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Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. List the characteristics of fossils.

A.1. The characteristics of fossils are mentioned below:

 Fossils provide a connecting link between different species.

 They help in identifying the time period when they existed.
 They represent modes of preservation of different ancient species.
 They helped in identifying the evolutionary traits of the organisms and their ancestors.

Q.2. How is the age of living tree estimated?

A.2. The age of the living tree can be calculated by counting the annual rings on the wood growth.

Q.3. Name the process to estimate the age of a fossil.

A.3. The age of a fossil is determined by carbon dating.

Q.4. What is the pre-condition for adaptive radiation?

A.4. The pre-condition for adaptive radiation is forming physical and geographical barriers between the
population of the same species.

Q.5. How is the age of rock estimated?

A.5. The age of the rock is estimated by measuring the amount of certain radioactive elements in the rock. The
age of the rock is known as the absolute age.

Q.6. What is the founder effect?

A.6. The founder effect is a type of genetic drift which occurs when a few individuals in a population separate
from the original population and form a colony. The genetic diversity of this new population will not be the same
as that of the original population. This is a gradual process.

Q.7. What is the bottleneck effect?

A.7. The bottleneck effect is a type of genetic drift that occurs when the size of a population is severely reduced
due to events such as earthquakes, epidemics, floods, fire, etc. In this process, a large number of organisms are
deceased leaving behind only a handful of the population. Now, the genetic diversity of the surviving population
becomes the genetic diversity of the entire population.
Also read: Mechanism of Evolution

Q.8. What is natural selection?

A.8. Natural selection is the process in which the survival and reproductive rate of individuals with certain
characteristics are greater than that of the other individuals in a population. This process leads to an evolutionary

Q.9. What are the factors affecting the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

A.9. The factors affecting the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are:

 Genetic Recombination
 Gene Flow
 Genetic Drift
 Natural Selection
 Mutation

Q.10. What are the various stages of evolution?

A.10. There are seven stages in human evolution:
1. Dryopithecus
2. Ramapithecus
3. Australopithecus
4. Homo Erectus
5. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
6. Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What do you mean by “survival of the fittest”?
A.1. The term “survival of the fittest” was coined by Darwin in support of his theory of natural selection. The
organisms that adapt to the changing environmental conditions and overcome the competitions for food and
space are selected by nature to survive. In simple terms, the organisms that are physically in good shape and
health are considered “fit”. The ones that aren’t are eliminated. This is known as “survival of the fittest”.

Q.2. Comment on the statement, “Migration may increase or decrease the effects of selection”.
A.2. Migration is the movement of individuals from one place to another. The individuals can either move to a
different population or move into a particular population. Movement of individuals to a different population
might remove certain alleles that confer better adaptations. Movement into a particular population might add
certain alleles that blur the effects of selection. Thus we can say that migration can increase or decrease the
effects of selection.

Q.3. Explain the terms:

7. Race
8. Breed
9. Cultivars
10. Variety
11. Race– Race may be different phenotypic populations within the same species. It is used as rank higher
than the strains but lower than the species. Eg., Mongoloid, Negroid
12. Breed– Breed is a morphologically and physiologically distinct sub-group of a race where crossing
occurs within the sub-group to maintain its individuality. For eg., Rhode island red, Plymouth red.
13. Cultivars– It is a group of plants selected by plant breeders for desirable characteristics that can be
maintained by propagation. Eg., roses, daffodils
14. Variety– It is a morphologically, physiologically, and genetically distinct sub-group of species. Eg.,
cauliflower, cabbage

Q.4. How is nascent oxygen toxic to aerobic living organisms?

A.4. Nascent oxygen is very reactive and can react with all types of biomolecules present in living organisms,
such as DNA, proteins and enzymes. It can cause mutation in DNA and can degrade proteins and enzymes on
reactions, hence, toxic to aerobic life forms.
Q.5. Creation and presence of variation are directionless, but natural selection is directional as it is in the
context of adaptation. Comment.
A.5. Variation is considered directionless because it is spontaneous and random. It is seen in sexually
reproducing organisms which occurs as a result of crossing over during meiosis or fusion of gametes. The
variations which help the individuals in adapting to the environment are passed on to successive generations.
Natural selection is directional because it leads only to one path, i.e., selection. It is an evolutionary change that
leads to the survival of the fittest and elimination of the unfit individuals.

Q.6. Comment on the statement with reference to industrial melanism, “Evolution is apparently
A.6. The peppered moth resided on the surface of the lichens and protected itself from the predators due to
camouflage. During industrialization in Europe, the surface of the lichens turned black due to the emissions from
the coal-based industries. The moths were now easily visible to the predators and got eliminated gradually. A
mutant of peppered moth flourished during this period. It was not visible to the predators due to its black colour
and hence was selected by nature. Clean air legislation was passed in Europe in 1956 as a result of which the
emission of smoke decreased. The non-melanic peppered moth is appearing again along with the lichens. This
proves that evolution is reversible.

Also read: Industrial Melanism

Q.7. What is genetic drift?

A.7. Genetic drift is a mechanism of evolution in which the allele frequencies change over generations as a
matter of chance. It occurs in populations of all sizes but its effect is the maximum in a small population. Genetic
drift is observed when there is a sudden decline in the population due to natural disasters (bottleneck effect), or
when a new population separates from the original population to form a colony (founder effect). Genetic drift
does not take into account whether the allele is beneficial or harmful to the individual carrying it. It is possible
that a beneficial allele is lost and a harmful allele persists.

Q.8. Explain adaptive radiation. Give examples in support of your answer.

A.8. Adaptive radiation is the process in which a living organism diversifies from a single ancestor into multiple
new forms. This is mainly due to changes in the environment. Darwin’s Finches is one fine example of adaptive
radiation. The finches of the Galapagos island are seen with a variety of beaks depending upon the type of food
they feed on. A single species got adapted to the environmental and nutritional conditions and developed
respective beak types over the years.

Q.9. How is convergent evolution different from divergent evolution?

A.9. When two or more species belonging to different ancestors develop similar characteristics due to adaptation
to a particular environment, it is known as convergent evolution. On the contrary, when the species belonging
to the same ancestors develop different characteristics due to environmental changes and evolve into some new
species, it is known as divergent evolution.

Also read: Difference between Homologous and Analogous Structures

Q.10. State the Hardy-Weinberg principle.

A.10. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that in a large population not affected by the evolutionary processes
such as mutation, selection or migration, the allele frequencies and the genotype frequencies are constant from
one generation to the other. The principle can be explained by the simple equation: (p+q)2 = p2 +q2 + 2pq = 1
Where, p = frequency of allele A q = frequency of allele a p2 = frequency of individual AA q2 = frequency of
individual aa 2pq = frequency of individual Aa.

Q.11. How does genetic variation help in evolution?

A.11. Genetic variation is important in evolution because it allows natural selection to increase or decrease the
frequency of alleles already present in the population. These variations enable a few individuals to adapt to the

Long Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Enumerate the key concepts in the evolution theory of Darwin.
A.1. The two key concepts of Darwin’s theory of evolution are:

 Branching Descent
 Natural Selection
Branching Descent- It is the process in which new species originate from a single ancestor. They became
adapted to the new environment through reproductive isolation. For eg., Darwin’s finches which evolved from
a single grain eater species.
Natural Selection- In this process, the variations in an individual facilitate better survival of species. They
reproduce in large numbers. These variations are passed on to successive generations which help them to survive
in the changing environmental conditions. For eg., few giraffes have long necks while others have short necks.
If the low-lying shrubs are eliminated for some reason, the giraffes with short necks would be replaced by giraffes
with long necks.
Q.2. Describe the phenomenon in which two organisms occupying the same geographical area show the
same strategies of adaptation.
A.2. The phenomenon is convergent evolution. In this process, two organisms belonging to different species,
descending from different ancestors, evolve similar traits in order to adapt to a similar environment. For eg., the
streamlined body of sharks and dolphins. Sharks are fishes while dolphins are mammals but both of them have
developed streamlined bodies to adapt themselves to swift swimming. Spines are modified leaves and thorns are
modified stems. Both look alike and have a similar function of protecting the plants, but are distantly related to
each other.

Q.3. What is the driving force behind divergent evolution? Explain.

A.3. Adaptation is the driving force behind divergent evolution. Divergent evolution is the phenomenon in which
the organisms descending from common ancestors evolve gradually into a new species. The new species thus
formed adapt themselves to the new habitat and environmental conditions. For eg., the forelimbs of bats,
cheetahs, whales and humans have the same anatomical structures but perform different functions. Thus, in these
animals, the same structure evolved into different forms according to the needs of the animals.

Q.4. Which law states that the sum of allelic frequencies in a population is constant? List the five factors
that influence the law.
A.4. The law is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The five factors influencing the law are:

 Genetic drift
 Mutation
 Gene flow
 Genetic Recombination
 Natural Selection

Q.5. If the industries were removed, what impact would it have on the population of moths in England?
A.5. The two variants of peppered moths, black and grey, were already existing in the population. They resided
on the surface of the lichens. Before industrialization, the grey moths were not spotted by the predators due to
the camouflage. However, the black moths were easily visible and killed by the predators. If the industries were
removed, the population of the black variants would have reduced to a large extent leaving behind the grey
population of peppered moths.

Q.6.What are the types of evolution

A.6. The different types of evolution are:
15. Convergent evolution– It is the process, which evolves independently, under similar selection
pressures. For example, flying insects, birds and other flying species have all evolved the ability to fly,
but independently of each other.
16. Coevolution evolution–It is the process in which two or more species evolve in tandem by exerting
selection pressures on each other. For example, host and parasites, predators and prey, flowering
plants and pollinating insects and mutualistic or symbiotic interactions.
17. Adaptive radiation–It is the process in which a species splits into a number of new forms when a
change in the environment makes new resources available or creates new environmental challenges.
For example, finches on the Galapagos Islands have developed different shaped beaks to take
advantage of the different kinds of food available on different islands.

Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Important Questions

Question 1.
State the two principal outcomes of the experiments conducted by Louis Pasteur on origin of life.
(Delhi 2019)
Louis Pasteur’s experiments demonstrated that life comes only from pre-existing life. He showed
that in swan-neck pre-sterilised flasks, life did not evolved from ‘killed yeast’ while in another
flask open to air, new living organisms arose from ‘killed yeast.’
Question 2.
State two postulates of Oparin and Haldane’s theory with reference to the origin of life. (All
India 2017)
Oparin and Haldane proposed the following postulates with reference to origin of life.

 The first form of life came from pre-existing non-living organic molecules.
 The conditions on earth favouring chemical evolution were high temperature, volcanic
storms and reducing atmosphere.
Question 3.
Write the hypothetical proposals put forth by Oparin and Haldane. (Foreign 2015)
Oparin and Haldane proposed the theory of chemical evolution. According to them, life
originated from pre-existing non-living organic molecules and the formation of life was preceded
by chemical evolution.
Question 4.
Why are analogous structures a result of convergent evolution? (All India 2014)
When two species have structures that are similar in function but differ in origin and anatomy,
they are called analogous structures. These structures develop in different species which move
from different areas to a common habitat where they adapt themselves accordingly, therefore it is
called convergent evolution.
Question 5.
Name the type of evolution that has resulted in the development of structures like wings of
butterfly and bird. What are such structures called? (Delhi 2014C)
Convergent evolution has resulted in the development of structures like wings of butterfly and
birds. Such structures are called analogous organs.
Question 6.
Write the term used for resemblance of varieties of placental mammals to corresponding
marsupials in Australia. (Delhi 2013C)
Adaptive radiation occurring through parallel evolution results in the resemblance of placental
mammals to marsupials in Australia.
Question 7.
Identify the examples of convergent evolution from the following
(i) Flippers of penguins and dolphins
(ii) Eyes of Octopus and mammals
(iii) Vertebrate brains (Delhi 2013)
(i) and (ii) are the examples of analogous organs representing convergent evolution.
Vertebrate brains are the example of divergent evolution.
Question 8.
Identify the examples of homologous structures from the following
(i) Vertebrate hearts
(ii) Thorns in Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita.
(iii) Food storage organs in sweet potato and potato. (Delhi 2013)
Homologous organs are derived through divergent evolution thus, indicating common ancestry.
Examples of homology are
(i) Vertebrate heart and brain.
(ii) In plants, thorns and tendrils of Bougainvillea and Cucurbita represent homology.
On the other hand, food storage organs, i.e. tubers in sweet potato and potato are analogous
Question 9.
State the significance of the study of fossils in evolution. (Delhi 2012)
Fossils help us to know the morphological details of the organisms that were present in the past
and relate them to the organisms of the present for better understanding the process of evolution.
We can also trace the time at which the particular organism existed.
Question 10.
State the significance of biochemical similarities among diverse organisms in evolution. (Delhi
Similarities in biochemicals such as DNA, help in deriving the line of evolution. Organisms with
more similar DNA sequences are considered close relatives that might have evolved from the
same ancestor.
Question 11.
Write the similarity between the wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat. What do you infer
from the above, with reference to evolution? (Delhi 2012)
Comment on the similarity between the wings of a cockroach and the wings of a bird. What do
you infer from the above, with reference to evolution? (All india 2012)
Comment on the similarity between the flippers of dolphin and penguins, with reference to
evolution. (Foreign 2012)
Similarity between the wings of butterfly and bat or cockroach and bird or flippers of dolphin
and penguins is that they perform similar functions but they are dissimilar in their basic structure
and development.
They are thus, analogous organs. With reference to evolution, it can be inferred that these are
formed as a result of convergent evolution.
Question 12.
Name the scientist who disproved spontaneous generation theory. (Delhi 2010)
Louis Pasteur disproved the spontaneous generation theory through his swan-neck flask
experiment. Refer to Answer No. 1.
Question 13.
(i) Identify the following pairs as homologous or analogous organs
(a) Sweet potato and potato.
(b) Eye of Octopus and eye of mammals.
(c) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita.
(d) Forelimbs of bat and whale.
(ii) State the kind of evolution they represent. (All India 2015)
(i) Select the homologous structures from the combinations given below
(a) Forelimbs of whale and bat
(b) Tuber of potato and sweet potato
(c) Eyes of Octopus and mammals.
(d) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita.
(ii) State the kind of evolution they represent. (All India 2015)
Select two pairs from the following which exhibit divergent evolution. Give reasons for your
(i) Forelimbs of cheetah and mammals.
(ii) Flippers of dolphins and penguins.
(iii) Wings of butterflies and birds.
(iv) Forelimbs of whales and mammals. (All India 2015)
Write about the ancestry and evolution of bat, horse and human on the basis of a comparative
study of their forelimbs. What are these limbs categorised as? (Delhi 2013C)
(i) The given pairs are identified as
(a) Analogous organs.
(b) Analogous organs.
(c) Homologous organs.
(d) Homologous organs.
(ii) (c) and (d) represent divergent evolution while (a) and (b) represent convergent evolution.
(i) (a) Forelimbs of whales and bats and (d) thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Curcubita are
homologous organs.
(ii) Both these structures represent divergent evolution, i.e. sharing common ancestry, organs
with same fundamental structure but different functions.
Divergent evolution is represented by (i) and (ii).
All mammals, i.e. whales, cheetah, bat and human share similarities in the pattern of bones of
forelimbs. These forelimbs though perform different functions but have similar anatomical
structure, i.e. all of them have humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges in their
Hence, the same structure is developed along different directions due to the adaptations to
different needs in these animals. This is called divergent evolution and these structures are

