biggest reasons organisations are hesitant to implement cloud-
based solutions like Salesforce. Salesforce administrators ensure the safety of
customer data stored and transmitted using Salesforce products. By suggesting
different safety procedures and best practices, you can demonstrate to the recruiter that
you prioritise data security, creating a favourable impression that might help you secure
the role.

Example: "The first security measure I recommend is enabling multi-factor

authentication to add an extra layer of protection against phishing attacks, account
takeovers and credential stuffing. I use Salesforce health check regularly to identify and
fix vulnerable security settings with each new update. Another security measure I prefer
is restricting access only to users from a designated IP address, like the corporate
network. This ensures that the system denies access to hackers trying to access the
system from other IPs or virtual private networks (VPNs)."

Related: Cyber Security Interview Questions And Answers

5. What is the difference between custom and standard reports?

Interviewers might include a few questions that ask you to explain the differences
between two features in a Salesforce product. When answering a question that
discusses the difference between two things, you can first describe the definition or
highlight of each element and then explain how they vary. This approach demonstrates
that you have thorough knowledge about the feature and understand its usage

Example: "A report type in Salesforce is a template that makes reporting easier and
straightforward. The report type determines the records and fields available for use and
defines the relationships between a primary object and its related objects. In
Salesforce, the two basic report types are standard and custom.

A standard report is the default type and Salesforce automatically generates it when
you create objects and define the relationships between them. A custom report is a
user-created report and the admin can specify all the fields available to users while
creating it. It also has the functionality to associate up to four objects. It is like
instructing Salesforce that you need specific objects with pre-defined fields whenever
you use the report."

Related: How To Write A Salesforce Developer Resume (With Example)

6. As a Salesforce administrator, how would you give access to users to

knowledge articles?

A Salesforce administrator's primary responsibility is to make it easy for others to use

Salesforce products. As an administrator, part of your role is defining user access levels
to ensure all users have access to required features. The interviewer might ask similar
questions to check if you have the expertise to handle different requests from users with
varying access grants.

Example: "We can assign user knowledge licence by changing the status of the
knowledge user checkbox to 'true' on the user detail page. This ensures that the
specific user has access to all knowledge articles."

7. What error does the system show when you create a new active
escalation rule when another active rule is already in place?

The interviewer might try to confuse you by asking tricky questions like these. The
question's wording might make you think that the Salesforce CRM shows an error
message when you create a new escalation while another escalation already exists. But
the actual response is that the CRM does not display an error message in this scenario.

Example: "No, there are no error messages. Instead, the Salesforce CRM marks the
old escalation as inactive and the new escalation becomes the active rule. This is
because the CRM permits only one escalation to be active simultaneously."

Related: 11 Common CRM Interview Questions And How To Answer Them

8. Can you explain a few ways to call an Apex class in Salesforce?

Apex is an object-oriented programming language that helps developers execute the
transaction and flow control statements on Salesforce servers. If you are applying for
the position of a Salesforce developer, you can expect the interviewer to ask you a few
Apex questions to check your coding proficiency in the language. While preparing for
the interview, read the job description carefully to understand the specific requirements
and revise appropriate coding topics.

Example: "There are several ways to call the Apex class. Some of the popular
methods include using triggers, from the developer console, using JavaScript links,
from the Visualforce page, from another class or by using the homepage components."

Related: 6 Coding Bootcamp Interview Questions With Answers And Tips

9. What happens if the developer does not declare a class as 'with

sharing' or 'without sharing'?

Hypothetical "what happens" questions are common in a scenario-based interview. The

interviewer asks these questions to evaluate your critical thinking skills and check if you
understand the various possibilities of the situation. To answer this question, you can
explain the different options and share suggestions on how the developer could avoid
similar problems.

Example: "When the developer does not declare a class using "with sharing" or
"without sharing" attributes, the class does not consider the various sharing rules. But, if
another class with the 'with sharing' attribute calls the first class, it considers the
corresponding sharing rules. If a "without sharing" class calls another "with sharing"
class, the system executes the methods inside the "without sharing" class."

Related: Guide: How To Become A Freelance Software Developer

10. Assume a manager who oversees a team of 20 users is leaving the

organisation. What happens if I inactivate the manager?

This question tests your knowledge of role hierarchy, assignment rules and the approval
processes. The interviewer provides such hypothetical situations to evaluate if you
would be able to handle such similar situations later in the workplace. You can answer
these questions by explaining your solution and why you feel it is the best possible

Example: "The best approach is to deactivate the manager's account and reassign the
team to another manager. To prevent users from logging into the account during the
reassignment, I suggest that we can freeze the team member's accounts temporarily by
using the "freeze" button on the user record. Once the reassignment is over, we can
deactivate the freeze button and continue with the new hierarchy."
Please note that none of the companies, institutions or organisations mentioned in this
article are associated with Indeed.

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