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"Social and Environmental

Impact of Infrastructure
Development in
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in Bangladesh Page |1

"Social and Environmental Impact of

Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh"
Padma Bridge, Metro rail & Ruppor atomic power plant is the largest
infrastructure scheme in our lifetime, bringing unexpected social and economic
shifts far larger than previous projects. Concerns about its environmental impacts
are legitimate to our ambitions to become self-sufficient country, especially since
there is little pathway for analyzing and planning for environmental impacts of
massive infrastructure development at this scale. In this assignment, we review
how infrastructure development under BD Govt. to specify the nature and pattern
of environmental impacts and demonstrate how social lives factors can also shape
those impacts. We first address how infrastructure is defined. Then we describe
how environmental issues associated with infrastructure. For considering the
nature of environmental impacts, we also are showing how social infrastructures
play role. We then propose advocating for good infrastructure. Understanding
Infrastructure and its social & environment impacts is the first step for BD to
ensure the positive socio-economic impacts associated are sustainable.

This work would not have been possible without the support of my
honorable course instructor. As my teacher and mentor, he has taught me more
than I could ever give him credit for here. He has shown me, by his example, what
a great teacher (and person) should be. I am also especially indebted to Chairman
of the Department of Social Studies, University of Dhaka, who have been
supportive of my career goals and who worked actively to provide me with the
protected academic time to pursue those goals.

I am grateful to all of my course mates with whom I have had the pleasure to study
during this and other related projects. Nobody has been more important to me in
the pursuit of this writing than the members of my family. I would like to thank my
parents, whose love and guidance are with me in whatever I pursue.
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Table of Contents:

Infrastructure Overview……………………………………………………………………………………3

Environmental Issues associated with Infrastructure……………………………………………………...4

Social Infrastructure’s Overview & Role………………………………………………………………….9

Advocating for good Infrastructure……………………………………………………………………….10


Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................ 12

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Infrastructure projects are the most prominent component of developed BD,
which will feature various cooperation mechanisms under the four connectivity
policy; Infrastructure, Trade, Finance and Socio-cultural connectivity. However,
concerns about the social environmental impacts of our Infrastructure are high. The
research on the environmental impacts of infrastructure is sparse. Given the
necessity of a scientific evidence-based approach, which the government and our
academics have also recognized, it is necessary to understand the social &
environmental impacts of infrastructure as a prerequisite for active policy-making
which encourages environmental and social sustainability.

There is no precedent for addressing our environmental impacts of massive

infrastructure development at large scale. Most infrastructural research and policy
on development impacts along regional development is still confined, although
there is a pressure on adopting a scientific perspective, taking into account
characteristics of complex and interconnected systems such as cumulative impacts.
However, data is often lacking for most of our Infrastructural records, so far
research has been focused on several old projects where data is available. There is
a need to assess our social and environmental conditions of Infrastructural impacts,
whilst recognizing the data lacking and methodological challenges inherent in
reconciling the natural and social sciences.

Infrastructure Overview:
Infrastructure basically comprises oil exploration & refining, electricity
generations, coal, steel, cement, communication, transport [Rail, Road, and Naval
Ports & Air ports]. Infrastructure can be separated into Urban Infrastructure, which
is typically creating social assets in villages and Rural Infrastructure, which is
typically creating and upgrading assets in urban areas. Now there is another type of
Infrastructure called Soft Infrastructure, which includes education & skill
development plus Human Resource Development.

BD’s Infrastructure can’t be said adequate in terms of transport & communication.