Question 14.
Explain with the help of an example the type of evolution homology is based on. (Delhi 2015C)
Divergent evolution leads to homologous structures. Explain with the help of an example. (All
India 2011C)
Divergent evolution is a process, where the same structure develops along different directions in
different organisms due to adaptations to different needs. Divergent evolution leads to the
development of homologous structures, as they all have similar anatomical structure and origin,
but perform different functions.
Examples, the thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita are homologous organs as both of
them are modified axillary buds, which perform different functions.
Question 15.
(i) Explain adaptive radiation with the help of suitable example.
(ii) Cite an example where more than one adaptive radiation have occurred in an isolated
geographical area.
Name the type of evolution your example depicts and state why is it so named? (All India 2014)
(i) The process of evolution of different species in a given geographical area starting from a point
and literally radiating to other areas or habitat is called adaptive radiation, e.g. alterations in
beaks of finches on Galapagos Islands.
(ii) An example where more than one adaptive radiation have occur in an isolated geographical
area is Australian marsupials, where a number of different marsupials evolved from an ancestral
stock but within the isolated Australian island and all of them got adapted to different habitats,
e.g. Tasmanian wolf (marsupial) and placental wolf (placental
The above cited example depicts convergent evolution as these marsupials show development of
similar adaptive functional structures in unrelated groups of organisms.
Question 16.
What was proposed by Oparin and Haldane on origin of life? How did SL Miller’s experiment
support their proposal? (Foreign 2014)
Mention the contribution of SL Miller’s experiment to origin of life. (Delhi 2010)
Oparin and Haldane proposed that life originated on earth spontaneously from non-living matter,
i.e. organic molecules.
SL Miller conducted an experiment, which provided experimental evidence for chemical
evolution. He created conditions similar to primitive atmosphere, in the laboratory such as high
temperature, reducing atmosphere consisting of CH4, NH3, etc. When he created an electric
discharge in the flask containing all the above stated components at 800°C, organic molecules,
e.g. amino acids were formed. Results indicated that the first non-cellular forms of life were
created about 3 billion years ago. This also supports the hypothesis that life could have
originated from organic matter.
Question 17.
List the two main propositions of Oparin and Haldane. (All India 2013)
Two main propositions of Oparin and Haldane were

 The primitive atmosphere was reducing, i.e. free oxygen was absent.
 There was high temperature, high methane, ammonia and hydrogen gas in the
Question 18.
How do palaeontological evidences support evolution of organisms on earth? (All India 2013C)
Palaeontology is the study of past life based on fossil records. The study of fossils reveals the
type of life forms occurring in the past and highlights the course of evolution of living
organisms. The distribution of fossils in the sedimentary rocks of different ages fully supports
the concept of evolution. It shows that structure of wing became more and more complex as we
proceed from earliest to recent times. From the fossil records it has been concluded that
evolution has taken place from the simple to complex forms in a gradual manner.
Question 19.
Write the Oparin and Haldane’s hypothesis about the origin of life on earth. How does meteorite
analysis favour this hypothesis? (All India 2013)
Oparin-Haldane theory states that origin of life is the result of a long series of physiochemical
changes, brought about first by chemical evolution and then by biological evolution.
Analysis of meteorites also revealed the presence of similar compounds as found in the primitive
atmosphere, indicating the occurrence of similar processes elsewhere in space.
Question 20.
Convergent evolution leads to analogous structures. Explain with the help of an example. (All
India 2011C)
Convergent evolution is a process of evolution, where anatomically dissimilar structures in
different organisms perform similar functions. It leads to the formation of analogous structures in
different groups of organisms as they perform similar function, but are anatomically different.
Examples, potato (stem modification) and sweet potato (root modification), flippers of penguins
and dolphins.
Question 21.
Why are wings of butterfly and birds said to be analogous organs? Name the type of evolution
the analogous organs are a result of. (Foreign 2010)
Refer to Answer No. 11.
Question 22.
(i) Differentiate between analogous and homologous structures.
(ii) Select and write analogous structures from the list given below.
(a) Wings of butterfly and birds
(b) Vertebrate hearts
(c) Tendrils of Bougainvillea and Cucurbita
(d) Tubers of sweet potato and potato. (2018)
(i) Differences between analogous structure and homologous structure are as follows

Analogous structures Homologous structures

These have different basic plan and origin. These have similar basic plan and origin.

These are adapted to perform different

These are adapted to perform same functions.

These confirm convergent evolution, e.g. eye These confirm divergent evolution, e.g. limbs
of Octopus and man. of man and whale.
(ii) Analogous organs
(a) Wings of butterfly and birds.
(b) Tubers of sweet potato and potato.

Question 23.
How do homologous organs represent divergent evolution? Explain with the help of a suitable
example. (Delhi 2016)
Homologous organs as divergent evolution: Homology is the relation among the organs of
different groups of organisms, that show similarity in the basic structure and embryonic
development, but have different functions. Homology in organs indicates common ancestry. It is
based on divergent evolution. When due to different needs, some structures develop differently,
the condition is called divergent evolution. This results in the formation of homologous organs.
Examples of homology in plants and animals are as follows

Question 24.
Differentiate between homology and analogy. Give one example of each. (All India 2016)
Differentiate between divergent and convergent evolution. Give one example of each. (Outside
Delhi 2016)
Differences between homology and analogy are as follows

Homology/Divergent evolution Analogy/Convergent evolution

Homology is based on divergent evolution. Analogy is based on convergent evolution.

Structures are anatomically similar but Structures are anatomically different but
functionally different. functionally similar.

e.g. in animals, forelimbs of whales, bats and

e.g. in animals, wings of butterfly and birds.
cheetah. In plants, thorns of Bougainvillea
In plants, tubers of sweet potato and potato.
and tendrils of Cucurbita.
Question 25.
Describe the experiment that helped Louis Pasteur to dismiss the theory of spontaneous
generation of life. (Delhi 2016C)
Theory of spontaneous generation states that the life originate;! from dead, decaying or rolling
matters like storm, dead animals, etc.
Louis Pasteur rejected the theory of spontaneous generation and demonstrated that life had
evoived from pre-existing life. In his experiment, he kept killed yeast cells in presterilised flask
and in another flask open into air. The life did not evolved in the former, but new living
organisms evolved in the another flask.
Question 26.
Explain convergent evolution with the help of two examples. (Foreign 2015)
Refer to Answer No. 20.
Question 27.
Explain adaptive radiation with the help of a suitable example. (Delhi 2015)
What do you infer from the resemblance between flying squirrel and flying phalanger with
reference to their evolution. Delhi 2015,2015C Or Explain adaptive radiation and
convergent evolution by taking example of some of Australian marsupials and Australian
placental mammals. Foreign 2010 Or Australian marsupials and placental mammals are suitable
examples of adaptive radiation and convergent evolution. Explain by giving reasons. All Indio
Adaptive radiation is the process of evolution of different species in a given geographical area
starting from a point and radiating to other habitats.
Darwin went to Galapagos Island and observed that there were many varieties of finches in the
same island. All the varieties evolved on the island itself. Darwin suggested that after originating
from a common ancestral seed eating stock, the finches must have radiated to different
geographical areas and undergone adaptive changes in their beaks, thus enabling some to become
insectivorous while the other remained herbivore and ate seeds.
Many Australian marsupials, each different from the other, e.g. kangaroo, sugar glider, etc.,
evolved from a common ancestral stock, but all within the Australian Island continent. When
more than one adaptive radiation occur in an isolated geographical area, it can be called as
convergent evolution. Australian placental mammals also show adaptive radiation in evolving
into varieties of such placental mammals, each one of which appears similar to a corresponding
marsupial, e.g. placental wolf and Tasmanian wolf, anteater and numbat, flying squirrel and
flying phalanger, etc.
Question 28.
Explain the interpretation of Charles Darwin who observed a variety of small black birds on
Galapagos Islands. (Delhi 2015)
(i) Darwin found the variations in the beaks of small black birds on Galapagos Island due to their
adaptation to different food habits.
Darwin explained
(a) All the varieties must have evolved within the same island itself. The original finches were
seed-eating. From them, some arose with altered beaks as insectivorous and some as vegetarian
(b) This process of evolution of different species in a given geographical area starting from a
point and radiating to other habitats is called adaptive radiation.
Question 29.
How does the study of fossils support evolution? Explain. (Delhi 2015C)
Refer to Answer No. 18.
Question 30.
Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the experimental setup used by SL Miller for
his experiment.

(i) Write the names of different gases contained and the conditions set for the reaction in the
flask A.
(ii) State the type of organic molecule he collected in the water at B.
(iii) Write the conclusion he arrived at. (Delhi 2013C, Foreign 2011)
(i) Gases were methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour. In ‘A’ flask electric discharge
was created using electrodes.
(ii) The organic molecules collected in water at ‘B’ were amino acids.
(iii) He concluded that life could have come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules and
their formation was preceded by chemical evolution.
Question 31.
State the theory of biogenesis. How does Miller’s experiment support this theory? (Delhi 2012)
State the views of Oparin and Haldane on evolution. How does SL Miller’s experiment support
their views? (Delhi 2011C)
The theory of biogenesis was proposed by Oparin and Haldane. It states that life could have
come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules (e.g. RNA, protein, etc.) and the formation
of life forms was preceded by chemical evolution, i.e. formation of diverse organic molecules
from inorganic constituents.
In 1953, Urey and Miller conducted an experiment to prove this theory. They created the
conditions of primitive earth, i.e. high temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere
containingCH4, NH3, etc., at laboratory scale. They then stimulated electric discharge in a closed
flask containing CH4,H2, NH3 and water vapour at 800°C. They observed the formation of amino

In similar experiments, they observed the formation of sugars, nitrogen bases, pigments and fats.
These small organic molecules are the building blocks for proteins and other components.
Hence, this experiment supported that life has came from pre-existing non-living organic
Question 32.
Convergent evolution and divergent evolution are the two concepts explaining organic evolution.
Explain each one with the help of an example. (Foreign 2011; Delhi 2010)
Refer to Answer No. 14 and 20.
Question 33.
Anthropogenic actions hasten evolution. Explain with the help of suitable example. (Foreign
Human activities, i.e. anthropogenic actions are found to enhance evolution.
For example,
(i) Excessive use of DDT as a fertiliser in crops resulted in the evolution of DDT resistant

 When DDT was used first time, many mosquitoes died, but few survived.
 Survived mosquitoes showed resistance to DDT and reproduced even in the presence of
 Offsprings produced by these mosquitoes were also resistant to DDT.
 Hence, DDT is not effective on mosquito population today.
(ii) Similarly, evolution of antibiotic resistant microbes has occurred due to the overuse of
Question 34.
(i) Differentiate between analogy and homology giving one example each of plant and. animal,
(ii) How are they considered as an evidence in support of evolution? (All India 2016)
(i) Refer to Answer No. 24.
(ii) Homology and analogy show the similarities and differences among the organisms of today
and those existed years ago. These evidences come from the comparative study of external and
internal structure.
These can be determined by the following types Homology in organs indicates common
ancestry. It is based on divergent evolution. When due to different needs, some morphologically
similar structures develop differently, to perform different functions, the condition is called
divergent evolution. This results in the formation of homologous organs.
Analogy had developed due to the convergent evolution where different structures evolved for
the same function and have morphologically dissimilar structures. These are called analogous
Question 35.
(i) List any four evidences of evolution, (ii) Explain, any one of the evidences that helps to
understand, the concept of evolution. (Delhi 2016C)
(i) Evidences of evolution are derived from
 Palaeontology (Fossils)
 Comparative anatomy and morphology, i.e. homology and analogy
 Biochemical/Physiology
 Biogeography
 Embryology
(ii) Comparative anatomy and morphological evidences show the similarities and differences
among the organisms of today and those that existed years ago.
The evidences come from comparative study of external and internal structure.
I. (a) The organs with same structural design and origin, but different functions are called
homologous organs.
Examples are forelimbs of some animals like whales, bats and cheetah have similar anatomical
structure, such as humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
(b) Homology in organ indicates common ancestry.
(c) Other examples of homology are vertebrate heart or brain. In plants also, thorns and tendrils
of Bougainvillea and Cucurbita represent homology.
(d) Homology is based on divergent evolution. The same structures developed along different
directions due to adaptations to different needs. The condition is called divergent evolution.
II. (a) Organs which are anatomically different, but functionally similar are called analogous
For example, wings of butterfly and birds. In both, wings perform same function, but they have
different origin and structure.
(b) Analogy refers to a situation exactly opposite to homology.
(c) Analogous organs are a result of convergent evolution. It is the evolution in which different
structures evolve for same function and hence, have similarity. It can be said that above
organisms had different structures, but they came in the same environment and evolved to
perform same function.
(d) Other examples of analogy are eyes of Octopus and mammals; flippers of penguins and
In plants, syveet potato (root modification) and potato (stem modification) are analogous organs.

Question 36.
(i) How does the study of fossils help to understand evolution?
(ii) How did SL Miller provide an experimental evidence in favour of Oparin and Haldane’s
hypothesis? Explain. (Delhi 2016C)
(i) The fossils are the remains of past organisms preserved in sedimentary rocks.
Palaeontology is the study of fossils.
 Rocks form sediments and a cross-section of earth’s crust indicate the arrangement of
sediments one over the other during the long history of earth.
 Different aged rock sediments contain fossils of different life forms, who died during the
formation of the particular sediment.
Fossils which were present in a specific area explain the presence of that organism in that
area only.
 Some organisms appear similar to modern organisms. They represent extinct organisms
like dinosaurs.
 A study of fossils in different sedimentary layers indicates the geological period in which
they existed.
Fossils which are obtained from old rocks are of simple type, while which were obtained
from new rocks are of complex type.
 The study showed that life forms varied over time and certain life forms are restricted to
certain geological time scale. Hence, new forms of life have evolved at different times in
the history of earth. Thus, palaeontological evidences help in detailed study of progress
of evolution from old to new forms.
(ii) Refer to Answer No. 31.
Question 37.
According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, the allele frequency of a population remains
constant. How do you interpret the change of frequency of alleles in a population? (All India
According to Hardy-Weinberg principle, the change in frequency of alleles in a population
shows the extent of evolutionary change.
Question 38.
Coelacanth was caught in South Africa. State the significance of discovery of Coelacanth in the
evolutionary history of vertebrates. (All India 2019)
State the significance of Coelacanth in evolution. (Delhi 2012)
Coelacanth was caught in 1938 in South Africa. Why is it very significant in the evolutionary
history of vertebrates? (All India 2010C)
The discovery of Coelacanth (lobefins), the first amphibian is significant as it proved that
amphibians have evolved from fish-like organisms. Lobefins were the ancestors of modern day
frogs and salamanders.
Question 39.
How did Charles Darwin express fitness ? (Delhi 2019)
What is ‘fitness of an individual’ according to Darwin? (Delhi 2017)
According to Darwin, fitness of an individual is the ability of an organism to reproduce
successfully and leave a large number of progenies under a particular set of selection pressures.
Question 40.
Write the names of the following:
(i) A 15 mya primate that was ape-like
(ii) A 2 mya primate that lived in East African grasslands. (2018)
(i) Dryopithecus (ii) Australopithecus
Question 41.
What role does an individual organism play as per Darwin’s theory of natural selection? (Delhi
According to the Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the role of an individual organism is to
pass on the necessary variations, changes or mutations from present generation to the next
generation, that has been selected by the nature.

Question 42.
Write the probable differences in eating habits of Homo habilis and Homo erectus. (Foreign
The probable differences in eating habit of Homo habilis and Homo erectus are as follows
Homo habilis They did not eat meat.
Homo erectus They probably ate meat.
Question 43.
According to Hugo de Vries what is saltation? (All India 2016)
What is ‘Saltation’ according to Hugo de Vries? (Delhi 2014)
Mutation theory of Hugo de Vries states that the evolution occurs due to single-step large
mutations occurring in a population. This is called saltation and it leads to new species formation
or speciation.
Question 44.
State a reason for the increased population of dark coloured moths coinciding with the loss of
lichens (on tree bark) during industrialisation period in England. (Delhi 2015)
The increase in dark population of moths was due to industrial melanism.
After industrialisation, dark-winged moths became more than white-winged moths. This is
because tree trunks covered by lichens became dark due to the air pollution during
industrialisation. White-winged moths fail to camouflage and thus, decreased in number,
whereas dark-winged moths were able to escape predation.
Question 45.
Write the basis of origin of variations in organisms as described by Hugo de Vries. (All India
Mutations are the basis of origin of variations in an organism according to Hugo de Vries.
Question 46.
Name the common ancestor of the great apes and man. (All India 2011)
Dryopithecus is the common ancestor of great apes and man.
Question 47.
Mention how is mutation theory of Hugo de Vries different from Darwin’s theory of natural
selection. (Foreign 2011)
Hugo de Vries theory It states that evolution occurs due to single step large mutations called
saltation, whereas Darwin’s theory states that the speciation occurs gradually through a number
of generations, with the accumulation of minor variations.
Question 48.
List the two characteristics of mutation that help in explaining evolution. (Delhi 2011c)
According to mutation theory of evolution
18. Mutation are random, inheritable and appear in all conceivable directions.
19. Same type of mutations can appear in number of individuals of a species.
Question 49.
When does a species become founder to cause founder effect? (Foreign 2010).
Founders effect occurs due to the change in allele frequency of a population. When the change in
the allele frequency is very different in the new sample of population, so that they become a
different species. The original drifted population becomes founder and the effect is called
founder effect.
Question 50.

Study the ladder of human evolution given above and answer the following questions.
(i) Where did Australopithecus evolve?
(ii) Write the scientific name of Java man. (Delhi 2010C)
(i) Australopithecus evolved in East African grasslands.
(ii) Java man -Homo erectus.
Question 51.
How would the gene flow or genetic drift affect the population in which either of them happen to
take place ? (Delhi 2019)
If gene flow or genetic drift takes place in a population, the effect would be
 Gene flow/Gene migration Due to migration, new genes or alleles are added to the
population and are lost from the old population thus, changing the frequencies of alleles
in both populations. When migration occurs multiple times it is termed as gene flow.
 Genetic drift Changes occurring in allele frequencies by chance is called genetic drift.
Due to changes in allele frequency in new population, some different species are formed.
This is called founder effect and the original population is called founder.
Question 52.
With the help of an algebraic equation, how did Hardy-Weinberg explain that in a given
population the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene is supposed to remain the same
through generations ? (2018)
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle states that allele frequencies in a population are stable. They remain
constant from generation to generation. The gene pool also remains constant. This is called
genetic equilibrium.
Thus, according to this principle, the sum total of all the allelic frequencies in a population is
always 1. Suppose in a diploid individual, p and q represent the frequency of allele A and allele
a, respectively. The probability that an allele A with a frequency of P appears on both the
chromosomes of a diploid organism in the p². Similarly of aa is q², of Aa is 2pq. Hence, p² + 2pq
+ q² = 1.
The difference measured in the expected values of frequencies, indicates the extent of
evolutionary change.
Question 53.
Mention the evolutionary significance of the following organisms:
(i) Shrews
(ii) Lobefins
(iii) Homo habilis
(iv) Homo erectus (Delhi 2017)
The evolutionary significance of the given organisms are as follows
(i) Shrews They are the first mammals. These were long tailed, insectivorous, squirrel-like
organisms. They gave rise to primitive primates. For example, leones and tarsiers at the
beginning of the Palaeocene era.
(ii) Lobefisns They are the first amphibians. Modem day frogs and salamanders have evolved
from them.
(iii) Homo habilis The first human-like primates who lived in Africa about 2 million years ago.
They had brain capacity of 700 cc. They are also called as handy man as they were first and the
most skillful tool makers.
(iv) Homo erectus They appeared after Homo habilis, about 1.7 million years ago. They had
large brain capacities, i.e. 800-1100 cc and were omnivores.

Question 54.
Name the first human-like hominid. Mention his food habit and brain capacity. (All India 2015C)
Homo habilis were the first human-like hominid. They probably did not consume meat and their
brain capacity was about 650-850cc.
Question 55.
Explain how natural selection operates in nature by taking an example of white-winged and dark-
winged moths of England. (All India 2014C)
In England, prior to industrialisation, the tree trunks were covered with white lichens hence,
white moths tould survive and were protected from predators due to white colour. On the other
hand, black moths (a dark-winged moths) could be easily identified due to their dark colour and
declined in number due to predation.
However, as industrialisation progressed, the lichens were replaced by soot and dust particles
and dark coloured moths were benefitted due to camouflage, while white-winged moths could be
easily eaten up by the predators being easily identifiable. Thus, only the dark-winged moths who
were able to fit and survive, i.e. adapted well in conditions, reproduced well in nature. Thus,
natural selection operates in nature by selecting the fittest characters of organisms.
Question 56.
Rearrange the following in increasing order of evolution
Gnetales; Ferns; Zosterophyllum; Ginkgo. (2014C)
The increasing order of evolution in plants is as follows: Zcsterophyllum – Ferns – Ginkgo –
Question 57.
Name the ancestors of a man based on the features given below.
(i) Human-like, meat-eater with 900 cc brain, lived in Java.
(ii) More human-like with brain size 1400 cc, lived in Central Asia, used hides and buried their
(iii) Human-like, vegetarian, with brain capacity between 650-800 cc.
(iv) Man-like primate, that existed about 15 my a. Fossils found in Tanzania. (All India 2013C)
(i) Homo erectus
(ii) Homo sapienes neanderthalensis
(iii) Homo habilis
(iv) Ramapithecus
Question 58.
Explain the phenomenon of evolution by natural selection as supported by the variations
observed in white-winged and dark-winged moth populations in England between 1850-1920.
(All India 2019)
Refer to Answer No. 19.
Question 59.
(i) Write two differences between Homo erectus and Homo habilis.
(ii) Rearrange the following from early to late geological periods:
Carboniferous, Silurian, Jurassic. (Delhi 2019)
(i) Differences between Homo erectus and Homo habilis are

Homo erectus Homo habilis

Origin period is 1.5 mva Origin period is 1.2-1.5 mya

First human like beings, brain capacity 650-

Brain capacity 900 cc meat eater, Fossils
800 cc. herbivorous and fossils found in Hast
found in Java.
(ii) The correct sequence from early to late geological period is Silurian → Carboniferous →
Question 60.
How can Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium be affected? Explain giving three reasons. (2018C)
Giving three reasons, write how Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be affected. (Delhi 2014C)
Factors which affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are (Any three)
 Gene migration Due to migration, new genes or alleles are added to the population and
are lost from the old population thus, changing the frequencies of population. Migration
when happens multiple times, is termed as gene flow.
 Genetic drift Changes occurring in frequencies by chance are called genetic drift. Due to
changes in allele frequency in new population, some different species are formed. This is
called founder effect and the original population is called founder.
 Mutations These occur randomly and at a very slow rate. They lead to new phenotypes
and due to considerable genetic variations, speciation occurs.
 Recombination During gainetogenesis, crossing over between homologous chromosomes
leads to new combinations of genes. It occurs during meiosis.
Question 61.
Write the characteristics of Ramapithecus, Dryopithecus and Neanderthal man. (All India 2017)
Characteristics of Ramapithecus
 Ramapithecus survived about 14-15 million years ago during late Miocene to Pliocene.
 Ramapithecus walked erect on its hindlegs.
 They were similar to ape, which lived on the tree tops, but also walked on the ground.
 They ate hard nuts and seeds like modem man. Their jaws and teeth were similar to
Characteristics of Dryopithecus

 They lived about 25 million years ago during Miocene period.

 Legs and heels indicate that Dryopithecus was of a semi-erect posture and Knuckle
 Dryopithecus was arboreal and herbivorous, who ate soft fruits and leaves.
 Dryopithecus had large canines and incisors.
Characteristics of Neanderthal man

 Neanderthal man existed in the late Pleistocene period.

 Neanderthal walked upright with bipedal movement.
 The face was slightly prognathous and had low brows, receding jaws and high domed
 The cranial capacity of Neanderthal man was about 1300-1600cc and of average 1450cc.
Their jaws were deep with no chin and skull bones were thick.
Question 62.
p² + 2pq + q² = 1. Explain this algebraic equation on the basis of Hardy-Weinberg’s principle.
(Delhi 2017)
The equation p² + 2pq + q² = 1, mathematically represents the Hardy-Weinberg’s principle. It is
used to calculate the genetic variations among a population at equilibrium.
Principle It states that allele frequencies in a population are stable and remain constant from
generation to generation.
In this equation,
p – frequency of allele A
q – frequency of allele a
p² – frequency of AA (homozygous) individuals in a population
q² – frequency of aa (homozygous) individuals
2pq – frequency of Aa (heterozygous) individuals
Also, the sum total of all the allelic frequencies is equal to 1. If the p and q allele frequencies are
known, then the frequencies of three genotypes can be calculated using the Hardy-Weinberg’s
equation. This equation can be used to measure the differences in frequencies of observed
genotype measured from the frequencies predicted by the equation. The disturbance in genetic
equilibrium results in evolution, thus the presence of any difference indicates the extent of
evolutionary change.

Question 63.
How did industrialisation play a role in natural selection of light and dark coloured moth in
England? (Delhi 2015C)
Explain the increase in the numbers of melanic (dark-winged) moths in the urban areas of post-
industrialisation period in England. (Delhi 2012)
Refer to Answer No. 19.
Question 64.
Since the origin of life on earth, there were five episodes of mass extinction of species.
(i) How is the sixth extinction presently in progress, different from the previous episodes?
(ii) Who is mainly responsible for the sixth extinction?
(iii) List any four points that can help to overcome this disaster. (All India 2014)
(i) Sixth extinction is different from previous episodes in the following ways
 It takes place rapidly, due to the reduction in number of species per unit area per unit
 In contrast to previous episodes which were naturally driven, sixth extinction is
accelerated by human activities such as deforestation, industrialisation, etc.
(ii) Human activities that ultimately lead to global warming and disruption of environmental and
ecological balance are responsible for sixth extinction.
(iii) The four measures that can be implemented to overcome this disaster are

 Aforestation.
 Reduction in overexploitation of natural resources.
 Conservation of species and their natural habitats to minimise their losses.
 Create awareness among people regarding global warming and its consequences.
Question 65.
Describe the three different ways by which natural selection can affect the frequency of a
heritable trait in a population. (Foreign 2014)
Explain the three ways in which natural selection operates on different traits in nature. (All India
The three different ways by which natural selection can affect the frequency of a heritable trait in
a population are
(i) Stabilisation It results in more number of individuals acquiring the mean character value, i.e.
variation is much reduced.
(ii) Directional change It results in more individuals acquiring value other than mean character
value, i.e. the peak shifts towards one direction.
(iii) Disruption In this, more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the
distribution curve, i.e. two peaks are formed at periphery.

Question 66.
According to Darwinian theory, the rate of appearance of new forms is linked to their life cycles.
Explain. (All India 2014C)
Darwin’s theory states that the fitness of an organism is measured by its reproductive ability. The
appearance of new forms is linked to the lifespan of an organism.
The greater lifespan of an individual indicates that the more it can reproduce and hence, greater
new forms would appear. This can be observed in the development of dark-winged moths due to
industrial melanism.
Refer to Answer No. 19.
Question 67.
Study the schematic representation of evolutionary history of plant forms given below and

(i) The plant forms ferns and conifers are most related to.
(ii) The nearest ancestors of flowering plants.
(iii) The most primitive group of plants.
(iv) Common ancestry of Psilophyton provides to.
(v) The common ancestor of Psilophyton and seed ferns.
(vi) The common ancestors of mosses and tracheophytes. (Delhi 2012C)
(i) Psilophyton
(ii) Seed ferns,
(iii) Chlorophyte ancestor
(iv) Ferns, conifers and seeds ferns
(v) Tracheophyte ancestor
(vi) Chlorophyte ancestor.
Question 68.
Branching descent and natural selection are the two key concepts of Darwinian theory of
evolution. Explain each concept with the help of a suitable example. (All India 2011)
The two key concepts of Darwinian theory of natural selection are as follows Branching Descent
 Members of a population vary in characteristics, even though they look superficially
similar. Most of these variations are heritable.
 Accumulation of variations over a period of time through a number of generations leads
to change in population characteristics.
e.g. Evolution of marsupials of Australia derived from a common ancestor. Natural selection
Nature selects those individuals who are fit in the environment. Fitness according to Darwin is
reproductive fitness.
Those who adapt better to the habitat reproduce more and their progeny consists of more fit
individuals, who are selected by nature, e.g. Industrial melanism.
Question 69.
(i) How does the Hardy-Weinberg’s expression (p² + 2pq + q² = 1), explain that genetic
equilibrium is maintained in a population?
(ii) List any two factors that can disturb the genetic equilibrium. (All India 2010)
(i) The expression states that the sum total of all the allele frequencies is one. Suppose there are
two alleles ‘A’ and ‘a’ in a population. Their frequencies are p and q, respectively. The
frequency of ‘AA’ individual in a population is p².
It can be explained that the probability that an allele ‘A’ with a frequency p appears on both the
chromosomes of a diploid individual is simply the product of the probabilities, i.e. p².
In the same way, the frequency for aa is q² and for Aa it is 2 pq.
p² + 2 pq + q² = 1
where, p² represents the frequency of homozygous dominant genotype,
2 pq represents the frequency of the heterozygous genotype and q² represents the frequency of
homozygous recessive.
(ii) Genetic equilibrium is disturbed by the factors like gene migration, genetic drift, mutation
and gene recombination during gamete formation. Refer to Answer No. 24. (1)
Question 70.
(i) How does Hardy-Weinberg equation explain genetic equilibrium?
(ii) Describe how this equilibrium gets disturbed which may lead to founder effect. (All India,
2019, Foreign 2012)
(i) Describe Hardy-Weinberg principle
(ii) List any four factors, which affect genetic equilibrium.
(iii) Describe founder effect. (Foreign 2014)
(i) According to Hardy-Weinberg principle, the allele frequencies in a population are stable and
are constant from generation to generation.
(ii) The four factors that affect genetic equilibrium are
 Gene migration
 Genetic drift
 Mutation and recombination
 Natural selection
(iii) Whenever the gene migration occurs multiple times, it leads to some changes, that may
sometimes result in change in allele frequency (at random or by chance).
This difference in allele frequency leads to a new sample of population in such a way that they
evolve into a different species. Such populations are called founders and the effect generated is
called founder effect.
Question 71.
(i) Explain Darwinian theory of evolution with the help of one suitable example. State the two
key concepts of theory.
(ii) Mention any three characteristics of Neanderthal man that lived in near East and Central
Asia. (Delhi 2014)
(i) Darwinian theory of evolution/Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection:
 All the populations have built in variations for each character, which help them to adapt
better to the environment.
 The characteristics, which enable some populations to survive better in natural conditions
(climate, food, physical factors) would outbreed others (survival of the fittest).
 The population, which better fits in an environment is selected by nature and survives
more (natural selection).
 Adaptability is inherited and fitness is the end result of ability to adapt and get selected
by nature.
The two key concepts of Darwinian theory are:

 Branching descent and

 Natural selection
(For details, Refer to Answer No. 32).
(ii) The three characteristics of Neanderthal man that lived in near East and Central Asia are:

 Walked upright with bipedal movement.

 Cranial capacity was around 1300-1600 cc.
 Face slightly prognathous and jaws were deep with no chin.
Question 72.
How does the process of natural selection affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Explain. List the
other four factors that disturb the equilibrium. (All India 2013)
Natural selection affects Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the following ways:

 It is a process in which heritable variations help in the survival of an organism, enabling

it to reproduce and give rise to a large number of offsprings.
 There may be change in the frequency of genes and alleles in the future generations.
 It leads to the formation of new species. Hardy-Weinberg law states that allelic
frequencies in a population are stable and remain constant from generation to generation
but natural selection allows only one allele to adapt to changing conditions.
For other factors affecting Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Refer to Answer No. 24.
Question 73.
(i) Explain the process of natural selection that leads to speciation.
(ii) List the three ways in which the process operates in nature. Explain any one of processes.
(Foreign 2012)
(i) Natural Selection Refer to Answer No. 35.
(ii) Refer to Answer No. 29.
Question 74.
(i) Name the primates that lived about 15 million years ago. List their characteristic features.
(ii) (a) Where was the man-like animal found?
(b) Write the order in which Neanderthals, Homo habilis and Homo erectus appeared on the
earth. State the brain capacity of each of them.
(c) When did modern man Homo sapiens appear on this planet? (Delhi 2011)
(i) Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus are the primates that lived about 15 million years ago.
Their characteristics are
 They were hairy.
 They walked like gorillas and chimpanzees. Dryopithecus was more ape-like, while
Ramapithecus was more man-like.
(ii) (a) The man-like animal was found in East African grasslands.
(b) They appeared in the following order Homo habilis → Homo erectus → Neanderthal. They
had brain capacities of 650-800 cc, 900 cc and 1400 cc, respectively.
(c) During ice age between 75000-10000 years ago, modern man Homo sapiens appeared on this
Question 75.
Explain the salient features of Hugo de Vries theory of mutation. How is Darwin’s theory of
natural selection different from it? Explain. Delhi 2011
Hugo de Vries explained that new species arise from pre-existing ones in a single generation by a
sudden appearance of marked differences called mutations. He believed that it is mutation, which
causes evolution.
The differences between de Vries theory and Darwin theory are as follows

de Vries theory Darwin theory

Evolution resulted from mutation. Evolution resulted from variations.

Evolution was sudden. Evolution was gradual.