Globally accepted infrastructure requires some unique characteristics as mentioned
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 Healthy infrastructure needs non-stop investment & should never be said to

be adequate.
 Strong infrastructure needs visioning, always for the future & not for present
as otherwise given their long periods for completion they would become
inadequate once completed.
 Infrastructure goals should be set upon current global perspective not from
countries past history. For example, BD govt. can take pride by mentioning
that within a span of 10 years [1988 to 1997] they have constructed 10000
km. of roads which helped connect the villages of Bangladesh to the rest of
the country. However, in the same period of time, India has constructed over
20,000 km, which is double by the way. So, Infrastructure comparison is
always global.
 Infrastructure has always got to be effective & upgraded!!
 Infrastructure growth has to precede growth of economies. First
infrastructure facilities must be rebuilt before vehicles are manufactured or
factories can be set up only once electricity is there and not the other way

Figure 1: Correlation between various types of infrastructure.

Environmental Issues associated with Infrastructure:

Across the globe, excess population growth, higher levels of urbanization
and growing climate risks are pushing built and natural environments under more
pressure than ever before.
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These challenges are creating a desperate need for new and eco-friendly
infrastructure, cleaner industries, adaptive environments and improved access to
critical services including water, power and waste management.

Demands for investment in infrastructure come from the necessity to replace

existing infrastructure and for new infrastructure to support creative ways of
working and living for an increasing population and to support economic
development and a transition to a low carbon economy. These demands are leading
to significant infrastructure development in both developing and developed
countries, such example in the energy, transport, health, education and flood relief

The development of infrastructure includes higher and significant investment in

assets which last over a decade and often sets within extreme plans for
development. New infrastructure development can carry significant benefits,
including the opportunity to build in such a way as to dissolve the challenges
raised by climate change and to enhance feasibility. Also these have significant
costs on the environment. Some of those costs can be addressed and reduced
through the planning and design processes and opportunities should be quested to
maximize both direct and indirect benefits.
Here are some issues that emerged from the environmental angle:

 We simply can’t deny environmental issues impact on us. It is a larger issue

surrounding infrastructure projects. The present issues being faced in Dhaka
Metro Rail Project & other districts on projects which can not only alter the
face of those districts but also the whole nation in terms of economic
development need deeper introspection.

 Infrastructure development without environmental protection is also destined

to fail. While Bangladesh is advancing with its various development projects
at a fast pace, the subject of protecting the environment has taken a bench
warmer in the process.
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Figure: Infrastructure impacts on environment.

 As per IMF, Bangladesh is within the three fastest economies in the world.
As per the report "World Economic Outlook, April 2019: Growth
Slowdown, Precarious Recovery," Our economy could grow at 7.3 percent
that year. And the World Bank had put our country in the fifth position in
world economy in terms of financial growth. The World Bank in its report
mentioned, "This growth was occurred by manufacturing, construction and a
bumper crop harvest, combined with private consumption, remittance and
rural income growth." These are all very good news. But for sustainable
financial development, we need to be alarmed by the issue of environmental

 Plan-less urbanization and industrialization have taken its toll on our

rivers—extreme pollution has led to the end of many rivers. Our four
popular rivers called Buriganga, Sitalakhaya, Kornofuli and Padma—
surrounding our nation have become seriously polluted because of harmful
industrialization. Industrial wastes have polluted those rivers so much that its
water can’t be drinkable even after treatment.
 Purified water supply systems are critical to global health. Globally, over 1
billion people do not have access to improved water supply, and over 2.4
billion are not served by improved sanitation infrastructure. So, BD also is
struggling to provide pure water to its people across the country. According
to Health Ministry of our country, nearly 2 million people have deprived
from purified water.
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Infrastructure Impact on Earth Systems

Atmosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere Biosphere
Habitat loss; edge and barrier e ects,
Impede drainage; Soil erosion; landslides
Air pollution; dust; microclimatic particularly wider clearings; road kills;
Road pollution and sediments especially in mountainous
from warming; noise fragmentation; human and exotic species
in littering terrain
Similar to roads, including fragmentation
Less local pollution as pollution
Less than road but still Generally, less severe
Rail generated at power plant for Contaminants in river
Present. soil pollution than roads; limited stops reduce human
electric trains; noise
Impede drainage;
chemical contaminants in Often floodplains, wetlands and
Airport Air pollution, acid rain; noise Soil pollution
solid and coasts; noise and light disturbance
hazardous waste
Exotic species invasions from ballast
Local air pollution from ships and Direct discharge of discharge; algal blooms from nutrient
Seaport Dredging and reclamation
Refineries. pollutants mortality from ship strikes and
entanglement in waste
Contaminants in Habitat loss; fragmentation; human
Pipelines Air pollution & noise Soil pollution
risk of accidents
Electromagnetic disturbance; Contaminants in Soil pollution, compaction Habitat loss; edge and barrier e ects;
Power lines redistribution of pollution to power (mainly during (mainly during fragmentation; human and exotic species
Source construction) construction) Invasions.
Heavy usage of energy-intensive
concrete, usually produced from Higher water table Hydrological changes aquatic
Alteration of river flow
Hydropower coal-fired plants; greenhouse gas can cause landslides. Ecosystem.
and sediment transport
emissions from decomposing

Table 1: Direct Environmental impact associated with Infrastructure


 Our country currently has only 13 percent forest area, according to FAO
calculation. This estimation is supposed to be 25 percent for a perfect
ecological balance. Still, we are building “Rampal power plant” near the
Sundarbans, without thinking the disastrous impacts, it will have on our
largest mangrove forest. The ongoing construction for the “Ruppoor nuclear
power plant” has also begun. Besides, our precious agricultural land has
been used for various government and non-government projects.
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Figure: Sustainability of Infrastructure

 There is no point of our financial progress and so-called Infrastructure

development, if the results of development do not reach to our people. Also
No point of building all the flyover bridges in several metro areas, if those
serve only small percentage of the metro's people. Finally, No point of
building the “Rampal power plant” if it destroys the environment and
snatching people's livelihoods.
 Compared to Malaysia, what we see in Bangladesh is a complete disregard
for the environment. (Tithi, 2019)
 We need to define clear guideline for roads & other transportation corridors
because they will have negative consequences when we planned or managed
them poorly. Metro rail & flyover projects caused serious sound & air
pollution due to mismanagement by govt. planners. Common environmental
and sustainability impacts associated with infrastructure, along with the
good governance structures that can be put in place to manage them.
(INTOSAI, 2017)
Harmful Infrastructure can also include oil & gas facilities, which
fortunately have less on our soil. These infrastructures can cause damage to
human and wild lives. Also profoundly damage our eco-system. Bangladesh
initiated environmental impact assessment (EIA) guidelines in 1992 for the
water sector development. (SalimMomtaz, 2002) those guidelines developed
by the government to shape eco-friendly Infrastructure. We need to realize
that our attempts to become a developed nation will not be gained, if what
we can show is only skyscrapers but our rivers are polluted, only barren land
is left out of our wilderness and the air we breathe is badly polluted.
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Social Infrastructure’s Overview & Role:

Social infrastructure plays a crucial role in both the financial development of
a nation and the development of society’s quality of life. Social infrastructure
increases social wellbeing and strengths economic health by providing human,
healthy services and facilities which allow businesses to develop and flourish.

“With the expansion of globalization and population growth, communities’

investment in social infrastructure is proportionate to an investment in the
country’s economy.” (Hoong Chen Teo, 2019) We must understand that every
successful delivery of critical social projects is complicated not only for immediate
stakeholders and industries dependent on that infrastructure, but also for our
broader community. Whether it is health, education, or sporting facilities– for each
transaction we should provide a multi-disciplinary solution to enhance our social

Here we explore the beneficial impacts social infrastructure is having on us:

 Social spaces, public spaces, outdoor spaces, reality is, our everyday life
can’t be same without those facilities. These environments often play a
crucial role in the development of our social life, which is the reason behind
establishing new kinds of public areas and gathering places in cities and
towns, from children parks, to town squares and botanical parks.