Mutations are random and directionless. Variations are small and directional.
Question 76.
(i) Write Hardy-Weinberg principle.
(ii) Explain the three different ways the natural selection can affect the frequency of a heritable
trait in a population shown in the graph given below. (Delhi 2010)

(i) Refer to Answer No. 34 (i).
(ii) Refer to Answer No. 29.
Question 77.
(i) Natural selection operates when nature-selects for fitness. Explain,
(ii) The rate of appearance of new forms is linked to the lifespan of an organism. Explain with
the help of a suitable example. (Delhi 2010)
(i) The members of a population vary in characteristics even though they look similar. The
population usually increases exponentially but the natural resources are limited leading to more
competition. The individuals, which are fit and can adapt themselves are able to survive. They
grow, reproduce and survive. This is called natural selection as stated by Darwin.
(ii) Refer to Answer No. 30.
Question 78.
(i) How do the observations made during moth collection in pre and post-industrialised era in
England to support evolution by natural selection?
(ii) Explain the phenomenon that is well-represented by Darwin’s finches other than natural
selection. (Delhi 2017)
(i) Natural selection is the key concept of Darwin’s theory of evolution which was explained by
Charles Robert Darwin. According to this theory, population of all organisms exhibits variations
in characteristics, which help them to adapt better to environment. It means that individuals of a
population are never same.
Some of these characteristics, enable individuals to survive better in natural conditions and
reproduce. This is called as the survival of the fittest. The organisms which adapt well in the
environment are selected by nature and thus, survive more in nature.
This is called natural selection. From the description given below, we can figure out that how the
observations made during moth collection in pre and post-industrialised era in England supported
the idea of evolution by natural selection.
Industrial melanism There are two varieties of moth, white-winged and dark-winged.
(a) Before industrial revolution in England, white-winged moths were more in number than dark-
winged moths, because there was less pollution, which led to light trunk of trees due to the
presence of lichen on them. So, on light background white-winged moths were not visible, while
dark-winged moths could be eaten by predators very easily.
(b) After industrialisation, dark-winged moths became more than white-winged moths. This is
because during industrialisation, tree trunks covered by white lichens became dark due to air
pollution (dust and soot particles). So, now white-winged moths could be detected easily. Due to
this, white-winged moths could be easily eaten up by the predators as they fail to camouflage.
Whereas dark-winged moths escape predation. So, nature selected only those moths which were
better suited. However, none of them eradicated completely.
(ii) The phenomenon well-represented by Darwin’s finches other than natural selection is
adaptive radiation.
Adaptive Radiation: HF Osborn (1898) developed the concept of adaptive radiation or divergent
evolution. It involves the development of different functional structures from a common
ancestral form.
When a group of organisms shares a homologous structures, which are specialised to perform a
variety of different functions, it shows adaptive radiation. This represents the evolution of new
forms in several directions from the common ancestral type (divergence).
The significance of adaptive radiation is that it suggests the existence of divergent evolution
based on the modification of homologous structures. The examples of divergent evolution are as
(a) Darwin’s finches of Galapagos Islands had common ancestors. Later on, their beaks modified
according to their feeding habits.
(b) Australian marsupials and limbs of mammals are also good examples of adaptive radiation.
Question 79.
(i) How did Darwin explain adaptive radiation? Give another example exhibiting adaptive
(ii) Name the scientist who influenced Darwin and how? (All India 2016)
(i) Refer to Answer No. 27 of Topic 1.
(ii) Darwin was influenced by Thomus Robert Malthus, a British economist. He put forward a
theory of human population growth. He wrote the book ‘An Essay of the Principles of
Question 80.
(i) Explain the observations and the conclusion drawn by Darwin during his visit to Galapagos
(ii) Write the two key concepts of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. (Delhi 2016)
(i) Refer to Answer No. 27 of Topic 1.
(ii) Refer to Answer No. 32 of Topic 2.

Question 81.
Anayaa told her younger brother that forelimbs of man and cheetah are structurally similar,
though they perform different functions.
Do you agree with Anayaa? Give an example of such organs from the plant world.
Yes, I agree with Anayaa. Such organs are called homologous organs. Thorns of Bougainvillea
and tendrils of Cucurbita are homologous organs in plants.
Question 82.
Anita and Sunita had a hot argument whether or not life is still originating on the earth today.
(i) As a student of biology what is your answer to the above problem and why?
(ii) What would have been the energy source for origin of life on the earth?
(i) There is no origin of life on earth today because the atmosphere is oxidising and any new
molecule if formed will get oxidised.
(ii) Sunlight (UV rays) and lighting electrical discharge would act as the energy source for origin
of life on earth.
Question 83.
During the biology lecture on theories of evolution, Mrs. Sharma was teaching the topic
Lamarckism. Kapil was in a confused state after the lecture, so he went to his teacher and asked
his doubts. He asked that if characters can pass to next generation, why he does not have the
tatoo that his mother has on her arm.
The teacher smiled and told him the actual fact about it. She also explained him the reasons for
the rejection of Lamarck’s theory.
(i) Name the book in which Lamarckism was explained.
(ii) What are the three postulates of this theory?
(iii) What are the values shown by teacher?
(i) Philosophic Zoologique in 1809.
(ii) three postulates of this theory are:
 New needs in respect to changing environment.
 Acquisition of characters.
 Inheritance of acquired characters.
(iii) The teacher was patient, knowledgeable and understanding.
Study Important Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 - Evolution
Very Short Answer Questions. (1 Mark)
1. Name one fish-like reptile that evolved from a land reptile about 200 million years
Ans: Ichthyosaurs are fish-like reptiles that evolved from land reptiles about 200 million
years ago.

2. For a long time, it was believed that life originated from decaying matter. What is
this theory known as? Name the scientist who experimentally disproved this theory.
Ans: According to the theory of spontaneous generation life originated from decaying
matter however, Louis Pasteur disproved the theory.

3. If the abiotic origin of life is in progress on a planet other than earth, what should
be the conditions there?
Ans: If the abiotic origin of life is in progress on a planet other than earth then, extremely
high temperatures, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containing CH4, NH3, H2, and
water vapors should be the key conditions there.

4. Name the person who proposed that population tends to increase geometrically
while food production increases arithmetically.
Ans: Thomas Malthus proposed that population tends to increase geometrically while food
production increases arithmetically

5. Name the scientist who had also come to a similar conclusion as that of Darwin
about natural selection as a mechanism of evolution. Which place did he visit to come
to conclusions?
Ans: Alfred Wallace was a naturalist and worked in the Malay Archipelago. He also came
up to a similar conclusion as that of Darwin about natural selection as a mechanism of

6. Name any two vestigial organs found in the human body?

Ans: Vermiform appendix, wisdom teeth are the two vestigial organs found in the human

7. What is the cause of speciation according to Hugo De Vries?

Ans: Mutations are the cause of speciation according to Hugo De Vries.

8. Name the phenomenon by which rapid speciation takes place?

Ans: Genetic drift is the phenomenon by which rapid speciation takes place.

9. Name the two scientists who set up a special experiment to prove Oparin’s theory
of the origin of life?
Ans: Urey and Miller were the two scientists who set up a special experiment to prove
Oparin’s theory of the origin of life.

10. Name the common ancestor of apes and man?

Ans: Dryopithecus is the common ancestor of apes and man.

11. Which period is known as the “Age of amphibians”?

Ans: The Carboniferous period is known as the “Age of amphibians”.
12. What provided energy for abiotic synthesis on primitive earth?
Ans: Very high temperatures due to lightning or UV – rays provided energy for abiotic

13. Who showed that life comes from pre-existing life?

Ans: Louis Pasteur showed that life comes from pre-existing life.

14. What is meant by Gene pool?

Ans: Gene pool refers to the total of different kinds of genes pooled by all the members of
a population.

15. Which period is called the “Age of Reptiles”.

Ans: The Jurassic period is called the “Age of Reptiles”.

16. Name the species of human beings which is most closely related to modern man.
Ans: Cro-magnon is the species of human beings that are most closely related to modern

17. What is the “Founder’s effect”?

Ans: Sometimes a change in frequency of an allele is so different in the new sample of a
population that they become a whole new species altogether hence, the original drifted
population becomes founder and this effect is known as the Founder’s effect.

Short Answer Questions (2 Marks)

1. Explain the Oparin-Haldane theory of the chemical evolution of life.
Ans: The first life form could have come from pre-existing, non-living organic molecules
(such as the RNA, Proteins) and the formation of life was preceded by chemical evolution.
This theory suggests that life arose gradually from inorganic molecules, with amino acids
working as the building blocks. These then combine to make complex polymers that might
get assembled into structures that were capable of sustaining and replicating themselves.
Oparin considered these as colonies of proteins that clustered together to carry out
metabolism, whereas, Haldane thought of them as macromolecules that were enclosed in
membranes to build up cell-like structures.

2. Distinguish between convergent and divergent evolution giving one example of

Ans: The differences between divergent and convergent evolution are:

Divergent Evolution Convergent Evolution

Development of different functional Development of similar adaptive
structures from a common ancestral form. functional structures in unrelated groups
Homologous organs show this type of of organisms. Analogous organs show this
evolution. type of evolution.
Examples: Many aquatic vertebrates and
Examples: Darwin's Finches.
wings of insects, birds, and bats.

3. What is adaptive radiation? Explain with an example.

Ans: Adaptive radiation is defined as an evolutionary process producing new species from
a single, rapidly diversifying lineage. This process occurs due to natural selection.
Example: Darwin finches, found in Galapagos Island. A variety of finches present in
Galapagos Island arose from a single species, which reached this land accidentally. As a
result, innumerable new species evolved, diverged, and adapted thus occupying new
habitats. These finches developed diverse eating habits, and various kinds of beaks suiting
their feeding habits.

4. How did Louis Pasteur disprove spontaneous generation theory?

Ans: Louis Pasteur showed that in pre-sterilized flasks, life did not originate from killed
yeast whereas, in the other flask which was open to the air, new organisms originated from
the dead yeast.

5. Define homologous organs? Give one example of an organ homologous to the hand
of man?
Ans: Homologous organs are the ones that are similar in their basic structure and
embryonic development but function differently. Example: Bones of forelimbs of whales,
bats, birds, and humans.

6. What is the role of variation in evolution?

Ans: Variations are important for the survival of species in any environment. If a
population of reproducing organisms are suited to a particular niche and if it gets altered,
the population could wipe out; however, with certain variations, they can survive in the
changing environment as well.

7. Describe one evidence that decisively proves that birds have evolved from reptiles?
Ans: The missing link between birds and reptiles is the evidence that proves that birds have
evolved from reptiles. Archaeopteryx showed that “Birds evolved from reptiles”. These
are organisms that show characteristics of both birds (such as the presence of wings,
feathers in the body) as well as of reptiles (jaws with identical teeth, etc).

8. What is the study of fossils called? Mention any three points how the fossils throw
light on past life?
Ans: The study of fossils is known as paleontology. It has been concluded that fossils throw
light on past life as:
 A cross-section of Earth’s crust shows the arrangement of sediments one over
 Each sediment contains different life forms which most probably got extinct during
the formation of particular sediment.
 Connecting or missing links contain characters of different groups.

9. Why has natural selection not eliminated sickle–cell anemia?

Ans: Sickle cell anemia is not eliminated during natural selection as in some cases, SCA
is beneficial since it provides a natural defense system against malarial parasites.

10. Life originated from the earth’s inorganic atmosphere in the post, but this no
longer happens today. Give two reasons?
Ans: Life cannot be originated in the present-day atmosphere because of the following
(i) Temperature of the present-day atmosphere is much less than that of the primitive
(ii) The present-day atmosphere is oxidizing and not reducing in nature due to the presence
of oxygen.

11. If you discovered a fossil bird with scales on the body and teeth in the beak. What
would you conclude about its position in the animal kingdom?
Ans: Since the fossil bird shows both avian and reptilian characters, such as scales on the
body and teeth in the beak hence, it is more likely to be considered as a connecting link
between the reptiles and the birds.

12. What is speciation? List any two events that lead to speciation?
Ans: Speciation refers to the origin of new species or phenomena of development of new
species from pre-existing ones.
The two events which lead to speciation are – Genetic drift, mutation, and natural selection.
13. Would you consider the wings of a butterfly and a bat as homologous or Analogous
and why?
Ans: Wings of butterflies and bats are said to be analogous because they originated from
different parts – for example, butterfly wings originated from skin, feathers and in bats,
wings originated from forelimbs; however, both of them perform the same function which
is flying.

14. Define natural selection? Who else along with Charles Darwin proposed it as the
mechanism of evolution?
Ans: Natural selection is a process of selection in nature in which individuals with those
characteristics which enable them to survive better in natural conditions would outnumber
others who are less adapted under the same natural conditions Alfred
Wallace also proposed the same mechanism of evolution and called it “survival of fittest”.

15. A chimpanzee can hold objects by its hand and an elephant by the trunk. Are these
organs Analogous or homologous?
Ans: These organs are analogous as they are performing the same function which is
holding objects but have originated from different parts, for example, forelimbs in
chimpanzees and nose in elephants.

16. Differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution?

The difference between convergent and divergent evolution is as follows:

Divergent Evolution Convergent Evolution

It is the evolutionary process of different It is the form of evolution in which more
species producing new species diverged than one adaptive radiation occurs in an
from a single ancestral form isolated geographical area
Example: Camels are found in Asia and
Example: Australian marsupials
Llamas are found in South America
17. Bring out differences between De Vries mutations and Darwinian Variations?
Ans: The difference between De Vries mutations and Darwinian variations are:

De Vries mutations Darwinian Variations

Mutations are heritable changes in the Darwinian variations are gradual and
characteristics of a population that arise occur due to variations over several
suddenly and cause speciation. generations.
Mutations are random, directionless. Variations are small and directional.

Short Answer Question (3 Marks)

1. (i) State the Hardy-Weinberg principle.
Ans: According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, the allele frequency in a population is
stable and constant from generation to generation.
(ii) When there is a disturbance in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what would it
result in?
Ans: When there is a disturbance in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it would result in
(iii) According to this principle, what is the total of all allelic frequencies?
Ans: According to this principle, what is the total of all allelic frequencies is one.

2. Classify the following as examples of homology and analogy

(i) Hearts of fish and crocodile
Ans: The hearts of fish and crocodiles are an example of homology.
(ii) Wings of butterflies and birds
Ans: Wings of butterflies and birds are an example of an analogy.
(iii) Eyes of Octopus and Mammals
Ans: The eyes of Octopus and Mammals are an example of analogy.
(iv) Tubers of potato and Sweet potato
Ans: Tubers of potato and Sweet potato is an example of analogy.
(v) Thorns of Bougainvillea and spines of Opuntia
Ans: Thorns of Bougainvillea and spines of Opuntia is an example of analogy.
(vi) Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of cucurbits.
Ans: Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of cucurbits is an example of homology.

3. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey experimented by recreating in the laboratory the
probable conditions of the atmosphere of the primitive earth.
(i) What was the aim of the experiment?
Ans: Stanley Miller and Harold Urey experimented by recreating in the laboratory the
probable conditions of the atmosphere of the primitive earth. The experiment aimed to
prove Oparin's theory of the origin of life.
(ii) In what forms was the energy supplied for chemical reactions to occur?
Ans: Electric discharge using electrodes.
(III) For how long was the experiment run continuously? Name two products formed.
Ans: One week; amino acids and sugar.

4. Study the figures given below and answer the following question.
i) Under the influence of which type of natural selection would graph (a) become like
the graph (b).
ii ) What could be the likely reason for new variations arising in a population.
iii) Who suggested natural selection as the mechanism of evolution?
(i) Graph (a) would become like the graph (b) under the influence of the disruptive and
elective type of natural selection.
(ii) Because individuals at the extremes contribute more offspring compared to those in the
center and produce two peaks in the distribution of a trait which leads to new variations
arising in a population.
(iii) Charles Darwin suggested natural selection as a mechanism of evolution.

5. Fill up the blanks left in the table showing Era, period, and organism.

Era Period Organisms

Modern man, mammals,
Cenozoic A
birds, the rise of monocot
Rise of first Primate,
B Tertiary
Mesozoic C Gingko, Gnetales
D Jurassic Conifers, cycads, Reptiles
Paleozoic E Early reptiles (extinct)
F Silurian Psilophyton

Ans: (A) Quaternary (B) Cenozoic (C) Cretaceous (D) Mesozoic (E) Carboniferous (F)
6. (i) In which part of the world, the Neanderthal man lived?
Ans: The Neanderthal man lived near Eastern and Central Asia
(ii) What was his brain’s capacity?
Ans: Their brain capacity was 1400 c.c.
(iii) Mention the advancement which Neanderthal man showed over Homoerectus.
Ans: The advancements were:
 More brain capacity
 Use of hides to cover body
 Burial of the dead.

7. Figures given below are of Darwin’s finches?

Variety of beaks of Darwin's finches.

(a) Mention the specific geographical area where these were found.
(b) Name and explain the phenomenon that has resulted in the evolution of such
diverse species in the region.
(c) How did Darwin visit the particular geographical area?
Ans: (a) Galapagos Island.
(b) Adaptive radiation - The process of evolution of different species in a given
geographical area starting from a point and radiating to other areas of geography (habitats)
is called adaptive radiation.
(c) Through sea voyage in a sailing ship called H.M.S. Beagle.

8. Give examples to show evolution by anthropogenic action.

Ans: Excess use of herbicides pesticides etc. has resulted in the selection of resistant
varieties on a much lesser time scale. The same is true for antibiotic or drug-resistant
Examples of pesticides are- Aldrin, Methomyl, and examples of herbicides are Acetochlor,

9. By taking industrial melanism as an example, explain the concept of natural

selection by evolution?
Ans: Natural selection is a mechanism through which populations of living creatures adapt
to changes to survive. It claims that because of the survival of the fittest, species evolve
rapidly. Minimal differences are preserved and transmitted, giving rise to new forms over
A collection of moths was discovered in the year 1850. White-winged moths outnumbered
dark-winged moths in this collection. The population of dark-wringed moths rose with
industrialization. The explanation for this is because, throughout the post-industrial period,
tree trunks became darkened by industrial smoke, preventing the white-winged moth from
surviving. However, it is also known that before industrialization, trees were coated with
thick growths of off-white-colored lichens, allowing white-winged moths to thrive while
dark-colored moths were easily identified by predators. As a result, it may be argued that
nature chooses the best species for the job.

10. Who were the two scientists that experimented to synthesize organic molecules
abiotically? How did they provide the probable condition of the primitive earth in
this experiment?
Ans: Urey and Miller tried to create in the laboratory similar conditions which might have
existed in the early primitive atmosphere. A mixture of water vapors methane, ammonia,
and hydrogen is exposed to electric discharge in a closed chamber, this fluid thus formed
is allowed to stand for several weeks as a result, amino acids e.g. glycerine and alanine are
formed from the fluid. They suggested that electric discharge produced during lightning in
the primitive atmosphere of the earth might have resulted in the formation of organic

11. What is Biogenetic law? How comparative embryology does provide evidence for
Ans: It has become evident from embryological studies that there was one developmental
pattern. In all organisms, life begins with a unicellular structure. The embryos of fish, frog,
turtle, bird, and man resemble one another so closely that it becomes difficult to distinguish
Mammalian embryo passes through fish–like, amphibian-like, reptiles like and bird-like
stages during the development of an organism (ontogeny), some of the evolutionary steps
(phylogeny) are repeated in different groups of organisms. This leads Ernst Haeckel to
formulate a famous theory – “Recapitulation Theory / Biogenetic Law which states that
“Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” The sequence of embryonic development shows
striking similarity e.g. appearance of gill cleft and notochord in embryonic development of
all vertebrates from fish to man.

12. Chemical insecticides remain useful only for a limited time. Explain concerning
evolution with a suitable example.
Ans: Chemical pesticides are used in agricultural fields to get rid of various pests and
insects that cause crop loss. These chemical insecticides affect some of the pest's metabolic
characteristics, resulting in the pest's death.
However, these pests develop immunity over time as a result of various generations. Pests
that are resistant to these insecticides are born as a result of mutations. These insecticides
will thereafter be useless. As a result, you should avoid using these insecticides.

13. What are the facts that support Darwin’s theory of Natural selection?
Ans: The following facts that support Darwin’s theory of Natural selection
1. Overproduction: - All organisms tend to multiply at a high rate but all organisms can’t
2. Struggle for Existence: - Because of limitation of space and food all the offspring
resulting in overproduction will not survive and they will compete with one another to
grow. This develops a struggle for existence not only among individuals of different
species but also among the same species.
3. Variations: No two individuals of the same species are exactly alike even coming out
from the same parental stock.
4. Survival of fittest: The individuals with useful variation will survive during the struggle
of existence while those with less fortunate variation would perish.

14. Trace the important events or stages of human development?

Ans: The common ancestor of apes and man is the primate Dryopithecus that lived about
15 million years ago the human evolution is as follows :
1. Australopithecus: They are 4ft, with a brain capacity – 500 to 650 cc. They have bipedal
locomotion, are omnivorous, and have an erect posture. They used stone weapons for
hunting and lived in caves.
2. Homo Erectus: They showed an increase in brain size They are good hunters, ate meat
domesticate animals, and discover fire.
3. Netherlands man: They were short with heavy brows retreating forehead large jaws and
stooped postures They wore clothes, good hunters, and tool makers.
4. Cromagnonman: They were completely erect and 6 ft tall. He used bones as tools and
was a cave dweller. They are excellent tool makers and fine artists.
5. Homo sapiens: They have a brain capacity of 1450cc. and skull much thicker. His
intelligence has enabled him to adapt and control the environment. He started agriculture.

15. What are the three different ways in which selection may occur.
Ans: The three different ways in which selection may occur are as below:
(i) Stabilising selection: Individuals with an intermediate value of heritable phenotypic
characteristics are favored over other individuals.
(ii) Directional selection: Individuals with one extreme of heritable phenotypic
characteristics have an advantage over individuals in a population.
(iii) Disruptive selection: Individuals with either extreme or heritable phenotypic
characteristics have an advantage over individuals with intermediate phenotypes.
16. State in what ways Stanley miller simulated the condition of :
i) Primitive atmosphere on earth.
ii) Energy source at the time of origin of life.
iii) Formation of organic molecules of life.
Ans: i) A fluid containing a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor in
a closed flask.
ii) Energy source during the origin of life was Sun. This energy is provided by electric
discharge using electrodes in this experiment.
iii) The organic molecules which are formed during the experiment are amino acids.

17. What is Biogeography? How Darwin’s finches provide biogeographical evidence

in favor of evolution.
Ans: The branch of geography which deals with the study of the pattern of distribution of
plants and animals is called Biogeography.
Example: Galapagos islands- Charles Darwin during his voyage found that animals of
these islands resemble those of South American islands. For example birds of Galapagos
Island also known as Darwin’s finches do not resemble birds of South America therefore,
he stated that finches were derived from ancestral stock that had emigrated from the
mainland to the island and underwent profound changes under different environmental

18. How did Louis Pasteur successfully demolish the popular theory of spontaneous
Ans: Louis Pasteur used a special swan-necked flask for the experiment. He took a mixture
of sugar and yeast powder, filled it in the flask, then boiled it as a steady current of steam
rushed out from the S-shaped tube –causing the death of all microorganisms. After this, the
flask remained unchanged, however, when the neck of the flask was cut-off, a thick growth
of microorganisms was observed which presumed that there are microorganisms that could
not reach the flask in the initial stage, however, in the second phase, they came in direct
contact with the solution.

Long Answer Questions (5 Marks)

1. What does Hardy Weinberg’s principle state? What are the factors which affect
Hardy Weinberg’s equilibrium?
Ans: A. to Hardy Weinberg’s principle, allele frequency in a population is stable and is
constant from generation to generation i.e. total gene pool remains constant. This is called
genetic equilibrium e.g. In a diploid organism, suppose ‘p’ represents the frequency of
allele ‘A’ and ‘q’ represents the frequency of allele ‘q’.

Factors affecting Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium :
(i) Gene flow: When the migration of a section of a population to another place starts, gene
frequency changes in both the original as well as in the new population.
(ii) Genetic drift: If by chance a particular allele frequency decrease or increases in a
(iii) Mutations: They are sudden changes in the genotype which are carried over a
(iv) Genetic recombination: Sometimes changes in the frequency of an allele are different
in a new sample of the population as they become new species.
(v) Natural selection: Process by which individuals with particular heritable
characteristics survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals favored by
natural selection tend to be more common in the next generation than in the parent

2. How do Darwin and Hugo de Vries think about the Mechanism of Evolution?
Darwin: Darwinian variations are gradual, small, and directional Hugo deVries: put forth
the idea of mutations, mutations are sudden random and directional

3. With the help of a suitable diagram, represent the operation of natural selection on
different traits.
Ans: Natural selection is a basic mechanism of evolution, along with mutation, migration,
and genetic drift.
Darwin's idea of evolution by natural selection is simple but misunderstood. To know the
same, consider a population of beetles:
1. There is variation in traits: Example, some beetles are green while others are brown.
2. There is differential reproduction: Since the environment can't support unlimited
population growth, not all individuals get to reproduce to their full potential. For example,
green beetles are eaten by birds and survive to reproduce less than brown beetles.

3. There is Heredity: The brown beetles which survive have brown baby beetles since this
trait has a genetic basis.
4. Result: The more advantageous trait, brown coloration allows beetles to have more
offspring, thus it becomes more common in the population. If this continues, ultimately all
the individuals in the population would come out to be brown.

4. What does Oparin – Haldane hypothesis about the origin of life suggests.
Ans: According to Oparin and Haldane’s Biochemical hypothesis, the origin of life occurs
in three stages.
The first life form could have come from pre-existing, non-living organic molecules (such
as the RNA, Proteins) and the formation of life was preceded by chemical evolution. This
theory suggests that life arose gradually from inorganic molecules, with amino acids
working as the building blocks. These then combine to make complex polymers that might
get assembled into structures that were capable of sustaining and replicating themselves.
Oparin considered these as colonies of proteins that clustered together to carry out
metabolism, whereas, Haldane thought of them as macromolecules that were enclosed in
membranes to build up cell-like structures.

5. What is chemogeny?
Ans: Chemogeny or chemical evolution suggests that most of the primitive forms of life
would have been generated spontaneously from some inorganic matter as a result of the
action of special external forces e.g. electric charge, UV-light, etc.
1. Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons were feasted when temp cooled to 900 Celsius
or even below this.
2. From hydrocarbons, small chain compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are
formed which condense to form sugar.
3. Ketones and aldehydes condense, polymerizes to form fatty acids.
4. Ammonia, hydrocarbon, and water reacted to form amino acids.
5. Hot sea water rich in primary organic compounds reacted to form nucleotides.

6. What is biogeny?
Ans. Biogeny or biological evolution is a stage that consists of
i) Formation of nucleic acids by polymerization of nucleotides.
ii) Giant molecules of nucleoproteins tend to be aggregated in various combinations to
form large colloidal particles called coacervates.
iii) The development of the plasma membrane resulted in the accumulation of different
substances inside coacervates and the occurrence of certain internal reactions leading to
the development of the cell.

7. What is Cognogeny?
Ans. Cognogeny involves the differentiation and diversification of living beings from the
simplest first living cell. The first organism that evolved was chemoautotrophic bacteria
which later converted to tree autotrophic bacteria example- green algae.