 As long as, the population grows, cities will be getting bigger as people are
moving into those area and communities multiply. When people get a place
to gather, meet, and play outside, they make new connections. In areas for
families - where suitable social spaces are available, more opportunities for
human interaction are created.

 A key ingredient of developing age-friendly public space is to reduce family

isolation among older people and those who are not capable to get out.
Urban infrastructure here can help people interaction by providing
opportunities for neighbors to interact from community and day care centers
to simple outdoor seating in town centers, and local markets.
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 It is very important to give social space for our children & teenage, where
they can make friends, learn about social norms and develop social ties. The
enhancing thinking and making friends can be an experience of a busy street,
public park, or playground.
 Crime tendency can be increased when there is a breakdown in community.
As social interaction creates a sense of community among neighbors and
locals they want to care for one another, such neighborhood spirit can
provide a sense of safety in public places and discourage crime.

Bad Infrastructure is the prime reason behind moral decay in society. It is

destroying social norms & values by elaborating illegal bar, entertaining
club & political extremity. So we need right infrastructure, designed in
proper way and set in correct way.

Advocating for good infrastructure:

Risks of new infrastructure clearly put us in danger if they won’t be planned
properly. For beneficial infrastructure, planner must understand & consider all
possible impacts [long-term], risks, and trade-offs. They must take biodiversity and
climate change issues seriously. Urban planners must find way to minimize
harmful substance which used for construction.

We need to remind ourselves that there are plenty of developments that can help us
to clean our environment!! Such as renewable energy like animal composed fertile,
solar power, hydrogen fuel etc. will make sure our environment clean

Advancing a strong equity agenda for this country’s children and families,
especially for people of color, will always require a strong infrastructure to press
for the solutions that communities need to thrive. (Perry, 2020)

Gaining policy correction is truly complex and also requires significant

infrastructure to enable advocates to inform and influence decisions. Elements of
this infrastructure include the ability to organize, a decision-making structure, a
created sense of unity, communications capacity, the ability to find and create new
data, access to sufficient, sustained and flexible funding, etc. (Perry, 2020)
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Proper planning and declaring social and environmental issues associated
with Infrastructure, is quite complex and multi-scaled. This assignment defined
Infrastructure and the dimensions of its impacts. We did this by defining
infrastructure, mentioning the sector of impacts on components of the Earth system
and socio-economical forces which influence our development and impacts. In
addition, we addressed a deep & complex, socio-economic-political and
environmental framework for planning and addressing the impacts of
Infrastructure. (Hoong Chen Teo, 2019)

Understanding the characteristics of impacts of infrastructure on the environment

is the first step for devising policy and plans for addressing its impacts to ensure
sustainable development. A multi-dimension approach is required ensuring that
BD is considered at the precise scale through an environmental impact assessment,
at the regional scale through strategic environmental assessments and finally at the
global scale. Policy makers in BD should find the interdisciplinary multi-scale
analysis in researches useful in debates about how the ecological and social
impacts of Infrastructure might be well understood and managed. (Hoong Chen
Teo, 2019)

The implications of sustained infrastructure go even further. It is important that BD

provides a role model for dealing with environmental impacts in order to raise the
bar for future mega infrastructure development programs and ensure that leading
practice environmental standards form an integral part of any infrastructure

Author Contributions: The manuscript was conceptualized and written by Mr.

Mehedul Karim Tamim.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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Works Cited
Hoong Chen Teo, A. M. (2019). Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development Retrieved from mbpi.

INTOSAI. (2017). Environmental Issues associated with Infrastructure. INTOSAI WGEA.

Perry, S. W. (2020). Capita Organization. Retrieved December Friday, 2022, from Capita Organization

SalimMomtaz. (2002). Science Direct. Retrieved December 2022, from ScienceDirect Website:

Tithi, N. (2019, March). The Daily Star. Retrieved December Friday, 2022, from The Daily Star Website:

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