Evolution Important Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
When did life appear on earth?
Life originated sometimes 3600 million years ago.
Question 2.
Arrange the following substances in a proper sequence with regard to the formation of chemical
constituents at the time of origin of life: Sugar, methane, nucleic acid, and amino acid.
Methane-sugar-amino acid-nucleic acid.
Question 3.
Mention the type of nutrition in the cells that originated first during the origin of life.
Heterotrophic nutrition.
Question 4.
Which group of organisms were responsible for the appearance of free oxygen in the atmosphere
of the primitive earth?
Oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria resembling the present-day blue-green algae or cyanobacteria.
Question 5.
Give the three key factors of the modern concept of evolution.
Genetic variations, natural selection, and isolation.
Question 6.
What is the ultimate source of organic variation?
Genetic variations due to mutations, recombination, and polyploidy.
Question 7.
What is proved by the phenomenon of resistance to DDT in mosquitoes?
Natural selection.
Question 8.
Attempt giving a clear definition of the term species.
The members of a species that resemble structurally and functionally are able to interbreed freely
and produce fertile offspring of their own kind and share a common gene pool.
Question 9.
What causes speciation according to Hugo de Vries? (CBSE Delhi 2008)
Question 10.
How did Charles Darwin express ‘fitness’? (CBSE Delhi 2019)
Charles Darwin expressed ‘fitness’ as reproductive fitness. The adaptive ability of an organism is
inherited. The best-adapted species increase their population by reproduction.
Question 11.
Name the scientist who disproved spontaneous generation theory. (CBSE 2010)
Louis Pasteur.
Question 12.
Mention the type of evolution that has brought the similarity as seen in potato tuber and sweet
potato. (CBSE 2009)
Convergent evolution.
Question 13.
Briefly explain the theory of biogenesis. (CBSE 2012)
According to this theory, life originated from pre-existing life forms.
Question 14.
Write the probable difference in eating habits of Homo habilis and Homo erectus. (CBSE
Outside Delhi 2016)
Homo habilis was carnivorous. Homo erectus was omnivorous.
Question 15.
How do we compute the age of a living tree?
By determining the number of annual rings in the lower part of its trunk, called
Evolution Important Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What are we referring to when we say “simpler organisms” or “complex organisms”?
By “simpler organisms”, we mean those organisms which are primitive with simple organization
and simple metabolic pathways, structural and functional. “By complex organisms”, we mean
those organisms which are more evolved, have a complex level of structural and functional
organization and complex metabolic pathways.
Question 2.
Louis Pasteur’s experiments, if you recall, proved that life can arise from only pre-existing life.
Can we correct this as life evolves from pre-existent life or otherwise we will never answer the
question as to how the first forms of life arose? Comment.
State the two principal outcomes of the experiments conducted by Louis Pasteur on the origin of
life. (CBSE Delhi 2019)
20. Dismissed theory of spontaneous generation of life.
21. Yes, we can correct this as life evolves from pre-existent life.
The first life that appeared on the earth was apparently the result of chemical evolution, i.e. the
life originated from inorganic molecules that formed organic molecules, further forming complex
This finally resulted in simple cells and then simple organisms, where-in complexity developed
with time. However, once life originated, abiogenesis could not follow, and hence, life evolved
further only through biogenesis, i.e. pre-existent life gave rise to new life.
Question 3.
What is convergent evolution?
Convergent evolution. When adaptation for survival in similar habitats is similar, then this form
of evolution is called convergent evolution or parallel evolution. Examples: Some of the
marsupials of Australia resemble placental mammals that live in similar habitats to other
continents. Australia separated about 50 million years ago. Marsupials arrived here before the
separation from Antarctica and evolved in isolation earlier than placental mammals.
Question 4.
What are analogous organs? Give examples. (CBSE 2016)
Analogous organs: The organs which are similar in appearance and perform the same function
but differ in their fundamental structure and origin are called analogous organs.
22. Wings of birds and insects.
23. Leaves of a plant and cladodes of Ruscus are also analogous organs.
Question 5.
What are vestigial organs? Give examples.
Vestigial organs are non-functional organs in an organism that are functional in related animals
and were functional in the ancestors. There are 90 vestigial organs in the human body and mainly
include coccyx (tail bone); nictitating membrane (3rd eyelid); caecum and vermiform appendix;
canines; wisdom teeth; body hair; auricular muscles; mammary glands in male; etc. Vestigial
organs are also present in some other animals, e.g. splint bones in the horse; hind-limbs and
pelvic girdles in python; wings and feathers in flightless birds; etc.
Question 6.
Write the significance of vestigial organs.
Significance of vestigial organs. Organic evolution states that these vestigial organs were
functional in the ancestral forms but have become non-functional due to changes in their function
and may finally disappear. So the presence of vestigial organs is convincing evidence of organic
evolution and is supported by Lamarck’s theory of use and disuse of organs.
Question 7.
What are fossils?
Fossils. The remnants or impressions of living organisms from the remote past may be regarded
as fossils. Fossil formation involves the burial of dead organisms. Layer after layer of sediment
is laid above the dead organisms. It is only on this account that the oldest fossils are found in the
deepest layers of the earth’s surface, while the fossils of recent origin are found in the upper
layers. Thus by examining the various layers of the earth from the deepest to the most superficial
strata for the fossil record, the story of life in the correct historical sequence can be known.
Question 8.
Why is Archaeopteryx called a connecting link between reptiles and birds?
What is the significance of Archaeopteryx in the study of organic evolution?
Importance of Archaeopteryx as connecting link. The fossil forms representing the characters of
the two distinct groups of living animals are known as missing links. The best example of
connecting link is afforded by a fossil bird, Archaeopteryx. It was the size of a crow.
Archaeopteryx is decidedly a bird as it has feathers and a beak. But like reptiles, it has a long tail,
jaws full of teeth, claws on forefingers, and keelless sternum. Thus it represents a stage between
reptiles and birds through Archaeopteryx-like intermediate form.
Question 9.
What is adaptive radiation? (CBSE Delhi 2016)
Describe one example of adaptive radiations. (CBSE Delhi 2008 S, 2010, 2015, 2019 C, Outside
Delhi 2014)
How did Darwin explain the existence of different varieties of finches on the Galapagos Islands?
(CBSE Outside Delhi 2009, Delhi 2010)
Adaptive radiation: It is the process of divergent evolution in which members of the same
ancestral species of a large taxonomic group are evolved along different lines in different
habitats of the same geographical area.
Example: Darwin’s Finches are an example of adaptive radiation.
There were many varieties of small blackbirds in the Galapagos Islands. Darwin reasoned that
after originating from a common seed-eating stock, the finches must have radiated to different
geographical locations in the same island and undergone adaptive changes, especially in the type
of beak. Living in isolation for long, the new kinds of finches emerged that could survive and
function in the new habitats.
Question 10.
List the main points of Lamarck’s theory.
Lamarck’s theory of evolution:
24. Effect of environment.
25. Effect of use and disuse of organs.
26. The inheritance of acquired characters.
27. The origin of new species.
Question 11.
Give the main points of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. (CBSE Outside Delhi 2019)
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution may be summed up as follows:
28. Rapid multiplication/overproduction
29. Struggle for existence.
30. Variations.
31. Natural selection or survival of the fittest.
32. Inheritance of useful variations.
33. Origin of new species.
Alfred Wallace also arrived at the same conclusion as that of Charles Darwin.
Question 12.
Name the following:
(i) Who conceived the idea of the chemosynthetic hypothesis of the origin of life on earth?
Oparin and Haldane
(ii) Who proved that spontaneous generation does not occur?
Francesco Redi, Spallanzani, and Louis Pasteur
(iii) Who experimentally proved that life develops from pre-existing life only?
(iv) Who gave the theory of organic evolution? (CBSE 2010)
Charles Darwin.
Question 13.
Describe De Vries Mutation theory. (CBSE Delhi 2011)
De Vries Mutation Theory: Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) was a Dutch Botanist. He performed
experiments on the Evening Primrose (Oenothera Lamarckian). According to this theory, new
species arise suddenly showing abrupt deviations in characters from the normal forms. These
sudden deviations are because of mutation. Thus evolution is not a slow and gradual process but
a sudden discontinuous and jerky process.
Question 14.
State a reason for the increased population of dark-colored moths coinciding with the loss of
lichens (on tree barks/during industrialization period in England). (CBSE Delhi 2015)
Soot evolved from coal-based industries deposited on tree bark of oak plants and darkened it,
which is called industrial melanism. Dark-colored moth (Bistort Carbonaria) had more chances
of survival so increased in number. Before industrialization, white-colored thick lichens grew on
tree barks. In that background, white-winged moths survived but dark moths were picked out by
But post-industrialization, lichens disappeared and tree trunks became dark due to the deposition
of soot evolved from coal-based industries. Now white moths became easy prey compared to
dark ones. Thus dark moths survived and increased their population.
Question 15.
Select the homologous structures from the combinations given below:
1. Fore-limbs of whale and bats
2. A tuber of potato and sweet potato
3. Eyes of Octopus and Mammals
4. Thorn of Bougainvillea and Tendril of Cucurbita. (CBSE Outside Delhi 2015)
34. Because both of them share similarities in the pattern of bones of forelimbs, though they
perform different functions like forelimb of whale helps in swimming, while that in bats
it helps in flying.
35. Because both are modified stem branches (axillary buds) but are differently modified to
perform different functions, e.g. thorns for protection from grazing animals and tendrils
for climbing.
Question 16.
According to Hardy-Weinberg’s principle, the allele frequency of a population remains constant.
How do you interpret the change of frequency of alleles in a population? (CBSE 2009)
Disturbances in genetic equilibrium or Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium lead to a change of
frequency of alleles in a population which results in evolution.
Question 17.
With the help of two suitable examples, explain the effect of anthropogenic actions on organic
evolution. (CBSE Delhi 2013)
Effect of anthropogenic actions on organic evolution:
36. Creation of breeds by artificial or selective breeding programs.
37. (a) Excess use of herbicides, pesticides, etc. has resulted in the selection of resistant
varieties in a much lesser time.
(b) Selection of drug-resistant microbes.
38. Survival of dark-winged (melanized) moths after industrialization in England.
Question 18.
Can we call human evolution adaptive radiation?
No, we cannot call human evolution adaptive radiation. It is the case of descent with
modification in which more advanced types are evolved from the simple forms. In the case of
human evolution, there appears to be parallel evolution of the human brain and language.
Question 19.
State two postulates of Oparin and Haldane with reference to the origin of life. (CBSE Delhi
Oparin and Haldane proposed that:
39. life originated from pre-existing non¬living organic molecules.
40. the diverse organic molecules were formed from inorganic constituents by chemical
Question 20.
Write the names of the following:
(i) A 15 mya primate that was ape-like
(ii) A 2 mya primate that lives in East African grasslands (CBSE Delhi 2018)
Question 21.
(i) Write two differences between Homo erectus and Homo habilis.
Differences between Homo erectus and Homo habilis:

Homo erectus Homo habilis

1. Brain capacity is 900 cc. 1. Brain capacity is 900 cc.

2. Probably ate meat. 2. Probably ate meat.

(ii) Rearrange the following from early to late geologic periods: Carboniferous, Silurian,
Jurassic. (CBSE Delhi 2019)
Silurian, Carboniferous, Jurassic.
Evolution Important Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
What are homologous organs? Give similar or different functions are catted examples. (CBSE
2016) homologous organs.
Homologous organs: Organs that have a common origin, embryonic development, and the same
fundamental structure but perform similar or different functions are catted homologous organs.
Examples of homologous organs:
1. The wings of bird and bat, flipper embryonic development, and same (fin) of whale and
human forearm are fundamental structures but perform differently in forms because these have to
perform different functions. Studies of the bones forming the skeleton of these organs would
reveaL similarity in construction. In fact, these are the forms of forearms that have originated
from pentadactyl forms and due to the different functions they are performing, they transformed
into different forms.
2. In plants, the homologous organs may be a thorn of Bougainvillea or a tendriL of Cucurbita
both arising in axillary position. Both have different forms depending on their function to
Question 2.
How has the study of fossils helped in convincing scientists that organisms have come into
existence through evolution? (CBSE Outside Delhi 2019)
Fossils are important for man because of many reasons:
41. They provide evidence of past life.
42. They furnish direct and most convincing proofs in favor of organic evolution.
43. They afford some information of ancient environment and climate.
44. The most primitive forms of life are in the oldest rocks.
45. Ancient forms were simpler than those found today.
46. None of the plants and animals of the past were exactly similar to those found today.
47. A complete fossil record has been found in the evolution of horses.
Question 3.
Explain antibiotic resistance observed in light of Darwinian selection theory.
Antibiotics were considered to be very effective against diseases caused by bacteria. But within
two or three years of the introduction of antibiotics, new antibiotic-resistant bacteria appeared in
the population. Sometimes a bacterial population happens to contain one or a few bacteria having
mutations that make them resistant to the antibiotic. Such resistant bacteria survive and multiply
quickly as the competing bacteria have died.
Soon the resistance-providing genes become widespread and the entire bacterial population
becomes resistant. Some hospitals harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to the extensive use of
Question 4.
How does natural selection operate according to Darwin’s theory of natural selection? (CBSE
Delhi 2016, 2019 C)
Natural selection operates in the following ways according to Darwin’s theory:
48. All plants and animals reproduce in a geometrical pattern. The number of organisms
produced is much more than that can survive due to limited space and food.
49. Due to the same basic requirement, competition between organisms takes place and those
who are better adapted to the environment survive while the rest die.
50. The individuals having useful variation overpower those without such variations. These
variations are transmitted to future generations.
Question 5.
Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution. Narrate the significance of population
genetics in evolution.
Evolution on the grand scale of geological time is called macroevolution, while evolution at the
genetic level is microevolution. Microevolution is actually operative at genetic level change
within a population. Significance of population genetics.
The gene frequency of a population is called population genetics. Evolution occurs within
populations as the relative frequencies of different variations of DNA change over time. If genes
change, then enzymes automatically change and represent two different forms of individuals and
definitely result in evolution.
Question 6.
Compare and contrast the theories of evolution proposed by Darwin and Hugo De Vries. (CBSE
Sample Paper 2018-19, Outside Delhi 2019)

Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection De Vries Theory of Mutation

1. Minor variations cause evolution. 1. Mutation causes evolution.

2. Darwinian variations are small and
2. Mutations are random and directionless.

3. Evolution is gradual. 3. Sudden mutations cause evolution.

Question 7.
How would the gene flow or genetic drift affect the population in which either of them happens
to take place? (CBSE Delhi 2019)
Gene flow is the transfer of genetic variations from one population to another. As a result of gene
flow, the gene frequencies change in the original as well as in the new population. New genes or
alleles are added to the new population and lost from the old population. If such a change in
genes/alleles happens by chance, it is called genetic drift. In this case, the allelic frequency of the
population will be affected. Such changes in allelic or gene frequencies lead to evolution,
speciation, or founder effect.
Question 8.
Using the Internet and discussing with your teacher, trace the evolutionary stages of any one
animal, say, a horse.
The major evolutionary trend of horses:
51. General increase (with occasional decrease) in size.
52. The progressive loss of toes.
53. Lengthening of toes that are retained.
54. Lengthening of limbs in general.
55. Enlargement of the brain (especially cerebral hemisphere).
56. Increase in height.
57. Increase in the complexity of molar teeth and an enlargement of the last two and,
eventually, the last three premolars until they came to resemble molars.
Question 9.
Summarise Milter’s simulation experiment for organic synthesis. Comment on its efficacy.
(CBSE Delhi 2012)
Miller’s experiment. Milter (1953) made the first successful simulation experiment to assess the
validity of the claim for the origin of organic molecules. Miller sealed in a spark chamber a
mixture of water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen gas. He made arrangements for boiling
The trap in turn was connected with the flask for boiling water. After 18 days, a significant
amount of simple major organic compounds, such as amino acids, such as glycine, alanine, and
aspartic acid, and peptide chains, began to appear. Simple sugars, urea, and short-chain fatty
acids were also formed. In the atmosphere, this spark is provided by U.V. light or other energy
Stanley Miller’s Experiment in the artificial production of organic compounds.
Question 10.
With the help of an algebraic equation, how did Hardy-Weinberg explain that in a given
population the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene is supposed to remain the same
through generations? (CBSE Delhi 2018)
Explain Hardy-Weinberg’s principle. (CBSE Delhi 2019 C)
In a given population, one can find out the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene or a
locus. This frequency is supposed to remain fixed and even remain the same through generations.
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle stated it using algebraic equations. According to this principle,
allele frequencies in a population are stable and are constant from generation to generation. The
gene pool (total genes and their alleles in a population) remains constant. This is called genetic
Sum total of all the allelic frequencies is 1. Individual frequencies, for example, can be named as
p, q, etc. In a diploid, p and q represent the frequency of allele A and allele a, respectively. The
frequency of AA individuals in a population is simply p2. This is simply stated in another way,
i.e. the probability that an allele A with a frequency of p appears on both the chromosomes of a
diploid individual is simply the product of the probabilities, i.e. p 2. Similarly of aa is q2, of Aa
2pq. Hence, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. This is a binomial expansion of (p + q) 2. When the frequency
measured is different from expected values, the difference (direction) indicates the extent of
evolutionary change.
Disturbance in genetic equilibrium, or Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, i.e. change of frequency of
alleles in a population, would then be interpreted as resulting in evolution.
Question 11.
(i) Differentiate between analogous and homologous structures.

Analogous organs Homologous organs

(i) Organs that are structurally similar but

(i) Organs that are structurally dissimilar but
functional dissimilar are called homologous
functionally similar are called analogous
Example: forelimbs of frog, lizard, bird, bat,
Example: wings of birds and insects.
horse, man, etc.

(ii) They lead to convergent evolution. (ii) They lead to divergent evolution.
(ii) Select and write analogous structures from the list given below:
(o) Wings of butterfly and birds
(b) Vertebrate hearts
(c) Tendrils of Cucurbita and thorns of Bougainvillea
(d) Tubers of sweet potato and potato (CBSE Delhi 2018)
(a) Wings of butterflies and birds.
(b) Tubers of sweet potato and potato.
Question 12.
Write thecharacteristicsofRamapithecus, Dryopithecus, and Neanderthal man. (CBSE Delhi
Characteristics of Ramapithecus:
 They evolved around 15 mya.
 They were more man-like, walked more erect, and had teeth like modern men.
Characteristics of Dryopithecus:
 They evolved around 5 mya.
 They were ape-like, having hairy arms and legs of the same length, large brains. They
used to eat soft fruits and leaves and walked like gorillas and chimpanzees.
Characteristics of Neanderthal Man:
 They evolved around 1,00,000-40,000 years ago.
 Fossil found in east and central Asia had brain size 1400 cc. They used hides to protect
their body. They buried their dead.
Question 13.
How does the process of natural selection affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? List the other
four factors that disturb the equilibrium. (CBSE Outside Delhi 2013)
Write Hardy-Weinberg principle.
How can Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium be affected? Explain giving three reasons. (CBSE Delhi
Hardy-Weinberg Principle states that the sum of allelic frequencies in a population is stable and
is constant from generation to generation, i.e. the gene pool (total genes and their alleles) in a
population remains constant. This is called genetic equilibrium. The sum total of all the allelic
frequencies is
Hardy-Weinberg’s Equilibrium p 2+ q2 + 2pq =
Five factors that influence these values are:
The five factors which affect Hardy- Weinberg’s equilibrium is as follows:
58. Gene migration: When some individuals of a population migrate to other populations or
when certain individuals come into a population (i.e. migration and immigration), some
genes are lost in the first case and added in the second.
59. Genetic drift: Random changes in the allele frequencies of a population occurring only by
chance constitute genetic drift. The change in allele frequency may become so drastically
different that they form a new species.
60. Mutations: The mutations are random and directionless. They are sufficient to create a
considerable genetic variation for speciation to occur.
61. Recombination: New combinations of genes occur due to crossing over in meiosis during
gametic formation.
62. Natural selection: It is the most critical evolutionary process that leads to changes in
allele frequencies
and favors adaptation as a product of evolution.
Question 14.
Define genetic drift. How does it produce the founder effect and genetic bottleneck?
How does the original drifted population become a founder? (CBSE 2019 C)
Genetic drift: Random change occurring in the allele frequency by chance alone is called genetic
drift. It is due to habitat fragmentation, isolation, natural calamities, or any epidemics.
Founder effect: When a section of the population gets separated from the original population,
then this section becomes genetically different from the original population due to a change in
alleles frequency. The original population becomes the founder of the new population. This is
called the founder effect which is the result of genetic drift, i.e. by chance. Genetic bottleneck.
When in a season one population died leaving few individuals of the population which become
the founder of the new population, then it will produce only a few genes by selection only, i.e. by
chance new population is emerged and it is similar to a bottle in which only certain population is
allowed to flow as in the neck of a bottle.

Bottleneck effect
Question 15.
How does Darwin’s theory of natural selection explain new forms of life on earth? (CBSE 2008,
Darwin’s Theory of evolution may be summed up as follows:
Darwin’s Theory of natural selection. Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), a naturalist, proposed a
theory to explain the process of evolution. His theory was published in his famous book “Origin
of Species” published in 1858.
His theory of natural selection is termed Darwinism:
 Rapid multiplication
 Struggle for existence
 Variations
 Natural selection or survival of the fittest
 Inheritance of useful variations
 Origin of new species.
Evidence in favor of Darwin’s theory: Darwin’s theory is supported by natural selection,
phenomena of mimicry and protective coloration, and the correlation between nectaries of
flowers and proboscis of pollinating insects.
Darwin’s theory fails to explain the perpetuation of vestigial organs and over-specialization of
Darwin’s theory has since been modified in the light of progress in genetics.
Question 16.
Describe the present-day concept of evolution.
1. Modern concept of evolution: The modern concept of evolution is a modified form of
Darwin’s theory of natural selection and is often called Neo-Darwinism. It comprises genetic
variation, natural selection, and isolation.
(a) Mutations: These have been recognized as the ultimate source of biological changes and
hence the raw material of evolution. The mutation in chromosomes may be due to changes in
structure, number, or gene.
(b) Gene Recombination takes place during crossing over in meiosis. New combinations of genes
produce new phenotypes.
(c) Hybridisation is the intermingling of the genes of the members of closely related species.
(d) Genetic drift is the elimination of the genes of some original characteristics of a species by
extreme reduction due to different reasons.
In Monoparental reproduction, only chromosomal and gene mutation are sources of genetic
2. Natural Selection: If differential reproduction (i.e. some individuals produce abundant
offspring, some only a few, and some organisms none) continues for many generations, genes of
the individuals which produce more offspring will become predominant in the gene pool of the
population. Thus natural selection occurs through differential reproduction in successive
generations. The migration of individuals from one to another population is an accessory factor
for speciation (origin of new species).
3. Isolation: By selecting the most suitable genotypes, natural selection guides different
populations into different adaptive channels. The reproductive isolation between the populations
due to certain physical barriers or others leads to the formation of new species. Isolation plays a
significant role in evolution.
Question 17.
(i) Name the primates that lived about 15 million years ago. List their characteristic features.
Primates Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus lived about 15 mya.
(a) Hairy and walked like gorillas and chimpanzees. Height up to 4 feet but walked upright.
(ii) (a) Where was the first man-like animal found?
Ethiopia and Tanzania
(b) Write the order in which Neanderthals, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus appeared on the
earth. State the brain capacity of each one of them.
 Homo habilis – 700 cc
 Homo erectus – 900 cc
 Neanderthals man – 1300-1600 cc
(c) When did modern Homo sapiens appear on this planet ? (CBSE Delhi 2011)
Homo sapiens appeared about 34000 years ago.
Very Importance Figures:

(A) Foretimbs of vertebrates as homologous organs.

(B) AnaLogous organs. Wings of insect and bird.

Darwin finches
Adaptive radiations of Australian marsupials

Kinds of selection

Question 1.
The theory of spontaneous generation stated that
(a) life arose from living forms only
(b) life can arise from both living and non-living
(c) life can arise from non-living things only
(d) life arises spontaneusly, neither from living nor from the non-living.
(c) life can arise from non-living things only
Question 2.
Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of
(a) reverse evolution
(b) aritifical selection
(c) mutation
(d) natural selection.
(d) natural selection.
Question 3.
Palaentological evidences for evolutaion refer to the
(a) development of embryo
(b) homologous organs
(c) fossils
(d) analogous organs.
(c) fossils
Question 4.
The bones of forelimbs of whale, bat, cheeah and man are similar in structure, because
(a) one organism has given rise to another
(b) they share a common ancestor
(c) they perform the same function.
(d) the have biochemical similarities.
(b) they share a common ancestor
Question 5.
Analogous organs arise due to
(a) divergent evolution
(b) artificial selection
(c) genetic drift
(d) convergent evolution.
(d) convergent evolution.
Question 6.
(p+q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 represents an equation used in
(a) population genetics
(b) Mendilian genetics
(c) biometircs
(d) molecular genetics.
(a) population genetics
Question 7.
Appearnace of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of
(a) adaptive radiation
(b) transduction
(c) pre-existing variation in the population
(d) divergent evolution.
(c) pre-existing variation in the population
Question 8.
Fossils are generally found in
(a) sedimentasry rocks
(b) igneous rocks
(c) metamorphic rocks
(d) any type of rock.
(a) sedimentasry rocks
Question 9.
Which type of selection is industrial melanism observed in moth, Biston betularia?
(a) Stabilising
(b) Directional
(c) Disruptive
(d) Artificial
(b) Directional
Question 10.
Which of the following is an example for link species ?
(a) Lobe fish
(b) Dodo bird
(c) Seaweed
(d) Chimpanzee
(a) Lobe fish
Question 11.
Variations during mutations of meiotic recombinations are
(a) random and directionless
(b) random and directional
(c) random and small
(d) random small and directional
(a) random and directionless
Question 12.
One of the possible early sources of energy was/were
(a) CO2
(b) chlorophyll
(c) green plants
(d) UV rays and lightning.
(d) UV rays and lightning.

Question 13.
Abiogenesis theory of origin supports
(a) spontaneous generation
(b) origin of life from blue-green algae
(c) origin of life is due to pre-existing organisms
(d) organic evolution is due to chemical reactions.
(a) spontaneous generation
Question 14.
Who proposed that the first form of the could have come from pre-existing non-living organic
molecules ?
(a) S.L. Miller
(b) Oparin and Haldane
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Alfred Wallace
(b) Oparin and Haldane
Question 15.
According to one of the most widely accepted theories, earth’s atmosphere before origin of life
(a) oxidising
(b) oxidising along with H2
(c) reducing with free O2 in small amount

(d) reducing with oxygen absent in O2 form.

(b) oxidising along with H2
Question 16.
According to Oparin, which one of the following was not present in the primitive atmosphere of
the earth ?
(a) Methane
(b) Oxygen
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Water vapour
(b) Oxygen
Question 17.
The correct sequence for the manufacture of the compounds on the primitive earth is
(a) NH3, CH4, protein and carbohydrate
(b) protein, carbohydrate, water and nucleic acid
(c) NH3, CH4, carbohydrate and nucleic acid
(d) NH3, carbohydrate, protien and nucleic acid.
(d) NH3, carbohydrate, protien and nucleic acid.
Question 18.
Early at mosphere contained methane and other hydrocarbons. They have been now replaced by
(a) nitrogen
(b) oxygen
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) hydrogen.
(c) carbon dioxide
Question 19.
The first life originated
(a) on land
(b) in air
(c) in water
(d) all of these.
(c) in water
Question 20.
Coacervates are
(a) colloid droplets
(b) nucleoprotein containing entities
(c) microspheres
(d) both (a) and (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)
Question 21.
First life from on earth was a
(a) cyanobacterium
(b) chemoheterotroph
(c) autotroph
(d) photoautotroph.
(b) chemoheterotroph
Question 22.
Presence of gills in the tadpole of frog indicated that
(a) fishes were amphibious in the past
(b) fishes evolved from frog-like ancestors
(c) frogs will have gills in future
(d) frogs evolved from gilled ancestors.
(d) frogs evolved from gilled ancestors.
Question 23.
The character that proves that frogs have evolved from fishes is
(a) their ability to swim in water
(b) tadpole larva in frogs
(c) similarity in the shape of the head
(d) their feeding on aquatic plants.
(b) tadpole larva in frogs
Question 24.
Identify the correct arrangement of periods of Palaeozoic era in ascending order in geological
time scale.
(a) Cambrian → Devonian → Ordovician → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
(b) Cambrian → Ordovician → Silurian → Devonian→Carboniferous → Permian
(c) Cambrian → Ordovician → Devonian → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
(d) Silurian → Devonian → Cambrian → Ordovician → Permian → Carboniferous
(b) Cambrian → Ordovician → Silurian → Devonian → Carboniferous → Permian
Question 25.
Which is the correct order of increasing geological time scale for a hypothetical vertebrate
evolution ?
(a) Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Palaeozoic, Proterozoic
(b) Cenozoic, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Proterozoic
(c) Proterozoic, Cenozoic, Palaezoic, Mesozoic
(d) Proterozoic, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
(d) Proterozoic, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
Question 26.
The ‘Devonian period’ is considered to be as
(a) age of fishes
(b) age of amphibians
(c) age of reptiles
(d) age of mammals.
(a) age of fishes
Question 27.
Amphibians were dominant during _______ period.
(a) Carboniferous
(b) Silurian
(c) Ordovician
(d) Cambrian
(a) Carboniferous
Question 28.
The primate which existed 15 mya was
(a) Homo habilis
(b) Australopithecus
(c) Ramapithecus
(d) Homo erectus
(c) Ramapithecus
Question 29.
The extinct stone ancestor, who ate only fruits and hunted with stone weapons was
(a) Ramapithecus
(b) Australophecus
(c) Dryopithecus
(d) Homo erectus
(b) Australophecus
Question 30.
One of the oldest, best preserved and most complete hominid fossil commonly known as ‘Lucy’
belongs to the genus
(a) Austraolopithecus
(b) Oreopithecus
(c) Dryopithecus
(d) Pithecanthropus
(a) Austraolopithecus
Question 31.
The brain capacity of Homo eractus was about
(a) 650 c.c.
(b) 900 c.c.
(c) 1500 c.c.
(d) 1400 c.c.
(b) 900 c.c.
Question 32.
The ship used by Charles Darwin during the sea voyages was
(a) HMS Beagle
(b) HSM Beagle
(c) HMS Eagle
(d) HSM Eagle.
(a) HMS Beagle
Question 33.
Fitnes according to Darwin refers to
(a) number of species in a community
(b) useful variation in population
(c) strength of an individual
(d) reproductive fitness of an organism.
(d) reproductive fitness of an organism.
Question 34.
Alfred Wallace worked in
(a) Galapagos Island
(b) Australian Island Continent
(c) Ma lay Archipelago
(d) none of these.
(c) Ma lay Archipelago
Question 35.
The theory of natural selection was given by
(a) Lamarck
(b) Alfred Wallace
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Oparin and Haldane.
(c) Charles Darwin
Question 36.
The preserved fossil remains of Archaeopteryx show that
(a) it was a flying reptile from the Permian period
(b) reptiles gave rise to birds during Jurassic period
(c) it was a flying reptile in the Triassic period
(d) reptiles gave rise to birds during Permian period.
(b) reptiles gave rise to birds during Jurassic period
Question 37.
Which of the following isotopes is used for Finding the fossil age maximum about 35,0000 years
(a) 238U
(b) 14C
(c) 3H
(d) 206Pb
(b) 14C
Question 38.
Which of the following statements is True ?
(a) Wings to birds and insects are homologous organs.
(b) Human hands and bird’s wings are analogous organs.
(c) Human hands and bat’s wings are analogous organs.
(d) Flipper of penguin and dolphin are analogous organs.
(d) Flipper of penguin and dolphin are analogous organs.
Question 39.
Replacement of the lighter-coloured variety of peppered moth (Biston betularia) to its darker
variety (Biston carbonaria) in England is the example of
(a) natural selection
(b) regeneration
(c) genetic isolation
(d) temporal isolation.
(a) natural selection
Question 40.
Phenomenon of ‘industrial melanism’ demonstrates
(a) geographical isolation
(b) reproductive isolation
(c) natural selection
(d) induced mutation.
(c) natural selection
Question 41.
Which one of the following phenomena supports Darwin’s concept of natural selection in
organic evolution ?
(a) Development of transgenic animals
(b) Production of “Dolly’, the sheep by cloning
(c) Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
(d) Development of organs from ‘stem cells’ for organ transplantation.
(c) Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
Question 42.
The phenomenon ‘ontogeny repeats phylogeny’ is explained by
(a) recapitualtion theory
(b) Inheritcance theory
(c) mutation theory
(d) natural selection theory.
(a) recapitualtion theory
Question 43.
The presence of gill slits, in the embryos of vertebrates, supports the theory of
(a) metamorphosis
(b) biogenesis
(c) organic evolution
(d) recapitulation
(d) recapitulation
Question 44.
Which is not a vestigial organ in man ?
(a) Nictitating membrane
(b) Tail vertebrae
(c) Vermiform appendix
(d) Nails
(d) Nails
Question 45.
Which one is not a vestigia organ ?
(a) Wings of kiwi
(b) Coccyx in man
(c) Pelvic girdle of python
(d) Flipper of seal
(d) Flipper of seal
Question 46.
By the statement ‘survival of the fittest’, Darwin meant that
(a) the strongest of all species survives
(b) the most intelligent of the species survives
(c) the cleverest of the species survives
(d) the species most adaptable to changes survives.
(d) the species most adaptable to changes survives.
Question 47.
Which of the following are the two key concepts of Darwinian theory of evolution ?
(a) Genetic drift and mutation
(b) Adaptive radiation and homology
(c) Mutation and natural selection
(d) Branching descent and natural selection
(d) Branching descent and natural selection
Question 48.
According to Lamarckism, long necked giraffes evolved because
(a) nature selected only long necked ones
(b) humans preferred only long necked ones
(c) short necks suddenly changed into long necks
(d) of stretching of necks over many generations by short necked ones.
(d) of stretching of necks over many generations by short necked ones.
Question 49.
Which of the following evidences does not favour the Lamarckian concept of inheritance of
acquired characters ?
(a) Lack of pigment in cave-dwelling animlas
(b) Melanisation in peppered moth
(c) Absence of limbs in snakes
(d) Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds
(b) Melanisation in peppered moth
Question 50.
“Human population grows in geometric ratio while food materials increase in arithmetic
proportion”. It is a statement from
(a) Darwin
(b) Bateson
(c) AmartyaSen
(d) Malthus.
(d) Malthus.
Question 51.
Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by
him ?
(a) de Vries – Theory of natural selection
(b) Darwin – Theory of pangenesis
(c) Weismann – Theory of continuity of germplasm
(d) Pasteur – Theory of inheritance of acquired charcters
(c) Weismann-Theory of continuity of germplasm
Question 52.
Single step large mutation leading to speciation is also called
(a) founder effect
(b) saltation
(c) branching descent
(d) natural selection
(b) saltation
Question 53.
At a particular locus, frequency of allele A is 0.6 and that of allele a is 0.4. What would be the
frequency of heterozygotes in a random mating population at equilibrium ?
(a) 0.36
(b) 0.16
(c) 0.24
(d) 0.48
(d) 0.48
Question 54.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is known to be affected by gene flow, genetic drift mutation,
genetic recombination and
(a) evolution
(b) limiting facrtors
(c) saltation
(d) natural selection.
(d) natural selection.
Question 55.
The Hardy-Weinberg principle cannot operate if
(a) a population does not migrate for a longtime to a new habitat.
(b) frequent mutations occur in the population
(c) the population has no chance of interaction with other populations
(d) free interbreeding occurs among all members of the population.
(b) frequent mutations occur in the population
Question 56.
Genetic drift operates only in
(a) larger populations
(b) Mendelian populations
(c) island populations
(d) smaller populations.
(d) smaller populations.
Question 57.
Which of the following is most important for speciation ?
(a) Seasonal isolation
(b) Reproductive isolation
(c) Behavioural isolation
(d) Tropical isolation
(b) Reproductive isolation
Question 58.
The factors involved in the formation of new species are
(a) Isolation and competition
(b) gene flow and competition
(c) competition and mutation
(d) isolation and variation.
(d) isolation and variation.
Question 59.
Stabilising selection favours
(a) both extreme forms of a trait
(b) intermediate forms of a trait
(c) environmental differences
(d) one extreme form over the other extreme form and over intermediate forms of a trait.
(b) intermediate forms of a trait
Question 60.
The different forms of interbreeding species that live in different geographical regions are called
(a) sibling species
(b) sympatric species
(c) allopatric species
(d) polytypic species.
(c) allopatric species
Question 61.
Which of following represents correct order of evolutiton ?
(a) Amoeba → Leucosolenia → Hydra → Ascaris
(b) Leucosolenia → Hydra → Amoeba → Ascaris
(c) Ascaris → Amoeba → Leucosolenia → Hydra
(d) None of these
(a) Amoeba → Leucosolenia → Hydra → Ascaris
Question 62.
The extinct human who lived 1,00,000 to 40,000 years ago, in East and Central Asia, used hides
to protect their bodies and had brain capacity of 1400 c.c. were
(a) Homo habilis
(b) Neanderthal man
(c) Cro-Magnon man
(d) Ramapithecus.
(b) Neanderthal man
Question 63.
Which of the following statements is correct ?
(a) Australopithecus has large brain around 900 c.c.
(b) Neanderthal man lived in East Africa and the fruits.
(c) Homo erectus had brain capacity 900 c.c.
(d) Homo sapiens arose in Central Asia and moved to other continuents and developed into
distinct races.
(c) Homo erectus had brain capacity 900 c.c.
Question 64.
Which of the following statements js correct regarding evolution of mankind ?
(a) Homo erectus is preceded by Homo habilis.
(b) Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man were living at the same time.
(c) Australopithecus was living in Australia.
(d) None of these
(a) Homo erectus is preceded by Homo habilis.
Question 65.
The cranial capacity was largest among the
(a) Peking man
(b) Java ape man
(c) African man
(d) Neanderthal man.
(d) Neanderthal man.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution

Q.1. According to Hugo de Vries, speciation is due to

(a) accumulation of small variations
(b) intraspecific breeding
(c) inter specific breeding
(d) saltation

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.2. The most accepted line of descent in human evolution is

(a) Australopithecus → Ramapithecus → Homo sapiens → Homo habilis
(b) Homo erectus → Homo habilis → Homo sapiens
(c) Ramapithecus → Homo habilis → Homo erectus → Homo sapiens
(d) Australopithecus → Ramapithecus → Homo erectus → Homo habilis → Homo sapiens.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.3. Which of the following is an example for link species?

(a) Lobe fish
(b) Dodo bird
(c) Sea weed
(d) Chimpanzee

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.4. Match the scientists listed under column ‘I’ with ideas listed column ‘II’.
Column I -Column II
A. Darwin -(i) Abiogenesis
B. Oparin -(ii) Use and disuse of organs
C. Lamarck -(iii) Continental drift theory
D. Wagner -(iv) Evolution by natural selection
(a) A-(i); B-(iv); C-(ii); D-(iii)
(b) A-(iv); B-(i); C-(ii); D-(iii)
(c) A-(ii); B-(iv); C-(iii); D-(i)
(d) A-(iv); B-(iii); C-(ii); D-(i)

AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.5. Stabilising selection favours

(a) only one extreme form of a trait
(b) both the extreme forms of a trait
(c) intermediate form of a trait
(d) none of these

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.6. For the MN-blood group system, the frequencies of M and N alleles are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively
The expected frequency of MN-blood group bearing organisms is likely to be
(a) 42%
(b) 49%
(c) 9%
(d) 58%

AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.7. Disruptive selection favours

(a) only one extreme form of a trait
(b) both the extreme forms of a trait
(c) intermediate form of a trait
(d) none of these

AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.8. Which type of selection explains industrial melanism observed in moth, Biston bitularia?
(a) Stabilising
(b) Directional
(c) Disruptive
(d) Artificial

AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.9. The phenomenon of “Industrial melanism” demonstrates

(a) natural selection
(b) induced mutation
(c) genetic drift
(d) geographical isolation

AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.10. Which is correct formula of Hardy-Weinberg’s law?

(a) p2 + pq + q2 = 0
(b) p2 + pq + q2 = 1
(c) p2 + pq + q2 = infinity
(d) p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.11. When two species of different genealogy come to resemble each other as a result of adaptation,
the phenomenon is termed as
(a) microevolution
(b) co-evolution
(c) convergent evolution
(d) divergent evolution.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.12. In 1953, S. L. Miller created primitive earth conditions in the laboratory and gave experimental
evidence for origin of first form of life from pre-existing non-living organic molecules. The primitive
earth conditions created include
(a) low temperature, volcanic storms, atmosphere rich in oxygen
(b) low temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere
(c) high temperature, volcanic storms, non-reducing atmosphere
(d) high temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containing CH4, NH3, etc.

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.13. The concept of chemical evolution is based on

(a) interaction of water, air and clay under intense heat
(b) effect of solar radiation on chemicals
(c) possible origin of life by combination of chemicals under suitable environmental condition.
(d) crystallization of chemicals.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.14. Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita are examples of

(a) vestigial organs
(b) retrogressive evolution
(c) analogous organs
(d) homologous organs.

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.15. Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by
(a) de Vries – Natural selection
(b) Mendel – Theory of Pangenesis
(c) Weismann – Theory of continuity of germplasm.
(d) Pasteur – Inheritance of acquired characters.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.16. Darwin’s Finches are an excellent example of

(a) brood parasitism
(b) connecting links
(c) adaptive radiation
(d) seasonal migration.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.17. Evolution of different species in a given area starting from a point and spreading to other
geographical areas is known as
(a) adaptive radiation
(b) natural selection
(c) migration
(d) divergent evolution.

AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.18. The theory of spontaneous generation stated that

(a) life arose from living forms only
(b) life can arise from both living and non-living
(c) life can arise from non-living things only.
(d) life arises spontaneously, neither from living nor from the non-living.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.19. The bones of forelimbs of whale, bat, cheetah and man are similar in structure, because
(a) one organism has given rise to another
(b) they share a common ancestor
(c) they perform the same function
(d) they have biochemical similarities
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.20. Which of the following organs are homologous?

(a) Forelimbs of man and wings of bat
(b) Wings of Bat and bird
(c) Wings of Bat and Petrodactyl
(d) None of these

AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.21. Evolution of life shows that life forms had a trend of moving from
(a) land to water
(b) dryland to wet land
(c) fresh water to sea water
(d) water to land

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.22. Homologous organs show

(a) natural selection
(b) divergent evolution
(c) parallel evolution
(d) convergent evolution

AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.23. Analogous organs arise due to

(a) divergent evolution
(b) artificial selection
(c) genetic drift
(d) convergent evolution

AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.24. Fossils are generally found in

(a) sedimentary rocks
(b) igneous rocks
(c) metamorphic rocks
(d) any type of rock

AnswerAnswer: (a)
Q.25. Palaentological evidences for evolution refer to the
(a) development of embryo
(b) homologous organs
(c) fossils
(d) analogous organs.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.26. Viviparity is considered to be more evolved because

(a) the young ones are left on their own
(b) the young ones are protected by a thick shell
(c) the young ones are protected inside the mother’s body and are looked after they are born leading
to more chances of survival
(d) the embryo takes a long time to develop

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Evolution MCQs
63. The force that initiates evolution is ______
a. Variation
b. Mutation
c. Extinction
d. Adaptation
64. ___________ is a vestigial organ
e. Intestinal villi
f. Papillae
g. Vermiform appendix
h. None of the above
65. The earliest geological time period among the following is _______
i. Cambrian
j. Permian
k. Jurassic
l. Quaternary
66. The experiment that simulated conditions thought to be present on the early earth
m. Hershey–Chase experiment
n. Geiger–Marsden experiment
o. Miller–Urey experiment
p. Schiehallion experiment
67. Example of a homologous organ
q. The arm of a human, wing of a bird
r. Wing of an insect, wing of a bird
s. Leg of a dog, leg of a spider
t. None of the above
68. Primordial soup is a set of hypothetical conditions on ancient earth first proposed by______
u. Dmitri Ivanovsky
v. Alexander Oparin
w. Dmitry Anuchin
x. Nikolay Shatsky
69. Which condition can be explained by Lamarckism?
y. How giraffes got their long neck
z. How humans lost their tail
aa. How humans became bipedal
bb. All of the above
70. Observation of species on ___________ heavily inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution.
cc. Ilha da Queimada Grande
dd. Guatemala
ee. Faroe Islands
ff. Galapagos Islands
71. _____________ was considered as a missing link between reptiles and birds.
gg. Archaeopteryx
hh. Pteranodon
ii. Avimimus
jj. Caudipteryx
72. The oldest mineral discovered so far was __________, which dates back to 4.4 billion years.
kk. Iron
ll. Zircon
mm. Cadmium
nn. Silicon
73. Pidgeon, platypus and panda are _______
oo. Homeothermic
pp. Poikilothermic
qq. Hyperthermic
rr. None of the above
74. The last common ancestor of humans is
ss. Pan troglodytes
tt. Homo neanderthalensis
uu. Lemuroidea
vv. Dromaeosaurus
75. An example of convergent evolution is
ww. Wing of Hawkmoths, the wing of hawks
xx. Teeth of domestic dog, teeth of a wolf
yy. Wings of Geospiza magnirostris, wings of Geospiza fortis
zz. None of the above
76. On the Origin of Species was written by ______
aaa. Charles Darwin
bbb. Ludmila Kuprianova
ccc. Mikhail A. Fedonkin
ddd. None of the above
77. When did dinosaurs die off?
eee. 105.1 million years ago
fff. 65.5 million years ago
ggg. 75.5 million years ago.
hhh. None of the above
Answer Key
1 a

2 c

3 a

4 c

5 a

6 b

7 d

8 d

9 a

10 b

11 a

12 a

13 a

14 a

15 b

Evolution Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Missing link in evolution is:
(a) Pheretima
(b) Limulus
(c) Peripatus
(d) Archaeopterys


Answer: (d) Archaeopterys

Question 2.
Hardy-Weinberg principle explains :
(a) Chromosomal
(b) Genetic drift
(c) Genetic equilibrium
(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Genetic equilibrium

Question 3.
As per Neo-Darwinism, which is mainly responsible for evolution?
(a) Mutation
(b) Natural drift
(c) Both of these
(d) All of these


Answer: (b) Natural drift

Question 4.
Dispersal of population depends on:
(a) On immigration
(b) On Emigration
(c) On Migration
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 5.
Evolutionary history of an organism is known as:
(a) Ontogeny
(b) Phytogeny
(c) Ancestry
(d) Palaentolgy


Answer: (b) Phytogeny

Question 6.
Book ‘Philosophique Zoologique’ was written by:
(a) Lamarck
(b) Mendel
(c) Darwin
(d) Hugo-devries


Answer: (a) Lamarck

Question 7.
Which one of the following phenomenon supports Darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic
(a) Development of transgenic animals
(b) Production of‘Dolly the sheep’ by cloning
(c) Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
(d) Development of organs from ‘Stem cells’ for organ transplantation


Answer: (c) Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects

Question 8.
The biogenetic law of Haeckel is:
(a) Ominis vivum-e-eellula
(b) Omminis cellula-e-cellula
(c) Ontogeny repeats phytogeny
(d) Phytogeny repeats ontogeny


Answer: (c) Ontogeny repeats phytogeny

Question 9.
Wings of Butterfly and birds are:
(a) Vestigial organs
(b) Analogous organs
(c) Homologous organs
(d) Both (a) and (b)


Answer: (b) Analogous organs

Question 10.
Theory of Pangenesis was given by:
(a) Darwin
(b) Lamarck
(c) Weismann
(d) DeVries


Answer: (a) Darwin

Evolution Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Multiple Choice Type Questions

Question 1.
Life on earth appeared
(a) 800 million years after the formation of the earth
(b) 700 million years after the formation of he earth
(c) 600 million years after the formation of the earth
(d) 500 million years after the formation of the earth


Answer: (a) 800 million years after the formation of the earth

Question 2.
The scientist who demonstrated experiments that life comes only from pre-existing life was
(a) Darwin
(b) Mendel
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Oparin


Answer: (c) Louis Pasteur

Question 3.
Name the Russian scientist who proposed that the first form of life could come from pre-existing non
living organic molecules and that the formation of life was preceded by chemical evolution.
(a) Darwin
(b) Mendel
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Oparin


Answer: (d) Oparin

Question 4.
Name the English scientist who proposed the same idea that the Russian scientist proposed
(a) Oparin
(b) Haldane
(c) Darwin
(d) Mendel


Answer: (b) Haldane

Question 5.
Which scientist concluded that existing living forms share similarities to varying degrees not only among
themselves but also with life forms that existed millions of years ago?
(a) Darwin
(b) Haldene
(c) Oparin
(d) Mendel


Answer: (a) Darwin

Question 6.
The name of the naturalist who worked in Malay Archepelago regarding evolution is
(a) Darwin
(b) Alfred Wallace
(c) Haldene
(d) Oparin


Answer: (b) Alfred Wallace

Question 7.
Homology indicates
(a) Common structure
(b) Common organs
(c) Common brain
(d) Common ancestry


Answer: (d) Common ancestry

Question 8.
Homology is based on
(a) Divergent evolution
(b) Natural evolution
(c) Unnatural evolution.
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Divergent evolution

Question 9.
Use of herbicides, pesticides etc. has resulted in
(а) More varieties in a much lesser time scale
(b) Less varieties in a much lesser time scale
(c) Resistant varieties in a much lesser time scale
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Resistant varieties in a much lesser time scale

Question 10.
Biological evolution is
(a) Evoluion by natural selection
(b) Evolution by unnatural selection
(c) Could be both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Evoluion by natural selection

Question 11.
The work of ……………. on population influenced Darwin.
(a) Mendel
(b) Lamarck
(c) Malthus
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Malthus

Question 12.
The French naturalist who said that evolution of life forms had occurred but driven by use and disuse of
organs is
(a) Lamarch
(b) Malthus
(c) Mendel
(d) Darwin


Answer: (a) Lamarch

Question 13.
The scientist who believed mutation caused speciation and hence called it saltation is
(a) Darwin
(b) Mendel
(c) de Vries
(d) Hardy


Answer: (c) de Vries

Question 14.
The principle that says that allele frequencies in a population are stable and is constant from generation
to generation is
(a) Hardy-Weinberg Principle
(b) Charles Darwin Principle
(c) de Vries Principle
(d) Lamarch Principle


Answer: (a) Hardy-Weinberg Principle

Question 15.
The first cellular form of life appeared on earth in about
(a) 3000 mya
(b) 2500 mya
(c) 2000 mya
(d) 1500 mya


Answer: (c) 2000 mya

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
…………….. Biology is the study of history of life forms on earth.

Answer: Evolutionary

Question 2.
The …………….. theory explains to us the origin of universe.


Answer: Big Bang

Question 3.
…………….. religious tells us about the theory of special creation.


Answer: conventional

Question 4.
Charles Darwin made a voyage around the world in a ship called ……………..


Answer: H.M.S. Beagle

Question 5.
…………….. is an extinct organism.


Answer: Dinosaur

Question 6.
…………….. indicates common ancestry.


Answer: Homology
Question 7.
The essence of Darwinian theory about evolution is …………….. selection.


Answer: natural

Question 8.
Branching descent and …………….. are the two key concepts of Darwinian Theory of Evolution.


Answer: natural selections

Question 9.
The work of …………….., …………….. on populations influenced Darwin.


Answer: Thomas Malthus

Question 10.
the first mammals were like ……………..


Answer: shrews.

Write True or False

Question 1.
The Big Bang theory explains to us the origin of universe.


Answer: True
Question 2.
The UV rays from the sun broke up water into hydrogen and carbondioxide.


Answer: False

Question 3.
Haldane of Germany proposed that the first form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living
organic molecules.


Answer: False

Question 4.
Conventional religious theory has three connotations.


Answer: True

Question 5.
The essence of Darwinian theory about evolution is natural selection.


Answer: True

Question 6.
Alfred worked on populations.


Answer: False
Question 7.
A French naturalist Lamarch had said that evolution of life forms has occurred but driven by use and
desire of organs.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Four factors are known to affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


Answer: False

Question 9.
The biggest dinosaur is called Tyrannosaurs.


Answer: True

Question 10.
The land reptiles are referred to dinosaurs.


Answer: True

One Word Questions

Question 1.
Name the scientist who demonstrated experiments that life comes only from pre-existing life forms.


Answer: Louis Pasteur.

Question 2.
Name the Russian scientist who contributed towards the theory of evolution.


Answer: Oparin.

Question 3.
Name the naturalist who worked in Malay Archepelago regarding evolution.


Answer: Alfred Wallace.

Question 4.
What is the study of history of life forms on earth called?


Answer: Evolutionary Biology.

Question 5.
Name the theory which explains the origin of universe.


Answer: Big Bang Theory.

Question 6.
Name the English scientist who proposed that the first form of life came from pre-existing non-living
organic molecules.


Answer: Haldane.

Question 7.
How many connotations are there in the conventional religious literature of special creation?

Answer: Three.

Question 8.
Can the ages of the fossils be calculated?


Answer: Yes

Question 9.
By what name was the first human known as?


Answer: Homo habilis.

Question 10
…………… lived in East African grasslands.


Answer: Australopitheines.

Match the Following

Column I Column II

A. Life form from pre-existing non-organic

1. Louis Pasteur
organic molecules

2. Oparin B. Sail-ship

3. H.M.S. Beagle C. Evolution of life-form

4. Charles Darwin D. Work on population

5. Thomas Malthus E. Experiments on evolution



Column I Column II

1. Louis Pasteur E. Experiments on evolution

A. Life form from pre-existing non-organic

2. Oparin
organic molecules

3. H.M.S. Beagle B. Sail-ship

4. Charles Darwin C. Evolution of life-form

5. Thomas Malthus D. Work on population

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